Creating 3D Models with Uncalibrated Cameras
Shapr3D 是一种创新的三维建模工具,可以使用户在不使用计算机的情况下进行三维建模。
Shapr3D可以在iPad上使用,并且支持Apple Pencil,让用户能够使用手绘的方式进行建模。
B ERROR MESSAGESB.1FLAC3D-Specific Errors***A zone has undefined material modelOne or more zones in the model has not had a material model defined.This must bedone before cycling.***All zones have NULL fluid modelNo zones with activefluid material models are present.Either activate some zonesforfluid calculations or disablefluid calculations.***Attempted to create a degenerate triangleThe generation a surface item caused the creation of a degenerate triangle(i.e.onewith co-linear points).***Bad commandFLAC3D failed to recognize the command entered.***Bad format parameter i(string)The i th parameter on the command line was not in the format required by the com-mand syntax.***Bad I/O on filefileFLAC3D was unable to either read or write tofilefile.If writing,there may be noavailable disk space.If reading,thefile may be corrupt.***Bad keyword parameter i(string)Parameter i on the command line was not processed by FLAC3D.Check the commandsyntax.***Bad overlay codeAn illegal overlay code was specified in the MODEL command.Legal values areintegers between-1and2.***Bad RANGE keywordA range was specified with an illegal or unrecognized keyword.Check for spellingerrors and see the manual for the correct syntax.***Biot modulus fluid mode is offMay not access Biot modulus when Biot modulus mode is off.***Biot modulus fluid mode is onMay not accessfluid modulus fmodulus when Biot modulus mode is on.***Cable element not foundA reference was made to a cable element that does not match any element currentlyin memory.***Cable has zero lengthA cable was specified/found with a zero element length.***Cable stiffness parameters have not been setSome cable material properties were not specified prior to cycling.***Cannot allocate memoryFLAC3D could not allocate its reserved memory.Specify less reserved memory atthe command line***Cannot apply stress in global and local axes on same faceApply stresses using one axis system.***Cannot combine NULL and PLANE keywords on a contour plot itemIt is impossible to contour the interior regions of null zones.This combination ofkeywords is not allowed.***Cannot deactivate an external volumeAn external volume is always active and may not be deactivated.***Cannot destroy base viewThe view“Base/0”cannot be destroyed.***Cannot destroy current viewThe current view can not be destroyed.Make another view current and try again.***Cannot find ID numberAn ID number was specified that does not match any existing object of that type.***Cannot FIX and APPLY velocity in the same directionA FIX condition is implied on gridpoints under an APPLY velocity condition.***Cannot fix or apply velocities to a node that is slaved to an active zoneA cable node that is internal to an active zone may not have its motion restricted inany way.Only a“free”cable node can have its velocity constrained.***Cannot have applied velocities in global and local axes at same gridpoint Apply velocities using one axis system.***Cannot open filefileFLAC3D was unable to open thefile.If reading,thefile probably does not exist.Ifwriting,thefile may already exist in a protected state.***Cannot rename base viewThe view‘Base/0’cannot be renamed.***Cannot set group of an active volumeAn active volume has already chosen its internal zones.This choice can only bemodified if the volume is made inactive.***Command line overflowA fully-expanded command line has exceeded the maximum length of1024char-acters.***Configuration file errorThe configurationfile is a mirror image of the information stored in the hardwarekey.Thisfile is created thefirst time FLAC3D is executed.Thereafter,thisfile allowsthe user to create models and generate plots without the hardware key attached.Thehardware key will still be required to be attached to cycle.The configurationfiledetected has invalid information,attach your hardware key to regenerate it or replacethe configurationfile specified.***Creep mode not availableCreep extentions are not available in this version of the code.***Density needed for thermal runThe thermal option requires that density be specified in all active zones.***Density not definedThe dynamic option requires that density be specified in all active zones.***Device mode mode not compatible with current hardwareThe specified device mode was not detected as being available on the hardware ofthe current system.***Device mode mode not foundThe specified device mode is not one currently recognized by the screen device.***Display information not availableThe screen display information was not available.This error should never happen;if it does,contact Itasca.***DOS critical error:stringA critical error(disk access,etc)has occurred on the system.You will be promptedfor possible corrective actions.***Dynamic extension absent from gpDynamic extention information was not present in a gridpoint.There is probablyinsufficient memory available.***Dynamic mode not availableDynamic extentions are not available in this version of the code.***Error creating PCX fileAn error occurred while attempting to output a PCX-file image of the screen device.***Error initializing deviceAn error occurred while initializing a screen device.Check the mode setting.***Error initializing graphics systemAn error occurred while trying to initialize an output device.Check that the properdevice has been selected.***Error in syntax while specifying output historiesFLAC3D encountered an incorrect syntax while specifying histories to output.Checkthe correct syntax.***Error in system/temp memoryThis is an internal FLAC3D memory management error.If it occurs,contact Itasca.***Error opening history temp fileFLAC3D was unable to open a temporaryfile to store history traces.There is probablya problem with the disk drive.***Error reading history temp fileFLAC3D was unable to read the temporaryfile it stores history traces in.There isprobably a problem with the disk drive.***Error writing history temp fileFLAC3D was unable to write to the temporaryfile it stores history traces in.The diskdrive may be full.***Extra array index out of boundsAn attempt was made to index a gridpont or zone extra array past the number thathad been specified with the CONFIG command.***Face a,b already has interface elementsCannot double place interface elements from the same interface on the same zoneface.***Face with less than3nodesA face was specified with less than the minimum of three nodes while building awater table.***Failure to assign gridpointAn error occurred while generating internal gridpoints in a zone primitive.There isprobably no more memory available.***Failure to initialize interface logicThe interface logic is unavailable in this session.There is probably insufficientmemory available.***Failure to insert valueThe Table logic was unable to insert a value into a table.This error should neverappear.If it does,contact Itasca.***Fatal key error--contact ItascaAn error has occurred in the hardware logic detection system that makes it impossibleto continue executing the program.***Filefile not save fileAn attempt was made to restore afile that was not a FLAC3D savefile.***Font file name not foundA fontfile needed by the screen device was not found.Check for their existence inthe current directory.***Free surface already exists at that locationAn attempt was made to create a surface triangle in a location where a free(notbound to a volume)surface already exists.***GEN iterator error:stringThis is an internal error to the grid iterator.These errors should never happen.If itdoes,note the contents of string and notify Itasca.***General interface error-stringAn internal interface processing error.This error should never occur.If it does,contact Itasca.***Generic dynamic array processing errorThis error should never occur.Contact Itasca.***Generic linked list processing errorThis error should never occur.Contact Itasca.***Gravity not definedThe gravity vector must be defined prior to the definition of the water table.***Gridpoint already has applied velocities in another local axes system Use one axis system.***Gridpoint i does not existA reference was made to a gridpoint ID that does not match any currently in memory.***Group’string’does not existA reference was made to a group whose name does not match any currently inmemory.***History i does not existAn attempt was made to access a history ID that does not exist.***Illegal block plot typeThis error should never occur.If it does,contact Itasca.***Illegal contour typeThis error should never occur.If it does,contact Itasca.***Illegal error code iThis error should never occur.If it does,contact Itasca.***Illegal geometry in zone iZone i contains one or more internal tetrahedrons with zero or negative volume.Check zone geometry.***Implicit scheme failed to converge***Insufficient memory to restore stateThe savefile used more memory than is available to this session of FLAC3D.RestartFLAC3D and reserve more memory.***Insufficient number of vertices definedMore vertices need to be specified to fully describe the surface desired.***Intended device not availableThe device specified for output is not available on this version of FLAC3D.***Interface element already exists with those vertices.Cannot create two identical interface elements in the same interface.***Interface i not foundA reference was made to an interface that does not yet exist.***Interface node i already exists at that location.Cannot create two nodes on the same interface at the same location.***Interface node not foundNo interface nodes are present in that interface.***Invalid history ID numberAn illegal integer was specified as a history ID number.***Invalid input type(i)This error should never appear.If it does,contact Itasca.***Key for different code IDThe hardware lock detected is for a different program.***Key for newer version of codeThe hardware lock detected is for an older version of the program.Contact Itascato update the version.***Library error stringThis is an internal C runtime library error.In general,this will pertain to afloatingpoint error.***May only have one contour plotitem per viewThere may only be a single PlotItem of type Contour in a view’s PlotItem list.***May only ouput one history to a single tableWhen writing a history to a table,only one history trace and one table may bespecified.***May only specify i output historiesA maximum of i histories may be output simultaneously.***Memory overflowFLAC3D has run out of its reserved memory.Save the run,and restart with morememory if available.***MetaWindow Query Error Code i/iAn internal error from the graphics library driving the screen device.***Missing parameter iFLAC3D required another parameter at position i on the command line.***Mouse driver not foundA mouse driver was not found on the system.Check your computers initializationfiles.***Multiple volume constraint failureA gridpoint which was constrained to two or more volumes was unable to meet all ofits constraints.A probable cause is a surface geometry much smaller that the zonesizes near it.***Must specify a non-zero extrusion vectorAn extrusion vector must be specified for an extruded type of surface generation.***Must specify position to create new nodeIn order to create a new cable node,a position in space must be specified.***Must specify all three nodes of an interface element.The locations of all vertices of an interface element must be specified to create it.***Must specify an interface ID number.An interface ID number must be specified for most interface commands.