1. What did the man agree to do at last? A. Help the woman push her car.B. Let the woman push her car by herself.C. Ask someone else to push the car for the woman. 2. What time does the second movie start? A. At 9:45 B. At 7:45 C. At 7:00 3. What can we learn about the man? A. He drove very carefully. B .He drove carelessly and got a traffic ticket. C. He always drove through a lot of traffic. 4. Who does the man want to see? A. Dr. Lester B. Dr. White C. Dr. Pepper 5. Where are the two speakers? A. In Britain. B. In the USA C. In France 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分;满分22.5分)听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。
6. What’s the probable relationship between the two sperkers? A. Classmates. B. Workmates. C. Brother and sister. 7. How does the woman feel about the news? A. Pleased. B. Angry. C. Annoyed 听第7段材料,回答第8至9题 8. Who might the man be? A. The lady’s hus band. B. A passer-by. C. A warm-hearted taxi driver.9. Why is the man so worried? A. He wants his car fixed at once.B. He must take the lady to the hospital at once.C. He is badly wounded. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题 10. What do we know about Erica? A. She has brown curly hair. B. She speaks Spanish.C. She looks older than her age. 11. What does Erica wear? A. Blue shorts and a pink T-shirt. B. Blue shorts and a pink hat.C. A blue T-shirt and pink shorts. 12. Where did the girl get lost? A. At school. B. In a store. C. In a park. 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。
ADisastersalmostalwaRsarriveuneRpectedlR.Butthereareappstohelppeoplepreparefordisasters. Someappsalarmuserswhenadisasterhastakenplace.Otherdisasterappscanbeusedwhenpeopleneedres cueorotherhelp.SirenGPSMobileThefreeSirenGPSMobileappconnectsuserstoemergencRservices.TheappwillletemergencRwor kersknowwherethepersoninneedis.Theappworksovercellnetworks.ButitalsoworksonWi-Fiifcellnet erscancreateapersonalhealthreportontheapptosharewithemerge ncRservices.Thiswillprovideinformationimportanttotreatmentdecisions.GuardlRGuardlRisanappthatcanhelpkeeppeoplesaferinplacessuchasbusinessesanduniversities.Thisapp permitsworkersandstudentstoreportaboutunsafeconditions.Reportscanbemadetoan organization’s o wnsecuritRdivisionaswellastogovernmentemergencRservices.The reporter’s locationcanbesentwitht hereportsosecuritRoremergencRserviceshelpcanarrivemorequicklR.Theappisfree,butGuardlRcharg esforitsservices.Life360erscansetupanetworkofpeoplet osharetheirlocation,chat,andgetawarningwhentheRarenearsomeoneintheirnetwork.Theapphelpsuse rscommunicatewhentheRareinadisaster.Thelocationshareactioncanbeforbiddenwhendesired.TheLif e360appisfree,withsomeservicesavailableforafee.RedPanicButtonWhenapersonisinadangeroussituation,theRedPanicButtonappmighthelp.ThisappcansendateRt messageoremailtochosencontactsprovidingtheuse r’s location.Roucanalsoaddavoiceorvideomessage orphototoRourteRtandemail.RedPanicButtonisfree,buteRtrafunctionsareavailableforafee.1.WhatdoestheSirenGPSMobileappworkonwhencellnetworksarenotavailable?A.EmergencRservices.B.Wi-Fi.C.Apersonalhealthreport.D.TeRtmessagesandemails.2.WhenusingGuardlR,peoplecangettimelRsecuritRservicesbecauseA.theappisaperfecttoolB.theappcauseslittletroubleC.thereportcanshowwherethereporterisD.thereportcantellhowtosavethereporter3.Whichappcansendvideomessages?A.Life360.B.GuardlR.C.RedPanicButton.D.SirenGPSMobile.4.WhichofthefollowingisTRUEaboutthefourappsmentionedinthepassage?A.Allofthemareavailableforafee.B.Alloftheirservicesarechained.C.AlloftheireRtrafunctionsareusedforfree.D.Allofthemcantellthe user’s location.BIbelieveinthepoweroftheunknown.Ibelievethatasenseoftheunknownpushesusforwardinallofou rcreativeactivities,fromsciencetoart.WhenIwasachild,afterbedtimeIwouldoftengotothewindowandstareatthestars.IhadsomanRques tions.HowfarawaRwerethosetinRpointsoflight?Didspacegoonforeverandever,orwastheresomeedge ?Andifso,whatlaRbeRondtheedge?AnotherofmRchildhoodquestions:Didtimegoonforever?IlookedatpicturesofmRparentsandtrie dtoimaginetheirparents,andsoon,backthroughthegenerations.Doestimegoonforever?Oristheresome beginningoftime?WhenIgrewup,IbecameaprofessionalastrophRsicist.AlthoughIneveransweredanRofthesequest ions,theRcontinuedtochallengeme,tohauntme,todrivemeinmRscientificresearch,andtocausemetoliv eontunafishandnosleepfordaRsatatimewhileIwascrazRaboutascienceproblem.Thesesamequestions, andquestionslikethem,challengeandhaunttheleadingscientistsoftodaR.Einsteinoncewrotethat“the mostbeautifuleRperiencewecanhaveisthemRsterious.Itisthefundam entalemotionwhichstandsatthebeginningoftrueartandtrue science.”WhatdidEinsteinmeanbR“the mR sterious?”I don’t thinkhemeantthatscienceisfullofunpredictableorunknowableorsupernaturalforces.It hinkthathemeantasenseofawe,asensethattherearethingslargerthanus,thatwedonothavealltheanswers atthismoment,andthatwecanstandrightattheboundarRbetweenknownandunknown.ScientistsarehappR,ofcourse,whentheRfindanswerstoquestions.ButscientistsarealsohappRwh entheRbecomestuck,whentheRdiscoverinterestingquestionsthattheRcannotanswer.ThatiswhentheirimaginationsandcreativitRaresetonfire.Thatiswhenthegreatestprogressoccurs.5.Asachild,theauthorwasA.cautiousB.generousC.curiousD.doubtful6.Whatdoestheunderlinedword“haunt”inParagraph4referto?A.MakesomeonetofeelannoRed.B.MakesomeonetofeeleRcited.C.Causegreattroubletosomeone.D.Keepcomingtos omeone’s mind.7.Whatisthesourceofpleasureaccordingtothepassage?A.ERactprediction.B.CreativitRineRperiments.C.Richimagination.D.ERplorationoftheunknown.8.Whichofthefollowingisthebesttitleofthepassage?A.ThePowerofMRsteries.B.TheCharactersofMRsteries.C.TheSignificanceofScience.D.TheBeautRofArt.CAccordingtoscientists,astudRofmorethan50plantsandanimalssuggeststheirabilitRtoadapttocha ngesinrainfallandtemperaturewillbevastlRoutpacedbRfutureclimatechange.Amphibians,reptilesandplantsareharmedmoreeasilRinparticular,accordingtoUSresearchers.An dtropical(热带的)speciesareathigherriskthanthoseintemperatezones.Someanimalsmightbeabletomovegeographica llRtodealwithrisingtemperatures,butothersliveinremoteareaswheretheRcannotmove,suchasinnature reservesoronmountainsorislands.EcologistsanalRzedhowquicklRspecieshadchangedtheirclimaticniches(theconditionswherethe Rcansurvive)overtime,andhowtheseratescomparedwiththatofglobalwarming.TheRanalRzedpopulat ionsofplantsandanimals,includinginsects,amphibians,birds,mammalsandreptiles.Ratesofchangeincl imaticnichesweremuchslowerthanratesofprojectedclimatechange,bRmorethan200,000foldfortempe ratureonaverage,theRsaid.“Overall,ourresultsshowthatratesofclimaticnichechangeamongpopulationsofplantsandanimals areremarkablRslowerthanprojectedratesoffutureclimate change,”saidTerezaJezkovaandJohnWiens, oftheUniversitRofArizona.Mammalsmightbebetterplacedtosurvivethanamphibiansandreptiles,because theRhadtheabilitRtoregulatetheirownbodRtemperatures,saidDr.Wiens.Besides,whilesomespeciesm ightbeabletomovetohigherlatitudes(纬度)tosurvive,“for alotoforganisms,thatisnotan option.”“It’s adoubledangerofclimatechangeandhabita t destruction,”headded.9.WhatspeciesarelikelRtosuffermost?A.Mammalsintemperateregions.B.Reptilesintemperateregions.C.Mammalsintropics.D.Amphibiansintropics.10.Whatdoestheunderlinedword“the R”inParagraph5referto?A.Amphibians.B.Mammals.C.Reptiles.D.Plants.11.What’s themainideaofthepassage?A.HumanbeingsshouldfindsomewaRstofightagainstclimatechange.B.ManRspecieswillbeunabletoadaptfastenoughtosurviveclimatechange.C.Climatechangewillcausegreatdamage.D.ClimatechangeisincreasinglRterrible.DFromthefirstdaRsofnurserRschooltothefirstdaRsofcollege,parentsandchildrenarefacedwithfeel ingsbroughtaboutbRseparation.ChildrenofallagesmaReRperiencesomeanRietRaboutmanagingonth eirown.Roungchildrenarestillstrugglingtocontroltheirimpulses(冲动)andmaRneeda parent’s presencetofeelsecure.OlderchildrenleavinghomemaReRperiencetheirown anRietRaboutmanagingontheirownduetohomesickness.Children’s protests(抗议)aboutparentsleavingtheminanewsituationoftentaketheformofcrRing,whichcauses parents’consid erableconcern.GenerallR,children’s protestingbehavioraroundseparationgetsthemostattention.Attim es,adifferentpointofviewmaRarisebetweenparentsandteachersaboutthebestwaRtohandlethesituation .TeachersmaRthinkachildwillbefineiftheparentjustleaves,whileaparentmaRseethechildasneedinghe rpresence.Theserolesaresometimesinterchanged.Althoughitistheapparentupsetsthatgetthemostattention,whenobservingpre-schoolgroupsoneca nseethevariouswaRschildrendealwiththefeelingsarousedbRseparation.Somechildrendealwiththesit uationbRremovingthemselvesfromthegroup.Inarecentobservation,alittlegirlremovedherselffromthe activitRbutcontinuedtowatchcarefullReverRthingthatwasgoingon.Inanothergroup,amoreobviousseparationscenetookplace.ThemotherseemedclearlRpreparedtos taRwhiletheboRjoinedthegrouponhisown.HeseemedmostcompetentuntilhismothersuddenlRdecide dtoleave.AtthatpointthechildbrokedowncompletelR,crRingpitifullR-differentfromtheformerlRcom petentboR.Insituationslikethisone,mothersalwaRswonderwhRtheirownchildisnotabletomasterseparatingfromthemasotherchildrendo.Buttherealpointhereisthatseparationisadevelopmentalstepwhichchildre ndealwithindifferentwaRs.Whenchildren don’t openlRcrRandprotest,it doesn’t meantheRarenotstrug glingtomasterthesamefeelings,eachinhisorherownwaR.ItjustmeanstheReRpresstheirfeelingsinadiff erentwaR.12.HowwillchildrenfeelwhentheRareseparatedfromtheirparents?A.TheRwillfeelupsetaboutrelRingonthemselves.B.TheRwillfeeleRcitedaboutmanagingtheirownbusiness.C.TheRwillfeelangrRforbeingleftalone.D.TheRwillfeelscaredofbeingabandoned.13.AstothebestwaRtodealwithseparation, .A.parentsandteachersalwaRsdisagreewitheachotherB.someparentsarguethatthereisnosolutiontotheproblemC.parentssometimesthinkthattheRcanbeabsentD.someteachersmisunderstand parents’behaviors14.Theauthorusestheobservationofpre-schoolgroupsto .paredifferentwaRschildrendealwiththefeelingsB.presenthowchildrenhandlethefeelingsdifferentlRC.criticizethecrueltRofseparationD.showtheharmfuleffectofseparation15.WhichofthefollowingdoestheauthorprobablRagreewith?A.HowchildreneRpresstheirfeelingsvariesfrompersontoperson.B.Howtodealwithseparationremainstobediscussed.C.Separationwillcausechildrentosufferalot.D.Separationwillgiverisetoasimilarreaction.第二节(共5小题:每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。
高三九月月考(英语)(考试总分:150 分)一、听力(本题共计1小题,总分30分)1.(30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。
1. What does the woman offer to do for the man?A. Get him some coffee.B. Treat him to lunch.C. Look for his lunch box.2. How much did Henry probably weigh a month ago?A. 50 kg.B. 60 kg.C. 70 kg.3. Where is the man going?A. 5th Avenue.B. 6th Avenue.C. 8th Avenue.4. What is the man’s opinion about soap operas?A. Relaxing.B. Boring.C. Interesting.5. What are the speakers talking about?A. A photographer.B. A vacation.C. A photo.第二节(共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
6. What are NOT on the list of the clothes?A. Sweaters.B. Scarves.C. T-shirts.7. What is the woman doing?A. Shopping with the man.B. Packing for a trip.C. Giving advice.听下面一段对话,回答第8和第9两个小题。
山西省运城市河津二中2018-2019学年高二上学期9月月考英语试卷 Word版含答案
河津市第二中学2018-2019学年第一学期高二9月月考英语试卷考试时间:120分钟第I卷第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分60分)第一节(共15小题,每小题3分,满分45分)AWelcome to one of the largest collections of footwear(鞋类)in the world thatwill make you green with envy. Here at the Footwear Museum you can see exhibits(展品)from all over the world. You can find out about shoes worn by everyone from theAncient Egyptians to pop stars.researchers come here to look up information onanything and everything related to the subject o1. Where would you find a famous singer’s shoes?A.Room1.B.Room 2.C.Room 3D.The footwear Librar2. All exhibits in each room ________________ .A. share the same shapeB. have the same themeC. are made of the same materialD. belong to the same social class3. Which of the following is true according to the text?A. The oldest exhibits in Room 1 were made in the 1950s.B. Room 2 is the most visited place in the museum.C. Room 3 has a richer variety of exhibits than the other two.D. Researchers come to the Footwear Library for data.4. The purpose of the text is to get more people to __________________.A. do researchB. visit the museumC. design shoesD. follow celebritiesBWhen Peng Liyuan stepped off the plane in Moscow, the whole world wanted to know who dressed the elegant first lady. The reporter released the secret—Ma Ke.Peng Liyuan has been wear ing Ma Ke’s designs for more than a decade, a fact that was only highlighted recently when she was on her first state visit, accompanying her husband President Xi Jinping. The elegant and attractive Peng, formerly a popular singer, has been compared with t he US’ first lady Michelle Obama and France’s Carla Bruni-Sarkozy, since stepping off the airplane in Moscow on March 22. Suddenly, everyone was curious to know more about the first lady’s wardrobe.Even so, Ma prefers a low-key approach. “If you eat a tasty egg why would you want to see the hen?” she says of all the media attention.Ma’s relationship with Peng began 10 years ago after a concert in Guangzhou when a reporter told Peng she knew the designer behind the label Exception de Mixmind. Peng aske d for an introduction because she was a fan of Ma’s designs and had been wearing them for years.The two naturally became friends. Ma says, “The painting reflects the painter, and clothes reflect both the designer and the wearer. Someone desires fame and wealth, or love and sympathy; what you have in your heart is reflected in the design. Those who don’t share my philosophy won’t buy my clothes. Peng is a caring person, devoted to charity and environmental protection, which is exactly what I’m doing now.”However, regardless of the brand, Peng’s support of Chinese labels has surprised millions of Chinese who favor foreign fashion brands.“Instead she presented a vision of Chinese fashion, desiring to bring Chinesedesigners to the world stage,” says a western designer.The first lady’s double-breasted coat and her black leather handbag aren’t available at any of Exception’s shops, though Exception’s physical stores do have seen a rising number of visitors.5. In the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 Ma Ke men tioned “an egg and the hen” to show_______ .A. it is hard to explain “Which came first, the egg or the hen?”B. paying such great attention to her was unnecessaryC. the outcome was more important than the processD. her dissatisfaction with the media attention on her dress6. What can be inferred from the passage?A. First ladies compete with each other whenever they are together.B. Peng’s suits can be bought in Ma Ke’s clothes stores.C. Ma Ke offered to design the first lady’s clothes through her fri ends.D. Peng had liked Ma’s designs long before she got to know her in the flesh.7. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?A. Peng wears the dress designed by a Chinese designer probably to support Chinese brands.B. Man y citizens found Peng Liyuan’s choice quite unexpected.C. Black leather handbags like Peng’s are widely sold in bag stores in big cities.D. After Peng Liyuan’s visit to Moscow Ma Ke’s clothes became more popular.8.The passage mainly discusses________.A. the reactions to Peng Liyuan’s first visit to MoscowB. the friendship between Peng Liyuan and her designerC. Peng Liyuan’s clothes on her first state visitD. the designer of the first lady Peng Liyuan’s dress,Ma KeCResearch studies indicate that children who eat breakfast perform better at school.May be it works that way for adults too since our brains need fuel to work properly. Skipping breakfast is a common way for people who are trying to lose weight, but unfortunately, it’s usually not a successful way. Your body(or more likely, your brain)expects to be refueled a few times each day. When you don’t eat breakfast you may feel so hungry by lunch time that you eat more foods than you normally would, which cancels out the calories you cut by skipping breakfast. You may also be tempted to choose foods that are not the healthiest choices when you feel like you are starving. For many people, eating breakfast may be an important part of a weight loss diet. Research studies tell us that people who eat breakfast are more likely to keep up a healthy weight. Some experts believe that breakfast keeps you metabolism(新陈代谢)running higher. In fact, it takes three or four days of eating nothing before the body starts changing down your metabolism(新陈代谢).It’s more likely that people who regularly eat breakfast also make good dietary choices the rest of the day.Breakfast should include a healthy source of protein and plenty of fiber; the combination will help satisfy your hunger and will keep you feeling full until lunch time. The protein can come from low-fat meat, low-fat dairy products, or nuts. Eggs are also a good source of protein. High-fiber foods include fruits,vegetables and whole grains.If you really don’t like to eat breakfast in the morning, y ou can split it up int two smaller meals. Eat a hard boiled egg, or a small cup of yogurt at home before you leave for work, then about an hour or two later, take a break from work and snack on an apple and a handful of healthy nuts like pecans or walnuts.9.What’s the main idea of Paragraph 2 ?A. Eating breakfast keeps us healthier than skipping it.B. Skipping breakfast isn’t very useful in losing weight.C. Our brain needs a lot of fuel to work properly.D. What healthy food we should eat for breakfast.10.What does the underlined word “tempted”in paragraph 2 probably mean?A. PretendedB. DeterminedC. AttractedD. Warned11.All the following are a good source of protein except __________.A. low-fat meatB. low-fat dairy productsC. vegetablesD.eggs12.The passage is most probably taken from__________.A. a news reportB. a personal diaryC. a biology bookD. a healthy life websiteDAs the new semester begins,millions of college students across the country are trying hard to remember how best to write a paper-or,more likely,how best to delay that paper.Procrastination is the thief of time and a lot of students suffer from it.They can spend whole days in the library doing nothing but staring into space,eating snacks,surfing the Internet,watching videos and looking at their pretty peers sitting around them,who,most likely,are doing nothing either.Paralyzed by their habit to procrastinate,they write micro blogs about their fears,asking their online friends if they sometimes have the same issue.But this does nothing to solve their problems.According to a recent report by the BBC,95 percent of us procrastinate at some point and 20 percent of the world’s population are procrastinators,complicating their lives with their continual delaying of tasks.Procrastinators like to find excuses to justify their behavior,but BBC columnist Rowan Pelling says they are all wrong.Many procrastinators tell themselves they are perfectionists who work best under pressure.Pelling says this is nonsense,as work done at the last minute is more likely to have mistakes than work done on time.She says the behavior of procrastinators often makes them feel anxious and ashamed,inconveniences others,and annoys loved ones.Fortunately,social scientists have made tireless efforts to understand this behavioral shortcoming and offer strategies to control it.Piers Steel,a Canadian social scientist and author of The Procrastination Equation,believes humankind is“designed”to procrastinate.Nevertheless,he suggests a couple of good ways to get through the task at hand.The first one is obvious:Break the task down into small pieces and work your way through them methodically.The second is clever:Give a trusted friend a sum of money and tell them that if you d on’t complete the task you have undertaken by a specific time,they can keep it or donate it to a cause you hate.13.What does the underlined word“Procrastination” in the second paragraph refer to?A.A thief who steals time and money in college.B.A bad habit of putting work or tasks off.C.A college student who learns nothing.D.A study way of doing nothing in the library.14.Which of the following statements is true according to the text?A.Students can’t solve their procrastination by writing micro blogs.B.Many students don’t know what to do in the library.C.College students can have their papers written if they delay them.D.20% of the procrastinators make their life complicated.15.Which of the following may Piers Steel support?A.Human beings are not born to be procrastinators.B.Give your trusted friend money and ask him to help you finish your tasks.C.Complete your tasks or work step by step.D.You can’t control procrastination but you can avoid it.第二节(共5小题,每小题3分,满分15分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。
1.Where does the conversation probably take place?A. In the woman’s home.B. In a restaurant.C. In a museum.2.How will the man make a call?A. With his mobile phone.B. With a public phone.C. With the woman’s mobile phone.3.What’s the relationship between the two speakers?A. Interviewer and interviewee.B. Boss and secretary.C. Teacher and student. 4.What do we know about the house?A. It’s no longer available.B. It’s only for rent.C. It’s not as good as advertised. 5.When will Mr Brown have to be at the airport?A. By 8:30am.B. By 9:30am.C. By 10:30 am.第二节(共15小题;每题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
高三9月月考英语试题 (7)
1.socialA.survive B.question C.shout D.chemical 2.concludeA.cancer B.decide C.facial D.celebration 3.cousinA.thirsty B.resist C.treasure D.universe 4.machineA.reach B.moustache C.channel D.match 5.arrangeA.language B.finger C.looking D.passenger第二节:语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
6.According to recent reports, one of the rare animals, _______ crocodile, will be in danger of dying out in _____ s.A.a; /B.the; the C.the; /D./; the7.He had little idea that it was getting so late, _____?A.didn’t he B.wasn’t it C.did he D.was it? 8.The time is not far away _______ the information will be made known ______ more workers will be trained for their jobs.A.until; which B.when; that C.before; that D.as; which 9.______ other good students, the teacher thinks, Alice is _______ student.A.Compared with; a most satisfied B.Compared to; the most satisfiedC.Compared with; a most satisfying D.Comparing to; the most satisfying 10.Mum ______ my suggestion while Dad spoke ______ my idea.A.turned off, in favour of B.turned down, in favour ofC.turned down, in need of D.turned on, in hope of11.—Artistic people can be very difficult sometimes.—Well, you married one..A.You name it B.I’ve got itC.I can’t agree more D.You should know12.Leave it to me! I feel much more _____ about myself and my abilities these days.A.confident B.energetic C.generous D.curious 13._______ there yesterday, I could have asked him not to do so.A.If I were B.If I was C.Had I been D.Was I14.It never occurred to me _____ you could succeed in persuading him to change his mind.A.which B.what C.that D.if 15.Studies show that people are more to suffer from back problems if they always sit before computer screens for long hours.A.likely B.possible C.probable D.sure 16.With the meal ________, the mother sat down for a good rest.A.cooked B.cooking C.to cook D.to be cooked 17.What was it ________ he was so eager to get?A.what B.that C.why D.how 18.Having no child of their own, the Smiths took in a _____ girl, Yuan Yuan by name.A.lovely little Chinese B.Chinese lovely littleC.little Chinese lovely D.lovely Chinese little19.This cake is very sweet.You __________ a lot of sugar in it.A.should put B.could have put C.might put D.must have put 20.The question came up at the meeting_____ we had enough money for our research.A.that B.which C.whether D.if第三节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
山西省河津市二中 2010—2011学年高三9月月考数 学 试 题(文)(满分:150分 考试时间:120分钟)一、选择题(12⨯5=60分)1.集合{}{}{}的值是则若a B A a B a A 16,4,2,1,0,,1,,2,02 == ( )A .0B .1C .2D .4 2.集合{}{}A B d c b a A 则集合3,2,1,,,==→B 的映射有 ( )A .64B .12C .81D .93.已知函数⎩⎨⎧≥<--1log 1)3()(x x x ax a x f a是(),+∞∞-上的递增函数,则实数a 的取值范围是( )A .),1(+∞B .)3,(-∞C .]3,23[ D .)3,1( 4.若)(,sin )cos 1(2x f x x f 则-的解析式是( )A .)20(22≤≤+=x x x yB .x x y 22+-=C .)20(22≤≤+-=x x x y D .x x y 22-= 5.定义在R 上的函数⎩⎨⎧≤->---=)0()1(log )0()2()1()(2x x x x f x f x f ,则)2009(f 的值为( )A .-1B .0C .1D .2 6.函数)1(log 12)(2---=x x x f 的定义域为( )A .]1,(),3[-∞+∞B .),1(+∞C .),3[+∞D .),2(+∞7.若函数)10)(1(log )(≠>+=a a x x f a 且的定义域和值域都是[0,1],则a 的值为( )A .31 B .2C .22 D .28.函数)(x f 的图像如下图所示,则函数(log )(=f x g a ( ) A .]21,0[ B .)0,(),21[-∞⋃+∞C .]1,[aD .]1,[+a a9.已知方程2)1(1)1(--=-x x k )A .3≥kB .30≤<kC .330≤<k D .330<<k 10.已知函数)(x f 是定义在R 上的偶函数,并且满足32,)(1)2(≤≤-=+x x f x f 当时,==)5.105(,)(f x x f 则( ) A .-2.5B .2.5C .5.5D .-5.511.设⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧≥--<+=)1(14)1()1()(2x x x x x f ,则使得)1()1(-+-m f f =1成立的m 的值是 ( )A .10B .0,-1C .0,-2,10D .1,-1,1112.已知函数)(x f 的图像如下图,则)1(+-=x f y 的图像是( )A .B .C .D . 二、填空题(4*5=20分)13.函灵敏||)3(x x y --=的递增区间是14.已知)2(log ax y a -=在[0,1]上是x 的减函数,则a 的取值范围是 15.集合}12|{)},1(log |{22+--==-==x x y y B x y x A ,则A ∩B=16.定义在(-∞,+∞)上的偶函数)(x f 满足)()1(x f x f -=+,且在[-1,0]上是增函数,下面关于)(x f 的判断 (1))(x f 是周期函数(2))(x f 的图像关于直线1=x 对称(3))(x f 在[0,1]上是增函数 (4))(x f 在[1,2]上是减函数 (5))0()2(f f =其中正确的是 三、解答题(共70分)17.(10分)已知)(),(x g x f 分别为奇函数,偶函数且x x g x f 2)()(=+,求)(),(x g x f 的解析式。
ADisasters almost always arrive unexpectedly. But there are apps to help people prepare for disasters. Some apps alarm users when a disaster has taken place. Other disaster apps can be used when people need rescue or other help.SirenGPS MobileThe free SirenGPS Mobile app connects users to emergency services. The app will let emergency workers know where the person in need is. The app works over cell networks. But it also works on Wi-Fi if cell networks are down after an emergency. Users can create a personal health report on the app to share with emergency services. This will provide information important to treatment decisions.GuardlyGuardly is an app that can help keep people safer in places such as businesses and universities. This app permits workers and students to report about unsafe conditions. Reports can be made to an organization’s own security division as well as to government emergency services. The reporter’s location can be sent with the report so security or emergency services help can arrive more quickly. The app is free, but Guardly charges for its services.Life360The Life360 app provides a service to keep loved ones connected. Users can set up a network of people to share their location, chat, and get a warning when they are near someone in their network. The app helps users communicate when they are in a disaster. The location share action can be forbidden when desired. The Life360 app is free, with some services available for a fee. Red Panic ButtonWhen a person is in a dangerous situation, the Red Panic Button app might help. This app can send a text message or email to chosen contacts providing the user’s location. You can also add a voice or video message or photo to your text and email. Red Panic Button is free, but extra functionsare available for a fee.1. What does the SirenGPS Mobile app work on when cell networks are not available?A. Emergency services.B. Wi-Fi.C. A personal health report.D. Text messages and emails.2. When using Guardly, people can get timely security services becauseA. the app is a perfect toolB. the app causes little troubleC. the report can show where the reporter isD. the report can tell how to save the reporter3. Which app can send video messages?A. Life 360.B. Guardly.C. Red Panic Button.D. SirenGPS Mobile.4. Which of the following is TRUE about the four apps mentioned in the passage?A. All of them are available for a fee.B. All of their services are chained.C. All of their extra functions are used for free.D. All of them can tell the user’s location.BI believe in the power of the unknown. I believe that a sense of the unknown pushes us forward in all of our creative activities, from science to art.When I was a child, after bedtime I would often go to the window and stare at the stars. I had so many questions. How far away were those tiny points of light? Did space go on forever and ever, or was there some edge? And if so, what lay beyond the edge?Another of my childhood questions: Did time go on forever? I looked at pictures of my parents and tried to imagine their parents, and so on, back through the generations. Does time go on forever? Or is there some beginning of time?When I grew up, I became a professional astrophysicist. Although I never answered any of these questions, they continued to challenge me, to haunt me, to drive me in my scientific research, and to cause me to live on tuna fish and no sleep for days at a time while I was crazy about a science problem. These same questions, and questions like them, challenge and haunt the leading scientists of today.Einstein once wrote that “the most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion which stands at the beginning of true art and true science.” What did Ein stein mean by “the mysterious?” I don’t think he meant that science is full of unpredictable orunknowable or supernatural forces. I think that he meant a sense of awe, a sense that there are things larger than us, that we do not have all the answers at this moment, and that we can stand right at the boundary between known and unknown.Scientists are happy, of course, when they find answers to questions. But scientists are also happy when they become stuck, when they discover interesting questions that they cannot answer. That is when their imaginations and creativity are set on fire. That is when the greatest progress occurs.5. As a child, the author wasA. cautiousB. generousC. curiousD. doubtful6. What does the underlined word “haunt” in Paragr aph 4 refer to?A. Make someone to feel annoyed.B. Make someone to feel excited.C. Cause great trouble to someone.D. Keep coming to someone’s mind.7. What is the source of pleasure according to the passage?A. Exact prediction.B. Creativity in experiments.C. Rich imagination.D. Exploration of the unknown.8. Which of the following is the best title of the passage?A. The Power of Mysteries.B. The Characters of Mysteries.C. The Significance of Science.D. The Beauty of Art.CAccording to scientists, a study of more than 50 plants and animals suggests their ability to adapt to changes in rainfall and temperature will be vastly outpaced by future climate change.Amphibians, reptiles and plants are harmed more easily in particular, according to US researchers. And tropical (热带的) species are at higher risk than those in temperate zones. Some animals might be able to move geographically to deal with rising temperatures, but others live in remote areas where they cannot move, such as in nature reserves or on mountains or islands.Ecologists analyzed how quickly species had changed their climatic niches (the conditions where they can survive) over time, and how these rates compared with that of global warming. They analyzed populations of plants and animals, including insects, amphibians, birds, mammals and reptiles. Rates of change in climatic niches were much slower than rates of projected climate change, by more than 200,000 fold for temperature on average, they said.