Free $n$-distributions holonomy, sub-Riemannian structures, Fefferman constructions and dua


hudi non global index 索引参数

hudi non global index 索引参数

hudi non global index 索引参数
1. 范围查询键:这是进行范围查询的键。



2. 前缀长度:这是非全局索引前缀的长度。



3. 存储位置:非全局索引可以存储在不同的位置。



4. 索引类型:根据数据类型的不同,可以选择不同的索引类型,例如B-树、哈希表等。





Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD)TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1. License (1)Copyright (c) 2015-2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, arepermitted provided that the following conditions are met:‣Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.‣Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.‣Neither the name of NVIDIA CORPORATION, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, the U.S. Department of Energy, nor the names of their contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.The U.S. Department of Energy funded the development of this software under subcontract 7078610 with Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.3-clause BSD licenseThe 3-clause BSD license says:License Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:1.Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list ofconditions and the following disclaimer.2.Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, thislist of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.3.Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may beused to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.NoticeTHE INFORMATION IN THIS GUIDE AND ALL OTHER INFORMATION CONTAINED IN NVIDIA DOCUMENTATION REFERENCED IN THIS GUIDE IS PROVIDED “AS IS.” NVIDIA MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED, IMPLIED, STATUTORY, OR OTHERWISE WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION FOR THE PRODUCT, AND EXPRESSL Y DISCLAIMS ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NONINFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. 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NVIDIA does not accept any liability related to any default, damage, costs or problem which may be based on or attributable to: (i) the use of the NVIDIA product in any manner that is contrary to this guide, or (ii) customer product designs.Other than the right for customer to use the information in this guide with the product, no other license, either expressed or implied, is hereby granted by NVIDIA under this guide. Reproduction of information in this guide is permissible only if reproduction is approved by NVIDIA in writing, is reproduced without alteration, and is accompanied by all associated conditions, limitations, and notices.TrademarksNVIDIA, the NVIDIA logo, and cuBLAS, CUDA, cuDNN, cuFFT, cuSPARSE, DALI, DIGITS, DGX, DGX-1, Jetson, Kepler, NVIDIA Maxwell, NCCL, NVLink, Pascal, T egra, T ensorRT, and T esla are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of NVIDIA Corporation in the Unites States and other countries. 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它的参数如下:- module (torch.nn.Module):要进行数据并行训练的模型。

- device_ids (List[int] or None, optional):用于训练的GPU设备的ID列表。


- output_device (int or None, optional):指定输出的设备ID。


- broadcast_buffers (bool, optional):指定是否在第一个设备上广播模型缓冲区。


- process_group (torch.distributed.ProcessGroup, optional):指定用于分布式训练的进程组。


- bucket_cap_mb (int, optional):每个网络参数块的预期最大容量(以MB为单位)。


- find_unused_parameters (bool, optional):指定是否查找未使用的参数。


- check_reduction (bool, optional):指定是否检查是否出现了梯度的减少。


- gradient_as_bucket_view (bool, optional):指定是否将梯度视为一个视图,以便可以在不同的设备上使用。


- device (torch.device, optional):指定模型和相关参数所在的设备。


- broadcast_buffers回归以及等price等取缓冲区?这些参数可以根据具体的训练需求进行调整。

freemodbus enter_critical_section -回复

freemodbus enter_critical_section -回复

freemodbus enter_critical_section -回复"freemodbus enter_critical_section"是一个关于FreeRTOS中间件库Freemodbus的操作或函数。


其中的enter_critical_section 函数用于进入临界区,用于保护关键代码段,防止多任务环境下发生竞争条件。




下面将一步一步回答关于"freemodbus enter_critical_section"的问题,深入探讨如何正确使用和理解其中的细节。

1. 什么是临界区?临界区是指一个代码段,在该代码段被执行的过程中,不会被其他任务或中断中的代码插入执行。


2. 为什么需要临界区保护?在多任务环境下,当多个任务同时访问共享资源时,可能会出现竞争条件。



3. enter_critical_section函数的作用是什么?enter_critical_section函数是Freemodbus库提供的函数之一,用于将一段关键代码包裹在临界区内。


4. enter_critical_section函数的使用方法是什么?在使用enter_critical_section函数时,需要按照以下步骤进行:a. 在关键代码段之前调用enter_critical_section函数,进入临界区。