***Must specify position to create new nodeIn order to create a new cable node,a position in space must be specified.***No convergence in30SVDCMP iterationsThis error should never occur.If it does,contact Itasca.***Node not foundA reference was made to a cable or surface node that does not match any currentlyin memory.***Non-convex faceWhile entering a water table,a polygon was entered that was not convex.***Non-planar faceWhile entering a water table,a polygon was entered that was not planar.***Not configured for creep calculationThe code must be configured(using the CONFIG command)for creep calculationbefore creep extentions can be used.***Not configured for dynamic calculationThe code must be configured(using the CONFIG command)for dynamic calculationbefore dynamic extentions can be used.***Not configured for fluid flow calculationThe code must be configured(using the CONFIG command)forfluid calculationbefore thermalfluid can be used.***Not configured for thermal calculationThe code must be configured(using the CONFIG command)for thermal calculationbefore thermal extentions can be used.***Not enough memory available for command processorThere must be enough memory left in the system(outside of the memory reserved forFLAC3D)to load command processor.If possible,reserve less memory at start-up.***Open surface at zone a face b edge cThe grid iterator was unable to build a closed list of faces and gridpoints for a newlyactivated volume.***PlotItem ID i not foundA reference was made to a plot-item ID number that does not exist in the currentview list.***Property bad,or does not correspond to modelAn attempt was made to specify a non-existent property,or one that does not corre-spond to a given model.***Recursive use of named rangesA name was given to a range that matches a name used by one of its elements.Thisrecursive relationship is not allowed,and the new range is not saved under that name.***Referenced non-existent auxiliary input(i)This error should never occur;if it does,contact Itasca.***Save file incompatible with present versionThe savefile is no longer compatible with the present version of the e theold version or re-run the problem.***hardware copy protection not detected...Press ESC to exit program or any other key to try again and continue.If unsuccessful,contact your local code agentThe hardware copy protection(i.e.,hardware lock,hostid)was not detected.Replaceit and try again.If FLAC3D is still unable to detect it,contact your local code agent.***SOLVE Error:No master processes activeAt least on process(mechanical,fluid,or thermal)must not be a slave to use theSOLVE command.***Table i does not existA reference was made to a table number that does not yet exist.***Table i not foundA reference was made to a table ID that does not match any currently in memory.***Thermal mode not availableThermal extentions are not available in this version of the code.***This model name does not existPlease refer to the manual to determine the available models and their names.***Time step too large for given propertiesCheck the properties.***Timestep rejected by moduleThis error should never occur.Contact Itasca.***Token length overflowA single token has exceeded the maximum length of80characters.***Unable to fix degenerate zone iWhile grid iterating,a zone has degenerated in a way that the iterator was unable tomodify.Increasing the number of zones in the region might help,as might adjustingthe sizefield tofit the surface geometry better.***Unable to find Gp i in surface listThe grid iterator was unable to build a closed list of faces and gridpoints for a newlyactivated volume.***Unable to initialize device stringUnable to initialize screen device string.***Unable to load fontfileUnable to load fontfilefile,which is needed by the graphics system.***ViewID name already existsAn attempt was made to create a new View with an ID that matches one alreadypresent.***ViewID i not foundA reference was made to a ViewID number that does not exist.***ViewID name not foundA reference was made to a ViewID name that does not exist.***Viscous damping too highReduce the damping value specified.***Volume i not foundA reference was made to a V olume ID number that does not currently exist.***Water density not definedThe water density must be defined prior to the definition of the water table.***Water table orthogonal to gravityA water table element was added that was parallel with the direction of the gravityvector.This is not allowed.***Zero gridpoint massAn active gridpoint shows zero inertial mass.Check the material properties beingused.***Zero gridpoint stiffnessAn active gridpoint shows zero accumulated stiffness.Check the material propertiesbeing used.B.2FISH Error Messages***Array index is not an integer***Array name is already used by an array***Bad syntaxCheck your spelling(including case),punctuation and assignments.***Bad type conversionThis usually means that a string or a pointer is being used in an arithmetic expressionwith a number.***Call number is invalidThe given FISHCALL number is not between0and50.***Cannot execute(string)...not a functionThe named symbol is not a defined function.***Cannot give value to left-hand sideThe intrinsic variable is“read only”—i.e.,it cannot be given a value.***Cannot interpret function or array argumentThe argument of an intrinsic or FLAC3D-specific function has a bad format—seemanual.***Cannot interpret(string)as a numberA built-in function expects a number as argument,but something else is present.***Cannot process...not a DEFined functionCheck your spelling(including case),punctuation and assignments.***Cannot raise negative number to real powerThe manipulation of complex numbers is not within the scope of the code.***CASE must be followed by integer between0and256Only constant integer values are allowed.***CASE or END CASE,but no preceding CASE OFStructure is CASEOF...CASE...<CASE>...ENDCASE with multipleCASE clauses.***CASE OF must be followed by somethingA valid expression with an integer result is expected.***Dimension should be positive integerArray dimensions should either be integers or FISH variables names that have integervalues at compile time.***Duplicate CASE numberCASE numbers must appear once only in a CASE section.***ELSE or END IF,but no preceding IFStructure is IF...THEN...<ELSE>...ENDIF with a single ELSE clause optional.Indenting your code will help you track this error.***Empty line after’=’***END COMMAND,but no preceding COMMANDStructure is COMMAND...ENDCOMMAND.Indenting your code will help you trackthis error.***END LOOP,but no preceding LOOPStructure is LOOP...ENDLOOP.Indenting your code will help you track this error. ***Expected=<>#<=or>=but missing***Extraneous materialThere are extraneous characters on the same line after a FISH statement.***FISH compilation errorFISH was unable to compile the function as entered,probably due to an erroneouscommand or a spelling error.***FISH execution errorFISH was unable to execute the function as entered.This could be caused bycommand errors,division by zero,or other such programming faux pas.***Fish-function name expected but not found***Function name has been defined before***Function name is already an array***Function name is inappropriate or conflicts with reserved word***Function string is being called recursivelyThe named function is trying to execute itself(e.g.,the function name is on theleft-hand side of an assignment).***Inappropriate equals signAn equals sign is in an inappropriate place.***Inappropriate keywordA FISH keyword is being used in an inappropriate place.***Inappropriate right parenthesisCheck your punctuation.***Incomplete string(missing quotation mark)Check your punctuation.***Integer between0&255must follow CASE***Internal FISH error..send data file to Itasca***Missing argument(s)Refer to Chapter4,FISH User’s Guide,for the arguments required.***Missing comma in loop rangeCheck format of LOOP statement—see definition in manual.***Missing END CASE statementThe function has ended,but with an incomplete CASE section.***Missing END IF statement(s)A function definition has been ended,but with an incomplete IF section.***Missing END LOOP statementThe function has ended,but with an incomplete LOOP.***Missing left-hand side to assignment***Missing loop range(s)***Missing material***Missing name***Missing right-hand side to assignment***Missing test symbol:=<>#<=or>=One,and only one,of the noted test symbols may be used in the expression. ***More than one equals sign***Name conflicts with existing symbol name***Name conflicts with keyword or intrinsic name***Name corresponds to an existing function***Name is already an array;cannot re-define***Nested SECTIONs not allowed***No corresponding IF statementAn ENDIF has been given without a preceding IF.***No END SECTION statementThe function has ended,but with an incomplete SECTION.***No function name***No preceding CASE OFCASE or ENDCASE has been encountered with no proceeding CASEOF.***No preceding LOOP statement***No SECTION has been definedAn ENDSECTION or EXIT SECTION has been encountered,but there is no precedingSECTION.***Non-existent table***Not a user-defined symbol***Not currently within a SECTIONInappropriate EXIT SECTION in datafile.***Number has bad format***Number of arguments conflicts with previous usage***Parentheses do not balanceCheck your punctuation.***Pointers can only be compared with=or#The general test symbols(<,>,etc.)are not available for pointers.***Premature end of line***Reached END,but with missing END CASEFISH has reached the END of your function and has detected a bad CASE construct.***Reached END,but with missing END IFFISH has reached the END of your function and has detected a bad IF construct.***Reached END but with missing END SECTIONFISH has reached the END of your function and has detected a bad SECTION construct.***Reached END,but with unclosed LOOPFISH has reached the END of your function and has detected a bad LOOP construct. ***Requested table or item does not exist***Square root of negative number***This is a Fish variable,not a functionThe given FISH symbol cannot be executed because it is not the name of a function.***Too many ELSE statementsOnly one ELSE may come between IF and ENDIF.***Trying to divide by zero***Unbalanced parentheses***Unbalanced quote marks***WHILE STEPPING&COMMAND cannot co-exist in a function***Wrong number of argumentsRefer to Chapter4,FISH User’s Guide,for the arguments required.。
3d MAX 菜单中英文对照表
3d MAX 菜单中英文对照表Absolute Mode Transform Type-in绝对坐标方式变换输入Absolute/Relative Snap Toggle Mode绝对/相对捕捉开关模式ACIS Options ACIS选项Activate活动;激活Activate All Maps激活所有贴图Activate Grid激活栅格;激活网格Activate Grid Object激活网格对象;激活网格物体Activate Home Grid激活主栅格;激活主网格ActiveShade实时渲染视图;着色;自动着色ActiveShade(Scanline)着色(扫描线)ActiveShade Floater自动着色面板;交互渲染浮动窗口ActiveShade Viewport自动着色视图Adaptive适配;自动适配;自适应Adaptive Cubic立方适配Adaptive Degradation自动降级Adaptive Degradation Toggle降级显示开关Adaptive Linear线性适配Adaptive Path自适应路径Adaptive Path Steps适配路径步幅;路径步幅自动适配Adaptive Perspective Grid Toggle适配透视网格开关Add as Proxy加为替身Add Cross Section增加交叉选择Adopt the File’s Unit Scale采用文件单位尺度Advanced Surface Approx高级表面近似;高级表面精度控制Advanced Surface Approximation高级表面近似;高级表面精度控制Adv。
