2014-05-16 V1.10 2014-06-04
修改装置接线端子定义 定值按保护型号定义 合位 系统定值的“操作回路选择”控制字决定
保护逻辑中的跳、合位使用 DSP 开入的跳、 王宝锋
版权所有:西安西瑞保护控制设备有限责任公司 本说明书适用于 XRE-200 系列电动机保护测控装置(V3.3)版本程序。 本说明书和产品今后可能会有小的改动,请注意核对实际产品与说明书的版本是否相符。 更多产品信息,请访问:。 商务电话:029-68590758 技术支持电话:029-68590751 传真:029-68590758
文件编号:OST/XR 3005 第 1 页 共 66 页 版本:V3.3
XRE-200 系列电动机保护测控装置说明书
XRE-200 系列 电动机保护测控装置( V3.3)说明书
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XRE-200 系列 电动机保护测控装置( V3.3) 说明书
1 适用范围及特性........................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 适用范围............................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 主要特性............................................................................................................................... 1 1.3 型号及功能配置 .................................................................................................................... 2 2 技术参数 ..................................................................................................................................... 3 2.1 机械及环境参数 .................................................................................................................... 3 2.2 额定电气参数........................................................................................................................ 3 2.3 过载能力............................................................................................................................... 3 2.4 功率消耗............................................................................................................................... 3 2.5 机械性能............................................................................................................................... 3 2.6 电气绝缘性能........................................................................................................................ 3 2.7 电磁兼容性能........................................................................................................................ 4 2.8 输出接点容量........................................................................................................................ 4 2.9 通信接口............................................................................................................................... 4 2.10 故障记录 ............................................................................................................................. 5 2.11 主要技术指标 ...................................................................................................................... 5 3 保护工作原理 .............................................................................................................................. 9 3.1 差动保护............................................................................................................................... 9 3.2 电流速断保护.......................................................................................................................12 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 负序电流保护.......................................................................................................................12 零序电流保护(不接地) .....................................................................................................13 零序电流保护(接地).........................................................................................................14 堵转保护..............................................................................................................................14
3M Clean-Trace ATP 监测系统用户指南说明书
Maintenance and Service Guide Maintain the performance of your 3M™ Clean-Trace™ Luminometer LX253M™ Clean-Trace™ ATP Monitoring System, which includes the 3M™ Clean-Trace™ Luminometer LX25,is a proven, effective method for rapid cleaning process monitoring that measures adequacy of clinical soil removal from high-touch environmental surfaces, surface and channels of flexible endoscopes and surgical instruments. The Clean-Trace LuminometerLX25 is a precise, sophisticated measuring instrument that requires regular calibration and maintenance in orderto maintain optimal performance and accuracy.Annual Preventive Maintenance and Calibration Annual preventive maintenance and calibration is an essential and cost-effective way to help keep your Clean-Trace Luminometer LX25 operating in peak condition.•As a precise measuring instrument, annual calibration is required to ensure the Clean-Trace Luminometer LX25 continues to accurately read the correct Relative Light Unit (RLU) value according to the design specification for the device.•Calibration alerts are generated by the Clean-Trace Luminometer LX25 beginning 90 days before calibration is due.•3M offers service options including a mail-in service to our 3M Health Care Service Center for calibration and repair service. An on-site calibration is also available in most areas. The services are completed by 3M trained and qualified technicians using defined procedures and state-of-the-art equipment.•Typical mail-in service time is seven days from date of receipt of the unit.•Service can be scheduled at a convenient time for your facility, which can help with workflow demands and budgeting. Order and schedule your Annual Preventive Maintenance and Calibration by calling the 3M Healthcare Help Line: 1-800-228-3957.Other Tips for Keeping Your Clean-Trace Luminometer LX25 Unit in Good Working Condition:•Clean and decontaminate the Clean-Trace Luminometer LX25 immediately if any spills occur.•Do not use the luminometer if liquid or a foreign object gets inside the device.•Always perform decontamination procedures as documented in the Clean-Trace Luminometer LX25 User Manual after each use.•Monitor battery charge condition, charge when needed.•For battery repair or replacement, contact the 3M Health Care Service Center for Flat Fee Mail-in Repair.•Protect Clean-Trace Luminometer LX25 from impacts, such as dropping instrument on hard surfaces. Cleaning and Decontaminating the External Surfaces 1.Power down the luminometer and disconnect theUSB/Power a disposable towel lightly dampened with disinfectant, gently wipe the outer surfaces of the luminometer. Make sure the towel used is just damp, not dripping.3.When cleaning the luminometer avoid the USB cable connection on the side of the luminometer.4.Repeat the procedure using another disposable towel slightly dampened with distilled or deionized water.5.Do NOT reconnect the USB/Power cable until the luminometer has been allowed to dry for at least 1 hour. The following disinfectants may be used to clean and disinfect the luminometer.•Bleach (up to 0.8% concentrations of sodium hypochlorite)•Quaternary Ammonium Compounds (contains ammonium chlorides, Isopropyl Alcohol, and/or Ethanol)Flat Fee RepairIf issues arise, 3M offers a flat fee repair service to remedy and return your 3M™ Clean-Trace™ Luminometer LX25 in working condition, when possible. Flat fee repair includes repair, cleaning, calibration, shipping both ways and a loaner unit if requested.Standard Limited Warranty and Extended Care Plan Option Each new Clean-Trace Luminometer LX25 unit purchased comes with a standard one year limited warranty.** This warranty includes free annual preventive maintenance and free repairs or parts replacement (not due to misuse) within the first year from date of Clean-Trace Luminometer LX25 purchase. The warranty also includes a loaner unit during preventive maintenance or repairs and shipping of the loaner unit both to and from the purchasing facility.*3M also offers an Extended Care Plan,** The Extended Care Plan covers two additional years beyond the standard limited warranty and covers both annual preventive maintenance and calibration, as well as any repairs. This can be a cost effective and simple way to manage costs to maintain your device. Repair service is mail-in only. Calibration options include both mail-in and on-site (for most locations).For questions or to request service for your Clean-Trace Luminometer LX25, contact the 3M Health Care Helpline at 1-800-228-3957. Outside of the US, contact your local 3M office.Medical Solutions Division 3M Health Care2510 Conway AvenueSt. Paul, MN 55144-1000 USA 800-228-3957/cleantrace 3M and Clean-T race are marks and/or registered marks of 3M. Unauthorized use prohibited. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. Please recycle. Printed in USA © 3M 2020.All rights reserved. Issued: 6/18, 10/2070-2011-6830-2。
3M 微生物快速检测产品.ppt
• 国际标准CAC/RCP-1“食品卫生通则1997修订3版”对HACCP的定义: 鉴别、评价和控制对食品安全至关重要的危害的一种体系。
• 较为常见的定义解释为: HACCP是对可能发生在食品加工环节中的危害进行评估,进而
ATP 实时监控环境的卫生状况,微生物的 检测可以更好的追本溯源,让我们清楚地意识到 是何种微生物引起的环境污染,从而降低企业的 风险,两者相辅相成,不存在谁替代谁的问题。
NG 主要优点
• 更小& 更轻 - 400g! • 功能完备的底座 • 锂电池 • 背光,高分辨率屏幕 • 腔盖感应装置 • 腕带,改进的便携包,
为以下场合检测设计… • 水质洁净程度---3M™ Aqua-Trace™-Total
原位清洗(CIP)清洗水 快速 & 较脏的系统水质 (工业工艺用水, 冷却塔循环水, 等) • 杀菌效果鉴定---3M™ Aqua-Trace™ Total& Free 消毒剂/杀菌剂的杀菌效果验证
• 什么是 ATP? • ATP检测原理
• 微生物+食品残渣+有机分泌物 Vs ATP含量
什么是 ATP?
