Direct Reprogramming of Hepatic Myofibroblasts into Hepatocytes In Vivo Attenuates Liver Fibrosis.
铁死亡是一种铁依赖形式的非凋亡细胞死亡,其特征是脂质ROS 的积累[4]。
GPX4将脂质氢过氧化物转化为脂质醇,这一过程阻止了铁(Fe 2+)依赖的有毒脂质活性氧(ROS )的形成。
RSL3是一种常用的铁死亡诱导剂,通过抑制谷胱甘肽Rapamycin enhances inhibitory effect of RSL3on proliferation,invasion and migration of testicular cancer I-10cells in vitroLI Bin,WANG Yue,HOU Fengwei,DU Jiaru,TONG XuhuiSchool of Pharmacy,Bengbu Medical College,Anhui Provincial Engineering Research Center for Biochemical Pharmaceuticals,Bengbu 233030,China摘要:目的探究雷帕霉素增强RSL3对睾丸癌细胞I-10的增殖、侵袭与迁移能力的抑制作用。
方法MTT 法检测RSL3(Type II )及合用雷帕霉素(RAPA )作用后I-10细胞的存活率。
将RSL3(0~16μmol/L )分别以及联合16μmol/L 雷帕霉素作用于睾丸癌细胞I-10,采用MTT 法检测I-10细胞增殖抑制情况,利用集落克隆形成实验检测细胞增殖能力,采用划痕实验和Transwell 小室检测I-10细胞的迁移与侵袭能力,采用流式细胞术检测I-10细胞的脂质活性氧水平,采用GSH 和MDA 检测试剂盒检测细胞中GSH 和MDA 含量,利用Western blot 检测细胞GPX4蛋白表达。
·肝纤维化及肝硬化·DOI:10.12449/JCH240413磁共振成像胆道评分和肝肌比值评估肝纤维化病理分级的价值黄璐1,陆力坚21 广西医科大学第一附属医院感染性疾病科,南宁 5300212 广西医科大学附属武鸣医院放射科,南宁 530199通信作者:陆力坚,*******************(ORCID:0000-0002-5605-9031)摘要:目的 探讨钆塞酸二钠多期增强MRI扫描所得胆道评分和肝肌比值在评估肝纤维化病理分级中的应用价值。
方法 回顾性分析2020年1月—2023年5月广西医科大学附属武鸣医院51例慢性乙型肝炎肝纤维化患者的MRI和临床资料。
扫描采用GE Architact 3.0T磁共振扫描仪,包括常规肝脏平扫,动脉期、门静脉期、延迟期、肝胆期、排泄期的增强扫描。
结果 低级别组胆道评分(3.67±0.55)大于高级别组(2.57±0.75)(t=6.05,P<0.001);低级别组门静脉期、延迟期、肝胆期的肝肌比值(2.38±0.76,2.48±0.70,4.10±0.63)均大于高级别组(1.97±0.18,1.99±0.27,3.16±0.47)(t值分别为2.41、3.09、5.81,P值分别为0.020、0.003、<0.001)。
溶血磷脂酸对在体海马星形胶质细胞增殖的影响朱扬;张兆辉;曾伟;高岩;许泽武;徐金梅【期刊名称】《中国现代医学杂志》【年(卷),期】2012(22)29【摘要】目的探讨溶血磷脂酸(LPA)对在体海马星形胶质细胞(AST)的影响.方法在立体定向仪下向大鼠海马CA1区注射50μm LPA,在不同时间点(10 rnin、30 min、60 min、1d、3d、5d、7d、14d、21 d),采用免疫荧光标记法检测注射部位胶原纤维酸性蛋白(GFAP)含量并使用激光共聚焦扫描查看GFAP的分布情况.结果 LPA注射后,GFAP阳性细胞数显著增加,与PBS对照组比较差异有统计学意义(P <0.05),并随时间延长,GFAP荧光强度逐渐增加,呈时间依赖性,至LPA注射后3周仍可见增加.结论 LPA可以促进大鼠海马AST增殖,时间至少可以持续3周.【总页数】4页(P53-56)【作者】朱扬;张兆辉;曾伟;高岩;许泽武;徐金梅【作者单位】武汉大学人民医院神经内科;武汉大学人民医院神经内科;武汉市第五医院神经内科,湖北武汉430060;武汉大学人民医院神经内科;武汉大学人民医院神经内科;武汉大学人民医院神经内科【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R743;R-332【相关文献】1.溶血磷脂酸通过蛋白激酶C-α/钙离子途径促进大鼠星形胶质细胞增殖 [J], 甘娜;尹飞;彭镜;张红媛2.低浓度溶血磷脂酸诱导海马神经元凋亡及其对 c-jun 磷酸化的影响 [J], 王恒飞;李鹏;付淑珍3.溶血磷脂酸通过ERK1/2通道诱导在体海马星形胶质细胞增殖 [J], 朱扬;张兆辉;曾伟;高延;许泽武;徐金梅4.溶血磷脂酸对脊髓星形胶质细胞增殖的影响 [J], 刘淼;王伟;骆翔;付佩彩;喻志源5.溶血磷脂酸通过G蛋白耦联受体促进大鼠星形胶质细胞增殖的研究 [J], 甘娜;尹飞;彭镜因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000⁃484X.2020.21.026干扰素调节因子7(IRF7)与系统性硬化症关系研究进展闭雄杰 (广西科技大学第一附属医院,柳州545002) 中图分类号 R593.25 文献标志码 A 文章编号 1000⁃484X (2020)21⁃2686⁃05作者简介:闭雄杰,男,硕士,主任技师,主要从事免疫学方面的研究㊂[摘 要] 系统性硬化症(SSc)是一种以血管病变㊁皮肤和内脏纤维化㊁免疫调节紊乱为特征的致死风险高的自身免疫性疾病,其首要死因是肺纤维化和肺动脉高压㊂如何破解SSc 纤维化难题,是降低SSc 患者死亡率的关键㊂目前,SSc 病因尚不清楚,尚无有效的治疗方案㊂近年来研究表明,Ⅰ型干扰素(IFN)在SSc 纤维化的发病中起重要作用,而IRF7作为Ⅰ型IFN 的最主要调节因子参与Ⅰ型IFN 诱导基因的转录调控及促进单核/巨噬细胞的表达和TGF⁃β信号转导,可能参与了SSc 发病中纤维化的形成㊂[关键词] 干扰素;系统性硬化症;干扰素调节因子7Research progress of relationship between interferon regulatory factor 7(IRF7)and systemic sclerosisBI Xiong⁃Jie .The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi University of Science and Technology ,Liuzhou 545002,China[Abstract ] Systemic sclerosis (SSc)is an autoimmune disease characterized by angiopathy,skin and visceral fibrosis,andimmune regulation disorders.The primary cause of death is pulmonary fibrosis and pulmonary hypertension.How to solve the problem of SSc fibrosis is the key to reduce the mortality of SSc patients.At present,the etiology of SSc is not clear,and there is no effective treat⁃ment.Recent studies have shown that type Ⅰinterferon (IFN)plays an important role in the pathogenesis of SSc fibrosis.IRF7,as the most important regulator of type ⅠIFN,participates in the transcription regulation of type ⅠIFN⁃induced genes,promotes the expression of monocytes /macrophages and TGF⁃βsignal transduction,and may be involved in the formation of fibrosis in the pathogenesis of SSc.[Key words ] Interferon;Systemic sclerosis;Interferon regulatory factor 7 系统性硬化症(systemic sclerosis,SSc)是一种以血管病变㊁皮肤和内脏纤维化㊁免疫调节紊乱为特征的慢性㊁多系统自身免疫性疾病[1,2]㊂目前,SSc 的病因尚不清楚,尚无有效的治疗方案㊂近年来,相关研究结果表明,Ⅰ型干扰素(IFN)在SSc 纤维化的发病中起着重要作用,但是其诱导的下游分子如何参与SSc 病理生理的确切机制尚不清楚㊂最近研究发现,IRF7被认为是Ⅰ型IFN 的最主要调节因子,其过度激活可能参与SSc 纤维化的发病机制,现就有关研究进展综述如下㊂1 IRF7基因结构IRF7,被称为淋巴特异性因子㊂人IRF7基因位于11p15.5染色体上,有4种剪接体,分别是IRF7A㊁⁃B㊁⁃C 和⁃H,不同的剪接体表现某一个结构域的缺失(图1),通过随机基因敲除的方法确定IRF7识别的序列为5′⁃GAAA /TNC /TGAAANT /C⁃3′㊂IRF7的氨基端含有一个由115个氨基酸组成的可与DNA 结合的结构域(DNA binding domain,DBD),其中DBD 能特异性结合IFN 于ISRE,DBD 确定为1~149位氨基酸,紧邻DBD 结构域的是CAD(constitutive activation domain),即活化结构域,确定为150~246位氨基酸㊂SRD(signal response domain)位于278~305位氨基酸,称为病毒功能结构域,增加病毒诱导产生的活性㊂ID 位于372~467位氨基酸称为抑制结构域,主要抑制反式激活作用㊂C 末端为VAD (virus activated domain),是副诱导区域,同时这个区域也是IRF7的磷酸化位点所在区域㊂上述区域是根据其诱导IFN 过程中的作用进行的划分[3]㊂IRF7受Ⅰ型IFN 的调控,也受TLR3㊁TLR4㊁TLR7/9的调控[4]㊂激活的IRF7可导致大量Ⅰ型IFN 的分泌㊂据研究报道,已经确定IRF7基因有几个易感位点与自身免疫性疾病相关,其中位点rs1131665与SSc 密切有关[5,6]㊂2 IRF7的激活Ⅰ型IFN㊁TNF⁃α㊁IL⁃1β和病毒感染均可诱导IRF7在脾脏㊁胸腺和外周血淋巴细胞的B 细胞浆㊁㊃6862㊃中国免疫学杂志2020年第36卷浆细胞树突状细胞(pDCs)和单核细胞中持续表达㊂未活化的IRF7存在于细胞质中㊂在病毒感染的早期,病原体与识别受体(PRRs)结合,激发TLR9/7诱导IRF7磷酸化;IRF7磷酸化后与磷酸化的IRF3(受TLR3㊁TLR4诱导)进入细胞核内,与其他协同激活因子(如P300结合蛋白)形成转录复合物;该转录复合物与IFN⁃α和IFN⁃β启动子中的病毒应答物质(VRES)结合诱导产生少量Ⅰ型IFN [7]㊂这些少量Ⅰ型IFN 与细胞膜上的IFN 受体(IFNR)结合,激活JNK 激酶信号,导致信号转导子和转录激活因子(STAT)⁃1和⁃2的磷酸化而激活;激活的STAT⁃1和⁃2与IRF9形成复合物 IFN 刺激的基因因子3”;该复合物与IRF7启动子上的IFN 刺激反应物结合,诱导合成更多的IRF7㊂新合成的IRF7通过正反馈调节促进生成更多的IFN 而产生强大的放大效应㊂除TLR9/7和IFN 受体外,炎症细胞因子IL⁃1β也能刺激人星形胶质细胞IRF7的表达㊂IL⁃1β是一种由活化的单核/巨噬细胞和上皮细胞产生的炎症细胞因子,对宿主产生炎症㊁感染性或免疫攻击的反应[8]㊂动物模型研究结果表明,IL⁃1β诱导的急性肺炎症㊁重塑和纤维化依赖于IL⁃1R1和MyD88信号通道㊂在培养的小鼠IRF7缺失的胚胎成纤维细胞中,病毒诱导的MyD88信号通道对IFN⁃α/βmRNA 水平不升高反而明显降低[9]㊂此外,IRF7诱导pDCs 和单核细胞产生炎症细胞因子IL⁃6[10]㊂由此可见,IRF7在炎症㊁组织重塑和纤维化等方面具有重要的作用㊂本文根据Honda 等[11]报道的IRF7在细胞内模式识别受体激活及在Ⅰ型干扰素基因正反馈调控中的作用机理,提出IRF7激活的可能机制(图2)㊂图1 IRF7的4种剪接体示意图[3]Fig.1 Four splicing variants of IRF7[3]Note:Four splicing variants of IRF7have been identified,named IRF⁃7A,IRF⁃7B,IRF⁃7C,and IRF⁃7H.DBD is localized in the N⁃terminal region of IRF7.C⁃terminal region of IRF⁃7contains multipledomains,includingconstitutiveactivationdomain(CAD),virus⁃activated domain(VAD),inhibitory domain (ID),and signal response domain (SRD).3 IRF7与SScIRF7与包括SSc 在内的多种自身免疫性疾病有关[5,12]㊂基因芯片研究显示早期SSc 患者外周IRF7mRNA 表达上调[13]㊂最近一项研究也表明[14]:与健康对照组相比,SSc 患者的外周血单个核细胞中IRF7mRNA 表达升高;此外,对不同类型的SSc 患者分析,结果显示局限性皮肤系统硬化症患者的IRF7mRNA 表达显著高于健康对照组,而弥漫性皮肤系统硬化症患者IRF7mRNA 表达不升高,这可能与IRF7基因多态性有关㊂另一项独立研究表明,IRF7基因区域的变异与SSc 患者自身抗体ACA 的产生密切有关,并对疾病的发生发展起关键作用[6]㊂另一项研究显示,SSc 患者外周血单个核细胞IRF7转录水平与对照组相比差异无统计学意义,可能与该研究样本为晚期SSc 疾病患者且样本量较小有关[15]㊂因此,IRF7在SSc 发病中的作用机制需要进一步研究㊂4 IRF7在SSc 发病中的作用机制4.1 IRF7参与Ⅰ型IFN 诱导基因的转录调控 IRFs 在哺乳动物中该家族由9名成员组成:IRF1㊁图2 可能的IRF7激活机制示意图[11]Fig.2 Possible mechanisms of IRF7activation [11]Note:DNA or RNA of virus in the cytosol of virus⁃infected cells triggerstype ⅠIFN gene induction through TLR pathway;TLR3/TLR4recognizes dsRNA;TLR7mediates recognition of ssRNA;TLR9recognizes CpG DNA of viruses.TLR3utilizes TRIF;TLR4utilizes TRAF6.TLR7,TLR9use only MyD88;Phosphorylated IRF3,enabling IRF7interact with P300,initiate efficient transcription of target genes;After initial activation of type ⅠIFN genes isachieved by IRF7,positive⁃feedback regulation comes into effect.