Lighting高级照明Affect Diffuse Toggle影响漫反射开关Affect Neighbors影响相邻Affect Region影响区域Affect Region Modifier影响区域编辑器;影响区域修改器Affect Specular Toggle影响镜面反射开关AI Export输出Adobe Illustrator(*.AI)文件AI Import输入Adobe Illustrator(*.AI)文件Align对齐Align Camera对齐摄像机Align Grid to View对齐网格到视图Align Normals对齐法线Align Orientation对齐方向Align Position对齐位置(相对当前坐标系)Align Selection对齐选择Align to Cursor对齐到指针Allow Dual Plane Support允许双面支持All Class ID全部类别All Commands所有命令All Edge Midpoints全部边界中点;所有边界中心All Face Centers全部三角面中心;所有面中心All Faces所有面All Keys全部关键帧All Tangents全部切线All Transform Keys全部变换关键帧Along Edges沿边缘Along V ertex Normals沿顶点法线Along Visible Edges沿可见的边Alphabetical按字母顺序Always总是www_bitscn_com中国.网管联盟Ambient阴影色;环境反射光Ambient Only只是环境光;阴影区Ambient Only Toggle只是环境光标记American Elm美国榆树Amount数量Amplitude振幅;幅度Analyze World分析世界Anchor锚Angle角度;角度值Angle Snap Toggle角度捕捉开关Animate动画Animated动画Animated Camera/Light Settings摄像机/灯光动画设置Animated Mesh动画网格Animated Object动画物体Animated Objects运动物体;动画物体;动画对象Animated Tracks动画轨迹Animated Tracks Only仅动画轨迹Animation动画Animation Mode Toggle动画模式开关Animation Offset动画偏移Animation Offset Keying动画偏移关键帧Animation Tools动画工具Appearance Preferences外观选项Apply Atmospherics指定大气Apply—Ease Curve指定减缓曲线Apply Inverse Kinematics指定反向运动Apply Mapping指定贴图坐标Apply—Multiplier Curve指定增强曲线Apply To指定到;应用到Apply to All Duplicates指定到全部复本Arc弧;圆弧Arc Rotate弧形旋转;旋转视图;圆形旋转Arc Rotate Selected弧形旋转于所有物体;圆形旋转选择物;选择对象的中心旋转视图Arc Rotate SubObject弧形旋转于次物体;选择次对象的中心旋转视图Arc ShapeArc Subdivision弧细分;圆弧细分Archive文件归档Area区域Array阵列Array Dimensions阵列尺寸;阵列维数Array Transformation阵列变换ASCII Export输出ASCII文件Aspect Ratio纵横比Asset Browser资源浏览器Assign指定Assign Controller分配控制器Assign Float Controller分配浮动控制器Assign Position Controller赋予控制器Assign Random Colors随机指定颜色Assigned Controllers指定控制器At All Vertices在所有的顶点上At Distinct Points在特殊的点上At Face Centers 在面的中心At Point在点上Atmosphere氛围;大气层;大气,空气;环境Atmospheres氛围Attach连接;结合;附加Attach Modifier结合修改器Attach Multiple多项结合控制;多重连接Attach To连接到Attach To RigidBody Modifier连接到刚性体编辑器Attachment连接;附件Attachment Constraint连接约束Attenuation衰减AudioClip音频剪切板AudioFloat浮动音频Audio Position Controller音频位置控制器AudioPosition音频位置Audio Rotation Controller音频旋转控制器AudioRotation音频旋转Audio Scale Controller音频缩放控制器AudioScale音频缩放;声音缩放Auto自动Auto Align Curve Starts自动对齐曲线起始节点Auto Arrange自动排列Auto Arrange Graph Nodes自动排列节点Auto Expand自动扩展Auto Expand Base Objects自动扩展基本物体Auto Expand Children自动扩展子级Auto Expand Materials自动扩展材质Auto Expand Modifiers自动扩展修改器Auto Expand Selected Only自动扩展仅选择的Auto Expand Transforms自动扩展变换Auto Expand XYZ Components自动扩展坐标组成Auto Key自动关键帧Auto-Rename Merged Material自动重命名合并材质Auto Scroll自动滚屏Auto Select自动选择Auto Select Animated自动选择动画Auto Select Position自动选择位置bitsCN#com中国网管联盟Auto Select Rotation自动选择旋转Auto Select Scale自动选择缩放Auto Select XYZ Components自动选择坐标组成Auto—Smooth自动光滑AutoGrid自动网格;自动栅格AutoKey Mode Toggle自动关键帧模式开关Automatic自动Automatic Coarseness自动粗糙Automatic Intensity Calculation自动亮度计算Automatic Reinitialization自动重新载入Automatic Reparam.自动重新参数化Automatic Reparamerization自动重新参数化Automatic Update自动更新Axis轴;轴向;坐标轴Axis Constraints轴向约束Axis Scaling轴向比率Back后视图Back Length后面长度Back Segs后面片段数Back View背视图Back Width后面宽度Backface Cull背面忽略显示;背面除去;背景拣出Backface Cull Toggle背景拣出开关Background背景Background Display Toggle背景显示开关Background Image背景图像Background Lock Toggle背景锁定开关Background Texture Size背景纹理尺寸;背景纹理大小Backgrounds背景Backside ID内表面材质号Backup Time One Unit每单位备份时间Banking倾斜Banyan榕树Banyan tree榕树Base基本;基部;基点;基本色;基色Base/Apex基点/顶点Base Color基准颜色;基本颜色Base Colors基准颜色Base Curve基本曲线Base Elev基准海拔;基本海拔Base Objects导入基于对象的参数,例如半径、高度和线段的数目;基本物体Base Scale基本比率Base Surface基本表面;基础表面Base To Pivot中心点在底部Bevel Profile轮廓倒角Bevel Profile Modifier轮廓倒角编辑器;轮廓倒角修改器Bezier贝塞尔曲线Bezier Color贝塞尔颜色bbs。
3d建模英文专业术语1. 3D Modeling: The process of creating a three-dimensional representation of an object or scene using specialized software.2. Mesh: A collection of vertices, edges, and faces that define the shape and structure of a 3D object.3. Vertices: The individual points in a 3D mesh that define the shape of the object.4. Edges: The lines connecting vertices in a 3D mesh, which define the boundaries of the object's shape.5. Faces: The two-dimensional surfaces created by connecting multiple edges in a 3D mesh, which define the visible surface of the object.6. Polygons: A face with three or more sides, composed of connected edges and vertices.7. Subdivision: A technique used to smooth out the appearance of a 3D object by subdividing its faces into smaller polygons.8. UV Mapping: The process of unwrapping a 3D object's surface into a 2D representation in order to apply textures and materials accurately.9. Texture: A two-dimensional image applied to a 3D object's surface to create the appearance of different materials, patterns, or colors.10. Rigging: The process of creating a digital skeleton for a 3D character or object, which allows for realistic movement and animation.11. Animation: The process of creating movement and changes over time in a 3D object or scene, often involving keyframes and interpolation.12. Rendering: The process of generating a final image or animation from a 3D scene, taking into account lighting, materials, and camera settings.13. Lighting: The placement and configuration of virtual lights within a 3D scene to create the desired illumination and shadows.14. Shading: The application of surface properties, such as color, reflectivity, and transparency, to a 3D object in order to create a realistic appearance.15. Keyframe: A main pose or position in an animation timeline that defines a specific moment of movement or change.16. Interpolation: The process of calculating the positions, orientations, and other parameters between keyframes in order to create smooth animation transitions.17. Boolean Operations: A set of mathematical operations used in 3D modeling to combine, subtract, or intersect multiple 3D shapes.18. NURBS: Non-uniform rational B-splines, a type of mathematical curve commonly used in 3D modeling to create smooth and precise shapes.19. CAD (Computer-Aided Design): The use of computer software to assist in the creation, modification, analysis, or optimization of a design.20. Wireframe: A visualization of a 3D object or scene that shows only the edges and vertices, without any solid surfaces or textures.。
Geometric Modeling
Geometric ModelingGeometric modeling is a fundamental concept in computer graphics and engineering design. It involves the creation of digital representations of objects and environments using mathematical and computational techniques. Geometric modeling is used in a wide range of applications, including animation, video games, virtual reality, and industrial design. It plays a crucial role in visualizing and simulating complex structures, helping engineers and designers to analyze and optimize their designs. One of the key perspectives on geometric modeling is its importance in the field of computer graphics. In computer graphics, geometric modeling is used to create 3D models of objects and scenes, which are then rendered to produce realistic images and animations. This process involves representing the shape and appearance of objects using geometric primitives suchas points, lines, and polygons. Geometric modeling techniques such as surface and solid modeling are used to create detailed and realistic 3D models, which are then manipulated and transformed to create visually stunning graphics. Another important perspective on geometric modeling is its role in engineering design. In engineering, geometric modeling is used to create digital representations of mechanical parts, structures, and systems. These models are used for visualization, analysis, and simulation, allowing engineers to evaluate the performance and behavior of their designs. Geometric modeling techniques such as parametric modeling and finite element analysis are used to create and analyze complex engineering models, helping engineers to optimize their designs and identify potential problems before they occur. Geometric modeling also plays a crucialrole in virtual reality and simulation. In virtual reality, geometric modeling is used to create immersive and interactive 3D environments, allowing users toexplore and interact with digital worlds. Geometric modeling techniques such as 3D scanning and mesh generation are used to create realistic virtual environments, which can be used for training, education, and entertainment. Similarly, in simulation, geometric modeling is used to create accurate models of physical systems, allowing engineers and scientists to study and predict the behavior of complex phenomena. From an emotional perspective, geometric modeling can be both challenging and rewarding. Creating detailed and realistic 3D models requires acombination of technical skill, creativity, and attention to detail. It can be a time-consuming and labor-intensive process, requiring patience and perseverance to achieve the desired results. However, the ability to bring virtual worlds and complex designs to life can be incredibly satisfying, and the impact of geometric modeling in various fields can be truly inspiring. In conclusion, geometric modeling is a versatile and essential concept in computer graphics, engineering design, virtual reality, and simulation. It enables the creation of digital representations of objects and environments, allowing for visualization, analysis, and simulation of complex structures. From creating stunning visual effects to optimizing engineering designs, geometric modeling plays a crucial role in a wide range of applications. Its significance is not only technical but also emotional, as it requires a combination of skill and creativity to achieve impactful results.。
Metrology Wells 产品说明书
Recently, we introduced Metrology Wells, which provide the very best performance in portable temperature calibration. The new 914X Series Field Metrology Wells extend high performance to the indus-trial process environment by maximizing portability, speed, and func-tionality with little compromise to metrology performance.Field Metrology Wells are packed with functionality and are remarkably easy to use. They are lightweight, small, and quick to reach temperature set points, yet they are stable, uniform, and accu-rate. These industrial temperature loop calibrators are perfect for performing transmitter loop calibrations, comparison calibrations, or simple checks of thermocouple sensors. With the “process” option, there is no need to carry additional tools into the field. This optional built-in two-channel readout reads resistance, voltage, and 4–20 mA current with 24 volt loop power. It also has on-board documentation. Combined, the three models (9142, 9143, and 9144—each with a “process” option) cover the wide range of –25 °C to 660 °C.High performance for the industrial environmentField Metrology Wells are designed for the industrial process environ-ment. They weigh less than 8.2 kg (18 lb) and have a small footprint, which makes them easy to transport. Optimized for speed, Field Metrology Wells cool to –25 °C in 15 minutes and heat to 660 °C in 15 minutes.Field environment conditions are typically unstable, having wide temperature variations. Each Field Metrology Well has a built-in gradient-temperature compensation (patent pending) that adjusts control characteristics to ensure stable performance in unstable environments. In fact, all specifications are guaranteed over the environmental range of 13 °C to 33 °C.Field Metrology WellsTechnical Data•Lightweight, portable, and fast•Cool to –25 °C in 15 minutes and heat to 660 °C in 15 minutes•Built-in two-channel readout for PRT, RTD, thermocouple,4-20 mA current•True reference thermometry with accuracy to ± 0.01 °C •On-board automation and d ocumentation•Metrology performance in accuracy,stability, uniformity, and loadingProvided by: (800)404-ATECAdvanced Test Equipment Corp .