它通过一个中央控制节点(controller)和多个计算节点(compute nodes)之间的协作,实现对作业的提交、调度和执行的管理。



















Package‘som’October14,2022Version0.3-5.1Date2010-04-08Title Self-Organizing MapAuthor Jun Yan<***************.edu>Maintainer Jun Yan<***************.edu>Depends R(>=2.10)Description Self-Organizing Map(with application in gene clustering).License GPL(>=3)Repository CRANDate/Publication2016-07-0610:26:15NeedsCompilation yesR topics documented:filtering (1)normalize (2)plot.som (3)qerror (4)som (4)summary.som (7)yeast (7)Index9 filtering Filter data before feeding som algorithm for gene expression dataDescriptionFiltering data by certainfloor,ceiling,max/min ratio,and max-min difference.12normalizeUsagefiltering(x,lt=20,ut=16000,mmr=3,mmd=200)Argumentsx a data frame or matrix of input data.ltfloor value replaces those less than it with the valueut ceiling value replaced those greater than it with the valuemmr the max/min ratio,rows with max/min<mmr will be removedmmd the max-min difference,rows with(max-min)<mmd will be removed ValueAn dataframe or matrix after thefilteringAuthor(s)Jun Yan<***************.edu>See Alsonormalize.normalize normalize data before feeding som algorithmDescriptionNormalize the data so that each row has mean0and variance1.Usagenormalize(x,byrow=TRUE)Argumentsx a data frame or matrix of input data.byrow whether normalizing by row or by column,default is byrow.ValueAn dataframe or matrix after the normalizing.Author(s)Jun Yan<***************.edu>plot.som3See Alsofiltering.plot.som Visualizing a SOMDescriptionPlot the SOM in a2-dim map with means and sd bars.Usage##S3method for class somplot(x,sdbar=1,ylim=c(-3,3),color=TRUE,ntik=3,yadj=0.1,xlab="",ylab="",...)Argumentsx a som objectsdbar the length of sdbar in sd,no sdbar if sdbar=0ylim the range of y axies in each cell of the mapcolor whether or not use color plottingntik the number of tiks of the vertical axisyadj the proportion used to put the number of obsxlab x labelylab y label...other options to plotNoteThis function is not cleanly written.The original purpose was to mimic what GENECLUSTER does.The ylim is hardcoded so that only standardized data could be properly plotted.There are visualization methods like umat and sammon in SOM\_PAK3.1,but not implemented here.Author(s)Jun Yan<***************.edu>Examplesfoo<-som(matrix(rnorm(1000),250),3,5)plot(foo,ylim=c(-1,1))4som qerror quantization accuracyDescriptionget the average distortion measureUsageqerror(obj,err.radius=1)Argumentsobj a‘som’objecterr.radius radius used calculating qerrorValueAn average of the following quantity(weighted distance measure)over all x in the sample,||x−m i||h ciwhere h ci is the neighbourhood kernel for the ith code.Author(s)Jun Yan<***************.edu>Examplesfoo<-som(matrix(rnorm(1000),100),2,4)qerror(foo,3)som Function to train a Self-Organizing MapDescriptionProduces an object of class"som"which is a Self-Organizing Mapfit of the data.som5 Usagesom.init(data,xdim,ydim,init="linear")som(data,xdim,ydim,init="linear",alpha=NULL,alphaType="inverse",neigh="gaussian",topol="rect",radius=NULL,rlen=NULL,err.radius=1,inv.alp.c=NULL)som.train(data,code,xdim,ydim,alpha=NULL,alphaType="inverse",neigh="gaussian",topol="rect",radius=NULL,rlen=NULL,err.radius=1,inv.alp.c=NULL) som.update(obj,alpha=NULL,radius=NULL,rlen=NULL,err.radius=1,inv.alp.c=NULL)som.project(obj,newdat)Argumentsobj a‘som’object.newdat a new dataset needs to be projected onto the map.code a matrix of initial code vector in the a data frame or matrix of input data.xdim an integer specifying the x-dimension of the map.ydim an integer specifying the y-dimension of the map.init a character string specifying the initializing method.The following are per-mitted:"sample"uses a radom sample from the data;"random"uses randomdraws from N(0,1);"linear"uses the linear grids upon thefirst two principlecomponents directin.alpha a vector of initial learning rate parameter for the two training phases.Decreaseslinearly to zero during training.alphaType a character string specifying learning rate funciton