A.宪法制度 B. 国家元首制度 C. 人民民主专政制度 D. 人民代表大会制度2.中华人民共和国宪法是()。
A. 柔性宪法B. 协定宪法C. 语义性宪法D. 成文宪法3.我国的制宪机关是()。
A.全国人大B.司法部C.国务院D.中共中央4.除中国共产党以外,中华人民共和国具有合法地位的政治党派总共有( )。
A. 中央委员会B. 中央政治局C. 中央政治局常委会D. 中央书记处6.宪法规定的我国最高国家权力机关是( )。
A.党中央B.国务院C. 全国人民代表大会D. 全国人大常委会7.全国人大常委会的每届任期是()。
A.17岁以上B. 18周岁以上C. 19岁以上D. 19岁以上9. 我国目前采取的国家结构形式是( )。
A.省(自治区、直辖市)、县(市)、乡(镇)三级制B. 单一制C. 联邦制D. 邦联制10.中国共产党目前有党员大约()。
A《马关条约》B《天津条约》C《北京条约》D《辛丑条约》答案:A P222、中国赔款最多的条约是()。
A《北京条约》B《望厦条约》C《马关条约》D《辛丑条约》答案:D P233、规定在中国通商口岸可以投资设厂的条约是()。
A《南京条约》B《天津条约》C《马关条约》D《北京条约》答案:C P284、造成近代中国贫穷落后的根本原因是()。
A中国落后的经济制度B中国落后的政治制度C外国-资本帝国主义的侵略D统治集团的腐败答案:C P305、下列哪个条约允许外国公使常驻北京()。
A《南京条约》B《北京条约》C《望厦条约》D《天津条约》答案:D P246、以下()是中国近代史上中国人民第一次大规模的反侵略武装斗争。
A三元里人民的抗英斗争B香港工人大罢工C义和团反侵略斗争D台湾黑旗军的斗争答案:A P327、提出了“师夷长技以制夷”的思想的是()。
A林则徐B魏源C郑观应D康有为答案:B P408、指挥清军在中越边境前线大败法军,取得镇南关大捷的是()。
A冯子材B邓廷桢C林则徐D邓世昌答案:A P349、近代中国人民斗争的主要出发点是()。
A反对贪官污吏B发展资本主义C挽救中华民族的危亡D争取民主答案:C P3210、资本主义列强对中国的侵略,首先和主要的是进行()。
A军事侵略B政治控制C经济掠夺D文化渗透答案:A P2111、割占中国领土最多的条约是()A、《北京条约》B、《瑷珲条约》C、《马关条约》D、《勘分西北界约记》答案:B P2212、最早在中国设立租界的国家是()A、英国B、法国C、美国D、俄国答案:A P2213、()说“在北京建立了令人满意的关系,在某种程度上(我们)已经成为这个政府的顾问”。
A、赫德B、戈登C、普鲁斯D、巴夏里答案:C P2414、提出《局外旁观论》,要求清政府必须遵守不平等条约的人是()A、李鸿章B、赫德C、袁世凯D、康格答案:B P2515、清朝中央政府的最高顾问是()A、总理衙门B、英国驻中国公使C、北洋通商大臣D、海关总税务司答案:D P2516、令洋人享有领事裁判却的不平等条约是()A、《虎门条约》B、《望厦条约》C、《黄埔条约》D、《五口通商章程》答案:D P2517、规定洋货只需交纳2.5%子口税就能畅行中国内地的不平等条约是()A、《天津条约》B、《北京条约》C、《黄埔条约》D、《望厦条约》答案:A P2718、增开天津为通商口岸的不平等条约是()A、《北京条约》B、《马关条约》C、《辛丑条约》D、《烟台条约》答案A P2719、第一家在中国开设的外国银行是()A、英国渣打银行B、美国花旗银行C、法国东方理汇银行D、英国丽如银行答案:D P2920、以“争取中国士大夫中有势力的集团,开启皇帝和政治家们的思想”为指导思想的学会是()A、广学会B、南学会C、万木草堂D、强学会答案:A P3121、指出现在“实为一个千载难得之实行瓜分(中国)时机”的人是()A、伊藤博文B、瓦德西C、西摩尔D、康格答案:B P3522、列强对中国的侵略,首先和主要的是()A、经济侵略B、政治侵略C、军事侵略D、文化侵略答案:C P2123、将香港岛对岸九龙半岛南端和昂船洲割让给英国的条约是()A、中英《南京条约》B、中英《北京条约》C、中英《天津条约》D、中英《虎门条约》答案:B P2124、割去乌苏里江以东40万平方公里的条约是()A、中俄《瑷珲条约》B、中俄《勘分西北界约记》C、中俄《北京条约》D、中俄《天津条约》答案:C P2225、将福建省划作自己势力范围的国家是()A、英国B、德国C、法国D、日本答案:D P2226、火烧圆明园,并且承认“我们就这样以最野蛮的方式摧毁了世界上最宝贵的财富”的英国军官是()A、巴夏礼B、额尔金C、赫德D、戈登答案:D P2327、规定增开天津为通商口岸的条约是()A、《南京条约》B《望厦条约》C、《烟台条约》D《北京条约》答案:D P2728、规定洋货只须再海关缴纳2.5%子口税的不平等条约是《》A、《望厦条约》B、《烟台条约》C、《中俄密约》D、《天津条约》答案:D P2729、基督教在中国设立的最大的出版机构是()A、强学会B、南学会C、广学会D、科学补习所答案:C P3130、指出“争取中国士大夫中有势力的集团,启开皇帝和政治家们的思想”的人是()A、李提摩太B、伊藤博文C、威廉二世D、西奥多罗斯福答案:A P3131、近代中国反侵略战争失败的最重要原因()A、经济技术落后B、半殖民地半封建的社会制度C、西方先进资本主义制度的入侵D、统治者战略方针的错误答案:B P3832、在《救亡决论》一文中,响亮喊出“救亡”口号的人物是()A、梁启超B、康有为C、章太炎D、严复答案:D P4133、()指出:世界上一切民族都在为生存而竞争……中华民族也不能例外A、孙中山B、严复C、李大钊D、陈独秀答案B P4134、在《盛世危言》中大力提倡发展民族工商业与西方列强进行商战的人是()A、马建忠B、薛福成C、李鸿章D、郑观应答案:D P4035、列强瓜分中国最终破产的根本原因()A、列强之间的矛盾妥协B、以华制华政策推行C、中国人民反抗斗争D、列强准备不足答案:C P3636、在近代,外国人控制中国海关行政权的时间是()A、19世纪40年代B、19世纪50年代C、19世纪60年代D、19世纪70年代答案:B P27二、多项选择题1、以下不平等条约中含有割让领土条款内容的是()。
人教版新目标七年级上册期末冲刺复习专项分类突破卷单项选择100题(一)1.—_________ you Mr. Wang?—Yes, my name ________ Wang Ming.A.Are, am B.Is, areC.Is, am D.Are, is2.My English teacher’s name is Jonny White. So we call him ________.A.Miss Jonny B.Mr. Jonny C.Mr. White D.Sir Jonny 3.—What’s the girl’s name?—________ name is Mary.A.His B.My C.Her D.Your 4.Mom,________my good friends, Mike and Bob.A.she is B.he is C.this is D.these are 5.Hello! My name is Zhang Lingyun. _________ is my family name.A.Zhang B.Ling C.Yun D.Lingyun 6.—What is that?—It is a photo _________ her family.A.in B.of C.to D.on 7.Anna is not my sister. is my cousin.A.He B.His C.She D.Her 8.Jenny is my dad’s sister. She is my ________.A.uncle B.aunt C.grandmother D.cousin 9.Here’s a photo of my ________ and in it you can see my parents and sister. A.family B.school C.friend D.phone 10.This ____ my brother and those ____ my friends.A.is, are B.are, isC.are, are D.is, is11.Helen is my aunt. Her son is my ________.A.brother B.son C.uncle D.cousin 12.—_________ is the boy?—He is my brother.A.How B.Who C.Where D.What 13.—Bob, ________ is my brother Frank.—Nice to meet you, Frank.A.it B.these C.this D.those 14.I have _____________uncle and _____________aunt.A.a, a B.an, an C.a, an D.an, a 15.一Tom, ________ is Sally. ________ is my good friend.一Nice to meet you, Sally.A.he; This B.this; She C.it; She D.she; This 16.—________?—She is my sister.A.Who’s she B.What’s thisC.What’s her name D.How’s she17.Look at (看) the ________!We can see a girl and a dog in it.A.picture B.jacketC.phone D.friend18.—Thank you helping me.—You’re welcome.A.with B.of C.on D.for 19.—How old is Mike?— _________.A.He’s a boy B.H e’s ten C.He’s my father D.He is fine 20.Kate has two cousins. _______ are Sally and Frank.A.This B.That C.They D.You 21.—My English isn’t good. —You can ask the teacher ________ help.A.in B.for C.of D.at 22.Please call us _____2388977.A.at B.on C.in D.with 23.—________ this jacket, Alan?—It’s good, I like it.A.What about B.What’s C.Who’s D.What color 24.—Is this pencil box ________?—Yes,it is. And the notebook is ________,too.A.Gina;her B.Gina's;herC.Gina;hers D.Gina's;hers25.That’s a set ________ keys.A.in B.at C.of D.for26.—Are those her pencils?—________. They’re mine.A.Yes, it is B.No, it isn’t C.Yes, they are D.No, they aren’t 27.—Your watch is very nice.—_________________A.No, it isn't.B.Yes.C.No. D.Thank you.28.I can’t find my ticket. I think I have lost _________.A.it B.one C.this D.them29.—Is this his book?—________. It’s her book.A.Yes, I am B.No, it isn’t C.Yes, it is D.No, he isn’t30.We must ________ the two boys for their help.A.to thank B.thanks C.thank D.thanking 31.Jim lost his ID card and he must _________it.A.lose B.find C.see D.say32.Look! I can see two windows ________ the wall.A.on B.in C.to D.for33.This is ____________ bedroom. They both like it very much.A.Mary and Helen B.Mary's and Helen's C.Mary's and Helen D.Mary and Helen's 34.Jenny isn't tidy.In her room, the books are ________.A.everywhere B.somewhere C.here D.there 35.—my ruler?—It's under the chair.A.Where B.Where's C.Where're D.Where are 36.Anna isn’t ________. Look! Her CDs are everywhere.A.kind B.tidy C.fine D.welcome 37.My sister ________ I are tidy, ________ my brother isn’t.A.and;and B.but;but C.and;but D.but;and 38.—Where is the baseball ?—It’s ________ the table ________ the floor.A.on; under B.on; on C.under; under D.under; on 39.________ my toys. They are new.A.Here are B.Here is C.This is D.That is 40.— ________, Jimmy! You must go to school!—OK, Mum.A.Come on B.Excuse me C.Have a nice day 41.Let’s ________ computer games.A.play B.plays C.to play D.playing 42.—Where’s the map?—I think it’s in your __________ room.A.grandparent B.grandparents C.grandparents’D.grandparents’s43.—Is your notebook in the schoolbag?—________. It’s in the bookcase.A.No, it isn’t B.Yes, it is C.No, they aren’t D.Yes, they are 44.Hello, mum! I need my English book. Can you ________ it to school?A.need B.bring C.take D.have 45.— ________ they have any sports collections?—Yes, they ________.A.Do, do B.Are, are C.Can, do D.Do, can 46.Let’s play ______ basketball after school.A.a B.an C.the D.\47.He ________ soccer on Sunday afternoon. He ________ TV.A.doesn’t play; watches B.don’t play; watchesC.doesn’t play; watch D.don’t play; watch48.----Le’s play computer games.----_____________.A.That sounds good. B.No, I don’t.C.Well, let’s play soccer.D.No, I don’t have a ball.49.I ________ a soccer ball, and Gina ________ a volleyball.A.have; have B.has; has C.have; has D.has; have 50.I’ll go to Shanghai ________ my paren ts.A.and B.to C.with D.of51.My brother and I are in ________ class.A.one B.same C.a D.the same 52.He is a ________ player. He plays ________.A.good; good B.well; well C.good; well D.well; good 53.I have _______ tennis ball.Let’s play ________ tennis.A.the,the B.an,/ C./,the D.a,/54.一Do you like basketball, Tom?—No,I don’t. It’s________ for me.A.difficult B.interesting C.easy D.fun55.He has a good ________ habit because he doesn’t want ________ fat.A.eat; to be B.eating; be C.eating; to be D.eat; be 56.Linda ________ her friend, Gina, about her favorite food.A.helps B.thinks C.asks D.wants 57.—________ your cousin like milk?—Yes, he likes ________ very much.A.Does; it B.Do; it C.Does; them D.Is; them 58.Eating vegetables maybe help you keep _______.A.health B.healthy C.healthily 59.—Eating ________ food is good for our ________.—You’re right.A.healthy; health B.health; healthyC.healthy; healthy D.healthily; healthy60.Do you like French fries and fish ________ dinner?A.in B.of C.about D.for61.We want .A.two cup of oranges B.two cups of orangesC.two cups of orange D.two cup of orange62.Tom ________ eggs, milk, fruit and vegetables every day, ________ he is very healthy. A.have;so B.has;so C.have;but D.has;but 63.—________ lemons do you want?—Two, please. And ________ are they?—They’re 7 yuan.A.How much; how much B.How many; how manyC.How many; how much D.How much; how many64.It’s only 5 yuan! You can buy it ________ a good price.A.at B.with C.in D.on65.Do you need shoes ________ sports?A.for B.at C.in D.on 66.Look!These red shorts are ____ sale ___ only 8 dollars.A.on; at B.on; forC.at; for D.for;on67.We have sweaters ________ all colors ________ ¥50 each.A.in; at B.at; in C.in; for D.at; for 68.— Can I help you?— ______. I need a sweater.A.Yes, I do B.Thank you C.Yes, please D.Happy birthday 69.The pants_______nice. I'll take__________.A.look: them B.looks: it C.look; it D.looks: thern 70.Mr.Green doesn’t like his car now.He wants to ________ it.A.buy B.sell C.take D.get71.My shoes ________ red. This pair of shoes ________ not mine.A.are; is B.are; are C.is; are72.I want to buy a shirt _______ my father.A.to B.on C.for D.in 73.Susan has ________ classes in the morning. The ________ one is art.A.five;fifth B.fifth;fifthC.five;five D.fifth;five74.He is ________ student to come to school in the morning.A.the first B.first C.two D.an75.Next week is Linda's birthday. We want to ________ a birthday party for her.A.have B.buy C.play D.take76.We have a geography lesson ________ three o'clock ________ Thursday afternoon. A.at; in B.in; in C.on; on D.at; on77.________ is between October and December.A.November B.August C.September D.June 78.—________ is your Art Festival?—It’s ________ May 16th.A.What;on B.What;in C.When;on D.When;in 79.-Happy birthday to you, Gina.- .A.Thank you B.All rightC.That' s all right. D.You're welcome80.________ is the fourth month of a year.A.January B.February C.March D.April81.Our school has an art festival ________ November 30th.A.at B.on C.in D.for82.—is your sister?—She is eight.A.How old B.How C.How much D.What 83.—When is your cousin’s birthday?—________ on June 2nd.A.You’re B.She’s C.We’re D.It’s 84.—What’s the ________ today? —It’s October fi fteenth.—What ________ is it today? —It’s Sunday.A.date; day B.day; date C.date; date D.day; day 85.—When is the volleyball game?—________.A.It’s on August 10th B.It’s in August 11thC.It’s at August 12th D.It’s of August 12th86.October comes before __________ and after __________.A.September; November B.November; September C.December; November D.September; August87.My brother’s birthday is on May ________.A.the nineth B.nine C.the ninth D.nineteen 88.— ________ is the book sale?—It’s next week.A.What B.Who C.When89.My father says he has no time to_________ newspapers in his office.A.look B.see C.read D.watch90.I don't like math ______ it's difficult for me.A.because B.but C.in D.and 91.Jim is ten.I'm ten,too.We are the same ______.A.day B.age C.month D.birthday 92.— ________ does he like Miss Sun?— Because her lessons are very interesting.A.What B.Who C.How D.Why93.-________ do you like science?-________it’s interesting.A.Why; So B.What; Because C.Why; Because D.How; Because94.-_______ do you like best?-I like math best.A.Which subject B.What food C.What color D.Which sport 95.—Did you finish ________ the kite?—Yes. I flew it with my classmate this morning.A.making B.make C.makes D.to make 96.-Do you like English? -Yes, it’s .A.boring B.not interesting C.fun D.bad 97.—Does the yellow T-shirt look nice _____me? —Yes . And you look so smart ___yellow . A.on ;in B.on ;on C.in ;on D.in ;in98.The socks are so cheap.I'll____them.A.bring B.like C.take D.eat 99.—What's the ___________of this T-shirt?—50 yuan.A.price B.number C.saleD.question100.—do you like for breakfast?—Two eggs and some milk.A.Where B.How C.What D.What’s。
