bladex中服务远程调⽤//api中接⼝//实现类//需要调⽤的远程服务的接⼝//需要远程调⽤服务的实现类package;import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;import org.flowable.task.api.Task;import;import org.springblade.core.tool.utils.Func;import; import org.springblade.resource.entity.WeChatSendMsgTextParam; import org.springblade.resource.feign.IWeChatClient;import erCache;import er;import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;import java.text.MessageFormat;import java.util.List;import java.util.Map;import static unch.constant.FlowConstant.TASK_USR_PREFIX;@Service@AllArgsConstructorpublic class SendWeChatMsg implements ISendWeChatMsg {private IWeChatClient weChatClient;@Override//发送消息public void sendWeChatMsg(List<Task> curTasks,List<Task> nextTasks,String msgType){ if(Func.isEmpty(nextTasks)||Func.isNull(nextTasks)){return ;}Map<String, Object> map = nextTasks.get(0).getProcessVariables();String subject = "";String orderCode = "";String formName ="";if(Func.isNotEmpty(map)) {if (map.containsKey("subject")) {subject = map.get("subject").toString();}if (map.containsKey("orderCode")) {orderCode = map.get("orderCode").toString();}if (map.containsKey("formName")) {formName = map.get("formName").toString();}}String userId ="";String userName = "";if(Func.isNotEmpty(curTasks)) {Task task = curTasks.get(0);String assignee = task.getAssignee();if(Func.isNotEmpty(assignee)){if(assignee.contains(TASK_USR_PREFIX)){User fromUser = UserCache.getUserByTaskUser(assignee);if(Func.isNotEmpty(fromUser)) {userId = String.valueOf(fromUser.getId());userName = fromUser.getName();}}else if(Func.isNumeric(assignee)){userId = assignee;User user = UserCache.getUser(Long.valueOf(assignee));if(Func.isNotEmpty(user)){userName = user.getName();}}else {userId = String.valueOf(AuthUtil.getUserId());User user = UserCache.getUser(AuthUtil.getUserId());if(Func.isNotEmpty(user)){userName = user.getName();}}}else {userId = String.valueOf(AuthUtil.getUserId());User user = UserCache.getUser(AuthUtil.getUserId());if(Func.isNotEmpty(user)){userName = user.getName();}}}String weChatId ="";if(Func.isNotEmpty(nextTasks)) {for(Task task : nextTasks) {String assignee = task.getAssignee();if(Func.isNotEmpty(assignee)){if(assignee.contains(TASK_USR_PREFIX)){User toUser = UserCache.getUserByTaskUser(assignee);if(Func.isNotEmpty(toUser)) {if(Func.isNotEmpty(weChatId)){weChatId = weChatId+","+toUser.getWeChatId();}else{weChatId = toUser.getWeChatId();}}}else if(Func.isNumeric(assignee)){User toUser = UserCache.getUser(Long.valueOf(assignee));if(Func.isNotEmpty(toUser)){if(Func.isNotEmpty(weChatId)){weChatId = weChatId+","+toUser.getWeChatId();}else{weChatId = toUser.getWeChatId();}}}}}}if(Func.isNotEmpty(weChatId)){if("textCard".equals(msgType)){}else if("news".equals(msgType)){}else{//默认textWeChatSendMsgTextParam text = new WeChatSendMsgTextParam();String subjectFormat = "您有新接收的{0}代办事务,请处理: 主题 - {1} 单号 - {2} ";String content = MessageFormat.format(subjectFormat,formName,subject,orderCode);text.setTouser(weChatId);text.setContent(content);weChatClient.sendTextMsgFlow(userId,userName,subject,text);}}}@Override//发送消息public void sendWeChatMsg(String taskUser,List<Task> nextTasks,String msgType){if(Func.isEmpty(nextTasks)||Func.isNull(nextTasks)){return ;}Map<String, Object> map = nextTasks.get(0).getProcessVariables();String subject = "";String orderCode = "";String formName ="";if(Func.isNotEmpty(map)) {if (map.containsKey("subject")) {subject = map.get("subject").toString();}if (map.containsKey("orderCode")) {orderCode = map.get("orderCode").toString();}if (map.containsKey("formName")) {formName = map.get("formName").toString();}}String userId ="";String userName = "";if(Func.isNotEmpty(taskUser)) {String assignee = taskUser;if(Func.isNotEmpty(assignee)){if(assignee.contains(TASK_USR_PREFIX)){User fromUser = UserCache.getUserByTaskUser(assignee);if(Func.isNotEmpty(fromUser)) {userId = String.valueOf(fromUser.getId());userName = fromUser.getName();}}else if(Func.isNumeric(assignee)){userId = assignee;User user = UserCache.getUser(Long.valueOf(assignee));if(Func.isNotEmpty(user)){userName = user.getName();}}else {userId = String.valueOf(AuthUtil.getUserId());User user = UserCache.getUser(AuthUtil.getUserId());if(Func.isNotEmpty(user)){userName = user.getName();}}}else {userId = String.valueOf(AuthUtil.getUserId());User user = UserCache.getUser(AuthUtil.getUserId());if(Func.isNotEmpty(user)){userName = user.getName();}}}String weChatId ="";if(Func.isNotEmpty(nextTasks)) {for(Task task : nextTasks) {String assignee = task.getAssignee();if(Func.isNotEmpty(assignee)){if(assignee.contains(TASK_USR_PREFIX)){User toUser = UserCache.getUserByTaskUser(assignee);if(Func.isNotEmpty(toUser)) {if(Func.isNotEmpty(weChatId)){weChatId = weChatId+","+toUser.getWeChatId();}else{weChatId = toUser.getWeChatId();}}}else if(Func.isNumeric(assignee)){User toUser = UserCache.getUser(Long.valueOf(assignee));if(Func.isNotEmpty(toUser)){if(Func.isNotEmpty(weChatId)){weChatId = weChatId+","+toUser.getWeChatId();}else{weChatId = toUser.getWeChatId();}}}}}}if(Func.isNotEmpty(weChatId)){if("textCard".equals(msgType)){}else if("news".equals(msgType)){}else{//默认textWeChatSendMsgTextParam text = new WeChatSendMsgTextParam();String subjectFormat = "您有新接收的{0}代办事务,请处理: 主题 - {1} 单号 - {2} ";String content = MessageFormat.format(subjectFormat,formName,subject,orderCode);text.setTouser(weChatId);text.setContent(content);weChatClient.sendTextMsgFlow(userId,userName,subject,text);}}}@Overridepublic void sendEndWeChatMsg(List<Task> curTasks, List<Task> nextTasks, String msgType) { if(Func.isEmpty(nextTasks)||Func.isNull(nextTasks)){return ;}Map<String, Object> map = nextTasks.get(0).getProcessVariables();String subject = "";String orderCode = "";String formName ="";String ccUser ="";if(Func.isNotEmpty(map)) {if (map.containsKey("subject")) {subject = map.get("subject").toString();}if (map.containsKey("orderCode")) {orderCode = map.get("orderCode").toString();}if (map.containsKey("formName")) {formName = map.get("formName").toString();}if (map.containsKey("ccUser")) {ccUser = map.get("ccUser").toString();}}String userId ="";String userName = "";if(Func.isNotEmpty(curTasks)) {String assignee = curTasks.get(0).getAssignee();if(Func.isNotEmpty(assignee)){if(assignee.contains(TASK_USR_PREFIX)){User fromUser = UserCache.getUserByTaskUser(assignee);if(Func.isNotEmpty(fromUser)) {userId = String.valueOf(fromUser.getId());userName = fromUser.getName();}}else if(Func.isNumeric(assignee)){userId = assignee;User user = UserCache.getUser(Long.valueOf(assignee));if(Func.isNotEmpty(user)){userName = user.getName();}}else {userId = String.valueOf(AuthUtil.getUserId());User user = UserCache.getUser(AuthUtil.getUserId());if(Func.isNotEmpty(user)){userName = user.getName();}}}else {userId = String.valueOf(AuthUtil.getUserId());User user = UserCache.getUser(AuthUtil.getUserId());if(Func.isNotEmpty(user)){userName = user.getName();}}}String weChatId ="";if(Func.isNotEmpty(ccUser)){String[] toTaskUserArray = Func.toStrArray(ccUser);for(int index = 0 ; index< toTaskUserArray.length;index++){String toTaskUser = toTaskUserArray[index];User toUser = null;if(toTaskUser.contains(TASK_USR_PREFIX)){toUser = UserCache.getUserByTaskUser(toTaskUser);}else if(Func.isNumeric(toTaskUser)) {toUser = UserCache.getUser(Long.valueOf(toTaskUser));}if(Func.isNotEmpty(toUser)&&Func.isNotEmpty(toUser.getWeChatId())) {if(Func.isNotEmpty(weChatId)){weChatId = weChatId+","+toUser.getWeChatId();}else{weChatId = toUser.getWeChatId();}}}}if(Func.isNotEmpty(weChatId)){if("textCard".equals(msgType)){}else if("news".equals(msgType)){}else{//默认textWeChatSendMsgTextParam text = new WeChatSendMsgTextParam();String subjectFormat = "您有新接收的{0}抄送事务,请处理: 主题 - {1} 单号 - {2} ";String content = MessageFormat.format(subjectFormat,formName,subject,orderCode);text.setTouser(weChatId);text.setContent(content);weChatClient.sendTextMsgFlow(userId,userName,subject,text);}}}@Overridepublic void sendEndWeChatMsg(String taskUser, Map<String,Object> map, String msgType) { if(Func.isEmpty(map)||Func.isNull(map)){return ;}String subject = "";String orderCode = "";String formName ="";String ccUser ="";if(Func.isNotEmpty(map)) {if (map.containsKey("subject")) {subject = map.get("subject").toString();}if (map.containsKey("orderCode")) {orderCode = map.get("orderCode").toString();}if (map.containsKey("formName")) {formName = map.get("formName").toString();}if (map.containsKey("ccUser")) {ccUser = map.get("ccUser").toString();}}String userId ="";String userName = "";if(Func.isNotEmpty(taskUser)) {String assignee = taskUser;if(Func.isNotEmpty(assignee)){if(assignee.contains(TASK_USR_PREFIX)){User fromUser = UserCache.getUserByTaskUser(assignee);if(Func.isNotEmpty(fromUser)) {userId = String.valueOf(fromUser.getId());userName = fromUser.getName();}}else if(Func.isNumeric(assignee)){userId = assignee;User user = UserCache.getUser(Long.valueOf(assignee));if(Func.isNotEmpty(user)){userName = user.getName();}}else {userId = String.valueOf(AuthUtil.getUserId());User user = UserCache.getUser(AuthUtil.getUserId());if(Func.isNotEmpty(user)){userName = user.getName();}}}else {userId = String.valueOf(AuthUtil.getUserId());User user = UserCache.getUser(AuthUtil.getUserId());if(Func.isNotEmpty(user)){userName = user.getName();}}}String weChatId ="";if(Func.isNotEmpty(ccUser)){String[] toTaskUserArray = Func.toStrArray(ccUser);for(int index = 0 ; index< toTaskUserArray.length;index++){String toTaskUser = toTaskUserArray[index];User toUser = null;if(toTaskUser.contains(TASK_USR_PREFIX)){toUser = UserCache.getUserByTaskUser(toTaskUser);}else if(Func.isNumeric(toTaskUser)) {toUser = UserCache.getUser(Long.valueOf(toTaskUser));}if(Func.isNotEmpty(toUser)&&Func.isNotEmpty(toUser.getWeChatId())) {if(Func.isNotEmpty(weChatId)){weChatId = weChatId+","+toUser.getWeChatId();}else{weChatId = toUser.getWeChatId();}}}}if(Func.isNotEmpty(weChatId)){if("textCard".equals(msgType)){}else if("news".equals(msgType)){}else{//默认textWeChatSendMsgTextParam text = new WeChatSendMsgTextParam();String subjectFormat = "您有新接收的{0}抄送事务,请处理: 主题 - {1} 单号 - {2} ";String content = MessageFormat.format(subjectFormat,formName,subject,orderCode); text.setTouser(weChatId);text.setContent(content);weChatClient.sendTextMsgFlow(userId,userName,subject,text);}}}}。
