课外阅读精选10篇(小学阅读训练)阅读1 《春之使者》春天的脚步悄悄来临,万物复苏。
5.文本结构每个自然段的主要内容是什么?阅读2 《勇敢的小猫》夜晚,月亮高挂,星星闪烁。
阅读3 《夏日的礼物》夏天,太阳高照,知了在树上唱歌。
课外补充阅读练习2Even if all the technical and intellectual problems can be solved, there are major social problems inherent in the computer revolution. The most obvious is unemployment, since the basic purpose of commercial computerization is to get more work done by fewer people. One British study predicts that “automation-induced unemployment” in Western Europe could reach 16% in the next decade, but most analyses are more optimistic. The general rule seems to be that new technology eventually creates as many jobs as it destroys, and often more. “People who put in computers usually increase their staffs as well” says CPT’s Scheff. “Of course,” he adds,“one industry may kill another industry. Tha t’s tough on some people.”Theoretically, all unemployed workers can be retrained, but retraining programs are not high on the nation’s agenda (议事日程). Many new jobs, moreover, will require an ability in using computers, and the retraining needed to use them will have to be repeated as the technology keeps improving. Says a chilling report by the Congressional Office of Technology Assessment: “Lifelong retraining is expected to become the standard for many people. “There is already considerable evidence that the school children now being educated in the use of computers are generally the children of the white middle class. Young blacks, whose unemployment rate stands today at 50%, will find another barrier in front of them.Such social problems are not the fault of the computer, of course, but a consequence of the way the American society might use the computer. “Even in the days of the big, main-frame computers, when they were a machine for the few.” says Katherine Davis Fishman, author of The Computer Establ ishment, “it was a tool to help the rich get richer. It still is to a large extent. One of the great values of the personal computer is that smaller firms, smaller organizations can now have some of the advantages of the bigger organizations.”1. The close st restatement of “one industry may kill another industry” (at the end of Para. 1) isthat ______________.A) industries tend to compete with one anotherB) one industry might be driven out of business by another industryC) one industry may increase its staff at the expense of anotherD) industries tend to combine into bigger ones2. The word “chilling” (Para. 2, Line 4 most probably means ________.A) misleading B) convincingC) discouraging D) interesting3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?A) Computers are efficient in retraining unemployed workers.B) Computers may offer more working opportunities than they destroy.C) Computers will increase the unemployment rate of young blacks.D) Computers can help smaller organizations to function more effectively.4. From the passage it can be inferred that ________.A) all school children are offered a course in the use of computersB) all unemployed workers are being retrainedC) retraining programmes are considered very important by the governmentD) in reality only a certain portion of unemployed workers will be retrained5. The major problem discussed in the passage is ________.A) the importance of lifelong retraining of the unemployed workersB) the social consequences of the widespread use of computers in the United StatesC) the barrier to the employment of young peopleD) the general rule of the advancement of technology。
部编版三年级语文上册 期中课外阅读拓展专项(含答案)
部编版三年级语文上册期中课外阅读拓展专项范围:第1-4 单元时间:40 分钟满分:100 分班级:姓名:得分:.一、阅读短文,完成练习。
它俩显得天真烂漫,或许嫌这儿过于寂窦吧,于是伸长颈项,“哦! 哦!”有节奏地叫着,水面荡起一圈圈的波纹,为大自然平添了不少生气。
(4 分)(1)“我对它凝视了一会儿,忧然领悟到”一句中,作者“凝视了一会儿”才明白秋天来临了,由此可知“忧然”的意思是。
(2 分)(2)读到“我贪地吸了几口新鲜空气”时,通过想象画面,我知道“贪”的意思是()。