八年级英语期末复习题(六)一、单项选择( )1. If it tomorrow, I'll go to the beaches.A. isn't rainB. won't rainC. doesn't rainD. isn't raining ( )2. —What did he say? —He saidA. he is going to Beijing next dayB. he is listening to musicC. he likes English very muchD. he would bring some fruit here( )3. What your sister when you got home?A. did, doB. does, doC. were, doingD. was, doing( )4. What if he doesn't come tomorrow?A. happenedB. will happenC. happensD. is happening ( )5. There will be homework but classes next week.A. less, lessB. more, lessC. fewer, fewerD. less, more( )6. He a math exam tomorrow. Which is NOT right?A. will haveB. is havingC. is going to haveD. would have ( )7. What do you think in 10 years?A. will Linda beB. Linda isC. Linda will isD. Linda will be ( )8. a heavy rain tomorrow?A. Has thereB. Is there going to beC. Is there going to haveD. Will there have( )9. Y our spoken English is better than it was before.A. a lot ofB. moreC. a lotD. lots of( )10. Y ou should take care of your new bike. It a lot of money.A. pays forB. spends C, costs D. take( )11. —What would you tike, a glass of tea or a cup of coffee?—. A glass of water is OK.A. BothB. EitherC. NoneD. Neither( )12. Y our backpack is .A. the same as myB. same as meC. the same as meD. the same as mine ( )13. He is always talking in class. I can't it.A. mindB. care aboutC. knowD. stand( )14. I had a difficult time English when I was in middle school.A. to learnB. in learningC. learnD. learnt( )15. Y ou speak too fast. It is hard for me to your meaning.A. repeatB. listen toC. understandD. hear( )16. Y ou should try too much junk food. It's not good for you.A. don't eatB. not to eatC. not eatD. don't to ea ( )17. What your sister when you got home?A. did, doB. is, doingC. does, doD. was, doint( )18. Could you please all the time? I want to be alone.A. don't follow meB. not to follow meC. not follow meD. not following me ( )19. The students are skating to raise money charity.A. forB. ofC. toD. in( )20. I was doing my homework the telephone rang.A. whileB. whenC. becauseD. after( )21. Mary has gone shopping with her aunt for about two hours. She'll be back in a minute.A. very soonB. in one minuteC. fastD. quick( )22. This kind of pet is hard to look after.A. seeB. look atC. take careD. take care of ( )23. —I have never been to the Great Wall. —I haven't been there, either.A. Neither of I.B. So have I.C. Me, too:D. Neither am I.( )24. How often do you hear from your pen pal?A. hear ofB. get a letter fromC. listen toD. think of( )25. The East Lake has become very dirty. Many fish have died.A. A lotB. Lot ofC. Lots ofD. A lots of( )26. I want to watch the soccer match. Please the TV.A. turn offB. turn on C . turn down D. turn up( )27. She didn't finish her homework. She watched TV .A. insteadB. instead ofC. yetD. however( )28. T oday is your sister's birthday. ?A. Why don't buy her a giftB. Why not to buy her a giftC. Why not buy her a giftD. Why don't you buying her a ( )29. Y ou talk every day.A. too manyB. so manyC. too muchD. much too( )30. It is a nice day today, ?A. is itB. does itC. isn't itD. doesn't it( )31. Our teacher the library. He'll be back soon.A. has been toB. has gone toC. went toD. has been( )32. I'm tired and need a good rest. I from 8 a.m. till now.A. did the choresB. have been doing the choresC. will do the choresD. am going to do the chores( )33. We've lived in this city we were young kids.A. forB. whenC. sinceD. during( )34. He met her for the first time his thirteenth birthday.A. onB. forC. atD. in( )35. Would you mind basketball here?A. don't playB. not playC. not playingD. no playing( )36. Could you please tell Rim any noise?A. don't makeB. not makeC. not to makeD. doesn't make ( )37. Could you please answer my questions English?A. withB. inC. byD. at( )38. I'll tell him if he tomorrow.A. is comingB. comesC. cameD. will come( )39. —Has the meeting begun? —Y es, it beganA. for five minutesB. five minutes agoC. five minutesD. since five minutes( )40. We didn't have any trouble his new address.A. and findB. to findC. by findingD. in finding二、补全对话:从方框内选择最佳选项,完成对话,把字母序号填在横线上,有多余选项。
9 .英国的会计职业团体产生时间最早的是(B)。
11 .在法院设立“企业合议庭”的是(B)。
日本会计发展缓慢的原因: 1.日本是一个有着强烈文化和宗教根基的传统社会,存在着传统与外来影响的矛盾,外来影响只能逐步地被接受 2. 日本个人和企业关系中的群体意识和互相依赖性,与西方国家个人和团体之间互相独立、疏远的关系截然相反 3.日本的中央政府也会严格控制企业的活动,这意味着对企
A凡在资产负债表日期 1 年以后到期的负债项目,应归入长期负债
B凡在资产负债表日期 4 年以后到期的负债项目才归入长期负债
D2 年以后到期的负债项目才归入长期负债
八年级下册英语期末复习——单项选择专练( )l. The air on the mountain was thin and we had difficulty breathing.A. aB.anC. theD.不填( )2.-What's matter with you, Eric?-Oh, I have sore throat.A.不填;不填B. the; a C.不填;a D.the;不填( )3. I wasn’t interested in this book at first, but after time I began to like it.A. the; aB. the; the C.不填;a D.不填;the( )4. It's unbelievable thing that Mr. Green leads a simple life although he is very rich.A. aB. anC. the D.不填( )5. Journey to the West is not new most Chinese children.A.aboutB. toC. onD. with( )6. He got out of the car and walked his house.A. downB. towardsC. overD. off( )7. Grace has been away from her hometown ten years.A. forB. afterC.sinceD. in( )8. The Mid-autumn Festival is a time for a special dinner family and friends.A.overB. amongC. duringD. through( )9. -Shirley, your sounds strange.-Yes. There’s something wrong with my throat.A.voiceB. jokeC. mindD.reason( )10.-I’ve taken his temperature. It's about 37℃.- Oh, it’s normal. He hasn’t got a .A. feverB.coughC. headacheD. toothache( )11. Henry has a good and often remembers things easily.A. dreamB.memoryC. feelingD. taste( )12. -What was the life like in the village 40 years ago?-The living were bad and many families didn’t have enough food.A. competitionsB. experiencesC. conditionsD. preparations ( )13. -Have you finished reading the book, Peter?-No. I still have a few to read.A. pagesB. copiesC. lettersD. marks( )14. -Shall we go for a walk?-Don’t be . It's dark.A. afraidB. sadC. sillyD. shy( )15. Alan was enough to save a little boy from the river.A.angryB. strictC.popularD. brave( )16. Since the meeting isn’t very important, you needn’t feel at all.A. luckyB. boredC.easyD.nervous( )17. I don’t think it’s that Mr. Smith makes Sally do all the work. Everyone should do it.A. fairB. unfairC. possibleD. impossible( )18. It's very cold here in winter. We have to wear clothes.A. thinB. thickC. modernD. ancient( )19. He is bored with the busy life and he wants to live a life.A.peaceB. truthfulC. usefulD. successful( )20. Believe in yourself! Nobody is .A. unluckyB. beautifulC. unusualD.perfect( )21. He is a(n) man. He never cheats others.A. honestB. stupidC. quietD. funny( )22. Martin has many bad teeth. That’s because he is always eating food.A. deliciousB. comfortableC. sweetD. soft( )23. -How do you like the book Tom Sawyer?-Oh. It’s one of books I've ever read.A. excitingB.more excitingC. the more excitingD. the most exciting ( )24. Dad has been ill for a few days. He feels much today, so he has to see the doctor.A. wellB. betterC. badD. worse( )25. -It’s going to rain. Oh, we can’t go out.-Well, let’s stay at home .A. insteadB. neitherC.anymoreD. anyway( )26. -Have you got your brothers letter ?-Yes. I got it last week.A. completelyB. certainlyC.recentlyD. suddenly ( )27. I am very glad to have Jenny and James as my friends, and I hope we could be friends .A. actuallyB. completelyC. halfwayD. forever( )28. The foreign teacher speaks English more slowly so that most of the students can follow him.A. littleB. fewC. a littleD. a few( )29. -Does the apple juice taste good?-Yes. But the orange juice tastes better.A. tooB. evenC.veryD.quite( )30. Julie won first prize in the singing competition because she sang of all the singers.A. badlyB. wellC. worstD. best( )31. -Brian is working in Beijing.-Is it true? He has told me about it.A. alreadyB.neverC.everD.just( )32. -I haven’t done my homework .-Don’t worry. You still have enough time.A. yetB. alreadyC. tooD. ever( )33. Learning English is not learning vocabulary and grammar -we need to read a lot.A. heavilyB. trulyC. simplyD. quickly( )34. Sally is independent. She always does many things .A. sheB. heC. herselfD. hers( )35. -Who will go to the National Science Museum with you?- . I will go there alone.A. NobodyB. AnybodyC. SomebodyD. Everybody( )36. Qinghai Lake is larger than salt lake in China.A. anotherB. any otherC. the otherD. other( )37. Julie has two sisters. One is 11 and is 13.A. anotherB. othersC. the othersD. the other( )38. To set up a new school for the poor children,they had to money.A. wasteB. refuseC. countD. raise( )39. Nowadays, many students have poor eyesight, so it’s necessary to tell them howto their eyesight.A. regardB. developC. protect D pare( )40. After months of hard work, Bob very good exam results.A. expectedB.passedC.reportedD. achieved( )41. I don’t know your city. Please it on the map.A. markB.copyC. hideD. print( )42. Whenever I meet difficulties, my teacher always me to face them bravely.A.encouragesB.allowsC.causesD. invites( )43. My father likes watches. He has had 30 different watches so far.A. fixingB.sellingC. carryingD.collecting( )44. You can’t only think about yourself. You should the feelings of those around you.A control B. continue C. consider D. change( )45.-Is the car safe to drive now?-I guess so. The repairman has it carefully.A. discussedB. checkedC. plannedD. recorded( )46. We won’t put off taking a school trip it rains.A. ifB. unlessC. becauseD. while( )47. The little boy didn’t stop crying he saw his mother.A. untilB.sinceC. becauseD. if( )48. Annie was afraid of the cat, so she ran away she saw it.A. even ifB. so thatC. ever sinceD. as soon as( )49. Mary was writing an e-mail in her room, her brother was watching TV in the living room.A. WhileB.SinceC. AlthoughD. Until( )50. he was busy, he helped me with my work.A. BecauseB. Even thoughC. Ever sinceD. If( )51.I’ve made a lot of food, so feel free whatever you like.A. eatB.eatingC. to eatD. eaten( )52. Helen, your job will include the children to bed.A.putB. to putC. puttingD. to putting( )53. Dale, please remind me the office door after work.A. to closeB. closingC. closeD. closed( )54. Mom allows us out once a week.A. eatB. eatsC. to eatD. to eating( )55. -Excuse me. Could you please the rubbish here?-Sorry, I won’t.A. throwB. to throwC. not throwD. not to throw ( )56. The soup smells delicious. I cant wait it.A. to havingB. havingC. haveD. to have( )57.Autumn is the best time the place.A. to visitB. visitC. visitingD. visited( )58. I’ll give her the book as soon as she .A. was coming B e C es D. will come( )59.-Is Tom at home?-No, he to the park with his friends.A. has beenB. has goneC. goesD. will go( )60. -Have you ever New York?-Yes. I there three years ago.A. been to; will goB. been to; wentC. gone to; will goD. gone to; went( )61.- Would you like to watch the movie Crazy Alien with me this evening?-Sorry. I it twice.A. am watchingB. have watchedC. will watchD. watch ( )62. How time flies! Ten years have passed since I him in Shanghai.A. meetB. met C have met D. will meet( )63.-Let’s go to see the film Pegasus now.-Oh, no. It’s 5: 25. The film for 25 minutes.A. has begunB. beginsC. has been onD. is on( )64.-Can I go home now, Mr Li?-You can if you all of your homework.A. have finishedB. will finishC. haven’t finishedD. won’t finish ( )65. -You were not listening carefully. What troubled you?-I about my coming physics exam.A. am thinkingB. thinkC. was thinkingD. will think( )66. The library’s study room is students. They are busy preparing for the coming exam.A. good withB. sure aboutC. bored withD. full of( )67. danger, it is very important to keep a cool head.A. According toB. Thanks toC. In control ofD. In the face of ( )68. helping his mother with the housework,he just sat around doing nothing all day long.A. Because ofB. Up toC. Instead ofD. As for( )69. While doing outdoor sports, we are closer to nature and can fresher air.A. TakeB. take down D. takeC. take in( )70.- How can I get to the nearest bank?-You can take the No. 1 bus and at the third stop.A. turn onB. get onC. turn offD.get off( )71. After Mary lost her job, we all tried to but she still felt sad.A. cheer her upB. give her upC. wake her upD. dress her up ( )72. He has got his first job. He needn’t his parents any longer.A. take afterB. depend onC. care forD. worry about( )73.My alarm clock at 7 o’clock to wake me up.A. goes offB. works outC. dies downD. runs away( )74.- ! We’ll miss the beginning of the film.-Take it easy. We still have enough time.A. Stand upB. Hurry upC. Stay upD. Grow up( )75. The box under your bed is full. Please the things you no longer us.A. try outB. find outC. clear outD. bring out( )76. It doesn’t matter if you have made mistakes.Learn from your mistakes and you'll .A. make differencesB. make progressC. take breaksD. take risks( )77. A number of students going camping this summer vacation and the number of them larger than before.A. is; isB. are; areC.is; areD. are; is( )78. Where did you go? There a couple of girls waiting for you ten minutes ago.A. wasB. isC. wereD. are ( )79. It doesn’t matter you succeed or fail. Just try your best.A. whetherB. heC. whatD. why( )80.- is the book Little Women like?-It’s fantastic.A. WhatB. WhoseC. WhichD. How( )81.- is longer, the Nile River or the Amazon River?-The Nile River, of course.A. WhichB. WhatC. WhoD. Whose( )82.- is the boy?-About 40 kilos.A. How heavyB. How longC. How muchD. How old ( )83.-Do you know the population of the city is?-About seven million.A. how manyB. how muchC. whatD. how( )84.- have you been in the football club?-Since 2021.A. How longB. WhenC. How oftenD. Why ( )85.- are these soft toys?-You can have them for 5 dollars.A. How manyB. How longC. How muchD. How often ( )86. -I’ve never tried Italian food. How about you, Mike?- . Let’s get some and have a try.A. Me tooB. Me neitherC. Yes, pleaseD. No thanks( )87.-Let's go swimming this weekend.- . Call me at any time.A. Sounds boringB. Good luckC. That dependsD. That sounds fun ( )88.-I’m sorry that I kept you waiting so long this morning.- .A. Never mindB. That’s right C You’re welcome D. The same to you ( )89.- ? It seems that you’ve caught a cold.-Oh, I’m just very tired.A. What happened nextB. How do you doC. What’s wrongD. How do you like it( )90. -Have you finished your report?- . Just half of it.A. Not at allB. Not muchC. Not a bitD. Not yet参考答案1-5 DBCBB 6-10 BABAA 11-15 BCACD 16-20 DABAD21-25 ACDDA 26-30 CDCBD 31-35 BACCA 36-40BDDCD41-45 AADCB 46-50 BADAB 51-55 CCACA 56-60 DACBB61-65 BBCAC 66-70 DDCCD 71-75 ABABC 76-80 BDCAA81-85 AACAC 86-90 BDACD。