type.Possible choices arelinear function("linear")and inverse-time type function("inverse").neigh a character string specifying the neighborhood function type.The following arepermitted:"bubble""gaussian"topol a character string specifying the topology type when measuring distance in themap.The following are permitted:"hexa""rect"radius a vector of initial radius of the training area in som-algorithm for the two trainingphases.Decreases linearly to one during training.rlen a vector of running length(number of steps)in the two training phases.err.radius a numeric value specifying the radius when calculating average distortion mea-sure.inv.alp.c the constant C in the inverse learning rate function:alpha0*C/(C+t);6somValue‘som.init’initializes a map and returns the code matrix.‘som’does the two-step som training ina batch fashion and return a‘som’object.‘som.train’takes data,code,and traing parameters andperform the requested som training.‘som.update’takes a‘som’object and further train it with updated paramters.‘som.project’projects new data onto the map.An object of class"som"representing thefit,which is a list containing the following components: data the dataset on which som was applied.init a character string indicating the initializing method.xdim an integer specifying the x-dimension of the map.ydim an integer specifying the y-dimension of the map.code a metrix with nrow=xdim*ydim,each row corresponding to a code vector of a cell in the map.The mapping from cell coordinate(x,y)to the row index in thecode matrix is:rownumber=x+y*xdimvisual a data frame of three columns,with the same number of rows as in data:x and y are the coordinate of the corresponding observation in the map,and qerror is thequantization error computed as the squared distance(depends topol)betweenthe observation vector and its coding vector.alpha0a vector of initial learning rate parameter for the two training phases.alpha a character string specifying learning rate funciton type.neigh a character string specifying the neighborhood function type.topol a character string specifying the topology type when measuring distance in the map.radius0a vector of initial radius of the training area in som-algorithm for the two training phases.rlen a vector of running length in the two training phases.qerror a numeric value of average distortion measure.code.sum a dataframe summaries the number of observations in each map cell.Author(s)Jun Yan<***************.edu>ReferencesKohonen,Hynninen,Kangas,and Laaksonen(1995),SOM-PAK,the Self-Organizing Map Pro-gram Package(version3.1).\<-yeast[,-c(1,11)]yeast.f<-filtering(yeast)yeast.f.n<-normalize(yeast.f)foo<-som(yeast.f.n,xdim=5,ydim=6)foo<-som(yeast.f.n,xdim=5,ydim=6,topol="hexa",neigh="gaussian")plot(foo)summary.som7 summary.som summarize a som objectDescriptionprint out the configuration parameters of a som objectUsage##S3method for class somsummary(object,...)##S3method for class somprint(x,...)Argumentsobject,x a‘som’object...nothing yetAuthor(s)Jun Yan<***************.edu>yeast yeast cell cycleDescriptionThe yeast data frame has6601rows and18columns,i.e.,6601genes,measured at18time points. Usagedata(yeast)FormatThis data frame contains the following columns:Gene a character vector of gene nameszero a numeric vectorten a numeric vectortwenty a numeric vectorthirty a numeric vectorfourty a numeric vector8yeastfifty a numeric vectorsixty a numeric vectorseventy a numeric vectoreighty a numeric vectorninety a numeric vectorhundred a numeric vectorone.ten a numeric vectorone.twenty a numeric vectorone.thirty a numeric vectorone.fourty a numeric vectorone.fifty a numeric vectorone.sixty a numeric vectorSourceReferencesTamayo,Interpreting patterns of gene expression with self-organizing maps:Methods and application to hematopoietic differentiation,PNAS V96,pp2907-2912,March1999.Index∗arithqerror,4∗clustersom,4∗datasetsyeast,7∗hplotplot.som,3∗manipfiltering,1normalize,2∗printsummary.som,7filtering,1,3normalize,2,2plot.som,3print.som(summary.som),7qerror,4som,4summary.som,7yeast,79。

