民用核安全设备无损检验人员资格管理规定(HAF602)(总局令 第44号)
![民用核安全设备无损检验人员资格管理规定(HAF602)(总局令 第44号)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/3f40db1731126edb6f1a1068.png)
第三讲 中华人民共和国民用核设施安全监督管理条例
![第三讲 中华人民共和国民用核设施安全监督管理条例](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/afcb18ef2cc58bd63186bdc9.png)
国家核安全局对全国核设施安全实施统一监督,独立行使核安全监 督权,其主要职责是: (一)组织起草、制定有关核设施安全的规章和审查有关核安全的技术标 准; (二)组织审查、评定核设施的安全性能及核设施营运单位保障安全的能 力,负责颁发或者吊销核设施安全许可证件; (三)负责实施核安全监督; (四)负责核安全事故的调查、处理; (五)协同有关部门指导和监督核设施应急计划的制订和实施; (六)组织有关部门开展对核设施的安全与管理的科学研究、宣传教育及 国际业务联系; (七)会同有关部门调解和裁决核安全的纠纷
某主管部门决定在某地区新建一个核基地,主管部门和某设计院组成选址小组。经 学习和搜集资料后奔赴预选厂址区。厂址区处于地貌复杂的山区,而且河道密布。 选址小组把场址定在一条小溪的的右岸,这条小溪离大江2km,共用了2个月的时间 完成选址。主管部门认可了该场址,随后政府批复了这个场址。 集结各方面的力量,勘探队、设计院、土建施工公司、安装施工公司在号令下,上 万人云集工地,开始了现场边勘探、边设计、边施工的工作。 工程进展到一年,勘探、设计人员经详细的地质测绘、调查访问工作,证实了相对 高度达四百余米的东部山体,在雨天中曾有五次山体崩塌、崩塌块体沿高坡冲入小 溪,形成土石坝阻塞河道,洪水水位急增,淹没了溪边的田地和农舍,而且小溪左 岸高峻陡峭的山体,在暴雨、多雨的季节山体仍有崩塌的可能。 由于新发现的场址情况,主管部门组织专家进行研究,专家同意勘探人员的意见, 工程处于暂停,后该项目下马。 23
第三章 安全许可制度(8~15条)8条
一、安全许可制度 国家实行核设施安全许可制度,由国家核安全 局负责制定和批准颁发核设施安全许可证件,许可 证件包括: (一)核设施建造许可证; (二)核设施运行许可证; (三)核设施操纵员执照; (四)其他需要批准的文件。
第六章 监督检查(续)
第三十八条 监督检查权限 国家核安全局及其派出机构有权采取下列措施: 向被检查单位有关人员调查、了解情况; 进入被检查单位进行现场调查或者核查; 查阅、复制相关文件记录及其他有关资料; 要求被检查单位提交有关情况说明或后续处理 报告; 对有证据表明可能存在重大质量问题的民用核 安全设备或者其主要部件,予以暂时封存。 被检查单位义务:予以配合、如实反映情况、提供 必要资料、不得拒绝和阻碍。
第三章 许 可
第十三条 申请单位应具备的条件
法人资格; 相关或者相近的工作业绩,且满5年;
有合格人员,焊接和无损检验专业技术人员应有 相应资格证书; 有适应的工作场所、设施和装备; 有管理制度和质量保证体系,包括质量保证大纲。
申领制造、安装许可证的,还应当制作有代表性 的模拟件。
第十七条 证书变更要求
变更单位名称、地址或者法定代表人,申请办 理许可证变更手续
第三章 许 可(续)
第十八条 证书有效期及延续规定
许可证有效期为5年; 延续条件:
有业绩; 尚未完成活动。
第一章 第二章 第三章 第四章 第五章 第六章 第七章 第八章
总 则 标 准 许 可 设计、制造、安装和无损检验活动 进出口 监督检查 法律责任 附 则
第八条 环境保护部核与辐射安全中心(以下简称核与辐射安全 中心)及其他技术后援单位根据国家核安全局及华北站的需要参与民 用核安全设备不符合项管理活动的调查、审评和监督,提供技术支持。
项目责任单位对持证单位认定的不符合项分类存在异议的,应 要求持证单位调整不符合项分类。
对民用核安全设备制造活动中涉及不符合相关法规标准或采购 技术文件要求的不符合项,项目责任单位和持证单位都应进行原因 分析并采取相应的整改措施。
第五条 项目责任单位指核电厂营运单位,或由营运单位指定 的核岛工程总承包单位。核电厂营运单位应在提交建造许可证申请 时,明确项目责任单位,并报国家核安全局备案。
第二章 职责分工
第六条 依据《民用核安全设备监督管理条例》及其配套部门 规章,国家核安全局负责对相关单位不符合项管理活动开展监督管 理,包括组织相关不符合项的调查、审评与监督工作。
持证单位应将不符合相关法规标准或采购技术文件要求的不符 合项的处理方案提交项目责任单位备案或审查,其返工和返修的处 理结果须得到项目责任单位书面认可后方可关闭。
第十三条 对于较大不符合项,持证单位须在发现后 10 个工作 日内采用书面方式上报华北站(报告单格式见附 1),同时根据华北 站的要求及时报送相关资料,并通报项目责任单位。
第三章 不符合项的分类及上报要求
第十一条 不符合项是指性能、文件或程序方面的缺陷,因而 使某一物项的质量变得不可接受或不能确定。
国家核安全局将民用核安全设备制造阶段发现的不符合项分 为一般不符合项、较大不符合项、重大不符合项三类并明确上报 要求。
根据《民用核安全设备监督管理条例》及其配套规章的要求,我局审查了你公司提交的民用核安全机械设备设计许可证扩证申请文件,认为你公司在所申请的民用核安全机械设备设计方面具备了《民用核安全设备监督管理条例》第十三条及《民用核安全设备设计制造安装和无损检验监督管理规定》(HAF601)第八条所要求的各项能力,现批准你公司《民用核安全机械设备设计许可证》(国核安证字S (11)04号)增加附件(附后)所列许可活动范围。
国家核安全局关于印发《民用核安全设备调配管理要求(试行)》的通知正文:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 国家核安全局关于印发《民用核安全设备调配管理要求(试行)》的通知(国核安函[2014]94号)环境保护部各核与辐射安全监督站:为进一步指导和规范民用核安全设备调配活动,加强对民用核安全设备调配活动的监督管理,我局组织编制了《民用核安全设备调配管理要求(试行)》,现印发给你们,请遵照执行。
4.在持证焊工、焊接操作工资格证书适用范围失效 5 个工作日 前通知内部各相关部门�防止焊工、焊接操作工无证操作。
民用核安全设备监督管理条例和HAF601考试题一、单项选择题(每题2分):1.《民用核安全设备监督管理条例》是有下列哪个部门发布的A.环保总局B.核安全局C.国务院2.“HAF”是由哪三个汉字拼音的第一个字母组成A. 核、安和法B.环、安和法C.化、安和法3.HAF601属于A. 公司规定B.行业规定C. 国家法规4.我公司的核安全设备相关许可证为下列哪种A. 安装B. 制造C.无损检验5.HAF601的主要内容是关于A.核安全设备相关活动的监督管理B.无损检验人员资格管理C.焊工、焊接操作工资格管理6.核安全设备制造许可证的有效期是多长A.5年B. 6年C. 7年D. 8年7.HAF601不适用于民用核安全设备活动。
A.设计B.制造C.安装D.退役8.下列哪种设备不属于核安全机械设备A.钢制安全壳B.储罐C.电动机D.热交换器9.民用核安全设备制造许可证中没有下列哪项规定A.制造能力特征参数 B 设备类别 C.核安全级别 D.设备数量10.我们公司核安全设备制造许可证上的规定的设备品种没有下列A.压力容器B.管壳式热交换器C.人员闸门D.设备闸门11.有效期届满前的几个月应当向国务院核安全监管部门提出延续申请A.1个月B.3个月C.6个月D. 9个月12.下列哪种情况下核安全设备监管部门不要求办理变更许可证A. 变更单位名称B.变更住所C.变更法定代表人D.变更单位组织结构13.HAF601实施年份是A.2008B.2009C.201014.我公司制造的民用核安全设备属于下列中A.民用核安全电气设备B.民用核安全机械设备C.民用核安全土建设施.15.下列哪一项不属于民用核安全设备制造单位在制造活动开始30日前报核安全监管部门备案文件A.制造技术规格书B.分包项目清单C.制造质量计划D. 项目进度报告16.国务院核安全监管部门确定的关键工艺环节不允许外包,对核2、3级压力容器和储罐以下哪种工艺我公司可以外包A. 焊接B.热处理C.水压试验D.理化试验17.民用核安全制造单位制造设备闸门时,能够分包的工艺环节是A.最终机加工和筒体成形B.封头成形、焊接和热处理C.无损检验和密封检验D.螺栓螺母制作18.民用核安全设备焊工、焊接操作工违反操作规程导致严重焊接质量问题的,国务院核安全监管部门将对其A.吊销资格证书B. 处以相应的罚款C.治安拘留19.连续中断焊接工作超过三个月的焊工、焊接操作工所持的资格证书将A.继续有效B.自动失效C.由公司决定是否有效20.无损检验结果报告应当由哪个级别或其级别以上无损检验人员编制、审核A.Ⅰ级B.Ⅱ级C.Ⅲ级21.下列哪种工艺人员不需要取得相应的国家资格证书即可从事相应工作A.焊接B.渗透检验C. 目视检验D.涂漆22.下列哪项不属于无损检验方法A.射线检验B.超声检验C.磁粉检验D.冲击性能检验23.在民用核安全设备制造活动开始前多长时间需要到核安全局备案A.10 天B. 20 天C.30天D.40天24.在制造活动开始后下列哪项需要向核安全局及时提交A.制造技术规格书 B分包项目清单 C.项目大纲和分大纲程序清单以及制造质量计划 D.见证申请25.被依法吊销许可证单位,多长时间内不得重新申请领取许可证A.1年B.2年C.3年D.4年26.热交换器属于民用核安全设备中的A.核安全机械设备 B 核安全电气设备 C 核安全土建设施27.我们单位的核级设备制造质量计划除了须提交给买方和业主外还需提交给A.锅检所B.核安全局C.大宝28.民用核安全设备制造单位应当在每个季度开始的几个工作日内向国务院核安全监管部门提交上一季度活动情况报告A.3B.5C. 7 D 929.民用核安全设备制造单位提交给核安全局的上一季度活动情况报告不包括下列哪项A.已完成的制造活动清单,以及下一季度计划开始和拟完成的活动清单B.已完成的制造质量计划清单C.制造活动不符合项统计表D.监查报告30.每年向国务院核安全监管部门提交上一年度的评估报告的时间为A. 1月1日B. 2月1日C. 3月1日D. 4月1日31.每年向国务院核安全监管部门提交上一年度的评估报告不包括下列哪项内容A. 工作场所、设施、装备和人员等变动情况B.质量保证体系的实施情况和重大质量问题的处理情况C.核安全局和营运单位提出的整改要求的落实情况D.项目进度情况32.民用核安全设备制造单位出现重大质量问题的在多少个小时内向核安全局报告A.8B.12C.24D.4833.因影响民用核安全设备质量和核安全导致民用核设施营运单位发出停工指令的制造单位须在几个工作日内上报核安全局A.1B.2C. 3D.434.民用核安全监督检查种类名称不含A.综合性检查B.专项检查C.检查点检查D.安全检查35.核安全设备制造单位接受监督检查时弄虚作假的将被A.暂扣或者吊销营业执照B.通报批评C.无影响36.对于我们公司制造的核2、3级设备当发生下列哪种级别不符合项时需要向核安全局进行报告A.Ⅰ类B.Ⅱ类C.Ⅲ类37.民用核安全设备监督检查的内容不包括下列哪项A. 许可证条件遵守情况B.整改要求落实情况C.营运单位的监造情况D.制造单位的以往业绩38.核安全设备制造单位不按照许可证规定的活动种类和范围从事活动的,国务院核安全监管部门责令停止违法行为,限期改正,并处以罚款金额为A. 10万元至50万元B.5万元至10万元C. 1万元至5万元39.委托未取得相应许可证的单位进行核设备制造的,由国家核安全局责令停止违法行为,限期改正,并处罚款A.10万元至50万元B.5万元至10万元C. 1万元至5万元40.HAF601规定的营运单位不得验收通过的情形除了不能按照质量保证要求证明质量受控的核安全设备之外还有A.出项重大质量问题未处理完毕的B.延期交货的C.提前发货的41.民用核安全制造单位被责令限期整改,逾期不整改或经整改仍不符合发证条件的,国务院核安全监管部门将对其A.特别许可B.允许其继续制造C.暂扣或吊销许可证42.民用核安全制造单位聘用的焊工应取得中规定的资格后方可从事相应的焊接活动。
HAF 301 english
![HAF 301 english](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/f3295f7e1ed9ad51f01df23d.png)
