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镍基合金材料200 201数据表说明书

镍基合金材料200 201数据表说明书

For internal use only.ALLOY 200 / 201DA T A SHEE TUNS N 02200 / UNS N02201//// Alloy 200 (UNS designation N02200) and Alloy 201 (UNS designation N02201) are wroughtcommercially pure nickel. The alloys differ only in the maximum carbon level allowed by specification, 0.15 % maximum for Alloy 200 and 0.02 % maximum for Alloy 201. Both alloys provide highly ductile mechanical properties over a wide temperature range. Both alloys provide corrosion resistance in neutral to moderately reducing environments. In the annealed condition, either alloy possesses the approximate strength of mild steel. As-rolled material is sometimes furnished to provide higher strength levels.//// Alloy 200 and Alloy 201 provide high thermal and electrical conductivity in comparison to nickel base alloys, stainless steels and low alloy steels. The alloys are ferromagnetic.//// Because long-time exposures of Alloy 200 in the 800 to 1 200 °F (427-649 °C) range result in precipitation of a carbon phase and loss of ductility, it is not recommended for service above600 °F (316 °C). For applications above 600 °F (316 °C), the low carbon Alloy 201 should be considered.//// For proposed service temperatures approaching 800 °F (427 °C), resistance to creep should be considered as a design factor.//// Food production;//// Fluroine generation;//// Storing and transportation of phenol;//// Manufacture and handling of sodium hydroxide;//// Production of hydrochloric acid and chlorination of hydro-carbons such as benzene, methane and ethane;//// Manufacture of vinyl choloride monomer;//// Heat exchangers;//// Tube sheets;//// P iping;//// Shell plate;//// Tank heads;//// Tanks;//// Storage vessels;//// Mixers;//// Valves.GENERAL PROPERTIES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////APPLICATIONS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// INdUSTRIES //// FAbRICATIONSFor internal use only. STANdARdS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Product form SpecificationsASTM ASME AMS DIN VdTüV UKPlate sheet and Strip B162SB1625553(N02201 only)177503453072Rod and Bar B160SB160-177523453076Smls Pipe and tubind B161 / B163SB161 / SB163-177513453074Temperature Yield Strength 0.2 % Offset Elongation°F°C psi MPa psi MPa% in 2"682021 50014867 000462472009321 00014566 5004584640020420 20013966 5004584460031620 20013966 20045647Temperature Yield Strength 0.2 % Offset Elongation°F°C psi MPa psi MPa% in 2"682015 00010358 500403502009315 00010356 1003874540020414 80010254 0003724460031614 3009852 5003624280042713 5009341 20028458ChEmICAL COmPOSITION (%) /////////////////////////////////////////////// mEChANICAL PROPERTIES /////////////////////////////////////////////// Alloy C Mn S Si Cu Ni+Co Fe2000.15 max0.35 max0.01 max0.35 max0.25 max99.00 min0.40 max2010.02 max0.35 max0.01 max0.35 max0.25 max99.00 min0.40 max////The following tables illustrate the short time room and elevated temperature tensile propertiesof annealed Alloy 200 and Alloy 201. The tables indicate that Alloy 200 is stronger than Alloy 201in the annealed condition. Specifications generally recognize this difference by assigning lowerminimum yield and tensile strength values to Alloy 201 than to Alloy 200.//// ShORT TImE TENSILE PROPERTIES AS A FUNCTION OF TEmPERATURE//// ALLOy 200//// ALLOy 201For internal use only. Form Tensile Strength Yield Strength 0.2 % Offset Elongation Hardnessksi MPa ksi MPa% in 2"Birnell (3 000 kg)Rockwell BRod and BarHot Fin60-85415-58515-45105-31055-3590-15045-80Cold drawn65-110450-76040-100275-69035-10140-23075-98CD or HR Ann55-75380-52015-30105-21055-4090-12045-70PlateHot Rolled55-100380-69020-80140-55055-35100-15055-80HR Ann55-80380-55015-40105-27560-4090-14045-75SheetCold Rolled90-115620-79570-105480-72515-2-90 minCR Ann55-75380-52015-30105-21055-40-70 maxTubeStress Rel65-110450-76040-90275-62035-15-75-98Annealed55-75380-52012-3085-21060-40-70 maxCondenser TubeAnnealed55-75380-52015-30105-21060-40-65 maxStress Rel65-110450-76040-90275-62035-20-75-98Form Tensile Strength Yield Strength 0.2 % Offset Elongation Hardnessksi MPa ksi MPa% in 2"Birnell (3 000 kg)Rockwell BRod and BarHF, HF Ann50-60345-41510-2570-17060-4075-100-Cold drawn60-100415-69035-90240-62035-10125-200-CD Ann50-60345-41610-2570-17060-4075-100-PlateHot Rolled50-70345-48512-3583-24060-35--HR Ann50-70345-48512-3583-24060-40--Tube, PipeCD Ann50-70345-48510-2870-19560-40-62 maxStress Rel60-105415-72530-85205-58535-15-75-98////The tensile properties of both Alloy 200 and Alloy 201 can be significantly enhanced by coldworking. In plate products, this can be achieved by control of the finishing temperature in hot rollingand the elimination of the anneal that follows hot rolling. Sheet and strip can be cold rolled to higherstrength. The typical range of enhancement of room temperature properties is shown in the nexttable. These properties depend on the thermomechanical history and section size and cannot bedeveloped in all gages//// T yPICAL PROPERTy RANGES IN COLd wORkEd ALLOy 200//// T yPICAL PROPERTy RANGES IN COLd wORkEd ALLOy 200//// T hE EFFECTS OF COLd wORkINGFor internal use only.////As measured by Charpy impact tests, Alloy 200 is one of the toughest metals. Both hot rolledand annealed samples have higher impact strength than cold-worked material.//// ImPACT STRENGTh//// ImPACT PROPERTIES FOR ALLOy 200ConditionHardnessBirnell(3 000 kg)Charpy-V Charpy Torsion Charpy TensionFt-lb J ft-lb J Twist°Ft-lb JElong. in3.54 in.(89.9 mm), %Reductionof area (%) Hot Rolled1072002712939103.5981322083.1Cold Drawn-24 %reduction, stress-relieved17720427735471028811919.571.2Cold Drawn-Annealed at1 350 °F (732°C) / 3 hrs10922830929391031131533375.1Condition Temperature Tensile Strength Yield Strength 0.2 % Offset Elongation Reduction Hardness°F°C ksi MPa ksi MPa% in 2" of Area (%)Rockwell C Hot Rolled-310-190103710--51---292-1809867628193----112-8076.452727.5190---room room65.645224.616950--Cold Drawn-110-79112.3774101.870221.560.922room room103.471397.467216.366.919 //// T yPICAL PROPERTy RANGES IN COLd wORkEd ALLOy 200PhySICAL PROPERTIES /////////////////////////////////////////////////////For internal use only.ThERmAL PROPERTIES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////Temperature Specific Heat Thermal Conductivity Electrical Resistivity Modulus of Elasticity CoefficientAlloy 200Alloy 201of Thermal Expansion°C°F J / kg K Btu / lb °F W / m K Btu in. µ/ ft²h °FW / m K Btu in. µ/ ft²h °FµΩ cmΩ circ mil / ft kN / mm²103 ksi10-6 / K10-6 / °F-200-328150-78.5-93-2---10.1--184-300-0.045-540-640-15--- 5.8-129-200-0.076-530-630-21--- 6.8-100-148355-75-87- 4.5---11.3--73-100-0.091-505-590-33--- 6.3 0324260.10271.5500815608.55120730--20684560.10970.54907955095420529.7--93200-0.113-465-510-75-29.1-7.4 100212475-66.5-73-13-200-13.3-200392500-61.5-67-19-196-13.9-204400-0.132-425-460-114-28.4-7.7 300572570-57-60-26-190-14.3-316600-0.139-390-410-162-27.3-8 400752530-56-57-33-182-14.8-427800-0.124-390-390-207-26.1-8.3 500932525-57.5-58.5-37-175-15.2-538 1 000-0.128-405-410-229-24.7-8.5600 1 112535-60-61-40-165-15.6-649 1 200-0.130-420-430-250-23.2-8.7700 1 292550-62-63-43-153-15.8-760 1 400-0.133-435-445-265-21-8.9800 1 472565-64-65.5-45-140-16.2-871 1 600-0.137-455-465-285-19.6-9.1900 1 652580-66.5-68-48-134-16.5-982 1 800-0.144-470-480-305---9.31 000 1 832590-69-70.5-51---16.7-For internal use only. CORROSION RESISTANCE/////////////////////////////////////////////////// Test Environment Temperature Corrosion RateName Media & Concentration°F°C mpyAcetic Acid5 % CH3CO2H w/ air702140Acetic Acid10 % CH3CO2H8630 3.4Acetic Acid56 % CH3CO2H1768066Acetic Acid85 % CH3CO2H w/ air7021400Acetic Acid98 % CH3CO2H24111612Caustic Soda50 % NaOH195900.55Caustic Soda50 % NaOH3101550.5Caustic Soda75 % NaOH2501201Formic Acid (liquid)90 % CH2O270214Formic Acid (vapor)90 % CH2O270217Hydrochloric Acid1 % HCI214101680Hydrochloric Acid10 % HCI863080Hydrochloric Acid10 % HCI2211058 000Nitric Acid10 % H3PO421610212 000Phosphoric Acid10 % H3PO475240.6Phosphoric Acid10 % H3PO4214101154Phosphoric Acid40 % H3PO475241Sodium Hypochlorite500 ppm NaCIO77250.8Sulfuric Acid2 % H2SO470212Sulfuric Acid5 % H2SO41406010Sulfuric Acid5 % H2SO4w/ air863061Sulfuric Acid19 % H2SO4223106110Sulfuric Acid20 % H2SO470214Sulfuric Acid50 % H2SO4w/ air863016Sulfuric Acid50 % H2SO4255124 1 000Sulfuric Acid96 % H2SO4w/ air863010////Alloy 200 and Alloy 201 are used primarily in reducing or neutral environments. The alloysmay also be used in oxidizing environments that cause the formation of a passive oxide film.////Examples of environments in which Alloy 200 and Alloy 201 have been used are caustics,high temperature halogens and salts other than oxidizing halides. They are also usedin the food processing industry.////The nickel content of these alloys renders them virtually immune to chloride stress corrosioncracking. The alloys have been used in fresh and many other process waters with superior results.////Alloy 200 and Alloy 201 have been used in caustic solutions such as those encounteredin the production of caustic soda when chlorate level is low. Nickel is not susceptibleto caustic stress corrosion cracking. When chlorate is about 0.1 %, as in diaphragmcell technology used in caustic soda production, an iron chromium alloy might be preferred.////Sulfurous atmospheres are corrosive to nickel alloys, especially above 600 °F (316 °C).Oxidizing mineral acids and oxidizing salts are also corrosive.//// AqUEOUS CORROSION dATAFor internal use only. hEAT TREATmENT /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FORmAbILITy ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////Considerable latitude exists in heat treating temperatures for Alloy 200 and Alloy 201.Temperatures in the range of 1 300 °F (704 °C) to 1 700 °F (927 °C) may be employed.Car or box anneal cycles which employ long furnace times should use the lower temperatures.Continuous anneal cycles which employ short times should use higher temperatures.If heavy forming is required, anneal time may be increased to provide fully soft material.////Sulfur, phosphorus, lead, zinc and other low-melting metals are potential contaminantswhich must be avoided. Only clean materials should be exposed to heat treating operations.//// Exosure of Alloy 200 and Alloy 201 to oxygen at heat treating temperatures resultsin formation of a surface oxide. Reducing atmospheres such as dry hydrogen are preferredto maintain a scale-free surface.////Alloy 200 and Alloy 201 can be formed by most common commercial fabrication practices.Annealed mechanical properties are similar to those of mild steel but forming operations workharden the material. Intermediate anneals should be considered for extensive cold forming.//// COLd FORmING////Alloy 200 and Alloy 201 can be worked by all conventional cold-forming methods. In general,the alloys will behave similarly to mild steel with the exception that because of the higher elastic limitof these alloys, greater force will be required to perform the operations (with Alloy 201 requiring slightlyless force due to its slightly lower range of mechanical properties). As such, manual operations suchas spinning and hand hammering are limited to simple shapes. Severe work can be done manuallyonly with the assistance of frequent anneals to restore softness.//// hOT FORmING////Alloy 200 and Alloy 201 can be easily formed to practically any shape. Making sure that thematerial is at the optimum temperature during deformation is the most important factor in achievinghot malleability. The recommended temperature range for hot forming is 1 200-2 250 °F (650-1 230 °C).Heavy forging should be done above 1600°F (870°C) as the metal stiffens rapidly below thistemperature. Light forging below 1200°F (650°C) will produce higher mechanical properties.In any forming process, care should be exercised to avoid heating above the upper limitof 2 250 °F (1 230 °C).//// mAChINING////Alloy 200 and Alloy 201 can be machined at common commercial rates. The material tendsto flow under pressure of the tool cutting edge and form long stringy chips. To avoid a built-up edge,tools should be ground with very high positive rake angles (angles of 40°-45° have been used in someinstances). High-speed or cast-ally tools should be used.////Chip action is substantially better with material in the harder tempers. Cold drawn bar inthe as-drawn or stress-relieved condition will machine easier than material in the annealed condition.For internal use only. wELdING /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////Alloy 200 and Alloy 201 can be joined by a wide variety of processes including inert gaswelding processes, resistance welding, soldering and brazing. In all of these procedures,thorough cleaning of the joint area is necessary to avoid embrittlement from such sourcesas lubricants, paints and marking devices.Welding procedures for Alloy 200 and Alloy 201 are similar to those used for austenitic stainlesssteels. Neither preheating, nor post-weld heat treatment are generally required. Joint designis similar to that used for austenitic stainless steels with two exceptions. The first is the needto accommodate the sluggish nature of the molten weld material, necessitating a joint designsufficiently open to allow full filler wire access to fill the joint. The second is the high thermalconductivity and purity of the material which makes weld penetration lower than in austeniticstainless steels.A variety of stabilized nickel base fillers are available to join Alloy 200 or Alloy 201 sections.Other materials are available for joining Alloy 200 and Alloy 201 to dissimilar materials.Special care should be taken in choosing filler metals to join Alloy 201. These materials should below in carbon and stabilized to avoid the introduction of free carbon to Alloy 201 with the subsequentpotential for embrittlement at higher operating temperatures.。