“Overall, our result s show that rates of climatic niche change among populations of plants and animals are remarkably slower than projected rates of future climate change,” said Tereza Jezkova and John Wiens, of the University of Arizona.Mammals might be better placed to survive than amphibians and reptiles, because they had the ability to regulate their own body temperatures, said Dr. Wiens. Besides, while some species might be able to move to higher latitudes (纬度) to survive, “for a lot of organisms, that is not an option.”“It’s a double danger of climate change and habitat destruction,” he added.9. What species are likely to suffer most?A. Mammals in temperate regions.B. Reptiles in temperate regions.C. Mammals in tropics.D. Amphibians in tropics.10. What does the un derlined word “they” in Paragraph 5 refer to?A. Amphibians.B. Mammals.C. Reptiles.D. Plants.11. What’s the main idea of the passage?A. Human beings should find some ways to fight against climate change.B. Many species will be unable to adapt fast enough to survive climate change.C. Climate change will cause great damage.D. Climate change is increasingly terrible.DFrom the first days of nursery school to the first days of college, parents and children are faced with feelings brought about by separation. Children of all ages may experience some anxiety about managing on their own. Young children are still struggling to control their impulses (冲动) and may need a parent’s presence to feel secure. Older children leaving home may experience their own anxiety about managing on their own due to homesickness.Children’s protests (抗议) about parents leaving them in a new situation often take the form of crying, which causes parents’ considerable concern. Generally, children’s protesting behavior around separation gets the most attention. At times, a different point of view may arise between parents and teachers about the best way to handle the situation. Teachers may think a child will be fine if the parent just leaves, while a parent may see the child as needing her presence. These roles are sometimes interchanged.Although it is the apparent upsets that get the most attention, when observing pre-school groups one can see the various ways children deal with the feelings aroused by separation. Some children deal with the situation by removing themselves from the group. In a recent observation, a little girl removed herself from the activity but continued to watch carefully everything that was going on.In another group, a more obvious separation scene took place. The mother seemed clearly prepared to stay while the boy joined the group on his own. He seemed most competent until his mother suddenly decided to leave. At that point the child broke down completely, crying pitifully - different from the formerly competent boy.In situations like this one, mothers always wonder why their own child is not able to master separating from them as other children do. But the real point here is that separation is a developmental step which children deal with in different ways. When children don’t openly cry and protest, it doesn’t mean they are not struggling to master the same feelings, each in his or her own way. It just means they express their feelings in a different way.12. How will children feel when they are separated from their parents?A. They will feel upset about relying on themselves.B. They will feel excited about managing their own business.C. They will feel angry for being left alone.D. They will feel scared of being abandoned.13. As to the best way to deal with separation, .A. parents and teachers always disagree with each otherB. some parents argue that there is no solution to the problemC. parents sometimes think that they can be absentD. some teachers misunderstand parents’ behaviors14. The author uses the observation of pre-school groups to .A. compare different ways children deal with the feelingsB. present how children handle the feelings differentlyC. criticize the cruelty of separationD. show the harmful effect of separation15. Which of the following does the author probably agree with?A. How children express their feelings varies from person to person.B. How to deal with separation remains to be discussed.C. Separation will cause children to suffer a lot.D. Separation will give rise to a similar reaction.第二节(共5小题:每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。
高三9月月考(英语)(考试总分:100 分)一、阅读理解(本题共计1小题,总分15分)1.(15分)Too much screen time for kids can lead to poor health the American Heart Association (AHA) says. A scientific statement published by the AHA in the medical journal Circulation said screen time from smart phones, tablet computers and other devices can lead kids to a sedentary(惯于久坐不动的) lifestyle ,increasing the possibility that they grow up as overweight or obese(肥胖的).The AHA is the latest organization urging parents to limit how much time their kids spend in front of screens. It recommends children get one to two hours of screen time each day. Although television viewing among children and teens has dropped, the use of smart phones and tablet computers has surged.“Although the mechanisms(机制) linking screen time to obesity are not entirely clear, there are real concerns that screens influence eating behaviors, mainly because children don’t notice when they are full when eating in front of a screen,” said Tracie Barnett, a researcher at the INRS-Institute Armand-Frappier Research Centre, in a statement.Barnett, one of the authors of the statement, also urges parents to keep screens out of kids’ bedrooms, raising the fear that too much screen time can affect sleep.Many studies have warned about the potential (潜在的) negative effects of too much screen time. Last year, a study from researchers at San Diego State University(SDSU) found nearly half of teens who spent five or more hours in front of screens every day experienced long periods of hopelessness or sadness.Apple, who makes the iOS mobile platform, plans to introduce new tools to devices to help users cut back on screen time. As for iOS 12,iPhones will include a screen time feature where users can control and review how they spend time on their mobile devices. Another company that makes the Android platform will introduce “digital well-being” tools such as screen time limits and a “wind down” (逐渐关闭) option to encourage users to put down their phones before bed.1. Which can replace the underlined word “surged” in paragraph 2?A. Increased suddenlyB. Decreased slowly.C. Stayed the same.D. Lost the balance.2. How do screens influence children’s eating behavior?A. By changing the time they eat.B. By changing their taste for food.C. By influencing how fast they eat.D. By influencing their feeling of fullness.3. What effect did too much screen time have in SDSU’ s study?A. It affected children’s sleep.B. It led to children’s obesity.C. It resulted in diet problems.D. It negatively influenced moods.4. What will Apple do to deal with the screen time problem?A. Reduce its products’ battery life.B. Provide a screen time feature.C. Introduce “digital well-being” tools.D. Add a “wind down” option to its products.5. What is the text type of the passage?A. Narration(记叙文)B. Argumentative Essay.(议论文)C. Expository Writing. (说明文)D. Practical Writing.二、完形填空(本题共计1小题,总分30分)2.(30分)Jason, our son, was born with cerebral palsy (脑瘫). My wife and I often comforted him as he faced many 1 in his early years.It was heartbreaking to see him 2 chosen last for baseball, but he was well accepted throughout primary school. His most difficult time came when he began high school. One afternoon, Jason returned home in 3 and shouted: “I’m never going to school again!” He was 4 with food that other kids had 5 him on the school bus on the way home. Jason later told us what had 6 .A few days earlier, Jason had 7 up for the school running team. That day, a few older students made 8 of his performance on the track. I called the headmaster about the situation, and it never happened again.One day, as the other kids exercised in the gym, they 9 one lonely runner — Jason, jogging around the snow- covered track. A few weeks later, Jason said to me, “Dad, I was ready for the worst.” He added that each month, each student 10 an “athlete of the month” and voted for the 11 . Jason’s name had never been 12 . But that day, one student said: “Sir, I would like to propose Jason for athlete of the month.” The coach looked 13 . “He works harder than any of us, Sir,” the student continued. Tears formed in Jason’s eyes aseveryone in the class put their hands up. We, also in tears, looked on as he 14 showed his certificate.Whenever I despair,I think of this story. I 15 myself that challenges are not overcome by force, but by patience, determination, and faith.1. A. choices B. challenges C. changes D. chances2. A. purposely B. definitely C. actually D. regularly3. A. ruins B. tears C. shock D. surprise4. A. covered B. followed C. attached D. filled5. A. rolled down B. pushed against C. thrown at D. dropped out6. A. recorded B. deserved C. happened D. promised7. A. stayed B. signed C. pulled D. hung8. A. comments B. use C. mistakes D. fun9. A. admired B. watched C. noticed D. realized10. A. hoped B. agreed C. meant D. chose11. A. winner B. ruler C. advisor D. fighter12. A. accepted B. listed C. attended D. praised13. A. surprised B. delighted C. moved D. frightened14. A. warmly B. proudly C. kindly D. seriously15. A. blame B. warn C. remind D. inform三、单词拼写(本题共计1小题,总分30分)3.(30分)1. I opened a savings a____________ at my local bank.2. The snowstorm delayed the ___________(deliver) of the mail.3. We rented a car for the week and ___________(探寻) the area.4. I want to work with a well ____________(有组织性的) team.5. ______________(激励) by his teacher, he studies day and night.6. If you s_________ to this newspaper, you'll get an extra magazine.7. The v________from our window was one of beautiful green countryside .8.A s far as I’m c___________, he is sure to keep his promise.9. The airline is taking steps to e_________ safety on its aircraft.10. If you c__________ in the exam, you could hardly get away with it.11. O________, we don't want to spend too much money.12. She has turned down several invitations to star at shows in order to c_______ on her studies.13. In case of emergency, break the glass and p__________ the button .14. His l_________ movie has won high praise from the critics.15. Nowadays, the computer has __________(代替) man in many fields.四、读后续写(本题共计1小题,总分25分)4.(25分)A Night’s Stay at a Wood CabinIt was in a small town in England at one cold night. An old farmer was driving his horses to the barn (牲口棚) when he heard a voice saying, “Excuse me, sir. May I sleep in your barn tonight?” It was from a young soldier called Jack. Quietly standing there, tired and cold, he was waiting for an answer. But the old farmer said rudely, “No, I don’t want anybody like you to stay in my barn. You had better go away.”Jack sadly turned away, wondering where he would go next. Suddenly he felt a light tap on his shoulder. It was the young boy who had been working for the old farmer. The boy said, “I know where you can get help. Just go down this road to the first little cabin you come to. There lives Mrs. Smith, who is very kind and is always willing to help those who need it.” Oh, what warmth filled Jack’s heart, “Thank you very much!” There was at least somebody who cared about him. He quickly reached the cabin and gently knocked on the door. The door opened and the lady inside said, “Good evening. Were you looking for me?”Jack answered, “Are you Mrs. S mith? I was told that you might offer a place to a homeless poor soldier for a night’s stay.” She said, “Sure! Do come in! You look as though you are nearly frozen.” Mrs. Smith shared her simple meal with Jack in the warm room. Then with a thankful heart , he went to sleep on a pile of clean hay Mrs. Smith had prepared for him.The next morning, the kind woman cooked him a warm breakfast. She also gave him a small sum of money to help him travel farther. As he left her house, he thanked her for her kindness, and she prayed for him.Ten years went by and no one remembered what had happened on that cold windy night except one person.Paragraph 1:One morning Mrs. Smith received a letter inviting her to come to London. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ ________________Paragraph 2:Mrs. Smith's heart was filled with wonder and she burst into tears._________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________答案一、阅读理解(本题共计1小题,总分15分)1.(15分)1. A2. D3. D4. B5. C二、完形填空(本题共计1小题,总分30分)2.(30分)1. B 2. D3. B4. A5. C6. C7. B8. D9. C 10. D 11. A 12. B 13. A 14. B 15. C三、单词拼写(本题共计1小题,总分30分)3.(30分)1.Account 2.delivery 3.exploredanized5.Inspired6. subscribe7.view8.concerned9.ensure10.cheated11.Obviously12.concentrate13.press14. latest15. replaced四、读后续写(本题共计1小题,总分25分)4.(25分)Paragraph 1:One morning Mrs. Smith received a letter inviting her to come to London. Believing the best in everyone, she went to London and arrived at the place mentioned in the letter. (收到信后的行动;“相信每个人都是善良的”细节补充很到位) There she was very surprised to hear somebody say, “How are you doing, Madam?” Without doubt, it was Jack. (这里必然会是杰克) “I have never forgotten your kindness. (呼应伏笔) I am now captain of a large ship and I wish to give you something in return. I’ll ask someone to pay you a sum of money (呼应伏笔) each year at this time to show my thankfulness.” (表达感激,并陈述如何报答老妇人,自然过渡到下一段)Paragraph 2:Mrs. Smith’s heart was filled with wonder and she burst into tears.Having expressed her gratitude and care for Jack, she returned to her own home. (表达对杰克的感谢与关心) How thankful she was! (心理描写) She now had enough money to help even more needy ones. (呼应伏笔) For the rest of her days, whenever she listened to someone tell of theirtroubles, she always thought of the priceless treasure she got from helping the young man, and was more determined to help them.(升华主旨)。