㊃7862㊃闭雄杰 干扰素调节因子7(IRF7)与系统性硬化症关系研究进展 第21期IRF2㊁IRF3㊁IRF4(又称LSIRF㊁PIP或ICSAT)㊁IRF5㊁IRF6㊁IRF7㊁IRF8(又称ICSBP)和IRF9(又称ISGF3γ),其最主要特征是参与Ⅰ型IFN和IFN诱导基因的转录调控,在调节先天和适应性免疫反应中发挥关键作用[12,16]㊂Ⅰ型IFN是天然免疫系统的关键调节因子,对免疫细胞的分化㊁增殖和促进炎症细胞因子的产生起关键的调节作用[17]㊂近年来,研究发现SSc患者外周血细胞中存在Ⅰ型IFN诱导基因功能失调和早期阶段甚至在没有发生皮肤纤维化之前血清中存在Ⅰ型IFN系统激活[18⁃20]㊂有报道,接受IFN⁃α治疗慢性病毒性肝炎的患者中并发SSc[21]㊂此外,对早期SSc患者皮下注射IFN⁃α治疗组与安慰剂治疗组相比,IFN⁃α治疗导致肺功能恶化,皮肤评分也没有改善[22]㊂有研究小组也报告了SSc患者外周血和皮肤组织中异常调控的Ⅰ型IFN诱导基因的转录模式[23⁃25]㊂有证据表明TLR的激活触发细胞内信号转导通路而参与了SSc的病理生理过程[26]㊂最近的研究结果显示,TLR3配体Poly I∶C刺激SSc皮肤成纤维细胞Ⅰ型IFN和TGF⁃β反应基因的表达[27];Ⅰ型IFN也通过上调SSc中TLR3的表达而增加真皮成纤维细胞的炎症潜能[28]㊂Bhattacharyya 等[29]通过激活典型的Smad信号和抑制抗纤维化的microRNA miR⁃29的表达,证实了TLR4信号激活成纤维细胞,促进胶原合成并增加组织重塑和细胞外基质基因的表达㊂因此,Ⅰ型IFN信号通路是通过TLR激活促进SSc纤维化㊂虽然Ⅰ型IFN激活系统的存在,但这种调控异常的Ⅰ型IFN信号转导和干扰素诱导下游分子参与SSc病理生理的确切机制尚不清楚㊂而近年来研究结果表明,在免疫反应中IRF7被认为是Ⅰ型IFN的最主要调节因子可能参与SSc纤维化的发生和发展[9]㊂4.2 IRF7参与促进单核/巨噬细胞的表达 单核/巨噬细胞系具有相当的多样性和可塑性,受信号分子㊁转录因子和表观遗传机制的复杂网络调控㊂单核/巨噬细胞是由循环血液单核细胞进入组织内转变而来㊂在组织内单核/巨噬细胞受到刺激做出反应,并显著改变其生理活性㊂单核/巨噬细胞大致可分为经典激活(M1型)和交替激活(M2型)两种类型[30]㊂两类单核/巨噬细胞功能并不相同,M1型主要参与炎症性的反应,而M2型被更多认为参与组织重塑和纤维化[31]㊂据有关报道,SSc患者血清中IL⁃4㊁IL⁃13表达增加,而IL⁃4或IL⁃13能够激活单核/巨噬细胞变成为M2型[32⁃34]㊂SSc患者皮肤活检结果表明M2单核/巨噬细胞表达增加[35]㊂目前研究结果认为,SSc患者M2单核/巨噬细胞表达增加与IL⁃6水平升高关系密切,使用IL⁃6受体阻滞剂能减少SSc患者皮肤M2的表达[36,37];Maier等[38]认为磷酸二酯酶4(PDE4)抑制剂通过干扰M2单核/巨噬细胞中的IL⁃6释放从而降低SSc皮肤纤维化的发生㊂最近报道,用博莱霉素(BLM)诱导的小鼠模型中,IRF5+/+小鼠中单核/巨噬细胞皮肤和肺内表达显著上升,但是在IRF5-/-小鼠则明显下降[39]㊂由于IRF7和IRF5具有高度的同源性,IRF7如何促进单核/巨噬细胞的表达,目前确切机制尚不清楚[40]㊂皮肤真皮组织中可能的M2型单核/巨噬细胞激活机制的示意图[30]㊂见图3㊂4.3 IRF7激活参与β转化生长因子(TGF⁃β)信号转导 SSc发病机制主要是由正常组织结构被渐进性的纤维化组织代替所致㊂最近的研究阐明,在许多重要的致纤维化的细胞因子和炎症介质中,TGF⁃β被认为是在SSc发生纤维化过程中起最重要作用的因子[41]㊂TGF⁃β促进成纤维细胞的增殖㊁分化㊁迁移㊁黏附和活化,并诱导细胞因子分泌,最重要的是促进胶原和细胞外基质的合成㊂鉴于TGF⁃β在SSc发病中的关键作用,TGF⁃β已成为一种潜在的图3 皮肤真皮纤维化中的巨噬细胞替代激活的可能机制和功能Fig.3 Possible mechanisms and functions of alternative activation of macrophages in dermal fibrosis Note:In the early inflammatory phase of the fibrotic process,in situ M2 polarization of macrophages may be induced by infiltrating Th2 cells via the release of several mediators,mainly IL⁃4and IL⁃13.In particular,M2macrophages may further promote Th2effector responses,neovascularization,and contribute to the transition of fi⁃broblasts into apoptosis⁃resistant profibrotic myofibroblasts via the production and release of fibrogenic cytokines and growth factors, such as TGF⁃β.㊃8862㊃中国免疫学杂志2020年第36卷治疗靶点㊂目前,TGF⁃β抗体已经在动物模型和临床SSc患者中进行了应用研究,并取得良好的治疗效果[42]㊂有研究表明,TLR3激动剂Poly(Ⅰ∶C)在体外和体内均能激活皮肤纤维化及Ⅰ型IFN表达升高[43];升高的Ⅰ型IFN通过激活Smad2/3促进TGF⁃β表达升高,而升高的TGF⁃β对SSc纤维化起关键作用[44]㊂有研究证实,Smad转录因子家族的C⁃末端区域与IRF7的C末端区域同源,诱导TGF⁃β的反应,其中Smad3是刺激TGF⁃β信号通路中生成胶原的关键成分[45]㊂Smad3与IRF7相互作用并在TGF⁃β/Smad3信号转导中调控IRF7的转录活性㊂IRF7激活后与其他IRF(如IRF3)形成转录复合物,该转录复合物与另一个转录共激活因子P300结合蛋白结合,参与Smad依赖性TGF⁃β信号转导并促进胶原合成㊂IRF7与P300结合蛋白四个不同区域相互作用不仅刺激了IRF7的内在转录活性,而且增强其与其他转录因子协同的能力[46]㊂IRF7与CBP/P300的相互作用有助于形成更多稳定蛋白转录复合物CBP/P300,增强TGF⁃β的转录反应从而促进胶原蛋白过度生成[47]㊂5摇展望SSc10年生存率约为66%,且伴随内脏受侵犯生存率骤降为38%[48],Elhai等[49]的一项40年2691例SSc患者的队列荟萃分析发现SSc是致死风险非常高的风湿免疫性疾病,过去40年其死亡风险并未得到改善,而首要死因就是心肺并发症,包括肺纤维化和肺动脉高压㊂因此,如何破解SSc的纤维化难题㊁有效改善肺纤维化,是降低SSc患者死亡率的关键㊂IRF7单核苷酸多态性(SNP)与SSc易感性有关,其中多态性位点rs1131665与SSc易感性关系最密切㊂IRF7参与Ⅰ型IFN诱导基因的转录调控及促进单核/巨噬细胞的表达和TGF⁃β信号转导㊂因此,IRF7作为Ⅰ型IFN的主要调节因子,其过度表达和激活可能参与了SSc纤维化的发病机制,可作为抗炎和抗纤维化药物发展的合适治疗靶点,从而减缓SSc的纤维化进程㊂参考文献:[1] Allanore Y,Simms R,Distler O,et al.Systemic sclerosis[J].NatRev Dis 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促红细胞生成素在斑马鱼胚胎发育中抑制肾脏细胞凋亡折剑青;娄博文;吴岳;袁祖贻【期刊名称】《中国病理生理杂志》【年(卷),期】2018(034)006【摘要】目的:研究促红细胞生成素(Epo)在斑马鱼早期胚胎肾脏细胞发育中的凋亡和坏死方面起到的作用.方法:使用吗啉反义寡核苷酸技术通过胚胎注射使Epo及其受体( EpoR)的表达下调,并用real-time PCR及血红蛋白染色进行基因下调的有效性验证.在胚胎受精48 h观察肾脏形态并进行TUNEL凋亡染色,使用流式细胞术分析Annexin V凋亡染色,并用Western blot进行Akt磷酸化验证.结果:Epo及EpoR基因表达下调的斑马鱼胚胎在受精48 h可见明显肾小球囊样改变,且肾小管颈部缩短消失. TUNEL及Annexin V染色结果提示受精48 h后,Epo及EpoR基因表达下调的斑马鱼胚胎中肾脏凋亡细胞增多,但EpoR基因下调的斑马鱼胚胎内主要表现为晚期凋亡细胞及坏死细胞增多. Western blot实验结果提示Epo及EpoR基因表达下调的斑马鱼胚胎较对照组Akt磷酸化减少(P<0.05).结论:促红细胞生成素可引起Akt磷酸化.促红细胞生成素通过保护肾脏细胞免于凋亡和坏死而在斑马鱼胚胎肾脏发育中发挥重要作用.【总页数】8页(P1067-1074)【作者】折剑青;娄博文;吴岳;袁祖贻【作者单位】西安交通大学第一附属医院心血管内科,陕西西安710048;西安交通大学第一附属医院心血管内科,陕西西安710048;西安交通大学第一附属医院心血管内科,陕西西安710048;西安交通大学第一附属医院心血管内科,陕西西安710048【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R692;R363【相关文献】1.山核桃叶总黄酮抑制TBBPA诱导斑马鱼胚胎发育毒性的研究 [J], 金位栋;杨苏文;孙丰超;丁志山;闫玉红;杜家慧2.反义抑制和过表达miR-219引起斑马鱼胚胎发育异常 [J], 张满仓;吕艳;戚艳婷;张智;付笑男;袁崇刚;赖立辉3.斑马鱼胚胎发育中细胞凋亡的研究进展 [J], 王琳;梁旭方;廖婉琴;周天鸿4.HSP90抑制剂根赤壳菌素对斑马鱼胚胎发育的影响 [J], 罗军涛;李艳;陶筱帆;刘玮;倪国军;张俊芳;韩兵社5.低氧对斑马鱼胚胎发育和红细胞生成的抑制作用 [J], 楚璐萌;田子颖;崔蕊;吴娇;于海川因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
驱动基因阳性局部晚期非小细胞肺癌靶向治疗序贯根治性放疗发生有症状放射性肺炎的风险因素分析谭佩欣,黄唯,张红丹,杜钦文,潘燚(广东省人民医院放疗科、广东省医学科学院,广州510080)[摘要]目的评估驱动基因阳性局部晚期非小细胞肺癌(non⁃small cell lung cancer ,NSCLC )靶向治疗序贯根治性放疗有症状放射性肺炎(radiation pneumonitis ,RP )的发生率及风险因素。
方法回顾性分析2017年1月至2020年4月在广东省人民医院接受靶向治疗序贯胸部放疗的不可手术Ⅲ期NSCLC 患者。
采用不良反应评价标准5.0版进行RP 分级,≥2级定义为有症状RP 。
使用χ2检验以及Kruskal Wallis 检验评估潜在的临床及剂量学危险因素。
结果13例入组患者,其中6例(46.1%)发生有症状RP 。
2级RP 5例,3级RP 1例。
经激素治疗后所有RP 均转归为肺纤维化1~2级。
单因素分析结果显示年龄、慢性阻塞性肺炎病史等临床因素与≥2级RP 不相关,V20、肺平均受量等剂量学因素均未见与≥2级RP 相关。
结论靶向治疗序贯胸部放疗后≥2级RP 的发生率较高,未发现与有症状RP 相关的临床或剂量学危险因素。
[关键词]非小细胞肺癌;靶向治疗;放疗;放射性肺炎[中图分类号]R734.2[文献标识码]ADOI :10.12019/j.issn.1671⁃5144.2020.04.010Risk Factors of Symptomatic Radiation Pneumonitis in Patients WithDriver Gene Positive Locally Advanced Non⁃Small Cell Lung Cancer After Targeted Therapy Followed by Sequential Radical RadiotherapyTAN Pei⁃xin ,HUANG Wei ,ZHANG Hong⁃dan ,DU Qin⁃wen ,PAN Yi(Department of Radiotherapy ,Guangdong Provincial People s Hospital ,Guangdong Academy of MedicalSciences ,Guangzhou 510080,China )Abstract :ObjectiveTo evaluate the incidence and risk factors of symptomatic radiation pneumonitis (RP )inpatients with driver gene positive locally advanced non⁃small cell lung cancer (NSCLC ).MethodsFrom January 2017to April 2020,patients with inoperable stage ⅢNSCLC who received targeted therapy followed by sequential thoracic radiotherapy in Guangdong Provincial People s Hospital were retrospectively analyzed.Radiation pneumonitis was graded according to the common terminology criteria for adverse events 5.0.The symptomatic RP was defined as ≥grade 2.Chisquare test and nonparametric Kruskal Wallis test were used to evaluate the potential clinical and dosimetric risk factors.ResultsAmong the 13patients ,6(46.1%)had symptomatic RP.There were 5cases of ≥grade 2RP and 1case ofgrade 3RP.After steroid treatment ,all RP were recovered and resulted in pulmonary fibrosis grade 1~2.Univariate analysis showed that age ,history of chronic obstructive pneumonia and other clinical factors were not associated with ≥grade 2RP.Dose factors such as V20and average lung dose were not related to ≥grade 2RP.ConclusionThe[基金项目]广东省医学科学技术研究基金资助项目(B2020024);广东省人民医院国自然配套启动资金资助项目(8190120260);广东省人民医院院内启动基金资助项目(8197110946);吴阶平医学基金资助项目(320.6750.19089⁃1)[作者简介]谭佩欣(1988-),女,广东佛山人,医师,博士研究生,从事肿瘤放射治疗研究。
Cell:美国著名癌症中心发现联合两种表观遗传抑制剂逆转了肿瘤免疫逃避,强效治疗肺癌订阅号APExBIO研究意义近日,来自美国约翰霍普金斯大学悉尼金梅尔综合癌症中心(The Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center)的研究团队设计了一个新的顺序联合治疗方案——DNA甲基转移酶抑制剂(先)+HDAC抑制剂(后)——对非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)具有强大的治疗效果。