74系列TTL电路检索7400 TTL 2输入端四与非门7401 TTL 集电极开路2输入端四与非门7402 TTL 2输入端四或非门7403 TTL 集电极开路2输入端四与非门7404 TTL 六反相器7405 TTL 集电极开路六反相器7406 TTL 集电极开路六反相高压驱动器7407 TTL 集电极开路六正相高压驱动器7408 TTL 2输入端四与门7409 TTL 集电极开路2输入端四与门7410 TTL 3输入端3与非门74107 TTL 带清除主从双J-K触发器74109 TTL 带预置清除正触发双J-K触发器7411 TTL 3输入端3与门74112 TTL 带预置清除负触发双J-K触发器7412 TTL 开路输出3输入端三与非门74121 TTL 单稳态多谐振荡器74122 TTL 可再触发单稳态多谐振荡器74123 TTL 双可再触发单稳态多谐振荡器74125 TTL 三态输出高有效四总线缓冲门74126 TTL 三态输出低有效四总线缓冲门7413 TTL 4输入端双与非施密特触发器74132 TTL 2输入端四与非施密特触发器74133 TTL 13输入端与非门74136 TTL 四异或门74138 TTL 3-8线译码器/复工器74139 TTL 双2-4线译码器/复工器7414 TTL 六反相施密特触发器74145 TTL BCD—十进制译码/驱动器7415 TTL 开路输出3输入端三与门74150 TTL 16选1数据选择/多路开关74151 TTL 8选1数据选择器74153 TTL 双4选1数据选择器74154 TTL 4线—16线译码器74155 TTL 图腾柱输出译码器/分配器74156 TTL 开路输出译码器/分配器74157 TTL 同相输出四2选1数据选择器74158 TTL 反相输出四2选1数据选择器7416 TTL 开路输出六反相缓冲/驱动器74160 TTL 可预置BCD异步清除计数器74161 TTL 可予制四位二进制异步清除计数器74162 TTL 可预置BCD同步清除计数器74163 TTL 可予制四位二进制同步清除计数器74164 TTL 八位串行入/并行输出移位寄存器74165 TTL 八位并行入/串行输出移位寄存器74166 TTL 八位并入/串出移位寄存器74169 TTL 二进制四位加/减同步计数器7417 TTL 开路输出六同相缓冲/驱动器74170 TTL 开路输出4×4寄存器堆74173 TTL 三态输出四位D型寄存器74174 TTL 带公共时钟和复位六D触发器74175 TTL 带公共时钟和复位四D触发器74180 TTL 9位奇数/偶数发生器/校验器74181 TTL 算术逻辑单元/函数发生器74185 TTL 二进制—BCD代码转换器74190 TTL BCD同步加/减计数器74191 TTL 二进制同步可逆计数器74192 TTL 可预置BCD双时钟可逆计数器74193 TTL 可预置四位二进制双时钟可逆计数器74194 TTL 四位双向通用移位寄存器74195 TTL 四位并行通道移位寄存器74196 TTL 十进制/二-十进制可预置计数锁存器74197 TTL 二进制可预置锁存器/计数器7420 TTL 4输入端双与非门7421 TTL 4输入端双与门7422 TTL 开路输出4输入端双与非门74221 TTL 双/单稳态多谐振荡器74240 TTL 八反相三态缓冲器/线驱动器74241 TTL 八同相三态缓冲器/线驱动器74243 TTL 四同相三态总线收发器74244 TTL 八同相三态缓冲器/线驱动器74245 TTL 八同相三态总线收发器74247 TTL BCD—7段15V输出译码/驱动器74248 TTL BCD—7段译码/升压输出驱动器74249 TTL BCD—7段译码/开路输出驱动器74251 TTL 三态输出8选1数据选择器/复工器74253 TTL 三态输出双4选1数据选择器/复工器74256 TTL 双四位可寻址锁存器74257 TTL 三态原码四2选1数据选择器/复工器74258 TTL 三态反码四2选1数据选择器/复工器74259 TTL 八位可寻址锁存器/3-8线译码器7426 TTL 2输入端高压接口四与非门74260 TTL 5输入端双或非门74266 TTL 2输入端四异或非门7427 TTL 3输入端三或非门74273 TTL 带公共时钟复位八D触发器74279 TTL 四图腾柱输出S-R锁存器7428 TTL 2输入端四或非门缓冲器74283 TTL 4位二进制全加器74290 TTL 二/五分频十进制计数器74293 TTL 二/八分频四位二进制计数器74295 TTL 四位双向通用移位寄存器74298 TTL 四2输入多路带存贮开关74299 TTL 三态输出八位通用移位寄存器7430 TTL 8输入端与非门7432 TTL 2输入端四或门74322 TTL 带符号扩展端八位移位寄存器74323 TTL 三态输出八位双向移位/存贮寄存器7433 TTL 开路输出2输入端四或非缓冲器74347 TTL BCD—7段译码器/驱动器74352 TTL 双4选1数据选择器/复工器74353 TTL 三态输出双4选1数据选择器/复工器74365 TTL 门使能输入三态输出六同相线驱动器74366 TTL 门使能输入三态输出六反相线驱动器74367 TTL 4/2线使能输入三态六同相线驱动器74368 TTL 4/2线使能输入三态六反相线驱动器7437 TTL 开路输出2输入端四与非缓冲器74373 TTL 三态同相八D锁存器74374 TTL 三态反相八D锁存器74375 TTL 4位双稳态锁存器74377 TTL 单边输出公共使能八D锁存器74378 TTL 单边输出公共使能六D锁存器74379 TTL 双边输出公共使能四D锁存器7438 TTL 开路输出2输入端四与非缓冲器74380 TTL 多功能八进制寄存器7439 TTL 开路输出2输入端四与非缓冲器74390 TTL 双十进制计数器74393 TTL 双四位二进制计数器7440 TTL 4输入端双与非缓冲器7442 TTL BCD—十进制代码转换器74447 TTL BCD—7段译码器/驱动器7445 TTL BCD—十进制代码转换/驱动器74450 TTL 16:1多路转接复用器多工器74451 TTL 双8:1多路转接复用器多工器74453 TTL 四4:1多路转接复用器多工器7446 TTL BCD—7段低有效译码/驱动器74460 TTL 十位比较器74461 TTL 八进制计数器74465 TTL 三态同相2与使能端八总线缓冲器74466 TTL 三态反相2与使能八总线缓冲器74467 TTL 三态同相2使能端八总线缓冲器74468 TTL 三态反相2使能端八总线缓冲器74469 TTL 八位双向计数器7447 TTL BCD—7段高有效译码/驱动器7448 TTL BCD—7段译码器/内部上拉输出驱动74490 TTL 双十进制计数器74491 TTL 十位计数器74498 TTL 八进制移位寄存器7450 TTL 2-3/2-2输入端双与或非门74502 TTL 八位逐次逼近寄存器74503 TTL 八位逐次逼近寄存器7451 TTL 2-3/2-2输入端双与或非门74533 TTL 三态反相八D锁存器74534 TTL 三态反相八D锁存器7454 TTL 四路输入与或非门74540 TTL 八位三态反相输出总线缓冲器7455 TTL 4输入端二路输入与或非门74563 TTL 八位三态反相输出触发器74564 TTL 八位三态反相输出D触发器74573 TTL 八位三态输出触发器74574 TTL 八位三态输出D触发器74645 TTL 三态输出八同相总线传送接收器74670 TTL 三态输出4×4寄存器堆7473 TTL 带清除负触发双J-K触发器7474 TTL 带置位复位正触发双D触发器7476 TTL 带预置清除双J-K触发器7483 TTL 四位二进制快速进位全加器7485 TTL 四位数字比较器7486 TTL 2输入端四异或门7490 TTL 可二/五分频十进制计数器7493 TTL 可二/八分频二进制计数器7495 TTL 四位并行输入\输出移位寄存器7497 TTL 6位同步二进制乘法器ICL7106,ICL7107 3位半A/D转换器DAC0830/DAC0832 8位D/A转换器ADC0831/ADC0832/ADC0834/ADC0838 8位A/D转换器ADC0808/ADC0809 8位A/D转换器ADC0802/ADC0803/ADC0804 8位A/D转换器AD7520/AD7521/AD7530/AD7521 D/A转换器4N35/4N36/4N37 光电耦合器ICL7116,ICL7117 3位半A/D转换器ICL7650 载波稳零运算放大器ICL7660/MAX1044 CMOS电源电压变换器ICL8038 单片函数发生器ICM7216 10MHz通用计数器ICM7226 带BCD输出10MHz通用计数器ISO2-CMOS MT8880C DTMF 收发器LF351 JFET输入运算放大器LF353 JFET输入宽带高速双运算放大器LM117/LM317A/LM317 三端可调电源LM124/LM124/LM324 低功耗四运算放大器LM137/LM337 三端可调负电压调整器LM139/LM239/LM339 低功耗四电压比较器LM158/LM258/LM358 低功耗双运算放大器LM193/LM293/LM393 低功耗双电压比较器LM201/LM301 通用运算放大器[中文资料]LM231/LM331 精密电压—频率转换器LM285/LM385 微功耗基准电压二极管[中文资料]LM308A 精密运算放大器LM386 低压音频小功率放大器LM399 带温度稳定器精密电压基准电路LM431 可调电压基准电路LM567/LM567C 锁相环音频译码器LM741 运算放大器LM831 双低噪声音频功率放大器LM833 双低噪声音频放大器LM8365 双定时LED电子钟电路MAX038 0.1Hz-20MHz 单片函数发生器MAX232 5V电源多通道RS232驱动器/接收器MC1403 2.5V精密电压基准电路MC1404 5.0v/6.25v/10v 基准电压MC1413/MC1416 七路达林顿驱动器MC145026/MC145027/MC145028 编码器/译码器MC145403-5/8 RS232驱动器/接收器MC145406 RS232驱动器/接收器MC145407 RS232驱动器/接收器MC145583 RS232驱动器/接收器MC145740 DTMF 接收器MC1488 二输入与非四线路驱动器MC1489 四施密特可控线路驱动器MC2833 低功率调频发射系统MC3362 低功率调频窄频带接收器MC4558 双运算放大器MC7800系列1.0A三端正电压稳压器MC78L00系列0.1A三端正电压稳压器[中文资料]MC78M00系列0.5A三端正电压稳压器MC78T00系列3.0A正电压稳压器[中文资料]MC7900系列1.0A三端负电压稳压器[中文资料]MC79L00系列0.1A三端负电压稳压器[中文资料]MC79M00系列0.5A三端负电压稳压器[中文资料]Microchip PIC系列单片机RS232通讯应用MM5369 3.579545MHz-60Hz 17级分频振荡器MOC3009/MOC3012 双向可控硅输出光电耦合器MOC3020/MOC3023 双向可控硅输出光电耦合器MOC3081/MOC3082/MOC3083 过零双向可控硅输出光电耦合器MOC8050 无基极达林顿晶体管输出光电耦合器MOC8111 无基极晶体管输出光电耦合器MT8870 DTMF双音频接收器MT8888C DTMF 收发器NE5532/NE5532A 双低噪声运算放大器NE5534/SE5534 低噪声运算放大器NE555/SA555 单时基电路NE556/SA556/SE556 双时基电路NE570/NE571/SA571 音频压缩扩展器OP07 低电压飘移运算放大器OP27 低噪音精密运算放大器OP37 低噪音高速精密运算放大器OP77 低电压飘移运算放大器OP90 精密低电压微功耗运算放大器PC817/PC827/PC847 高效光电耦合器PT2262 无线遥控发射编码器芯片PT2272 无线遥控接收解码器芯片SG2524/SG3524 脉宽调制PWMST7537 电力线调制解调器电路TDA1521 2×12W Hi-Fi 音频功率放大器TDA2030 14W Hi-Fi 音频放大器TDA7000T FM 单片调频接收电路TDA7010T FM 单片调频接收电路TDA7021T FM MTS 单片调频接收电路TDA7040T 低电压锁相环立体声解码器TDA7050 低电压单/双声道功率放大器TL062/TL064 低功耗JFET输入运算放大器TL071/TL072/TL074 低噪声JFET输入运算放大器TL082/TL084 JFET 宽带高速运算放大器TL494 脉宽调制PWMTL594 精密开关模式脉宽调制控制TLP521/1-4 光电耦合器TOP100-4 TOPSwitch 三端PWM开关电源电路TOP221-7 TOPSwitch-Ⅱ三端PWM开关电源电路TOP232-4 TOPSwitch-FX 五端柔韧设计开关电源电路TOP412/TOP414 TOPSwitch 三端PWM DC-DC 开关电源ULN2068 1.5A/50V 4路达林顿驱动电路ULN2803 500mA/50V 8路达林顿驱动电路ULN2803/ULN2804 线性八外围驱动器阵列[中文资料] VFC32 电压—频率/频率—电压转换器添加评论40系列CMOS电路检索4000 CMOS 3输入双或非门1反相器4001 CMOS 四2输入或非门4002 CMOS 双4输入或非门4006 CMOS 18级静态移位寄存器4007 CMOS 双互补对加反相器4008 CMOS 4位二进制并行进位全加器4009 CMOS 六缓冲器/转换器(反相)4010 CMOS 六缓冲器/转换器(同相)40100 CMOS 32位双向静态移位寄存器40101 CMOS 9位奇偶发生器/校验器40102 CMOS 8位BCD可预置同步减法计数器40103 CMOS 8位二进制可预置同步减法计数器40104 CMOS 4位三态输出双向通用移位寄存器40105 CMOS 先进先出寄存器40106 CMOS 六施密特触发器40107 CMOS 2输入双与非缓冲/驱动器40108 CMOS 4×4多端寄存40109 CMOS 四三态输出低到高电平移位器4011 CMOS 四2输入与非门40110 CMOS 十进制加减计数/译码/锁存/驱动40117 CMOS 10线—4线BCD优先编码器4012 CMOS 双4输入与非门4013 CMOS 带置位/复位的双D触发器4014 CMOS 8级同步并入串入/串出移位寄存器40147 CMOS 10线—4线BCD优先编码器4015 CMOS 双4位串入/并出移位寄存器4016 CMOS 四双向开关40160 CMOS 非同步复位可预置BCD计数器40161 CMOS 非同步复位可预置二进制计数器40162 CMOS 同步复位可预置BCD计数器40163 CMOS 同步复位可预置二进制计数器4017 CMOS 十进制计数器/分频器40174 CMOS 六D触发器40175 CMOS 四D触发器4018 CMOS 可预置1/N 计数器40181 CMOS 4位算术逻辑单元40182 CMOS 超前进位发生器4019 CMOS 四与或选译门40192 CMOS 可预制四位BCD计数器40193 CMOS 可预制四位二进制计数器40194 CMOS 4位双向并行存取通用移位寄存器4020 CMOS 14级二进制串行计数/分频器40208 CMOS 4×4多端寄存器4021 CMOS 异步8位并入同步串入/串出寄存器4022 CMOS 八进制计数器/分频器4023 CMOS 三3输入与非门4024 CMOS 7级二进制计数器4025 CMOS 三3输入或非门40257 CMOS 四2线-1线数据选择器/多路传输4026 CMOS 7段显示十进制计数/分频器4027 CMOS 带置位复位双J-K主从触发器4028 CMOS BCD- 十进制译码器4029 CMOS 可预制加/减(十/二进制)计数器4030 CMOS 四异或门4031 CMOS 64级静态移位寄存器4032 CMOS 3位正逻辑串行加法器4033 CMOS 十进制计数器/消隐7段显示4034 CMOS 8位双向并、串入/并出寄存器4035 CMOS 4位并入/并出移位寄存器4038 CMOS 3位串行负逻辑加法器4040 CMOS 12级二进制计数/分频器4041 CMOS 四原码/补码缓冲器4042 CMOS 四时钟控制D 锁存器4043 CMOS 四三态或非R/S 锁存器4044 CMOS 四三态与非R/S 锁存器4045 CMOS 21位计数器4046 CMOS PLL 锁相环电路4047 CMOS 单稳态、无稳态多谐振荡器4048 CMOS 8输入端多功能可扩展三态门4049 CMOS 六反相缓冲器/转换器4050 CMOS 六同相缓冲器/转换器4051 CMOS 8选1双向模拟开关4052 CMOS 双4选1双向模拟开关4053 CMOS 三2选1双向模拟开关4054 CMOS 四位液晶显示驱动器4055 CMOS BCD—7段译码/液晶显示驱动器4056 CMOS BCD—7段译码/驱动器4059 CMOS 可编程1/N 计数器4060 CMOS 14级二进制计数/分频/振荡器4063 CMOS 四位数字比较器4066 CMOS 四双向模拟开关4067 CMOS 单16通道模拟开关4068 CMOS 8输入端与非门4069 CMOS 六反相器4070 CMOS 四异或门4071 CMOS 四2输入端或门4072 CMOS 4输入端双或门4073 CMOS 3输入端三与门4075 CMOS 3输入端三或门4076 CMOS 4位三态输出D寄存器4077 CMOS 四异或非门4078 CMOS 8输入端或非门4081 CMOS 四2输入端与门4082 CMOS 4输入端双与门4085 CMOS 双2×2与或非门4086 CMOS 2输入端可扩展四与或非门4089 CMOS 二进制系数乘法器4093 CMOS 四2输入端施密特触发器4094 CMOS 8级移位存储总线寄存器4095 CMOS 选通J-K同相输入主从触发器4096 CMOS 选通J-K反相输入主从触发器4097 CMOS 双8通道模拟开关4098 CMOS 双单稳态多谐振荡器4099 CMOS 八位可寻址锁存器4500 CMOS 工业控制一位微处理器4501 CMOS 三组门电路4502 CMOS 可选通六反相缓冲器4503 CMOS 六三态同相缓冲器4504 CMOS 六TTL-CMOS电平移位器4506 CMOS 双二组2输入可扩展与或非门4508 CMOS 双三态输出四位锁存器4510 CMOS BCD可预置可逆计数器4511 CMOS BCD-7段锁存/译码/LED驱动4512 CMOS 8通道数据选择器4513 CMOS BCD-7段译码/锁存/驱动器4514 CMOS 四位锁存/4-16高有效译码器4515 CMOS 四位锁存/4-16低有效译码器4516 CMOS 二进制四位可预置可逆计数器4517 CMOS 双64位静态移位寄存器4518 CMOS 双BCD加法计数器4519 CMOS 四位与或选择器4520 CMOS 双二进制加法计数器4522 CMOS 可预置BCD 1/N 计数器4526 CMOS 可预置二进制1/N 计数器4527 CMOS BCD系数乘法器4528 CMOS 双单稳态多谐振荡器4529 CMOS 双四路或单八路模拟开关4530 CMOS 双5输入优势逻辑门4531 CMOS 12位奇偶校验电路4532 CMOS 8输入优先权译码器4534 CMOS 时分制5位十进制计数器4536 CMOS 可编程定时器4538 CMOS 双精密单稳多谐振荡器4539 CMOS 双四路数据选择器/多路开关4541 CMOS 可编程振荡器/计时器4543 CMOS BCD-7段译码/锁存/液晶驱动器4544 CMOS BCD-7段译码/消隐/驱动器4547 CMOS BCD-7段译码/大电流驱动器4549 CMOS 逐级近似寄存器4551 CMOS 4×2通道模拟开关4553 CMOS 3位数BCD计数器4554 CMOS 2×2并行二进制乘法器4555 CMOS 双4选1高选中译码器4556 CMOS 双4选1低选中译码器4557 CMOS 1-64位可变字长移位寄存器4558 CMOS BCD-7段译码器4559 CMOS 逐级近似寄存器4560 CMOS BCD全加器4561 CMOS “9”补码电路4562 CMOS 128位静态移位寄存器4566 CMOS 工业时基发生器4568 CMOS 相位比较器/可编辑计数器4569 CMOS 双可预置BCD/二进制计数器4572 CMOS 六门电路4580 CMOS 4×4多端寄存器4581 CMOS 4位算术逻辑单元4582 CMOS 超前进位发生器4583 CMOS 双多能施密特触发器4584 CMOS 六施密特触发器4585 CMOS 4位数字比较器4597 CMOS 8位总线相容计数/锁存器4598 CMOS 8位总线相容可寻址锁存器4599 CMOS 8位可寻址双向锁存器。