distribution channel

distribution channel

Distribution channel networks and management1.IntroductionThe common definition of distribution channel is that when the products move from the producer to the final consumer or industrial user, the direct or indirect way which go through in the process of transferring the ownership is the distribution channel.In china, Market power transfer from the large retailers to distributors, wholesale trade in China is rising rapidly, and a well-developed distribution system covering both urban and rural areas, are formed within the past 10 years. Unfortunately, this distribution system developed very unhealthy.Apart from the role of government, in a sense, the market order is due to the decision of behavior of enterprises and distributors. Enterprises do not have the ability to standardize the behavior of distributors. Distributors lacks the conscious and self-discipline, so the Chinese market disorder is not surprising.As a result, distribution channel in China need improvement and rational management. The mode of it require innovation.2.Distribution channel development in the foreign countryDistribution channel has captured foreign business man's sight in the last century. I will cite a case about Coca-Cola.The beverage market in the United States has a huge sales of $ 54 billion a year , 353 ml or 8 ounces of a soft drink for every men, women and children. At the end of the 20th century, the Coca-Cola Company's products accounted for 43% of the above total, but the company aims to surpass 50%. Coca-Cola hopes to throw away their biggest competitor Pepsi which occupied 31% market share.Coca-Cola is facing a mature market. The extremely usual method has been used again and again. They captured market share from competitors hands with the new products, competitive pricing, and large-scale promotional weapons . But, nowadays, the Coca-Cola Company will use a new method: to emphasize channels. Through providing more intensive supply of Coca-Cola, storage and marketing of Coca-Cola products , financial distributors and retailers are more active in promote their product . Channel strategy 's core is that I want customers, I want your shelves, and I want your customer's appetite, and I would also like every point of the potential growth of market share in soft drink market.To achieve this goal, the Coca-Cola Company reached close collaboration with its bottlers, wholesalers and retailers in order to jointly develop an intensive channel strategy. Coca-Cola sell its distribution agreemen to the universities, drug chains, and a large number of retail stores which may become its soft drinks retailers . At the same time, Coca-Cola also give some convenience store who give the best placement and exclude their competitors from outside a extra reward. Coca-Cola products will appear in each convenient store, including schools, the Church, clinics and the club. In short, Coca-Cola can be purchased in any place people want to buy soft drinks . This new channel strategy enhanced the depth and width of Coca-Cola. The scope of the strategy include 2,000,000 reserves Coca-Cola store industry, 450,000 restaurants and fast food outlets, as well as 1.4 million vending machines. In fact, Coca-Cola build up a intensive distribution channel strategy so as to provide broad market coverage. Ultimately, CEO imaged Coca-Cola's distribution channels as a tap of every consumer kitchen. However, cold water is not run out of the tap instead of lathery Coca-Cola!Coca-Cola is the world's most familiar and well-known brand. But they still focused on channels, Coca-Cola recognized that a great product, and even the world-famous products, succeeded only in the quality. In fact, if Coca-Cola products are not ready to meet the consumer needs of the tens of thousands around the world, then Coca-Cola is also unworthy of the name.It is no doubt that the distribution channels makes this high-level supply possible. Coca-Cola and other competitors, tens of thousands of products and services must bedelivered through the distribution channels. Only in this way, a large number of such products and services could be delivered to companies and organizations' hands. Distribution channels and personnel constitute a complex and dynamic system. But the ultimate consumer only see a lot of work less than they do. Consumers only see just a lot of final result like creating a new type of store, services, decide of the structure and operation of distribution channels. Distribution channels affect tens of thousands of consumers' life who are dependent on the pyramid structure supply of products and service.3.Distribution channel networks and management in china3.1 Development status of distribution channel in ChinaChinese enterprises in the development have gradually realized the importance of distribution channels, and distribution channels typically accounted for 15% -40% of the share of the prices of goods and services. This figure also reflects the potential to improve competitiveness and profitability of enterprises through improving distribution channels.Scientific design and ingenuity distribution channel management can often bring a higher return for the enterprise.The technology development is accelerating the evolution of the channels. The next few years, the channel management is facing challenges and opportunities with speed growth. Information networks have been able to make the product or service provider to skip the traditional distributors so as to deal directly with the end customers. In addition, logistics field appeared a large number of innovations, including the efficient and reliable overnight courier distributor inventory status and real-time tracking information systems, these innovations out of the original product and parts inventory system, and to create the conditions for the distribution channel network of recycling.At the same time, all walks of life appeared many new distribution channels, and create opportunities for businesses to cut costs and quickly occupy the specific market segments. For example, direct mail, the large warehouse supermarkets and online ordering. The importance of these new channels for consumer goods manufacturers isgrowing. Although there are such a wide range of important opportunities, few companies are able to take full advantage of it. Why enterprises' performance is not satisfactory in such a tactical significance field?3.2 The difficulties in seeking the new channel opportunitesPlenty of reasons cause channel opportunities difficult to identify.First, the shopping habits of consumers is not changed in one night,but in a gentle way. For instance, people accept credit cards and ATMs after a very long time. The large warehouse-style supermarkets have opened in many cities in China, this not only maintain the traditional distribution channels but also acquire the consumers' acceptance. Strangely, it did not attract the attention and interest of most manufacturers.Second, Chinese enterprises generally use external channels, rarely have direct contact with their end users, hopes distributors to discover and use new channels. In this mode, however, will inevitably lead to the exclusion of the distributors of emerging channels. Users of new channels often refuse to purchase from distributors, tend to deal directly with the enterprise.Finally, the biggest obstacle of channel innovation often exists in the internal enterprise. From management side, companies tend to focus on the control and management of distribution channels, neglect the importance of maintaining reasonable contact with consumers. They cannot understand the feelings and opinions of consumerstimely, comprehensive and accurately. Many companies can not even accurately grasp the consumers' buying habits.For an enterprises which has a hope to discover and use new channels,only a way to help them achieve their goals is to strengthen contact with the end-user and find buying habits from them. Enterprises must note that, even if the internal staff is their end users, their buying experience and habits is