• 三磷酸腺苷,含高 能磷酸键的有机化 合物
• 存在于所有活的生 物细胞中
• 能量分子 –储存 & 细胞间 运输
• RNA的组成 腺嘌呤核苷
荧光素(Luciferin) / 荧光素酶(Luciferase) 在细胞中,ATP通过脱去磷酸基来释放能量
及其附件的表面、关节处应光洁,无血渍、 污渍、水垢等残留物质和锈斑;功能完好,
无损毁。清洗质量不合格的,应重新处理; 功能损毁的应及时维修或报废。
➢ B)可采用蛋白残留测定、 ATP生物荧光法,定期测定等 监测内镜清洁效果。
31《软式内镜清洗消毒技术规范(2012年版)》 © 3M 2011. All Rights Reserved.
1. The adenosine triphosphate test is a rapid and reliable audit tool to assess manual cleaning adequacy of flexible endoscope channels 2. Validation of adenosine triphosphate to audit manual cleaning of flexible endoscope channels
8 © 3M 2011. All Rights Reserved.
9 © 3M 2011. All Rights Reserved.
10 © 3M 2011. All Rights Reserved.
初步 冲洗
11 © 3M 2011. All Rights Reserved.
➢ a. 激活后,左右振荡测试管至少5秒钟以充分混合反应物 ➢ b. 立即将测试管放入发光测量计中测试 ➢ c. 读出RLU值
以表面采样棒为例, 水质采样棒操作相同
3M Clean Trace NGi荧光检测仪系统及基座用户手册说明书
2.01 3M™ Clean‑Trace™ NGi 荧光检测仪的部件 2.02 一般特点 2.03 给电池充电 2.04 打开仪器开关 2.05 测量模式 2.06 插入待检品 2.07 采样棒传感器 2.08 省电模式 2.09 计算机通讯
3.0 配件
3.01 3M™ Clean‑Trace™ NG 荧光检测仪基座 3.02 3M™ Clean‑Trace™ NG 荧光检测仪软质携带箱
1.02 ATP 及表面卫生检测。 3M™ Clean‑Trace™ NGi 荧光检测仪加上配套的检测盒,便成为一种监测各种表面卫生状况的有效方法。 微生物和产品 残留物中的 ATP 都可被检测。 “总 ATP”的测量为总体清洁度提供了重要的借鉴。 表面清洁后存留的各种产品残留物, 将成为存留微生物的营养来源,还可能保护微生物免受消毒剂的作用。 由于使用 3M™ Clean‑Trace™ NGi 荧光检测仪可 迅速获得结果,故若结果不合格时,便可立即采取纠正措施。 重新清洁表面后再行使用,可确保良好的卫生条件及严 格的污染控制。 使用前应仔细阅读检测盒的说明书。
同样的,如果在“程序模式 (Program Mode)”下,在仪器样品室内没有 3M™ Clean‑Trace™ ATP 样品时进行检测,检测传感 器则会通过显示出错信息“未检测到采样棒 (No Swab Detected) ”,同时发出报警声来提醒用户样品室是空的。 而在“检测 样品 (Measure Sample) ”模式下,进行检测时则不会显示此出错信息。
现在便可使用随配的充电器为 3M™ Clean‑Trace™ NGi 荧光检测仪充电。 按图 2 所示将充电器连接器插入 3M™ Clean‑Trace™ NGi 荧光检测仪,再将充电器连接到交流电插座上,打开开关。 另外,也可使用可供选配的基座, 将 3M™ Clean‑Trace™ NGi 荧光检测仪插入到基座上,再将充电器连接器插入基座,然后将充电器连接到交流电插座 上。
VOLITION TM综合布线产品及方案优势目录第一章3M布线系统的优势 (1)1.1、公司背景 (1)1.2、产品系列 (1)1.3、产品总体优势 (2)1.4、3M Volition TM布线系统有别于其它产品的布线系统 (2)第二章光纤产品 (4)2.1、光纤布线是网络发展的必然趋势 (4)2.2、3M Volition TM全光纤布线系统的优势 (5)2.3、3M公司的专利技术-VF-45光纤接口的主要特点 (5)2.4、与VF-45相配套的其它光产品 (10)2.4.1、光纤 (10)2.4.2、光缆跳线 (11)2.3.3、光配线架 (12)2.4.4、光纤出线盒 (13)2.5、典型工程案例及产品质量保证 (14)第三章铜缆产品 (15)3.1、RJ-45 端接模块 (15)3.2、RJ-45 配线架 (17)3.3、用于语音或数据的STG,RCP 端子排(均支持屏蔽) (18)第四章方案组合优势 (23)4.1、集中化布线 (23)4.2、开放空间布线 (24)4.3、光铜合一 (25)4.4、全程屏蔽双点接地 (25)第一章3M布线系统的优势1.1、公司背景1.2、产品系列1、从缆材看有屏蔽、非屏蔽和光纤之分;2、从网络解决方案分有5类、增强5类、6类和光纤到桌面3、从缆材护套分有PVC和低烟阻燃无卤材质两种;4、从端接产品看,有从RJ45低速度产品到支持多媒体高速数据传输的端接产品。
1.3、产品总体优势3M公司,有着几十年的电信设计及施工经验,3M公司的综合布线产品,超出EIA/TIA 568及ISO/IEC 11801等多项国际和国内标准,以其优质的产品性能和精良的产品制作工艺为智能化建筑综合布线领域提供了完整而具有前瞻性的解决方案。
CV = 7.8%
CV = 59.8%
3M Clean-Trace™ATP荧光检测仪的软件支持
3M Clean-Trace™ ATP荧光检测的技术特点
3M Clean-Trace™ ATP 软件
实验室QA负责:1. 制定ATP采样计划并传输至ATP仪 2. 收集现场检测的数据,集中分析
3M Clean-Trace™ ATP荧光检测仪的应用
3M Clean-Trace™ ATP荧光检测系统
Clean- Trace™水质采样棒
3M Clean-Trace™ ATP荧光检测系统
采样棒 高效ATP提取剂 液态稳定荧光素/荧光酶
发光强度 (RLU) ATP 水平的增加
定量结果与ATP 准确
灵 敏 10-15mol ATP
便携式设计 简便
可靠 微生物+食品残留
现场QA负责现场实 时ATP检测(根据实 验室QA制定的采样 计划)
3M Clean-Trace™ ATP 软件
▪ 汇总数据,生成结果报告 ▪ 清洗实施效率的评估
– 初次清洗后即检测
▪ 清洗最终效果的评估
– 生产前的检测
▪ 趋势追踪 – 发现问题,找 出影响设备清洗质量的因素
Material Safety Data SheetCopyright, 2009, 3M Company. All rights reserved. Copying and/or downloading of this information for the purpose of properly utilizing 3M products is allowed provided that: (1) the information is copied in full with no changes unless prior written agreement is obtained from 3M, and (2) neither the copy nor the original is resold or otherwise distributed with the intention of earning a profit thereon.PRODUCT NAME: 3M™Clean-Trace™Water -Free ATP (formerly Biotrace™Aqua Trace™, FreeATP)MANUFACTURER: 3MDIVISION: Food Safety DepartmentADDRESS: 3M CenterSt. Paul, MN 55144-1000Issue Date: 05/29/09Supercedes Date: 06/30/08Document Group: 23-1290-8ID Number(s):GH-6205-0005-4, GH-6205-2281-9This product is a kit or a multipart product which consists of multiple, independently packaged components. An MSDS for each of these components is included. Please do not separate the component MSDSs from this cover page. The document numbers of the MSDSs for components of this product are:23-0350-1, 23-0341-0Reason for Reissue:update templatesRevision Changes:Copyright was modified.Page Heading: Product name was modified.Kit: Product name was modified.Kit: Division name was modified.DISCLAIMER: The information in this Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) is believed to be correct as of the date issued. 3M MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR COURSE OF PERFORMANCE OR USAGE OF TRADE. User is responsible for determining whether the 3M product is fit for a particular purpose and suitable for user's method of use or application. Given the variety of factors that can affect the use and application of a 3M product, some of which are uniquely within the user's knowledge and control, it is essential that the user evaluate the 3M product to determine whether it is fit for aparticular purpose and suitable for user's method of use or application.3M provides information in electronic form as a service to its customers. Due to the remote possibility that electronic transfer may have resulted in errors, omissions or alterations in this information, 3M makes no representations as to its completeness or accuracy. In addition, information obtained from a database may not be as current as the information in the MSDS available directly from 3M.Material Safety Data SheetCopyright, 2010, 3M Company. All rights reserved. Copying and/or downloading of this information for the purpose of properly utilizing 3M products is allowed provided that: (1) the information is copied in full with no changes unless prior written agreement is obtained from 3M, and (2) neither the copy nor the original is resold or otherwise distributed with the intention of earning a profit thereon.PRODUCT NAME: AquaTrace EnzymeMANUFACTURER: 3MDIVISION: Food Safety DepartmentADDRESS: 3M CenterSt. Paul, MN 55144-1000Issue Date: 11/11/10Supercedes Date: 05/29/09Document Group:23-0341-0Product Use:Intended Use:IntermediateIngredient C.A.S. No.