RS-LG- -N01 LORA 网关 用户手册说明书

RS-LG- -N01 LORA 网关 用户手册说明书

RS-LG-*-N01 LORA网关用户手册文档版本:V2.2目录1.系统概述 (3)1.1功能特点 (3)1.2技术参数 (3)1.3产品选型 (4)2.设备安装说明 (4)2.1接口定义 (4)2.2设备安装尺寸说明 (5)2.3组装说明 (5)3.设备配置说明 (6)3.1下载配置工具 (6)3.2设备配置 (6)3.3设备字典及实时数据选项说明 (8)3.4设备连接 (9)4.485通信协议 (10)4.1通讯基本参数 (10)4.2数据帧格式定义 (10)4.3标准ModBus规约寄存器地址说明 (11)4.4通讯协议示例及解释 (12)4.5常见问题及解决方法 (13)5.联系方式 (14)6.文档历史 (14)附录1 (15)附录2 (16)1.系统概述RS-LG-*-N01是我公司为了解决农业大田、果园、药园、公园、园林此类具有供电难度大,面积广袤,布线成本高,维护成本高等特点的使用环境而推出的产品。













Rated opera- Non-rep. Control Rated op e r a t ion a l currenttional voltage voltagevoltage10 A 25 A40 A230 VACrms 650 V p 3-32 VDC RS1A23D10 RS1A23D25 RS1A23D4018-36 VAC/DC RS1A23LA10 RS1A23LA25 RS1A23LA40400 VACrms 850 V p 4-32 VDC RS1A40D10 RS1A40D25 RS1A40D4018-36 VAC/DC RS1A40LA10 RS1A40LA25 RS1A40LA40480 VACrms 1200 V p 4-32 VDC RS1A48D10 RS1A48D25 RS1A48D4018-36 VAC/DCRS1A48LA10 RS1A48LA25 RS1A48LA40• Zero switching AC Solid State Relay• Direct copper bonding (DCB) technology in 25A and 40A types • LED indication• Clip-on IP 20 protection cover • Self-lifting terminals• Housing free of moulding mass• 2 input ranges: 4-32 VDC and 18-36 VAC/VDC• Operational ratings up to 40 AACrms and 480 VAC • Blocking voltage: Up to 1200 V p • Opto-isolation: > 4000 VACrms• Integrated snubber network in 25 A and 40 A typesProduc t De s c rip t ionThe zero switching relay with triac (10 A) or thyristor output (25 A, 40 A) offer a solution for resistive load switching. The zero switching relay switches ON when the sinus-oidal voltage crosses zero and switches OFF when the current crosses zero. TheSolid State RelaysLED indicates the status of the control input. The clip-on cover is securing touch pro-tection to IP 20. Output ter-minals can handle cables up to 16 mm 2.Type SelectionSwitching modeRated operational Rated operational Control voltage voltage current A: Zero Switching 23: 230 VACrms 10: 10 AACrmsLA: 18 to 36 VAC/VDC 40: 400 VACrms 25: 25 AACrms D: 3 to 32 VDC*48: 480 VACrms40: 40 AACrms*4 to 32 VDC for 400 VACand 480VAC typesSelection GuideIndustrial, 1-Phase ZS w. LED Types RS 23, RS 40, RS 48General Spec if ic a tionsHousing SpecificationsOutput SpecificationsThermal SpecificationsInput SpecificationsIsolationHeatsink Dimensions (load current versus ambient temperature)RS (10)3.34 2.58 1.81 1.04 0.27 -4.25 3.37 2.49 1.61 0.73-5.41 4.38 3.36 2.33 1.31 0.286.92 5.70 4.49 3.27 2.06 0.848.967.49 6.02 4.55 3.08 1.6111.9 10.08.19 6.36 4.53 2.6916.2 13.9 11.59.10 6.72 4.3423.7 20.3 17.0 13.7 10.4 7.1238.6 33.4 28.3 23.1 17.9 12.7- - - - - 29.710. [A]Thermal resistance [K/W]T AAmbient temp. [°C]Powerdissipation [W] 4050 6070RS (25)Carlo Gavazzi Heatsink Thermal ...for power (see Accessories) resistance... dissipation No heatsink required --- N/A RHS 300 5.00 K/W > 0 W RHS 100 3.00 K/W > 25 W RHS 45C 2.70 K/W > 60 W RHS 45B 2.00 K/W > 60 W RHS 90A 1.35 K/W > 60 W RHS 45C plus fan 1.25 K/W > 0 W RHS 45B plus fan 1.20 K/W > 0 W RHS 112A 1.10 K/W > 100 W RHS 301 0.80 K/W > 70 W RHS 90A plus fan 0.45 K/W > 0 W RHS 112A plus fan 0.40 K/W > 0 W RHS 301 plus fan 0.25 K/W > 0 W Consult your distribution > 0.25 K/W N/A Infinite heatsink - No solution --- N/AHeatsink SelectionHeatsink Dimensions (cont.)RS (40)Powerdissipation [W]T AAmbient temp. [°C]25.022.520.017.515.012.510. resistance [K/W]Loadcurrent [A]3.23 2.80 2.37 1.94 1.51 1.09 0.66 23 3.70 3.21 2.73 2.24 1.75 1.26 0.78 214.30 3.74 3.17 2.61 2.05 1.49 0.92 185.07 4.41 3.76 3.10 2.44 1.78 1.12 156.12 5.33 4.54 3.75 2.96 2.17 1.38 137.58 6.61 5.64 4.66 3.69 2.72 1.75 10 9.808.55 7.30 6.05 4.80 3.55 2.30 8 13.5 11.80 10.09 8.37 6.66 4.94 3.23 6-18.3 15.7 13.04 10.39 7.74 5.09 4- - - - - 16.2 10.7 2 20 30 40 50 60 70 80Powerdissipation [W]T AAmbient temp. [°C]403632282420161284Thermal resistance [K/W]Loadcurrent [A]1.73 1.49 1.25 1.01 0.77 0.52 0.28 412.00 1.73 1.45 1.18 0.90 0.63 0.35 36 2.35 2.03 1.71 1.39 1.08 0.76 0.44 31 2.80 2.43 2.05 1.68 1.30 0.93 0.55 273.41 2.96 2.51 2.05 1.60 1.15 0.70 224.26 3.71 3.15 2.59 2.03 1.47 0.92 185.56 4.84 4.12 3.40 2.68 1.96 1.24 147.74 6.74 5.75 4.76 3.77 2.78 1.78 1012.12 10.58 9.04 7.50 5.96 4.42 2.88 6 - - - 15.74 12.56 9.37 6.18 320 30 40 50 60 70 80DimensionsFunctional DiagramAC Control Voltage25The declaration in this section is prepared in compliance with People’s Republic of China Electronic Industry Standard SJ/T11364-2014: Marking for the Restricted Use of Hazardous Substances in Electronic and Electrical Products.Part NameToxic or Harardous Substances and Elements Lead (Pb)Mercury (Hg)Cadmium (Cd)Hexavalent Chromium (Cr(Vl))Polybrominated biphenyls (PBB)Polybrominated diphenyl ethers(PBDE)Power Unit AssemblyxOOOOOO: Indicates that said hazardous substance contained in homogeneous materials fot this part are below the limit require-ment of GB/T 26572.X: Indicates that said hazardous substance contained in one of the homogeneous materials used for this part is above the limit requirement of GB/T 26572.Environmental Information环境特性这份申明根据中华人民共和国电子工业标准SJ/T11364-2014:标注在电子电气产品中限定使用的有害物质零件名称有毒或有害物质与元素铅(Pb)汞(Hg)镉(Cd)六价铬(Cr(Vl))多溴化联苯(PBB)多溴联苯醚(PBDE)功率单元xOOOOOO:此零件所有材料中含有的该有害物低于GB/T 26572的限定。



