1. 逻辑记忆:通过词的本身的内部逻辑关系词与词之间的外部逻辑关系记忆单词。
把几个字母看作一个来记,如night light center fight night mightsighttight;外旧内新,如bridge桥看成ridge山脊,sharp看成sharp. harp竖琴;外新内旧,如cleave劈开看成cleave,tact机智看成tact。
2. 联想记忆:音与形的联想即依据读音规则记忆单词;形与义的联想如eye把两个e看成两个眼,banana把a看成一个个的香蕉,bird把b 和d看成两个翅膀;象声词联想实际的声音,如gong 锣,coo咕咕声。
3. 分类记忆:把单词进行分门别类,如动物植物等进行分类记忆,你可以找一本分类字典作为参照。
4. 卡片记忆:自己制作单词卡片,随时随身进行单词记忆,卡片写上单词的词形、词性、词义、音标、搭配例句等。
5. 感官记忆:记单词时不要只用一种感官,尽可能地用多个感官,耳听嘴读手写眼看心记等。
6.构词记忆:利用构词法,通过分析词根. 前缀. 后缀. 派生和合成等记忆单词。
主干教材:雅思考试出题机构剑桥大学出版“雅思预备教材”《剑桥英语》ENGLISH IN MIND及朗阁海外考试研究中心(RAFLE)内部教材。
主干教材:雅思考试出题机构剑桥大学出版“雅思预备教材”《剑桥英语》ENGLISH IN MIND及朗阁海外考试研究中心(RAFLE)内部教材。
附:雅思书籍相关的词汇封面front cover;目录table of contents;前页front matter;硬封面hardbound;软封面softcover;书脊spine;序言foreword;前言preface;章节chapter;索引index;附注notes;【参考文献】:^p bibliography;献词dedication;版权copyright 版税royalty; 作者author。
二、项目目标1. 帮助学生熟悉雅思考试的内容、形式和评分标准。
2. 提高学生的英语听、说、读、写、译能力,使学生能够在雅思考试中取得优异成绩。
3. 提供专业的雅思考试指导和个性化的学习计划,为学生的留学和职业发展打下坚实的基础。
三、项目内容1. 课程设置听力:介绍听力考试的题型和技巧,提供大量听力练习,帮助学生提高听力理解能力。
2. 教学方法采用互动式教学方法,激发学生的学习兴趣和积极性。
3. 师资力量聘请具有丰富雅思教学经验的教师担任授课教师。
4. 学习环境培训班将提供舒适的学习环境,包括宽敞明亮的教室、先进的教学设备等。
四、项目执行计划1. 宣传推广制作宣传海报、宣传单页等宣传材料。
2. 招生工作设立招生咨询,解答学生和家长的疑问。
3. 教学管理建立学生档案,记录学生的学习情况和考试成绩。
天津锐思教育小白楼 英语速记怎么样
1. 单词记忆法:介绍多种单词记忆法,如联想记忆、词
2. 短语记忆:通过讲解和练习,帮助学生掌握常用英语
3. 听力训练:通过听力训练,提高学生的英语听力水平,增强对英语单词和短语的敏感度。
4. 口语练习:提供口语练习机会,帮助学生将所学的英
5. 阅读理解:通过阅读英文文章,提高学生的阅读理解
1. 魔法师英语:魔法师英语是国内一流的外语学校,拥有完善的管理机制和团队,拥有核心成员由资深教师组成,拥有管理一流的黄金教学体系,拥有数以千计的优质教学案例。
2. 希望英语:希望英语是提供一对一雅思辅导的优质英语机构,拥有完善的师资力量,教师均有着丰富的教学经验,通过在线授课可节省时间成本,学习效率得到保证。
1. 开心英语:开心英语的专业服务非常出色,他们拥有一支资深的老师团队,其中有多名曾参加过雅思认证考试的专业老师,根据学生的学习水平及目标进行定制化课程,让学生事半功倍。
2. 金蝶英语:金蝶英语拥有强大的师资力量,采用教学管理一体化,监测学生学习进度,提供学习指导及考试分析,结合网络技术给予能满足不同学生学习要求的优质服务。
1. 多语妙说英语:多语妙说英语是被据为当地最负盛名的中小型英语辅导机构,拥有一批风吹雨洒的经验老师,保证学生学习过程安全,有效,以及效率可圈可点,口碑极佳。
2. 爱乐思语言学校:爱乐思语言学校也是当地有名的中小型英语辅导机构,老师们拥有广泛的教学经验,根据不同的难易度针对不同学生实施不同课程,口碑非常棒,并在当地享有盛誉。
二、项目目标1. 帮助学生全面掌握雅思考试的基本知识和技巧,包括听力、阅读、写作和口语四个模块;2. 增强学生的英语语言能力,提高他们的听说读写综合能力;3. 帮助学生有效备考,提高他们的考试技巧和应试能力;4. 帮助学生制定个性化的学习计划,指导他们安排合理的学习时间,提高学习效率;5. 为学生提供一对一的辅导和指导,解决他们在备考过程中遇到的各种问题;6. 为学生提供真实的模拟考试,帮助他们熟悉考试环境和规则,增强应试信心。
三、项目内容1. 雅思基础知识培训(1)听力培训听力基础知识讲解常见听力题型分析听力技巧训练真题模拟训练(2)阅读培训阅读基础知识讲解阅读技巧训练真题模拟训练(3)写作培训写作基础知识讲解常见写作题型分析写作技巧训练真题模拟训练(4)口语培训口语基础知识讲解口语技巧训练预测题目训练模拟考试训练2. 雅思强化训练(1)听力强化训练难度递增的听力题目训练听力技巧进阶训练真题模拟训练(2)阅读强化训练难度递增的阅读题目训练阅读技巧进阶训练真题模拟训练(3)写作强化训练难度递增的写作题目训练写作技巧进阶训练真题模拟训练(4)口语强化训练口语话题训练针对性口语技巧训练模拟考试训练3. 学习方法指导(1)学习时间安排制定合理的学习计划指导学生如何安排学习时间培养学生的学习耐心和毅力(2)学习方法指导帮助学生掌握有效的学习方法指导学生如何进行备考激发学生的学习兴趣和动力4. 个性化辅导针对学生的学习特点和需求,提供个性化的辅导解决学生在备考过程中遇到的各种问题鼓励和指导学生坚持学习,克服困难5. 模拟考试提供真实的模拟考试帮助学生熟悉考试环境和规则检验学生的备考效果,增强应试信心四、项目实施1. 师资培训为培训师提供针对雅思考试的教学培训培训师要求熟悉雅思考试的教学要点和难点培训师要求具备丰富的教学经验和备考经验2. 学习资料准备为学生准备学习用书和辅导资料选择权威、实用的学习资料提供不同水平学生的学习资料和辅导资料3. 培训环境保障为学生提供舒适、安静的学习环境提供先进的教学设备和工具营造积极向上的学习氛围4. 课程安排根据学生的时间安排合理的课程安排保证课程质量和教学效果针对不同模块安排专门的课程五、项目评估1. 定期考核每周安排一次模拟测试对学生的学习成绩进行分析和评估根据评估结果调整教学计划2. 反馈与调整根据学生的反馈及时调整培训计划根据教师的教学反馈及时调整教学计划定期与学生和家长进行沟通,汇报学生的学习状况3. 教学质量评估对教学质量进行定期评估收集学生和家长的意见和建议通过学生毕业后的考试成绩评估培训效果六、项目总结通过以上培训方案的实施,可以帮助学生全面提高雅思考试的应试能力和整体水平,提高考试的通过率。
剑桥英语EIM 课程系列
灵活应用350-450 个日常核心英语词汇和50-80个常用英语句型。
教材介绍:《剑桥英语(English In Mind)》是一套综合性、系统性、国际性英语语言学习教材,帮助学员提高英语的综合运用技能,同时培养他们对社会发展、文化传承、科技进步、自然和谐等的理解和感悟能力。
《剑桥英语(English In Mind)》优势:1、英国剑桥大学最新研究成果2、学习一套教材,应对多种考试3、获全球认可、终身有效的证书4、史无前例的完整、系统学习体系5、教学与测评相结合,学习成果检测明确6、相对其他教材的强大优势剑桥英语2级&3级课时:120小时学费:3800元针对人群:适合高中生水平的学员,词汇量约1500个-2500个之间。
1.《剑桥雅思词汇详解》(Cambridge Vocabulary for IELTS)系列这是一套经典的雅思词汇书,适合正在备考雅思的考生。
2.《雅思词汇指导》 (IELTS Vocabulary Booster)该书是一本较新的雅思词汇书,特色是提供了一种系统的方式来学习和记忆词汇。
5.《朗文雅思词汇》 (Longman Vocabulary for IELTS) 这本书是一本雅思词汇书的经典之作。
20000词汇巅峰速记班摘要:一、引言- 介绍20000词汇巅峰速记班- 阐述学习大量词汇的重要性二、课程特点- 高效学习- 系统性强- 实践性高三、课程内容- 词汇量大- 记忆方法多样- 结合实例讲解四、课程效果- 提升词汇量- 增强语言运用能力- 提高学习效率五、学习建议- 合理安排学习时间- 多做练习巩固- 结合实际应用正文:在当今社会,英语作为国际通用语言,其重要性不言而喻。
1.20000 词汇巅峰速记班介绍
20000 词汇巅峰速记班,这是一个专为英语学习者打造的课程,旨在帮助学生在短时间内迅速提高词汇量,轻松达到 20000 个单词的目标。
survey upset ignore calm concernloose vet series outdoors spellbindMatching Words with Definitions1. a set of questions that you ask2.unhappy and worriedto make someone feel sad, worried, or angry3.to pretend that you have not noticed someone or something to not consider something ornot let it influence you4.relaxed and quiet, not angry, nervous, or upsetto make someone feel more relaxed and less emotional5. feeling of worry; anxiety; something that you think is important to make someone feelworried or upset6.not firmly fixed; not fastened together; not tight; not tied up7.person who is skilled in the treatment of animal diseases and injuries8.several events or things of a similar kind that happen one after the other9.in the open air; outside, not in a building10.to bind or hold by or as if by a spellSentence CompletionUNIT 1Using the answer line provided, complete each item below with the correct word form. Excuse me, I m'doing a some questions?I wish to be a good ____________ in the future — I really like animals.The rain prevented us from eating ________________ so we had to stay at home.Computer games can ________________ many children. They just cannot put the games down.James was very _____________ because he had lost his train ticket this morning.Don' t ___________ your girlfriend s feelings', or she will be very upset.Don 't upset. Try to keep _____________ and just tell me what happened.Thank you for your ____________ . I m feelin'g much better now.A: Your shoelace is ____________ . Why don t you tie i't up?B: Oh, thank you for your concern.As a high school student, you probably have to take aabout food likes and dislikes, would you please answer meof tests and exams each month.10.1 2 3Mult ip le-choice Questi ons________ 1. Excuse me, I am doing a/an questio ns?about learning English. Can I ask you somecorner. a. research b. study c. survey d. investigation,2. Don t do anything that would up set your __________________.a. parentsb. bossc. teacherd. girlfrie nd,3. The best way to deal with a _______________ is to ignore it.a. rumorb. goss ipc. paind. bully,4. Try to kee p ___________ w he n an gry. No matter how much you feel like los ing your temper,don ' do it!a. coolb. awakec. calmd. reas on able,5. In China, many parents are naturally concerned about their children s __a. studyb. healthc. safetyd. diet,6. Who might say this: I have got a loose tooth.a. a nurseb. a den tistc. a p atie ntd. a boxer,7. For many stude nts, high school life is no thi ng but a series of ________________ . a. exam in atio ns b. daydreams c. meeti ngs d. choices ,8. In gen eral, a __________ spends most of his time outdoors.a. farmerb. bakerc. hikerd. hairdresser ,9. In gen eral, __________ can sp ellb ind many childre n.a. circusb. magicc. houseworkd. video games 10. Our pet dog was sick this morning so we took her to see the on the streeta. doctorb. den tistc. vetd. mecha nic True or False (T/F ); Agreement or Disagreement Are the follow ing stateme nts true or false? Do you agree or disagree with them?Don ‘tig nore small mistakes. They may cause big accide nts.Do not calm yourself dow n by havi ng a drink or tak ing drugs. We cannot always get what we exp ected just from a survey. You and your classmates will be very up set to hear that a holiday has bee n can celled. None of the girls in your class are concerned about their weights. Loose clothes are more comfortable tha n tight on es. Life is made up of a series of choices. What you have gotte n today is what you chose yesterday.In your city, it is warm eno ugh to be outdoors all after noon now. A magicia n can hold the audie nces sp ellbo und.Always ask your vet for advice be fore making changes to your pet s diet or 'exercise routi ne. 1. 