







这些期刊大多具有很高的“影响因子”(Impact Factor,IF,是评价期刊的学术水平的最重要的参数)和引用频次。

以下,简要介绍美国科学信息所(Institute of Scientific Information)的统计和发表于1998年之前的科学论文被引用次数排名处在前20名的科技期刊,内容包括:刊载内容、总被引用次数、影响因子(1997年)等,供科技工作者在投稿时参考。

1. Journal of Biological Chemistry (J. Biol. Chem.)ISSN 0021-9258《生物化学杂志》创刊于1905 年,全年52期,由美国生物化学和分子生物学学会主办。


总引用次数为322 529;影响因子为6.936。

2. Proceedings of the National Aca deny of Sciences of the United State of American (Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA)ISSN 0027-8424《美国国家科学院汇刊》创刊于1915年,全年24期,由美国国家科学院主办。



总引用次数为290 121;影响因子为9.040。

3. Nature ISSN 0028-0836《自然》创刊于1869年,全年52期。




国外核心期刊简介AIDS research and human retroviruses18 times a yearISSN 0889-2229631B0029/aidE-mail:info@《艾滋病研究和体逆转酶病毒》刊载有关转录酶病毒和与之相关的后在免疫缺乏综合症方面多学科的研究论文。


AJR,American journal of roentgenologyMonthlyISSN 0361-803X635B0001/scriptcontent/ajr/index.cfmE-mail:subscribe@《美国X射线学杂志》由美国伦琴射线学会(American Roentgen Ray Society)和美国镭学会(American Radium Society)合办。


American journal of botanyMonthlyISSN 0002-9122588B0001/E-mail:orders@《美国植物学杂志》由美国植物学会(Botanical Society of America)主办。


American journal of cardiologySemimonthlyISSN 0002-9149638B0010/locate/amjcard《美国心脏病学杂志》由美国心脏病学会(American College of Cardiology)主办。


American journal of clinical pathologyMonthlyISSN 0002-9173631B0002E-mail:feedback@《美国临床病理学杂志》由美国临床病理学家协会(American Society of Clinical Pathologists)主办,刊载临床与解剖病理学基础及临床实践研究论文、病例报告和专题报告。



序 刊名

中图刊号 出版国
Journal of magnetism and magnetic
2 Electronics letters
536LB002 736C0061
荷兰 英国
3 IEEE transactions on magnetics
IEEE 磁学汇刊
IEEE 通信汇刊 IEEE-TM S 电子材料杂志 IEEE 信号处理汇刊 IEEE 通信选题杂志 IEEE 应用超导汇刊 IEEE 天线与传播汇刊 微电子工程 半导体科学与技术 IEEE 固态电路杂志 IEEE 微机电系统杂志 微电子学可靠性 IEEE 无线通信杂志 IEEE 无线通信处理杂志
537LB053 537C0075 537B0001 546B00 11 798B0072 537LB010 537B0002
14 Journal of lightwave technology
15 Journal of the American Society for Mass 美国质谱学会志
IEEE transactions on circuits and systems. Ⅰ, Regular IEEE 电路与系统汇刊.第 1 辑,
21 p ap ers
IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for video IEEE 视频技术电路与系统汇刊 22
28 briefs