CODE ON THE SAFETY OF CIVILIAN NUCLEAR FUELCYCLE INSTALLATIONS(Promulgated by the National Nuclear Safety Administration on June 17,1993) This Code shall come into force on June,17,1993.The National Nuclear Safety Administration shall be responsible for the interpretation of this Code.1 INTRODUCTION1.1 PurposeThe purpose of this Code is to specify, on the basis of "Regulations on the Safety Regulation for Civilian Nuclear Installations of the People's Republic of China", the basic requirements that shall be met for the safety of civilian nuclear fuel cycle installation (hereinafter referred to as "fuel cycle installation").1.2 scopeThis Code is applicable to civilian nuclear fuel fabrication,processing,storage and reprocessing installations,not including the safety requirements for the use of nuclear fuel in reactors.The contents of the Code involve siting, design, construction,commissioning,operation and decommissioning of fuel cycle installation. This Code specifies only the basic requirements that shall be met for the safety of fuel cycle installation, while does not particularly specify how these requirements are to be met for different category of fuel cycle installation. Furthermore, this Code also does not provide specific requirement for the safety of different category of fuel cycle installation I The relevant safety guides as the explanation and supplement of this Code will be formulated, if necessary in practice,to provide more specific requirements and more detailed guidelines for the relating safety aspects.This Code does not deal with the safety of non-radiation effects of fuel cycleinstallation unless the effects could result in radiation hazard.The requirements for nuclear materials control shall comply with the related nuclear materials control regulations.2 SAFETY RESPONSIBILITIES2.1 Main responsibilities of operating organizationOperating organization shall bear the overall responsibility for the safety of its fuel cycle installation until the end of decommissioning of its installation or its responsibility is lawfully transferred. The main responsibilities of operating organization include:(1) applying to the national regulatory body for specified safety license according to the requirements of national related nuclear safety regulations,and submitting the safety analysis report and other relevant documents that are required for licensing,and assuring that the report and documents are in accordance with the requirements.(2) assuring that the siting, design,construction,commissioning,operation and decommissioning of its fuel cycle installation conform to the requirements of this Code and other relevant safety regulations and standards,and as appropriate,comply with the specified license conditions.(3) establishing managerial system with clarified responsibilities to assure that the safety of its fuel cycle installation comply with the related requirements.(4) preparing,and periodically reviewing and modifying various procedures,programs and plans used to assure the safety of its fuel cycle installation under all conditions.(5) retaining sufficient qualified personnel who are competent,fit and fully trained, providing the relevant conditions for the implementation of their tasks.(6) establishing and maintaining records for all activities important to safety,periodically submitting reports to the national regulatory body according to therelevant requirements,immediately reporting the nature,extent and consequences of event deviating from normal operation or accident,and the remedial measures taken when the event or accident occurred.(7) subjecting to surveillance by the national regulatory body to the safety of its fuel cycle installation.2.2 Main responsibilities of the competent departmentThe competent department of fuel cycle installation has administrative responsibility for the safety of the fuel cycle installation. Its main responsibilities include:(1)being responsible for the management of the safety affairs of the subordinate fuel cycle installation; assuring to give necessary support to the operating organizations of the subordinate fuel cycle installation and supervising and inspecting their activities.(2) participating in the drafting and elaboration of safety regulations relating to fuel cycle installation,formulating technical standards with regard to the safety of fuel cycle installation.(3) impelling the operating organization of the subordinate fuel cycle installation to prepare and implement the on-site emergency plan in accordance with the requirements of this Code and other relevant nuclear safety regulations.2. 3 Main responsibilities of the National Regulatory BodyThe national regulatory body is responsible for the surveillance of the safety of fuel cycle installation. Its main responsibilities include:(1) to formulate safety regulations and guides relating to fuel cycle installation, and to review the relevant safety standards.(2) to review and assess the safety analysis report and other relevant documents submitted by the operating organization of fuel cycle installation, and to approve and issue the relevant safety license based on the requirements of this Code and other relevant safety regulations.(3) to implement safety surveillance of the siting,design, construction,commissioning,operation and decommissioning of fuel cycle installation, to verify whether the safety of the fuel cycle installation is compliance with applicable regulations,standards and the specified license conditions.(4) to demand to take corrective or remedial actions in the event of non-compliance with the regulations,standards or license conditions,and to resort to compulsion if necessary.3 SAFETY OBJECTIVES3. 1 General objectiveThe effective defence measures in fuel cycle installation shall be established and of the public and the environment against maintained to protect site personnel, members radiation hazard.3.2 Radiation protection objectiveIt shall be assured in normal operation that radiation exposure within the fuel cycle installation and due to any release of radioactive material from the installation is kept as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA) and below limits prescribed by the State,and it shall be assured that the extent of radiation exposures due to accidents is to be mitigated.3.3 Technical safety objectiveAll reasonably practicable steps shall be taken to prevent accidents,It shall be assured that,for all accidents taken into account in the design of the installation,radiation effects,if any,would be acceptable and it shall be assured that the likelihood of severe accidents with serious radiation consequences is extremely small.4 SITING4. 