2.3.4. 5. 6.7.,8. ,9. 10.Oral Prese ntatio nsAre you concerned about your weight? Do you often work out? What is it that up set you the most this week? Have you ever ignored your fr iend ' s feelingsUNIT 2 dusk thunder entirely power curtaindusty settle suffer Ioneliness highwayMatch ing Words with Defin iti ons1. the p eriod of time at the end of the day just before it becomes dark2. the loud no ise that you hear duri ng a storm, usually after a flash of light ning if itthu nders, you hear thun der in the sky3. compi etely, or in every way4. p hysical force or stre ngththe ability or right to con trol people or events5. a long pi ece of cloth, usually one of a p air, that hangs dow n and covers a win dow6. covered with dry earth, sand or dust; full of dust7. start living in a p laceto end an argume nt or solve a disagreeme nt8. to exp erie nee p hysical or men tal painto exp erie nee someth ing very unp leasa nt or pain ful; un dergo9. a Ion ely exp erie nee or situati on makes you unhappy10. a wide road built for fast travel betwee n tow ns and citiesSentence Comp leti onDrivers ofte n put the car lights on at _____________ on their way home.Sometimes you can t p'ce the blame _____________________ o n others; it s' perhaps your own mistake.Kno wledge is ____________ — it gives you stre ngth and en ergy.Can you p ull dow n the _____________? The light is too strong in the livi ng room.In gen eral, __________ o fte n happens at the same time as light ning in the storm.My car broke dow n in the middle of the _________________ a nd there was still a long way to go.Although you have many friends around you, but dee p dow n, you may have a feeli ng of in your heart.After worki ng on the farm for a whole day, Jim was veryand dirty and he went into8the bathroom to take a shower.9My parents decided to _______________ dow n in a small tow n after they retired.10No one likes to stay together with sm okers for a long time. They don sec on d-ha ndt want to from smoke(SHS).Mult ip le-choice Questi onsdow n.True or False (T/F ) ;Agreement or Disagreement,1. Bats ofte n fly about at dusk. ,2. There is rain after thu nder.,3. There is no en tirely frien dsh ip betwee n men and wome n. ,4. A fortun e-teller has the po wer to see the future.,5. Schoolboys ofte n p ull dow n the curta in whe n they cha nge their clothes at home. ,6. When there s 'a strong wind outside, it must be very dusty in your living room. ,7. The secret to stay young is to have a heart that n ever wants to settle. ,8. Wh en parents argue con sta ntly, it s the children who suffer most. ,9. Lon eli ness is sometimes your best friend.10. In China, the sp eed limit on the highway is 100 kilometers per hour.Oral Prese ntatio nsWhen it thun ders, why do we see the light ing first, the n hear the thu nder rolls? Can you depend en tirely on the weather report whe n you go for a trip? Why doesn f a highway keep a straight line over a long distanee? gen eral, The sky is ofte n very beautiful at ______________ . a. daw n b. sun rise c. dusk d. twilightWhere is the safest p lace to hide duri ng thun ders?a. un der the treeb. in the baseme ntc. in the squared. at the top of a mountain In our lives, are n ever to be en tirely trusted.a. n eighborsb. friendsc. colleaguesd. relativesBelieve it or not, wome n have a lot of _______________ po wer. a. earningb. pu rchas ingc. barga iningd. in tellectualWhen you play hide-and-seek with your pals, you can hide yourself behind the5.in your classroom.a. doorb. curta inc. cup boardd. bookshelfYour clothes would be dusty all over after you had pl ayed a. basketball b. badm intonc. footballd. golfJas on just has n t Met the right ____________ yet. When he does, he ll be ready to settle6.7.with your p als.8.9.10.a. cityb. jobc. girld. opportun ityWho may say this: Don t worry, the kitte n won t suffer any pain. a. a den tist b. a butcher c. a vet d. a babysitterDon ’t start dati ng merely because of _______________ . a. empty b. desire c. l on eli nessd. curiosityGen erally sp eak ing, you can t stop ybur car on the __________________ . a. freeway b. p aveme ntc. highwayd. motorwayUNIT 3 recover pack suitcase overcoat teenagergossip disagree grateful dislike tipMatch ing Words with Defin iti ons1. to get better and become fit and healthy aga in toreturn to a no rmal con diti on2. to put into a bag, suitcase, or box so that you can take or send them somewhere things wrappedtogether; bag; small container3. a large case with a han dle, used for carry ing clothes and p ossessi ons whe n you travel4. a long warm coat that you wear in cold weather5. a young person betwee n the ages of 13 and 196. conversation about unimpo rtant things, especially people s private lives to talk aboutother people or about things that are not important7. have a differe nt opinion (from sb); not agree8.9. feeli ng that you want to tha nk some one because of someth ing kind that they have done; tha nkful to not like some one or someth inga feeli ng of not lik ing some one or someth ing10. a small sum of money that is give n to (a waiter, taxi-driver, etc) a usefulsuggesti on; a helpful p iece of adviceSentence Comp leti on3 4 5 6 It took Jas on a long time to ____________ from a bad cold and he is healthy as usual now.I don t'ke to spread _____________ s, but between you and me, they got married secretly last week.You'd better ____________ your bags now. We re leavi ng for the air port in an hour.I can t pack any more clothes into the ________________ — it s' full.You' d better put on your ________________ . Its much too cbld outside.Sex education should start from the _________________ s. Too many young kids still don t knbw the basic facts of life.I ' nvery7disagree with it. 8910 that you didn ' te ll my mother about this matter. She will absolutelyI _________ livi ng in the no isy city. I hope to settle dow n in the country whe n I retired.In the restaura nt, the America ns ofte n leave a _______________ to the waiter on the table. Teenagers and their parents often ____________________ on most topics. There are so many different opinions betwee n them.1 2 3Mult ip le-choice Questi ons 8.9. 