国外科学技术核心期刊1.The New England journal of medicinencet3.JAMA4.The Journal of experimental medicine5.Nature medicine6.BMJ (International edition)7.The American journal of medicine8.Journal of medical ethics9.The Hastings Center report 10.Social science & medicine 11.Medical journal of Australia 12.CMAJ 13.Bulletin of the history of medicine 14.BMJ (Clinical research ed.) 15.The Journal of medicine and philosophy 16.Annual review of medicine 17.Deutsche medizinische Wochenschrift 18.Medical history 19.Journal of the history of medicine and allied sciences Presse medicale 21.South African medical journal 22.Statistics in medicine 23.Medical hypotheses 24.Mayo Clinic proceedings 25.Journal of internal medicine 26.Medicine 27.Medical care research and review 28.Southern medical journal 29.Postgraduate medical journal 30.Journal of the National Medical Association 31.Academic medicine 32.The Journal of family practice 33.The American journal of the medical sciences 34.Medical education 35.Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 36.New Zealand medical journal 37.British medical bulletin 38.Clinical and experimental medicine 39.The Israel Medical Association journal 40.Medical decision making 41.American journal of public health 42.The American journal of clinical nutrition 43.American journal of epidemiology 44.The Journal of nutrition 45.The Milbank quarterly 46.The British journal of nutrition 47.Health affairs 48.Annual review of public health 49.Environmental toxicology and chemistry 50.Medical care 51.Annual review of nutrition 52.Journal of health economics 53.Health services research 54.Public health reports 55.Food and chemical toxicology 56.International journal of obesity and related metabolic disorders 57.Journal of the American Dietetic Association 58.The Journal of nutritional biochemistry 59.European journal of clinical nutrition 60.Journal of adolescent health 61.Health policy 62.Health physics 63.American journal of industrial medicine64.Epidemiology 65.Inquiry (U.S.) 66.International journal of epidemiology 67.Bulletin of the World Health Organization 68.Journal of the American College of Nutrition 69.Molecular human reproduction 70.Nutrition 71.Nutrition research 72.International journal of health services 73.Occupational and environmental medicine 74.Journal of clinical epidemiology 75.Patient education and counseling 76.Obesity research 77.Journal of public health 78.The Annals of occupational hygiene 79.European journal of public health 80.Journal of occupational and environmental hygiene 81.International journal of food sciences and nutrition 82.Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 83.American journal of preventive medicine 84.Appetite 85.Epidemiology and infection 86.Health policy and planning 87.Journal of epidemiology and community health 88.The Journal of school health 89.Health education & behavior 90.Preventive medicine 91.Environmental research 92.Human reproduction update 93.Annals of nutrition & metabolism 94.Journal of occupational and environmental medicine 95.Public health 96.Radiation protection dosimetry 97.International archives of occupational and environmental health 98.Industrial health 99.Environmental health perspectives 100.Archives of environmental health 101.The Journal of immunology 102.Annual review of immunology 103.Journal of clinical microbiology 104.Journal of cognitive neuroscience 105.Annals of internal medicine 106.Immunity 107.Vaccine 108.The American journal of pathology 109.Archives of internal medicine 110.Psychophysiology 111.AIDS 112.International journal of radiation oncology,biology,physics 113.Trends in immunology 114.Biomaterials 115.European journal of immunology 116.The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology 117.Journal of psychosomatic research 118.Journal of immunological methods 119.Carcinogenesis 120.American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology 121.American journal of medical genetics. Part A 122.American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics123.American journal of medical genetics. Part C, Seminars in medical genetics 124.The Journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences 125.Journal of biomedical materials research. Part A 126.Journal of biomedical materials research. Part B, Applied biomaterials 127.Journal of biomechanics 128.Current opinion in immunology 129.Brain research. Molecular brain research 130.Gene therapy 131.Clinical and experimental immunology 132.Advances in immunology 133.Human gene therapy 134.Journal of neuroimmunology 135.Journal of leukocyte biology 136.Immunology 137.The Journal of parasitology 138.Clinical microbiology reviews 139.Human immunology boratory investigation 141.The Journal of pathology 142.Clinical and experimental allergy 143.The American journal of surgical pathology 144.International immunology 145.Immunological reviews 146.Human pathology 147.Annals of biomedical engineering 148.Medical physics 149.Journal of medical virology 150.Journal of biomechanical engineering 151.AIDS research and human retroviruses 152.Physics in medicine & biology 153.American journal of physiology. Gastrointestinal and liver physiology 154.Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes 155.Brain research. Cognitive brain research 156.Archives of pathology & laboratory medicine 157.Journal of medical genetics 158.International archives of allergy and immunology 159.American journal of clinical pathology 160.American journal of physiology. Renal physiology 161.Neurobiology of aging 162.Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie 163.Trends in molecular medicine 164.Journal of clinical pathology 165.American journal of physiology. Lung cellular and molecular physiology 166.Calcified tissue international 167.Alternatives to laboratory animals 168.European journal of clinical microbiology & infectious diseases 169.Cellular immunology 170.Scandinavian journal of immunology 171.Clinical immunology 172.Critical reviews in biomedical engineering 173.Journal of medical microbiology 174.Modern pathology 175Clinical and diagnosticlaboratory immunology 176.Journal of molecular medicine 177.The Journal of gene medicine 178.The journal of clinical investigation 179.Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy 180.Critical care medicine 181.The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy 182.Clinical chemistry 183.Allergy 184.Journal of rehabilitation research and development 185.Intensive care medicine 186.The Medical clinics of North America 187.Journal of palliative care 188.The American journal of family therapy 189.Critical reviews in neurobiology 190.American family physician 191.Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 192.Nursing research 193.Cambridge quarterly of healthcare ethics 194.Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine 195.Transfusion 196.European journal of clinical investigation 197.Clinical science 198.Journal of advanced nursing 199.Clinical therapeutics 200.Journal of music therapy 201.The American journal of nursing 202.Physical therapy 203.Palliative medicine 204.Diagnostic microbiology and infectious disease 205.Postgraduate medicine 206.Research in nursing & health 207.QJM 208.The Journal of laboratory and clinical medicine 209.Disability and rehabilitation 210.Human movement science 211.Clinical nutrition 212.The Journal of orthopaedic and sports physical therapy 213.Wiener klinische wochenschrift 214.Nursing outlook 215.The International journal of clinical and experimental hypnosis 216.Nuclear medicine communications 217.Critical reviews in clinical laboratory sciences 218.Injury 219.The American journal of occupational therapy 220.The Journal of nursing administration 221.Alternative therapies in health and medicine puterized medical imaging and graphics 223.The Journal of rehabilitation 224.International journal of nursing studies 225.Journal of clinical nursing 226.Drugs & aging 227.ANS, Advances in nursing science 228.V ox sanguinis 229.Journal of midwifery & women's health 230.Journal of investigative medicine 231.OTJR 232.The Journal of clinical ethics 233.International journal of clinical practice 234.Infection and immunity 235.The Journal of infectiousdiseases 236.The Journal of investigative dermatology 237.Clinical infectious diseases 238.Emerging infectious diseases 239.British journal of dermatology 240.Archives of dermatology 241.Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 242.Sexually transmitted diseases 243.Infection control and hospital epidemiology 244.Journal of clinical epidemiology 245.The Journal of hospital infection 246.Sexually transmitted infections 247.Experimental dermatology 248.Dermatology 249.Scandinavian journal of infectious diseases 250.Infectious disease clinics of North America 251.Trends in parasitology 252.Molecular and biochemical parasitology 253.Acta dermato-venereologica 254.American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 255.Chest 256.The European respiratory journal 257.American journal of respiratory cell and molecular biology 258.Pediatric pulmonology 259.International journal of tuberculosis and lung disease 260.Respiratory medicine 261.Thorax 262.Circulation 263.Blood 264.Endocrinology 265.The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism 266.The American journal of cardiology 267.Circulation research 268.Journal of the American College of Cardiology 269.Endocrine reviews 270.Diabetes 271.Stroke 272.British journal of haematology 273.Chest 274.Diabetes care 275.Hypertension 276.Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology 277.Thrombosis and haemostasis 278.European heart journal 279.Diabetologia 280.The American heart journal 281.Molecular endocrinology 282.Leukemia 283.Cardiovascular research 284.Atherosclerosis 285.Journal of hypertension 286.The Journal of endocrinology 287.Frontiers in neuroendocrinology 288.Metabolism, clinical and experimental 289.Molecular and cellular endocrinology 290.Thrombosis research 291.Heart 292.Clinical endocrinology 293.American journal of hypertension 294.Current opinion in lipidology 295.Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology 296.Experimental hematology 297.Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology 298.European journal of endocrinology299.Haematologica 300.General and comparative endocrinology 301.Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology 302.Neuroendocrinology 303.Leukemia & lymphoma 304.Gastroenterology 305.Hepatology 306.Gut 307.The American journal of gastroenterology 308.Journal of hepatology 309.Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics 310.Digestive diseases and sciences 311.The International journal of eating disorders 312.Hepato-gastroenterology 313.Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology 314.Gastrointestinal endoscopy 315.European journal of gastroenterology & hepatology 316.Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology 317.Seminars in liver disease 318.Neurogastroenterology and motility 319.American journal of obstetrics and gynecology 320.Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 321.Human reproduction 322.Pediatrics (U.S.) 323.The Journal of pediatrics 324.Fertility and sterility 325.Obstetrics and gynecology 326.Gynecologic oncology 327.Pediatric research 328.Acta p?diatrica 329.Archives of disease in childhood 330.The Pediatric infectious disease journal 331.The Gerontologist 332.Prenatal diagnosis 333.Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition 334.Journal of women's health 335.The American journal of geriatric psychiatry 336.BJOG 337.Birth 338.Acta obstetricia et gynecologica Scandinavica 339.Age and ageing 340.Geriatrics 341.European journal of obstetrics, gynecology and reproductive biology 342.European journal of pediatrics 343.Journal of developmental and behavioral pediatrics 344.Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine 345.Mechanisms of ageing and development 346.Placenta 347.Developmental medicine and child neurology 348.Transplantation 349.The Annals of thoracic surgery 350.Anesthesiology 351.Annals of surgery 352.Anesthesia and analgesia 353.Spine 354.Bone marrow transplantation 355.Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery 356.Surgery 357.Transplantation proceedings 358.Clinical orthopaedics and related research 359.British journal of surgery 360.Plastic andreconstructive surgery 361.Journal of vascular surgery 362.Thorax 363.The American journal of surgery 364.British journal of anaesthesia 365.Archives of surgery 366.Anaesthesia 367.The Journal of trauma 368.Journal of endovascular therapy 369.Diseases of the colon & rectum 370.Journal of orthopaedic research 371.The Journal of surgical research 372.Journal of neurotrauma 373.Journal of pediatric surgery 374.World journal of surgery 375.Journal of bone and joint surgery. British volume 376.Surgical endoscopy 377.Canadian journal of anaesthesia 378.Annals of surgical oncology 379.The Journal of heart and lung transplantation 380.The Surgical clinics of North America 381.Acta anaesthesiologica Scandinavica 382.Journal of the American College of Surgeons 383.Pacing and clinical electrophysiology sers in surgery and medicine 385.Otolaryngology--head and neck surgery 386.The American surgeon 387.Dermatologic surgery 388.Surgical neurology 389.The Journal of orthopaedic and sports physical therapy 390.Journal of surgical oncology 391.Arthritis and rheumatism 392.Journal of bone and mineral research 393.Journal of bone and joint surgery. American V olume 394.The Journal of rheumatology 395.Bone 396.Rheumatology 397.The Journal of urology 398.Kidney international 399.Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 400.Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation 401.Urology 402.American journal of kidney diseases 403.The Prostate 404.Nephron 405.BJU international 406.European urology 407.Current opinion in nephrology and hypertension 408.Cancer research 409.Oncogene 410.Journal of the National Cancer Institute 411.CA 412.Cancer 413.Journal of clinical oncology 414.International journal of cancer 415.The British journal of cancer 416.Anticancer research 417.Clinical cancer research 418..European journal of cancer 419.Cancer letters 420.Psycho-oncology 421.Genes, chromosomes & cancer 422.Annals of oncology 423.Seminars in oncology 424.International journal of oncology 425.Cancer nursing 426.Cancergenetics and cytogenetics 427.Cancer science 428.Molecular cancer research 429.Cancer gene therapy 430.Seminars in cancer biology 431.Histopathology 432.Breast cancer research and treatment 433.The Journal of neuroscience 434.The American journal of psychiatry 435.Archives of general psychiatry 436.Neuron 437.Brain research 438.Neurology 439.The British journal of psychiatry 440.Annual review of neuroscience 441.Neuroscience 442.Neuroscience letters 443.Trends in neurosciences 444.Journal of clinical psychiatry 445.Journal of comparative neurology 446.Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 447.Neuropsychologia 448.Psychological medicine 449.Schizophrenia bulletin 450.Psychosomatic medicine 451.Nature neuroscience 452.Annals of neurology 453.Brain 454.Journal of neurosurgery 455.NeuroReport 456.Schizophrenia research 457.Psychiatric services 458.Neuropsychology 459.Hearing research 460.The Laryngoscope 461.Journal of speech, language, and hearing research 462.Archives of otolaryngology--head & neck surgery 463.The Annals of otology, rhinology & laryngology 464.The Journal of laryngology and otology 465.Otolaryngology--head and neck surgery 466.Acta oto-laryngologica 467.International Journal of Audiology 468.European archives of oto-rhino-laryngology 469.American journal of rhinology 470.Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 471.Vision research 472.Ophthalmology 473.Archives of ophthalmology 474.American journal of ophthalmology 475.British journal of ophthalmology 476.Experimental eye research 477.Journal of cataract and refractive surgery 478.Progress in retinal and eye research 479.Optometry and vision science 480.Ophthalmic surgery, lasers & imaging 481.Ophthalmologica 482.Clinical & experimental ophthalmology 483.Journal of periodontology 484.Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 485.Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology, oral radiology, and endodontology 486.The Journal of prosthetic dentistry 487.Journal of dental research 488.Critical reviews in oralbiology and medicine 489.Journal of clinical periodontology 490.Journal of the American Dental Association 491.Caries research 492.American journal of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics 493.Journal of oral pathology & medicine 494.Journal of periodontal research 495.The International journal of oral & maxillofacial implants 496.British dental journal 497.Journal of endodontics 498.Clinical oral implants research 499.Radiology 500.The Journal of nuclear medicine 501.AJR, American journal of roentgenology 502.Magnetic resonance in medicine 503.Medicine and science in sports and exercise 504.AJNR, American journal of neuroradiology 505.The American journal of sports medicine 506.The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 507.Radiation research 508.IEEE transactions on medical imaging 509.European journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging 510.Human brain mapping 511.Aviation space and environmental medicine 512.Radiotherapy and oncology 513.The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics 514.Journal of medicinal chemistry 515.British journal of pharmacology 516.Pharmacological reviews 517.European journal of pharmacology 518.Biochemical pharmacology 519.Molecular pharmacology 520.Psychopharmacology 521.Annual review of pharmacology and toxicology 522.Trends in pharmacological sciences 523.Neuropharmacology 524.Pharmacology, biochemistry and behavior 525.Pharmacology & therapeutics 526.Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics 527.Pharmaceutical research 528.International journal of pharmaceutics 529.Chemical & pharmaceutical bulletin 530.Drug discovery today 531.Drugs 532.Journal of controlled release 533.Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology 534.Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis 535.Chemical research in toxicology 536.Toxicology and applied pharmacology 537.Journal of pharmaceutical sciences 538.Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology 539.Drug metabolism and disposition 540.British journal of clinical pharmacology 541.Journal of clinicalpsychopharmacology 542.Planta medica 543.Clinica chimica acta 544.Experimental and clinical psychopharmacology 545.International immunopharmacology 546.Reviews of physiology, biochemistry and pharmacology 547.Biological & pharmaceutical bulletin 548.Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's archives of pharmacology 549.Journal of pharmacy and pharmacology 550.Journal of antibiotics 551.Journal of ethnopharmacology。