Underside View1S E M I C O N D U C T O R SSUMMARY DESCRIPTIONThe ZR431L is a three terminal adjustable shunt regulator offering excellent temperature stability and output current handling capability up to 25mA.The output voltage may be set to any chosen voltage between 1.24and 10volts by selection of two external divider resistors.The devices can be used as a replacement for zener diodes in many applications requiring an improvement in zener performance.The ZR431L is particularly used in the feedback control loop of switch mode power supplies.In this application the device 1.24volt reference enables the generation of low voltage supplies, typically 3.3. volts or 3 volts.FEATURES• 2.5% and 1% tolerance•Max. temperature coefficient 50 ppm/°C•Temperature compensated for operation over the full temperature range •100␮A to 25mA current sink capability •Surface mount SOT23 package •TO92 packageAPPLICATIONS•Switch mode power supplies •Shunt regulator •Series regulator •Voltage monitor•Over voltage / under voltage protectionZR431LISSUE 2 - AUGUST 2003ADJUSTABLE PRECISION SHUNT REGULATORDEVICE PACK TOL %REEL SIZE QUANTITY PER REEL PART MARKZR431LF01TA SOT2317”300043M ZR431LF02TA SOT23 2.57”300043L ZR431LC01STOB TO9211500ZR431L01ZR431LC02STOB TO92 2.51500ZR431L02ZR431LC01L TO921LOOSEZR431L01ZR431LC02LTO922.5LOOSE ZR431L02ORDERING INFORMATIONTO92SOT23TO92SOT23Top ViewZR431LS E M I C O N D U C T O R SISSUE 2 - AUGUST 20032PARAMETER MIN.MAX.Cathode Voltage V REF 10V Cathode Current100␮A25mARECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONSPARAMETER SYMBOL LIMIT UNIT Cathode Voltage V Z10V Cathode Current 50mA Operating Temperature T OMP -40 to 85°C Storage TemperatureT STG -55 to 125°CABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSPACKAGE VALUE UNIT SOT23330mW TO92600mWPOWER DISSIPATION (at T amb = 25°C unless otherwise stated)ZR431LS E M I C O N D U C T O R SISSUE 2 - AUGUST 20033BLOCK DIAGRAMDeviation of reference input voltage,V dev ,is defined as the maximum variation of the reference input voltage over the full temperature range.The average temperature coefficient of the reference input voltage, V ref is defined as:V ppm C V x V T T ref dev ref (/)()=−100000012The dynamic output impedance, R z , is defined as:R V l Z Z Z=∆∆When the device is programmed with two external resistors,R1and R2,(fig 2),the dynamic output impedance of the overall circuit, R’, is defined as:R R R R Z '()=+112ZR431LS E M I C O N D U C T O R SISSUE 2 - AUGUST 20034ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (at T = 25°C unless otherwise stated)DC TEST CIRCUITSFig 1 - Test Circuit for V Z = V ref Fig 2 - Test Circuit for V Z > V refFig 3 - Test Circuit for Off State currentZR431LS E M I C O N D U C T O R SISSUE 2 - AUGUST 20035ZR431LS E M I C O N D U C T O R SISSUE 2 - AUGUST 2003 6ZR431LS E M I C O N D U C T O R SISSUE 2 - AUGUST 20037ZR431LS E M I C O N D U C T O R SISSUE 2 - AUGUST 20038Controlling dimensions are in millimetres. Approximate conversions are given in inchesSOT23PACKAGE OUTLINE AND PAD LAYOUT DETAILSZR431LS E M I C O N D U C T O R SISSUE 2 - AUGUST 20039EuropeZetex plcFields New Road ChaddertonOldham, OL9 8NP United KingdomTelephone (44) 161 622 4444Fax: (44) 161 622 4446hq@Zetex GmbHStreitfeldstraße 19D-81673 München GermanyTelefon: (49) 89 45 49 49 0Fax: (49) 89 45 49 49 49europe.sales@AmericasZetex Inc700 Veterans Memorial Hwy Hauppauge, NY 11788USATelephone: (1) 631 360 2222Fax: (1) 631 360 8222usa.sales@Asia PacificZetex (Asia) Ltd3701-04Metroplaza Tower 1Hing Fong Road Kwai Fong Hong KongTelephone: (852) 26100 611Fax: (852) 24250 494asia.sales@These offices are supported by agents and distributors in major countries world-wide.This publication is issued to provide outline information only which (unless agreed by the Company in writing)may not be used,applied or reproduced for any purpose or form part of any order or contract or be regarded as a representation relating to the products or services concerned.The Company reserves the right to alter without notice the specification,design,price or conditions of supply of any product or service.For the latest product information,log on to©Zetex plc 2003Controlling dimensions are in millimetres. Approximate conversions are given in inchesTO92PACKAGE OUTLINE DETAILS。



.125 (3.2)
.160 (4.1) .140 (3.6) .260 (6.6) .240 (6.1)
Dimensions in inches and (millimeters)
MAXIMUM RATINGS (At T A = 25 oC unless otherwise noted) RATINGS Maximum Recurrent Peak Reverse Voltage Maximum RMS Bridge Input Voltage Maximum DC Blocking Voltage Maximum Average Forward Output Current T A = 50oC Peak Forward Surge Current 8.3 ms single half sine-wave superimposed on rated load (JEDEC method) Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Typical Junction Capacitance (Note) SYMBOL VRRM VRMS VDC IO I FSM TJ TSTG CJ RS201L 50 35 50 RS202L 100 70 100 RS203L RS204L RS205L 200 140 200 400 280 400 2.0 60 -55 to + 125 -55 to + 150 15 600 420 600 RS206L 800 560 800 RS207L 1000 700 1000 UNITS Volts Volts Volts Amps Amps



0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
© 2011 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
830 AVE:815.3mV 820
2011.09 Rev.B
Data Sheet
10 75℃ FORWARD CURRENT:IF(A) 1 150℃ 0.1 125℃ 25℃ 0.01
10000 1000
Mounted on epoxy board
Ta=25℃ IF=0.5A IR=1A Irr=0.25*IR n=10pcs



L E 06187A B -01P C -13W 46User interface LEDs table Red LEDflashing slowly and regularly:no network found;waiting for an address to be assigned.Green LEDflashing quickly and regularly:memory module acquisition phase.Green LEDflashing slowly and irregularly:network found.Tabella LED interfaccia utente Led rossolampeggiante lento e regolare:dispositivo senza rete;in attesa dell’assegnazione di un indirizzo.Led verdelampeggiante veloce e regolare:fase di acquisizione modulo memoria.Led verdelampeggiante lento e irregolare:rete trovata.Tableau LEDs interface utilisateur Led rougeclignotement lent et régulier:dispositif sans réseau;en attente de l’attribution d’une adresse.Led vertclignotement rapide et régulier:phase d’acquisition module mémoire.Led vertclignotement lent et irrégulier:réseau trouvé.Tabelle LED Bedienerschnittstelle Rote LedBlinkt langsam und regelmäßig:kein Netzanschluss;Gerät wartet auf Adressenzuordnung.Grüne LedBlinkt schnelle und regelmäßig:erfassungsphase SpeichermodulGrüne LedBlinkt langsam und unregelmäßig:netz gefunden.Tabla LED interfaz de usuario Led rojoparpadeo lento y regular:dispositivo sin red;a la espera de asignación de una dirección.Led verdeparpadeo rápido y regular:fase de adquisición módulo memoria.Led verdeparpadeo lento e irregular:red encontrada.Kullanıcı arayüz LEDİ tablosu Kırmızı ledYavaş ve düzenli yanıp sönen:aygıt ağsız;bir adres tahsis edilmesini beklemede.Yeşil ledHızlı ve düzenli yanıp sönen:bellek modülü alma aşaması.Yeşil ledYavaş ve düzensiz yanıp sönen:ağ bulundu.Tabel LED gebruikersinterface Rode ledknippert langzaam en regelmatig:apparaat zonder netwerk;wacht tot een adres toegekend wordt.Groene ledknippert snel en regelmatig:geheugenmodule verwervingsfase.Groene ledknippert snel en onregelmatig:netwerk gevonden.Tabela diody LED interfejsu użytkownika Czerwona dioda LED miga powoli i regularnie:urządzenie bez sieci;czeka na przyznanie adresu.Zielona dioda LEDmiga szybko i regularnie:faza nabywania modułu pamięci.Zielona dioda LEDmiga powoli i nieregularnie:sieć znaleziona.Tabela LED interface utilizador Led vermelholampejante lento e regular:dispositivo sem rede;aguardando a atribuição de um endereço.Led verdelampejante rápido e regular:fase de adquirição do módulo memória.Led verdelampejante lento e irregular:rede encontrada.Таблица светодиодов интерфейса пользователяКрасный светодиодмедленное и непрерывное мигание:отсутствует сеть устройства;ожидание присвоения адреса.Зеленый светодиодбыстрое и непрерывное мигание:фаза получения модуля памяти.Зеленый светодиодмедленное и прерывистое мигание:сеть найдена.Πίνακας LED διεπαφής χρήστηΚόκκινο Led . Αργός διακοπτόμε-νος κανονικός φωτισμός:σύστημα χωρίς δίκτυο; σε αναμονή της πα-ραχώρησης μιας διεύθυνσης.Πράσινο Led. Ταχύς διακοπτόμε-νος κανονικός φωτισμός:φάση ανάκτησης της βαθμίδας μνήμης.Πράσινο Led Αργός διακοπτόμε-νος και ακανόνιστος φωτισμός:ανάκτηση δικτύου.LED用户界面说明表Led 红色有规律慢闪:设备没有网络;等待分配地址。


Ratings at 25 o C ambient temperature unless otherwise specified. Single phase, half wave, 60 Hz, resistive or inductive load. For capacitive load, derate current by 20%.
Single Phase Half Wave 60Hz Inductive or Resistive Load
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE, ( )
TJ = 25 Pulse Width = 300us 1% Duty Cycle
.01 .4
.5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1.0 1.1 1.2 INSTANTANEOUS FORWARD VOLTAGE, (V)
0 0
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (At TA = 25oC unless otherwise noted) CHARACTERISTICS Maximum Forward Voltage Drop per Bridgeat Element at 2.0A DC Maximum Reverse Current at Rated Dc Blocking Voltage per element @T A = 25 C @T A = 100 oC