10.After a few days of _____________ , Amy bega n to recover. a. flub. temp eraturec. feverd. heart attackDon 'forget to p ack your _______________ w he n you go for a two-week holiday. a. toothbrush b. un derwear c. razord. battery chargerIt was careless of you to have left the _______________ i n the taxi. a. wallet b. briefcase c. suitcase d. cell phoneDon 'forget to put on your ________________ , it s cold outside. a. gloves b. scarf c. overcoat d. rain coatTeen agers should not get into the habit of ________________ too early. a. drinkingb. l yingc. smok ingd. readi ngDon 'believe all the ______________ y ou hear.a. n ewsb. advicec. rumorsd. goss ipsWhen people disagree with your ideas or opinions, you may feel a little _ a. relaxed b. excited c. up set d. angryI ' very grateful for all your help with my _______________ . Thank you so much. a. homework b. essay c. housework d. presentation Most tee nagers dislike _____________ . a. homework b. housework c. cyber games d. getti ng up early In America, people usually tip __________________________________ . a. waiters b. p orters c. guides d. cab drivers True or False (T/F );Agreement or Disagreement 1. 2.3. 4. 5. 6. ,7. ,8. ,9. 10.It may take many years to recover from the death of a beloved p et.Don' let your parents pack your bag when you go on a trip. They may put everyth ing they think useful into the baggage.Wome n can always man age to p ack many things into a small suitcase. A thick overcoat is a good defe nse aga inst the cold. It is a p iece of cake to educate the tee nagers no wadays. The goss ip of two wome n will destroy two families. Even friends disagree sometimes.Look around you and be truly grateful for all that you see. Cats dislike dogs, and vice versa.If you are a visitor to the America, you don t nBed to leave money as a tip at the restaura nt.Oral Prese ntatio nsWhat do you ofte n do in order to recover from a bad mood? Did you have any heroes whe n you were a tee nager? How much should we tip at a restaura nt in America?UNIT 4 swap item subway elevator petrolofficial voyage conquer native ap artme ntMatch ing Words with Defin iti ons1. to give someth ing to some one and get somethi ng in return2. one thing on a list of thi ngs to buy, do, talk about, etc asin gle subject that you are discuss ing or deali ng with3. railroad that goes un der the ground4. machi ne that carries people up and dow n betwee n the levels of a tallabuildi ng;lift5. gasoli ne; a liquid obta ined from p etroleum6. said, approved of or done by some one in authority, esp ecially the gover nment7. ani mal or plant that lives or grows n aturally in a certa in area growin g, livi ng, p roduced etc in one p articular p lacea long trip, esp ecially by boat or into space9. to gain con trol over someth ing that is difficult, using a lot of effort towin a victory10. a set of rooms on one floor of a large build ing; flatSentence Comp leti on1. &9.10. A car runs on _____________; a person lives on food.Excuse me, can we _______________ our seats for a while? I d like to sitwith my friend together. The Australia ns sp eak En glish as their _______________ Ian guage.How p leasa nt it is to go on a ____________ on the smooth sea!To__________ En glish is not easy. To make a plan first is a good idea.A__________ is an electric train and it goes un dergro und.The___________ broke dow n and we had to walk up the tenth floor.An___________ i s one of a list of things for some one to do, deal with, or talk about.Maggie lives in a small _____________ which is on the third floor of an old buildi ng.Morga n sp eaks En glish, but his ______________ ton gue is Germa n. He was born in Germa ny.Mult ip le-choice Questi ons1. in high school ofte n swa pa. blousesb. seatsc. goss ipsd. magaz inesThe first item on a girl s daily timetable would be __________________ .a. making upb. daydream ingc. studyd. goss ipingThe first subway in the world was built in ________________ in 1863.a. Buda pestb. Bost onc. Londond. P arisDo not stop the clos ing doors of a/a n ________________ w ith your han ds. It s extremely dan gerous.a. subwayb. tramc. elevatord. cable carA car runs on ____________ .a. steamb. petrolc. electricityd. diesel oilEn glish is the official la nguage in ____________ .a. Australiab. Can adac. Fijid. P akista nLife is ofte n comp ared to a____________ .a. tripb. jo urneyc. voyaged. tourThe __________ conq uered En gla nd in 1066.a. Roma nsb. Vikingsc. Norma nsd. SpainEn glish is sp oke n as the n ative Ian guage in _____________ .a. Russiab. Italyc. Canadad. AustraliaYou are livi ng in _________ at p rese nt.a. an ap artme ntb. a cavec. a cottaged. a dormwith each other.True or False (T/F) ;Agreement or Disagreement1. Do not swa p horse whe n cross ing a stream.To a schoolboy, the most important item on his daily schedule is to do as the teacher says.A ni ckel will get you on the subway, but garlic will get you a seat.Do not use the elevator in case of fire.A car is almost useless without p etrol.The Fili pinos sp eak En glish as their official Ian guage.In the p ast, the sea voyage was a dan gerous way to travel.Men conq uer the world; wome n conq uer men.Sometimes a person sp eaks En glish so good that we may think he is a n ative sp eaker.In America, the rent of an ap artme nt is much lower tha n that of a house.Oral Prese ntatio ns1.2.3. If you could swa p being a milli on aire in the world for one thing, what would it be? Is there a subway in your city? How do you go to work every day?In your opinion, what is the be st way to conquer or win a girl s heart? 'UNIT 5 base gradual enrich vocabulary spellinglatter ide ntity flue nt freque nt usageMatch ing Words with Defin iti ons1. the bottom or lowest part, edge, or surface of someth inga place where members of the military live and workto use someth ing as the thi ng from which someth ing else is deve loped2. happening slowly over a long p eriod of time; little by little3. to make someth ing better or more enjoyableto imp rove the quality of someth ing4. all the words that some one knows or uses5. the act of sp ell ing words correctly, or the ability to do this6. being the sec ond of two thin gs, people or groups7. who you are, what your n ame is or what sb/sth isable to sp eak a Ian guage very well9. happening or doing someth ing ofte n10. the way that words are used in a Ian guagethe way in which someth ing is used, or the amount of it that is used Sentence Comp leti on1. &9.10. All soldiers are supposed to be back at the military __________________ by nine o ' clock every night. Readi ng En glish no vels is one of the best ways of improving your ____________________ .Of the two choices, I d prefeFthe ________________ . I think it s better than the former.Spi derma n is not a real n ame; n obody knows his true __________________ .Catheri ne is very ____________ i n En glish because it is her n ative ton gue.Natty is a __________ visitor to our store. She ofte n comes here.It is imp orta nt to ________ the soil before planting, the n the plants will grow well.Los ing weight is a slow, _____________ p rocess.A __________ is the correct order of the letters in a word.Could you exp la in the _____________ o f this word for me aga in? I just forgot how to use it.Mult ip le-choice Questi ons1. A good relati onship is often based on ________________ .a. trustb. moneyc. un dersta ndingd. mutual resp ectGen erally sp eak ing, ___________ is a slow, gradual