《Wochenblatt fur papierfabrikatipn》--Began in 1870 --Biberach an der Riss : Guntter-Staib-Verlag , 20times a yearDDC : 676 ISSN : 0043-7131 WBPFAZ : 826E0002 Publisher addr.:Deutscher Fachverlag GmbH , Mainzer Landstr 251, Frankfurt Am Main , 60326,GermanyPublisher phone : 49-69-759501 FAX :49-69-75952999http://www.dfv.de E-mail :info@dfv.de2、《纸浆与造纸科学杂志》由加拿大纸浆与造纸技术协会(Pulp & Paper Technical Associational of Canada)主办。



《Journal of pulp and paper science 》 transactions of the Technical Section .—Vol.9 , no.1(Mar.1983)-.—[Montreal : Technical Section , Canadian Pulp and paper Association , 1983]—MonthlyDDC: 676 ISSN : 0826-6220 JPUSDN : 826NA003Continues : Canadian pulp and Paper Association . Technical Section .Transactions of the Technical Section 0317-882XPublisher addr. : Pulp and Paper Technical Association of Canada , 740 rue Notre Dame ouest , Bureau 810 , Montreal , PQ, H3C 3X6 , CanadaPublisher phone : 514phone : 514-392-6962 FAX : 514-392-0369http://www.paptac.ca E-mail : pubs@paptac.ca3、《国际纸业经济》刊载有关木浆、纸浆、纸张与纸板的生产和纤维素化学工艺以及造纸业历史方面的文章,兼载专利、文摘、技术通讯、国外消息和书评等。


(国家科技部)中国科学技术信息研究所 - 中国科技论文统计源期刊(中国科技核心期刊)目录 2008年
中国科学院文献情报中心 - 中国科学引文数据库(CSCD)来源期刊 2007-2008年度
中国社会科学院文献信息中心 社科文献计量评价中心 - 中国人文社会科学核心期刊要览 2008年
南京大学 中国社会科学研究评价中心 - 中文社会科学引文索引(CSSCI)核心库来源期刊目录 2008-2009年度
基于Google Scholar的引文分析软件: Publish or Perish.exe
SCI、SSCI、EI、CSCD、CSSCI等中外8:27:10 浏览:6080次
SCI 2005、2006、2007、2008年期刊影响因子
SSCI 2005、2008年期刊影响因子
EI 2009、2010年索引的所有期刊目录
SCI 收录期刊缩写与全称对照表
北京大学图书馆 - 中文核心期刊目录(2008年,第五版)



500C0117 509NA001 737E0053
26 International journal of general systems 27 Minerva 28 Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History
国际通用系统杂志 米涅瓦 美国自然史博物馆公报
4 Journal of the American Mathematical Society 5 Acta mathematica 6 Communications on pure and applied mathematics
美国数学会志 数学学报 纯数学与应用数学通讯
510B0096 510KB001 510B0009
模糊集与系 混沌、孤立子与分形 数学分析与应用杂志
510LB054 510C0072 513B0003
18 SIAM journal on scientific computing
国外科学技术核心期刊总览(2008 版)
N/Q,T/X 综合性科学技术类核心期刊表
序号 1 2
7 8 9 10 11 12



AACC Current Journal Review《美国心血管病学会近期期刊评论》美国ISSN:1062-1458,1992年创刊,全年6期,Elsevier Science出版社,刊载心血管病的基础知识、疾病机制、诊断与治疗、药物记录、会诊和技术简报等方面的文摘和短评。

ACOG Clinical Review《美国妇产科学院临床文献评论》美国ISSN:1085-6862,1996年创刊,全年10期,Elsevier Science出版社,从数十种最重要的医学期刊中,选摘临床妇科学、临床产科学、内分泌学和不育症、肿瘤学和诊所实践等文献并加以评论。

Academic Radiology《学院放射学》美国ISSN: 1076-6332,全年12期,Elsevier Science出版社,SCI收录期刊,SCI 2003年影响因子1.409。


Accident Analysis & Prevention《事故分析与预防》英国ISSN:0001-4575,1969年创刊,全年6期,Elsevier Science出版社,SSCI收录期刊,SSCI 2003年影响因子1.075。


Accounting, Management and Information Technologies《财务、管理与信息技术》英国ISSN:1471-7727,全年4期,Elsevier Science出版社,从哲学、人类学、法律和社会政治理论等角度研究和分析信息技术(专家系统、集成制造、个体与集体决策支持、性能监控与调节等)在财务与控制系统以及管理实践与决策中的应用。

Accounting, Organizations and Society《会计、组织与社会》英国ISSN:0361-3682,1976年创刊,全年8期,Elsevier Science出版社,SSCI收录期刊,SSCI 2003年影响因子0.565。