®Rentals • Sales • Calibration • ServiceBuilt-in features to address large workloads and common applicationsWhether you need to calibrate 4-20 mA transmitters or a simple thermostatic switch, a Field Metrology Well is the right tool for the job. With three models covering the range of –25 °C to 660 °C, this family of Metrology Wells calibrates a wide range of sensor types. The optional process version (models 914X-X-P) provides a built-in two-channel ther-mometer readout that measures PRTs, RTDs, thermocouples, and 4-20 mA transmitters which includes the 24 V loop supply to power the transmitter.Each process version accepts an ITS-90 reference PRT. The built-in readout accuracy ranges from ± 0.01 °C to ± 0.07 °C depending on the measured temperature. Ref-erence PRTs for Field Metrology Wells contain individual calibration constants that reside in a memory chip located inside the sensor housing, so sensors may be used inter-changeably. The second channel is user-selectable for 2-, 3-, or 4-wire RTDs, thermocouples, or 4-20 mA transmitters. For comparison calibration, don’t hassle with carrying mul-tiple instruments to the field. Field Metrology Wells do it all as a single instrument.Traditionally, calibrations of temperature transmittershave been performed on the measurement electronics, while the sensor remained uncalibrated. Studies have shown, however, that typically 75 % of the error in the transmitter system (transmitter electronics and temperature sensor) is in the sensing element. Thus, it becomes important to calibrate the whole loop—both electronics and sensor.The process option of Field Metrology Wells makes transmitter loop calibrations easy. The transmitter sensor is placed in the well with the reference PRT and the trans-mitter electronics are connected to the front panel of the instrument. With 24 V loop power, you are able to power and measure the transmitter current while sourcing andmeasuring temperature in the Field Metrology Well. This allows for the measurement of as-found and as-left data in one self-contained calibration tool.All Field Metrology Wells allow for two types of auto-mated thermostatic switch test procedures—auto or manual setup. Auto setup requires the entry of only the nominal switch temperature. With this entry, it will run a 3-cycle calibration procedure and provide final results for the dead band temperature via the display. If you need to customizethe ramp rate or run additional cycles, the manual setup allows you to program and run the procedure exactly how you would like. Both methods are fast and easy and make testing temperature switches a virtual joy!Metrology performance for high-accuracy measurementsUnlike traditional dry-wells, Field Metrology Wells maximize speed and portability without compromising the six key metrology performance criteria laid out by the EA: accuracy, stability, axial (vertical) uniformity, radial (well-to-well) uni-formity, loading, and hysteresis. All criteria are important in ensuring accurate measurements in all calibration applications.Field Metrology Well displays are calibrated with high-quality traceable and accredited PRTs. Each device (pro-cess and non-process versions) comes with an IEC-17025 NVLAP-accredited calibration certificate, which is backed by a robust uncertainty analysis that considers temperature gradients, loading effects, and hysteresis. The 9142 and 9143 have a display accuracy of ± 0.2 °C over their fullrange, and the 9144 display accuracy ranges from ± 0.35 °C at 420 °C to ± 0.5 °C at ± 660 °C. Each calibration is backed with a 4:1 test uncertainty ratio.New control technology guarantees excellent performance in extreme environmental conditions. The 9142 is stable to ± 0.01 °C over its full range and the mid-range 9143 is stable from ± 0.02 °C at 33 °C and ± 0.03 °C at 350 °C. Even at 660 °C, the 9144 is stable to ± 0.05 °C. But this is not all! Thermal block characteristics provide radial (well-to-well) uniformity performance to ± 0.01 °C. Dual-zone control helps these tools achieve axial uniformity to ± 0.05 °C at 40 mm (1.6 in).Automation and documentation make each unit a turnkey solutionSo you now have a precision calibration instrument that has field-ready characteristics, accredited metrology per-formance, built-in two-channel thermometry, and automa-tion—what else could you ask for? How about all this and aWith the ability to measure a reference PRT, mA current, and source 24 V looppower, Field Metrology Wells can automate and save up to 20 different tests.turnkey solution that will automate and document the results?The process versions of Field Metrology Wells have on-board non-volatile memory for documentation of up to 20 tests. Each test can be given a unique alphanumeric ID and will record block temperature, reference temperature, UUT values, error, date, and time. Each test can be easily viewed via the front panel or exported using Model 9930 Interface -it software, which is included with each shipment. Interface -it allows you to pull the raw data into a calibration report or an ASCII file.Operation is as easy as 1-2-3You’ll find Field Metrology Wells intuitive and easy to use. Each unit is equipped with a large, easy-to-read LCD display, function keys, and menu navigation but-tons. Its “SET PT.” button makes it straightforward and simple to set the block temperature. Each product has a stability indicator that visually and audibly tells you the Field Metrology Wells is stable to the selectable criteria. Each unit offers pre-programmed calibration routines stored in memory for easy recall, and all inputs are easily acces-sible via the front panel of the instrument.Never buy a temperature calibration tool from a com-pany that only dabbles in metrology (or doesn’t even know the word). Metrology Wells from Fluke are designed and manufactured by the same people who equip the calibration laboratories of the world’s leading temperature scientists. These are the people around the world who decide what a Kelvin is! We know a thing or two more about temperature calibration than the vast majority of the world’s dry-wellsuppliers. Yes, they can connect a piece of metal to a heater and a control sensor. But we invite you to compare all our specs against the few that they publish. (And by the way,we meet our specs!)The process version of Field Metrology Wells can save up to 20 different tests.Simplified schematic illustrating the airflow design (patents applied for) to minimize potential heat damage to sensor handles and transition junctions.Base Unit Specifications914291439144Temperature Range at 23 °C –25 °C to 150 °C(–13 °F to 302 °F)33 °C to 350 °C(91 °F to 662 °F)50 °C to 660 °C(122 °F to 1220 °F)Display Accuracy± 0.2 °C Full Range± 0.2 °C Full Range± 0.35 °C at 50 °C± 0.35 °C at 420 °C± 0.5 °C at 660 °CStability± 0.01 °C Full Range± 0.02 °C at 33 °C± 0.02 °C at 200 °C± 0.03 °C at 350 °C ± 0.03 °C at 50 °C ± 0.04 °C at 420 °C ± 0.05 °C at 660 °CAxial Uniformity at 40 mm (1.6 in)± 0.05 °C Full Range± 0.04 °C at 33 °C± 0.1 °C at 200 °C± 0.2 °C at 350 °C± 0.05 °C at 50 °C± 0.2 °C at 420 °C± 0.3 °C at 660 °CRadial Uniformity± 0.01 °C Full Range± 0.01 °C at 33 °C± 0.015 °C at 200 °C± 0.02 °C at 350 °C ± 0.02 °C at 50 °C ± 0.05 °C at 420 °C ± 0.14 °C at 660 °CLoading Effect (with a 6.35 mm reference probe and three 6.35 mm probes)± 0.006 °C Full Range± 0.015 °C Full Range± 0.015 °C at 50 °C± 0.025 °C at 420 °C± 0.035 °C at 660 °CHysteresis0.0250.030.1 OperatingConditions0 °C to 50 °C, 0 % to 90 % RH (non-condensing)EnvironmentalConditions (for allspecifications excepttemperature range)13 °C to 33 °CImmersion (Well)Depth150 mm (5.9 in)Insert OD30 mm (1.18 in)25.3 mm (1.00 in)24.4 mm (0.96 in)Heating Time16 min: 23 °C to140 °C23 min: 23 °C to150 °C25 min: –25 °C to150 °C 5 min: 33 °C to 350 °C15 min: 50 °C to660 °CCooling Time15 min: 23 °C to–25 °C25 min: 150 °C to–23 °C 32 min: 350 °C to 33 °C14 min: 350 °C to100 °C35 min: 660 °C to50 °C25 min: 660 °C to100 °CResolution0.01 °Display LCD, °C or °F user-selectableSize (H x W x D)290 mm x 185 mm x 295 mm (11.4 x 7.3 x 11.6 in) Weight8.16 kg (18 lb)7.3 kg (16 lb) 7.7 kg (17 lb)Power Requirements100 V to 115 V(± 10 %) 50/60 Hz,632 W230 V (± 10 %) 50/60Hz, 575 W100 V to 115 V (± 10 %), 50/60 Hz, 1380 W230 V (± 10 %), 50/60 Hz, 1380 WComputerInterfaceRS-232 and 9930 Interface-it control software included 4 Fluke Calibration Field Metrology WellsOrdering Information for 91429142-X Field Metrology Well, –25 °C to 150 °C, w/9142-INSX 9142-X-P Field Metrology Well, –25 °C to 150 °C, w/9142-INSX, w/Process ElectronicsX in the above model numbers to be replaced with A, B, C, D, E, or F as appropriate for the desired insert. See the inserts illustration and listing below.9142-INSA Insert “A” 9142, Imperial Misc Holes9142-INSB Insert “B” 9142, Imperial Comparison Holes9142-INSC Insert “C” 9142, 0.25-inch Holes9142-INSD Insert “D” 9142, Metric Comparison Holes9142-INSE Insert “E” 9142, Metric Misc Holes w/0.25-inch Hole 9142-INSF Insert “F” 9142, Metric Comparison Misc Holesw/0.25-inch Hole9142-INSZ Insert “Z” 9142, BlankOrdering Information for 91439143-X Field Metrology Well, 33 °C to 350 °C, w/9143-INSX 9143-X-P Field Metrology Well, 33 °C to 350 °C, w/9143-INSX, w/Process ElectronicsX in the above model numbers to be replaced with A, B, C, D, E, or F as appropriate for the desired insert. See the inserts illustration and listing below.9143-INSA Insert “A” 9143, Imperial Misc Holes9143-INSB Insert “B” 9143, Imperial Comparison Holes9143-INSC Insert “C” 9143, 0.25-inch Holes9143-INSD Insert “D” 9143, Metric Comparison Holes9143-INSE Insert “E” 9143, Metric Misc Holes w/0.25-inch Hole 9143-INSF Insert “F” 9143, Metric Comparison Misc Holesw/0.25-inch Hole9143-INSZ Insert “Z” 9143, BlankOrdering Information for 91449144-X Field Metrology Well, 50 °C to 660 °C, w/9144-INSX 9144-X-P Field Metrology Well, 50 °C to 660 °C, w/9144-INSX, w/Process ElectronicsX in the above model numbers to be replaced with A, B, C, D, E, or F as appropriate for the desired insert. See the inserts illustration and listing below.9144-INSA Insert “A” 9144, Imperial Misc Holes9144-INSB Insert “B” 9144, Imperial Comparison Holes9144-INSC Insert “C” 9144, 0.25-inch Holes9144-INSD Insert “D” 9144, Metric Comparison Holes9144-INSE Insert “E” 9144, Metric Misc Holes w/0.25-inch Hole 9144-INSF Insert “F” 9144, Metric Comparison Misc Holesw/0.25-inch Hole9144-INSZ Insert “Z” 9144, BlankOrdering Information for All Field Metrology Wells9142-CASE Carrying Case, 9142-4 Field Metrology WellsFluke Calibration Field Metrology Wells 56 Fluke Calibration Field Metrology WellsFluke CalibrationPO Box 9090, Everett, WA 98206 U.S.A.Fluke Europe B.V.PO Box 1186, 5602 BD Eindhoven, The NetherlandsFluke Calibration. Precision, performance, confidence.™For more information call:In the U.S.A. (877) 355-3225 or Fax (425) 446-5116In Europe/M-East/Africa +31 (0) 40 2675 200 or Fax +31 (0) 40 2675 222In Canada (800)-36-FLUKE or Fax (905) 890-6866From other countries +1 (425) 446-5500 or Fax +1 (425) 446-5116Web access: ©2007-2012 Fluke Calibration.Specifications subject to change without notice. Printed in U.S.A. 8/2012 3082057B D-EN-N Pub_ID: 11272-eng Rev 02Modification of this document is not permitted without written permissionfrom Fluke Calibration.。
Perform calibration
calibrate_cameras (:: ► CalibDataID : ◄ Error) Average back-projection error in pixels
Analyze calibration results
Configuration Create model create_calib_data
Configure calibration setup
set_calib_data_cam_param set_calib_data_calib_object set_calib_data_observ_points
Gather calibration data
Configure parameters Evaluation
Perform calibration
Get results
Configure calibration setup
Multi-view Stereo
Sheet-of-light technique
Select Your Solution: Planar
Geometric primitives?