(2 分)A.贪图快乐B.贪得无厌C.渴求而不知满足2.联系上下文,选择恰当的短语填到文中的横线上。
(3 分)A.一片金黄色的大海B.一团火焰C.一颗覆盖大地的蓝宝石3.第③段描写的景物有、、、。
(4 分)4.秋天的原野像一幅幅图画,请结合短文内容,连一连。
(2 分)第③段牧童晚归图第④段稻田丰收图第⑤段枫林红叶图第⑥段池塘秋色图5. 短文表达了作者对的喜爱与赞美之情。
七年级英语课外阅读(一)Hello, everyone! My name is Jane. Today I want to talk about our school. Our school isn’t big but it is beautiful. There is a classroom building near the school gate. The classrooms, the music rooms, the teachers’ offices are all in it. The playground is behind the classroom building. We often play basketball after class. Our library is on the left of the dining hall and it is behind the playground. The food in dining hall is nice. I like our school because it is like our home.Hello, everyone. My name is Johnson. I’m a middle school student. I am a soccer fan . I play soccer after school every day. My father is a soccer fan, too. He plays soccer very well. I like playing soccer with my father very much. We have a great collection of fifteen soccer balls. But my mother and my sister don’t like soccer. They only watch TV at home. They say many TV programs are very interesting.Jonas is a lovely boy. He likes sports very much .He likes football, ping-pong and baseball .But he doesn’t like volleyball. He thinks it’s boring. He has a little sister .Her name is Lily .He likes her very much .On his desk there is a green clock, an interesting book and a pen .Every evening he reads the book there.Kate is from a family of three people.They like to eat different kinds of food.Kate likes noodles a lot.He likes to have noodles for every meal.But he doesn't like meat at all.Her father is from Tianjin.He doesn't like noodles at all.He likes rice very much.Her mother is from Dalian.She likes fish,vegetables and fruit very much,but she doesn't like rice or noodles.Dear Alan,It’s Monday, July 15. I’m really busy today. At 8: 00, I have Chinese.I don’t like Chinese. It’s boring. Then at 9: 00 I have maths. I like it very much because it’s very interesting. Next, at 10: 00, I have English. It’s my favourite subject. At 11: 00, I have music. I like it because it’s relaxing. I have lunch at 12: 25. After lunch, I have science. It’s fun. Then I have PE.I like it. It’s exciting. We can play football. After PE, we have history. It’s fun. Then I go home at 5: 00.Yours,AmyTina and Lisa are middle school students. They want to go shopping. And they don’t have classes on Sunday . So they go to the store. It is a very nice store. They can buy a lot of things there. Tina buys a pen and Lisa buys a pencil case. In the store, there is also food. Tina buys some apples and bananas. Lisa buys some tomatoes and carrots for her mother. They are very happy to go back home with their things.。
课外阅读10篇(小学阅读训练)阅读1 《四季之美》四季轮回,各有其独特的美。
阅读理解问题:1. 理解文章内容四季分别代表了什么?2. 提取细节春天和冬天的景色有何特点?3. 推理与推断作者通过四季的描绘表达了什么情感?4. 词汇理解“复苏”在此处的含义是什么?5. 同义词识别找出与“丰富多彩”意思相近的词。
阅读2 《母爱》(情感文)母爱是一种无法言喻的力量,它如同温暖的阳光,无论何时何地都能给予我们最深的慰藉。
阅读理解问题:1. 理解文章内容母爱的特点是什么?2. 提取细节母亲在我们遇到困难时会怎么做?3. 推理与推断为什么说母爱是永恒的灯塔?4. 词汇理解“港湾”在此处的比喻意义是什么?5. 同义词识别找出与“依靠”意思相近的词。
有什么好准 你小时候就 跑着,一脚 她又悄悄地 一、阅读精选:《秋天的怀念》 (史铁生)双腿瘫痪以后,我的脾气变得暴怒无常。
望着天上北归的雁阵,我会突然把我面前的玻 璃砸碎;听着听着李谷一甜美的歌声,我会猛地把手边的东西摔向四周的墙壁。
母亲悄悄地 躲出去,在我看不见的地方偷偷地听着我的动静。
当一切恢复沉寂,她又悄悄地进来,眼边 红红的,看着我。
”她总是这么说,母亲喜欢花, 可自从我的腿瘫痪后,她侍弄的那些花都死了。
“不,我不去!”我狠命地锤打这两条可怕的 腿。
喊着:“我活着有什么劲! ”母亲扑过来抓住我的手,忍住哭声说:“咱娘儿俩在一块儿, 好好儿活,好好儿活……”可我却一直都不知道,她的病已经到了那步田地,后来妹妹告诉我,她常常肝疼得整宿 整宿翻来覆去睡不了觉。
母亲进来了,挡在窗前: “北海的菊花开了,我推着你去看看吧。
“什么时候? ”“你要是愿意,就明天?”她说,我的回答已经让她喜出望外了。
她高 兴得一会儿坐下,一会儿站起:“那就赶紧准备准备。
”“哎呀,烦不烦?几步路, 备的! ”她也笑了,坐在我身边,絮絮叨叨地说:“看完菊花,咱们就去'仿膳', 爱吃那儿的豌豆黄儿。
还记得那回我带你去北海吗?你偏说那杨树花是毛毛虫, 踩一个……”她忽然不说了。
对于“跑”和“踩” 一类的字儿,她比我还敏感。
我没想她已经病成那样,看着三轮 车远去,也决没想到那竟是永远的诀别。
别 人告诉我,她昏迷前的最后一句话是:“我那个有病的儿子和那个还未成年的女儿……”又是秋天,妹妹推我去北海看菊花。
黄色的花淡雅,白色的花高洁,紫红色的花热烈而 深沉,泼泼洒洒,秋风中正开得烂漫。
5年级语文补充习题答案五年级语文补充习题答案【阅读理解】1. 阅读短文《春》,回答问题:- 短文主要描绘了春天的哪些景象?答:短文描绘了春天的景象包括:嫩绿的柳条、温暖的阳光、解冻的河流、欢快的小鸟、五彩斑斓的花朵以及孩子们的笑脸。