国际经济法期末复习题共三套一、单项选择题1、导致以美元为中心的布雷顿森林货币制度解体的国际协议是aA 牙买加协议B 国际货币基金组织协定C 世界银行协定D 关贸总协定2、最早建立国内海外投资保险制度的国家是 bA 德国B 美国C 加拿大D 日本3、服务贸易总协定不适用于bA 私人提供的服务B 政府提供的职务服务C 未列入成员国服务贸易承诺表的服务D 服务贸易总协定生效后产生的服务4、.根据建立世界贸易组织协定,世界贸易组织于B年1月1日起正式诞生;.19955、主要目的在于加强对跨国银行监管的国际协议是 CA 国际货币基金协定B 世界银行协定C 巴塞尔协议D 牙买加协议6、世界版权公约的制定机构是 BA 世界知识产权组织B 联合国教科文组织C WTOD 经济合作开发组织7、下列各买卖可能适用联合国国际货物销售合同公约的有A;A、我国荣盛集团向其设在美国的子公司销售本公司生产的冰箱B、法国某拍卖行向美国某博物馆通过拍卖售出世界名画;C、德国某公司向美国某公司购飞机一架D、香港长达公司购买北京三B集团的股票8、当买卖双方未在合同中约定交货地点时,依联合国国际货物销售合同公约的规定,卖方应在C交货;A、合同缔结地B、卸货港C、卖方营业地D、买方营业地9、C哪个不是国际经济法的基本原则;A 国际经济有序化原则B 国际合作原则C 公平互利原则D 经济主权原则10、布雷顿森林货币制度的根本缺陷不包括:D;A.储备制度的缺陷B.国际收支调节机制的缺陷C.美元享有特权D.德国马克不得用于国际结算11、法人居民身份的认定的标准不包括:D;A 法人实际管理控制中心所在地标准B 法人登记注册地标准C 法人总机构所在地标准D 意向标准12、首次提出专利定义和保护期限的多边国际协议是cA 巴黎公约B 专利合作公约C 与贸易有关的知识产权协议D 伯尔尼公约13、居民税收管辖权是根据B确立的管辖权;A 属地原则B 属人原则C 属人原则和属地原则相结合的原则D 属人原则为主属地原则为辅的原则14、世界贸易组织的最高决策机构是 A ;A.部长级会议B.总理事会C.部长理事会D.成员国代表大会15、在国际货物买卖中,卖方只将代表货物所有权的提单、发票等交到买方手中,以完成货物所有权转移的交货方式称为C;A、工厂交货B、实际交货C、象征性交货D、目的港交货1、依据联合国国际货物销售合同公约,如果卖方宣告合同无效,他仍可以要求买方: cA、支付货款B、收取货物C、损害赔偿D、中止履行合同2. 在一定的期限和地域内,除技术的受方外,技术的供方及第三方也可以使用该技术的国际技术许可合同是bA:独占性许可合同B:普通性许可合同C:排他性许可合同D:从属性许可合同3. 我国对限制进口技术的管理方式是aA:许可证管理B:合同登记管理C:目录管理D:经营者管理4、现代历史上最初形成的国际货币制度是 a ;A、金本位制B、金汇兑本位制C、金块本位制D、金汇率制5.联合国国际货物销售合同公约不适用于下列哪种情况引起的争议 d ;A.合同成立B.风险转移 C、通讯设备的买卖 D.合同的效力6. 适用于解决跨国母子公司之间股息分配存在的经济性重复征税的方法是dA:直接抵免法B:税收饶让抵免法C:全额免税法D:间接抵免法7. 联合国国际货物买卖合同公约对货物风险转移时间采用的原则是bA:所有权转移时风险转移买方B:以交货时间来确定风险转移时间C:支付价款时移转买方D:合同订立时移转买方8、属于关贸总协定乌拉圭回合谈判成果是 d A达成第一部约束非关税措施的协议反倾销协议B开创了计划经济国家入关的先例C通过了给予发展中国家差别待遇的“授权条款”D达成农产品协议9、花旗银行到中国设立分行而提供银行服务,这种服务贸易属于cA:跨境提供B:境外消费C:商业存在D:自然人流动10 . 根据中国现行法律规定,破坏生态环境的技术属于aA:禁止进口的技术B:限制进口的技术C:自由进口的技术D:鼓励进口的技术11 . 出于政治上的考虑,联合国贸发会议采用cA:差额制B:一国一票制C:集团表决制D:加权表决制12、根据我国法律,外国企业BA应就其全部所得向中国纳税 B应就来源于中国所得向中国纳税C对我国无纳税义务 D其所在国与我国没有税收合作的外国企业无纳税义务13、在对中国领域的海洋石油开发合作方面,中国的基本政策是 c A由国家向外国企业授予特许权开发B由境内企业与外国企业设立合资经营企业开发C由中国国家特许的境内公司与外国企业合作开发D 由中国海洋石油总公司单独开发14、国际货物买卖中的风险转移指的是 cA:风险本身及风险承担的转移B:风险本身的转移C:风险承担的转移D:货物所有权的转移D:申请人办理外汇、银行、税务、海关等相关手续时,应凭技术进出口合同登记证15、根据有关协议,雅典奥运会主办方应向中国中央电视台提供奥运会实况卫星传输信号,这属于服务贸易中的 a;A.过境交付B.境外消费C.商业存在D.自然人流动1、联合国国际货物买卖合同公约在风险转移方面采取 B 原则;A 以合同订立时间确定风险转移B 以交货时间确定风险转移C 以所有权转移时间确定风险转移D 以买方实际控制货物时间确定风险转移2.联合国国际货物买卖合同公约仅适用于 A ;A.营业地分处不同缔约国的当事人之间的货物买卖B.具有不同国家国籍的当事人之间的货物买卖C.船舶、飞机、气垫船的买卖D.卖方提供劳务或其他服务的买卖3.联合国国际货物买卖合同公约对 D 予以规范;A.合同的效力B. 货物对人身造成伤亡引起的产品责任C.合同对货物所有权的影响D. 合同的成立4.我某进出口公司于1999年1月15日用电报向外国一公司发盘,要求在20日复到我公司有效; 1月18日上午9:00,我公司同时收到外国公司表示接受和撤回接受的电传;根据联合国国际货物买卖合同公约的规定,此接受 A ;A 可以撤回B 不可以撤回,必须与我公司签订合同C 经我公司同意方可撤回D 视为撤销5、为吸引对方向自己订货而发出的商品目录单、报价单以及一般的商业广告,是 C ;A 要约B 反要约C 要约邀请D 新要约6、海牙规则实行的承运人责任制是 D ;A.过失责任制B.严格责任制C.无过失责任制D.不完全过失责任制7、海上货物运输保险中,共同海损属于 BA 共同损失B 部分损失C 全部损失D 单独损失8、具有物权凭证作用的单据是 B ;A商业发票B提单C空运单D铁路运单9、.世界贸易组织的最高决策机构是 A ;A.部长级会议B.总理事会C.部长理事会D.成员国代表大会10、世界贸易组织 D 也是WTO争端解决机构和贸易政策评审机构;A.部长级会议B.秘书处C.部长理事会D.总理事会11、根据乌拉圭回合谈判中达成的与贸易有关的知识产权协议的规定,对计算机程序、数据库应依照哪一方面的法律提供保护 CA专利法B商标法C版权法D专有技术12、世界版权公约规定的版权保护期是 AA不少于作者有生之年及其死后的25年 B 不少于作者有生之年及其死后的50年C不少于作者有生之年及其死后的15年D不少于作者有生之年及其死后的10年13、依保护文学艺术作品伯尔尼公约的规定,非该公约成员国的国民,其作品首次在公约某一成员国出版,或同时在某一成员国及其它非成员国首次出版,则应在一切成员国中享有下列哪一种待遇 DA最惠国待遇B优惠待遇C差别待遇D国民待遇14、国际投资法主要调整的关系是 AA. 国际间私人直接投资关系B.国家及国际经济组织之间的经济关系C 政府间直接投资关系D 国家与私人间直接投资关系15、国际货币基金组织成立于: A年年年二、多项选择题;1.巴西多利公司向古巴托洛卡斯公司发出传真:“急购一级白砂糖2000吨,每吨250美元CIF巴西利亚, 1994年4月20日至25装船;”古巴托洛卡斯公司回电称:“完全接受你方条件, 1994年5月1日装船”;依照国际贸易法律与惯例;该公司的回电属于 A B C ;A 反要约B 一项新要约C 无效承诺D 有效承诺2、根据我国有关法律, A B C 属于中国企业,受中国法律管辖和保护;A 中外合资经营企业B 中外合作经营企业C 外资企业D 外国企业3 国际货物运输中会遇到各种意外事故,这些意外事故具体可分为以下几种: AB CA 自然灾害;B 意外事故;C 外来风险;D 固有风险4、乌拉圭回合谈判主要成果是: ABCDA进一步改善了货物贸易市场准入条件B将纺织品服装和农产品贸易纳入多边贸易规则管辖C强化了管理多边贸易的法律规则框架 D 完善了管理多边贸易的机构体制5、.国际经济法调整范围包括: A B C DA 有关国际贸易的法律规范与制度;B 有关国际投资的法律与制度;C 有关国际货币与金融的法律与制度;D 有关国际税收的法律与制度;1、下列属于区域性国际经济组织的有abcA:欧盟B:东盟C:安第斯条约组织D:石油输出国组织2、多边投资担保机构承保的合格投资是abcA必须是符合投资者本国法律的投资 B必须是符合东道国法律政策的投资C投资者所在国与东道国有双边投资保护协定 D在申请投保之前的投资3、汉堡规则对于海牙规则的改进包括: abcd A.承运人责任起讫 B.承运人赔偿责任限额C.诉讼时效 D.保函效力4、多边投资担保机构承保范围有 A B C DA货币汇兑险B.征收或类似措施 C. 违约险D.战争与内乱险5、国际上对货物所有权转移有以下 ABCD 做法A合同订立时间为所有权转移时B货物特定化后,在交货时所有权发生转移C货物特定化后,以双方当事人的意图决定所有权转移D所有权于交货时发生转移1、一项有效的承诺: A B C D ;A. 要由受要约人作出B. 应采用要约规定的方法C. 在要约无规定时采用与要约传递相同的方式D. 在送达于要约人时生效2、国际上对货物所有权转移有以下 ABCD 做法A合同订立时间为所有权转移时间 B货物特定化后,在交货时所有权发生转移C货物特定化后,以双方当事人的意图决定所有权转移 D所有权于交货时发生转移3、世界贸易组织确立的金融服务贸易的基本原则是: A CA.市场准入原则B.最惠国待遇原则C.国民待遇原则D.互不歧视原则4、布雷顿森林货币制度的根本缺陷是指: A B CA.储备制度的缺陷B.国际收支调节机制的缺陷C.美元享有特权D.德国马克不得用于国际结算5、知识产权的法律特征: A B C DA知识产权是无形财产B专有性C可复制性D地域性三、名词解释;1、国际投资法:是指调整跨国私人直接投资关系的有关国内法和国际法规范的总称;2、国际避税:指纳税人利用各国税法上的差异以及其他不违反税法的方式,减少或规避其跨国纳税的义务的行为;国际避税只是一种不道德的行为,并不明显具有违法的性质;各国有关当局对国际避税的纳税人一般不追究法律责任;3、代位求偿权:当约定的保险事故发生后,被保险人有权获得保险人所支付的保险金;保险人在支付保险金后,代位取得被保险人基于保险事故对东道国所享有的索赔权及其它权益,向东道国索赔;1、WTO:世界贸易组织,是在组织上取代关贸总协定,协调和约束成员国贸易政策法规和措施的政府间国际组织;2、GATT保障措施:是GATT允许的进口国,在外国产品正常进口的数量大幅增加,给国内相关工业造成损害时采取进口限制措施;3、避税港:是指那些对所得和资产不征税或按很低的税率征税以及实行大量税收优惠的国家和地区;1、国际经济法:是调整国际经济关系的国内法规范和国际法规范的总称;2、国际货物多式联运:以至少两种不同的运输方式将货物从一国接管货物的地点运至另一国境内指定交付货物的地点的运输;3.倾销:一国产品以低于正常价格进入另一国市场,如果因此对某一缔约方领土内已经建立的某项工业造成实质性损害或实质损害威胁,或对某一国内工业新建产生实质性阻碍,就构成倾销;四、简答题1、简述“解决投资争议国际中心”的管辖权;答:提交中心仲裁的投资争议的当事人,其中一方必须是公约缔约国或该缔约国的公共机构或实体,另一方是另一缔约国的国民;提交中心仲裁的投资争议,当事人双方必须订有将该特定争议提交中心解决的书面仲裁协议;2.简述保护文学和艺术作品伯尔尼公约对作品的保护期限;答:1、一般作品的保护期限是作者有生之年及死后50年;2、电影作品的保护期限是在作者同意下自作品公之于众后50年期满;如自作品完成后50年内尚未公之于众,则自作品完成后50年期满3、不具名作品和假名作品的保护期自其合法公之于众之日起50年,如在公之于众后50年内作者身份公开或确定,则保护期为作者有生之年及其死后50年内;4、摄影作品和作为艺术作品保护的实用艺术作品的保护期限不应少于自该作品完成之后算起的25年;1、在卖方违约时,买方可以采取哪些法律救济答:在卖方违约时,买方可以采取的法律救济有:1卖方实际履行;当卖方不履行合同义务时,买方可要求其实际履行合同义务,包括要求卖方提交符合合同规定的货物或对不符合规定的货物进行修理、更换或提交替代物等;2减少价金;当卖方交货不符合合同规定时,买方可要求减少价金;3解除合同;当卖方不履行合同或公约义务构成根本违反合同时,买方可以宣布解除合同; 4损害赔偿;买方享有要求损害赔偿的权利不因其行使采取其它救济办法的权利而丧失;2. 简述汉堡规则对海牙规则的主要修订是什么答:汉堡规则按照船方和货方合理分担风险的原则,适当加重了承运人的责任,使双方权利义务趋于平等;其修改内容主要有:1、适用范围,2、承运人责任起讫,3、赔偿责任;4、货物;5、赔偿金额;6、保函;7、索赔与诉讼时效;8、管辖权;1、简述WTO协议序言规定的世界贸易组织的宗旨;答:1加强世界经济与贸易的联系与合作,以提高生活水平,保障充分就业,增加实际收入和有效需求,增加货物与服务的生产和贸易;2通过实施切实有效的计划,以确保发展中国家在国际贸易增长中的份额,适应其经济发展需要:3通过互惠互利的协议在安排,实质性地降低关税,减少其他贸易壁垒,在国际贸易中消除歧视待遇;4维护关贸总协定的基本原则,进一步完成关贸总协定的目标,发展一个综合的更加有活力的持久的多边贸易制度;2、什么是海外投资保险制度,有那些特征答:海外投资保险制度是资本输出国政府对本国海外投资者在国外投资可能遇到的政治风险提供保证或保险,投资者向本国投资保险机构申请保险后,若承保的政治风险发生致使投资者遭受损失,由国内保险机构补偿其损失的制度;特征如下:1 由政府机构或公营公司承保,是一种政府保证,不以赢利为目的,而是以保护海外投资为目的;2 保险对象只限于海外私人直接投资;3 承保范围只限于政治风险;五、简答题一1946年,埃斯特石油有限公司在喀麦隆注册成立,总机构设立在喀麦隆的雅温得;1949年英国政府要求埃斯特石油有限公司就其全部公司所得纳税;埃斯特石油有限公司则认为,该公司在喀麦隆注册,总机构设立在喀麦隆的雅温得,公司的产品和销售地都不在英国;所以不应该向英国政府纳税;英国法院则认为,埃斯特石油有限公司的绝大部分董事在英国,只有个别董事在喀麦隆,多数董事会在英国伦敦举行;公司的重要决定都在英国作出,所以埃斯特石油有限公司的实际的控制和管理中心在英国,是英国公司,应该向英国纳税;问:1、埃斯特石油有限公司则认定应当纳税的标准是什么2、确定纳税法人居民身份的标准有那些参考答案1.埃斯特石油有限公司认为应当向英国纳税的前提是英国应对其有居民税收管辖权或来源地税收管辖权;首先,埃斯特石油有限公司认定其居民身份的标准是登记注册地标准和总机构所在地标准;即它认为,公司在喀麦隆注册,总机构也设在喀麦隆,所以公司为喀麦隆居民身份,英国对公司无居民税收管辖权;其次,它认为,公司的产品和销售地都不在英国,即所得又不是来源于英国,所以英国又没有来源地税收管辖权;因此,它认为不应当向英国纳税;2.法人居民身份的认定有以下标准:1法人实际管理控制中心所在地标准;根据该标准,法人实际管理控制中心设在哪国,它即为该国居民,否则就是该国非居民;法人实际管理控制中心一般是指董事会,董事会所在地即为法人实际管理控制中心所在地;2法人登记注册地标准;该标准是指法人在哪国登记注册即为哪国居民;3法人总机构所在地标准;总机构是指负责法人的重大经营决策以及全部经营活动和统一核算法人盈亏的总公司和总店等;总机构设在哪国,即为哪国居民;4控制选择权标准;根据该标准,控制公司选择权的股东在哪国,即视为哪国居民;5主要营业活动所在地标准;即法人主要营业活动所在地在哪国即为哪国居民;二A国通知B国,禁止从B国进口羊肉,理由是羊肉的荷尔蒙含量超标,影响国民的身体健康;B国经过调查发现,A国境内销售的羊肉荷尔蒙与B国羊肉的荷尔蒙含量是一样的;还发现,A国还不断从C国进口同样质量的羊肉;B国认为A国违反了GATT原则,他们的利益受到侵害;A国反驳,他们采取的措施是不违反GATT原则的,是属于一般例外所允许的;问:国的做法是否违反了GATT的原则违反了那条原则为什么国反驳的理由对不对为什么答:1.违背了GATT的最惠国待遇原则和国民待遇原则;A国以国民健康为由禁止从B国进口羊肉,但却从C国进口同样质量的羊肉,这种做法是对来自不同成员国的相同或类似产品在实施限制方面实行歧视待遇;同时,A国国内也在销售同样的羊肉,这种禁止B 国羊肉进口的做法也属于保护本国产品,对外国产品实行歧视,未在本国产品和外国产品间实行平等的待遇;2.A国反驳的理由不成立;因为A国虽然援引GATT20条一般例外的规定,以保障国民健康为由禁止B国羊肉进口,但它却在国内允许销售同样产品,且还从C国进口质量相同的产品,这属于GATT20条一般例外的滥用,采取的这些措施构成了武断和不合理的差别待遇,变相限制了国际贸易;一中国A公司与某国B公司签订一国际货物销售合同,由A公司向B公司出口5万套玩具,共计30万美元;货物分两批交付;买方预付款10%,余款在买方提货后10日内电汇给卖方;一方违约需支付违约金1万美元;合同订立后,买方如约支付了预付款,卖方按时发运了第一批货物;买方收到货物后借故不按时付余款,直到收货后3个月才汇付第一批货款;这一期间,卖方通过中国驻外商务机构了解到买方被其他债权人起诉,财产被查封,随时有破产可能;遂中止履行第二批交货; 根据联合国国际货物销售合同公约回答以下问题:1、卖方中止履行第二批交货是否有法律依据答:有法律依据;买方构成预期违约;2、如买方在合理时间内提出有效银行保函并请求卖方履约,卖方仍不履行,怎么办答:卖方应继续履行,否则应承担不交货的违约责任;3、如果第二批交货双方最终都不履行,可否因此解除整个合同为什么答:不可以,只能解除第二批交货义务;该合同属于可分割履行合同;4、违约金效力应依据何种法律决定答:依据国内相关准据法确定违约金效力;二2009年3月5日, 中国某出口公司电告美国某商贸公司, 欲以FOB条件向美国出口一批大蒜;总价款为100万美元,用不可撤销的跟单信用证支付价款;3月11日收到美国商贸公司复电,同意购买,但要求降价至90万美元,中国出口公司于3月15日电告对方公司同意其要求,美国商贸公司3月17日收到此电报;随后,出口公司将货物运至上海港,交由中国某远洋运输公司承运, 整批货物分装在两个集装箱内; 4月5日承运船舶在公海航行时, 由于船员的疏忽,船上发生火灾,出口公司托运的一个集装箱被火焚毁,其余两个则完好无损;4月11日货物运至纽约港,但美国公司拒绝接受货物,并向中国出口公司提出索赔,双方诉至上海市某人民法院;问题:1根据有关法律规定,该合同于何时成立为什么2中国出口公司是否应办理该批大蒜的运输保险3根据 FOB 交货条件;货物的风险何时由卖方移转至买方参考答案:1合同于20 0 9 年3 月1 7日成立;根据公约的规定,合同于对发价的接受生效时成立, 卖方3月1 5日承诺,买方3 月1 7日收到,此时合同成立;2根据F O B条款,卖方中国出口公司无义务办理运输保险,也无义务承担保险费;3根据F O B条款,卖方中国出口公司承担货物灭失或损害的一切风险,直至货物在指定装运港已越过船舷时为止;一中国鼎天有限责任公司与德国贝佛里奇有限责任公司签订了冷轧卷板进口合同;合同约定:贝佛里奇在2006年6月底前交货;付款方式为信用证;合同签订后,鼎天按期开来了信用证;但直到2006年6月30日,鼎天仍未收到贝佛里奇关于货物已经装船或延期交货的通知;7月3日,贝佛里奇向鼎天发来传真,称原定货轮因故延至7月15日才能起航,无法保证按期交货,要求鼎天有将信用证装船期延至7月15日,有效期延至7月31日,并要求鼎天于7月4日回复传真;鼎天按期回复,告知贝佛里奇修改信用证的条件是价格下调10%,否则将宣告撤销合同;但贝佛里奇没有同意,仍然要求鼎天延长信用证有效期,否则将货物另售他人;鼎天于7月5日正式函告贝佛里奇,终止合同并提出索赔;问:1鼎天最后的处理方法是否合理,为什么2如果鼎天的主张成立,如何赔偿鼎天参考答案:鼎天有限责任公司的处理方法合理;因为贝佛里奇有限责任公司未按期交货已经构成了违约,而且在鼎天拒绝将信用证延期的情况下,仍未履行交货义务,故贝佛里奇的行为构成根本违约,鼎天有权解除合同并向贝佛里奇索赔;贝佛里奇应该赔付合同规定的价格与卖方应交货时,货物在卖方所在地价格之间的差额,或者如买方补进货物,应赔付合同价格与补进货物价格之间的差额;二甲国和乙国都是联合国国际货物销售合同公约的缔约国;甲国A公司与乙国B公司签订了从B公司进口100吨白糖的合同;合同选用了2000年国际贸易术语解释通则的 FOB术语,并约定付款方式为托收;此后,A公司与承运人C公司签订了海上货物运输合同运输合同受海牙规则的约束,并向D保险公司投保了平安险;承运人的“希望”号轮按时抵达乙国装货,B公司提供了符合合同要求的货物;在“希望”号轮驶向甲国目的港的途中,因遇台风使部分白糖受损;B公司委托银行向A公司收取款项,A公司却以货物已经发生损失为由拒绝付款;请回答下列问题:1本案中的保险公司是否应对该批白糖的损失进行赔偿为什么2本案中的承运人是否应对该批白糖的损失进行赔偿为什么3本案白糖损失的风险在哪一方当事人1.答:1本案中的保险公司不应赔偿;因为本案A公司投保的是平安险,本案货损是因为台风引起,台风属于自然灾害,本案台风引起的是货物的部分损失,而不是全损,平安险不包括自然灾害造成的部分损失,因此保险公司不承担赔偿责任,如果货主希望得到此种情况下的赔偿,应当投保水渍险,因为水渍险对自然灾害引起的部分损失是赔偿的;。
《工程经济学》期末复习题一、单项选择(第一部分)1—5 :A A C A D ; 6—10 :D B C D A ;11—15:C B A D B ;16—20:C A A B D 1. 货币等值是指( )A .考虑货币时间价值的价值相等B .发生的时间相同C .使用同一利率D .金额相等2. 第一年年初借出1000元,以复利计息,年利率8%,半年计息一次,第四年年末可收回多少( ) A .1368.57元 B .1360.49元 C .1850.93元 D .1169.86元3. 关于残值的说法正确的是( )A .残值是一种会计术语B .残值=资产原值-折旧C .残值可正可负D .残值就是账面价值6. 考虑到通货膨胀,投资风险和收益的不确定性,基准贴现率应( ) A.低于贷款利率 B.等于贷款利率 C.高于存款利率 D.高于贷款利率7. 对于纯私人物品( )A.排除成本很高B.排除成本很低C.额外一个人使用这种物品的边际成本很低D.额外一个人使用这种物品的边际成本为08. 某建设项目估计总投资50万元,项目建成后各年收益为8万元,各年支出为2万元,则该项目的静态投资回收期为( ) A .6.3年 B .25年 C .8.3年 D .5年9. 当在一系列方案中某一方案的接受并不影响其他方案的接受时,这种方案称为( ) A .互斥方案 B .互为从属方案 C .兼容方案 D .相互独立的方案 10. 设年利率为10%,已知某项目的净现值()010>NPV ,则将来值和年度等值可能出现的情况是( )A .()010>FW ,()010>AEB .()010>FW ,()010<AEC .()010=FW,()010>AE D .()010<FW ,()010>AE11. 必须使用增量分析法以保证结果唯一性的指标是( ) A .净现值和益本比 B .投资回收期和内部收益率 C .内部收益率和益本比 D .净现值和益本比 12. 设方案甲、乙、丙的各年净现金流量如下表所示:则有可能出现3个内部收益率的方案为:()A.方案甲 B.方案乙 C.方案丙 D.方案乙和方案丙都有可能13. 受决策者心理导向影响最大的评价类型为( )A.不确定性分析评价 B.风险性分析评价C.确定性分析评价 D.概率性分析评价15. 从许多可以利用的方案中进行选择,从而使有限投资资金获得最佳收益,这种方法叫做()A.可行性分析 B.资本预算 C.投资控制 D.经济评价16. 下列不形成无形资产的是:()A.非专利技术B.土地使用权 C.环境保护费 D.商誉17. 已知某一项目生产能力为20吨,当时的投资额为300万元;现拟建一类似的新项目,生产能力设计为40吨,由于时隔三年,物价上涨,根据估计给出综合调整系数为1.5;又根据经验给出生产能力指数为0.7,则拟建新项目的投资估算额为:()A.731万 B.600万 C.900万 D.630万18. 关于投资资金总额的说法正确的是:()A.主要来自于自有资金、赠款、以及负债资金B.可以来源于负债资金,但只能来源于长期负债C.不包含资本溢价D.只要达到注册资本金即可19. 下列说法正确的是:()A.流动资产=流动资金-流动负债 B.流动资产=流动资金+流动负债C.流动负债=流动资金+流动资产 D.流动资金=流动资产20. 下列对于VE对象的一般性选择原则正确的是()A.选择所用材料价格低廉的 B.选择维修能力较好的C.选择结构较为简单的 D.选择产量大的二、单项选择(第二部分)1—5 :B A A C D;6—10 :D C C C B;11—15:A C A D C ;16—20:A A C D A1.工程技术面临的两个问题是科学技术方面的问题和()A.前期策划方面的问题 B.经济分析方面的问题C.质量管理方面的问题 D.进度控制方面的问题3. 第一年年初借入5000元,年利率12%,以复利计息,第三年年末归还多少?()A.7024.64元 B.5600元 C.7867.60元 D.6272元4. 关于投资效果系数说法错误的是:()A.又称投资收益率 B.对于永久性投资可认为等于贴现率C.当小于基准投资效果系数的时候方案可行D.与静态投资回收期互为倒数7. 关于货币的时间价值说法正确的是:()A.就是利息B.货币本身能创造价值C.先到手的资金可以用来投资而产生新的价值D.时间本身具有价值8. 某项目初始投资40万元,预计年收益5万元,年支出1万元,则该方案投资效果系数为:()A.8 B.6.7 C.0.1 D.109. 所谓“影子价格”是指:()A.国际上的现行价格B.市场上的现行价格C.从国家角度更能反映资源价值的价格D.从投资主体角度更能反映实际收益情况的价格10. 方案甲初始投资10000元,年度使用费600元;方案乙初始投资12000元,年度使用费400元。
国际金融期末复习题一、单项选择题1.出口商收外汇兑换成本币使用的汇率是(A )。
A外国货币B外币有价证券C黃金D国外通汇银行的活期存款3.广义的外汇泛指一切以外币表示的(A ) oA金融资产B外汇资产C外国货币D有价证券4.新闻、广播、报纸、公布的汇率是(C)oA买入汇率B卖出汇率C中间汇率D现钞汇率5.以一左单位的本国货币为基准,折合为若干外国货币表示汇率的方法称为(B )«A直接标价法B间接标价法C美元标价法D汇率标价法6.目前国际外汇市场和大银行的外汇交易报价均采用(C )<>A宜接标价法B间接标价法C美元标价法D汇率标价法7.若中国人民银行标有某日开盘汇率为USD100二,收盘汇率USD100二则当日外汇(美元)(A )。
A升水B贴水C平价D无法确定8.进口使用外汇向银行以本币兑换外汇使用的(B )。
A买入汇率B卖岀汇率C中间汇率D现钞汇率9.以一左单位的外国货币为基准,折合为若干本国货币表示汇率的方法称为(A )。
A直接标价法B间接标价法C美元标价法D汇率标价法10.金融汇率的买卖价差与贸易汇率相比其买卖价差(C )。
A相同B高C低D髙或低11.外币现钞的买入汇率(B )外汇的买入汇率。
A髙于B低于C等于D无法确定个月的远期汇率是一种(C )。
A现在的汇率B 3个月的市场汇率C现在对3个月的契约性汇率D以上结论都不对13.电汇汇率、信汇汇率、票汇汇率哪个外汇汇率最髙(A )0A电汇汇率B信汇汇率C票汇汇率D信汇汇率与票汇汇率14.若纽约外汇市场开盘汇率为USD1二收盘汇率USD1二则当日外汇(人民币)(B )A升水B贴水C平价D无法确定15.在我国外汇市场标有美元与人民币的四种汇率,某企业收入外汇后兑换人民币的使用汇率是(B)。
A B C D二、名词解释1.国际汇兑答案:指不直接运用现金,而是利用支票、汇票、本票等信用工具,以委托付款或转让债权的方式,通过淸算系统(一般是银行)来结算国际之间债权和债务的手段或活动。
民法试题+答案一,单项选择题1:合伙人对于合伙的债务,承担(B)A:按份之债B:连带责任C:以出资额为限D:有限责任2:民事法律关系中具有主导作用的要素是( C)A:主体B:客体C:内容D:主观3:下列社会关系中,应属于民法调整对象的是( B)A:王某代李某去传达室领取信件的关系B:王某和李某签订的房屋租赁合同关系C:王某向税务机关缴纳税款的关系D:王某因驾车违章与交管部门形成的处罚与被处罚的关系4:英国驻华领事上街购物乘坐的汽车被我国公民王某撞坏,该领事即向当地人民法院起诉,请求王某赔偿损失。
本案适用( A)A:中国民法B:英国民法C:国际惯例D:第三中立国民法5:下列属于限制民事行为能力人的有( D)A: 9岁的神童B: 16岁的个体老板C: 19岁的在校生D:17岁的大学生6:根据《民法通则》的规定,自然人具有完全民事行为能力的起始年龄是( D) A: 7周岁B: 10周岁C: 16周岁D:18周岁7:甲为某合伙的负责人,其经营活动应由( C)承担民事责任。
在经营中,甲因个人原因急需用钱,欲将其在合伙组织中的财产份额 10万元转让。
甲在合伙企业中的财产应( B) 。
A:情势变更B:公平C:自愿D:诚实信用11:关于民事法律关系,下列哪一选项是正确的? ( C )A:民事法律关系只能由当事人自主设立B:民事法律关系的主体即自然人和法人C:民事法律关系的客体包括不作为行为D:民事法律关系的内容均由法律规定12:我国诉讼时效的中止,只能发生于时效期间的 ( B).A:最后3个月内B:最后6个月内C:最初6个月内13:某厂业务员被派去某商场买原料,得奖券 5张,其中一张中了3000元,此奖则属于(A) 。