1.SpringBlade开发手册2.SpringBlade会员计划3.开源版与商业版功能对比Release V3.7.0JDK 1.8+license Apache 2Spring Cloud2021Spring Boot 2.7Author Small Chill Copyright@BladeX若需要咨询商业版事宜,请添加我们的官方微信咨询哦功能开源版 ->点击前往商业版 ->点击前往1. 适用范围可用于个人学习使用,小微企业免费的架构方案可用于企业商业化架构,从小型到大型系统的完整架构方案2. 生产能力功能较少,需要花费时间与人力进行二开才能作为商业化架构功能完善,经过生产检验,很多功能开箱即用,可以直接进行商业化开发3. 更新频率更新频率低,一到二月更新一次版本,问题响应较慢更新频率高,随时会将新功能、bug修复推送至dev分支,问题响应较快4. 组件封装组件化封装较少,满足基本项目需求,若有新的需求还需自行开发集成组件化封装较多,提供更多demo集成,适应多种场景需求,提高开发效率5. 数据库种类仅支持Mysql 支持Mysql、PostgreSQL、Oracle、SqlServer、达梦、崖山,支持更多场景选择6. 鉴权方案采用自研Token方案,拓展受限采用Oauth2+自研Token方案,拓展集成灵活7. 多租户系统只有最基础的多租户功能对租户插件深度定制,支持多租户背景、域名、账号额度、过期时间等配置8. 多租户数据隔离只支持单数据库字段隔离支持数据库与租户一对一、一对多、多对多等灵活的模式,符合中国式租户需求9. 多租户对象存储只有简易的七牛、阿里云集成,无法动态配置集成七牛、阿里云、腾讯云、minio等对象存储,支持租户在线配置到私有库10. 多租户短信服务暂无短信封装集成七牛、阿里云、腾讯云、云片等短信服务,支持租户在线配置到私有库11. 动态数据权限暂无数据权限高度灵活,提供注解+Web可视化两种配置方式,Web配置无需重启直接生效12. 动态接口权限暂无接口权限高度灵活,提供注解+Web可视化两种配置方式,Web配置无需重启直接生效13. 全能代码生成器暂无全能代码生成器支持自定义模型、模版 、业务建模,在线配置,不再为重复工作发愁14. 钉钉监控告警暂无钉钉监控告警增强监控,微服务上下线集成钉钉告警,提高应对风险能力15. 分布式任务调度暂无分布式任务调度极简集成xxl-job,支持分布式任务调度功能16. 分布式日志模块暂无分布式日志模块集成7.x版本ELK,支持分布式日志追踪功能17. 消息队列暂无消息队列完美集成Kafka、Rabbit、SpringCloud Stream等消息队列18. Dubbo暂无Dubbo集成极简集成Dubbo最新版,给微服务远程调用增加新的解决方案19. 令牌状态可配暂无令牌状态可配增强JWT,Token默认无状态,增加配置可保存至redis实现有状态模式20. API报文加密暂无API报文加密支持API全局报文加密,提高系统的安全等级,大大降低系统损失的风险21. 工作流暂无工作流深度定制SpringCloud分布式场景的Flowable工作流,为复杂流程保驾护航22. Prometheus监控暂无Prometheus监控集成Prometheus全方位监控体系23. 移动端架构暂无移动端架构提供基于UniApp的跨平台移动端架构24. 规则引擎暂无规则引擎集成LiteFlow轻量级规则引擎,业务解耦更轻松25. 应用市场暂无应用市场商业用户可将自己开发的产品上架至应用市场,拓展BladeX生态圈开源版与商业版功能对比BladeX与Avue深度合作,联合版可视化数据大屏解决方案授权:26. 数据大屏暂无数据大屏前往体验。
Razer Blade 用户手册说明书
. User Manual MODEL: RZ09-0301PACKAGE CONTENTS▪Razer Blade▪Power adapter + regional power cord ▪Micro-fiber cleaning cloth▪Important Product Information Guide™™DEVICE LAYOUTA. Array microphoneB. Infrared sensorC. Built-in webcamD. Webcam indicator lightE. 15.6” DisplayF. Stereo speakersG. Backlit keyboardH. Power buttonI.Precision glass touchpadJ. Front LED power indicatorK. Thunderbolt™ 3 port (USB-C™) L. USB 3.1 Gen 2 portsM. HDMI 2.0b port N. Mini DisplayPort™ 1.4 O. Kensington security slot P. Power portQ. 3.5 mm combo portSETTING UP YOUR RAZER BLADECONNECT THE POWER ADAPTER AS FOLLOWS:Make sure that the AC plug is properly inserted into the power outlet and the power adapter. An indicator will light up to show that the adapter is receiving appropriate power. Insert the power adapter’s connector into the Razer Blade’s power port. Press the power button to turn on your Razer Blade.*Use the appropriate power cord for your region.™™For first time use, please fully charge your Razer Blade or connect it to a power outlet before turning it on. It takes at least 2 hours to fully charge the Razer Blade.™CONNECTING TO THE INTERNETDisclaimer: The screens shown are subject to change based on the current version of your Operating System.1. Click the wireless network icon () to bring up the Wireless network list. The system will automatically search for wireless networks in range.2. Click the network you wish to connect to and click Connect .3. Enter the network password (if any) and select whether to enable network sharing.Click Next.4. Once you are connected to the wireless network, click anywhere outside the window toreturn to the desktop.™™RAZER SYNAPSE 3 ACCOUNT CREATION & INSTALLATIONRazer Synapse 3 allows your Razer Blade and other supported Razer peripherals todownload drivers and firmware updates. Razer Synapse 3 also enables your custom settings to be stored on cloud servers so that they can be accessed anytime, anywhere.1. Razer Synapse 3 will start automatically once you enter Windows 10.2. Register for a Razer Synapse 3 account and confirm your new account.3. Open Razer Synapse 3 and login to your account.4. Wait until Razer Synapse 3 automatically downloads and installs the necessary drivers.™USING YOUR RAZER BLADESTATUS INDICATORKEYBOARD FEATURESPressing the “fn” key in combination with the function keys will activate their secondary functions.Function keysSecondary function descriptionThe audio volume controls allow you to mute ( ), decrease ()and increase () the audio output.Toggles the monitor output.The media keys allow you to play/pause () the current track, returnto the previous track () or skip to the next track ().Sleep OnLow battery (10% left) Low battery (3% left)Front LED indicator™The screen brightness keys allow you to decrease () or increase() the brightness of the Razer Blade’s screen.The LED control keys allow you to decrease () or increase() the brightness of your keyboard’s LEDs.REGISTRATION / TECHNICAL SUPPORTREGISTRATIONRegister your product online at /warrantyusing your Razer ID to get real-time information on your product’s warranty status.If you haven’t registered for a Razer ID yet, register now at to get a wide range of Razer benefits.Your product’s serial number canbe found here.TECHNICAL SUPPORT▪ 1 year limited manufacturer’s warranty*.▪ 1 year limited battery warranty.