difficult on behalf of ordinary consumers, because the internal staff are often able to enjoy some privileges, they can not experience the ordinary consumer purchase feeling.4 How can we improve our distribution networks and managementTo solve the problem existing in distribution channels, almost all companies have indeed a very significant and positive action to take measures, but no roots, no innovation, so the action and measures is useless, which called positive inert in management. For example, many enterprises increase the clerk's practice, not only failed to reduce distribution costs but also resulted in a rise on the channel costs.Next, I will point out three major aspects of analysis methods to integrate distribution channels.4.1 Channel strategy and channel management4.1.1 Customer satisfaction should be considered as the main objective. The attention should be shifted from the distributors to the customer service.As long as customers meet their satisfaction, the enterprises can achieve good performance. This simple truth was overlooked by many businesses. Customer satisfaction determine customer loyalty. Customer loyalty will create a good premise of channel innovation for the enterprise and channel integration. Under this premise , the enterprise can focus on several lower cost for the customer but it can bring real benefitsof the things, in order to avoid or minimize the cost of those who do not attach importance to the target customer.Unfortunately , in many industries, the enterprise did not do so. They placed distributors demand above the customers', even neglect end-users' needs and end up hurting customer satisfaction, until lose the customer loyalty.4.1.2 To re-examine and develop channel strategy and strategicChannels should be determined by the customer demand and economic efficiency. We should be concerned about the operation of the channels (sales, distribution, telegraph and other) whether they are effective and prompt . The results and performance of the channels should also be evaluated from the angle of the main target customers .Channels constitution often has been a clear division of labor on the channel. And it determines which channels should serve the small quantities of high-profits products, which channels should adopt the principle of small profits with large quantities.For most businesses, a thorough study of the existing or potential channels and escaping from the shackles of a single channel, multi-channel strategy reasonable, is the primary means to increase market share and sales.When enterprises use the new channels, distributors and salesmen's direct reaction is to worry about a channel conflict that generate price competition and distribution fault problems. It needs to be emphasized that first of all,the price competition and distribution fault problems is the management issues, and then channel issyes. Distribution and sale are definitely two concepts. The distribution process should be carefully controlled, and can be fully involved in sales (retail) link. Every conflict has its solution. Do not break down the value of questionable channels because of the conflicts.4.2 Customer relationship managementThe true customer relationship management (CRM) was implement with large obstacles in China. Because even the common customer profiles are difficult to establish. Their customer profiles are rough, inaccurate and obsolete data. This is not the biggest problem. The biggest problem is not knowing how to use customer information for management and marketing services.4.2.1 Classification of the existing total dealer, different management approach to different categoriesEnterprises should divide them into available and unavailable according to their attitude and ability, eliminate the unavailable ones. Enterprises must get rid of the impact of emotional factors, and also do not worry about the possible short-term impact on the sales to the phase-out of a distributor. Enterprise need bigger and bigger scale , but it also need a better and healthy internal environment. A healthy distribution channels is the core to a healthy enterprise. This conclusion has been proved by the reality.The next step is the further classification. Available ones must be divided into training and reforming ones . Give the former ones free training, or eliminate them.4.2.2 The re-design and definition of the content and the role of the client filesThrough a comprehensive, systematic and professional management methods, a full range of management will implement on customers . Second, enterprise should expand the role of the client files into the market management tools and management tools . Finally, customer profiles about the total dealer should be extended to all distributors, to establish a comprehensive second installment and retailers file, and gradually amplitude gradually from distributors to consumers. The ultimate extension is to the end-users.4.2.3 The use of modern information technology to create and deal with customers, market information systemsMost enterprise customers and market information cannot be established. On the one hand, ignoring cause the result. More importantly, they do not know what information to collect , do not know how to deal with information. Not all information can be used, only the customer knowledge extracted from the complex information and market knowledge is useful, know only establish enterprise content management system, in order to make the customer knowledge and market knowledge business management and marketing services. The use of large-scale sales of businesses, if you do not use modern information technologies and means, to establish a sound and valuable information is almost unthinkable.4.3 ClerkUltimately, no matter what and how to do in channel innovation, clerk is the advanced people to promote and operate it. Even if the use of modern information technologies and means, it can not replace the personal skills of distributors and salesmen, and not a substitute for the simple and correct market insight.The success or failure of the enterprise channel innovation, largely depends on the clerks' correct understanding of the necessity and urgency of the innovation, the ability to enhance the personal skills required by the innovation.4.3.1 Professional training on the salesmanClerk of the Chinese enterprises, even those good enterprise, the professional clerk is also very limited. Many companies implement salesman training, but this training exists many problems: do not let the salesman to recognize the need for training. The salesman did not really enter the training status, or too utilitarian; no training systems, training can not be sustained, not ongoing training. It is difficult to play a role. Assessment of the effectiveness of training is not combined with personal income and advancement.4.3.2 Redefine the role of salesmanThe role of most businesses salesman in the individual marketing is the basis for the definition of the channel innovation. And it will be conducted in a professional marketing and system marketing base. The salesman's work is no longer based on the sales of the core, but the core of a solid marketing foundation work. The appraisal of the clerk firstly depend on the action points in the course of action,then the sales. Objectively speaking, simple training and education cannot solve the problem. The real difficulty is that this is a a specialization and professionalization process. Recognizing this, the enterprise just know how much effort and costs they will take in order to achieve their goals. The biggest difference of Chinese enterprises is that they only need to find the problems and solutions can be. And we should not only find a solution, it is but also more important to solve the specialization and professionalization of personnel.5.ConclusionThe importance of distribution channel is obvious in the 21 century. Distribution channel in China need improvement and rational management. The mode of it require innovation.6.ReferenceFeng,L.Y. 2002, Distribution channel management, Economic Management Press.。



