大联考湖南师大附中2025届高三月考试卷(三)数学时量:120分钟满分:150分一、选择题:本题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.集合{}0,1,2,3的真子集个数是()A .7B .8C .15D .162.“11x -<”是“240x x -<”的()A .充分不必要条件B .必要不充分条件C .充要条件D .既不充分也不必要条件3.已知角α的终边上有一点P 的坐标是)4,3(a a ,其中0a ≠,则sin2α=()A .43B .725C .2425D .2425-4.设向量a,b 满足+=-=a b a b ,则⋅a b 等于()A .B .2C .5D .85.若无论θ为何值,直线sin cos 10y x θθ⋅+⋅+=与双曲线2215x y m -=总有公共点,则m的取值范围是()A.1m ≥B .01m <≤C .05m <<,且1m ≠D .1m ≥,且5m ≠6.已知函数()2f x 的图象关于原点对称,且满足()()130f x f x ++-=,且当()2,4x ∈时,()()12log 2f x x m =--+,若()()2025112f f -=-,则m 等于()A .13B .23C .23-D .13-7.已知正三棱台111ABC A B C -所有顶点均在半径为5的半球球面上,且AB =11A B =()A .1B .4C .7D .1或78.北宋数学家沈括博学多才、善于观察.据说有一天,他走进一家酒馆,看见一层层垒起的酒坛,不禁想到:“怎么求这些酒坛的总数呢?”经过反复尝试,沈括提出对于上底有ab 个,下底有cd 个,共n 层的堆积物(如图所示),可以用公式()()()2266n nS b d a b d c c a ⎡⎤=++++-⎣⎦求出物体的总数,这就是所谓的“隙积术”,相当于求数列()()(),11,2ab a b a +++.()()()2,,11b a n b n cd ++-+-= 的和.若由小球堆成的上述垛积共7层,小球总个数为238,则该垛积最上层的小球个数为()A .2B .6C .12D .20二、选择题:本题共3小题,每小题6分,共18分.在每小题给出的选项中,有多项符合题目要求.全部选对的得6分,部分选对的得部分分,有选错的得0分.9.若()202422024012202412x a a x a x a x +=++++ ,则下列正确的是()A .02024a =B .20240120243a a a +++= C .012320241a a a a a -+-++= D .12320242320242024a a a a -+--=- 10.对于函数()sin cos f x x x =+和()sin cos 22g x x x ππ⎛⎫⎛⎫=--- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭,下列说法中正确的有()A .()f x 与()g x 有相同的零点B .()f x 与()g x 有相同的最大值点C .()f x 与()g x 有相同的最小正周期D .()f x 与()g x 的图象有相同的对称轴11.过点()0,2P 的直线与抛物线2:4C x y =交于()()1122,,,A x y B x y 两点,抛物线C 在点A 处的切线与直线2y =-交于点N ,作NM AP ⊥交AB 于点M ,则()A .5OA OB ⋅=-B .直线MN 恒过定点C .点M 的轨迹方程是()()22110y x y -+=≠D .AB MN选择题答题卡题号1234567891011得分答案三、填空题:本题共3小题,每小题5分,共15分.12.已知复数12,z z 的模长为1,且21111z z +=,则12z z +=_____.13.在ABC 中,角,,A B C 所对的边分别为,,a b c 已知5,4a b ==,()31cos 32A B -=,则sin B =_____.14.若正实数1x 是函数()2e e x f x x x =--的一个零点,2x 是函数()g x =()()3e ln 1e x x ---的一个大于e 的零点,则()122e ex x -的值为_____.四、解答题:本题共5小题,共77分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.15.(本小题满分13分)现有某企业计划用10年的时间进行技术革新,有两种方案:贷款利润A 方案一次性向银行贷款10万元第1年利润1万元,以后每年比前一年增加25%的利润B 方案每年初向银行贷款1万元第1年利润1万元,以后每年比前一年增加利润3000元两方案使用期都是10年,贷款10年后一次性还本付息(年末结息),若银行贷款利息均按10%的复利计算.(1)计算10年后,A 方案到期一次性需要付银行多少本息?(2)试比较A B 、两方案的优劣.(结果精确到万元,参考数据:10101.1 2.594,1.259.313≈≈)如图,四棱锥P ABCD -中,底面ABCD 为等腰梯形,22AD AB BC ==2=.点P 在底面的射影点Q 在线段AC 上.(1)在图中过A 作平面PCD 的垂线段,H 为垂足,并给出严谨的作图过程;(2)若2PA PD ==.求平面PAB 与平面PCD 所成锐二面角的余弦值.已知函数()()e sin cos ,x f x x x f x =+-'为()f x 的导数.(1)证明:当0x ≥时,()2f x '≥;(2)设()()21g x f x x =--,证明:()g x 有且仅有2个零点.在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,已知椭圆()2222:10x y C a b a b +=>>的两个焦点为12,F F P、为椭圆C 上一动点,设12F PF ∠θ=,当23πθ=时,12F PF ∆.(1)求椭圆C 的标准方程.(2)过点()0,2B 的直线l 与椭圆交于不同的两点(M N M 、在,B N 之间),若Q 为椭圆C上一点,且OQ OM ON =+,①求OBM OBNSS ∆∆的取值范围;②求四边形OMQN 的面积.飞行棋是大家熟悉的棋类游戏,玩家通过投掷骰子来决定飞机起飞与飞行的步数.当且仅当玩家投掷出6点时,飞机才能起飞.并且掷得6点的游戏者可以连续投掷骰子,直至显示点数不是6点.飞机起飞后,飞行步数即骰子向上的点数.(1)求甲玩家第一轮投掷中,投掷次数X 的均值()()1(k E X kP k ∞===∑()1lim n n k kP k ∞→=⎫⎛⎫⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎭∑;(2)对于两个离散型随机变量,ξη,我们将其可能出现的结果作为一个有序数对,类似于离散型随机变量的分布列,我们可以用如下表格来表示这个有序数对的概率分布:(记()()()()()(1211,,mni i i j j j i j i p x p x p x y p y p y p x ξη========∑∑,)j y .)ξη1x 2x ...n X 1y ()11,p x y ()21,p x y ...()1,n p x y ()21p y 2y ()12,p x y ()22,p x y ...()2,n p x y ()22p y ...⋯⋯...⋯...my ()1,m p x y ()2,m p x y ...(),n m p x y ()2m p y ()11p x ()12p x ...()1n p x 1若已知i x ξ=,则事件{}j y η=的条件概率为{}j i P y x ηξ===∣{}{}()()1,,j i i j i i P y x p x y P x p x ηξξ====.可以发现i x ηξ=∣依然是一个随机变量,可以对其求期望{}{}()111mi j j i j i E x y P y x p x ηξηξ===⋅===∑∣∣.()1,mj i j j y p x y =∑(i )上述期望依旧是一个随机变量(ξ取值不同时,期望也不同),不妨记为{}E ηξ∣,求{}E E ηξ⎡⎤⎣⎦∣;(ii )若修改游戏规则,需连续掷出两次6点飞机才能起飞,记0ξ=表示“甲第一次未能掷出6点”,1ξ=表示“甲第一次掷出6点且第二次未能掷出6点”,2ξ=表示“甲第一次第二次均掷出6点”,η为甲首次使得飞机起飞时抛掷骰子的次数,求E η.炎德・英才大联考湖南师大附中2025届高三月考试卷(三)数学参考答案题号1234567891011答案C A C B B D A B BC ACD BC一、选择题:本题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.C 【解析】集合{}0,1,2,3共有42115-=(个)真子集.故选C .2.A 【解析】解不等式240x x -<,得04x <<,解不等式11x -<,得02x <<,所以“11x -<”是“240x x -<”的充分不必要条件.3.C 【解析】根据三角函数的概念,2442sin cos 2tan 24tan ,sin23311tan 25y a x a αααααα======+,故选C .4.B 【解析】()()()22111911244⎡⎤⋅=+--=-=⎣⎦a b a b a b .5.B 【解析】易得原点到直线的距离1d ==,故直线为单位圆的切线,由于直线与双曲线2215x y m -=总有公共点,所以点()1,0±必在双曲线内或双曲线上,则01m <≤.6.D 【解析】依题意函数()f x 的图象关于原点对称,所以()f x 为奇函数,因为()()()133f x f x f x +=--=-,故函数()f x 的周期为4,则()()20251f f =,而()()11f f -=-,所以由()()2025112f f -=-可得()113f =,而()()13f f =-,所以()121log 323m --=,解得13m =-.7.A 【解析】上下底面所在外接圆的半径分别为123,4r r ==,过点112,,,A A O O 的截面如图:22222121534,543,1OO OO h OO OO =-==-∴=-=,故选A .8.B 【解析】由题意,得6,6c a d b =+=+,则由()()()772223866b d a b d c c a ⎡⎤++++-=⎣⎦得()()7[26212(6b b a b b a ++++++6)]()762386a a ++-=,整理得()321ab a b ++=,所以773aba b +=-<.因为,a b 为正整数,所以3ab =或6.因此有6,3a b ab +=⎧⎨=⎩或5,6.a b ab +=⎧⎨=⎩而63a b ab +=⎧⎨=⎩无整数解,因此6ab =.故选B .二、选择题:本题共3小题,每小题6分,共18分.在每小题给出的选项中,有多项符合题目要求.全部选对的得6分,部分选对的得部分分,有选错的得0分.9.BC 【解析】对于A :令0x =,则01a =,故A 错误;对于B :令1x =,则20240120243a a a +++= ,故B 正确;对于C :令1x =-,则012320241a a a a a -+-++= ,故C 正确;对于D ,由()202422024012202412x a a x a x a x +=++++ ,两边同时求导得()20232202312320242024212232024x a a x a x a x ⨯⨯+=++++ ,令1x =-,则12320242320244048a a a a -++-=- ,故D 错误.故选BC .10.ACD 【解析】()()32sin ,2sin 2sin 4244f x x g x x x ππππ⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫=+=--=- ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭.令()0f x =,则,4x k k ππ=-+∈Z ;令()0g x =,则3,4x k k ππ=+∈Z ,两个函数的零点是相同的,故选项A 正确.()f x 的最大值点是()2,,4k k g x ππ+∈Z 的最大值点是32,4k k ππ-+∈Z ,两个函数的最大值虽然是相同的,但最大值点是不同的,故选项B 不正确.由正弦型函数的最小正周期为2πω可知()f x 与()g x 有相同的最小正周期2π,故选项C 正确.曲线()y f x =的对称轴为,4x k k ππ=+∈Z ,曲线()y g x =的对称轴为5,4x k k ππ=+∈Z ,两个函数的图象有相同的对称轴,故选项D 正确.故选ACD.设直线AB 的方程为2y tx =+(斜率显然存在),221212,,,44x x A x B x ⎛⎫⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭,联立22,4,y tx x y =+⎧⎨=⎩消去x 整理可得2480x tx --=,由韦达定理得12124,8x x t x x +==-,A .22121212124,84444x x y y OA OB x x y y =⋅=⋅=+=-+=- ,故A 错误;B .抛物线C 在点A 处的切线为21124x x x y ⎛⎫=+ ⎪⎝⎭,当2y =-时,11121244282222x x x x x t x x =-=-=+=-,即()2,2N t -,直线MN 的方程为()122y x t t +=--,整理得xy t=-,直线MN 恒过定点(0,0),故B 正确;C .由选项B 可得点M 在以线段OP 为直径的圆上,点O 除外,故点M 的轨迹方程是()()22110y x y -+=≠,故C 正确;D.222t MN +==,AB =则()2221412222t AB MNt +⎫==+,,m m =≥则12ABm MN m ⎛⎫=- ⎪⎝⎭,设()1,f m m m m =-≥,则()2110f m m=+>',当m ≥,()f m 单调递增,所以()min f m f==,故D 错误.故选BC .三、填空题:本题共3小题,每小题5分,共15分.12.1【解析】设()()12i ,,i ,z a b a b z c d c d =+∈=+∈R R ,因为21111z z +=,所以2122111z zz z z z +=.因为11221,1z z z z ==,所以121z z +=,所以()()i i i 1a b c d a c b d -+-=+-+=,所以1,0a c b d +=+=,所以()()12i 1z z a c b d +=+++=.13.74【解析】在ABC 中,因为a b >,所以A B >.又()31cos 32A B -=,可知A B-为锐角且()sin 32A B -=.由正弦定理,sin 5sin 4A aB b ==,于是()()()5sin sin sin sin cos cos sin 4B A A B B A B B A B B ⎡⎤==-+=-+-⎣⎦.将()cos A B -及()sin AB -的值代入可得3sin B B =,平方得2229sin 7cos 77sin B B B ==-,故7sin 4B =.14.e 【解析】依题意得,1211e e 0x x x --=,即()()12311122e e ,0,e ln 1e 0x x x x x x -=>---=,即()()3222e ln 1e ,e x x x --=>,()()()131122e e e e ln 1x x x x x ∴-==--,()()()()()()211ln 111112212e e ln 1e ,e e ln 1e e x x x x x x x x -+++⎡⎤∴-=--∴-=--⎣⎦,又22ln 1,ln 10,x x >->∴ 同构函数:()()1e e ,0x F x x x +=->,则()()312ln 1e F x F x =-=,又()()111e e e e e 1e x x x x F x x x +++=-+=-+',00,e e 1,e 10x x x >∴>=∴-> ,又()()1e 0,0,x x F x F x +>'>∴单调递增,()()()3122212222e ln 1e e ln 1,e e e ex x x x x x ---∴=-∴===.四、解答题:本题共5小题,共77分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.15.【解析】(1)A 方案到期时银行贷款本息为()1010110%26⨯+≈(万元).……(3分)(2)A 方案10年共获利:()()1091.2511125%125%33.31.251-+++++=≈- (万元),……(5分)到期时银行贷款本息为()1010110%25.9⨯+≈(万元),所以A 方案净收益为:33.325.97-≈(万元),……(7分)B 方案10年共获利:()()101010.31 1.3190.310123.52⨯-⨯++++⨯=⨯+= (万元),……(9分)到期时银行贷款本息为()()()()101091.11.11110%110%110%17.51.11-++++++=≈- (万元),……(11分)所以B 方案净收益为:23.517.56-≈(万元),……(12分)由比较知A 方案比B 方案更优.……(13分)16.【解析】(1)连接PQ ,有PQ ⊥平面ABCD ,所以PQ CD ⊥.在ACD 中,2222cos 54cos AC AD CD AD CD ADC ADC ∠∠=+-⋅⋅=-.同理,在ABC 中,有222cos AC ABC ∠=-.又因为180ABC ADC ∠∠+= ,所以()1cos ,0,1802ADC ADC ∠∠=∈ ,所以60ADC ∠= ,3AC =故222AC CD AD +=,即AC CD ⊥.又因为,,PQ AC Q PQ AC ⋂=⊂平面PAC ,所以CD ⊥平面PAC .CD ⊂平面PCD ,所以平面PCD ⊥平面PAC .……(5分)过A 作AH 垂直PC 于点H ,因为平面PCD ⊥平面PAC ,平面PCD ⋂平面PAC PC =,且AH ⊂平面PAC ,有AH ⊥平面PCD .……(7分)(2)依题意,22AQ PA PQ DQ =-=.故Q 为,AC BD 的交点,且2AQ ADCQ BC==.所以2222326,333AQ AC PQ PA AQ ===-.过C 作直线PQ 的平行线l ,则,,l AC CD 两两垂直,以C 为原点建立如图所示空间直角坐标系,则:()()36131,0,0,0,,0,3,0,,,03322D P A B ⎛⎫⎛⎫- ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭,所以()326232613261,0,0,0,,0,,,,,3333263CD CP AP BP ⎛⎛⎛===-=- ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭ .设平面PCD 的法向量为(),,x y z =m ,则()0,0,3CD x CP y ⎧⋅==⎪⎨⋅=+=⎪⎩m m取()0,=-m .同理,平面PAB的法向量)1=-n ,1cos<,3⋅>==m n m n m n ……(14分)故所求锐二面角余弦值为13.……(15分)17.【解析】(1)由()e cos sin x f x x x =++',设()e cos sin x h x x x =++,则()e sin cos x h x x x '=-+,当0x ≥时,设()()e 1,sin x p x x q x x x =--=-,()()e 10,1cos 0x p x q x x ''=-≥=-≥ ,()p x ∴和()q x 在[)0,∞+上单调递增,()()()()00,00p x p q x q ∴≥=≥=,∴当0x ≥时,e 1,sin x x x x ≥+≥,则()()()e sin cos 1sin cos sin 1cos 0x h x x x x x x x x x '=-+≥+-+=-++≥,∴函数()e cos sin x h x x x =++在[)0,∞+上单调递增,()()02h x h ∴≥=,即当0x ≥时,()2f x '≥.……(7分)(2)由已知得()e sin cos 21x g x x x x =+---.①当0x ≥时,()()()e cos sin 220,x g x x x f x g x ≥''=++-=-∴ 在[)0,∞+上单调递增,又()()010,e 20g g πππ=-<=->∴ 由零点存在定理可知,()g x 在[)0,∞+上仅有一个零点.……(10分)②当0x <时,设()()2sin cos 0e x x xm x x --=<,则()()2sin 10exx m x '-=≤,()m x ∴在(),0∞-上单调递减,()()01m x m ∴>=,()e cos sin 20,e cos sin 20x x x x g x x x '∴++-<∴=++-<,()g x ∴在(),0∞-上单调递减,又()()010,e 20g g πππ-=-<-=+> ,∴由零点存在定理可知()g x 在(),0∞-上仅有一个零点,综上所述,()g x 有且仅有2个零点.……(15分)18.【解析】(1)设()00,,P x y c 为椭圆C 的焦半距,12122F PF p S c y ∆=⋅⋅,00y b <≤ ,当0y b =时,12F PF S 最大,此时()0,P b 或()0,P b -,不妨设()0,P b ,当23πθ=时,得213OPF OPF π∠∠==,所以c =,又因为12F PF S bc ∆==,所以1,b c ==从而2,a =∴椭圆C 的标准方程为2214x y +=.……(3分)(2)由题意,直线l 的斜率显然存在.设()()1122: 2.,,,l y kx M x y N x y =+.……(4分)1112OBM S OB x x ∆∴=⋅=,同理,2OBN S x ∆=.12OBM OBN S xS x ∆∆∴= (6))联立()22222,141612044y kx k x kx x y =+⎧⇒+++=⎨+=⎩,……(8分)()()()22223164121416430,4k k k k ∴∆=-⨯⨯+=->∴>.……(9分)又121212221612,0,,1414k x x x x x x k k-+==>∴++ 同号.()()2222122121212216641421231414k x x x x k k x x x x kk-⎛⎫ ⎪++⎝⎭∴===+++.()22212122364641616,4,,42143331434x x k k x x k k ⎛⎫>∴=∈∴<++< ⎪⎛⎫+⎝⎭+ ⎪⎝⎭ .令()120x x λλ=≠,则116423λλ<++<,解得()()11,11,3,,11,333OBM OBN S S λ∆∆⎛⎫⎛⎫∈∴∈ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭ .……(12分)(3)()1212,,OQ OM ON Q x x y y =+∴++.且四边形OMQN 为平行四边形.由(2)知()12121222164,41414k x x y y k x x k k-+=∴+=++=++,22164,1414kQ k k -⎛⎫∴ ⎪++⎝⎭.而Q 在椭圆C 上,2222164441414k k k -⎛⎫⎛⎫∴+⨯= ⎪ ⎪++⎝⎭⎝⎭.化简得2154k =.……(14分)∴线段161219357115224MN ==⋅+,……(15分)O到直线MN的距离d == (16))OMQN 574S MN d ∴=⋅=四边形.……(17分)19.【解析】(1)()115,1,2,3,66k P X k k -⎛⎫==⨯= ⎪⎝⎭ ,所以()()215111,1,2,3,,5126666nk n k k k P X k k kP k n =⎛⎫⋅====⨯+⨯+⨯ ⎪⎝⎭∑ ,记211112666n n S n =⨯+⨯++⨯ ,则2311111126666n n S n +=⨯+⨯++⨯ .作差得:1211111511111111661666666556616nn n n n n n S n n ++⎛⎫- ⎪⎛⎫⎛⎫⎝⎭=+++-⨯=-⨯=-+ ⎪⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭- ,所以()16111661,555566556n nn n n k n S kP k S n =⎡⎤⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫=⋅-+==-+⎢⎥ ⎪⎪ ⎪⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎢⎥⎣⎦∑.故()()()116616lim lim 5565nn n n k k E X kP k kP k n ∞∞∞→→==⎡⎤⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫===-+=⎢⎥ ⎪ ⎪⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎢⎥⎣⎦∑∑.……(6分)(2)(i ){}E ηξ∣所有可能的取值为:{},1,2,,i E x i n ηξ== ∣.且对应的概率{}{}()()()1,1,2,,i i i p E E x p x p x i n ηξηξξ====== ∣∣.所以{}{}()()()()()111111111,,,nnmn m i i j i j i j i j i i j i j i E E E x p x y p x y p x y p x y p x ηξηξ=====⎛⎫⎡⎤==⋅=⋅= ⎪⎣⎦ ⎪⎝⎭∑∑∑∑∑∣∣又()()()()21111111,,,nmmnmn mj i j j i j j i j j j i j j i j i j y p x y y p x y y p x y y p y E η=======⎛⎫⋅=⋅==⋅= ⎪⎝⎭∑∑∑∑∑∑∑,所以{}E E E ηξη⎡⎤=⎣⎦∣.……(12分)(ii ){}{}{}12355101,;12,;22,63636E E p E E p E p ηξηηξηη==+===+====∣∣,{}()()5513542122636363636E E E E E ηηξηηη⎡⎤==++++⨯=+⎣⎦∣,故42E η=.……(17分)。
在这里,货币①执行价值尺度职能②执行流通手段职能③只是观念上的货币④必须是现实的货币A.①③ B.①④ C.②③ D.②④据国家统计局统计,2012年9月,我国CPI同比上涨3.6%,我国连续8个月实际利率为负。
Part I Listening Comprehension (30 marks)Section A (22.5 marks)Directions:In this section, you will hear six conversations between two speakers.For each conversation,there are several questions and each question is followed by three choices marked A,B and C.Listen carefully and then choose the best answer for each question.You will hear each conversation TWICE.Example:When will t he magazine probably arrive?A.Wednesday. B.Thursday. C.Friday.The answer is B.Conversation 11.Where did the conversation take place?A.At an airport. B.On a plane. C.On a train.2.Why isn’t the woman going straight to the USA?A.To visit other places.B.To meet some Japanese friends.C.To save money.Conversation 23.Why did the m an shop at Sun Fashion Shop?A.Because of the shop’s advertisement of a ―Clearance Sale‖.B.Because the shirts fitted him perfectly.C.Because the products were said to be good.4.What happened to the T-shirts the man bought after washing?A.They turned to be shabby.B.They became smaller.C.They lost their colors.Conversation 35.What did the man do to prepare for the Christmas?A.He has done some shopping.B.He has done nothing.C.He has made some plans.6.How much does the man always spend for Christmas?A.$ 250. B.$ 750. C.$ 1,100.Conversation 47.What is the unpleasant part of being a taxi driver according to Nancy?A.It’s necessary to deal with different people.B.She has to work when the weather is bad.C.It’s sometimes dangerous to drive at night.8.Which of the following is true about the people Nancy meets?A.They’re usually difficult to please.B.They’re different in personality.C.They’re talkative and generous with tips.9.What do we learn about Nancy from the conversation?A.She plans to quit her job.B.She is very familiar with the city.C.She is unsatisfied.Conversation 510.How long had it been since they played the game last time?A.Exactly a week. B.A couple of days. C.Several weeks. 