pro cess.a. los ing weightb. grow ing upc. age ingd. lear ning a new Ian guageBelieve it or not, __________ can greatly en rich your life.a. paintingb. musicc. read ingd. traveli ngIn gen eral, __________ has the largest vocabulary of any Ian guage.a. Frenchb. Italia nc. En glishd. SpanishThere are many differe nces betwee n British and America n En glish in ______________________ .a. pronun ciati onb. grammarc. sp elli ngd. exp ressi onOne can travel by ship or by plane. To save time, most people p refer to choose the7.8.9.10.a. formerb. latterA/an ___________ usually doesn t want'the public to know about his real identity. He prefers to kee p it secret.a. spyb. detectivec. un dercoverd. p olicema nMany people who live in Hong Kong can sp eak flue nt _____________________ .a. Englishb. Spanishc. Cantonesed. PortugueseYou are a freque nt customer of a ________________ in your n eighborhood.a. restaura ntb. hotelc. barber shopd. p harmacyIt is n ecessary for us to lear n the ___________ of the vocabulary by heart.a. sp ell ingb. usagec. origi nd. pronun ciati onTrue or False (T/F) ;Agreement or Disagreement1.,7. ,8. ,9.10. Do not base your happin ess on how much money you make. Wealth does not n ecessarily bring happin ess.There has bee n a gradual warmi ng of the earth in recent years.Readi ng does not en rich the mind.There aren t a'y differences between British and American English in spelling and vocabulary.Sp ell ing mistakes are ofte n just the result of careless ness.Give n the choice betwee n work ing for some one else and start ing one 'own bus in ess, many people would p refer the latter.You don t' need to show your identity card when you book a room at the hotel.In your city, most of the middle school En glish teachers can sp eak flue nt En glish. Freque nt drinking of coffee is good for health.There is a gradual in crease in the car usage among the tee nagers in China.Oral Prese ntati onsWould you pl ease in troduce us some good methods to sp eak flue nt En glish?One can go for a trip by train or plane. Which one would you choose, the former or the latter? Is there any differe nee betwee n British En glish and America n En glish?精选文库Unit Test 1Find and Match the con tradictory terms (antonyms)1. loose2. outdoors3. disagree _4. grateful5. dislikea. tightb. agreec. un gratefuld. likee. in doorsc. in freque nt4. freque nt d. adva ntages5. disadvantages e. release_ 3. po werful4. legal5. cruelty e. useless1. rare a. worthless2. valuable b. formal1. arrest a.sudden 3. i nformal c. moder n 4. ancient d. irreleva nt 5. releva nte. com mon_ 2. gradual3. latterb. former 1. useful a. weak 2. active b. p assivec. illegald. kindn ess1.similarity2.n aturala.artificia lb.rural1.stre ngths2.decreasee.release2.independent3.n ecessity4.happin ess b.dep arturec.dependentd.luxurya.p oliteb.forgivec.disadva ntages3. urban4. fiction5. fake c.realityd.genuinee.differe nee3. active c. in crease4. arrest d. in active 1. arrival a. sadness5. stre ngth e. weak ness4.p atie nee5.ruded. beh inde. i mp atie neea. fami neb. weaknesses5. feast1.apo logize2.adva ntages3.aheadcomma nd request dialect exp ressi on recog nizelorry acce nt light ning straight blockMatch ing Words with Defin iti ons1. an official order that should be obeyedorder some one to do someth ing; to con trol someth ing2. an act of ask ing for someth ing in a po lite or formal way; a dema ndto ask for somethi ng, or ask some one to do someth ing, in a po lite or formal way3. a way of sp eak ing a Ian guage that is used only in a p articular area or by a particular group4. a look on a person s face that shows a mood or feelingsomethi ng you say, write, or do that shows what you think or feel5. to know who some one is or what somethi ng is aga in to acce ptor admit that someth ing is true or important6. a large vehicle that is used to transport goods; truck7. a way of say ing words that shows what coun try, regi on, or social class some onecomes fromthe bright flashes of light that you see in the sky duri ng a storm9.10. not bending, curvi ng or lea ningin an hon est, direct way, without trying to hide your meaningp iece of wood/st one etcdista nee along streetthe four city streets that form a square around an area of build ingsSentence Comp leti on1 2 3 4 All th e sailors must obey the captain s ________________ .It is very hard for a girl to drive a sixtee n-wheeled _______________ o n the highway.Rick speaks with a Cockney _________________ ; he s been living in London for a couple of years.A little girl is ofte n afraid of thun der and __________ , esp ecially at ni ght.A__________ line is the shortest dista nee betwee n two poin ts.Walk one more ______________ a nd you ' ll see the bank. You wonThtemrismitiaid. ”When I asked for leavi ng work a bit early this after noon, my boss refused my Sam is a native. He was born and raised here. So he can sp eak the local ______________________________Smile is the most beautiful in the world.fluently.10 She had cha nged so much that I could hardly her. UNIT 6Mult ip le-choice Questi ons erally sp eak ing, ___________ is very easy to lear n but it will take you a long time to have a good comma nd of it. a. cook ingb. En glishc. kung fud. yogaYour parents would give you a clear no to your request for _____________________ . a. p ocket money b. a new iPhone c. a mini skirtd. a skateboardCock ney is a dialect of ____________ . a. Spanish b. Korea n c. En glishd. Italia nThe expression on a girl s face c'n suggest whether she isa. happyb. dep ressedc. angryd. up setThe detective wore a _______________so that no one should recog nize him in p ublic.a. maskb. helmetc. wigd. p air of sun glassesThe___________ ran dow n the hill out of con trol and sixtee n tourists were badly injured in the accide nt.a. lorryb. cabc. coachd. min ibusIn the novel or movie, Sherlock Holmes has a strong _____________________ acce nt. a. Brookl yn b. Scottish c. Cock neyd. PolishStatistically sp eak ing, a forest fire is often caused by ______________ .a. campfireb. meteorc. light ningd. barbecueWho would say this to you: Hold your head up and kee p your back straight.a. a captainb. a ballet teacherc. a babysitterd. a hairdresserThere is a ___________ n ear your n eighborhood, which is only a few blocks from where or not.you live.a. drug storeb. supermarketc. barber shopd. grocer s shopTrue or False (T/F ) ;Agreement or Disagreement 1.2. 3. 4. 5. By readi ng this book, you will absolutely have a good comma nd of vocabulary in no time.A good husband should never refuse any of his wife s requests.' In Chi na, the dialect in one tow n may be quite differe nt from that of the next tow n. It is easy to know som ething bad happened from a girl s expression but it takes a long time to figure out the reas on. Sometimes if a person puts on so much weight that you will not be able torecog nize him or her. ________ 6. _________ 7. ________ 8.