% by WtBovine serum albumin Unknown50 -60Magnesium ions16674-78-535 -45Luciferase Unknown0.05 -2Luciferin Unknown0.05 -23.1 EMERGENCY OVERVIEWSpecific Physical Form: PowderOdor, Color, Grade: Freeze-dried powderGeneral Physical Form: SolidImmediate health, physical, and environmental hazards:3.2 POTENTIAL HEALTH EFFECTSEye Contact:Mild Eye Irritation: Signs/symptoms may include redness, pain, and tearing.Skin Contact:Mild Skin Irritation: Signs/symptoms may include localized redness, swelling, and itching.Inhalation:Respiratory Tract Irritation: Signs/symptoms may include cough, sneezing, nasal discharge, headache, hoarseness, and nose and throat pain.Ingestion:Gastrointestinal Irritation: Signs/symptoms may include abdominal pain, stomach upset, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.4.1 FIRST AID PROCEDURESThe following first aid recommendations are based on an assumption that appropriate personal and industrial hygiene practices are followed.Eye Contact: Flush eyes with large amounts of water.If signs/symptoms persist, get medical attention.Skin Contact: Wash affected area with soap and water. If signs/symptoms develop, get medical attention.Inhalation: Remove person to fresh air. If signs/symptoms develop, get medical attention.If Swallowed: Do not induce vomiting unless instructed to do so by medical personnel. Give victim two glasses of water. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Get medical attention.5.1 FLAMMABLE PROPERTIESAutoignition temperature No Data AvailableFlash Point Not ApplicableFlammable Limits -LEL No Data AvailableFlammable Limits -UEL No Data Available5.2 EXTINGUISHING MEDIANon-combustible. Choose material suitable for surrounding fire. Material will not burn.5.3 PROTECTION OF FIRE FIGHTERSSpecial Fire Fighting Procedures: Wear full protective equipment (Bunker Gear) and a self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA).Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards: Not applicable.Personal precautionsEvacuate unprotected and untrained personnel from hazard area. The spill should be cleaned up by qualified personnel. Ventilate the area with fresh air.Environmental proceduresFor larger spills, cover drains and build dikes to prevent entry into sewer systems or bodies of water. Place in a closed container approved for transportation by appropriate authorities. Dispose of collected material as soon as possible.Clean-up methodsObserve precautions from other sections. Call 3M-HELPS line (1-800-364-3577) for more information on handling and managing the spill. Contain spill. Collect as much of the spilled material as possible. Vacuum or sweep up. WARNING ! A motor could be an ignition source and cause flammable gases or vapors or dust in the spill area to burn or explode. Clean up residue.7.1 HANDLINGAvoid eye contact. Do not eat, drink or smoke when using this product. Wash exposed areas thoroughly with soap and water. Avoid skin contact. Avoid prolonged or repeated skin contact.7.2 STORAGEStore in a cool place.8.1 ENGINEERING CONTROLSUse with appropriate local exhaust ventilation.8.2 PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE)8.2.1 Eye/Face ProtectionAvoid eye contact.The following eye protection(s) are recommended: Safety Glasses with side shields.8.2.2 Skin ProtectionAvoid skin contact. Avoid prolonged or repeated skin contact. Gloves not normally required.8.2.3 Respiratory ProtectionUnder normal use conditions, airborne exposures are not expected to be significant enough to require respiratory protection.8.2.4 Prevention of SwallowingDo not eat, drink or smoke when using this product. Wash exposed areas thoroughly with soap and water.8.3 EXPOSURE GUIDELINESNone EstablishedSpecific Physical Form: PowderOdor, Color, Grade: Freeze-dried powderGeneral Physical Form: SolidAutoignition temperature No Data AvailableFlash Point Not ApplicableFlammable Limits -LEL No Data AvailableFlammable Limits -UEL No Data AvailableBoiling point Not ApplicableDensity 1.5 [Details: estimated]Vapor Density Not ApplicableVapor Pressure Not ApplicableSpecific Gravity No Data AvailablepH Not ApplicableMelting point No Data AvailableSolubility In Water No Data AvailableEvaporation rate No Data AvailableHazardous Air Pollutants0Volatile Organic Compounds0Kow -Oct/Water partition coef No Data AvailablePercent volatile0VOC Less H2O & Exempt Solvents0Viscosity Not ApplicableStability:Stable.Materials and Conditions to Avoid:10.1 Conditions to avoidNone known10.2 Materials to avoidNone knownHazardous Polymerization: Hazardous polymerization will not occur.Hazardous Decomposition or By-ProductsSubstance ConditionNone known.Not SpecifiedECOTOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONNot determined.CHEMICAL FATE INFORMATIONNot determined.Waste Disposal Method: Dispose of waste product in a facility permitted to accept chemical waste. Incinerate in an industrial or commercial facility in the presence of a combustible material.EPA Hazardous Waste Number (RCRA):Not regulatedLE-B100-0346-8US FEDERAL REGULATIONSContact 3M for more information.STATE REGULATIONSContact 3M for more information.CHEMICAL INVENTORIESThe components of this product are in compliance with the chemical notification requirements of TSCA.Contact 3M for more information.INTERNATIONAL REGULATIONSContact 3M for more information.NFPA Hazard ClassificationHealth: 1 Flammability: 0 Reactivity: 0 Special Hazards: NoneNational Fire Protection Association (NFPA) hazard ratings are designed for use by emergency response personnel to address the hazards that are presented by short-term, acute exposure to a material under conditions of fire, spill, or similar emergencies. Hazard ratings are primarily based on the inherent physical and toxic properties of the material but also include the toxic properties of combustion or decomposition products that are known to be generated in significant quantities.Reason for Reissue: Updated waste disposal section.Revision Changes:Copyright was modified.Section 7: Handling information was modified.Section 