


编号:JH30001_B No:
Page: 时间:2004-12-1 Date:
EXPRESS 8100 随机文件
EXPRESS 8100 调试手册 Adjust Manual
编号:JH30001_B No:
Page: 时间:2004-12-1 Date:
有 所 EXPRESS 8100 调试手册
权Adjust Manual 版 料 资 部 内
D1 安全
D17 司机
D33 FWD,上行
D2 门锁
D18 满载
D34 REV,下行
D3 上限位
D19 前开门
D35 V1,多段速
D4 下限位 D5 上一级减速 D6 下一级减速 D7 超载 D8 检修 输入点, D9 上行 X0~X15 D10 下行 D11 上平层 D12 门区 D13 下平层 D14 停机 D15 消防 D16 消防运行
编号:JH30001_B No:
Page: 时间:2004-12-1 Date:
1. 在电梯的调试前,务必详尽的阅读此调试手册,以免造成设备的损坏!
2. “奥的斯工地员工安全手册”中所述的挂牌上锁步骤必须使用,所有工作必

1. 说明
1.1 调试总述 1.2 调试安全规范
2、必须有专业资格的人员方能进行配线,否则会发生危险; 3、必须将控制柜可靠接地,否则会发生触电危险; 4、带电时,不能插拔每个楼层的串行通信板,否则会烧坏线路板。



U L arge, Easy-to-Read LED, Selectable for EitherSetpoint or ProcessTemperatureU T ype J or KThermocouple InputU A djustable O utputHysteresis to PreventRapid Cycling AroundSetpoint TemperatureU A djustable Deviation Alarm Flashes When MeasuredTemperature Exceedsor Falls Below SetpointTemperatureU N EMA 4X (IP65) FrontBezel, Splash-Proof andResistant to DustU D iscrete Status Indicators Illuminate WhenTemperature Display,Setpoint Display or Heat/Cool Output Is ActiveU A uto Tuning (CN8101and CN8102)CN8100 SeriesThe CN8100 Series controller is alow-cost, general purpose 1⁄4 DINtemperature controller, ideal for OEM or replacement applications. Microprocessor-based and accurate to ±0.3% FS, it may be orderedas either a PID controller, on/off controller or limit safety device.As a separate safety feature to your control application, the CN8121-R1 limit controller provides reliable high/ low temperature limit shut-off control for most machine and process control applications including environmental chambers, furnaces, SpecificationsGeneralLine Voltage: 85 to 250 Vac, 50/60 Hz,120 to 300 Vdc (auto polarity)Display: 3-digit, 14 mm (0.56")orange LEDDiscrete Indicators:Setpoint: AmberActual: AmberHeat: OrangeCool: OrangeCN8102-R1-R2, dual output PIDcontroller shown smaller thanactual size.Power Consumption:Less than 6 VA (instrument)Front Panel Rating: NEMA 4X (IP65)Operating Temperature:0 to 60°C (32 to 140°F)Humidity Tolerance: 90% RHmaximum, non-condensingMemory Protection:Solid-state, non-volatile memoryConnections: Fast-on style(0.250" wide)Panel Cutout:1⁄4 DIN, 92 mm2 (3.622 in2)Dimensions: 96 x 96 x 6.35 mm bezel(3.78 x 3.78 x 0.25")Panel Depth: 88.9 mm (3.5")Weight: 737 g (1 lb. 10 oz)PerformanceAccuracy: ±0.3% of FS, ±1 digitSetpoint Resolution: 1 countRepeatability: ±1.0 countTemperature Stability:5µV/°C maximumovens and packaging machinery. Asa high-limit device, these controllershave a normally energized SPSTlatching output relay which becomesde-energized whenever the processvariable (PV) exceeds a selectedsetpoint value. Reset of the latchingoutput relay is done by holding theparameter button for 3 seconds onthe front panel of the controller, orby cycling power to the controller.1⁄4 DIN Digital Temperature and Limit ControllersP a n e l p u n c h es a v a i l a b l e* Specify output type from Output Options table.Ordering Examples: CN8102-R1-R2, 1⁄4 DIN dual mechanical relay output PID controller.OCW-3, OMEGACARE SM extends standard 2-year warranty to a total of 5 years.CN8121-R1.Controllers shownsmaller than actual size.CN8102-R1-R2.CN8111-R1.TC Cold End Tracking: ±0.05°C/ °C ambientNoise Rejection: Common mode >100 dB, Series mode >70 dBProcess Sampling: 3.7 Hz (270 ms)Available Inputs: Thermocouple: CN8110: Type J CN8120: Type J CN8100: Type J or K Maximum lead resistance, 100 Ω for rated accuracy Control Characteristics:Control Hysteresis: 1 to 140°C (2 to 252°F)Display Offset: -70 to 70°C (-126 to 126°F)Deviation Alarm: Off, 1 to 140°C (Off, 1 to 252°F)Outputs: Electromechanical relay, 5 A @ 250 Vac, 5 A @ 30 Vdc, solid-state relay, 120/240 Vac, 0 voltage switched, 2 A continuous (output 1), 0.5 A continuous (output 2) 10 A surge @ 25°C (77°F), pulsed DC 5V for external SSROMEGACARE SMextended warranty program is available for models shown on this page. Ask your sales representative for full details when placing an order. OMEGACARE SMcovers parts, labor and equivalent loaners.。

013 8100、8200控制屏说明

013 8100、8200控制屏说明

1、低燃油液位报警指示 2、紧急停机报警指示 3、低油压停机报警指示 4、高水温停机报警指示 5、电池电压值 6、皮带断裂/充电发电机故障报警指示 7、超/低频率停机报警指示 8、启动失败停机报警指示 9、交流发电机故障
8100控制屏说明 8100控制屏(501K) 8100控制屏(501K)电路原理 控制屏
二、8120控制屏说明 8120控制屏说明
8100、8120、8200、8220控制屏说明 8100、8120、8200、8220控制屏说明
8100、8200控制屏说明 8100、8200控制屏说明 目 录 1、8100控制屏说明 2、8120控制屏说明 3、8200控制屏说明 4、8220控制屏说明 5、KX系列ATS
控制屏外面板 1.主控制器:整个系统的主控制器; 2.微型空气开关:控制线路过流及短路保护; 3.紧急停机按钮