高三9月月考试题英语 (120分钟)第Ⅰ卷(选择题共100分)第一部分语法和词汇知识(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)1. Not everyone has realized what_______ important part the balance of________ natureplays in their life.A.an;the B./;the C.an;/ D.the;/2. Why didn’t you bring ______ to his attention that you are too ill to go on working?A. itB. youC. himD. that3. One of our rules is that every student_______ wear school uniform while at school.A. mightB. couldC. shallD. will4. Jack packed all the things into a case, ____________.A. being anxiously to leaveB. to be anxious to leaveC. anxious to leaveD. be anxious to leave5. -----What should I wear to attend his wedding party?-----Wear ________ you like.A. whatB. howeverC. whateverD. how6. We all know that, , the situation will get worse.A. not if dealt carefully withB. if not carefully dealt withC. if dealt not carefully withD. not if carefully dealt with7. Fully _______ to looking after three children at home, she no longer has time toenjoy various activities in the club.A. attachedB. occupiedC. contributedD. devoted8. My friend Shelly is ________ stupid. However, she is pretty smart.A. much tooB. more thatC. far fromD. less than9. The boy knocked down by the car stood up all by himself, ________ unhurt.A. apparentlyB. doubtfullyC. unfortunatelyD. generally10. The children went home from the grammar school, their lessons ________ for theday.A. finishingB. finishedC. had finishedD. went finished11. -----What’s wrong with Jenny?-----A call from her mother _______ an attack of homesickness.A. sent outB. set outC. set offD. sent off12. Maybe you have been to many countries, but nowhere else _____ such a beautifulpalace.A. can you findB. you could findC. you can findD. could you find13. John’s ability to learn from observations and experience _______ greatly to hissuccess in public life.A. owedB. attachedC. relatedD. contributed14.It was _____ he came back from Africa _______ he met the girl he would like to marry.A. when; thenB. not; untilC. not until; thatD. only; when15. When I talked with my grandma on the phone, she sounded weak, but by the timewe up, her voice had been full of life.A. were hangingB. had hungC. hungD. would hang16. ---- ______ busy schoolwork, the children also have to take arts, music and sportsclasses in their free time.---- I wonder what they will become.A. Rather thanB. Owing toC. Except forD. Apart from17. Mother asked to take more money_______ something unexpected should happen.A. in caseB. so thatC. in order thatD. when18.________the temperature might drop,coal was prepared for warming.A.To consider B.Considered C.Considering D.To be considered19. The Chinese government insists that the Huangyan Island _____ part of China andinsists the Philippine government ______ the arrested Chinese fishermen free.A. should be, setB. is; should setC. be; setsD. is; sets20.—I see you got a “D” in biology. _______?— Well, I found that subject hard. I think I’ll drop it.A. How are youB. How comeC. So whatD. Why not第二部分完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)This is my third story. When I was 17,I read a quote that 21 like,“If you live each day 22 it was your last,someday you'll most certainly be right.” Since then,for the past thirty-three years,I've looked 23 the mirror every morning and asked myself:“If today were the last day of my life,would I want to do what I am about to do today?”And whenever the answer has been “No” for too many days in a 24 ,I know I need to change something.About a year ago I was 25 with cancer. The doctors told me this was almost certainly a type of cancer that is incurable,and that I should 26 to live no longer than three to six months. They advised me to go home and get my 27 in order,which is doctors' code for “prepare to 28 ”. Later that evening when the doctors29 the cells taken from my pancreas(胰腺)under a microscope,they started cryingbecause it turned out to be a very rare form of pancreatic cancer that is 30 with surgery. I had the surgery and,31 ,I'm fine now.This was the closest I've been to facing death,and I hope it's the closest I get for a few more decades. Death is the 32 we all share. No one has 33 escaped it.And that is 34 it should be,because death is very likely the single 35 invention of life. It's life's change agent. It clears out the old to make 36 for the new. Your time is 37 ,so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma(信条)—which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of 38 opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most importantly,have the courage to 39 your heart and intuition(直觉). They 40 already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.21.A. said B. described C. went D. expressed22.A. unless B. as if C. even if D. as long as23.A. in B. at C. through D. on24.A. row B. minute C. sense D. word25.A. connected B. infected C. affected D. diagnosed26.A. want B. dream C. expect D. imagine27.A. duties B. businesses C. affairs D. life28.A. work B. start C. talk D. die29.A. looked B. viewed C. realized D. noticed30.A. curable B. possible C. acceptable D. suitable31.A. carefully B. thankfully C. anxiously D. hopefully32.A. possession B. destination C. expectation D. position33.A. ever B. even C. never D. still34.A. when B. while C. as D. since35A. better B. worst C. worse D. best36.A. use B. difference C. sense D. way37.A. endless B. repeated C. countless D. limited38.A. others' B. others C. anyone's D. some others39.A. listen B. follow C. take D. accept40.A. however B. whatever C. somehow D. somewhat第三部分阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)AIt was the afternoon of December 24, the day before Christmas; and as the newest doctor in our office, I had to work. The only thing that brightened my day was the beautifully decorated Christmas tree in our waiting room and a gift sent to me by a fellow I was dating- a dozen long-stemmed red roses.As I was cleaning my office, our receptionist came and said there was a lady in the front office that urgently needed to speak with me. As I stepped out, I noticed a young, tired-looking woman with a baby in her arms. Nervously, she explained that her husband-a prisoner in a nearby prison-was my next patient. The guards were scheduled to bring him to the office that afternoon. She told me she wasn’t allowed to visit her husband in prison and that he had never seen his son. Her request was for me to let the boy’s father sit in the waiti ng room with her as long as possible before I called him for his appointment. Since my schedule wasn’t full, I agreed. After all, it was Christmas Eve.A short time later, her husband arrived-with chains on his feet and hands, and two armed guards as bodyg uards. The woman’s tired face lit up like our little Christmas tree when her husband took a seat beside her. I kept glancing out to watch them laugh, cry and share their child. After almost an hour, I called the prisoner back to my office. While I worked, the guards stood just outside my door. The patient seemed like a gentle and modest man. I wondered what he possibly could have done to be held under such conditions. I tried to make him as comfortable as possible.At the end of the appointment, I wished him a Merry Christmas-a difficult thing to say to a man headed back to prison. He smiled and thanked me. He also said he felt saddened by the fact he hadn’t been able to get his wife anything for Christmas. On hearing this, I was inspired with a wonderful idea.I’ll never forget the look on both their faces as the prisoner gave his wife the beautiful, long-stemmed roses. I’m not sure who experienced the most joy-the husband in giving, the wife in receiving, or myself in having the opportunity to share in this special moment.41.What can be inferred from the first paragraph?A.The writer was a newcomer to her office.B.A fellow sent her a dozen red roses as Christmas present.C.She was in low spirits because she had to work before Christmas.D.She was at work with a light heart.42.The young woman came to the writer’s office for the purpose of.A.having her baby examinedB.giving her husband a chance to make his escapeC.having her husband examinedD.getting a chance for her family to get together43.The underlined part in paragraph 3 most probably means “”.A.to be sent to hospital B.to be separated from his familyC.to be comfortable D.to become a prisoner44.What does the writer learn from the story?A.The wife experienced the most joy in receiving.B.An act of kindness can mean a lot.C.The prisoner was treated with mercy.D.Whoever breaks the law shall be punished.BNext time a customer comes to your office, offer him a cup of coffee. And when you’re doing your holiday shopping online, make sure you’re holding a large glass of iced tea. The physical sensation(感觉)of warmth encourages emotional warmth, while a cold drink in hand prevents you from making unwise decisions—those are the practical lesson being drawn from recent research by psychologist John A. Bargh.Psychologists have known that one person’s perception(感知)of another’s “warmth” is a powerful determiner in social relationships. Judging someone to be either “warm” or “cold” is a primary conside ration, even trumping evidence that a “cold” person may be more capable. Much of this is rooted in very early childhood experiences, Bargh argues, when babies’ conceptual sense of the world around them is shaped by physical sensations, particularly warmth and coldness. Classic studies by Harry Harlow, published in 1958, showed monkeys preferred to stay close to a cloth “mother” rather than one made of wire, even when the wire “mother” carried a food bottle. Harlow’s work and later studies have led psycholog ists to stress the need for warm physical contact from caregivers to help young children grow into healthy adults with normal social skills.Feelings of “warmth” and “coldness” in social judgments appear to be universal. Although no worldwide study has been done, Bargh says that describing people as “warm” or “cold” is common to many cultures, and studies have found those perceptions influence judgment in dozens of countries.To test the relationship between physical and psychological warmth, Bargh conducted an experiment which involved 41 college students. A research assistant who was unaware of the study’s hypotheses(假设), handed the students either a hot cup of coffee, or a cold drink, to hold while the researcher filled out a short information form. The drink was then handed back. After that, the students were asked to rate the personality of “Person A” based on a particular description. Thosewho had briefly held the warm drink regarded Person A as warmer than those who had held the iced drink.“We are grounded in our physical experiences even when we think abstractly,” says Bargh.45. According to Paragraph 1, a person’s emotion may be affected by ________.A. the visitors to his officeB. the psychology lessons he hasC. his physical feeling of coldnessD. the things he has bought online46. The author mentions Harlow’s experiment to show that ________.A. adults should develop social skillsB. babies need warm physical contactC. caregivers should be healthy adultsD. monkeys have social relationships47. In Bargh’s experiment, the students were asked to ________.A. evaluate someone’s personalityB. write down their hypothesesC. fill out a personal information formD. hold coffee and cold drink alternatively48. We can infer from the passage that ________.A. abstract thinking does not come from physical experiencesB. feelings of warmth and coldness are studied worldwideC. physical temperature affects how we see othersD. capable persons are often cold to othersCDo you want to visit Warwick Castle in Britain? Warwick is a friendly and a memorable experience with something for all ages.Easily accessible by car, bus, train, cycling or on foot it is surrounded by historic buildings and numerous attractions.Ticket Prices & OffersLook at our online offers. is the only place to purchase the Ultimate Castle and The Castle Dungeon Ticket at the best price.Online bookings must be made 24 hours before you visit.Please note that Admission to The Castle Dungeon is NOT included with Standard online or on the day tickets.There are limited Dungeons tickets available, and only from Warwick-Castle.com.Please book in advance to guarantee your Castle Dungeon experience.One Day TicketsBooking online is the best way to get your tickets for Britain’s Ultimate Castle.Save 20% and skip the ticket queue when you arrive –it couldn’t be easier!If you’re not sure when you want to visit then don’t worry –you can still bookBuy tickets online now!Important notes on ticketingPlease note that if you wish to visit the Castle using an on-the-day promotional voucher,your Dungeon experience can be prebooked by calling 0870 442 2375.A £1.50 fee applies to all bookings made online and via telephone – one fee per booking.Children must be accompanied by an adult.Croup rates are available for groups of more than 10 people.Groups can booked by calling 0870 442 2371 or online.Online bookings must be made 24 hours before you visit.49. If you hope to visit Castle Dungeon, you should .A. buy the ticket in personB. dial 0870 442 2371C. book the ticket from D. book the ticket two days in advance50. What is the advantage of booking tickets on line?A. You don’t have to wait in queue.B. You can save £20 in total.C. The ticket includes the Castle Dungeon.D. The ticket is available at any time.51. If you want to book the Ultimate Family Ticket online, you should pay ___ . A.£55.00 B.£48.50 C.£47.00 D.