

DIN EN 被替代的标准

DIN EN 被替代的标准
附录二 按紧固件标准主题分类的DIN EN标准目录(部分)
DIN EN 基础标准与交货状态 DIN EN 20225 DIN EN 20273
DIN EN 20898-2
DIN EN 20898-7
DIN EN 26157-1
DIN EN 26157-3 DIN EN 27721
DIN EN 28839

十字槽半沉头自攻螺钉(ISO 7051:

- - - -
DIN 84 DIN 85 DIN 963 DIN 964 DIN 7985
DIN 965
DIN 965
DIN 966 - DIN 7504 DIN 7504 DIN 7504 DIN 7504
DIN 6901 DIN 6900




DIN ISO 1580

十字槽圆柱头螺钉(ISO 7048:








名称 圆锥销 平垫圈 平垫圈 平垫圈-C级 垫圈 锁紧垫圈 弹簧垫圈 垫圈 垫圈 销轴 销轴 销轴 销轴 槽销 槽销 槽销 槽销 弹性圆柱销 盖形螺母 结构用不锈钢无缝钢管 输送流体用不锈钢无缝钢管 锅炉、换热器用不锈钢无缝钢管 T型槽用螺栓(全螺纹) 精密无缝钢管 无缝钢管 蝶尾锥销 切向键 切向键 环形螺母 管状油杯标 半沉头铆钉 半沉头铆钉 蝶形螺母 圆轮缘手轮 针阀式油杯 油嘴 油杯 旋盖式油杯 旋盖式油杯 轴密封、密封圈 曲面手柄 手轮 开槽长圆柱端紧定螺钉 外舌止动垫圈 开槽凹端紧定螺钉 六角薄螺母-A和B级 六角薄螺母—A和B级 六角薄螺母—A和B级 六角薄螺母—A和B级 活节螺栓 滚花高头螺钉 滚花高螺母 滚花薄螺母 轴用弹性挡圈 孔用弹性挡圈 孔用弹性挡圈 孔用弹性挡圈 轴用弹性挡圈 圆螺母用止动垫圈 地脚螺栓 开槽平端紧定螺钉 开槽锥端紧定螺钉 六角螺母 六角螺母-C级 六角头螺栓-全螺纹-C级 小六角头长圆柱端紧定螺钉 六角头木螺钉 吊环螺钉 吊环螺母 六角头螺栓-C级 大半圆头方颈螺栓 球面垫圈 锥面垫圈 球面垫圈 锥面垫圈 球面六角螺母 球头手柄 半圆头铆钉 沉头铆钉 140°半沉头铆钉 扁圆头铆钉 外齿锁紧垫圈 内齿锁紧垫圈 锥形锁紧垫圈 外锯齿锁紧垫圈 内锯齿锁紧垫圈 锥锯形锁紧垫圈 开口挡圈 钢板键 楔键用 楔键用 普通平键 导向平键 楔键 钩头楔键 半圆键 螺钉 螺栓 钢结构用高强度大六角螺栓 钢结构用高强度大六角螺母 钢结构用高强度垫圈 钢结构用高强度垫圈 Ⅰ型非金属嵌件六角锁紧螺母 2型非金属嵌件六角锁紧螺母 圆柱销 圆柱销 锁紧挡圈 锁紧挡圈
St60 St60
St50-1/St60-2 St60-1 St60
10 C45
5/8/10 12 St
1.431 1.431 1.431 1.431 1.431 1.431



DIN 912
Hexagon socket head cap screws (ISO 4762:1997) Zylinderschrauben mit Innensechskant (ISO 内六角螺钉 4762:1997); Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 4762:1997 Hexagon socket set screws with flat point, ISO 4026 modified Hexagon socket set screws with dog point Hexagon socket set screws with cup point, ISO 4029 modified Hexagon weld nuts HEXAGON BOLTS;FINISH M&MG METRIC COARSE THREAD(ENG Hexagon head screws - Product grades A and B (ISO 4017:1999); English version of DIN EN ISO 4017 平端六角凹头止动螺钉 内六角圆柱端紧定螺钉 内六角环形凹刀刃的无头凹端紧定螺 钉 六角焊接螺母 六角螺栓
DIN 933
GB 5783-86
序 现行有效德国标准号 被替代德国标准号 文本号 号 18 DIN EN 24032 DIN 934 1992 HEXAGON NUTS, STYLE 1 PRODUCTS GRADES A AND B Hexagon nuts, style 1, with metric fine pitch thread Product grades A and B (ISO 8673:1999); English version of DIN EN ISO 8673 Hexagon slotted nuts and castle nuts with metric coarse and fine pitch thread - Product grades A and B Hexagon slotted nuts with metric coarse pitch thread - Product grade C Studs with a length of engagement equal to about 1 d Studs with a length of engagement equal to about 1,25 d Slotted countersunk flat head screws (common head style) Product grade A (ISO 2009:1994) Threaded rods Prevailing torque type hexagon nuts (with non-metallic insert), style 1 - Property classes 5, 8 and 10 (ISO 7040:1997) Prevailing torque type hexagon nuts (with non-metallic insert), style 1, with metric fine pitch thread - Property classes 6, 8 and 10 (ISO 10512:1997) PREVAILING TORQUE TYPE HEXAGON THIN NUTS (WITH NON-METALLIC INSERT) Serrated lock washers Compression rivets



德国标准1997年1月铁路车辆用螺栓、螺钉和螺母一览表DIN 25200ICS 21.060.10; 21.060.20 替换1986年11月的版本主题词:铁路车辆、螺栓(螺钉)、螺母、连接件前言本标准由FB1“部件、半成品和基本准则”委员会下属的AA 1.1“连接件”工作委员会制定。




除尺寸上个别方面需要调适外,采用了DIN ISO 272规定的扳手开口度(例外情况:DIN 571——六角木螺钉和DIN 929——六角焊接螺母)。


修改与1986年11月的版本相比,这次版本做了下列修改:a) 取消了以下标准而没有制定相应的替代标准:DIN 558、DIN 601、DIN 917、DIN 935、DIN 970、DIN 971-2、DIN 972、DIN 979和DIN 5586。

b) 用DIN-EN-或DIN-ISO-标准替换了以下标准:DIN 439-2、DIN 931、DIN 933、DIN 934、DIN 960、DIN 961、DIN 965、DIN 966、DIN 971-1、DIN 7881、DIN 7982、DIN 7983和DIN 7985。

c) 引用了下列标准:DIN 24014、DIN EN 24017、DIN EN 24032、DIN 24035、DIN EN 28673、DIN EN 28675、DIN EN 28676、DIN EN 28765、DIN EN ISO 7045、DIN EN ISO 7046-2、DIN EN ISO 7047、DIN ISO 7049、DIN ISO 7050和DIN ISO 7051。



钢铁标准对照表2009-09-29 14:02:36 阅读105 评论0 字号:大中小 订阅 详细钢铁标准对照表棒钢、型钢、钢板标准号标准名称标准号 标准名称JIS G 3101 一般结构用轧制钢材ASTM A 36-94结构用钢材 ASTM A 283-93a 低中强度碳素钢 JIS G 3106 焊接结构用轧制钢材JIS G 3136 建筑结构用轧制钢材 ASTM A 529-94结构用钢(屈服点 30kg. 厚度 ) ASTM A 570-95结构用热轧碳素钢钢板及钢带 ASTM A 572-94C结构用高强度低合金铌-钒钢 ASTM A 573-93a结构用韧性改善碳素钢钢板 ASTM A 633-95结构用正火低合金高强度钢 ASTM A 678-94a结构用淬火、回火碳素钢钢板 ASTM A 709-95a桥梁结构用钢材 BS EN 10025-93非合金结构及交货技术条件 DIN EN 10025-93NF EN 10025-93BS EN 10025-90(旧标准) 非合金结构钢及交货技术条件DIN EN 10025-91(旧标准)NF EN 10025-90(旧标准)BS 4360-90(旧标准) 焊接结构用钢材BS 4360-86(旧标准) 焊接结构用钢材DIN 17100-80(旧标准)一般结构用钢材DIN 17102-83(旧标准)焊接细晶粒钢NF A 35-501-87(旧标准)结构用钢材ISO 630-95结构用钢材 ISO 4950/2-95高强度钢钢板(正火或CR 处理) ISO 4950/3-95高强度钢板(淬火回火) ISO 4951-79高强度钢棒及型钢 ISO 4995-93结构钢热轧薄板 ISO 4996-91结构钢高强度热轧薄板 ISO 6316-93结构钢热轧钢带 JIS G 3128 焊接结构用高强度钢钢板ASTM A 514-94a焊接性调质高强度合金钢 ASTM A 517-93压力容器用低合金淬火、回火高强度钢ASTM A 709-95a桥梁结构用钢材 ISO 9328/4-91 压力用途钢板焊接性高强度细晶粒钢(N 或QT )JIS G 3114 焊接结构用耐候性热轧钢材ASTM A 588-94低合金高强度结构钢钢材 ASTM A 709-95a桥梁结构钢钢材 BS EN 10155-93耐候性结构钢DIN EN 10155-93NF EN 10155-93BS 4360-90(旧标准) 焊接结构用钢材VDEhSEW087-81耐候性结构钢NF A 35-502-84(旧标准)耐候性结构钢ISO 4952-81耐候性结构钢 ISO 5952-83耐候性结构用热轧薄板 JIS G 3125 高耐候性轧制钢材ASTM A242-93a低合金高强度结构钢钢材 BS EN 10155-93耐候性结构钢 DIN EN 10155-93NF EN 10155-93BS 4360-90(旧标准) 焊接结构钢钢材NF-A 35-502-84(旧标准)耐候性结构钢ISO 4952-81耐候性结构钢 ISO 5952-83耐候性结构用热轧薄板 JISG3103锅炉及压力容器用碳素钢及钼钢钢板ASTM A 204-93压力容器用钼钢钢板 ASTM A 285-90 压力容器用低中强度碳素钢钢板 JIS 压力容器用薄ASTM A 414-92 压力容器用碳素钢薄钢板G3115 钢板JISG3115-1压力容器用厚钢板ASTMA515-92 中、高温压力容器用碳素钢钢板 JIS G3116 高压气容器用钢板及钢带ASTM A 516-90中、低温压力容器用碳素钢钢板 JISG3118中、常温压力容器用碳素钢钢板ASTM A 612-90中、低温压力容器用高强度碳素钢钢板 ASTM A 662-93中、低温压力容器用碳-锰钢钢板 BS EN 10028-2-93压力容器用钢板 DIN EN 10028-2-93 非合金钢及合金钢 NF EN 10028-2-92 BS EN 10028-3-93 压力容器用钢板 DIN EN 10028-3-93 焊接性细晶粒钢(N)NF EN 10028-3-92JIS G 3118 常温压力容器用钢板 BS 1501/1-80(旧标准)有火及无火压力容用钢板DIN 17155-83(旧标准)锅炉用钢板NF A 36-205-82(旧标准) 锅炉、压力容器用非合金钢钢板ISO 9328/2-91压力容器用钢板非合金钢及低合金钢ISO 9328/4-91焊接性高强度细晶粒钢(N 或 QT) ISO 4978-83 焊接气体容器用钢板JIS G3124 中、常温压力容器用高强度钢钢板 BS EN 10028-2-93 压力容器用钢板DIN EN 10028-2-93 非合金钢及合金钢BS 1501/2-88有火及无火压力容器用钢板(合金钢钢板) DIN 17102-83(旧标准)焊接用细晶粒钢ISO 9328/4-91压力用途钢板焊接性高屈服点细晶粒钢(N 或 EQ)JIS G3119 锅炉、压力容器用锰-钼、锰-钼-镍钢钢板ASTM A 302-93压力容器用锰-钼、锰-钼镍钢钢板 ASTM A 533-93压力容器用锰-钼、锰-钼-镍淬火、回火钢钢板 JIS G3120压力容器用调质型锰-钼、锰-钼-镍钢钢板ASTM A 734-87a压力容器用淬火、回火高强度低合金钢钢板 JIS G4109 锅炉及压力容器用铬-钼钢钢板 ASTM A 387-92压力容器用铬-钼合金钢钢板 BS EN 10028-2-93 压力容器用钢板DIN EN 10028-2-93 非合金钢及合金钢NF EN 10028-2-92BS 1501/2-88 有火及无火压力容器用钢板(合金钢) DIN 17155-83(旧标准)锅炉用钢板 NF A 36-206-83(旧标准) 锅炉、压力容器用钢板 钼、锰-钼、铬-钼合金钢ISO 9328/2-91压力用途用钢板非合金及低合金钢ISO 9328/3-91低温用镍合金钢 JIS G4110高温压力容器用高强度铬、钼钢钢板 ASTM A 542-95 压力容器用淬火、回火、铬-钼、铬-钼-钒合金钢钢板 ASTM A 832-95压力容器用铬-钼-钒钢钢板 JIS G 3126 低温压力容器用碳素钢钢板 ASTM A 516-90常温及低温压力容器用碳素钢钢板 ASTM A 537-95压力容器用热处理碳-锰-硅钢 ASTM A 662-93中、低温压力容器用碳-锰钢 ASTM A 841-95压力容器用TMCP 钢 BS EN 10028-3-93 压力容器用钢板DIN EN 10028-3-93 焊接性细晶粒钢(N)NF EN 10028-3-93BS EN 10113-2-93焊接细晶粒结构用钢交货条件(正火及正火钢材)DIN EN 10113-2-93NF EN 10113-2-93BS 1051/1-80(旧标准)有火及无火压力容器用钢板DIN 17102-83(旧标准)焊接细晶粒钢NF A 36-208-82 低温压力容器用非合金及镍合金钢钢板ISO 9328/4-91压力用途用钢板焊接性高强度细晶粒钢(N 或 QT)JIS G 3127 低温压力容器用镍钢钢板ASTM A 203-93镍合金钢钢板 ASTM A 353-93二次正火回火9%镍合金钢钢板 ASTM A 553-95 淬火回火8镍、9镍合金钢钢板ASTM A 844-93直接淬火9%镍合金钢钢板BS 1501/2-88(旧标准)有火无火压力容器用钢板(合金钢)DIN 17280-85低温用钢 NF A 36-208-82低温压力容器用非合金及镍合金钢钢板 ISO 9328/3-91压力用途用钢板、低温用镍合金钢 JIS G3104 铆钉用圆钢ASTM A 31-95锅炉用铆钉钢钢材 ASTM A 502-93结构用铆钉 DIN 17111-80螺钉、螺帽及铆钉用低碳非合金钢 JIS G 3112 钢筋混凝土用钢棒 ASTM A 615-94混凝土加强用小钢环钢钢棒 ASTM A 706-93a混凝土加强用低合金导形钢棒 BS 4449-88混凝土加强用热轧钢棒 DIN 488/1-84钢筋混凝土用钢棒 NF A 35-015-84混凝土加强用圆钢 NF A 35-016-86混凝土加强用高附着性钢棒 JIS G 3199 钢板及扁钢的厚度方向特性 BS EN 10164-93与表面垂直方向的性能改善钢材DIN EN 10164-93NF EN 10164-93BS 6780-86(旧标准) 钢板及扁钢厚度方向深冲值VbEh*SEL096-88厚度方向应力改善钢板、扁钢 注*表示VdEh 为法国钢铁协会的标准NFA 36-202-81(旧标准) 与表面垂直方向的特性钢板ISO 7778-83钢板及扁钢的厚度方向特性 JIS G 3353 一般结构用焊接轻量H 型钢ASTM A 769-94电阻焊接型钢 JIS E1101普通钢轨 ASTM A 1-92碳素钢T 型轨 BS 11-85轨道用钢轨 ISO 5003-80非合金钢轨道用及支线用平底钢轨 JIS G 3131 热轧软钢钢板及钢带ASTM A 569一般用热轧碳素钢钢板及钢带 /A 569M-91aASTM A 621深冲用热轧碳素钢钢板及钢带 /A621M-92ASTM A 622深冲用特殊镇静钢热 /A622M-92轧碳素钢钢板及钢带 BS 1449 Part1碳素钢、碳锰钢薄钢板 SEC :91加工用热轧宽幅薄钢板 :91规定最低强度的热轧宽幅薄钢板 :91加工用热轧窄幅薄钢板 :91规定最低强度的热轧窄幅薄钢板 :91热处理用一般用途热轧窄幅薄钢板 DIN 1614/1-86非合金钢热轧钢板、钢带 NF A 36-102-93合金钢、非合金钢热轧钢板 NF A 36-301-92弯曲深冲加工用热连轧钢板(钢板、板卷)ISO 3573-86一般用、深冲用热轧碳素钢钢板 ISO 6317-82一般用、深冲用热轧碳素钢钢带 JIS G 冷轧钢板及钢ASTM A 109-93 冷轧碳素钢钢带3141 带 ASTM A 109M-91冷轧碳素钢钢带(公制) SATM A 366一般用冷轧碳素钢钢板 /A 366M-91ASTM A 619深冲用碳素钢钢板 /A 619M-92ASTM A 620深冲用特殊镇静钢冷轧碳素钢钢板 /A 620M-92BS 1449:Part1碳素钢、碳锰钢薄钢板 SEC :91加工用冷轧宽幅薄钢板 :91规定最低强度的冷轧宽幅薄钢板 :91加工用冷轧窄幅薄钢板 :91规定最低强度的窄幅薄钢板 :91热处理用一般用途窄幅薄钢板 BS EN 10130:91加工用冷轧低碳钢薄钢板 DIN 1624-87冷轧软钢带(宽度<650mm ) DIN EN 10130:91加工用冷轧低碳钢薄钢板 DIN 1623/2-86结构用冷轧钢板及钢带 NF EN 10130:91加工用冷轧低碳钢薄钢板 ISO 3574-86一般用、深冲用冷轧碳素钢钢板 ISO 5954-84保证硬度的冷轧碳素钢钢板 JIS G 3133 搪瓷用脱碳钢板及钢带ASTM A 424-92搪瓷用钢板 ISO 5001-93搪瓷用冷轧碳素钢钢板 DIN 1623/3-87搪瓷用冷轧钢板及钢带 JIS G 配管用碳素钢ASTM A 53-95 配管用焊接及无缝钢管(黑管、白管)3452 钢管 API 5L-95管线管 BS 1387-85(90)适用于BS21带螺纹的钢管 DIN 1615-84无特别规定的非合金钢焊接钢管 DIN 2440-78中等壁厚带螺纹钢管 DIN 2441-78厚壁带螺纹钢管 ISO 65-81带螺纹钢管 ISO 559-91水管、排水管、气体输送用钢管 JIS G 3454 压力配管用碳素钢钢管 ASTM A 135-93配管用电阻焊钢管 ASTM A 53-95配管用焊管及无逢钢管 API 5L-95管线管 BS 3601-87(93)压力配管用碳素钢钢管(普通级) BS 3602(1)-87(93)压力配管用碳素钢钢管(高级) DIN 1626-84 有特别规定的非合金钢焊接钢管 DIN 1629-84有特别规定的非合金钢无缝钢管 DIN 2442-63公称压力为1-100kg/cm 用带螺纹的无缝钢管 ISO 2604(II)-75压力用无缝钢管 ISO 2604(III)-75压力用电阻焊钢管 ISO 9329(I)-89压力用无缝钢管/非合金钢 ISO 9330(I)-90压力用焊接钢管/非合金钢 JIS G 3455 高夺配管用碳素钢钢管 DIN 1628-84优质非合金钢焊接钢管 DIN 1630-84 优质非合金无缝钢管 ISO 2604(II)-75压力用无缝钢管 ISO 9329(I)-89压力用无缝钢管/非合金钢 JIS G 高温配管用碳ASTM A 106-94a 高温配管用碳素钢无缝钢管3456 素钢钢管 DIN 17175-79 无缝耐热钢钢管 DIN 17177-79电阻焊耐热钢钢管BS 3602(1)-87(93) 压力配管用碳素钢钢管(对高温强度有规定) ISO 2604(II)-75 压力用无缝钢管 ISO 2604(III)-75 压力用电阻焊钢管JIS G 3457 配管用电弧焊碳素钢钢管ASTM A 134-93a配管用电焊、电弧焊钢管(>= 16") ASTM A 139-93a 配管用电焊、电弧焊钢管(>= 4") DIN 1626-84 有特别规定的非合金钢焊接钢管 ISO 559-91 水管、排水管、气体输送用钢管JIS G 3458 配合用合金钢钢管ASTM A 335高温配管用无缝铁素体钢钢管/A 335M-94 BS 3604 压力配管用铁素体合金钢钢管 (1)-90(1)无缝钢管(S) (1)-91(2)电弧焊管(W)DIN 17175-79 无缝耐热钢钢管 DIN 17177-79 电阻焊耐热钢钢管 ISO 2604(II)-75 压力用无缝钢管 ISO 2604(III)-75 压力用电阻焊钢管 JIS G 3459 配管用不锈钢钢管ASTM A 312配管用无缝及焊接奥氏体不锈钢钢管/A 312M-94bASTM A 358高温配管用焊接奥氏体铬-镍钢钢管/A 358M-94a ASTM A 376Central-station 高温配管用奥氏体钢钢管/A 376M-93配管用无缝及焊接铁素体/奥氏体不锈钢钢管/A 790M-94 BS 3605 压力配管用奥氏体不锈钢钢管 (1)-91 (1)无缝钢管(S) (2)-92 (2)电弧焊钢管(W) DIN 17455-85 一般不锈钢焊接钢管 DIN 17456-85 一般不锈钢无缝钢管 DIN 17457-85 有特别规定的不锈钢焊接钢管 DIN 17458-85 有特别规定的不锈钢无缝钢管JIS G 3460 低温配管用钢管ASTM A 333低温配管用无缝及焊接钢管/A 333M-94 BS 3603-91低温压力配管用钢管 DIN 17174-85低温用焊接钢管 DIN 17173-85 低温用无缝钢管 ISO 2604(II)-75 压力用无缝钢管 ISO 2604(III)-75 压力用电阻焊钢管 JIS G3468 配管用焊接大口径不锈钢钢管ASTM A 358高温焊接奥氏体钢钢管/A 358M-94a ASTM A 409耐蚀热用焊接大口径奥氏体钢钢管 /A 409M-92 BS 3605(2)-92压力配管用奥氏体不锈钢钢管 DIN 17455-85 一般用途不锈钢焊接钢管 DIN 17457-85 有特别规定的不锈钢焊接钢管 ISO 2604(V)-78压力用焊接奥氏体钢钢管JIS G3461锅炉、热交换器用碳素钢钢管 锅炉用电阻焊碳素钢钢管/A 178M-90a ASTM A 179热交换器及冷凝器用冷轧无缝低碳钢钢管/A 179M-90a ASTM A 192高压锅炉用碳素钢无缝钢管/A 192M-91 ASTM A 210锅炉及过热器用无缝中碳钢钢管/A 210M-91ASTM A 214热交换器及冷凝器用电阻焊碳素钢钢管/A 214M-90aASTM A 226高压锅炉及过热器用电阻焊碳素钢钢管/A 226M-90a BS 3059 锅炉及过热器用钢管(1)-93, (2)-90BS 3606-92 热交换器用钢管 DIN 17175-79 高温用无缝钢管 DIN 17177-79 高温用电阻焊钢管 ISO 2604(II)-75 压力用无缝钢管 ISO 2604(III)-75 压力用电阻焊钢管 JIS G 3462 锅炉、热交换器用合金钢管ASTM A 199热交换器及冷凝器用冷轧无缝中合金钢钢管/A 199M-92ASTM A 209锅炉及过热器用无缝碳-钼合金钢钢管 /A 209M-91 ASTM A 213锅炉、过热器及热交换器用铁素体及奥氏体合/A 213M-94b 金钢无钢管ASTM A 250锅炉及过热器用电阻焊碳-钼合金钢钢管/A 250M-91 ASTM A 423无缝及电阻焊低合金钢钢管/A 423M-91 BS 3059(2)-90 锅炉及过热器用钢管 BS 3606-92 热交换器用钢管 DIN 17175-79 高温用无缝钢管 DIN 17177-79 高温用电阻焊钢管 ISO 640(II)-75 压力用无缝钢管 ISO 2604(III)-75 压力用电阻焊钢管JIS G3463锅炉、热交换器用不锈钢钢管 ASTM A 213 锅炉、过热器及热交换器用铁素体及奥氏体合金钢无缝钢管/A 213M-94b ASTM A 213 锅炉、过热器及热交换器用铁素体称奥氏体合金钢无缝钢管/A 213M-94b ASTM A 249锅炉、过热器、热交换器及冷凝器用奥氏体不锈钢焊接钢管/A 249M-94aASTM A 268一般用途铁素体、马氏体不锈钢无缝及焊接钢管/A 268M-94ASTM A 269-94a 一般用途奥氏体不锈钢钢无缝及焊接钢管ASTM A 789一般用途铁素体/奥氏体钢无缝及焊接钢管/A 789M-94 BS 3059(2)-90 锅炉及过热器用钢管 BS 3606-92热交换器用钢管DIN 17455-85 一般用途不锈钢焊接钢管 DIN 17456-85 一般用途不锈钢无缝钢管 DIN 17457-85 有特殊规定的不锈钢焊接钢管 DIN 17458-85 有特殊规定的不锈钢无缝钢管 ISO 2604(II)-75 压力用无缝钢管 ISO 2604(III)-75 压力用电阻焊钢管 ISO 2604(V)-78 压力用奥氏体钢焊接钢管JIS G 3464 低温热交换器用钢管ASTM A 334低温用碳素钢、合金钢无缝及焊接钢管/A 334M-91 BS 3603-91低温压力用碳素钢及合金钢钢管DIN 17174-85低温用焊接钢管DIN 17173-85 低温用无缝钢管 DIN 2604(II)-75 压力用无缝钢管 ISO 2604(III)-75 压力用电阻焊钢管JIS G3467加热炉用钢管 ASTM A 161-94石油精炼用低碳及碳-钼钢无缝钢管 ASTM A 200-94石油精炼用合金钢无缝钢管 ASTM A 271-94 石油精炼用奥氏体铬-镍钢无缝钢管 JIS G 3444 一般结构用碳素钢钢管ASTM A 500-93 结构用冷轧焊接及无缝碳素钢圆管及方管 ASTM A 501-93结构用热轧焊接及无缝碳素钢钢管 DIN 17120-84 一般结构用焊接钢管 DIN 17121-94 一般结构用无缝钢管 DIN 17123-86 结构用焊接细晶粒钢钢管 DIN 17124-86结构用无缝细晶粒钢钢管 JIS G 机械结构用碳ASTM A 512-94机械结构用冷锻碳素钢钢管3445 素钢钢管JIS G3472汽车结构用电阻焊碳素钢钢管 ASTM A 513-94机械结构用电阻焊碳素钢及合金钢钢管JIS G 3473 汽缸筒用碳素钢钢管ASTM A 519-94 机械结构用碳素钢及合金钢无缝钢管 BS 1717-83(1989)自行车及摩托车用钢管JIS G 3441 机械结构用合金钢钢管 ASTM A 519-94 机械结构用碳素钢及合金钢无缝钢管 BS 1717-83(1989)自行车及摩托车用钢管JIS G 3446 机械结构用不锈钢钢管 ASTM A 511-90机械结构用不锈钢无缝钢管JIS G 3466 不锈钢方形钢管ASTM A 500-93机械结构用碳素钢冷轧焊接及无缝管圆管及方管JIS G 3447 不锈钢民用钢管ASTM A 270-90卫生工业无缝及焊接奥氏体不锈钢钢管JIS G 4903 配管用镍铬合金钢无缝钢管ASTM B 167-94a镍-铬-铁合金无缝钢管 ASTM B 407-95镍-铁-铬合金无缝钢管 ASTM B 423-95 镍-铁-铬-钼-铜合金无缝钢管JIS G4904 热交换器用镍铬合金钢无缝钢管ASTM B 163-95a冷凝器、热交换器用镍及镍合金钢无缝钢管 ASTM B 167-94a 镍-铬-铁合金无缝钢管 ASTM B 407-95镍-铁-铬合金无缝钢管 ASTM B 423-95镍-铁-铬-钼-铜合金无缝钢管JIS A5525钢管桩ASTM A 252-93 焊接及无缝钢管桩JIS C 钢制电线管BS 31-40(1988) 电气配线用钢制配线管及连接件8305ANSI C 镀锌钢制电线管ANSI C 镀锌金属电线管UL *6-93金属制电线管1. 机构结构用碳素钢、合金钢标准号及名称牌号ISO683/1,10,11AISISAEBS 970Part1,3 BSEN10083-1,2DIN 17210 DIN EN10083-1,2NF A35-551 NFEN10083-1,2TOCT 4543JIS G 4051S10C C101010040A1Ck10XC10-机械结构用碳素钢045A1C10045M1S12C1012040A12-XC12-S15CC15E41015055M15Ck15--C15M2C15S17C-1017--XC18-S20C-1020070M21C221C22-1C222C222C222C223C223C223C22S22C-1023----S25C C2510251C251C251C25-C25E42C252C252C25C25M23C253C253C25S28C-1029---25GS30C C301030080A31C301C3030G C30E4080M32C302C30C30M21C303C303C302C303C30S33C-----30GS35C C3510351C351C351C3535G C35E42C352C352C35C35M23C353C353C35S38C1038--35GS40C C401039080M41C401C4040G C40E410401C402C402C40C40M22C403C403C403C40S43C1042080A42-40G1043S45C C4510451C451C451C4545G C45E410462C452C452C45C45M23C453C453C45S48C080A47-45GS50C C501049080M51C501C5050G C50E41C502C502C50C50M22C503C503C503C50S53C 1050---50G 1053S55C C551055070M551C551C55-C55E41C552C552C55C55M22C553C553C553C55S58C C6010591C601C601C6060G C60E410602C602C602C60C60M23C603C603C60S09CK--045A1Ck10XC10-045M1S15CK---Ck15XC12-S20CK----XC18-JIS G 4102SNC236-----40XH 镍铬钢SNC415------SNC631-----30XH3ASNC81515NiCr13-655M13--SNC836------JIS G 4103SNCM22020NiCrMo28615805A221NiCrMo220N C D2-镍铬钼钢20NiCrMoS28617805M221NiCrMoS2 8620805A228622805M22SNCM24041CrNiMo28637----41CrNiMoS28640SNCM415------SNCM420-4320---20XH2M(20XHM)SNCM431------SNCM439-4340----SNCM447------SNCM616------SNCM625------SNCM630------SNCM815------JIS G 4104SCr41516MnCr5---16MC515X铬钢16MnCrS515XASCr42020Cr45120-20CrS420MC 520X 20CrS4SCr43034Cr4513034Cr434Cr434Cr430X 34CrS4513234CrS434CrS434CrS4SCr43534Cr4513237Cr437Cr437Cr435X 34CrS437CrS437CrS437CrS437Cr437CrS4SCr44037Cr45140530M441Cr441Cr440X37CrS441Cr441CrS441CrS441Cr441CrS441CrS4SCr445-----45X JIS G 4105SCM415------铬钼钢SCM41818CrMo4----20XM 18CrMoS4SCM420--708M2--20XM SCM421------SCM430-4131---30XM 30XMASCM432SCM43534Cro4413734CrMo434CrMo434CrMo435XM 34CrMoS434CrMoS434CrMoS434CrMoS4SCM44042CrMo44140708M442CrMo442CrMo4-42CrMo4142709M442CrMoS442CrMoS4S4042CrMo442CrMoS4SCM445-4145----4147SCM822------JIS G 4106SMn42022Mn61522150M19---机械结构用锰钢及铬锰钢SMn433-1534150M36--30G235G2SMn43836Mn61541150M36--35G240G2SMn44342Mn61541---40T245T2SMnC420------SMnC443------JIS G 4202SACM64541CrA1-Mo74-----铝铬钼钢JIS G 4052SMn420H22Mn61522H----保证淬透性SMn433H------结构钢SMn438H36Mn61541H----SMn443H42Mn61541H----SMnC420H------SMnC443H------SCr415H 16MnCr5---16MC515X 16MnCrS5SCr420H 20Cr45120H-20Cr420MC520X 20CrS4SCr430H 34Cr45130H34Cr434Cr434Cr430X 34CrS45132H34CrS434CrS434CrS4SCr435H 34Cr45135H37Cr437Cr437Cr435X 34CrS437CrS437CrS437CrS437Cr437CrS4SCr440H 37Cr45140H41Cr441Cr441Cr440X 37CrS441CrS441CrS441CrS441Cr441CrS4SCM415H------SCM418H 18CrMo4-----18CrMoS4SCM420H--708H2---SCM435H 34CrMo44135H34CrMo434CrMo434CrMo4-34CrMoS44137H34CrMoS434CrMoS434CrMoS4SCM440H 42CrMo44140H42CrMo442CrMo442CrMo4 42CrMoS44142H42CrMoS442CrMoS442CrMoS4SCM445H-4145H----4147HSCM822H------SNC415H------SNC631H------SNC815H15NiCr13-655H13---SNCM220 H 20NiCrMo28617H805H17-20N C D2-20NiCrMoS28620H805H28622H805H22SNCM420H-4320H----JIS G 4107SNB5-501----高温用合金钢螺栓材SNB7-4140708M442CrMo4--4142709M44145630-860SNB16--670-86040CrMo - V4742CDV4-JIS G 4108SNB21-1~5--670-86040CrMo - V4742CDV4-特殊用途合金钢螺栓用棒钢SNB22-1~5-4142H-42CrMo4--SNB23-1~5-E4340H----SNB24-1-4340----~5注1) BS 15062) DIN 17240, DIN 1654 Part43) NF A35-5582. 不锈钢、耐热钢标准号及名称JIS ISO美国英国德国法国原苏联欧洲标准UNS AISI BS DIN NF GOCT ENJIS G4303~ 4305SUS201A-2S20100201Z12CMN17-07AzZ12CrMnNiN17-7-5不锈钢棒SUS202A-3S20200202284S1612X17T9AH4X12CrMnNiN18-9-5热轧不锈钢钢板及钢带SUS301l4S30100301301S21X12CrNi7 7Z11CN17-0807X16H6X10CrNi18-8冷轧不锈钢钢板及钢带SUS301LX12CrNi18-7X2CrNiN18-7 SUS X12CrNiN17301J17 JIS G4308~ 4309SUS30212,10(1)S3*******302S25Z12CN18-0912X18H9不锈钢线材SUS302BS3*******B不锈钢丝SUS30317S30300303303S21X10CrNiS189Z8CNF18-09X8CrNiS18-9 SUS303Se17a S3*******Se303S4112X18H10EJIS G4313~ 4315SUS30411S30400304304S31X5CrNi18 10Z7CN18-0908X18H10X4CrNi18-10弹簧用不锈钢带SUS304L10S30403304L304S11X2CrNi9 11Z3CN19-1103X18H11X2CrNi19-11弹簧用不锈钢丝SUS304N1S3*******NZ6CN19-09Az冷镦SUS S30452用不锈钢丝304N 2SUS304L N10NS30453 304LNX2CrNiN18 10Z3CN18-10AzX2CrNiN18-1JIS G 4317~4320 SUS 304J1热轧不锈钢等边角钢 SUS 304J2冷轧不锈钢钢棒 SUS304J3S30431S30431不锈钢锻件用钢坯 SUS305 13S30500 305305S19 X5CrNi18 12Z8CN18-12 06X18H11 X4CrNi18-12冷成形不锈钢等边SUS305J1角钢SUS309S 13(1)S3*******SZ10CN24-13SUS310S 16(1)S3*******S310S31Z8CN25-210X23H18X6CrNi25-20SUS31620S31600316316S31X5CrNiMo1712 2Z7CND17-12-02X4CrNiMo17-12-220aX5CrNiMo1713 3Z6CND18-12-03X4CrNiMo17-13-3SUS316L 19S31603316L316S11X2CrNiMo1713 2Z3CND17-12-02X2CrNiMo17-12-219aX2CrNiMo1714 3Z3CND17-13-0303X17H14M3X2CrNiMo17-13-3SUS316N S3*******NX2CrNiMo18-14-3SUS316L N 19N S3*******LNX2CrNiMoN17 12 2Z3CND17-11AzX2CrNiMoN17-11-219aNX2CrNiMoN17 13 3Z3CND17-12AzX2CrNiMoN17-13-3SUS316T i S31635X6CrNiMoTi17 12 2Z6CNDT17-1208X17H13M2TX6CrNiMoTi17-12-2SUS 316JSUS 316J 1L SUS317S31700317317S16SUS317L 24S31703317L317S12X2CrNiMo1816 4Z3CND19-15-04X2CrNiMo18-15-4SUS317L N S31753Z3CND19-14AzX2CrNiMoN18-12-4SUS317J 1X2CrNiMoN17 -13-5SUS317J2SUS317J3LSUS317J4LN08367 SUS317J A-4N08904N08904904S14Z2NCDU25-20N1CrNiMoCuN25-25-5SUS 32115、11(1)S3*******321S31X6CrNiTi1810Z6CNT18-1008X18H10TX6CrNiTi18-10SUS 34716、12(1)S3*******347S31X6CrNiNb18-10Z6CNNb18-1008X18H12BX6CrNiNb18-10SUS384D25(2)S3*******Z6CN18-16SUSXM7D26(2)S3*******Cu394S17Z2CNU18-10X3CrNiCu18-9-4XUSXM15 J1S38100Z15CNS20-12X1CrNiSi18-15-4SUS329J1S3******* SUS329J 3L S39240S31803Z3CNDU22-05Az08X21H6M2TX2CrNiMoN22-5-3SUS329J 4L S39275S3126Z3CNDU25-07AzX2CrNiMoCuN25-6-3SUS4052S40500405405S17X6CrA113Z8CA12X6CrA113SUS410LZ3C14429S4******* SUS4308,4(1)S4*******430S17X6Cr17Z8C1712X17X6Cr17SUS430F8a S4*******F X7CrMoS18Z8CF17X6CrMoS17 SUS430L X 8b S43035X6CrTI17,X6CrNb17Z4CT17X3CrTi17X2CrTi17SUS430J1LZ4CNb17X3CrNb17 SUS4349c S4*******434S17X6CrMo17 1Z8CD17-01X6CrMo17-1SUS436L S4*******X1CrMoTi16-1SUS 436J 1L SUS444F1S44400444Z3CDT18-02X2CrMoTi18-2SUS447J1S44700SUSXM27S44627Z1CD26-01SUS403S4******* SUS4103S41000410410S21X10Cr13Z13C13X12Cr13SUS410S 1S41008410S403S17X6Cr13Z8C1208X13X6Cr13SUS410F2SUS410J1S41025 SUS4167S41600416416S21Z11CF13X12CrS13SUS420J 14S42000420420S29X20Cr13Z20C1320X13X20Cr13SUS420J 25S42000420420S37X30Cr13Z33C1330X13X30Cr13SUS420FS4*******F Z30CF13X29CrS13 SUS420F 2 SUS 429J 1 SUS4319b S4*******431S29X20CrNi17 2Z15CN16-0220X17H2X19CrNi17-2SUS440AS4*******A Z70C15X70CrMo15 SUS440BS4*******BSUS440CA-1b S4*******C Z100CD1795X18X105CrMo17 SUS440F S44020S4402SUS6301(3)S17400S1740Z6CNU17-04X5CrNiCuNb16-4SUS6312(3)S17700S1770X7CrNiA1 177Z9CNA17-0709X17H7IOX7CrNiA117-7SUS632J1 JIS G4311~ 4315SUH31331S42Z35CNWS14-1445X14H14B2M耐热钢棒SUH35X53CrMnNi214349S52Z52CMN21-09耐热钢板-4SUH36S63008349S54X53CrMnNi21 9Z55CMN21-09AZ55X20G9AH4SUH37S63017381S34SUH 38 SUH30913(1)S3*******309S24Z12CN24-13SUH31017(1)S3*******310S24CrNi2520Z12CN25-2020X25H20C2SUH33018(1)N08330N0833Z12NCS35-16SUH660S66286Z6NCTV25-20SUH66112(4)R30155SUH21CrA11205SUH 4091Ti,1(1)S4*******409S19X6CrTi12Z6CT12SUH Z3CT12X2CrTi12409LSUH4467(1)S4*******Z12C2515X28SUH 1X4CrSi93(4)S65007401S45X45CrSi9 3Z45CS9SUH3Z40CSD1040X10C2MSUH 4X85CrMoV18 2(4)443S65Z80CSN20-02SUH 11X85CrSi8 2(4)40X9C2SUH 60020X12BHM B(I)PSUH616S42200注:1. ISO是根据ISO 683/13对照。