11.What was the man busy doing last night?A.He was working in the library.B.He was doing a part-time job with Frank.C.He was working on his Chemistry project.12.What’s the real reason why the man hesitate to play with the woman?A.His stomach hurt.B.He was fed up with being a loser.C.He was still concerned about his project.Conversation 613.Where does Susan have to go at 12:30?A.To school.B.To the dentist’s.C.To Julie’s home.14.What will Susan do after she cooks dinner?A.Clean the dishes.B.Help Julie with her project.C.Call a friend.15.Why can’t they watch a video at Susan’s house?A.Susan will finish her history assignment.B.Susan’s mother will ask her to do something else.C.The video machine doesn’t work.Section B (7.5 marks)Directions:In this section, you will hear a short passage.Listen carefully and then fill inthe numbered blanks with the information you have heard.Fill in each blank with NO MORETHAN THREE WORDS.You will hear the short passage TWICE.Kid AthletesSection A (15 marks)Directions:For each of the following unfinished sentences there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the one that best completes the sentence.Example:The wild flowers looked like a soft orange blanket _______ the desert.A.covering B.covered C.cover D.to coverThe answer is A.21.It just doesn’t make sense to me why students like dining outside there is a canteen inside our school.A.unless B.when C.as D.where22.It was in this cottage five-year-old George observed his father die of cancer that he determined to turn doctor when h e grew up.A.where B.that C.when D.after23.The thought suddenly occurred to me we might as well sell the small expensive house in the city to buy a big but cheap one in the suburb.A.and B.whether C.when D.that 24.Suspected of having escaped the lecture, the naughty student about what he was doing when we were in the lecture hall yesterday afternoon.A.questioned B.will question C.is being questioned D.had been questioned 25.The young doctor’s work marvels: the patient is now completely well.A.worked B.has worked C.was working D.will work 26.—Would you give me some advice on how to improve my English in terms of my situation?—Oh, sorry. What is that? I about something else.A.thought B.am thinking C.was thinking D.had thought27.—I hope to meet Ms King the day Professor Smith comes to visit us here in Changsha.—I’m afraid she a speech in Guangzhou then.A.was giving B.have given C.will have given D.will be giving 28.How pleased Mr Robinson was the teacher tell him about his son at school!A.hear B.to hear C.hearing D.heard29.The citizens all sang high praise for the measures to protect Acropolis they saw last week.A.carry out B.carrying out C.carried out D.to carry out30.As Susan was seated in front of the TV, the disaster, she thought she could do something for those in need.A.watched B.watching C.to watch D.having watched 31.—Didn’t you wait for John last night?—No, but we . He didn’t return to the dormitory at all!A.could B.needn’t have C.didn’t need to D.should have 32.South of our school and the stadium , known as Taozi lake.A.lie a lake B.does a lake lie C.lies a lake D.do a lake lie33.The lazy boy must have been dismissed last week, he?A.hasn’t B.haven’t C.doesn’t D.didn’t34.His attitude towards life is more positive in comparison to he held one year ago.A.it B.one C.that D.the one35.One can gain a lot of experience while doing a part-time job. , it can broaden one’s h orizons.A.After all B.Otherwise C.In a word D.MeanwhileSection B (18 marks)Directions:For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A,B, C and D.Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.The U.S. economy added 103,000 jobs in September, but the nation’s unemployment rate held steady at 9.1 percent for the third straight month. Although September's job 36 was stronger than most economists were expecting, it is still not growing fast enough for the millions of Americans 37 for work.In many U.S. cities, frustration over the scarcity(供不应求)of jobs is spilling out into the streets in the 38 of protests, like the "Jobs Not Cuts" rally in Washington.Many, including rapper Godfrey James, say lawmakers are not doing enough to help 39 Americans.Experts say hiring is likely to remain weak for the remainder of the year as companies wait for the economy to 40In New York, where the "Occupy Wall Street" movement appears to be gaining momentum(势头), activists say the richest one percent own most of the country's wealth."I feel like the middle class has been almost completely 41 now. Now, you have got the bottom class and the top class," said one protester.42 , about 14 million Americans are unemployed, nearly 40 percent have been out of work for more than six months.President Barack Obama, who is running for re-election next year, is pressuring Congress to pass a $450 billion job creation plan. Republicans, who see the economy as the 43 weakness, have blocked many of his initiatives(提案)and are 44 to approve the package of tax cuts and public spending.But small business owner Dave Finnegan says Americans need to remind politicians who's 45 in charge."This is how things get done," said Finnegan. "That building, the Capitol building is only a place where they vote on stuff, it's not a place where things originate. Things 46 with people in the street. This is a democracy and it has to start here."While better than expected job numbers last month have helped calm fears of a new recession(不景气), the nation's chronic high unemployment is expected to be a major issue in 2012. And as the electiondraws near, analysts say the weak economy is likely to 47 more rallies.36.A.growth B.fall C.decrease D.drop 37.A.answering B.appealing C.acting D.looking 38.A.course B.form C.case D.possession 39.A.unexpected B.uneducated C.unemployed D.unprepared 40.A.manage B.support C.improve D.convey 41.A.wiped out B.put aside C.turned over D.focused on 42.A.Nevertheless B.Traditionally C.Similarly D.Altogether 43.A.their B.president’s C.protesters’D.our 44.A.inappropriate B.unlikely C.arbitrary D.positive 45.A.really B.equally C.simply D.previously 46.A.associate B.appear C.create D.originate 47.A.result B.lead C.fuel D.contributeSection C (12 marks)Directions: Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits the context.Michelle and I are saddened to learn of the passing of Steve Jobs. Steve was 48. the greatest of American innovators – brave enough to think 49. , bold enough to believe he could change the world, and talented enough to do it.By building one of the planet’s most successful companies from his garage, he exemplified the spirit of American ingenuity(独创性). By making computers personal 50. putting the internet in our pockets, he made the information revolution not only accessible, but intuitive and fun. And by turning his talents to storytelling, he has brought joy to millions of children and grownups 51. . Steve was fond of saying that he lived every day like 52. was his last. 53. he did, he transformed our lives, redefined entire industries, and achieved one of the rarest feats in human history: he changed the way each of us sees the world.The world has lost a visionary. And there may be 54. greater tribute to Steve’s success than the fact that 55. of the world learned of his passing on a device he invented.Part ⅢReading Comprehension (30 marks)Directions:Read the following passages.Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D.Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage.AWhen their parents were children, they imagined a future standing in front of a class of pupils or doing the rounds as a doctor.But today's British teenagers, a survey suggests, seem to have set their sights only on becoming the next Leona Lewis or Wayne Rooney.Researchers questioned 3,000 teenagers about their ambitions and also asked parents about their youthful career hopes.According to the survey, youngsters dream of a celebrity lifestyle, perhaps after finding fame through shows such as the X Factor, and of being actors or sports stars.Copying the likes of Rooney and David Beckham was the top career ambition of today's teenagers, cited by 12 percent.Almost as many, 11 percent, wanted to be pop stars, and the same proportion dreamed of being actors.The success of celebrity chefs such as Jamie Oliver and Gordon Ramsay is likely to explain why becoming a chef is now the dream of 5 percent, a career ambition which did not figure in the list of 25years ago.A quarter of a century back teaching was the top career choice, cited by 15 percent.These days the job is chosen by only 4 percent.Of the traditional professions, only law has risen in popularity.The survey also suggests that more girls dream of becoming doctors and boys want careers as astronauts or firefighters.Child psychologist Laverne Antrobus said the findings reflect today's celebrity culture and warned children against unrealistic dreams."Children see footballers, pop stars and actors on TV and their lives look exciting, glamorous and fun," she said."It is hard for them to realize that they are the end product of a lot of ingredients including talent, determination and years of hard work.Wayne Rooney is not on the pitch by chance."As Antrobus pointed out, there is absolutely nothing wrong with children having big dreams, but "these have to be based on reality," she said.56.The study suggests that today's British teenagers want to ______ sports stars, pop stars and actors.A.have the talent of B.work as hard asC.enjoy the celebrity lifestyles of D.become successful by chance like57.Which of the following statements is TRUE?A.12 percent of British teenagers surveyed wanted to become chefs.B.22 percent of British teenagers surveyed wanted to be pop stars or actors.C.None of the traditional professions are favored by today's British teenagers, the survey suggests.D.Teaching, though less popular, seems to remain one of the top career choices on the list.58.According to child psychologist Laverne Antrobus, the change in career ambitions suggested by the study .A.represents progress B.mirrors today’s celebrity cultureC.shows how materialistic youngsters are D.suggests British teenagers watch too much TV 59.What does the underlined sentence "Wayne Rooney is not on the pitch by chance." mean?A.Wayne Rooney does not get to play much today.B.Wayne Rooney didn't get into sport by chance.C.Wayne Rooney doesn't believe in luck when he is playing.D.Wayne Rooney didn't become successful by luck.60.The expert quoted in the article believes ______.A.there's no point in teenagers having dreamsB.it is wrong to desire to live the life of a celebrityC.young Britons have the same ambitions as their parentsD.children should set practical goals when they think of their careerBThe past ages of man have all been carefully labeled by anthropologists (人类学家).Descriptions like "Palaeolithic(旧石器时代的)Man" ."Neolithic(新石器时代的)Man" ,etc.,neatly sum up whole periods.When the time comes for anthropologists to turn their attention to the twentieth century, they will surely choose the label" Legless Man".Histories of the time will go something like this: "in the twentieth century, people forgot how to use their legs.Men and women moved about in cars, buses and trains from a very early age.There were lifts in all large buildings to prevent people from walking.And the surprising thing is that they didn't use their legs even when they went on holiday."The future history books might also record that we were deprived of the use of our eyes.In our hurry to get from one place to another, we failed to see anything on the way.Air travel gives you a bird's-eye view of the world.When you travel by car or train, an unclear picture of the countryside constantly smears the windows.Car drivers, especially, are mixed with the urge to go on and on: they never want to stop.The typical twentieth-century traveler is the man who always says" I've been there."You mention the remotest, and someone is bound to say "I've been there"—meaning, "I drove through it at 100 miles an hour on the way to somewhere else."When you travel at high speeds, the present means nothing: you live mainly in the future because you spend most of your time looking forward to arriving at some other place.But actual arrival, when it is achieved, is meaningless.You want to move on again.By traveling like this, you suspend all experience.The traveler on foot, on the other hand, lives constantly in the present.For him traveling and arriving are one and the same thing: he arrives somewhere with every step he makes.He experiences the present moment with his eyes, his ears and the whole of his body.At the end of his journey he feels a delicious physical tiredness.He knows that sound, satisfying sleep will be his: the just reward of all true travelers.61.Anthropologists label man nowadays "Legless" because______.A.people forget how to use their legs B.people prefer cars, buses and trainsC.lifts prevent people from walking D.there are a lot of transportation devices 62.Travelling at high speed means______.A.people’s focus on the futureB.a pleasureC.satisfying drivers’ great thrillD.a necessity of life63.Why does the author say ―we are deprived of the use of our eyes‖?A.People won’t use their eyes.B.In traveling at high speed, eyes become useless.C.People can’t see anything on their way of travel.D.People want to sleep during traveling.64.What does ―a bird’s-eye view‖ mean?A.See view with bird’s eyes.B.A bird looks at a beautiful view.C.It is a general view from a high position looking down.D.A scenic place.65.What is the purpose of the author in writing this passage?A.Legs become weaker.B.Modern means of transportation make the world a small place.C.There is no need to use eyes.D.The best way to travel is on foot.CIf you see someone touched on the cheek, and feel as if your own cheek has been touched, then you have mirror-touch synesthesia (共感觉), a condition that causes people to feel the touches that they see others receive.As the name implies, a mirror effect is involved. If a mirror-touch synesthete is standing opposite someone and the non-synesthete is hit in the right arm, the synesthete will feel the blow in his or h er left arm. If the two are standing next to each