/view/b9f9554cf7ec4afe04a1df3b.html 47.电工技术类核心期刊表(mjl00000008;196623--)48.电工技术类扩展区期刊表(26种)49.无线电电子学、电信技术类核心期刊表(59种)50.无线电电子学、电信技术类扩展区期刊表(按刊名顺序排列)(52种)51.自动化技术、计算机技术类核心期刊表(100种)51.1、自动化技术类核心期刊表51.2、计算机技术类核心期刊表52.自动化技术、计算机技术类扩展区期刊表(按刊名顺序排列)(92种)52.1、自动化技术类扩展区期刊表(28种)52.2、计算机技术类扩展区期刊表(64种)61.交通运输类核心期刊表(33种)61.1综合运输类核心期刊表(10种)61.2铁路运输类核心期刊表(5种)62.交通运输类扩展区期刊表(29种)62.1、综合运输类扩展区期刊表(9种)62.2、铁路运输类扩展区期刊表(5种)62.3、公路运输类扩展区期刊表(10种)A self-excited six-phase induction generator for stand-alone renewableenergy generation: experimental analysis获取资源:本馆全文链接:Wiley InterScience云图书馆传递全文:昌北高校图书馆文献传递中心∙【作者】G. K. Singh;A. Senthil Kumar;R. P. Saini∙【刊名】European Transactions on Electrical Power∙【出版日期】2010∙【卷号】Vol.20∙【期号】No.7∙【页码】884-900∙【关键词】renewable energy generation;six-phase inductiongenerator;self-excitation;small hydro power generation schemeA self-excited six-phase induction generator for stand-alone renewableenergy generation: experimental analysis获取资源:本馆全文链接:Wiley InterScience云图书馆传递全文:昌北高校图书馆文献传递中心∙【作者】G. K. Singh;A. Senthil Kumar;R. P. Saini∙【刊名】European Transactions on Electrical Power∙【出版日期】2010∙【卷号】Vol.20∙【期号】No.7∙【页码】884-900∙【关键词】renewable energy generation;six-phase inductiongenerator;self-excitation;small hydro power generation schemeRotor flux oriented control of a symmetrical six-phase inductionmachine获取资源:云图书馆传递全文:昌北高校图书馆文献传递中心∙【作者】S.N. Vukosavic;M. Jones;E. Levi;J. Varga∙【刊名】Electric Power Systems Research∙【出版日期】2005∙【卷号】Vol.75∙【期号】NO.2∙【页码】142-152Rotor flux oriented control of a symmetrical six-phase inductionmachine∙【作者】S.N. Vukosavic;M. Jones;E. Levi;J. Varga∙【刊名】Electric Power Systems Research∙【出版日期】2005∙【卷号】Vol.75∙【期号】NO.2∙【页码】142-152Fault Analysis of Six Phase Power System Using Six Phase SymmetricalComponentsq∙【作者】W. S. ABU-ELHAIJA;F. K. AMOURA∙【刊名】Electric Power Components and Systems∙【出版日期】2005∙【卷号】Vol.33∙【期号】NO.6∙【页码】657-671∙【关键词】fault analysis;six phase system;symmetrical componentsThree-Phase/Six-Phase Conversion Autotransformers∙【作者】Xusheng Chen∙【刊名】IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery∙【出版日期】2003∙【卷号】Vol.18∙【期号】NO.4∙【页码】1554-1561∙【关键词】Autotransformer;Six-phase;TransmissionThree-phase six-pulse buck rectifier with high quality inputwaveforms获取资源:云图书馆传递全文:昌北高校图书馆文献传递中心∙【作者】J. Conde-Enríquez;J.S. Benítez-Read;J.L. Durán-Gómez;J.O. Pacheco-Sotelo ∙【刊名】IEE Proc., Electr. Power Appl.∙【出版日期】1999∙【卷号】Vol.146∙【期号】No.6∙【页码】637-645∙【关键词】three-phase six-pulse buck rectifier;high quality input waveforms;PWM modulation technique;commuting function;commutation sequence;harmonicbehaviour;rectifier signals;carrier signal selection;spectral analysis;harmonicdistortion minimisation;high quality input currents;digital circuit;power factor;total harmonic distortionTorque density improvement in a six-phase induction motor with thirdharmonic current injection获取资源:云图书馆传递全文:昌北高校图书馆文献传递中心∙【作者】Renato O. C. Lyra;Thomas A. Lipo∙【刊名】IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications∙【出版日期】2002∙【卷号】Vol.38∙【期号】NO.5∙【页码】1351-1360∙【关键词】Induction machine analysis and design;Industrial drives;Six-phase drives。






1. SCI(Science Citation Index)科学引文索引:SCI是世界上最具影响力的科技文献数据库之一,由汤森路透公司运营。



2. SSCI(Social Sciences Citation Index)社会科学引文索引:SSCI是SCI的一个子数据库,专门收录社会科学领域的优秀期刊。


3. AHCI(Arts & Humanities Citation Index)人文及艺术引文索引:AHCI是SCI的另一个子数据库,主要收录人文学科和艺术学科领域的期刊文章。


4. EI(Engineering Index)工程索引:EI是世界上最有权威性的工程科技文献索引数据库之一,包括了工程技术领域的核心期刊和会议论文。


5. ISTP(Index to Scientific & Technical Proceedings)科技论文索引:ISTP是一种评估学术会议论文影响力的核心期刊目录,收录了全球范围内学术会议上发表的高质量科技论文。

6. CSSCI(Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index)中国社会科学引文索引:CSSCI是中国社会科学院主办的社会科学期刊评价数据库。



N/Q,T/X综合性科学技术类核心期刊表N自然科学总论类核心期刊表O1数学类核心期刊表O3力学核心期刊表O4物理学类核心期刊表1.物理总论类核心期刊表2. 声学类核心期刊表3.光学类核心期刊表4.电学、电子学、磁学类核心期刊表5.凝聚态物理类核心期刊表6.热学与物质分子运动类核心期刊表7.现代物理学类核心期刊表O6化学类核心期刊表1.化学总论类核心期刊表2.无机化学类核心期刊表3.有机化学类核心期刊表4.物理化学、理论化学类核心期刊表5.分析化学类核心期刊表6.晶体学类核心期刊表P地学总论类核心期刊表P1天文学类核心期刊表P2测绘学类核心期刊表P3地球物理学类核心期刊表P4大气科学(气象学)类核心期刊表P5地质学类核心期刊表P7海洋学类核心期刊表P9自然地理学核心期刊表Q生物科学类核心期刊表1.普通生物学类核心期刊表2.遗传学类核心期刊表3.生理学类核心期刊表4.生物化学、化物物理学、分子生物学类核心期刊表5.生物工程类核心期刊表6.古生物学类核心期刊表7.微生物学类核心期刊表8.植物学类核心期刊表9.动物科学类核心期刊表10.人类学类核心期刊表R医药、卫生总论类核心期刊表R1预防医学、卫生学类核心期刊表R3基础医学类核心期刊表R4临床医学类核心期刊表R5/8临床各科类核心期刊表1.传染病、寄生虫病、皮肤病、性病类核心期刊表2.结核病、呼吸系及胸部疾部类核心期刊表3.心脏病、血液及淋巴系疾病、内分泌腺疾病及代谢病类核心期刊表4.消化系及腹部疾病类核心期刊表5.妇产科学、儿科学、老年医学类核心期刊表6.外科学核心期刊表7.骨科学(包括风湿病、关节炎)类核心期刊表8.泌尿科学类核心期刊表9、肿瘤学类核心期刊表10、神经病学与精神病学核心期刊表11、耳鼻咽喉科学类核心期刊表12、眼科学类核心期刊表13、口腔科学类核心期刊表14、特种医学(包括地方病)类核心期刊表R9药学类核心期刊表S1农业基础科学类核心期刊表S2 农业工程类核心期刊表S3、5农学、农作物类核心期刊表S4 植物保护类核心期刊表。



外文核心期刊简介1、《科学计量学》(双月刊)(Scientometrics. 1978, Amstendam : Elsevier Scientific Pub..co.)本刊是由匈牙利出版的一份权威性的国际期刊,主要刊载科学计量学领域的研究论文、短讯和评论。