DIN 934
Hexag on nu ts,style 1-Product grades A and B(ISO: 4032:1999)
1型六角螺 母
GB/T 6170-2000
Hexag on n uts,style 2-Product grades A and B(ISO: 4033:1999)
十子槽盘头 螺钉第1部

GB/T 819.1-2000
DIN EN ISO 7046-2
DIN 965
Cross recessed coun ters unk flat head screws (com mon head style),product grade A-Part2:Steel of property class 8.8,sta ini ess steel and non ferous metals(ISO 7046-2:1990)
GB/T 6172.1-2000
DIN 439-1
Hexag on thi n nuts-Product grade
B(unchamfered)(ISO 4036:1999)
六角薄螺母 无倒角
GB/T 6174-2000
DIN 934| DIN
内六角平圆 头螺钉
GB/T 70.2-2000
DIN EN ISO 10642
DIN 7991
Hexagon socket countersunk head screws (ISO 10642:1997)
内六角沉头 螺钉
GB/T 70.3-2000



DIN 32501 Welding bolt
DIN 6914 High-strength structural bolt
DIN 6915 High-strength structural nut
DIN 6916
DIN 6917
DIN 6918
DIN 906 Hexagon socket pipe plug with external taper screw head
High-strength Square taper Square taper structural washer 14% for washer 8% for washer U-sections I-sections
DIN 912 Socket cap screw
DIN 912 Socket cap screw UNC, UNF
DIN 6798 A Serrated lock washer
DIN 1440 Washer for clevis pins
GIN 9081 Rosetten /lsheet/
DIN 7980 Spring lock washer
DIN 93 Tabwasher with 1tab
DIN 6799 Retaining washer for shaft
DIN 7504K Hex selfdrilling screw
DIN 7504N Pan head selfdrilling screw
DIN 7504P Csk selfdrilling screw
GIN 7224 Csk plastide screw
Drywall screw
DIN 603 Carriage bolt
DIN 7983 Cross rsd tapping screw



DIN EN ISO 4034 DIN 555
DIN EN ISO 4035 DIN 4392
DIN EN ISO 4036 DIN 4391
DIN 934| DIN 9711 DIN 9712
DIN EN ISO 8675 DIN 4392
平垫圈倒角型-A级 97.2-85
工字钢用方斜垫圈 852-88
槽钢用方斜垫圈 853-88
标准型弹簧垫圈 93-87
大垫圈-A/C级 96-85
DIN 9311
DIN EN ISO 4016 DIN 601
DIN EN ISO 4017 DIN 933
DIN EN ISO 4018 DIN 558
DIN EN ISO 8676 DIN 961
DIN EN ISO 8765 DIN 960
DIN EN ISO 4032 DIN 934
Hexagon nuts,style 1-Product grades A and B(ISO: 4032:1999)
Hexagon nuts,style 2-Product grades A and B(ISO: 4033:1999)
Hexagon nuts - Product grade C (ISO 4034:1999)

西门子 网联工业 以太网交换机 RST916C 安装手册说明书

西门子 网联工业 以太网交换机 RST916C 安装手册说明书

https://SIMATIC NET Rugged 以太网交换机RUGGEDCOM RST916C安装手册前言01/2021C79000-G8952-1490-02法律资讯警告提示系统为了您的人身安全以及避免财产损失,必须注意本手册中的提示。








按规定使用 西门子 产品请注意下列说明:商标所有带有标记符号 ® 的都是 西门子公司 的注册商标。






西门子公司数字化工业过程自动化Postfach 48 48 90026 NÜRNBERG 德国© 01/2021 如有更改,恕不另行通知版权 © 西门子 2021保留所有权利目录前言 (v)访问文档 (v)注册商标 (v)保修 (v)培训 (v)客户支持 (vi)联系 西门子 (vi)1简介 (1)1.1特性亮点 (1)1.2描述 (2)1.3所需工具和材料 (3)1.4停用和处理 (3)2安装设备 (5)2.1常规步骤 (5)2.2设备开箱 (6)2.3安装设备 (6)2.3.1将设备安装在 DIN 导轨上 (6)2.3.2将设备安装到面板上 (8)2.4连接故障安全报警继电器 (10)2.5连接电源 (12)2.5.1连接交流或直流电源 (12)2.5.2接线示例 (14)3设备管理 (17)3.1连接到设备 (17)3.2组态设备 (18)3.3插入/取出 CLP (18)4通信端口 (21)4.1铜质以太网端口 (21)5技术规范 (23)5.1电源规范 (23)5.2故障安全报警继电器规范 (24)5.3支持的联网标准 (24)5.4铜制以太网端口规范 (25)5.5运行环境 (25)iii RUGGEDCOM RST916C安装手册, 01/2021, C79000-G8952-1490-02目录5.6机械规格 (25)5.7尺寸图 (25)6认证 (27)6.1认证 (27)6.1.1FCC (27)6.1.2FDA/CDRH (27)6.1.3ISED (27)6.1.4ISO (27)6.1.5TÜV SÜD (28)6.1.6RRA (28)6.1.7RoHS (28)6.1.8其它认证 (29)6.2EMC 和环境型式测试 (29)iv RUGGEDCOM RST916C安装手册, 01/2021, C79000-G8952-1490-02前言本指南介绍了 RUGGEDCOM RST916C。

DIN ISO GB Standard

DIN ISO GB Standard

DIN标准ISO标准实物图名称ISO 2339圆锥销B型[GB117]Taper pinsISO 2338圆柱销[GB119-86]Parallel pinsEN ISO 1207开槽圆柱头螺钉[GB65-85]Slotted cheese head screwsEN ISO 1580开槽盘头(平圆头)螺钉[GB67-85]Slotted pan head screws单耳止动垫圈Tab washersISO 1234开口销[GB91]Split cotter pins开槽半沉头木螺钉Slotted raised countersunk(oval)head wood screws开槽(半)圆头木螺钉Slotted round head woodscrews开槽沉头木螺钉>Slottedcountersunk(flat)head woodscrewsEN ISO 7089平垫圈[GB97.1-85]WashersEN ISO 7090平垫圈(倒角型)[GB97.2-85]Medium washers forhexagon bolts and nuts平垫圈Plain washers重型弹簧垫圈Spring lock washers tang ends标准型弹簧垫圈Spring lock washers square ends鞍形弹簧垫圈A型Curved spring lock washers 弹簧垫圈B型Wave spring lock washers 弹簧止动垫圈A型Curved spring washers波型弹簧垫圈B型Wave spring washersT型槽用方头螺栓A型T-head bolts with spuareneckT型双接头螺栓T-head bolts with double nip 螺纹圆锥销Tap pins with threaded end T型头螺栓T-head bolts蝶形螺母(美式)Wing nuts ameriker form蝶形螺母(德式)Wing nuts germany formDIN 1DIN 7DIN 84DIN 85DIN 93[GB854]DIN 94DIN 95[GB101]DIN 96[GB99]DIN 97[GB100] DIN 125-ADIN 125-BDIN 126ISO7091 DIN 127-A[GB7244] DIN 127-B[GB93-87] DIN 128-A[GB7245-87] DIN 128-BDIN 137-ADIN 137-B[GB955] DIN 186[GB37-88] DIN 188DIN 258ISO 8737 DIN 261DIN 315 AFDIN 315 DF[GB62-88]蝶形螺栓(美式)Wing screws ameriker form 蝶形螺栓(德式)Wing screws gemany form O 型 密 封 圈O ring开槽带孔球面圆柱头螺栓Capstan screwsISO 7435开槽长圆柱端紧定螺钉[GB75-85]Slotted set srews with full dog pointEN ISO 2342开槽平端紧定螺钉(半扣)[GB73-85]Slotted headless screw with chamfered end小六角特扁细牙螺母(管螺纹螺母)Pipe nuts with thread according to DIN ISO228part1外舌止动垫圈Washers with external tap EN ISO 7092小垫圈(用于圆柱头螺栓)[GB848-95]Washer for cheese head screws工字钢用方斜垫片(U 型)Square taper washers for I-sections工字钢用方斜垫片(I 型)Square taper washers for I-sections木螺栓专用四方垫片Square washers for woodISO 7436开槽凹端紧定螺钉[GB74-85]Slotted set screws with cut pointISO 4035六角薄螺母[GB6172-86]Hexagon thin nuts chamfered 左旋六角薄螺母L Hexagon thin nuts left thread ISO 8675细牙六角薄螺母[6173-86]Hexagon thin nuts fine thread 木螺钉用垫圈Washers especially for wood constructions 密封帽Sealing caps , push-in type 活节(环首)螺栓B 型Eye bolts form B内舌止动垫圈用于花键螺帽Internal tab washers for slotted round nuts DIN 1804双耳止动垫圈Washers with 2 taps 滚花高头螺钉Knurled thumb screws high type 开槽滚花高头螺钉DIN 316 AF DIN 317 DF DIN 3770DIN 404[GB832-88]DIN 417DIN 427DIN 431[GB808-88]DIN 432[GB856-88]DIN 433DIN 434[GB852-88]DIN 435[GB852-88]DIN 436DIN 438DIN 439DIN 439DIN 439DIN 440ISO 7094DIN 443DIN 444[GB798-88]DIN 462DIN 463[GB855-88]DIN 464[GB834-88]DIN 465Slotted kunurled thumb screws,high type metric thread 滚花高螺母Knurled thumb nuts high type 滚花薄螺母Knurled thumb nuts thin type 锁紧垫圈Sealing washers轴用弹性挡圈Retaining rings for shafts 孔用弹性挡圈Retaining rings for bore 方头带垫螺栓Square head bolts with collar 方头圆柱底端螺栓Square head bolts with half dog point方头带垫半圆底端螺栓Square head bolts with collar,half dog point and rounded end T 型槽螺母T-slot nuts 单头螺柱Single end studs地脚螺栓Masonry bolts DIN 546[GB817-76]带槽圆螺母DIN 547[GB815-88]端面带孔圆螺母Round nuts with drilled holes in one face ISO 4766开槽平端紧定螺钉[GB73-85]Slotted set screws with cone pointISO 7434开槽锥端紧定螺钉[GB71-85]Slotted set screws with cone point方螺母-C 级Square nuts product grade C 六角头圆柱端紧定螺钉Hexagon set screws with full dog point薄型方螺母-B 级Square thin nuts product gradeB 六角头木螺钉Hexagon head wood screws EN ISO 3266吊环螺钉[GB825-76]Lifting eye bolts 吊环螺母Lifting eye nuts六角头螺栓Hexagon boltsEN ISO 8677大半圆头方颈螺栓(马车螺栓)[GB14-88]Mushroom head square neck bolts (Cup square neck DIN 465DIN 466[GB806-88]DIN 467[GB807-88]DIN 470DIN 471[GB894.1-86]DIN 472[GB893.1-86]DIN 478DIN 479DIN 480DIN 508ISO 299DIN 525DIN 529[GB799-88]DIN 551DIN 553DIN 557[GB39-88]DIN 561DIN 562DIN 571[GB102-86]DIN 580DIN 582DIN 601ISO 4016DIN 603沉头带插销马车螺栓Flat countersunk nib bolts 沉头长方颈马车螺栓Flat countersunk long square neck bolts 半圆头带插销马车螺栓Cup head nid bolts 沉头短方颈马车螺栓Flat countersunk short square neck bolts六角头精配螺栓(长螺纹)Hexagon fitted bolts, long thread 六角头精配螺栓(短螺纹)Hexagon fitted bolts, short thread滚花平头螺头Knurled thumb screws thin type ISO 1051半圆头铆钉[GB867-86]Round head rivets ISO 1051沉头铆钉[GB869-86]Countersunk head rivets 半沉头铆钉Raised countersunk head rivets 大扁头铆钉Mushroom head rivets 重型侧面带孔圆螺母Adjusting rings, heavy range(shafting collars)侧面带孔圆螺母Adjusting rings 卡头Wire rope clips T 型槽螺钉T-slot screws双头螺柱(旋入量=2d )Studs-Metal end=2d内六方锥形闭锁螺钉Hexagon socket pipe plugs,conical thread 内六方圆柱形闭锁螺钉Hexagon socket screw plugs with cylindrical thread 外六角圆柱头闭锁螺钉Hexagon socket screw plugs with cylindrical thread 内六角扳手Socket wrenchesISO 4762内六角圆柱头螺钉[GB70-85]Hexagon socket head cap screwsISO 4026内六角平端紧定螺钉[GB77-85]Hexagon socket set screws with flat pointISO 4027内六角锥端紧定螺钉DIN 604DIN 605DIN 607DIN 608DIN 609DIN 610DIN 653[GB835-88]DIN 660DIN 661DIN 662ISO 1051DIN 674ISO 1051DIN 703DIN 705[GB816-88]DIN 741DIN787ISO 299DIN 835[GB900-88]DIN 906DIN 908DIN 910DIN 911ISO 2936DIN 912DIN 913DIN 914[GB78-85]Hexagon socket set screws with cone pointISO 4028内六角圆柱端紧定螺钉[GB79-85]Hexagon socket set screws with dog pointISO 4029内六角凹端紧定螺钉[80-85]Hexagon socket set screws with cup point 薄型盲螺帽Hexagon cap nuts 开槽小圆柱头螺钉Slotted short cheese head screws开槽大圆柱头螺钉Slotted pan head screws with large head 开槽圆柱头轴位螺钉Slotted pan head screws with shoulder 开槽无头轴肩螺钉Slotted shoulder screws 焊接方螺母Square weld nuts 焊接六角螺母Hexagon weld nutsISO 4014六角头螺栓(ISO 4014半扣)[GB5782-86]Hexagon head bolts ISO 4014ISO 4017六角头螺栓-通扣(ISO 4017)[GB5783-86]Hexagon head screws ISO 4017ISO 4032六角螺母(ISO 4032)[GB6170-86]Hexagon full nuts ISO 4032ISO 8673细扣六角螺母[GB6171-86]Hexagon nuts with metric fine pitch thread 左旋六角螺母 LHexagon nuts with left thread EN ISO 7035六角开槽螺母C 级[GB6178-86]Hexagon slotted and castle nuts product grade C ISO 4035六角头薄螺母[GB6172.1-86]Hexagon thin nuts EN ISO 7038六角开槽薄螺母[GB6181-86]Hexagon thin slotted and half castle nuts双头螺柱(旋入量=1d )Studs metal end=1d 双头螺柱(旋入量=1.25d )Studs metal end=1.25d 双头螺柱(end=1.5d )Studs metal end=1.5dISO 8765六角头细牙螺栓(半牙)[GB5785-86]Hexagon head bolts, metric fine pitch threadISO 8676六角头细牙螺栓(全牙)DIN 914DIN 915DIN 916DIN 917DIN 920DIN 921[GB838-88]DIN 923[GB830-88]DIN 927DIN 928[GB/T13680-92]DIN 929[GB/T13681-92]DIN 931DIN 933DIN 934DIN 934DIN 934DIN 935DIN 936DIN 937DIN 938[GB897-88]DIN 939[GB898-88]DIN 940DIN 960DIN 961[GB5786-86]Hexagon head bolts, metric fine pitch thread头部穿孔六角头螺栓Additional shapes and versions for boltsEN ISO 2009开槽沉头螺钉[GB68-85]Slotted countersunk head screwsEN ISO 2010开槽半沉头螺钉[GB69-85]Slotted raised countersunk oval head screwsEN ISO 7046十字槽沉头螺钉[GB819-85]Cross recessed countersunk flat米字槽沉头螺钉Crossrecessed countersunk flat head screws PZ沉头内六花螺栓Countersunk head screws similar DIN 965 six lobe driveEN ISO 7047十字槽半沉头螺钉[GB820-85]Cross recessed contersunk oval head screws PH米字槽半沉头螺Cross recessed contersunk oval head screws PZ六角头螺母Hexagon nuts type-1六角头螺母Hexagon nuts type-2ISO 8674细牙六角头螺母(2型)[GB6176-86]Hexagon nuts with finethread牙条(全螺纹)Threaded rods(studdings)螺杆(牙棒)DIN 975Threaded rods螺纹销钉B型Stud bolts Form B六角头开槽薄螺母(2型)Hexagon thin slotted andcastle nuts全金属六角锁紧螺母V型Prevailing torque typehexagon nuts similar DIN934 copper tinISO 2982圆螺母[GB812-88]LocknutsISO 7040非金属嵌件六角锁紧螺母(高型)[GB889.1-86]Prevailing torque type hexagon nuts w.non-metallic insert highISO 10511非金属嵌件六角锁紧螺母(薄型)[GB6172.2-86]Prevailing torque type hexagon nuts w.non-metallic insert thin六角自锁盲螺帽Prevailing torque type hexagon domed cap nuts w.non met.insertDIN 961DIN 962DIN 963DIN 964DIN 965 HDIN 965 Z EN ISO 7046WS 9475 DIN 966 HDIN 966 Z EN ISO 7047 DIN 970DIN 971DIN 972DIN 975[GB15389-94] DIN 976-1DIN 976-2DIN 979DIN 980[GB6184-86] DIN 981DIN 982DIN 985DIN 986配合垫片Passcheiben木材连接用垫片Washers for timberconnectors沉头钢钉Round plain head nails销钉专用垫片A级Plain washers for clevis pins销钉专用垫片Plain washers for clevis pins带头销钉Clevis pins with headEN ISO 8744槽销(锥槽)[GB/T13829.2]Grooved pins full-length taper groovedEN ISO 8745槽销(半长锥槽)[GB/T13829.2]Grooved pins half length taper grooved槽销(带倒角及全长平行沟槽)Grooved pins,full-length parallel guooved with chamfer前端凹槽槽销Grooved pins, reserve grooved half length中部凹槽槽销Grooved pins, centre groovedEN ISO 8746圆头槽销[GB/T13829.3]Grooved pins half-roundhead沉头槽销Grooved pins withcountersunk head六角螺母棒Turnuckles(centre parts),made out of hexagon bar花篮螺栓Turnuckles with eye bolt andhook boltEN ISO 8752弹性圆柱销[GB879-1]Spring type straightpoins,slotted组合式盖形螺母Hexagon domed cap nuts开槽圆螺母Slotted round nuts for hook spanner圆螺母(带插销孔)Round nuts with set holes盘形弹簧垫圈Disc spring washer管卡(喉箍)Hose clamps with worm gear drive shape A润滑油嘴(旋扭头)Lubricating nipples, button head夹管DIN 988DIN 1052DIN 1151DIN 1440ISO 8738 DIN 1441DIN 1444ISO 2341 DIN 1471DIN 1472DIN 1473EN ISO 8740 DIN 1474ISO 8741 DIN 1475ISO 8472 DIN 1476DIN 1477ISO 8747 DIN 1479DIN 1480DIN 1481DIN 1587[GB802-88] DIN 1804DIN 1816DIN 2093DIN 3017DIN 3404DIN 3567Shackles for conduilts U 型螺栓Stirrup bolts 安全扣Spring hook球面垫圈Spherical washers conical seats 圆柱销Parallel pins球面垫圈Spherical washers conical seats六角厚螺母Hexagon nuts 1.5d 六角加长螺母Hexagon nuts long鞍形弹簧垫圈Conical spring washers for bolted connections[GB861.1-87]齿形锁紧垫圈(内齿\外齿)[GB862.1-87]Toothed locd washers form A/J [GB861.1-87]锯齿锁紧垫圈(内齿\外齿)[GB862.1-87]Serrated lock washers form A/J 开口挡圈(花垫圈)Retaining washers for shafts 棱键(A 型)Parallel keys form A 半圆键Woodruff keys 嵌环(支撑环)Thimbles六角头螺栓和垫圈组合件Screws assemblies 自攻螺钉和垫圈组合件Tapping screws assemblier 薄型内六角圆柱头螺钉Hexagon socket head caps screws w.centre hole and low head 大六角头螺栓Hexagon head bolts withlarge head(friction grip bolts)大六角螺母Hexagon nuts with large wideth across flat(frication grip nuts) 大垫圈Round washers for friction grip bolts 锲形方垫圈Square taper washers for friction grip bolts on T-sections ISO461全金属六角法兰面锁紧螺母[GB6177-86]Prevailing torque type all metal ISO 7042全金属六角锁紧螺母(2型)DIN 3567DIN 3570DIN 5299DIN 6319[GB849-88]DIN 6325ISO 8734DIN 6330[GB56-88]DIN 6331[GB6177-86]DIN 6334DIN 6796DIN 6797DIN 6798DIN 6799[GB896-76]DIN 6885ISO773/2491DIN 6888ISO 3912DIN 6899DIN 6900[GB9074.1-17]DIN 6901[GB9074.18-23]DIN 6912DIN 6914DIN 6915DIN 6916DIN 6917DIN 6923[GB6185.1-2000]Prevailing torque type hexagon nuts, all metallic nuts ISO 15979开口型扁圆头抽芯铆钉ISO 15983Blind rivets round head [GB12617/12618]ISO 15980开口型沉头抽芯拉铆钉ISO 15984Blind rivets countersunk head[GB12617/12618]扁平头半空心/全空心铆钉Rivets for brake abd clutch lining 螺旋夹紧销Spiral-pins medium duty 轻型弹性圆柱销Spring pins, light type 重型加厚垫圈Washers for bolts with heavy type spring pins平圆头内六角螺栓(带台)Hexagon socket button head screws平圆头内六角螺栓(带华司)ULFHexagon socket button head screws flasch ULF平圆头内六花锁紧螺栓(带定位孔)TorxSecurity screws similar ISO 7380 with six lobe drive pin ISO 螺纹三角缩尾螺栓(12种头型)Thread rolling screws for metric ISO thread 六角方头自钻自攻螺钉Self drilling with tapping screw thread according to DIN 7970 form K十字槽半圆头自钻自攻螺钉Hex head thread cutting screws with metric thread form N 十字槽沉头自钻自攻螺钉Thread cutting screws cross recessed head form P 开槽切削螺纹螺钉(多种头型)Thread cutting screws 十字槽切削螺纹螺钉Thread cutting screws cross recess铜/铝密封垫圈Cu/Alu sealing washer T-型四爪螺母Tee nuts with pronge 扣紧螺母Self locking counter nuts 钢结构用六角头螺栓连接副Hexagon head fitting bolts for steel structuresDIN 6925DIN 7337-ADIN 7337-B DIN 7338[GB875/975-86]DIN 7343EN ISO 8750DIN 7346ISO 13337DIN 7349ISO 7380ISO 7380-WS 9480DIN 7500DIN 7504-KDIN 7504-NDIN 7504-P DIN 7513DIN 7516DIN 7603DIN 7965DIN 7967DIN 7968ISO 1481开槽盘头自攻螺钉[GB5282-85]Pan slot head tappingscrewsISO 1482开槽沉头自攻螺钉[GB5283-85]Countersunk flat head tapping screws with slotISO 1483开槽半沉头自攻螺钉[GB5284-85]Raised countersunk oval head tapping screws with slotISO 1479六角头自攻螺钉[GB5285-85]Hexagon tapping screws内螺纹锥销 A型Taper pins with internalthread unhardened内螺纹柱销 D型Parallel pins with internalthread hardened圆柱头螺栓用弹簧垫圈Spring lock washers forscrews with cylindricalheadsISO 7049十字槽盘头自攻螺钉[GB845-85]Pan head tapping screws with cross recessed PZISO 7049米字槽盘头自攻螺钉[GB845-85]Pan head tapping screws with cross recessed PZ内六花盘头自攻螺钉Pan head screws similar to DIN 7981 with six lobe drive 内六花盘头自攻螺钉(带定位孔)Security screws similar to DIN 7981 with six lobe drive pinISO 7050十字槽沉头自攻螺钉[GB846-85]Countersunk flat head tapping screws with cross recessed PHISO 7050米字槽沉头自攻螺钉[GB846-85]Countersunk flat head tapping screws with cross recessed PZ内六花沉头自攻螺钉Countersunk tapping screws si. DIN 7982 with six lobe drive内六花沉头自攻螺钉(带定位孔)Security screws similar to DIN 7982 with six lobe drive pinISO 7051十字槽半沉头自攻螺钉[GB847-86]Raised countersunk oval head tapping screw cross recessed PHISO 7051米字槽半沉头自攻螺钉[GB847-86]Raised countersunk oval head tapping screws crossPZ内六花半沉头自攻螺钉Countersunk oval head screws sim.DIN7983 with six lobe drive薄型内六角圆柱头螺钉Hexagon socket head cap screwsDIN 7971DIN 7972DIN 7973DIN 7976DIN 7978ISO 8736 DIN 7979ISO 8735 DIN 7980ISO 8738 DIN 7981 HDIN 7981 ZWS 9477WS 9485 DIN 7982 HDIN 7982 ZWS 9478WS 9486 DIN 7983 HDIN 7983 ZWS 9479 DIN 7984EN ISO 7045十字槽盘头螺钉[GB818-85]Cross recessed raised pan head screws PZ EN ISO 7045米字槽盘头螺钉[GB818-85]Cross recessed raised pan head screws PZ 内六花盘头螺钉Pan head screws similar DIN 7985 six lobe drive 钢结构用高强度垫圈Plain washers for steelconstructions high strengh 钢结构用六角头螺栓Hexagon head bolts for steel structures沉头内六角螺栓Hexagon socket countersunk head screws 沉头内六花螺栓Countersunk head screws similar DIN 7991 six lobe drive 沉头内六花螺栓(带定位孔)Security screws similar DIN 7991 six lobe drive 轴用钢丝挡圈Roundwire snap rings for shafts 十(米)字槽半沉头木螺钉Cross recessed raised countersunk head wood screws 十(米)字槽圆头木螺钉Cross recessed round head wood screws十(米)字槽沉头木螺钉Cross recessed countersunk head wood screws螺纹护套(普通/自锁等)Ciol inserts, coarse, fine thread, silf locking ISO 7093大外径垫圈[GB96-85]Washers with o.d.=3 i.d.弹簧卡子Spring cotter of bolt 平板螺栓Belting bolts(elevator bolts)干壁钉(墙板钉)Dry wall screws 平板螺栓Belting bolts双叠自锁垫圈Self locding screw-retaining washer 环形螺母Clamp nuts圆螺母用止退垫圈Tab washers for slotted round nutsDIN 7985 HDIN 7985 ZWS 9460DIN 7989[GB1230-84]DIN 7990[GB1229-84]DIN 7991ISO 10642WS 9470WS 9482DIN 7993[GB895.2-86]DIN 7995[GB952-86]DIN 7996[GB950-86]DIN 7997[GB951-86]DIN 8140DIN 9021DIN 11024DIN 13257DIN 18182DIN 15237DIN 25201DIN 28129[GB63-88]DIN 70952[GB858-88]黄油嘴子 A 型Grease nippel Form A 黄油嘴子 C 型Grease nippel Form C 自锁型轴头 AS 型Angle hinge Form ASDIN 71412-A DIN 71412-C DIN 71802。