distribution用法1. 什么是distribution在计算机领域,distribution指的是将软件、数据或资源分发给客户或用户的过程和方式。


2. distribution的种类2.1 操作系统发行版操作系统发行版(operating system distribution)是指将一个操作系统的内核、驱动程序、应用程序和工具集成在一起,并将其分发给用户使用的操作系统软件包。



2.2 软件发行版软件发行版(software distribution)是指将软件、库文件和相关资源以一个整体的形式打包,并分发给用户使用的过程。




2.3 数据分发数据分发(data distribution)是指将数据集合分发给用户使用的过程。





3. distribution的作用3.1 提供便利的软件安装方式通过软件发行版,用户可以方便地安装和使用软件。


distributeddataparallel 随机数

distributeddataparallel 随机数

distributeddataparallel 随机数DistributedDataParallel(DDP)是一种用于分布式深度学习的技术,它可以在多个GPU或多台计算机上并行训练模型。


















Slurm用法1. 什么是Slurm?Slurm是一个开源的、高度可扩展的作业调度系统,用于在大型计算集群上管理和调度作业。


2. Slurm的基本概念2.1 集群集群是由多个计算节点组成的计算环境。



2.2 作业作业是用户提交给Slurm的计算任务。



2.3 队列队列是Slurm中用于管理作业的概念。


2.4 分区分区是Slurm中用于划分集群资源的概念。



3. Slurm的安装和配置3.1 安装Slurm要安装Slurm,首先需要下载Slurm的源代码。



3.2 配置SlurmSlurm的配置文件是slurm.conf,可以通过编辑该文件来配置Slurm的各种参数。



4. Slurm的使用4.1 提交作业要提交一个作业,可以使用sbatch命令。


例如:sbatch --partition=normal --nodes=2 --ntasks-per-node=4 --time=1:00:00 myjob.s h上述命令将提交一个作业,要求分配2个计算节点,每个节点上运行4个任务,运行时间限制为1小时。





在Greenplum中,可以使用以下几种分布策略:1. 随机分布(Random Distribution):将数据随机分布在所有的节点上,不考虑数据的特性。

2. 哈希分布(Hash Distribution):根据一个或多个列上的哈希值,将数据均匀地分布在各个节点上。


3. 范围分布(Range Distribution):根据一个或多个列上的排序值,将数据按照一定的范围划分并分布在各个节点上。


4. 复制分布(Replicated Distribution):将整个数据复制到每个节点上,用于频繁进行全局聚合查询或小型表的连接操作。





例如,在创建表时可以使用如下语句来指定哈希分布:```sqlCREATE TABLE tablename (col1 datatype, col2 datatype, ...)DISTRIBUTED BY (col1);```或者使用以下语句来指定范围分布:```sqlCREATE TABLE tablename (col1 datatype, col2 datatype, ...)DISTRIBUTED BY RANGE (col1);```需要根据具体的数据和查询需求选择合适的分布策略,以达到最佳的查询性能和数据分布效果。




比如说,财富的分配,那就是“the distribution
of wealth”。

就好像把一堆糖果分给一群小朋友,这就是一种distribution 嘛!