No Clear edges?
Perspective, deformable matching
Rules to Arrange a Stereo Set-Up
Mount the cameras on a stable platform Maximize the overlapping image parts Find a trade off for setting the distance of the cameras (base): the larger the base the higher the resolution of the distance the smaller the base the less the occlusions and the more accurate the correspondences Set up the base line parallel to the objects’ surfaces to be measured Provide illumination without reflections Use similar image resolutions for better results (focus, sensor)
Camera calibration from vanishing points in
We address the problem of recovering 3D models from uncalibrated images of architectural scenes. We propose a simple, geometrically intuitive method which exploits the strong rigidity constraints of parallelism and orthogonality present in indoor and outdoor architectural scenes. We present a novel algorithm that uses these simple constraints to recover the projection matrices for each viewpoint and relate our method to the algorithm of Caprile and Torre 2]. The projection matrices are used to recover partial 3D models of the scene and these can be used to visualise new viewpoints. Our approach does not need any a priori information about the cameras being used. A working system called PhotoBuilder has been designed and implemented to allow a user to interactively build a VRML model of a building from uncalibrated images from arbitrary viewpoints 3, 4].
SimWise 4D 3D 动态运动、压力分析和优化说明书
4D SimWise3D Dynamic Motion, Stress Analysis and Optimizationintegrated with SOLIDWORKSSimWise 4D is a software tool that allows the functional performance of mechanical parts and assemblies to be simulated and validated. It combines 3D multi-body dynamic motion simulation with 3D finite element analysis and optimization in a Windows based product intergated with SOLIDWORKS, priced affordably for every engineer. Each of the major components of SimWise 4D, the motion module, and the FEA module,is available as a separate product and are powerful in their own right but the real benefits arise when the two are combined together in the 4D product.Designs that are made up of moving mechanical parts present challenges when it comes time to answer fundamental questions like “Does it work?”, “Will it break?”, “How can it be designed better?”, and “How long will it last?”.Dynamic forces are hard to calculate and the part stresses induced by motion are even more difficult to quantify. Many of these designs are validated in the test lab or in the field using prototypes of pre-production designs. If problems are found the designs must be revised and the process repeated, resulting in a costly and time-consuming approach to product validationSimWise 4D gives you the ability to explore the functional performance of your design before prototypes are built. Options can be explored in a timely and cost effective manner because hardware does not need to be built until you have confidence that your design works as intended. The capabilities of SimWise 4D make “getting it right the first time” more than just a slogan; it makes it an integral part of your design process.SimWise 4DIntegrated Motion Simulation Stress Analysis and OptimizationIntegration withSOLIDWORKSAll of the SimWise products are integrated with SOLIDWORKS. Using a SOLIDWORKS add-in developed specifically to transfer SOLIDWORKS data to SimWise, geometry, mass properties, materials, assembly constraints, design variables and dimensional values can be transferred to SimWise with a single operation.Assembly constraints areautomatically mapped to SimWisejoints. Design variables anddimensional values are available to use with Optimization. The SimWise model contains associative links back to the SOLIDWORKS model. If a change is made to the SOLIDWORKS model a single operation will update the SimWise model to reflect those changes. The change process can be initiated from either SimWise or SOLIDWORKS.SOLIDWORKS part and assembly models can also be opened directly by SimWise. This method only transfers geometry, mass andmaterial properties. This method also supports updates if the part or assembly model has changed.SimWise Motion3D Motion SimulationSimWise Motion is rigid bodykinematics and dynamics simulation software that lets your build and test functional virtual prototypes of your designs on the computer and simulate the full-motion behavior of those designs. It imports geometry, mass properties, and constraints from SOLIDWORKS and allows you to add motion specific entities to the model resulting in a functional operating prototype of your design. It simulates that prototype using advanced physics and mathematical techniques and presents the results of the simulation in various graphic and numeric formats. You can quickly determine how your design operates and determine if it meets your design objectives or if modifications are necessary. All on the computer, all without costly and time-consuming physical prototypes.SimWise Motion has a rich set of functional objects that are added toyour SOLIDWORKS model to build a functional operating prototype. These objects include:▸Rigid, revolute, spherical, curved slot, planar constraints ▸Rods, ropes, springs, gears, belts, pulleys, conveyors ▸Bushings (flexible connections) ▸Motor and actuators ▸Point forces, torques,distributed forces, pressure, friction forcesCollisions between parts are handled easily allowing the simulation of mechanisms like ratchets, clamps, grips, and others that rely on contact between two or more parts to operate. Contact forces and friction forces that occur at the time of contact are calculated and available for plotting, query or use by SimWise FEA.Motors, actuators and forces can be driven by the SimWise formulalanguage, tabular data, values in an Excel spreadsheet, or by a Simulink™ model co-simulating with SimWise Motion. This allows phenomena like motor start up and spin-down characteristics, variable speed actuators, andelectro-mechanical controllers to be incorporated in the simulation model.Assembly constraints from SOLIDWORKS are automaticallyand associatively converted to SimWise Motion constraints. Many times assembly models are over constrained so a “constraint navigator” is available to walk through each motion constraint and modify as necessary to remove redundancies. Limits can be set for constraints to model rotational or translational “stops”. Friction forces can be activated on an individual constraint basis by specifying thePowerful Formula Languageand Function BuilderSimWise contains a powerful formula language that allows simulation entity properties, instantaneous simulation values, and mathematical expressionsto be combined into an expression that is evaluated during the simulation and which can be used to define physical values in the simulation.Formulas can also be used to generate values for display on meters. For example the formula:0.5*Body[49].mass*mag(Body[49].v)*mag(Body[49].v)When added to a meter will display a graph of the kinetic energy of Body[49].The formula language can also be accessed using a function builder that allows equations to be assembled interactively. The function builder contain an integrated graphing capability so as a function is defined, its graph is displayed and updated.ProgrammabilitySimWise contains a very rich automation interface which allows it to be both interfaced with and controlled by other applications. Programming languages such as C++, C#, Visual Basic, Java, and even vbScript can be used to customize SimWise. You can automate the integration of SimWise into your proprietary processes and your proprietary calculations can be used from within the SimWise environment.The function builder allows complex functions to be defined graphicallyPhotorealistic rendering and animationSimWise uses high quality, high performance rendering technology from Lightworks. Multiple light types and sources, texture mapping, shadowing and other effects are available. Combined with the SimWise animation capabilities it can produce very realistic “movies” of a design as it operates. Stress contour results can also be incorporated in the animations. You can watch your design operate and see how the stresses induced by the operation effect individual parts. The rendered animations and images can be exported to formats that allow placement on web sites, in documents, and presentations.Cameras that move in space or which can be attached to parts aresupported. This allows you to produce “fly-through” type animations or view the design operating from a “birds-eye” view as if you were sitting on one of the parts.SimWise also provides an animation technique known as keyframing. With keyframing you can specify motions in ways that are not based on physics. For example, you can script a corporate logo flying through the air, or a parts-exploding automobile engine to show how it is assembled. Even cameras can be keyframed to create “movie-like” scenes that pan, zoom, and highlight product features. You can also combine physics-based, simulated movement with keyframed animation to create complex motion sequences.friction coefficient and a physical dimension based on the constraint type.All SimWise Motion objects can be selectively made active or inactive based on some criteria defined by the SimWise formula language. For example, a rotational constraint can be active as long as its reaction force is below a specified value. Once the reaction force exceeds the value, the constraint will deactivate and no longer constrain its attached parts. This would model the effect of the constraint “breaking” due to the internal forces being too high.The SimWise Motion simulation engine calculates the displacement,velocity, and acceleration of each body in the motion model and reactions forces that act on each body as a result of its dynamicmotion. This includes the motion and forces that result from any collisions between parts.Each of these quantities can be displayed on meters either in graph or digital format. The values can be accessed with the formula language or tabulated on an HTML report. Graphical vectors can be created that visually show the quantities calculated during the simulation. The vectors can change size and direction as the quantities they display change. Motors and actuators can report their force or power requirements to helpyou determine the proper sizing of these elements, and parasitic losses due to friction can be determined.SimWise Motion help you to answer the question “Does it Work?” and provides the data necessary for SimWise FEA to help you answer the question “Will it Break?”.SimWise Motion3D Motion SimulationAnnotation and Mark-upAnnotations in the form of text, call-outs, and distance and radial dimensions can be added to the simulation model. The distance dimensions are active in that they update if the model is moved or animated. SimWise also provides a distance dimension that shows the points of closest approach and the minimum distance between two bodies. This dimension also updates as the bodies move.Texture mapping, reflections, and shadows can all be used in animationsSimWise Motion supports a conveyor constraint for modeling materials handlingSimWise FEAMechanical Stress and Thermal AnalysisSimWise FEA is a Finite Element Analysis tool that performs stress, normal modes, buckling, and heat transfer analysis on mechanical parts. It is highly automated and handles much of the complexity associated with FEA while offering powerful features for users who are steeped in the intricacies of the Finite Element Method.It imports geometry from SOLIDWORKS and allows you to add structural and thermal specific entities to the model resulting ina functional structural prototypeof your design. It simulates that prototype using advanced physics and mathematical techniques and presents the results of the simulation in various graphic and numeric formats. You can quickly determine whether your design is robust enough to operate as intended or if modifications are necessary. All on the computer, all without costly and time-consuming physical prototypes and before warranty issues arise.SimWise FEA has a rich set of functional objects that are added to your SOLIDWORKS model to build a functional structural prototype. These objects include:▸Concentrated loads, distributedloads, torques, and pressures▸Restraints and enforceddisplacements▸Prescribed temperatures,conductive and convective heatflux, and radiationAll of these values can be driven bythe SimWise formula language. Allof these objects are applied to theunderlying