________ 9.10.A truck driver drives a lorry. We can tell where a person is from by his acce nt. After the light ning comes the thun der. Most young men like girls with straight hair that has no curls or waves. The whole bas in of water will turn into a block of ice immediately if you put it into the fridge.Oral Prese ntati ons 1 If you were going to leave this world in one year, what would be your last three requests? Do you have a good comma nd of sp oke n En glish? How about your classmates? Can you in troduce yourself to us in your local acce nt?7910cab journal transport prefer disadvantageMatch ing Words with Defin iti onsSentence Comp leti onMy classmates like going out on a picnic at the weeke nds, but I _____________________ readi ng at home. Sam's lack of educati on was a ________________ when he wan ted to look for a high-paying job. In America, you may tip the taxi drivers about 15% of the total ____________________ . The taxi didn t go' by the direct _____________ , but in a roundabout way. The water can t ______ _____ out. I think the pipe might be jammed or blocked. A: Shall we go to your office on foot or by a ________________ ? B: Let ' s take a taxi.Don 'waste your breath trying to _________________ him, he s too stubbor n to take your advice. If your company is just a couple of blocks away, you can _____________________ to work every day. It s' a good habit to keep a _____________ ; it can help you write down and remember what happened in the p ast.UNIT 7 fareroute flow p ersuade cycle1.a taxi2. 3.a magaz inea writte n record happen to you each day; diaryto move people or things from one p lace to ano ther, usually in a vehicle a system or method for carry ing p asse ngers or goods from one p lace to ano ther4. choose sth rather tha n sth else; like sth better5.somethi ng that causes p roblems, or that makes some one or someth ing less likely to be successful or effective6. the money that you pay for a trip or journey by bus, ship, taxi, etc7. a way from one p lace to ano thera way that buses, trains, ships, or air planes travel regularlya liquid, gas, or electricity moves in a steady con ti nu ous stream a smooth steady moveme nt of liquid, gas, or electricity9.to make some one agree to do someth ing by givi ng them reas ons why they should10.to use or ride a bicycle。
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UNIT 1survey upset ignore calm concernloose vet series outdoors spellbindMatching Words with Definitions______ 1. a set of questions that you ask______ 2. unhappy and worriedto make someone feel sad, worried, or angry______ 3. to pretend that you have not noticed someone or somethingto not consider something or not let it influence you______ 4. relaxed and quiet, not angry, nervous, or upsetto make someone feel more relaxed and less emotional______ 5. feeling of worry; anxiety; something that you think is importantto make someone feel worried or upset______ 6. not firmly fixed; not fastened together; not tight; not tied up______ 7. person who is skilled in the treatment of animal diseases and injuries______ 8. several events or things of a similar kind that happen one after the other______ 9. in the open air; outside, not in a building______10. to bind or hold by or as if by a spellSentence CompletionUsing the answer line provided, complete each item below with the correct word form.1.Excuse me, I’m doing a ______ about food likes and dislikes, would you please answer mesome questions?2.I wish to be a good ______ in the future —I really like animals.3.The rain prevented us from eating ______ so we had to stay at home.puter games can ______ many children. They just cannot put the games down.5.James was very ______ because he had lost his train ticket this morning.6.Don’t ______ your girlfriend’s feelings, or she will be very upset.7.Don’t upset. Try to keep ______ and just tell me what happened.8.Thank you for your ______. I’m feeling much better now.9.A: Your shoelace is ______. Why don’t you tie it up?B: Oh, thank you for your concern.10.As a high school student, you probably have to take a ______ of tests and exams each month. Multiple-choice Questions______ 1. Excuse me, I am doing a/an ______ about learning English. Can I ask you some questions?a. researchb. studyc. surveyd. investigation______ 2. Don’t do anything that would upset your ______.a. parentsb. bossc. teacherd. girlfriend______ 3. The best way to deal with a ______ is to ignore it.a. rumorb. gossipc. paind. bully______ 4. Try to keep ______ when angry. No matter how much you feel like losing your temper, don’t do it!a. coolb. awakec. calmd. reasonable______ 5. In China, many parents are naturally concerned about their children’s ______.a. studyb. healthc. safetyd. diet______ 6. Who might say this: I have got a loose tooth.a. a nurseb. a dentistc. a patientd. a boxer______ 7. For many students, high school life is nothing but a series of ______.a. examinationsb. daydreamsc. meetingsd. choices______ 8. In general, a ______ spends most of his time outdoors.a. farmerb. bakerc. hikerd. hairdresser______ 9. In general, ______ can spellbind many children.a. circusb. magicc. houseworkd. video games______10. Our pet dog was sick this morning so we took her to see the ______ on the street corner.a. doctorb. dentistc. vetd. mechanicTrue or False(T/F); Agreement or DisagreementAre the following statements true or false? Do you agree or disagree with them?______ 1. Don’t ignore small mistakes. They may cause big accidents.______ 2. Do not calm yourself down by having a drink or taking drugs.______ 3. We cannot always get what we expected just from a survey.______ 4. You and your classmates will be very upset to hear that a holiday has been cancelled. ______ 5. None of the girls in your class are concerned about their weights.______ 6. Loose clothes are more comfortable than tight ones.______ 7. Life is made up of a series of choices. What you have gotten today is what you chose yesterday.______ 8. In your city, it is warm enough to be outdoors all afternoon now.______ 9. A magician can hold the audiences spellbound.______10. Always ask your vet for advice be fore making changes to your pet’s diet or exercise routine.Oral Presentations1 Are you concerned about your weight? Do you often work out?2 What is it that upset you the most this week?3 Have you ever ignored your friend’s f eelings?UNIT 2dusk thunder entirely power curtaindusty settle suffer loneliness highwayMatching Words with Definitions______ 1. the period of time at the end of the day just before it becomes dark______ 2. the loud noise that you hear during a storm, usually after a flash of lightning if it thunders, you hear thunder in the sky______ 3. completely, or in every way______ 4. physical force or strengththe ability or right to control people or events______ 5. a long piece of cloth, usually one of a pair, that hangs down and covers a window______ 6. covered with dry earth, sand or dust; full of dust______ 7. start living in a placeto end an argument or solve a disagreement______ 8. to experience physical or mental painto experience something very unpleasant or painful; undergo______ 9. a lonely