Michel Foucault米歇尔·福科
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在福科看来,对话语形成和知识谱系进行分析不应根据意 识的种类、感知的方式和思想的形态来进行,而应从权力的战 略和战术角度出发。
权力与知识是直接相互包含的;不相应地构建一种知识领 域就不可能有权力关系;与此同时,不预设和构建权力关系就 不会有知识。
Foucault want to understand more fully power relations----how mechanisms of power affect everyday lives. His work is critical of views of power that depict it as a commodity (something held or possessed; something embodied in a person, institution, or structure; something to be used for organizational or individe and Punish
1976 The History of Sexuality 《性史》 The Will to Knowledge 《求知识的欲望》
Foucauldian discourse
知识(真理)、权力和主体是福柯始终关注的三个核心 问题,在福柯的语境里,这三个轴心与传统理解大相径庭, 在福柯看来,知识与权力不仅不是格格不入的,下下相反, 现代权力对主体的控制和支配是通过与知识共同完成的。 福科话语理论的一个显著特点就是认为历史是话语的构 造,是用语言对过去发生的事实的汇总。 在话语即历史所标 示的客观性背后,具有某种鲜明的意识形态性质。 福科认为个别话语的形成过程,会出现一些规则来界定这 个领域的相应对象,从而能够建构起基本概念 ,形成理论构 架。这一话语组构中的规则组合,就形成话语的组构系统, 分别属于不同的历史阶段。
Michel Foucault 米歇尔· 福科(1926-- 1984)
1926, Born in Poitiers普瓦提埃, France, an upper-middle-class family 1942, studied history and philosophy at the Lycé e Henri-IV
One of the most important features of Foucault's view is that mechanisms of power produce different types of knowledge which collate information on people's activities and existence. The knowledge gathered in this way further reinforces exercises of power. Foucault refutes the idea that he makes the claim 'knowledge is power and says that he is interested in studying the complex relations between power and knowledge without saying they are the same thing.
Power and Subjectivity : Discourses themselves are the bearers of various subject positions—— specific positions of agency and identity in relation to particular forms of knowledge and practice. Subject——-produced within discourse, subjected to discourse. subject position——for us to become the subject of a particular discourse, and thus the bearers of its power/knowledge we must locate ourselves in the position from which the discourse makes most sense, and thus become its “subjects„”by “subjecting” ourselves to its meanings, power and regulation.
He wrote, “Power is not something that is acquired, seized or shared, something one holds on to or allows to slip away”. Rather, power is relational; it becomes apparent when it is exercised. Because of this relational aspect, power is not associated with a particular institution, but with practices, techniques, and procedures. Power is employed at all levels, and through many dimensions方面.
就权力和知识而言,权力是无所不在,而权力的策略产生了知识, 权力与知识之间有着一种微妙的关系。事实上,人文科学是伴随 权力机制而产生的,知识的作用就是保护个体的生存,并对外部 世界加以理解,知识通过理解活动构成现代人生存的手段。 知识在传统人文语境里,是普遍客观的,而在福柯语境里,知识 脱去了“真理”的外衣,失去了救世主的光环,被还原为话语实践 的产物。
1961 The History of Madness 《疯狂史》 1963 The Birth of the Clinic 1966 The Order of Things
The Archaeology of
《事物的秩序》 Knowledge《知识考古学》 《监视与惩罚:监狱的诞生》
1946, educated in École Normale Supé rieure,
be interested in philosophy of psychology 1953---1970: tought psychology at
Universitéde Lille法国里尔大学
University of Clermont-Ferrand克莱蒙菲兰特大学 University of Tunis突尼斯大学
Definitions of power
power is not a thing but a relation power is not simply repressive but it is productive power is not simply a property of the State. Power is not something that is exclusively localized in government and the State (which is not a universal essence). Rather, power is exercised throughout the social body. power operates at the most micro levels of social relations. Power is omnipresent无所不在的 at every level of the social body. the exercise of power is strategic and war-like
Foucauldian discourse
focusing on power relationships in society as expressed through language and practices, and based on the theories of Michel Foucault. the rules and practices that produced meaningful statements and regulated discourse in different historical periods. Discourse is "a group of statements which provide a language for talking about ...a particular topic at a particular historical moment." "Discourse, Foucault argues, constructs the topic. It defines and produces the objects of our knowledge. It governs the way that a topic can be meaningfully talked about and reasoned about. nothing which is meaningful exists outside discourse--"nothing has any meaning outside of discourse"
1984 died in Paris of neurological problems compounded by HIV/AIDS.
(the first public figure in France to die from the disease, and his partner
Daniel Defert founded the AIDES charity in his memory.
在传统观念里,主体先于历史,先于它自身的处境,权力被视为它 拥有或反对的东西,而话语则是它表达自身意义的一种媒介。 而在福柯看来,权力关系既是意向性的,又是无主体的。意向性是 指权力总是有着它的目的,任何权力都有其精确的计算和精心的策 划;无主体是指权力并不是主体个人选择的后果。个人不是独立自 主的,他只是权力链上的一环,是权力和知识的共同产物,福柯彻 底颠覆了西方形而上学主体优先于权力的传统。 主体既是权力与知识考察的对象,又是这一关系自身展开的维度。 一方面,福柯试图揭示主体是如何被权力与知识的复合关系建构起 来,被赋予了新的意义。另一方面,权力与知识关系的阐述也是围 绕着主体展开的
Foucauldian Discourse
Discourse was inspired by the work of both Michel Foucault and Jacques Derrida, and by psychoanalysis and critical theory. The method analyzes how the social world, expressed through language, is affected by various sources of power, and tries to understand how our society is being shaped (or constructed) by language, which in turn reflects existing power relationships. The analysis attempts to understand how individuals view the world, and studies categorizations, personal and institutional relationships, ideology, and politics.
Collè gede France法兰西公学
University of Paris VIII巴黎第八大学 University at Buffalo纽约州立大学布法罗分校
Served as a cultural diplomat abroad
became active in a number of left-wing groups involved in anti-racist campaigns, anti-human rights abuses movements, and the struggle for penal