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会计 (1)
所属分类:总目录 >> 经济·贸易 >> 财经
T字形帐 T-account
安家费 household allowance
按件计酬 piecework wage
按劳计酬 piecework wage
按值 ad valorem [in proportion to the value] 半变动成本 semivariable cost
半固定成本 semifixed cost
半年度 semi-annual
半年决算 half-yearly closing
半薪 half-pay
半制品 semi-processed goods
办公费 office expense
包工工资 wages for piecework (计件工资)
保管寄存品 safe-deposit inventory
保管人 custodian
保险 underwriting account
保证人 guarantor
报表 statement
报销 to report one's expenses
备查簿 memorandum book
会计 (2)
所属分类:总目录 >> 经济·贸易 >> 财经
备查帐 memorandum account
备抵坏帐 reserve for bad debts
被剔除 be disallowed
本金 principal
本年纯益 net profit for the current year
本年度 current fiscal year
本期损益 profit & loss for this period
本月合计 total for this month
逼债 to dun; to demand payment of a debt
比较表 comparative statement
边际成本 marginal cost
边际贡献 marginal contribution
编报表 to prepare a statement
编制预算 budget making; preparing a budget
变产损失 loss on realization of assets
变动成本 variable cost
标价 bid price
标准成本 standard cost
拨定材料 appropriated material
拨款 appropriation; appropriation money
会计 (3)
所属分类:总目录 >> 经济·贸易 >> 财经
补偿 reimbursement
补助金 grants-in-aid
不动产 real estate; immovable property
不敷用 inadequacy
不敷预算垫款 deficiency advance; budgetary deficiency advance
不活动帐 inactive account; dormant account
不请假奖金 bonus for not taking a leave of absence
不适用的 obsolete
簿记 bookkeeping
簿记员 bookkeeper
材料分类帐 supplies ledger
材料管理费 material handling expenses
材料盘存 material inventory
财产分类帐 property ledger
财产价值增减表 schedule of increase & decrease in property value 财产目录 inventory
财产帐 property account
财务报告 financial report; financial statement
财务收益 financial income
财务帐目 financial accounts
会计 (4)
所属分类:总目录 >> 经济·贸易 >> 财经
残料价值 junk value
仓耗 shrinkage
仓库 warehouse
差额 balance
拆毁 demolition
产量 capacity
偿债基金收益 income from sinking fund
超出预算 to exceed the budget
成本 cost; basic cost
成本分类帐 cost ledger
成本会计 cost accounting
成本计算表 cost statement
承前页 brought forward [b/f]
承受押品 to take over securities
承销清单 consignment list
承销人 consignee
赤字 minus figure [be in the red]
冲帐 to reverse an entry
筹备费 organization expenses
出借人 lender
会计 (5)
所属分类:总目录 >> 经济·贸易 >> 财经
出口押汇 outward documentary bills
出纳 cashier
除股息 ex dividend; exemption from dividend
除息票 ex coupon
传票编号 voucher serial number
纯收益 net income; net profit
从价 ad valorem [in proportion to the value]
从属附表 auxiliary schedule
催收帐款 receivables on call
催债 to dun; to demand payment of a debt
存出保证金 guarantee deposits & margins paid
存放同业 due from banks
存货簿 stock book
存货跌价损失 loss from reduced price of stock
存货目录 inventory list
存积 stockpile
存款 deposit
存料卡 bin card
存入保证金 guarantee deposits & margins received 大量生产 mass production
会计 (6)
所属分类:总目录 >> 经济·贸易 >> 财经
代收款 agent receipt
代替品 substitute
代用传票 substitute voucher
贷差 credit balance
贷方 credit side
贷记 [Cr.] credit
贷金 loan
贷款资金 loan fund
待遇不平 unfair treatment
待遇菲薄 meager treatment
待遇优厚 good treatment
单式簿记 single-entry bookkeeping
单位成本 unit cost