DIN-NF 对照表

DIN-NF 对照表

DIN NFE ISO BS English Deutsche Francais DIN 1 Taper pin KegelstifteDIN 7 Parallel pinDIN 84 NFE 25127 ISO 12007 Slotted pan cheesehead screwsZylinderschrauben mitschlitzVam tc fendue csDIN 85 NFE 25128 ISO 1580 Slotted pan headscrewsFlachkopfschrauben mitschlitzVam tcl fendueclsDIN 93 NFE 27614 Tab washer Sicherungsbleche mitlappenFrein d'ecrou alanguetteNFE 27614 Tab washer 2 tabs Scheibe mit 2 lappen Frein d'ecrou equerre a aileronNFE 27614 Tab washer 2 tabs Scheibe mit 2 lappen Frein d'ecrou doit a aileronDIN 94 Split Pin / CotterPinSplinteDIN 125 NFE 25513NFE 255144320 Washer Form A Scheiben Rondelle plateDIN 126 NFE 25513NFE 255144320 Washer Form C Scheiben Rondelle plateDIN 125 Hardened washer Scheiben gehärtetDIN 127 DIN 7980 NFE 25515NFE25516NFE 25517Spring washer /Lock washerFederringeRlles growerseries W WZ WLDIN 186DIN 188 DIN 261 DIN 7992 Tee head bolt /T-head boltHammerschrauben Vis a tete marteauDIN 404 Slotted capstanscrewsKreuzlochschrauben mitschlitzDIN 417 DIN 551 ISO 7435Slotted setscrewwith dog pointGewindestifte mt schlitzund zapfenVis S.tete fenduebout tetonDIN 553 ISO 7434 Slotted setscrewwith cone pointGewindestifte mt schlitzund spitzVis S.tete fenduebout pointeauDIN 427 Slotted headlessscrewSchaftschrauben mitschlizVis S.tete boutplat part fileteeDIN 431 Pipe nut RohrmuttenDIN 432 Washer with tap sch eiben mit außennase DIN 433 3410 Washer scheibenDIN 438 ISO 7436 Slotted set screwwith cup pointGewindestifte mt schlitzund ringschneideVis S.tet fenduebout cuvetteDIN 439 NFE 25405 ISO 4035ISO 4036ISO 8675Hexagon thin nuts SechskantmutternEcrou Hexagonalbas hmDIN 440R Large Washer Breite Scheibe Rondelle large DIN 444 Swivel bolt AugenschraubenDIN 465 Slotted knurled Hohe Rändelschraubenthumb screw mit schlitzDIN 466 Knurled nut Hohe Rändelmu tten DIN 467 Flat knurled Nut Flache RändelmuttenDIN 478 NFE 25116 Square head bolt Vierkantschrauben, Vierkantschrauben mitshaftVis T. carreepartiel fileteeNFE 25117 NFE 25118 Sqaure head screwVierkantschraube mitGewinde bis KopfVis tete carreeentier fileteeDIN 525 4439 Stud for welding Anschweißenden DIN 526 Safety cup Sicherungsnäpfe DIN 546 Slotted round nut SchlitzmutternDIN 547 Round nut withdrilled holesZweilochmutternDIN 548 Round nut with setpin hole insideKreuzlochmutternDIN 551 ISO 4766 Slotted setscrew Gewindestifte mitschlitzVis s tete fenduebout platDIN 555 Hexagon nut SechskantmutternDIN 557 NFE 25403NFE 25404Square nut Vierkantmuttern Ecrou carreDIN 558 4183 Hexagon screw SechskantschraubenDIN 561 4183 Hexagon screwwith dog pointSechskantschrauben mitzapfenDIN 564 4183 Hexagon screwwith half dog pointSechskantschrauben mitansatzspitzeDIN 562 Thin sqaure nut Vierkantmuttern niedrige formDIN 580 Eyebolt lifting Ringschrauben Vis a œeil DIN 582 Eye nut lifting Ringmuttern Ecrou a œeilDIN 601 NFE 27311NFE 27411ISO 4014ISO 40173692Hexagon bolt withnutSechskantschrauben mitsechskantmutterBoulons TeteHexagonale, Vistete hex partiellfileteeDIN 601 NFE 27311NFE 27411ISO 4014ISO 40173692Hexagon boltwithout nutSechskantschraubenohne sechskantmutterDIN 604 NFE 27353 4183 Countersunk screw S enkschrauben Vis ergot charrueDIN 605 Countersunksquare boltSenkschrauben mitvierkantansatzDIN 607 Round head bolt HalbrundschraubenDIN 609 3692 Hexagon fittedboltSechskant PaßschraubenDIN 653 Flat knurled thumbscrewFlache RändelschraubenDIN 792 Cylindrical countersunk screwZylindersenkschraubenDIN 797 Foundation bolt AnkerschraubenDIN 798 Foundation nut Ankermuttern DIN 835DIN 938DIN 939 DIN 940 DIN 2509 NFE 25135 4439 Stud StiftschraubenGoujons avec etsans gorgeDIN 906 Pipe plug VerschlußschraubenDIN 907 Square head screw plugDIN 908 Hexagon socket screw plugDIN 909 Hexagon head pipe plugDIN 910 Hexagon head screw plugDIN 912 4168 Hexagon sockethead cap screwZylscraube / ZylSchraubeDIN 912 DIN 6912 NFE 25125 ISO 4762 4168Hexagon Sockethead capscrewZylinderschrauben mitInnensechskantVis chc sin panscreuxDIN 913 NFE 27180 4168 Hexagon socketSetscrewGewindestifte mitInnensechskantVis hc sans tetebout platDIN 914 NFE 27181 4168 Hexagon socketSetscrew coneGewindestifte mitInnensechskant mitVis hc sans tetebout coniquepoint spitzeDIN 915 NFE 27182 4168 Hexagon socketSetscrew dog pointGewindestifte mitInnensechskant mitzapfenVis hc sans tete atetonDIN 916 NFE 27183 4168 Hexagon socketsetscrew cup pointGewindestifte mitInnensechskantringschneideVis hc sans tetebout cuvetteDIN 917 Hexagon cap nut Sechskant Hutmuttern Ecrou borgne hexagonal basDIN 920 Slotted pan headscrewFlachkopfschrauben mitschlitzDIN 925 Slottedcountersunk flathead screwSenkschrauben mitschlitzDIN 927 Slotted shoulderscrewZapfenschrauben mitschlitzDIN 931 DIN 601 DIN 960 NFE 25112NFE 25113ISO 4014ISO 4015ISO 4016ISO 87653692 4190 Hexagon bolt SechskantschraubenBoulons TeteHexagonale, Vistete hex partiellfileteeDIN 933 DIN 961 DIN 558 NFE 25114NFE 25115ISO 4017ISO 4018ISO 86763692 4190 Hexagon setscrewSechskantscraube mitGewinde bis KopfVis tete hex.entier fileteeDIN Hexagon setscrewwith lockingcoatingSchraube mit kiebenderklemmenderbeschichtungVis avecrevetementadhesif ou serrantDIN 6914 DIN 6915 DIN 6916 NFE 27701NFE 27702NFE 277113692 4190High TensileBoltingHV Verbindung Boulons HRDIN NFE 25137 Slotted hexagonhead screwSechskantschraube mitschlitzVis tete hex.Fendue H SDIN 934 DIN 555 NFE 25401NFE25402ISO 4032ISO 4034ISO 86733692 4190 Hexagon nut sechskantmuttern Ecrou HexagonalDIN 935 DIN 979 Castle nut KronenmutternEcrou hexagonala creneauxDIN 936 3692 4190 Hexagon thin nut SechskantmutternDIN 937 Thin slotted nut Kronenmutter niedrigeformEcrou a creneauxforme basseDIN 937 Thin castle nut Kronenmutter niedrigeformEcrou a creneauxforme basseDIN 975 NFE 25136 Threaded rods Gewindestangen Tige filetee DIN 976 NFE 25136 Threaded pins Gewindebolzen Bouts fileteeDIN 980 NFE 25410 ISO 7719 Prevailing torqueself locking nutSelbstsichernde mutternEcrou hexautofreine toutmetalDIN 986 Self locking domenutSechskant - HutmutternEcrou hex aembase cranteeDIN Self locking nutwith slotSechskantsicherungsmutter mitschlitzEcrou autofreinetout metal avecfenteDIN Self locking allmetal nutSicherungsmutter ganzmetallEcrouindesserable toutacierDIN 985 DIN 982 NFE 25412NFE 25409ISO 10511ISO 7040Nyloc nutSechskantmutterpolyamid einsatzEcrou autofreinebague poyamideDIN 986 Nyloc dome cap nutDIN NFE 25413NFE 25414Nyloc flange nutSechskantmutter mitflansch nichmetallischereinsatzEcrou hexautofrene anneaunon metalliqueDIN 1443 Clevis pin DIN 1433 Clevis pinDIN 1587 Hexagon dome capnutSechskant - HutmutternEcrou borgne acalotte hexagonalDIN 1804 Slotted round nut NutmutternDIN 1816 Round nut withpin holesKreuzlochmutternmetrisches ISOfeingewindeDIN 2093 Disc washer Tellerscheiben Rondelle cuvette emboutieDIN 2509 double end stud /full shankSchraubenbolzenDIN 2510 double end stud /waisted studSchraubenverbindungenmit Dehnschaft,stiftschraubenDIN 2510 Hexagon cap nut kapselmuttern DIN 2510 Extension sleeve Deh nhülsen,DIN 2510 NFE 25407 ISO 4033ISO 8674Heavy HexagonnutHohe sechskantmutterEcrou hexagonalhaut hhDIN 6303 Knurled nut Rändelmuttern DIN 6325 Parallel pinDIN 6330 Hexagon nut 1.5d Sechskantmutter 1.5 d Ecrou hexagonaux 1.5 dDIN 6332 Grub screw Gewindestifte mit DruckzapfenDIN 6334 Hexagon nut 3dDIN 6340 4320 Hardened washer Scheiben gehärtetDIN 6912 Hexagon sockethead cap screw /low headZylinderschrauben mitInnensechskantDIN 6914 Hexagon bolt withlarge headDIN 6915 4395 Friction grip nut Sechskantmutter HV10.9Ecroushexagonaux hr-hv10.9DIN 6921 DIN 6922 ISO 1665Hexagon flangeboltSechskantschraube mitFlanschVAM tete hexembaseHexagon flangescrewSechskantschraube mitFlansch VerzahnungVAM tete hexembase cranteeDIN 6923 NFE 25406 ISO 1662 Hexagon flangenutSechskantmutter mitFlanschEcrou hexagona aembaseDIN 6796 Conical springwashersSpannscheibenDIN 7604 Hexagon head screw plugDIN 7964 Hexagon bolt with reduced shankDIN 7968 Fitted bolt reduced threadDIN 7977 Taper pin KegelstifteDIN 7984 Hexagon sockethead cap screwreduced headZylinderschrauben mitInnensechskantVis chc tete basseDIN 7990 Hexagon bolt steel Stahlkonstruct Boulons filetagestructure sechskantschr courtDIN 7991 Hexagon socketcountersunk headscrewSenkschrauben mitInnensechskantDIN 43699 Contact spring washerDIN 74361 Nut with spherical collarDIN 74361 Nut with flat collarSwing bolt Augenschraube Vis a œeilBS57 BS93 BA bolts and screwsBS450 Machine screws and nuts BSW BSFBS1083 BS84 Whitworth bolts, screws and nutsBS1768 Unified hex bolts, screws and nutsBS1981 Unified machine screws and nutsBS2470 Hexagon socket screws - inchseriesBS2693 Screwed studs - unified threads。