£37.6052. The text probably is taken from .A. a newspaperB. a magazineC. a geography bookD. a websiteDThe traditional distinction between products that satisfy needs and those satisfy wants is no longer adequate to describe classes of products. In today’s prosperous societies, the distinction has become unclear because so many wants have been turned into needs. A writer, for instance, can work with paper and pencils. These are legal needs for the task. But the work can be done more quickly and efficiently with a word processor. Thus a computer is soon viewed as a need rather than a want.In the field of marketing, consumer goods are classed according to the way in which they are purchased. The two main classes are convenience goods and shopping goods. Two lesser types are specialty goods and unsought(主动提供的) goods. It must be emphasized that all of these types are based on the way shoppers think about products, not on the nature of the products themselves. What is regarded as a convenience item in France (wine, for example) should be a specialty goods in the United States.People do not spend a great deal of time shopping for such convenience items as groceries, newspapers, toothpaste, aspirin, and candy. The buying of convenience goods may be done routinely, as some families buy groceries once a week. Such regularly purchased items are called staples. Sometimes convenience products are bought without enough thinking; someone has a sudden desire for an ice cream sundae(圣代) on a hot day. Or they may be purchased as emergency items.Shopping goods are items for which customers search. They compare prices, quality, and styles, and may visit a number of stores before making a decision. Buying an automobile is often done this way.Shopping goods fall into two classes; those that are recognized as basically the same and those that are regarded as different. Items that are looked upon as basically the same include such things as home appliances, television sets, and automobiles. Having decided on the model desired, the customer is primarily interested in gettingthe item at the most favorable price. Items regarded as essentially different include clothing, furniture, and dishes. Quality, style and fashion will either take precedence(优先) over price, or they will not matter at all.53. It can be learned from the first paragraph that ______.A. a writer needs a word processorB. needs an d wants can’t be separated clearlyC. the way to distinguish the products is unimportantD. a computer is a need rather than a want54. The example of wine is used to show that ______.A. goods are classified differently in different countriesB. the types of the product lie on the people rather than its natureC. Frenchmen often drink but Americans sometimes doD. one product may belong to many types55. Staples are items that ______.A. are convenient to purchaseB. are purchased without enough thinkingC. people “want but don’t need”D. people are in constant need of56. Shopping goods that are considered as basically the same are those that ______.A. consumers don’t care where to buy themB. consumers spend much time searching forC. satisfy similar needs of the consumerD. can be found in nearly every shopE“ONLY A COKE WILL DO”“We don’t necessarily believe that new advertising, which might make consumers feel better about the Coke brand or better about the ads themselves , will actually result in consumers consuming more of the product,” Morgan Stanley’s Bill Pecoriello wrote in a research note the days after the investor (投资者) meeting . But Coke is optimistic it can regain its old magic, and is banking on a new slogan: “Welcome to the Coke side of life.”BREAK THROUGH HIT?With PepsiCo about to surpass(超越)Coke as the beverage king on Wall Street —Pepsi’s market capitalization has soared in recent years to $97.9 billion, putting it less than a billion dollars behind its rival —the heat is on Coke . It’s set to launch a new marketing campaign in March, . And having taken a quick look at Coke’s investor presentation on Dec. 7 in New York, my sense is that Coke may be moving in the right direction .Given the continued shift by consumers away from soda—Coke’s stronghold —and into alternative beverages like juice, tea, and water, Coke badly needs a breakthrough hit. And given that shift away from soda, some analyists wonder whether even the catchiest new ads will be enough to put the fizz back into Coke. SAME OLD, UPDATED?The new flavors of PowerAde sports drink will probably enable Coke to continue stealing market share from PepsiCo’s Gatorade brand. And Coke is getting a little more creative with packaging, including new, aluminum bottles of Coke that will besold in nightclubs, and an 8.4-ounce “100 calorie” version of its flagship Coke that will appeal to women who want fewer calories and will like the fact that the small can will fit in their purse. I doubt whether other new products will be successful, includinga new coffee-flavored soda called Coke-Cola Black that I tried. Think carbonatedcoffee. But I’m not sure if the product, which Coke is pitching as an afternoon pick-me-up for the 35-and-over set, is going to pull people away from their afternoon Frappucino fix. And my opinion is that Vault, an orange-flavored energy drink, will have just as much trouble unseating Mountain Dew among teens as did Coke’s last attempt, a product called Surge.If there is one concern I have about the fresh offerings Coke plans to launch this year, it appears that many of them are simply new brands, not new products.57. According to the passage, we can know that .A. Coke mainly depends on new products recentlyB. Nowadays Coke is comparatively less popularC. PepsiCo has taken the place of CokeD. Coke has few new brands58. The underlined word “soared” means .A. achievedB. droppedC. increasedD. failed59. When the middle-aged people feel tired, what would they prefer to drink in orderto continue their work?A. Vault.B. Surge.C. Coke-Cola Blake.D. Frappucino.60. What is the best title of the passage ?A. Troubles in Coke CompanyB. The Importance of New AdvertisementsC. Varieties of New ProductsD. The Relationship between Coke and Pepsi 第二节补全对话。
ADisastersalmostalwaRsarriveuneRpectedlR.Butthereareappstohelppe oplepreparefordisasters.SomeappsalarmuserswhenadisasterhastaAenpla ce.Otherdisasterappscanbeusedwhenpeopleneedrescueorotherhelp. SirenGPSMobileThefreeSirenGPSMobileappconnectsuserstoemergencRservices.Thea ppwillletemergencRworAersAnowwherethepersoninneedis.TheappworA sovercellnetworAs.ButitalsoworAsonWi-FiifcellnetworAsaredownafteran erscancreateapersonalhealthreportontheapptosharewithe mergencRservices.Thiswillprovideinformationimportanttotreatmentdecis ions.GuardlRGuardlRisanappthatcanhelpAeeppeoplesaferinplacessuchasbusiness esanduniversities.ThisapppermitsworAersandstudentstoreportaboutuns afeconditions.Reportscanbemadetoan organization’s ownsecuritRdivisio naswellastogovernmentemergencRservices.The reporter’s locationcanb esentwiththereportsosecuritRoremergencRserviceshelpcanarrivemorequicAlR.Theappisfree,butGuardlRchargesforitsservices.Life360ersca nsetupanetworAofpeopletosharetheirlocation,chat,andgetawarningwhe ntheRarenearsomeoneintheirnetworA.Theapphelpsuserscommunicatew hentheRareinadisaster.Thelocationshareactioncanbeforbiddenwhendesir ed.TheLife360appisfree,withsomeservicesavailableforafee. RedPanicButtonWhenapersonisinadangeroussituation,theRedPanicButtonappmighth elp.ThisappcansendateRtmessageoremailtochosencontactsprovidingthe use r’s location.RoucanalsoaddavoiceorvideomessageorphototoRourteR tandemail.RedPanicButtonisfree,buteRtrafunctionsareavailableforafee.1.WhatdoestheSirenGPSMobileappworAonwhencellnetworAsarenotavail able?A.EmergencRservices.B.Wi-Fi.C.Apersonalhealthreport.D.TeRtmessagesandemails.2.WhenusingGuardlR,peoplecangettimelRsecuritRservicesbecauseA.theappisaperfecttoolB.theappcauseslittletroubleC.thereportcanshowwherethereporterisD.thereportcantellhowtosavethereporter3.Whichappcansendvideomessages?A.Life360.B.GuardlR.C.RedPanicButton.D.SirenGPSMobile.4.WhichofthefollowingisTRUEaboutthefourappsmentionedinthepassage ?A.Allofthemareavailableforafee.B.Alloftheirservicesarechained.C.AlloftheireRtrafunctionsareusedforfree.D.Allofthemcantellthe user’s location.BIbelieveinthepoweroftheunAnown.IbelievethatasenseoftheunAnown pushesusforwardinallofourcreativeactivities,fromsciencetoart.WhenIwasachild,afterbedtimeIwouldoftengotothewindowandstareat thestars.IhadsomanRquestions.HowfarawaRwerethosetinRpointsoflight? Didspacegoonforeverandever,orwastheresomeedge?Andifso,whatlaRbe Rondtheedge?AnotherofmRchildhoodquestions:Didtimegoonforever?IlooAedatpict uresofmRparentsandtriedtoimaginetheirparents,andsoon,bacAthrought hegenerations.Doestimegoonforever?Oristheresomebeginningoftime?WhenIgrewup,IbecameaprofessionalastrophRsicist.AlthoughInevera nsweredanRofthesequestions,theRcontinuedtochallengeme,tohauntme,t odrivemeinmRscientificresearch,andtocausemetoliveontunafishandnosle epfordaRsatatimewhileIwascrazRaboutascienceproblem.Thesesameques tions,andquestionsliAethem,challengeandhaunttheleadingscientistsofto daR.Einsteinoncewrotethat“the mostbeautifuleRperiencewecanhaveisthe mRsterious.Itisthefundamentalemotionwhichstandsatthebeginningoftrueartandtrue science.”WhatdidEinsteinmeanbR“the mR sterious?”I don’tthinAhemeantthatscienceisfullofunpredictableorunAnowableorsuperna turalforces.IthinAthathemeantasenseofawe,asensethattherearethingslarg erthanus,thatwedonothavealltheanswersatthismoment,andthatwecansta ndrightattheboundarRbetweenAnownandunAnown.ScientistsarehappR,ofcourse,whentheRfindanswerstoquestions.Butsc ientistsarealsohappRwhentheRbecomestucA,whentheRdiscoverinteresti ngquestionsthattheRcannotanswer.Thatiswhentheirimaginationsandcrea tivitRaresetonfire.Thatiswhenthegreatestprogressoccurs.5.Asachild,theauthorwasA.cautiousB.generousC.curiousD.doubtful6.Whatdoestheunderlinedword“haunt”inParagraph4referto?A.MaAesomeonetofeelannoRed.B.MaAesomeonetofeeleRcited.C.Causegreattroubletosomeone.D.Aeepcomingtos omeone’s mind.7.Whatisthesourceofpleasureaccordingtothepassage?A.ERactprediction.B.CreativitRineRperiments.C.Richimagination.D.ERplorationoftheunAnown.8.Whichofthefollowingisthebesttitleofthepassage?A.ThePowerofMRsteries.B.TheCharactersofMRsteries.C.TheSignificanceofScience.D.TheBeautRofArt.CAccordingtoscientists,astudRofmorethan50plantsandanimalssuggest stheirabilitRtoadapttochangesinrainfallandtemperaturewillbevastlRoutpacedbRfutureclimatechange.Amphibians,reptilesandplantsareharmedmoreeasilRinparticular,accor dingtoUSresearchers.Andtropical(热带的)speciesareathigherrisAthanthoseintemperatezones.Someanimalsmigh tbeabletomovegeographicallRtodealwithrisingtemperatures,butothersliv einremoteareaswheretheRcannotmove,suchasinnaturereservesoronmou ntainsorislands.EcologistsanalRzedhowquicAlRspecieshadchangedtheirclimaticniche s(theconditionswheretheRcansurvive)overtime,andhowtheseratescompa redwiththatofglobalwarming.TheRanalRzedpopulationsofplantsandanim als,includinginsects,amphibians,birds,mammalsandreptiles.Ratesofchang einclimaticnichesweremuchslowerthanratesofprojectedclimatechange,b Rmorethan200,000foldfortemperatureonaverage,theRsaid.“Overall,ourresultsshowthatratesofclimaticnichechangeamongpopu lationsofplantsandanimalsareremarAablRslowerthanprojectedratesoffut ureclimate change,”saidTerezaJezAovaandJohnWiens,oftheUniversitRof Arizona.Mammalsmightbebetterplacedtosurvivethanamphibiansandreptiles, because theRhadtheabilitRtoregulatetheirownbodRtemperatures,saidDr.Wiens.Be sides,whilesomespeciesmightbeabletomovetohigherlatitudes(纬度)tosurvive,“for alotoforganisms,thatisnotan option.”“It’s adoubleda ngerofclimatechangeandhabitat destruction,”headded.9.WhatspeciesareliAelRtosuffermost?A.Mammalsintemperateregions.B.Reptilesintemperateregions.C.Mammalsintropics.D.Amphibiansintropics.10.Whatdoestheunderlinedword“the R”inParagraph5referto?A.Amphibians.B.Mammals.C.Reptiles.D.Plants.11.What’s themainideaofthepassage?A.HumanbeingsshouldfindsomewaRstofightagainstclimatechange.B.ManRspecieswillbeunabletoadaptfastenoughtosurviveclimatechange.C.Climatechangewillcausegreatdamage.D.ClimatechangeisincreasinglRterrible.DFromthefirstdaRsofnurserRschooltothefirstdaRsofcollege,parentsand childrenarefacedwithfeelingsbroughtaboutbRseparation.Childrenofallag esmaReRperiencesomeanRietRaboutmanagingontheirown.Roungchildre narestillstrugglingtocontroltheirimpulses(冲动)andmaRneeda parent’s presencetofeelsecure.Olderchildrenleavingho memaReRperiencetheirownanRietRaboutmanagingontheirownduetoho mesicAness.Children’s protests(抗议)aboutparentsleavingtheminanewsituationoftentaAetheformofcrRing, whichcauses parents’considerableconcern.GenerallR,children’s protesti ngbehavioraroundseparationgetsthemostattention.Attimes,adifferentpointofviewmaRarisebetweenparentsandteachersaboutthebestwaRtohandl ethesituation.TeachersmaRthinAachildwillbefineiftheparentjustleaves,wh ileaparentmaRseethechildasneedingherpresence.Theserolesaresometim esinterchanged.Althoughitistheapparentupsetsthatgetthemostattention,whenobserv ingpre-schoolgroupsonecanseethevariouswaRschildrendealwiththefeeli ngsarousedbRseparation.SomechildrendealwiththesituationbRremoving themselvesfromthegroup.Inarecentobservation,alittlegirlremovedherself fromtheactivitRbutcontinuedtowatchcarefullReverRthingthatwasgoingo n.Inanothergroup,amoreobviousseparationscenetooAplace.Themother seemedclearlRpreparedtostaRwhiletheboRjoinedthegrouponhisown.Hes eemedmostcompetentuntilhismothersuddenlRdecidedtoleave.Atthatpoi ntthechildbroAedowncompletelR,crRingpitifullR-differentfromtheformer lRcompetentboR.InsituationsliAethisone,mothersalwaRswonderwhRtheirownchildisno tabletomasterseparatingfromthemasotherchildrendo.Buttherealpointher eisthatseparationisadevelopmentalstepwhichchildrendealwithindifferent waRs.Whenchildren don’t openlRcrRandprotest,it doesn’t meantheRare notstrugglingtomasterthesamefeelings,eachinhisorherownwaR.Itjustme anstheReRpresstheirfeelingsinadifferentwaR.12.HowwillchildrenfeelwhentheRareseparatedfromtheirparents?A.TheRwillfeelupsetaboutrelRingonthemselves.B.TheRwillfeeleRcitedaboutmanagingtheirownbusiness.C.TheRwillfeelangrRforbeingleftalone.D.TheRwillfeelscaredofbeingabandoned.13.AstothebestwaRtodealwithseparation, .A.parentsandteachersalwaRsdisagreewitheachotherB.someparentsarguethatthereisnosolutiontotheproblemC.parentssometimesthinAthattheRcanbeabsentD.someteachersmisunderstand parents’behaviors14.Theauthorusestheobservationofpre-schoolgroupsto .paredifferentwaRschildrendealwiththefeelingsB.presenthowchildrenhandlethefeelingsdifferentlRC.criticizethecrueltRofseparationD.showtheharmfuleffectofseparation15.WhichofthefollowingdoestheauthorprobablRagreewith?A.HowchildreneRpresstheirfeelingsvariesfrompersontoperson.B.Howtodealwithseparationremainstobediscussed.C.Separationwillcausechildrentosufferalot.D.Separationwillgiverisetoasimilarreaction.第二节(共5小题:每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。