▪Access to manual and free online technical support at *Warranty may vary by region and is subject to applicable local law.Please refer to the Online Master Guide at for in-depth instructions on how to configure and use your Razer Blade.SAFETY AND MAINTENANCESAFETY GUIDELINESIn order to achieve maximum safety while using your Razer Blade, we suggest that you adopt the following guidelines:1. Should you have trouble operating the device properly and troubleshooting does notwork, unplug the device and contact the Razer hotline or go to for assistance.2. Do not take apart the device (doing so may void your warranty) and do not attempt tooperate it under abnormal current loads.3. Keep the device away from liquid, humidity or moisture. Operate the device only withinthe specific temperature range of 0°C (32°F) to 40°C (104°F). Should the temperature exceed this range, unplug and/or switch off the device in order to let the temperature stabilize to an optimal level.COMFORTResearch has shown that long periods of repetitive motion, improper positioning of your computer peripherals, incorrect body position, and poor habits may be associated with™physical discomfort and injury to nerves, tendons, and muscles. Below are some guidelines to avoid injury and ensure optimum comfort while using your Razer Blade.1. Position your laptop directly in front of you. If you have an external mouse, position itnext to the laptop. Place your elbows next to your side, not too far away and yourmouse within easy reach.2. Adjust the height of your chair and table so that the laptop is at or below elbow height.3. Keep your feet well supported, posture straight and your shoulders relaxed.4. During gameplay, relax your wrist and keep it straight. If you do the same tasks withyour hands repeatedly, try not to bend, extend or twist your hands for long periods.5. Do not rest your wrists on hard surfaces for long periods. When using an externalmouse, use a wrist rest to support your wrist while gaming.6. Do not sit in the same position all day. Get up, step away from your desk and doexercises to stretch your arms, shoulders, neck and legs.7. If you should experience any physical discomfort while using your laptop, such as pain,numbness, or tingling in your hands, wrists, elbows, shoulders, neck or back, pleaseconsult a qualified medical doctor immediately.BATTERY WARNINGThe Razer Blade contains an internal, lithium-ion rechargeable battery. In general, the life expectancy of such battery is dependent upon usage. If you suspect that the lithium-ion rechargeable battery inside the Razer Blade may be drained (has a low charge), try charging it. If the battery does not recharge after several attempts, it may be non-operational.Do not open, mutilate, or expose to conducting materials (metal), moisture, liquid, fire, or heat. Doing so may cause the battery to leak or explode, resulting in personal injury. Do not use or charge the battery if leaking, discolored, or deformed. Do not leave the rechargeable battery discharged or unused for extended periods. When not using your Razer Blade battery for more than 30 days, be sure to store the battery in a fully charged state. Do not tamper withthe battery. Dispose of the used battery according to local regulations.™LEGALESECOPYRIGHT AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY INFORMATION©2019 Razer Inc. All rights reserved. Razer, the triple-headed snake logo, Razer logo, “For Gamers. By Gamers.”, and “Powered by Razer Chroma” logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Razer Inc. and/or affiliated companies in the United States or other countries.Windows and the Windows logo are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies.DisplayPort™ and the DisplayPort™ logo are trademarks owned by the Video Electronics Standards Association (VESA®) in the United States and other countries.Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories. Dolby, Dolby Atmos, and the double-D symbol are registered trademarks of Dolby Laboratories.Thunderbolt and the Thunderbolt logo are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries.The terms HDMI and HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, and the HDMI Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC in the United States and other countries.Razer Inc. (“Razer”) may have copyright, trademarks, trade secrets, patents, patent applications, or other intellectual property rights (whether registered or unregistered) concerning the product in this guide. Furnishing of this guide does not give you a license to any such copyright, trademark, patent or other intellectual property right. The Razer Blade (the “Product”) may differ from pictures whether on packaging or otherwise. Razer assumes no responsibility for such differences or for any errors that may appear. Information contained herein is subject to change without notice.LIMITED PRODUCT WARRANTYFor the latest and current terms of the Limited Product Warranty, please visit/warranty.LIMITATION OF LIABILITYRazer shall in no event be liable for any lost profits, loss of information or data, special, incidental, indirect, punitive or consequential or incidental damages, arising in any way out of™distribution of, sale of, resale of, use of, or inability to use the Product. In no event shall Razer’s liability exceed the retail purchase price of the Product.GENERALThese terms shall be governed by and construed under the laws of the jurisdiction in which the Product was purchased. If any term herein is held to be invalid or unenforceable, then such term (in so far as it is invalid or unenforceable) shall be given no effect and deemed to be excluded without invalidating any of the remaining terms. Razer reserves the right to amend any term at any time without notice.FCC DECLARATION OF CONFORMANCEThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:▪Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.▪Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver.▪Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.