1 Site requirementsThe following requirements shall be satisfied for the site of fuel cycle installation and the region located at the site:(1) Externally natural and man-induced events,which could adversely affect the safety of the fuel cycle installation,would be not to occur during the lifetime of the installation,or reasonably practicable measures can be taken to reduce the consequences of the potential events to an acceptable extent.(2) Radiation exposure to members of the public due to the combined effects of the fuel cycle installation and the site under normal operating conditions of the installation can be kept at a level as low as reasonably achievable and is in accordance with the national regulations.(3) Appropriate emergency measures,if necessary,can be taken under accidents of the installation to protect the public from unacceptable radiation exposure.4. 2 Site assessment4. 2. 1 Factors to be consideredIn evaluating the suitability of a proposed site for a fuel cycle installation (comparing with the requirements in the section 4. x),the following aspects shall be considered comprehensively:(1)External events which may occur in the region located at the site and may adversely affect the safety of the fuel cycle installation. These events may include natural events,(such as earthquakes,floods and extreme meteorological conditions) and man-induced events (such as fire,explosions and aircraft crashes).(2) Characteristics of the site and its environment which could influence the transfer of released radioactive materials to man under the operation and accident states of the fuel cycle installation,such as topography,meteorology,hydrology,ecology,the use of land and water resources,et. al.(3) Characteristics in relation to evaluate the possible radiation hazard toindividuals and the population air the implementation of emergency measures as appropriate,such as population density and distribution,traffic and communication.4. 2. 2 Site assessment documentationThe results of site assessment shall be documented in detail to allow independent review and assessment by the national regulatory body.The contents of the document shall include:(1)The assessment of characteristics of the site with respect to the factors listed in the section 4. 2. 1 and the assessment results.(2) The design basis external events in relation to the site and the corresponding design basis.(3) The assessment models and methods utilized.(4) The reasons for the particular site selection.5 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION5. 1 General requirementsFuel cycle installation shall be designed and constructed based on the effective technologies which are proven by testing and engineering experience,taking synthetically account considerations of the installation and reliability of engineered safety features for mitigating accident consequences and safety systems for limiting accident frequencies,so as to provide adequate assurance for realizing,the objectives given in the .Chapter 3 of this Code.5. 2 Protection against external eventsFuel cycle environmental installation shall be designed to be compatible with site characteristics and conditions; the design basis and construction quality of its structures,systems and components important to safety shall be commensurate with the need for protection against the adverse effects of externally natural and man-induced events.5. 3 Radiation safety5.3.1 Radioactive materials confinement and controlConfinement barriers and systems with reliable confinement functions and sufficient containment capabilities shall be provided to confine radioactive materials within specific locations or areas,so as to minimize the possibility that outside of the specific locations or areas are contaminated by radioactive materials in operational states and accident conditions,and to assure that the contaminations caused by any release of radioactive materials is below the prescribed limits in operational states and below the acceptable limits under accident conditions.5.3. 2 Control of radioactive material's movement on siteFuel cycle installation shall be designed to minimize the movement of radioactive materials on the site. For the necessary movements of radioactive materials on the site transport system and equipment .which have adequate safety features under both normal and possibly abnormal conditions,shall be provided the appropriate measures,such as radiation shielding and monitoring et. al.,shall be taken to prevent from any release of radioactive materials and from accidental exposure to site personnel.5. 3. 3 Radioactive waste management and discharge controlFuel cycle installation should be designed to minimize the production quantity of radioactive wastes. Appropriate radioactive waste management system shall be provided,the design of the system and its mode of operation must be that the radioactive wastes produced during operation process of the fuel cycle installation are classified,collected,treated and stored or disposed properly,and that concentrations and total quantity of the radioactive materials discharged to the environment are k叩.t below the prescribed limits and accord with the ALARA principle in operational states and not to exceed acceptable limits under accident conditions.5. 3. 4 Control of exposure to workersAdequate radiation shield and protection measures shall be provided,and soundworking environment and equipment which are capable of shortening the time of exposure shall be available for workers,so that the exposure received by workers can be kept below the prescribed limits and in accordance with the ALARA principle in operational states and within acceptable limits under accident conditions.5.3.5 Radiation monitoring equipmentEquipment shall be provided to assure adequate radiation protection surveillance in operational states and accident conditions.5.4 Nuclear criticality safety of fissile materials5. 