ADisasters almost always arrive unexpectedly. But there are apps to help people prepare for disasters. Some apps alarm users when a disaster has taken place. Other disaster apps can be used when people need rescue or other help.SirenGPS MobileThe free SirenGPS Mobile app connects users to emergency services. The app will let emergency workers know where the person in need is. The app works over cell networks. But it also works on Wi-Fi if cell networks are down after an emergency. Users can create a personal health report on the app to share with emergency services. This will provide information important to treatment decisions.GuardlyGuardly is an app that can help keep people safer in places such as businesses and universities. This app permits workers and students to report about unsafe conditions. Reports can be made to an organization’s own security division as well as to government emergency services. The reporter’s location can be sent with the report so security or emergency services help can arrive more quickly. The app is free, but Guardly charges for its services.Life360The Life360 app provides a service to keep loved ones connected. Users can set up a network of people to share their location, chat, and get a warning when they are near someone in their network. The app helps users communicate when they are in a disaster. The location share action can be forbidden when desired. The Life360 app is free, with some services available for a fee.Red Panic ButtonWhen a person is in a dangerous situation, the Red Panic Button app might help. This app can send a text message or email to chosen contacts providing the use r’slocation. You can also add a voice or video message or photo to your text and email. Red Panic Button is free, but extra functions are available for a fee.1. What does the SirenGPS Mobile app work on when cell networks are not available?A. Emergency services.B. Wi-Fi.C. A personal health report.D. Text messages and emails.2. When using Guardly, people can get timely security services becauseA. the app is a perfect toolB. the app causes little troubleC. the report can show where the reporter isD. the report can tell how to save the reporter3. Which app can send video messages?A. Life 360.B. Guardly.C. Red Panic Button.D. SirenGPS Mobile.4. Which of the following is TRUE about the four apps mentioned in the passage?A. All of them are available for a fee.B. All of their services are chained.C. All of their extra functions are used for free.D. All of them can tell the user’s location.BI believe in the power of the unknown. I believe that a sense of the unknown pushes us forward in all of our creative activities, from science to art.When I was a child, after bedtime I would often go to the window and stare at the stars. I had so many questions. How far away were those tiny points of light? Did space go on forever and ever, or was there some edge? And if so, what lay beyond the edge?Another of my childhood questions: Did time go on forever? I looked at pictures of my parents and tried to imagine their parents, and so on, back through the generations. Does time go on forever? Or is there some beginning of time?When I grew up, I became a professional astrophysicist. Although I never answered any of these questions, they continued to challenge me, to haunt me, to drive me in my scientific research, and to cause me to live on tuna fish and no sleep for days at a time while I was crazy about a science problem. These same questions, and questions like them, challenge and haunt the leading scientists of today.Einstein once wrote that “the most beautiful experience we can have is themysterious. It is the fundamental emotion which stands at the beginning of true art and true science.” What did Einstein mean by “the mysterious?” I don’t think he meant that science is full of unpredictable or unknowable or supernatural forces.I think that he meant a sense of awe, a sense that there are things larger than us, that we do not have all the answers at this moment, and that we can stand right at the boundary between known and unknown.Scientists are happy, of course, when they find answers to questions. But scientists are also happy when they become stuck, when they discover interesting questions that they cannot answer. That is when their imaginations and creativity are set on fire. That is when the greatest progress occurs.5. As a child, the author wasA. cautiousB. generousC. curiousD. doubtful6. What does the underlined word “haunt” in Paragraph 4 refer to?A. Make someone to feel annoyed.B. Make someone to feel excited.C. Cause great trouble to someone.D. Keep coming to s omeone’s mind.7. What is the source of pleasure according to the passage?A. Exact prediction.B. Creativity in experiments.C. Rich imagination.D. Exploration of the unknown.8. Which of the following is the best title of the passage?A. The Power of Mysteries.B. The Characters of Mysteries.C. The Significance of Science.D. The Beauty of Art.CAccording to scientists, a study of more than 50 plants and animals suggests their ability to adapt to changes in rainfall and temperature will be vastly outpaced by future climate change.Amphibians, reptiles and plants are harmed more easily in particular, according to US researchers. And tropical (热带的) species are at higher risk than those in temperate zones. Some animals might be able to move geographically to deal with rising temperatures, but others live in remote areas where they cannot move, such as in nature reserves or on mountains or islands.Ecologists analyzed how quickly species had changed their climatic niches (the conditions where they can survive) over time, and how these rates compared with that of global warming. They analyzed populations of plants and animals, including insects,amphibians, birds, mammals and reptiles. Rates of change in climatic niches were much slower than rates of projected climate change, by more than 200,000 fold for temperature on average, they said.“Overall, our results show that rates of climatic niche change among populations of plants and animals are remarkably slower than projected rates of future climate change,” said Tereza Jezkova and John Wiens, of the University of Arizona.Mammals might be better placed to survive than amphibians and reptiles, because they had the ability to regulate their own body temperatures, said Dr. Wiens. Besides, while some species might be able to move to higher latitudes (纬度) to survive, “for a lot of organisms, that is not an option.” “It’s a double danger of climate change and habitat destruction,” he added.9. What species are likely to suffer most?A. Mammals in temperate regions.B. Reptiles in temperate regions.C. Mammals in tropics.D. Amphibians in tropics.10. What does the underlined word “they” in Paragraph 5 refer to?A. Amphibians.B. Mammals.C. Reptiles.D. Plants.11. What’s the main idea of the passage?A. Human beings should find some ways to fight against climate change.B. Many species will be unable to adapt fast enough to survive climate change.C. Climate change will cause great damage.D. Climate change is increasingly terrible.DFrom the first days of nursery school to the first days of college, parents and children are faced with feelings brought about by separation. Children of all ages may experience some anxiety about managing on their own. Young children are still struggling to control their impulses (冲动) and may need a parent’s presence to feel secure. Older children leaving home may experience their own anxiety about managing on their own due to homesickness.Children’s protests (抗议) about parents leaving them in a new situation often take the form of crying, which causes parents’ considerable concern. Generally, children’s protesting behavior around separation gets the most attention. At times,a different point of view may arise between parents and teachers about the best way to handle the situation. Teachers may think a child will be fine if the parent just leaves, while a parent may see the child as needing her presence. These roles are sometimes interchanged.Although it is the apparent upsets that get the most attention, when observing pre-school groups one can see the various ways children deal with the feelings aroused by separation. Some children deal with the situation by removing themselves from the group. In a recent observation, a little girl removed herself from the activity but continued to watch carefully everything that was going on.In another group, a more obvious separation scene took place. The mother seemed clearly prepared to stay while the boy joined the group on his own. He seemed most competent until his mother suddenly decided to leave. At that point the child broke down completely, crying pitifully - different from the formerly competent boy.In situations like this one, mothers always wonder why their own child is not able to master separating from them as other children do. But the real point here is that separation is a developmental step which children deal with in different ways. When children don’t openly cry and protest, it doesn’t mean they are not struggling to master the same feelings, each in his or her own way. It just means they express their feelings in a different way.12. How will children feel when they are separated from their parents?A. They will feel upset about relying on themselves.B. They will feel excited about managing their own business.C. They will feel angry for being left alone.D. They will feel scared of being abandoned.13. As to the best way to deal with separation, .A. parents and teachers always disagree with each otherB. some parents argue that there is no solution to the problemC. parents sometimes think that they can be absentD. some teachers misunderstand parents’ behaviors14. The author uses the observation of pre-school groups to .A. compare different ways children deal with the feelingsB. present how children handle the feelings differentlyC. criticize the cruelty of separationD. show the harmful effect of separation15. Which of the following does the author probably agree with?A. How children express their feelings varies from person to person.B. How to deal with separation remains to be discussed.C. Separation will cause children to suffer a lot.D. Separation will give rise to a similar reaction.第二节(共5小题:每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。
例:What is the man going to read?A.A newspaper B.A magazine C.A book1.What does the man want to be in the future?A.A soldier.B.A lawyer.C.A teacher.2.What does the girl want?A.Sweets.B.Books.C.Pencils.3.When did the two speakers plan to meet Jane?A.At2:00.B.At2:15.C.At2:30.4.What will the woman do tonight?A.Go to the park.B.Play basketball.C.Work at a bookstore.5.What is the woman doing?A.Offering help.B.Asking for information.C.Making an introduction.第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)听下面4段对话或独白。
6.Where do the two speakers work?A .At a store .B .At a hotel .C .At a school .7.Where does the woman come from?A .Brazil .B .Australia .C .Singapore .听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。
ADisasters almost always arrive unexpectedly. But there are apps to help people prepare for disasters. Some apps alarm users when a disaster has taken place. Other disaster apps can be used when people need rescue or other help.SirenGPS MobileThe free SirenGPS Mobile app connects users to emergency services. The app will let emergency workers know where the person in need is. The app works over cell networks. But it also works on Wi-Fi if cell networks are down after an emergency. Users can create a personal health report on the app to share with emergency services. This will provide information important to treatment decisions.GuardlyGuardly is an app that can help keep people safer in places such as businesses and universities. This app permits workers and students to report about unsafe conditions. Reports can be made to an organization’s own security division as well as to government emergency services. The reporter’s location can be sent with the report so security or emergency services help can arrive more quickly. The app is free, but Guardly charges for its services.Life360The Life360 app provides a service to keep loved ones connected. Users can set up a network of people to share their location, chat, and get a warning when they are near someone in their network. The app helps users communicate when they are in a disaster. The location share action can be forbidden when desired. The Life360 app is free, with some services available for a fee.Red Panic ButtonWhen a person is in a dangerous situation, the Red Panic Button app might help. This app can send a text message or email to chosen contacts providing the use r’slocation. You can also add a voice or video message or photo to your text and email. Red Panic Button is free, but extra functions are available for a fee.1. What does the SirenGPS Mobile app work on when cell networks are not available?A. Emergency services.B. Wi-Fi.C. A personal health report.D. Text messages and emails.2. When using Guardly, people can get timely security services becauseA. the app is a perfect toolB. the app causes little troubleC. the report can show where the reporter isD. the report can tell how to save the reporter3. Which app can send video messages?A. Life 360.B. Guardly.C. Red Panic Button.D. SirenGPS Mobile.4. Which of the following is TRUE about the four apps mentioned in the passage?A. All of them are available for a fee.B. All of their services are chained.C. All of their extra functions are used for free.D. All of them can tell the user’s location.BI believe in the power of the unknown. I believe that a sense of the unknown pushes us forward in all of our creative activities, from science to art.When I was a child, after bedtime I would often go to the window and stare at the stars. I had so many questions. How far away were those tiny points of light? Did space go on forever and ever, or was there some edge? And if so, what lay beyond the edge?Another of my childhood questions: Did time go on forever? I looked at pictures of my parents and tried to imagine their parents, and so on, back through the generations. Does time go on forever? Or is there some beginning of time?When I grew up, I became a professional astrophysicist. Although I never answered any of these questions, they continued to challenge me, to haunt me, to drive me in my scientific research, and to cause me to live on tuna fish and no sleep for days at a time while I was crazy about a science problem. These same questions, and questions like them, challenge and haunt the leading scientists of today.Einstein once wrote that “the most beautiful experience we can have is themysterious. It is the fundamental emotion which stands at the beginning of true art and true science.” What did Einstein mean by “the mysterious?” I don’t think he meant that science is full of unpredictable or unknowable or supernatural forces.I think that he meant a sense of awe, a sense that there are things larger than us, that we do not have all the answers at this moment, and that we can stand right at the boundary between known and unknown.Scientists are happy, of course, when they find answers to questions. But scientists are also happy when they become stuck, when they discover interesting questions that they cannot answer. That is when their imaginations and creativity are set on fire. That is when the greatest progress occurs.5. As a child, the author wasA. cautiousB. generousC. curiousD. doubtful6. What does the underlined word “haunt” in Paragraph 4 refer to?A. Make someone to feel annoyed.B. Make someone to feel excited.C. Cause great trouble to someone.D. Keep coming to s omeone’s mind.7. What is the source of pleasure according to the passage?A. Exact prediction.B. Creativity in experiments.C. Rich imagination.D. Exploration of the unknown.8. Which of the following is the best title of the passage?A. The Power of Mysteries.B. The Characters of Mysteries.C. The Significance of Science.D. The Beauty of Art.CAccording to scientists, a study of more than 50 plants and animals suggests their ability to adapt to changes in rainfall and temperature will be vastly outpaced by future climate change.Amphibians, reptiles and plants are harmed more easily in particular, according to US researchers. And tropical (热带的) species are at higher risk than those in temperate zones. Some animals might be able to move geographically to deal with rising temperatures, but others live in remote areas where they cannot move, such as in nature reserves or on mountains or islands.Ecologists analyzed how quickly species had changed their climatic niches (the conditions where they can survive) over time, and how these rates compared with that of global warming. They analyzed populations of plants and animals, including insects,amphibians, birds, mammals and reptiles. Rates of change in climatic niches were much slower than rates of projected climate change, by more than 200,000 fold for temperature on average, they said.