▪Consult the dealer or an experienced radio TV technician for help.For more information, refer to the online help system on .FCC CAUTION STATEMENTAny changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate this equipment.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:▪This device may not cause harmful interference, and™This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.IMPORTANT NOTE:FCC Radiation Exposure Statement:This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. End users must follow the specific operating instructions for satisfying RF exposure compliance. This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.USAGE RESTRICTIONSThis Razer device was developed and designed to comply with the various wireless and telecom agency requirements throughout the world. This ensures that the device do not cause any harm to Public Switching Telecommunication Networks (PSTN) and do not violate any power and frequency spectrum allocations on a country by country basis. This device was also designed to be compliant with regulatory agency limits for Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC).IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR USE IN HEALTHCARE ENVIRONMENTSThis Razer device is not a medical device and is not listed under UL or IEC 60601 (or equivalent). This device should be kept at a certain distance to avoid harmful effects to patients or medical equipment.AVIATION USAGE RESTRICTIONSCertain restrictions apply to this device while on-board an aircraft. Razer encourages you to understand these restrictions to ensure the flight’s safety and security.CANADA STATEMENTThis device complies with Industry Canada’s licence-exempt RSSs. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) This device may not cause interference; and(2) This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.™Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes :(1) l’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage;(2) l’utilisateur de l’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d’en compromettre le fonctionnement."This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. This equipment should be installed and operated with a minimum distance of 0 mm between the radiator and your body.Cet émetteur ne doit pas être Co-placé ou ne fonctionnant en même temps qu'aucune autre antenne ou émetteur. Cet équipement devrait être installé et actionné avec une distance minimum de 0 mm entre le radiateur et votre corps."The device for operation in the band 5150-5250 MHz is only for indoor use to reduce the potential for harmful interference to co-channel mobile satellite systemsles dispositifs fonctionnant dans la bande 5150-5250 MHz sont réservés uniquement pour une utilisation à l’intérieur afin de réduire les risques de brouillage préjudiciable aux systèmes de satellites mobiles utilisant les mêmes canaux;This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE WITH EU DIRECTIVE ENGLISHHereby, Razer Inc. declares that the radio equipment type RZ09-0301 is in compliance with Directive 2014/53/EU. The full text of the EU declaration of conformity is available at the following internet address: .Support Wireless Frequency (Max e.r.i.p):BT(2402-2480MHz):7.11dBmBT LE(2402-2480MHz): 7.07dBmWIFI 2.4GHz(2412-2472MHz):19.86dBmWIFI 5GHz(5150- 5250MHz): 22.90dBm™WIFI 5GHz(5250- 5350MHz): 22.88dBmWIFI 5GHz(5470 -5725MHz): 22.89dBmWIFI 5GHz(5725-5850MHz):13.60dBmIn all EU member states, operation of 5150-5350MHz is restricted to indoor use only.RF exposure (SAR): The device can safely be used with a distance of 0 mm to the human body.Battery replacement warningThis product contain build in battery that need to be removed by a specialist before theproduct disposal mandatory.™。
Razer Blade 14 产品信息手册说明书
.RAZER BLADE14IMPORTANT PRODUCT INFORMATION GUIDEWHAT’S INSIDE▪Razer Blade14(Model number:RZ09-0427)A.Array microphoneB.Webcam indicator lightC.Built-in Full HD webcamD.Infrared sensorE.14”DisplayF.Power buttonG.Speakers powered by THX®Spatial AudioH.Per-key RGB powered by RazerChroma™N-key rolloverbacklit keyboardI.Precision glass touchpadJ.Power indicatorB Type-C portsB Type-A portsM.HDMI2.1portN.Lock slotO.Power portP. 3.5mmheadphone/microphone comboport▪Power adapter+regional power cord▪Micro-fiber cleaning cloth▪Important Product Information GuideFOR GAMERS.BY GAMERS.™1LET’S GET YOU COVEREDYou’ve got a great laptop in your hands,complete with a1-year limited manufacturer’s warranty*and a2-year limited battery warranty coverage.Now maximize its potential and score exclusive Razer benefits by registering at Your product’s serialnumber can be found*Warranty may vary by region and is subject to applicable local law.Got a question?Ask the Razer Support Team at SETTING UP YOUR LAPTOPCONNECT THE POWER ADAPTER AS FOLLOWS:1.With the appropriate power cord connected to the power adapter,insert its AC plug into a power outlet,and then connect it to any of the power ports of your Razer Blade 14.Use the appropriate power cord for your region.For first time use,please fully charge your Razer Blade 14or connect it to a power outlet before turning it on.It takes at least 2hours to fully charge the Razer Blade 14.2.Press the power button on your Razer Blade 14.The power indicator will show the status of your laptop.SleepOnLow battery(10%left)Low battery (3%left)Powerindicator AC power cordPower3.Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the Windows11setup.When prompted,it is recommended that you connect your laptop to awireless network with an active internet connection.PERSONALIZING YOUR LAPTOPAside from allowing you to download drivers or firmware updates for your Razer Blade14and other supported Razer peripherals,Razer Synapse also enables you to customize all your Razer devices’advanced settings and lighting effects.When logged in,these custom settings are automatically stored to the cloud so that they can be accessed from any computer.1.Make sure yourlaptop has an activeinternet connection.2.By default,RazerSynapse will startautomatically onceyou enter Windows11.Simply sign upfor a Razer ID or login with an existingaccount.You may also continue as a guest;however,you won’t be able to store any of yoursettings to the cloud.3.Wait until Razer Synapse automatically downloads and installs the necessary drivers.SAFETY AND MAINTENANCESAFETY GUIDELINESIn order to achieve maximum safety while using your Razer Blade14,we suggest that you adopt the following guidelines:1.Should you have trouble operating the device properly and troubleshootingdoes not work,unplug the device and contact the Razer hotline or go to for assistance.2.Do not take apart the device(doing so may void your warranty)and donot attempt to operate it under abnormal current loads.3.Keep the device away from liquid,humidity or moisture.Operate thedevice only within the specific temperature range of0°C(32°F)to40°C(104°F).Should the temperature exceed this range,unplug and/or switch off the device in order to let the temperature stabilize to an optimal level.COMFORTResearch has shown that long periods of repetitive motion,improper positioning of your computer peripherals,incorrect body position,and poor habits may be associated with physical discomfort and injury to nerves,tendons,and muscles. Below are some guidelines to avoid injury and ensure optimum comfort while using your Razer Blade14.1.Position your laptop directly in front of you.If you have an external mouse,position it next to the laptop.Place your elbows next to your side,not too far away and your mouse within easy reach.2.Adjust the height of your chair and table so that the laptop is at or belowelbow height.3.Keep your feet well supported,posture straight and your shoulders relaxed.4.During gameplay,relax your wrist and keep it straight.If you do the sametasks with your hands repeatedly,try not to bend,extend or twist yourhands for long periods.5.Do not rest your wrists on hard surfaces for long periods.When using anexternal mouse,use a wrist rest to support your wrist while gaming.6.Do not sit in the same position all day.Get up,step away from your deskand do exercises to stretch your arms,shoulders,neck and legs.7.If you should experience any physical discomfort while using your laptop,such as pain,numbness,or tingling in your hands,wrists,elbows,shoulders, neck or back,please consult a qualified medical doctor immediately.BATTERY WARNINGThe Razer Blade14contains an internal,lithium-ion rechargeable battery.In general,the life expectancy of such battery is dependent upon usage.If you suspect that the lithium-ion rechargeable battery inside the Razer Blade14may be drained(has a low charge),try charging it.If the battery does not recharge after several attempts,it may be non-operational.Do not open,mutilate,or expose to conducting materials(metal),moisture, liquid,fire,or heat.Doing so may cause the battery to leak or explode,resulting in personal injury.Do not use or charge the battery if leaking,discolored,or deformed.Do not leave the rechargeable battery discharged or unused for extended periods.When not using your Razer Blade14battery for more than 30days,be sure to store the battery in a fully charged state.Do not tamper with the battery.Dispose of the used battery according to local regulations.LEGALESECOPYRIGHT AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY INFORMATION©2022Razer Inc.All rights reserved.Razer,the triple-headed snake logo,Razer logo,“For Gamers.By Gamers.”,and"Powered by Razer Chroma”logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Razer Inc.and/or affiliated companies in the United States or other countries.Windows and the Windows logo are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies.THX®and the THX®Logo are the property of THX®Ltd.,registered in the U.S. and other countries.The Adopted Trademarks HDMI,HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface,and the HDMI Logoare trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMILicensing Administrator, the United Statesand other countries.NVIDIA,the NVIDIA Logo and Optimus are registered trademarks and/or trademarks of NVIDIA Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Razer Inc.