- 作者通过春天的景象表达了什么样的情感?答:作者通过春天的景象表达了对春天的喜爱和对生命活力的赞美。
2. 阅读短文《秋天的收获》,回答问题:- 短文中提到了哪些秋天的收获?答:短文中提到了秋天的收获包括:金黄的稻谷、成熟的水果、丰收的蔬菜以及农民脸上的喜悦。
- 短文是如何描述农民的劳动的?答:短文通过描述农民辛勤的劳作、汗水的滴落以及丰收时的满足感,展现了农民对劳动的热爱和对成果的自豪。
【词语运用】1. 根据上下文,选择正确的词语填空:- 他()了一大杯水,然后()地离开了。
2. 根据句子的意思,选择正确的词语填空:- 老师()地走进了教室,同学们立刻安静下来。
【句子理解】1. 请解释句子“山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村”的意思。
2. 请解释句子“不以物喜,不以己悲”的意思。
课外补充阅读练习10Recent stories in the newspapers and magazines suggest that teaching and research contradict each other, that research plays too prominent a part in academic promotions, and that teaching is badly underemphasized. There is an element of truth in these statements, but they also ignore deeper and more important relationships.Research experience is an essential element of hiring and promotion at a research university because it is the emphasis on research that distinguishes such a university from an arts college. Some professors, however, neglect teaching for research and that presents a problem.Most research universities reward outstanding teaching, but the greatest recognition is usually given for achievements in research. Part of the reason is the difficulty of judging teaching.A highly responsible and tough professor is usually appreciated by top students who want to be challenged, but disliked by those whose records are less impressive. The mild professor gets overall ratings that are usually high, but there is a sense of disappointment in the part of the best students, exactly those for whom the system should present the greatest challenges. Thus, a university trying to promote professors primarily on the basis of teaching qualities would have to confront this confusion.As modern science moves faster, two forces are exerted on professor: one is the time needed to keep up with the profession; the other is the time needed to teach. The training of new scientists requires outstanding teaching at the research university as well as the arts college. Although scientists are usually “made” in the elementary schools, scientists can be “lost” by poor teaching at the college and graduate school levels. The solution is not to separate teaching and research, but to recognize that the combination is difficult but vital. The title of professor should be given only to those who profess, and it is perhaps time for universities to reserve it for those willing to be an earnest part of the community of scholars. Professors unwilling to teach can be called “distinguished research investigators” or something else.The pace of modern science makes it increasingly difficult to be a great researcher and a great teacher. Yet many are described in just those terms. Those who say we can separate teaching and research simply do not understand the system but those who say the problem will disappear are not fulfilling their responsibilities.1. What idea does the author want to convey in the first paragraph?A. It is wrong to overestimate the importance of teaching.B. Teaching and research are contradictory to each other.C. Research can never be emphasized too much.D. The relationship between teaching and research should not be simplified.2. In academic promotions research universities still attach more importance to research partlybecause ________.A. research improves the quality of teachingB. students who want to be challenged appreciate research professorsC. it is difficult to evaluate teaching quality objectivelyD. professors with achievements in research are usually responsible and tough3. According to the fourth paragraph, which of the following will the author probably agreewith?A. Distinguished professors at research universities should concentrate on research only.B. The separation