图1 DNMTi+HDACi攻克肺癌的总机制肺癌(lung cancer)是一种常见的肺部恶性肿瘤,其发病率和死亡率增长最快,是威胁人类生命的最大恶性肿瘤之一。
免疫检查点(immune checkpoint)治疗的出现是一个巨大的进步,但只有极少数患者受益。
联合表观遗传治疗方案最常用的是用DNA甲基转移酶抑制剂(DNA methyltransferase inhibitors ,DNMTis)联合组蛋白脱乙酰酶抑制剂(histone deacetylase inhibitors,HDACis),前提是后者可以增强异常基因启动子DNA甲基化介导的异常沉默基因的重新表达。
锌螯合HDACis包含三大类:苯甲酰胺(benzamide),异羟肟酸(hydroxamic acid)和环四肽(cyclic tetrapeptides)。
正五聚蛋白3在腹膜透析相关性腹膜炎中的诊断价值柯莹;郑晓君;李清雲;崔彤霞;朱伟平【期刊名称】《中国血液净化》【年(卷),期】2023(22)1【摘要】目的探讨正五聚蛋白3(pentraxin3,PTX3)在腹膜透析相关性腹膜炎(Peritoneal dialysis-related peritonitis,PDRP)中的诊断价值。
收集研究对象的腹膜透析引出液(peritoneal effluent,PE),批量用酶联免疫吸附测定法检测PE中PTX3(pentraxin3 in peritoneal effluent,pPTX3)。
促红细胞生成素对缺氧缺血性脑损伤新生Wistar大鼠海马GFAP和BrdU表达的影响王旭芹;曹云涛;段淼【摘要】Objectives To explore the effect of exogenous erythropoietin (EPO) on the expression of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) in hippocampal CA1 region and 5- bromide -2- uracil (BrdU) in hippocampal DG region in neonatal Wistar rats with hypoxic-ischemic brain damage (HIBD). Methods Forty-eight Wistar rats aged 7 days were randomly divided into HIBD model group and EPO experimental group, and another 24 rats as sham operated group. The HIBD model was established by ligating the right common carotid artery and inhaling hypoxia gas mixture (8% O2 and 92% N2) for 2 h. The expression of GFAP in hippocampal CA1 region and the number of BrdU positive cells in the hippocampus were detected by immunohistochemical method on at 14 d, 21 d, and 28 d after operation and compared among three groups. Results On 14 d and 21 d after operation, the expression of GFAP in CA1 region and the number of BrdU positive cells were statistically different among three groups (P<0.01) with EPO experimental group having the highest, HIBD model group having the second highest and sham operation group having the lowest in both, . On 28 d after operation, there was no difference in the expression of GFAP and the number of BrdU positive cells in the DG among three groups (P>0.05). At different time point (14 d, 21 d, 28 d) in every group, the expression of GFAP in CA1 region and the number of BrdU positivecells in DG region were all statistically different (P<0.01), all with the highest on 14 d after operation, second highest on 21 d, and the lowest on 28 d. Conclusions Early administration of exogenous EPO can promote the expression of GFAP in hippocampal CA1 region and increase the number of BrdU positive cells in DG region, which indicates that EPO can promote the proliferation and regeneration of damaged neurons. EPO had neuroprotective effect on neonatal rats with hypoxic-ischemic brain damage.%目的探讨外源性促红细胞生长素(EPO)对新生Wistar大鼠缺氧缺血性脑损伤(HIBD)后海马CA1区胶质纤维酸性蛋白(GFAP)和海马DG区5-溴-2-脱氧尿嘧啶核苷(BrdU)表达的影响.方法 48只7日龄新生Wistar大鼠随机分为HIBD 模型组、EPO实验组,另设假手术组24只;通过结扎右侧颈总动脉、并吸入8%O 2加92%N 2低氧混合气体2 h制作HIBD模型;免疫组织化学法检测并比较三组新生鼠制模术后14 d、21 d、28 d海马CA1区GFAP表达、以及DG区BrdU阳性细胞数的变化.结果术后14 d、21 d,三组新生Wistar大鼠海马CA1区GFAP 以及DG区BrdU阳性细胞数的差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01),均以EPO实验组最多,HIBD模型组其次,假手术组最少;术后28 d,三组间GFAP表达以及DG区BrdU 阳性细胞数比较均无统计学意义(P>0.05).各组大鼠不同时间(术后14 d、21 d、28 d)之间比较,CA1区GFAP以及DG区BrdU阳性细胞表达的差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01),均以术后14 d表达最多,21 d表达次之,28 d表达最少.结论早期给予外源性EPO治疗可促进新生鼠HIBD后海马CA1区GFAP表达增多,DG区BrdU 阳性细胞增加,表明EPO可促进受损神经细胞增殖、再生;EPO在新生鼠缺氧缺血性脑损伤中发挥神经保护作用.【期刊名称】《临床儿科杂志》【年(卷),期】2018(036)001【总页数】4页(P65-68)【关键词】促红细胞生成素;5-溴-2-脱氧尿嘧啶核苷;胶质纤维酸性蛋白;缺氧缺血性脑损伤;新生鼠【作者】王旭芹;曹云涛;段淼【作者单位】遵义医学院附属医院新生儿科贵州遵义 563003;遵义医学院附属医院新生儿科贵州遵义 563003;遵义医学院附属医院新生儿科贵州遵义 563003【正文语种】中文新生儿缺氧缺血性脑损伤(hypoxic-ischemic brain damage,HIBD)可导致严重的后遗症,包括脑瘫、癫痫和精神发育迟滞,HIBD已成为影响全球儿童生活质量的主要原因之一[1]。
·述评·DOI:10.12449/JCH240401中国丙型肝炎病毒感染的现状及清除进程张海莹,饶慧瑛,陈红松北京大学人民医院,北京大学肝病研究所,丙型肝炎和肝病免疫治疗北京市重点实验室,非酒精性脂肪性肝病诊断北京市国际科技合作基地,北京 100044通信作者:饶慧瑛,*******************(ORCID:0000-0003-2431-3872);陈红松,**********************.cn(ORCID:0000-0001-6858-8398)摘要:丙型肝炎可发展为肝硬化或者肝细胞癌,给患者家庭和社会造成沉重的疾病负担。
关键词:丙型肝炎;感染;疾病消除Current status of hepatitis C virus infection and progress in its elimination in ChinaZHANG Haiying, RAO Huiying, CHEN Hongsong.(Peking University People’s Hospital, Peking University Hepatology Institute,Beijing Key Laboratory of Hepatitis C and Immunotherapy for Liver Diseases, Beijing International Cooperation Base for Science and Technology on NAFLD Diagnosis, Beijing 100044, China)Corresponding authors: RAO Huiying,*******************(ORCID: 0000-0003-2431-3872); CHEN Hongsong,chenhongsong@pkuph. (ORCID: 0000-0001-6858-8398)Abstract:Hepatitis C virus (HCV) can develop into liver cirrhosis or hepatocellular carcinoma, imposing a heavy burden on the patient’s family and the society. Hepatitis C is one of the major public threats for humans, and eliminating hepatitis C is a common goal of all humans. Direct-acting antiviral agents (DAAs) are currently a relatively safe treatment regimen for hepatitis C that can reach a relatively high cure rate and can target different HCV genotypes,making it possible to eliminate HCV infection. China actively promotes the clinical application of DAAs, accelerates drug approval, improves the accessibility of DAAs, and strengthens population intervention. National Medical Insurance Administration has gradually included DAAs in the national medical insurance directory, providing strong support for eliminating HCV infection. In response to the WHO’s goal of eliminating viral hepatitis as a public health hazard by 2030, China has successively released national strategic plans and action plans in recent years, making significant achievements in HCV infection elimination, forming a joint prevention and control system across multiple sectors of the society,and ultimately achieving the goal of eliminating HCV infection. With a focus on the current status of HCV infection in China and prominent prevention and control strategies,this article analyzes and summarizes the practical process of the prevention,control,and micro-elimination of HCV infection,in order to provide a policy reference for carrying out HCV elimination in China and help to achieve the goal of comprehensive elimination of HCV infection.Key words:Hepatitis C; Infections; Disease Eradication2016年第69届世界卫生大会提出全球性卫生战略目标:到2030年,消除病毒性肝炎这一全球性公共卫生危害[1]。
S1PR1-mediated IFNAR1 degradation modulates plasmacytoiddendritic cell interferon-α autoamplification由S1PR1介导的IFNAR1降解可以调节浆细胞样树突状细胞α-干扰素的自动扩增/信号放大摘要:Blunting immunopathology without abolishing host defense is the foundation for safe and effective modulation of infectious and autoimmune diseases.没有废除宿主防御机制的免疫病理钝化是安全、有效调节传染病和自身免疫性疾病的基础。
Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 1 (S1PR1) agonists are effective in treating infectious and multiple autoimmune pathologies; however, mechanisms underlying their clinical efficacy are yet to be fully elucidated.1-磷酸-鞘氨醇受体1(S1PR1)促效药对于治疗传染病和多种自身免疫性疾病是有效的,然而,其临床疗效的具体机制尚未被完全阐明。
Here, we uncover an unexpected mechanism of convergence between S1PR1 and interferon alpha receptor 1 (IFNAR1) signaling pathways.在本研究中,我们意外发现S1PR1与α-干扰素受体1(IFNAR1)信号通路之间的趋同/聚集机制。