八年级下册英语期末复习——单项选择( )1.Have you seen film Where Are We Going, Daddy?-Yes, it's quite interesting film so that I have seen it twice.A.a; theB.the; anC.a; anD. the; the( )2. -My mother is ill today.-A. Really?B.What?C. I'm sorry to hear that.D. Nothing serious.( )3.-Where is your mother, Jack?-She is busy a cake. I will have a birthday party tonight.A.makeB.madeC.makingD. to make( )4. I don’t know what made them so angry yesterday.A.feelingB. feltC. to feelD. feel( )5.-Why not go and play football outside? - .A.Yes, I think soB. It's a good gameC. That’s a good ideaD. Of course we do( )6. How old you when you learning English?A.was; startB. were; startC. were; startedD.was; started( )7. should get the job, Ruth or Rose?A. Who do you thinkB. Do you think whoC.Do you think whomD. Whom do you think( )8. Flying to the moon for vacation will one day.e onB. come overC. come upD. come true( )9.Annie has a and she is going to see her dentist today.A.coldB.feverC.coughD. toothache( )10. Could you please the window? I feel a little cold.A. not to openB. not openC. not to closeD. not close( )11. Of all the performers, I think he is the one.A.successB. most successfulC.more successD.successful( )12. The boy found hard to get along with the other classmates.A.thisB. thatC.itD./( )13. There are students playing on the playground.A. two hundredsB. hundred ofC.hundreds ofD.hundreds ( )14. People drive after drinking alcohol (酒).It’s against the law.A.mustn’tB. needn’tC. couldn’tD. wouldn’t( )15 -What’s wrong?-My clothes are out of style(过时).What I do?A.willB. shouldC.mayD.must( )16. - ?--I t doesn’t work.A. How are youB. Where is your watchC. What's wrong with your watchD. How much is your watch( )17.I some money my brother last week. I'll it him next week.A.lent; from; return;/B.borrowed; to; return; toC. borrowed; from; return; toD. lent; to; return; to( )18. -It seems that my friends don’t understand me.-Don’t worry. I’m sure you will them if you are really friendly to them.A.agree withB. catch up withC. get along well withD.end up with( )19. They start to play football seven o'clock this morning.A.didn’t; untilB.didn’t; inC./; atD. don’t; till( )20. The bus was empty. There was on it.A.somebodyB.anybodyC.nobodyD.everybody( )21. She with her parents supper when I went to see her yesterday.A.was havingB.were havingC. are havingD.had( )22. He was watching TV his mother was cleaning his room.A.whileB.sinceC.afterD.because( )23.-Were you at home at 9 o'clock last night?-Yes, I a shower at that time.A.tookB. was takingC. was takenD. am taking ( )24.-Liz got the first prize in the speech contest.- .She’s so shy that she even can't speak in front of her friends.A. You're kiddingB. You're welcomeC. Thank youD. That's nothing( )25.-Don’t be a phubber(低头族). Technology helps us a lot, we shouldn't allow it to control our lives.-We should take more activities outside to keep healthy.A.butB.becauseC. unlessD. until( )26.-Have they made any kites ?Yes. They have made some.A.yet; yetB. already; alreadyC. yet; alreadyD. already; yet ( )27.I the day before yesterday. I’ve for 2 days.A.arrived; come backB. reached; returnedC. got; returned backD. arrived; been back( )28. When you see some rubbish on the ground, please it .A.take; awayB. pick; upC. put; onD. put; up( )29.-I have too much housework to do at home!- ask your husband for help.A.Shall youB.Why don’tC. Why notD. How about( )30. Bob is very happy because he will have a holiday.A.three-monthB.three-monthC. three monthsD.three month’s( )31.-He the dictionary for twenty years, but it is still new.What a careful man!A.has boughtB. has borrowedC.has hadD. bought( )32. Why not order some flowers online for the shop everywhere?A. instead of lookingB. instead lookingC. instead of lookD.instead look( )33.-How did the accident happen?-You know, it difficult to see the road clearly because it .A.will be; will rainB. is; has rainedC.is; is rainingD. was; was raining( )34. -Sally is really sad now. She didn’t pass the exam yesterday.-Let’s .A.put her upB.wake her upC.cheer her upD. pick her up( )35.-Henry, can you help me t he papers? We’ll have a test.-I’d love to Miss Liu.A.hand inB.hand outC.put downD.put on( )36.-Whether you can enter the best high school in our city yourself.-I'll try my best, Mom.A. pays forB. depends onC. agrees withD. believes in( )37.- our plan, there will be a meeting next Wednesday.-I see. thanks. I’ll be there on time.A. According toB. In factC. Thanks toD. At last ( )38.-I’m very tired. Can I do my homework tomorrow, Mom?-I think you’d better not your work tomorrow.A.put awayB.put offC.put outD.put on( )39. -Do you have Kate’s number?-Yes, but I can’t find it now. I’m afraid I it.A.loseB.have lostC. lostD. have been lost( )40. Over fifty countries the AIIB(亚投行) so far.A.joinedB. was joiningC. had joinedD. have joined ( )41.-Linda really her father, doesn't she?-Yes. And she often plays sports with her father, just like a son.A. takes afterB. looks afterC. looks forD. look like ( )42.-What kind of sport do you like?-Ball games, basketball.A.finallyB.especiallyC.probablyD.suddenly( )43. -Parents always want to their children with good education.-You’re quite right.A.provideB.protectC.prepareD. promise( )44.-Never .I believe you can do it.-Thank you Mom. I'll try my best.A.give awayB.give outC.give backD. give up( )45. -Why are you so strongly keeping animals in the zoo?-I think animals also have the right to enjoy freedom.A.upB.againstC.forD. down( )46.-We need to a time to have a talk now.-What about tomorrow? I am too busy today.A.fix upB.put upe upD. look up( )47. The girl couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw in the mirror.A.herB.herselfC.hersD. she( )48. This movie star often gives her money to the homeless children and volunteers her time the sick kids.A.out; helpingB. for; to helpC.up; helpingD. away; to help ( )49.-Did you finish your composition in class?-No, I out of time.A.wentB.ranC. tookD.tried( )50. What an story! He will be to read it.A.amazing; surprisingB. amazing; surprisedC.amazed; surprisingD.amazed; surprise( )51. Nick’s mother took his body temperature and it was.A.uncomfortableB.specialC.perfectD.normal( )52.-How long has Alexis from his school?-For about 20 years.A.leaveB. leftC.been awayD.be away( )53. Amy has been skating two hours.A.forB.inC.sinceD.of( )54. have you been at this school? - Since 1990.A. How longB. How muchC. How soonD. How often ( )55. books you read, knowledge you’ll learn.A. The much; the moreB. The more; the mostC. The better; the manyD. The more; the more( )56. -Jenny, you look so beautiful in your new dress.-Thanks! I it for several times.A.wearB..woreC. was wearingD. have worn( )57.-You were out when I dropped by your house.-Oh, I for a friend from England at the airport.A. was waitingB. had waitedC. am waitingD. will wait ( )58. Can I have some cookies,Mom?- I'll get you some.A. No way.B. How come?C. How can it be?D. Why not? ( )59.-Mr. Hu, can you tell us how to learn math well?-Sure. But remember nothing can be learned hard work.A.withoutB.atC.byD. for( )60.He stay up late, but now he going to bed early.A. used to; used toB. is used to; used toC. used to; is used toD. is used to; is used to( )61. I like these photos and they can me the life in the country.A.think; ofB.remind; ofC. let; downD. wake; up( )62. -I’ve never been to Beijing, the capital of China. - .A. So have IB.Neither have IC. So I haveD. Neither I have ( )63. He has few friends in his new school,?A.hasn’t heB.does heC.is heD. doesn’t he( )64. his surprise, while he was using the cellphone, he was caught by the police.A.InB. ToC. WithD. On( )65.-Tom, do you know the population of India is?Yes. It's more than 1,3 billion.A.whatB.howC.whyD.where( )66.-What is the article about?-It's about the measures our local government has taken. It encourages us food.A.not wasteB. not to wasteC. no wastingD.no waste( )67.- free education, the poor children in our country can go to school.-Yes, they are lucky.A. Thanks forB. Thanks toC. Instead ofD. In order to( )68.The man and the woman for five yearsA.marriedB. have marriedC. got marriedD. have been married ( )69.-I’d like you to tell me something about Shen Nongjia.-I'm sorry, but neither Jack nor I there.A.have beenB.had beenC. have goneD. has gone( )70.-O h, you’re late again. The film for twenty minutes.-What a pity.A.has begunB.beganC.has been onD. have been on( )71. -Why do you want to study abroad?-That experience may help make our life .A.successfulefulualD. traditional( )72. My niece(侄女) has learnt Latin dance .A. for five years ago B since she was fourC. five years agoD. at the age of four( )73. We all want to know who can the physics problem. You know, it's very difficult.A.work outB. take outC. set outD. look out( )74. They are able to talk openly to each other either of them feels hurt.A.whateverB.foreverC. wheneverD. however( )75. Lucy,what were you doing at nine last night?-I the piano. I usually practice the piano at that time.A.playB. playedC.was playingD. am playing( )76. Mo Yan, a famous Chinese writer, won the Nobel Prize for literature at the end of the year 2012. We learn that success the person with a never-give-up attitude.A.takes outB. takes overC.belongs toD. belongs for( )77. We should keep people from throwing rubbish into the sea save the endangered sea animals.A. so thatB. in order toC. according toD. because of( )78.-An old man tried to the mountain.-I think it's a little bit silly.A.cutB.pushC.carryD.move( )79. We all got wet in the rain because of us had an umbrella.A.bothB.noneC.no oneD. neither( )80. Hi,Mr. Zhang,do you often come here to climb the mountain?-Yes, exercise. You see, I’m healthier than before.A.to getB.gettingC.getD. gets参考答案1-5 BCCDC 6-10 CADDB 11-15 BCCAB 16-20 CCCAC 21-25 AABAA 26-30 CDBCA 31-35 CADCB 36-40 BABBD 41-45 ABADB 46-50 ABDBB 51-55 DCAAD 56-60 DADAC 61-65 BBBBA 66-70 BBDAC 71-75 ABACC 76-80 CBDBA。
22秋团体工作期末复习题一、单项选择题1、(B )指出:“小组工作是运用个人意志结合小组的方法,以促进个人发展与社会关系的调试及其他有益于社会的目标的达成。
”A、柯义尔B、纽斯泰特C、克那普卡D、沙利文2、(B )非常关注“精神”与“主观”,强调主观世界的重要性。
A、托马斯B、米德C、布鲁默D、库利3、(C )的特征是理性的、客观的、思考的。
”这种技巧属于( A )。
A、评估B、联结C、折中D、建议5、(A )的特点是:集中化程度高,解决问题速度快,可加强小组控制,能有效地达成目标。
A、链式沟通网络B、轮式沟通网络C、“Y”式沟通网络D、环形沟通网络6、(B )是小组活动那个过程的核心和主体。
A、预览B、生产C、消化D、总结7、小组聚会的频率,原则上每周一次为宜,每次聚会的时间以每个成员都能够分享为原则,不宜超过(C )个小时。
A、1B、2C、3D、48、(B )的缺点是:信息层次传递,很容易失真,各个成员所接收的信息差异大。
A、链式沟通网络B、轮式沟通网络C、“Y”式沟通网络D、环形沟通网络9、(C )是指研究者所操纵的实验变量对应变量造成影响的真正程度,即干预是否确实造成了有意义的差异。
A、内在信度B、外在信度C、内在效度D、外在效度10、按照小组的形成方式,分为自然小组和(B )。
A、非自然小组B、正式小组C、成长小组D、组成小组11、(B )是场域论的基本概念,是场域的基本结构,指我们所经历的主观环境。
A、紧张系统B、此时此地C、生活空间D、真实情景12、(D )的人生态度,体现的是威严的家长自我状态。
A、我不行,你行B、我不行,你也不行C、我行,你也行D、我行,你不行13、下列与社会工作者被赋予的权力无关的是(D )。
A、经验B、资源的渠道C、界定角色D、个人品质14、下列不属于小组生产期组员的特点的是(B )。
八年级英语上册期末专项复习—单项选择班次:姓名:得分:1. I didn’t do ________ last weekend.A. anything specialB. something specialC. special anythingD. special something2. There is ________ milk at home. Let’s go and buy some.A. a littleB. littleC. too muchD. few3. We were ________ tired ________ we wanted to stop.A. so; thatB. such; thatC. so; becauseD. very; that4. —________ does Tom go swimming?—Once a month.A. How muchB. How longC. How oftenD. How far5. Tina sang ________ than Nelly.A. more betterB. much betterC. very betterD. more well6. Sally is as ________ as her father.A. quietB. quieterC. quietestD. more quiet7. ________ he was ill, ________ he still went to school.A. Though; butB. Although; butC. Although; /D. Though; and8. The story is ________ to make everyone happy.A. enough funnyB. boring enoughC. funny enoughD. enough boring9. Of all the subjects, English is ________ for me.A. interestingB. more interestingC. the most interestingD. very interesting10. Li Jun always makes his little sister ________.A. laughingB. laughC. to laughD. laughs11. A lot of vegetables and exercise can make you ________.A. healthB. healthyC. to healthD. to be healthy12. He hopes his son can ________ sports in the future.A. take upB. grow upC. put upD. get up13. —Sam, why are you so excited?—My father has made a ________ that he will take me to New York City next month.A. faceB. ruleC. promiseD. mistake14. Tom, make sure ________ your pen and books when you go to school.A. bringB. bringingC. to bringD. not bring15. Michael kept on ________ although he was tired.A. to sleepB. sleepingC. to workD. working16. —________ makes good friends, Allen?—Being honest is very important, I think.A. HowB. WhyC. WhatD. Who17. —What’s the ________ of the Golden Gate Bridge?—It is over 10 000 tons.A. heightB. weightC. lengthD. weigh18. —What’s your new desk mate like, Amy?—She is ________. She always shares funny jokes with me.A. generousB. boringC. luckyD. humorous19. Millie is ________ swimmer in our class. We can’t expect her to win the swimming competition.A. fasterB. the fastestC. slowerD. the slowest20. —Where would you spend your winter holiday?—Maybe Yunnan. The weather there is much warmer than ________ in Nanjing.A.itB. thisC. thatD. the one21. —What do you know about the White House?—It is a beautiful building ________ gardens and trees.A. onB. aroundC. withD. above22. The fruit turned brown quickly because Mum ________ the fruit in the air.A. threwB. leftC. pickedD. stayed23. —________ the living room blue, Andrew.—OK, mum. What about orange?A. Doesn’t paintB. Didn’t paintC. Not paintD. Don’t paint24. My father likes ________ the newspaper after dinner. He is interested in sports news.A. looking throughB. looking forC. looking upD. looking out25. We missed our train this morning because there was ________ traffic on the way to the railway station.A. too manyB. too muchC. many tooD. much too26. —Will the visitors from Australia come to our school?—Yes. They will ________ at 5 p.m. this afternoon.A. reachB. get toC. arriveD. come to27. Everyone knows that ________ trees we plant, our planet will be.A. the fewer; the moreB. the more; the betterC. the less; the betterD. the more; the more28. —Dad, I’m afraid Physics is not as easy as I thought.—________! You can do it if you work harder.A. Well doneB. You’re welcomeC. ThanksD. Come on29. —Could you please help me ________ the poster on the wall? —No problem.A. put inB. put outC. put upD. put on30. —Let’s go and listen to Mr. Li’s speech on Western culture, shall we?—________. We know little about it.A. That sounds greatB. That’s all rightC. No, we can’tD. Never mind31. Debbie is growing fast. She is even ________ than her mother.A. tallB. tallerC. tallestD. the tallest32. Jason likes the ________ of the cake. It is a heart.A. colorB. sizeC. smellD. shape33. I can’t go out for the picnic. I have ________ homework to do today.A. too muchB. much tooC. too manyD. many too34. His mother often worries about him, because he never comes home ________ 11:30 at night.A. afterB. whenC. untilD. as long as35. —Mike, can you come to my home for dinner today?