of teaching from research can lower the quality of future scientists.C. It is of utmost importance to improve teaching in elementary schools in order to trainnew scientists.D. The rapid developments of modern science make it impossible to combine teachingwith research.4 The title of professor should be given only to those who, first and foremost, do ________.A. teachingB. field workC. scientific researchD. investigation5. The phrase “the problem” (Para. 5, Line 3) refers to ________.A. raising the status of teachingB. the combination of teaching with researchC. the separations of teaching from researchD. improving the status of research。
FogFog warningWhen Polly left home that morning, the city was already covered in a grey mist. At lunch, the radio forecast that the mist would become a thick fog in the afternoon. At four o’clock, Polly left work and stepped out into the fog. She wondered if the buses would still be running. No buses to King StreetOnce out in the street, she walked quickly towards her usual bus stop. ‘How far are you going?’ the bus conductor asked her before he took her fare. ‘King Street,’ said Polly. ‘Sorry, Miss,’ replied the man, ‘the truth is that it is too foggy for the bus to run that far. Take the Underground to Green Park. The weather might be better there and you might be able to get a taxi.’A tall manAs Polly observed the passengers on the train, she had a feeling that she was being watched by a tall man in a dark overcoat. At last the train arrived at Green Park station. While the rest of the passengers were getting out, she glanced at the faces around her. The tall man was nowhere to be seen.FootstepsWhen Polly got to the station entrance, it was empty. Outside, wherever she looked the fog lay like a thick, grey cloud. There was no one in sight. Polly set off towards Park Street. As she walked along the narrow street, she heard the sound of footsteps approaching, but by the time she reached the corner of the street, the footsteps were gone. Suddenly Polly felt a rough hand brush her cheek, and she heard a man’s voice in her ear saying ‘Sorry.’ The man moved away. She could feel her heart beating with fear.The _________ strangerThen she heard the sound again—soft footsteps behind her. A minute before, she had wished for someone to come along. Now she wanted to run, but fear held her still. The footsteps seemed close now. Then a man’s voice came out of the darkness. ‘Is anybody there?’Polly hesitated. At last she answered, ‘Hello, I think I’m lost.’A few seconds later, a hand reached out and grasped her arm. Polly found herself staring up at the face of an old man with a beard. ‘Maybe I can help you. Which road do you want?’ he asked.‘I live at 86 King Street,’ Polly replied.‘Just take my hand,’ said the man. ‘Come with me. You’ll be all right.’ He took Polly’s hand. ‘Watch out for the step here.’In his other hand the man carried a stick. Polly heard it hit the step. ‘I can remember some terrible fogs, but maybe that was before your time. I can’t see your face, but you sound young. How old are you?’‘Just twenty,’ answered Polly. ‘Ah, twenty! A nice age to be. I was young once. Now we’re at the crossroads. Turn left here.’‘I’m quite lost now. Are you sure you know the way?’ Polly was beginning to feel frightened again. ‘Of course. You really shouldn’t feel anxious.’ He held her hand more firmly.。
五年级部编版语文上学期课外阅读理解培优补差专项班级:_____________ 姓名:_____________课外阅读理解1. 课外阅读。
芭蕉的用途可真大呀!我欣赏芭蕉那颀长秀美的身姿,欣赏它那素淡可爱的黄花,更佩服它那种昂扬向上、不畏风雨的精神!(有删改) 1.根据意思,从文中找出合适的词语写在括号里。
5.作者为什么会欣赏芭蕉?文章的最后一段有什么作用?_______________________________________6.芭蕉成为古人笔下咏诵的对象,你还知道哪种植物也曾经成为古人的情感寄托?请写出两句与它相关的诗句跟大家分享吧!___________________________________________2. 课外阅读。
北师大版五年级上册语文课外阅读理解培优补差专项班级:_____________ 姓名:_____________课外阅读理解1. 课外阅读提升。