Activation of S1PR1 signaling by pharmacological tools or endogenous ligand sphingosine-1 phosphate (S1P) inhibits type 1 IFN responses that exacerbate numerous pathogenic conditions.通过药理作用或内源性配体1-磷酸-鞘氨醇(S1P)发出信号激活S1PR1可以抑制1型干扰素应答,这将提供大量致病条件。
免疫细胞在心肌炎发生发展中的作用①赵天浩蒋艺轩陈凯琴魏科(湖南中医药大学医学院,长沙 410208)中图分类号R392 文献标志码 A 文章编号1000-484X(2023)05-1089-05[摘要]心肌炎是一种常见的心肌局限性或弥漫性炎症性病变,与感染、免疫应答及理化因素有关。
参与心肌组织炎症性浸润的免疫细胞包括固有免疫中的巨噬细胞、中性粒细胞及适应性免疫中的 T 细胞、B 细胞等。
[关键词]心肌炎;免疫应答;T细胞;B细胞;巨噬细胞;中性粒细胞Role of immune cells in development and progression of myocarditisZHAO Tianhao, JIANG Yixuan, CHEN Kaiqin, WEI Ke. Medical School, Hunan University of Chinese Medicine,Changsha 410208, China[Abstract]Myocarditis is a common disease with limited or diffusive inflammatory lesion in myocardium,which related to infections,immune responses and physicochemical factors. Stimulation of pathogenic factors that activating body's immune cells to infiltrate myocardial tissue and causing inflammatory lesions is main pathogenesis of myocarditis. Immune cells involved in inflammatory infiltration of myocardial tissue include macrophages and neutrophils in innate immunity and T cells and B cells in adaptive immunity,etc.. These immune cells can regulate development and progression of myocarditis by coordinating innate homeostasis and producing anti-inflammatory or pro-inflammatory cytokines. This paper will review mechanisms of immune cells affecting development of myocar⁃ditis from perspective of innate immunity and adaptive immunity, expecting to provide new targets and methods for treatment of myo⁃carditis.[Key words]Myocarditis;Immune response;T cell;B cell;Macrophage;Neutrophils心肌炎(myocarditis,MC)指机体在各种因素作用下产生的炎症性病变,轻症MC患者无症状,而重症患者会出现严重心力衰竭,慢性患者甚至可能发展为扩张性心肌病(dilated cardiomyopathy,DCM)。
1.MicroRNA-21在单侧输尿管梗阻大鼠间质纤维化肾脏组织中的表达及意义∗ [J], 雷学智;徐小龙;胡建敏;孙光曦;李民;郭颖;陈桦;张焕标;赵明
2.小鼠单侧输尿管梗阻诱导肾脏纤维化模型中Cadherin6的表达变化 [J], 梁蝶霏;常瑞明;宋自姣;梁蔚文;刘珊英;严励;李焱
3.大鼠单侧输尿管梗阻后肾脏Notch1/Jagged1的表达及其意义 [J], 孙彬;王笑云;王宁宁;何伟春;赵秀芬;钱军;邢昌赢
4.替米沙坦抑制单侧输尿管梗阻小鼠肾脏Mtdh表达而减轻肾脏纤维化 [J], 彭芬芬;李红瑜;尹柏辉;王育娴;陈毅华;许兆忠;罗丛伟;龙海波
5.KIF3A在单侧输尿管梗阻小鼠肾脏中的表达及意义 [J], 古文清; 潘文斌; 朱茜; 肖潇; 赵岩岩; 刘雅琴; 刘俊; 李明
促红细胞生成素衍生肽对顺铂诱导急性肾损伤的保护作用王锋;柴璐;范亚平;杨斌【摘要】目的研究促红细胞生成素衍生肽HBSP对顺铂诱导急性肾损伤的保护作用以及作用机制.方法 65只健康雄性清洁级SD大鼠,随机分为对照组,顺铂组、EPO组、HBSP组.分布检测大鼠血肌酐、尿素、血常规以及肾小管上皮细胞凋亡、肾脏组织TNF-α、NF-κB表达水平、尿Kim-1、NGAL水平.结果 EPO组与HBSP组血肌酐和尿素、尿Kim-1与NGAL以及肾组织Tunel染色阳性百分比、免疫组化染色TNF-α、NF-κB肾脏表达水平较对照组升高,与顺铂组相比均显著下降.各组红细胞计数和血红蛋白与对照组比较差异无统计学意义.结论 HBSP对顺铂诱导的急性肾损伤具有保护作用,其机制可能与抑制炎性反应以及细胞凋亡有关.【期刊名称】《医学研究杂志》【年(卷),期】2018(047)008【总页数】6页(P34-38,77)【关键词】促红细胞生成素衍生肽;顺铂;急性肾损伤【作者】王锋;柴璐;范亚平;杨斌【作者单位】226001 南通大学附属医院肾脏内科;226001 南通大学附属医院肾脏内科;226001 南通大学附属医院肾脏内科;226001 南通大学附属医院肾脏内科【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R692.5急性肾损伤(acute kidney injury,AKI)是指短期内发生肾功能异常所致临床综合征,缺血再灌注与肾毒性是其病理生理两大主要机制。
近年发现人工合成的新型促红细胞生成素衍生肽(helix B surface peptide,HBSP)在缺血再灌注动物实验模型中既无明显促红细胞生成的不良反应,又保留良好的肾脏保护作用[2]。
促红细胞生成素对达卡巴嗪和顺铂抗小鼠黑色素瘤活性的调节作用刘月彩;单保恩;张超;郝增来;王欣荣;赵连梅【期刊名称】《癌变·畸变·突变》【年(卷),期】2010(022)004【摘要】目的:研究促红细胞生成素(erythropoietin,EPO)对荷黑色素瘤小鼠肿瘤生长的影响及其对达卡巴嗪(dacarbazine,DTIC)和顺铂(cisphtin,DDP)抗肿瘤活性的调节作用.方法:将荷黑色素瘤B16细胞的C57BL/6小鼠,分别用EPO、DTIC和DDP以及EPO分别联合DTIC、DDP药物处理,以盐水处理组为对照.观察肿瘤在小鼠体内的生长情况.部分小鼠于停药次日摘除眼球取血,分析血液中红细胞(RBC)、血红蛋白(Hb)、红细胞压积(Hct)和白细胞(WBC)水平.并颈椎脱臼处死小鼠,剥离瘤体,分别称量瘤质量.其余小鼠用于生存期观察.结果:EPO处理组小鼠的肿瘤体积和质量与盐水处理组相比差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);DTIC联合EPO处理组小鼠的肿瘤体积和质量与DTIC处理组相比差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);DDP联合EPO处理组小鼠的肿瘤体积与DDP处理组相比明显缩小(P<0.05).应用EPO处理组的小鼠外周血RBC、Hb和Hct水平明显高于未应用EPO组(P<0.05).结论:EPO对黑色素瘤细胞在小鼠体内的生长没有明显影响;但EPO能调节黑色素瘤细胞对DTIC、DDP的敏感性,且该调节作用与化疗药的类型有关.【总页数】5页(P298-301,304)【作者】刘月彩;单保恩;张超;郝增来;王欣荣;赵连梅【作者单位】河北医科大学第四医院科研中心,河北石家庄,050011;河北医科大学第四医院科研中心,河北石家庄,050011;河北医科大学第四医院科研中心,河北石家庄,050011;河北医科大学第四医院检验科,河北,石家庄,050011;河北医科大学第四医院科研中心,河北石家庄,050011;河北医科大学第四医院科研中心,河北石家庄,050011【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R73-36【相关文献】1.促红细胞生成素对小鼠黑色素瘤细胞增殖的影响 [J], 刘月彩;陈正立;赵景;刘荣凤;单保恩2.十全大补汤抗小鼠黑色素瘤作用及与顺铂联合用药的研究 [J], 张婷婷;邹伟;杨春媚;钱程;吴媛媛;李晓曼;王爱云3.高效液相色谱法测定黑色素瘤小鼠尿液中达卡巴嗪 [J], 岳玉华;周炳均;艾佳媛;封顺4.顺铂、达卡巴嗪、IL-2递减和干扰素α-2b联合治疗转移性黑色素瘤 [J],5.促红细胞生成素对达卡巴嗪抗小鼠黑色素瘤细胞活性的调节作用 [J], 刘月彩;徐红俊;单保恩;耿玉兰;沈莉;刘泽世因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
在重症哮喘模型的基础上以低、中、高剂量管花苷B治疗组(TA、TB、TC)为实验组,后取各组小鼠肺组织进行HE染色,以乙酰胆碱诱导各组小鼠观察气道高反应的变化、收集肺泡灌洗液(bronchoalveolar lavage fluid,BALF)并进行细胞分类计数、Real-Time PCR检测各组小鼠肺组织中IL-1βmRNA的表达情况。
结论:管花苷B治疗可以改善重症哮喘小鼠肺组织损伤,减轻肺组织炎症细胞浸润,降低小鼠气道阻力,并显著下调IL-1β的m RNA转录水平。
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Article Direct Reprogramming of Hepatic Myofibroblasts into Hepatocytes In Vivo Attenuates Liver FibrosisGraphical AbstractHighlightsd Transcription factor induction converts hepaticmyofibroblasts to iHeps in vitrod Lineage tracing documents in vivo reprogramming ofmyofibroblasts into iHepsd iHeps induced in vivo closely resemble hepatocytesd In vivo induction of iHeps ameliorates chemically inducedliverfibrosis AuthorsGuangqi Song,Martin Pacher,Asha Balakrishnan,...,Tobias Cantz, Michael Ott,Amar Deep, In BriefSharma,Ott,and colleagues show that expression of a key set of four transcription factors can reprogram hepatic myofibroblasts to induced hepatocyte-like cells in vivo and reduce liverfibrosis,suggesting that directin vivo reprogramming may be an effective treatment approach for chronic liver disease.Accession NumbersGSE76843 Song et al.,2016,Cell Stem Cell18,1–12June2,2016ª2016Elsevier Inc./10.1016/j.stem.2016.01.010Direct Reprogramming of Hepatic Myofibroblasts into Hepatocytes In Vivo Attenuates Liver FibrosisGuangqi Song,1,2,3,13Martin Pacher,1,4,13Asha Balakrishnan,1,4Qinggong Yuan,1,4Hsin-Chieh Tsay,1,2,4Dakai Yang,1,2 Julia Reetz,5Sabine Brandes,1,4Zhen Dai,1,2Brigitte M.Pu¨tzer,5Marcos J.Arau´zo-Bravo,6,7Doris Steinemann,8Tom Luedde,9Robert F.Schwabe,10Michael P.Manns,1Hans R.Scho¨ler,11Axel Schambach,12Tobias Cantz,1,3 Michael Ott,1,4,14,*and Amar Deep Sharma1,2,14,*1Department of Gastroenterology,Hepatology,and Endocrinology,Hannover Medical School,Hannover30625,Germany2Junior Research Group MicroRNA in Liver Regeneration,Cluster of Excellence REBIRTH,Hannover Medical School,Hannover30625, Germany3Translational Hepatology and Stem Cell Biology,Cluster of Excellence REBIRTH,Hannover Medical School,Hannover30625,Germany 4Twincore Centre for Experimental and Clinical Infection Research,Hannover30625,Germany5Institute for Experimental Gene Therapy and Cancer Research,Rostock University Medical Center,Rostock18057,Germany6Group of Computational Biology and Systems Biomedicine,Biodonostia Health Research Institute,San Sebastia´n20014,Spain7IKERBASQUE,Basque Foundation for Science,Bilbao48013,Spain8Institute of Human Genetics,Hannover Medical School,Hannover30625,Germany9Division of Hepatobiliary Oncology,Department of Medicine III,University Hospital RWTH,Aachen52074,Germany10Department of Medicine,Columbia University,New York,NY10032,USA11Department of Cell and Developmental