4. 1 Nuclear criticality safety for unitsReliable design features shall be provided to assure (and to be verified by nuclear criticality safety analysis) that the unit of fissile materials maintains a subcritical state under any operational state and accident conditions.5. 4. 2 Nuclear criticality safety for multi-unit matrixReliable design features shall be provided taking into account the interaction among the units in matrix, to assure (and to be verified by nuclear criticality safety analysis) that the matrix maintains a subcritical state under any operational state and accident conditions.5. 4. 3 Detection and alarm of nuclear criticality accidentIn the areas where nuclear criticality accident may occur nuclear, criticality accident detection and alarm system with adequate sensitivity and reliability shall be provided,and accident mitigating measures shall be maintained to be available.5. 5 Fire and explosion protectionMeasures and capabilities to prevent,detect, extinguish, limit and control fires and explosions shall be provided on the basis of fire and explosion risk analysis to assure that the fires and explosions resulting from external and internal events and their consequences are minimized,5. 6 Auxiliary facility and systemThe needs under accident conditions and emergency situations shall beconsidered in the design of auxiliary facilities and systems. The effects of the capacity and reliability of auxiliary facilities and systems,such as power and water supply,on the function integrity of structures,systems and components important to safety shall be evaluated,and precautions should be taken if necessary.5. 7 Accident emergenciesAdequate emergency measures and capabilities shall be provided according to the practical requirements,including to provide those emergency facilities and equipment such as accident alarm,emergency communication,personnel evacuation and medical services.5. 8 Nuclear materials balance management and physical protectionThe nuclear materials balance management and physical protection of fuel cycle installation shall comply with the requirements of the “Regulations on Nuclear Materials Control of the People's Republic of China”and other related regulations. Fuel cycle installation shall be designed and constructed to provide appropriate conditions for meeting above requirements.5.9 Other safety requirements5.9.1 Considerations of inspection testing and maintenanceConvenience and conditions shall be provided for the inspection,testing and maintenance of systems and components (or equipment) important to safety to maintain their abilities for performing safety functions.5. 9.2 Sharing of items important to safetyStructures,systems and components (or equipment)important to safety shall not be shared between a fuel cycle installation and other nuclear installation unless it is shown that such sharing will not impair the capability of either installation to perform its safety functions,including the ability to return to a safety condition in the event of an accident.5. 9. 3 Consideration for decommissioningThe design of fuel cycle installation shall incorporate features to facilitate decommissioning. Provisions shall be made to minimize the quantity of contaminatedcomponents and equipment,to facilitate decontamination of structures and equipment,and to facilitate the removal of radioactive wastes and contaminated materials.5.9.4 Consideration for the effects of adjacent nuclear installationsFuel cycle installation located near other nuclear installations shall be designed and operated to ensure that the cumulative effects of their combined operations will not constitute an unacceptable risk to the health and safety of the public.5. 10 Quality requirementsStructures,systems and components (or equipment) important to safety shall be designed,fabricated,erected, tested and maintained with applicable and approved standards,they shall be commensurate with the quality requirement relating to the importance to safety of the function to be performed.5. 11 Safety analysis and evaluation of designBefore fuel cycle installation is authorized to be constructed, safety analysis and evaluation of its design shall be performed to confirm the design basis of the structures,systems and components important to safety,and to show that the overall design of the fuel cycle installation will fully ensure the radiation exposure and radioactive materials release below the applicable limits specified by the State under operation and accident conditions.Operating organization shall describe the design of the fuel cycle installation and the results of the safety analysis in detail in preliminary safety analysis report to allow a independent review and assessment of the safety features of the fuel cycle installation by the national regulatory body before authorizing to issue the construction license.6 COMMISSIONING AND OPERATION6. 1 General requirementsFuel cycle installations shall be operated to comply with the design features andthe 1icense conditions authorized by the national regulatory body. The operating organization shall be responsible for realizing this objectives and for providing all equipment,personnel and management system.6.2 Operational limits and conditionsA set of operational limits and conditions,including both aspects of technology and management,shall be defined based on the final design, safety analysis and environmental impact assessment,and commissioning results of the fuel cycle installation. The operational limits and conditions shall be reviewed or modified in the light of operation experience and the actual change of the relevant safety features.The operational limits and conditions as well as the modifications of operational limits and conditions shall be reviewed, assessed and approved by the national regulatory body.6.3 CommissioningA commissioning programme shall be prepared and the commissioning of the fuel cycle installation shall be carried out in accordance with the commissioning programme,in order to verify that the entire fuel cycle installation, especially items important to safety, have been constructed in accordance with the authorized requirements and functions as the design intent,to collect the basic data necessary for the safe operation, especially the diagnostic data on components or equipment having special safety significance,and to verify the correctness of procedures for normal operation.The commissioning programme shall be approved by the national regulatory body.The commissioning results shall be documented in detail according to the requirements specified in commissioning programme to facilitate the review and assessment to be performed by the national regulatory body.6.4 Operation safety management6. 