other, contact with the non-synesthete’s right arm will be felt in the synesthete’s right arm.People with mirror-touch synesthesia have very active mirror neurons(神经细胞) that can produce intense sensations of emotional empathy(同情). Such people can not only imagine the pain of others, but often feel as if it were their own.Besides feeling what others feel, mirror-touch synesthetes are often morally extremely sensitive; many claim to be unable to understand how people can laugh at the misfortunes of others, and to find action and horror movies unbearable to watch.In 2003, Sarah Jane-Blak9emore, a neuroscientist(神经科学家) at University College London, net a 39-year-old woman who confirmed that she could feel contact that she only observed, such as a pinch(掐). She had thought all people were that way; it had never occurred to her that mirror-touch synesthesia was unusual. Researchers later discovered that 11 of the woman’s relatives had another type of synesthesia, known as color-grapheme synesthesia.Recent studies have shed more light on the phenomenon. Researchers have used brain scans, touch tests, and questionnaires to look for mirror-touch synesthesia in 10 subjects. Brain scans have shown that certain areas of the brain are extremely active when mirror-touch synesthetes see someone being touched, while in touch tests they often mistook an observed touch for the one applied to themselves.Learning why some people are highly sensitive to the emotions of others could teach us more about those who aren’t.66.If you’re a mirror-touch synesthete, which of the following best shows the function of the mirror effect in you?A.When you see someone with the broken leg, you try to help.B.When someone hits you on the head, you feel pain.C.When someone touches your left arm, your right arm feels it.D.When someone hits his left leg, your right leg feels it.67.According to the text, what causes mirror-touch synesthesia?A.Mirror neurons. B.A mirror effect. C.emotional empathy. D.Genes.68.All the following of another person can be sensed by a mirror-touch synesthete EXCEPT .A.being touched B.inner feelings C.knowledge D.pain69.Why is the 39-year-old woman mentioned in Paragraph 5?A.Because 11 of her relatives have synesthesia as well.B.Because she can feel pinch she only observes.C.Because Sarah Jane-Blakemore knew her well.D.Because she had never realized she had synesthesia.70.Which of the following statements is TRUE, according to the text?A.We still know little about mirror-touch synesthesia.B.A mirror-touch synesthete is created by horror films.C.Brain scans show the crain is active when touched.D.We can learn about normal people by studying mirror-touch synesthesia.Part IV Writing(45 marks)Section A(10 marks)Directions:Read the following passage.Fill in the numbered blanks by using the information from the passage.Write NOMORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.Stage FrightStage fright is not commonly thought of as a phobia. Officially, it can be recognized as a subset of glossophobia, or fear of public speaking, which is itself a type of social phobia. Many people who perform on a public stage, from kids in school to professional actors, are potentially at risk for stage fright. Even Hollywood lore is filled with tales of performers who have battled with this phobia.People suffering from stage fright have probably dealt with endless questions from family and friends as to why they put themselves through the torment. Two reasons, according to some experts, can account for this phenomenon. First, most performers haven’t had much practice at it. Any unfamiliar activity creates some stress. Second, none of them likes to be evaluated and they dislike the thought of having others examine them too closely.Then, if one suffers from stage fright, what symptoms can be experienced? The phobia generally begins weeks or months before the performance; they may begin to feel jumpy. As the date of the performance draws closer, the symptoms worsen. A few hours before the time when the performers participate in the show, they may meet some problems such as diarrhea(腹泻), and heart palpitations. Both during and after a show, one may even suffer from dry mouth, which is a very annoying problem to have. What’s worse, their hands may shake so much that they can’t read their own notes.It is important to find healthy ways to cope with stage fright. Many performers turn to self-medication, in an effort to dull the pain. This is never a good choice for anyone, because it can turn into a dangerous cycle for those who perform regularly. Like any phobia, stage fright is highly treatable. Many people with stage fright think that their performance will not be ―good enough‖, thereby disappointing their audience and ruining their own careers. Therapy can help you learn to replace these negative messages with more rational thoughts and with the help of some therapists you will also be taught relaxation exercises that you can do when the anxiety becomes overwhelming.Stage fright is remarkably common, and many performers never seek help. Treated properly, however, the condition can be successfully managed.Directions:Read the following passage.Answer the questions according to the informationgiven in the passage.Forty-three years seems like a long time to remember the name of a mere acquaintance.I have forgotten the name of an old lady, who was a customer on the paper route in my home town when I was a twelve-year-old boy.Yet it dwells in my memory that she taught me a lesson in forgiveness that I shall never forget.On a winter afternoon, a friend and I were throwing stones onto the slanted roof of the old lady's house from a spot near her backyard.The object of our play was to observe how the stones changed to missiles as they rolled to the roof’s edge and shot out into the yard like comets(彗星) falling from the sky.I found myself a perfectly smooth rock and threw it out.The stone was too smooth, however, so it slipped from my hand as I let it go and headed straight not for the roof but for a small window on the old lady's back porch.At the sound of fractured glass, we knew we were in trouble.We turned tail8)and ran faster than any of our missiles flew off her roof.I was too scared about getting caught that first night to be concerned about the old lady with the broken window in winter.However, a few days later, when I was sure that I hadn't been discovered, I started to feel guilty for her misfortune.She still greeted me with a smile each day when I gave her the paper, but I was no longer able to act comfortable in her presence.I made up my mind that I would save my paper delivery money, and in three weeks I had the seven dollars that I calculated would cover the cost of her window.I put the money in an envelope with a note explaining that I was sorry for breaking her window and hoped that the seven dollars would cover the cost for repairing it.I waited until it was dark, snuck up to the old lady's house, and put the letter I didn't sign through the letter slot in her door.My soul felt redeemed and I could have the freedom of, once again, looking straight into the old lady's kind eyes.The next day, I handed the old lady her paper and was able to return the warm smile that I was receiving from her.She thanked me for the paper and gave me a bag of cookies she had made herself.I thanked her and proceeded to eat the cookies as I continued my route.After several cookies, I felt an envelope and pulled it out of the bag.When I opened the envelope, I was stunned.Inside were the seven dollars and a short note that said, "I'm proud of you."81. How old is the author now? (No more than 2 words) (2 marks)55 / Fifty-five /He’s 55.82. what happened to the old lady’s house that winter afternoon? (No more than 12 words) (2 marks)A small window of her house was broken by the author.83. why did the author put an envelope with seven dollars and a note in the old lady’s door?(No more than14 words) (3 marks )He wanted to apologize/say sorry and cover the cost for repairing her window. / To apologize and cover the cost of her window. /To say sorry and cover the cost of her broken window.84. why did the old lady return the author seven doliars and a note ―I’m proud of you‖? (No more than 15words) (3 marks)Because she wanted to show her forgiveness to the author./ Because she wanted to express that she had already forgiven the author.Section C (25 marks)Directions:Write an English composition according to the instructions given below in Chinese.正在念高三的你,青春年少,有几许欢乐,亦在诸多茫然。
湖南师大附中2025届高三月考试卷(三)历史参考答案一、选择题(本大题共16小题,每小题3分,共48分)题号12345678910111213141516答案C D B B D A A A B D C A C B C B1. C【解析】题中显示夏商时期早期金属矿、盐池的分布情况,政治中心在黄河中游,金属矿多分布于长江流域。
2. D【解析】题干中提到秦国“圆塞险”而“天材之利多”,这只是自然条件方面的优势,但不是最主要因素;“百姓朴”且“甚畏有司而顺”说明百姓朴实且顺从管理;都邑官府“恭俭、敦敬、衷信”,士大夫“无有私事”,这些都体现了秦国在国家治理方面,官员清正廉洁、百姓顺从,整个国家治理良好。
3. B【解析】根据材料,韩愈认为:如果佛有灵,能给人带来灾祸,坚守儒道的君子只要信奉天命,就不用惧怕。
4. B【解析】辽朝以契丹为国号,体现其对游牧民族传统和文化的重视;以辽为国号,体现其吸收汉文化和制度的意图;实行双重国号是要在保持游牧民族的传统和吸收汉文化中寻求平衡。
江西师大附中2013届高三10月月考 英语
江西师大附中高三年级英语月考试卷(2012. 10)第I卷(共三部分,115分)第一部分听力部分(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。
1. What's the weather like?A. Rainy.B. Sunny.C. Cloudy.2. What are the two speakers talking about?A. The danger in the sea.B. The colors of the fish.C. The protection for the fish.3. Why are they trying to call David?A. To tell him that they are busy.B. To invite him to see a movie with them.C. To ask him a question about the homework.4. What caused Mr. Black to knock down the girl?A. She was careless.B. He was careless.C. He was drunk.5. When are Betty and Mike getting married?A. May.B. June.C. July.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
2025届湖南省湖南师大附中梅溪湖中学高三上学期月考一英语试卷一、听力选择题1.Which film does Mary want to see?A.Ordinary Angels.B.Bob Marley: One Love.C.Kung Fu Panda 2.Where does the conversation probably take place?A.In an apartment.B.In a restaurant.C.In a shop.3.Who is the woman probably talking to?A.Her friend.B.A travel agent.C.A hotel receptionist. 4.What is the weather like now?A.Cloudy.B.Sunny.C.Rainy.5.What happens to Sarah?A.She eats too much.B.She has a toothache.C.She needs an operation.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
6.What does the woman plan to do next?A.Drive home.B.Pick Jack up.C.See her husband. 7.What is Jack doing?A.Watching TV.B.Practicing football.C.Walking with Tim.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
8.Why does Alice want to meet David?A.To seek for advice.B.To borrow some books.C.To invite him to a game. 9.How does Ethan sound in the end?A.Humble.B.Proud.C.Satisfied.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
北冰洋 太平洋 亚洲 北美洲 欧洲 非洲 大西洋 地中海 直布罗陀海峡 巴拿马运河 北美洲 南美洲 太平洋 大西洋 巴拿马运河:连接太平洋和大西洋的人工河道,位于南北美洲分界线处巴拿马共和国中部的巴拿马地峡,全长82千米,可通行6万吨级船舶。
? 北美洲 南美洲 太平洋 大西洋 实战演练 1 地球表面,海洋与陆地面积比为( ) A2:8 B8:2 C3:7 D 7:3 七大洲中面积最大的是( ) A 亚洲 B非洲 C 南极洲 D 北美洲 四大洋中面积最小的是( ) A 太平洋B 大西洋C 印度洋D 北冰洋 四大洋中跨经度最多的大洋是( ) A太平洋 B 大西洋 C 印度洋 D 北冰洋 D A D D 5 大洲中全部位于北半球的是() A亚洲 B 欧洲 C 非洲 D 大洋洲 跨经度最广的大洲是( )A 亚洲B 非洲C 南极洲D 欧洲 美洲的东面和西面分别濒临( ) A 大西洋 太平洋 B 太平洋 大西洋 C 太平洋 印度洋 D 印度洋 太平洋B C A 1 3 4 5 6 7 3 2 亚 非 北 南美 南极 欧 大洋 三、七大洲和四大洋 西半球 东 半球 20°W A BC D E 北极 南极 A B C D E 北极 南极 1 2 3 4 4 A B C D E 北极 南极 A B C D E 北极 南极 A B C D E 北极 南极 A B C D E 北极 南极 1 2 3 4 4 160°E 160°E 北极 A B C D E 1 2 3 4 北半球 南半球 1 3 a b c d e A B 2 1 3 a b c A B 2 1. A是( )洲 B是( )洲 C是( )洲 .海:1___ 2是____ .湖泊: 3是_____ .运河e是____ .河流b是 .山脉a是____ c是 _______ C 欧 亚州 非洲 地中海 黑海 里海 苏伊士运河 乌拉尔河 乌拉尔山 大高加索山 海峡: 土耳其海峡 欧洲 亚州 非洲 亚州 地中海 黑海 地中海 黑海 里海苏 伊 士 运 河 * 让学生分析为什么人类把地球叫地球而不叫水球,你认为哪个名字更合适些? * 总结 * 1、比较陆地大小:哪个半球陆地面积大? 2、单东半球比较,是陆地还是海洋大? * 海陆半球划分 第 二章 陆地和海洋第一节 大洲和大洋 我看到的地球更像水球! 古人在给地球起名的时候,为什么叫“地球 ”而不叫“水球 ”?从东西半球看:陆地主要分布在 半球,海洋主要分布在 半球。
炎德·英才大联考湖南师大附中2012届高考模拟卷(三)科目:英语(试题卷)策划㊁制作:湖南炎德文化实业有限公司注意事项:1.答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名㊁准考证号写在答题卡和本试题卷的封面上,并认真核对答题卡条形码上的姓名㊁准考证号和科目㊂2.选择题和非选择题均须在答题卡上作答,在本试题卷和草稿纸上作答无效㊂考生在答题卡上按如下要求答题:(1)选择题部分请按题号用2B铅笔填涂方框,修改时用橡皮擦干净,不留痕迹;(2)非选择题部分请按题号用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔书写,否则作答无效;(3)请勿折叠答题卡㊂保持字体工整㊁笔迹清晰㊁卡面清洁㊂3.本试题卷共13页㊂如缺页,考生须及时报告监考老师,否则后果自负㊂4.考试结束后,将本试题卷和答题卡一并交回㊂姓 名准考证号祝你考试顺利!绝密★启封并使用完毕前炎德·英才大联考湖南师大附中2012届高考模拟卷(三)英 语命题人:湖南师大附中高三英语备课组本试卷分为四个部分,包括听力㊁语言知识运用㊁阅读和书面表达㊂时量120分钟㊂满分150分㊂P a r tⅠ L i s t e n i n g C o m p r e h e n s i o n(30m a r k s)S e c t i o nA(22.5m a r k s)D i r e c t i o n s:I n t h i s s e c t i o n,y o uw i l lh e a r s i xc o n v e r s a t i o n sb e t w e e nt w os p e a k e r s.F o r e a c hc o n v e r s a t i o n,t h e r e a r e s e v e r a l q u e s t i o n s a n d e a c h q u e s t i o n i s f o l l o w e db y t h r e e c h o i c e sm a r k e dA,Ba n dC.L i s t e nc a r e f u l l y a n dt h e nc h o o s e t h eb e s ta n s w e r f o r e a c h q u e s t i o n.Y o uw i l l h e a r e a c hc o n v e r s a t i o nT W I C E.E x a m p l e:W h e nw i l l t h em a g a z i n e p r o b a b l y a r r i v e?A.W e d n e s d a y.B.T h u r s d a y.C.F r i d a y.T h e a n s w e r i s B.C o n v e r s a t i o n11.W h a tm o n t h i s i t n o w?A.J u l y.B.J u n e.C.M a y.2.W h a t d o e s t h ew o m a no f f e r t od o f o r t h em a n?A.T o t y p eh i s p a p e r.B.T oh e l p h i m w i t hh i s r e s e a r c h.C.T oo r g a n i z eh i s n o t e s.C o n v e r s a t i o n23.W h a t c a n t h ew o m a nb e?A.S h e i s aw a i t r e s s a t ah o t e l.B.S h e i s t h e s e c r e t a r y o fM r.B l a c k.C.S h e i s t h e a s s i s t a n t o fP r o f e s s o rG r e e n.4.W h y d i d t h em a na s k t h ew o m a n t oc h a n g e t h ed o l l a r?A.T o p a y f o r t h e i n f o r m a t i o n.B.T om a k e a p h o n e c a l l.C.T o t a k e ab u s.英语试题(附中版)第1 页(共13页)C o n v e r s a t i o n35.H o w w i l l t h e t r a v e l e r s g o f r o m T h a i l a n d t oH o n g K o n g?A.B y t r a i n.B.B y a i r.C.B y f e r r y.6.H o w m u c hw i l l t h e t r a v e l c o s t?A.$1600.B.$660.C.