Vaisala QML201C数据记录仪说明书

Vaisala QML201C数据记录仪说明书

Vaisala Data Logger QML201CThe QML201C The Vaisala Data Logger QML201C incorporates Vaisala’s proven sensor technology. A 32-bit central processing unit (CPU), 24-bit A/D conversion (ADC), autocalibrationof the ADC and measurementelectronics coupled with advanced data quality control and validation software all ensure the accuracy of data measurement. Easy to use Sensor measurements, statisticalcalculations, data logging anddata transmissions are performedaccording to a user-configuredVaisala Setup Software Lizard. Thesoftware has many setup options andadvanced features.ExpandabilityThe systems architecture enables theQML201C to be easily upgraded with The Vaisala Data Logger QML201Cnew sensors, calculations, output formats, and logging schedules at any time to accommodate users’ changing requirements. The basic system provides RS-232, RS-485 and SDI-12 ports for interfacing with almost any type of telemetry, terminal, displays, and smart sensors. With optional plug-in modules the number of serial ports can be enhanced from 3 up to 9 ports, enabling multiple RS-232, RS-485, SDI-12 and Ethernet connections.The QML201C data logger is also expandable with a multiplexer unit offering additional 10 differential analog channels or even another QML201C unit. A digital I/O unit adds 8 digital outputs and 8 digital inputs for sensors, power optimizing and unmanned control functions based on user defined requirements.Features/Benefits ▪Easy to install, economical to maintain and upgrade ▪Field-proven reliability and accuracy in harsh environments ▪Low power consumption ▪Extensive calculation and data logging capability ▪Good expandability and high level of customization through open and modular design▪Built-in TCP/IP connectivity ▪Compact designTechnical dataRef. B210718EN-C ©Vaisala 2010This material is subject to copyright protection, with all copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. Allrights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarksof Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,distribution or storage of information contained in this brochurein any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictlyprohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subjectto change without notice.For more information, visit or contact *********************General Processor 33 MHz, 32-bit Motorola Memory 4MB RAM and 4 MB program flash A/D conversion 24 bit Data logging memory 3.3 MB internal flash memory Up to 2GB on optional, compactflash memory cardSensor inputs 10 analog inputs (20 single-ended inputs) 2 counter/frequency inputs Internal channel for BARO-1 pressure transducer SERiAl CommuNiCATioN Standard one RS-232, RS-485 (two-wire) and SDI-12Optional T wo optional plug-in slots for communication modules to increase the number of the serial I/O channels up to 6 pcs Fast serial expansion bus connecting e.g. digital I/O module Speed 300 ... 38400 bps Parameters Configurable speed, start bits, data bits, stop bits, parity , XON/XOFF , and checksum V oltage (external powering)8 ... 30 VDC Power consumption (typically with 5 sensors)<10 mA/12V Temperature operating -50 ... +60 °C (-58 ... 140 °F) extended operating -60 ... +70 °C (-76 ... 158 °F)storage -60 ... +70 °C (-76 ... 158 °F)Humidity 0 ... 100 %RH EThERNET CommuNiCATioN Standard IEEE 802.3T wo plug-in slots for ethernet modulesSpeed 10 Mbps (10 BASE-T)Can also be connected to 100 Mbps/1000 Mbps 100/1000 BASE-T networks with 10 Mbps Parameters Full/half duplex with auto-negotiation TCP/iP Supported protocols ARP , UDP/IP , TCP/IP , FTP , SMTP , PPP (with PAP or CHAP authentication), HTTP(get), Telnet, ICMP Echo, DHCP , ARP , NTP , DNS, serial port tunneling over TCP/IPAccuracyAll data for ambient temperature range -50 ... +60 °C unless otherwise specified Temperature measurement (PT100 sensor, measurementrange -50 ... +80 °C)Typical uncertainty over temperature range: -50 ... +60 °C < ±0.04 °Ctemperature range :-60 ... +70 °C < ±0.08 °CMax. error overtemperature range: -40 ... +50 °C < ±0.10 °C Max. error at 0 °C < ±0.04 °CV oltage measurement uncertainty , temperature range -50 ... +60 °C ±5.0 V range < 0.06 % of reading ±100 µV ±2.5 V range < 0.04 % of reading ±50 µV±250 mV range < 0.06 % of reading ±6 µV ±25 mV range < 0.06 % of reading ±5 µVV oltage measurement uncertainty , temperature range -60 ... +70 °C±5.0 V range < 0.10 % of reading ±150 μV±2.5 V range < 0.08 % of reading ±80 μV ±250 mV range < 0.10 % of reading ±10 μV ±25 mV range < 0.10 % of reading ±10 μV Frequency measurements ±0.003 % + resolution up to 20 kHz Common mode range +7 V/-3 V Real-time clock (standard)accuracy Better than 20 s/month back-up time minimum 5 yrs. with CR1220 Lithium cell Regulatory compliances Emission CISPR 22, class B (EN55022)ESD immunity IEC6100-4-2RF field immunity IEC6100-4-3EFT immunity IEC6100-4-4Surge (lightning pulses)IEC6100-4-5Conducted RF immunity IEC6100-4-6。