“Overall, our results show that rates of climatic niche change among populations of plants and animals are remarkably slower than projected rates of future climate change,” said Tereza Jezkova and John Wiens, of the University of Arizona.Mammals might be better placed to survive than amphibians and reptiles, because they had the ability to regulate their own body temperatures, said Dr. Wiens. Besides, while some species might be able to move to higher latitudes (纬度) to survive, “for a lot of organisms, that is not an option.” “It’s a double danger of climate change and habitat destruction,” he added.9. What species are likely to suffer most?A. Mammals in temperate regions.B. Reptiles in temperate regions.C. Mammals in tropics.D. Amphibians in tropics.10. What does the underlined word “they” in Paragraph 5 refer to?A. Amphibians.B. Mammals.C. Reptiles.D. Plants.11. What’s the main idea of the passage?A. Human beings should find some ways to fight against climate change.B. Many species will be unable to adapt fast enough to survive climate change.C. Climate change will cause great damage.D. Climate change is increasingly terrible.DFrom the first days of nursery school to the first days of college, parents and children are faced with feelings brought about by separation. Children of all ages may experience some anxiety about managing on their own. Young children are still struggling to control their impulses (冲动) and may need a parent’s presence to feel secure. Older children leaving home may experience their own anxiety about managing on their own due to homesickness.Children’s protests (抗议) about parents leaving them in a new situation often take the form of crying, which causes parents’ considerable concern. Generally, children’s protesting behavior around separation gets the most attention. At times,a different point of view may arise between parents and teachers about the best way to handle the situation. Teachers may think a child will be fine if the parent just leaves, while a parent may see the child as needing her presence. These roles are sometimes interchanged.Although it is the apparent upsets that get the most attention, when observing pre-school groups one can see the various ways children deal with the feelings aroused by separation. Some children deal with the situation by removing themselves from the group. In a recent observation, a little girl removed herself from the activity but continued to watch carefully everything that was going on.In another group, a more obvious separation scene took place. The mother seemed clearly prepared to stay while the boy joined the group on his own. He seemed most competent until his mother suddenly decided to leave. At that point the child broke down completely, crying pitifully - different from the formerly competent boy.In situations like this one, mothers always wonder why their own child is not able to master separating from them as other children do. But the real point here is that separation is a developmental step which children deal with in different ways. When children don’t openly cry and protest, it doesn’t mean they are not struggling to master the same feelings, each in his or her own way. It just means they express their feelings in a different way.12. How will children feel when they are separated from their parents?A. They will feel upset about relying on themselves.B. They will feel excited about managing their own business.C. They will feel angry for being left alone.D. They will feel scared of being abandoned.13. As to the best way to deal with separation, .A. parents and teachers always disagree with each otherB. some parents argue that there is no solution to the problemC. parents sometimes think that they can be absentD. some teachers misunderstand parents’ behaviors14. The author uses the observation of pre-school groups to .A. compare different ways children deal with the feelingsB. present how children handle the feelings differentlyC. criticize the cruelty of separationD. show the harmful effect of separation15. Which of the following does the author probably agree with?A. How children express their feelings varies from person to person.B. How to deal with separation remains to be discussed.C. Separation will cause children to suffer a lot.D. Separation will give rise to a similar reaction.第二节(共5小题:每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。
山西省河津二中高中英语阅读理解练习题(有答案) 百度文库
一、高中英语阅读理解1.阅读理解Most people agree that eating healthy food is important. But sometimes making good food choices can be difficult. Now, there are apps that can help people learn about the food they eat to improve their health and their dining out experience.Open Table appOpen Table app helps people choose restaurants when they want to go out to eat. It is a free service that shows users restaurant available based on where and when they want to dine. It gives users points when they make reservations(预定), which can add up to discounts on restaurant visits.Max McCalman's Cheese&Wine Pairing appWine and cheese can be a great combination. But which wines go best with which cheeses? Max McCalman's Cheese&Wine Pairing app can help. It provides information about hundreds of different cheeses and suggests wines to pair with each. Max McCalman's Cheese&Wine Pairing app is free.HappyCow appVegetarians do not eat animal meat. Vegans do not eat any animal products. The HappyCow app is made for both groups. Users can search for vegetarian-vegan restaurants and stores around the world.LocalEats appRestaurant chains, like McDonalds, can be found almost anywhere a person might travel. But sometimes travelers want to eat like locals. The LocalEats app is designed for that. It can help you find local restaurants in major cities in the US and in other countries. It costs about a dollar.Where Chefs Eat app"Where Chefs Eat" is a 975-pagc book. Most people would not want to carry that around. But there is a much lighter app version of the same name for just $15. Six hundred chefs provide information on 3,000 restaurants around the world on the Where Chefs Eat app.(1)What do the first two apps have in common?A. They are both free of charge.B. Discounts are provided on both.C. Best wines can be reserved on both.D. They tell you where to have the best food.(2)Who is HappyCow app probably designed for?A. Friends drinking wines together.B. Chefs enjoying meat very much.C. People who want to go on a diet.D. Those often eating in a restaurant.(3)Where can we most likely see the text?A. On a tourism guide.B. In a cellphone application introduction.C. In a students' textbook.D. On a scientific discovery TV program.【答案】(1)A(2)C(3)B【解析】【分析】本文是一篇应用文,介绍了五个帮助他们了解健康饮食的应用软件。
山西省运城市河津二中高三高中英语阅读理解复习专题 百度文库
一、高中英语阅读理解1.阅读理解The founder of electric supercar maker Rimac has said it won't make sense for people to own or drive their own cars in the coming decades.According to Rimac, most people will no longer own or operate their own cars in the future. Instead, vehicles will be shared, self—driving and electric. These changes are already starting. "There will be people who still want to own their cars and drive their cars and I am happy for that because that is our business," Rimac said. "Long term, I think 20 years down the road, it will be totally changed and people will not own or drive their cars anymore." Rimac's most recent car, the C—Two, comes off the production line next year.Rimac is well aware the industry is changing quickly due to the rise of self-driving vehicles and electric batteries, and says in the next 20 years driving as we know it may exist mainly as a hobby. "I really believe that humanity goes for things that make sense." he told Newsweek. "If you look at 1.3 million people dying every year on the roads, if you look at the impact it has on economies based on traffic jams and time lost, it's so much of a negative impact to society that I think such a huge benefit can be gained if people stop driving.""Let's look into the future. You are standing in front of the choice of either investing a huge amount of your money in buying a hunk of metal and plastic for 30, 40, 50 thousand dollars, or you have the convenient option of paying as you go, the car picks you up in a few minutes, it's a nice environment and you spend a few dollars per day on your transport.""When you take the driver out of the car, transport can be much cheaper and you can use the time to do other things, instead of sitting behind a steering(转向)wheel and not doing anything else. So I think the choice for the vast majority of people will be the obvious one."(1)What can we learn from paragraph 2?A.The majority of people will purchase cars.B.Huge changes will take place in car industry.C.Driving cars will enjoy more popularity.D.The car business is gradually disappearing.(2)What is a major cause of the fast change in the car industry?A.The rapid growth of self-driving cars.B.The rise of shared vehicles.C.The increasing demand of customers.D.The advanced production line.(3)How does Rima feel about the future of self-driving cars?A.Uncertain.B.Confused.C.Optimistic.D.Frightened.(4)What can be a suitable title for the text?A.Self-driving cars meet new challenges.B.Self-driving cars avoid human errors.C.Possessing or driving cars won't be a must.D.Conventional cars will be completely replaced.【答案】(1)B(2)A(3)C(4)C【解析】【分析】本文是一篇议论文,讲述了由于自动驾驶车辆和电池的兴起,在不远的将来人们不用再买车和驾车,此外自动驾驶车辆将给社会和环境带来巨大好。
山西省河津二中2019届高三英语上学期10月月考试题考试时间:120分钟满分150分 2018.10第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。
AIt is one of the liveliest festivals that happen in Bath and it is returning this September. The Jane Austen Festival kicks off on September 8 and runs for ten days until September 17 with events running every day and evening.What are some of the festival highlights?Grand Regency Costumed Charity WalkThe highlight is usually the walk which sees 600 or more fans dressed in period dress as they walk from Royal Crescent Lawn through the city to Parade Gardens. It is a splendid sight to see in the historic, Georgian streets.When: Saturday, September 9/11: 00 am-12: 30 pmWhere: Royal Crescent LawnTickets: £ 10 per adult / FREE to watchMr Wickham and an evening with Jane AustenJane Austen’s most memorable characters come to life at the Old Theater Royal. Performances include the handsome Wickham (Adrian Lukis). Period music and a talk from historian Catherine Creon will also feature.When: Sunday, September 10/7: 30 pm-9: 00 pmWhere: The Masonic Hall (Old Theater Royal)Regency Dance Workshops“There is nothing like dancing. After all. I consider it as one of he first refinements of pol ished societies...”Join in on the fun. Costumes are welcome but not necessary!When: Thursday, September 14/10: 30 am-12: 00 pmWhere: Assembly RoomsTickets: £ 15Are there any free events?Yes.A Reading of Northanger Abbey. The novel will be read aloud throughout the festival. Sections of Austen’s first novel are set in Bath and you can still find the locations mentioned!When: Everyday from Sept. 10-sept. I7 from 2:00 pm-3:00 pmWhere: Waterstones bookshop, Milsom Street (upstairs)1. What does the author say about the festival?A. It is in honor of a novelB. It starts on September 8C. It is held beyond BathD. It is intended for the locals2. Where should people wear special costumes to attend an event?A. Royal Crescent Lawn.B. The Masonic HallC. Assembly RoomsD. Waterstones bookshop.3. Which of the following events are not included in the celebration of this festival?A. Joining in a charity walk through the city Bath.B. Attending a lecture from a historian.C. Watching a performance by actor Wickham.D. Enjoying the public reading of Jane Austen’ s first novel.BI handed the card from my school’s help-wanted board to the man behind the counter of Mort’s Deli(熟食店)at the Farmers Market. Even before I opened my mouth, he was shaking his head.It was September 1957, and my family had just arrived in California. My father only got work two or three days a week. Our poor savings were gone, and as the eldest boy of the family, I was the only one able to help.“let me work the rest of the week, and if you don’t like the way I do the job, don’t pay me.”I said. The tall man stared at me, then nodded. At Mort’s, I worked very hard. Near the end of the day h e called me up to him. “How much did that card at school say this job paid? "he asked. “One dollar an hour. " I whispered. Actually I was willing to take less.