­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­目­录第一章­­操作面板说明 (06)1.1­操作面板示意图 (06)1.2­指示灯说明 (06)1.3­按键操作说明 (07)1.4­压力设置说明 (08)第二章­­型号、外观及接线 (09)2.1­型号说明 (09)2.2­外形尺寸和安装尺寸 (09)2.3­主电路与控制端子接线图 (15)2.4­传感器接线图 (16)2.5­端子标识及说明­ (17)第三章­­快速调试 (19)第四章­­8100参数表 (22)4.1­运行状态面板显示参数 (22)4.2­停机状态面板显示参数 (22)4.3­单机常用参数组 (23)4.4­多泵联机常用参数组 (25)4.5­调试参数组 (26)4.6­PID及休眠参数组 (27)4.7­水泵保护参数组 (29)4.8­电机参数组 (30)4.9­保护和故障参数组 (31)4.10­端子参数组 (33)4.11­通讯参数组 (34)4.12­监控参数组 (35)4.13­代理商参数组 (36)4.14­厂家参数组 (36)4.15­部分参数详细说明 (37)第五章­­故障信息及排除方法 (45)5.1­故障代码详述 (45)5.2­常见故障及其处理方法 (48)第六章­­通讯协议 (50)6.1­命令码及通讯数据描述 (50)第七章­­典型应用案例 (54)7.1­单泵控制案例1 (54)7.2­单泵控制案例2 (55)7.3­多泵控制案例 (57)7.4­多联机通讯协议 (57)7.5­一拖二控制案例 (58)安全注意事项­危险:表示可能会导致死亡或严重人身伤害的状况。

Ruelco, Inc. Model 8100 Interface Valve 产品说明书

Ruelco, Inc. Model 8100 Interface Valve 产品说明书

Phone (504) 340-0055Fax (504) 340-0056Interface ValveModel 8100Model 8100While this information is presented in good faith and believed to be accurate, Ruelco, Inc. does not guarantee satisfactory results from reliance upon such information. Nothing contained herein is to be construed as a warranty or guarantee, expressed or implied, regarding the performance, merchantability, and fitness with respect to the products. Ruelco, Inc. reserves the right, without notice, to alter or improve the designs or specifications of the products described herein.Model 8100FEATURES316 Stainless steel construction (models to N.A.C.E. MR0175 available).Large Cv factor assures fast system response All soft seal designDesign minimizes malfunctions due to supply system debris.GENERAL DESCRIPTION:The Ruelco Interface Valve is a normally closed 3-way block and bleed Hydraulic Controller.The valve allows the system to control pressures as high as 10,000psi.with a pilot supply pressure of 100psi. The unique soft seal design ensures zero leakage and also prevents damage from foreign particles. Ruggedly constructed for years of reliable service.Parts List For Interface ValveDimensionsSwitch Specifications8100-10000Ordering Code:Interface ValveITEM QTY.DESCRIPTIONMATERIALPART NO.12Cap Piston Seal Spool Assembly Piston SpringSpool Back-Up SealSpool Seal Shaft SealBodySleeve Sleeve Back-Up SealSleeve Seal Bottom Sleeve Center SealBottom Cap Seal Bottom CapRepair Kit for 8100-10000Stainless SteelViton Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Teflon Buna Fluoromyte Stainless SteelStainless SteelTeflon Buna Stainless Steel DelrinBuna Stainless Steel *Items3*567*8*9*10*11*1213*14*151617*181911111111221111111181-001-000V0-145-75H 81-009-00081-014-000TF-008-75H V0-008-90H FM-250-25081-003-00081-006-000TF-016-75H N0-016-75H 81-005-00081-011-000N0-017-75H 81-004-00081-016-000Panel Mount NutStainless Steel 4110-006-000BallTungsten Carbide BL-375-10M Seal Spring Stainless Steel81-015-000Valve TypeMax.Supply Pressure Outlet Orifice Size Ambient TemperatureRange Sensor Type Max.Oper.Pressure Burst Pressure3-Way 200PSI..125IN.-20°TO 250°F -20°TO 122°C Piston10,000PSI (680BAR)20,000PSI.(1380BAR)Panel Mount Hole Valve Ports Weight1.0IN (25.4mm)1/4"FNPT 4.9LBS (2.30KG)A B3.125IN (79.4mm)5.75IN (146.1mm)While this information is presented in good faith and believed to be accurate, Ruelco, Inc. does not guarantee satisfactory results from reliance upon such information. Nothing contained herein is to be construed as a warranty or guarantee, expressed or implied, regarding the performance, merchantability, and fitness with respect to the products. Ruelco, Inc. reserves the right, without notice, to alter or improve the designs or specifications of the products described herein.Model 8100FEATURES316 Stainless steel construction (models to N.A.C.E. MR0175 available).Large Cv factor assures fast system response All soft seal designDesign minimizes malfunctions due to supply system debris.GENERAL DESCRIPTION:The Ruelco Interface Valve is a normally closed 3-way block and bleed Hydraulic Controller.The valve allows the system to control pressures as high as 10,000psi.with a pilot supply pressure of 100psi.The unique soft seal design ensures zero leakage and also prevents damage from foreign particles.Ruggedly constructed for years of reliable service.The manual override option can be used to manually operate the valve even while at maximum control pressure.8100-20000Ordering Code:Interface Valve with overrideParts List For Interface Valve 8100-20000DimensionsSwitch SpecificationsItem Qty.DescriptionMaterial Part No.12Set Screw Piston Seal Spool Assembly Piston SpringSpool Back-Up SealSpool Seal Shaft SealBodySleeve Sleeve Back-Up SealSleeve Seal Bottom Sleeve Center SealBottom Cap Seal Bottom CapRepair Kit for 8100-20000Stainless Steel Viton Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Teflon Buna Fluoromyte Stainless SteelStainless SteelTeflon Buna Stainless Steel DelrinBuna Stainless Steel *Items10*121314*15*16*17*18*1920*21*222324*2526111111112211111111T1-08K-0C3V0-145-75H 81-009-00081-014-000TF-008-75H V0-008-90H FM-250-25081-003-00081-006-000TF-016-75H N0-016-75H 81-005-00081-011-000N0-017-75H 81-004-00081-017-000Handle Technopolymer 11181-012-000BallTungsten Carbide BL-375-10M Seal Spring Stainless Steel81-015-000Override Stem Panel Mount Nut Override Cap Air Ring O-Ring Override Seal Air Ring Snap Ring Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Viton Viton Stainless SteelStainless Steel3567*8*911121181-010-00010-006-00081-002-000V0-125-75H V0-013-75H 81-013-000SH-150-05041Valve TypeMax.Supply Pressure Outlet Orifice Size Ambient TemperatureRange Sensor Type Max.Oper.Pressure Burst Pressure3-Way 200PSI..125IN.-20°TO 250°F -20°TO 122°C Piston10,000PSI (680BAR)20,000PSI.(1380BAR)Panel Mount Hole Valve Ports Weight1.0IN (25.4mm)1/4"FNPT 5.2LBS (2.44KG)A B (MAX.) 3.125IN (79.4mm)8.75IN (222.3mm)Hydraulic ControllersSS-H Hydraulic Pilot VC-2 Velocity Check Valve RQ-1 (1/4") Quick Exhaust RQ-2 (1/2") Quick ExhaustInterface Valve RD-1 Dump Valve RD-H Dump Valve Hydraulic Tattletale Indicator。