—________. I have to do my homework.A. Sure, I’d love to.B. No, I can’t.C. I’m afraid I can’t.D. No, I’m available.36. Who ________ can give me better advice on how to learn English well?A. otherB. elseC. othersD. another37. We can see lots of aunts dancing on the square if it ________ in the evening.A. doesn’t rainB. rainsC. will rainD. won’t rain38. Don’t forget ________ thanks when others help you.A. acceptB. to acceptC. sayD. to say39. They had a great time ________ a picnic in the park last weekend.A. haveB. to haveC. havingD. had40. If I have enough money, I ________ that beautiful dress for my mom.A. buyB. boughtC. will buyD. buys41. It’s raining hard, so we ________ stay at home to watch TV.A. mustB. have toC. canD. can’t42. Susan ________ her friend’s invitation because of an important meeting.A. took downB. put downC. turned downD. write down43. —It’s too late. I have to go now.—Oh, it’s raining outside. Don’t leave ________ it stops.A. sinceB. whenC. untilD. while44. ________ the sun’s heat or light, we can’t live at all.A. WithoutB. WithC. ForD. Under45. Susan can’t go to the movies with us, because she must ________ her grandma at home.A. look forB. look atC. look likeD. look after46. ________ butter would you need?A. How manyB. How muchC. How longD. How about47. There ________ two slices of turkey on the table and there ________ some gravy on the slices.A. are; isB. are; areC. is; isD. is; are48. Turn ________ the light when you leave the room.A. onB. offC. upD. down49. My cousin wants to stay here for ________.A. six other daysB. more six daysC. six another daysD. another six days50. Here’s some meat. Please help me to ________ first, Mike.A. cut up itB. cut up themC. cut it upD. cut them up51. Mary will be a nurse ________ 10 years.A. withB. atC. inD. from52. If there are ________ cars, there will be ________ air pollution.A. less; fewerB. fewer; lessC. less; lessD. fewer; fewer53. It’s reported that people throw ________ plastic bags along the street every day.A. hundredB. hundredsC. hundred ofD. hundreds of54. The robot can help ________ people under the building after an earthquake(地震).A. lookB. look forC. findD. to find55. —Why are you in such a hurry, Tim?—There ________ an NBA basketball game in ten minutes.A. will beB. will haveC. is going to haveD. are going to be56. —Is your little sister ________ to go to school?—Yes, she is.A. old enoughB. enough oldC. young enoughD. enough young57. Jane is ________ girl. She’s very happy at school.A. a eighteen-year-oldB. a eighteen-years-oldC. an eighteen-year-oldD. an eighteen-years-old58. —Is Alice’s home ________ away from school than Lucy’s?—Yes, it is.A. farB. fartherC. farthestD. furthest59. It’s so hot today. I think it is one of ________ days of the year.A. hotB. hotterC. the hottestD. hottest60. —Would you mind ________ in the office?—Sorry, I won’t do that again.A. not to smokeB. not smokingC. smokeD. not smoke61. —What do you ________ sitcoms?—I don’t mind them.A. likeB. loveC. thinkD. think of62. The book is educational. We can learn ________ from it.A. lot ofB. lots ofC. a lot ofD. a lot63. —Can you help me ________ the answers to the questions?—Sure.A. findB. find outC. look forD. look64. Mary has two brothers. One is a teacher, ________ is an engineer.A. anotherB. otherC. the otherD. others65. In spring, the weather is warm. We can see flowers ________.A. openB. come onC. come outD. come over66. You can sit the ________ because they have the most comfortable seats.A. most comfortableB. more comfortableC. most comfortablyD. more comfortably67. I think Little Apple is ________ of all the songs this year.A. more popularB. most popularC. much more popularD. the most popular68. —Let’s go to the hill for a picnic.—You’d better not. The environment there is getting much ________ than before.A. betterB. worseC. cleanerD. easier69. Playing soccer is becoming ________ in China.A. more and more popularB. most and most popularC. popular and popularD. most popular70. My time in the junior high school was one of ________ periods(时期)of my life.A. excitingB. more excitingC. the most excitingD. most exciting71. Which subject do you like ________, English or math?A. goodB. wellC. betterD. best72. Lucy can sing this song ________ Lily.A. as good asB. as well asC. as better asD. as worse as73. —Do you like eating Beijing Roast Duck(北京烤鸭)?—Of course. Nothing can be ________, I think.A. deliciousB. beautifulC. more deliciousD. more beautiful74. My best friend is good ________ jumping, but I do well ________ running.A. at; inB. in; atC. at; atD. in; in75. Tom’s parents often make him ________ homework till 11 o’clock at night.A. doB. doesC. to doD. doing76. —Sam, ________ do you play football after school?—Twice a week.A. how longB. how soonC. how oftenD. how far77. —I got up early this morning, but I was late for work.—Really? ________?A. How oftenB. How muchC. How longD. How come78. —How often do you exercise?—________. I’m busy with my work.A. Hardly everB. AlwaysC. UsuallyD. Every day79. ________ children like eating candies, but not all.A. MostB. AllC. AnyD. No80. ________ it was difficult, Mike finally worked out the math problem.A. IfB. ButC. AlthoughD. So期末专项复习—单项选择答案【答案】1.A 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.C 9.C 10.B 11.B 12.A 13.C 14.C 15.D 16.C 17.B 18.D 19.D 20.C 21.C 22.B 23.D 24.A 25.B 26.C 27.B 28.D 29.C 30.A 31.B 32.D 33.A 34.C 35.C 36.B 37.A 38.D 39.C 40.A 41.B 42.C 43.C 44.A 45.D 46.B 47.A 48.B 49.D 50.C 51.C 52.B 53.D 54.B 55.A 56.A 57.C 58.B 59.C 60.B 61.D 62.D 63.B 64.C 65.C 66.C 67.D 68.B 69.A 70.C 71.C 72.B 73.C 74.A 75.A 76.C 77.D 78.A 79.A 80.C。
译林版七年级上册英语期末复习练习(含答案)译林版七年级上册英语期末复习练习一、单项选择1.—__________there any sheep on the hill?—__________.A.Is; Yes, there areB. Are; Yes, there areC. Is;No,there isn’tD. Are;No, there isn’t2. The colour of my blouse _________ my new skirt.A. fitB. fitsC. matchD. matches3.Hello! May I ________ to Jack? I’m sorry, ________ he is not.A. speak; butB. say; butC. speak; andD. say; and4. There ________ the bus.Let’s __________.A. comes; get on itB. is coming; get on itC. comes; get it onD. is coming; get it on5. There will not _______enough time for _________.A. have; anybody elseB. be; somebody elseC. have; somebody elseD. be; anybody else6. Could you please help me improve my lessons?___________. Practice makes perfect.A. No problemB. No, thanksC. No wayD. No interest7.—Miss Yang never wears leather clothes.—__________.She’s an animal lover.A.Yes, she doesB.Yes, she doesn’tC. No, she doesD.No, she doesn’t8. My mother, together with my father, __________the dog into the park after dinner.A. enjoy walkingB. enjoys walkingC. enjoy to walkD. enjoys to walk9.—Which girl is your best friend?—The one ________ a blue dress.A.wearsB. is wearingC. is inD. in10.Every year Sally has a lot of books to _________.A.readB. seeC. watchD. look11.My father with my mother ________to news on the radio every morning.A.listenB. listensC. is listeningD. to listen12.—What________Jim _________?1—He is tall and strong.A.are; likeB. do; likeC. does; likeD. is ; like13.I often call my good friend ________6p. m. ________9p. m. on Saturday evening.A.from; toB. between; andC. at; atD. at; to14.The party ________from 17:00 to 19:00.A.beginsB. startsC. isD. opens15.The long journey (路程)__________ about ten hours _______e; byB. use; to takeC. take; byD. takes; to take16.—__________do the twins go to the cinema every month?—At last(最少) twice.A.How many timesB. How longC. How oftenD. How much17.—Amy, what are you __________?—A song called “Happy New Year”.A.listeningB. listen toC. listening toD. listen18.Our reading room _______ at 1:00 p. m. from Monday to Friday.A.is openB. is openedC. is openingD. opens19.Tom lives 3 kilometers ________ school , so he must get up early in the morning.A.fromB. far away fromC. awayD. far away20.I don’t like the dress.It doesn’t look _______.A.badB. badlyC. wellD. good21.—__________ a month do you go to the club?—Only once.A.How soonB. How many timesC. How oftenD. How far22.—Will you please come __________, Mr Smith?—Sure.A.by the wayB. on the wayC. in the wayD. this way23.—Cathy, look at the photo.Can you guess who’s_______ in the photo?—Oh! ________! How can you find this photo?A.she; IB. she; MeC. it; ID. it; Me24.We should help ________ each other and learn _______ each other.1A./; /B. /; fromC. with; fromD. with; with25.It’s not ________going to a party on your own.A.many funB. much funC. many a funD. much a fun26.—Peter, why are you ______ tired those days?—I’m busy__________my report.A.so; with writingB. too; writeC. so; to writeD. so; with27._______ at six o’clock tomorrow morning,please, mum.A.Waking up meB. Waking me upC. Wake up meD. Wake me up28. We have some meat and vegetables in the fridge. We ________buy any today.A.don’t needB.don’t need toC.needn’tD. B&C29. My little son is ______eight years old, so he can go to school this year.A. underB. atC. toD. past30.—Who ______ wants to borrow a bike?—Amy_________.A.else; isB. other; doesC. else; doesD. other; is31.There are so many nice cakes in the shop.I really don’t know __________.A.buy which oneB. to buy which oneC. which one to buyD. which one should I buy32. I borrow a toy car_______ my cousin.I’m now ________it at home.A. to; playingB. from; playingC. to; playing withD. from; playing with2、动词填空1. The Smiths _________(visit) their new neighbours at the moment.2. The girl next door spends half an hour ________(dress) up every day.3. I need you _______(help) my brother with his Maths.4.Who’s always the first ________(greet) you, Amy?5. Nobody except Jim and Tom _________(dance) well in my class.6. Do you know what ________(say) at the meeting? I have no idea at the moment.7. In England if we Chinese _________(not be) careful, we may go the wrong way.8. Beckham says he can do well in ________(win) football games.9.Mike ______________(not go) t o school in his father’s car, but Jack does.110. Sandy, together with her parents, often _________(come) to China for holiday.11. Look! The boy in the car _______(have) a pet dog with him.12. Look, the students in the team each _________(have) a new bag on their back.13. We always have a good time ________(chat)with each other.14. Would all the people in our neighbourhood like _______(dance) after supper?15. _______(listen) to the music, and tell me the name.16. Walking on the Moon would be like _______(jump) high.17. One of the twins ________(not be) at school today.What’s wrong with her?18.The book on the desk isn’t mine. It may be someone ______(else).三、词汇运用1.It’s about one and a half ________(minute) walk from my home to Sunshine Shopping Mall.2.There’s a meeting in the _________(密斯) Club every Friday afternoon.3.Take these letters __________(穿过) to the post office.4.Girls usually don’t like telling about their ________(年龄).5.One of my __________(同砚) is from the UK. He can speak English very well.6.The bicycles are my __________(同班同砚) and those are theirs.7.Walking and swimming are different kinds of ________(锻炼).8.After reading the report, I remembered those ________(hero) names.9.What are the ______(来由) for not doing your homework?10. Are you sure those footballs are those ________(play)?10.Jim’s apples are big and red. What about _____(you), May?12. _______(绝不)drive after drinking.13. I have some NBA_________(play) names on this T-shirt.14. Lucy does _______(well) in writing in her class.15. Jim, please cut the apple into _______(half).四、句型转换1.The girl is from the USA. She is tall and slim. (归并为一句,而且改成否认句)The girl ________ America ________ tall ________slim.2.The boy is 8years old. He plays football quite well. (合并为一句)1The ___________boy is good at playing football.3.Does the man like playing basketball best?(改为同义句)________ _________ basketball the ________ ____________?4.Among all the subjects, I like Science best. (改成同义句)I like Science ______ than ______ ________ subjects.5.Because of the heavy rain, they don’t have fun at all. (改为同义句)They ______ _______ ______ ________ because it rains heavily.6.Who goes walking in the park every morning?(改为同义句)Who _______ _________ ________ _________in the park every morning?7.Tom often talks with his parents on the phone. (画线局部发问)_______ does Tom often talk with his parents?五、翻译句子1.我需要买些书,因为我可以从书中学到许多。
(10分)( )1,May I have a copybook_________ Su Yang?A.toB.forC.atD.in( )2,I like my panda. --__________________A. Yes , it is.B. No,it isn't.C.Me,too.D.Yes ,I do. ( )3,--That's ______rabbit, I think. --Yes,it's_______rabbit.A.her,hisB.your,my Cyour,his D.you ;me ( )4,--What's the matter? --______________A.Fine,thank you.B.I'm too hot.C.It's eleven.D.Yes,I am ( )5,--Can you ___________the lion? --No,I______________A.look;am notB.see;can'tC.see;can D;look;can't ( )6,I'm __________.May I have some tea?A. hungryB.thirsty Cpretty. D.ill.( )7,Are you tired?______________.A.Yes,he is.B.No,I'm tired.C.No,I'm ill.D.No,I don't. ( )8,What a nice dress! ______________A.That's all right.B.Thank you.C.That's right.D.I'm sorry. ( )9,--Do you like this__? --Yes,I do. I love __________A.dolls;dollsB.doll;doll C;dolls;doll D.doll;dolls ( )10,--What time _____ you get up? --I get up ______six twenty-five.A.are;atB.do;it'sC.do;at D;do;/1、B2、C3、B4、B5、B6、B7、C8、B9、D 10、C二、选择填空。