所有DIN标准螺栓•焊接螺栓Weld screws with metric headDIN 34817•方头凸缘螺栓Squate head bolts with collarDIN 478•沉头带榫螺栓Flat countersunk nib boltsDIN 604•沉头高方颈螺栓Flat countersunk square neck bolts with long squareDIN 605•半圆头带榫螺栓Cup head nib boltsDIN 607•沉头短方颈螺栓Flat countersunk square neck bolts with short squareDIN 608•六角花形大法兰面钢制螺栓Steel hexalobular head bolts with large flange DIN 34801•六角头螺栓—全螺纹—产品等级C级Hexagon head screws - Product grade C DIN EN ISO 4018 | 代替DIN 558•六角头螺栓—细牙—全螺纹—产品等级A和B级Hexagon head screws with metric fine pitch thread - Product grade A and BDIN EN ISO 8676 | 代替DIN 961•六角头螺栓—细牙—产品等级A和B级Hexagon head bolts with fine pitch thread - Product grades A and BDIN EN ISO 8765 | 代替DIN 960•钢结构用—大六角头高强度螺栓High-strength hexagon head bolts with large widths across flats for structural steel boltingDIN 6914•六角头铰制孔用螺栓Hexagon fit boltsDIN 609•M42-M160*6 六角头螺栓—产品等级B级M42 to M160*6 hexagon head bolts - Product grade BDIN 931-2•六角法兰面螺栓—小系列Hexagon bolts with flange - Small seriesDIN EN 1662•六角法兰面螺栓—加大系列Hexagon bolts with flange - Heavy seriesDIN EN 1665 | 代替DIN 6921|DIN 6922•六角头螺栓—-产品等级B级-细杆(杆径近似等于中径)Hexagon head bolts with reduced shank(shank diameter=pitch diameter)-Product grade BDIN EN 24015•六角头螺栓—产品等级A和B级Hexagon head bolts - Product grades A and B DIN EN ISO 4014 | 代替DIN 931-1•六角头螺栓—产品等级C级Hexagon head bolts - Product grade CDIN EN ISO 4016 | 代替DIN 601•短螺纹端的六角头铰制孔用螺栓DIN 610-84•粗杆六角头螺栓重量DIN 931-87(3)•T型螺栓188•T型螺栓186•Clevis pinsDIN 1445•Plain washers for metric bolts,screws and nuts .for general purposes General plan DIN EN ISO 887•Hexagon head bolts with metric fine pitch thread(Product grade A and B)DIN EN ISO 8765•Thread run-outs and thread undercuts for ISO metric threads as in IND 13-1 DIN 76-1•Thread run-outs and thread undercutsDIN 76•Bolt end protrusionsDIN 78•Diameters of counterbores(holes)DIN 974•Split pin holes and wire holes in bolts,screws and studsDIN 34803•Bolts,screws,studs and nutsDIN EN 20225•Clearance holes for bolts and screwsDIN EN 20273•T形头螺栓ISO general purpose metric screw threads. General planDIN ISO 261•一般用途螺栓和螺钉.米制系列.端头半径General purpose bolts and screws-metric series DIN ISO 885•活节螺栓Eyelet bolts【DIN444-1983】•【DIN 933】六角头螺栓—全螺纹—产品等级A和B级Hexagon head screws - Product gradeA and BDIN EN ISO 4017 | 代替DIN 933•平圆头方颈螺栓Mushroom head square neck boltsDIN 603螺钉•DIN316-1983 蝶形螺钉Wing screwsDIN316-1983 蝶形螺钉•DIN85-1990 开槽盘头螺钉85-1990•DIN551-1986 开槽平端紧定螺钉Slotted set screws with flat pointDIN551-1986•DIN7505 十字槽圆头塑料牙螺钉DIN7505DIN7505•方头短圆柱端紧定螺钉Square head bolts with short dog pointDIN 479•方头短圆柱球面端紧定螺钉Square head bolts with collar and oval half dog point DIN 480•开槽圆柱头螺钉—产品等级A级Slotted cheese head screws-Product grade A DIN EN ISO 1207 | 代替DIN 84•开槽沉头螺钉(通用头型)-产品等级A级Slotted pan head screws-Product grade A DIN EN ISO 1580 | 代替DIN 85•开槽沉头螺钉(通用头型)-产品等级A级Slotted countersunk flat head screws(common head style)DIN EN ISO 2009 | 代替DIN 963•开槽半沉头螺钉(通用头型)-产品等级A级Countersunk slotted raised head screws(common head style)-Produce grade ADIN EN ISO 2010 | 代替DIN 964•十字槽盘头凸缘螺钉— 产品等级A级Product grade A cross recessed pan head screws with collarDIN 967•十字槽沉头(通用头型)螺钉-产品等级A级-第2部分:性能等级钢8.8级、不锈钢和有色金属Cross recessed countersunk flat head screws (common head style),product gradeA-Part2:Steel of property class 8.8,stainless steel and nonferous metalsDIN EN ISO 7046-2 | 代替DIN 965•开槽十字孔螺钉DIN 404-86•开槽小盘头螺钉DIN 920-86•十字槽沉头自钻自攻螺钉Cross recessed countersunk head drilling screws with tapping screw threadDIN EN ISO 15482•十字槽半沉头自钻自攻螺钉Cross recessed raised countersunk head drilling screws with tapping screw threadDIN EN ISO 15483•十字槽沉头自攻螺钉(通用头型)Cross recessed countersunk (flat) head tapping screws(common head style)ISO 7050 | 代替DIN 7982•钢结构用—大六角头高强度螺栓和六角螺母连接副Steel hexagon fit bolts for structural steel bolting for supply with hexagon nutsDIN 7968•钢结构用—六角头螺栓和六角螺母连接副Steel hexagon head bolts for structural steel bolting for supply with hexagon nutsDIN 7990•小六角头长圆柱导向端紧定螺钉Hexagon set screws with small hexangon and full dog point DIN 561•小六角头短圆柱导向锥端紧定螺钉Hexagon set screws with samll hexagon,half dog point and flat cone pointDIN 564•十字槽半沉头自攻螺钉Cross recessed raised countersunk (oval) head tapping screws ISO 7051 | 代替DIN 7983•DIN910-1992 六角头螺塞DIN910-1992•十字槽半沉头(通用头型)螺钉-产品等级A级Countersunk raised head screws (common head style) with type H or type Z cross recess-Product grade ADIN EN ISO 7047 | 代替DIN 966•十字槽圆柱头螺钉Cross recessed cheese head screwsDIN EN ISO 7048•滚花指旋螺钉DIN 464-86•滚花薄头指旋螺钉DIN 653-80•带螺杆的六角头螺钉DIN 7964-77•开槽大盘头螺钉DIN 921-86•Designation system for fastenersDIN 962•Plastic washers. Standard seriesDIN 34815•Slotted set screws with flat pointDIN EN 24766•Slotted set screws with cone pointDIN EN 27434•Slotted set screws with long dog pointDIN EN 27435•Slotted set screws with cup pointDIN EN 27436•Slotted cheese head screwsDIN EN ISO 1207•Slotted pan head screwsDIN EN ISO 1580•Slotted countersunk flat head screws (common head style) DIN EN ISO 2009•Countersunk slotted raised head screws(common head style) DIN EN ISO 2010•Slotted headless screws with shandDIN EN ISO 2342•Hexagon head screws(Product grade A and B)DIN EN ISO 4017•Hexagon head screws(Product grade C)DIN EN ISO 4018•Hexagon socket set screws with flat pointDIN EN ISO 4026•Hexagon socket set screws with cone pointDIN EN ISO 4027•Hexagon socket set screws with dog pointDIN EN ISO 4028•Hexagon socket set screws with cup pointDIN EN ISO 4029•Hexagon socket head cap screwsDIN EN ISO 4762•Pan head screws with H or type Z cross recess(Product grade A)DIN EN ISO 7045•Countersunk flat head screws(common head style)with type H or type Z cross recess(Product grade A)DIN EN ISO 7046-1•Countersunk flat head screws(common head style)with type H or type Z cross recess(Product grade A)DIN EN ISO 7047•Countersunk flat head screwsDIN EN ISO 7048•Hexagon socket button head screwsDIN EN ISO 7380•Hexagon head screws with metric fine pitch thread(Product grade A and B) DIN EN ISO 8676•Tapping screw and washer assemblies with plain washersDIN EN ISO 10510•Hexagon socket countersunk head screwsDIN EN ISO 10642•Hexalobular socket head cap screwsDIN EN ISO 14579•Hexalobular socket cheese head screwsDIN EN ISO 14580•Hexalobular socket pan head screwsDIN EN ISO 14583•Hexalobular socket raised countersunk head screwsDIN EN ISO 14584•Scres and washer assemblies with plain washers(Washer hardness classes 200 HV and 300 HV)DIN EN ISO 10644•Hexalobular socket pan head tapping screwsDIN EN ISO 14585•Hexalobular socket countersunk headDIN EN ISO 14586•Hexalobular socket raised countersunk(oval)head tapping screwsDIN EN ISO 14587•Hexagon washer head drilling screws with tapping screw threadDIN EN ISO 15480•Cross recessed pan head drilling screws with tapping screw threadDIN EN ISO 15481•Cross recessed countersunk head drilling screws with tapping screw thread DIN EN ISO 15482•Cross recessed raisedcountersunk head drilling screws with tapping screw thread DIN EN ISO 15483•Countersinks. For countersunk head screwsDIN 66•Countersinks. For countersunk head screwsDIN 74•Screw threadsDIN 202•Thread rolling screwsDIN 7500•Tapping screw connectionsDIN 7975•Threads and thread endsDIN 7998•Wire thread inserts for ISO metric screw threadsDIN 8140-1•Countersunk head screwsDIN EN 27721•Tapping screw threadsDIN EN ISO 1478•十字槽螺丝Cross recesses for screwsDIN EN ISO 4757•螺栓和螺钉用内板拧的六角花形Hexalobular internal driving feature for bolts and screws DIN EN ISO 10664•十字槽沉头螺钉ISO general purpose metric screw threads-tolerances DIN ISO 965•十字槽球面圆柱头螺钉DIN 7985-86•开槽盘头螺钉DIN 85-72•十字槽圆头螺钉Cross recessed round head screwsDIN 7996•内六角紧定螺钉—平端Hexagon socket set screws with flat pointDin 913•内六角紧定螺钉—截锥端Hexagon socket set screws with cone point Din 914•内六角紧定螺钉—导向圆柱端Hexagon socket set screws with dog point Din 915•内六角紧定螺钉—凹端Hexagon socket set screws with cup pointDin 916•十字槽沉头螺钉ISO general purpose metric screw threads-tolerancesDIN ISO 965-2•十字槽沉头螺钉ISO general purpose metric screw threads-tolerancesDIN ISO 965-3•十字槽沉头螺钉ISO general purpose metric screw threads-tolerancesDIN ISO 965-4•十字槽沉头螺钉ISO general purpose metric screw threads-tolerancesDIN ISO 965-5内六角螺钉•【DIN 7991】内六角沉头螺钉Hexagon socket countersunk head screws DIN EN ISO 10642 | 代替DIN 7991•薄圆柱头内六角螺钉Hexagon socket thin head cap screwsDIN 7984•薄圆柱头内六角螺钉Hexagon socket thin head cap screws with pilot recess for wrench key DIN 6912•六角花形小法兰面钢制螺栓Steel hexalobular head bolts with small flange DIN 34800•内六角喉塞Hexagon socket pipe plugs,steelDIN 906•内六角平圆头螺钉Hexagon socket button head screwsDIN EN ISO 7380•内六角圆柱头螺钉socket head cap screws,stellDin 912 | 代替Din 912•圆柱头内六角花形钢制螺钉Steel hexalobular head cap screws with large driving feature DIN 34802•圆柱头内六角螺钉Hexagon socket head cap screwsDIN EN ISO 4762 | 代替DIN 912自攻螺钉•十字槽盘头自钻自攻螺钉Cross recessed pan head drlling screws with tapping screw thread DIN EN ISO 15481 | 代替DIN 7504•十字槽沉头自钻自攻螺钉Cross recessed countersunk head drilling screws with tapping screw threadDIN EN ISO 15482 | 代替DIN 7504•十字槽半沉头自钻自攻螺钉Cross recessed raised counterunk head drilling screws with tapping screw threadDIN EN ISO 15483 | 代替DIN 7504•自钻自攻螺钉Drilling screws with tapping screw threadDIN EN ISO 10666 | 代替DIN 7504•六角头和开槽头三角牙螺钉—尺寸、技术要求及试验Hexagon head and slotted head thread cutting screws - Dimensions,requirements and testingDIN 7513•十字槽螺纹滚成自攻螺钉—尺寸、技术要求及试验Cross recessed head thread cutting screws -Dimensions,requirements and testingDIN 7516•米制螺纹滚成自攻螺钉—型式、名称及技术要求ISO metric thread rolling screws -Types,designation and requirementsDIN 7500-1•米制螺纹滚成自攻螺钉—预制孔直径尺寸方案Tread rolling screws for ISO metric thread -Guideline values for hole diametersDIN 7500-2•紧固件供货技术条件—米制螺纹—性能等级为10.9级的螺纹滚成自攻螺钉Technical delivery conditions for fasteners - Metric thread rolling screws of property class 10.9DIN 267-30•十字槽盘头凸缘自攻螺钉Cross recessed pan head tapping screws with collar DIN 968•六角凸缘自攻螺钉Hexagon washer head tapping screwsDIN 6928•自攻螺钉用螺纹Tapping screw threadsDIN EN ISO 1478 | 代替DIN 7970•六角头自攻螺钉Hexagon head tapping screwsISO 1479 | 代替DIN 7976•开槽盘头自攻螺钉Slotted pan head tapping screwsISO 1481 | 代替DIN 7971•开槽沉头自攻螺钉(通用头型)Slotted countersunk(flat)head tapping screws(common head style)ISO 1482 | 代替DIN 7972•开槽半沉头自攻螺钉(通用头型)Slotted raised countersunk (oval) head tapping screws(common head style)ISO 1483 | 代替DIN 7973•十字槽盘头自攻螺钉Cross recessed pan head tapping screwsISO 7049 | 代替DIN 7981•六角凸缘头自钻自攻螺钉Hexagon washer head drilling screws with tapping screws thread DIN EN ISO 15480•十字槽盘头自钻自攻螺钉Cross recessed pan head drilling screws with tapping screw thread DIN EN ISO 15481•六角头自钻自攻螺钉Hexagon washer head drilling screws with tapping screw thread DIN EN ISO 15480 | 代替DIN 7504木螺钉•开槽半沉头木螺钉Slotted raised countersunk(oval) head wood screwsDin 95•开槽半圆头木螺钉Slotted round head wood screwsDin 96•开槽沉头木螺钉Slotted countersunk(flat) head wood screwsDin 97•六角头木螺钉Hexagon wood screwsDin 571•十字沉头木螺钉Cross recessed countersunk (flat) head wood screwsDIN 7997螺杆和螺柱•螺杆—过盈配合螺纹Metric interference-fit thread stud bolts DIN 976-2•Welding studs for turnbucklesDIN 34828•High-strength structural bolting assemblies. For preloading DIN EN 14399-3•High-strength structural bolting assemblies. For preloading DIN EN 14399-4•Hexagon bolts with flange-Small seriesDIN EN 1662•Hexagon bolts with flange-Heavy seriesDIN EN 1665•Hexagon bolts with flange with metric fine pitch thread DIN EN 14219•High-strength structural bolting assemblies for preloading DIN EN 14399-3•High-strength structural bolting assemblies for preloading DIN EN 14399-4•Hexagon head bolts with reduced shankDIN EN 24015•Hexagon head bolts(Product grade A and B)DIN EN ISO 4014•Hexagon head bolts(Product grade C)DIN EN ISO 4016•螺杆Metric thread stud boltsDIN 976-1•牙条Threaded rodDIN 975铆钉•沉头实心铆钉德标DIN302-1993 DIN302-1993DIN302-1993•半圆头钢铆钉—公称直径10~36mm Steel round head rivets with nominal diameters from 10 to36 mmDIN 124•沉头钢铆钉—公称直径10~36mm Steel countersunk head rivets with nominal diameters from10 to 36 mmDIN 302•半圆头铆钉—公称直径1~8mm Round head rivets with nominal diameters from 1 to 8 mm DIN 660•沉头铆钉—公称直径1~8mm Countersunk head rivets with nominal diameters from 1 to 8 mm DIN 661•半沉头铆钉—公称直径1.6~6mm Oval-head rivets with nominal diameters from 1,6 to 6 mm DIN 662•大半圆头铆钉—公称直径1.6~6mm Mushroom head rivets with nominal diameters from 1,6 to 6 mmDIN 674•沉头铆钉—公称直径3~5mm Flat countersunk head rivets with nominal diameters from 3 to 5 mmDIN 675•铆钉用具Rivet setsDIN 6434•盘头半空心铆钉—公称直径1.6~10mm Semitubular pan head rives with nominal diameters from 1,6 to 10 mmDIN 6791•沉头半空心铆钉—公称直径1.6~10mm Semitubular countersunk head rivets with nominal diameters from 1,6 to 10 mmDIN 6792•冲制铆钉Compression rivetsDIN 7331•开口型盲铆钉Break mandrel blind rivetsDIN 7337•开口型和封闭型铆钉Break and clutch lining rivetsDIN 7338•板料拉延管铆钉One-piece tubular rivets drawn from strip DIN 7339•管制空心铆钉Tubular rivets made from tubeDIN 7340•Steel round head rivetsDIN 124•Round head rivetsDIN 660•Countersunk head rivetsDIN 661•Oval-head rivetsDIN 662•Mushroom head rivetsDIN 674•Flat countersunk head rivetsDIN 675•Semitubular pan head rivets. With nominal diameters from 1,6 to 10mm DIN 6791•Compression rivetsDIN 7331•Brake and clutch lining rivetsDIN 7338•One-piece tubular rivetsDIN 7339•Tubular rivetsDIN 7340•Rivet pinsDIN 7341•Grooved pins with countersunk headDIN EN ISO 8747•沉头锥端铆钉德标DIN675-1993 DIN675-1993DIN675-1993螺母•DIN6334 六角长螺母hexagon long nutsDIN6334•非金属嵌件六角法兰面锁紧螺母Prevailing torque type hexagon nuts with flange(with non-metallic insert)DIN EN 1663 | 代替DIN 6926•非金属嵌件六角锁紧薄螺母Prevailing torque type hexagon thin nuts (with non-metallic insert ) DIN EN ISO 10511 | 代替DIN 985•吊环螺母Adjusting rings,steelDIN705•德制六角薄螺母HEXAGON NUTS UNIDin 5587•薄型方螺母—产品等级B级Square thin nuts - Product grade BDIN 562•六角薄螺母(倒角型)—产品等级A和B级Hexagon thin nuts(chamfered)-Product grade A and BDIN EN ISO 4035 | 代替DIN 439-2•六角薄螺母(无倒角型)—产品等级B级Hexagon thin nuts - Product grade B(unchamfered) DIN EN ISO 4036 | 代替DIN 439-1•1型六角螺母—细牙螺纹—产品等级A和B级Hexagon nuts,style 1,with metric fine pitch thread - Product grades A and BDIN EN ISO 8673 | 代替DIN 934|DIN 971-1•2型六角螺母—细牙螺纹—产品等级A和B级Hexagon nuts,style 2,with metric fine pitch thread - Product grades A and BDIN EN ISO 8674 | 代替DIN 971-2•六角薄螺母—细牙螺纹—产品等级A和B级Hexagon thin nuts with metric fine pitch thread -Product grades A and BDIN EN ISO 8675 | 代替DIN 439-2•六角开槽螺母—粗牙螺纹和细牙螺纹—产品等级A和B级Hexagon slotted nuts and caltle nuts with metric coarse and fine pitch thread - Product grades A and BDIN 935-1•六角开槽螺母—产品等级C级Hexagon slotted nuts with metric coarse pitch thread - Product grade CDIN 935-3•六角开槽薄螺母—产品等级A和B级Hexagon thin slotted nuts and castle nuts with metric coarse and fine pitch thread - Product grade A and BDIN 979•六角盖形螺母—扁球型Hexagon cap nutsDIN 917•六角盖形螺母—半圆球型Hexagon domed cap nutsDIN 1587•非金属嵌件六角组合式盖形锁紧螺母Prevailing torque hexagon domed cap nuts with non-metallic insertDIN 986•1型全金属六角锁紧螺母—性能等级5、8和10级Prevailing torque type all-metal hexagon nuts,style 1- Property classes 5,8 and 10DIN EN ISO 7719•开槽螺塞(螺纹塞)Screwed inserts(screw plugs)DIN 7965•冲压自锁螺母Self-locking counter nutsDIN 7967•三角凸缘螺母—矿山用防雷防爆电气设备用Triangular nuts for use with electrical equipment in miningDIN 22425•小对边薄螺母—粗牙和细牙Thin nuts with coarse pitch and fine pitch thread and with small widths across flatsDIN 80705•钢结构用—大六角螺母Steel hexagon nuts with large widths across flats for high - strength structural boltingDIN 6915•塑料六角螺母Plastic hexagon nutsDIN 34814•2型六角螺母—产品等级A和B级Hexagon nuts,style 2-Product grades A and B DIN EN ISO 4033•六角螺母—产品等级C级Hexagon nuts - Product grade CDIN EN ISO 4034 | 代替DIN 555•全金属六角法兰面锁紧螺母Prevailing torque type all-metal hexagon nuts with flange DIN EN 1664 | 代替DIN 6927•非金属嵌件六角法兰面锁紧螺母-细牙Prevailing torque type hexagon nuts with flange(with non-metallic insert)with metric fine pitch threadDIN EN 1666 | 代替DIN 6926•全金属六角法兰面锁紧螺母-细牙Prevailing torque type all-metal hexagon nuts with flange with metric fine pitch threadDIN EN 1667 | 代替DIN 6927•1型非金属嵌件六角锁紧螺母—性能等级5、8和10级Prevailing torque type hexagon nuts (with non-metallic insert),style 1 - Property classes 5,8 and 10DIN EN ISO 7040 | 代替DIN 982|DIN 6924•2型全金属六角锁紧螺母—性能等级5、8、10和12级Prevailing torque type all-metal hexagon nuts,style 2 - Property classes 5,8, 10 and 12DIN EN ISO 7042 | 代替DIN 980|DIN 6925•1型非金属嵌件六角锁紧螺母—细牙—性能等级6、8和10级Prevailing torque type hexagon nuts (with non-metallic insert),style 1,with metric fine pitch thread-Property classes 6,8 and 10 DIN EN ISO 10512 | 代替DIN 982|DIN 6924•2型全金属六角锁紧螺母—细牙—性能等级8、10和12级Prevailing torque type all-metal hexagon nuts,style 2,with metric fine pitch thread - Property classes 8,10 and 12DIN EN ISO 10513 | 代替DIN 980|DIN 6925•焊接方螺母Square weld nutsDIN 928•焊接六角螺母Hexagon weld nutsDIN 929•焊接六角法兰面螺母Hexagon weld nuts with flangeDIN 977•圆头滚花螺母Knurled nuts with collarDIN 466•圆头滚花薄螺母Knurled nutsDIN 467•厚圆头滚花螺母Knurled nutsDIN 6303•蝶形螺母—方翼Wing nuts with edged wingsDIN 314•蝶形螺母—圆翼Wing nuts with rounded wingsDIN 315•管螺母—螺纹符合ISO 228-1 Pipe nuts with thread as in ISO 228-1DIN 431•圆螺母—端面开槽Slotted round nutsDIN 546•圆螺母—端面带孔Round nuts with drilled holes in one faceDIN 547•圆螺母—恻面带孔Round nuts with set pin holes in sideDIN 548•吊耳螺母Lifting eye nutsDIN 582•圆型套筒螺母—钢制Turnbuckles made from steel tube or round steel bars DIN 1478•六角套筒螺母Hexagon turnbucklesDIN 1479•套筒螺母—组合开启型Turnbuckles,forged(open type)DIN 1480•六角螺母—腰状杆螺栓连接副用Hexagon nuts for use with bolts with waisted shank DIN 2510-5•罩螺母—腰状杆螺栓连接副用Cap nuts for use with bolts with waisted shank DIN 2510-6•受力管套—腰状杆螺栓连接副用Sleeves for use with bolts with waisted shank DIN 2510-7•六角螺母—m=1.5d Hexagon nuts with a height of 1,5dDIN 6330•六角凸缘螺母—m=1.5d Hexagon collar nuts with a height of 1,5dDIN 6331•专用地脚螺钉用地脚螺母DIN 798-1972•六角薄螺母(老标准)(产品等级A和B级)DIN 936-1985•六角冕形薄螺母(原类型)DIN 937-1987•六角开槽薄螺母和六角冕形薄螺母米制粗牙和细牙产品等级A和B级DIN 979-1987•汽车和拖车用圆盘轮螺母螺柱定心用紧固件DIN 74361-1982 第2部分•载重汽车和拖挂车的圆盘轮外部件紧固件DIN 74361-1979 第3部分•非钎焊和钎焊压合接头.管接螺母系列LL Non-soldering and soldering compression fittings -Union nuts series LL3870-2001 | 代替DIN 3870-1985;DIN 3870-19•Wing nuts with edged wingsDIN 314•Pipe nuts with thread as in ISO 228-1DIN 431•Knurled nuts with collarDIN 466•Short knurled nutsDIN 467•Slotted round nutsDIN 546•Round nuts with drilled holes in one faceDIN 547•Round nuts with set pin holes in sideDIN 548•Product grade C square nutsDIN 557•Square thin nutsDIN 562•Eyenuts for lifting purposesDIN 582•Hexagon cap nutsDIN 917•Overview of European Standards for fastenersDIN 918•Square weld nutsDIN 928•Hexagon weld nutsDIN 929•Hexagon slotted nuts and castle nuts with metric coarse and fine pitch thread(Product grade A and B)DIN 935-1•Hexagon slotted nuts with metric coarse pitch thread(Product grade C)DIN 935-3•Hexagon thin slotted nuts and castle nuts with metric coarse and fine pitch thread(Product grade A and B)DIN 979•Prevailing torque type hexagon domed cap nuts with non-metallic insertDIN 986•Hexagon domed cap nutsDIN 1587•Boloted connections with reduced shank hexagon nutsDIN 2510•Knurled nutsDIN 6303•Hexagon nuts with a height of 1,5 dDIN 6330•Hexagon nuts with collar,with a height of 1,5 dDIN 6331•Plastic hexagon nutsDIN 34814•Plastic washers. large seriesDIN 34816•Thin nuts with coarse pitch and fine pitch thread and with small widths across flats DIN 80705•Hexagon nuts with flangeDIN EN 1661•Prevailing torque type hexagon nuts with flange(with non-metallic insert)DIN EN 1663•Prevailing torque type all-metal hexagon nuts with flangeDIN EN 1664•Prevailing torque type hexagon nuts with flange(with non-metallic insert),with metric fine pitch threadDIN EN 1666•Prevailing torque type all-metal hexagon nuts with flange,with metric fine pitch thread DIN EN 1667•Hexagon nuts with flange. Fine pitch threadDIN EN 14218•Hexagon nuts,style 1(Product grades A and B)DIN EN ISO 4032•Hexagon nuts,style 2(Product grades A and B)DIN EN ISO 4033•Hexagon nuts(Product grades C)DIN EN ISO 4034•Hexagon thin nuts(chamfered)(Product grades A and B)DIN EN ISO 4035•Hexagon thin nuts(unchamfered)(Product grades B)DIN EN ISO 4036•Tolerances for fastenersDIN EN ISO 4759•Prevailing torque type hexagon nuts(with non-metallicinsert),style 1 Property classes5,8 and 10DIN EN ISO 7040•Prevailing torque type hexagon nuts(with non-metallicinsert),style 2 -Property classes 5,8,10 and 12DIN EN ISO 7042•Hexagon nuts,style 1,with metric fine pitch thread (Product grades B)DIN EN ISO 8673•Hexagon nuts,style 2,with metric fine pitch thread (Product grades A and B) DIN EN ISO 8674•Prevailing torque type hexagon thin nuts(with non-metallic insert)DIN EN ISO 10511•Prevailing torque type all-metal hexagon nuts,style 1 Property classes 5,8 and 10 DIN EN ISO 7719•Hexagon thin nuts (chamfered)with metric fine pitch thread(Product grades A and B) DIN EN ISO 8675•Prevailing torque type hexagon nuts(with non-metallic insert),style 1,with metric fine pitch thread-Property classes6,8 and 10DIN EN ISO 10512•Prevailing torque type all-metal hexagon nuts,style 2,with metric fine pitch thread-Property classes8,10 and 12DIN EN ISO 10513•Hexagon weld nuts with flangeDIN EN ISO 21670•Bolted connections with reduced shankDIN 2510•方螺母—产品等级C级Product grade C square nutsDIN 557•六角法兰面螺母Hexagon nuts with flangeDIN EN 1661 | 代替DIN 6923•【DIN 934】1型六角螺母—产品等级A和B级Hexagon nuts,style 1-Product grades A and B DIN EN ISO 4032 | 代替DIN 934垫圈•球面垫圈德标DIN6319C Spherical washers,steel case hardenedDIN6319C•DIN6319D-锥面垫圈conical seats,steel case hardenedDIN6319D-•DIN 7980 圆柱头螺栓用弹簧垫圈Spring lock washers with square ends for cheese head screwsDIN 7980•DIN2093 蝶形弹簧垫圈德标Wing spring washersDIN2093•单耳止动垫圈德标DIN93-1974 DIN93-1974DIN93-1974•弹簧垫圈(DIN 127) Helical spring lock washers,sprint steel127•十字槽盘头螺钉—产品等级A级Pan head screws with type H or type Z cross recess-Product grade ADIN EN ISO 7045 | 代替DIN 7985•十字槽沉头(通用头型)螺钉-产品等级A级-第1部分:性能等级钢4.8级Countersunk flat head screws (common head style)with type H or type Z cross recess,product grade A-Part 1:Steel of property class 4.8DIN EN ISO 7046-1 | 代替DIN 965•钢制的,普通系列平垫圈Flat Washers, steel normal series【Din 125B】| 代替7090•钢制的,普通系列平垫圈Flat Washers, steel normal series【Din 125A】•小垫圈samll seriesDin 433 | 代替Din 433•方垫圈—木结构用Square washers for use in timber constructionsDIN 436•方孔方垫圈—木结构用Washers with square hole for use in timber constructions DIN 440•粗制平垫圈—螺栓用Washers,coarse type,or boltsDIN 1441•精制平垫圈Washers for clamping devicesDIN 6340•平垫圈—带重型夹紧套螺栓用Plain washers for bolts with heavy clamping sleeves DIN 7349•塑料垫圈—标准系列Plastic washers-Standard seriesDIN 34815•塑料垫圈—大系列Plastic washers-Large seriesDIN 34816•销轴用平垫圈—产品等级A级Plain washers for use with clevis pins-Product grade A DIN EN 28738 | 代替DIN 1440•平垫圈—标准系列—产品等级A级Plain washers-Normal series-Product grade A DIN EN ISO 7089•平垫圈—倒角型—标准系列—产品等级A级Plain washers,chamfered-Normal series-Product grade ADIN EN ISO 7090•平垫圈—标准系列—产品等级C级Plain washers-Normal series-Product grade C DIN EN ISO 7091•平垫圈—小系列—产品等级A级Plain washers-Small series-Product grade A DIN EN ISO 7092•平垫圈—大系列—第一部分:产品等级A级Plain washers-Large series-Part 1: Product grade A DIN EN ISO 7093-1•平垫圈—标准系列—第3部分:产品等级C级Plain washers-Normal series-Part 3: Product grade CDIN EN ISO 7093-2•平垫圈—特大系列—产品等级C级Plain washers-Extra large series -Product grade C DIN EN ISO 7094•长单耳止动垫片Tab washers with long tabDIN 93•螺钉和垫圈组合件用外锯齿锁紧垫圈Serrated lock washers with extermal teeth for screw and washer assembliesDIN 6907•螺钉和垫圈组合件用锥形弹性垫圈Conical sring washers for screw and washer assemblies DIN 6908•自攻螺钉和垫圈组合件用平垫圈—标准系列和大系列—产品等级A级Plain washers for tapping screw and washer assemblies - Normal and large series - Product grade ADIN EN ISO 10669•螺钉和垫圈组合件用平垫圈—小系列、标准系列及大系列—产品等级A级Plain washers for screw and washer assemblies - Small,normal and large series - Product grade ADIN EN ISO 10673•槽钢用方斜垫圈Square taper washers for use with channel sectionsDIN 434•I型工字钢用方斜垫圈Square taper washers for use with I sectionsDIN 435•钢结构高强度螺栓连接—圆垫圈Round washers for high-strength structural steel bolting DIN 6916•钢结构高强度螺栓连接—I型工字钢用方斜垫圈Square taper washers for high-strength structural bolting of steel I sectionsDIN 6917•钢结构高强度螺栓连接—槽钢用方斜垫圈Square taper washers for high-strength structural bolting of steel channel sectionsDIN 6918•钢结构用垫圈—产品等级C级Washers for use in structural steelwork - Product grade C DIN7989-1•钢结构用垫圈—产品等级A级Washers for use in structural steelwork - Product grade A DIN7989-2•波形弹性垫圈Wave spring washersDIN 137•外舌止动垫片External tab washers(locking tab washers)DIN 432•双耳止动垫片Tab washers with short and long tab at right anglesDIN 463•安全杯—DIN84开槽圆柱头螺钉用Safety cups for cheese head screws according to DIN 84 DIN 526•密封垫圈Shim rings and supporting ringsDIN 988•螺栓、螺母组合件用锥形弹性垫圈Conical spring washers for bolt/nut assemblies DIN 6796•锯齿锁紧弹性垫圈Toothed lock washersDIN 6797•外锯齿锁紧垫圈Serrated lock washersDIN 6798•螺钉和垫圈组合件用波形弹性垫圈Curved spring washers for screw and washer assemblies DIN 6904•螺钉和垫圈组合件用弹簧垫圈Spring lock washers for screw and washer assemblies DIN 6905•密封垫圈Shim rings and supporting ringsDIN 988•平垫圈—重型螺栓用Plain washers for bolts with heavy clamping sleeves DIN 7349•垫圈Flat washers stellDin 126•平垫圈Flat washer,stainless stellDIN 9021 | 代替DIN 9021•Shim rings and supporting ringsDIN 988•Plain washers. For bolts with heavy clamping sleevesDIN 7349•Blind rivetsDIN EN ISO 14589•Square taper steel washers for use with channel sectionsDIN 434•Square taper steel washers for use with I sectionsDIN 435•Square washersDIN 436•Washers with square hole for use in timber constructionsDIN 440•Shim rings and supporting ringsDIN 988•Washers type coarse for boltsDIN 1441•Washers for clamping devicesDIN 6340•Conical spring washers. for bolt/nut assembliesDIN 6796•Conical spring washersDIN 6908•Square taper washers. For high-strength structural bolting of steel | sections DIN 6917•Square taper washers. For high-strength structural bolting of steel channel sections DIN 6918•Plain washers. For Bolts with Heavy Clamping SleevesDIN 7349•Washers for use in structural steelwork(Product grade C)DIN 7989-1•Washers for use in structural steelwork(Product grade A)DIN 7989-2•Chamfered plain washers for use in structural steelworkDIN 34820•High-strength structural bolting assemblies. For preloadingDIN EN 14399-5•High-strength structural bolting assemblies. For preloadingDIN EN 14399-6•Plain washers-Normal series(Product grades A)DIN EN ISO 7089•Plain washers,chamfered-Normal series(Product grades A)DIN EN ISO 7090。



德国标准和国际标准、中国标准中英文对照表序号德国标准中文品名英文品名国际标准中国标准Description inItem D IN-StandardDescription in English ISO-Standard GB-Standard Chinese1 DIN1 圆锥销taper pins ISO2339 GB1172 DIN7 圆柱销parallel pins ISO2338 GB119-863 DIN84 开槽圆柱头螺钉slotted cheese head screws ISO1207 GB65-854 DIN85 开槽盘头螺钉slotted pan head screws ISO1580 GB67-855 DIN93 单耳止动垫圈tab washers GB8546 DIN94 开口销split cotter pins ISO1234 GB91slotted raised csk head wood7 DIN95 开槽半沉头木螺钉GB101screws8 DIN96 开槽半圆头木螺钉slotted round head wood screws GB99slotted countersunk head wood9 DIN97 开槽沉头木螺钉GB100screws10 DIN125-A 平垫plain washers ISO7089 GB97.1-8511 DIN125-B 平垫(带倒角) mediun washers ISO7090 GB97.2-8512 DIN126 平垫plain washers ISO709113 DIN127-A 重型弹垫spring lock washers,tang ends GB724414 DIN127-B 标准弹垫spring lock washers,square ends GB93-8715 DIN128-A 鞍形弹垫single coil spring lock washers GB7245-8716 DIN137-A 弹簧止动垫圈curved spring washers17 DIN137-B 波形弹垫wave spring washers GB95518 DIN186 T型方颈螺栓T-head bolts with square neck GB 37-8819 DIN188 T型双接头螺栓T-head bolts with double nip20 DIN258 螺纹圆锥销taper pins with threaded end ISO873721 DIN261 T型头螺栓T-head bolts22 DIN315AF 蝶型螺母(美制) wing nuts amercia form23 DIN315DF 蝶型螺母(德制) wing nuts germany form GB62-8824 DIN316AF 蝶型螺钉(美制) wing screws amercia form25 DIN317DF 蝶型螺钉(德制) wing screws germany form26 DIN319 圆球型盖型螺母ball knobs27 DIN404开槽带孔球面圆柱头螺钉slotted capstan screws GB832-8828 DIN417开槽长圆柱端紧定螺钉slotted set srews with full dogpointISO7435 GB75-8529 DIN427开槽平端紧定螺钉(半牙) slotted set srews with chamferedendISO2342 GB73-8530 DIN431小六角特薄细牙螺母pipe nuts with thread GB808-8831 DIN432 外舌止动垫圈external tap GB856-8832 DIN433小垫圈(用于圆柱头螺钉)washers for cheese head screws ISO7092 GB848-95 33 DIN434 方斜垫圈(U型)square taper washers forU-sectionGB852-88 34 DIN435 方斜垫圈(I型)square taper washers forI-sectionsGB852-8835 DIN436 方垫圈square washers36 DIN438 开槽凹端紧定螺钉slotted set with cup point ISO7436 GB74-8537 DIN439 六角薄螺母hexagon thin nuts ISO4035 GB6172-8638 DIN439 细牙六角薄螺母hexagon thin nuts ISO8675 GB6173-8639 DIN440 木螺钉专用垫圈rounds washers for woodconstructionsISO709440 DIN443 密封帽sealing caps,push-in type41 DIN444 活节螺栓B 型eye bolts form B GB798-8842 DIN462 内舌止动垫圈internal tab washers43 DIN463 双耳止动垫圈washers with two taps GB855-8844 DIN464 滚花高头螺钉knurled thumb screws withcollarGB834-88 45 DIN465 开槽滚花高头螺钉slotted knurled thumb screwswith collar46 DIN466 滚花高螺母knurled thumb nuts with collar GB806-8847 DIN467 滚花薄螺母knurled thumb thin nuts GB807-8848 DIN470 锁紧垫圈sealing washers49 DIN471 轴用弹性挡圈retaining rings forshafts(external),circlipsGB894.1-86 50 DIN472 孔用弹性挡圈retaining rings forbores(internal),circlipsGB893.1-8651 DIN478 方头带垫螺栓square head bolts with collar52 DIN479 方头圆柱底端螺栓square head bolts with half dogpoint53 DIN480方头带垫半圆底端螺栓square head bolts with collar,half dog point and rounded end54 DIN508 T型槽螺母T-slot nuts ISO29955 DIN525 单头螺柱single end studs56 DIN529 地脚螺栓masonry bolts GB799-8857 DIN546 带槽圆螺母slotted round nuts GB817-7658 DIN547 端面带孔圆螺母round nuts with drilled holes inone faceGB815-8859 DIN551 开槽平端紧定螺钉slotted sit screws with flat point I SO4776 GB73-8560 DIN553 开槽锥端紧定螺钉slotted set screws with conepointISO7434 GB71-85 61 DIN555 六角螺母hexagon nuts ISO403462 DIN557 方螺母-C square nuts GB39-8863 DIN558 六角头螺钉hexagon screws ISO401864 DIN561六角头圆柱端紧定螺钉hexagon set screws with full dog point65 DIN562 薄型方螺母-Bsquare nuts withoutbevel(pressed nuts)66 DIN571 六角头木螺钉hexagon head wood screws(coach screws)GB102-8667 DIN580 吊环螺钉lifting eye bolts ISO3266 GB825-7668 DIN582 吊环螺母lifting eye nuts69 DIN601 六角头螺栓hexagon bolts ISO401670 DIN603大半圆头方颈螺栓(马车螺栓) mushroom head square neckbolts (carriage bolts)ISO8677 GB14-8871 DIN604沉头带插销马车螺栓flat countersunk nib bolts72 DIN605沉头长方颈马车螺栓flat countersunk long square neck bolts73 DIN607半圆头带插销马车螺栓cup head nib bolts74 DIN608沉头短方颈马车螺栓flat countersunk short square neck bolts75 DIN609六角头精配螺栓(长螺纹)hexagon fitted bolts,long thread76 DIN610六角头精配螺栓(短螺纹)hexagon fitted bolts,short thread77 DIN653 滚花平头螺钉knurled thumb screws thin type GB835-8878 DIN660 半圆头铆钉round head rivets ISO1051 GB867-8679 DIN661 沉头铆钉contersunk head rivets ISO1051 GB869-8680 DIN662 半沉头铆钉raised contersunk head rivets ISO105181 DIN674 大扁头铆钉mushroom head rivets ISO105182 DIN703重型侧面带孔圆螺母adjusting rings,heavy range (shafting collars)83 DIN705 侧面带孔圆螺母adjusting rings,light range(shafting collars)GB816-8884 DIN741 卡头wire rope clips85 DIN787 T型槽螺钉T-slot screws ISO29986 DIN835双头螺柱(牙长=2D)studs-metal (end=2d) GB900-8887 DIN906内六角锥型闭锁螺钉hexagon socket pipe plugs,conical thread88 DIN908内六角直型闭锁螺钉hexagon socket screw plugs,cyl. thread89 DIN909外六角锥型闭锁螺钉hexagon head pipe plugs,conical thread90 DIN910外六角直型闭锁螺钉hexagon head screw plugs,cyl.thread91 DIN911 内六角扳手socket wrenches ISO293692 DIN912 内六角圆柱头螺钉hexagon socket cap screws ISO4762 GB70-8593 DIN913内六角平端紧定螺钉hexagon socket set screws withflat pointISO4026 GB77-8594 DIN914内六角尖端紧定螺钉hexagon socket set screws withcone pointISO4027 GB78-8595 DIN915内六角圆柱端紧定螺钉hexagon socket set screws withdog pointISO4028 GB79-8596 DIN916内六角凹端紧定螺钉hexagon socket set screws withcup pointISO4029 GB80-8597 DIN917 薄型盲螺母hexagon cap nuts98 DIN920 开槽小圆柱头螺钉slotted short cheese head screws99 DIN921 开槽大圆柱头螺钉slotted large cheese head screws GB838-88100 DIN923开槽圆柱头轴肩螺钉slotted pan head screws withshoulderGB830-88101 DIN927 开槽无头轴肩螺钉slotted shoulder screws102 DIN928 焊接方螺母square weld nuts GB/T13680-92 103 DIN929 焊接六角螺母hexagon weld nuts GB/T13681-92 104 DIN931 六角头螺栓(半牙)hexagon head screws ISO4014 GB5782-86 105 DIN933 六角头螺栓(全牙)hexagon head screws ISO4017 GB5783-86 106 DIN934 六角头螺母(1型) hexagon full nuts ISO4032 GB6170-86 107 DIN934细牙六角头螺母(1型)hexagon full nuts ISO8673 GB6171-86 108 DIN935 开槽六角螺母hexagon slotted and castle nuts ISO7035 GB6178-86 109 DIN936 六角头薄螺母hexagon thin nuts ISO4035 GB6172.1-86 110 DIN937 六角头开槽薄螺母hexagon thin slotted and castlenutsISO7038 GB6181-86 111 DIN938双头螺距(牙长=1D)studs metal (end=1d) GB897-88 112 DIN939双头螺距(牙长=1.25D)studs metal (end=1.25d) GB898-88 113 DIN940双头螺距(牙长=1.5D)studs metal (end=1.5d)114 DIN960六角头细牙螺栓(半牙)hexagon head bolts,metric finepitch threadISO8765 GB5785-86115 DIN961六角头细牙螺栓(全牙)hexagon head bolts,metric finepitch threadISO8676 GB5786-86116 DIN962 头部穿孔六角头螺additional shapes and versions栓for bolts117 DIN963 开槽沉头螺钉slotted countersund head screws ISO 2009 GB68-85 118 DIN964 开槽半沉头螺钉slotted raised countersunk ovalhead screwsISO 2010 GB69-85 119 DIN965 十字槽沉头螺钉cross recessed countersunk headscrewsISO7046 GB819-85 120 DIN966 十字槽半沉头螺钉cross recessed raisedcountersunk head screwsISO7047 GB820-85 121 DIN970 六角头螺母hexagon nuts type-1122 DIN971 六角头螺母hexagon nuts type-2123 DIN972细牙六角头螺母(2型)hexagon nuts with fine thread ISO8674 GB6176-86 124 DIN975 牙条(全螺纹) threaded rods(studdings) GB15389-94 125 DIN976 螺纹销threaded pins(stud bolts)126 DIN979六角头开槽薄螺母(2型)hexagon thin slotted and castle nuts127 DIN980全金属六角锁紧螺母(1型)prevailling torque type hexagonnuts,all metall nutsISO7199 GB6184-86128 DIN981 圆螺母locknuts ISO2982 GB812-88129 DIN982六角头尼龙锁紧螺母prevailling torque type hexagonnuts,heavy type ,with nyloninsertISO7040 GB889.1-86130 DIN985六角头薄型尼龙锁紧螺母prevailling torque type hexagonnuts,heavy type ,with nyloninsertISO10511 GB6172.2-86131 DIN986六角盖型尼龙锁紧螺母prevailling torque typedomed capnuts with nylon insert132 DIN988 配合垫片shim rings133 DIN1052 木材连接用垫片washers for timber connectors134 DIN1151 沉头钢钉round plain head nails135 DIN1440 销钉专用垫片A型plain washers for clevis pins(A型)ISO8738136 DIN1441 销钉专用垫片plain washers for clevis pins137 DIN1444 带头销钉clevis pins with head ISO2341138 DIN1471 圆锥型槽销grooved pins,taper grooved ISO8744 GB/T13829.2 139 DIN1472 圆锥型槽销(半槽)grooved pins,taper grooved halflengthISO8745 GB/T13829.2 140 DIN1473 平行槽销(带倒角)grooved pins,parallel groovedfull lengthISO8740141 DIN1474 前端凹槽槽销grooved pins,reserve groovedhalf lengthISO8741142 DIN1475 中部凹槽槽销grooved pins,centre grooved ISO8742143 DIN1476 圆头槽销grooved pins with round head ISO8746 GB/T13829.3 144 DIN1477 沉头槽销grooved pins with countersunkheadISO8747145 DIN1479 六角螺母棒turnuckles(centre parts),madeout of hexagon bar146 DIN1480 花篮螺栓turnuckles with eye bolt andhook bolt147 DIN1481 弹性圆柱销spring pins,heavy type ISO8752 GB879-86 148 DIN1587 组合式盖型螺母hexagon domed cap nuts GB802-88149 DIN1804开槽圆螺母(配合沟头扳手)slotted round nuts for hook spanner150 DIN1816 圆螺母(带插销孔)round nuts with set holes 151 DIN2093 盘型弹簧垫圈disc springs152 DIN3017 喉箍hose clamps153 DIN3404 润滑油嘴(旋扭头)lubricating nipples,button head154 DIN3567 管夹shackles for conduilts155 DIN3570 U型螺栓stirrup bolts(U-bolts)156 DIN6319 球面垫圈spherical washers,conical seats GB849-88 157 DIN6325 圆柱销parallel pins ISO8734158 DIN6330 厚六角螺母hexagon nuts ,1.5d GB56-88 159 DIN6331 厚六角法兰面螺母hexagon nuts ,1.5d with collar GB6177-86 160 DIN6334 长六角螺母hexagon nuts ,3d161 DIN6797-A 外齿锁紧垫圈external teeth lock washers GB862.1-87 162 DIN6797-I 内齿锁紧垫圈internal teeth lock washers GB861.1-87 163 DIN6798-A 外锯齿锁紧垫圈external teeth serrated lockwashersGB862.2-87 164 DIN6798-I 内锯齿锁紧垫圈internal teeth serrated lockwashersGB861.2-87 165 DIN6799 开口挡圈retaining rings forshafts(E-rings),circlipsGB896-76 166 DIN6885 平键(A型)parallel keys(form A ) ISO773/2491167 DIN6888 半圆键woodruff keys ISO3912168 DIN6899 嵌环(支撑环)thimbles169 DIN6900机器螺钉和垫圈组合件screws and washers assemblies GB9074.1-.17170 DIN6901自攻螺钉和垫圈组合件tapping screws and washersassembliesGB9074.18-.23171 DIN6912薄型带孔内六角圆柱头螺钉hexagon socket head cap screws with hole,low head172 DIN6914 大六角头螺栓hexagon head bolts with largehead(friction grip bolts)173 DIN6915 大六角螺母hexagon nuts with large widethacross flat(friction grip nuts)174 DIN6916 大垫圈round washers for friction gripbolts175 DIN6917 楔型方垫圈spuare taper washers for frictiongrip bolts on T-sections176 DIN6923 六角法兰面螺母hexagon flange nuts ISO4161 GB6177-86177 DIN6925全金属六角锁紧螺母(2型)prevailing torque type hexagonnuts,all metallic nutsISO7042 GB6185.1-2000178 DIN7337开口型抽芯铆钉(沉头、扁圆头)blind rivets GB12617/12618 179 DIN7338扁平头半空心/全空心铆钉rivets for brake and clutch lining GB875/975-86 180 DIN7343 螺旋夹紧销spiral pins ISO8750181 DIN7346 轻型弹性圆柱销spring pins,light type ISO13337182 DIN7349重型弹性圆柱销用垫圈washers for bolts with heavy type spring pinss183 DIN7500ISO公制螺纹螺钉(多种头型) threadforming screws for ISO-metric thread184 DIN7504自攻自钻螺钉(多种头型)self-drilling tapping screws 185 DIN7513开槽切削螺纹螺钉(多种头型)thread cutting screws186 DIN7516十字槽切削螺纹螺钉(多种头型) thread cutting screws cross recess187 DIN7965 T型四爪螺母tee nuts with pronge188 DIN7968钢结构用六角头螺栓连接副hexagon head fitted bolts forsteel structuresGB1228/1229/1230189 DIN7971 开槽盘头自攻螺钉pan head tapping screws with ISO1481 GB5282-85190 DIN7972 开槽沉头自攻螺钉countersunk flat head tappingscrews with slotISO1482 GB5283-85191 DIN7973开槽半沉头自攻螺钉raised countersunk oval headtapping screws with slotISO1483 GB5284-85192 DIN7976 六角头自攻螺钉hexagon tapping screws ISO1479 GB5285-85193 DIN7980圆柱头螺钉用弹簧垫圈spring lock washers for screwswith cylindrical headsISO8738194 DIN7981十字槽盘头自攻螺钉pan head tapping screws withcross recessedISO 7049 GB845-85195 DIN7982十字槽沉头自攻螺钉countersunk flat head tappingscrews with cross recessedISO7050 GB846-85196 DIN7983十字槽半沉头自攻螺钉raised countersunk oval headtapping screws with crossrecessedISO7051 GB847-86197 DIN7984薄型内六角圆柱头螺钉hexagon socket head cap screws with,reduced head198 DIN7985 十字槽盘头螺钉pan head screws with crossrecessedISO7045 GB818-85 199 DIN7989 钢结构用垫圈washers for steel structures GB1230-84200 DIN7990钢结构用六角头螺栓hexagon head bolts for steelstructuresGB1229-84201 DIN7991 内六角沉头螺钉hexagon socket countersunkhead screwsISO10642202 DIN7993 轴用钢丝挡圈roundwire snap rings for shafts GB895.2-86203 DIN7995十字槽半沉头木螺钉cross recessed raisedcountersunk head wood screwsGB952-86204 DIN7996 十字槽圆头木螺钉cross recessed round head wood GB950-86205 DIN7997 十字槽沉头木螺钉cross recessed countersunk headwood screwsGB951-86206 DIN8140螺纹护套(普通\自锁等)ciol inserts,coarse,fine thread,silf locking207 DIN9021 大外径垫圈washers,outside diameterappro.3dISO7093 GB96-85 208 DIN11024 弹簧卡子spring cotter for a bolt209 DIN13257 平板螺栓belting bolts (elevator bolts)210 DIN18182 干壁钉(墙板钉)dry wall screws211 DIN28129 环型螺母lifting nuts(eye nuts) GB63-88 212 DIN70952 圆螺母用止退垫圈tab washers for slotted roundnutsGB858-88。