8: Engineering controls information was modified.Section 8: Skin protection phrase was modified.Section8: Eye/face protection information was modified.Section 14: Transportation legal text was modified.Section 9: Density information was modified.Section 9: Specific gravity information was modified.Section 9: Property description for optional properties was added.Section 6: Environmental procedures heading was added.Section 6: Personal precautions heading was added.Section 10.1 Conditions to avoid heading was added.Section 10.2 Materials to avoid heading was added.Section 6: Personal precautions information was added.Section 6: Environmental procedures information was added.Section 6: Methods for cleaning up information was added.Section 10: Materials to avoid physical property was added.Section 10: Conditions to avoid physical property was added.Section 8: Hand protection information was added.Section 6: Clean-up methods heading was added.Section 6: Release measures information was deleted.Section 6: Release measures heading was deleted.Section 10: Materials and conditions to avoid physical property was deleted.DISCLAIMER: The information in this Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) is believed to be correct as of the date issued. 3M MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR COURSE OF PERFORMANCE OR USAGE OF TRADE. User is responsible for determining whether the 3M product is fit for a particular purpose and suitable for user's method of use or application. Given the variety of factors that can affect the use and application of a 3M product, some of which are uniquely within the user's knowledge and control, it is essential that the user evaluate the 3M product to determine whether it is fit for a particular purpose and suitable for user's method of use or application.3M provides information in electronic form as a service to its customers. Due to the remote possibility that electronic transfer may have resulted in errors, omissions or alterations in this information, 3M makes no representations as to its completeness or accuracy. In addition, information obtained from a database may not be as current as the information in the MSDS available directly from 3M.Material Safety Data SheetCopyright, 2011, 3M Company. All rights reserved. Copying and/or downloading of this information for the purpose of properly utilizing 3M products is allowed provided that: (1) the information is copied in full with no changes unless prior written agreement is obtained from 3M, and (2) neither the copy nor the original is resold or otherwise distributed with the intention of earning a profit thereon.PRODUCT NAME: 3M Clean-Trace Water Test Diluent (Intermediate)MANUFACTURER: 3MDIVISION: 3M United KingdomFood Safety DepartmentADDRESS: 3M CenterSt. Paul, MN 55144-1000Issue Date: 02/08/11Supercedes Date: 05/29/09Document Group:23-0350-1Product Use:Specific Use:Used for the reconstitution of a freeze-dried enzyme reagent in the 3M Clean-TraceWater Test.Intended Use:IntermediateIngredient C.A.S. No.% by WtWater7732-18-580 -100HEPES Salt75277-39-30.5 -1.5HEPES Acid7365-45-9< 1Polysorbate 80Trade Secret< 1Isopropyl Alcohol67-63-0< 1Lecithin Trade Secret< 0.1Sodium Azide26628-22-8< 0.1EDTA60-00-4< 0.13.1 EMERGENCY OVERVIEWOdor, Color, Grade: Odorless; ColorlessGeneral Physical Form: LiquidImmediate health, physical, and environmental hazards:3.2 POTENTIAL HEALTH EFFECTSEye Contact:Contact with the eyes during product use is not expected to result in significant irritation.Skin Contact:Contact with the skin during product use is not expected to result in significant irritation.Inhalation:No health effects are expected.Ingestion:No health effects are expected.4.1 FIRST AID PROCEDURESThe following first aid recommendations are based on an assumption that appropriate personal and industrial hygiene practices are followed.Eye Contact: Flush eyes with large amounts of water. If signs/symptoms persist, get medical attention.Skin Contact: Wash affected area with soap and water. If signs/symptoms develop, get medical attention.Inhalation: No need for first aid is anticipated.If Swallowed: No need for first aid is anticipated.5.1 FLAMMABLE PROPERTIESAutoignition temperature No Data AvailableFlash Point Not ApplicableFlammable Limits(LEL)Not ApplicableFlammable Limits(UEL)Not Applicable5.2 EXTINGUISHING MEDIANon-combustible. Choose material suitable for surrounding fire.5.3 PROTECTION OF FIRE FIGHTERSSpecial Fire Fighting Procedures: Nonflammable.Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards: Not applicable.6.1. Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency proceduresEvacuate unprotected and untrained personnel from hazard area. The spill should be cleaned up by qualified personnel. Ventilate the area with fresh air.6.2. Environmental precautionsPlace in a closed container approved for transportation by appropriate authorities. Dispose of collected material as soon as possible. Clean-up methodsObserve precautions from other sections. Call 3M-HELPS line (1-800-364-3577) for more information on handling and managing the spill. Contain spill. Working from around the edges of the spill inward, cover with bentonite, vermiculite, or commercially available inorganic absorbent material. Mix in sufficient absorbent until it appears dry. Collect as much of the spilled material as possible. Clean up residue with water.7.1 HANDLINGAvoid skin contact. Avoid eye contact. Do not eat, drink or smoke when using this product. Wash exposed areas thoroughly with soap and water.7.2 STORAGEStore away from heat. Store out of direct sunlight. Store in a cool place.8.1 ENGINEERING CONTROLSUse in a well-ventilated area.8.2 PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE)8.2.1 Eye/Face ProtectionAs a good industrial hygiene practice:Avoid eye contact.The following eye protection(s) are recommended: Safety Glasses with side shields.8.2.2 Skin ProtectionAs