Biology,Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine,Mu¨nster48149,Germany12Institute for Experimental Hematology,Hannover Medical School,Hannover30625,Germany13Co-first author14Co-senior author*, induction of induced hepatocytes(iHeps)from fibroblasts holds potential as a strategy for regenera-tive medicine but until now has only been shown in culture settings.Here,we describe in vivo iHep forma-tion using transcription factor induction and genetic fate tracing in mouse models of chronic liver disease. We show that ectopic expression of the transcription factors FOXA3,GATA4,HNF1A,and HNF4A from a polycistronic lentiviral vector converts mouse myofi-broblasts into cells with a hepatocyte phenotype. In vivo expression of the same set of transcription fac-tors from a p75neurotrophin receptor peptide (p75NTRp)-tagged adenovirus enabled the genera-tion of hepatocyte-like cells from myofibroblasts in fibrotic mouse livers and reduced liverfibrosis.We have therefore been able to convert pro-fibrogenic myofibroblasts in the liver into hepatocyte-like cells with positive functional benefits.This direct in vivo reprogramming approach may open new avenues for the treatment of chronic liver disease. INTRODUCTIONThe utility of transcription factors(TFs)for the acquisition of novel cell fates has been unlocked through landmark studies of induced pluripotent stem cell(iPSC)reprogramming(Takahashi et al., 2007;Takahashi and Yamanaka,2006).Recently,by circumvent-ing the pluripotent cell state,direct reprogramming offibroblasts into neurons(Grande et al.,2013;Guo et al.,2014;Han et al., 2012;Kim et al.,2011;Lujan et al.,2012;Ring et al.,2012;Son et al.,2011;Su et al.,2014;Thier et al.,2012;Torper et al.,2013; Vierbuchen et al.,2010),cardiomyocytes(Ieda et al.,2010;Qian et al.,2012),and hepatocytes(Du et al.,2014;Huang et al., 2011,2014;Morris et al.,2014;Sekiya and Suzuki,2011)through overexpression of specific TFs has been demonstrated.For example,functional neurons were generated from mousefibro-blasts by ectopic expression of Ascl1,Brn2,and Myt1l(Vierbu-chen et al.,2010).Similarly,a combination of three cardiac-specific TFs,Gata4,Mef2c,and Tbx5,directly reprogrammed mouse cardiacfibroblasts into cardiomyocyte-like cells in vitro and in vivo in a heart infarction model(Ieda et al.,2010;Song et al.,2012).Lineage reprogramming of mousefibroblasts into hepatocytes has been achieved in vitro by ectopic expression of HNF4A plus Foxa1,Foxa2or Foxa3or by the combination of Gata4,Hnf1a,and Foxa3and inactivation of p19(Arf)in culture (Huang et al.,2011;Sekiya and Suzuki,2011).Recently,two other groups independently reprogrammed humanfibroblasts into he-patocytes by forced ectopic expression of FOXA3,HNF1A,and HNF4A or the combination of HNF1A,HNF4A,and HNF6together with the maturation factors ATF5,PROX1,and CEBPA(Du et al., 2014;Huang et al.,2014).The direct conversion offibroblasts into hepatocyte-like cells in vivo remains to be investigated,and the question needs to be addressed whether such an approach could also ameliorate the degree offibrosis in damaged livers. RESULTSFOXA3,GATA4,HNF1A,and HNF4A Convert Hepatic Myofibroblasts into iHeps In VitroBased on previously reported results(Huang et al.,2011;Iacob et al.,2011;Sekiya and Suzuki,2011),we screened TFs Cell Stem Cell18,1–12,June2,2016ª2016Elsevier Inc.1(FOXA1,FOXA2,FOXA 3,GATA 4,HNF1A ,HNF4A ,and CEBP A)for direct reprogramming of myofibroblasts derived from pri-mary hepatic stellate cells into hepatocytes.FOXA 3,GATA 4,HNF1A ,and HNF4A transcription factors (4TFs)were selected for further experiments,since the absence of each of these TFs substantially reduced albumin secretion and CYP3A activity in our screening experiments (Figure 1A).To overexpress the selected 4TFs simultaneously,we cloned the cDNAs into a poly-cistronic lentiviral vector (henceforth referred to as LV.4TF)(Figure 1B).In response to persistent inflammatory injuries large numbers of stellate cells,which have undergone ‘‘activation’’to pro-fibro-genic myofibroblasts,accumulate in the liver.To harness the po-tential therapeutic effects of direct reprogramming in chronic liver disease,we first tested whether forced expression of 4TFs would induce a hepatocyte phenotype in cultured myofibro-blasts (Figure 1C).The expression of 4TFs in transduced myofi-broblasts was confirmed on day 4by qRT-PCR (Figure S1A).Within 14days after transduction,we observed profound changes in morphology of the transduced cells nowresemblingFigure 1.FOXA3,GATA4,HNF1A ,and HNF4A Directly Reprogram Mouse Myofibroblasts into iHeps(A)Screening of transcription factors in myofibroblasts.Albumin secretion and CYP3A activity were measured as read out during screening of seven transcription factors.The data represent values from three independent experiments.(B)Lentiviral vector maps,the LV.4TF used to generate iHeps,and a reporter lentiviral vector,used to detect albumin-positive cells.(C)Schematic of iHep generation from myofibroblasts.To prepare myofibroblasts,primary HSCs were isolated from BALB/c mice and cultured in the presence of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)before transduction with LV.4TF.(D)Phase-contrast microscopy (3100)of myofibroblasts and iHeps at day 14after lentiviral transduction with LV.4TF.Scale bars,200m M.(E)iHeps express dTomato while myofibroblasts,cultured in HCM for 14days and transduced with reporter lentiviral vector,show absence of dTomato.Scale bars,200m M.(F)A representative FACS plot (n =3independent experiments)showing the percentage of albumin promoter-driven dTomato-positive cells.(G)Representative RT-PCR (n =3independent experiments)showing the expression of hepatic genes in iHeps,whereas fibroblast genes such as Acta1,Col1a1,and Col2a1were downregulated.Murine primary hepatocytes (Pr.Hc)cultured for 24hr on a collagen matrix were used as positive control.(H)2D principal component analyses indicate that the global expression profiles of iHeps (n =3)are distinct from myofibroblasts and more similar to primary mouse hepatocytes cultured for 24hr.(I)Representative pictures from three independent experiments showing PAS staining and LDL uptake in iHeps.Scale bars,200m M.(J)Albumin secretion in the supernatant was measured in the absence of serum components.CYP1A2and 3A activities in 24hr cultured primary hepatocytes,iHeps,and myofibroblasts.The values shown are mean of three independent experiments.