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Market-Oriented Cloud Computing:
Vision, Hype, and Reality for Delivering IT Services as Computing Utilities
Rajkumar Buyya1,2, Chee Shin Ye o1, a nd Srikumar Ve nugopa l1
1 Gri d Computing a nd D istribute d S yste ms (GRIDS) La boratory
De pa rtme nt of Computer Scie nce a nd Softwa re Engine ering
The University of Me lbourne, Australia
Email: {raj, csye o, srikumar}@c sse.unime .a u
2 Ma njrasoft Pty Ltd, Me lbourne, Australia
This ke ynote pa pe r: prese nts a 21st ce ntury vision of com puting; ide ntifies various c om puting para digms prom ising to de liver the vision of c om puting utilities; de fines Cloud c om puting a nd provides the a rc hitec ture for cre ating ma rke t-orie nte d Clouds by le ve ra ging
tec hnologies suc h a s VMs; provide s thoughts on
ma rket-based resource ma na ge me nt stra te gie s tha t enc om pass both c ustome r-drive n service ma na ge me nt and com puta tiona l risk ma na ge me nt to susta in SL A- orie nte d resource a lloca tion; prese nts some re pre se nta tive Cloud pla tforms espec ially those de ve lope d in industries a long with our c urre nt work towards rea lising ma rke t-orie nte d resource alloca tion of Clouds by le ve ra ging the 3rd ge ne ra tion Ane ka
ente rprise Grid tec hnology; re vea ls our ea rly thoughts on inte rc onnec ting Clouds for dyna m ica lly c rea ting a n atm osphe ric c om puting e nvironm e nt a long with pointers to future c omm unity rese arc h; a nd c onc ludes with the ne ed for c onverge nce of c om pe ting IT
pa ra digm s for de live ring our 21st ce ntury vision.
1. Introduc tion
W ith the a dvance me nt of the m ode rn huma n soc ie ty, basic esse ntial se rvices a re c om m only provide d suc h tha t e ve ryone c a n ea sily obta in acce ss to them. T oda y, utility se rvic es, suc h as wa ter, e le ctric ity, gas, a nd
te le phony a re de eme d necessa ry for fulfilling da ily life routine s. T hese utility se rvic es are acce sse d so
fre que ntly tha t the y nee d to be a va ila ble whe ne ver the consume r re quire s the m a t a ny time. Consume rs are the n a ble to pa y se rvic e provide rs base d on the ir usa ge of these utility service s.
In 1969, Le ona rd Kle inroc k [1], one of the c hief
scie ntists of the original Adva nce d Resea rc h Projec ts Age nc y Network (ARPANE T) projec t which se ede d the Internet, sa id: “As of now, c om pute r ne tworks are still in the ir infa nc y, but as the y grow up a nd bec om e sophistica te d, we will proba bly see the sprea d of
…c om pute r utilitie s‟ whic h, like pre se nt e lec tric a nd
te le phone utilitie s, will se rvice individua l home s a nd office s ac ross the country.” T his vision of the
com puting utility ba se d on the se rvice provisioning
m ode l a ntic ipa tes the massive transforma tion of the
entire c om puting industry in the 21st ce ntury whe re by com puting se rvices will be rea dily a va ila ble on
de ma nd, like other utility service s a va ila ble in toda y‟s
soc ie ty. Sim ilarly, c om puting service use rs (c onsumers) nee d to pa y provide rs only whe n the y access c omputing servic es. In a ddition, c onsume rs no longer nee d to inve st hea vily or e nc ounte r diffic ulties
in building a nd ma inta ining c omple x IT infra struc ture.
Softwa re prac titione rs a re fac ing nume rous ne w
cha lle nges toward crea ting software for m illions of consume rs to use as a service rather tha n to run on the ir individua l c om pute rs. Ove r the years, ne w c om puting
pa ra digm s ha ve bee n propose d and a dopte d, with the
eme rge nce of tec hnologica l a dva nc es suc h a s m ulti-
core proce ssors a nd networ ke d c om puting environme nts, to edge c lose r towa rd a c hie ving this
gra nd vision. As shown in Figure 1, these ne w
com puting para digms include c luste r c om puting, Grid com puting, P2P c om puting, service c om puting, ma rket-orie nte d c omputing, a nd m ost re ce ntly Cloud com puting. All these pa ra digm s prom ise to provide
certa in a ttribute s or ca pa bilities in orde r to rea lize the possibly 1 trillion dollars worth of the utility/pe rvasive com puting industry as quote d by Sun Mic rosyste ms
co-founde r Bill Joy [2]. Com puting se rvices nee d to be highly relia ble, sca la ble, a nd a utonom ic to support ubiquitous ac cess, dynam ic disc ove ry a nd com posa bility. In pa rtic ular, c onsume rs ca n de te rm ine
the re quired se rvice le vel through Qua lity of Se rvice (QoS) pa ra me te rs and Service Le ve l Agree me nts
(SL As). Of a ll these c om puting para digms, the two
m ost promising ones a ppea r to be Grid c om puting a nd Cloud c omputing.