微不足道: ________________________孜孜不倦:__________________________2.根据短文内容填空。
请回答以下问题:1. 故事中的小狗和老虎之间的关系如何?2. 为什么小兔子认为小狗和老虎不应该成为朋友?3. 故事中的大狼想要做什么?4. 小狗是怎么保护老虎的?5. 故事中的主题是什么?参考答案:1. 故事中的小狗和老虎是非常好的朋友,他们互相帮助和支持对方。
2. 小兔子认为小狗和老虎不应该成为朋友,因为老虎是食肉动物,他们可能会吃掉小狗。
3. 故事中的大狼想要吃掉小狗和老虎。
4. 小狗保护老虎的方法是跑到老虎身边,告诉大狼他们是朋友,不可以伤害老虎。
5. 故事的主题是真正的朋友永远支持和保护对方。
其中最引人注目的是垂(cuíchuí )柳,在微风的吹动下,柳条迎(yíng yín )风起舞。
1、给短文加个题目:(3 分)2、保留()里正确的读音,划去不正确的。
(3 分)3、第2 自然段先写了湖水()、(),再写湖的四周有(),接着写树下有()和(),最后写湖上有()。
(12 分)4、短文的主要意思是()(2 分)A、讲了天鹅湖的美丽的景色。
(7 分)词:(至少写三个)句:(至少写二句)二、齐白石齐白石爷爷是世界著名的大画家。
他画的花鸟鱼虫就像活的一样:蚱(zhà)蜢(mĕng )好像会跳;小鸟好像会眨眼睛;最有趣的是那些虾,身体像是透明的,仿佛轻轻一碰,就会游走似的。
牛在吃草,他就用柴棍(gùn )在地上画画。
他要画蚱蜢,就跟在一只蚱蜢后面满院子跑,一直到看清蚱蜢跳跃(yuè )时双腿的动作为止。
别人劝他把蚱蜢拴(shuān )住,他说拴上绳子蚱蜢不舒服,动作不自然,那就画不准了。
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I had applied for the nuclear submarine program, and Admiral Rickover was interviewing me for the job. It was the first time I met Admiral Rickover, and we sat in a large room 36 ourselves for more than two hours, and he let me 37 any subjects I wished to 38 . Very carefully, I chose those about which I knew most at the time—current events, seamanship, music, literature, naval tactics, electronics, gunnery—and he began to ask me a series of questions of increasing 39 . In each case, he soon 40 that I knew relatively 41 about the subjects I had chosen.He always looked right 42 my eyes, and he never smiled. I was wet with cold 43 .Finally, he asked me a question and I thought I could regain 44 . He said, ―How did you 45 in your class at Georgia Tech before 46 our Annapolis as a plebe(军校新生)?‖ I had done very well, so I answered with pride, ―Sir, I stood fifty-ninth in a class of 820! ―I sat back to wait for the 47 —which never came. 48 , the question: ―Did you do your best?‖ I started to say, ―Yes,Sir,‖ but I remembered who this was, and 49 several of my times at Georgia Tech 50 I could have learned more about our friend, our enemies, weapons strategy, and so forth. I was just human. I 51 my throat and finally said, ―No, Sir. I didn‘t always do my 52 .‖He looked at me for a long time, and then turned his chair around to 53 the interview. He asked one final question, which I have never been able to forget 54 to answer. He said, ―Why not?‖ I sat there for a while, 55 , and then slowly left the room.36.A. in B. with C. by D. for37.A. consider B. choose C. think D. search38.A. talk B. confirm C. discuss D. concern39.A. intelligence B. difficulty C. spirit D. attraction40.A. showed B. suggested C. meant D. proved41.A. everything B. much C. anything D. little42.A. at B. into C. for D. up43.A. soul B. sweet C. sweat D. shark44.A. self-confidence B. self-defence C. permission D. evaluation45.A. arrange B. stand C. behave D. handle46.A. leaving B. entering C. choosing D. coming47.A. celebrations B. expectations C. discoveries D. congratulations48.A. Instead B. However C. Thus D. Therefore49.A. analyzed B. presented C. recalled D. tried50.A. that B. which C. when D. where51.A. tested B. examined C. cleaned D. cleared52.A. least B. fewest C. best D. worst53.A. start B. end C. interrupt D. control54.A. or B. and C. so D. but55.A. excited B. moved C. frightened D. shaken第三部分:阅读理解(共20题;每小题2分,共40分)阅读下列短文,从每题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