德国标准和国际标准、中国标准中英文对照表发布日期:2007-03-14 浏览次数:829德国标准和国际标准、中国标准中英文对照表序号德国标准中文品名英文品名国际标准中国标准Item DIN-Standard Description in Chinese Description in English ISO-Standard GB-Standard 1DIN1圆锥销taper pins ISO2339GB117 2DIN7圆柱销parallel pins ISO2338GB119-86 3DIN84开槽圆柱头螺钉slotted cheese head screws ISO1207GB65-85 4DIN85开槽盘头螺钉slotted pan head screws ISO1580GB67-85 5DIN93单耳止动垫圈tab washers GB854 6DIN94开口销split cotter pins ISO1234GB91 7DIN95开槽半沉头木螺钉slotted raised csk head wood screws GB101 8DIN96开槽半圆头木螺钉slotted round head wood screws GB99 9DIN97开槽沉头木螺钉slotted countersunk head wood screws GB100 10DIN125-A平垫plain washers ISO7089GB97.1-85 11DIN125-B平垫(带倒角)mediun washers ISO7090GB97.2-85 12DIN126平垫plain washers ISO709113DIN127-A重型弹垫spring lock washers,tang ends GB7244 14DIN127-B标准弹垫spring lock washers,square ends GB93-87 15DIN128-A鞍形弹垫single coil spring lock washers GB7245-87 16DIN137-A弹簧止动垫圈curved spring washers17DIN137-B波形弹垫wave spring washers GB955 18DIN186T型方颈螺栓T-head bolts with square neck GB37-88 19DIN188T型双接头螺栓T-head bolts with double nip20DIN258螺纹圆锥销taper pins with threaded end ISO873721DIN261T型头螺栓T-head bolts22DIN315AF蝶型螺母(美制)wing nuts amercia form23DIN315DF蝶型螺母(德制)wing nuts germany form GB62-88 24DIN316AF蝶型螺钉(美制)wing screws amercia form25DIN317DF蝶型螺钉(德制)wing screws germany form26DIN319圆球型盖型螺母ball knobs27DIN404开槽带孔球面圆柱头螺钉slotted capstan screws GB832-8828DIN417开槽长圆柱端紧定螺钉slotted set srews with full dog point ISO7435GB75-85 29DIN427开槽平端紧定螺钉(半牙)slotted set srews with chamfered end ISO2342GB73-85 30DIN431小六角特薄细牙螺母pipe nuts with thread GB808-88 31DIN432外舌止动垫圈external tap GB856-88 32DIN433小垫圈(用于圆柱头螺钉)washers for cheese head screws ISO7092GB848-95 33DIN434方斜垫圈(U型)square taper washers for U-section GB852-88 34DIN435方斜垫圈(I型)square taper washers for I-sections GB852-88 35DIN436方垫圈square washers36DIN438开槽凹端紧定螺钉slotted set with cup point ISO7436GB74-85 37DIN439六角薄螺母hexagon thin nuts ISO4035GB6172-86 38DIN439细牙六角薄螺母hexagon thin nuts ISO8675GB6173-86 39DIN440木螺钉专用垫圈rounds washers for wood constructions ISO709440DIN443密封帽sealing caps,push-in type41DIN444活节螺栓B 型eye bolts form B GB798-88 42DIN462内舌止动垫圈internal tab washers43DIN463双耳止动垫圈washers with two taps GB855-88 44DIN464滚花高头螺钉knurled thumb screws with collar GB834-88 45DIN465开槽滚花高头螺钉slotted knurled thumb screws with collar46DIN466滚花高螺母knurled thumb nuts with collar GB806-88 47DIN467滚花薄螺母knurled thumb thin nuts GB807-88 48DIN470锁紧垫圈sealing washers49DIN471轴用弹性挡圈retaining rings for shafts(external),circlips GB894.1-86 50DIN472孔用弹性挡圈retaining rings for bores(internal),circlips GB893.1-86 51DIN478方头带垫螺栓square head bolts with collar52DIN479方头圆柱底端螺栓square head bolts with half dog point53DIN480方头带垫半圆底端螺栓square head bolts with collar,half dog point and rounded end54DIN508T型槽螺母T-slot nuts ISO29955DIN525单头螺柱single end studs56DIN529地脚螺栓masonry bolts GB799-88 57DIN546带槽圆螺母slotted round nuts GB817-76 58DIN547端面带孔圆螺母round nuts with drilled holes in one face GB815-88 59DIN551开槽平端紧定螺钉slotted sit screws with flat point ISO4776GB73-85 60DIN553开槽锥端紧定螺钉slotted set screws with cone point ISO7434GB71-8561DIN555六角螺母hexagon nuts ISO403462DIN557方螺母-C square nuts GB39-88 63DIN558六角头螺钉hexagon screws ISO401864DIN561六角头圆柱端紧定螺钉hexagon set screws with full dog point65DIN562薄型方螺母-B square nuts without bevel(pressed nuts)66DIN571六角头木螺钉hexagon head wood screws (coach screws)GB102-86 67DIN580吊环螺钉lifting eye bolts ISO3266GB825-76 68DIN582吊环螺母lifting eye nuts69DIN601六角头螺栓hexagon bolts ISO401670DIN603大半圆头方颈螺栓(马车螺栓)mushroom head square neck bolts (carriagebolts)ISO8677GB14-8871DIN604沉头带插销马车螺栓flat countersunk nib bolts72DIN605沉头长方颈马车螺栓flat countersunk long square neck bolts73DIN607半圆头带插销马车螺栓cup head nib bolts74DIN608沉头短方颈马车螺栓flat countersunk short square neck bolts75DIN609六角头精配螺栓(长螺纹)hexagon fitted bolts,long thread76DIN610六角头精配螺栓(短螺纹)hexagon fitted bolts,short thread77DIN653滚花平头螺钉knurled thumb screws thin type GB835-88 78DIN660半圆头铆钉round head rivets ISO1051GB867-86 79DIN661沉头铆钉contersunk head rivets ISO1051GB869-86 80DIN662半沉头铆钉raised contersunk head rivets ISO105181DIN674大扁头铆钉mushroom head rivets ISO105182DIN703重型侧面带孔圆螺母adjusting rings,heavy range (shafting collars)83DIN705侧面带孔圆螺母adjusting rings,light range (shafting collars)GB816-88 84DIN741卡头wire rope clips85DIN787T型槽螺钉T-slot screws ISO29986DIN835双头螺柱(牙长=2D)studs-metal (end=2d)GB900-88 87DIN906内六角锥型闭锁螺钉hexagon socket pipe plugs,conical thread88DIN908内六角直型闭锁螺钉hexagon socket screw plugs,cyl. thread89DIN909外六角锥型闭锁螺钉hexagon head pipe plugs,conical thread90DIN910外六角直型闭锁螺钉hexagon head screw plugs,cyl.thread91DIN911内六角扳手socket wrenches ISO293692DIN912内六角圆柱头螺钉hexagon socket cap screws ISO4762GB70-85 93DIN913内六角平端紧定螺钉hexagon socket set screws with flat point ISO4026GB77-8594DIN914内六角尖端紧定螺钉hexagon socket set screws with cone point ISO4027GB78-8595DIN915内六角圆柱端紧定螺钉hexagon socket set screws with dog point ISO4028GB79-8596DIN916内六角凹端紧定螺钉hexagon socket set screws with cup point ISO4029GB80-8597DIN917薄型盲螺母hexagon cap nuts98DIN920开槽小圆柱头螺钉slotted short cheese head screws99DIN921开槽大圆柱头螺钉slotted large cheese head screws GB838-88 100DIN923开槽圆柱头轴肩螺钉slotted pan head screws with shoulder GB830-88 101DIN927开槽无头轴肩螺钉slotted shoulder screws102DIN928焊接方螺母square weld nuts GB/T13680-92 103DIN929焊接六角螺母hexagon weld nuts GB/T13681-92 104DIN931六角头螺栓(半牙)hexagon head screws ISO4014GB5782-86 105DIN933六角头螺栓(全牙)hexagon head screws ISO4017GB5783-86 106DIN934六角头螺母(1型)hexagon full nuts ISO4032GB6170-86 107DIN934细牙六角头螺母(1型)hexagon full nuts ISO8673GB6171-86 108DIN935开槽六角螺母hexagon slotted and castle nuts ISO7035GB6178-86 109DIN936六角头薄螺母hexagon thin nuts ISO4035GB6172.1-86 110DIN937六角头开槽薄螺母hexagon thin slotted and castle nuts ISO7038GB6181-86 111DIN938双头螺距(牙长=1D)studs metal (end=1d)GB897-88 112DIN939双头螺距(牙长=1.25D)studs metal (end=1.25d)GB898-88 113DIN940双头螺距(牙长=1.5D)studs metal (end=1.5d)114DIN960六角头细牙螺栓(半牙)hexagon head bolts,metric fine pitch thread ISO8765GB5785-86 115DIN961六角头细牙螺栓(全牙)hexagon head bolts,metric fine pitch thread ISO8676GB5786-86 116DIN962头部穿孔六角头螺栓additional shapes and versions for bolts117DIN963开槽沉头螺钉slotted countersund head screws ISO 2009GB68-85118DIN964开槽半沉头螺钉slotted raised countersunk oval head screws ISO 2010GB69-85119DIN965十字槽沉头螺钉cross recessed countersunk head screws ISO7046GB819-85 120DIN966十字槽半沉头螺钉cross recessed raised countersunk head screws ISO7047GB820-85 121DIN970六角头螺母hexagon nuts type-1122DIN971六角头螺母hexagon nuts type-2123DIN972细牙六角头螺母(2型)hexagon nuts with fine thread ISO8674GB6176-86 124DIN975牙条(全螺纹)threaded rods(studdings)GB15389-94 125DIN976螺纹销threaded pins(stud bolts)126DIN979六角头开槽薄螺母(2型)hexagon thin slotted and castle nuts127DIN980全金属六角锁紧螺母(1型)prevailling torque type hexagon nuts,all metallnutsISO7199GB6184-86128DIN981圆螺母locknuts ISO2982GB812-88129DIN982六角头尼龙锁紧螺母prevailling torque type hexagon nuts,heavy type,with nylon insertISO7040GB889.1-86130DIN985六角头薄型尼龙锁紧螺母prevailling torque type hexagon nuts,heavy type,with nylon insertISO10511GB6172.2-86131DIN986六角盖型尼龙锁紧螺母prevailling torque typedomed capnuts with nylon insert132DIN988配合垫片shim rings133DIN1052木材连接用垫片washers for timber connectors134DIN1151沉头钢钉round plain head nails135DIN1440销钉专用垫片A型plain washers for clevis pins(A型)ISO8738136DIN1441销钉专用垫片plain washers for clevis pins137DIN1444带头销钉clevis pins with head ISO2341138DIN1471圆锥型槽销grooved pins,taper grooved ISO8744GB/T13829.2 139DIN1472圆锥型槽销(半槽)grooved pins,taper grooved half length ISO8745GB/T13829.2 140DIN1473平行槽销(带倒角)grooved pins,parallel grooved full length ISO8740141DIN1474前端凹槽槽销grooved pins,reserve grooved half length ISO8741142DIN1475中部凹槽槽销grooved pins,centre grooved ISO8742143DIN1476圆头槽销grooved pins with round head ISO8746GB/T13829.3 144DIN1477沉头槽销grooved pins with countersunk head ISO8747145DIN1479六角螺母棒turnuckles(centre parts),made out of hexagon bar146DIN1480花篮螺栓turnuckles with eye bolt and hook bolt147DIN1481弹性圆柱销spring pins,heavy type ISO8752GB879-86 148DIN1587组合式盖型螺母hexagon domed cap nuts GB802-88 149DIN1804开槽圆螺母(配合沟头扳手)slotted round nuts for hook spanner150DIN1816圆螺母(带插销孔)round nuts with set holes151DIN2093盘型弹簧垫圈disc springs152DIN3017喉箍hose clamps153DIN3404润滑油嘴(旋扭头)lubricating nipples,button head154DIN3567管夹shackles for conduilts155DIN3570U型螺栓stirrup bolts(U-bolts)156DIN6319球面垫圈spherical washers,conical seats GB849-88 157DIN6325圆柱销parallel pins ISO8734158DIN6330厚六角螺母hexagon nuts ,1.5d GB56-88159DIN6331厚六角法兰面螺母hexagon nuts ,1.5d with collar GB6177-86 160DIN6334长六角螺母hexagon nuts ,3d161DIN6797-A外齿锁紧垫圈external teeth lock washers GB862.1-87 162DIN6797-I内齿锁紧垫圈internal teeth lock washers GB861.1-87 163DIN6798-A外锯齿锁紧垫圈external teeth serrated lock washers GB862.2-87 164DIN6798-I内锯齿锁紧垫圈internal teeth serrated lock washers GB861.2-87 165DIN6799开口挡圈retaining rings for shafts(E-rings),circlips GB896-76166DIN6885平键(A型)parallel keys(form A )ISO773/2491167DIN6888半圆键woodruff keys ISO3912168DIN6899嵌环(支撑环)thimbles169DIN6900机器螺钉和垫圈组合件screws and washers assemblies GB9074.1-.17 170DIN6901自攻螺钉和垫圈组合件tapping screws and washers assemblies GB9074.18-.23171DIN6912薄型带孔内六角圆柱头螺钉hexagon socket head cap screws with hole,low head172DIN6914大六角头螺栓hexagon head bolts with large head(friction grip bolts)173DIN6915大六角螺母hexagon nuts with large wideth across flat(friction grip nuts)174DIN6916大垫圈round washers for friction grip bolts175DIN6917楔型方垫圈spuare taper washers for friction grip bolts on T-sections176DIN6923六角法兰面螺母hexagon flange nuts ISO4161GB6177-86177DIN6925全金属六角锁紧螺母(2型)prevailing torque type hexagon nuts,all metallicnutsISO7042GB6185.1-2000178DIN7337开口型抽芯铆钉(沉头、扁圆头)blind rivets GB12617/12618179DIN7338扁平头半空心/全空心铆钉rivets for brake and clutch lining GB875/975-86 180DIN7343螺旋夹紧销spiral pins ISO8750181DIN7346轻型弹性圆柱销spring pins,light type ISO13337182DIN7349重型弹性圆柱销用垫圈washers for bolts with heavy type spring pinss183DIN7500ISO公制螺纹螺钉(多种头型)threadforming screws for ISO-metric thread184DIN7504自攻自钻螺钉(多种头型)self-drilling tapping screws185DIN7513开槽切削螺纹螺钉(多种头型)thread cutting screws186DIN7516十字槽切削螺纹螺钉(多种头型)thread cutting screws cross recess187DIN7965T型四爪螺母tee nuts with pronge188DIN7968钢结构用六角头螺栓连接副hexagon head fitted bolts for steel structures GB1228/1229/1230 189DIN7971开槽盘头自攻螺钉pan head tapping screws with slot ISO1481GB5282-85190DIN7972开槽沉头自攻螺钉countersunk flat head tapping screws with slot ISO1482GB5283-85191DIN7973开槽半沉头自攻螺钉raised countersunk oval head tapping screws withslotISO1483GB5284-85192DIN7976六角头自攻螺钉hexagon tapping screws ISO1479GB5285-85193DIN7980圆柱头螺钉用弹簧垫圈spring lock washers for screws with cylindricalheadsISO8738194DIN7981十字槽盘头自攻螺钉pan head tapping screws with cross recessed ISO 7049GB845-85195DIN7982十字槽沉头自攻螺钉countersunk flat head tapping screws with crossrecessedISO7050GB846-85196DIN7983十字槽半沉头自攻螺钉raised countersunk oval head tapping screws withcross recessedISO7051GB847-86197DIN7984薄型内六角圆柱头螺钉hexagon socket head cap screws with,reduced head198DIN7985十字槽盘头螺钉pan head screws with cross recessed ISO7045GB818-85199DIN7989钢结构用垫圈washers for steel structures GB1230-84 200DIN7990钢结构用六角头螺栓hexagon head bolts for steel structures GB1229-84 201DIN7991内六角沉头螺钉hexagon socket countersunk head screws ISO10642GB/T70.3-2000 202DIN7993轴用钢丝挡圈roundwire snap rings for shafts GB895.2-86203DIN7995十字槽半沉头木螺钉cross recessed raised countersunk head woodscrewsGB952-86204DIN7996十字槽圆头木螺钉cross recessed round head wood screws GB950-86 205DIN7997十字槽沉头木螺钉cross recessed countersunk head wood screws GB951-86 206DIN8140螺纹护套(普通\自锁等)ciol inserts,coarse,fine thread,silf locking207DIN9021大外径垫圈washers,outside diameter appro.3d ISO7093GB96-85 208DIN11024弹簧卡子spring cotter for a bolt209DIN13257平板螺栓belting bolts (elevator bolts)210DIN18182干壁钉(墙板钉)dry wall screws211DIN28129环型螺母lifting nuts(eye nuts)GB63-88 212DIN70952圆螺母用止退垫圈tab washers for slotted round nuts GB858-88。