(“Razer”)may have copyright,trademarks,trade secrets,patents, patent applications,or other intellectual property rights(whether registered or unregistered)concerning the product in this Master Guide.Furnishing of this Master Guide does not give you a license to any such copyright,trademark,patent or other intellectual property right.The Razer Blade14(the“Product”) may differ from pictures whether on packaging or otherwise.Razer assumes no responsibility for such differences or for any errors that may rmation contained herein is subject to change without notice.LIMITED PRODUCT WARRANTYFor the latest and current terms of the Limited Product Warranty,please visit /warranty.LIMITATION OF LIABILITYRazer shall in no event be liable for any lost profits,loss of information or data, special,incidental,indirect,punitive or consequential or incidental damages, arising in any way out of distribution of,sale of,resale of,use of,or inability to use the Product.In no event shall Razer’s liability exceed the retail purchase price of the Product.GENERALThese terms shall be governed by and construed under the laws of the jurisdiction in which the Product was purchased.If any term herein is held to be invalid or unenforceable,then such term(in so far as it is invalid or unenforceable)shall be given no effect and deemed to be excluded without invalidating any of the remaining terms.Razer reserves the right to amend any term at any time without notice.FCC DECLARATION OF CONFORMANCEThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,pursuant to part15of the FCC Rules.These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.This equipment generates,uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and,if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions,may cause harmful interference to radio communications.However,there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception,which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on,the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:▪Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.▪Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver.▪Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that towhich the receiver is connected.▪Consult the dealer or an experienced radio TV technician for help.For more information,refer to the online help system on .FCC CAUTION STATEMENTAny changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate this equipment.This device complies with Part15of the FCC Rules.Operation is subject to the following two conditions:▪This device may not cause harmful interference,and▪This device must accept any interference received,including interferencethat may cause undesired operation.IMPORTANT NOTE:FCC Radiation Exposure Statement:This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment.End users must follow the specific operating instructions for satisfying RF exposure compliance.This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.USAGE RESTRICTIONSThis Razer device was developed and designed to comply with the various wireless and telecom agency requirements throughout the world.This ensures that the device do not cause any harm to Public Switching Telecommunication Networks(PSTN)and do not violate any power and frequency spectrum allocations on a country by country basis.This device was also designed to be compliant with regulatory agency limits for Electromagnetic Compatibility(EMC).Prohibited for control of or communications with unmanned aircraft systems, including drones.IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR USE IN HEALTHCARE ENVIRONMENTSThis Razer device is not a medical device and is not listed under UL or IEC 60601(or equivalent).This device should be kept at a certain distance to avoid harmful effects to patients or medical equipment.AVIATION USAGE RESTRICTIONSCertain restrictions apply to this device while on-board an aircraft.Razer encourages you to understand these restrictions to ensure the flight’s safety and security.CANADA STATEMENTThis device complies with Industry Canada’s licence-exempt RSSs.Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1)This device may not cause interference;and(2)This device must accept any interference,including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence.L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes:(1)l’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage;(2)l’utilisateur de l’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d’en compromettre le fonctionnement."This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.This equipment should be installed and operated with a minimum distance of0mm between the radiator and your body.Cetémetteur ne doit pasêtre Co-placéou ne fonctionnant en même temps qu'aucune autre antenne ouémetteur.Cetéquipement devraitêtre installéet actionnéavec une distance minimum de0mm entre le radiateur et votre corps."The device for operation in the band5150-5250MHz is only for indoor use to reduce the potential for harmful interference to co-channel mobile satellite systems;les dispositifs fonctionnant dans la bande5150-5250MHz sont réservés uniquement pour une utilisationàl’intérieur afin de réduire les risques de brouillage préjudiciable aux systèmes de satellites mobiles utilisant les mêmes canaux;This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conformeàla norme NMB-003du Canada.STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE WITH EU DIRECTIVE ENGLISHHereby,Razer Inc.declares that the radio equipment type RZ09-0427is in compliance with Directive2014/53/EU.The full text of the EU declaration of conformity is available at the following internet address:.In all EU member states,operation of5150-5350MHz is restricted to indoor use only.Maximum EIRP power in EU:BT EDR(2402-2480MHz)18.92dBmBT LE(2402-2480MHz)9.52dBmWIFI2.4GHz(2412-2472MHz)19.84dBmWIFI5GHz(5180-5320MHz)21.83dBmWIFI5GHz(5500-5700MHz)22.98dBmWIFI5GHz(5745-5825MHz)13.88dBmRF exposure(SAR):The device can safely be used with a distance of0mm to the human body.RZ09-0427HW Version:APF21008_MB SW Version:Windows11。