experience or situation makes you unhappy______10. a wide road built for fast travel between towns and citiesSentence Completion1 Drivers often put the car lights on at ______ on their way home.2 Sometimes you can’t place the blame ______ on others; it’s perhaps your own mistake.3 Knowledge is ______ —it gives you strength and energy.4 Can you pull down the ______? The light is too strong in the living room.5 In general, ______ often happens at the same time as lightning in the storm.6 My car broke down in the middle of the ______ and there was still a long way to go.7 Although you have many friends around you, but deep down, you may have a feeling of______ in your heart.8 After working on the farm for a whole day, Jim was very ______ and dirty and he went into the bathroom to take a shower.9 My parents decided to ______ down in a small town after they retired.10 No one likes to stay together with smok ers for a long time. They don’t want to ______ from second-hand smoke(SHS).Multiple-choice Questions______ 1. In general, The sky is often very beautiful at ______.a. dawnb. sunrisec. duskd. twilight______ 2. Where is the safest place to hide during thunders?a. under the treeb. in the basementc. in the squared. at the top of a mountain ______ 3. In our lives, ______ are never to be entirely trusted.a. neighborsb. friendsc. colleaguesd. relatives______ 4. Believe it or not, women have a lot of ______ power.a. earningb. purchasingc. bargainingd. intellectual______ 5. When you play hide-and-seek with your pals, you can hide yourself behind the ______ in your classroom.a. doorb. curtainc. cupboardd. bookshelf______ 6. Your clothes would be dusty all over after you had played ______ with your pals.a. basketballb. badmintonc. footballd. golf______ 7. Jason just hasn’t met the rig ht ______ yet. When he does, he’ll be ready to settle down.a. cityb. jobc. girld. opportunity______ 8. Who may say this: Don’t worry, the kitte n won’t suffer any pain.a. a dentistb. a butcherc. a vetd. a babysitter______ 9. Don’t start dating merely because of ______.a. emptyb. desirec. lonelinessd. curiosity______10. Generally speaking, you can’t stop your car on the ______.a. freewayb. pavementc. highwayd. motorwayTrue or False(T/F);Agreement or Disagreement______ 1. Bats often fly about at dusk.______ 2. There is rain after thunder.______ 3. There is no entirely friendship between men and women.______ 4. A fortune-teller has the power to see the future.______ 5. Schoolboys often pull down the curtain when they change their clothes at home.______ 6. When there’s a strong wind outside, it must be very dusty in your living room.______ 7. The secret to stay young is to have a heart that never wants to settle.______ 8. When parents argue cons tantly, it’s the children who suffer most.______ 9. Loneliness is sometimes your best friend.______10. In China, the speed limit on the highway is 100 kilometers per hour.Oral Presentations1When it thunders, why do we see the lighting first, then hear the thunder rolls?2Can you depend entirely on the weather report when you go for a trip?3Why doesn’t a highway keep a straight line over a long distance?UNIT 3recover pack suitcase overcoat teenagergossip disagree grateful dislike tipMatching Words with Definitions______ 1. to get better and become fit and healthy againto return to a normal condition______ 2. to put into a bag, suitcase, or box so that you can take or send them somewhere things wrapped together; bag; small container______ 3. a large case with a handle, used for carrying clothes and possessions when you travel ______ 4. a long warm coat that you wear in cold weather______ 5. a young person between the ages of 13 and 19______ 6. conversation about unimpo rtant things, especially people’s private livesto talk about other people or about things that are not important______ 7. have a different opinion (from sb); not agree______ 8. feeling that you want to thank someone because of something kind that they have done; thankful______ 9. to not like someone or somethinga feeling of not liking someone or something______10. a small sum of money that is given to (a waiter, taxi-driver, etc)a useful suggestion; a helpful piece of adviceSentence Completion1 It took Jason a long time to ______ from a bad cold and he is healthy as usual now.2 I don’t like to spread ______s, but between you and me, they got married secretly last week.3 You’d better ______ your bags now. We’re leaving for the airport in an hour.4 I can’t pack any more clothes into the ______ —it’s full.5 You’d better put on your ______. It’s much too cold outside.6 Sex education should start from the ______s. Too many young kids still don’t know the basicfacts of life.7 I’m very ______ that you didn’t tell my mother about this matter. She will absolutely disagree with it.8 I ______ living in the noisy city. I hope to settle down in the country when I retired.9 In the restaurant, the Americans often leave a ______ to the waiter on the table.10 Teenagers and their parents often ______ on most topics. There are so many differentopinions between them.Multiple-choice Questions______ 1. After a few days of ______, Amy began to recover.a. flub. temperaturec. feverd. heart attack______ 2. Don’t forget to pack your ______ when you go for a two-week holiday.a. toothbrushb. underwearc. razord. battery charger______ 3. It was careless of you to have left the ______ in the taxi.a. walletb. briefcasec. suitcased. cellphone______ 4. Don’t forget to put on your ______, it’s cold outside.a. glovesb. scarfc. overcoatd. raincoat______ 5. Teenagers should not get into the habit of ______ too early.a. drinkingb. lyingc. smokingd. reading______ 6. Don’t believe all the ______ you hear.a. newsb. advicec. rumorsd. gossips______ 7. When people disagree with your ideas or opinions, you may feel a little ______.a. relaxedb. excitedc. upsetd. angry______ 8. I’m very grateful for all your help with my ______. Thank you so much.a. homeworkb. essayc. houseworkd. presentation______ 9. Most teenagers dislike ______.a. homeworkb. houseworkc. cyber gamesd. getting up early______10. In America, people usually tip ______.a. waitersb. portersc. guidesd. cab driversTrue or False(T/F);Agreement or Disagreement______ 1. It may take many years to recover from the death of a beloved pet.______ 2. Don’t let your parents pack your bag when you go on a trip. They may put everything they think useful into the baggage.______ 3. Women can always manage to pack many things into a small suitcase.______ 4. A thick overcoat is a good defense against the cold.______ 5. It is a piece of cake to educate the teenagers nowadays.______ 6. The gossip of two women will destroy two families.______ 7. Even friends disagree sometimes.______ 8. Look around you and be truly grateful for all that you see.______ 9. Cats dislike dogs, and vice versa.