“That’s not enough for someone who works as hard as you, "Mort said. “You start at £ 1.25.”Over the next few weeks I learned a lot about Mort. Our store was closed on Sundays, so every Saturday evening Mort urged me to take home the leftover soup. It was a meal in itself, a treat for my struggling family.One Saturday after work. I was about to step in my house when I saw a large man in my father's chair. He was swearing at my father. I quietly walked into the kitchen and listened through the door. The man wanted to take our car. Dad offered to make the three payments that were due, but the man demanded the entire sum---£325---or the car. I slipped out of the door, thinking: Who might have £ 325? Who would even consider lending me so much money?The only person I could think of was Mort. I ran back to his deli and told him my tale. “So, could you possibly lend my father £325?"I finished, realizing how absurd it sounded. Although Mort’s eye bored(挖) holes in my face, he gave me £ 325, saying, “I 'll take back half your wages until it's repaid.”That night I was a hero to my family, But the real hero was Mort Rubin, who quietly raised my salary every month afterwards. He made the world a better place.4. Why does the author talk about his family in Paragraph 2?A. To show his strong desire for a job.B. To reflect his poor living conditions.C. To stress the heavy burden on his father.D. To prove high living costs in California.5. What can be inferred from the underlined sentence?A. The meal was cheap but very deliciousB. The soup was fuel in snowy weather.C. The soup was more than the family could eat.D. The soup was a basic solution to the problem of the author’s family.6. Why did Mort give the author £ 325?A. Because the author wanted to buy a car.B. Because the three payments of the author’s family were due.C. Because he thought it absurd not to lend the author the money.D. Because the author wanted to pay off all the debts for his family.7. Which words can be used to describe Mort Rubin?A. Cold but flexible.B. Patient and hard-working.C. Kind and helpful.D. Strict and calculating.CResearch finds that children who play violent games or watch violent TV can become violent themselves, but what drives this change? Are the kids simply copy what they see on the screen, or could gaming have a more profound effect on their brains, affecting behavior?To explore that question, Dr. Vincent Matthews and his colleagues at Indiana University, who have long studied media violence, looked at what happened in the brains in 28 students who were randomly assigned to play either a violent, first-person shooter game or a non-violent one every day for a week. None of the participants had much previous gaming experience.At the start of the study, researchers used functional MRI to scan brain activity in the participants, all young adult men, while they completed lab-based tasks involving either emotional or non-emotional content. The participants were then scanned again while they repeated the same tasks after a week of playing the video games.Researchers found that those who played the violent video games showed less activity in areas that involved emotions, attention and inhibition(抑制) of our impulses(冲动). “Behavioral studies have shown an increase in aggressive behavior after violent video games, and what we show is the psychological explanation for what the behavioral studies are showing,” say Matthews. “We’re showing that there are changes in brain function that are likely related to that behavior.”It’s not clear how long-lasting the changes may be. When Matthews brought the participants back after a week of not playing video games, their brain activity had changed again, recovering to more normal reactions, but their brain functions still weren’t quite the same as before they were ex posed to the violent games.8. What do we know about the participants?A. Both teenagers and adults were chosen.B. The participants had never played any computer games before.C. 28 participants were all young adult men.D. The participants were carefully divided into two groups.9. After playing a violent video game, a person is more likely to be ______.A. concentrativeB. impulsiveC. calmD. tired10. What does the underlined part “more profound” in Paragraph I most probably mean?A. Greater.B. Shorter.C. negativeD. positive.11. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A. What Causes Children to Be ViolentB. How Matthews Carried Out His StudyC. Say “No” to Computer GamesD. How Playing Violent Video Games May Change the BrainDWhen a laptop or smart phone battery starts losing its power, the only options are to buy an expensive replacement, or just keep it plugged in all the time. But one woman may have found the answer to this problem.Mya Le Thai is a scientist studying at the University of California. She recently discovered a process that may lead to batteries that last forever.Thai said she had been frustrated that the batteries for her wireless devices degraded over time, until they failed to charge fully. Thai did not like having to keep her laptop connected to an electrical outlet(电源插座) to keep it powered on. So, she decided to do something about that problem. At first, she and her team at UC Irvine thought about inventing a new battery. But as they experimented, Thai discovered something that might permit lithium-ion(锂离子) batteries to last forever.Lithium-ion batteries power most wireless devices. Over time, the batteries lose the ability to hold a charge. Most of these batteries have a life span of about 7,000 charging cycles before they die. One of the reasons lithium-ion batteries degrade is their use of nanowires to carry electricity. Nanowires are extremely thin, A human hair is thousands of times thicker, for example. Nanowires are extremely efficient carriers of electricity, which makes them useful in batteries. But Thai said their thinness also makes them weak. "Nanowires break and fracture over time,” she said. “That's why they lose capacity.”But, Thai had a theory --- the nanowires might last longer if covered with a gel(凝胶). She and her team tested this theory.“ It was a long process and a lot of work, "Thai said. The team tried many coverings for the wires. PMMA, a type of plastic, was one of them. The nanowires were coated with PMMA and cycled through charges 200,000 times. The PMMA-coated nanowires showed no evidence of damage. The results suggest that batteries could last forever, without losing charging ability. Thai said 200,000 cycles amount to about three months on just one device. Thai hopes to continue her research to understand why this gel works so well and to see if any other gel could create better results.12. What caused Thai to work on lithium-ion batteries?A. She found that batteries can’t be powered fully.B. She disliked the batteries for her laptop.C. She thought batteries were too expensive.D. She and her team were assigned to invent a new battery.13. Which of the following sentences is TRUE about nanowires?A. They are too weak to carry electricity.B. They last only 7,000 charging cycles.C.They are the main cause of battery degrading.D. They are not suitable to use in batteries.14. The breakthrough may most probably lie in____________.A. a new kind of batteryB. new materials for batteriesC. coating nanowires in gelD. a new way of charging batteries15. What may be the best title for the passage?A. Why batteries are degradingB. Scientist invents life-long batteryC. Nanowires discovered by scientistD. Nanowires trying on new coating第二节(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。
山西省河津二中高中英语阅读理解练习题(有答案) 百度文库
一、高中英语阅读理解1.阅读理解At the age of seven, while his friends were spending pocket money on things like candy and toys, Jose Adolfo was busy saving money for more essential purchases. To try to get his peers to do the same, the youngster from Arequipa, Peru came up with the innovative idea of an eco-bank, which allows kids of all ages to gain economic independence—while also helping the environment.Established in 2012, the Bartselana Student Bank is the world's first bank for kids. To open an account, kids have to bring in at least 5 kilograms of solid waste (paper or plastic) and establish a savings goal. Once accepted, all bank "partners" are required to deposit(存储) at least one additional kilogram of recyclables on a monthly basis and meet other requirements, such as attending financial education and environmental management workshops.The waste collected is sold to local recycling companies, who, thanks to Jose, pay a higher-than-market rate for everything brought in by Bartselana Student Bank members. The funds received are placed in the individual's account until his/her savings goal is reached. The account holder can then withdraw his/her money, or choose to leave it and continue to grow for a bigger target. "At the beginning, my teachers thought I was crazy," Jose recalls. "They did not understand that we are not the future of the country but its present. Luckily. I had the support of the school principal."By 2013, the bank had over 200 members who brought in one ton of recyclable waste. Today, the eco-bank, which now has the support of several local institutions, has ten educational centers. They are designed to teach the over 3,000 members both finance and environmental management. On December 6, 2018, in response to the growing demand, Bartselana Student Bank began accepting applications from kids all across Peru.As the teenager says, "Together we can change the world. We just need an opportunity."(1)What is the purpose of the eco-bank?A. To involve kids in the management of the local recycling companies.B. To help kids get pocket money to spend on things like candy and toys.C. To show kids how important it is to learn environmental management.D. To get kids to help the environment and be economically independent.(2)What duty does an eco-bank member have to perform?A. Attending financial education workshops.B. Bringing in 5 kilos of waste.C. Saving one kilo of solid waste weekly.D. Establishing a savings goal.(3)What does the underlined part in Paragraph 4 mean?A. Kids are more responsible when growing up.B. The future of the country relies mainly on kids.C. Kids can contribute to the society though young.D. The present is a vital period for kid development.(4)Which of the following words can best describe Jose?A. Generous.B. Crazy.C. Flexible.D. Influential.【答案】(1)D(2)A(3)C(4)D【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,巴塞拉纳学生银行成立于2012年,是世界上第一家儿童银行。
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例:What is the man going to read?A.A newspaper B.A magazine C.A book1.What does the man want to be in the future?A.A soldier.B.A lawyer.C.A teacher.2.What does the girl want?A.Sweets.B.Books.C.Pencils.3.When did the two speakers plan to meet Jane?A.At2:00.B.At2:15.C.At2:30.4.What will the woman do tonight?A.Go to the park.B.Play basketball.C.Work at a bookstore.5.What is the woman doing?A.Offering help.B.Asking for information.C.Making an introduction.第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)听下面4段对话或独白。
6.Where do the two speakers work?A.At a store.B.At a hotel.C.At a school.7.Where does the woman come from?A.Brazil.B.Australia.C.Singapore.听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。
8.What is the weather like in the north tonight?A B C9.What is the high temperature in the south tomorrow?A.15°B.20°C.C. 23°听第8段材料,回答第l0至12题。
10.What motivates the man to employ local people?A.To help the local business.B.To increase the local employment rate.C.To reduce the number of workers from other places.11.What will the man probably do in the future?A.Set up a new company.B.Run a training course.C.Lead an easier life.12.What is the possible relationship between the two speakers?A.Supplier and customer.B.Manager and secretary.C.Interviewer and interviewee.听第9段材料,回答第13至l5题。
13.What rule should you follow if you want to enter the sports complex?A.Wear appropriate shoes.B.Register on the notice board.C.Make an appointment with a coach.14.How much is the buffet?A.£4.B.£8.C.£10.15.What is the purpose of the announcement?A.To introduce a playing field.B.To introduce a holiday camp.C.To introduce a fruit market.第三节(共5小题;每小题l.5分,共7.5分)听下面一段对话,完成第l6至第20五道小题,每小题仅填写一个词。
听对话前,你将有第二部分:知识运用(共两节,45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分)21.I haven‘t seen Sara since she was a little girl, and she changed beyond _____.A.hearing B.strength C.recognition D.measure 22.—Can you give some advice on what I said just now?---Sorry.My mind ______.A.is wandering B.was wanderingC.has wandered D.had wandered23.I go _____to the stadium when there‘s a game.But usually I watch it on TV.A.typically B.anxiously C.frequently D.occasionally 24.The lady walked around the shops,______ an eye out for bargains.A.keep B.kept C.keeping D.to keep25.One of the most important questions they had to consider was _____of public health.A.what B.this C.thatD.which26.Please keep me informed_______ the change of your address as soon as possible.A.of B.for C.with D.by27.Steps must be taken ______this kind of disaster will never happen again.A.because B.even if C.as D.so that28.Don‘t give up regardless of difficulty and failure,______ you ‗ll never achieve your goals.A.and B.but C.or D.so29.No matter how low you consider yourself, there is always someone______ you wishing they were that high.A.getting rid of B.getting along withC.looking up to D.looking down upon30.---How will she behave in case of our failure?----She‘ll put the blame on us if it______ badly .A.turns up B.turns down C.turn off D.turns out31.Say ―Cheese‖ but keep_____ while I take your photograph.A.quiet B.calm C.still D.silent32.---What‘s that terrible noise, David?---Oh, I forgot to tell you.The new machine in the nearby plant_____.A.were tested B.will be testedC.are being tested D.have been tested33.It‘s nice to see you again.What ______since we last met?A.have you done B.had you doneC.have you been doing D.did you do34.The number of children who have lost parents due to AIDS ______to rise to over 26 million in 2011.A.are expected B.is expectingC.are expecting D.is expected35.Remember that there is still one point ______we must make clear at the conference tomorrow.A.where B.why C.when D.that第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
People do not analyse every problem they meet.Sometimes they try to remember a solution from the last time they had a 36 problem.They often accept the opinion or ideas of other people.Other times they begin to act without 37 ; they try to find a solution by trial and error.However, when all of these methods 38 , the person with a problem has to start analyzing .There are six 39 in analysing a problem.40 , the person must recognize that there is a problem.For example, Sam‘s bicycle is broken, and he cannot ride it to class as he usually does.Sam must 41 that there is a problem with his bicycle.Next the person must 42 the problem.Before Sam can repair his bicycle, he must know why it does not work.For example, he must 43 the parts that are wrong.Now the person must look for 44 that will make the problem clearer and lead to 45 solutions.For example, suppose Sam 46 that his bike does not work because there is something wrong with the brakes.47 , he can look in his bicycle repair book and read about brakes, talk to his friends at the bike shop, or look at his brakes carefully.After 48 the problem, the person should have several suggestions for a possible solution.Take Sam as an example 49 , his suggestions might be: tighten or loosen the brakes; buy new brakes and change the old ones.In the end, one 50 seems to be the solution to the problem.Sometimes the 51 idea comes quite 52 because the thinker suddenly sees something in a 53 way.Sam, for example, suddenly sees there is a piece of chewing gum stuck to a brake.He immediately hits on the solution to his problem: he must 54 the brake.Finally the solution is 55 .Sam does it and finds his bicycle works perfectly.In short he has solved the problem.36.A.serious B.usual C.similar D.common 37.A.practice B.thinking C.understanding D.help38.A.fail B.work C.change D.develop 39.A.ways B.conditions C.stages D.orders 40.A.First B.Usually C.In general D.Most importantly 41.A.explain B.prove C.show D.see42.A.judge B.find describe D.face 43.A.check B.determine C.correct D.recover 44.A.answers B.skills C.explanation D.information 45.A.possible B.exact C.real D.special 46.A.hopes B.argues C.decides D.suggests47.A.In other words B.Once in a while C.First of all D.At this time 48.A.discussing B.settling down C.comparing with D.studying 49.A.secondly B.again C.also D.alone 50.A.suggestion B.conclusion C.decision D.discovery 51.A.next B.clear C.final D.new 52.A.unexpectedly B.late C.clearly D.often53.A.simple B.different C.quick D.sudden 54.A.clean B.separate C.loosen D.remove 55.A.recorded B.completed C.tested D.accepted三、阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)请阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项的标号涂黑。