3.2 聊天悬浮界面 UI
头像 世界 等级 金币 充值
等级 聊天信息
人物 ID
等级 聊天信息
人物 ID
开启方式: 点击或向右拖动聊天 图标 界面展开及回缩方式: 界面未展开时,点击 或向右拖动聊天展开图标 后界面从左侧往右侧横向 移出 界面展开后,点击或 向左拖动聊天隐藏图标后 界面从右侧往左侧隐藏
3.33 聊天界面的隐藏
通过点击或向左拖动聊天界面隐藏图标对聊天界面进行隐藏, 隐藏时界面从右侧向左侧边缘 没入式隐藏,隐藏后聊天界面隐藏图标转换为聊天界面展开图标
3.34 聊天界面的分区
聊天界面分为以下两个分区 A) 频道功能分区,覆盖整个聊天框(包含频道按钮,字符输入框,字符发送按钮等) B) 信息显示分区,内嵌与频道功能分区内(主要对不同频道的聊天信息进行显示)
3.35 聊天频道的种类及细则
聊天频道分为世界频道、公会频道、私聊频道三种,进入聊天系统界面后默认显示世界频道 信息 世界频道:
1:显示服务器公屏、私聊、及公会频道的聊天记录并与服务器交互更新,同时聊天信息发 送模式变为公屏 2:点击条件:无限制 公会频道: 1:显示公会聊天记录并屏蔽私聊和公屏频道聊天记录并与服务器交互更新,同时聊天信息 发送模式变为公会 2:点击条件:加入公会后方可使用公会频道,若未加入公会则点击“公会”按钮时弹出 需要先加入公会才能在公会频道发言 私聊频道: 1:显示私聊聊天记录并屏蔽公会及世界频道聊天记录并与服务器交互更新, 同时聊天信息发 送模式变为私聊 2:进行私聊需要通过对象操作框对私聊对象ID进行锁定 3:点击条件:无限制 提示弹框并在3秒内逐渐消失
SUNBlade6000刀片服务器入门操作指南ricker2010/7/30目录1. 简要说明 (1)2. 配置CMM板 (1)3. 通过WEB界面登录ILOM (2)4. 安装操作系统 (4)5. 常见问题说明 (6)1. 简要说明通过近期对SUNblade6000的操作,整理出一些使用心得,和大家共享,若有不准确的地方请您指正。
SUNblade6000主要采用ILOM(Integrated Lights Manager)对各个Blade刀片服务器进行集成化管理。
2. 配置CMM板若是通过ILOM为blade安装操作系统,需要先连接并配置CMM(背面控制板),CMM上一般会有三个接口,一个串口,两个网络接口,先通过串口连接线连接到CMM串口上(CISCO串口线即可),用户名/密码默认是root/changeme。
连接登录后,执行如下命令:->cd /CMM->cd network->ls此时就会展示出如下内容:-> ls/CMM/networkTargets:Properties:commitpending = (Cannot show property)ipaddress = = staticipgateway = = = 00:21:28:18:47:B3pendingipaddress = = staticpendingipgateway = = = port0Commands:cdsetshow我们可以通过如下的命令来修改CMM的IP地址,然后执行下面的第三条命令使配置生效。
L1 BladeEditor模块功能介绍
L1 BladeEditor模块功能介绍本文旨在介绍L1 BladeEditor模块的基本概念和用途。
描述L1 BladeEditor模块中的文本编辑功能,包括插入、删除和格式化文本等操作。
本文将介绍L1 BladeEditor模块中的代码编辑功能,该功能支持常见的编程语言和代码高亮显示。
Bladegen 可以通过Python包管理工具pip进行安装,打开命令提示符窗口,执行以下命令即可进行安装:pip install bladegen安装完成后,可以通过以下命令验证Bladegen是否已成功安装:bladegen --version如果安装成功,将显示Bladegen的版本号。
要创建刀片模块,可以使用以下命令:bladegen create module mymodule以上命令将创建一个名为mymodule的刀片模块。
在创建刀片模块之后,可以使用下面的命令进入刀片模块目录:cd mymodule创建刀片在刀片模块中,可以使用以下命令创建刀片:bladegen create blade myblade以上命令将在刀片模块中创建一个名为myblade的刀片。
以下是一个简单的刀片示例:name: mybladeinput:-name: input1type: int-name: input2type: intoutput:-name: sumtype: intmethods:-name: calculate_sumcode:|sum = input1 + input2return sum上述刀片定义了两个输入参数input1和input2,以及一个输出参数sum。
blade 语法
blade 语法摘要:一、简介- 什么是Blade 语法- Blade 语法的作用二、Blade 语法的特点- 简洁性- 易读性- 强大的功能三、Blade 语法的使用- 安装与配置- 基本语法规则- 常用标签与指令四、Blade 语法的应用- 模板引擎- 数据绑定- 表单验证五、Blade 语法的优缺点- 优点- 缺点六、总结- Blade 语法的贡献- 未来发展趋势正文:一、简介Blade 语法是一种轻量级的模板引擎语法,由Laravel 框架开发团队设计。
它被广泛应用于Laravel 框架中的模板渲染,使开发者能够更加便捷地编写模板,从而提高开发效率。
Blade 语法的主要作用是分离前端展示与后端逻辑,使前端展示更加简洁、易读,易于维护。
二、Blade 语法的特点1.简洁性:Blade 语法采用简洁的语法结构,易于理解和学习。
2.易读性:Blade 语法使用PHP 语法的原生特性,如变量输出、条件判断、循环等,使得模板代码更加接近自然语言,提高易读性。
3.强大的功能:Blade 语法不仅支持基本的模板功能,还提供了丰富的标签与指令,满足开发者各种需求。
同时,Blade 语法与Laravel 框架紧密结合,可以方便地调用后端数据与功能。
三、Blade 语法的使用1.安装与配置:在Laravel 框架中,Blade 语法已经默认安装并配置好了。
开发者只需要按照Laravel 的约定,将模板文件放在指定的目录中,即可使用Blade 语法。
2.基本语法规则:Blade 语法的核心是使用`@`符号作为开始标签,`@end`标签作为结束标签。
例如:`@section("title", "Laravel Blade")`。
3.常用标签与指令:Blade 语法提供了丰富的标签与指令,如`@foreach`、`@for`、`@if`、`@elseif`、`@else`、`@endif`等。
blade 手册 编译
Blade 手册:编译技术报告一、引言Blade是一款强大的框架,它提供了一种简洁、高效的方式来构建Web应用程序。
在编译阶段,Blade 会将指令转换成可执行的PHP代码。
bladex 中数据权限实现原理
文章标题:深度探究:bladex 中数据权限实现原理导言在当今信息时代,数据安全和权限管理变得愈发重要。
作为数据分析和管理工具,bladex 在实现数据权限方面具有广泛的应用。
本文将深入探讨 bladex 中数据权限实现的原理,从简到繁地介绍其深度和广度,以便读者能更全面地理解这一重要主题。
一、bladex 简介在深入了解 bladex 中数据权限实现原理之前,我们先来简要介绍一下bladex。
bladex 是一款数据分析和管理工具,具有强大的数据处理能力和灵活的权限管理功能。
在 bladex 中,数据权限的实现至关重要,它保证了用户只能访问其权限范围内的数据,从而有效保护了整个数据系统的安全。
三、bladex 中数据权限实现的基本原理在 bladex 中,数据权限的实现主要依赖于两个核心概念:角色和资源。
四、深入理解角色和资源之间的关系在 bladex 中,角色和资源之间存在着复杂的关系,需要深入理解。
五、数据权限实现的具体步骤在实际应用中,如何在 bladex 中实现数据权限呢?我们需要定义不同的角色,并为其分配相应的权限。
⼩李飞⼑——功能介绍组队系统 ⼀.组队⽅法 1、同屏场景 当与想要结交为好友的玩家处于同⼀场景时,先左键点选该玩家,在对⽅头像上点击弹出选项栏中,选择邀请⼊队,点击后发送组队邀请,若对⽅接受您的组队邀请,则组队成功 2、好友组队 ⾸先打开好友界⾯,选择想要组队的玩家,点击该玩家头像后选择邀请⼊队,发送组队邀请,等待对⽅接受。
3、聊天选项 在聊天框中点击⼈名后,弹出选项,选择组队,发送组队邀请,等待玩家接受。
⼆、组队说明 ⼀个队伍的建⽴是通过⼀名没有队伍的玩家对另⼀名没有队伍的玩家发送组队邀请,当玩家接受后,便加⼊队伍。
组队时会根据队员数量在获得的总经验加成后分配给在附近的队友,⼀起组队会⼤⼤增加杀怪的速度,经验增长会更加可观哦! 逗游⽹——中国2亿游戏⽤户⼀致选择的”⼀站式“游戏服务平台。
具体而言,Blade模板具有以下几个基本特点:1. 模块化:Blade模板是一种模块化模板,这意味着开发人员可以使用同一个布局或其他模块多次重用同一页面的一部分。
2. 嵌入式:Blade支持使用嵌入性控制封装代码块。
3. 同时兼具清晰和强大:Blade模板提供了一种简单、清晰且易于学习和使用的语法,同时具有强大的功能,例如流程控制和条件分支。
二、Blade模板的优点Blade模板具有以下几个重要的优点:1. 模板继承:通过继承同一布局,Blade模板可以使页面代码更加简洁和可维护。
2. 输出控制:使用Blade模板,开发人员可以更完全地控制页面中的输出。
3. 表达式:Blade模板的表达式语法提供了更简单、更可读的方法来呈现内容,并允许开发人员在页面中使用PHP的全套功能。
三、Blade模板的常用操作下面是针对Blade模板的常用操作:1. 产品列表:开发人员可以使用Blade模板创建动态产品列表。
1.动作命令格式为【在聊天框中输入:/命令+空格+对象;或者:/命令】2. 下面:①代表有对象的命令效果;②代表无对象的命令效果。
BladeX 是一个基于Spring Boot 2、Spring Cloud Hoxton 和MyBatis 等核心技术构建的基础框架,旨在快速开发中大型系统。
它采用Traefik 作为反向代理,监听后台变化并自动化应用新的配置文件。
BladeX 的主要特点和优势如下:
1. 高度模块化:BladeX 遵循模块化设计原则,将系统功能划分为多个模块,便于维护和扩展。
2. 灵活的配置:通过spring.factories 文件实现各种功能的自动配置,如数据库、缓存、消息队列等。
3. 易于扩展:BladeX 支持集成其他Spring Cloud 组件,如Spring Cloud Config、Spring Cloud Gateway 等,以满足不同场景的需求。
4. 代码生成:BladeX 提供了代码生成工具,自动生成MyBatis 映射器和实体类,降低了开发负担。
5. 严格遵循Spring Boot 和Spring Cloud 的规范,确保项目的稳定性及可维护性。
6. 社区活跃:BladeX 拥有一个活跃的社区,可以为开发者提供丰富的资源、技术支持和更新维护。
1. 学习Spring Boot 和Spring Cloud 的基础知识,了解相关组件和原理。
2. 熟悉MyBatis 的使用和配置,掌握SQL 语言和数据库操作。
3. 阅读BladeX 的官方文档和示例代码,了解其架构设计和模块功能。
4. 实践项目开发,逐步掌握BladeX 的优势和特点,并在实际项目中应用。
5. 关注BladeX 的GitHub 仓库和社区,关注最新动态和技术更新。
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