geometry, not to nodesand elements as in a traditional FEAproduct.SimWise uses a fast iterativeFinite Element Analysis solver thattakes advantage of multi-coreprocessors and which is based on aPreconditioned Conjugate Gradientmethod. SimWise FEA exclusivelyuses ten-node tetrahedral elementsand the solver is optimized for thistype of problem.SimWise FEA performs the followingtypes of analyses:▸Linear Static Stress▸Steady State Thermal▸Trasient Thermal▸Normal Modes▸Buckling▸Combined Thermal/StructuralSimWise FEA can displayFEA results as shadedcontours, deformed shapes,or animations. In additionto these engineeringvalues, SimWise FEA alsocalculates factors of safetyand errors in the stress results andboth of these can be displayed asshaded contours.The error results can be used todrive an iterative solution processcalled h-adaptivity where the errorresults are used to refine the FiniteElement mesh in areas with largeerror values and use that new meshto run another solution. The errors inthe new solution are compared to agoal and if error values in the modelstill exceed the goal, the processis repeated with successive meshrefinements and analyses until theerror goal is achieved. Confidencein the results are increased and nospecial knowledge about appropriatemeshing techniques is required.If more control over the mesh isrequired, SimWise FEA providesmesh controls that can be attachedto geometric faces or edges. Thecontrol allows the mesh size to bespecified on that particular featureand the resulting 3D mesh will bethe specified size along or across thegeometric feature.Refinement 2 - Error < 5%Refinement 1 - Error 8%Initial Mesh - Error 13%h-Adaptivity refines the mesh until an error threshold is achievedSimWise 4D OptimizationOptimization allows you to answer the “How can it be made better?” question about your design.Once you know a design will work and is strong enough to operate safely, you can start to consider making trade-offs between product attributes in the areas of weight, cost, manufacturability, and performance. SimWise 4D includes the HEEDS® optimization engine which, using its unique SHERPA algorithm, rapidly iterates through many design alternatives looking for design parameters that meet all targets and criterias.Three things are needed for optimization:▸Parameters – The values thatwill be changed to achievean optimized objective. Thesecan be any type of SimWise value, such as the stiffness of a spring, or the location of a joint.▸Objective – The value(s) tobe optimized. Any SimWisequantity that can be displayedon a meter along with mostSimWise object attributes canbe an objective.▸Constraints – Place bounds onthe optimization. Any SimWisequantity that can be displayedon a meter along with mostSimWise object attributes canbe used as a bound.As the optimization runs, the enginewill choose different values for theparameters and run multiple Motion,FEA, or Motion+FEA simulations.The high performance SHERPAsearch algorithm in the HEEDS®engine guide the choice of parametervalues. The data from each run arepreserved and can be reviewed.Each run is ranked in terms of howit meets the optimization criteria andthe rankings can be used to arrive atthe final values used for your design.If your SimWise model wastransferred from SOLIDWORKSvia the Plug-In, then you can alsochoose to transfer Design Variablesand Dimensions from SOLIDWORKSto SimWise. These Variables andDimensions can also be used as aParameter, Objective, or Constraint inthe optimzation process. Each timethe optimzation engine determinesthat a CAD Variable or Dimensionneeds to be changed, the CADsystem will be passed the newvalue, the model will be updated,and transferred back to SimWisefor the next optimization step. Thecomplex process of updating theSOLIDWORKS model, and runningmutliple Motion and/or FEA analysesis completly managed by SimWise.Some of the benefits of usingSimWise Optimization include:▸Reduced developmentcosts and improved productperformance - With theoptimization methods availablein SimWise coupled with itsintegrated Motion and FEAsolvers and associative linksto SOLIDWORKS, you canuncover new design conceptsthat improve productsand significantly reducedevelopment, manufacturing,warranty and distribution costs▸Sensitivity studies - UseSimWise Optimization to identifythe variables that affect yourdesign the most. You can thenignore variables that are notimportant or set them to valuesthat are most convenient orleast costly. This allows you tocontrol quality more effectivelywhile lowering cost.▸Lets you focus on innovativedesign - There’s no needto experiment with differentoptimization algorithms andconfusing tuning parameters foreach new problem. The HEEDSSHERPA algorithm adapts itselfto your problem automatically,finding better solutions faster,the first time.Best of all there is nothing extrato purchase. All of the capabilitiesneeded to peform sophisticated,analysis driven optimization are partof SimWise 4D.Simulink Interface MATLAB® /Simulink is widely used to design and simulate control systems in a variety of domains. As products grow more sophisticated,many mechanical assembliesare run by controllers andthe ability to simulate the controller together withthe mechanical system is necessary.SimWise can functon as a “plant” model in Simulinkwhich allows a SimWisemodel to be placed in a Simulink model as a blockrepresenting the mechanical model.Any SimWise value displayed on ameter can be defined as an “ouput”signal from the Plant Model andbe connected to another Simulinkblock’s input.A Simulink block’s output may beconnected to an input control inSimWise and the input controlcan be mapped to almost anynumeric attribute of a SimWiseobject. For example the amountof force generated by a linearactuator or the speed of a rotarymotor.Benefits:▸Control engineers can test theircontrol algorithms with dynamicmechanical models includingphenomena like 3D contact andfriction.▸The mechanical engineer andthe controls engineer cancombine their independantmodels.▸Development time and costcan be saved by evaluatingthe controller and mechanicalsystem early in the designprocess without having to buildphysical prototypes.SimWise Plant model integrates with SimulinkSimWise Durability Fatigue Life AnalysisSimWise Durability is an add-on module to SimWise 4D that allows you to answer the “How long willit last?” question about your design before you ever build a prototype.Fatigue damage is one the most common causes of structural failure, and can lead to disastrous outcomes. Therefore, prediction of structural fatigue life is essential in modern product design.SimWise 4D already calculates the dynamics loads that result from the motion of a mechanism, and the stresses and strains that result fromthose dynamic loads.SimWise Durability applies widelyaccepted FEA fatigue calculations tothe stress/strain history to determinethe part fatigue life. It presents thisdata as a shaded contour plot justlike FEA stress or temperatureresults. From this you can quicklydetermine if the part life is within thedesign objectives, and if not, wherechanges need to made to improvefatigue life.SimWise Durability provides about150 different materials containingfatigue properties per SAE J1022.Fatigue life can be calculated usinguni-axial or biaxial methods andSimWise Durability supports both.The following calculation methodsare supported:▸Manson Coffin▸Morrow▸Basquin▸ASME▸BWI Weld▸Smith-Watson-Toper▸Max Shear Strain▸Goodman▸Gerber▸Dang VanBenefits:▸Reduce reliance on physicaltests and avoid costly designand tooling changes.▸Reduce costs and weight byassessing more design options.▸Perform better physical tests bysimulating first.▸Reduce warranty costs byreducing failures.SimWise 4D is a prerequisite forSimWise Durability.An unprecedented Value PropositionThere are many options whenchoosing a set of CAE tools; FEAapplications, 3D Dynamic Motionapplications, CAE tools that are partof CAD systems. SimWise sets itselfapart in this crowded field because itoffers unsurpassed value.Consider that for a fraction of theprice of some single-purpose CAEtools, SimWise delivers:▸3D Dynamic Motion Simulationincluding contact, friction,formulas, and more.▸Linear static, normal modes,buckling, steady state andtrasient thermal and combinedthermal and structural analysis.▸Adaptive FEA meshing providinglocal mesh refinement inareas of hgh stress gradients,producing accurate results withminimal input.▸Combined Dynamic Motionand FEA analysis allowingthe stresses that result fromthe dynamic operation of anassembly to be calculated.▸Optimization using FEA, Motionor combined results.▸Integration with MATLAB/Simulink for co-simulation ofmechanical assemblies andcontrol systems.▸The ability to open andupdate CAD files directly fromSOLIDWORKS.▸The Plug-in for SOLIDWORKS,that allow associated modeltransfers along with assemblyconstraints, parameters anddimensions to be used foroptimization.▸Key-framed animationcoupled with photo-realisticrendering allowing productionof high definition videos andfly-throughs of a design inoperation.▸Optional Durability moduleproviding fatigue calculations inorder to predict product life.Fatigue life plot of a door armSimWise 4D Integrated Motion and Stress AnalysisAnimation CapabilitiesFlexible key framing and animationsof exploded assembliesShadows, surface rendering,and texture mappingClipping planes to “cutaway” sectionsAVI video creation。
NO.0001、ESYS is not valid for line element。
0002、使用*TREAD的时候,有的时候明明看文件好好的,可是却出现*TREAD end—of-file in data read。
NO.0003、 Coefficient ratio exceeds 1.0e8 - Check results.这个大概是跟收敛有关,但是我找不到具体的原因。
有人知道这个信息是什么意思,怎么调试能消除吗?NO.0004、*TREAD end—of—file in data readtxt中的表格数据不完整!NO。
0005、No *CREATE for *END. The *END command is ignored忘了写*END了吧,呵呵NO。
0006、 Keypoint 1 is referenced by only one line. Improperly connected line set for AL command两条线不共点,尝试 nummrg命令NO.0007、L1 is not a recognized PREP7 command, abbreviation,or macro.This command will be ignored还没有进入prep7,先:/prep7NO。
制作人体神经系统模型的过程中胸部的神经无法伸展到合适的位置的解决方法I understand that it can be frustrating when creating a model of the human nervous system and facing challenges with the positioning of the nerves in the chest region. However, with some creativity and problem-solving skills, it is possible to find a solution to this issue. One approach could be to carefully examine the anatomy of the chest region and identify any constraints that may be limiting the flexibility of the nerves. By gaining a deeper understanding of the structures and pathways involved, it may be possible to find a way to reposition the nerves in a more suitable location.我理解在制作人体神经系统模型时,面临胸部神经无法伸展到合适位置的问题可能会令人沮丧。
Another approach could involve adjusting the design of the model itself to accommodate the positioning of the nerves in the chestregion. By making modifications to the structure or materials used in the model, it may be possible to create more space or flexibility for the nerves to extend into the desired locations. This may require some trial and error, as well as collaboration with experts in the field, but could ultimately result in a more accurate and realistic representation of the human nervous system.另一种方法可能涉及调整模型本身的设计,以适应胸部神经的定位。