“distribution center”,这就是“配送中心”的意思呀,你想想,那不就是货物被分配到各个地方去的中心嘛。

还有“distribution network”,“分销网络”呀,就像一张大网,把东西四散开来。

配送中心嘛,这配送中心就是 distribution center 呀!这不就把这个短语用上啦。

然后呢,咱生活中也到处都有 distribution 的影子呀。

均匀地分布在大地上,这也是一种 distribution 呢!还有人口的分布,
有的地方人多,有的地方人少,这就是人口的 distribution 呀!
丰富,有的地方就很缺水,这就是水的 distribution 不同嘛。


free -h参数详解

free -h参数详解

free -h参数详解
在Linux系统中,free -h命令用于显示系统内存的使用情况。


下面是free -h命令的参数详解:
free -h
-h: 显示内存使用情况以人类可读的格式显示,单位为KB、MB、GB 等。

total: 系统总的内存大小,以人类可读的格式显示。

used: 已使用的内存大小,以人类可读的格式显示。

free: 未使用的内存大小,以人类可读的格式显示。

shared: 被多个进程共享的内存大小。

buffers: 被缓冲区使用的内存大小。

cache: 被缓存使用的内存大小。

available: 可供新进程使用的内存大小。

freetds openssl 编译

freetds openssl 编译



freetds是一个用来支持Mircosoft SQL Server和Sybase数据库的库,而openssl则是一个开源的加密工具包,被广泛用于网络安全通信方面。


二、freetds编译1. 下载freetds源码我们需要到freetds的冠方全球信息站或者其他可靠的软件站点上下载freetds的源代码。


2. 配置编译参数在解压之后的文件夹中,我们可以找到一个configure文件,这个文件是用来配置freetds的编译参数的。



3. 编译当配置完成之后,我们可以使用make命令来进行编译。


4. 安装编译完成后,我们可以使用make install命令来安装freetds。


三、openssl编译1. 下载openssl源码和freetds一样,我们需要到openssl的冠方全球信息站或者其他可靠的软件站点上下载openssl的源代码。


2. 配置编译参数在解压之后的文件夹中,我们可以找到一个config文件,这个文件是用来配置openssl的编译参数的。


hologres 分区表创建语句

hologres 分区表创建语句












我们需要使用CREATE TABLE语句创建普通表,然后使用ALTER TABLE语句添加分区。

在Hologres中,分区表的创建语句主要涉及到PARTITION BY子句,用于指定分区键和分区类型。







python feemd原理

python feemd原理

Python Feemd原理Python Feemd,全称为Python Finite Element Enriched Meshfree Method,是一种基于Python语言的有限元增强无网格方法。


本文将介绍Python Feemd的原理及其应用。

一、Python Feemd的基本原理1. 有限元法(Finite Element Method,FEM)是一种数值分析方法,用于求解工程和物理问题。



2. 无网格方法(Meshfree Method)是一种不依赖于网格的数值解法,适用于具有复杂几何形状和大变形的问题。


3. Python Feemd将有限元法和无网格方法相结合,通过有限元法的单元插值和加权残值法,以及无网格方法的局部无网格形式函数,实现对复杂问题的高效求解。

它主要包括以下几个主要步骤:3.1 创建计算区域的离散化网格,将其划分为有限数量的单元。

3.2 定义单元内的插值函数,用于近似描述单元内的物理场。

3.3 通过加权残值法建立单元之间的相互作用,构建整个计算区域的线性方程组。

3.4 使用局部的无网格形式函数对计算区域的几何和物理特性进行描述,从而避免了网格更新和复杂性。

二、Python Feemd的应用1. Python Feemd可应用于复杂的工程问题求解,如结构力学、流体力学、热传导等。

它具有以下几个优点:1.1 高效准确:有限元法和无网格方法相结合,能够对复杂问题进行高效准确的数值求解。

1.2 适用性广泛:适用于具有复杂几何形状和大变形的问题,能够有效地处理非线性、动态、多物理场耦合等问题。

subdistribution 子分布 定义

subdistribution 子分布 定义

subdistribution 子分布定义

















NN 和 2NN 工作机制中,NN 通常指 NameNode,2NN 指 SecondaryNameNode。

下面以Hadoop 生态系统中的 HDFS(Hadoop Distributed File System)为例,对两者的工作机制进行简单说明:
1. NameNode 工作机制:
- 加载编辑日志(edits)和镜像文件(fsimage)到内存。