______10. If you are a visitor to the America, you don’t need to leave money as a tip at the restaurant.Oral Presentations1 What do you often do in order to recover from a bad mood?2 Did you have any heroes when you were a teenager?3 How much should we tip at a restaurant in America?UNIT 4swap item subway elevator petrolofficial voyage conquer native apartmentMatching Words with Definitions______ 1. to give something to someone and get something in return______ 2. one thing on a list of things to buy, do, talk about, etca single subject that you are discussing or dealing with______ 3. a railroad that goes under the ground______ 4. a machine that carries people up and down between the levels of a tallbuilding; lift______ 5. gasoline; a liquid obtained from petroleum______ 6. said, approved of or done by someone in authority, especially the government ______ 7. animal or plant that lives or grows naturally in a certain areagrowing, living, produced etc in one particular place______ 8. a long trip, especially by boat or into space______ 9. to gain control over something that is difficult, using a lot of effortto win a victory______10. a set of rooms on one floor of a large building; flatSentence Completion1. A car runs on ______; a person lives on food.2. Excuse me, can we ______ our seats for a while? I’d like to sit with my friend together.3. The Australians speak English as their ______ language.4. How pleasant it is to go on a ______ on the smooth sea!5. To ______ English is not easy. To make a plan first is a good idea.6. A ______ is an electric train and it goes underground.7. The ______ broke down and we had to walk up the tenth floor.8. An ______ is one of a list of things for someone to do, deal with, or talk about.9. Maggie lives in a small ______ which is on the third floor of an old building.10. Morgan speaks English, but his ______ tongue is German. He was born in Germany.Multiple-choice Questions______ 1. Girls in high school often swap ______ with each other.a. blousesb. seatsc. gossipsd. magazines______ 2. The fir st item on a girl’s daily timetable would be ______.a. making upb. daydreamingc. studyd. gossiping______ 3. The first subway in the world was built in ______ in 1863.a. Budapestb. Bostonc. Londond. Paris______ 4. Do not stop the closing doors of a/an ______ with your hands. It’s extremely dangerous.a. subwayb. tramc. elevatord. cable car______ 5. A car runs on ______.a. steamb. petrolc. electricityd. diesel oil______ 6. English is the official language in ______.a. Australiab. Canadac. Fijid. Pakistan______ 7. Life is often compared to a ______.a. tripb. journeyc. voyaged. tour______ 8. The ______ conquered England in 1066.a. Romansb. Vikingsc. Normansd. Spain______ 9. English is spoken as the native language in ______.a. Russiab. Italyc. Canadad. Australia______10. You are living in______ at present.a. an apartmentb. a cavec. a cottaged. a dormTrue or False(T/F);Agreement or Disagreement______ 1. Do not swap horse when crossing a stream.______ 2. To a schoolboy, the most important item on his daily schedule is to do as the teacher says.______ 3. A nickel will get you on the subway, but garlic will get you a seat.______ 4. Do not use the elevator in case of fire.______ 5. A car is almost useless without petrol.______ 6. The Filipinos speak English as their official language.______ 7. In the past, the sea voyage was a dangerous way to travel.______ 8. Men conquer the world; women conquer men.______ 9. Sometimes a person speaks English so good that we may think he is a native speaker.______10. In America, the rent of an apartment is much lower than that of a house.Oral Presentations1. If you could swap being a millionaire in the world for one thing, what would it be?2. Is there a subway in your city? How do you go to work every day?3. In your opinion, what is the be st way to conquer or win a girl’s heart?UNIT 5base gradual enrich vocabulary spellinglatter identity fluent frequent usageMatching Words with Definitions______ 1. the bottom or lowest part, edge, or surface of somethinga place where members of the military live and workto use something as the thing from which something else is developed ______ 2. happening slowly over a long period of time; little by little______ 3. to make something better or more enjoyableto improve the quality of something______ 4. all the words that someone knows or uses______ 5. the act of spelling words correctly, or the ability to do this______ 6. being the second of two things, people or groups______ 7. who you are, what your name is or what sb/sth is______ 8. able to speak a language very well______ 9. happening or doing something often______10. the way that words are used in a languagethe way in which something is used, or the amount of it that is used Sentence Completion1. All soldiers are supposed to be back at the military ______ by nine o’ clock every night.2. Reading English novels is one of the best ways of improving your ______.3. Of the two choices, I’d prefer the ______. I think it’s better than the former.4. Spiderman is not a real name; nobody knows his true ______.5. Catherine is very ______ in English because it is her native tongue.6. Natty is a ______ visitor to our store. She often comes here.7. It is important to ______ the soil before planting, then the plants will grow well.8. Losing weight is a slow, ______ process.9. A ______ is the correct order of the letters in a word.10. Could you explain the ______ of this word for me again? I just forgot how to use it. Multiple-choice Questions______ 1. A good relationship is often based on ______.a. trustb. moneyc. understandingd. mutual respect______ 2. Generally speaking, ______ is a slow, gradual process.a. losing weightb. growing upc. ageingd. learning a new language______ 3. Believe it or not,______ can greatly enrich your life.a. paintingb. musicc. readingd. traveling______ 4. In general, ______ has the largest vocabulary of any language.a. Frenchb. Italianc. Englishd. Spanish______ 5. There are many differences between British and American English in ______.a. pronunciationb. grammarc. spellingd. expression______ 6. One can travel by ship or by plane. To save time, most people prefer to choose the ______ .a. formerb. latter______ 7. A/an ______ usually doesn’t want the public to know about his real identity. He prefers to keep it secret.a. spyb. detectivec. undercoverd. policeman______ 8. Many people who live in Hong Kong can speak fluent ______.a. Englishb. Spanishc. Cantonesed. Portuguese______ 9. You are a frequent customer of a ______ in your neighborhood.a. restaurantb. hotelc. barber shopd. pharmacy______10. It is necessary for us to learn the ______ of the vocabulary by heart.a. spellingb. usagec. origind. pronunciationTrue or False(T/F);Agreement or Disagreement______ 1. Do not base your happiness on how much money you make. Wealth does not necessarily bring happiness.______ 2. There has been a gradual warming of the earth in recent years.______ 3. Reading does not enrich the mind.______ 4. There aren’t any differences between British and American English in spelling and vocabulary.______ 5. Spelling mistakes are often just the result of carelessness.