七年级英语(下)期末复习之单项选择(一)( )1. ---What's on your desk? --There ________a TV and some books on it.A. beB. haveC. isD. are( )2. .--Do you have a computer? --Yes, I do. Each of us _______one in my class.A. there isB. there areC. hasD. have( )3. -- How do you go to work? -- I usually go to work ______.A. by a carB. in a carC. on a footD. by buses( )4. Her daughter was born _____ December 10, 1998. A. at B. in C. on D. fo r( )5. --What was the weather like yesterday? --It was______. We made some snowmen.A. rainyB. snowC. snowyD. windy( )6. It’s raining _______ outside. Please stay at home.A. heavilyB. heavyC. strongD. strongly( )7. -- Would you like ______chocolate? -- Yes, please. And I’d like ______water, too.A. any, anyB. some, someC. some, anyD. any, some ( )8. -- How long can I ______the book? -- Two weeks.A. borrowB. buyC. keepD. lend( )9. ---Who's in the office? ---Mr. Smith. He ________a report.A. writeB. writesC. wroteD. is writing( )10. -- I bought some flowers for Mother’s Day. -- Great! When _____ you _______ it?A. do; buyB. will; buyC. did; buyD. did; bought( )11. I’m thirsty. I would like ________ some tea.A. drinkB. to drinkC. drinkingD. drinks( )12. It is a good time ________.A. go hikingB. to go hikingC. going hikingD. went hiking( )13. ---_____did you go to Shanghai? ---Two years ago.A. How oftenB. WhenC. How longD. How far( )14. --- Could you play the guitar when you were 8 years old? -- ________A. Yes, I could.B. No, I can’t.C. Yes, I can.D. No, I won’t. ( )15. Maria________ speaks Chinese because she doesn’t know much Chinese.A. seldomB. alwaysC. oftenD. usually( )16. Here are your keys, Jane. _______, please. You must look after your things.A. Put it awayB. Put them awayC. Put away itD. Put away the m( )17. --Where is Liu Jun?--He must_______ in the gym. I saw him______ basketball there just now.A. is; playsB. is; to playC. be; playedD. be; playing( )18. Lin Tao is________ years old and tomorrow is his _____birthday.A. tenth; tenB. ten; tenthC. tenth; tenthD. ten; ten ( )19. The teacher often says, “ _____ late for school. ”A. Don’tB. Don’t beC. NotD. Doesn’t( )20. -- Would you like to go for a picnic with us? -- ______, but I’m too busy.A. No, I can’tB. Yes, I’d love toC. I’d likeD. Why not七年级英语(下)期末复习之单项选择(二)( )1. Jack likes playing _____guitar, but Jane likes to play _______basketball.A. the; theB. the; /C. /; theD. /; /( )2. There _____ a lamp, two books, a computer and so on. A. are B. is C. be D. a m( )3. I don’t like physics ____ it’s too difficult for me. A. and B. so C. because D. but( )4. -- _____ do you usually come to school? -- By bike.A. HowB. WhatC. How oftenD. When( )5. Tom was born _____ London _____ May 1st, 1989.A. in; inB. in; onC. on; inD. on; on( )6. --Where is the big tree, Jim? -- Oh, it’s ______our classroom building.A. in the front ofB. in front ofC. at the back ofD. in the center of ( )7. Mr. Wang _____ gets up early. So he is ______ late for work.A. always; alwaysB. never; neverC. always; oftenD. always; never ( )8. -- It’s time _________ lunch. -- OK. Let’s ________.A. for; goB. for; goingC. to; goingD. to; go( )9. Maria enjoys _______music. And she can sing a lot of songs.A. listeningB. to listen toC. to listeningD. listening to ( )10. We have _____ homework to do this weekend.A. manyB. too manyC. too muchD. lot of( )11. Michael helped the old woman _______ her dog last week.A. look atB. look afterC. look likeD. look in( )12. It’s 8 o’clock. My mother is reading a book. My sister and I _________.A. is doing my homeworkB. am doing my homeworkC. is doing our homeworkD. are doing our homework( )13. Last Sunday Maria and Jane ______ kites in the park.A. flewB. flyingC. flyD. flies( )14. I do better in math now. Thank you for _____ me _____it.A. help; onB. helping; withC. helping; onD. helps; with( )15. -- Could I do sports in the gym, Mr. Wu? -- _____Come in, please.A. Yes, I can.B. Yes, you can.C. No, you can’t.D. No, I can’t. ( )16. -- What’s on the table, Kate?-- There is a big birthday cake_______ eleven candles ______ it.A. with; inB. in; byC. of; onD. with; on( )17. We’d better ________ the street when the traffic lights are red.A. crossB. not acrossC. not crossD. across( )18. --____ late for class next time. --I’m sorry. A. Be B. Not C. Don’t D. Don’t be( )19. --_________ --It’s June 1st.A. What’s the time now?B. What’s the date today?C. What day is it today?D. When were you born?( )20. -- Merry Christmas! --_________A. Thank you.B. Me, too.C. No problem.D. The same to you.七年级英语(下)期末复习之单项选择(三)( )1. There _____ a ticket, a lamp and some keys on the table.A. areB. isC. haveD. has( )2. The Reads live _____ the end _____ Zhonghua Road.A. at; ofB. in; ofC. at; toD. in; to( )3. _____ the help of my English teacher, I can speak English easily.A. WithB. InC. OnD. Of( )4. There are _____ floors in this building and Mr. Wang’s office is on _____floor.A. forty; twelfthB. fortieth; twelveC. fortieth; twelfthD. forty; the twelfth( )5. ______ is there on the table? A. How many apples B. How much breadC. How much breadsD. How many foo d( )6. -- ________do you play computer games? -- Twice a month.A. How longB. How manyC. How oftenD. How much ( )7. -- ________ is your mother’s birthday? --- April 8th.A. HowB. WhenC. WhoD. What( )8. -- You must _______ those trees and flowers in the garden. -- OK, Miss Gao.A. look forB. look afterC. look likeD. look at( )9. The girl usually does her homework ________ it is very late at night.A. untilB. whenC. beforeD. after( )10. There is ___________with my bike.A. wrong somethingB. anything wrongC. something wrongD. wrong anything( )11. Look! He _______ photos. A. is taking B. takes C. took D. will take ( )12. --Did you buy a birthday card for her? -- No, I didn’t. I _____ one_____ hand.A. make; withB. make; byC. made; byD. made; with( )13. Class Four plans _____ a meeting about the school art festival tomorrow.A. haveB. to haveC. hasD. are having( )14. There are many students ______ in the apartment.A. liveB. livesC. livingD. lived( )15. --_________ on your desk. ---Sorry, Miss Brown. I won’tA. Don’t drawB. No drawC. Don’t drawingD. No draws ( )16. They enjoyed _______ at the birthday.A. themselvesB. theirselvesC. themselfD. oneself( )17. ________, please! Let’s begin our class.A. Be quietB. Be noisyC. Don’t be quietD. Noisy( )18. -- _____ does your mother usually go to the office? -- By bus.A. WhereB. WhatC. HowD. When( )19. -- _____ do you _____ the book? -- It’s very interesting.A. What; likeB. What; think ofC. How; thinkD. How; think of ( )20. ---______in Beijing today? ---It's between 10º and 23ºA. What's the weather likeB. When were you bornC. What's the temperature C. How was your holiday七年级英语(下)期末复习之单项选择(四)( )1. --Does Uncle Lee go to work ________bus or ________ foot?A. to; byB. with; onC. by; onD. on; on( )2. -- Do you take a camera _____ you? -- No, I only take a map.A. toB. forC. inD. with( )3. There are ________ new words in it. Could you help me?A. a fewB. a littleC. fewD. little( )4. There_____ not _______ milk in the cup on the table .A. are; manyB. are; muchC. is; manyD. is; much( )5. T om is a ______ student, he speaks Chinese _______.A. good; wellB. good; goodC. well; wellD. well; good( )6. -- _________ can I keep the books?-- Three days.A. How manyB. How muchC. How longD. How old( )7. ---_____ is it? -- It’s a circle.A. What kindB. What colorC. What timeD. What shape( )8. --Which season do you like best, Lily? --______Because I like swimming best.A. SpringB. Summer.C. FallD. Winter( )9. There ________ a class meeting next Saturday.A. isn’t haveB. isn’t going to beC. isn’t haveD. aren’t ( )10. It’s 4:00 p.m. The students _________ in the pool.A. swimB. swamC. swimsD. are swimming( )11. My brother usually _____ his classroom after school. But now he______ basketball.A. cleans; playsB. is cleaning; playsC. cleans; is playingD. is cleaning; is playing( )12. The sign means “_____.”A. No parkingB. No U-turnC. No left turnD. No right turn( )13. -- Lily, would you like me ______ you? --- Yes, thanks.A. helpB. to helpC. helpingD. help at( )14. There are _______ floors in my house and my bedroom is on the _____ floor.A. four; twoB. fourth; secondC. four; secondD. fourth; two( )15. Excuse me, can you tell me ________ Xinhua Bookstore?A. the way toB. the wayC. the road toD. the road( )16. The students must keep the classroom ________ every day.A. cleansB. cleanC. to cleanD. cleaning( )17. Mrs. White _______ her wallet now, but she can’t ______ it.A. is looking for; findB. finds; look forC. is looking for; findsD. looks for; fi nding( )18. I want _____ something about your school life in Japan.A. knowB. to knowC. knowsD. knowing( )19. We’d better _____ those animals like lions and tigers when we go to the zoo.A. keep away fromB. keep fromC. be far awayD. keep away( )20. --I'm very sorry I don't know the way, either. I can't help you.---_________.A. I get it.B. That's all rightC. Of courseD. Thanks all the same.七年级英语(下)期末复习之单项选择(五)( )1. There is _____ umbrella on the floor. Whose is it? A. a B. an C. the D. some( )2. --Excuse me, Maria. Can I use your bike?--Sure. Here you are. But you must return it _____ time. A. in B. at C. onD. to( )3. There is a police car ________ the bus. The police are watching the traffic.A. in front ofB. in the front ofC. in the frontD. the front( )4. -- Are there ____ boats in the river? -- Yes, there are.A. muchB. someC. anyD. little( )5. --Could you help me _________ my baby when I go out, Julia? -- No problem.A. look atB. look likeC. look forD. look after( )6. The sun is shining _____ and it’s very hot.A. brightB. heavilyC. brightlyD. heavy( )7. There is _____ with my computer. ---Oh, you can call Mr. Lee for help.A. something wrongB. wrong somethingC. anything wrongD. wrong a nything( )8. It’s a good time ________ in spring. Many people enjoy it.A. for flying kitesB. flying kitesC. to flying kitesD. fly kites( )9. Thank you for _______ me find my little cat yesterday.A. helpB. helpsC. helpedD. helping( )10. When spring comes, the weather ______ warm and trees ______ green.A. turn; getB. gets; turnsC. gets; turnD. turns; get( )11. -- Lily, here are your pens. Please ________. -- OK, Mom.A. put away itB. put it awayC. put away themD. put them away ( )12. -- How long can I _____ the English workbook? -- For two weeks.A. borrowB. to borrowC. keepD. to keep( )13. Jack, you _____ stay in the sun too long. -- Oh, Mom. I won’t do that again.A. shouldB. shouldn’tC. had betterD. must( )14. Look! The students ________ the classroom.A. cleanB. are cleaningC. are cleanD. cleaning( )15. Christmas Day is coming. Each of them _______ busy ________ for Christmas.A. are; preparingB. is; preparingC. is; prepareD. are; prepare ( )16. ---You'd better _______ photos here, sir. Look at the sign. It says "No Photos".---Sorry, I ________ it just now.A. take; don't seeB. to take; didn't seeC. not take; didn't seeD. not take; don't see( )17. -- Must I finish my homework now? -- No, you ______.A. may notB. mustn’tC. can’tD. needn’t( )18. -- _______ was the temperature yesterday? -- Sorry, I don’t know.A. HowB. How manyC. How muchD. What( )19. --_______ do you _______ English? --- I like it very much.A. How; think ofB. What; likeC. How; like toD. What; think of ( )20. --I’m going to Kunming for my holiday this month. -- ________A. Please go!B. You can’t go!C. Best wishes to you!D. Have a great time!七年级英语(下)期末复习之单项选择(六)( )1. They will go to Beijing _____ October 1st. A. at B. in C. on D. for ( )2. --What’s in your bedroom? --There ______ a bed, a desk and two chairs in it.A. hasB. isC. areD. have( )3. She _______ walks to school. Her mother _______ drives her to school.A. seldom; seldomB. always; alwaysC. often; oftenD. seldom; always( )4. --Where do you live?--- I live ________floor in a high building.A. in twentyB. on twentyC. in the twentyD. on the twentieth ( )5. It’s good _____ old people to cross the road.A. helpB. helpsC. to helpD. helping( )6. --You should ______ careful in your work and life every day. --You’re right.A. beB. areC. isD. am( )7. They had a meeting yesterday and decided ________ West Hill.A. climbingB. to climbC. climbD. climbed( )8. Why didn’t Tom come to school?—He _____ and hurt his leg.A. fell downB. fell offC. falls downD. fells off( )9. ---Can you speak English? ---_____. But only _____.A. No, I can’t; littleB. Yes, I can; a littleC. Yes, I can; a fewD. No, I can’t; few( )10. Listen! The children ________songs over there.A. singB. sangC. is singingD. are singing( )11. --Tom, who ________ the candles on the cake yesterday? --My sister Alice did.A. blow outB. blew outC. put onD. took off( )12. Mike _______not play the piano three years ago, but now he _____ do it verywell.A. can; canB. could; canC. could; couldD. can; could ( )13. Did you read _____ in the newspaper? --- No, I didn’t.A. else anythingB. anything elseC. something elseD. else something ( )14. -- _____ does he meet his friends? --- _____ a month.A. How often; TwiceB. How long; TwiceC. When; TwoD. What time; Two( )15. --Excuse me, ________ is ZhongshanPark from here? -- It’s about seven kilometers.A. how longB. how oftenC. how farD. how much( )16. You can only turn left when you see the sign _____.A. B. C. D.( )17. --Please remember _____ me the weather report tomorrow, Lily. --OK. No problem.A. tellB. toldC. tellsD. to tell( )18. _____ and go down Qiuzhi Street.A. Turn rightB. Turn the rightC. To turn the rightD. To turn right ( )19. Why ______ visit Dali and Lijiang with me in your summer holidays, Tom? --Good idea.A. not youB. notC. don’t youD.B or C( )20. -- I wish you’ll have a great time. -- ______.A. I don’t think soB. NoC. Thanks a lotD. Yes七年级英语(下)期末复习之单项选择(七)( )1. In Spain, people eat grapes _____ good luck in the new year.A. forB. fromC. ofD. with( )2. Linda’s house is _______ the park, so she often walks there.A. acrossB. far fromC. close toD. in( )3. It’s difficult ______ old people ______ learn English well.A. for, itB. to, toC. for, toD. to, for( )4. Every year _______ visitors come to China for a visit.A. millionsB. million ofC. millionD. millions of( )5. --Which bus do I need ________? ---Bus No. 818.A. to sitB. to takeC. sittingD. taking( )6. -- Listen! Who ________ in the music room?