a good industrial hygiene practice:Avoid skin contact.Select and use gloves and/or protective clothing to prevent skin contact based on the results of an exposure assessment. Consult with your glove and/or protective clothing manufacturer for selection of appropriate compatible materials.Gloves made from the following material(s) are recommended: NeopreneNitrile Rubber.8.2.3 Respiratory ProtectionUnder normal use conditions, airborne exposures are not expected to be significant enough to require respiratory protection.8.2.4 Prevention of SwallowingDo not eat, drink or smoke when using this product. Wash exposed areas thoroughly with soap and water.8.3 EXPOSURE GUIDELINESIngredient Authority Type Limit Additional InformationIsopropyl Alcohol ACGIH TWA200 ppmIsopropyl Alcohol ACGIH STEL400 ppmIsopropyl Alcohol OSHA TWA980 mg/m3Sodium Azide ACGIH CEIL, as hydrazoic0.11 ppmacid vaporSodium Azide ACGIH CEIL, as NaN30.29 mg/m3SOURCE OF EXPOSURE LIMIT DATA:ACGIH: American Conference of Governmental Industrial HygienistsCMRG: Chemical Manufacturer Recommended GuidelineOSHA: Occupational Safety and Health AdministrationAIHA: American Industrial Hygiene Association Workplace Environmental Exposure Level (WEEL)Odor, Color, Grade: Odorless; ColorlessGeneral Physical Form: LiquidAutoignition temperature No Data AvailableFlash Point Not ApplicableFlammable Limits(LEL)Not ApplicableFlammable Limits(UEL)Not ApplicableBoiling Point No Data AvailableDensity No Data AvailableVapor Density No Data AvailableVapor Pressure No Data AvailableSpecific Gravity 1 [Ref Std: WATER=1]pH7.70 -7.80 [Test Method: ISO METHOD]Melting point Not ApplicableSolubility in Water CompleteEvaporation rate No Data AvailableKow -Oct/Water partition coef No Data AvailableViscosity No Data AvailableStability:Stable.Materials and Conditions to Avoid:10.1 Conditions to avoidHeat10.2 Materials to avoidNone knownHazardous Polymerization: Hazardous polymerization will not occur.Hazardous Decomposition or By-ProductsSubstance ConditionCarbon monoxide Not SpecifiedCarbon dioxide Not SpecifiedOxides of Nitrogen Not SpecifiedECOTOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONNot determined.CHEMICAL FATE INFORMATIONNot determined.Waste Disposal Method: Dispose of waste product in a facility permitted to accept chemical waste. As a disposal alternative, incinerate in an industrial or commercial facility in the presence of a combustible material.EPA Hazardous Waste Number (RCRA):Not regulatedID Number(s):GH-6205-0803-2US FEDERAL REGULATIONSContact 3M for more information.311/312 Hazard Categories:Fire Hazard -No Pressure Hazard -No Reactivity Hazard -No Immediate Hazard -No Delayed Hazard -NoSTATE REGULATIONSContact 3M for more information.CHEMICAL INVENTORIESThe components of this product are in compliance with the chemical notification requirements of TSCA.All applicable chemical ingredients in this material are listed on the European Inventory of Existing Chemical Substances (EINECS), or are exempt polymers whose monomers are listed on EINECS. Contact 3M for more information.INTERNATIONAL REGULATIONSContact 3M for more information.NFPA Hazard ClassificationHealth: 0 Flammability: 0 Reactivity: 0 Special Hazards: NoneNational Fire Protection Association (NFPA) hazard ratings are designed for use by emergency response personnel to address the hazards that are presented by short-term, acute exposure to a material under conditions of fire, spill, or similar emergencies. Hazard ratings are primarily based on the inherent physical and toxic properties of the material but also include the toxic properties of combustion or decomposition products that are known to be generated in significant quantities.Reason for Reissue: Updated waste disposal section.Revision Changes:Section 1: Product name was modified.Section 1: Product use information was modified.Section 1: Division name was modified.Copyright was modified.Section 5: Extinguishing media information was modified.Section 5: Fire fighting procedures information was modified.Section 7: Handling information was modified.Section 7: Storage information was modified.Section 8: Engineering controls information was modified.Section 8: Eye/face protection phrase was modified.Section 8: Skin protection phrase was modified.Section 13: Waste disposal method information was modified.Section 8: Eye/face protection information was modified.Section 14: Transportation legal text was modified.Page Heading: Product name was modified.Section 15: Inventories information was modified.Section 9: Boiling point information was modified.Section 5: Flammable limits (UE) information was modified.Section 5: Flammable limits (LEL) information was modified.Sections 3 and 9: Odor, color, grade information was modified.Section 9: Specific gravity information was modified.Section 9: pH information was modified.Section 9: Flammable limits (LEL) information was modified.Section 9: Flammable limits (UEL) information was modified.Section 14: ID Number(s) Template 1 was modified.Section 2: Ingredient table was modified.Section 8: Exposure guidelines ingredient information was modified.Section 8: Skin protection -recommended gloves information was added.Section 15: 311/312 hazard categories heading was added.Section 8: Skin protection -recommended gloves text was added.Section 15: 311/312 Fire Hazard score was added.Section 15: 311/312 Pressure Hazard score was added.Section 15: 311/312Reactivity Hazard score was added.Section 15: 311/312 Immediate Hazard score was added.Section 15: 311/312 Delayed Hazard score was added.Section 9: Property description for optional properties was added.Section 1: Secondary Division name was added.Section 8: Skin protection -protective clothing text was added.Section 8: Skin protection -recommended gloves -punctuation was added.Section 14: ID Number Heading Template 1 was added.Section 6: 6.2. Environmental precautions heading was added.Section 6: 6.1. Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures heading was added.Section 10.1 Conditions to avoid heading was added.Section 10.2 Materials to avoid heading was added.Section 6: Personal precautions information was added.Section 6: Environmental procedures information was added.Section 6: Methods for cleaning up information was added.Section 10: Materials to avoid physical property was added.Section 10: Conditions to avoid physical property was added.Section 6: Clean-up methods heading was added.Section 6: Release measures information was deleted.Section 6: Release measures heading was deleted.Section 10: Materials and conditions to avoid physical property was deleted.DISCLAIMER: The information in this Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) is believed to be correct as of the date issued. 3M MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR COURSE OF PERFORMANCE OR USAGE OF TRADE. User is responsible for determining whether the 3M product is fit for a particular purpose and suitable for user's method of use or application. Given the variety of factors that can affect the use and application of a 3M product, some of which are uniquely within the user's knowledge and control, it is essential that the user evaluate the 3M product to determine whether it is fit for a particular purpose and suitable for user's method of use or application.3M provides information in electronic form as a service to its customers. Due to the remote possibility that electronic transfer may have resulted in errors, omissions or alterations in this information, 3M makes no representations as to its completeness or accuracy. In addition, information obtained from a database may not be as current as the information in the MSDS available directly from 3M.。
ATP发光法在日化产品抗菌抑菌快速检测方面应用的可行性研究摘要:以日化产品作为检测对象,以QB/T 2738-2012 中对日化产品抗菌抑菌效果的检验方法为基础,通过ATP发光法与行业标准中悬液定量法的对比,对ATP发光法在快速检测日化产品的抗菌抑菌性的应用上的可行性及准确性进行评价。
关键词:ATP发光法,快速检测,日化产品,抗菌抑菌丿卜圧在轻工行业标准QB/T 2738-2012中规定了日化产品中抗菌抑菌性的检测方法:悬液定量法和抑菌环法。
三磷酸腺苷(ATP)是一种存在于活着的所有生物细胞中的化学物质,活菌中含有一定量的ATP女n 1个革兰氏阳性菌的ATP含量约为1*10-18 g,革兰氏阴性菌是阳性菌的10倍,而酵母又是革兰氏阴性菌的10倍。
由于其发光量根据 ATP 量的比例进行,因此可以通过测定发光量来测定生物由来的 ATP 量,其检出限在细菌数102〜 103 cfu/mL 。
有研究表明 ATP 发光量与活菌数之间有较好的线性关系,且其在细胞死亡后极易降解的特性,使其成为较 好的活菌的检测指标。
目前 ATP 发光法已经在国内外广泛应用于在牛乳、豆腐等无细胞食品和水质、工作台面等环境中 活菌的检测。
因此,在日化产品的抗菌抑菌性检测方面的应 用也值得期待。
材料与方法1 仪器与材料1.1主要仪器:3MTMCIean-TraceTMAT P 荧光检测系统(3M 公司),3MTMCIean-TraceTMATP 水质采样棒(3M 公司)1.2其它仪器及试剂:高压灭菌锅(TOMY SX-700)生 化培养箱(上海博迅实业有限公司医疗设备厂 SPX-250B-Z 型MODEL SPX-250B-Z 、旋涡混合器、一次性灭菌平皿、 卩l , 200卩l 移液枪及灭菌枪头、营养肉汤(北京陆桥)养琼脂(北京陆桥) 。
2.2样品稀释2.2.1检样稀释时,无菌称取(或量取)有代表性的样品25g (或m1)剪碎放于含有225m1灭菌稀释液的玻璃瓶内(瓶内预置适当数量的玻璃珠),经充分振摇作成11O的稀释液。
詹姆斯· 柯林斯和杰里· 波勒斯在《基业长青》中写道:“如果拿生命做赌注,赌我们研究的哪一家公司会在未来50~100年继续成功和适应,我们会把赌注下在3M上。
”近百年来,3M共开发了69000 多种新产品,平均约每2天开发3个新产品,并且对现有产品不断更新换代。
这个使命也提供了“什么是创新以及如何创新” 的清晰理解和定义,使得员工可以把公司的创新活动紧密地与商业目标相联系。
3M Clean-Trace ATP Monitoring System 环境表面清洁监控实施指南说
3M™ Clean-Trace™ATP Monitoring System Environmental Surfaces Implementation Guide for Routine Cleaning MonitoringThe Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has encouraged hospitals to develop an environmental cleaning and monitoring program to optimize the cleaning of high touch surfaces at terminal cleaning, as well as ensure quality control and improvement.1, 2, 3How to go from standards and guidelinesto implementation of a routine qualitycontrol program?There are five key components that go into thesuccessful design and implementation of a routine cleaning monitoring program for environmental surfaces using the 3M™ Clean-Trace™ATP Monitoring System:1.Design a test plan and determine test points.2.Identify Pass/Fail thresholds.3.Determine frequency of testing.4.Establish meaningful metrics.5.Track, trend and regularly review test result data.1.Design a Test Plan and Determine Test Points Test Points are identified as the specific item(s) to be tested. The list of test points make up the Test Plan. Environmental monitoring test plans fall into three general categories:•Routine audit of terminally cleaned patient rooms •Operating rooms and high-risk areas•Mobile patient care equipment 3M Test Plan Recommendations:•Focus on those surfaces and equipment most at risk for cross-contamination.•Take into consideration high-risk patient populationswho are more susceptible to risk of infection.Additional test point recommendations are listed in the Appendix.Routine Audit of Terminally Cleaned Patient RoomsA minimum of five (5) test points should be audited. Additional test points may be added based on facility considerations. •Tray table• T oilet flush handle•Bed rails/con trols•Call box/button•Room inner door knobRoutine Audit of Operating RoomA minimum of ten (10) test points should be audited. Additional test points may be added based on facility considerations. •Telephone•Overhead light•Main OR light switch•Main OR door push plate•OR table surface•Bed control•Nurse computer keyboard•Storage cabinethandles/knobs•Anesthesia cartO2/suction knobs•IV pump controlIt is the responsibility of each health care facility to develop and implement policies and procedures that support its unique needs and comply with all applicable laws, rules, regulations, standards and industry recommended practices.3M is providing this sampling guide as a resource. You are responsible for determining whether the recommendations contained herein are appropriate for your setting and whether they will enable you to comply with any governmental or facility requirements, and your facility’s policies and protocols.High Risk Areas and EquipmentA minimum of ten (10) test points should be audited. Additional test points may be added based on facility considerations. •Tray table•Bed rails/controls•Call box/button•Room inner door knob•Telephone•Toilet flush handle•Bathroom handrails by toilet•Toilet seat•IV pump control•Mobile blood pressure cuff2.Pass/Fail Threshold3M recommends the following Pass/Fail thresholds for all test points. Threshold levels