4. 1 Safety management organization and responsibilitiesA safety management organization,of which the safety responsibilities for alllevels and functions are clearly stated,shall be established and maintained. A manager having a title of post and an adequate number of qualified personnel shall be provided for the organization in order to be competent at and to implement the various safety management responsibilities.The safety management organization shall ensure that the fuel cycle installation is operated in a safe manner,and strictly observe the operational limits and conditions.6.4.2 TrainingAn adequate programme shall be prepared and followed for training and retraining.Operation and maintenance personnel and other persons relating to safety shall be ful1y trained and retrained to enable them to perform their duties efficiently.The training and retraining programme shall be reviewed or modified periodically to remain its effectiveness.6. 4. 3 Operating proceduresIt shall be ensured that all operation activities relating to safety are carried out according to formally approved,detailed and up to date written operating procedures. The operating procedures shall be in accordance with the approved operational limits and conditions, and shall remain adequate safety margins. At the same time,the operational procedures shall clearly formulate the actions to be taken under operational states and under accident conditions and the formulations shall be easy to understand and implement by the operation personnel.All operating procedures shall be reviewed or modified periodically,and the information concerning the modifications shall be promptly transmitted to all affected persons.The operating organization should submit the operating procedures to the national regulatory body.6.4.4 Surveillance,inspection,testing and maintenanceA programme for surveillance,inspection,testing and maintenance of the items important to safety shall be prepared and followed. The structures,systems and components important to safety shall be the subject of adequate surveillance,inspection,testing and maintenance observing the radiation protection principles,to ensure that their functions,reliability and effectiveness remain capable of meeting their design requirements.6.4.5 ModificationsThe modifications of items important to safety and of operational limits and conditions and operating procedure's shall be subject to safety analysis,and shall be certificated,reviewed,approved and recorded according to the specified procedures,to ensure that the capability of performing all safety functions is not degraded by the modifications.The modifications of structures,systems and components important to safety,modifications of the operational limits and conditions (see Section 6. 2) and the modifications of the documents originally approved by the national regulatory body shall be submitted to the national regulatory body for prior approval.6. 4. 6 Operational radiation protectionOperational radiation protection programme shall be prepared and followed. The programme should include radiation protection authorized limits and technical and administrative precautionary measures to ensure that all activities involving radiation exposure are performed and supervised according to the relevant requirements,and comply with the ALARA principles..With the accumulation of experiences,the operational radiation protection programme shall be reviewed or modified correspondingly.6. 4. 7 Records and reports controlA adequate control system for recording and reporting shall be established to ensure that records,reports and their maintenance,storage and distribution are in accordance with the applicable requirements.6.5 Emergency planning and preparednessBased on the accident consequences evaluation and the site characteristics of the fuel cycle installation,an appropriate emergency plan shall be formulated and the specified emergency preparedness shall be accomplished to ensure that all activities planned prior can be implemented in the event of an emergency to control or restrain the release of radioactive materials and to mitigate the accident consequences.The operating organization shall submit the emergency plan,including the list of the implementing procedures,to the national regulatory body for review anti approval and shall carry out the emergency exercise according to the approved emergency plan before the fuel cycle installation commences operating. During the lifetime of fuel cycle installation,the operating organization shall periodically review or modify the emergency plan and periodically perform the formulated exercise within the practical extent.6. 6 Operation safety analysis6. 6.1 Safety assessment prior to operationBefore the fuel cycle installation is permitted to operate,the operational safety analysis and assessment of the fuel cycle installation shall be performed to confirm that the design,construction,operating procedures and administrative measures are sufficiently to ensure that the operation meets the design requirements,and protects the health and safety of personnel in and off the site from radiation hazard.The operating organization shall describe the results of the analysis and assessment in the final safety analysis report in such a detail manner that the national regulatory body can independently review the operational safety of the fuel cycle installation prior to issuing the operation license.6. 