AAs a result of pollution, Lake Erie, on the borders of the USA and Canada, is now without any living things.Pollution in water is not simply a matter of ―poisons‖ killing large numbers of fish overnight, Very often the effects of pollution are not noticed for many months or years because the first organisms(生物体)to be affected are either plants or plankton. But these organisms are the food of fish and birds and other creatures. When this food disappears, the fish and birds die too. In this way a whole food chain can be wiped out, and it‘s not until dead fish and water birds are seen at the river‘s edge or on the seashore that people realize what is happening.Where do the substances which pollute the water come from? There are two main sources of sewage(污水)and industrial waste . As more detergent(洗涤剂)is used in the home, so more of it is finally put into our rivers, lakes and seas . Detergents harm water birds, dissolving the natural substances which keep their feathers water - proof. Sewage itself, if not properly treated, makes the water dirty and prevents all forms of life in rivers and the sea from receiving the oxygen they need. Industrial waste is even more harmful as there are many highly poisonous things in it, such as copper and lead(铅).So, if we want to stop this pollution, the answer is simple: sewage and industrial waste must be made clear before flowing into the water. It may already be too late to save some rivers and lakes, but others can still be saved if the correct action is taken at once.56. Pollution of water is noticed________.A. when the first organisms are affectedB. when a good many fish and birds dieC. when poisonous things are poured into waterD. as soon as the balance of nature is destroyed57. The living things die because there is no ________in the lake or river.A. fishB. waterC. airD. oxygen58. Which of the following is harmful according to the passage?A. OrganismsB. Industrial waste made clear before flowing into the water.C. Waste water from cleaningD. Plants and plankton in the water59. The way to stop water pollution is to________.A. put oxygen into the riverB. realize the serious situation clearlyC. make special room in the sea for our rubbishD. make the waste material harmless before flowing into the waterBThe eastern Indonesian island of Komodo is proving a hit with adventurous tourists eager to catch a glance of the world‘s largest lizard species. The island is the home of the huge lizard called the Komodo dragon.A later species of the Jurassic period dinosaurs 130 million years ago, the Komodo dragon is in danger and has been placed under protection by the Indonesian government.The huge lizard is called ―Buaya Darat‖ by the local people who show great respect for the species. Tales handed down over generations of islanders speak of the dragon warning people of getting close to crocodiles.The animal can reach a length of three meters when fully grown, gain a weight of about 135 kilograms and may live to an age of about 100 years. It digs a hole in the ground as deep as 9 meters and lay eggs—up to 30 at a time—that hatch in April or May. The newly hatched lizards, about 45 centimeters long, live in trees for several months.Komodo dragons have been known to eat smaller members of the species and sometimes even other grown-ups. The Komodo dragon was first discovered in 1912 by a group of fishermen who protected themselves from a storm in the Banda Sea on the island.Various species of the Komodo dragons are also found in Asia, Australia and Africa, but it is only on Komodo and the western tip of the neighboring island of Flores that they grow up to three meters long.60. The passage is mainly about _______.A. the largest crocodile in the worldB. the story of a dragon in IndonesiaC. a kind of huge lizard—the Komodo dragonD. how the Komodo dragon was found and protected61. Newly-born Komodo dragons _______.A. dig very deep holesB. are 30 centimeters long and weigh 45 kilogramsC. spend their first few months living in treesD. are hatched in cold weather62. Today Komodo dragons _______.A. are protected by the local governmentB. are hunted by Komodo fishermenC. join in a special hatching programD. live only on the Komodo island63. The local people have