迈克尔顿电子炉 SCC 201G 产品说明书

迈克尔顿电子炉 SCC 201G 产品说明书

SCC 201GValid as of G21SE0404 up to G21SE.... Gas unit X SCC 201GVoltage 1 NAC 120V 60HzItem no. Part no Reference Description1 X1Control panel2 X2Electrical installation3 X3Clima Plus4 X4Steam generator, Bypass5 X5Hot air heating6 X6Motor and fan wheel7 X7Interior cabinet8 X8Door9 X9Water supply, quenching box10 X10Hand shower11 X11CleanJet12 X12Gas parts13 X13Exterior cabinet14 X14MiscellaneousSCC 201GGas unit X Table of contentsVoltage: 1 NAC 120V 60Hz1 Control panel (3)1.A Control panel (4)2 Electrical installation (5)2.A Contactor assembly (6)3 Clima Plus (8)3.A Hose set f. humidity control (9)4 Steam generator, Bypass (10)4.A Pump connection spout cpl (12)4.B Venting valve for steam generator (13)5 Hot air heating (14)5.A Burner hot air (15)6 Motor and fan wheel (16)7 Interior cabinet (17)7.A Interior cabinet (18)7.B Gasket frame w. glass a. gaskets (19)7.C Air baffle (20)7.C Air baffle (21)7.C Air baffle (22)8 Door (23)8.A Door (25)8.C Door catch (26)9 Water supply, quenching box (27)10 Hand shower (28)11 CleanJet (29)12 Gas parts (30)12.A Gas valve cpl. ND 055 RG148 (32)12.B Gas valve cpl. WND 055 RG130 (33)13 Exterior cabinet (34)13.A Exterior cabinet (35)14 Miscellaneous (36)1 Control panel Voltage 1 NAC 120V 60HzItem no. Part no Reference DescriptionA X1.A Control panel1 87.00.002Control panel insert with overlay 5 2039.0326Spacer for pcb1 Control panel Voltage 1 NAC 120V 60HzItem no. Part no Reference Description1 42.00.002Control pcb2 1104.0121Hex nut M4 self locking3 10.00.355Spacer black4 2020.0400Fixing device for cable harness5 16.00.232Dial f. pulse generator6 40.02.087 Buzzer6 3006.0107 Buzzer7 5110.1029Gasket mode switch7 5110.1028 Gasket poti hot air, core temperature8 40.00.404Pulse generator9 16.00.387Mounting device f.sealing + sealing lip10 1306.0218Washer A4,311 1103.0122Hex nut M3 self-lockingGas unit X 2 Electrical installation 22 Electrical installation Voltage 1 NAC 120V 60HzItem no. Part no Reference DescriptionA X2.A Contactor assembly1 4007.0620Membrane DGC 292 10.00.510Grommet 10/12/16-23 1106.0224Hex nut M6 self locking5 42.00.007 External memory6 40.00.049 Relay-I/O pcb6 42.00.045 Relay-I/O pcb w/o Sicotronic7 40.00.417Fixing clip f. pcb8 1104.0801Cage nut M49 10.00.243Spacer M4x810 1104.0120Hex nut M411 40.01.579Fixing clip f. pcb12 10.00.112Cable clip short13 10.00.111Cable clip long14 10.00.471Cable clip d10-12mm16 40.01.597 Power supply cable 3xAWG1418 40.00.320Cable connection M20x1.519 1106.0160Hex nut M620 1206.0120Tooth lock washer A6,421 4002.0110Cable connector, junction22 40.01.132Center fixation f. contactor assembly23 40.01.091Bus cable 0.4m23 40.00.471Bus cable 0.8m23 40.00.472Bus cable 1.3m24 40.00.281Power transformer25 10.00.445Hex screw M8x8026 40.01.600Insulating screw joint 2pol.2 Electrical installation Voltage 1 NAC 120V 60HzItem no. Part no Reference Description1 3014.0328 Dry up protector 275°F/135°C2 3014.0302Hex nut M10 for dry-up protector3 40.01.482Safety temperature limiter 365°C4 3014.0327Hex nut M10x1,05 40.00.451Contactor MC1A 310 AH67 40.00.474Cooling fan D.C.8 10.00.238Screw Torx 4x509 40.00.277Control transformer10 40.01.483Electronic noise filter11 40.00.592Transformer f. cooling fan12 1105.0120 Hex nut M513 1305.0160Washer A5,3x10mm14 40.01.272Plug positioning bar I/O pcb15 4001.1203End plate for mounting rail16 2620.370233Installation rail for Contactor 100mm 16 2620.380129Installation rail for Contactor 130mm16 2816.1307 Installation rail for Contactor 140mm17 10.00.061Pan head screw Torx T20 M4x1218 10.00.111Cable clip long19 40.01.588Fuse SC-8A 10x3820 40.01.487Fuse holder 2pol21 10.00.364Pan head screw Torx M3x1222 40.00.221Cable burner blower22 40.01.485Cable burner blower22 40.00.209 Cable buzzer22 40.01.541Cable CDS sensor22 40.01.301 Cable control harness22 40.00.225Cable control transformer sec.22 40.01.543 Cable control transformer sec.22 40.00.238Cable differencial pressure switch2 Electrical installation Voltage 1 NAC 120V 60HzItem no. Part no Reference Description22 40.00.230Cable gas valve22 40.00.249Cable harness isolating transformer 22 40.00.208Cable humidity control22 40.01.542 Cable level electrode22 40.00.226Cable SC pump22 40.00.203Cable solenoid valve22 40.00.237Ground wireGas unit X 3 Clima Plus 33 Clima Plus Voltage 1 NAC 120V 60HzItem no. Part no Reference DescriptionA 22.00.256X3.A Hose set f. humidity control1 22.00.199 Inner humidity meas. Piece2 22.00.318Humidity control cpl. with motor3 22.00.200Outer humidity meas. Piece4 22.00.198Gasket f. hum. meas. Pipe5 22.00.214 Hose d50x2026 2066.0531Hose clamp ø567 2001.0124Compression spring9 3017.1011Pressure sensor for humidity control Huba 40111 3101.1010Humidity control motor12 3016.0102Micro switch13 3101.1021Protecting cap f.12VDC humidity motorGas unit X 3.A Hose set f. humidity control 33 Clima Plus Voltage 1 NAC 120V 60HzItem no. Part no Reference Description1 4005.0101Tie rap 145 mm2 2110.1020 Silicon hose ø5x1.5 blue3 2110.1019 Silicone hose ø5x1,5 "red"4 1900.0203Ceramic tube 8x5x60mm for5 2112.1338Silicone hose ø8x2x20Gas unit X 4 Steam generator, Bypass 44 Steam generator, Bypass Voltage 1 NAC 120V 60HzItem no. Part no Reference DescriptionA 8354.1320X4.A Pump connection spout cpl.B 8354.1304X4.B Venting valve for steam generator1 44.00.514 Filling level electrode 175mm2 44.00.186 Steam generator insolated3 72.00.010 Burner steam gen.4 72.00.048Insulation f. burner steam gen.5 1104.0122Hex combination nut M4 galv6 72.00.020Gasket f. burner carrier7 1105.0121Hex combination nut M5 galv8 44.00.249Ignition electrode steam generator9 1104.0120Hex nut M410 44.00.250Gasket f. ignition electrode11 2066.0519Hose clamp 35,6mm12 2066.0526Hose clamp ø46mm13 44.00.207 Emptying pump14 1006.0762Hex screw M6x1015 1306.0222Washer A6,4x15x1,516 44.00.226Fixing device f. pump steam generator17 1106.0803Hex combination nut M6 galv18 44.00.231 Drain hose steam generator18 44.00.238Drain hose steam generator19 2066.0518Hose clamp 30mm20 40.00.291Thermocouple steam generator20 40.00.292Thermocouple steam generator21 44.00.518Fixing plate steam generator thermostat22 2112.1006Steam hose 50x7mm23 2066.0504Hose clamp 40-60mm24 2066.0506Hose clamp 20-32mm25 1105.0120 Hex nut M526 1205.0120 Tooth lock washer A5,3Gas unit X 4 Steam generator, Bypass 44 Steam generator, Bypass Voltage 1 NAC 120V 60HzItem no. Part no Reference Description27 5012.0566Gasket quenching chamber 0-ring28 44.00.263Panel for revision hole steam generator29 44.00.264Clamping bar for panel revision hole30 44.00.351Steam pipe31 2066.0300Hose clamp 50-70 mmGas unit X 4.A Pump connection spout cpl. 44 Steam generator, Bypass Voltage 1 NAC 120V 60HzItem no. Part no Reference Description1 2118.1000Pump connection spout2 2120.1259Stop plug 10mm3 2066.0527Hose clamp ø14mm4 2066.0530Hose clamp ø16.4mm5 2062.0331Junction pressure hose GS 106 4005.0101Tie rap 145 mmGas unit X 4.B Venting valve for steam generator 44 Steam generator, Bypass Voltage 1 NAC 120V 60HzItem no. Part no Reference Description1 2062.0332Receptacle for ventilation valve SG2 2069.0108Ventilation valve3 2112.1310Form hose for ventilation of steam generator4 2066.0506Hose clamp 20-32mmGas unit X 5 Hot air heating 55 Hot air heating Voltage 1 NAC 120V 60HzItem no. Part no Reference DescriptionA 74.00.222 X5.A Burner hot air1 74.00.170Hot air heat exchanger below2 74.00.175Hot air heat exchanger top3 74.00.234Gasket hot air heat exchanger/interior cabinet4 74.00.313Mating flange heat exchanger5 74.00.317Gasket f. heat exchanger top6 74.00.296Gasket f. heat exchanger below7 1105.0122Hex combination nut M5 V2AGas unit X 5.A Burner hot air 55 Hot air heating Voltage 1 NAC 120V 60HzItem no. Part no Reference Description1 74.00.345Burner welded hot air2 74.00.230Ignitionelectrode1 f. hot air3 74.00.235Ignitionelectrode2 f. hot air4 74.00.290Gasket electrode hot air5 10.00.696Allen screw M4x6 w. Precoat 855 10.00.060 Pan head screw Torx M4x6Gas unit X 6 Motor and fan wheel 66 Motor and fan wheel Voltage 1 NAC 120V 60HzItem no. Part no Reference Description1 2120.1306Spacer SW19x172 22.00.123Flange f. motor shaft gasket3 22.00.120Mounting support f. gasket flange4 22.00.083 Motor shaft gasket5 1315.0101Copper washer 6x106 1106.0220Hex nut M6 flat7 22.00.188Fan wheel d340x1108 10.00.565 Hex screw M8x208 1008.0763Hex screw M8x2011 40.00.274 Fan motor12 1108.0260Hex nut M812 10.00.071Hex nut M812 10.00.710Hex nut M8 w. locking13 1208.0260Spring washer B814 1008.1005Square necked mushroom head bolt 8x407 Interior cabinet Voltage 1 NAC 120V 60HzItem no. Part no Reference DescriptionA X7.A Interior cabinetB 40.00.091X7.B Gasket frame w. glass a. gasketsC 22.00.297 X7.C Air baffleC 22.00.384 X7.C Air baffleC 22.00.412 X7.C Air baffle3 3024.0201Halogen bulb for interior cabinet 300°C4 40.00.224Wiring interior light5 20.00.398 Door gasket6 40.00.295 Meat probe sensor6 40.02.100 Meat probe sensor7 1315.0104Copper washer 16x20x1,58 10.00.422 Hex nut M169 3014.0162Sealing cone for thermocouple10 3014.0163Gasket sleeve with nipple11 22.00.220Air baffle support12 40.01.099 Thermocouple interior cabinet (B1)13 2005.0308Outlet sieve14 50.00.395Nozzle f. moistening15 50.00.394Union nut M12x127 Interior cabinet Voltage 1 NAC 120V 60HzItem no. Part no Reference Description1 40.00.399Thermocouple humidity2 40.00.098Reflector f. interior light3 4001.1248 Porcelain connector 2-pin interior light4 1330.0100Clamp strap f. sensor5 1106.0224Hex nut M6 self locking6 1306.0120Washer A6,47 1104.0120Hex nut M48 1204.0120Tooth lock washer A4,39 2120.1277Base for sensor connection10 1603.0167 Tubular rivet 3,2x0.25x1011 10.00.041Rivet nut M5 hexagon closedGas unit X 7.B Gasket frame w. glass a. gaskets 77 Interior cabinet Voltage 1 NAC 120V 60HzItem no. Part no Reference Description1 40.00.093Outer gasket f. interior light2 40.00.094Inner gasket f. interior light3 40.00.095Glass pane f. interior light4 40.00.096 Gasket frame f. interior light5 10.00.682 Phillips countersunk-head screw M5x16Gas unit X 7.C Air baffle 77 Interior cabinet Voltage 1 NAC 120V 60HzItem no. Part no Reference Description1 1304.0160Washer A4,32 1604.0167Rivet 4x103 22.00.332Air sucking ring f. air baffle4 2760.1370Latch hook for air baffle5 40.01.289Fixing clip core temp. cable6 10.00.515Rivet 3,2x5 A46 1603.0168Rivet 3,2x8 A46 1603.0168Rivet 3,2x8 A47 Interior cabinet Voltage 1 NAC 120V 60HzItem no. Part no Reference Description1 40.01.289Fixing clip core temp. cable2 1304.0160Washer A4,33 1604.0167Rivet 4x104 22.00.332Air sucking ring f. air baffle5 2760.1370Latch hook for air baffle6 10.00.515Rivet 3,2x5 A46 1603.0168Rivet 3,2x8 A47 22.00.361Deep-draw f. air baffle7 Interior cabinet Voltage 1 NAC 120V 60HzItem no. Part no Reference Description1 40.01.289Fixing clip core temp. cable2 1306.0218Washer A4,32 1304.0160Washer A4,33 1604.0167Rivet 4x104 22.00.332Air sucking ring f. air baffle5 2760.1370Latch hook for air baffle6 10.00.515Rivet 3,2x5 A46 1603.0168Rivet 3,2x8 A47 22.00.361Deep-draw f. air baffle8 Door Voltage 1 NAC 120V 60HzItem no. Part no Reference DescriptionA 24.00.121X8.A DoorC 8514.1307X8.C Door catch1 2001.0042Loctite 243 10 ml2 2001.0046 Loctite 2723 24.00.136Door handle4 8474.1410Door lock5 1005.1901Straight pin ø5,6x166 1006.0761Hex screw M6x126 10.00.698Hex screw M6x12 w. precoat 857 1206.0261Spring washer B68 2940.1305Door bolt9 1008.1963Hex socket countersunk head screw M8x1610 2039.0309Cover cap for door11 1004.0665Allen screw M4x611 10.00.696Allen screw M4x6 w. Precoat 8512 24.00.133Door mounting support top13 1008.0768Ornamental screw M8x1614 1308.0160Washer A8,415 24.00.145Door bolt16 1008.0766Hex screw M8x3017 1308.0162Washer A8,418 24.00.048Door bolt19 1008.0769Ornamental screw M8x3020 2001.0109Compression spring21 1008.0761Hex screw M8x2522 1208.0260Spring washer B823 24.00.216Mounting braket f. door lock24 1008.0752Hex screw M5x1024 10.00.697Hex screw M5x10 w. precoat 8525 1305.0160Washer A5,3x10mm8 Door Voltage 1 NAC 120V 60Hz Item no. Part no Reference Description26 10.00.099 Hex screw M8x1227 1005.1903Straight pin ø5,6x1228 1004.0906 Hex socket set screw M4x88 Door Voltage 1 NAC 120V 60HzItem no. Part no Reference Description1 24.00.210Inner glass pane2 24.00.147Sleeve for door bolt top3 24.00.159Door setting bolt4 24.00.503Fixing device f. magnet with magnet5 24.00.187Gasket glass pane/trolly6 24.00.177Pre heat mechanism f. door cpl.7 24.00.507Fixing device middle f.inter. glass pane8 24.00.700Additional gasket f. trolly9 24.01.259Plastic buffer 8,1mm10 24.01.234Bracket right f. door floor model8 Door Voltage 1 NAC 120V 60HzItem no. Part no Reference Description1 5012.0711Silicone plate for door2 1006.1000 Stud bolt M6x753 1306.0550Washer A6,64 1004.0904Hex socket set screw M6x105 1106.0160Hex nut M66 2001.0119 Compression spring f. door catch7 1006.0625Allen screw M6x70Gas unit X 9 Water supply, quenching box 99 Water supply, quenchingVoltage 1 NAC 120V 60HzboxItem no. Part no Reference Description1 54.00.208Exhaust pipe2 2066.0516Hose clamp 60-80 mm3 40.00.398 Thermocouple quenching4 50.00.138Double solenoid valve5 50.00.139Single solenoid valve6 50.00.072Water distribution vert roll guide con.7 50.00.073Water distribution vert w/o roll guide con.8 50.00.275Mounting device f. water distribution9 50.00.086Locking plate f. water distribution10 50.00.078Non return valve DW16/DN1211 1900.0202Water filter12 2067.0050Pressure hose d10mm13 2062.0303Y-filting YS1014 2066.0205Hose clamp 8-16x9 mm SW 7mm15 8664.1301T-fitting water connection16 5110.1024Gasket for G3/4" threaded joint17 44.00.670Water volume sensor with wire18 2112.1346Protecting hose ø28x2x70mm19 50.00.085Plug-in spring f. hand shower roll guide20 54.00.357Ball valve drain SCC cpl.21 10.00.369Plug cone shaped22 10.00.511O-ring for ball valve drain 46x3.523 10.00.512O-ring for ball valve drain 26x3.524 54.00.237 Inspection lid f. quenching chamber25 5012.0566Gasket quenching chamber 0-ring26 54.00.225Clamping bar27 2016.0943Quenching nozzle28 2112.1307Hose 70x5mmGas unit X 10 Hand shower 1010 Hand shower Voltage 1 NAC 120V 60HzItem no. Part no Reference Description1 50.00.176 Hand shower roll guide2 50.00.230Connect. pipe f. hand shower roll guide3 50.00.130Hand shower4 50.00.156Clamp f. hand shower roll guide5 1107.0100Star lock ø46 50.00.135 Tulip for handshower7 50.00.544 Mounting device f. hand sh. roll guide8 50.00.290Gasket f. tulip9 50.00.297Gasket f. tulip10 2069.0107Non return valve DN6 steam generator11 50.00.548Hose ø10x2x500 f. hand shower12 50.00.537Gasket f. connect.pipe hand shower roll guide13 50.00.538O-ring f. connect. pipe f. hand shower roll guideGas unit X 11 CleanJet 1111 CleanJet Voltage 1 NAC 120V 60HzItem no. Part no Reference Description1 12.00.245 Housing f. Cleaning pump2 10.00.091Rubber profile f. edge protection3 56.00.175Pressure hose f. cleaning4 2066.0521Hose clamp 27mm5 56.00.176Suction hose f. cleaning6 56.00.178 Pump f. cleaning UP307 12.00.280Fixing device pump housing8 1106.0802Cage nut M69 1006.0760Hex screw M6x16Gas unit X 12 Gas parts 1212 Gas parts Voltage 1 NAC 120V 60HzItem no. Part no Reference DescriptionA 70.00.068X12.A Gas valve cpl. ND 055 RG148B 70.00.029X12.B Gas valve cpl. WND 055 RG1301 70.00.222Air hose fixing device 50mm2 70.00.221Air hose fixing device 40mm3 70.00.028Blower for burner RG1304 70.00.067Blower for burner RG1485 1008.0750Hex screw M5x166 1305.0160Washer A5,3x10mm7 74.00.310Flange f. burner blower RG1308 1105.0122Hex combination nut M5 V2A9 70.00.242Gasket f. steam gen blower RG14810 74.00.301Gasket f. blower burner11 10.00.065Countersunk screw Torx T20 M4x1212 70.00.367 Premix chamber gas f. RG14813 70.00.238Premix chamber cover gas f. RG14814 10.00.063Pan head screw Torx T20 M4x2515 70.00.246Pipe gas valve-premix chamber16 1104.0121Hex nut M4 self locking17 10.00.064 Pan head screw Torx T20 M4x3018 70.00.139Corrugated hose 490mm19 70.00.201Corrugated hose 970mm20 70.00.142Corrugated hose 1200mm21 10.00.061Pan head screw Torx T20 M4x1222 70.00.301Combustion air angle pipe hot air23 74.00.309Gas connection manifold 3x3/4"24 1006.0762Hex screw M6x1025 1306.0222Washer A6,4x15x1,526 74.00.221Automatic ignition controller27 10.00.062Pan head screw Torx T20 M4x2028 70.00.137Air hose D40x900mmGas unit X 12 Gas parts 1212 Gas parts Voltage 1 NAC 120V 60HzItem no. Part no Reference Description29 70.00.135Air hose D50x1100mm30 2066.0504Hose clamp 40-60mm31 40.01.581Jumper32 1204.0120Tooth lock washer A4,333 70.00.188Hose fitting 3/4"-3/4"34 70.00.280Silicone hose ø4x1,512 Gas parts Voltage 1 NAC 120V 60HzItem no. Part no Reference Description1 70.00.220Gas valve GB 055 ND (straight)2 70.00.106Premix disc gas3 70.00.208Disc premix chamber-blower RG1484 70.00.108Disc gas valve-premix chamber5 70.00.260Gas nozzle 7mm6 70.00.261O-ring 17x1.512 Gas parts Voltage 1 NAC 120V 60HzItem no. Part no Reference Description1 70.00.031Gas valve GB 055 WND (lateral)2 70.00.255Premix chamber cover gas f. RG1303 70.00.030Premix chamber gas f. RG1304 70.00.106Premix disc gas5 70.00.256Disc premix chamber-blower RG13013 Exterior cabinet Voltage 1 NAC 120V 60HzItem no. Part no Reference DescriptionA X13.A Exterior cabinet1 22.00.354Spacer ring1 8450.1310 Spacer ring2 22.00.353Vent cover2 8455.1209 Vent cover3 1006.0760Hex screw M6x164 2022.0101Grommet 18 mm5 1106.0802Cage nut M67 8700.0317Floor fixing for units8 5006.0213Glue for floor fixing brackets9 5013.0100Edge protection profile10 2039.0111Foot adjustable, metal, 40 x 4011 10.00.091Rubber profile f. edge protection13 Exterior cabinet Voltage 1 NAC 120V 60HzItem no. Part no Reference Description1 16.00.334Top cover2 1003.2265Countersunk self tapping screw 4,2x163 1104.0820Snap nut 4,2mm4 1105.0260Cap nut M5, high shape5 1305.0160Washer A5,3x10mm6 16.00.142Side panel right7 1603.0166Rivet 3,2x7,9 CNS closed8 16.00.143Side panel left9 10.00.102Hex self tapping screw B4,2x3210 16.00.382Back panel11 16.00.296Front panel12 2002.0107Tension spring for front panel13 16.00.673 Air inlet filter14 2039.0331Cap for service door15 1004.2160Hex self tapping screw 4,2x1616 16.00.330Crossbar top17 10.00.103EJOT PT-screw KA 3.5x1018 40.00.335 Door switch19 16.00.329Cover f. USB interface20 10.00.460EJOT PT-Screw Torx 3,5x1421 16.00.115Rosette22 16.00.338 Edge protection profile23 16.00.358Crossbar front panel24 40.00.470Interface cable USB 1.5m25 40.00.476Exhaust channel26 5105.1028Gasket f. breather tube d=74mm27 16.00.384Bracket for door contact switchGas unit X 14 Miscellaneous 1414 Miscellaneous Voltage 1 NAC 120V 60HzItem no. Part no Reference Description1 60.21.177 Mobile oven rack for type 201,2 1008.0760Hex screw M8x163 10.00.448 Phillips countersunk-head screw M5x164 1004.0666Hex screw M4x105 10.00.565 Hex screw M8x206 1208.0160Tooth lock washer A8,47 10.00.357Rubber plug black8 1106.0360Cap nut M6, high shape12 60.60.100Castor with brake ø125mm13 60.60.101Castor without brake ø125mm14 42.00.029 USB-Memory-Stick15 1603.0162 Rivet 3,2x916 4019.0008 Sticker Electric/Danger17 60.60.574Positioning support f. core sensor。