第四章功能和特性 ........................................................................................................................................ 26
4.1 切换本地/远程操作模式 ..................................................................................................................... 26 4.2 定态操作模式 ..................................................................................................................................... 26
1.3.1 安装尺寸 ...................................................................................................................................... 6 1.3.2 负载手柄的调节 ......................................................................................................................... 12 1.3.3 支架安装 .................................................................................................................................... 13 1.4 输入连接部分的安装 ......................................................................................................................... 14


- 17 -
1. 连接投影机与展示台之间的 RGB 线。
2. 连接电脑串口与展示台 RS232 接口之间的连接线(9pin-9pin 的 RS232 连接线)。 3. 打开展示台,将安装光盘放入电脑光驱后,运行 X:\展台写码软件\ setup.exe(X 指计算机的光驱盘符),按照提示安装好软件。安装完成后,
使用前准备 .......................................................... 8
注意事项 ............................................ 8 打开展示台 .......................................... 9 展示台与其它设备连接 ............................... 10 收藏展示台 ......................................... 11
:画面移动键(选用)。按“ ”键,画面向下移动,向上显示图像;
- 14 -
按 键,画面向上移动,向下显示图像。当用户没有选用电动镜头功能 时为音量上下调功能。 遥控器操作指南
1 旋转
4 负片
7 文本 删除
投 影 切换 机
2 冻结
5 镜像
8 黑白
设置 聚远 自动
电脑 展台
投影机开关:按一次“投影机开关” 键, 打开投影机,使投影机进入工 作状态;按住“投影机开关”键两秒钟以上,投影机进入待机状态。

8100 8000说明书

8100  8000说明书
TA2-TC2 常开,TB2-TC2 常闭,输出功能 有 o24 设定
JP5 断开/JP3 1-2:-10V~+10V JP5 断开/JP3 2-3:0~10V JP5 短接 0~20mA 内范围可调 o00/o01 设定输入电压/电流范围 o06/o07 设定输入信号对应设定值
第一章 检查与安全注意事项
第一章 检查与安全注意事项
第 一
普传变频器在出厂之前均已经过测试和品质检验。购买后,请先检查产品的 章 包装是否因运输不慎而造成损伤;产品的规格、型号是否与订购之机种相符。如 有问题,请联络普传各地经销商或直接与本公司联系。
1-1 拆箱之后检查 ※ 箱内含本机一台、使用说明书一本、保修卡一张。 ※ 请查看变频调速器侧面的铭牌型号,以确定在您手上的产品就是所订购之产
第一章 检查与安全注意事项
1-3 使用范围
※ 本变频器仅适用于一般的工业三相交流异步电动机。

※ 本变频器只能用在本公司认可的场合,未经认可的使用环境可能导致火灾、 一

※ 如果用于因变频器失灵而可能造成人身伤亡的设备时(例如:运输人员的升
2-3 配线 变频调速器配线,分为主回路及控制回路两部分。用户必须依照下图所示的
2-3-1 PI8000 配线图 1. 11kW~15kW 配线图(8N3)