great respect for the Komodo dragon because they believe ______.A. the dragon has special curing powerB. the dragon can prevent them from being attacked by crocodilesC. the dragon is in great danger of dying out in its hometownD. it takes thousands of years for the dinosaurs to become dragonsCMost animals have little connection with animals of a different kind, unless they hunt them for food.Sometimes, however, two kinds of animals come together in a partnership (伙伴关系) which is good for both of them. You may have noticed some birds sitting on the backs of sheep. This is not because they want a ride, but because they find easy food in the parasites (寄生虫) on sheep. The sheep allow the birds to do so because they remove the cause of discomfort. So although they can manage without each other, they do better together.Sometimes an animal has a plant partner. The relationship develops until the two partners cannot manage without each other. This is so in the corals (珊瑚) of the sea. In their skins they have tin y plants which act as ―dustmen‖, taking some of the waste products from the coral and giving in return oxygen which the animal needs to breathe. If the plants are killed, or are even prevented from receiving light so that they cannot live normally, the corals will die.64. Some birds like to sit on a sheep because ______.A. they depend on the sheep for existenceB. they can eat its parasitesC. they enjoy travelling with the sheepD. they find the position most comfortable65. The underlined word ―they‖ in the last sentence of the first paragraph refers to ______.A. birds and parasitesB. parasites and sheepC. birds and sheepD. sheep, birds and parasites66. We can learn from the passage that corals depend on plants for _______.A. comfortB. lightC. foodD. oxygen67. What does the second paragraph mainly discuss?A. Some animals and plants develop their relationship easily.B. Some animals live better together.C. Some animals and plants depend on each other for existence.D. Some plants depend on each other for food.DMany people like the feeling of the gentle wind in spring. Many like to see the falling leaves dancing in the wind in autumn. But sometimes, when the wind becomes a storm, it can be very destructive(毁灭性的).A series of such storms struck the US last month and caused very serious damage and human pain.Every year, major storms cause many problems around the world. There is nothing people can do to stop these powerful forces of nature. But new techniques are helping scientists to predict(预测) how, when, and where big storms will happen. The more exact scientists‘ warnings are, the better people can prepare for the storms.Predictions are improving. ―We‘ve gotten better over the years, especially the last few years,‖ says Phil Klotzback, a scientist at an American university. How is a storm formed? Even if scientists know where a storm will happen, winds can suddenly change, carrying the storm to a new direction. ―For a hurricane to happen, conditions have to be just right,‖ Klotzbac k says.First, the ocean water needs to be warm enough so that it evaporates and rises into the air. As it rises, the vapor(水蒸气) cools and turns back into liquid. This process gives off heat. This produces energy like an engine that causes winds to increase. It drives the formation(形成)of a hurricane.If wind speeds reach 40 miles per hour, the system is called a ―tropical storm‖(热带风暴), and it gets a name. At 75 miles per hour, it becomes a hurricane.Hurricanes that hit the US start when a thunderstorm forms off the coast of Africa. Storms also develop over tropical waters in other parts of the world.On average, 60 or 70 storms form off Africa every year. About 10 of them get names. There are usually about six hurricanes. Two tend to be