高中英语外研版必修5Module 1 单元小结
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n gram m ar and prepositions. st i fferences betw een them exi the di sh use on the team . ti e the B ri l n the team , w hi cans use i A m eri n fferences betw een the tw o varieties i so di rd, there are al Thi sh ’ s i sh E ngl ti on. Compared with B ri ati ng and pronunci i l spel ng seem s simpler. The w ork i l sh ’s spel i can E ngl ng, A m eri i l spel s variation. N oah of N oah made a difference, leading to thi ng and m ade them i l simplified som e w ords ’ spel can look. distinctive A m eri have a
Fra Baidu bibliotek
语言学家,即研究语言学的人说美式英语和英式英语有很 多共同特点。也就是说,前者与后者很相似。但事实上他们在 许多方面不同。首先,两者在词汇方面不同。比如,人们乘地 铁 (underground) 在 伦 敦 四 处 走 动 , 而 在 纽 约 人 们 乘 地 铁 (subway)走动。而且,同一个单词在意思上也有稍微不同,这 可能令人感到困惑。第二,两者之间的不同还存在于语法和介 词中。美国人用 in the team,而英国人用 on the team。第三, 这两个不同种类在拼写和读音上也有所不同。与英式英语拼写 相比,美式英语的拼写似乎更简单。诺亚的工作产生
can ots of new A m eri ng l ntroduci onary, i cti H e w rote a di though ng. A l i l on, use and new spel ati w ords, pronunci t and w eren ’t in favour of these sh criticised i ti B ri cans ar am ong A m eri t rapidly becam e popul changes, i onary becam e a cti thanks to N oah ’s attempt. The di n the U S A . standard reference book i
了很大影响,导致了这种变化。诺亚简化了一些单词的拼写, 使它们有明显的美国面貌。他写了一本字典,引进了很多新的 美国单词、读音、用法以及新的拼写。尽管英国人批评这本字 典,不支持这些变化,但多亏了诺亚的努力,它很快在美国人 中流行起来。这本字典已成了美国的一本标准的参考书。
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linguistics, say A m eri can E ngl i sh has a lot in common w i th B ri ti sh E ngl i sh. That i s, the form er is similar to the l atter. B ut i n fact they differ i n m any w ays. Fi rst, they have di fferences i n vocabul ary. For exam pl e, peopl e get around i n London by underground, w hi l ei n N ew Y ork by subway. B esi des, the sam e w ord has a sl i ghtl y di fferent m eani ng, w hi ch can be confusing. S econd,