______ 6. Given the choice between working for someone else and starting one’s own business, many people would prefer the latter.______ 7. You don’t need to show your identity card when you book a room at the hotel.______ 8. In your city, most of the middle school English teachers can speak fluent English. ______ 9. Frequent drinking of coffee is good for health.______10. There is a gradual increase in the car usage among the teenagers in China.Oral Presentations1 Would you please introduce us some good methods to speak fluent English?2 One can go for a trip by train or plane. Which one would you choose, the former or the latter?3 Is there any difference between British English and American English?Unit Test 1Find and Match the contradictory terms (antonyms)1 A_____ 1. loose a. tight_____ 2. outdoors b. agree_____ 3. disagree c. ungrateful_____ 4. grateful d. like_____ 5. dislike e. indoorsB_____ 1. arrest a. sudden_____ 2. gradual b. former_____ 3. latter c. infrequent_____ 4. frequent d. advantages_____ 5. disadvantages e. releaseC_____ 1. useful a. weak_____ 2. active b. passive_____ 3. powerful c. illegal_____ 4. legal d. kindness_____ 5. cruelty e. uselessD_____ 1. rare a. worthless_____ 2. valuable b. formal_____ 3. informal c. modern_____ 4. ancient d. irrelevant_____ 5. relevant e. common4 A_____ 1. similarity a. artificial_____ 2. natural b. rural_____ 3. urban c. reality_____ 4. fiction d. genuine_____ 5. fake e. differenceB_____ 1. strengths a. famine_____ 2. decrease b. weaknesses_____ 3. active c. increase_____ 4. arrest d. inactive_____ 5. feast e. releaseC_____ 1. arrival a. sadness_____ 2. independent b. departure_____ 3. necessity c. dependent_____ 4. happiness d. luxury_____ 5. strength e. weaknessD_____ 1. apologize a. polite_____ 2. advantages b. forgive_____ 3. ahead c. disadvantages_____ 4. patience d. behind_____ 5. rude e. impatienceUNIT 6 command request dialect expression recognizelorry accent lightning straight blockMatching Words with Definitions______ 1. an official order that should be obeyedorder someone to do something; to control something______ 2. an act of asking for something in a polite or formal way; a demandto ask for something, or ask someone to do something, in a polite or formal way ______ 3. a way of speaking a language that is used only in a particular area or by aparticular group______ 4. a look on a person’s face that shows a mood or feelingsomething you say, write, or do that shows what you think or feel ______ 5. to know who someone is or what something is againto accept or admit that something is true or important______ 6. a large vehicle that is used to transport goods; truck______ 7. a way of saying words that shows what country, region, or social classsomeone comes from______ 8. the bright flashes of light that you see in the sky during a storm______ 9. not bending, curving or leaningin an honest, direct way, without trying to hide your meaning ______10. piece of wood/stone etcdistance along streetthe four city streets that form a square around an area of buildings Sentence Completion1 All th e sailors must obey the captain’s ______.2 It is very hard for a girl to drive a sixteen-wheeled ______ on the highway.3 Rick s peaks with a Cockney ______; he’s been living in London for a couple of years.4 A little girl is often afraid of thunder and ______, especially at night.5 A ______ line is the shortest distance between two points.6 “Walk one more ______ a nd you’ll see the bank. You won’t miss it.” The man said.7 When I asked for leaving work a bit early this afternoon, my boss refused my ______.8 Sam is a native. He was born and raised here. So he can speak the local ______ fluently.9 Smile is the most beautiful ______ in the world.10 She had changed so much that I could hardly ______ her.Multiple-choice Questions______ 1. Generally speaking, ______ is very easy to learn but it will take you a long time to have a good command of it.a. cookingb. Englishc. kung fud. yoga______ 2. Your parents would give you a clear no to your request for ______.a. pocket moneyb. a new iPhonec. a miniskirtd. a skateboard______ 3. Cockney is a dialect of ______.a. Spanishb. Koreanc. Englishd. Italian______ 4. The expression on a girl’s face can suggest whether she is ______ or not.a. happyb. depressedc. angryd. upset______ 5. The detective wore a ______ so that no one should recognize him in public.a. maskb. helmetc. wigd. pair of sunglasses______ 6. The ______ ran down the hill out of control and sixteen tourists were badly injured in the accident.a. lorryb. cabc. coachd. minibus______ 7. In the novel or movie, Sherlock Holmes has a strong ______ accent.a. Brooklynb. Scottishc. Cockneyd. Polish______ 8. Statistically speaking, a forest fire is often caused by ______.a. campfireb. meteorc. lightningd. barbecue______ 9. Who would say this to you: Hold your head up and keep your back straight.a. a captainb. a ballet teacherc. a babysitterd. a hairdresser______10. There is a ______ near your neighborhood, which is only a few blocks from where you live.a. drug storeb. supermark etc. barber shopd. grocer’s shopTrue or False(T/F);Agreement or Disagreement______ 1. By reading this book, you will absolutely have a good command of vocabulary in no time.______ 2. A good husband shou ld never refuse any of his wife’s requests.______ 3. In China, the dialect in one town may be quite different from that of the next town. ______ 4. It is easy to know something bad happened from a girl’s expression but it takes a long time to figure out the reason.______ 5. Sometimes if a person puts on so much weight that you will not be able to recognize him or her.______ 6. A truck driver drives a lorry.______ 7. We can tell where a person is from by his accent.______ 8. After the lightning comes the thunder.______ 9. Most young men like girls with straight hair that has no curls or waves.______10. The whole basin of water will turn into a block of ice immediately if you put it into the fridge.Oral Presentations1 If you were going to leave this world in one year, what would be your last three requests?2 Do you have a good command of spoken English? How about your classmates?3 Can you introduce yourself to us in your local accent?UNIT 7cab journal transport prefer disadvantagefare route flow persuade cycleMatching Words with Definitions______ 1. a taxi______ 2. a magazinea written record happen to you each day; diary______ 3. to move people or things from one place to another, usually in a vehiclea system or method for carrying passengers or goods from one place to another______ 4. choose sth rather than sth else; like sth better______ 5. something that causes problems, or that makes someone or something less likely to be successful or effective______ 6. the money that you pay for a trip or journey by bus, ship, taxi, etc______ 7. a way from one place to anothera way that buses, trains, ships, or airplanes travel regularly______ 8. a liquid, gas, or electricity moves in a steady continuous streama smooth steady movement of liquid, gas, or electricity。