$600.C o n v e r s a t i o n47.W h e r ed o e s t h ew o m a nw o r k?A.I na s c h o o l.B.O na f a r m.C.I na s u p e r m a r k e t.8.W h o p r e f e r s t o l i v e i nN e w Y o r k?A.T h ew o m a n’s b r o t h e r.B.T h em a n.C.T h ew o m a n.9.W h a t a r e t h e yg o i n g t od oa f t e r t h e c o n v e r s a t i o n?A.T ov i s i tN e w Y o r k.B.T oh a v e l u n c h.C.T ov i s i t t h eA r tM u s e u m.C o n v e r s a t i o n510.H o wd o e s t h em a n f e e l a b o u t h i s i n t e r v i e wt o m o r r o w?A.H e i s l o o k i n g f o r w a r d t o i t.B.H e i s n’t i n t e r e s t e d i n i t.C.H e i sw o r r i e da b o u t i t.11.W h a t i m p r e s s e d t h ew o m a nm o s t?A.T h eG e r m a n s s h em e t l a s t y e a r.B.T h ew a y t h em a n t a l k e d t o s o m eG e r m a n s.C.T h eh o l i d a y s h e s p e n tw i t h t h em a n.12.W h a t i s t h e p r o b a b l y r e l a t i o n s h i p b e t w e e n t h e s p e a k e r s?A.I n t e r v i e w e e a n d i n t e r v i e w e r.B.S t u d e n t a n d t e a c h e r.C.F r i e n d s.C o n v e r s a t i o n613.W h a t d i d t h en u r s e a s k t h ew o m a n?A.A g e,h e i g h t a n dw e i g h t.B.N a m e,a d d r e s s a n d I Dc a r dn u m b e r.C.M a r r i a g e a n de d u c a t i o n l e v e l.14.W h i c ho f t h e f o l l o w i n g i sT R U Ea b o u t t h ew o m a n’s d o c t o r?A.H e s t a y e d i n t h eo f f i c e.B.H ew a s h e a l t h y.C.H eh a da f l ua n dh a d t o s t a y i nb e d.15.W h o t r e a t e da l l t h e p a t i e n t s?英语试题(附中版)第2 页(共13页)英语试题(附中版)第3 页(共13页)A.T h en u r s e .B .T h ew o m a n ’s d o c t o r .C .T h ew o m a n ’s d o c t o r ’s d o c t o r .S e c t i o nB (7.5m a r k s)D i r e c t i o n s :I n t h i s s e c t i o n ,y o uw i l l h e a r a s h o r t p a s s a g e .L i s t e n c a r e f u l l y an d t h e n f i l l i n t h e n u m b e r e d b l a n k s w i t h t h e i n f o r m a t i o n y o uh a v e h e a r d .F i l l i n e a c h b l a n kw i t h N O M O R ET H A NT H R E E WO R D S .Y o uw i l l h e a r t h e s h o r t p a s s a g eT W I C E .W a y s o f r e l a x i n g T a k i n g e x e r c i s e ,t r a v e l i n g a b r o a da n d16. 17. f o rh a v i n gar e l a x i n g l i f e ●P e o p l e s p e n d 18. w o r k i n g t h a nb e f o r e .●P e o p l e h a v et w o w e e k s ’19. a n d b a n k h o l i d a ys .●P e o p l e l i v e l o n ge r n o w.●F e w e r b a b i e s a r eb o r ne a c h y e a r .C o n c l u s i o nL e i s u r e p l a y s a n i m po r t a n t p a r t i n20. .P a r t Ⅱ L a n g u a g eK n o w l e d g e (45m a r k s )S e c t i o nA (15m a r k s)D i r e c t i o n s :F o re a c ho f t h e f o l l o w i n g u n fi n i s h e ds e n t e n c e st h e r ea r e f o u rc h o i c e s m a r k e dA ,B ,Ca n dD .C h o o s e t h e o n e t h a t b e s t c o m p l e t e s t h e s e n t e n c e .E x a m p l e : T h ew i l d f l o w e r s l o o k e d l i k e a s o f t o r a n g eb l a n k e t t h ed e s e r t .A.c o v e r i n gB .c o v e r e dC .c o v e rD.t oc o v e rT h e a n s w e r i sA .21. B e c a r e f u l .D o n ’t f o r ge t y o ua r eo n t h e l a d d e r . B u t y o ua r eh o l d i n g i tf o rm e ,n o t h i ng .A.w o r r y i n g a b o u t B .t ow o r r y a b o u t C .i sw o r r i e da b o u tD.w o r r y i n g ab o u t 22.O u r f o r m e r t e ac h e r i s c o m i n g t o s e eu s .W h a t p r e s e n t f o r e v e r y b od y?A.y o ue x pe c t s h eh a s g o t B .y o ue x pe c t h a s s h e g o t C .d o y o ue x pe c t s h eh a s g o t D.d o y o ue x pe c t h a s s h e g o t 23.M y a d v i c e i s t h a t y o us h o u l da v o i d a s y o ua r eo b j e c t i n g too t h e r s .B u t d o n ’t b e a f r a i d t oo f f e n d t h e mi fw o r t h i t .A.s o u n dB .t o s o u n dC .s o u n d i n gD.b e i n g so u n d e d 24. a c e r t a i nd o u b t a m o n g t h e p e o p l e a s t o t h e p r a c t i c a l v a l u e o f t h e p r o j e c t .A.I t h a sB .T h e y ha v e C .I t r e m a i n s D.T h e r e r e m a i n s 25.P l e a s ed om eaf a v o u r M rS m i t ho f t h ed a t ea n d p l a c eo fo u rE n gl i s h s pe e c hc o n t e s t .A.t o i n f o r mB.i n f o r m i n gC.i n f o r mD.i n f o r m e d26.I t i s n o t h o w m u c hw e d o b u t h o wm u c h l o v ew e p u t i n t ow h a t w e d o b e n e f i t so u rw o r km o s t.A.w h oB.w h i c hC.t h a tD.w h a t27.F a c t s p r o v e t h a t t h ew o r l d’s e c o n o m i cd e v e l o p m e n t i sn o t aw i n-l o s e g a m eb u t o n e i nw h i c ha l l b ew i n n e r s.A.c a nB.m u s tC.s h a l lD.w o u l d28.I t i s u n c e r t a i n s i d ee f f e c t t h em e d i c i n ew i l l b r i n g a b o u t,a l t h o u g ha b o u tt w o t h o u s a n d p a t i e n t s h a v e t a k e n i tA.w h a tB.t h a tC.h o wD.w h e t h e r29.H ed i dn o t r e g r e t s a y i n g w h a t h ed i db u t f e l t t h a t h e i t d i f f e r e n t l y.A.c o u l de x p r e s sB.w o u l de x p r e s sC.c o u l dh a v e e x p r e s s e dD.m u s t h a v e e x p r e s s e d30. H o wc a n I g e t t h em a i n i d e ao f an e w s a r t i c l e q u i c k l y?J u s t l o o ka t t h ef i r s ta n dl a s t p a r a g r a p h,a n d y o u w h a t i t i s m a i n l ya b o u t.A.s e eB.w i l l s e eC.a r e s e e i n gD.h a v e s e e n31.H ew a s s u c ha g r e a th e r ot h a t h ed i d,e v e nh i sw a y o fw a l k i n g,w a si m i t a t e db y m a n yy o u n gp e o p l e.A.n om a t t e rw h a tB.h o w e v e rC.n om a t t e r h o wD.w h a t e v e r32.M a r y w a sm u c hk i n d e r t oJ a c kt h a ns h ew a s t ot h eo t h e r s, o fc o u r s e,m a d e a l l t h eo t h e r s u p s e t.A.w h oB.t h a tC.w h a tD.w h i c h33.I t’s s a i d t h a t p e t s a r en o t a l l o w e d t o t h i s r e s t a u r a n t.A.t a k i n gB.b e i n g t a k e nC.t o t a k eD.t ob e t a k e n34. y o u r a p p l i c a t i o n f o r mc a r e f u l l y,m i s t a k e s c a nb e e a s i l y a v o i d e d.A.H a v i n g c h e c k e dB.C h e c kC.I f y o u c h e c kD.T oc h e c k35.T h e I n t e r n e t g i v e s p e o p l e t h e c h a n c e t oh a v e i n f o r m a t i o n t h e y n e e d t ot h e mq u i c k l y a n dc h e a p l y.A.t od e l i v e rB.d e l i v e rC.d e l i v e r i n gD.d e l i v e r e dS e c t i o nB(18m a r k s)D i r e c t i o n s:F o r e a c hb l a n k i n t h e f o l l o w i n gp a s s a g e t h e r ea r e f o u rw o r d s o r p h r a s e s m a r k e dA,B,Ca n dD.F i l l i ne a c hb l a n kw i t ht h ew o r do r p h r a s e t h a tb e s t f i t s t h e c o n t e x t.Al i t t l eb o y w e n t i n t oad r u g s t o r e,r e a c h e df o ras o d ac a r t o na n da s k e df o ra英语试题(附中版)第4 页(共13页)p h o n e c a l l.T h e s t o r e-o w n e r r e p l i e d, S w e e t i e,t h i s i s n o t aS T D(用户直通长途电话).B u t y o u c a nd oo n e c a l l.”T h e s t o r e-o w n e r o b s e r v e da n d l i s t e n e d t o t h e c o n v e r s a t i o n:T h eb o y a s k e d, L a d y,c a n y o u g i v e m et h e j o bo fc u t t i n gy o u r 36 ?”T h e w o m a n r e p l i e d, I a l r e a d y h a v e s o m e o n e c u tm y l a w n.”L a d y,Iw i l l c u t y o u r l a w nf o rh a l f t h e p r i c eo f t h e 37 w h oc u t s y o u r l a w n n o w,”r e p l i e d t h e b o y.T h ew o m a n r e s p o n d e d t h a t s h ew a s v e r y 38 w i t h t h e p e r s o n w h ow a s 39 c u t t i n g t h e l a w n.T h e l i t t l eb o y f o u n dm o r e 40 a n do f f e r e d, L a d y,I’l l e v e ns w e e py o u r c u r ba n d y o u r s i d e w a l k,s oo nS u n d a yy o uw i l l h a v e t h e 41 l a w ni na l l o fN o r t h-P a l mb e ac h,F l o r id a.”A g a i n t h ew o m a na n s we r e d i n 42 .W i t ha s m i l eo nh i s f a c e,t h e l i t t l eb o y 43 t h e r e c e i v e r.T h e s t o r e-o w n e rw h o w a s 44 a l l t h et i m e w a l k e do v e r t ot h eb o y a n ds a i d, S o n,I l i k e y o u r a t t i t u d e.I l i k e t h a t 45 s p i r i t a n dw o u l d l i k e t oo f f e r y o ua j o b.”T h e l i t t l eb o y r e p l i e d, N o,t h a n k s.Iw a s j u s t 46 m yp e r f o r m a n c ew i t ht h e j o bIa l r e a d y h a v e.I a mn o w w o r k i n g f o r t h a t l a d y Iw a s 47 !”36.A.h o u s e B.l a w n C.g a r d e n D.f i e l d37.A.w o m a n B.b o y C.p e r s o n D.o w n e r38.A.b o r e d B.a n g r y C.c r o s s D.s a t i s f i e d39.A.p r e s e n t l y B.l a t e l y C.p r e v i o u s l y D.i m m e d i a t e l y40.A.a n g e r B.p e r s e v e r a n c e C.s i n c e r i t y D.s a t i s f a c t i o n41.A.c h e a p e s t B.d e a r e s t C.u g l i e s t D.p r e t t i e s t42.A.n e g a t i v e B.p a r t i c u l a r C.t o t a l D.t u r n43.A.t h r e w B.r e p l a c e d C.h e l d D.d e s t r o y e d44.A.l i s t e n i n g B.w o n d e r i n g C.s m i l i n g D.c o m p l a i n i n g45.A.c o n t i n u o u s B.c o o p e r a t e C.f r e e D.p o s i t i v e46.A.d e s c r i b i n g B.c o m p e n s a t e C.r e g r e t t i n g D.c h e c k i n g47.A.t a l k i n g o f B.t a l k i n g t o C.t a l k i n g o v e r D.t a l k i n g b a c kS e c t i o nC(12m a r k s)D i r e c t i o n s:C o m p l e t e t h e f o l l o w i n gp a s s a g eb y f i l l i n g i ne a c hb l a n kw i t ho n ew o r d t h a t b e s t f i t s t h e c o n t e x t.B e i n g s u c c e s s f u l i sh a r d.Ik n o wal o to f y o uh a v ec h a l l e n g e s i n y o u r l i v e sr i g h t n o wt h a t c a n m a k e48. h a r dt of o c u so n y o u r s c h o o l w o r k.Y o u w o n’t l o v e e v e r y s u b j e c t t h a t y o us t u d y.N o te v e r y h o m e w o r ka s s i g n m e n tw i l l s e e m c o m p l e t e l y r e l e v a n t49. y o u r l i f ea t t h i sm i n u t e.A n d y o uw o n’tn e c e s s a r i l y s u c c e e da t e v e r y t h i n g t h e f i r s t t i m e y o u t r y.T h a t’so k a y.S o m e o ft h e m o s ts u c c e s s f u l p e o p l ei nt h e w o r l d a r et h e o n e s 50. h a v eh a d t h e m o s t f a i l u r e s.Y o uc a n’t l e t y o u r f a i l u r e sd e f i n e y o u y o u英语试题(附中版)第5 页(共13页)h a v e t o l e t y o u r f a i l u r e s t e a c h y o u.Y o uh a v e t o l e t t h e ms h o w y o u51. t od o d i f f e r e n t l y t h en e x tt i m e.S oi f y o u g e t i n t ot r o u b l e,t h a td o e s n’t m e a n y o u’r ea t r o u b l e m a k e r,i tm e a n s y o un e e d t o t r y h a r d e r t oa c t r i g h t.52. y o u g e t ab a d g r a d e,t h a t d o e s n’tm e a n y o u’r e s t u p i d:i t j u s tm e a n s y o un e e d t o s p e n d53. t i m e s t u d y i n g.N o w,y o u r f a m i l i e s a n d y o u r t e a c h e r s a r ed o i n g e v e r y t h i n g t h e y c a n t om a k e s u r e y o uh a v e54. e d u c a t i o n y o un e e d.S o I e x p e c t a l l o f y o u t o p u t y o u r b e s t e f f o r t i n t oe v e r y t h i n gy o ud o.Ie x p e c t g r e a t t h i n g s f r o m e a c ho f y o u.D o n’t l e tu sd o w n.D o n’t l e t y o u rf a m i l y d o w no r y o u rc o u n t r y d o w n.55. o fa l l,d o n’tl e t y o u r s e l f d o w n.M a k eu s a l l p r o u d.P a r tⅢ R e a d i n g C o m p r e h e n s i o n(30m a r k s)D i r e c t i o n s:R e a d t h e f o l l o w i n g t h r e e p a s s a g e s.E a c h p a s s a g e i s f o l l o w e db y s e v e r a l q u e s t i o n s o ru n f i n i s h e d s t a t e m e n t s.F o r e a c ho f t h e mt h e r ea r e f o u r c h o i c e sm a r k e dA, B,Ca n d D.C h o o s et h eo n et h a t f i t sb e s ta c c o r d i n g t ot h ei n f o r m a t i o n g i v e ni nt h e p a s s a g e.AT h eB e s t o fA l a s k aN o t h i n g e v o k e s(唤起)A l a s k a l i k eaw h a l ee x p l o d i n g o u to f t h ew a t e ro ra ne a g l e p u l l i n g as i l v e rf i s h f r o m t h er i v e r.C o m b i n et h e s ei m a g e s w i t h h i g h m o u n t a i n s, b r i l l i a n t i c e b e r g s a n dw o n d e r f u lm e a l s a n d y o u r e a l l y d oh a v e t h eB e s t o fA l a s k a!J o i n u s f o r a nu n f o r g e t t a b l e7-d a y e x c u r s i o n(远足)t o t h e l a s t f r o n t i e r!H i g h l i g h t s(集锦)J U N E A U:J u n e a u,t h e s t a t e c a p i t a l,i s r i c h i nc u l t u r e a n d s c e n i cb e a u t y.I t i s h e r e t h a t w e s t a r t a n de n do u r t r i p.H A I N E S:H a i n e s i sas m a l lc o m m u n i t y l o c a t e da l o n g t h ef j o r d s(海湾).T h en a t u r a l b e a u t y a n de x p a n s i v e w i l d e r n e s sf o u n dh e r eh a v e m a d e H a i n e sa p r e m i e rc e n t e rf o r a d v e n t u r e i nA l a s k a.A L A S K AI N D I A NA R T S:A l a s k a I n d i a nA r t s i s a n o n p r o f i t c o r p o r a t i o nd e d i c a t e d t o t h e p r e s e r v a t i o na n dc o n t i n u a t i o no f t r a d i t i o n a l n a t i v ec r a f t a n dc u l t u r eo f t h eN o r t h w e s t N a t i v eT r i b e s.W es p e n daf e w h o u r s l e a r n i n g c a r v i n g,n a t i v eb e a d i n g(玻璃珠)a n d c u l t u r e f r o mt h e s em a s t e r a r t i s t s.S K A G W A Y:S k a g w a y i sal i v e l y t o w n,w h i c hs t i l lr e f l e c t si t s g o l dr u s h r o o t sa n d c o n t a i n s c o l o r f u l s h o p s.I n S k a g w a y,w e s t o p b y t h eK l o n d i k eG o l dR u s hN a t i o n a l P a r k V i s i t o r’sC e n t e r a n d r i d e t h e W h i t eP a s sY u k o nR o u t eR a i l w a y.G U S T A V U S:G u s t a v u s i s t h e g a t e w a y t o G l a c i e rB a y N a t i o n a lP a r k.W e’l l s t a y a ta c o m f o r t a b l e l o d g e(h o t e l)h e r e f o r t w on i g h t s.T h i sw i l l b e t h eb a s e f o r b o t h t h ew h a l e w a t c h i n g e x c u r s i o na n da f u l l d a y c r u i s e(巡游)i nG l a c i e rB a y.