2、《情报处理与管理》(双月刊)http://www.elsevien.nl(Information Processing & management 。

1975~ Oxford: Pergamon Press.)本刊是图书馆学情报学领域一份重要的国际科学期刊,研究情报学的产生、组织、存储、检索、传递及利用,涉及情报科学、计算机科学、认知科学等相关学科。


继承:《Information Storage and Retrieval》《情报存储与检索》吸收:Information Technology《情报技术》E-mail: nlinfo-f@elsevier.nl3、《情报学杂志》(双月刊)(Journal of Information, 1979~, Amsterdam : Published for the Insititute of InformationScientists by the Worth-Holland Pub. Co.)本刊内容涉及有关情报学各方面的理论与实践,包括知识与知识交流、情报源,情报管理,情报传播、情报技术的创新与转让等,涉及数字、语言和经济学等学科知识,编委会由世界各地的专家学者组成。




25种外文期刊目录1. 刊名:ACM SIGARCH (Computer Architecture): Computer Architecture News.中译名:美国计算机学会计算机体系结构专业组计算机体系结构新闻ISSN:0163-5964电子版来源数据库:ACM Digital Library2.刊名:ACM SIGMOD (Management of Data): SIGMOD Record..中译名:美国计算机学会数据管理专业组记录ISSN:0163-5808电子版来源数据库:ACM Digital Library3.刊名:ACM SIGOPS (Operating Systems): Operating Systems Review中译名:美国计算机学会操作系统专业组综论ISSN:0163-5980电子版来源数据库:ACM Digital Library4.刊名:ACM SIGCOMM (Data Communication): Computer Communication Review 中译名:美国计算机学会数据通信专业组计算机通信评论ISSN:0146-4833电子版来源数据库:ACM Digital Library5. 刊名:ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes.中译名:美国计算机学会软件工程专业组软件工程札记ISSN:0163-5948电子版来源数据库:ACM Digital Library6. 刊名:Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Civil Engineering中译名:土木工程师学会会报:土木工程ISSN:0965-089X电子版来源数据库:国家科技文献中心(NSTL)宁波服务站7. 刊名:Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Structures and Buildings中译名:土木工程师学会会报:结构与建筑ISSN:0965-0911电子版来源数据库:国家科技文献中心(NSTL)宁波服务站8. 刊名:Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Geotechnical Engineering 中译名:土木工程师学会会报:土工技术工程ISSN:1353-2618电子版来源数据库:国家科技文献中心(NSTL)宁波服务站9. 刊名:Ground Engineering中译名:地面工程ISSN:0017-4653电子版来源数据库:国家科技文献中心(NSTL)宁波服务站10. 刊名:Concrete Construction中译名:混凝土建筑ISSN:1533-7316电子版来源数据库:Gale数据库/国家科技文献中心(NSTL)宁波服务站11. 刊名:ACI Materials Journal中译名:美国混凝土学会材料杂志ISSN:0889-325X电子版来源数据库:国家科技文献中心(NSTL)宁波服务站12. 刊名:International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies.中译名:国际智能信息技术杂志ISSN:1548-3657电子版来源数据库:国家科技文献中心(NSTL)宁波服务站13. 刊名:International Journal of E-Business Research.中译名:国际电子商务研究杂志ISSN:1548-1131电子版来源数据库:国家科技文献中心(NSTL)宁波服务站14. 刊名:International Journal of E-Collaboration.中译名:国际电子协作杂志ISSN:1548-3673电子版来源数据库:国家科技文献中心(NSTL)宁波服务站15. 刊名:International Journal of Knowledge Management.中译名:国际知识管理杂志ISSN:1548-0666电子版来源数据库:国家科技文献中心(NSTL)宁波服务站16. 刊名:International Journal of Electronic Government Research.中译名:国际电子政府研究杂志ISSN:1548-3886电子版来源数据库:国家科技文献中心(NSTL)宁波服务站17. 刊名:International Journal of Business Data Communications and Networking.中译名:国际企业信息通讯与网络化杂志ISSN:1548-0631电子版来源数据库:国家科技文献中心(NSTL)宁波服务站18. 刊名:International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education. 中译名:国际信息与通讯技术教育杂志ISSN:1550-1876电子版来源数据库:国家科技文献中心(NSTL)宁波服务站19. 刊名:Energy & Environment.中译名:能源与环境ISSN:0958-305X电子版来源数据库:国家科技文献中心(NSTL)宁波服务站20. 刊名:International review of finance中译名:国际金融评论ISSN:1369-412X电子版来源数据库:Ebscohost21. 刊名:Asian Economic Journal中译名:亚洲经济杂志ISSN:1351-3958电子版来源数据库:Ebscohost22. 刊名:International Journal of Constitutional Law中译名:国际宪法杂志ISSN:1474-2640电子版来源数据库:OUP(Oxford University Press)23. 刊名:ELT Journal. (English Language Teaching)中译名:英语教学杂志ISSN:0951-0893电子版来源数据库:OUP(Oxford University Press)24. 刊名:Journal of Applied Linguistics中译名:应用语言学杂志ISSN:1479-7887电子版来源数据库:ALJC(欧洲中小协学会出版社全文电子期刊)25. 刊名:Translation and Literature中译名:翻译与文学ISSN:0968-1361电子版来源数据库:EBSCOhost/ALJC。



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SCI、EI收录的国外数学科技期刊(转)一、《SCI》收录的外国科技期刊(注:有“*”同时被《EI》收录)1、510B0001 ISSN 0002-9939 IF: 0、369Proceedings of the American Mathematical Socity. 1950. 12/yr.Managing Editor: Clifford J. Earle, Jr., Correll University,Malott Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853-4201Email: cliff@《美国数学会会报》发表中等篇幅的理论数学与应用数学研究论文,并设专栏发表短小精练的论文。

2、510B0003 ISSN 0002-9947 IF: 0、664Transactions of the American Mathematical Socity. 1900. 12/yr.Editor-in-Chief William Beckner, Department of Mathematics UniversityOf Texas Austin TX 78712-1082.E-mail: beckner@《美国数学会汇刊》刊载较长篇幅的理论数学与应用数学研究论文。

3、510B0006 ISSN 0002-9327 IF: 0、883American Journal of Mathematics. 1878. 6/yr. Editor-in-Chief: Professor Bernard Shiffman Department of Mathematics, The Johns HokinsUniversity, Baltimore, Maryland 21218.《美国数学杂志》发表应用和理论数学研究论文。

4、510B008 ISSN 0003-486X IF: 1、619Annals of Mathematics. 1884. 6/yr. Editorial office: Maureen Schupsky, Annals of Mathematics, Fine Hall- Washington Rd, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, 085 44- 1000 USAE-mail: annals@《数学纪事》刊载理论数学研究论文。