SHENGRUN HY-40R201 Bluetooth 5.0 模块规格参数说明书

SHENGRUN HY-40R201 Bluetooth 5.0 模块规格参数说明书

HY-40R201Copyright © 2010-2017 SHENGR All rights reserved.SHENGRUN Technologies assum this manual, Furthermore, SHEN hardware, software, and/or speci not make any commitment to upd products are not authorized for us SHENGRUN Technologies assum of intellectual property rights. The Bluetooth trademark is owneLevel:1 Bluetooth BLE 5.0 Module Specifications (40 pin)11 Nov. 2017 Version:V2.2ENGRUN Technology Co., Ltd. assumes no responsibility for any errors which HENGRUN Technologies reserves the right to specifications detailed here at any time withou o update the information contained here. SHE for use as critical components in life support d assumes no responsibility for any patents or aowned by the Bluetooth SIG Inc., USA vel: Public Informationonswhich may appear in ght to alter the hout notice and does SHENGRUN’sport devices or systems.s or authorized the useVersion HistoryCONTENTS1. DESCRIPTION (1)1-1.APPLICATIONS: (1)1-2.KEY FEATURES: (1)2. PRODUCT MODEL NUMBER: HARDWARE MODEL DESCRIPTION (2)2-1.(4 KINDS A NTENNA TYPE FOR CHOICE),(O PTION: WITH SHIELD CASE OR NO SHIELD CASE) (2)2-2:FCC ID&(IC ID/ WAIT DEFIND)P RINT F ORMAT ON THE S HIELD C ASE :(HY-40R201PC MODEL ONLY) (2)3. PCBA DIMENSION SIZE AND PICTURE (2)3-1:HY-40R201P/WMD40R201SR6P0(PCB IFAA NTENNA) (2)&HY-40R201PC/WMD40R201SR6PC(PCB IFAA NTENNA, WITH SHIELD CASE); (2)3-2:HY-40R201I/WMD40R201SR6I0(IPEX RF CONNECTOR TERMINAL) (3)&HY-40R201IC/WMD40R201SR6IC(IPEX RF CONNECTOR WITH SHIELD CASE ) (3)3-3:HY-40R201W/WMD40R201SR6W0(M ETAL W IRE A NTENNA)(1/4Λ HALF WAVE DIPOLE)_ (3)&HY-40R201WC/WMD40R201SR6WC(M ETAL W IRE A NTENNA, WITH SHIELD CASE); (3)3-4:HY-40R201C/WMD40R201SR6C0(C ERAMIC A NTENNA) (3)&HY-40R201CC/WMD40R201SR6CC(C ERAMIC A NTENNA, WITH SHIELD CASE); (3)4.APPLICATION NOTE: (4)5. PINOUT AND GPIOFUNCTION DESCRIPTION (5)6. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (6)6-1.R ADIO PERFORMANCE & CURRENT CONSUMPTION (7)6-2.A BSOLUTE M AXIMUM R ATINGS (7)6-3.ESD R ATINGS (7)6-4.R ECOMMENDED O PERATING C ONDITIONS (8)6-5.GPIODC C HARACTERISTICS (8)6-6.T IMING R EQUIREMENTS (8)6-7.S WITCHING C HARACTERISTICS (9)7. BLOCK DIAGRAM (9)8. FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM (9)9. WORKING MODE SCHEMATIC (10)10. RECOMMEND REFLOW PROFILE( LEADLESS SOLDER CREAM: SN 96.5%, AG 3%, CU 0.5%) (10)11.HY-40R201PC/WMD40R201SR6PC MODULE FCC/INDUSTRY CANADA STATEMENT (11)12.CONTACT US (13)1. DescriptionHY-40R201 Bluetooth low energy single mode module is a single mode device targeted for low power sensors and accessories.HY-40R201 offers all Bluetooth low energy features: radio, stack, profiles and application space for customer applications. The module also provides flexible hardware interfaces to connect sensors. HY-40R201 can be powered directly with a standard 3V coin cell batteries or pair of AAA batteries. in lowest power shutdown mode it consumes only 0.15uA and will wake up in few microseconds. HY-40R201 transmission distance of 100 meter or more. (At face to face, free space, 1.2 Meter high from Ground for testing).Bluetooth IC:TTC2640R2 6*6*0.9mm 48pin IC,Used TI CC2640R2 die chip1-1.APPLICATIONS:Heart rate sensorsPedometersWatchesBlood pressure and glucose metersWeight scalesKey fobsHouseholds sensors and collector devicesSecurity tagsWireless keys (keyless go)Proximity sensorsHID keyboards and miceIndoor GPS broadcasting devices1-2.KEY FEATURES:Bluetooth v.5.0 single mode compliantSupports master,slaveand master/slave modesIntegrated Bluetooth low energy stackGAP, GATT, L2CAP, SMP Bluetooth low energy profilesPre-certified RF regurations for BQB BLE 5.0, CE ETSI RED, FCC, IC(Canada), (FCC and IC certified only for HY-40R201PC PCB antenna with shield case model);Another can Compliance for worldwide RF Regulations.Transmit power :+5 dBm typicalReceiver sensitivity: -97dBm typicalUltra low current consumption :Shutdown. No clocks running, no retention: 150 nA(Typical) Programmable ARM Cortex-M3 processor for embedding full applications2. Product model Number: Hardware Model Description2-1. (4 kinds Antenna type for choice) ,(Option: with shield case or no shield case)2-2: FCC ID &( IC ID/ wait defind) Print Format on the Shield Case :( HY-40R201PC model only)3. PCBA dimension size and picture3-1: HY-40R201P / WMD40R201SR6P0( PCB IFAAntenna)&HY-40R201PC / WMD40R201SR6PC (PCB IFA Antenna, with shield case);(PCBA dimension size : ( 25.16*15.22*2.0/2.6 mm ).Word Type: CalibriDirection: Horizon23267-HY40R201PC3-2:HY-40R201I / WMD40R201SR6I0(IPEX RF connector terminal)&HY-40R201IC / WMD40R201SR6IC (IPEX RF connector with shield case ) (PCBA dimension size : 25.16*15.22*2.6 mm).3-3: HY-40R201W / WMD40R201SR6W0( Metal WireAntenna)(1/4λ half wave dipole)_ &HY-40R201WC / WMD40R201SR6WC ( Metal Wire Antenna, with shield case) ; (PCBA dimension size : 23.2*15.22*2.0/2.6 mm).3-4: HY-40R201C / WMD40R201SR6C0( CeramicAntenna)&HY-40R201CC / WMD40R201SR6CC (Ceramic Antenna, with shield case) ;(PCBA dimension size : 25.16 * 15.22 * 2.0/2.6 mm ).4.Application Note:4-1.Attention to the electrostatic protection, prevent the soldering ironand the equipment grounding bad; And the workbench, working environment,packaging materials and from the human bodyTouch with static electricity,etc., destroy IC and software be fly; Manual welding module solder irontemperature, should pay attention to avoid the PCB copper strippingoff;Soldering iron strictlyGrounding requirements, eliminating ironpower failure module;4-2.Attention to avoid the overall motherboard power supply circuit of badwelding connected to short circuit or open circuit, causing the bluetoothchip, abnormal voltage,Thesoftwarewill fly and problems of IC was damaged.4-3.When programming firm ware , the VDDS supply voltage must in DC 2.4~3.3V, To avoid programming has not completely, and abnormal status occur..4-4. Use the module in the production and the transport process, pleaseinsure module’scomponent protection, prevent the precision parts on the moduleDamaged (welding furnace exit and assembly, testing, delivery process,suggest using collision buffer material, not collide with each other)4-5. The module for the humidity sensitive components, if used in SMT reflowsoldering operations, please strictly follow the IPC/JEDECJ - STD - 020regulation, completes the drying dehumidifying , and for this module hassecond processing work after placed in the functional test environment,the humidity of the chip is no guarantee that in a certain ratio, the honoredguest please understand;(The attention note show in below Fig.)4-6. The diagram (show in below Fig.) of the module application on external filter parts, whenneed, please design in the mainboard, the parts parameter can depend on the actual need to changes.4-7.Assembly recommendation 1: Underneath the module antenna and RF circuit on themainboardPCB copper need to clearance, and place close to the main board edge, as show in below Fig. The antenna can't be near aroundmetal parts and prevent material existence of electromagnetic radiation , Can affect the manipulation of the distance.4-8. Assembly recommendation 2: Signal trace and power supply trace, don't cross layout, as show in below Fig.To avoid crosstalk, affect the receiving sensitivity.5. Pinout and GPIOfunction Description Function Description GPIO, Sensor Controller (I:4mA max) GPIO, Sensor Controller (I:4mA max) The must pay attention to:Around must be clear, Module antenna should be on the electromagnetic surround antenna area.6. Electrical Characteristics(Test condition: With Ta = 25 ℃, VDD =3.0V with internal DC-DC converter, standardmeasure:1Mbps GFSKmodulation ,FRF = 2440MHz Bluetooth Low energy mode.)6-1.Radio performance & current consumption(Test condition:With Ta = 25 ℃, VDD =3.0V, with internal DC-DC converter, standardmeasure:1Mbps GFSKmodulation ,FRF = 2440MHz Bluetooth Low energy mode.) Modulation Mode: GFSKFrequency range: 2402~2480MHZ (2.4GHz ISM band)Transmit power setting Range: -21 ~ +5 dBm typical ( differential mode o/p point characteristics ; programmable by software)Receiver sensitivity: -97dBm typical( differential mode o/p point characteristics)Pre-certified RF regurations for BQB BLE 4.2/5.0, CE ETSI RED, FCC, IC(Canada), (FCC and IC only for HY-40R201PC PCB antenna with shield case model);Another can Compliance for worldwide RF Regulations.Ultra low current consumptionTransmit:6.1mA(typical)(O/P Power setting :0dBm)Transmit:9.1mA(typical)(O/P Power setting :5dBm)Receive(high gain setting): 6.1 mA(typical)Idle. Supply Systems and RAM powered:550uA(Typical)Standby. With Cache, RTC, CPU, RAM and partial registerretention. XOSC_LF: 3.0 uA(Typical)Shutdown. No clocks running, no retention: 150 nA(Typical)6-2. Absolute Maximum RatingsNote: These are absolute maximum ratings beyond which the module can be permanently damaged, these are not Maximum operating conditions, the maximum recommended operating conditions are6-3. ESD Ratings6-4. Recommended Operating ConditionsSupply voltage noise should be less than 10mVpp. Excessive noise at the supply voltage will reduce(2).When programming firm ware , the VDD supply voltage must in DC 2.4~3.3V,To avoid programming has not completely, or abnormal status occur..(3).For smaller coin cell batteries, with high worst-case end-of-life equivalent source resistance, a 22-μF VDDS input capacitor must be used to ensure compliance with this slew rate(6-6 timing req.). 6-5.GPIODC Characteristics6-6. Timing Requirements(1) For smaller coin cell batteries, with high worst-case end-of-life equivalent source resistance, a 22-μF VDDS input capacitor must be used to ensure compliance with this slew rate.(2) Applications using RCOSC_LF as sleep timer must also consider the drift in frequency caused bya change in temperature .6-7. Switching Characteristics7. Block Diagram8. Functional Block Diagram9. Working mode schematic Array10. Recommend Reflow Profile( Leadless solder cream: Sn 96.5%, Ag 3%, Cu 0.5%)Reflow Curve Classification11.HY-40R201PC/WMD40R201SR6PC Module FCC/Industry Canada Statement(to be placed on End Products)Federal Communications Commission (FCC) StatementFCC Statements(OEM) Integrator has to assure compliance of the entire end-product incl. the integrated RF Module. For 15 B (§15.107 and if applicable §15.109) compliance, the host manufacturer is required to show compliance with 15 while the module is installed and operating.Furthermore the module should be transmitting and the evaluation should confirm that the module's intentional emissions (15C) are compliant (fundamental / out-of-band). Finally the integrator has to apply the appropriate equipment authorization (e.g. Verification) for the new host device per definition in §15.101.Integrator is reminded to assure that these installation instructions will not be made available to the end-user of the final host device.The final host device, into which this RF Module is integrated" has to be labeled with an auxiliary label stating the FCC ID of the RF Module, such as "Contains FCC ID: 2ADXE-HY-40R201PC "This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1)this device may not cause harmful interference, and(2)this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.""Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment."the Integrator will be responsible to satisfy SAR/ RF Exposure requirements, when the module integrated into the host device.Module statementThe single-modular transmitter is a self-contained, physically delineated, component for which compliance can be demonstrated independent of the host operating conditions, and which complies with all eight requirements of § 15.212(a)(1) as summarized below.1) The radio elements have the radio frequency circuitry shielded.2) The module has buffered modulation/data inputs to ensure that the device will complywith Part 15 requirements with any type of input signal.3) The module contains power supply regulation on the module.4) The module contains a permanently attached antenna.5) The module demonstrates compliance in a stand-alone configuration.6) The module is labeled with its permanently affixed FCC ID label.7) The module complies with all specific rules applicable to the transmitter, including all the conditions provided in the integration instructions by the grantee.8) The module complies with RF exposure requirements.NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for aClass B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits aredesigned to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in aresidential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radiofrequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions,may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is noguarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If thisequipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, whichcan be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged totry to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.-Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which thereceiver is connected.-Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for helpIndustry Canada (IC) Statement This device complies with Indus Operation is subject to the follo (1) This device may not cause i (2) This device must accept any operation of the device.Canada, avisd’Industry Canada (IC)Le présentappareilestconforme exempts de licence.L'exploitationestautorisée aux d (1) l'appareil ne doit pas produi (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareildoit lebrouillageest susceptible d'en com 12.Contact UsShenZhenShengRun Technology Co Phone: +86-755-86233846 Fax: +86-755-82970906Official Website: Alibaba Website:http://shop143943E-mail: **********************Address: Room 602,B Block of LongNanshan District, Shenzhen, GuangIndustry Canada licence‐exempt RSS standar followingtwo conditions: ause interference, and pt any interference,including interference that a (IC)orme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux deux conditions suivantes: roduire de brouillage, et ldoit accepter tout brouillageradioélectriquesu n comp gy Co.,Ltd. om Longjing Jingu Hi-tech Pioneer Park, Longzhu uangdong, China.andard(s). that may cause undesired cables aux appareils radio uesubi, mêmesi ngzhu 4th Road, Xili Town,。