英语试题(附中版)第6 页(共13页)D A TE S/P R I C E S:2012:M a y12,J u n e13,J u l y14,A u g u s t15.7d a y s $3,500,i n c l u d i n g l o d g i n g,a l lm e a l s,e x c u r s i o n s,g u i d e s,p a r kf e e s,s a l e s t a x e s,a n d t r a n s p o r t a t i o n b e t w e e n J u n e a u,S k a g w a y,H a i n e s,a n d G u s t a v u s.N o t i n c l u d e d:a l c o h o l,p e r s o n a l i t e m s,a i r f a r e t oa n d f r o mJ u n e a u.C o n t a c t:E m a i l:i n f o@a l a s k a m o u n t a i n g u i d e s.c o mC a l l:180********W r i t e:A l a s k aM o u n t a i nG u i d e s&C l i m b i n g S c h o o lP.O.B o x1081,H a i n e sA K9982756.Y o u c a n f e e l t h eh i s t o r y o f t h e l o c a l p l a c e a t .A.J u n e a uB.H a i n e sC.S k a g w a yD.G u s t a v u s57.Y o u c a nw a t c haw h a l e e x p l o d i n g o u t o f t h ew a t e r a t .A.G l a c i e rB a y N a t i o n a l P a r kB.t h eK l o n d i k eG o l dR u s hN a t i o n a l P a r kC.t h e W h i t eP a s sY u k o nD.t h e f j o r d s58.A c c o r d i n g t o t h ea d v e r t i s e m e n t,t h e p a r t i c i p a n t s o f t h e e x c u r s i o n .A.c a n g e t l o t s o f t r a d i t i o n a l n a t i v e a r t w o r k f r e eo f c h a r g eB.a r e a b l e t oe x p e r i e n c e s o m e a d v e n t u r o u s a c t i v i t i e s i nH a i n e sC.w i l l s p e n do n ed a y e x p e r i e n c i n g t h e l o c a l c u l t u r e a tA l a s k a I n d i a nA r t sD.c a nc o n t a c tA l a s k aM o u n t a i nG u i d e s&C l i m b i n g S c h o o l b y e m a i l o r f a x59.W h i c ho f t h e f o l l o w i n g r e q u i r e s a p a r t i c i p a n t t o p a y a d d i t i o n a l f e e s?A.G o i n g f r o m G u s t a v u s t o J u n e a ub y t r a i n.B.Af u l l d a y c r u i s e i nG l a c i e rB a y.C.H a v i n g t h e l a s t s u p p e r a t J u n e a u.D.F l y i n g f r o mJ u n e a u t oh i s h o m e t o w n.60.I t i s k n o w n f r o mt h e p a s s a g e t h a t .A.t h en a t i v e c u l t u r eo f t h eN o r t h w e s tN a t i v eT r i b e s i s d y i n g o u tB.J u n e a u,a s t h e s t a t e c a p i t a l,i sm u c hm o r eb e a u t i f u l t h a nH a i n e sC.S k a g w a y w a s t h e r i c h e s t t o w no fA l a s k a i n t h e p a s tD.A l a s k a i s f a m o u s f o r i t s c u l t u r e,h i s t o r y a n dn a t u r a l b e a u t yBH o w m a n y h i s t o r i cc h u r c h e s,p u b so rb u i l d i n g sa r et h e r ei n y o u rc i t y?A r et h e y w o r t h p r e s e r v i n g?O ra r et h e yj u s ta w a s t eo fs p a c e?T h e r ea r ea r g u m e n t sf o ra n d a g a i n s t s p e n d i n g m o n e y o nh i s t o r i cb u i l d i n g s.D a n g e r o u s s t a i r c a s e s.U n e v e n f l o o r s.Al a c ko f I T i n f r a s t r u c t u r e(基础设施).T h e英语试题(附中版)第7 页(共13页)p r o b l e m w i t h m a n y o l db u i l d i n g s i s t h a t t h e y’r e...o l d a n de x t r e m e l y e x p e n s i v et o m o d e r n i z e.T a k e t h e c a s eo f t h eC o m b i n a t i o nR o o mi nC a m b r i d g eU n i v e r s i t y.I tw a s b u i l t i n1347a n dw a s i n i t i a l l y u s e df o r l e c t u r e s.L a t e r,i t b e c a m e t h eR e g e n tH o u s e t h eu n i v e r s i t y’s p a r l i a m e n t.I t’so fe n o r m o u sh i s t o r i c a lv a l u ea n dc u l t u r a l i n t e r e s t.H o w e v e r,i t d o e s n’tm e e t a c c e s s i b i l i t y s t a n d a r d s f o r d i s a b l e d p e o p l e.A s a r e s u l t,a l i f t n e e d s t ob e i n s t a l l e d,b u t n o t e v e r y o n e i s h a p p y a b o u t t h i s. N o t h i n g w i l l p e r s u a d em e t h a t t h i s l i f tw o u l dn o t,i ni t se f f e c t,b eas u b s t a n t i a l c h a n g i n g t ot h e m o s t p r e c i o u s r o o mi n t h eu n i v e r s i t y.I tw o u l dd e s t r o y t h e s y mm e t r y(对称)o f t h a t b e a u t i f u l r o o m,”s a i do n eu s e r.I n g e n e r a l,m o d e r nb u i l d i n g s d o n’th a v e t h i s t y p eo f p r o b l e m.T h e y c a nb eb u i l ta c c o r d i n g t o t h e l a t e s t e n v i r o n m e n t s t a n d a r d s,w i t hd r a u g h t p r o o f i n g a n d i n s u l a t i o n t o h e l p r e d u c ec a rb o n e m i s s i o n a n ds a v ee n e r g y.T h e yc a n a l s o b e m ade w h e e l c h a i r a c c e s s i b l e,a n d t h e y c a nb ed e s i g n e dt oe n s u r e m a x i m u mc o mf o r ta n ds p a c e.A n y o n e w h o’s b e e nt oam o d e r nc i n e m a,t h e a t r eo r c o n c e r th a l l r e c e n t l y m a y u n d e r s t a n dt h e d i f f e r e n c eb e t w e e n t h e n e wb u i l d i ng s a n do l d e r o n e s,whi c h t e n d t oh a v e s m a l l e r s e a t s, l e s s s p a c e a n d p o o r e r a c o u s t i c s(音响效果).V e r y o f t e n,t h e r e’sm o n e y t ob em a d e b y k n o c k i n g d o w no l db u i l d i n g...e s p e c i a l l y i f t h e y’r e i nc i t y c e n t e r s.S o,t h eb i g g e s t t h r e a t t om a n y h i s t o r i cb u i l d i n g s c o m e s f r o m d e v e l o p e r s.O n eo fC r o y d o n’s o l d e s t p u b s,T h eR o s e a n dC r o w n,i s a p e r f e c t e x a m p l e o f t h i s.A p r o p e r t y d e v e l o p m e n tc o m p a n y h a sr e c e n t l y b e e n g r a n t e d p e r m i s s i o nt o c o n v e r t(变换)t h e18t hc e n t u r y b u i l d i n g i n t of l a t s,m u c ht ot h ed i s a p p o i n t m e n to f m a n y l o c a l r e s i d e n t s. T h eb a r i sf u l lo fu n i q u ef e a t u r e sa n d p e r f e c te x a m p l e so fa t r a d i t i o n a l L o n d o n p u b.I t r e a l l y w o u l db e t r u l y t r a g i c f o r t h i sG r a d e I I l i s t e db u i l d i n g t ob e t u r n e d i n t o s o u l l e s s f l a t s,”s a i da s p o k e s p e r s o n f o rE n g l i s hh e r i t a g e.S o,a r et h e s eb u i l d i n g sr e a l l y w o r t h p r e s e r v i n g? T r a d i t i o n a lb u i l d i n g ss u c h a s c h u r c h e s,t o w nh a l l s,s c h o o l s a n dh o s p i t a l s g i v eE n g l a n d i t s c h a r a c t e r,”t h e s p o k e s m a n a d d e d. T h i s i s a b o u t g u a r a n t e e i n g t h e f u t u r eo f t h e p a s t.I t’s a b o u tm a k i n g t h e p a s t p a r t o f o u r f u t u r e.T h i s i sw h y w e e x i s t.”61. a r en o ta c c e s s i b l et ot h e C o m b i n a t i o n R o o mi n C a m b r i d g eu n i v e r s i t yw i t h o u t a l i f t.A.T h eo l dB.T h ed i s a b l e dC.T h e y o u n gD.T h ed e a f62.P e o p l ea r ea g a i n s t i n s t a l l i n g al i f t i nt h eC o m b i n a t i o n R o o m f o ra l l t h er e a s o n sE X C E P Tt h a t .A.i t i s t o oe x p e n s i v e t om o d e r n i z e t h eo l db u i l d i n gB.t h e l i f tw o u l dd oh a r mt o t h e s y m m e t r i c a l b e a u t yC.t h e l i f tw o u l dn o t c o m e i n t ou s e a t a l lD.i t’s r i c h i nh i s t o r i c a l v a l u e a n dc u l t u r a l i n t e r e s t英语试题(附中版)第8 页(共13页)63.W h i c ho f t h ef o l l o w i n g a d v a n t a g e so f t h e m o d e r nb u i l d i n g s i sN O T m e n t i o n e d i n t h e p a s s a g e?A.R e d u c t i o no f c a r b o ne m i s s i o na n de n e r g y s a v i n g.B.I n s t a l l a t i o no f I T i n f r a s t r u c t u r e.C.W h e e l c h a i r a c c e s s i b i l i t y.D.M a x i m u mc o m f o r t a n d s p a c e.64.T h eu n d e r l i n e d s e n t e n c e s i n t h e l a s t p a r a g r a p hm e a n s ”.A.t r a d i t i o n a l b u i l d i n g s r e p r e s e n to u rc u l t u r es ot h a tw es h o u l d p r o t e c t t h e m a n dl e a r n f r o mt h e p a s t t oe n r i c h t h e f u t u r eB.t r a d i t i o n a l b u i l d i n g s s t a n d f o r t h e p a s t o f t h e c i t y s o t h a tw e s h o u l db e r e m i n d e do f t h e p a s tC.t r a d i t i o n a l b u i l d i n g s a r e s o p r e c i o u s t h a tw e s h o u l d l i v e i n t h e mt om e m o r i z e t h ep a s tD.t r a d i t i o n a l b u i l d i n g s a r e s o r a r e t h a tw e s h o u l dm a k e f u l l u s eo f t h e m65.W h a tw o u l db e t h eb e s t t i t l eo f t h e p a s s a g e?A.H o wt om o d e r n i z eo l db u i l d i n g sB.C o m b i n a t i o nR o o m,t h e t r e a s u r eo fC a m b r i d g eU n i v e r s i t yC.T h e t h r e a t t o t h eo l db u i l d i n g sD.O l db u i l d i n g s,t o p r e s e r v eo r n o tCH a l fo ft h e w o r l d’s p o p u l a t i o n i s a f f e c t e d b y A s i a n m o n s o o n s(季风),b u t m o n s o o n s a r ed i f f i c u l t t o p r e d i c t.A m e r i c a nr e s e a r c h e r sh a v e p u t t o g e t h e ra700-y e a r r e c o r do f t h e r a i n y s e a s o n s,w h i c h i s e x p e c t e d t o p r o v i d e g u i d a n c e f o r e x p e r t sm a k i n g w e a t h e r p r e d i c t i o n s.E v e r yy e a r,m o i s t(潮湿的)a i rm a s s e s,k n o w na sm o n s o o n,p r o d u c e l a r g ea m o u n t s o f r a i n f a l l i n I n d i a,E a s tA s i a,N o r t h e r nA u s t r a l i aa n dE a s tA f r i c a.A l l t h i sw e t a i r i s p u l l e d i nb y ah i g h p r e s s u r e a r e ao v e r t h e I n d i a nO c e a na n da l o w p r e s s u r ea r e a t o t h e s o u t h.A c c o r d i n g t o E d w a r d C o o k,a w e a t h e re x p e r ta t C o l u m b i a U n i v e r s i t y i n N e w Y o r k,t h e c o m p l e xn a t u r eo f t h ec l i m a t e s y s t e m s a c r o s sA s i am a k e sm o n s o o n sh a r dt o p r e d i c t.I n a d d i t i o n,c l i m a t er e c o r d sf o rt h ea r e aa r et o or e c e n ta n d n o td e t a i l e de n o u g h t ob eo fm u c hu s e.T h e r ef o r e,h ea n dat e a m o f r e s e a r c h e r s s p e n tm o r et h a nf i f t e e n y e a r s t r a v e l i ng a c r o s sA s i a,l o o k i n g f o r t r e e so l de n o u g ht o p r o v i d e l o n g-t e r m r e c o r d s.Th e y m e a s u r e d t h e ri n g s,o r c i r c l e s,i n s i d e t h o u s a n d s o f a n c i e n t t r e e s i nm o r e t h a n300p l a c e s.R a i n f a l l h a s ad i r e c t l i n k t o t h e g r o w t ha n dw i d t ho f r i n g s o n s o m ek i n d s o f t r e e s. T h e r e s e a r c h e r s d e v e l o p e d a d o c u m e n t t h e y a r e c a l l i n g M o n s o o nA s i aD r o u g h tA t l a s.I t英语试题(附中版)第9 页(共13页)s h o w s t h e e f f e c t o fm o n s o o n s o v e r s e v e nc e n t u r i e s,b e g i n n i n g i n t h e1300s.P r o f e s s o rC o o k s a y s t h e t r e e-r i n g r e c o r d s s h o w p e r i o d s o fw e t a n dd r y w e a t h e r. I f t h em o n s o o nb a s i c a l l y f a i l so r i sav e r y w e a ko n e,t h et r e e sa f f e c t e db y m o n s o o n sa t t h a t l o c a t i o nm i g h t p u t o nav e r y n a r r o wr i n g.B u t i f t h em o n s o o n i s v e r y s t r o n g,t h e t r e e s a f f e c t e d b y t h a tm o n s o o nm i g h t p u t o n aw i d e r i n g f o r t h a t y e a r.S o,t h ew i d e a n d n a r r o w r i n g w i d t h so ft h ec h r o n o l o g y t h a tw ed e v e l o p e di n A s i a p r o v i d eu sw i t ha m e a s u r eo fm o n s o o nv a r i a b i l i t y.”W i t ha l l t h i s i n f o r m a t i o n,r e s e a r c h e r s s a y t h e y c a n b e g i n t o i m p r o v e c o m p u t e r c l i m a t em o d e l s f o r p r e d i c t i n g t h eb e h a v i o r o fm o n s o o n s.T h e r eh a s b e e nw i d e s p r e a d f a m i n e a n d s t a r v a t i o na n dh u m a nd y i n g i n t h e p a s t i n l a r g ed r o u g h t s.A n do nt h eo t h e rh a n d,i f t h e m o n s o o ni s p a r t i c u l a r l y h e a v y,i tc a n c a u s ee x t e n s i v e f l o o d i n g.”s a i d E u g e n e W a h l,a s c i e n t i s t o f A m e r i c a’s N a t i o n a l O c e a n i ca n d A t m o s p h e r i c A d m i n i s t r a t i o n. S o,t o g e tas e n s eo f w h a tt h er e g i o n a l m o i s t u r e p a t t e r n sh a v eb e e n,d r y n e s sa n d w e t n e s so v e r s u c ha l o n gp e r i o do f t i m e i ng r e a t d e t a i l,Iw o u l dc a l l i t ak i n do f v i c t o r y f o r c l i m a t e s c i e n c e.”66.W h a t’s t h e p a s s a g em a i n l y a b o u t?A.T h e e f f e c t s o fA s i a nm o n s o o n s.B.T h en e c e s s i t y o fw e a t h e r f o r e c a s t.C.T h e a c h i e v e m e n t s o fE d w a r dC o o k.D.Ab r e a k t h r o u g h i nm o n s o o n p r e d i c t i o n.67.I t i s d i f f i c u l t f o r e x p e r t s t o p r e d i c tA s i a nm o n s o o n s b e c a u s e .A.i t i s h a r d t ok e e p l o n g-t e r mc l i m a t e r e c o r d sB.t h e y a r e f o r m e du n d e r c o m p l e x c l i m a t e s y s t e m sC.t h e y i n f l u e n c em a n y n a t i o n sD.t h e r e i s h e a v y r a i n f a l l i nA s i a68.A c c o r d i n g t oP r o f e s s o rC o o k,t h e r i n g s o f t h e t r e e s .A.d e t e r m i n e t h e r e g i o n a l c l i m a t eB.h a v e a g r e a t i n f l u e n c eo n t h e r e g i o n a l c l i m a t eC.o f f e r p e o p l e i n f o r m a t i o na b o u t t h e r e g i o n a l c l i m a t eD.r e f l e c t a l l k i n d s o f r e g i o n a l c l i m a t e i n f o r m a t i o n69.W h a t d ow ek n o wa b o u t t h e r e s e a r c ha c c o r d i n g t oE u g e n e W a h l?A.I t i s a g r e a t a c h i e v e m e n t i nc l i m a t e s c i e n c e.B.I t s h o u l d i n c l u d e i n f o r m a t i o na b o u t h u m a n l i f e i n t h e p a s t.C.I t h a s a n a l y s e dm o i s t u r em o d e l sw o r l dw i d e.D.I tw i l l h e l pp e o p l e p r e v e n t d r o u g h t s a n d f l o o d s.70.W h i c ho f t h e f o l l o w i n g b e s t d e s c r i b e s t h e t o n eo f t h i s p a s s a g e?A.M a t t e r-o f-f a c t.B.P e s s i m i s t i c.C.H u m o r o u s.D.F r i e n d l y.英语试题(附中版)第10 页(共13页)。
B.Because her son was experienced in review writing.
A.A food industry mitted to charity.'
B.An institution offering learning programs.
C.A supermarket offering voluntary programs.
D.A website promoting kids' gardening facilities.
B.Give examples of her son’s gift in technology.
C.Describe their close parentchild relationship.
D.Express her satisfaction of her son’s petence.
6.Why did the writer take her friend’s advice of writing technology reviews?
As a teenager now, he has a busy social life, with skateboarding, basketball, and online gaming with his friends. I see our time together decreasing and our shared interests shrinking. That’s why I jumped at the chance when a friend mentioned writing technology reviews. I’m a writer, but I’d need a partner who has more tech knowledge than me. When I presented the idea to my teen, he immediately accepted.