D-Link 8100S Series 产品说明书

D-Link 8100S Series 产品说明书

The 8100S Series copper switches offer high performance managed edge switching. This stackable / standalone Ethernet switch series supports the advanced security features and offers the appropriate management for user connectivity at the edge of network.Reliability»Built-in dual power supplies offers a cost-effective and highly reliable edge platform solution for your network.Security»The 8100S Series offers enhanced access, ideal for deployment at the network edge by offering security features such as Multi Supplicant Authentication, RADIUS, TACACS+ ensuring a secure network.Manageability»Voice VLAN and LLDP-MED features ensure voice data priority for networks that handle high traffic and require segregating and prioritizing. The industry standard CLI and Web GUI offered by the 8100S Series adds to the ease of managing a network for new users and experienced professionals.Monitoring»sFlow and RMON together give a better visibility on the performance and use of the network, which helps management to take appropriate decisions crucial for an organization to function and manage efficiently.The 8100S Series consists of PoE and non-PoE models in the configurations of 24 10/100TX ports and 48 10/100TX ports. This switch series provides two Gigabit combo (10/100/1000T /SFP) uplink ports. Dedicated stacking connectors on selected models deliver a total of 10Gbps stack bandwidth. All PoE ports support the IEEE 802.3at (PoE+) 30W standard.Redundant Power OptionsAll variants of the 8100S copper switch family, except the AT-8100S/24C switch, feature two internal power supplies as standard, allowing the switches to be powered from two separate building feeds making the 8100S Series less susceptible to building power failures and ensuring continuous switchoperation. All models are designed for front-to-back cooling.StackingThe physical stacking capability integrated into 24-port switches isdesigned to offer simplified management for higher port density applications. Up to three stackable switches of the 8100S copper and fiber series can be mixed and stacked together to a maximum of 78 ports.Key BenefitsEase of ManagementDesigned for rapid deployment with the minimum of configuration time, the 8100S Series offers features such as Voice VLAN, LLDP-MED, Enhanced Stacking and Web management GUI that facilitates simple and effective approach to network management.Voice VLAN segregates VoIP traffic from regular Ethernet traffic and applies to it a higher QoS. It takes the complexity out of VoIP deployments, ensures high voice quality and protects time sensitive voice traffic from being flooded by other data. LLDP-MED lets the user auto-configure end stations to send preconditioned traffic that adheres to Voice VLAN configured network policies.Enhanced Stacking with the 8100S Series enables the user to makesoftware upgrades for multiple switches with a single command, plus update all configurations in a single management session.The industry standard CLI of AlliedWare Plus™ combined with the simple and intuitive Web management GUI reduces the training needs for those who require granularity of control, by providing a familiar interface for advanced users.8100S Series Copper SwitchesLAYER 2-4 FAST ETHERNET STACKABLE/STANDALONE SWITCHESSwitchesproduct informationSimplifying the Network AutoQoS with the 8100S Series enables a switch administrator to enter one command to enable all the appropriate features for the recommended QoS settings on edge and uplink port so this minimizes the complexity and speeding up the QoS deployment over the network.Environmentally FriendlyIn keeping with our commitment to environmentally friendly processes and products, the 8100 Series is designed to be green from the ground up, with reduced power consumption and minimal hazardous waste.The use of highly recyclable metal, combination of green production processes, earth friendly packaging, high efficiency power supplies and effective power management deliver both cost savings and a reduced carbon footprint for the user.Access Control ListsAccess Control Lists work as filters that can enable inspection and classification of incoming frames. Specific actions can then be performed on these defined frames to more effectively manage the network traffic at Layer 2 through Layer 4. ACLs are typically used as security mechanism, either permittingor denying entry for packets on specific switch ports.Layer 3 RoutingThe switch provides static IPv4 routing at the edge of the network as well as support for RIPv1 and RIPv2.Effective Traffic MonitoringIn order to fully understand theperformance of the network and ensurethe ongoing smooth delivery of criticaldata, users must be able to measureand analyze the traffic in real time.The 8100S Series facilitates effectivetraffic monitoring with sFlow, anindustry-standard technology formonitoring high-speed switchednetworks gives complete visibilityinto the use of the network enablingperformance optimization, accounting,billing for usage, and even defenseagainst security threats.Securing the Network EdgeThe 8100S Series guaranteesprotection and secure management ofadministrator’s network by providingstrong security standards andauthentication mechanism for access atthe edge of a network.IEEE 802.1x port authenticationmethods such as PEAP, EAP-TLS andEAP-TTLS supported by the 8100SSeries allows network controller torestrict external devices from gainingunauthenticated access in to thenetwork.The Multiple Supplicant Authenticationenables the switch to uniquelyauthenticate and apply the appropriatepolicies and VLAN for multiple users ordevices on a shared port, allowing portexpansion while keeping the networksecure.Power over EthernetThe 8100S Series comes inconfigurations of 24- and 48-port PoE.Both support PoE+ (IEEE 802.3at),which delivers up to 30W per port.Power over Ethernet allows user tonetwork and power a device using singleEthernet cable, thus eliminating theneed for additional power outlets andsimplifying the network installation. It isalso unaffected by local variance in ACpower, offering a standardized powerinfrastructure.PoE+ with up to double the powerprovides superior power-managementcapability, as automatic power allocationcan be made based on the exactrequirement of the power device at agiven time.Gigabit and Fast Ethernet SFPSupportThe 8100S Series supports bothGigabit and Fast Ethernet Small Form-Factor Pluggable (SFP) uplinks. Thedual-speed ports make this series idealfor environments where Gigabit fiberswitches will be phased in over time.The 8100S Series allows for connectivityto the legacy 100FX hardware until theuplink device is upgraded to Gigabit.SpecificationsSystem Capacity»128MB RAM»16MB flash memory»16K MAC addresses»266MHz CPUMaximum Bandwidth»Non-blocking for all packet sizesWirespeed Switching (Layer 2/3) on all Ethernet Ports»14,880pps for 10Mbps Ethernet»148,800pps for 100Mbps Ethernet»1,488,000pps for 1000Mbps Ethernet Environmental Specifications»Operating temperature: 0ºC to 40ºC»Storage temperature: -25ºC to 70ºC»Operating humidity: 5% to 90% non-condensing»Storage humidity: 5% to 95% non-condensing»Max operating altitude: 3,048 m (10,000 ft)Port Configuration»Auto-negotiation, duplex, MDI/MDI-X, IEEE 802.3x flow control/back pressure»Head of Line (HoL) blocking prevention»Broadcast storm control»Link flap protection»Group link control»Port mirroringEthernet Specifications»RFC 894 Ethernet II encapsulation»IEEE 802.1D MAC bridges»IEEE 802.1Q Virtual LANs»IEEE 802.2 Logical link control»IEEE 802.3ac VLAN TAG»IEEE 802.1ax-2008 (LACP) link aggregation»IEEE 802.3u 100TX»IEEE 802.3x Full-duplex operation»IEEE 802.3z Gigabit Ethernet»IEEE 802.3af Power over Ethernet class 3»IEEE 802.3at Power over Ethernet class 4»Jumbo frames (9198 bytes)Quality of Service (QoS)»Eight egress queues per port»Egress rate limiting»Voice VLAN»Automatic QoS»IEEE 802.1p Class of Service with strict and weighted round robin scheduling»RFC 2474 DSCP for IP-based QoS»RFC 2475 Differentiated services architecture»Layer 2, 3 and 4 criteria Link Aggregation»IEEE 802.3ad LACP - eight groups»Static link aggregation - 24 groupsLink Discovery»IEEE 802.1ab Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP)»Link Layer Discovery Protocol-Media Endpoint(LLDP-MED)Spanning-Tree Protocol»IEEE 802.1D Spanning-Tree Protocol»IEEE 802.1D-2004 Rapid Spanning-Tree Protocol»IEEE 802.1q-2005 Multiple Spanning-Tree Protocol(15 instances)»BPDU guard»Loop guard»Root guardVLAN»4096 VLANs (IEEE 802.1Q)»Port-based VLANs»MAC-based VLANs – 256»IP subnet-based VLANs – 256»Port-based Private VLANs»GARP VLAN Registration Protocol (GVRP)MIB Support»RFC 1213 MIB-II»RFC 1215 TRAP MIB»RFC 1493 Bridge MIB»RFC 2863 Interfaces group MIB»RFC 1643 Ethernet-like MIB»RFC 2618 RMON MIB»RFC 2674 IEEE 802.1Q MIB»RFC 2096 IP forwarding table MIB»Allied Telesis managed switch MIBManagement»RFC 854 Telnet server»Console management port»AlliedWare Plus CLI»Web GUI»Enhanced Stacking»RFC 1866 HTML»RFC 2068 HTTP»RFC 2616 HTTPS»RFC 1350 TFTP»zModem»RFC 1305 SNTP»RFC 1155 MIB»RFC 1157 SNMPv1»RFC 1901 SNMPv2c»RFC 3411 SNMPv3»RFC 1757 RMON 4 groups: Stats, History, Alarmsand Events»RFC 3164 Syslog protocol (client)»Event log»RFC 3176 sFlow»Auto configGeneral Protocols»RFC 768 UDP»RFC 791 IP»RFC 792 ICMP»RFC 793 TCP»RFC 826 ARP»RFC 950 Subnetting, ICMP»RFC 1027 Proxy ARP»RFC 1035 DNS»RFC 1122 Internet host requirements»DHCP client»DHCP snooping»DHCP option 82»RFC 3046 DHCP relay»RFC 951 BootPIP Multicast»RFC 1112 IGMPv1 snooping»RFC 2236 IGMPv2 snooping»IGMPv2 snooping querier»Multicast groups – 255IPv6»IPv6 host»IPv6 ACL»ICMPv6»Dual-stack IPv4/IPv6 management»IPv6 applications: WEB/SSL, Telnet server/SSHSecurity / IEEE 802.1x»TACACS+»RFC 2865 RADIUS client»RFC 2866 RADIUS accounting»IEEE 802.1x port-based Network Access Control(NAC)»Supplicant»Authenticator»IEEE 802.1x multiple supplicant mode»Piggy-back mode»Per port MAC address limiting»Per port MAC address filtering»MAC address security/lockdown»RFC 1321 MD-5»EAP, EAP-TLS, LEAP, PEAP, TTLS»Dynamic VLANs»Guest VLANs»Secure VLANs»Layer 2/3/4/ Access Control Lists (ACLs)»SSLv3 for Web management»SSL»SSH»SSH session time out»Microsoft NAP compliant»Symantec NAC supportPhysical Specifications and MTBF FiguresPower and Noise CharacteristicsPower over Ethernet Specifications * Standard product with dual AC power supply with maximum PoE+ load†Standard product with single AC power supply IEEE 803.at PoE+ LLDP-MED classification requires PD to be fully compliant with IEEE 802.3at standard Mode B PoE carries PoE power to powered devices on spare pairs 4/5 and 7/8 of Ethernet interfaceIP Routing»Static IPv4 routing – 4K »RIPv1, v2 »Proxy ARPStacking Features»10Gbps stacking bandwidth via dedicated HDMI stacking ports»Hardware stack up to three units (78 ports) using HDMI stacking ports or stack up to 24 units using Enhanced Stacking»Single system appearance »Single IP management »Backup master»Link aggregation / trunking across hardware stack »Port mirroring across stack »VLAN across stack»Maximum HDMI stacking cable length 1mCompliance Standards»IEEE 802.3 – 10T»IEEE 802.3u – 100TX with auto-negotiation »IEEE 802.3ab – 1000T Gigabit Ethernet »100FX SFP support »1000X SFP supportSafety and Electromagnetic Emissions Certifications»EMI: FCC class A, CISPR class A, EN55022 class A, C-TICK, VCCI Class A, CE, EN601000-3-2, EN601000-3-3 »Immunity: EN55024»Safety: UL 60950-1 (cUlus), EN60950-1 (TUV), EN60825RoHS Standards»Compliant with European and China RoHS standardsPackage Description»AT-8100S/xx switch »AC power cord(s)»Management cable (RJ-45 to DB-9)»Rubber feet for desktop installation and 19” rack-mountable hardware kit accessories»Install guide and CLI users guide available at »HDMI stacking cable (1 meter)North America Headquarters | 19800 North Creek Parkway | Suite 100 | Bothell | WA 98011 | USA | T: +1 800 424 4284 | F: +1 425 481 3895Asia-Pacific Headquarters | 11 Tai Seng Link | Singapore | 534182 | T: +65 6383 3832 | F: +65 6383 3830EMEA & CSA Operations | Incheonweg 7 | 1437 EK Rozenburg | The Netherlands | T: +31 20 7950020 | F: +31 20 79500218100S Copper Series | Layer 2–4 Fast Ethernet Stackable SwitchesOrdering Information8100S Series Copper SwitchesAT-8100S/24C-xx 24 10/100TX ports2 combo ports (10/100/1000T-100/1000 SFP) 2 HDMI stacking portsStandard one AC power supply in a compact form factor AT-8100S/24-xx 24 10/100TX ports2 combo ports (10/100/1000T-100/1000 SFP)) 2 HDMI stacking portsStandard two AC power supplies or optional DC power supplies*AT-8100S/24POE-xx 24 10/100TX PoE+ ports2 combo ports (10/100/1000T-100/1000 SFP) 2 HDMI stacking portsStandard two AC power suppliesAT-8100S/48-xx 48 10/100TX ports2 combo ports (10/100/1000T-100/1000 SFP) 2 HDMI ports for future use Standard two AC power suppliesAT-8100S/48POE-xx 48 10/100TX PoE+ ports2 combo ports (10/100/1000T-100/1000 SFP) 2 HDMI ports for future use Standard two AC power suppliesWhere xx =10 for US power cord 20 for no power cord 30 for UK power cord40 for Australian power cord 50 for European power cord 80 for DC power supply* (AT-8100S/24)* DC power supply is available in the future.Small Form Pluggable Optics ModulesAT-SPSXSFP, MMF, 1000Mbps, 220 / 500 m, 850 nm, LCAT-SPSX/1SFP, MMF, 1000Mbps, 220 / 550m, 850 nm, LC Extended temperature: -40ºC to 85ºCAT-SPEXSFP, MMF, 1000Mbps, 2 km, 1310 nm, LC AT-SPLX10SFP, SMF, 1000Mbps, 10 km, 1310 nm, LC AT-SPLX10/ISFP, SMF, 1000Mbps, 10 km, 1310 nm, LC Extended temperature: -40ºC to 85ºC AT-SPLX40SFP, SMF, 1000Mbps, 40 km, 1310 nm, LC AT-SPZX80SFP, SMF, 1000Mbps, 80 km, 1550 nm, LC AT-SPBD10-13SFP, SMF, 1000Mbps, 10 km, 1310/1490 nm, LC-BiDi AT-SPBD10-14SFP, SMF, 1000Mbps, 10 km, 1490/1310 nm, LC-BiDi AT-SPFX/2SFP, MMF, 100Mbps, 2 km, 1310 nm, LCAT-SPFXBD-LC-13SFP, SMF, 100Mbps, 10 km, 1310/1510 nm, LC-BiDi AT-SPFXBD-LC-15SFP, SMF, 100Mbps, 10 km, 1510/1310 nm, LC-BiDi AT-SPFX/15SFP, SMF, 100Mbps, 15 km, 1310 nm, LCNOT AVAILABLE IN THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA*For the non-stackable models refer to 8100L Series datasheet and for fiber models refer to the 8100S Series fiber switches product datasheet.。