(K)aCGH-based karyotype analysis of myofibroblasts derived iHeps.The data shown in (G)–(K)are obtained from FACS-purified iHeps.See also Figure S1.2Cell Stem Cell 18,1–12,June 2,2016ª epithelial phenotype(Figure1D).To confirm the generation of hepatocytes from myofibroblasts,we transduced cells at day10 with a reporter lentiviral vector,which expressed dTomato under transcriptional control of the albumin promoter(Figure1B). Approximately12%of the cells expressed dTomato,indicating the generation of iHeps(Figures1E and1F).We enriched dTomato protein expressing iHeps byfluorescence-activated cell sorting(FACS)for further characterization(Figures1G–1K). The iHeps showed expression,albeit at lower levels,of typical primary hepatocyte(Pr.Hc,cultured for24hr)markers and the downregulation offibroblast genes(Figures1G,1H,and S1B). Our principal-component analysis(PCA)analyses suggested that although iHeps acquired a hepatic gene expression profile, they remained a distinct cell type when compared to primary he-patocytes cultured for24hr.Importantly,iHeps exhibited func-tional characteristics of hepatocytes as they stored glycogen, showed uptake of low-density lipoprotein(LDL),secreted albu-min,and acquired cytochrome P450(CYP1A2and3A)activities (Figures1I and1J).Genomic integrity was confirmed by array-based comparative genomic hybridization(aCGH)analysis(Fig-ure1K).Thus,ectopic expression of FOXA3,GATA4,HNF1A, and HNF4A converts myofibroblasts into iHeps in vitro. Establishment of a Lineage-Tracing Model to DetectIn Vivo ReprogrammingWe next examined whether4TFs expression would facilitate iHep formation in vivo.To investigate4TFs-mediated lineage reprogramming in vivo,we developed a mouse model to detect iHeps derived from non-parenchymal cells(Figure2A). We used(Gt(ROSA)26Sortm4(ACTB-tdTomato,-EGFP)mice (henceforth referred to as mT/mG).All cells including hepato-cytes and non-parenchymal liver cells from these mT/mG mice express membrane-targeted tdTomato(mT)before Cre-medi-ated recombination(Muzumdar et al.,2007)(Figure2B).To label endogenous hepatocytes,adult mT/mG mice were injected intrasplenically with431011adeno-associated virus(AAV)sero-type8particles expressing Cre recombinase under transcrip-tional control of the liver-specific transthyretin(Ttr)promoter (Malato et al.,2011;Sharma et al.,2011).As a result,membra-nous EGFPfluorescence in hepatocytes and tdTomato membra-nousfluorescence in non-parenchymal cells of the liver were expressed four weeks after AAV-Ttr-Cre injection(Figure2C). Then,we induced myofibroblasts in the liver of AAV-Ttr-Cre-in-jected mT/mG mice by intraperitoneal injections of carbon tetra-chloride(CCl4)twice per week for a total of8weeks.These mice developed extensivefibrosis(Figure2D)and accumulated myofibroblasts in the tissue.Notably,in thesefibrotic livers,all non-parenchymal cells including myofibroblasts expressed tdTomato,whereas hepatocytes expressed EGFP(Figure2E). To overexpress4TFs in myofibroblasts,we designed a p75NTRp-tagged recombinant adenoviral vector(serotype5), which expressed all4TFs from a polycistronic transgene cassette.The adenoviral vector was modified to target mouse myofibroblasts through coupling of adenoviralfiber knobs with a peptide(single-chain antibody fragment)of the nerve growth factor(NGFp),which was selected for specific and high-affinity binding to the p75neurotrophin receptor(p75NTR)present on hepatic stellate cells and myofibroblasts(Reetz et al.,2013).Ef-ficiency of vector targeting was tested in cell culture,as previ-ously published(Reetz et al.,2013)(Figure S2A).In vivo targeting of myofibroblasts by Ad.GFP-S11-NGFp was tested by injecting 53109adenoviral particles via the portal vein offibrotic wild-type BALB/c mice as shown previously(Reetz et al.,2013). The amount of injected virus particles was sufficient to transduce 30%of stellate cells in normal and 20%of myofibroblasts in CCl4-inducedfibrotic livers of BALB/c mice.Predominantly,my-ofibroblasts were found to express EGFP in the liver of mice in-jected with Ad.GFP-S11-NGFp(Figure2F),whereas control adenovirus vector injected mice showed transduction of hepato-cytes(Figure2G).Co-staining of EGFP with albumin(hepatocyte marker),desmin(myofibroblast marker),cytokeratin(CK)19(bile duct and liver stem/progenitor cell marker),F4/80(Kupffer cell marker),CD31(endothelial cell marker),and CD45(hematopoi-etic cell marker)revealed preferential transduction of myofibro-blasts,but not of hepatocytes(except<0.05%rare double-pos-itive cells),Kupffer cells,endothelial cells,bile duct cells,or liver/ stem progenitor cells(undetected)(Figure S2B).Therefore,injec-tion of Ad.GFP-S11-NGFp allows preferential targeting of myofi-broblasts.Accordingly,one week after cessation of the CCl4 treatment,we injected53109p75NTRp-tagged Ad5.FOXA3. GATA4.HNF1A.HNF4A(henceforth referred to as Ad.4TF)via the portal vein of AAV-Ttr-Cre injectedfibrotic wild-type BALB/c mice.This led to successful overexpression of4TFs in sorted myofibroblasts from these mice within4days after injection(Fig-ure2H).Importantly,Ad.4TF administration in normal BALB/c mice neither affected liver function tests nor histology(Figure2I). In Vivo iHep Formation via Direct ReprogrammingAfter establishing a model that faithfully identifies iHep forma-tion,we examined iHep formation in mT/mG mice injected with AAV-Ttr-Cre followed by CCl4injections and subsequent administration of Ad.4TF.The control animals were treated exactly in the same manner,except for injection with empty adenoviral vector instead of Ad.4TF.In our lineage-tracing model,the endogenous hepatocytes would express membra-nous EGFP,while the iHeps could be detected by tdTomato positive membranefluorescence(Figure2J).To identify iHeps and distinguish them from endogenous hepatocytes,we stained liver tissues30days after Ad.4TF injection for albumin,major urinary protein(MUP),fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase(FAH), alpha-1antitrypsin(AAT),and HNF4A,all characteristic hepato-cyte markers in the liver.Immunofluorescence analyses of the liver harvested at30days after Ad.4TF injection showed albu-min,MUP,FAH,AAT,and HNF4A expression mainly in endog-enous hepatocytes with EGFP-positive membranes(Figures 2K and S2C).However,few cells with tdTomato-positive mem-branes also stained positive for albumin,MUP,FAH,AAT,and HNF4A in the liver of Ad.4TF-injected mice.These tdTomato-positive cells that also stained positive for hepatocyte markers, either in clusters or as single cells,indicate the presence of iHeps.The control animals(n=10),injected with empty adeno-viral vector,did not express albumin,MUP,FAH,and AAT in any of the tdTomato-positive cells.The efficiency of direct reprogramming in vivo was calculated from the average of tdTomato-expressing cells,which stained positive for albumin, MUP,FAH,AAT,and HNF4A relative to the total hepatocyte population(n=10mice).The percentage of in-vivo-generated iHeps among the total hepatocyte population ranged from Cell Stem Cell18,1–12,June2,2016ª2016Elsevier Inc.30.2%to 1.2%in Ad.4TF-injected mice,whereas control mice did not show any reprogrammed cells (Figure 2L).Of note,we did not detect iHeps when Ad.4TF was administered in unin-jured mice (data not shown).Since the number of myofibro-blasts in fibrotic livers at 1week after cessation of 8weeks ofCCL 4treatment is between 15.4%and 21.7%of the total num-ber of liver cells (Figure S2D),it can be estimated that 0.2%to 1.2%of iHeps detected in AD.4TF-injected mice is equivalent to a reprogramming efficiency of less than 4%.It is noteworthy to mention that reprogramming efficiency may be even lowerBCA0AAV-Ttr-Creinjection309097De tec t i on of i He pday CCl 4 injection (twice weekly)Ad .4T F inj e ct i o n127DFmT /mG mice before AAV-Ttr-Cre injectionmT /mG mice after F Sirius redNon-parenchymal cellsHepatocytesAd.GFPGAd.GFP-S11-NGFpH I% of iHep / total hepatocytes / mouseControl Ad.4TF C on lAd .4C o n t A d .4T U /LnsnsHEControlAd.4TF DesminlEndogenous hepatocytes(eHep)Reprogrammed hepatocytes(iHep)FAHALBFT 4.d A lo r t n o C AATMUPEGFPtdTomatoHepatocyte markerMergedEGFPtdTomatoHepatocyte markerMergedR e l a t i v e e x p r e s s i o nFOXA3HNF1AHNF4AP 75N T Rp o s i t P 75NT R n eg at ************P r. h u m a n H e p a t o c GATA4KALT LFigure 2.Establishment of a Lineage-Tracing Model to Detect In Vivo iHep Formation(A)Schematic of the model.