DIN标紧固件的中文对照序号德国标准中文译文4 DIN 1 圆锥销5 DIN 7 圆柱销6 DIN 84 开槽圆柱头螺钉7 DIN 85 开槽盘头螺钉8 DIN 93 单耳止动垫圈9 DIN 94 开口销10 DIN 95 开槽半沉头木螺钉11 DIN 96 开槽半圆头木螺钉12 DIN 97 开槽沉头木螺钉13 DIN 125-1 平垫14 DIN 125-2 平垫(带倒角)15 DIN 126 平垫16 DIN 127-1 重型弹垫17 DIN 127 标准弹垫18 DIN 128-1 波形弹垫19 DIN 137-1 弹簧止动垫圈20 DIN 137-2 鞍形弹垫21 DIN 186 T型方颈螺栓22 DIN 188 T型双接头螺栓23 DIN 258 螺纹圆锥销24 DIN 261 T型头螺栓25 DIN 315AF 蝶型螺母(美制)26 DIN 315DF 蝶型螺母(德制)27 DIN 316AF 蝶型螺钉(美制)28 DIN 317DF 蝶型螺钉(德制)29 DIN 319 圆球型盖型螺母30 DIN 404 开槽带孔球面圆柱头螺钉DIN40531 DIN 417 开槽长圆柱端紧定螺钉32 DIN 427 开槽平端紧定螺钉(半牙)33 DIN 431 小六角特薄细牙螺母34 DIN 432 外舌止动垫圈35 DIN 433 小垫圈(用于圆柱头螺钉)36 DIN 434 方斜垫圈(U型)37 DIN 435 方斜垫圈(I型)38 DIN 436 方垫圈39 DIN 438 开槽凹端紧定螺钉40 DIN 439 六角薄螺母41 DIN 439 六角薄螺母B级无倒角42 DIN 439 细牙六角薄螺母43 DIN 440 木螺钉专用垫圈44 DIN 443 密封帽45 DIN 444 活节螺栓B 型46 DIN 462 内舌止动垫圈47 DIN 463 双耳止动垫圈48 DIN 464 滚花高头螺钉49 DIN 465 开槽滚花高头螺钉50 DIN 466 滚花高螺母51 DIN 467 滚花薄螺母52 DIN 470 锁紧垫圈53 DIN 471 轴用弹性挡圈54 DIN 472 孔用弹性挡圈55 DIN 478 方头带垫螺栓56 DIN 479 方头圆柱底端螺栓57 DIN 480 方头带垫半圆底端螺栓58 DIN 481 弹性圆柱销59 DIN 508 T型槽螺母60 DIN 525 单头螺柱61 DIN 529 地脚螺栓62 DIN 546 带槽圆螺母63 DIN 547 端面带孔圆螺母64 DIN 551 开槽平端紧定螺钉65 DIN 553 开槽锥端紧定螺钉66 DIN 555 六角螺母67 DIN 557 方螺母-C68 DIN 558 六角头螺钉69 DIN 561 六角头圆柱端紧定螺钉70 DIN 562 薄型方螺母-B71 DIN 571 六角头木螺钉72 DIN 580 吊环螺钉73 DIN 582 吊环螺母74 DIN 601 六角头螺栓75 DIN 603 大半圆头方颈螺栓(马车螺栓) C级76 DIN 604 沉头带插销马车螺栓77 DIN 605 沉头长方颈马车螺栓78 DIN 607 半圆头带插销马车螺栓79 DIN 608 沉头短方颈马车螺栓80 DIN 609 六角头精配螺栓(长螺纹)81 DIN 610 六角头精配螺栓(短螺纹)82 DIN 653 滚花平头螺钉83 DIN 660 半圆头铆钉84 DIN 661 沉头铆钉85 DIN 662 半沉头铆钉86 DIN 674 大扁头铆钉87 DIN 703 重型侧面带孔圆螺母88 DIN 705 侧面带孔圆螺母89 DIN 741 卡头90 DIN 787 T型槽螺钉91 DIN 835 双头螺柱(牙长=2D)92 DIN 906 内六角锥型闭锁螺钉93 DIN 908 内六角直型闭锁螺钉94 DIN 909 外六角锥型闭锁螺钉95 DIN 910 外六角直型闭锁螺钉96 DIN 911 内六角扳手97 DIN 912内六角圆柱头螺钉98 DIN 913 内六角平端紧定螺钉99 DIN 914 内六角尖端紧定螺钉100 DIN 915 内六角圆柱端紧定螺钉101 DIN 916 内六角凹端紧定螺钉102 DIN 917 薄型盲螺母103 DIN 920 开槽小圆柱头螺钉104 DIN 921 开槽大圆柱头螺钉105 DIN 923 开槽圆柱头轴肩螺钉106 DIN 927 开槽无头轴肩螺钉107 DIN 928 焊接方螺母108 DIN 929 焊接六角螺母109 DIN 931 六角头螺栓(半牙)110 DIN 933 六角头螺栓(全牙)111 DIN 934 六角头螺母(1型)112 DIN 934-2 细牙六角头螺母(1型) 113 DIN 935 开槽六角螺母114 DIN 936 六角头薄螺母115 DIN 937 六角头开槽薄螺母116 DIN 938 双头螺距(牙长=1D)117 DIN 939 双头螺距(牙长=1.25D)118 DIN 939 双头螺距(牙长=1.5D)119 DIN 940 双头螺距(牙长=1.5D)120 DIN 960 六角头细牙螺栓(半牙)121 DIN 961 六角头细牙螺栓(全牙)122 DIN 962 头部穿孔六角头螺栓123 DIN 963 开槽沉头螺钉124 DIN 964 开槽半沉头螺钉125 DIN 965 十字槽沉头螺钉126 DIN 966 十字槽半沉头螺钉127 DIN 970 六角头螺母128 DIN 971 六角头螺母129 DIN 972 细牙六角头螺母(2型)130 DIN 975 牙条(全螺纹)131 DIN 976 螺纹销132 DIN 979 六角头开槽薄螺母(2型)133 DIN 980 全金属六角锁紧螺母(1型)134 DIN 981 圆螺母135 DIN 982 六角头尼龙锁紧螺母136 DIN 985 六角头薄型尼龙锁紧螺母137 DIN 986 六角盖型尼龙锁紧螺母138 DIN 988 配合垫片139 DIN 1052 木材连接用垫片140 DIN 1151 沉头钢钉141 DIN 1440 销钉专用垫片A型142 DIN 1441 销钉专用垫片143 DIN 1444 带头销钉144 DIN 1471 圆锥型槽销145 DIN 1472 圆锥型槽销(半槽)146 DIN 1473 平行槽销(带倒角)147 DIN 1474 前端凹槽槽销148 DIN 1475 中部凹槽槽销149 DIN 1476 圆头槽销150 DIN 1477 沉头槽销151 DIN 1479 六角螺母棒152 DIN 1480 花篮螺栓153 DIN 1481 弹性圆柱销开槽重型154 DIN 1587 组合式盖型螺母155 DIN 1804 开槽圆螺母(配合沟头扳手)156 DIN 1816 圆螺母(带插销孔)157 DIN 2093 盘型弹簧垫圈158 DIN 3017 喉箍159 DIN 3404 润滑油嘴(旋扭头)160 DIN 3567 管夹161 DIN 3570 U型螺栓162 DIN 5587 2型六角螺母A和B级163 DIN 6319 球面垫圈164 DIN 6325 圆柱销165 DIN 6330 厚六角螺母166 DIN 6331 厚六角法兰面螺母167 DIN 6334 长六角螺母168 DIN 6797-A 外齿锁紧垫圈169 DIN 6797-I 内齿锁紧垫圈170 DIN 6798-A 外锯齿锁紧垫圈171 DIN 6798-I 内锯齿锁紧垫圈172 DIN 6799 开口挡圈173 DIN 6823 六角法兰面螺母174 DIN 6885 平键(A型)175 DIN 6888 半圆键176 DIN 6899 嵌环(支撑环)177 DIN 6900 机器螺钉和垫圈组合件178 DIN 6901 自攻螺钉和垫圈组合件179 DIN 6912 薄型带孔内六角圆柱头螺钉180 DIN 6914 大六角头螺栓181 DIN 6915 大六角螺母182 DIN 6916 大垫圈183 DIN 6917 楔型方垫圈184 DIN 6921 六角法兰面螺栓加大系列B级185 DIN 6923 六角法兰面螺母186 DIN 6925 全金属六角锁紧螺母(2型)187 DIN 7337 开口型抽芯铆钉(沉头、扁圆头)188 DIN 7338 扁平头半空心/全空心铆钉189 DIN 7343 螺旋夹紧销190 DIN 7346 轻型弹性圆柱销191 DIN 7349 重型弹性圆柱销用垫圈192 DIN 7500 ISO公制螺纹螺钉(多种头型)193 DIN 7504 自攻自钻螺钉(多种头型)194 DIN 7513 开槽切削螺纹螺钉(多种头型) 195 DIN 7516 十字槽切削螺纹螺钉(多种头型) 196 DIN 7965 T型四爪螺母197 DIN 7968 钢结构用六角头螺栓连接副198 DIN 7971 开槽盘头自攻螺钉199 DIN 7972 开槽沉头自攻螺钉200 DIN 7973 开槽半沉头自攻螺钉201 DIN 7976 六角头自攻螺钉202 DIN 7978 圆锥销203 DIN 7980 圆柱头螺钉用弹簧垫圈204 DIN 7981 十字槽盘头自攻螺钉205 DIN 7982 十字槽沉头自攻螺钉206 DIN 7983 十字槽半沉头自攻螺钉207 DIN 7984 薄型内六角圆柱头螺钉208 DIN 7985 十字槽盘头螺钉209 DIN 7989 钢结构用垫圈210 DIN 7990 钢结构用六角头螺栓211 DIN 7991 内六角沉头螺钉212 DIN 7993 轴用钢丝挡圈213 DIN 7995 十字槽半沉头木螺钉214 DIN 7996 十字槽圆头木螺钉215 DIN 7997 十字槽沉头木螺钉216 DIN 8140 螺纹护套(普通\自锁等)217 DIN 9021 大外径垫圈218 DIN 11024 弹簧卡子219 DIN 13257 平板螺栓220 DIN 18182 干壁钉(墙板钉)221 DIN 28129 环型螺母222 DIN 70952 圆螺母用止退垫圈螺丝,紧固件,标准件词汇的中英文对照机(踏)车用螺丝、轴心Screws And Shafts For Motorcycle Or Bicycle 针车用螺丝、轴心Screws And Shafts For Sewing Maching止付螺丝Socket Set Screws不锈钢宽牙螺丝Stainless Steel Coarse Thread Screws不锈钢高低牙螺丝Stainless Steel High-Low Thread Screws不锈钢机械螺丝Stainless Steel Machine Screws不锈钢钻尾螺丝Stainless Steel Self Drilling Screws不锈钢自攻螺丝Stainless Steel Self Tapping Screws不锈钢自削螺丝Stainless Steel Thread Cutting Screws不锈钢三角牙螺丝Stainless Steel Tri-Lobular Thread Screws插片壁虎Steel Ceiling Anchors内迫壁虎Drop in Anchors碳钢锤钉壁虎Steel Hit Anchors碳钢六角螺帽Steel Hex Coupling Nuts强力车修壁虎Wedge Anchors外迫壁虎Cut Anchors化学壁虎Chemical Anchors不锈钢重载胀栓Heavy Duty Expansion Anchors鱼眼壁虎企眼长螺帽Tie Wire Anchors锌合金打入式壁虎Hammer Drive Anchors弹簧螺帽Strut Nuts兰花夹系列Toggle Bolts (Spring Toggle & Gravity Toggle)门窗、地板专用壁虎Nylon Frame Anchors or Metalframe Anchors 石膏板中空壁虎Hollow Wall Anchors套管式壁虎Sleeve Anchors打入式壁虎鱼形尼龙壁虎Nylon Frame Harmmer Fixing (Nylon Hammer Drive Anchors)强力式锤钉壁虎Hit Anchors电梯壁虎Bolt Anchors重载壁虎Heavy duty anchors两片夹Loxin Masonry Anchors定位螺栓Set Bolts长型兰花夹Short Strap Anchors工具棒Drop in Setting Tools象脚壁虎Elephant foot anchors水泥预埋件Concrete Insert翻边胀轴Drop in Anchor with Lip冲件Legs Drywall Anchors六角盖头螺帽Hex Cap Nuts六角锯齿螺帽Hex Serrated Nuts六角轮缘螺帽Hex Flange Nuts高脚螺帽Hex Coupling Nuts(High Nuts)圆螺帽Round Nuts四角螺帽Square Nuts管用螺帽Pipe Nuts轮壳螺帽Wheel Nuts蝶型螺帽Wing NutsU形螺帽U NutsT形螺帽T Nuts环首螺帽Eye Nuts齿形螺帽Kep Nuts齿花螺帽Clinch Nuts耐候钢六角重型螺帽Corten Steel Heavy Hex Nuts焊接螺帽Weld Nuts高张力螺帽Heigh Strength Nuts建业用螺帽Structural Nuts不锈钢螺帽Stainless Steel Nuts铜螺帽Brass Nuts铝螺帽Aluminum Nuts合金钢螺帽Alloy Steel Nuts重型车螺帽Heavy Duty Wheel Hub Nuts铁器焊接袋帽Acorn Cap Nuts金属预置扭矩式螺帽All-Metal Prevailing Torque Type Nuts壁虎螺帽Anchor Nuts大尺寸螺帽Big Size Nuts铁盖袋帽Closed End Acorn Nuts盘形华司螺帽Conical Washer Nuts铁盖+尼龙圈组合盖帽Din 986 Domed Cap Nuts突缘尼龙盖帽Flange Nylon Insert Lock Nuts平面华司螺帽Flat Waser Nuts六角割沟螺帽Hex Slotted Nut自锁螺帽Self-Locking Nuts制止螺帽Sliding NutsSln-自动防松螺帽Sln Self-Locking Nuts其它特殊螺帽Special Nuts弹簧螺帽Spring Nuts不锈钢突缘螺帽Stainless Steel Flange Nuts不锈钢六角轮缘尼龙螺帽Stainless Steel Flange Nylon Insert Lock Nuts 不锈钢六角重型螺帽Stainless Steel Heavy Hex Nuts不锈钢六角螺帽Stainless Steel Hex Nuts不锈钢尼龙嵌入螺帽Stainless Steel Nylon Insert Lock Nuts 普通六角螺帽Hex Nuts六角重型螺帽Heavy Hex Nuts薄型螺帽Hex Jam Nuts尼龙嵌入防松螺帽Nylon Insert Lock Nuts机械螺丝用六角螺帽Hex Machine Screw Nut六角螺丝(栓) Hex Head Cap Screws(Hex Bolts)六角机械螺丝Hex Head Machine Bolts六角木牙螺丝Hex Lag Bolts四角螺丝Square Head BoltsT头螺丝T Head Bolts马车螺丝Carriage Bolts环首螺丝Eye Bolts内六角孔螺丝Hex Socket Cap Screws固定螺丝Set Screws螺椿栓Stud Bolts螺旋椿Screw Studs轮壳螺栓Wheel Bolts翼形螺丝Wing Screws自攻螺丝Self Tapping Screws自削螺丝Thread Cutting Screws钻尾螺丝Self Drilling Screws旋入螺丝Drive Screws机械螺丝Machine Screws木螺丝Wood Screws家具螺丝Furniture Screws塑板螺丝Chipboard Screws墙用螺丝Drywall Screws基础螺栓Foundation BoltsU型螺栓U Bolts勾头螺栓Hook Bolts套挂螺丝Toggle Bolts突缘螺丝Flange Bolts轨道螺栓(鱼尾螺丝) Track Bolts耐候钢螺丝Corten Steel Heavy Hex Bolts扭矩控制螺栓T.C.Bolts高张力螺栓High Strength Bolts剪力钉(焊接螺丝) Welding Studs螺丝附华司组合Screws And Washers Assembled(Sems)大尺寸螺栓Big Size Bolts不锈钢小螺丝Stainless Steel Sheet Metal Screws不锈钢大螺丝Stainless Steel Bolts铜螺丝Brass Screws铝螺丝Aluminum Screws合金钢螺丝Alloy Steel Screws电子螺丝Electronic Screws微小精密螺丝Micro Screws塑料螺丝Plastic Screws复合材料用螺丝Particle Board Screws钛合金螺丝Titanium Alloy Bolts钛、锆、钼、铌等螺丝、零件、材料Ti,Zr,Mo,Nb Pare Metal Bolts Parts 拇指螺丝Thumb Screws双头牙螺丝Double End Screws Hanger Bolt车辆(汽车)螺丝、螺帽Automotive Fasteners航天用螺丝Aerospace Fasteners飞机特殊扣件Source Control Bolts拉栓Blind Bolts面板螺丝Panel Fasteners电梯螺丝Elevator Bolts四角头固定螺丝Square Set Screws大头马车螺丝Step Bolts单向螺丝One Way Lag Screws管夹螺丝Hose Clamp Screws不锈钢固定螺丝Stainless Steel Hex Socket Cap Screws不锈钢内六角螺丝Stainless Steel Hex Socket Cap Screws铰链螺丝Hinge Screws货柜螺丝Container Screws复合材料钻尾螺丝Bi-Metal Self Drilling Screws三角牙螺丝Trilobular Thread Screws高低牙螺丝High Low Screws夹板用螺丝Particle Board Screws马桶螺丝Toilet Closet Bolts特长螺丝Special Longer Screws建业螺丝Building Fasteners不锈钢六角螺丝Stainless Steel Hex Socket Cap Screws其它特殊螺丝Special Screws Or Bolts不锈钢特殊螺丝Special Stainless Steel Screws宽牙螺丝(粗牙螺丝)Coarse Thread Screws链带螺丝Collated Screws水泥螺丝Concrete Screws板模螺丝Construction Bolts锌蝶螺丝Die Cast Wing Screws; Zinc Alloy重型车螺丝Heavy Duty Wheel Hub Bolts内六角固定螺丝Hex Socket Set Screws复合材料用螺丝(夹板用)Particle Board Screws犁壁螺丝Plow Bolts不锈钢木螺丝Stainless Steel Wood Screws套挂螺栓及螺丝Toggle Bolts钛合金膨胀螺丝Titanium Alloy Expansion Bolts六角盖头螺帽Hex Cap Nuts六角锯齿螺帽Hex Serrated Nuts六角轮缘螺帽Hex Flange Nuts高脚螺帽Hex Coupling Nuts(High Nuts)圆螺帽Round Nuts四角螺帽Square Nuts管用螺帽Pipe Nuts轮壳螺帽Wheel Nuts蝶型螺帽Wing NutsU形螺帽U NutsT形螺帽T Nuts环首螺帽Eye Nuts齿形螺帽Kep Nuts齿花螺帽Clinch Nuts耐候钢六角重型螺帽Corten Steel Heavy Hex Nuts焊接螺帽Weld Nuts高张力螺帽Heigh Strength Nuts建业用螺帽Structural Nuts不锈钢螺帽Stainless Steel Nuts铜螺帽Brass Nuts铝螺帽Aluminum Nuts合金钢螺帽Alloy Steel Nuts重型车螺帽Heavy Duty Wheel Hub Nuts铁器焊接袋帽Acorn Cap Nuts金属预置扭矩式螺帽All-Metal Prevailing Torque Type Nuts 壁虎螺帽Anchor Nuts大尺寸螺帽Big Size Nuts铁盖袋帽Closed End Acorn Nuts盘形华司螺帽Conical Washer Nuts铁盖+尼龙圈组合盖帽Din 986 Domed Cap Nuts突缘尼龙盖帽Flange Nylon Insert Lock Nuts平面华司螺帽Flat Waser Nuts六角割沟螺帽Hex Slotted Nut自锁螺帽Self-Locking Nuts制止螺帽Sliding NutsSln-自动防松螺帽Sln Self-Locking Nuts其它特殊螺帽Special Nuts弹簧螺帽Spring Nuts不锈钢突缘螺帽Stainless Steel Flange Nuts不锈钢六角轮缘尼龙螺帽Stainless Steel Flange Nylon Insert Lock Nuts不锈钢六角重型螺帽Stainless Steel Heavy Hex Nuts不锈钢六角螺帽Stainless Steel Hex Nuts不锈钢尼龙嵌入螺帽Stainless Steel Nylon Insert Lock Nuts锌压属螺帽Zinc Die Casting Nuts普通六角螺帽Hex Nuts六角重型螺帽Heavy Hex Nuts薄型螺帽Hex Jam Nuts尼龙嵌入防松螺帽Nylon Insert Lock Nuts机械螺丝用六角螺帽Hex Machine Screw Nut合金钢线材盘元Alloy Steel Wire Rod球状化线材Annealing Wire And Rod黑铁丝Black Wire黄铜棒线Brass Wire And Rod磨光棒钢Bright Steel Bar(Hex/Round/Square)铜合金线Copper Alloy Wire线切割线E.D.M Cutting Wire快削钢线材盘元Free Cutting Steel Wire Rod线材Iron Or Steel Wire线材盘元Iron Or Steel Wire Rod洋白铜线Nickel Silver Wire磷青铜线Phosphate Bronze Wire不锈钢条棒Stainless Steel Bar(Round/Hex/Square)不锈钢冷锻线材Stainless Steel Cold Heading Wire不锈钢线(抽线后) Stainless Steel Draw Wire不锈钢线材Stainless Steel Wire不锈钢线材及盘元Stainless Steel Wire And Rod棒钢Steel Bar(Hex/Round/Square)转回90度碾线头机90讧evolving Wire Twisting Machine气动拉钉机Air Riveter各式螺丝类产品自动包装Automatic Packaging For All Kinds Of Packaging 自动包装机Automatic Packing Machine螺丝制造搓牙机械Automatic Thread Rolling Machine螺丝割尾加工机械Automatic Thread Slotting Machine螺丝制造成型机械Automatic Trimming Machine拉钉打头机Blind Rivet Heading Machine螺丝、螺帽成型机Bolt Formers,Nuts Formers,Headers螺丝、螺帽热处理Bolt Nut And Screws Heat Treatment螺丝、螺帽热处理炉Bolt Nut And Screws Heat Treatment Furnaces球状化电器炖炉Carburizing Furnace Vacuum And Bell Type Furnace超防锈复合瓷膜Ceramic Coating连续式光辉渗碳淬火炉Continuous Bright Carburizing Quenching Furnace连续式光辉调质淬火炉Continuous Bright Hardening Quenching Furnace中、高热镀锌光辉连续炉Continuous Bright Heat Treat Furnace连续式光辉热处理炉Continuous Type Bright Heat Treatment Furnace螺丝割尾及特殊割遘加工Machine Screw Shank Slotting螺丝钻孔加工Screw Shank Drilling鸡眼上下模Eyelets Dies一般线材、盘元、退火炉General Wire,Wire Rod,Annealing Furnace倒立式滑落型伸线机Handstand Type Wire Drawing Machine十字冲模Header Punches In Various Drives成型冲模Header Punches In Various Drives螺丝打头机Heading Machine螺丝制造高速搓牙机械High Speed Automatic Thread Rolling Machine高中低周波感应加热炉High,Medium,Low Frequency Induction Heater空心打头机Hollow Heading Machine热浸镀锌螺丝、螺帽Hot Dip Galvanizing Bolts And Nuts机械镀锌Mechanical Galvanized迷你成型机Mini-Formers成品自动收线机Non-Stop Coiler精抽自动收线机Non-Stop Coiler(Skinpass)螺帽模Nut Forming Dies螺帽成型模Nuts Formers特殊零件成型机Parts Forming Maching冲模Punch Dies冲子Punch Pins罗拉成型机Rollers Formers机(踏)车用螺丝成型机Screw For Motorcycle Or Bicycle Heading Machine止付螺丝成型机Set Screws Formers套高成型机Sockets Formers一般线材、盘元、螺丝合金炖炉Spheroidizing Bright Annealing Furnace球状化热处理炉Spheroidizing Heat Treatment Furnace攻牙机Tapping Machine螺丝攻、车刀、模具Taps Dies And Tools搓牙机铁屑分离装置Thread Chip Separator滚牙轮Thread Rolling Dies牙板Thread Rolling Dies Plates精密油压滚牙机Hydraulic Thread Rolling Machines模具Tools六角整头模Trimming Dies Hexagan碳化钨模具Tungsten Carbide Die镀钛处理(Tin)专业加工服务Tin Hard Coating For Cutting Tools And Punch By Pvd电镀化学原料Various Electroplating Chemicals环规校正Calibration For Ring Gage环规、牙规、三线规校正Calibration For Ring Gage, Athread Gage, 3 Wire Gage 螺丝、螺帽品检量测仪器Fasteners Inspection And Measurement Instruments螺丝、螺帽成型攻牙专用油Forming And Tapping Oils For Bolts And Nuts Formers 螺丝、螺帽五金等检验Insptection Services For Fasteners And Hardware德国schatz扭力机代理Representative Of Schatz Torque MachinIso品质保证系统Iso Quality Assurance System生产管理系统Production Control System物料管理系统Material Control System齿轮Gears不锈钢牙条棒Stainless Steel Hread Rod马达轴承轴心组件Bearing Shaft(Motor)轴承轴心Bearing Shaft开口铆钉Blind Rivets长形拉帽Blind Rivet Nuts拉帽Blind Nuts拉钉Blind Rivets实心梢Clevis Pins And Straight Pins弹片Clips卷钉Coil Nails冷锻零件Cold Forming Part开口销Cotter PinsE型环E-Rings膨胀螺栓Expansion Anchor Bolts鸡眼钉Eyelets RivetsR型销Snap Pins闸、锁Latches And Keeper Assembleds其它特殊铆钉Other Specil Rivets销Pins格式管夹、管束Pipe Hanger铆钉Rivets螺旋锔及螺旋圈Screw Hook And Screw Rings中空钉Semi-Tubular Rivet开叉钉Split Drive Anchors弹簧华司Spring Washers弹簧蝴蝶夹Spring Wings不锈钢华司Stainlesssteel Washers钢铁钉Steel And Iron Nails搓牙铁钉Thread Nails钛合金铆钉Titaium Alloy Rivets管形铆钉Tubular Rivets华司Washers真空热处理Vacuum Heat Treatment螺丝、螺帽、五金、Diy扣件Fasteners合金钢工具Alloy Steel Tools螺栓模Bolt Heading Dies手动拉钉钳Hand Riveter船舶链Anchor Chain脚踏车链锁Bicycle Chain Locks螺丝起子Bit罗拉Chain Roller特殊铆合扣件Collars(A Blindfastener For Huck Intl)装饰链Decorative Chains自攻螺纹衬套Ensat Threaded Inserts六角扳手Hexagon Keys超音螺纹压入式螺纹自动锁扣Threaded Inserts For Plastic Injection Mouldeings 汽车特殊杆接件Special Auto-Mobile Fastener As Your Needs螺纹护套Recoil Inserts链条用滚子Roller For Roller Chain金属板镶嵌组件及自动夹扣组件Sheet Metal Fasteners工具套筒组件Socket Wrench Sets不锈钢链Stainless Steel Chains轭子T-Yoke轮胎链Tire Chains狗链Dog Chains喇叭头轭铁U-Yoke,T-Yoke For Speaker不锈钢输送带轮用轨道Stainless Wheel's Rack For Transporter工业用链Industrial Steel Link Chains拖链安全链Tow Chains And Safety Chains机车离合器零件Manufacture Of Motorcycle's Cvt Parts牙条棒Thread Rod。