--It must be Jane. She usually _______ at this time every day.A. sings; singsB. is singing; is singingC. sings; is singingD. is singing; si ngs( )7. Those young men _______ their cars to the river bank and _______ swim in the river.A. drive; beginB. drive; beganC. drove; beganD. drove; begin( )8. _______ put your books here, please. A. Not B. Don’t C. Not to D. No( )9. It’s half past five. Let’s ______ home. A. going B. go C. to go D. go to( )10. --Can you sing Chinese songs or English songs? --________.A. Yes, I can.B. No, I can’t.C. Chinese songs.D. Yes. I do. ( )11. Jane likes playing _________ and _______. I like music and sports.A. basketball; guitarB. the basketball; the guitarC. basketball; the guitarD. the basketball; guitar( )12. He often _____ English _____ his classmates. So his English is very good.A. says; toB. speaks; withC. talks; withD. tells; to( )13. I study English, art, history and some _____ subjects.A. anotherB. othersC. the otherD. other( )14. Judy, don’t put your keys here. _____, please.A. Put them awayB. Put up themC. Put them upD. Put away them( )15. -- How long can I _____ the VCD? -- A week.A. borrowB. seeC. buyD. keep( )16. -- _____ in your wallet, Madam? -- Some money and my ID card.A. Where isB. What isC. What areD. Where are( )17. -- ______ do you go for a picnic? -- Three times a year.A. How oftenB. How many timesC. How longD. How many time ( )18. --_________ milk is there in the bottle? ---Little.A. How manyB. HowC. How muchD. What( )19. -- May I borrow your bike? ---_____Here you are.A. Thanks a lot.B. You’re so beautiful!C. Of course.D. You’re welcome.( )20. --__________ --- I can’t find my bag.A. What’s matter?B. What’s that?C. What’s the wrong?D. What’s the matter?七年级英语(下)期末复习之单项选择(八)( )1. --_____ you at school yesterday? --No, I ________ at home.A. Was; wasB. Were; wereC. Were; wasD. Was; were( )2. There is a beautiful garden _____ Maria’s house.A. in the front ofB. in the frontC. in frontD. in front of ( )3. There are many students ____ in the apartment. A. live B. lives C. living D. lived( )4. There are twelve _____ in a year. A. month B. weeks C. months D. days( )5. _____ the help of my English teacher, I can speak English easily.A. WithB. InC. OnD. Under( )6. --- Can you play ping-pong _____ basketball? --I can play ping-pong.A. andB. orC. butD. with( )7. ---How many _____ are there in your class?--About 43.A. childsB. childrensC. childrenD. child( )8. The boy is only _____ and today is his _____ birthday.A. five; fivethB. fifth; fiveC. five; fifthD. fifth; fifth ( )9. It is very cold outside. You’d better _____ warm clothes.A. to wearB. wearC. wearingD. wears( )10. The cake is so big. How did your mother make it?—She made it _____ .A. with handB. in handC. by handsD. by hand( )11. Look! The children are enjoying _____ in the park.A. himselfB. myselfC. ourselvesD. themselves( )12. Listen! I hear the girl _____ in the next room.A. singingB. singsC. to singD. song( )13. Before Spring Festival, people are busy _____ for it.A. preparingB. preparedC. prepareD. to prepare( )14. --Who went to the park with you yesterday? --Li Lei _____ .A. doesB. didC. wasD. do( )15. --_____ does your mother usually go to the office? -- By bus.A. WhereB. WhatC. HowD. When( )16. I hope ______ there again one day. A. go B. to go to C. go to D. to go ( )17. Thank you for _____ us so well, Mr. Wang.A. teachesB. teachingC. teachD. to teach( )18. You can’t turn right when you see the sign _____.A. B. C. D.( )19. ---__________ -- Go up this road to the end.A. Where are we now?B. What are we doing at the supermarke t?C. How can I get to the supermarket?D. Who can get to the supermarket? ( )20. --_________ --I’m fine. Thank you.A. How is the weather?B. What do you think of it?C. What about you?D. How are you doing?七年级英语(下)期末复习之单项选择(九)( )1. -- Hi, Jane. What time do you get up _______ weekdays?--I usually get up _____ about six o’clock.A. in; atB. on; atC. at; atD. on; on( )2. --Is the weather in England different _____ that in Australia? -- Oh, let me see. Yes, it is.A. fromB. toC. withD. for( )3. May is the _____ month of a year. A. fifty B. fifteen C. fifth D. five ( )4. We had a party for mother’s _________birthday on March ________.A. thirty-ninth; 22nd;B. thirtieth- fifth; 21stC. fortieth-five; 23rd;D. forty-three; 23th( )5. ______there two chairs ,a desk and three beds in that room two weeks ago?A. AreB. IsC. WereD. Was( )6. --Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the bookstore?--First, go _____ this street to Zhujiang Bridge, go ____ the bridge , turn right and you can see the book store. A. at; to B. along; across C. to; inD. across; for( )7. It’s raining now, so you need _____ an umbrella with you.A. to takingB. takesC. to takeD. taking( )8. It’s not safe there. Let’s ______ there. I don’t want to be in danger.A. goB. not leaveC. not goD. stay( )9. _______ put the books here. _______ them there.A. Don’t; Let’s toB. Not; let’sC. Don’t; Let’sD. Not to; Let’s to( )10. The last bus left just now. I _______ go back home on foot! Oh, that’s too bad! \A. canB. couldC. mustD. have to( )11. Li Ming ________ homework in the morning.A. does anyB. doesn’t anyC. doesn’t do anyD. doesn’t do some( )12. Alice _______ in Shanghai No. 8 Middle School. She ______ to school by bus every day.A. is studying; goesB. studied; is goC. studies; wentD. studied; is going( )13. ---What did Mr. Wang say just now?---He ______ us not to play computer games all day.A. tellsB. toldC. to tellD. telling( )14. --What’s your favorite subject? -- Geography, because it is very ___________.A. boringB. interestingC. difficultD. different( )15. --I plan ________ to Mount T ai tomorrow.--- Sound great! But you’d better _____ more water. It’s too hot these days.A. to travel; takeB. travel; takeC. travel; to takeD. to travel; to take( )16. --______ does Jane usually go to school? --She usually goes to school_______ subway.A. When; onB. How; inC. How; byD. What; by ( )17. My brother is a football fan. He often _____ to watch the football games on TVat night.A. gets upB. puts upC. stays upD. goes up( )18. --How are you doing, Lily? --____________.A. Very well.B. I’m a student.C. I’m doing my homework.D. That’s OK.( )19. --How about going to the zoo? --__________A. Not at all.B. Sound great!C. Don’t tell me.D. The same to you.。
学前儿童健康教育期末综合练习及答案(一)单项选择题1.“四体液学说”由()提出A.扁鹊B.笛卡尔C.现代科学D.希波克拉底2.笛卡尔认为精神-肉体可以由()沟通A.松果体B.心脏C.灵魂D.下丘脑3.认为人体就是自己发动自己的机器,疾病就是由于机器的某个部分发生故障而失灵,需要加以修补完善,这种观点属于( )。
仁爱英语2019-2020学年九年级上学期期末复习--单项选择单项选择1. Beckham is European player plays football pretty well.A. an; thatB. a; whoC. a; /【答案】B【解析】European发ju 辅音用a player在从句中做主语,不可省略,用that ,who2. --- Do you often see Maria on the playground?--- No, but she is often seen the guitar in the park.A. run; playingB. run; to playC. running; play【答案】B【解析】see sb do 看见某人做某事be seen to do 被看见做某事3. Not only her parents but also her sister to the Gre at Wall. They haven’t been back.A. have beenB. has beenC. has gone【答案】C【解析】Not only her parents but also 就近原则haven’t been back.人还没回,用has gone4. I met a friend last week and we chatted for happily.A. sometimes; sometimeB. sometime; some timeC. sometime; sometimes【答案】B【解析】sometime某时some time一些时间sometimes有时5. --- Is English than Chinese?--- No, English isn’t so as Chinese.A. more difficult; difficultB. more difficult; easierC. more difficult; more difficult【答案】A【解析】比较级+than ,so 原级as6. --- Why do you speak in a loud voice?--- Because I want to make myself .A. such; hearB. so; heardC. such; heard【答案】C【解析】such+名词make myself heard使你自己被听见7. --- How long it since you Fuzhou?--- For five years.A. is; leftB. has been; leftC. is; have been away from 【答案】A【解析】it is\has been +时间since +过去时态自从做...以来已经多久了8. --- How much did you on your computer yesterday?--- Well. it me $800.A. spend; tookB. paid; costC. spend; cost【答案】C【解析】人spend 时间\钱+doing ,it took sb 时间to do ,物cost 人+钱9. --- Could you me your pen, please?--- Sorry, I’m using it. You can Jack’s.A. lend; lendB. lend; borrowC. borrow; lend【答案】B【解析】lend;借出borrow借进10. --- I hear Tom made an English speech yesterday?--- and .A. So he did; so did IB. So did he; so I didC. So he was; so was I 【答案】A【解析】So he did 他确实是(原句是实意动词,用助动词回答)so did I我也是11. --- Does Japan lie the northeast of Asia?--- Yes, and it’s also the east of China.A. on; toB. in; onC. in; to【答案】C【解析】在范围内用in 在范围外不接壤用to 在范围外接壤用on12. --- Let’s go f ishing if it this weekend.--- But who knows if it this weekend?A. is fine; will rainB. will be fine; rainsC. will be rain; will rain 【答案】A【解析】if如果(主将从现)if是否(主过从过,主现从任)13. The products in China sell .A. are made; wellB. made; goodC. made; well【答案】C【解析】made在句子中是非谓语,过分表被动,well副词修饰动词14. Lucy as well as her friends often the poor food and water.A. offers; forB. supplies; withC. provide; with【答案】B【解析】as well as 就远原则三单+s supplies; with 提供某人某物15. --- Could you tell us ?--- Sorry! I’m not sure.A. which bus will I takeB. which bus I will takeC. which bus I would take 【答案】B【解析】which bus I will take 我要坐哪一辆汽车(宾语从句用陈述语序)16. This washing machine is very easy to use. can learn to use it in a very short time.A. SomebodyB. AnybodyC. Nobody【答案】B【解析】Somebody 某人Anybody 任何人Nobody 没有人17. --- Which of the two T-shirts would you like?--- . I don’t like t heir styles.A. EitherB. NeitherC. None【答案】B【解析】Either 两者中一个Neither 两者都不None三者都不18. The Eiffel Tower in Paris is about .A. 320-meter-tallB. 320-meter tallC. 320 meters tall【答案】C【解析】320 meters tall 320米高19. I a chance to decide whether I should attend the meeting or not in ten seconds.A. will giveB. was givenC. will be given【答案】B【解析】我被给了一个机会在10分钟内决定是否出席会议20. I’m sure that you will make great progress in English you stick to it.A. as ifB. as long asC. so that【答案】B【解析】as long as 只要so that以至于as if虽然21. The organization has provided a lot of food and medicines for poor in Africa.A. aB. anC. the【答案】C【解析】the+adj 表一类人22. Before the exam we have a of this term’s work.A. treatB. reviewC. doubt【答案】B【解析】treat 对待review 复习doubt 怀疑23. --- Where would you like to go this Dragon Boat Festival?--- I’d like to go relaxing.A. everywhereB. nowhereC. somewhere【答案】C【解析】everywhere 到处nowhere 没处somewhere某处24. --- What do you think of Mr. Wright?--- He looks unpleasant, but he is very kind.A. exactlyB. hardlyC. actually【答案】C【解析】. exactly 完全hardly几乎不actually事实上25. I hate people who drop in the street. Why can’t they put in the dustbin?A. moneyB. litterC. bottles【答案】B【解析】我很讨厌在街上扔垃圾的人26. --- We all went to the cinema you last night. Why didn’t you come?--- Because I had watched that movie twice.A. exceptB. besidesC. with【答案】A【解析】昨晚,除了你我们都去看电影了except除了27. Helen the school record in the 100-meter race since 2013.A. has brokenB. has hadC. has set【答案】B【解析】since现在完成时用延续性动词has had 买了28. Tea to Korea during the 6th and 7th centuries.A. broughtB. is broughtC. was brought 【答案】C【解析】the 6th and 7th centuries体现过去时was brought被带29. --- I the Great Wall tomorrow.--- Have a nice trip!A. am visitingB. have visitedC. will be visited 【答案】A【解析】tomorrow将来时am visiting用现在进行时表将来30. My parents don’t care what job I do I am happy.A. as long asB. as soon asC. as often as 【答案】A【解析】as long as只要as soon as 一...就as often as 和...一样经常31. I’m tired. I’m not these late nights.A. used toB. used asC. used for【答案】A【解析】我很累,我不习惯.... be used to 习惯32. I have no idea when her the bad news.A. have toldB. to tellC. will tell【答案】B【解析】when to do 什么时间做....33. --- Is that Sally?--- It can’t be her. She Shanghai this morning.A. has been toB. has gone toC. went to【答案】C【解析】this morning体现过去时态用went34. When you talk with him, you should his eyes because they will show you whether he is lying ornot.A. pay attention toB. stick toC. make a contribution to【答案】A【解析】pay attention to注意stick to坚持make a contribution to贡献35. --- What a nice model plane! Can you tell me ?--- I mad e it with my father’s help.A. who you made it forB. when you made itC. how you made it【答案】C【解析】I made it with my father’s help在我朋友帮助下做的,所以用how 提问36. Do Chinese people speak English as second language?A. /B. aC. the【答案】B【解析】A second language 在一门语言37. --- Which is more interesting, this movie or that?--- I think them are interesting.A. either ofB. both ofC. all of【答案】B【解析】either 两者中一个both 两者都all 三者以上都38. --- Lucy, have you travel in China by yourself?--- No, it’s my first time to come to China.A. yetB. neverC. ever【答案】C 你曾经去过中国吗ever 曾经【解析】39. --- Tom really hates summer, because he thinks it’s qu ite hot.--- and .A. So he does; so you doB. So he does; so do youC. So does he; so you do【答案】B【解析】So he does;他确实是so do you你也是40. Listening, speaking and reading are all important writing.A. besidesB. exceptC. expect【答案】A【解析】besides 除了...还有except 除了expect期望41. To make our city more beautiful, rubbish into the river.A. needn’t be thrownB. can’t throwC. mustn’t b e thrown【答案】C【解析】mustn’t be thrown禁止被扔42. --- I can’t find Michael anywhere.--- Maybe he the library.A. has gone toB. has been toC. went to【答案】A【解析】has gone to 去了(人为回)has been to去过(人回)43. There are fifty students in our class, of us basketball.A. three fifth; likesB. three fifths; likeC. third fifths; likes【答案】B【解析】three fifths五分之三; us为复数like不加s44. He to school by bike, but now he to school on foot.A. used to going; get used to goB. used to go; gets used to goC. used to go; gets used to going 【答案】C【解析】used to go;过去gets used to going习惯45. --- The math problem is too difficult. Can you show me ?--- With pleasure.A. what to work it outB. how to work out itC. how to work it out【答案】C【解析】how to work it out 如何做出46. Mr. Lee has been a teacher twenty years he graduated from the university.A. for; sinceB. since; forC. since; since【答案】A【解析】自从他毕业,已经成为一名老师20年了47. --- I don’t think it’s true I see it with my own eyes.A. onceB. whileC. unless【答案】C【解析】once 一旦while当,然而unless除非48. He has already many foreigners to develop his company.A. taken upB. taken inC. taken off【答案】B【解析】taken up 占据taken in吸收taken off脱下起飞49. --- Li Ming, could you me the book, please?