刊名AATCC ReviewAbbey NewsletterAcademy Proceedings In Earth and Planetary SciencesAccident Analysis and PreventionAccreditation and Quality AssuranceACM Transactions on Mathematical SoftwareACM Transactions on Software Engineering and MethodologyAcoustical PhysicsAcoustical Science and TechnologyAcoustics Research Letters OnlineActa Mathematical HungaricaActa Agronomica HungaricaActa BiotheoreticaActa Chimica SlovenicaActa Crystallographica,section B,Structural ScienceActa Crystallographica,section C,Crystal Structure CommunicationsActa CytologicaActa Geophysica PolonicaActa Palaeontologica PolonicaActa Physica Polonica,AActa Physica Polonica,BActa Physiologiae PlantarumActa Physiologica ScandinavicaActa Phytopathologica et Entomologica HungaricaActa protozoologicaActa Societatis Botanicorum PoloniaeActa TheriologicaActa VeterinariaActa Veterinaria BrnoActa Veterinaria HungaricaActa ZoologicaAdaptive BehaviorAdvance in Applied MathematicsAdvanced Composites LettersAdvanced Powder TechnologyAdvanced roboticAdvances in Atomic,Molecular,and Optical Physics Advances In Chemical PhysicsAdvances in Colloid and Interface ScienceAdvances In Engineering SoftwareAdvances In Environmental ResearchAdvances In Food SciencesAdvances In GeneticsAdvances In Heterocyclic Chemistry.Advances In Imaging and Electron PhysicsAdvances In imaging and Electron PhysicsAdvances In Marine BiologyAdvances In Nuclear PhysicsAdvances In Physical Organic ChemistryAdvances In Water ResourcesAerosol Science andTechnologyAEUeAfinidadAfrican EntomologyAfrican Farming and Food ProcessingAfrican Farming and Food ProcessingAfrican Journal of EcologyAfrican ZoologyAgBiotech ReporterAgricell ReportAgriculturaAgricultural and Forest EntomologyAgricultural Education Magazine,TheAgricultural Engineering JournalAgricultural History ReviewAgricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin AmericaAgricultural Science BulletinAgrochimicaAir& Space SmithsonianAlaska Fishery Research BulletinAlcatel Télécommunications ReviewAlloy DigestAlpine Gardener,TheAlternatives JournalAmerican ForestsAmerican Gardener,TheAmerican Journal of Human BiologyAmerican Journal of Physiology.Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology American Journal of Physiology.Lung Cellular and Molecular PhysiologyAmerican LaboratoryAmerican Malacological BulletinAmerican Midland Naturalist,TheAmerican Nuclear Society TransactionsAmerican NurserymanAmerican PrinterAmerican ShipperAmphibia-ReptiliaAnalog Integrated Circuits and Signal ProcessingAnalytical LettersAnalytical SciencesAnatomia,Histologia,EmbryologiaAncient Monuments Society TransactionsAnimal BiologyAnimal Husbandry and Agricultural JournalAnimal ResearchAnimal Science journalAnnales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae.MathematicaAnnales Botanici FenniciAnnales de l’Institut OceanographiqneAnnales de l’I.H.P.Probabilites et Statistiques Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincare.Analyse Non LineaireAnnales de Medecine VeterinaireAnnales des TelecommunicationsAnnales Henri PoincareAnnales Zoologici FenniciAnnals of Applied BiologyAnnals of Arid ZoneAnnals Of Global Analysis and GeometryAnnals of Human GeneticsAnnals of Mathematics and Artificial IntelligenceAnnals of Mathematics StudiesAnnals of Nuclear EnergyAnnals of Nuclear EnergyAnnals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics Annles de l’Institut Henri Poincare.Analyse Non LineaireAnnual ReportAnnual Report of the Bean Improvement CooperativeAnnual Reports on NMR SpectroscopyAnthrozoö sAntonie van LeeuwenhoekAnzeiger fÜr Schä dlingskundeApparelApplicable Algebra in engineering,Communication and computingApplied AcousticsApplied and Computational Harmonic Analysis Applied Catalysis B,EnvironmentalApplied Catalysis.A,GeneralApplied EnergyApplied Entomology and ZoologyApplied Magnetic ResonanceApplied Mathematical ModellingApplied Mathematics and MechanicsApplied Mathematics and OptimizationApplied Organometallic ChemistryApplied Physics LettersApplied Spectroscopy ReviewsAppropriate TechnologyAquaculture Europe MagazineAquaculture MagazineAqualtic Microbial EcologyAquatic InsectsAquaworld MagazineArboricultural JournalArchitecturaArchiv fur HydrobiologieArchives of Animal Nutrition Archives of Computational Methods In Engineering Archives of Histology and CytologyArchives of MicrobiologyArchives of Mining SciencesArchives of Phytopathology and Plant ProtectionArchives of VirologyArdeaArkiv Foer MatematikArquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinaria e ZootecniaArs CombinatoriaArthropod Structure&DevelopmentASHRAE TransactionsAsian AquacultureAsia-Pacific Biotech NewsAssembly AutomationAstronomische NachrichtenAsymptotic AnalysisAtomic Data and Nuclear Data TablesAtomic EnergyAtomic SpectroscopyAtomization and SprraysATWAus IMM BulletinAustral EcologyAustralasian BiotechnologyAustralian Cottongrower,TheAustralian Farm JournalAustralian ForestryAustralian Journal of BotanyAustralian Journal of ChemistryAustralian Journal Of EntomologyAustralian Science Teachers’ JournalAustralian Systematic BotanyAustralian Veterinary PractitionerAutomation and Remote ControlAutomtive Engineering InternationalAviation HistoryBerliner und MÜnchener Tierärztliche WochenschriftBetter RoadsBeveragce WorldBeverage IndustryBHMBio SystemsBiochemical Society SymposiumBiochemical Society SymposiumBiochemistry and Cell BiologyBiochimica et Biophysica Acta. General Subjects Biochimica et Biophysica Acta.Molecular and Cell Biology of LipidsBiochimieBioconjugate ChemistryBiogeochemistryBiologia PlantarumBiological Bulletin,TheBiological ChemistryBiological CyberneticsBiological Journal of the Linnean SocietyBiological Rhythm ResearchBiological Trace Element ResearchBiology & PhilosophyBiology of the cellBiometrikaBiomolecular EngineeringBioorganic& Medicinal ChemistryBiophysical ChemistryBiosensors and BioelectronicsBiotechnology and Development MonitorBiotechnology NewsBiotropicaBirth Defects