常用DIN标准• 六角头自钻自攻螺钉DIN EN ISO 15480 • 六角头木螺钉Din 571 • 内六角紧定螺钉—凹端Din 916 • 内六角紧定螺钉—截锥端Din 914 • 弹簧垫圈DIN 128 • 十字槽圆头螺钉DIN 7996• 牙条DIN 975 • 开槽盘头螺钉DIN 85-72 • 十字槽球面圆柱头螺钉DIN 7985-86• 内六角紧定螺钉—导向圆柱端Din 915 • 内六角紧定螺钉—平端Din 913 • 六角法兰面螺母DIN EN 1661 • 1型六角螺母—产品等级A和B级DIN EN ISO 4032 • 方螺母—产品等级C级DIN 557 • 六角凸缘头自钻自攻螺钉DIN EN ISO 15480 • 十字槽盘头自钻自攻螺钉DIN EN ISO 15481• 平圆头方颈螺栓DIN 603 • 圆柱头内六角螺钉DIN EN ISO 4762 • 内六角平圆头螺钉DIN EN ISO 7380 • 薄圆柱头内六角螺钉DIN 6912 • 六角头螺栓—全螺纹—产品等级A和B级DIN EN ISO 4017 • 螺杆DIN 976-1 • 内六角沉头螺钉DIN EN ISO 10642所有DIN标准螺栓• 焊接螺栓Weld screws with metric headDIN 34817• 方头凸缘螺栓Squate head bolts with collarDIN 478• 平圆头方颈螺栓Mushroom head square neck boltsDIN 603• 沉头带榫螺栓Flat countersunk nib boltsDIN 604• 沉头高方颈螺栓Flat countersunk square neck bolts with long squareDIN 605• 半圆头带榫螺栓Cup head nib boltsDIN 607• 沉头短方颈螺栓Flat countersunk square neck bolts with short squareDIN 608• 六角花形大法兰面钢制螺栓Steel hexalobular head bolts with large flangeDIN 34801• 六角头铰制孔用螺栓Hexagon fit boltsDIN 609• M42-M160*6 六角头螺栓—产品等级B级M42 to M160*6 hexagon head bolts - Product grade B DIN 931-2• 六角法兰面螺栓—小系列Hexagon bolts with flange - Small seriesDIN EN 1662• 六角法兰面螺栓—加大系列Hexagon bolts with flange - Heavy seriesDIN EN 1665 | 代替DIN 6921|DIN 6922• 六角头螺栓—-产品等级B级-细杆(杆径近似等于中径)Hexagon head bolts with reduced shank(shank diameter=pitch diameter)-Product grade BDIN EN 24015• 六角头螺栓—产品等级A和B级Hexagon head bolts - Product grades A and BDIN EN ISO 4014 | 代替DIN 931-1• 六角头螺栓—产品等级C级Hexagon head bolts - Product grade CDIN EN ISO 4016 | 代替DIN 601• 六角头螺栓—全螺纹—产品等级A和B级Hexagon head screws - Product grade A and BDIN EN ISO 4017 | 代替DIN 933• 六角头螺栓—全螺纹—产品等级C级Hexagon head screws - Product grade CDIN EN ISO 4018 | 代替DIN 558• 六角头螺栓—细牙—全螺纹—产品等级A和B级Hexagon head screws with metric fine pitch thread - Product grade A and BDIN EN ISO 8676 | 代替DIN 961• 六角头螺栓—细牙—产品等级A和B级Hexagon head bolts with fine pitch thread - Product grades A and BDIN EN ISO 8765 | 代替DIN 960• 钢结构用—大六角头高强度螺栓High-strength hexagon head bolts with large widths across flats for structural steel boltingDIN 6914• 短螺纹端的六角头铰制孔用螺栓DIN 610-84• 粗杆六角头螺栓重量DIN 931-87(3)• Clevis pins DIN 1445• Plain washers for metric bolts,screws and nuts .for general purp oses General planDIN EN ISO 887 • Hexa gon head bolts with metric fine pitch thread(Product grade A and B)DIN EN ISO 8765• Thread run-outs and thread undercuts for ISO metric threads as in IND 13-1DIN 76-1• Threa d run-outs and thread undercutsDIN 76• Bolt end protrusions DIN 78• D iameters of counterbores(holes)DIN 974• Split pin holes and wire holes in bolts,screws and studsDIN 34803• Bolts,screws,studs and nuts DIN EN 20225• Clear ance holes for bolts and screwsDIN EN 20273• T形头螺栓ISO general purpose metric screw threads. General plaDIN ISO 261• 一般用途螺栓和螺钉.米制系列.端头半径General purpose bolts and screws-metric seriesDIN ISO 885• T型螺栓188• T型螺栓186螺钉• 方头短圆柱端紧定螺钉Square head bolts with short dog pointDIN 479• 方头短圆柱球面端紧定螺钉Square head bolts with collar and oval half dog pointDIN 480• 开槽圆柱头螺钉—产品等级A级Slotted cheese head screws-Product grade ADIN EN ISO 1207 | 代替DIN 84• 开槽沉头螺钉(通用头型)-产品等级A级Slotted pan head screws-Product grade ADIN EN ISO 1580 | 代替DIN 85• 开槽沉头螺钉(通用头型)-产品等级A级Slotted countersunk flat head screws(common head style) DIN EN ISO 2009 | 代替DIN 963• 开槽半沉头螺钉(通用头型)-产品等级A级Countersunk slotted raised head screws(common head style)-Produce grade ADIN EN ISO 2010 | 代替DIN 964• 十字槽盘头凸缘螺钉—产品等级A级Product grade A cross recessed pan head screws with collar DIN 967• 十字槽沉头(通用头型)螺钉-产品等级A级-第2部分:性能等级钢8.8级、不锈钢和有色金属Cross recessed countersunk flat head screws (common head style),product grade A-Part2:Steel of property class 8.8,stainless steel and nonferous metalsDIN EN ISO 7046-2 | 代替DIN 965• 开槽盘头螺钉DIN 85-72 • 开槽十字孔螺钉DIN 404-86 • 开槽小盘头螺钉DIN 920-86• 十字槽沉头自钻自攻螺钉Cross recessed countersunk head drilling screws with tapping screw threadDIN EN ISO 15482 • 十字槽半沉头自钻自攻螺钉Cross recessed raised countersunk head drilling screws with tapping screw threadDIN EN ISO 15483• 内六角紧定螺钉—平端Hexagon socket set screws with flat pointDin 913 • 内六角紧定螺钉—截锥端Hexagon socket set screws with cone pointDin 914 • 内六角紧定螺钉—导向圆柱端Hexagon socket set screws with dog pointDin 915 • 内六角紧定螺钉—凹端Hexagon socket set screws with cup pointDin 916 • 十字槽圆头螺钉Cross recessed round head screwsDIN 7996• 十字槽沉头自攻螺钉(通用头型)Cross recessed countersunk (flat) head tapping screws(common head style)ISO 7050 | 代替DIN 7982 • 十字槽半沉头自攻螺钉Cross recessed raised countersunk (oval) head tapping screwsISO 7051 | 代替DIN 7983• 小六角头长圆柱导向端紧定螺钉Hexagon set screws with small hexangon and full dog pointDIN561• 小六角头短圆柱导向锥端紧定螺钉Hexagon set screws with samll hexagon,half dog point and flat cone pointDIN 564 • 钢结构用—大六角头高强度螺栓和六角螺母连接副Steel hexagon fit bolts for structural steel bolting for supply with hexagon nuts DIN 7968• 钢结构用—六角头螺栓和六角螺母连接副Steel hexagon head bolts for structural steel bolting for supply with hexagon nuts DIN 7990• 十字槽半沉头(通用头型)螺钉-产品等级A级Countersunk raised head screws (common head style) with type H or type Z cross recess-Product grade A DIN EN ISO 7047 | 代替DIN 966 • 十字槽圆柱头螺钉Cross recessed cheese head screws DIN EN ISO 7048• 滚花指旋螺钉DIN 464-86 • 滚花薄头指旋螺钉DIN 653-80• 带螺杆的六角头螺钉DIN 7964-77 • 开槽大盘头螺钉DIN 921-86• 十字槽球面圆柱头螺钉DIN 7985-86 • D esignation system for fasteners DIN 962• P lastic washers. Standard series DIN 34815 • Slotted set screw s with flat pointDIN EN 24766 • Slo tted set screws with cone point DIN EN 27434• Slotted set screws with long dog point DIN EN 27435 • Slotted set scre ws with cup pointDIN EN 27436 • Slotted cheese head screws DIN EN ISO 1207• Slotted pan head screws DIN EN ISO 1580 • Slotted countersunk flat head screws (common head style DIN EN ISO 2009 • Countersunk slotted raised head screws(comm on head style) DIN EN ISO 2010 • Slo tted headless screws with shand DIN EN ISO 2342• Hexagon hea d screws(Product grade A and B DIN EN ISO 4017• Hexag on head screws(Product grade C) DIN EN ISO 4018• Hexagon socket set scr ews with flat point DIN EN ISO 4026• Hexagon so cket set screws with cone point DIN EN ISO 4027• Hexagon s ocket set screws with dog point DIN EN ISO 4028• Hexagon s ocket set screws with cup point DIN EN ISO 4029• Hexagon socket head cap screws DIN EN ISO 4762• Pan head screws with H or type Z cross recess(Product grade A) DIN EN ISO 7045• Countersunk flat head screws(common head style)with type H or type Z cross recess(Product grade A) DIN EN ISO 7046-1• Countersunk flat head screws(common head style)with type H or type Z cross recess(Product grade A) DIN EN ISO 7047 • Countersunk flat head screws DIN EN ISO 7048• He xagon socket button head screws DIN EN ISO 7380• Hexagon head screws with metric fine pitc h thread(Product grade A and B) DIN EN ISO 8676 • Tapping screw and washe r assemblies with plain washers DIN EN ISO 10510• Hexagon socket countersunk head screws DIN EN ISO 10642• H exalobular socket head cap screws DIN EN ISO 14579• Hexalo bular socket cheese head screw DIN EN ISO 14580• Hex alobular socket pan head screws DIN EN ISO 14583• Hexalobular socket raised countersunk head screws DIN EN ISO 14584• Scres and washer assemblies with plain washers(Washer hardness classes 200 HV and 300 HV) DIN EN ISO 10644• Hexalobular soc ket pan head tapping screws DIN EN ISO 14585• Hexa lobular socket countersunk head DIN EN ISO 14586• Hexalobular socket raised c ountersunk(oval)head tapping screws DIN EN ISO 14587• Hexagon washer head drilling s crews with tapping screw thread DIN EN ISO 15480• Cross recessed pan head drilling screws with tapping screw threadDIN EN ISO 15481• Cross recessed countersu nk head drilling screws with tapping screw thread DIN EN ISO 15482 • Cross recessed raisedcountersunk head drilling screws with tapping screw threadDIN EN ISO 15483• Countersin ks. For countersunk head screws DIN 66• Countersin ks. For countersunk head screws DIN 74• Screw threads DIN 202 • Thread rolling screws DIN 7500• Tapping screw connections DIN 7975 • Threads and thread ends DIN 7998• Wire thread inser ts for ISO metric screw threads DIN 8140-1• Countersunk he ad screws DIN EN 27721 • Tapping screw threads DIN EN ISO 1478 • 十字槽螺丝Cross recesses for screws DIN EN ISO 4757• 螺栓和螺钉用内板拧的六角花形Hexalobular internal driving feature for bolts and screwsDIN EN ISO 10664• 十字槽沉头螺钉ISO general purpose metric screw threads-tolerances DIN ISO 965• 十字槽沉头螺钉ISO general purpose metric screw threads-tolerances DIN ISO 965-2• 十字槽沉头螺钉ISO general purpose metric screw threads-tolerances DIN ISO 965-3• 十字槽沉头螺钉ISO general purpose metric screw threads-tolerances DIN ISO 965-4• 十字槽沉头螺钉ISO general purpose metric screw threads-tolerances DIN ISO 965-5内六角螺钉• 内六角沉头螺钉Hexagon socket countersunk head screws DIN EN ISO 10642 | 代替DIN 7991 • 薄圆柱头内六角螺钉Hexagon socket thin head cap screws DIN 7984• 圆柱头内六角螺钉Hexagon socket head cap screws DIN EN ISO 4762 | 代替DIN 912• 内六角平圆头螺钉Hexagon socket button head screws DIN EN ISO 7380• 圆柱头内六角花形钢制螺钉Steel hexalobular head cap screws with large driving featureDIN 34802• 薄圆柱头内六角螺钉Hexagon socket thin head cap screws with pilot recess for wrench keyDIN 6912• 六角花形小法兰面钢制螺栓Steel hexalobular head bolts with small flange DIN 34800自攻螺钉• 六角头自钻自攻螺钉Hexagon washer head drilling screws with tapping screw threadDIN EN ISO 15480 | 代替DIN 7504• 六角凸缘头自钻自攻螺钉Hexagon washer head drilling screws with tapping screws threadDIN EN ISO 15480• 十字槽盘头自钻自攻螺钉Cross recessed pan head drilling screws with tapping screw threadDIN EN ISO 15481• 十字槽盘头自钻自攻螺钉Cross recessed pan head drlling screws with tapping screw threadDIN EN ISO 15481 | 代替DIN 7504• 十字槽沉头自钻自攻螺钉Cross recessed countersunk head drilling screws with tapping screw thread DIN EN ISO 15482 | 代替DIN 7504• 十字槽半沉头自钻自攻螺钉Cross recessed raised counterunk head drilling screws with tapping screw thread DIN EN ISO 15483 | 代替DIN 7504• 自钻自攻螺钉Drilling screws with tapping screw thread DIN EN ISO 10666 | 代替DIN 7504 • 六角头和开槽头三角牙螺钉—尺寸、技术要求及试验Hexagon head and slotted head thread cutting screws - Dimensions,requirements and testing DIN 7513• 十字槽螺纹滚成自攻螺钉—尺寸、技术要求及试验Cross recessed head thread cutting screws - Dimensions,requirements and testing DIN 7516• 米制螺纹滚成自攻螺钉—型式、名称及技术要求ISO metric thread rolling screws -Types,designation and requirements DIN 7500-1• 米制螺纹滚成自攻螺钉—预制孔直径尺寸方案Tread rolling screws for ISO metric thread - Guideline values for hole diameters DIN 7500-2• 紧固件供货技术条件—米制螺纹—性能等级为10.9级的螺纹滚成自攻螺钉Technical delivery conditions for fasteners - Metric thread rolling screws of property class 10.9 DIN 267-30• 十字槽盘头凸缘自攻螺钉Cross recessed pan head tapping screws with collar DIN 968• 六角凸缘自攻螺钉Hexagon washer head tapping screws DIN 6928• 自攻螺钉用螺纹Tapping screw threads DIN EN ISO 1478 | 代替DIN 7970• 六角头自攻螺钉Hexagon head tapping screws ISO 1479 | 代替DIN 7976• 开槽盘头自攻螺钉Slotted pan head tapping screws ISO 1481 | 代替DIN 7971• 开槽沉头自攻螺钉(通用头型)Slotted countersunk(flat)head tapping screws(common head style) ISO 1482 | 代替DIN 7972• 开槽半沉头自攻螺钉(通用头型)Slotted raised countersunk (oval) head tapping screws(common head style) ISO 1483 | 代替DIN 7973• 十字槽盘头自攻螺钉Cross recessed pan head tapping screws ISO 7049 | 代替DIN 7981木螺钉• 开槽半沉头木螺钉Slotted raised countersunk(oval) head wood screws Din 95• 开槽半圆头木螺钉Slotted round head wood screws Din 96• 开槽沉头木螺钉Slotted countersunk(flat) head wood screws Din 97• 六角头木螺钉Hexagon wood screws Din 571• 十字沉头木螺钉Cross recessed countersunk (flat) head wood screws DIN 7997螺杆和螺柱• 牙条Threaded rod DIN 975 • 螺杆Metric thread stud bolts DIN 976-1• 螺杆—过盈配合螺纹Metric interference-fit thread stud bolts DIN 976-2• Welding studs f or turnbuckles DIN 34828• High-strength structural bolting assemblies. For preloading DIN EN 14399-3• High-strength structural bolting assemblies. For preloading DIN EN 14399-4• Hexagon bolts with flange-Small series DIN EN 1662• Hexago n bolts with flange-Heavy series DIN EN 1665• Hexagon bolts with flang e with metric fine pitch thread DIN EN 14219• High-strength structural bolting assemblies for preloading DIN EN 14399-3• High-strength structural bolting assemblies for preloading DIN EN 14399-4• Hexago n head bolts with reduced shank DIN EN 24015• Hexagon he ad bolts(Product grade A and B) DIN EN ISO 4014• Hexa gon head bolts(Product grade C) DIN EN ISO 4016铆钉• 半圆头钢铆钉—公称直径10~36mm Steel round head rivets with nominal diameters from 10 to 36 mm DIN 124• 沉头钢铆钉—公称直径10~36mm Steel countersunk head rivets with nominal diameters from 10 to 36 mm DIN 302• 半圆头铆钉—公称直径1~8mm Round head rivets with nominal diameters from 1 to 8 mm DIN 660 • 沉头铆钉—公称直径1~8mm Countersunk head rivets with nominal diameters from 1 to 8 mm DIN 661• 半沉头铆钉—公称直径1.6~6mm Oval-head rivets with nominal diameters from 1,6 to 6 mmDIN 662 • 大半圆头铆钉—公称直径1.6~6mm Mushroom head rivets with nominal diameters from 1,6 to 6 mm DIN 674• 沉头铆钉—公称直径3~5mm Flat countersunk head rivets with nominal diameters from 3 to 5 mm DIN 675• 铆钉用具Rivet sets DIN 6434• 盘头半空心铆钉—公称直径1.6~10mm Semitubular pan head rives with nominal diameters from 1,6 to 10 mm DIN 6791• 沉头半空心铆钉—公称直径1.6~10mm Semitubular countersunk head rivets with nominal diameters from 1,6 to 10 mm DIN 6792• 冲制铆钉Compression rivets DIN 7331 • 开口型盲铆钉Break mandrel blind rivets DIN 7337 • 开口型和封闭型铆钉Break and clutch lining rivets DIN 7338• 板料拉延管铆钉One-piece tubular rivets drawn from strip DIN 7339• 管制空心铆钉Tubular rivets made from tube DIN 7340• Steel round head rivets DIN 124• Round head rivets DIN 660 • Countersunk head rivets DIN 661 • Oval-head rivets DIN 662 • Mushroom head rivets DIN 674 • Fl at countersunk head rivets DIN 675• Semitubular pan head rivets. With nominal diameters from 1,6 to 10mm DIN 6791• Compression rivets DIN 7331 • Brake and clutch lining rivets DIN 7338• One-piece tubular rivets DIN 7339 • Tubular ri vets DIN 7340 • Rivet pins DIN 7341 • Grooved pins with countersunk head DIN EN ISO 8747螺母• 非金属嵌件六角法兰面锁紧螺母Prevailing torque type hexagon nuts with flange(with non-metallic insert) DIN EN 1663 | 代替DIN 6926• 非金属嵌件六角锁紧薄螺母Prevailing torque type hexagon thin nuts (with non-metallic insert ) DIN EN ISO 10511 | 代替DIN 985• 钢结构用—大六角螺母Steel hexagon nuts with large widths across flats for high - strength structural bolting DIN 6915 • 塑料六角螺母Plastic hexagon nuts DIN 34814• 六角法兰面螺母Hexagon nuts with flange DIN EN 1661 | 代替DIN 6923• 1型六角螺母—产品等级A和B级Hexagon nuts,style 1-Product grades A and BDIN EN ISO 4032 | 代替DIN 934• 2型六角螺母—产品等级A和B级Hexagon nuts,style 2-Product grades A and B DIN EN ISO 4033 • 六角螺母—产品等级C级Hexagon nuts - Product grade C DIN EN ISO 4034 | 代替DIN 555 • 方螺母—产品等级C级Product grade C square nuts DIN 557• 薄型方螺母—产品等级B级Square thin nuts - Product grade B DIN 562• 六角薄螺母(倒角型)—产品等级A和B级Hexagon thin nuts(chamfered)-Product grade A and B DIN EN ISO 4035 | 代替DIN 439-2• 六角薄螺母(无倒角型)—产品等级B级Hexagon thin nuts - Product grade B(unchamfered) DIN EN ISO 4036 | 代替DIN 439-1• 1型六角螺母—细牙螺纹—产品等级A和B级Hexagon nuts,style 1,with metric fine pitch thread - Product grades A and B DIN EN ISO 8673 | 代替DIN 934|DIN 971-1• 2型六角螺母—细牙螺纹—产品等级A和B级Hexagon nuts,style 2,with metric fine pitch thread -Product grades A and DIN EN ISO 8674 | 代替DIN 971-2• 六角薄螺母—细牙螺纹—产品等级A和B级Hexagon thin nuts with metric fine pitch thread - Product grades A and B DIN EN ISO 8675 | 代替DIN 439-2• 六角开槽螺母—粗牙螺纹和细牙螺纹—产品等级A和B级Hexagon slotted nuts and caltle nuts with metric coarse and fine pitch thread - Product grades A and B DIN 935-1• 六角开槽螺母—产品等级C级Hexagon slotted nuts with metric coarse pitch thread - Product grade C DIN 935-3• 六角开槽薄螺母—产品等级A和B级Hexagon thin slotted nuts and castle nuts with metric coarse and fine pitch thread - Product grade A and B DIN 979• 六角盖形螺母—扁球型Hexagon cap nuts DIN 917• 六角盖形螺母—半圆球型Hexagon domed cap nuts DIN 1587• 非金属嵌件六角组合式盖形锁紧螺母Prevailing torque hexagon domed cap nuts with non-metallic insert DIN 986• 1型全金属六角锁紧螺母—性能等级5、8和10级Prevailing torque type all-metal hexagon nuts,style 1- Property classes 5,8 and 10 DIN EN ISO 7719• 开槽螺塞(螺纹塞)Screwed inserts(screw plugs) DIN 7965• 冲压自锁螺母Self-locking counter nuts DIN 7967• 三角凸缘螺母—矿山用防雷防爆电气设备用Triangular nuts for use with electrical equipment in mining DIN 22425• 小对边薄螺母—粗牙和细牙Thin nuts with coarse pitch and fine pitch thread and with small widths across flats DIN 80705• 全金属六角法兰面锁紧螺母Prevailing torque type all-metal hexagon nuts with flangeDIN EN 1664 | 代替DIN 6927• 非金属嵌件六角法兰面锁紧螺母-细牙Prevailing torque type hexagon nuts with flange(withnon-metallic insert)with metric fine pitch thread DIN EN 1666 | 代替DIN 6926• 全金属六角法兰面锁紧螺母-细牙Prevailing torque type all-metal hexagon nuts with flange with metric fine pitch thread DIN EN 1667 | 代替DIN 6927• 1型非金属嵌件六角锁紧螺母—性能等级5、8和10级Prevailing torque type hexagon nuts (with non-metallic insert),style 1 - Property classes 5,8 and 10DIN EN ISO 7040 | 代替DIN 982|DIN 6924• 2型全金属六角锁紧螺母—性能等级5、8、10和12级Prevailing torque type all-metal hexagon nuts,style 2 - Property classes 5,8, 10 and 12 DIN EN ISO 7042 | 代替DIN 980|DIN 6925 • 1型非金属嵌件六角锁紧螺母—细牙—性能等级6、8和10级Prevailing torque type hexagon nuts (with non-metallic insert),style 1,with metric fine pitch thread-Property classes 6,8 and 10DIN EN ISO 10512 | 代替DIN 982|DIN 6924• 2型全金属六角锁紧螺母—细牙—性能等级8、10和12级Prevailing torque type all-metal hexagon nuts,style 2,with metric fine pitch thread - Property classes 8,10 and 12DIN EN ISO 10513 | 代替DIN 980|DIN 6925• 焊接方螺母Square weld nuts DIN 928 • 焊接六角螺母Hexagon weld nuts DIN 929 • 焊接六角法兰面螺母Hexagon weld nuts with flange DIN 977• 圆头滚花螺母Knurled nuts with collar DIN 466 • 圆头滚花薄螺母Knurled nuts DIN 467 • 厚圆头滚花螺母Knurled nuts DIN 6303 • 蝶形螺母—方翼Wing nuts with edged wings DIN 314 • 蝶形螺母—圆翼Wing nuts with rounded wings DIN 315• 管螺母—螺纹符合ISO 228-1 Pipe nuts with thread as in ISO 228-1 DIN 431• 圆螺母—端面开槽Slotted round nuts DIN 546• 圆螺母—端面带孔Round nuts with drilled holes in one face DIN 547• 圆螺母—恻面带孔Round nuts with set pin holes in side DIN 548• 吊耳螺母Lifting eye nuts DIN 582• 圆型套筒螺母—钢制Turnbuckles made from steel tube or round steel bars DIN 1478• 六角套筒螺母Hexagon turnbuckles DIN 1479 • 套筒螺母—组合开启型Turnbuckles,forged (open type) DIN 1480• 六角螺母—腰状杆螺栓连接副用Hexagon nuts for use with bolts with waisted shank DIN 2510-5 • 罩螺母—腰状杆螺栓连接副用Cap nuts for use with bolts with waisted shank DIN 2510-6• 受力管套—腰状杆螺栓连接副用Sleeves for use with bolts with waisted shank DIN 2510-7 • 六角螺母—m=1.5d Hexagon nuts with a height of 1,5d DIN 6330• 六角凸缘螺母—m=1.5d Hexagon collar nuts with a height of 1,5d DIN 6331• 专用地脚螺钉用地脚螺母DIN 798-1972• 六角薄螺母(老标准)(产品等级A和B级)DIN 936-1985• 六角冕形薄螺母(原类型)DIN 937-1987• 六角开槽薄螺母和六角冕形薄螺母米制粗牙和细牙产品等级A和B级DIN 979-1987• 汽车和拖车用圆盘轮螺母螺柱定心用紧固件DIN 74361-1982 第2部分• 载重汽车和拖挂车的圆盘轮外部件紧固件DIN 74361-1979 第3部分• Wing nuts with edged wings DIN 314 • Pipe nuts with thre ad as in ISO 228-1 DIN 431 • Knurled nuts with collar DIN 466 • Short kn urled nuts DIN 467 • Slotted round nutsDIN 546 • Round nuts with drilled holes in one face DIN 547 • Round nuts with set pin holes in side DIN 548 • Product grade C square nuts DIN 557 • Square thin nuts DIN 562 • Eyenuts for lifting purposes DIN 582 • Hexagon cap nuts DIN 917• Overview of E uropean Standards for fasteners DIN 918 • Square weld nuts DIN 928 • Hexagon weld nuts DIN 929• Hexagon slotted nuts and castle nuts with metric coarse an d fine pitch thread(Product grade A and B) DIN 935-1• Hexagon slotted nuts with metric coars e pitch thread(Product grade C) DIN 935-3• Hexagon thin slotted nuts and castle nuts with metric coarse and fine pitch thread(Product grad e A and B) DIN 979• Prevailing torque type hexagon domed ca p nuts with non-metallic insert DIN 986• Hexagon domed cap nuts DIN 1587• Boloted connections with reduced shank hexagon nuts DIN 2510• Knurled nuts DIN 6303 • Hexagon nuts with a heigh t of 1,5 d DIN 6330• Hexagon nuts wit h collar,with a height of 1,5 d DIN 6331• Plastic hexagon nuts DIN 34814 • Plastic washers. large series DIN 34816• Thin nuts with coarse pitch and fine pitch thread and with small widths across flatsDIN 80705 • H exagon nuts with flange DIN EN 1661• Prevailing torque type hexagon nuts with f lange(with non-metallic insert) DIN EN 1663• Prevailing torque type all-metal hexagon nuts with flange DIN EN 1664• Prevailing torque ty pe hexagon nuts with flange(with non-metallic insert),with metric fine pitch thread DIN EN 1666• Prevailing torque type all-metal hexagon nuts with flange,with metric fine pitch thread DIN EN 1667 • Hexagon nuts with flange. Fine pitch thread DIN EN 14218• Hexagon nuts,style 1(Product grades A and B) DIN EN ISO 4032• Hexagon nuts,style 2(Product grades A and B) DIN EN ISO 4033• Hexagon nuts(Product grades C) DIN EN ISO 4034• Hexagon thin nuts(cha mfered)(Product grades A and B) DIN EN ISO 4035• Hexagon thin nuts(unchamfered)(Prod uct grades B) DIN EN ISO 4036• Tolerances for fasteners DIN EN ISO 4759• Prevailing torque type hexagon nuts(with non-metallicinsert),style 1 Property classes5,8 and 10 DIN EN ISO 7040• Prevai ling torque type hexagon nuts(with non-metallicinsert),style 2 -Property classes 5,8,10 and 12 DIN EN ISO 7042• Hexagon nuts,style 1,with metric fine pitch thread (Product grades B) DIN EN ISO 8673• Hexagon nuts,style 2,with metric fine pitch thread (Product grades A and B) DIN EN ISO 8674 • Prevailing torque type hexagon thin nuts(with non-metallic insert) DIN EN ISO 10511• Prevailing torque type all-metal hexagon nuts,style 1 Property classes 5,8 and 10 DIN EN ISO 7719 • Hexagon thin nuts (chamfered)with metric fine pitch thread(Product grades A and B)DIN EN ISO 8675• Prevailing torque type hexagon nuts(with non-metallic insert),style 1,with metric fine pitchthread-Property classes6,8 and 10 DIN EN ISO 10512• Prevailing torque typ e all-metal hexagon nuts,style 2,with metric fine pitch thread-Property classes8,10 and 12 DIN EN ISO 10513• Hexagon weld nuts with flange DIN EN ISO 21670• Bolted connections with reduced shank DIN 2510• 非钎焊和钎焊压合接头.管接螺母系列LL Non-soldering and soldering compression fittings - Union nuts series LL 3870-2001 | 代替DIN 3870-1985;DIN 3870-19垫圈• 十字槽盘头螺钉—产品等级A级Pan head screws with type H or type Z cross recess-Product grade A DIN EN ISO 7045 | 代替DIN 7985• 十字槽沉头(通用头型)螺钉-产品等级A级-第1部分:性能等级钢4.8级Countersunk flat head screws (common head style)with type H or type Z cross recess,product grade A-Part 1:Steel of property class 4.8DIN EN ISO 7046-1 | 代替DIN 965 • 弹簧垫圈(DIN 127) Helical spring lock washers,sprint steel 127• 钢制的,普通系列平垫圈Flat Washers, steel normal series 125B | 代替7090• 钢制的,普通系列平垫圈Flat Washers, steel normal series 125A• 方垫圈—木结构用Square washers for use in timber constructions DIN 436• 方孔方垫圈—木结构用Washers with square hole for use in timber constructions DIN 440 • 粗制平垫圈—螺栓用Washers,coarse type,or bolts DIN 1441• 精制平垫圈Washers for clamping devices DIN 6340• 平垫圈—带重型夹紧套螺栓用Plain washers for bolts with heavy clamping sleeves DIN 7349 • 塑料垫圈—标准系列Plastic washers-Standard series DIN 34815• 塑料垫圈—大系列Plastic washers-Large series DIN 34816• 销轴用平垫圈—产品等级A级Plain washers for use with clevis pins-Product grade ADIN EN 28738 | 代替DIN 1440• 平垫圈—标准系列—产品等级A级Plain washers-Normal series-Product grade A DIN EN ISO 7089 • 平垫圈—倒角型—标准系列—产品等级A级Plain washers,chamfered-Normal series-Product grade A DIN EN ISO 7090• 平垫圈—标准系列—产品等级C级Plain washers-Normal series-Product grade C DIN EN ISO 7091 • 平垫圈—小系列—产品等级A级Plain washers-Small series-Product grade A DIN EN ISO 7092 • 平垫圈—大系列—第一部分:产品等级A级Plain washers-Large series-Part 1: Product grade ADIN EN ISO 7093-1• 平垫圈—标准系列—第3部分:产品等级C级Plain washers-Normal series-Part 3: Product grade C DIN EN ISO 7093-2• 平垫圈—特大系列—产品等级C级Plain washers-Extra large series -Product grade CDIN EN ISO 7094• 长单耳止动垫片Tab washers with long tab DIN 93 • 弹簧垫圈Curved spring lock washers DIN 128 • 波形弹性垫圈Wave spring washers DIN 137• 外舌止动垫片External tab washers(locking tab washers) DIN 432• 双耳止动垫片Tab washers with short and long tab at right angles DIN 463• 安全杯—DIN84开槽圆柱头螺钉用Safety cups for cheese head screws according to DIN 84DIN 526• 密封垫圈Shim rings and supporting rings DIN 988• 螺栓、螺母组合件用锥形弹性垫圈Conical spring washers for bolt/nut assemblies DIN 6796 • 锯齿锁紧弹性垫圈Toothed lock washers DIN 6797• 外锯齿锁紧垫圈Serrated lock washers DIN 6798• 螺钉和垫圈组合件用波形弹性垫圈Curved spring washers for screw and washer assembliesDIN 6904• 螺钉和垫圈组合件用弹簧垫圈Spring lock washers for screw and washer assemblies DIN 6905 • 螺钉和垫圈组合件用外锯齿锁紧垫圈Serrated lock washers with extermal teeth for screw and washer assemblies DIN 6907• 螺钉和垫圈组合件用锥形弹性垫圈Conical sring washers for screw and washer assembliesDIN 6908• 自攻螺钉和垫圈组合件用平垫圈—标准系列和大系列—产品等级A级Plain washers for tapping screw and washer assemblies - Normal and large series - Product grade A DIN EN ISO 10669 • 螺钉和垫圈组合件用平垫圈—小系列、标准系列及大系列—产品等级A级Plain washers for screw and washer assemblies - Small,normal and large series - Product grade A DIN EN ISO 10673 • 槽钢用方斜垫圈Square taper washers for use with channel sections DIN 434• I型工字钢用方斜垫圈Square taper washers for use with I sections DIN 435• 钢结构高强度螺栓连接—圆垫圈Round washers for high-strength structural steel bolting DIN 6916 • 钢结构高强度螺栓连接—I型工字钢用方斜垫圈Square taper washers for high-strength structural bolting of steel I sections DIN 6917• 钢结构高强度螺栓连接—槽钢用方斜垫圈Square taper washers for high-strength structural bolting of steel channel sections DIN 6918• 钢结构用垫圈—产品等级C级Washers for use in structural steelwork - Product grade CDIN7989-1• 钢结构用垫圈—产品等级A级Washers for use in structural steelwork - Product grade ADIN7989-2• 密封垫圈Shim rings and supporting rings DIN 988• 平垫圈—重型螺栓用Plain washers for bolts with heavy clamping sleeves DIN 7349• Shim rings a nd supporting rings DIN 988• Plain washers. For bolts with heavy clamping sleeves DIN 7349• Blind rivets DIN EN ISO 14589 • Square taper steel washers for use with channel sectionsDIN 434• Square taper steel washers for use with I sections DIN 435 • Square washers DIN 436 • Washers with square hole for use in timber constructions DIN 440• Shim rings and supporting rings DIN 988• Washers type coarse for bolts DIN 1441 • Washers for clamping devices DIN 6340• Conical spring washers. for bolt/nut assemblies DIN 6796• Conical spring washers DIN 6908• Square taper washers. For high-strength structural bolting of steel | sections DIN 6917• Square taper washers. For high-strength structural bolting of steel channel sections DIN 6918 • Plain w ashers. For Bolts with Heavy Clamping Sleeves DIN 7349• Washers for use in struct ural steelwork(Product grade C) DIN 7989-1• Washers for use in struct ural steelwork(Product grade A) DIN 7989-2• Chamfered plain washers for use in structural st eelwork DIN 34820• High-strength structural bolting assemblies. For preloading DIN EN 14399-5• High-strength structural bolting assemblies. For preloading DIN EN 14399-6• Plain washers-Normal series(Product grades A) DIN EN ISO 7089• P lain washers,chamfered-Normal series(Product grades A) DIN EN ISO 7090• Plain washers-Normal series(Product grades C) DIN EN ISO 7091• Plain washers-Small series(Product grades A) DIN EN ISO 7092• Plain washers-Large series(Product grades A) DIN EN ISO 7093-1• Plain washers-Large series(Product grades C) DIN EN ISO 7093-2• Plain washers-Extra large series(Product grades C) DIN EN ISO 7094• Plain washers for tapping screw and wash er assemblies(Product grades A) DIN EN ISO 10669 • Plain washers for screw and washer assemblies Small,normal nad large series (Product grades A) DIN EN ISO 10673挡圈• 轴用开口弹性挡圈Lock washers (retaining washers) for shafts DIN 6799• 孔用挡圈—标准型和重型Circlips (retaining rings) for bores - Normal type and heavy type DIN 472 • 轴用挡圈—带外凸耳型Retaining rings with lugs for use on shafts (external circlips) DIN 983 • 轴用钢丝挡圈及挡圈槽Round wire snap rings and snap ring grooves for shafts and boresDIN 7993• 轴用挡圈—标准型和重型Circlips (retaining rings)for shafts - Normal type and heavy type DIN 471 • 孔用挡圈—带内凸耳型Spring retaining rings with lugs for use in bores (internal circlips) DIN 984 • Circ lips(retaining rings)for shafts DIN 471 • Cir clips(retaining rings)for bores DIN 472 • Retaining rings with lugs DIN 983 • S pring retaining rings with lugs DIN 984• L ock washers DIN 6799 • Round wire snap rings and snap ring grooves. For shafts bores DIN 7993销及键• 弹性圆柱销—开槽—轻型Spring-type straight pins,slotted,light duty DIN EN ISO 13337 | 代替DIN 7346 • 重型传动连接楔形键—斜键和键槽型式及尺寸Stressed-type fastenings with taper action-Taper keys keyways-Dimensions and application DIN 6886• 半圆键和键槽型式及尺寸Drive-type fastenings without taper action-Woodruff keys-Dimensions and application DIN 6888• 弹性圆柱销—开槽—重型Spring-type straight pins,slotted,heavy duty DIN EN ISO 8752 | 代替DIN 1481 • 机床用平键—传动连接—键和键槽型式及尺寸Drive-type fastenings without taper action-Parallel keys,keyways,deep pattern for machine tools-Dimensions and applicationDIN 6885-2 • 薄型平键—传动连接—键和键槽型式及尺寸Drive-type fastenings without taper action-Parallel keys,shallow action-Dimensions and application DIN 6885-3。



D I NE N10228-3标准钢质锻件的NDT内容页码前言21.范围32.标准33.定义34.协定项目45.成文程序46.人员资质57.设备以及附件58.日常校合及检查69.制作阶段610.表面状况711.敏感度712.扫描813.分类1114.记录级别以及接受标准1415.尺寸1616.报告16附录A环向剪波扫描最大测试深度。