are supported in peer-reviewed clinical literature.4, 5 These thresholds have been shown to be effective in reducing the risk associated with transmission of environmental pathogens (e.g. Clostridium difficile).6Pass ≤ 250 RLUFail ≥ 251 RLU3.Frequency of TestingIn order to obtain statistically valid feedback, sufficient data must be collected on a routine basis. Areas chosen for audit should represent day-to-day variation in cleaning procedures as well as include the cleaning efforts of all Environmental Services (EVS) staff members.Routine Audit of Terminally Cleaned Patient Roomsand Operating RoomsEvery day, monitor 5% of terminally cleaned rooms (1 per every 20 discharges). Although some facilities do not consider the OR a high-risk area, it is recommended that each OR be monitored after every terminal cleaning.Routine Audit of High Risk Areas and Mobile Equipment Because of the high risk of pathogen transmission, every high-risk area, room and designated mobile equipment and mobile patient care equipment should be monitored after each terminal cleaning. 4.Establishing MetricsThe target metrics for the facility should reflect the cleaning monitoring program objectives and may evolve and change over time.•% Pass/Fail of combined data for an overall view of cleaning effectiveness.•% Pass/Fail by room number provides a means to target problem areas and surfaces.•% Pass/Fail of high-risk areas, rooms and mobile equipment allows early identification of developing problems.•% Pass/Fail by staff highlights training successes as well as identifies those needing to increase competency levels. 5.Track and Trend Test Result DataTo obtain actionable feedback, sufficient data sets must be collected if a true understanding of cleaning efficacy is to be achieved. The 3M™ Quality Control Data Manager provides an intuitive dashboard for quick, visual snapshots of cleaning performance and powerful reporting options to manage and communicate results.Environmental surfaces should be monitored at the recommended frequency of testing so that any adverse trends can be detected in a timely manner. 3M recommends that data be reviewed, at a minimum, once per week and preferably each day the system is used.Using Monitoring Data to Improve Routine Cleaning of Environmental SurfacesMonitoring data is typically used in two ways:Quality Control: Monitoring results provide real-time feedback on cleaning efficacy. For areas undergoing routine audits, 3M recommends 80% of the test points should show passing results. If greater than 20% of the test points fail, then the entire room should be re-cleaned and re-tested. For those high-risk areas, rooms and mobile equipment, all failing test points should be re-cleaned and re-tested until passing values are achieved.Process Improvement: The collection of monitoring results over time offers the opportunity to gather statistically-valid data sets that can be used to improve environmental cleaning practices.•Identify aging, damaged surfaces or equipment that are difficult to clean.•Identify when cleaning processes are not being performed according to established procedures.•Assess effectiveness of training and competency protocols by highlighting both successes and improvement opportunities.References1.Sehulster LM, Chinn RYW, Arduino MJ, Carpenter J,Donlan R, Ashford D, Besser R, Fields B, McNeil MM,Whitney C, Wong S, Juranek D, Cleveland J. Guidelinesfor environmental infection control in health-care facilities.Recommendations from CDC and the Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC). Chicago IL; American Society for Healthcare Engineering/American Hospital Association; 2004.2.Siegel JD, Rhinehart E, Jackson M, Chiarello L. HealthcareInfection Control Practices Advisory Committee.Management of multi-drug-resistant organisms inhealthcare settings. 2006. /ncidod/dhqp/pdf/ar/mdroGuideline2006.pdf.3.Guh, A., Carling, P.C. and Environmental EvaluationWorkgroup. December 2010. Options for EvaluatingEnvironmental Cleaning. /HAI/toolkits/Evaluating-Environmental-Cleaning.html.4.Boyce et al. Monitoring the Effectiveness of HospitalCleaning Practices by Use of an Adenosine Triphosphate Bioluminescence Assay Infection Control and HospitalEpidemiology July 2009. 30: 678-684.5.Lewis et al. A modified ATP benchmark for evaluationof the cleaning efficacy of some hospital environmentalsurfaces. Journal of Hospital Infection. Journal of Hospital Infection 2008. Volume 69, p.156-163.6.Sitzlar B, Deshpande A, Fertelli D, et al. An environmentaldisinfection odyssey: Evaluation of sequential interventions to improve disinfection of Clostridium difficile isolationrooms. The role of the environment in Infection Prevention May 2013. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology34(4):459-465.Appendix: Test Point, Mobile Equipment and High-Risk Area Recommendations These are not exhaustive lists, but serve as a starting point for developing sample plans.Test Points: Direct or close points of patient contact□Bed rails/controls*□Call box/button*□Tray table*□Bedside table handle*□Telephone*□Patient T.V. remote□Patient hoists□IV pole (grab area)*□Bedside chair□Bedside cabinet/locker□Room sink*□Room light switch*□Room inner door knob*□Bathroom inner door knob/plate*□Bathroom light switch*□Bathroom handrails by toilet*□Bathroom sink*□Toilet seat*□Toilet flush handle*□Toilet top surface□Toilet underside surface□Toilet bedpan cleaner*□Mattresses* Test point recommendations from the CDC Environmental Checklist for Monitoring Terminal Cleaning, a part of the CDC Options for Evaluating Environmental Cleaning Toolkit. Test Points: Equipment□IV pump control*□IV drip stand shafts□On-Off buttons syringe drivers□On-Off buttons feed pumps□On-Off buttons infusion pumps□On-Off buttons suction pumps□Multi-module monitor controls*□Multi-module monitor touch screen*□Multi-module monitor cabinets*□PC keyboard□ Ventilator control panel*□ Ventilator mute buttons□Blood