spaceclaimSpaceClaim: Revolutionizing 3D Modeling and Engineering DesignIntroductionSpaceClaim is a powerful and intuitive 3D modeling software used in the field of engineering design and manufacturing. It stands out from traditional CAD (Computer-Aided Design) software due to its unique and innovative approach to creating and editing 3D models. In this document, we will explore the features and capabilities of SpaceClaim and discuss how it is revolutionizing the way engineers and designers work.User Interface and Modeling ToolsOne of the key strengths of SpaceClaim lies in its user-friendly interface, which enables users to quickly and easily create and edit 3D models. Unlike other CAD software, SpaceClaim does not rely heavily on complex menus and toolbar options. Instead, it provides a direct modeling approach, allowing users to directly manipulate geometry in a familiar and intuitive way. This makes it easier for both experienced CAD professionals and beginners to quickly adapt to the software.SpaceClaim offers a wide range of modeling tools that enable users to create complex designs with ease. These tools include sketching, extrusions, revolves, sweeps, and blends. The software also provides powerful features for editing existing geometry, such as filleting, chamfering, shelling, and splitting. Furthermore, SpaceClaim supports the import and export of various file formats, making it compatible with other popular CAD software.Collaboration and IntegrationSpaceClaim promotes seamless collaboration and integration within teams. Multiple users can work on the same model simultaneously, allowing for efficient design reviews and real-time feedback. The software also integrates well with other engineering software, such as finite element analysis (FEA) and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software, enabling engineers to analyze and optimize their designs without the need for data conversion.Another notable feature of SpaceClaim is its ability to directly edit CAD files from different software packages. This means that engineers can easily modify designs created in other CAD software without having to recreate the entire model. This can significantly improve productivity and streamline the design process.Simulation and AnalysisSpaceClaim provides built-in simulation and analysis capabilities, allowing engineers to evaluate the performance of their designs before prototyping or manufacturing. The software offers tools for structural analysis, fluid flow simulation, and thermal analysis. Engineers can quickly identify areas of stress concentration, optimize designs for weight reduction, or analyze fluid flow patterns within their models.Additionally, SpaceClaim enables users to generate realistic renderings and animations of their designs, allowing for better visualization and presentation of ideas. These visualizations can be used for marketing purposes, design reviews, or to communicate ideas to clients and stakeholders.ConclusionSpaceClaim has revolutionized 3D modeling and engineering design with its intuitive interface, powerful modeling tools, and seamless collaboration capabilities. The software enables engineers and designers to create complex 3D models efficiently, edit CAD files from different software packages, and perform simulation and analysis on their designs. With its wide range of features and user-friendly approach,SpaceClaim has become an invaluable tool for professionals in the field of engineering design and manufacturing. Whether it is creating innovative products or optimizing existing designs, SpaceClaim provides the flexibility and functionality required to achieve outstanding results.。
三维建模与电磁场仿真新工具3D Workbench的介绍及使用方法图文详解
三维建模与电磁场仿真新工具3D Workbench的介绍及使用方法图文详解™2018版本中,介绍了全新的三维建模与电磁场仿真工具——3D Workbench。
它具有当前市场上主流3D CAD 产品的用户界面(GUI),采用了经业界多年验证的Powe® 3D-EM仿真引擎(Engine)与多样且高效的网格划分(Mesh)选项。
较当前市场上依赖第三方数据与模型转换的的其他三维电磁场仿真工具而言,3D Workbench 可提供效率更高、出错率更低的解决方案,大幅缩短设计-仿真周期的同时降低设计失误风险。
庞诚来为大家详细解说该工具的四大功能:3D Workbench的建模界面与模型导入、网格化分选项、参数扫描仿真与分析,以及全功能脚本命令(Tcl)录制与回放,并向大家图示展示3D Workbench的基本工作流程。
3D Workbench工具特点友好的建模界面与模型导入便利3D Workbench 具备当前主流的3D CAD工具的建模界面。
丰富的网格划分(Mesh)选项3D Workbench提供了Sigma Mesh 与D Mesh 两大类网格划分算法,采用四面体网格单元对求解区域内所设定的电磁场问题进行求解。
在初始网格划定并求解后,3D Workbench会根据预先设定的收敛标准,对不符合误差设定的区域做网格精炼,最终获得符合收敛标准的仿真结果。
3D Workbench更可以根据不同设计需求,选择不同的算法:需要对模型求解区域作整体快速粗略估计,选择Sigma Mesh算法或D Mesh算法中的‘Coarse’子选项需要对模型求解区域内的信号网络做精细分析,选择Sigma Mesh算法或D Mesh算法中的‘Local Map’子选项,并根据信号线尺度、求解波长等参量对‘信号线最大网格长度(Signal net max edge length)’做适当设置。
Shapr3D是一款基于苹果iPad平板电脑的应用程序,它结合了iPad的触摸屏和Apple Pencil的精准输入,让用户能够轻松地进行三维建模工作。
与传统的三维建模软件相比,Shapr3D的操作界面更加简洁直观,用户可以通过手指的触摸和Apple Pencil的精确绘制来进行建模,让整个建模过程更加直观和自然。
occipital structure core 3d参数
occipital structure core 3d参数在3D参数的Occlusion Structure Core中Occlusion Structure Core是一种用于计算机图形学和计算机视觉领域的重要概念。
在3D参数的Occlusion Structure Core中,我们将探讨其核心参数及其应用。
一、Occlusion Structure Core的定义及背景Occlusion Structure Core是一组用于计算三维场景中物体遮挡关系的参数。
Occlusion Structure Core的主要目标是提供一种高效的方法来计算和渲染复杂的三维场景,使得图形在屏幕上的显示更加逼真和自然。
二、Occlusion Structure Core的核心参数1. 距离参数(Distance)距离参数是Occlusion Structure Core中最基本的参数之一。
2. 深度参数(Depth)深度参数是描述物体在三维场景中位置的参数。
3. 法线参数(Normal)法线参数是描述物体表面方向的参数。
4. 透明度参数(Opacity)透明度参数用于描述物体在渲染过程中的透明程度。
三、Occlusion Structure Core的应用1. 实时渲染Occlusion Structure Core在实时渲染领域有着广泛的应用。
二、选择合适的增强现实建模工具目前市面上有许多增强现实建模工具可供选择,例如Unity、ARKit、ARCore 等。
三、学习增强现实建模技巧1. 设计模型:首先,确定您的建模目标并进行模型设计。
2. 导入模型:将设计好的模型导入到增强现实建模工具中。
3. 进行编辑:借助增强现实建模工具,您可以通过手势或者操控设备来对模型进行编辑。
4. 添加材质:为模型添加材质可以增加其真实感。
5. 进行交互:通过增强现实技术,您可以与创建的模型进行交互。
四、注意事项1. 设计合适的模型:在进行增强现实建模时,需要考虑模型的真实感和适应性。
2. 确保设备兼容性:不同的增强现实建模工具对设备要求不同。
Adobe Substance 3D 创意发挥优化指南说明书
Recenter creativity in your 3D pipeline.Creativity is your most valuable asset as a 3D artist or designer. Your unique ideas, perspective, and style are what make your design work so valuable to your employer, colleagues, and customers. But making space to focus on high-value creative work can be tough when you’re faced with complex project demands and tight deadlines.Getting more time to develop top-shelf creative work has weighty implications for your business’s success. “If 3D designers had more time to focus on creativity, quality would increase tenfold,” says Wes McDermott, head of Worldwide Substance 3D Evangelism, 3D and Immersive at Adobe Substance 3D. Whether your company directly monetizes the content or products you create or sets itself apart from competitors with a unique brand identity and creative approach, delivering state-of-the-art 3D projects can spell the difference between getting noticed and being left behind. The good news is that with powerful, task-based 3D tools and connected workflows to support day-to-day 3D asset production needs, your team can iron out process wrinkles so you can focus on ideation and iteration. In this guide, we’ll explore five steps you can take to make your 3D pipeline more efficient and give your team’s creativity more time to shine.Table of contentsMore time, increased creativity, greater business impact 4 Step 1. Automate repetitive tasks 6 Step 2. Use 3D asset libraries to accelerate creativity 7 Step 3. Explore new ways to integrate your pipeline 8 Step 4. Simplify your creative collaboration approach 10 Step 5. Invest in non-destructive workflows that support iteration 11 Small changes can make a big impact 12More time. Increased creativity.Greater business impact.Many teams struggle with the same 3D pipeline pain points—a lack of standardization and integration across tools, time-intensive file compatibility issues, creative tools that don’t offer enough precision to get quality results, and repetitive tasks that take time and energy away from higher-value work. If your 3D pipeline doesn’t have the right capabilities or requires a lot of steps to achieve the creative results your team needs, these shortcomings can impact delivery timelines, work quality, and ultimately, business performance.Artists and designers working in 3D need a high-performing pipeline that automates repetitive tasks, minimizes production roadblocks, and speeds up time to delivery. Adding precision tools to support specific parts of your pipeline can have a huge impact on efficiency at every step. “That's the goal of all tools—the software should do the heavy lifting and let the artists just focus on creativity,” says McDermott. “I just want to be able to focus on my creativity and not fight software. The software is there to take care of a bunch of the tedious tasks that are part of the 3D process and let me focus on bringing my vision to life.”When designers don’t have to spend time wrestling with common workflow issues, McDermott says that productivity and business both get a major boost. “The right tools in the pipeline contribute directly to maximizing output,” he says. “Focus not only on whether a tool is good for creativity but also good for productivity because you’re able to just focus on the things you need to get done instead of fighting 3D workflow issues that arise, which can be constant.”The business impact for verticals like game design, VFX, and motion design is crystal clear—these brands are directly monetizing creative output, and a smoother 3D pipeline has a direct impact on your end products. In verticals where creativity is crucial but the lines between output and ROI are less obvious—such as product design, consumer packaged goods, and ecommerce—powerful 3D apps that free up time for creativity can still significantly impact the bottom line by giving your team a competitive edge. Working smarter within your 3D pipeline isn’t just good for your business. Focused creative time also impacts employee satisfaction. “Creative time makes the work day less stressful and improves mental health—you just feel better,” McDermott says. “Ample time lets you focus on things that are more invigorating to your mind as a creative, and refreshes your creativity instead of draining it.”When evaluating a multi-app, complex 3D pipeline for things to improve, sometimes it can be difficult to know where to start. Let’s dig into a few common areas where creative teams encounter challenges during 3D asset creation, and the steps you can take to address them.Step 1. Automate repetitive tasks.Creating photorealistic 3D assets means getting a lot of technical details just right.“If you’re building production-ready content, you need time to make sure that your topology is good, that texel density is aligned, and pay attention to highly detailed work,” McDermott says. “There are all kinds of technical requirements that you need to have in place to make sure that the end product looks high quality.”The fact that 3D design takes a substantial amount of time makes a strong casefor automation. Automating crucial but arduous tasks like UV unwrapping, object interactions, and material application can save a lot of time in your 3D design pipeline.“Auto UV unwrapping is a huge time-saver,” says McDermott. “We use automations in a number of design tools to create and clean up topology.”Automating file-based tasks can also save design teams enormous amounts of time. Automation toolkits allow designers to fully automate rule-based map generation tasks for large sets of assets, as well as build and customize task automations. “With automations, you can quickly create clean topology UVs and have full control over how those UVs are going to be laid out and how they're going to work,” says McDermott. “When it comes to creating your own materials, automation also lets you assign materials and easily create your own textures.”Step 2. Use 3D asset libraries to accelerate creativity.Asset libraries can also save your team time and help you focus on high-value design work. Whether your team builds its own internal library of reusable 3D assets or you invest in third-party asset libraries, strategically using existing assets can help your team work smarter so everyone can invest creative effort into the projects and tasks that matter most.The first step is to invest in assembling an internal library of reusable assets that can be shared across the entire creative team so you get the most value out of net-new assets your team is already making. Not only can a company-wide asset library help save your team time—it can also provide visual consistency across related projects. For example, product designers prototyping a new show car concept could save all of their bespoke 3D materials for the interior and exterior design elements to an internal library at the end of a project. The next time they’re working on a new concept, they can go back and reuse or modify existing textures instead of having to start from scratch.Bringing in outside 3D assets is another great way to drive significant time savings. Ready-to-use models, textures, lights, and backgrounds mean that designers can spend less time custom-creating supporting design elements, and spend more time building hero assets, developing custom textures, and refining 3D renders to get exactly the right look.Step 3. Explore new ways to integrate your pipeline.Integration between 3D tools ensures compatibility across your tech stack and makes workflows faster and smoother. The right integrations can save massive amounts of time and dramatically reduce the learning curve for designers adopting new tools.When tools aren’t integrated, switching between different apps for different parts throughout your pipeline can add unnecessary time and frustration. For instance, different 3D applications might use different units of measurement that cause significant issues and delays. “If information isn’t converted correctly or if the scale of the objects isn’t right, then you might run into issues. Let’s say you have an object built at a certain size, and then you take it into a different application and it’s suddenly really tiny. Now you’ve got to rescale everything, and that’s always a huge time expense,” says McDermott.McDermott points out that texturing discrepancies are another liability of working with unintegrated tools in your pipeline. “If you’re texturing in one program and you want to render it in another program, there’s often a discrepancy. You might import a file and think, ‘Why did the texture look great in the first program, but now that I’ve broughtit over, it doesn’t look so good?’ Maybe the roughness is off, or it just looks strange,” says McDermott. “Switching between different apps means there are going to be discrepancies. These incompatibilities can add up and create some problems.”Adding powerful tools that integrate smoothly into your existing 3D pipeline means your team can use the best tools to support creative excellence. “I’ve always used many different 3D apps,” says McDermott. “For example, I’ve used one specialized tool for modeling, and then another tool for animation, and then another tool because it’s really good at doing UVs. So you might be juggling a lot of different tools, but if you integrate them, the work goes much faster and better. In the end, you want to make sure that you get the job done efficiently, and you hit that quality bar. Sometimes it’s a little harder to juggle a bunch of different software, but if that software you’re opening is going to do a better job, it’s worth doing.”Integrated tools that simplify the import and export process, support diverse file formats, and standardize elements can erase pain points from a 3D workflow. “Using a standardized material across integrated applications means you know what you’re going to get,” says McDermott. “That material is going to look the same when you open it in the next app, and that’s a real benefit.”Step 4. Simplify your creative collaboration approach.Working within multiple tools as a solo 3D creator can be a challenge. When you add other creative collaborators into the mix, it can be even more difficult to manage file locations, versions, and settings. And when inevitable change requests come in from stakeholders, a decentralized workflow can make design updates hard to execute in a timely fashion.“Let’s say that you’ve created a model and you’ve sent it over to another designer to be textured or rendered in another application, but then you want to make some changes to the model and need to get it back,” McDermott says. “To propagate updates back through different disconnected software, and then try to get the asset back together again, is always problematic.”Having your entire team work within a centralized and connected 3D ecosystem can minimize these collaboration pain points. Using a shared set of tools and specifications means that moving files between programs won’t cause major issues. Storing files in a centralized location lets people access what they need, when they need it. And when working with programs that can seamlessly handle changes from one part of the pipeline to the next, collaboration is a breeze.“When tools are connected, teams are able to seamlessly send information back and forth,” says McDermott. “A designer can work on something and get it to the next stage and next application and retain a history of the work.” This kind of continuity is essential for smooth handoffs between collaborators, and invaluable for the person doing the next step in the workflow. “If you’re working on a scene with multiple people at the same time, for example, you can send data back and forth between different applications uninterrupted—without losing fidelity or workflow history,” he says.Step 5. Invest in non-destructive workflows that support iteration.No matter what industry you work in, being able to quickly explore new design variations and concepts is critical to creative success. Increasing iterations at every phase of the 3D pipeline can help you discover great new ideas faster—which means you can launch innovative content and products ahead of other market players, honing your business’s competitive edge.3D design tools and processes that make changes fast and easy are invaluable. When going back into files to make changes or updates or to create variations on a theme, the right tools can save your creative team from time-intensive rework.AI-powered, non-destructive design workflows open up creative possibilities. “Non-destructive workflows let you change parameters, or expose the parameters of an asset you’ve created,” says McDermott. “Exposing parameters means another person can see and alter those asset parameters, and then customize it the way they want.” Instead of having to create multiple versions of models or textures, designers can simply adjust a few settings to switch up their final look.In addition to non-destructive workflows, the right automations can make iteration in 3D a breeze. “With an automation toolkit, you can take procedural material and randomize the parameters, and kick out like 50 versions,” says McDermott. This can be a huge time-saver for background or decorative elements that benefit from some subtle variation but don’t have highly specific creative requirements.Small changes can make a big impact.Every design team can benefit from more free time to pursue creative excellence. With a few targeted changes to your 3D pipeline, your business can reduce low-value, time-consuming tasks and give people more time to deliver stellar creative results. Automating repetitive tasks like UV unwrapping can be an immediate time-saver and boost creative quality. Asset libraries can provide a foundation for iteration and fill in creative gaps quickly. Integrations reduce import and export issues and standardize project elements so assets can move smoothly through your 3D pipeline. And creative teams can collaborate and iterate more effortlessly when tools support seamless file handoffs and non-destructive design workflows.These pipeline improvements can add up to serious time savings. For McDermott, getting time back to focus on creativity means more great ideas make it out into the physical world. “When you start a project, you have this feeling of ‘Okay, I have this idea that I want to share with other people.’ I think the project is successful if the core spark of the idea got out at the end,” says McDermott. “If I can see my original idea in the project reflected in the work that's there, then I feel it’s a good accomplishment.”Adobe can help.Smart creative apps and an ever-growing library of production-quality assets combine in the Adobe Substance 3D Collection to make 3D design more approachable than ever. Easy to use and impossible to outgrow, these tools are transforming workflows for designers of all backgrounds and across industries, allowing them to create stunning content at warp speed.We can also help you find a solution to fit your business.Request more information to get started.。
3D重建总是扭曲、空洞、体素化?来看看这个连续场模型吧作者:Jeong Joon Park等扭曲、空洞、体素化仍然是很多3D重建模型的通病,导致视觉效果很不友好。
Facebook、MIT 等近期提出了新型的基于深度学习的连续场3D 重建模型DeepSDF,可以生成具备复杂拓扑的高质量连续表面。
特别是,由于可以在反向传播过程中顺便求得空间梯度,DeepSDF 能生成非常平滑的表面。
图 1:DeepSDF 通过潜在编码和前馈解码器网络来表征形状的符号距离函数。
以上图像是DeepSDF 在学习到的形状潜在空间中进行两个形状的插值后的光线投射渲染。
在尝试用深度学习方法处理输入3D 数据或输出用于目标分割和重建的3D 推理时,这些挑战对深度学习方法的质量、灵活性和保真度带来了限制。
Facebook Reality Lab 的最新研究展示了一种高效、连续的新型生成3D 建模表征和方法。
该方法利用符号距离函数(Signed Distance Function,SDF)的概念,常见的表面重建技术将 SDF 离散化为规则网格用于估计和衡量去噪,而该方法学习一种生成模型来生成连续场。
该研究提出的连续表征可以被直观地理解为学得的形状分类器,其决策边界是形状本身的表面,如图2 所示。
该研究提出的方法与其他研究一样,试图将潜在空间映射到3D 复杂形状分布,但最主要的表征方式是不同的。
尽管在计算机视觉和图形学社区中隐式表面SDF 广为人知,但之前尚未有研究直接学习 SDF 的连续、可泛化 3D 生成模型。
图 2:本研究提出的 DeepSDF 表征应用于 Stanford Bunny:(a) 隐式表面 SDF = 0,SDF < 0 表示表面内的采样点,SDF > 0 表示表面外的采样点;(b) SDF 的 2D 交叉区域;(c) 从 SDF=0 恢复的渲染后的 3D 表面。
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1 Introduction
The problem of recovering shape and motion from an image sequence has received a lot of attention. Previous approaches include recursive methods (e.g., [ 11, 21) and batch methods (e.g., [15, 13,4]). The factorization method, first developed by Tomasi and Kanade [ 151 for orthographic views and extended by Poelman and Kanade [ 131 to weak and para perspective views, achieves its robustness and accuracy by applying the singular value decomposition (SVD) to a large number of images and feature points. Christy and Horaud [4, 51 described a method for the perspective camera model by incrementally performing reconstructions with either a weak or a para perspective camera model. One major limitation with most factorization methods, however, is that they require the use of intrinsically calibrated cameras. When nothing is known about the camera intrinsic parameters, the extrinsic parameters or the object, it is only possible to compute a reconstruction up to an unknown projective transformation [6]. There has been considerable progress on projective reconstruction ([6,3,12,16]). Triggs proposed a projective factorization method in [ 171 which re-
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the principal point is fixed. These two algorithms are linear. The thirቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ algorithm, which is bilinear, works in the case that the focal lengths, the principal points and the aspect ratios are all unknown. Application results to building modeling, terrain recovery and multi-camera calibration show that our method is reliable under noise.
tion also deals with the similarity ambiguity problem directly by putting the world coordinate system at the center of gravity of the object and aligning its orientation with the first camera. Therefore, we can follow the same line of orthographic and weak perspective factorization methods [ 15, 131 to “normalize” the projective reconstruction into Euclidean, which achieves reliability and accuracy by uniformly considering all the data in all the images. In this paper we describe a factorization-based method which recovers Euclidean shape and motion from multiple uncalibrated perspective views. Given tracked feature points, our method reconstructs the object shape, the camera motion and the intrinsic parameters (assuming zero skews). We first apply an iterative algorithm to get a projective reconstruction, then propose three normalization algorithms to impose metric constraints on the projective reconstruction. The normalization algorithms recover the unknown intrinsic parameters and convert the projective solution to a Euclidean one simultaneously. The first algorithm deals with the case that the focal lengths are the only unknown parameters. The second one deals with the case that the focal lengths and the principal point are unknown, while
covers projective depths by estimating a set of fundamental matrices to chain all the images together. Heyden [8,9] presented methods of using multilinear subspace constraints to perform projective structure from motion. In order to obtain a Euclidean reconstruction from the projective reconstruction some additional information about either the camera or the object is needed . Hartley recovered the Euclidean shape using a global optimization technique, assuming that the camera intrinsic parameters are constant [7]. In [lo] Heyden and Wstrom used a bundle adjustment algorithm to estimate the focal lengths, the principal points, the camera motion and the object shape. Agapito et al. proposed a linear self-calibration algorithm for rotating and zooming cameras [ 11. Pollefeys et al. assumed that the focal length is the only varying intrinsic parameter and presented a linear algorithm [ 141. Our normalization process is computationally equivalent to recovering the absolute quadric [18, 141. However, our representation is explicit in the motion parameters (rotation axes and translation vectors) and enables the geometric constraints to be naturally enforced. The representa-
Creating 3D Models with Uncalibrated Cameras
Mei Han Take0 Kanade Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University meihan,tk@
We describe afactorization-based method to recover 3 0 models from multiple perspective views with uncalibrated a cameras. The method first p e ~ o r m s projective reconstruction using a bilinear factorization algorithm, and then converts the projective solution to a Euclidean one by enforcing metric constraints. We present three factorizationbased normalization algorithms to generate the Euclidean reconstruction and the intrinsic parameters, assuming zero skews. The first two algorithms are linear; one for dealing with the case that only the focal lengths are unknown, and another for the case that the focal lengths and the constant principal point are unknown. The third algorithm is bilinear; dealing with the case that the focal lengths, the principal points and the aspect ratios are all unknown. We present the results of applying this method to building modeling, terrain recovery and multi-camera calibration.