- 处理元数据的请求,如:增删改。

- 记录操作日志、更新滚动日志(避免发生意外,如:断电)。

- 内存数据操作,如:增删改。

2. SecondaryNameNode 工作机制:
- 请求是否需要 CheckPoint,触发 CheckPoint 需要满足两个条件中的任意一个,定时时间到和 Edits 中数据写满了。

- 请求执行 CheckPoint。

- 滚动正在写的 Edits(会生成一个新的日志,如果有新的元数据请求,那么就会用这个新的日志)。

- 将镜像文件和日志拷贝到2NN中。

- 加载到内存并合并。

- 生成新的镜像文件。

- 将新的镜像文件拷贝到 NN。

- NN 中覆盖历史的镜像文件。

在实际应用中,NN 和 2NN 的工作机制可能会因为不同的系统和需求而有所不同。
























torch distributions multinomial用法

torch distributions multinomial用法











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Free n-distributions: holonomy, sub-Riemannian structures, Fefferman constructions and dual distributions.
arXiv:0706.4441v1 [math.DG] 29 Jun 2007
Stuart Armstrong 2007
1. Introduction
1Introຫໍສະໝຸດ uctionOn a manifold M , let H ⊂ T M be a distribution of rank n. Then there is a well defined map L : H ∧ H → T M/H . For X, Y sections of H , it is given by the quotiented Lie bracket X ∧ Y → [X, Y ]/H . Then H is a free n-distribution if L is an isomorphism. The moniker “free” comes from the fact that there are no relations between sections of H that would cause L to fail injectivity. This condition immediately implies that T M/H is of rank n(n − 1)/2, thus that M is of dimension m = n(n + 1)/2. Bryant [Bry05] has studied the case of n = 3, m = 3, a free 3-distribution in a 6-manifold, but the general case remains little studied. Fortunately, these structures lead themselves to be treated with the general tools of Cartan connecˇ ˇ tions on parabolic geometries ([CG02] and [CS00]). The homogeneous model is provided by the set n+1,n of maximal isotropic planes in R . The group of transformations is G = SO(n + 1, n) while the stabiliser of a point is P = GL(n) ⋊ Rn ⋊ ∧2 Rn . Its Lie algebra is p which has nilradical Rn ⋊ ∧2 Rn . These are precisely the two-step free nilpotent Lie algebras, with the Lie bracket from Rn ⊗ Rn to ∧2 Rn being given by taking the wedge. The fact this nil-radical is free is a consequence of the freeness of the n-distribution. We do not introduce any extra information, or make any choices by taking the Cartan connection, ˇ as the normal Cartan connection for a free n-distribution is determined entirely by H ([Cap06]). The most natural restrictions to put on the holonomy of a connection with structure algebra so(n + 1, n) is to require that it preserves a subundle in the natural representation bundle of that algebra – the standard Tractor bundle T . This condition is analysed; it turns out it implies a class of preferred connections on M , which preserve certain structures on the manifold, making them an example of sub-Riemannian manifolds. If the rank of the preserved bundle V ⊂ T is n, there is a unique preferred connection ∇ defined by it, that has properties analogous to the Einstein condition in conformal and projective geometry. If V is further non-degenerate, there is a well-defined metric on the manifold as a whole. In that case, it is an Einstein involution [Arm07]. Other issues worth looking into in any new geometries is how the structures restrict to sub-manifolds; this is analysed in the next section. There is even a decomposition/twisted product result, similar to the Einstein product result in conformal geometry ([Lei05] and [Arm05]) which applies to certain very restrictive holonomy algebras. In this case, there are explicit constructions of manifolds with these properties, leaving hope that manifolds with the weaker properties mentioned above will also exist. The main results of this paper will be gleaned in the n = 3, m = 6 case. The free 3-distribution has a Fefferman construction into the conformal structure [Bry05]. We will show this Fefferman construction is normal for both Tractor connections, meaning that we have many known examples of holonomy reductions [Arm05]. Here, the normal Cartan connection is torsion-free, and the results of the previous section can be applied to show that holonomy reductions to SU (2, 2) ∼ = Spin(4, 2)0 and SL(4, R) ∼ = Spin(3, 3)0 do exist, and arise from their own Fefferman constructions – over integrable CR manifolds and integrable Lagrangian contact structures, respectively. Here, normality of the underlying Cartan connections is equivalent with normality of that generated by the free 3-distribution. The other interesting situation for a free 3-distribution is that of a reduction of the holonomy of − → the Tractor connection ∇ to G′ 2 . This does not arise from any Fefferman construction, but has a fascinating geometry. On an open dense set of the manifold, there is a canonical Weyl structure ∇. This determines a splitting of T = T−2 ⊕ H , where H is the canonical free 3-distribution. 2
Abstract This paper analyses the parabolic geometries generated by a free n-distribution in the tangent space of a manifold. It shows that certain holonomy reductions of the associated normal Tractor connections, imply preferred connections with special properties, along with Riemannian or subRiemannian structures on the manifold. It constructs examples of these holonomy reductions in the simplest cases. The main results, however, lie in the free 3-distributions. In these cases, there are normal Fefferman constructions over CR and Lagrangian contact structures corresponding to holonomy reductions to SO(4, 2) and SO(3, 3), respectively. There is also a fascinating construction of a ‘dual’ distribution when the holonomy reduces to G′ 2.