■ 其它
◎严禁私自改造变频器,否则可能引致人员伤亡。擅自更改后的变频器将不再享受保修 服务。
­- 05 -
第一章 操作面板说明
1.1 操作面板示意图
8100 系列
(1) 菜单:从固定模式转到参数模式时使用。 (2) 压力 / 设定:设定水压快捷键以及设定参数时的确定键。 (3) 移位:切换显示内容以及修改参数时移动光标用。 运行状态下按“移位” 键可在运行频率、输出电流、设定压力以及反馈压 力之间来回切,修改参数时,按“移位”键,闪烁位为当前可修改位。 (4) ▲▼键:用于设定参数值和设定压力值的修改。 (5) 运行:启动方式为键盘时的启动按钮。 (6) 停止 / 复位:启动方式为键盘时的停止按钮和故障复位按钮。 (7) 停机时参数监控状态下按“移位”键 5 秒以上,F0、F1 组参数可恢复出 厂设置,当屏幕显示的提示字母“End”结束后,表示恢复出厂设置完成。
8100 系列
(2) 接线图
本控制器可接远传压力表和压力变送器两类反馈器件,请根据反馈器件配合 下列各图接线。
① 远传压力表:工作电压 10VDC,输出 0 ~ 10VDC,接线方式如下图所示
② 24V 压力变送器:工作电压范围 10 ~ 30V,输出 4 ~ 20mA,特别注意 2.2KW 及以下功率段无 24V 端子。
第二章 型号、外观及接线 ....................09
2.1 型号说明 ................................09 2.2 外形尺寸和安装尺寸 ......................09 2.3 主电路与控制端子接线图 ..................15 2.4 传感器接线图 ............................16 2.5 端子标识及说明 ..........................17