C. The age for school.
5. How will the woman go home?
A. By car. B. By plane. C. By train.
A. Running. B. Football. C. Volleyball.
9. What month is it now?
A. September. B. October. C. November.
10. What has the man already done?
Art Gallery at Evergreen Cultural Centre
Serving the Tri- cities for over 20 years,the Art Gallery at Evergreen(AGE) absorbs visitors through exhibitions,activated by public programs and our dynamic school workshops.The AGE focuses on contemporary art and ideas explored by professional artists working in all media.We also support young artists through our annual Emerging Talent exhibition,which features work by local high school students from School District 43.We believe that art is necessary to our daily life and seek opportunities to connect people with artists and the creative process.
Part I Listening Comprehension (30 marks)Section A (22.5marks)Directions: In this section, you will hear six conversations between two speakers.For each conversation, there are several questions and each question is followed by three choices marked A, B and C.Listen carefully and then choose the best answer for each question.You will hear each conversation TWICE.Example:When will the magazine probably arrive? A.Wednesday.B.Thursday.C.Friday.The answer is B.Conversation 11.Where does the conversation take place?A.At a clinic.B.At a restaurant.C.At a drugstore.2.What restaurant did the woman go to first last night?A.Chinese.B.American.C.Italian.Conversation 23.How much does the tour cost, including lunch?A.Ninety yuan. B.Eighty yuan.C.One hundred yuan.4.What can we learn about the guidebook?A.It’s expensive.B.it's about the places people will visit.C.It is written in both English and Chinese.Conversation 35.What did the woman do 15 minutes ago?A.She left her purse on the table.B.She went to the restroom.C.She came back from the restroom.6.Where was the purse found?A.On the table.B.In the restroom.C.Under the table. Conversation 47.Who is the woman?A.A sportswoman.B.A traveler.C.A pilot.8.What caused the accident?A.She hurt her arm.B.She lost her way.C.She landed the wrong way.9.What can we learn about the woman?A.She is weak.B.She was injured in the right foot last year.C.She’ll recover in about two months.Conversation 510.Where is the man going?A.To Paris.B.To London.C.To Berlin.11.How did the man go to Europe in World War n?A.By plane.B.By warship. C.By truck.12.How soon will the speakers arrive?A.In 2 hours.B.In 4 hours.C.In 6 hours.Conversation 613.Why did the man leave his previous job in the bank?A.His family moved to another place.B.He had never gotten a raise.C.He just wanted to make a change.14.What are the man's best qualities?A.Hard-working and responsible.B.Faithful and energetic.C.Smart and capable.Section B (7.5 marks)Directions: In this section, you will hear a short passage.Listen carefully and then fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard.Fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.Part ⅡLanguage Knowledge(45marke)Section A (15marks)Directions: For each of the following unfinished sentences there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the one that best completes the sentence.21.How can I help them to understand _____ they won't listen to me?A.when B.while C.where D.unless22.Partly_____ about his past love, he buried himself in his work.A.to have forgot B.having forgot C.to forget D.forgotten23.They could have escaped from the big fire, but unfortunately, someone ____the door.A.locked B.have locked C.had locked D.will lock 24.Nowadays almost everyone prefers to use a smart mobile phone _____ functions are more practical.A.which B.where C.what D.whose25.It is said that the building to be completed next year will be ____ the old one.A.as half big as B.half as big asC.half bigger as D.bigger half as26.When you look at_____ great effects the climate change has on our life, you'11 agree that it is the most pressing global problem.A.which B.how C.what D.why 27.According to the schedule, the flight No.232 to Beijing____ at 10:30.We'd better set out right now, or we'll be late.A.leaves B.left C.will leave D.has left28.By the time you arrive in London, we_____ in Europe for two weeks.A.will stay B.stayedC.will have stayed D.are staying29.When we were in the college, we _____ stay either in the lab or in the library, devoting ourselves to books.A.should B.would C.can D.need30._____ and we' 11 finish the work on time.A.If we are given two more days B.Two more daysC.Having two more days D.Given two more days31.The murderer was brought in, with his hands ____ behind his back.A.being tied B.having tied C.to be tied D.tied32.40% of the students in our school _____ from the other parts of Hunan, which ___ relatively large number.A.is? are B.is; isC.are; is D.are; are33.____ approximately eight by fourteen feet, this room can house 6 to 8 students.A.Measuring B.Being measuredC.Having measured D.To measure34.—____ you make such great achievements in your career?—With strong will and devotion.A.What is that B.How is it thatC.What is it that D.How is that35.We are always told that Only through hard work____our goals in our study.A.we will achieve B.we have achievedC.have we achieved D.will we achieveSection B(18 marks)Directions'.For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D.Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.A French billionaire used to have a rough time when he was young.Later he 36 himself in the field of drawing sales.Within ten years, he had become a young media tycoon (大亨)in France.He died of cancerin 1998.A French newspaper published his 37 after his death, in which he claimed:Iwas a poor guy.Before t reach the threshold (门槛)of heaven, I leave my secret of how to become 38 to the world.Anyone who can answer the question 'What do the poor 39 most will have discovered my secret of becoming rich.My deposit of one million francs in the private safe of my bank will be the prize for his wisdom in uncovering the riddle of poverty."Many people 40 to the publicized will.The answers, as one might imagine, were 41 .The majority of them thought the poor were missing money most.Some stated that what the poor most 42 was opportunity.Still others thought that the poor needed skills to make money.The rest of the answers claimed that poverty could be attributed to the 43 of help, love, attractiveness, and 44 good luck.On the first anniversary of the billionaire’s passing, his lawyer and representative opened his private safe in the bank; the secret of getting rich 45 .The billionaire believed that the most absent among the poor was the 46 of getting rich.It was a nine? year? old girl who hit the nail on the head.Why did she regard "ambition" as the.Thing the poor lacked most? The day she was officially 47 the one million francs, she said:" Every time my elder sister brought her boyfriend home, she always warned me not to be ambitious.So, I thought perhaps ambition was something that brought what you wanted." 36.A.introduced B.guided C.became D.established 37.A.story B.will C.secret D.finding 38.A.rich B.positive C.successful D.determined 39.A.save B.expect C.lack D.hope 40.A.applied B.responded C.admitted D.contributed ;t 41.A.various B.incorrect C.creative D.related 42.A.cared B.desired C.ignored D.shared 43.A.presence B.absence C.rejection D.dependence 44.A.even B.still C.so D.yet 45.A.turned out B.got out C.came out D.putout 46.A.idea B.ambition C.luck D.opportunity 47.A.awarded B.received C.returned D.donated, Directions: Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits the context.In the face of various and complicated requirements of employment market, some student begin to question the significance of learning basic knowledge and skills, just as 48.is exposed in some news reports.However, it is absolutely wrong to hold that idea.Owing to the fact 49, we.are living in a competitive society, the development of our society demands that we arm 50.with basic skills and up-to-date knowledge so as to keep up with the pace of our society.51.investigation shows that millions of people spend 'time and energy grasping skills and technology so that they 52.keep a favorable position in job marketor enhance their opportunities.While focusing on creativity, innovation, management and leadership skills, we should 53.forget the fundamental importance of the more basic, essential skills.It is universally Known that opportunity is important, 54.you could do nothing with it if you are not equipped 55 competitive forces, such as basic reading and calculating skills@ to seize it.Part III Reading Comprehension(30 marks)Directions; Read the following three passages.Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage.AThe Go-Getter: Dan Maiman, 48, marketing engineer turned comedianGot Started in: New York CityThe Goal: To make laughter his businessThe Gain; Doubled his salary, learned to trust his instinct.When I was laid off from Intel Corporation in New York almost two years ago, I felt very frustrated.I was afraid that I would not find a better job.'I'd been with the company since 1996 and had poured a lot intomy technical work.But I also felt free, maybe even excited.I hadn't really liked my job very much.Years earlier, I had taken a comedy class to conquer my fear of public speaking.I had a skill for stand.A lot of my material was biographical, as in, "When I applied for the job at Intel* they^ told m&, You're half Indian, half Japanese? You don't even have to interview!'" Like many other performers, I seemed shy in person, but after a show, people would say, "Hey, you' re amazing on stage."I thought, dray, I'll pursue comedy.It'll pay starvation wages, but I'm not a big spender.I can eat Top Amen noodles forever.I also had a fairly graceful nest egg from all those years in the corporate world.I composed jokes while riding the subway, walking around, and talking on the phone with friends.I made efforts to practice.I promoted myself on the Internet, and performed when I had the chance.My new career took off.So far I have done stand-up at corporate functions, charity galas, and birthday parties.This year, I'll have flown 125,000 miles on Delta.I'm a frequent flier, and I get upgraded to first class on everyflight.Recently, I made the unrealistic sum of $ 12,500 in one night.I'm making more than double what t made at Intel.I'll probably pull in about $ 275,000 this year, not counting the commercial;! just shot for a computer company.I also have a role in a movie due out next summer.The Last Air bender, directed by M.Night Shyamalan and featuring one of the stars of Sundog Millionaire, Dev Patel.In the Indian immunity,I've become pretty well known.In this business, there is no greater thrill than thinking of a joke in the shower that makes you laugh out loud, practicing it for a small audience, and then performing it in a theater of 2,000 people-and bringing the house down.Getting laid off was the best thing that has ever happened tome.(From Reader's Digest )56.What is the text mainly about?A.The author's experience after being laid off.B.The greatest excitement in the author's life.C.The funniest thing the author has experienced.D.The author's experience at Intel Corporation.57.What was the author's first response to the fact that he was laid off?A.He felt amused.B.He felt relaxed.C.He was.excited.D.He felt worried.58.The underlined word "instinct" in the fourth paragraph probably means____.A.achievement B.potentialC.imagination D.curiosity62.Which of the following is TRUE about baby giant pandas?A.At birth, they are as small as a human hand.B.They are born with a full coat of fur.C.The mother and rather raise the baby giant pandas together.D.They learn to look for bamboo as soon as they are born.63.In winter, giant pandas ______.A.don’t have to eat anything B.change their lifestyle completelyC.prefer to give birth to their babies D.needn’t sleep day and night64.It can be inferred from the passage that ____.A.people who like history might enjoy watching Giant PandasB.the team members were excited when they found the giant panda wasteC.the program Giant Pandas provides all information about giant pandasD.the Qinling Mountains are a natural link between the east and west of China65.What's the best title for (he passage?A.Gi ant Pandas and the Camera Group’s Work on Giant PandasB.How to Protect Giant PandasC.Qinling Mountains: Giant Pandas^ Natural HabitatD.The Mfestyle of Giant PandasCIs early childhood education really necessary? Early childhood education primarily focuses on learning through playing to develop the child's physical, sensory, communicational and social development.Early childhood education has become a concern of the government, who pushes poor children to be formally trained before they-are old enough for kindergarten.There are good reasons for the government to push early childhood education.Studies have shown that orphaned children who did not receive good care and education become developmentally delayed causing failure in school, and even in life.Further studies show that poor children who take part in Head Start programs are more prepared for school, less likely to end up in Special Education classes, and are less likely to receive public help or g& to jail.There are also negative parts to putting a child in formal education programs too early.Time Magazine online explains that the younger the child the less his chances of catching up with first-grade work.n I have personally witnessed many children of my generation who went to Head Start programs become frustrated and bored with school before they finished high school.Yetpatents have been sure that the earlier the child starts school, the better life he or she will have, so they Dash to start children earlier.Actually while early formal education of poor children does show great gains in the early elementary years, studies also show that this head start is really a "false start", as the gains are lost in middle and high school years.It seems that environment is a bigger factor on life's success than early education.Head programs have not achieved its original goal m dosing the achievement gap in poor and middle school children.Perhaps it is time to find other ways to close that gap.66.The purpose of the government valuing the teary childhood education isA.to develop the children^ communicationB.to give orphaned children good care and educationC.to get the children prepared for the kindergartenD.to train the children formally and regularly67.According to the studies, which of the following is TRUE?A.Children with good early education* may have a good life.B.The orphaned children are usually unhappy in their life.C.Children without early education can do well at school.D.Head Start programs are helpful to the poor children.68."