pressure cuffs□Pulse oxymeter□Procedural equipment traysTest Points: General Environmental□Patient and bathroom door knobs□Bathroom floors□Trash lids□Drug fridge handles□Floor areas near patient bed□Floor areas under furniture□Floor areas under patient bed□Flush handle staff toilets□Internal and external door handles to side wards□Internal and external door handles to staff rooms□Internal and external door plates to side wards□Patient bed curtains—must be non-porous material□Nurses station work surface□Staff tap handles wash basins□Storage cupboards handles□Kitchen refrigerator handle□Kitchen work surfaceHigh Risk Areas□Intensive care units□Transplant units□Contact isolation rooms□HemodialysisMobile Equipment□Mobile IV stands□Mobile blood pressure units□Cardiac arrest/crash carts□Mobile medical imaging□Drug cart□Warming cabinets□Anesthesia cart□Case carts□MRI equipment□Medication carts□Isolation carts□Medical computer cartsInfection Prevention Division 3M Health Care2510 Conway AvenueSt. Paul, MN 55144-1000 USA 800-228-3957/cleantrace 3M and Clean-Trace are trademarks of 3M.Used under license by 3M subsidiaries and affiliates. Please recycle. Printed in USA © 3M 2017.All rights reserved. Issued: 6/17 12511HB70-2011-6876-5。
ATP荧光检测技术对纤维支气管镜r清洗消毒效果评价的研究杨绍丽;吴文莉;王静;徐晶【摘要】目的探讨三磷酸腺苷(ATP)荧光检测技术运用于纤维支气管镜清洗消毒效果现场评价的可行性.方法采用随机采样的方法,对"清洗消毒后"、"保存备用"、"使用后未清洗"三个不同状态的内镜内腔面进行冲洗采样,获得样本后,利用ATP荧光检测技术和滤膜法细菌培养两种方法进行检测,并对比两种检测方法的结果.本研究共获得1044例样本,ATP荧光检测法及滤膜法细菌培养各522例.结果 ATP荧光检测合格507例,不合格17例,合格率为98.44%;滤膜法细菌培养合格510例,不合格14例,合格率为98.6%,经卡方检验,两种检测方法的样本合格率差异无统计学意义.结论 ATP荧光检测对于纤维支气管镜清洗消毒效果的现场评价具有一定的应用价值.【期刊名称】《当代医学》【年(卷),期】2018(024)019【总页数】4页(P55-58)【关键词】ATP荧光检测;细菌培养;纤维支气管镜;清洗;消毒【作者】杨绍丽;吴文莉;王静;徐晶【作者单位】昆明市中医医院,云南昆明 650000;昆明市中医医院,云南昆明650000;昆明市中医医院,云南昆明 650000;昆明市中医医院,云南昆明 650000【正文语种】中文随着纤维支气管镜技术的不断发展,其被广泛应用于感染性、非感染性呼吸道疾病的诊断、治疗,如不明原因的胸腔积液、脓胸、气胸、胸腔内异物等[1]。
主动运输名词解释主动运输是指物质沿着逆化学浓度梯度差(即物质从低浓度区移向高浓度区) 的运输方式,主动运输不但要借助于镶嵌在细胞膜上的一种特异性的传递蛋白质分子作为载体(即每种物质都由专门的载体进行运输),而且还必须消耗细胞代谢所产生的能量来完成。
能量来源主动运输所需的能量来源主要有:1. 协同运输中的离子梯度动力;2. ATP驱动的泵通过水解ATP获得能量;主动运输3. 光驱动的泵利用光能运输物质,见于细菌。
直接能源Na+-K+泵Na+的输出和K+的输入ATP细菌视紫红质H+从细胞中主动输出光能磷酸化运输蛋白细菌对葡萄糖的运输磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸间接能源Na+、葡萄糖泵协同运输蛋白Na+、葡萄糖同时进入细胞Na+离子梯度F1-F0ATPaseH+质子运输,H+质子梯度驱动均以“泵”的概念来解释主动运输的机理,机体细胞中主要是通过Na+、K+ _ATP 酶和Ca2+_ATP酶构成的Na+和Ca2+泵来完成主动运输。
具体方法是将一定量的样品(或样品稀释液)经膜过滤(过滤膜φ巾≤0.45μm),再过滤膜放在培养基上或放在浸行液体培养基的厚纸板上在适宜温度条件下培养一段时间,然后将膜放在浸过0.1%ANS(8一苯胺基萘磺酸镁)溶液的纸片上作用10分钟,将膜揭下,在80℃条件下干燥 5—10分钟,最后在100倍的荧光显微镜(入=340~ 380nm)下计数蓝绿色菌落的数目。
糖果中耐渗透酵母的检测可采用50% 葡萄糖液体培养基,培养时间为48小时(菌数>10个/克)—72小时(菌数≤10个/克)。
灭菌粉(过氧乙酸)对内镜有机物清除力的实验研究顾青;徐敏;盛婷婷;陈广武;沈哲;方英【摘要】目的检测灭菌粉(过氧乙酸)对内镜有机物的清除力.方法采用人工模拟实验方法,将30根肠镜分成3组,每组10根,分别采用清洗剂灌流浸泡3 min、灭菌粉(过氧乙酸)灌流浸泡3 min、灭菌粉(过氧乙酸)灌流浸泡1 min方法清除肠镜有机物,采用ATP生物荧光法检测清洗效果.结果 3种方法清洗肠镜后,ATP生物荧光法检测结果两两比较,差异均无统计学意义.结论与清洗剂比较火菌粉(过氧乙酸)对有机物的去除有效性成立,且灌流浸泡1 min即可达到合格的有机物清除力.【期刊名称】《护理与康复》【年(卷),期】2018(017)002【总页数】2页(P69-70)【关键词】过氧乙酸;内镜;有机物;清洗【作者】顾青;徐敏;盛婷婷;陈广武;沈哲;方英【作者单位】浙江大学医学院附属第一医院,浙江杭州310003;浙江大学医学院附属第一医院,浙江杭州310003;浙江大学医学院附属第一医院,浙江杭州310003;浙江大学医学院附属第一医院,浙江杭州310003;浙江大学医学院附属第一医院,浙江杭州310003;浙江大学医学院附属第一医院,浙江杭州310003【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R472.1消化内镜的应用给消化系统疾病的诊治带来了巨大的变革,特别是近年来开展的消化内镜微创治疗使得消化内镜在临床应用越来越广泛。
常规清除方法是采用清洗剂全管路灌流浸泡3 min后用无菌水灌流冲洗3 min。
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• 创建采样计划,并传输至检测仪
3M Clean-Trace™ ATP 软件
汇总数据,生成结果报告 清洗实施效率的评估
– 初次清洗后即检测
– 生产前的检测
趋势追踪 – 发现问题,找 出影响设备清洗质量的因素
Pas s 28.57%
Caution 7.14%
实验室QA负责:1. 制定ATP采样计划并传输至ATP仪
2. 收集现场检测的数据,集中分析
现场QA负责现场实 时ATP检测(根据 实验室QA制定的采 样计划)
• 确认检测点
Lid 盖子
Probe 探针
Mixer 搅拌叶
Drain Scraper Wall
排液口 刮刀
Pas s
Caution 0.00%
Fail 64.29%
再次清洗后的检测结果 Sample Plan: All Selected Sample Plans
Site ID: All Selected Site ID's
Total Test Point(s) used = 2 : Total Plan(s) used = 2 : Total Sites(s) used = 2
立即通过推压红色手柄将 采样棒插入到试管中,激 活荧光反应。
反应启动后,振荡 5秒充分混合
问题与注意事项 — 采样棒
采样头是被高效的表面活性剂(ATP提取剂)所预润湿: 1. 可以直接涂抹干燥表面 2. 能更好采集表面顽固污垢 3. 能提取微生物中的ATP 4. 避免采集残水过多的表面
采样棒应冷藏保存,温度为2-8℃。 21℃下可放置28天,前提是处于包装袋内。
取出冷藏中的采样棒后需在环境中放置10分钟后再使 用,否则结果会不准确(偏低)。
尤其是从冷藏取出后会有冷凝水,可用干燥的布擦拭 干,然后再放入仪器检测,以避免检测腔污染。
在位清洁 (CIP)
• 通过对从最后冲洗水样无菌采 集的水样的检测,来衡量该生产 区域内的卫生状况 • 最后冲洗水样的采集非常重 要, 它反应了生产系统在刚完成 清洁程序后的卫生状况
轻轻地在容器内壁敲击采样 棒以除气泡,然后将其放回 试管中
可靠 微生物+食品残留
3M Clean-Trace™ ATP荧光检测的意义-清洁管理
发发光光强强度度((RRLLUU)) AATTPP水水平平的的增增加加
定量结果与ATP 准确
灵 敏 10-15mol ATP
便携式设计 简便
首先查看是否有采样棒遗留在检测腔。 若仍报错,打开检测腔盖后放置在安全、黑暗的地方2小 时后再开机查看。 若仍报错,联系3M公司修理。
检测腔若被污染,不要自行清洁! 仪器外壳可用柔软的抹布+温和的清洁剂清洁
3M Clean-Trace™ ATP荧光检测系统的质量控制
3M Clean-Trace™ ATP荧光检测的意义-清洁管理
3M Clean-Trace™ ATP荧光检测的意义-清洁管理
3M Clean-Trace™ ATP荧光检测的意义-清洁管理
3M Clean-Trace™ ATP荧光检测的技术特点
重复性 3M vs Hygiena
3M Clean-Trace™ ATP荧光检测仪的应用
3M Clean-Trace™ ATP荧光检测系统
Clean- Trace™水质采样棒
3M Clean-Trace™ ATP荧光检测系统
采样棒 高效ATP提取剂 液态稳定荧光素/荧光酶
注意事项 — 仪器
1. 需使用3M提供的专门的充电器 2. 注意充电线接口的插入方向
额外耗材 (同位素 放射棒)
1.波长与荧光不同 2.定期人工操作 3.对人伤害
波长与荧 光不同
3M Clean-Trace™ATP荧光检测仪的软件支持
3M Clean-Trace™ ATP荧光检测的技术特点
3M Clean-Trace™ ATP 软件
“食品加工人员应从检测数据中分析其趋势。当观察到趋 势向着不良结果发展时,应立即采取措施进行改善。” “ Food business operators should analyse trends in the test results.
When they observe a trend towards unsatisfactory results, they should take appropriate actions without due delay.” 欧盟委员会《食品微生物标准》 2073/2005, EC Regulation No 2073/2005
采样15秒 + 激活5秒 + 检测10秒 = 结果30秒!
ATP 主要来源
微生物 细菌 酵母 & 霉菌
食品 水果 乳制品 蔬菜 肉类 …等
ATP检测原理 — 生物荧光
荧光素(Luciferin) / 荧光素酶(Luciferase)
CV = 7.8%
CV = 59.8%
3M Clean-Trace™ ATP荧光检测仪的操作
• 用于检测表面卫生的简单,完备的测试工具 • 专门用作清洁后表面的洁净程度
采样方法 — 每次涂抹操作保证一致
用食指和拇指握住涂抹棒 手柄,以便旋转涂抹棒
1-1-2008 2-1-2008 3-3-2008 4-3-2008 5-4-2008 6-4-2008 7-5-2008 8-5-2008 9-5-2008 10-6-2008 11-6-2008 12-7-2008 1-7-2009 2-7-2009 3-10-2009 4-10-2009 5-11-2009
3M CleanTrace™阳性 对照, CleanTrace™表面 采样棒
每次开机 每两年1次
ATP阳性对照 物检测
内置功能 (发光二
极管) 2.开机自动进行
与实际光 完全一致
Hyniena ATP阳性对照品
一旦激活,则应立即检测。 若未激活,可在采样棒试管中保持4小时。
振荡的目的是: 1. 充分混合试剂 2. 充分接触采样棒头
振荡的要求是: 1. 不要上下剧烈振荡,防止试剂冲出 2. 左后来回振荡5秒即可
正常的背景值范围是允许的,为0-20 RLU。
3M Clean-Trace™ ATP荧光检测系统
© 3M 2009. All Rights Reserved.
60’s 研究 80’s ATP仪
90’s普遍应用 于食品加工
20世纪末 引入我国
食品加工成熟 卫生监控方法
3M Clean-Trace™ ATP荧光检测仪的应用
800 600
400 200