TM8100 双频无线通信设备操作指南说明书

TM8100 双频无线通信设备操作指南说明书

Technical Note TN-887b-ANTM8100Cross-Band Operation28 June 2004(Updated 28 June 2005)ApplicabilityThis technical note explains how to configure two TM8100radios for Audio Linking operation either as Back-to-Back or Cross-Band Repeater.1. IntroductionWhat is Cross-Band repeatingBack-to-Back or Cross-band repeating provides a relatively inexpensive means for extending the range of a system and to the terminals used.A repeater allows stations to communicate that ordinarily would not be able to do so because of the frequencies used and the distance or terrain between them. This is also the case with back-to-back or cross-band repeating.A cross-band repeater is similar in function to a standard repeater, but for the different frequencies used. Voice signals that one TM8100 receives on its input frequency are automatically retransmitted on the other TM8100’s output frequency.This can provide simplex-to-simplex linking or repeater-to-simplex. It cannot easily provide repeater-to-repeater linking, as it does not have the repeater tail lockout feature required.What isBack-to-Back?Back-to-back literally means having two radio units audio lines connected together. Radio A’s receiver keys radio B’s transmitter and vice versa. A normal back-to back repeater usually uses frequencies within the same band.A Cross-Band back-to-back repeater uses frequencies in different bands (e.g. UHF to VHF)Things to considerIf you are unfamiliar with how repeater setups are installed and how they operate, the points below will help guide you in the right direction.- Antenna separation: How far to separate the antennas - Notch Filtering: Is it required?- Tail Time / Delay: Critical for repeater linkingTN-887b-ANPage 1 of 628 June 20052. InterfacingConfigure the Cross-Band interconnect cable as indicated in the diagram below.Configuring the Cross-Band Interconnect CableFor voice linking applications the value of Cc should be at least 100ηF.For data linking applications the recommended value for Cc is 4.7µF.In either case the capacitor needs to be non-polarised.The simplest way to create a 600-Ohm resistor is by using two 1K2Ω resistors in parallel.The resistor(s) and capacitor can then be mounted inside each DB-15 cover.TMAA04-04Manufactured by TEL this cable provides the connections defined in this Technical Note along with the R/C network for voice applications. The SMD capacitor can be changed for a 4.7µF for data interfacing.This cable also has provisions for a MAX232 IC and 78L05regulator for other RS-232 applications instead.TN-887b-AN Page 2 of 6 28 June 20053. Radio ProgrammingProgramming Instructions After defining the separate radio’s Transmit and Receive channel parameters, the following settings need to be programmed to enable cross-band operation:In the PC Application menu:PTT > External PTT(1) > Advanced EPTT1• PTT Transmission Type should be Voice.• PTT Priority should be Highest.Note: PTT or EPTT(2) priority may need changing.• Audio Source should be Audio Tap In.Repeater Transmit Tail (Prog App v2.90 and Firmware v2.09 onwards)If desired the Transmitter can have a ‘tail’ by defining the PTT Deactivation Delay time up to 1000ms (see above). This duration is the same as ‘holding PTT in’ so any signalling (such as CTCSS) is still present.The CTCSS can be configured using the Networks > Basic Settings > Subaudible Signalling tab.• Leave the Reverse Tone Burst Duration at about 130ms to ensure the mobile receiving radios mute promptly. • If desired, set a further transmitter tail by setting the Lead-Out Delay field for any duration up to 1000msNOTE: This duration does not encode any subaudible signalling.The same functionality can be attained using the DCS fieldsTN-887b-AN Page 3 of 6 28 June 2005Programmable I/ODigital TabPin Direction Label Action Active DebounceSignalState Mirrored ToAUX_GPI1 Input PTT_INExternal PTT1Low 2 None None AUX_GPIO5Output BUSYSignalling Audio MuteStatusLowNone None NoneRepeater Transmit TailIf the transmitter requires a ‘tail’ and uses CTCSS this can be configured using the Networks > Basic Settings >Subaudible Signalling tab.• Leave the Reverse Tone Burst Duration at about 130ms to ensure the mobile receiving radios mute promptly. • Set a transmitter tail by setting the Lead-Out Delay field for any duration up to 1000ms.NOTE: This duration does not encode any subaudible signalling. The same functionality can be attained using the DCS fields.TN-887b-AN Page 4 of 6 28 June 2005Programmable I/OAudio TabRx/PTT TypeTap In Tap In Type Tap In Unmute Tap Out Tap Out TypeTap Out UnmuteRx None A-Bypass In On PTT R7 D-Split Busy Detect + SubaudEPTT1T5A-Bypass InOn PTTNoneC-Bypass OutOn PTTOperational Testing• Inject into the receiving radio an on-channel RF signal of –70 dBm with a 1 KHz tone and the deviation set to either 3 KHz for a Wideband channel or 1.5 KHz for a Narrowband channel.• The transmitting radio’s deviation should be:±3KHz (± 200Hz) on a 25KHz Wideband channel or ±1.5KHz (± 200Hz) on a 12.5KHz Narrowband channel.TN-887b-AN Page 5 of 6 28 June 2005Compliance Issues If the link is a fixed site, RF compliance may need to be obtained and / or monies to be paid to regulatory bodies.CSO Instruction Please pass this information onto the field supporttechnicians, technical support engineers and appropriatedealers.4. Issuing AuthorityName and Position of Issuing Officer BarryCratesTechnical Support Team Leader - TerminalsConfidentiality Confidential – This message or document containsproprietary information intended only for the person(s) ororganisation(s) to whom it is addressed. All Recipients arelegally obliged to not disclose Tait technological or businessinformation to any persons or organisations without thewritten permission of Tait.Distribution Level Tait Only, Accredited Service Centre System Integrator,Accredited Service Centre and System IntegratorDocument History Original Release - TN-NSC078January 2004 BPModified to TEL TN format forpublishing to global audience.28 June 2004 BLCModifiedlayoutUpdated ‘tail’ timer options March 200528 June 2005GCBGCBTN-887b-AN Page 6 of 6 28 June 2005。


SBC8100 用户手册
发布: 2009-12-2版本更新记录 版本 1.0 2.0 发布日期 2009-11-5 2009-12-2 描述 初始发布 第二版本
SBC8100 用户手册
Timll Technology Inc..
2.0 版本 - 12/2/2009
2 of 73
SBC8100 用户手册
SBC8100 用户手册 .............................................................................................................. 1 第一部分 介绍 ..................................................................................................................... 5 第一章 概述 ...................................................................................................................... 5 1.1 简介 ............................................................................................................................ 5 1.2 系统模块组成 .........................................................................................