...the younger the child the less his chances of catching up with first-grade work." suggests that_____.A.the early childhood educ ation is helpless to the child’s gradeB.it is good for the young children to receive early educationC.the early education can help the children follow the gradeD.the younger the children are, the more clever they will be69.The authors attitude toward the early childhood education is_____.A.subjective B.objective C.disapproving D.approving 70.The main idea of the last paragraph is that_____.A.the early childhood education is very necessaryB.Head Start programs have helped the children a lotC.environment is the most important to lifers successD.better ways should be found to help the poor childrenPart ]V Writing(45 marks)Section A(10 marks)Directions".Read the following passage.Fill in the numbered blanks by using the information from thepassage.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.A gap year (also known as year abroad, year out, year off, deferred year, bridging year, time off and tune out)is a year during which students take time off and do something other than schooling, such as travel or work.The gap year is most commonly taken after secondary school and before starting university.The practice of taking a gap year developed in the United Kingdom in the 1960s.During a gap year, a student might travel, do voluntary work overseas or undertake a working holiday abroad.In 1978, the Prince of Wales and Colonel John Blashford-Snell beam what is now known asRaleigh International by launching ' Operation Drake", a gap year expedition voyage around the world following Sir Francis Drake's route.The Center for Interim Programs in the United States was originally founded in 1980 to assist students in making a more effective transition from high school to college.The gap year has grown very popular among students in the UK, Australia, New Zealand and Canada.A trend for gap years is to participate in educational programs that combine language study, home stay, cultural immersion, community .service, and independent study.The high pressure increasingly leaves students of high school tired out and longing for refreshment.Also, counselors are coming to bless the gap-year option, and colleges increasingly are offering a delayed enrol lment option as more and more “ga pers" arrive on campus with enhanced motivation and maturity-all of which prepares well for their undergraduate years in college.In 2010, gap year travel has increased among school, college and university leavers, as this is seen as an attractive option for future career development.Section B(10 marks)Directions Read the following passage.Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage.Bard itch High School decided to have an All-School Reunion.Over 450 people came to the event.There were tours of the old school building and a picnic at Confederate Park.Several former teachers were to tell stories about the old days, including Ms.Mabel Yates, .an English teacher for fifty years.Some eyes rolled and there were a few low groans (嘟囔声)when Ms.Yates was about tospeak.Many started looking at their watches and coming up with excuses to be anywhere instead of preparing to listen to a lecture from an old woman who had few kind words for her students while teaching.Then Ms.Yates started to speak:"I can't tell you how pleased I am to be here.I haven’t seen many of you since your graduation, but I have followed your careers arid enjoyed your victories as well as crying for your tragedies.I have a large collection of newspaper photographs of my students; Although I haven’t appeared in person, I have attended your college graduations* weddings and even the births of your children, in my imagination."Ms.Yates paused and started crying a bit.Then she continued:"There is no greater comfort for an educator than to see the end result of his or her years of work.You have all been a great source of pleasure and pride for me and I want you to know I love you all from the bottom of my heart."There was a silence over the crowd for a few seconds and then someone started clapping; The clapping turned into cheering, then into a deafening roar W^).Lawyers, truck drivers, bankers and models were rubbing their eyes or crying openly with no shame all because of the words from a long forg6tteff English teacher from their hometown.81.Who were also invited to attend the reunion besides some former students? (No more than 3 words)(2 marks)82.Why did some people try to escape from the English teacher’s lecture? (No more than 11 words)(3 marks)83.How did the teacher get to know her students)situations after graduation? (No more than 11 words)(2 marks)84.According to the lecture, what did the English teacher intend to tell her former students? (No more than 12 words)(3 marks)Section C(25 marks)Directions'.Write an English composition according to the instructions given below in Chinese.假设你是Sunny,你打算加入一个名为“译者无国界”(Interpreters without Borders)的非政府组织,为此你需要提交一份英文个人简介。
1. valueA.castleB.majorC.rapidD.nation2. trunkA.strangeB.thunderC.twentynguage3. breakA.mealB.greatC.deadD.reality4. gatherA.methodB.mathsC.thoroughD.smooth5.BritainA. certainB. gainC. againstD. contain第二节情景对话(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)根据对话情景和内容,从对话后所给的选项中选出能填入每一空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。
---I am going to go on a trip to see the exhibition of Chinese Art and Literature this afternoon. Mike, 6---Thank you very much. How great! To tell you the truth, I haven’tbeen there. You know I don’t know about Chinese Art and Literature. 7---That's good enough for us.---Of course. But would you like me to know when and where wemeet?---Well, by the way, 8 After having it, we can go there by bus together.---Thanks. But I am not sure. You see my mother is coming to visit me in the afternoon. 9 Maybe I will come about 3 :00 pm. Will thatbe late?---Well, but 10---No problem. I try my best.A.I just show interest in them.B.c ould you go with me, please?C.I don't know when she will go away.D.I lose interest in them.E.w hy don't you have lunch?F.w hy not come to have lunch with us?e earlier if you can.第三节单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该题涂黑。
2025届上师大附中高三10月月考数学试卷一一、填空题(1-6每题4分,7-12每题5分,共54分)1.函数()f x =的定义域为__.【答案】(0,1].【解析】【分析】由函数有意义需要的条件,求解函数定义域【详解】函数的意义,有0110x x≠⎧⎪⎨-≥⎪⎩,解得01x <≤,即函数()f x =定义域为(0,1].故答案为:(0,1]2. 已知0a >=________.【答案】34a 【解析】【分析】根式形式化为分数指数幂形式再由指数运算化简即可.1113322224a a a a ⎛⎫⎛⎫=⋅== ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭.故答案为:34a .3. 已知幂函数()f x 的图象经过点13,9⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭,求(3)f -=_________.【答案】19【解析】【分析】设幂函数为(),R f x x αα=∈,根据题意求得2α=-,得到2()f x x -=,代入即可求解.【详解】设幂函数为(),R f x x αα=∈,因为幂函数()f x 的图象经过点13,9⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭,可得139α=,解得2α=-,即2()f x x -=,所以21(3)(3)9f --=-=.故答案为:19.4. 若1sin 3α=,则cos(2)πα-=____.【答案】79-【解析】【分析】原式利用诱导公式化简后,再利用二倍角的余弦函数公式变形,将sin α的值代入计算即可求出值.【详解】因为1sin 3α=,所以()2227cos(2)cos 212sin12sin 199παααα-=-=--=-+=-+=-.故答案为: 79-5. 已知集合{|3sin ,}M y y x x =∈=R ,{|||}N x x a =<,若M N ⊆,则实数a 的取值范围是___________.【答案】(3,)+∞【解析】【分析】先求出集合M ,N ,再由M N ⊆可求出实数a 的取值范围【详解】解:由题意得{}{|3sin ,}33M y y x x y y ===-≤∈≤R ,{}{|||}N x x a x a x a =<=-<<,因为M N ⊆,所以3a >,故答案为:(3,)+∞6. 设a ,b ∈R .已知关于x 的不等式250ax x b -+>的解集为21,34⎛⎫-⎪⎝⎭,则不等式250ax x b ++<的解集为__________.【答案】12,,43⎛⎫⎛⎫-∞-⋃+∞ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭【解析】【分析】先由不等式250ax x b -+>的解集为21,34⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭求出实数a ,b 的值,再求不等式250ax x b ++<的解集.【详解】∵不等式250ax x b -+>的解集为21,34⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭,∴方程250ax x b -+=的两根分别为123x =-,214x =,且0a <∴由韦达定理可知,1212215342134x x a b x x a ⎧+=-+=⎪⎪⎨⎛⎫⎪=-⨯= ⎪⎪⎝⎭⎩解得122a b =-⎧⎨=⎩,∴将a ,b 代入不等式250ax x b ++<得212520x x -++<,即212520x x -->()()32410x x ⇔-+>∴不等式250ax x b ++<的解集为12,,43⎛⎫⎛⎫-∞-⋃+∞ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭.故答案为:12,,43⎛⎫⎛⎫-∞-⋃+∞ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭.7. 已知锐角α的顶点为原点,始边为x 轴的正半轴,将α的终边绕原点逆时针旋转π6后交单位圆于点1,3P y ⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭,则sin α的值为________.【解析】【分析】先求得ππcos ,sin 66αα⎛⎫⎛⎫++ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭,然后利用三角恒等变换的知识求得sin α【详解】由于1,3P y ⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭在单位圆上,所以222181,39y y ⎛⎫-+== ⎪⎝⎭,由于α是锐角,所以289y y =⇒=13P ⎛- ⎝,所以π1πcos ,sin 636αα⎛⎫⎛⎫+=-+= ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭所以ππππππsin sin sin cos cos sin 666666αααα⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫=+-=+-+ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭1132=⨯=.8. 已知()()()()1f x x x a x b =+++.若()y f x =为奇函数,则()0f '=__________.【答案】1-【解析】【分析】根据题意,求得()3f x x x =-,得到()231f x x ='-,即可求解.【详解】由函数()()()()321(1)()f x x x a x b x a b x a b ab x ab =+++=+++++++,可得()32(1)()f x x a b x a b ab x ab -=-+++-+++因为函数()f x 为R 上的奇函数,可得()()f x f x -=-,即3232(1)()(1)()x a b x a b ab x ab x a b x a b ab x ab -+++-+++=--++-++-,所以100a b ab ++=⎧⎨=⎩,解得01a b =⎧⎨=-⎩或10=-⎧⎨=⎩a b ,所以()3f x x x =-,可得()231f x x ='-,所以()01f '=-.故答案为:1-.9. 如图,某同学为测量鹳雀楼的高度MN ,在鹳雀楼的正东方向找到一座建筑物AB ,高约为37m ,在地面上点C 处(,,B C N 三点共线)测得建筑物顶部A ,鹳雀楼顶部M 的仰角分别为30o 和45 ,在A 处测得楼顶部M 的仰角为15 ,则鹳雀楼的高度约为___________m .【答案】74【解析】【分析】根据题意在Rt △ABC 中求出AC ,在△MCA 中利用正弦定理求出MC ,然后在Rt △MNC 中可求得结果.【详解】在Rt △ABC 中,274AC AB ==,在△MCA 中,105MCA ︒∠=,45MAC ︒∠=,则18030AMC MCA MAC ︒︒∠=-∠-∠=,由正弦定理得sin sin MC AC MAC AMC=∠∠,即74sin 45sin 30MC ︒︒=,解得MC =,在Rt △MNC中,74m MN ==.故答案:7410. 对于函数()f x 和()g x ,设(){}|0x f x α∈=,(){}|0x g x β∈=,若存在α,β,使得1αβ-<,则称()f x 与()g x 互为“零点相邻函数”.若函数()1e 2x f x x -=+-与()21g x x ax =-+互为“零点相邻函数”,则实数a 的取值范围是______.【答案】[2,)+∞【解析】【分析】由题知函数()f x 有唯一零点1,进而得210x ax -+=在(0,2)上有解,再根据二次函数零点分布求解即可.【详解】因为1()e 2-=+-x f x x ,所以()f x 在R 上为增函数,又0(1)e 120f =+-=,所以()f x 有唯一零点为1,令()g x 的零点为0x ,依题意知0||11x -<,即002x <<,即函数()g x 在(0,2)上有零点,令()0g x =,则210x ax -+=(0,2)上有解,即1x a x +=在(0,2)上有解,因为12x x +≥=,当且仅当1x x =,即1x =时,取等号,所以2a ≥,故答案为:[2,)+∞.为为在11. 若函数()y f x =的图像上存在不同的两点M (x 1,y 1)和N (x 2,y 2),满足1212x x y y +≥()y f x =具有性质P ,给出下列函数:①()sin f x x =;②()x f x e =;③1(),(0,)f x x x x=+∈+∞;④()||1f x x =+.其中其有性质p 的函数为________(填上所有正确序号).【答案】①②【解析】【分析】利用数量积性质得出过点O 的直线与函数图像存在至少两个不同的交点,结合函数图象可得.【详解】1212||||cos ,,|||OM ON x x y y OM ON OM ON OM ON ⋅=+=〈〉==所以1212cos ,1x x y y OM ON +≥⇔〈〉≥ ,即cos ,1OM ON 〈〉=± .即O ,M ,N 三点共线,即过点O 的直线与函数图像存在至少两个不同的交点,由图可知,①②符合.故答案为:①②12. 已知函数()ln 1f x b x =--,若关于x 的方程()0f x =在2e,e ⎡⎤⎣⎦上有解,则22a b +的最小值为______.【答案】29e 【解析】【分析】设函数()f x 在2e,e ⎡⎤⎣⎦上的零点为m ,则由ln 10b m +--=,则(),P a b 在直线:ln 10l x y m +--=上,则22a b +可看作是O 到直线l 的距离的平方,利用导数求出其最小值即可得到答案【详解】解:设函数()f x 在2e,e ⎡⎤⎣⎦上的零点为m ,则ln 10b m --=,所以点(),P a b 在直线ln 10l x y m +--=上,设O 为坐标原点,则222||a b OP +=,其最小值就是O 到直线l 的距离的平方,,2e,eméùÎêúëû,设t⎤=⎦,设()2ln1tg tt+=,则()()212lntg t tt-⎤'=≤∈⎦,所以()g t在⎤⎦上单调递减,所以()()min3eeg t g==,3e≥即2229ea b+≥,所以22a b+的最小值为29e,故答案为:29e二、选择题(13-14每题4分,15-16每题5分,共18分)13. 已知a b∈R,且0ab≠,则“22a b>”是“11a b<”的()A. 充分不必要条件B. 必要不充分条件C. 充要条件D. 既不充分也不必要条件【答案】D【解析】【分析】结合指数函数单调性,根据充分必要条件的定义分别进行判断即可.【详解】22a b a b>⇔>Q,当0a b>>时,11a b<不成立,当11a b<<时,a b>不成立.所以a b>是11a b<的既不充分也不必要条件,即22a b>是11a b<的既不充分也不必要条件.故选:D.14. 设函数()sinf x x=,若对于任意5π2π,63α⎡⎤∈--⎢⎥⎣⎦,在区间[0,]m上总存在唯一确定的β,使得()()0f fαβ+=,则m的值可能是()A.π6B.π3C.2π3D.5π6【答案】B【解析】的【分析】由等量关系找α与β的关系,由α的范围求出sin β的范围,从而得出m 的值.【详解】∵()()0f f αβ+=,∴sin sin 0αβ+=,即()sin sin sin βαα=-=-,∵5π2π,63α⎡⎤∈--⎢⎥⎣⎦,即2π5π,36α⎡⎤-∈⎢⎥⎣⎦,∴()1sin sin 2βα⎡=-∈⎢⎣,又∵[]0,m β∈,∴π3m =故选:B15. 已知在ABC V 中,0P 是边AB 上一定点,满足023P B AB = ,且对于边AB 上任意一点P ,都有00PB PC P B P C ⋅≥⋅ ,则ABC V 是( )A. 钝角三角形B. 直角三角形C. 锐角三角形D. 无法确定【答案】A【解析】【分析】取BC 的中点D ,DC 的中点E ,连接0P D ,AE ,根据向量的线性运算计算向量00,P B P C 并计算00P B P C ⋅ ,同理计算PB PC ⋅ ,根据不等关系可得出对于边AB 上任意一点P 都有0PD P D ≥ ,从而确定0P D AB ⊥,从而得到结果.【详解】取BC 的中点D ,DC 的中点E ,连接0P D ,AE (如图所示),则()()0000P B P C P D DB P D DC ⋅=+⋅+ ()()22000P D DB P D DB P D DB =+⋅-=- ,同理22PB PC PD DB ⋅=- ,因为00PB PC P B P C ⋅≥⋅ ,所以22220PD DB P D DB -≥- ,即220PD P D ≥ ,所以对于边AB 上任意一点P 都有0PD P D ≥ ,因此0P D AB ⊥,又023P B AB = ,D 为BC 中点,E 为DC 中点,所以023P B BD AB BE ==,所以0//P D AE ,即90BAE ∠=︒,所以90BAC ∠>︒,即ABC V 为钝角三角形.故选:A .16. 设函数,()2,2x x P f x x x M x∈⎧⎪=⎨+∈⎪⎩其中,P M 是实数集R 的两个非空子集,又规定(){(),},(){(),}A P y y f x x P A M y y f x x M ==∈==∈∣∣,有下列命题:①对任意满足P M ⋃=R 的集合P 和M ,都有()()A P A M ⋃=R ;②对任意满足P M ⋃≠R 的集合P 和M ,都有()()A P A M ⋃≠R ,则对于两个命题真假判断正确的是( )A. ①和②都是真命题B. ①和②都是假命题C. ①是真命题,②是假命题D. ①是假命题,②是真命题【答案】B【解析】【分析】根据集合的新定义对两个命题进行分析,从而确定正确答案.【详解】对于①可举反例,(,0],(0,)P M =-∞=+∞此时()()()()(),0,2,,A P A M A P A M ∞∞⎤⎡=-=+⋃≠⎦⎣R ,故①是假命题;对于②,可举反例(,4],(4)P M =-∞=++∞,此时()(,4],()(4,),()()R A P A M A P A M =-∞=+∞= ,故②是假命题;故选:B【点睛】解新定义题型的步骤:(1)理解“新定义”——明确“新定义”的条件、原理、方法、步骤和结论.(2)重视“举例”,利用“举例”检验是否理解和正确运用“新定义”;归纳“举例”提供的解题方法.归纳“举例”提供的分类情况.(3)类比新定义中的概念、原理、方法,解决题中需要解决的问题.三、解答题(共5题,满分78分)17. 已知向量3sin ,,(cos ,1)4a x b x ⎛⎫==- ⎪⎝⎭ .(1)当a b∥时,求tan 2x 的值;(2)设函数()2()f x a b b =+⋅ ,且π0,2x ⎛⎫∈ ⎪⎝⎭,求()f x 的值域.【答案】(1)247- (2)1322⎛⎤+ ⎥⎝⎦【解析】【分析】(1)根据向量平行列出等式,计算tan x 的值,二倍角公式即可计算tan 2x ;(2)计算()f x ,并用辅助角公式化简,根据角的范围可求出值域.【小问1详解】因为a b∥,所以3sin cos 4x x -=,因为cos 0x ≠,所以3tan 4x =-,所以22tan 24tan 21tan 7x x x ==--.【小问2详解】213π3()2()2sin cos 2cos sin 2cos 222242f x a b b x x x x x x ⎛⎫=+⋅=++=++=++ ⎪⎝⎭ ,因为π0,2x ⎛⎫∈ ⎪⎝⎭,所以ππ5π2,444x ⎛⎫+∈ ⎪⎝⎭,所以πsin 24x ⎛⎤⎛⎫+∈ ⎥ ⎪ ⎝⎭⎝⎦,所以()f x的值域为1322⎛⎤ ⎥⎝⎦.18. 已知函数()22x x a f x =+其中a 为实常数.(1)若()07f =,解关于x 的方程()5f x =;(2)判断函数()f x 的奇偶性,并说明理由.【答案】(1)1x =或2log 3(2)答案见解析【解析】【分析】(1)因为()22x x a f x =+,()07f =,可得6a =,故6()22x x f x =+,因为()5f x =,即6252x x+=,通过换元法,即可求得答案;(2)因为函数定义域为R ,分别讨论()f x 为奇函数和()f x 为偶函数,即可求得答案.【详解】(1) ()22x xa f x =+,∴()07f =,即17a +=解得:6a =可得:6()22x xf x =+ ()5f x =∴6252x x+=令2x t =(0t >)∴65t t+=,即:2560t t -+=解得:12t =或23t =即:122x =,223x =∴11x =或22log 3x =.(2)函数定义域为R ,①当()f x 为奇函数时,根据奇函数性质()()f x f x -=-可得2222x x x x a a --⎛⎫+=-+ ⎪⎝⎭恒成立即1(1)202x x a ⎛⎫+⋅+= ⎪⎝⎭恒成立,∴1a =-.②当()f x 为偶函数时,根据偶函数性质()()f x f x -=可得2222x x x x a a --+=+恒成立即1(1)202x x a ⎛⎫-⋅-= ⎪⎝⎭恒成立,∴1a =.③当1a ≠±时,函数为非奇非偶函数.【点睛】本题主要考查了解指数方程和根据奇偶性求参数,解题关键是掌握指数方程的解法和奇偶函数的定义,考查了分析能力和计算能力,属于中档题.19. 某创业投资公司拟投资开发某种新能源产品,估计能获得10万元~1000万元的投资收益.现准备制定一个对科研课题组的奖励方案:奖金y (万元)随投资收益x (万元)的增加而增加,且奖金不超过9万元,同时奖金不超过投资收益的20%.(1)若建立函数()f x 模型制定奖励方案,试用数学语言表述公司对奖励函数()f x 模型的基本要求;(2)现有两个奖励函数模型:①()2150x f x =+;②()ln 2f x x =-;问这两个函数模型是否符合公司要求,并说明理由?【答案】(1)答案见解析(2)()2150x f x =+不符合公司要求,()ln 2f x x =-符合公司要求,理由见解析【解析】【分析】(1)根据题意,用数学语言依次写出函数()f x 的要求即可;(2)判断两个函数模型的单调性,并判断()9f x ≤,()5x f x ≤是否成立得解.【小问1详解】设奖励函数模型为()y f x =,则公司对奖励函数模型基本要求是:当[]10,1000x ∈时,()f x 是严格增函数,()9f x ≤恒成立,()5x f x ≤恒成立.【小问2详解】①对于函数模型()2150x f x =+,易知当[]10,1000x ∈时,()f x 为增函数,且()()max 26100093f x f ==<,所以()9f x ≤恒成立,但是()101005f ->,不满足()5x f x ≤恒成立,所以()2150x f x =+不符合公司要求;②对于函数模型()ln 2f x x =-,的当[]10,1000x ∈时,()10f x x'=>,所以()f x 为增函数,且()max f x f =()100023ln109=-+<,所以()9f x ≤恒成立,令()()ln 255x x g x f x x =-=--,则()1105g x x '=-<,所以()()10ln1040g x g =-<≤,所以()5x f x ≤恒成立,所以()ln 2f x x =-符合公司要求.20. 已知函数()y f x =的定义域为区间D ,若对于给定的非零实数m ,存在0x ,使得()()00f f x x m =+,则称函数()y f x =在区间D 上具有性质()P m .(1)判断函数()2f x x =在区间[]1,1-上是否具有性质12P ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭,并说明理由;(2)若函数()sin f x x =在区间()()0,0>n n 上具有性质4P π⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭,求n 的取值范围;(3)已知函数()y f x =的图像是连续不断的曲线,且()()02f f =,求证:函数()y f x =在区间[]0,2上具有性质13P ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭.【答案】(1)具有性质12P ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭,理由见解析 (2)5,8π⎛⎫+∞ ⎪⎝⎭(3)证明见解析【解析】【分析】(1)由题可得220012x x ⎛⎫=+ ⎪⎝⎭,则014x =-,结合条件即得;(2)由00sin sin 4x x π⎛⎫=+⎪⎝⎭,解得038x k ππ=+,()()050,N 48x k n k πππ+=+∈∈,可得58n π>,即得;(3)设()()13g x f x f x ⎛⎫=-+ ⎪⎝⎭,50,3x ⎡⎤∈⎢⎥⎣⎦,可得()()()1150200333k g g g g f f -⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫++⋅⋅⋅++⋅⋅⋅+=-= ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭,当()0g 、13g ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭、⋅⋅⋅、13k g -⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭、⋅⋅⋅、53g ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭中有一个为0时,可得111333i i f f --⎛⎫⎛⎫=+ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭,{}1,2,3,,6i ∈⋅⋅⋅,即证;当()0g 、13g ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭、⋅⋅⋅、13n g -⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭、⋅⋅⋅、53g ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭中均不为0时,由于其和为0,则其中必存在正数和负数,不妨设103i g -⎛⎫> ⎪⎝⎭,103j g -⎛⎫< ⎪⎝⎭,结合条件可知,存在0x ,()()000103g x f x f x ⎛⎫=-+= ⎪⎝⎭,即证.【小问1详解】函数()2f x x =在[]1,1-上具有性质12P ⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭.若220012x x ⎛⎫=+ ⎪⎝⎭,则014x =-,因为[]11,14-∈-,且[]1111,1424-+=∈-,所以函数()2f x x =在[]1,1-上具有性质12P ⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭.【小问2详解】解法1:由题意,存在()00,x n ∈,使得00sin sin 4x x π⎛⎫=+ ⎪⎝⎭,得0024x x k ππ+=+(舍)或0024x k x πππ+=+-()k ∈Z ,则得038x k ππ=+.因为0308x k ππ=+>,所以k ∈N .又因为()030,8x k n ππ=+∈且()()050,48x k n k πππ+=+∈∈N ,所以58n π>,即所求n 的取值范围是5,8π⎛⎫+∞ ⎪⎝⎭.解法2:当02n π<≤时,函数()sin f x x =,()0,x n ∈是增函数,所以不符合题意;当2n π>时,因为直线2x π=是函数()sin f x x =的一条对称轴,而函数()sin f x x =在区间()()0,0>n n 上具有性质4P π⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭,所以224n ππ⎛⎫-> ⎪⎝⎭,解得58n π>,即所求n 的取值范围是5,8π⎛⎫+∞ ⎪⎝⎭.【小问3详解】设()()13g x f x f x ⎛⎫=-+ ⎪⎝⎭,50,3x ⎡⎤∈⎢⎥⎣⎦.则有()()1003g f f ⎛⎫=- ⎪⎝⎭,112333g f f ⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫=- ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭,()22133g f f ⎛⎫⎛⎫=- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭,⋅⋅⋅,11333k k k g f f --⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫=- ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭,⋅⋅⋅,()55233g f f ⎛⎫⎛⎫=- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭{}()1,2,3,,6k ∈⋅⋅⋅.以上各式相加得()()()115020333k g g g g f f -⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫++⋅⋅⋅++⋅⋅⋅+=- ⎪⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭即()11500333k g g g g -⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫++⋅⋅⋅++⋅⋅⋅+= ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭,(ⅰ)当()0g 、13g ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭、⋅⋅⋅、13k g -⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭、⋅⋅⋅、53g ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭中有一个为0时,不妨设103i g -⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭,{}1,2,3,,6i ∈⋅⋅⋅,即110333i i i g f f --⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫=-= ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭,即111333i i f f --⎛⎫⎛⎫=+ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭,{}1,2,3,,6i ∈⋅⋅⋅,所以函数()y f x =在区间[]0,2上具有性质13P ⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭.(ⅱ)当()0g 、13g ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭、⋅⋅⋅、13n g -⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭、⋅⋅⋅、53g ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭中均不为0时,由于其和为0,则其中必存在正数和负数,不妨设103i g -⎛⎫>⎪⎝⎭,103j g -⎛⎫< ⎪⎝⎭,其中i j ≠,{}1,2,3,,6i j ∈⋅⋅⋅、.由于函数()y g x =的图像是连续不断的曲线,所以当i j <时,至少存在一个实数011,33i j x --⎛⎫∈ ⎪⎝⎭(当i j >时,至少存在一个实数011,33j i x --⎛⎫∈ ⎪⎝⎭),其中{}1,2,3,,6i j ∈⋅⋅⋅、,使得()00g x =,即()()000103g x f x f x ⎛⎫=-+= ⎪⎝⎭,即存在0x ,使得()0013f x f x ⎛⎫=+ ⎪⎝⎭,所以函数()y f x =在区间[]0,2上也具有性质13P ⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭.综上,函数()y f x =在区间[]0,2上具有性质13P ⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭.21. 已知函数()e (,1),()(,)k x f x x k k g x cx m c m =∈≥=+∈N R ,其中e 是自然对数的底数.(1)当1k =时,若曲线()y f x =在1x =处的切线恰好是直线()y g x =,求c 和m 的值;(2)当1k =,e m =-时,关于x 的方程()()f x g x =有正实数根,求c 的取值范围:(3)当2,1k m ==-时,关于x 的不等式2()e ()f x ax bx g x -≥+≥对于任意[1,)x ∈+∞恒成立(其中,a b ∈R ),当c 取得最大值时,求a 的最小值.【答案】(1)2e,e c m ==-(2)[2e,)+∞(3)1【解析】【分析】(1)利用导数求得()f x 在1x =处的切线方程,通过对比系数求得,c m .(2)由()()f x g x =分离c ,利用构造函数法,结合导数来求得c 的取值范围.(3)由恒成立的不等式得到e 1e xc x x-≤-恒成立,利用构造函数法,结合导数来求得c 的最大值,进而求得a 的最小值,并利用构造函数法,结合导数来判断a 的最小值符合题意.【小问1详解】当1k =时,()e x f x x =,所以()(1)e x f x x '=+,由(1)e,(1)2e f f '==,得曲线()y f x =在1x =处的切线方程为e 2e(1)y x -=-,即2e e y x =-,由题意,2e,e c m ==-.【小问2详解】当1k =,e m =-时,()e ,()e x f x x g x cx ==-,由题意,方程e e x x cx =-在(0,)+∞上有解,即e e x c x =+在(0,)+∞上有解,令e ()e (0)x h x x x =+>,则2e e ()x h x x'=-,由()0h x '=得1x =,()h x '在()0,∞+上严格递增,所以:当(0,1)x ∈时,()0h x '<,所以()h x 严格递减,当(1,)x ∈+∞时,()0h x '>,所以()h x 严格递增,所以min ()(1)2e h x h ==,又x →+∞时,()h x →+∞,所以()h x 的值域为[2e,)+∞,所以c 的取值范围为[2e,)+∞.【小问3详解】当2,1k m ==-时,2()e ,()1x f x x g x cx ==-,由题意,对于任意2[1,),()e ()x f x ax bx g x ∈+∞-≥+≥恒成立,即:22e e 1x x ax bx cx -≥+≥-(*)恒成立,那么,2e 1x x cx ≥-恒成立,所以e 1e xc x x-≤-恒成立,令e 1()e (1)x x x x x ϕ-=-≥,则2e 1()(1)e 0x x x x ϕ-'=++>在[1,)+∞上恒成立,所以()ϕx 在[1,)+∞上严格递增,所以min ()(1)1x ϕϕ==,从而1c ≤,即c 的最大值为1,1c =时,取1x =代入(*)式,得00a b ≥+≥,所以=-b a ,所以21ax ax x -≥-在[1,)+∞上恒成立,得1a ≥,即a 的最小值为1,当1a =时,记()222()()e e e (1)x F x f x x x x x x x =---=--+≥,则()2()2e 21x F x x x x '=+-+,设()()()()222e 21,42e 2x x x x x u u x x x x '+-+=++-=,因为()u x '在[1,)+∞上严格递增,所以()()17e 20u x u ''≥=->,所以()F x '在[1,)+∞上严格递增,所以()(1)3e 10F x F ''≥=->,所以()F x 在[1,)+∞上严格递增,所以()(1)0F x F ≥=,从而对于任意2[1,),()e ()x f x ax bx g x ∈+∞-≥+≥恒成立,综上,a 的最小值为1.【点睛】方法点睛:导函数中常用的两种常用的转化方法:一是利用导数研究含参函数的单调性,常化为不等式恒成立问题,注意分类讨论与数形结合思想的应用;二是函数的零点、不等式证明常转化为函数的单调性、极(最)值问题处理,。
云师大附中月考英语试题及答案一、听力部分(共20分)A. 短对话理解(每题1分,共5分)1. What does the man want to do?A) Go to the cinema.B) Visit the museum.C) Stay at home.Answer: A2. When is the woman's appointment?A) 9:00 am.B) 10:00 am.C) 11:00 am.Answer: B3. What is the weather like today?A) Sunny.B) Rainy.C) Cloudy.Answer: C4. How much does the man need to pay for the book?A) $10.B) $15.C) $20.Answer: B5. What is the relationship between the two speakers?A) Teacher and student.B) Friends.C) Colleagues.Answer: AB. 长对话理解(每题2分,共10分)Passage 1:6. What is the main topic of the conversation?A) Travel plans.B) A job interview.C) A birthday party.Answer: A7. Where does the man plan to go?A) Paris.B) Rome.C) London.Answer: B8. How long will the trip last?A) 2 weeks.B) 3 weeks.C) 1 month.Answer: APassage 2:9. What is the woman's opinion about the new policy?A) She agrees with it.B) She disagrees with it.C) She has no opinion.Answer: B10. What will the man do next?A) Write a letter.B) Talk to the manager.C) Ignore the policy.Answer: AC. 短文理解(每题2分,共5分)Passage 3:11. What is the purpose of the lecture?A) To introduce a new technology.B) To discuss environmental issues.C) To explain a scientific theory.Answer: B12. What does the lecturer suggest people do?A) Use public transportation.B) Drive less.C) Recycle more.Answer: C13. What is the main cause of air pollution according to the lecture?A) Industrial emissions.B) Vehicle exhaust.C) Burning of fossil fuels.Answer: C二、阅读理解(共30分)A. 选择题(每题2分,共10分)Passage 1:14. What is the main idea of the passage?A) The importance of education.B) The benefits of technology.C) The impact of social media.Answer: A15. According to the passage, what is the role of technology in education?A) It is a distraction.B) It is a tool for learning.C) It is a threat to traditional education.Answer: B16. Why does the author believe that technology is beneficial for education?A) It makes learning more enjoyable.B) It provides access to a wealth of information.C) It allows for more personalized learning.Answer: BPassage 2:17. What is the author's opinion about social media?A) It is a positive force in society.B) It has both positive and negative effects.C) It is a negative influence on society.Answer: B18. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of social media mentioned in the passage?A) It helps to stay connected with friends.B) It can be a platform for activism.C) It is a source of accurate news.Answer: C19. What is the author's suggestion for using social media responsibly?A) Limit the time spent on social media.B) Share only positive content.C) Avoid using social media altogether.Answer: AB. 填空题(每空1分,共10分)Passage 3:20. The _______ (第一个) step in solving a problem is to identify it.21. Critical thinking involves _______ (分析) the information before making a decision.22. To improve problem-solving skills, one should practice_______ (反思) on past experiences.23. The passage suggests that _______ (合作) with others can lead to better solutions.24. The author believes that _______ (创新) is an essential part of problem-solving.C. 简答题(每题5分,共10分)Passage 4:25.。
1. What does the man think of the blouse?A. It’s unsuitable.B. It’s up-to-date.C. It’s old-fashioned.2. When will the man meet Mr. Smith?A. At 1:45.B. At 2:00C. At 2:15.3. What does the woman suggest doing?A. Painting the wall.B. Hanging some pictures.C. Rearranging the furniture.4. What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. MedicineB. A doctorC. An advertisement.5. What will the speakers do for their vacation?A. Fly across the country.B. Travel around the world.C. Go on a cross-country road trip.第二节〔共15小题;没小题1.5分,总分为22.5分〕听下面5段对话或独白。
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陕西省师大附中2012届高三10月月考试题英语第I 卷(两部分,共95分)第一部分 英语知识运用(共四节,满分55分)第一节:语音知识(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)从A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中,找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。
1.creature A. recreation B. sweat C. breathe D. great 2.bathe A. breath B. mouths C. months D. thunderstorm 3.explosion A. expert B. example C. explanation D. experience 4.necklace A. fortunate B. nature C. grade D. classmate 5.surprise A. purpose B.further C. surround D. furniture第二节:补全对话(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项多余项。
(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)—Where shall we take our children this weekend ?—We could take them to Water World or to Oldfield Adventure Park. 6 —Well ,how far away are they ?I don’t want to spend all day in the car. — 7 But Old-field Adventure Park will take about two and a half hoursif we’re lucky.— 8—Water World has a huge fun swimming pool . 9—I really don’t like zoos. I hate seeing animals in cages.—Well ,there aren’t any animals at Water World.—If we are going there ,I’m going to take a picnic basket.I know they have got restaurants but they are always expensive. 10—That’s a good idea. I’ll tell the children.—OK .第三节:语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
11.Although everything seems to have been taken into consideration, ________ accident can happen when the astronauts walk in________space.A./; the B.an; the C.the; the D.an; /12.How much ________ she looked without her glasses!A.well B.good C.best D.better13.________ impressed the audience most was ________ the magician Liu Qian played in that year's Spring Gala.A.What; what B.What; that C.That; what D.That; that14.—How long do you think it will be________the Stock Market returns to normal?—At least one year, I guess.A.when B.before C.until D.that15.And the horses _______up to the finish line. They're neck and neck...neck and neck all the way. Oh, the Italian horse Mamma Mia ______ the raceA.come; is winning B.have come; winsC.are coming; won D.are coming; wins16.The village seemed deserted, the only sign of life________some trees waving in the wind.A.were B.being C.was D.to be17.He is such an unselfish man. You cannot help but ________ him.A.respect B.to respect C.neglect D.to neglect18.The big snow lasted nearly half a week. What was worse, they were trapped in the mountain and badly ________ food.A.in search of B.in the hope ofC.in want of D.in charge of19.—She got her first science fiction published. It turned out to be________.—When was that?—It was in 2009 ________ she was still in college.A.success; that B.a success; whenC.success; when D.a success; that20.Facing the global financial crisis, the Chinese government has taken many measures ________ people's life to deal with it.A.related B.related to C.relating D.relating to21.—It is said that Jack is very rich and is always changing his private cars. What is he?—________, I am not sure.A.Somebody of a manager B.Something of a managerC.Anyone of a manager D.Anything of a manager22.Some warned that the step the US government has taken to cope with the current crisis is ________ much risk.A.one of B.the one of C.the one D.that one23.It's ________ me why Alice gave up her job and got married.A.under B.above C.over D.beyond24.—He didn't feel a bit nervous when ________.—No. He'd had a lot of time ________ for it after all.A.interviewing; to prepare B.interviewed; to prepareC.interviewing; preparing D.being interviewed; preparing 25.—I'd rather have some wine, if you don't mind.— ________. Don't forget you will drive.A.Anything but that B.By all meansC.Take it easy D.I won't say no to this第四节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
About one year ago, a couple with three children moved into the apartment next door to me. I never heard any noise from the children. Instead, I often heard the parents yelling __26__ at the kids, notin a nice tone, but in a __27__ one.We often __28__ in the hallway. I always greeted them, but the only __29__ I ever got was a “hello” from the eight-year-old girl. I usually __30__ to see my doctor and one day when I returned they were just __31__ their apartment and the little girl was __32__ the outside door open for the others. I __33__ in the car doing __34__ things because I wasn't eager to be snubbed(冷落) again. Finally, I got out of my car and walked towards the door. The parents were telling their daughter to hurry and get into the car, __35__ the little girl was stillholding the door, __36__ me! I hurried although I was still in pain from my injury.I forgot to tell her how __37__ I was for her kindness. I wrotea note saying how much her act of kindness had __38__ an old man's heart.The next day there was a __39__ on my door and it was the little girl and her father. She was quite __40__ of her behavior and thanked me. Then I noticed her mother standing there too. Her parents __41__ me.From then on when we met in the hallway we always greeted each other,in a friendly __42__.Last night there was a heavy snow. I looked out at my car and __43__ how I was going to keep my doctor's __44__ because I could only walk for a short time. This morning when I opened the front door, all the snow was removed.Isn't it __45__ that the small kind act of an 8-year-old girl can change so many things for the better? It is said that good things come from small acts.26. A. quietly B. strangely C. quickly D. angrily27. A. frightening B. exciting C. sincere D. kind28. A. quarreled B. met C. chatted D.argued29. A. present B. result C. reply D. return30. A. went out B. set out C. took out D. gave out31. A. decorating B. cleaning C. returning D. leaving32. A. breaking B. operating C. holding D. unlocking33. A. kept B. remained C. insisted D. continued34. A. favorite B. helpful C. unnecessary D. curious35. A. but B. and C. so D. then36. A. hunting for B. asking for C. waiting for D. calling for37. A. useful B. influential C. anxious D. grateful38. A. strengthened B. broken C. touched D. saved39. A. note B. knock C. invitation D. picture40. A. proud B. aware C. afraid D. sure41. A. questioned B. recognized C. praised D. thanked42. A. manner B. appearance C. sound D. announcement43. A. found B. ignored C. remembered D. wondered44. A. promise B. appointment C. suggestion D. attention45. A. amazing B. confusing C. scaring D. challenging第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。