very big, with winds of 115 miles per hour or higher.The hurricane season lasts from June to November. Ninety percent of all hurricanes hit in August, September, and October.68. According to the passage, hurricanes usually _____.A. form off the coast of Africa and AmericaB. travel at 40 miles per hour and get its nameC. hit parts of the world in summer and autumnD. cause sea winds to rise and blow over the sea69. The underlined word ―evaporates‖ (in Paragraph 5) probably means ―_____‖.A. begins to moveB. changes into a gasC. becomes hotD. gets lost70. Which of the following about the information of a hurricane is in the correct order?a. The ocean water evaporates and goes into the air.b. Heat creates energy and causes winds to increase.c. The vapor cools.d. The ocean water is warm enough.e. The vapor changes back into liquid.f. This course gives out heat.A. a, d, e, b, c, fB. a, b, c, f, d, eC. d, a, b, c, e, fD. d, a, c, e, f, b71. Which of the following statements is NOT true?A. One out of six or seven storms get names.B. Every year at least 60 storms form off Africa.C. The speed of the biggest two hurricanes reaches 115miles per hour.D. About one third of the hurricanes tend to be very big.EWith fifteen years Britain and other nations should be well on with the building of huge industrial complexes for the recycling of waste. The word rubbish could lose its meaning because everything which goes into the dumps would be made into something useful. Even the most dangerous and unpleasant wastes would provide energy if nothing else.The latest project is to take a city of around half a million inhabitants and discover exactly what raw materials go into it and what go out. The aim is to find out how much of these raw materials could be provided if a plant for recycling waste were built just outside the city. This plant would recycle not only metal such as steel, lead and copper, but also paper and rubber as well.Another new project is being set up to discover the best ways of sorting and separating the rubbish. When this project is complete, the rubbish will be processed like this: First, it will pass through sharp metal bars which will tear open the plastic bags in which rubbish is usually packed; then it will pass through a powerful fan to separate the lightest elements from the heavy solids; after that founders and rollers will break up everything that can be broken. Finally, the rubbish will pass under magnets(磁铁), which will remove the bits of iron and steel; the rubber and plastic will then be sorted out in the final stage.The first full-scale giant recycling plants are perhaps fifteen years away. Indeed, with the growing cost of transporting rubbish to more distant dumps, some big cities will be forced to build their own recycling plants before long.72. The phrase ―be well on with ……‖ (Para .1) most probably means .A. have achieved a great deal inB. get ready to startC. have completed what was startedD. put an end to73. What is NOT mentioned as a part of the recycling process described in Paragraph 3?A. Breaking up whatever is breakable.B. Sorting out small pieces of metal.C. Separating light elements from the heavy ones.D. Sharpening metal bars.74. What‘s the main reason for big cities to build their own recycling plants?A. To get raw materials locally.B. To protect the environment from pollution.C. To deal with wastes in a better way.D. To get big profits from those plants.75. The passage is mainly about ______.A. the location of recycling plantsB. new ways of recycling wastesC. a cheap way to get energyD. the probability of city environment答案完形填空36-40 CBCBD 41-45 DBCAB 46-50 BDACC 51-55 DCBAD阅读理解56-60 BDCDC 61-65 CABBC 66-70 DCCBD 71-75 BADCB第二套阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。