M8100报文记录分析及故障录波装置使用说明书广州思唯奇计算机科技有限公司目录第一章产品介绍 (1)1.1概述 (1)1.2产品特点 (1)1.3技术参数 (1)1.4应用方案 (3)1.4.1GOOSE、MMS分析方案 (3)1.4.2GOOSE、MMS、SV分析方案 (4)第二章设备安装说明 (5)2.1使用环境 (5)2.2供电电源 (5)2.3设备安装 (5)2.4设备组屏安装 (6)第三章硬件使用说明 (8)3.1外观说明 (8)3.1.1设备正面说明 (8)3.1.2设备背面说明 (8)3.2液晶屏显示说明 (8)3.3LED指示灯说明 (9)第四章软件使用说明 (10)4.1软件安装及登陆说明 (10)4.1.1软件安装 (10)4.1.2软件登录 (11)4.1.3站点设置向导 (11)4.2软件界面操作说明 (14)4.2.1软件主界面说明 (14)4.2.2IED列表操作说明 (14)4.2.3报文分析窗口操作说明 (15)4.3功能菜单操作说明 (28)4.3.1文件菜单操作说明 (28)4.3.2站点管理菜单操作说明 (28)4.3.3系统设置菜单操作说明 (30)4.3.4故障录波菜单操作说明 (32)4.5故障录波管理界面操作说明 (33)4.5.1录波通道、间隔配置 (33)4.5.2定值设置 (36)4.5.3实时录波文件 (40)4.5.4实时值监测 (41)4.5.5历史录波文件查询 (43)4.6故障录波离线分析软件操作说明 (44)4.6.1主界面 (44)4.6.2菜单栏 (44)4.6.3工具栏 (54)4.6.4数据信息显示区和数据波形显示区 (55)第一章产品介绍1.1 概述随着IEC61850标准的推行,数字化变电站相关技术日益完善,数字化变电站已经进入了大规模实用阶段。







目录一、安全注意事项二、操作界面说明 (3)三、机器测试 (4)1、选针器测试 (5)2、气阀测试 (7)3、步进电机测试 (8)4、输入信号测试 (10)四、机器设置 (11)1、选针器设置 (12)2、气阀设置 (12)3、电机设置 (13)4、系统设置 (14)5、系统维护 (14)5-1、查看程序版本 (15)5-2、程序升级 (16)5-3、恢复缺省参数 (16)5-4、输入图形文件 (17)5-5、输出配置文件 (18)5-6、输入配置文件 (18)五、文件管理 (18)1、输入花型文件 (19)2、输出花型文件 (19)3、选择花型文件 (19)4-预览花型文件 (20)六、进入编织 (20)七、联机帮助 (20)一、安全注意事项使用本产品时,为了减少火灾、触电或人员伤亡的危险,应始终遵守下列基本的安全预防措施。















(3)LCD :LCD (液晶显示屏) 显示日期,时间和软键的操作。




(11)Mic 键按该键LED 灯亮时,功能被激活,免提可以送话。


(13)导航键使用该键可以方便的使用多种功能(14)进入键DTT330/DTT730 话机对经常使用的功能有快捷菜单。






(17)转接键用于转接电话(18)保留键SV8100简单操作与使用打电话:摘机拨加电话号码代接电话:摘机拨键转电话:通话中按键拨分机号码挂机普通话机转电话:有键按键拨分机号码,没用键的拍叉簧拨分机号挂机重拨末次外线电话:不摘机状态左键摘机通话保留:如在通话中有另一个电话呼入可按再按键键转出电话再按键键接回前面保留的电话专用话机分机单触键清除单触键:852 +000 清除+设置设分机单触键:851 分机号码设置设外部电话单触键:851 键+单触键电话会议专用话机先设一个会议键,按键按键1.通话中按23..对方应答后按两次建立会议要增加会议用户重复以上步骤普通话机:1.通话中拍拨82623.对方应答后按两次建立会议要增加会议用户重复以上步骤转移到分机或外线设置或取消:摘机+服务码 + 1(设定)或 + 0(取消)+目标分机号码 + 挂机服务码: 842. 呼叫转移双方振铃 843.遇忙转移 844。