--- Sorry, I it for only two hours. I haven’t finished reading it.A. lend; have boughtB. lend; have hadC. borrow; have had 【答案】B【解析】lend; 借出borrow 借进have had 已经买了(延续性)50. . --- Did Mr. Brown tell you ?--- Yes, he said he went there in 2012.A. where he spent his vacationB. when he traveled to XiamenC. how he went to Taiwan Island【答案】B【解析】he went there in 2012所以问得是时间51. --- wonderful dictionary it is! Thank you for buying me such a useful present.--- I’m glad you like it.A. What aB. WhatC. How aD. How【答案】A【解析】dictionary字典(可数)在感叹句中有名词用what a52. All of the students except Jim to Shanghai to visit the World Expo. So only Jim is in.A. have goneB. has goneC. have beenD. has been 【答案】A【解析】All of the students复数have gone去了人未回53. --- Did you have a good time at Tony’s birthday party?--- Yeah, and his mom cooked for all the guests.A. delicious somethingB. something deliciousC. delicious anythingD. anything delicious【答案】B【解析】something delicious 一些美味的东西anything delicious任何美味的东西54. --- Is Mr. Green in the office?--- No, he be in the office. Look, the light in the office is off.A. mustn’tB. can’tC. needn’tD. may not 【答案】B【解析】mustn’t禁止can’t be一定不是needn’t没必要55. --- David has made great progress recently.--- , and .A. So he has; so have youB. So he has; so you haveC. So has he; so you haveD. So has he; so have you【答案】A【解析】So he has; 他确实是so have you你也是56. --- What do you think of these two books?--- of them are interesting. And I’ve read them several times.A. BothB. NeitherC. NoneD. Either 【答案】A【解析】. Both 两个都Neither 两个都不None三个都不Either两个之一57. If your homework , you may watch TV for half an hour.A. is finishedB. will be finishedC. has finishedD. will finish 【答案】A【解析】If 如果(主将从现)is finished 被完成58. --- Could you tell us how long ?--- About three days.A. does the sports meeting lastB. the sports meeting lastC. will the sports meeting lastD. the sports meeting will last【答案】D【解析】the sports meeting will last 运动会将持续(陈述语序)59. --- Do you think there are new words in this passage?--- Yes, that’s right.I’ll first.A. too much, look them upB. too many, look up themC. much too, look them upD. too many, look them up【答案】D【解析】too many太多+名词复数, look them up 查找(代词放中间)60. His father has worked in this factory he came here in 1970.A. sinceB. forC. whenD. while 【答案】A【解析】自从他来这就已经工作在这家工厂里61. Work hard, you may catch up with your classmates soon.A. orB. butC. andD. so 【答案】C【解析】. or 或者,否则but 但是and 和,并且so所以62. --- What did your mother say on the phone?--- She asked .A. when will I come backB. when I would come backC. when did you come backD. when I will come back【答案】B【解析】when I would come back(主过从过)63. --- Your bike is very beautiful. How long you it?--- Just two weeks.A. have; boughtB. did; buyC. have; hadD. do; buy 【答案】C【解析】How long+完成时延续性动词have; had买64. The number of homeless people increased a lot recently.A. isB. hasC. haveD. are 【答案】B【解析】The number of+v三单65. The Gulf of Mexico (墨西哥湾) is being polluted seriously. That has affected several hundredkinds of sea animals there.A. at leastB. at onceC. at mostD. at times【答案】A【解析】at least 至少at once 马上at most 至多at times有时66. --- You've bought a car.--- .A. So have IB. So I haveC. So did ID. So I did【答案】B【解析】前句中是完成时回答用have So I have确实是67. --- Your aunt often walks the dog in the morning.--- Yeah, bad weather stops her.A. whenB. unlessC. becauseD. since【答案】B【解析】when 当unless除非because 因为since自从68. The film made all the students to tears.A. movedB. movingC. moveD. to move【答案】C【解析】make sb do 使某人....69. Many children to the Disneyland would like to go there again.A. have goneB. that have goneC. that have beenD. have been【答案】C【解析】children在从句中做主语不能省略课用who,that70. There is a little water in the bottle, ?A. isn’t itB. is itC. isn’t thereD. is there【答案】C【解析】a little 一点(肯定)所以反问用否定71. --- Which magazine do you like better, Crazy Reading or Teens' Space?--- I like of them. They are useful for English learners.A. noneB. neitherC. allD. both【答案】D【解析】. Both 两个都Neither 两个都不None三个都不Either两个之一72. --- Hi, Jack. Did you go to Lucy’s b irthday party?--- No, I felt so sad. I then.A. didn’t inviteB. hadn’t invitedC. am not invitedD. wasn’t invited 【答案】D【解析】我很伤心没有被邀请wasn’t invited73. --- Betty, do you know if Tony the photo competition?--- He will, if he his project on Australia.A. enters; finishesB. enters; will finishC. will enter; finishesD. will enter; will finish【答案】C【解析】if 是否(主过从过,主现从任)if 如果(主将从现)74. Her father in1990 and her husband for more than five yearsA. died; deadB. has died; deadC. died; has been deadD. has died; has died【答案】C in1990体现过去时for more than five years体现完成时【解析】75. Fifteen-year-old children to have jobs.A. is not allowedB. are allowedC. is allowedD. are not allowed 【答案】D【解析】are not allowed不被允许76. --- Have you learned English?--- Yes, I've learned a lot.A. never; everB. ever; neverC. ever; alreadyD. already; ever 【答案】C【解析】你曾经学过英语吗?是的,我已经学了很多77. --- Do you have to say for yourself?--- No, I have to say.A. something; everything B nothing; somethingC. everything; anythingD. anything; nothing【答案】D【解析】你有什么要说的吗?,不,我没有要说的78. What things on show in the museum were invented ago?A. hundred yearsB. hundreds of yearsC. hundred of yearsD. two hundred year【答案】B【解析】hundreds of years 几百年前79. He is so careful to there are no mistakes in his homework.A. make sureB. find outC. think aboutD. try out 【答案】A【解析】make sure确保find out 找出. think about考虑. try out尝试80. By reading the article, we know how in our daily life.A. will we protect the earthB. we can reduce pollutionC. should we save waterD. we must recycle things【答案】B【解析】we can reduce pollution(陈述语序)我们能减少污染。
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期末复习---单项选择I.选择填空( ) 1. — Does your father have fast food _______ lunch? — No, he doesn't.A. onB. forC. at D.in()2. — What's that ___________ English? — It's a hamburger.A. onB. inC. about D.with()3.We have lots of foo d ________ dinner. That’s not good for us.A.in B.at C.for D.on( ) 4. I want to buy a shirt _______ my father.A. toB. onC. forD. in( )5. They have T-shirts ____ green and black for only $13_____ the shop.A. at; atB. in; inC. with; withD. at; in( ) 6. I have history _________ the afternoon of Monday.A.in B.at C.on D.for()7.Our school has a sports meeting ________September.A.at B.on C.in D.for( )8. She gets up ________ seven ________ Saturday morning.A. in; atB. at; onC. at; inD. on; on( ) 9. ―What’s this ____ English?‖ ―It’s soccer.‖A. atB. onC. forD. in( ) 10. I have breakfast ______ 6:30 every morning.A. at aroundB. around atC. in aroundD. around in()11. Do you want ____________ orange?A. anB. aC. theD. some()12. _______ ruler is __________ blue.A. An,/B. A ,/C. The, /D. /,the()13. This is _______ ID card.A. anB. aC. a myD. my a( ) 14. He likes hamburgers, but he ____________ French fries.A. don't likeB. likesC. doesn't likeD. like() 15. _______ you like apples? A. Can B. Do C. Are D. Is ()16. Let’s ________ now.A.to go to home B.to go homeC.go to home D.go home()17. What ________ she have ________ dinner?A.do, in B.does, for C.is, at D.can, to()18. 12. ________ your mother ________ carrots?A.Do; eat B.Is; eat C.Does; eat D.Are; eat()19. There ________ lots of apples on the tree.A.be B.am C.is D.are()20.–How much are the pants? –________ twenty dollars.A. It hasB. It isC. They haveD. They are()21. — Do you like French fries? — ________.A.Yes, I do B.Yes, I don’tC.I like them very much D.I don’t like them()22. –The T-shirt is only ten dollars. –I’ll ________it.A. haveB. takeC. saleD. sell()23. Our friend ________ like salad.A.don’t B.doesn’t C.isn’t D.aren’t ()24.Aunt Li likes ________ bananas.A.eat B.eating C.eats D.eatting()25.________ does Lucy like? Tomatoes.A.How B.What C.Where D.Why()26.Her parents ________ lunch at home.A.doesn’t have B.haven’t C.hasn’t D.don’t have ()27.— Do they like hamburgers?— Yes, they like ________ very much.A.it B.them C.their D.its()28.There is some ________ on the table.A.tomato B.egg C.chicken D.banana()29.We need lots of ________ every day.A.healthy food B.salads C.milks D.vegetable()30. Jim’s _______ is red. A. shoes B. bag C. socks D. pants.()31. How much _________ do you want?A. tomatoesB. bananasC. hamburgersD. chicken()32. Where’s ________?A.Tom’s pants B.Tom’s pen’s C.Tom’s pen D. Tom pant ()33 Let’s go and have _______ his new CD.A. look atB. a look atC. a lookD. the look at()34. ______ Day is on June first and ______ Day is on September tenth.A.Children’s, Teacher’s B.Children’s, Teachers’C.Childrens’, Teacher’ D.Children’, Teachers’()35. ________ shirt is white.A.My brother B.My brothers C.My brother’s D.My brothers’()36. – ________ it the TV? –It’s 2000 yuan.A. How manyB. How muchC. How aboutD. How big()37.________ is your mother? She’s forty.A.How old B.How C.How age D.What age ()39. I like red but my brother ____________.A. likes red, tooB. doesn’tC. doesD. doesn’t like ()40. I like sports. My friend Allan ______likes sports.A. tooB. butC. andD. also()41.Mrs. Green is ________ mother.A.Jim and Kate B.Jim’s and Kate’sC.Jim and Kate’s D.Jim’s and Kate( ) 42. _________ is the second day of a week.A.Sunday B.Monday C. Tuesday D.Wednesday( ) 43.What’s the month between July and September? ________.A.June B.August C.October D.November ( )44.When is your birthday? It’s on ________.A.February B.second C.February 2nd D.1990()45.There are _____ months in a year. The _______ month is December.A.twelve, twelve B.twelfth, twelfthC.twelve, twelfth D.twelfth, twelve()46.What’s the ________ today? It’s October twelfth.What ________ is it today? It’s Sunday.A.date, day B.day, date C.date, date D.day, day ()47. Mr. Zhang teaches _____ Chinese. We like _____ class very much.A. me; herB. me; hisC. us; hisD. us; her( )48. Is this watch __________?A. herB. hisC. myD. your( )49._________ favorite subject is music.A. HerB. HeC. SheD. I( )50. When is _______ birthday?A. you fatherB. your father’sC. her fatherD. his father ( )51. They’re my friends. I love ______ and they love _____.A. they; IB. them; meC. them; ID. they; me ( )52. I don’t like math ______ it’s difficult for me.A.because B.but C.why D.or( )53. The car is too ____, I can’t buy it.A. cheapB. dearC. niceD. good( )54. -Why don't you like English? ―Because it's ________.A. interestingB. funC. excitingD. difficult( )55. I like math _______it’s difficult for me.A. butB. andC. orD. so.( )56. I like music _________ it's relaxing.A.because B.but C.why D.or( )57. Sally likes apples and oranges but she doesn’t like tomat oes ___ potatoes.A. andB. as wellC. orD. too( )58. I like playing ____ soccer and my sister likes play _____ guitar.A. the;/B. the; theC. /; /D. /; the ( )59. Her pet cat is ______ the door.A. inB. underC. nextD. behind ( )60. He wants ________the art club.A. joinB. joiningC. joinsD. to join( ) 61. Jim likes ___________with the dog Nick.A. playB. playingC. playsD. played( ) 62.―Tom, is this ____ sweater?‖ ―Yes, it is.‖A. myB. meC. yourD. you( ) 63. The blue bag is $8 and the red shorts ____ $9.A. areB. isC. amD. sell( ) 64. My father and my mother are my ____.A. parentB. parentsC. uncleD. aunt( ) 65. I like ____ for breakfast. A. a book B. a ruler C. an egg D.a sofa ( ) 66. The ____are $21. A. glasses B. shoe C. table D. bike( ) 67. Tennis ____ my favorite sport.A. areB. isC. amD. be( ) 68. I have a tennis and my friend Jim ____ two tennis rackets.A. haveB. playC. playsD. has( ) 69. ―Let’s play computer games.‖ ―That ____ interesting.‖A. looksB. soundsC. listensD. reads( ) 70.Tom likes football. But he ____ it. He only ____ football matches on TV!A. plays, watchesB. play, watchC. doesn’t play, watchesD. plays, doesn’t watch( ) 81. ―Where does your pen pal Simon live?‖ ―He lives ____ Ottawa, Canada.‖A. inB. onC. toD. with( ) 82. ―What’s ____ favorite subject?‖ ―My favorite subject is math.‖A. herB. hisC. yourD. my( ) 83. Every morning, I ____ a shower before breakfast.A. getB. takeC. doD. bring( )84. ―When is your mother’s birthday?‖ ―It’s in ____.‖A. ten o’c lockB. SaturdayC. December 19thD. 1987 ( )85. ―What time does Alice usually get up?‖ ―She ____at six.‖A. gets upB. get upC. is getting upD. got up( )86. ―____you want to go to a movie?‖ ―Yes, I do.‖A. AreB. DoC. CanD. Is( ) 87. ―This T-shirt is beaut iful. ____ is it?‖ ―It’s fifty dollars.‖A. How oldB. How muchC. How manyD. How long( )88. I think this kind of movie is interesting, ___ my friends don’t like it.A. butB. andC. soD. or( ) 89. ―Why don’t you like history?‖ ―Because I think it’s _____.‖A. interestingB. excitingC. boringD. scary( ) 90. Look! The children are ____ the school bus.A. talking toB. listening toC. waiting forD. getting in( ) 91.---What’s Tom’s favorite city? ---______favorite city is New York.A. ItsB. It’sC. HisD. hers( ) 92. I like math, _______it’s difficult for me.A. butB. andC. orD. so( ) 93.-- Can you ________chess? -- Yes, I can.A. doB. makeC. playD. plays( ) 94.- --What _________do you speak? ---I speak Chinese.A. countryB. languageC. subjectD. city( ) 95. --- Where does he live? ---He _________in Beijing.A. livesB. liveC. is livingD. living( ) 96. What language does Mary speak? --- She speaks English and ____ Chinese.A. fewB. a fewC. littleD. a little( ) 97. --- What time does he ________TV?---At eight o’clock.A. watchesB. watchC. watchingD. is watching( ) 98. --- Can they ________ guitar?--- No, they can’t.A. playB. playsC. play theD. plays the( ) 99. Do you like ______? A. apple B. pear C. orange D. breads ( ) 100.---How much _____ the shoes? ---Five dollars _____ enough.A. is; isB. are; areC. are; isD. is; are。