6. 2 Safety assessment during operationDuring the operation lifetime of fuel cycle installation,the operating organization shall organize experts to periodically analyse and assess the operationalsafety of the fuel cycle installation,including the inspection,testing and maintenance records of the items important to safety,operating procedures,operational experiences,nuclear criticality safety,radiation protection practices and the investigative results of significant abnormal events,and to take corrective measures if necessary,so as to ensure that the operation of the fuel cycle installation comply with the design requirements and the authorized license conditions consistently.7 DECOMMISSIONING7. 1 General requirementsAfter the operating lifetime of fuel cycle installation ended up,the operating organization shall be responsible for accomplishing decommissioning of the installation safely, and ensure that the radiation exposure received by site personnel and members of the public remains at the levels as low as reasonably achievable.The responsibilities of the operating organization can only be terminated after approved by the national regulatory body.7. 2 Conduct of decommissioningDecommissioning of the fuel cycle installation shall be conducted in accordance with a decommissioning programme. During accomplishing the decommissioning programme,it shall ensure safety and clearly define the organizational arrangements. The contents of the programme shall include all steps and measures that can reasonably be taken to ensure safe disposal of the radioactive wastes and ensure safety with the minimum surveillance after the decommissioning has been completed.The operating organization shall submit the planned decommissioning programme and the corresponding decommissioning safety analysis report to the national regulatory body for review and approval,the programme can only be executed after it has been approved.The final state of decommissioning shall be approved by the national regulatory body jointly with other national authorities concerned.8 QUALITY ASSURANCE8. 1 General requirementsA quality assurance programme of the fuel cycle installation shall be established and effectively implemented according to the Nuclear Power Plant Quality Assurance" principles specified in the”Code 'on the Safety of(HAF0400). The application of the programme shall be commensurate with the significance of identified items to, safety,and shall cover all activities important to safety throughout the lifetime of the fuel cycle installation:8. 2 Quality assurance responsibilitiesThe operating organization shall be responsible for the establishment,implementation and assessment of the quality assurance programme of the fuel cycle installation. The operating organization may entrust the other organizations the work of establishing and implementing all,or a part, of the programme,but shall retain responsibility for the effectiveness of the programme.8. 3 Quality assurance programmeThe quality assurance programme shall be established and submitted to the national regulatory body for review at the earliest possible time consistent with the practical schedule of the project .The executing status and adequacy of the programme shall be periodically reviewed and corrective action shall be taken when programme deficiencies are discovered.The established quality assurance programme shall:(1) clearly identify the items,services and processes to which the programme will apply;(2) define in written the organizational structure within which the quality assurance activities are to be planned and implemented,and clearly delineate the responsibility and authority of the various personnel and organizations involved;(3) effectively control over various activities affecting the quality of the identified items to an extent commensurate with the importance to safety.。
民用核安全设备无损检验人员资格管理规定(HAF602)(总局令 第44号)
![民用核安全设备无损检验人员资格管理规定(HAF602)(总局令 第44号)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d6ed12c289eb172ded63b7c8.png)
49.民用核安全设备无损检验人员资格管理规定(HAF602)(总局令第44号) 国家环保护总局国防科学技术工业委员会第44号令根据《民用核安全设备监督管理条例》,特制定《民用核安全设备无损检验人员资格管理规定(HAF602)》。
HAF602民用核安全设备无损检验人员资格管理规定(2008)-英文版State Administration of Environment Protection No. 44 Administrative Code for Non-Destructive Test (NDT) Personnel Qualification of Civil Nuclear Safety Equipment (HAF602)State Administration of Environment ProtectionCommission of Science,Technology and Industry for National DefenseNo. 44Administrative Code for Non-Destructive Test (NDT) Personnel Qualification of Civil Nuclear Safety Equipment (HAF602)is hereby formulated based on Civil Nuclear Safety Equipment Supervision and Administration, now promulgated and shall come into effect since January 1, 2008.Administrative Measures for Civil Nuclear Pressure Equipment Non-Destructive Test (NDT) Personnel Training, Test and Certification (HAF602)approved and promulgated by State Administration of Nuclear Energy Safety on June 6, 1995 shall be nullified simultaneously.Director of State Administration of Environment Protection Zhou ShengxianDirector of Commission of Science,Technology and Industry for National Defense Zhang QingweiDecember 28, 2007 Keyword: Environment Protection, statute, NDT personnel, ordinanceContentChapter I General Principles (1)Chapter II Organizations and Duties (1)Chapter III Qualification Classes and Qualification Test (3)Chapter IV Qualification Approval, Certificate Issuance and Administration (6)Chapter V Supervisory Inspection (8)Chapter VI. Legal liabilities (9)Chapter VII Supplementary Provision (10)Chapter I General PrinciplesArticle 1 This code is hereby formulated based on Civil Nuclear Safety Equipment Supervision and Administration Directive in order to enhance administration of civil nuclear safety equipment NDT personnel and