F.W. Bell Y8100 DC AC Current Probe 说明书

F.W. Bell Y8100 DC AC Current Probe 说明书
The following measurement techniques are provided as guidelines to be followed when using the Y8100. Included are procedures for measuring ac, dc, composite (ac on dc) currents, safety hints, and measurement notes. These procedures should be read carefully before using the Y81 00.
5. Output Banana Jacks - The output banana jacks are color coded red for positive and black for negative with reference to the current direction arrow. They will accept standard dual mi.n-anaconnector-plugs o-rTridividuaT banana plugleacrs.-- ·
3. Slide Lock - The slide lock mechanically locks the push-to­ read switch in the on or off position.
4. Push-To-Read-Switch - The push-to-read switch turr)s the Y81QQ on for zeroing and measurement. Switch operation also demagnetizes the core.
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◎交流输入电源不能接到变频器输出端子 U、V、W 上,否则将导致变频器损坏并且不能 享受保修服务。 ◎不能对变频器进行耐压测试,否则将导致变频器损坏。 ◎变频器的主回路端子配线和控制回路配线应分开布线或垂直交叉,否则将会使控制信 号受干扰。 ◎主回路端子的接线电缆应使用带有绝缘套管的线鼻。 ◎当变频器和电机之间的电缆长度超过 50 米时,建议使用输出电抗器以保护变频器和电 机。
1.2 指示灯说明
◆ 运行:( 常亮 ):运行指示; ( 闪烁 ):休眠停机指示。 ◆ 停止: 停机指示(待机指示)。 ◆ 报警 1:控制器故障报警。 ◆ 报警 2:管网水压异常报警。
­- 06 -
8100 系列
1.3 按键操作说明 三级菜单分别为:
① 功能码组号(一级菜单) ② 功能码标号(二级菜单) ③ 功能码设 定值(三级菜单)
8100 系列
目 录
第一章 操作面板说明 .......................06
1.1 操作面板示意图 ..........................06 1.2 指示灯说明 ..............................06 1.3 按键操作说明 ............................07 1.4 压力设置说明 ............................08
­- 04 -
■ 运行
8100 系列
◎变频器接线完成并加上盖板后方可通电,严禁带电时拆卸盖板,否则可能导致触电。 ◎当对变频器设置了故障自动复位或停电后自动重启功能时,应预先对设备系统采取安 全保护措施,否则可能导致人员伤害。 ◎“STOP/RESET”(停止 / 复位)按键可能因某功能设置而失效,可在变频器控制系统 中安装一个独立的应急断电开关,否则可能导致人员伤害。 ◎变频器通电后,即使处于停机状态,变频器的端子仍带电,不可触摸,否则有触电危险。
第二章 型号、外观及接线 ....................09
2.1 型号说明 ................................09 2.2 外形尺寸和安装尺寸 ......................09 2.3 主电路与控制端子接线图 ..................15 2.4 传感器接线图 ............................16 2.5 端子标识及说明 ..........................17
注:参数表中标注“●”的参数,请在停机状态下修改 , 标注“◎”的参数 为实际检测记录值,不能更改。
举例:将 F0.02 从 0 改为 1, 长按菜单键 2 秒可进入参数组。
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1.4 压力设置说明
8100 系列
附:压力换算关系式: 0.1MPa( 兆帕 ) = 100KPa( 千帕 ) = 1Bar( 巴 ) = 1Kgf / cm2 ( 公斤力 / 平 方厘米 )
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2.2.1 外引键盘的外形尺寸
8100 系列
0.75kW ~ 2.2kW 外引键盘的外形尺寸
4kW ~ 7.5kW 外引键盘的外形尺寸
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8100 系列
11kW ~ 400kW 外引键盘的外形尺寸
2.2.2 外引键盘的托盘尺寸
11kW ~ 400kW 外引键盘的外形尺寸
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8100 系列
(2) 接线图
本控制器可接远传压力表和压力变送器两类反馈器件,请根据反馈器件配合 下列各图接线。
① 远传压力表:工作电压 10VDC,输出 0 ~ 10VDC,接线方式如下图所示
② 24V 压力变送器:工作电压范围 10 ~ 30V,输出 4 ~ 20mA,特别注意 2.2KW 及以下功率段无 24V 端子。
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8100 系列
危险 : 表示可能会导致死亡或严重人身伤害的状况。 注意 : 表示可能会导致人身中等程度的伤害或轻伤,以及发生设备损坏的 状况。同时,该标志也用于表示错误或不安全使用的注意事项。
■ 到货检查
45kW ~ 55kW 外型尺寸及安装尺寸示意图
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8100 系列 75kW ~ 110kW 外型尺寸及安装尺寸示意图 132kW ~ 185kW 外型尺寸及安装尺寸示意图
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8100 系列 200kW ~ 250kW 外型尺寸及安装尺寸示意图 280kW ~ 400kW 外型尺寸及安装尺寸示意图
◎不要采用断路器来控制变频器的停止、启动,否则可能导致变频器损坏。 ◎因变频器使运行速度从低到高的时间极短,所以在运行前请确认电机和机械设备处于 允许的使用范围内,否则可能导致设备损坏。 ◎散热器和制动电阻温度较高,请勿触摸,否则可能引致烫伤。 ◎变频器出厂时预设的参数已能满足绝大部分设备运行要求,若非必要,请勿随意修改 变频器参数。即使某些设备有特殊需求,也只能修改其中必要的参数。否则,随意修改 参数可能引致设备损坏。
第六章 通讯协议 ...........................50
6.1 命令码及通讯数据描述 ....................50
第七章 典型应用案例 .......................54
7.1 单泵控制案例 1...........................54 7.2 单泵控制案例 2...........................55 7.3 多泵控制案例 ............................57 7.4 多联机通讯协议 ...........................57 7.5 一拖二控制案例 ..........................58
■ 其它
◎严禁私自改造变频器,否则可能引致人员伤亡。擅自更改后的变频器将不再享受保修 服务。
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第一章 操作面板说明
1.1 操作面板示意图
8100 系列
(1) 菜单:从固定模式转到参数模式时使用。 (2) 压力 / 设定:设定水压快捷键以及设定参数时的确定键。 (3) 移位:切换显示内容以及修改参数时移动光标用。 运行状态下按“移位” 键可在运行频率、输出电流、设定压力以及反馈压 力之间来回切,修改参数时,按“移位”键,闪烁位为当前可修改位。 (4) ▲▼键:用于设定参数值和设定压力值的修改。 (5) 运行:启动方式为键盘时的启动按钮。 (6) 停止 / 复位:启动方式为键盘时的停止按钮和故障复位按钮。 (7) 停机时参数监控状态下按“移位”键 5 秒以上,F0、F1 组参数可恢复出 厂设置,当屏幕显示的提示字母“End”结束后,表示恢复出厂设置完成。
二线制压力变送器接线图 三线制压力变送器接线图
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③ 10V 压力变送器:工作电压范围 10DC,输出 4 ~ 20mA
8100 系列
2.5 控制端子标识及说明 (1)控制端子
说明:在三级菜单操作时,可按“菜单”或“压力 / 设定”返回二级菜单。 两者的区别是:按“压力 / 设定”将设定参数存入控制板,然后再返回二级菜单, 并自动转移到下一个功能码标号;按“菜单”则直接返回二级菜单,不存储参数, 保持并停留在当前功能标号。
在三级菜单状态下,如参数没有闪烁,表示该位不可修改,可按“移位”键 切换闪烁位;
■ 维护和检查
◎通电时请勿触摸变频器的端子,否则可能引致触电。 ◎请指定合格的电气工程人员进行维护、检查或更换部件等工作。 ◎断电后至少等待 10 分钟或者确定没有残余电压后才能进行维护和检查,否则可能引致 人员伤害。
பைடு நூலகம்
◎ PCB 板上有 CMOS 集成电路,请勿用手触摸,否则静电可能损坏 PCB 板。
2.3 主电路与控制端子接线图
8100 系列
注意事项: 1、端子:◎表示主回路端子:○表示控制回路端子。 2、选择的控制器电压为 220V 时,接端子 R、T 即可。 3、0.75 ~ 2.2kW 没有 M5 和 M6。
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2.4 传感器接线 (1) 端子说明
◆ 10V/24V --- 远传压力表 / 压力变送器电源接线端 ◆ AVI --- 0 ~ 10V 模拟信号输入端 ◆ ACI --- 4 ~ 20mA 信号输入端 ◆ GND --- 10V 电源信号地 ◆ COM --- 24V 电源信号地
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8100 系列
4.14 厂家参数组 .............................36 4.15 部分参数详细说明 .......................37
第五章 故障信息及排除方法 .................45
5.1 故障代码详述 ............................45 5.2 常见故障及其处理方法 ....................48
8100 智能水泵变频器
8100 系列
感谢您选用 8100 智能水泵变频器,本说明书为您提供相关的操作说 明及参数的详细解释,安装、运行、维护或检查之前,敬请认真阅读本 说明书。
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◎接地端子 要可靠接地,否则变频器外壳有带电的危险。 ◎请勿触摸主回路端子,变频器主回路端子接线不要与外壳接触,否则可能导致触电。 ◎制动电阻的连接端子是(+)、PB,请勿连接除此以外的端子,否则可能导致火灾。 ◎接线前确认变频器额定电压、相数和输入电源电压、相数相符合,否则可能导致火灾 或人身伤害。
■ 安装
◎安装、移动时请托住产品底部,不能只拿住外壳,以防砸伤或摔坏变频器。 ◎变频器要远离易燃易爆物体,远离热源,并安装于金属等阻燃物上。 ◎变频器安装在电柜或其他封闭物中时,要在柜内安装风扇或其他冷却设备、设置通风 口以确保环境温度低于 40℃,否则可能因为环境温度过高而损坏变频器。