常用DIN标准• 六角头自钻自攻螺钉DIN EN ISO 15480• 六角头木螺钉Din 571• 内六角紧定螺钉—凹端Din 916• 内六角紧定螺钉—截锥端Din 914• 弹簧垫圈DIN 128• 十字槽圆头螺钉DIN 7996• 牙条DIN 975• 开槽盘头螺钉DIN 85-72• 十字槽球面圆柱头螺钉DIN 7985-86• 内六角紧定螺钉—导向圆柱端Din 915• 内六角紧定螺钉—平端Din 913• 六角法兰面螺母DIN EN 1661• 1型六角螺母—产品等级A和B级DIN EN ISO 4032• 方螺母—产品等级C级DIN 557• 六角凸缘头自钻自攻螺钉DIN EN ISO 15480• 十字槽盘头自钻自攻螺钉DIN EN ISO 15481• 平圆头方颈螺栓DIN 603• 圆柱头内六角螺钉DIN EN ISO 4762• 内六角平圆头螺钉DIN EN ISO 7380• 薄圆柱头内六角螺钉DIN 6912• 六角头螺栓—全螺纹—产品等级A和B级DIN EN ISO 4017• 螺杆DIN 976-1• 内六角沉头螺钉DIN EN ISO 10642所有DIN标准螺栓• 焊接螺栓Weld screws with metric headDIN 34817• 方头凸缘螺栓Squate head bolts with collarDIN 478• 平圆头方颈螺栓Mushroom head square neck boltsDIN 603• 沉头带榫螺栓Flat countersunk nib boltsDIN 604• 沉头高方颈螺栓Flat countersunk square neck bolts with long squareDIN 605• 半圆头带榫螺栓Cup head nib boltsDIN 607• 沉头短方颈螺栓Flat countersunk square neck bolts with short squareDIN 608• 六角花形大法兰面钢制螺栓Steel hexalobular head bolts with large flange DIN 34801• 六角头铰制孔用螺栓Hexagon fit boltsDIN 609• M42-M160*6 六角头螺栓—产品等级B级M42 to M160*6 hexagon head bolts - Product grade BDIN 931-2• 六角法兰面螺栓—小系列Hexagon bolts with flange - Small seriesDIN EN 1662• 六角法兰面螺栓—加大系列Hexagon bolts with flange - Heavy seriesDIN EN 1665 | 代替DIN 6921|DIN 6922• 六角头螺栓—-产品等级B级-细杆(杆径近似等于中径)Hexagon head bolts with reduced shank(shank diameter=pitch diameter)-Product grade BDIN EN 24015• 六角头螺栓—产品等级A和B级Hexagon head bolts - Product grades A and B DIN EN ISO 4014 | 代替DIN 931-1• 六角头螺栓—产品等级C级Hexagon head bolts - Product grade CDIN EN ISO 4016 | 代替DIN 601• 六角头螺栓—全螺纹—产品等级A和B级Hexagon head screws - Product grade A and BDIN EN ISO 4017 | 代替DIN 933• 六角头螺栓—全螺纹—产品等级C级Hexagon head screws - Product grade C DIN EN ISO 4018 | 代替DIN 558• 六角头螺栓—细牙—全螺纹—产品等级A和B级Hexagon head screws with metric fine pitch thread - Product grade A and BDIN EN ISO 8676 | 代替DIN 961• 六角头螺栓—细牙—产品等级A和B级Hexagon head bolts with fine pitch thread - Product grades A and BDIN EN ISO 8765 | 代替DIN 960• 钢结构用—大六角头高强度螺栓High-strength hexagon head bolts with large widths across flats for structural steel boltingDIN 6914• 短螺纹端的六角头铰制孔用螺栓DIN 610-84• 粗杆六角头螺栓重量DIN 931-87(3)• Clevis pin sDIN 1445• Plain washers for metric bolts,screws and nuts .for general purposes General plan DIN EN ISO 887• Hexagon head bolts with metric fine pitch thread(Product grade A and B)DIN EN ISO 8765• Thread run-outs and thread undercuts for ISO metric threads as in IND 13-1DIN 76-1• Thread run-outs and thread undercutsDIN 76• Bolt end protrusionsDIN 78• Diameters of counterbores(holes)DIN 974• Split pin holes and wire holes in bolts,screws and studsDIN 34803• Bolts,screws,studs and nutsDIN EN 20225• Clearance holes for bolts and screwsDIN EN 20273• T形头螺栓ISO general purpose metric screw threads. General planDIN ISO 261• 一般用途螺栓和螺钉.米制系列.端头半径General purpose bolts and screws-metric seriesDIN ISO 885• T型螺栓188• T型螺栓186螺钉• 方头短圆柱端紧定螺钉Square head bolts with short dog pointDIN 479• 方头短圆柱球面端紧定螺钉Square head bolts with collar and oval half dog point DIN 480• 开槽圆柱头螺钉—产品等级A级Slotted cheese head screws-Product grade ADIN EN ISO 1207 | 代替DIN 84• 开槽沉头螺钉(通用头型)-产品等级A级Slotted pan head screws-Product grade ADIN EN ISO 1580 | 代替DIN 85• 开槽沉头螺钉(通用头型)-产品等级A级Slotted countersunk flat headscrews(common head style)DIN EN ISO 2009 | 代替DIN 963• 开槽半沉头螺钉(通用头型)-产品等级A级Countersunk slotted raised head screws(common head style)-Produce grade ADIN EN ISO 2010 | 代替DIN 964• 十字槽盘头凸缘螺钉—产品等级A级Product grade A cross recessed pan head screws with collarDIN 967• 十字槽沉头(通用头型)螺钉-产品等级A级-第2部分:性能等级钢8.8级、不锈钢和有色金属Cross recessed countersunk flat head screws (common headstyle),product grade A-Part2:Steel of property class 8.8,stainless steel and nonferous metalsDIN EN ISO 7046-2 | 代替DIN 965• 开槽盘头螺钉DIN 85-72• 开槽十字孔螺钉DIN 404-86• 开槽小盘头螺钉DIN 920-86• 十字槽沉头自钻自攻螺钉Cross recessed countersunk head drilling screws with tapping screw threadDIN EN ISO 15482• 十字槽半沉头自钻自攻螺钉Cross recessed raised countersunk head drilling screws with tapping screw threadDIN EN ISO 15483• 内六角紧定螺钉—平端Hexagon socket set screws with flat pointDin 913• 内六角紧定螺钉—截锥端Hexagon socket set screws with cone pointDin 914• 内六角紧定螺钉—导向圆柱端Hexagon socket set screws with dog pointDin 915• 内六角紧定螺钉—凹端Hexagon socket set screws with cup pointDin 916• 十字槽圆头螺钉Cross recessed round head screwsDIN 7996• 十字槽沉头自攻螺钉(通用头型)Cross recessed countersunk (flat) head tapping screws(common head style)ISO 7050 | 代替DIN 7982• 十字槽半沉头自攻螺钉Cross recessed raised countersunk (oval) head tapping screwsISO 7051 | 代替DIN 7983• 小六角头长圆柱导向端紧定螺钉Hexagon set screws with small hexangon and full dog pointDIN 561• 小六角头短圆柱导向锥端紧定螺钉Hexagon set screws with samll hexagon,half dog point and flat cone pointDIN 564• 钢结构用—大六角头高强度螺栓和六角螺母连接副Steel hexagon fit bolts for structural steel bolting for supply with hexagon nutsDIN 7968• 钢结构用—六角头螺栓和六角螺母连接副Steel hexagon head bolts for structural steel bolting for supply with hexagon nutsDIN 7990• 十字槽半沉头(通用头型)螺钉-产品等级A级Countersunk raised head screws (common head style) with type H or type Z cross recess-Product grade A DIN EN ISO 7047 | 代替DIN 966• 十字槽圆柱头螺钉Cross recessed cheese head screwsDIN EN ISO 7048• 滚花指旋螺钉DIN 464-86• 滚花薄头指旋螺钉DIN 653-80• 带螺杆的六角头螺钉DIN 7964-77• 开槽大盘头螺钉DIN 921-86• 十字槽球面圆柱头螺钉DIN 7985-86• Designation system for fastenersDIN 962• Plastic washers. Standard seriesDIN 34815• Slotted set screws with flat pointDIN EN 24766• Slotted set screws with cone pointDIN EN 27434• Slotted set screws with long dog pointDIN EN 27435• Slotted set screws with cup pointDIN EN 27436• Slotted cheese head screwsDIN EN ISO 1207• Slotted pan head screwsDIN EN ISO 1580• Slotted countersunk flat head screws (c ommon head style) DIN EN ISO 2009• Countersunk slotted raised head screws(common head style) DIN EN ISO 2010• Slotted headless screws with shandDIN EN ISO 2342• Hexagon head screws(Product grade A and B)DIN EN ISO 4017• Hexagon he ad screws(Product grade C)DIN EN ISO 4018• Hexagon socket set screws with flat pointDIN EN ISO 4026• Hexagon socket set screws with cone pointDIN EN ISO 4027• Hexagon socket set screws with dog pointDIN EN ISO 4028• Hexagon sock et set screws with cup pointDIN EN ISO 4029• Hexagon socket head cap screwsDIN EN ISO 4762• Pan head screws with H or type Z cross recess(Product grade A)DIN EN ISO 7045• Countersunk flat head screws(common head style)with type H or ty pe Z cross recess(Product grade A)DIN EN ISO 7046-1• Countersunk flat head screws(common head style)with type H or type Z cross recess(Product grade A)DIN EN ISO 7047• Countersunk flat head screwsDIN EN ISO 7048• Hexagon socket button head screwsDIN EN ISO 7380• Hexagon head screws with metric fine pitch thread(Product grade A and B)DIN EN ISO 8676• Tapping screw and washer assemblies with plain washersDIN EN ISO 10510• Hexagon socket countersunk head screwsDIN EN ISO 10642• Hexalobular socket head cap screwsDIN EN ISO 14579• Hexalobular socket cheese head screwsDIN EN ISO 14580• Hexalobular socket pan head screwsDIN EN ISO 14583• Hexalobular socket raised countersunk head screwsDIN EN ISO 14584• Scres and washer assemblies with plain washers(Washer hardness classes 200 HV and 300 HV)DIN EN ISO 10644• Hexalobular socket pan head tapping screwsDIN EN ISO 14585• Hexalobular socket countersunk headDIN EN ISO 14586• Hexalobular socket raised countersunk(oval)head tapping screwsDIN EN ISO 14587• Hexagon washer head drilling screws with tapping screw threadDIN EN ISO 15480• Cross recessed pan head drilling screws with tapping screw threadDIN EN ISO 15481• Cross recessed countersunk head drilling screws with tapping screw threadDIN EN ISO 15482• Cross recessed raisedcountersunk head drilling screws with tapping screw threadDIN EN ISO 15483• Countersinks. For countersunk head screwsDIN 66• Countersinks. For countersunk head screwsDIN 74• Screw threadsDIN 202• Thread rolling screwsDIN 7500• Tapping screw connectionsDIN 7975• Threads and thread endsDIN 7998• Wire thread inserts for ISO metric screw t hreadsDIN 8140-1• Countersunk head screwsDIN EN 27721• Tapping screw threadsDIN EN ISO 1478• 十字槽螺丝Cross recesses for screwsDIN EN ISO 4757• 螺栓和螺钉用内板拧的六角花形Hexalobular internal driving feature for bolts and screwsDIN EN ISO 10664• 十字槽沉头螺钉ISO general purpose metric screw threads-tolerancesDIN ISO 965• 十字槽沉头螺钉ISO general purpose metric screw threads-tolerancesDIN ISO 965-2• 十字槽沉头螺钉ISO general purpose metric screw threads-tolerancesDIN ISO 965-3• 十字槽沉头螺钉ISO general purpose metric screw threads-tolerancesDIN ISO 965-4• 十字槽沉头螺钉ISO general purpose metric screw threads-tolerancesDIN ISO 965-5内六角螺钉• 内六角沉头螺钉Hexagon socket countersunk head screwsDIN EN ISO 10642 | 代替DIN 7991• 薄圆柱头内六角螺钉Hexagon socket thin head cap screwsDIN 7984• 圆柱头内六角螺钉Hexagon socket head cap screwsDIN EN ISO 4762 | 代替DIN 912• 内六角平圆头螺钉Hexagon socket button head screwsDIN EN ISO 7380• 圆柱头内六角花形钢制螺钉Steel hexalobular head cap screws with large drivingfeatureDIN 34802• 薄圆柱头内六角螺钉Hexagon socket thin head cap screws with pilot recess for wrench keyDIN 6912• 六角花形小法兰面钢制螺栓Steel hexalobular head bolts with small flangeDIN 34800自攻螺钉• 六角头自钻自攻螺钉Hexagon washer head drilling screws with tapping screw threadDIN EN ISO 15480 | 代替DIN 7504• 六角凸缘头自钻自攻螺钉Hexagon washer head drilling screws with tapping screws threadDIN EN ISO 15480• 十字槽盘头自钻自攻螺钉Cross recessed pan head drilling screws with tapping screw threadDIN EN ISO 15481• 十字槽盘头自钻自攻螺钉Cross recessed pan head drlling screws with tapping screw threadDIN EN ISO 15481 | 代替DIN 7504• 十字槽沉头自钻自攻螺钉Cross recessed countersunk head drilling screws with tapping screw threadDIN EN ISO 15482 | 代替DIN 7504• 十字槽半沉头自钻自攻螺钉Cross recessed raised counterunk head drilling screws with tapping screw threadDIN EN ISO 15483 | 代替DIN 7504• 自钻自攻螺钉Drilling screws with tapping screw threadDIN EN ISO 10666 | 代替DIN 7504• 六角头和开槽头三角牙螺钉—尺寸、技术要求及试验Hexagon head and slotted head thread cutting screws - Dimensions,requirements and testingDIN 7513• 十字槽螺纹滚成自攻螺钉—尺寸、技术要求及试验Cross recessed head thread cutting screws - Dimensions,requirements and testingDIN 7516• 米制螺纹滚成自攻螺钉—型式、名称及技术要求ISO metric thread rolling screws - Types,designation and requirementsDIN 7500-1• 米制螺纹滚成自攻螺钉—预制孔直径尺寸方案Tread rolling screws for ISO metric thread - Guideline values for hole diametersDIN 7500-2• 紧固件供货技术条件—米制螺纹—性能等级为10.9级的螺纹滚成自攻螺钉Technical delivery conditions for fasteners - Metric thread rolling screws of property class 10.9DIN 267-30• 十字槽盘头凸缘自攻螺钉Cross recessed pan head tapping screws with collar DIN 968• 六角凸缘自攻螺钉Hexagon washer head tapping screwsDIN 6928• 自攻螺钉用螺纹Tapping screw threadsDIN EN ISO 1478 | 代替DIN 7970• 六角头自攻螺钉Hexagon head tapping screwsISO 1479 | 代替DIN 7976• 开槽盘头自攻螺钉Slotted pan head tapping screwsISO 1481 | 代替DIN 7971• 开槽沉头自攻螺钉(通用头型)Slotted countersunk(flat)head tappingscrews(common head style)ISO 1482 | 代替DIN 7972• 开槽半沉头自攻螺钉(通用头型)Slotted raised countersunk (oval) head tapping screws(common head style)ISO 1483 | 代替DIN 7973• 十字槽盘头自攻螺钉Cross recessed pan head tapping screwsISO 7049 | 代替DIN 7981木螺钉• 开槽半沉头木螺钉Slotted raised countersunk(oval) head wood screwsDin 95• 开槽半圆头木螺钉Slotted round head wood screwsDin 96• 开槽沉头木螺钉Slotted countersunk(flat) head wood screwsDin 97• 六角头木螺钉Hexagon wood screwsDin 571• 十字沉头木螺钉Cross recessed countersunk (flat) head wood screwsDIN 7997螺杆和螺柱• 牙条Threaded rodDIN 975• 螺杆Metric thread stud boltsDIN 976-1• 螺杆—过盈配合螺纹Metric interference-fit thread stud boltsDIN 976-2• Welding studs for turnbucklesDIN 34828• High-strength structural bolting assemblies. For preloadingDIN EN 14399-3• High-strength structural bolting assemblies. For preloadingDIN EN 14399-4• Hexagon bolts with flange-Small seriesDIN EN 1662• Hexagon bolts with flange-Heavy seriesDIN EN 1665• Hexagon bolts with flange w ith metric fine pitch threadDIN EN 14219• High-strength structural bolting assemblies for preloadingDIN EN 14399-3• High-strength structural bolting assemblies for preloadingDIN EN 14399-4• Hexagon head bolts with reduced shankDIN EN 24015• Hexagon head bolts(Product grade A and B)DIN EN ISO 4014• Hexagon head bolts(Product grade C)DIN EN ISO 4016铆钉• 半圆头钢铆钉—公称直径10~36mm Steel round head rivets with nominal diameters from 10 to 36 mmDIN 124• 沉头钢铆钉—公称直径10~36mm Steel countersunk head rivets with nominal diameters from 10 to 36 mmDIN 302• 半圆头铆钉—公称直径1~8mm Round head rivets with nominal diameters from 1 to 8 mmDIN 660• 沉头铆钉—公称直径1~8mm Countersunk head rivets with nominal diameters from 1 to 8 mmDIN 661• 半沉头铆钉—公称直径1.6~6mm Oval-head rivets with nominal diameters from 1,6 to 6 mmDIN 662• 大半圆头铆钉—公称直径1.6~6mm Mushroom head rivets with nominal diameters from 1,6 to 6 mmDIN 674• 沉头铆钉—公称直径3~5mm Flat countersunk head rivets with nominal diameters from 3 to 5 mmDIN 675• 铆钉用具Rivet setsDIN 6434• 盘头半空心铆钉—公称直径1.6~10mm Semitubular pan head rives with nominal diameters from 1,6 to 10 mmDIN 6791• 沉头半空心铆钉—公称直径1.6~10mm Semitubular countersunk head rivets with nominal diameters from 1,6 to 10 mmDIN 6792• 冲制铆钉Compression rivetsDIN 7331• 开口型盲铆钉Break mandrel blind rivetsDIN 7337• 开口型和封闭型铆钉Break and clutch lining rivetsDIN 7338• 板料拉延管铆钉One-piece tubular rivets drawn from stripDIN 7339• 管制空心铆钉Tubular rivets made from tubeDIN 7340• Steel round head rivetsDIN 124• Round head rivetsDIN 660• Countersunk head rivetsDIN 661• Oval-head rivetsDIN 662• Mushroom head rivetsDIN 674• Flat countersunk head rivetsDIN 675• Semitubular pan head rivets. With nominal diameters from 1,6 to 10mmDIN 6791• Compression rivetsDIN 7331• Brake and clutch lining rivetsDIN 7338• One-piece tubular rivetsDIN 7339• Tubular rivetsDIN 7340• Rivet pi nsDIN 7341• Grooved pins with countersunk headDIN EN ISO 8747螺母• 非金属嵌件六角法兰面锁紧螺母Prevailing torque type hexagon nuts withflange(with non-metallic insert)DIN EN 1663 | 代替DIN 6926• 非金属嵌件六角锁紧薄螺母Prevailing torque type hexagon thin nuts (withnon-metallic insert )DIN EN ISO 10511 | 代替DIN 985• 钢结构用—大六角螺母Steel hexagon nuts with large widths across flats for high -strength structural boltingDIN 6915• 塑料六角螺母Plastic hexagon nutsDIN 34814• 六角法兰面螺母Hexagon nuts with flangeDIN EN 1661 | 代替DIN 6923• 1型六角螺母—产品等级A和B级Hexagon nuts,style 1-Product grades A and B DIN EN ISO 4032 | 代替DIN 934• 2型六角螺母—产品等级A和B级Hexagon nuts,style 2-Product grades A and B DIN EN ISO 4033• 六角螺母—产品等级C级Hexagon nuts - Product grade CDIN EN ISO 4034 | 代替DIN 555• 方螺母—产品等级C级Product grade C square nutsDIN 557• 薄型方螺母—产品等级B级Square thin nuts - Product grade BDIN 562• 六角薄螺母(倒角型)—产品等级A和B级Hexagon thin nuts(chamfered)-Product grade A and BDIN EN ISO 4035 | 代替DIN 439-2• 六角薄螺母(无倒角型)—产品等级B级Hexagon thin nuts - Product gradeB(unchamfered)DIN EN ISO 4036 | 代替DIN 439-1• 1型六角螺母—细牙螺纹—产品等级A和B级Hexagon nuts,style 1,with metric fine pitch thread - Product grades A and BDIN EN ISO 8673 | 代替DIN 934|DIN 971-1• 2型六角螺母—细牙螺纹—产品等级A和B级Hexagon nuts,style 2,with metric fine pitch thread - Product grades A and BDIN EN ISO 8674 | 代替DIN 971-2• 六角薄螺母—细牙螺纹—产品等级A和B级Hexagon thin nuts with metric fine pitch thread - Product grades A and BDIN EN ISO 8675 | 代替DIN 439-2• 六角开槽螺母—粗牙螺纹和细牙螺纹—产品等级A和B级Hexagon slotted nuts and caltle nuts with metric coarse and fine pitch thread - Product grades A and B DIN 935-1• 六角开槽螺母—产品等级C级Hexagon slotted nuts with metric coarse pitch thread - Product grade CDIN 935-3• 六角开槽薄螺母—产品等级A和B级Hexagon thin slotted nuts and castle nuts with metric coarse and fine pitch thread - Product grade A and BDIN 979• 六角盖形螺母—扁球型Hexagon cap nutsDIN 917• 六角盖形螺母—半圆球型Hexagon domed cap nutsDIN 1587• 非金属嵌件六角组合式盖形锁紧螺母Prevailing torque hexagon domed cap nuts with non-metallic insertDIN 986• 1型全金属六角锁紧螺母—性能等级5、8和10级Prevailing torque type all-metal hexagon nuts,style 1- Property classes 5,8 and 10DIN EN ISO 7719• 开槽螺塞(螺纹塞)Screwed inserts(screw plugs)DIN 7965• 冲压自锁螺母Self-locking counter nutsDIN 7967• 三角凸缘螺母—矿山用防雷防爆电气设备用Triangular nuts for use with electrical equipment in miningDIN 22425• 小对边薄螺母—粗牙和细牙Thin nuts with coarse pitch and fine pitch thread and with small widths across flatsDIN 80705• 全金属六角法兰面锁紧螺母Prevailing torque type all-metal hexagon nuts with flangeDIN EN 1664 | 代替DIN 6927• 非金属嵌件六角法兰面锁紧螺母-细牙Prevailing torque type hexagon nuts with flange(with non-metallic insert)with metric fine pitch threadDIN EN 1666 | 代替DIN 6926• 全金属六角法兰面锁紧螺母-细牙Prevailing torque type all-metal hexagon nuts with flange with metric fine pitch threadDIN EN 1667 | 代替DIN 6927• 1型非金属嵌件六角锁紧螺母—性能等级5、8和10级Prevailing torque type hexagon nuts (with non-metallic insert),style 1 - Property classes 5,8 and 10 DIN EN ISO 7040 | 代替DIN 982|DIN 6924• 2型全金属六角锁紧螺母—性能等级5、8、10和12级Prevailing torque type all-metal hexagon nuts,style 2 - Property classes 5,8, 10 and 12DIN EN ISO 7042 | 代替DIN 980|DIN 6925• 1型非金属嵌件六角锁紧螺母—细牙—性能等级6、8和10级Prevailing torque type hexagon nuts (with non-metallic insert),style 1,with metric fine pitch thread-Property classes 6,8 and 10DIN EN ISO 10512 | 代替DIN 982|DIN 6924• 2型全金属六角锁紧螺母—细牙—性能等级8、10和12级Prevailing torque type all-metal hexagon nuts,style 2,with metric fine pitch thread - Property classes 8,10 and 12 DIN EN ISO 10513 | 代替DIN 980|DIN 6925• 焊接方螺母Square weld nutsDIN 928• 焊接六角螺母Hexagon weld nutsDIN 929• 焊接六角法兰面螺母Hexagon weld nuts with flangeDIN 977• 圆头滚花螺母Knurled nuts with collarDIN 466• 圆头滚花薄螺母Knurled nutsDIN 467• 厚圆头滚花螺母Knurled nutsDIN 6303• 蝶形螺母—方翼Wing nuts with edged wingsDIN 314• 蝶形螺母—圆翼Wing nuts with rounded wingsDIN 315• 管螺母—螺纹符合ISO 228-1 Pipe nuts with thread as in ISO 228-1DIN 431• 圆螺母—端面开槽Slotted round nutsDIN 546• 圆螺母—端面带孔Round nuts with drilled holes in one faceDIN 547• 圆螺母—恻面带孔Round nuts with set pin holes in sideDIN 548• 吊耳螺母Lifting eye nutsDIN 582• 圆型套筒螺母—钢制Turnbuckles made from steel tube or round steel bars DIN 1478• 六角套筒螺母Hexagon turnbucklesDIN 1479• 套筒螺母—组合开启型Turnbuckles,forged(open type)DIN 1480• 六角螺母—腰状杆螺栓连接副用Hexagon nuts for use with bolts with waisted shankDIN 2510-5• 罩螺母—腰状杆螺栓连接副用Cap nuts for use with bolts with waisted shank DIN 2510-6• 受力管套—腰状杆螺栓连接副用Sleeves for use with bolts with waisted shank DIN 2510-7• 六角螺母—m=1.5d Hexagon nuts with a height of 1,5dDIN 6330• 六角凸缘螺母—m=1.5d Hexagon collar nuts with a height of 1,5dDIN 6331• 专用地脚螺钉用地脚螺母DIN 798-1972• 六角薄螺母(老标准)(产品等级A和B级)DIN 936-1985• 六角冕形薄螺母(原类型)DIN 937-1987• 六角开槽薄螺母和六角冕形薄螺母米制粗牙和细牙产品等级A和B级DIN 979-1987• 汽车和拖车用圆盘轮螺母螺柱定心用紧固件DIN 74361-1982 第2部分• 载重汽车和拖挂车的圆盘轮外部件紧固件DIN 74361-1979 第3部分• Wing nuts with edged wingsDIN 314• Pipe nuts with thread as in ISO 228-1DIN 431• Knurled nuts with collarDIN 466• Short knurled nutsDIN 467• Slotted round nutsDIN 546• Round nuts with drilled holes in one faceDIN 547• Round nuts with set pin holes in sideDIN 548• Product grade C square nutsDIN 557• Square thin nutsDIN 562• Eyenuts for lifting purposesDIN 582• Hexagon cap nutsDIN 917• Overview of European Standards for fastenersDIN 918• Square weld nutsDIN 928• Hexagon weld nutsDIN 929• Hexagon slotted nuts and castle nuts with metric coarse and fine pitch thread(Product grade A and B)DIN 935-1• Hexagon slotted nuts with metric coarse pitch thread(Prod uct grade C)DIN 935-3• Hexagon thin slotted nuts and castle nuts with metric coarse and fine pitch thread(Product grade A and B)DIN 979• Prevailing torque type hexagon domed cap nuts with non-metallic insert DIN 986• Hexagon domed cap n utsDIN 1587• Boloted connections with reduced shank hexagon nutsDIN 2510• Knurled nutsDIN 6303• Hexagon nuts with a height of 1,5 dDIN 6330• Hexagon nuts with collar,with a height of 1,5 dDIN 6331• Plastic hexagon nutsDIN 34814• Plastic washers. large seriesDIN 34816• Thin nuts with coarse pitch and fine pitch thread and with small widths across flats DIN 80705• Hexagon nuts with flangeDIN EN 1661• Prevailing torque type hexagon nuts with flange(with non-metallic insert)DIN EN 1663• Prevailing torque type all-metal hexagon nuts with flangeDIN EN 1664• Prevailing torque type hexagon nuts with flange(with non-metallic insert),with metric fine pitch threadDIN EN 1666• Prevailing torque type all-metal hexagon nuts with flange,with metric fine pitch threadDIN EN 1667• Hexagon nuts with flange. Fine pitch threadDIN EN 14218• Hexagon nuts,style 1(Product grades A and B)DIN EN ISO 4032• Hexagon nuts,style 2(Product grades A and B)DIN EN ISO 4033• Hexagon nuts(Product grades C)DIN EN ISO 4034• Hexagon thin nuts(chamfered)(Product grades A and B)DIN EN ISO 4035• Hexagon thin nuts(unchamfered)(Product grades B)DIN EN ISO 4036• Tolerances for fastenersDIN EN ISO 4759• Prevailing torque type hexagon nuts(with non-metallicinsert),style 1 Property classes5,8 and 10DIN EN ISO 7040• Prevailing torque type hexagon nuts(with non-metallicinsert),style 2 -Property classes 5,8,10 and 12DIN EN ISO 7042• Hexagon nuts,style 1,with metric fine pitch thread (Product grades B)DIN EN ISO 8673• Hexagon nuts,style 2,with metric fine pitch thread (Product grades A and B)DIN EN ISO 8674• Prevailing torque type hexagon thin nuts(wi th non-metallic insert)DIN EN ISO 10511• Prevailing torque type all-metal hexagon nuts,style 1 Property classes 5,8 and 10 DIN EN ISO 7719• Hexagon thin nuts (chamfered)with metric fine pitch thread(Product grades A and B) DIN EN ISO 8675• Prevailing torque type hexagon nuts(with non-metallic insert),style 1,with metric fine pitch thread-Property classes6,8 and 10DIN EN ISO 10512• Prevailing torque type all-metal hexagon nuts,style 2,with metric fine pitchthread-Property classes8,10 and 12DIN EN ISO 10513• Hexagon weld nuts with flangeDIN EN ISO 21670• Bolted connections with reduced shankDIN 2510• 非钎焊和钎焊压合接头.管接螺母系列LL Non-soldering and soldering compression fittings - Union nuts series LL3870-2001 | 代替DIN 3870-1985;DIN 3870-19垫圈• 十字槽盘头螺钉—产品等级A级Pan head screws with type H or type Z cross recess-Product grade ADIN EN ISO 7045 | 代替DIN 7985• 十字槽沉头(通用头型)螺钉-产品等级A级-第1部分:性能等级钢4.8级Countersunk flat head screws (common head style)with type H or type Z crossrecess,product grade A-Part 1:Steel of property class 4.8DIN EN ISO 7046-1 | 代替DIN 965• 弹簧垫圈(DIN 127) Helical spring lock washers,sprint steel127• 钢制的,普通系列平垫圈Flat Washers, steel normal series125B | 代替7090• 钢制的,普通系列平垫圈Flat Washers, steel normal series125A• 方垫圈—木结构用Square washers for use in timber constructionsDIN 436• 方孔方垫圈—木结构用Washers with square hole for use in timber constructions DIN 440• 粗制平垫圈—螺栓用Washers,coarse type,or boltsDIN 1441• 精制平垫圈Washers for clamping devicesDIN 6340• 平垫圈—带重型夹紧套螺栓用Plain washers for bolts with heavy clamping sleeves DIN 7349• 塑料垫圈—标准系列Plastic washers-Standard seriesDIN 34815• 塑料垫圈—大系列Plastic washers-Large seriesDIN 34816• 销轴用平垫圈—产品等级A级Plain washers for use with clevis pins-Product grade ADIN EN 28738 | 代替DIN 1440• 平垫圈—标准系列—产品等级A级Plain washers-Normal series-Product grade A DIN EN ISO 7089• 平垫圈—倒角型—标准系列—产品等级A级Plain washers,chamfered-Normal series-Product grade ADIN EN ISO 7090• 平垫圈—标准系列—产品等级C级Plain washers-Normal series-Product grade C DIN EN ISO 7091• 平垫圈—小系列—产品等级A级Plain washers-Small series-Product grade ADIN EN ISO 7092• 平垫圈—大系列—第一部分:产品等级A级Plain washers-Large series-Part 1: Product grade ADIN EN ISO 7093-1• 平垫圈—标准系列—第3部分:产品等级C级Plain washers-Normal series-Part 3: Product grade CDIN EN ISO 7093-2• 平垫圈—特大系列—产品等级C级Plain washers-Extra large series -Product grade CDIN EN ISO 7094• 长单耳止动垫片Tab washers with long tabDIN 93• 弹簧垫圈Curved spring lock washersDIN 128• 波形弹性垫圈Wave spring washersDIN 137• 外舌止动垫片External tab washers(locking tab washers)DIN 432• 双耳止动垫片Tab washers with short and long tab at right anglesDIN 463• 安全杯—DIN84开槽圆柱头螺钉用Safety cups for cheese head screws according to DIN 84DIN 526• 密封垫圈Shim rings and supporting ringsDIN 988• 螺栓、螺母组合件用锥形弹性垫圈Conical spring washers for bolt/nut assemblies DIN 6796• 锯齿锁紧弹性垫圈Toothed lock washersDIN 6797• 外锯齿锁紧垫圈Serrated lock washersDIN 6798• 螺钉和垫圈组合件用波形弹性垫圈Curved spring washers for screw and washer assembliesDIN 6904• 螺钉和垫圈组合件用弹簧垫圈Spring lock washers for screw and washer assembliesDIN 6905• 螺钉和垫圈组合件用外锯齿锁紧垫圈Serrated lock washers with extermal teeth for screw and washer assembliesDIN 6907• 螺钉和垫圈组合件用锥形弹性垫圈Conical sring washers for screw and washer assembliesDIN 6908• 自攻螺钉和垫圈组合件用平垫圈—标准系列和大系列—产品等级A级Plain washers for tapping screw and washer assemblies - Normal and large series - Product grade A DIN EN ISO 10669• 螺钉和垫圈组合件用平垫圈—小系列、标准系列及大系列—产品等级A级Plain washers for screw and washer assemblies - Small,normal and large series - Product grade ADIN EN ISO 10673• 槽钢用方斜垫圈Square taper washers for use with channel sectionsDIN 434• I型工字钢用方斜垫圈Square taper washers for use with I sectionsDIN 435• 钢结构高强度螺栓连接—圆垫圈Round washers for high-strength structural steel boltingDIN 6916• 钢结构高强度螺栓连接—I型工字钢用方斜垫圈Square taper washers forhigh-strength structural bolting of steel I sectionsDIN 6917• 钢结构高强度螺栓连接—槽钢用方斜垫圈Square taper washers for high-strength structural bolting of steel channel sectionsDIN 6918• 钢结构用垫圈—产品等级C级Washers for use in structural steelwork - Product grade CDIN7989-1• 钢结构用垫圈—产品等级A级Washers for use in structural steelwork - Productgrade ADIN7989-2• 密封垫圈Shim rings and supporting ringsDIN 988• 平垫圈—重型螺栓用Plain washers for bolts with heavy clamping sleevesDIN 7349• Shim rings and supporting ringsDIN 988• Plain washers. For bolts with heavy clamping sleevesDIN 7349• Blind rivetsDIN EN ISO 14589• Square taper steel washers for use with channel sectionsDIN 434• Square taper steel washers for use with I sectionsDIN 435• Square washersDIN 436• Washers wit h square hole for use in timber constructionsDIN 440• Shim rings and supporting ringsDIN 988• Washers type coarse for boltsDIN 1441• Washers for clamping devicesDIN 6340• Conical spring washers. for bolt/nut assembliesDIN 6796• Conical spring washersDIN 6908• Square taper washers. For high-strength structural bolting of steel | sectionsDIN 6917• Square taper washers. For high-strength structural bolting of steel channel sections DIN 6918• Plain washers. For Bolts with Heavy Clamping SleevesDIN 7349• Washers for use in structural steelwork(Product grade C)DIN 7989-1• Washers for use in structural steelwork(Product grade A)DIN 7989-2• Chamfered plain washers for use in structural steel workDIN 34820• High-strength structural bolting assemblies. For preloadingDIN EN 14399-5。


Al 0.1 Fe 0.4 Ni 0.3 Sn 0.2
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