to guarantee civil nuclear safety equipment qualityArticle 2 This code shall apply to civil nuclear safety equipment NDT personnel test and administration.Civil nuclear safety equipment NDT methods shall include ultrasonic, radioactive ray, magnetic particle, penetration, eddy current, visual, leak inspections, etc.Article 3 Persons shall not engage in civil nuclear safety equipment NDT activities with corresponding methods and classes until they have passed qualification test and acquired certificate in accordance with this codeArticle 4 Civil nuclear safety equipment NDT personnel shall be tested centrally by nuclear industry administration authority under State Council based on regulations given by nuclear safety supervision authority under State Council, approved by nuclear safety supervision authority under State Council, and qualification certificate shall be issued by nuclear industry administration authority under State Council.Chapter II Organizations and DutiesArticle 5 Nuclear safety supervision authority under State Council shall be liable for approval of civil nuclear safetyequipment NDT personnel qualification, for approval of qualification of foreigners who engage in NDT activities in China and for organization of supervisory inspection of civil nuclear safety equipment NDT personnel and related activities.Article 6 Nuclear safety supervision authority under State Council shall set up a civil nuclear safety equipment NDT personnel qualification approval committee, whose major duties are:(I) Set up associated administrative measures;(II) Register members of civil nuclear safety equipment NDT personnel qualification identification committee(III) Review civil nuclear safety equipment NDT personnel qualification.Article 7 Civil nuclear safety equipment NDT personnel qualification approval committee shall be composed of nuclear safety supervision authority under State Council and its agency, representatives from technical support units and specially- invited experts.Committee members shall have 5-year or longer related administrative work experience or senior professional title, able to understand accurately related national laws, statutes and standards.Article 8 Nuclear industry administration authority under State Council shall be liable for setting up of a civil nuclear safety equipment NDT personnel qualification identification committee, whose major liabilities are:(I) Organize formulation of qualification test syllabus;(II) Prepare NDT test paper database;(III) Audit examinee qualification and test result;(IV) Manage related archives;(V) Be specifically responsible for issuance of civil nuclear safety equipment NDT personnel certificate.Article 9 Civil nuclear safety equipment NDT personnel qualification identification committee shall be composed of nuclear industry administration authority under State Council, related industrial associations, units related to nuclear safety equipment NDT, representatives from technical support units and specially- invited experts.More than half qualification identification committee members shall be NDT experts who have acquired Class III certificate. List of qualification identification committee members shall be registered with nuclear safety supervision authority under State Council.Article 10 Organizers to assume civil nuclear safety equipment NDT personnel qualification test work shall have:(I) Test room, archives, test equipment and instruments appropriate to test activities;(II) Appropriate professional and administrative staff;(III) Complete test management system.Article 11 Civil nuclear safety equipment NDT personnel qualification test organizer shall be mainly liable for:(I) Formulation of procedure for test work;(II) Specific organization of qualification test;(III) Management of test equipment, apparatus, test piece and specimen;(IV) Management of examinees’ file data.Chapter III Qualification Classes and Qualification TestArticle 12 Civil nuclear safety equipment NDT personnel qualification classes shall be divided into Class I (Junior), Class II (intermediate) and Class III (Senior). Qualification test shall becarried out according to different classes and NDT methods.Article 13 NDT personnel of Class I shall be able to assume tasks as follows:(I) Instrument and equipment adjustment and use;(II) Execution of NDT activities and recording of inspection results under supervision and direction of Class II or Class III person(III) Preliminary evaluation of inspection results based on criteria but not providing NDT report.Article 14 NDT personnel of Class II shall be able to assume tasks as follows:(I) Preparation of technical operating procedure according to defined production process;(II) Instrument and equipment installation and calibration, specific execution of NDT activities;(III) Evaluation of inspection results based on statute, standard and specification;(IV) Preparation and signature of NDT result report;(V) Training and guidance to NDT personnel of Class I in terms of corresponding NDT methods.Article 15 NDT personnel of Class III shall be able to assume tasks as follows:(I) Determine NDT technology and process, to supervise and manage NDT activities;(II) Assess inspection results based on statute, standard and specification;(III) Document special NDT technological process;(IV) Assist related authorities in formulation of criteria for inspection and acceptance, if not available;(V) Educate Class I and II personnel on corresponding NDTmethods.Article 16 Examinees shall be qualified for(I) requirements for educational level and practical experience;ProfessionalNDT Specialty science &technologyspecialtieshigh school,technical schoolInspection Method forQualification TestClass junior college orhigherjunior collegeand higheror equivalentJuniorschoolRay Test(RT)Ultrasonic Test(UT)Ⅰ 3 months 6 months 1 year 3 years Eddy Current test(ET)Ⅱ 6 months 1 year 2 years 8 years Leak Test(LT)Ⅲ 4 years 5 years 8 years / Penetration Test(PT)Ⅰ 1 month 3 months 6 months 3 