(B)Representative pictures showing native tdTomato membranous fluorescence (red)is present in all liver cells including hepatocytes of adult mT/mG mice (n =4).Nuclei (blue)are stained with DAPI.Scale bar,100m M.(C)All hepatocytes express membranous EGFP in liver of 431011AAV-Ttr -Cre injected mT/mG mice (n =4),while non-parenchymal cells retain tdTomato expression.Nuclei (blue)are stained with DAPI.Arrowheads indicate non-parenchymal cells that retained tdTomato.Scale bar,100m M.(D)Representative picture of Sirius red staining of liver (n =5)after 16intraperitoneal CCl 4injections (twice per week for 8weeks).Scale bar,200m M.(E)Cells in the vicinity of emerging fibrous septa express native tdTomato fluorescence in CCl 4-treated AAV-Ttr -Cre -injected mT/mG mice (n =5).Scale bar,200m M.(F)Preferential in vivo transduction of HSC and myofibroblasts in liver of mice (n =4)by Ad.GFP-S11-NGFp adenoviral vector.Scale bar,200m M.(G)In contrast,injection of control adenoviral vector Ad.GFP leads to the homogenous expression of GFP in hepatocytes (n =4mice).Scale bar,200m M.(H)In vivo overexpression of 4TFs in myofibroblasts of CCl 4-treated BALB/c mice that were injected with Ad.4TF was confirmed by qRT-PCR.Four days after injection,myofibroblasts were sorted by staining with P75NTR antibody followed by FACS.Primary human hepatocytes were used as positive control.The data represent values from three independent experiments.(I)Similar levels of serum transaminases,H&E staining,and desmin staining suggest normal liver functions and absence of any histological abnormality in uninjured BALB/c mice (n =4)injected with Ad.4TF.(J–L)p75NTR tagged Ad5.FOXA3.GATA4.HNF1A.HNF4A induces hepatocyte-specific gene expression in fibrotic mice.(J)Schematic illustration shows that endogenous hepatocytes can be identified by EGFP expression,whereas reprogrammed hepatocytes are identified by tdTomato expression.(K)Immunoflu-orescence staining with antibodies (blue)for hepatocyte markers such as albumin,MUP,FAH,and AAT on cryosections obtained from mT/mG (Gt(ROSA)26Sortm4(ACTB-tdTomato,-EGFP))mice injected with 431011AAV-Ttr -Cre .These confocal figures are representative of livers obtained from ten mice in each group.Scale bars,100m M.(L)Table shows percentage of average tdTomato-expressing cells that stained positive for ALB,MUP,FAH,and AAT in the total hepatocyte population.Ten random sections were stained for each antigen per mouse (n =10mice).See also Figure S2.4Cell Stem Cell 18,1–12,June 2,2016ª2016Elsevier Inc.than 4%if iHeps proliferate between the time when they appear and 30days after Ad.4TF administration.Thus,our data indicate that expression of 4TFs in myofibroblasts facilitates the forma-tion of iHeps in chronic liver disease.Functional Analyses of In-Vivo-Generated iHepsOne of the prerequisites for in-vivo-generated iHeps to be considered as hepatocytes is to possess the functions of mature hepatocytes.To characterize iHeps at the functional level,we isolated iHeps by Percoll density-gradient centrifugation fol-lowed by FACS from the liver of Ad.4TF-injected mice (Figures 3A and 3B).We did not find iHeps in control mice by FACS as well (Figure S2E).We specifically sorted for single-tdTomato-positive cells,because double-positive cells may represent endogenous cells that have not silenced tdTomato completely.The iHeps that were tdTomato positive,cultured for 24hr,showed albumin secretion and urea synthesis similar to EGFP-positive endogenous hepatocytes (eHeps)(Figures 3C and 3D).The iHeps showed the ability to uptake indocyanine green (ICG);stained positive for oil red O,indicating the presence of tri-glycerides and lipids;stained positive for PAS,thus demon-strating the ability to store glycogen (Figure 3E);andexhibitedFigure 3.Functional Characterization of In-Vivo-Reprogrammed iHeps and Evidence for Amelioration of Liver Fibrosis in Ad.4TF-Injected Mice(A)Schematic of the FACS sorting and analyses of fibrosis.(B)Isolation of in-vivo-generated iHeps (tdTomato positive)and eHeps (EGFP positive)by FACS sorting.Representative pictures and FACS sorting (n =6mice)are shown.(C–G)The tdTomato-positive cells were pooled together and data are shown from technical triplicates.Scale bars,200m M.(C)Albumin ELISA revealed comparable levels of secreted albumin in iHeps and eHeps.(D)Urea synthesis was also found to be similar in iHeps and eHeps.(E)The iHeps show ICG uptake,oil red O staining,and PAS staining.Scale bars,200m M.(F)The iHeps and eHeps showed activities for CYP3A,CYP1A1,CYP2C9,and CYP1A2.(G)Evidence for drug response in iHeps was demonstrated by elevated levels of Cyp1a1,Abcc2,Ugt1a1,and Oatp .(H–K)Amelioration of liver fibrosis in Ad.4TF-injected mice.(H)Reduced levels of Col1a1mRNA in Ad.4TF-injected mice (n =9)compared to control mice (n =9).(I)Hydroxyproline assay showed decreased levels of entire collagen content,measured in whole liver.(J)H&E,Sirius red,and immunohistochemical staining for desmin and p75NTR showed less fibrosis in Ad.4TF injected mice (n =9)than respective controls (n =9).Scale bars,100m M for H&E and desmin and 100m M for Sirius red and p75NTR staining.(K)Quantification of Sirius red,desmin,and p75NTR stainings shown in (J).(L)Reduced levels of serum transaminases suggest improved liver functions in Ad.4TF-administered,CCl 4-treated,AAV-Ttr -Cre -injected mT/mG mice (n =3).