装 / 室外消火栓安主编单位负责人主编单位技术负责人 b 批准部门中华人民共和国建设部批准文号建设 2001163 号技术审定人在队运以主编单位北京市市政工程设计研究总院统一编号 GJBT-545 设计负责人 1队队在新日期二00 一年七月二十八日图集号 01S201 目录序号固名页号序号回名页号 1目录…. . 9 室外地上式消火桂安装回SS150/80 型〉支管藻装……. . 9 2目录.总说明一〉……………………… 2 10 室外地上式浦大栓安装回SS100/65 型〉于普安装 III …… 10 3 总说明二 .. 11 室外地上式消火栓安装回SS150/80型〉干警安装 I I …… 11 4 总说明三〉 ………………………… 4 12室外地上式消火栓安装回SS100/65 型〉于普安装 II …… 12 5总说明四〉………………………… 5 13 室外地上式消火栓安装回SS150/80型〉干f安装 II …… 13 6 室外地上式消火栓安装图SS100/65 型〉支管浅装…… . 6 14 室外地下式消火栓安装回SA65/65 型〉支普选装 ……. . 14 7室外地上式消火桂安装回SS150/80 型〉支管混装…… . 7 15室外地下式消火栓安装回附表及说明SA65/65 型〉支瞥浅装… 15 8室外地上式消火栓安装回SS100/65 型〉支管藻装…… . 8 回 M 剖回回 . , -- nu 4 『々 ρ nu 4EE-- 求『 H 再 ψ 」页目目录民quot 说明序号图名页号 1本图集是在 1988 年编制的全国给水排水栋准图集《窒16 室外地下式消火栓安装圄SAI00/65 型〉支警浅装……… 16 外消火栓安装 88S162 的基础上重新编制的.17室外地下式消火栓安装回附表及说明SA lOO/65 型支管浅装〉… 17 2 适用范围18 室外地下式消火栓安装困SAlOO 型支管武装〉……… . 18本图集适用于室外消火栓及相关设备的布置、安装及其井19室外地下式消火栓安装图附表及说明 SAlOO 型支管浅装〉… . 19 室的设置.20室外地下式消火栓安装回SA65/65 型支管深装〉……… 20 3 消火栓的型号及规格3. 1 消火栓分为地上式消火栓和地下式消火栓两种类型.应根21室外地下式消火栓安装回SAI00/65 型支智深装〉 (21)据消火栓是否允许露出地面进行选型.22 室外地下式消火栓安装图SAlOD型支智深装.......... 22 3. 2 室外消火栓的型号及规格详见本图集第 3 页表 1 表中23 室外地下式消火栓安装回SA65/65 型干f安装〉 (23)列明了消火栓的型号、参数及出水口的联接形式等其中24室外地下式消火栓安装困SAlOO/65 型干警安装〉……… 24 地下式消火栓SAI00/65- 1. 0 I SAI00/65- 1.6 I 为本图集新编所增加的规格.25室外地下式消火栓安装图SAlOO 型干警安装〉……… . 25 4消火栓的结构及特点26 闹闹套简安装图……………………….. 26 41消火栓一般由栓体、内置出水阅、泄水装置、法兰接管和27 闸阔套简上提旋转式套简盖………………… 2728 闹闹套简翻转式套简董………………… .28 目录、总说明一叫 01S201 审核 1矿说 l 州路可问 l设计l 如.页 I 2 室外消火栓的型号及规格表 1 公称压力 E 水口出水口类型型号 MP o. 口径 MM 数1量 gt 日在 Mr。






1. 仪器的主要性能指标1.1 水位记录范围0~6500mm1.2 水位测量精度±0.2mm1.3 水位测量分辨率0.1mm1.4 水位测量轮直径32mm1.5 浮子直径25mm1.6 测井直径100mm1.7 水位最大变率50mm/min1.8 存储容量39万组读数1.9 采样周期1分钟1.10 记录周期1~240分钟(可以设定)1.11 配用传感器类型旋转磁编码(绝对值)1.12 配用传感器数量1个(浮子式)1.13 工作环境温度-20~55℃,(自由水面)1.14仪器体积(传感器)Φ110×200mm21.15 仪器结构全防护1.16 仪器操作 无线数据传送,或RS232回收数据1.17仪器供电 15W 太阳能电池板,12V12AH 蓄电池2. 记录仪的组成FR201L 型水位计由机箱、支架、供电系统、浮子式水位传感器、记录仪和GPRS 通信单元组成。




RS-EVA-N01-2 蒸发量变送器 用户手册说明书

RS-EVA-N01-2 蒸发量变送器 用户手册说明书

RS-EV A-N01-2蒸发量变送器用户手册文档版本:V1.7目录1.产品介绍 (3)1.1产品简介 (3)1.2功能特点 (3)1.3技术指标 (3)2.产品选型 (4)3.设备安装及介绍 (4)3.1设备接线 (4)3.2设备安装调试 (4)3.3设备尺寸 (6)4.通信协议 (6)4.1通信基本参数 (6)4.2数据帧格式定义 (6)4.3寄存器地址 (7)4.4通讯协议示例以及解释 (7)5.联系方式 (8)6.文档历史 (8)1.产品介绍1.1产品简介RS-EVA-N01-2蒸发量变送器是我公司研发的一款用来观测水面蒸发的仪器,产品采用双层不锈钢结构设计,可以防止太阳直晒导致的蒸发量误差,测量精度更加准确,且产品整机采用304不锈钢材质制作,外观精美,耐腐蚀,可有效保证传感器的使用寿命。










2012交强险条款摘要:1.201 不锈钢简介2.201 不锈钢的强度等级3.201 不锈钢强度等级的测定方法4.201 不锈钢强度等级的实际应用正文:【201 不锈钢简介】201 不锈钢,又称为17Cr-7Mo 不锈钢,是一种常用的不锈钢材料。


201 不锈钢具有良好的耐腐蚀性、焊接性能和冷加工性能,广泛应用于建筑装饰、石油化工、食品医疗等领域。

【201 不锈钢的强度等级】201 不锈钢的强度等级通常根据材料的屈服强度来划分。

在我国,201 不锈钢的强度等级主要有以下几个:1.201 不锈钢SUS201:屈服强度(σs)最低值为205MPa,最高值为215MPa。

2.201 不锈钢SUS201L:屈服强度(σs)最低值为195MPa,最高值为205MPa。

3.201 不锈钢SUS201Ni:屈服强度(σs)最低值为205MPa,最高值为215MPa。

【201 不锈钢强度等级的测定方法】201 不锈钢强度等级的测定方法通常采用硬度试验、拉伸试验和弯曲试验等方法。




【201 不锈钢强度等级的实际应用】201 不锈钢强度等级的实际应用主要取决于其屈服强度。

不同强度等级的201 不锈钢可以满足不同场合的使用要求。

例如,在石油化工领域,对不锈钢材料的强度要求较高,通常选用强度等级较高的201 不锈钢。

而在食品医疗领域,对不锈钢材料的强度要求相对较低,通常选用强度等级较低的201 不锈钢。

综上所述,201 不锈钢强度等级主要根据材料的屈服强度来划分,不同强度等级的201 不锈钢可以满足不同场合的使用要求。

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8.3ms Single Half Sine-Wave (JEDED Method)
10 0 0 2 4 6 10 20 40 60 NUMBER OF CYCLES AT 60Hz 100
TJ = 25 Pulse Width = 300us 1% Duty Cycle
.01 .4
.5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1.0 1.1 1.2 INSTANTANEOUS FORWARD VOLTAGE, (V)
* * * * Ideal for printed circuit board Surge overload rating: 50 amperes peak Mounting position: Any Weight: 2.74 grams
* UL listed the recognized component directory, file #E94233 * Epoxy: Device has UL flammability classification 94V-O
.710 (18.0) .670 (17.0)
.566 (14.4) .528 (13.4)
.528 (13.4) .488 (12.4)
.035 (0.9) DIA. .028 (0.7) TYP.
.787 (20.0)
RS203L RS204L RS205L 1.1 10 0.5
UNITS Volts uAmps mAmps 2001-5
NOTES : Measured at 1 MHZ and applied reverse voltage of 4.0 volts
Ratings at 25 o C ambient temperature unless otherwise specified. Single phase, half wave, 60 Hz, resistive or inductive load. For capacitive load, derate current by 20%.
TJ = 25
.2 .1 .06 .02 .01 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
VOLTAGE RANGE 50 to 1000 Volts CURRENT 2.0 Ampere
.125 (3.2)
.160 (4.1) .140 (3.6) .260 (6.6) .240 (6.1)
Dimensions in inches and (millimeters)
MAXIMUM RATINGS (At T A = 25 oC unless otherwise noted) RATINGS Maximum Recurrent Peak Reverse Voltage Maximum RMS Bridge Input Voltage Maximum DC Blocking Voltage Maximum Average Forward Output Current T A = 50oC Peak Forward Surge Current 8.3 ms single half sine-wave superimposed on rated load (JEDEC method) Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Typical Junction Capacitance (Note) SYMBOL VRRM VRMS VDC IO I FSM TJ TSTG CJ RS201L 50 35 50 RS202L 100 70 100 RS203L RS204L RS205L 200 140 200 400 280 400 2.0 60 -55 to + 125 -55 to + 150 15 600 420 600 RS206L 800 560 800 RS207L 1000 700 1000 UNITS Volts Volts Volts Amps Amps
0 0
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (At TA = 25oC unless otherwise noted) CHARACTERISTICS Maximum Forward Voltage Drop per Bridgeat Element at 2.0A DC Maximum Reverse Current at Rated Dc Blocking Voltage per element @T A = 25 C @T A = 100 oC
Single Phase Half Wave 60Hz Inductive or Resistive Load
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE, ( )