years Magnetic Particle Test(MT)Ⅱ 3 months 6 months 1 year 8 years Visual test(VT)Ⅲ 4 years 5 years 8 years / Wherein, examinees to apply for Class II qualification test shall hold valid professional qualification certificate for Class I about corresponding NDT method; or otherwise shall have double time duration of practical experienceif not holding said certificate.Practical experience duration of examinees to apply for Class III shall refer to time after they have acquired qualification certificate for corresponding NDT method of Class II. Half time at minimum during said experience time shall be elapsed in civil nuclear safety equipment NDT activities. Examinees to apply for Class III shall hold more than 2 valid Class II qualification certificates, which shall include nuclear Class II qualification certificate for NDT method to apply for; examinees to apply for UT, RT and ET Class III shall also hold Class II qualification certificates for PT or MT method, and examinees to apply for PT, MT, LT and VT Class III shall also hold Class II qualification certificates for UT, RT or ET method.Examinees who have acquired qualification certificates for corresponding NDT methods issued by other agencies may apply for civil nuclear safety equipment NDT civil nuclear safety equipment NDT qualification test of the corresponding class if they have met requirements for educational level and practical experience of the same class.(II) Examinees shall have a certain visual acuity;1. Naked or corrected visual acuity no lower than 5.0;2. Examin ee’s color visual acuity can distinguish between color contrasts related to NDT methods.(III) Qualification certificate not revoked during last 3 years.Article 17 Applicants for qualification test shall submit following major supporting documents to civil nuclear safety equipment NDT personnel qualification identification committee:(I) Educational level certificate;(II) Evidence of trainee experience and practice experience provided by employers;(III) Proof of visual acuity provided by hospital;(IV) Qualification certificate(s) held.Article 18 Civil nuclear safety equipment NDT personnel qualification identification committee shall audit examinees’ qualification and inform them of whether or not they are allowed to participate in qualification test within 10 working days since the date when receiving supporting documents.Article 19 Civil nuclear safety equipment NDT personnel qualification Class I and II tests shall include written test and operating test, while Class III test shall include written test, operating test and comprehensive response test. Written test shall take closed-book test mode. Written test result validity shall extend 1 year.Contents and coverage of test paper for civil nuclear safety equipment NDT personnel qualification test shall execute test syllabus for different qualification classes according to DNT methods.Article 20 Contents of written test shall cover “general test” and “nuclear safety equipment professional test”.“general test”shall be mainly to check examinee’s basic NDT knowledge and to check examinee’s understanding and mastering of basic knowledge specified in test syllabus.“nuclear safety equipment professional test”shall be mainly to inspect examinee’s ability of NDT technologies application to civil nuclear safety equipment, including knowledge, statute, standard and norm related to civil nuclear safety equipment. Professional test shall cover contents as follows at minimum:(I) Test paper for Class I and II examinees shall cover: knowledge associated with nuclear safety and civil nuclear safetyequipment system; knowledge associated with civil nuclear safetyequipment quality assurance; special NDT technologies for civil nuclear safety equipment and knowledge about radioactive protection when working in nuclear radiation; NDT operating skill; NDT standard knowledge about corresponding civil nuclear safety equipment, especially internationally recognized nuclear equipment NDT standard knowledge.(II) Test paper for Class III shall, in addition to contents in test paper for Class I and II examinees, cover: material selection principle, material model and properties for major civil nuclear safety equipment, and mechanism and nature of defects potentially generated during material manufacture and in operating environment; nuclear safety functions of major systems and nuclear safety classes of major equipment in such major systems; new NDT technique and process related to civil nuclear safety equipment.Article 21 Operating test shall be mainly to check examinee’s abili ties about correct NDT instrument operation, inspection result report offer and evaluation。
附件:1.民用核安全设备设计许可证(国核安证字S(12)10号)2.民用核安全设备制造许可证(国核安证字Z(12)17号)二○一二年六月二十五日附件1:民用核安全设备设计许可证(国核安证字S (12)10号)单位名称:上海一核阀门制造有限公司法定代表人:洪安春单位住所:上海市嘉定区宝钱公路5 8 8 8弄8号设备类别:阀门核安全级别:2、3级国家核安全局审查了上海一核阀门制造有限公司民用核安全机械设备设计许可证的相关申请文件,认为上海一核阀门制造有限公司在民用核安全机械设备设计方面具备了《民用核安全设备监督管理条例》第十三条及《民用核安全设备设计制造安装和无损检验监督管理规定》( HAF601)第八条所要求的各项能力,决定批准上海一核阀门制造有限公司的申请,并颁发此证。
HAF 民用核安全设备设计制造安装和无损检验监督管理规定
![HAF 民用核安全设备设计制造安装和无损检验监督管理规定](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/4d70779349649b6649d7473c.png)
HAF601民用核安全设备设计制造安装和无损检验监督管理规定(2007)第一章总则 (3)第二章许可 (4)第三章质量管理与控制 (8)第四章报告与备案 (11)第五章监督检查 (14)第六章法律责任 (19)第七章附则 (20)附件一:民用核安全设备许可证申请书、申请活动范围表和申请文件的格式及内容 (21)1.1 《民用核安全设备设计许可证申请书》格式 (21)(1)民用核安全机械设备设计许可证申请书 (21)(2)民用核安全电气设备设计许可证申请书 (24)1.2 民用核安全设备设计许可证申请单位应当提交的申请文件 (27)1.3 《民用核安全设备制造许可证申请书》格式 (31)(1)民用核安全机械设备制造许可证申请书 (31)(2)民用核安全电气设备制造许可证申请书 (37)1.4 《民用核安全设备安装许可证申请书》格式 (43)1.5 民用核安全设备制造(安装)许可证申请单位应当提交的申请文件 .. 48 1.6 《民用核安全设备无损检验许可证申请书》格式 (57)1.7 民用核安全设备无损检验许可证申请单位应当提交的申请文件 (62)1.8 (延续)申请活动范围表的格式和内容 (64)附件二:民用核安全设备许可证格式与内容 (66)2.1 《民用核安全设备设计许可证》格式 (66)2.2 《民用核安全设备制造许可证》格式 (67)2.3 《民用核安全设备安装许可证》格式 (68)2.4 《民用核安全设备无损检验许可证》格式 (69)国家环境保护总局令第43号《民用核安全设备设计制造安装和无损检验监督管理规定(HAF601)》已于2007年12月25日经国家环境保护总局2007年第四次局务会议审议通过,现予公布,自2008年1月1日起施行。
国家环境保护总局局长周生贤二○○七年十二月二十八日主题词: 环保法规民用核安全设备令第一章总则第一条为了加强对民用核安全设备设计、制造、安装和无损检验活动的监督管理,根据《民用核安全设备监督管理条例》,制定本规定。