(M)A representative photograph of H&E staining after an 8-month follow-up study of Ad.4TF-administered and CCl 4-treated AAV-Ttr -Cre -injected mT/mG mice (n =3)showing normal histology and no tumor formation.Cell Stem Cell 18,1–12,June 2,2016ª2016Elsevier Inc.5cytochrome activity (CYP3A,1A1,2C9,and 1A2)similar to eHeps (Figure 3f).Furthermore,we tested whether isolated iHeps are drug inducible.The treatment of iHeps with phenobar-bital and rifampicin led to induction of Cyp1a1(phase 1),Ugt1a1(phase 2),Abcc2,and Oatp (Figure 3G).Importantly,the in-vivo-generated iHeps showed chromosomes with no obvious numer-ical or structural aberrations (Figure S2F)and the absence of exogenous 4TFs (Figure S2G),thus indicating the stable reprog-ramming of myofibroblasts into iHeps.In addition,Ki67staining indicated that iHeps have the ability to proliferate in response to two-thirds partial hepatectomy in vivo (Figure S2H).Therefore,our thorough characterization suggests that in-vivo-generated iHeps possess functional properties of hepatocytes.Overexpression of 4TFs Ameliorates Chemical-Induced Liver FibrosisTo examine whether in vivo reprogramming ameliorates chronic liver disease,we determined the extent of liver fibrosis in CCl 4-in-jected mice.First,qPCR showed lower levels of Col1a1in the liver of Ad.4TF-injected mice,suggesting less liver fibrosis compared to respective controls (Figure 3H).Second,we performed hydroxyproline assay,which measures the entire collagen con-tent of a liver.The Ad.4TF-injected mice showed significantly reduced levels of hydroxyproline,indicating decreased liver fibrosis (Figure 3I).In addition,histological grading of fibrosis,Sirius red staining,immunohistochemical staining of desmin and p75NTR,as well as serum levels of aminotransferases confirmed decreased liver fibrosis in Ad.4TF-injected mice compared to control mice (Figures 3J–3L).In addition,an 8-month follow-up study of mice injected with Ad.4TF showed normal histology and no signs of liver tumors (Figure 3M).Next,we tested whether injection of Ad.4TF during ongoing liver injury can lead to in vivo iHep formation and a reduction of liver fibrosis (Figure 4A).Indeed,we detected the presence of iHeps and less liver fibrosis in mice injected with Ad.4TF during an ongoing injury (Figures 4B–4E).Hence,our resultsindicateFigure 4.Administration of Ad.4TF during Ongoing Injury in AAV-Ttr -Cre -Injected mT/mG Mice Also Generates iHeps and Leads to a Reduc-tion in Fibrotic Markers(A)Schematic of the experimental l 4was injected twice weekly for 4weeks before administration of Ad.4TF.Mice were injected again for 4more weeks.(B)Immunofluorescence staining with antibodies (blue color)for hepatocyte markers,albumin,and MUP.The figures are representative of livers obtained from four mice in each group.Scale bars,100m M.(C)Reduced levels of Col1a1mRNA in Ad.4TF-injected mice (n =4)compared to control mice (n =4).(D)Hydroxyproline assay showed decreased levels of entire collagen content,measured in whole liver.(E)Sirius red and immunohistochemical staining for desmin showed less fibrosis in Ad.4TF-injected mice (n =4)compared to respective controls (n =4).Scale bars,200m M for Sirius red and 100m M for desmin staining.Right,quantifications of Sirius red and desmin stainings are shown.See also Figure S3.6Cell Stem Cell 18,1–12,June 2,2016ª2016ElsevierInc.that 4TFs-induced in vivo reprogramming ameliorates liver fibrosis in mice injected with CCl 4for 8weeks.CCl 4administration for up to 8weeks induces a significant amount of liver fibrosis;however,it is still reversible.We there-fore examined whether the forced expression of 4TF is capable of ameliorating liver injury in mice injected for 12weeks with CCl 4resembling an irreversible cirrhosis model (Figure S3A).Although,we detected the presence of iHeps,a beneficial effect on liver fibrosis was not observed in mice injected with Ad.4TF (Figures S3B–S3F).This might be due to the fact that the number of Ad.4TF reprogrammed iHeps in mice injected for 12weeks with CCl 4remained similar to those in mice injected for 8weeks,whereas total myofibroblast numbers further increased after pro-longed CCl 4administration.This phenomenon can be explained,at least in part,by a modest but similar number of myofibroblasts transduced by Ad.4TF vector in both 8-week and 12-week CCl 4models,but these were most likely outnumbered by the massive increase of fibrotic cells in the 12-week CCl 4model.Characterization of In-Vivo-Generated iHepsTo further prove the hepatic lineage identity of in vivo iHeps,we performed mRNA microarrays after pooling several livers isolated from different animals and compared them with myofibroblasts,myofibroblast-derived iHeps in vitro,and endogenous hepato-cytes (eHeps,serving as positive control)in vivo.In silico ana-lyses,such as hierarchical clustering and PCA,demonstrated that in vivo iHeps are more similar to eHeps than to in vitro iHeps (Figures 5A and 5B).This suggests that the in vivo hepatic envi-ronment further contributes to the maturation of in vivo iHeps.The identity of reprogrammed cells can be faithfully deter-mined by the CellNet platform with very high accuracy (Cahan et al.,2014;Morris et al.,2014).We therefore extracted a list of genes comprising either the liver-typical or fibroblast-typical gene regulatory networks (GRNs)from CellNet and compared our in vivo or in vitro myofibroblast-derived iHeps (Figure 5C).In iHeps derived from myofibroblasts in vitro,1,281genes were upregulated by more than 4-fold and 1,576genes were downregulated by more than 4-fold compared to 24-hr-cultured primary mouse hepatocytes.22(of 1,281)upregulated genes and 128(of 1,576)downregulated genes were in common with the set of genes comprising the CellNet liver GRN.To assess ge-netic memory of myofibroblasts,we compared in vitro myofibro-blast-derived iHeps with fibroblast GRN.Deregulated genes common with the fibroblast GRN included 184(156upregulated and 28downregulated)genes.When in vivo iHeps were compared to in vivo eHeps (endogenous hepatocytes),a total of 426genes were upregulated by more than 4-fold and 43were downregulated by more than 4-fold.Only 8(of 426)upregu-lated genes and 5(of 43)downregulated genes were in common with the set of genes comprising the CellNet liver GRN.Deregu-lated genes common with the fibroblast GRN include 94(94up-regulated and 0downregulated)genes.Deregulated genes (>4-fold up or down)in the in vitro iHeps derived from myofibroblasts thus represent 35%of the CellNetA BMyofibroblastsIn vivo eHEPIn vitroMyofibroblasts-derivediHepIn vivoMyofibroblasts-derivediHep= 28= 5 Foxc1, Hoxa5, Oxct1, Pdk3, Podxl.Liver GRNiHep Liver GRNiHepLiver GRNiHepFibroblast GRNiHepFibroblast GRNiHepFibroblast GRNiHepFibroblast GRNMyofibroblastsIn vitro myofibroblasts-derived iHepIn vivo myofibroblasts-derived iHepIn vivo eHepCS e c o n d p r i n c i p a l c o m p o n e n t (18%)First principal component (56%)Figure 5.Microarray Analyses of Myofibroblast-Derived iHeps(A)Whole-transcriptome heatmap demonstrates clustering of in vivo iHeps (n =3),eHeps,myofibroblasts,and in vitro iHeps.(B)2D principal component analyses indicate that the global expression profiles of in vivo iHeps (n =3)resembles freshly isolated eHeps compared to in vitro iHeps.(C)Comparison of our in vitro and in vivo iHeps with liver GRN or fibroblasts GRN obtained from CellNet.Cell Stem Cell 18,1–12,June 2,2016ª2016Elsevier Inc.7。