Research.Part A,Clinical and Molecular TeratologyBlueprintBois et Forets des TropiquesBoletin de la Sociedad Espanala de Ceramica y VidrioBoreasBotanica HelveticaBotanical Journal of the Linnean SocietyBrazilian Journal of PhysicsBreaking New GroundBritish Food JournalBryologistBuilding Design & CnstructionBuilt EnvironmentBuldingsBulgarian Journal of Agricultural ScienceBulletinBulletin de la Societe Mathematique de FranceBulletin des Sciences MathematiqueBulletin of Experimental Biology and MedicineBulletin of Materials ScienceBulletin of Science,Technology&Societybulletin of the Atomic ScientistsBulletin of the Australian Mathematical societyBulletin Of the Korean Chemical SocietyBulletin of the Korean Fisheries SocietyBulletin of the Veterinary Institute in PuawyBulletin-societe Francaise de Photogramrnetrie et de TeledetectionCabiers AgriculturesCahiers de Biologie MarineCalifornia AgricultureCalifornia Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations ReportsCalifornia WildCALPHADCanadian Aeronautics and Space JournalCanadian Journal of Electrical and Computer EngineeringCanadian Mathematical BulletinCanadian Water tesources JournalCandy IndustryCar and DriverCarbohydrate ResearchCarbonate and EvaporitesCaribbean Journal of ScienceCartographicaCartographyCatalysis LettersCatalysis Surveys From AsiaCatalysis TodayCell Biology and ToxicologyCell Biology InternationalCell Communication & AdhesionCell Motility and the Cytoske1etonCell Structure and FunctionCell TransplantationCells,Tissues,OrgansCellular and Molecular Biologycellular and molecular life sciencesCellular MicrobiologyCellular physiology and biochemistryCellular PolymersCeramic Engineering and Science ProceedingsCeramic Forum InternationalCeramic ReviewCeramicsCeramics MonthlyChaosChaos,Solitons,and Fractals Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Quarterly Chemical and Petroleum EngineeringChemical Fibers InternationalChemical Market ReporterChemical physicsChemical ProcessingChemical Vapor DepositionChemie der ErdeChemistry and Physics of Carbon Chemometrics and intelligent Laboratory SystemsChimiaChromosomaChromosome ResearchChronobiology InternationalChronobiology InternationalCIM BulletinCircuits,System, and Single ProcessingCIRP AnnalsCivil Engineering PraticeCivil Engineering(Johannesburg,South Africa)CladisticsClimate PolicyClimatological DataCoal PreparationCold Regions Science and TechnologyCold Spring Harbor Symposia On Quantitative BiologyColeopterists Bulletin,TheCollection of Czechoslovak Chemical CommunicationsColloid and Polymer ScienceColourageCombinatorial Chemistry & High Thruoghput ScreeningCombinatoricaCombinatorics,Probability&ComputingCombustion,Explosion,and Shock WavesCommercial Motor,TheCommunications In Contemporary MathematicsCommunications In Numerical Methods In EngineeringCommunications In Statistics.Simulation and ComputationCommunity Transportation ReporterComparative Biochemistry and Physiology.Part A,Molecular&Integrative PhysiologyComparative ParasitologyComposites .Part B, EngineeringComptes Rendus de I' Academie d'Agriculture de FranceComptes Rendus.BiologiesComptes Rendus.ChimieComptes Rendus.MecaniqueComputational Biology&ChemistryComputational GeometryComputational GeosciencesComputational Materials ScienceComputational StatisticsComputer Animation and Virtual WorldsComputer Graphics ForumComputer Graphics Proceedings,Annual Conference SeriesComputer Graphics WorldComputer Languages,Systems and StructuresComputer Modeling In Engineering& SciencesComputer Speech& LanguageComputer Standards and InterfacesComputer-Aided Civil Infrastructure EngineeringComputerputer WeeklyComputers&FluidsComputers&SecurityComputerworldComputingComputing and Visualization In ScienceComputing In Science & EngineeringConcepts In Magnetic ResonanceConcrete constructionConcrete InternationalConcurrency and ComputationConcurrent EngineeringConference Record of the IEEE photovoltaic Specialists Conference Conference Record the IEEE International Symposium on Electrical InsulationConnection scienceConstruction EquipmentConstruction SpecifierConstructive ApproximationContinuum Mechanics and ThermodynamicsContractorContributions to ZoologyControl EngineeringCotton FarmingCRcritical reviews in eukaryotic gene expressionCritical Reviews in Analytical ChemistryCritical Reviews In MicrobiologyCrop ImprovementCruciferae NewsletterCrustaceanaCryobiologyCryptogamie AlgologieCurrent GeneticsCurrent MicrobiologyCurrent Onganic ChemistryCurrent Opinion In Colloid&Interface ScienceCurrent Science(U.S.)Current Topics In Microbiology and ImmunologyCycle WorldCzechoslovak Journal of PhysicsCварочноеПроизводствоCталъDaily Weather MapsDairy FoodsDairy Goat JournalDateline Los AlamosDealerscopeDesign NewsDesigned Monomers and PolymersDesigns,Codes and CryptographyDesigns,Codes and CryptographyDevelopment,Genes and EvolutionDevelopment,Growth and DifferentiationDiary FarmerDifferential Geometry and Its ApplicationsDifferentiationDiscrete Dynamics In Nature and SocietyDiscrete& Computational Geometry Dissertation Abstracts International.C,WorldwideDistributed and Parallel DatabasesDistributed ComputingDNA and Cell BiologyDNA RepairDynamical SystemsDynamics of Continuous,Discrete and Impulsive Systems.Series A,MathematicalAnalysisEarthquake SpectraEarthwatchEclogae Geologicae HeivetiaeEcographyEcologist,TheEcology LettersEcology of Freshwater FishEcology,Environment and ConservationEconomic BotanyEcosEDNEE,Evaluation EngineeringEisenbahnModellbahn MagazinElectrical Technology RussiaElectrical World T&D MagazineElectroanalysisElectrochernilcal and Solid State LettersElectromagneticsElectronic DesignElectronic Research Announcements Of the American Mathematical Society Electronics and Communications In Japan.Part 3,Fundamental Electronic ScienceElectronics WorldElectronics& Communications In Japan.Part 2,ElectronicsElectronics&Communications in Japan.Part l,CommunicationsElektroElektrotechnik und InformationstechnikElektrotehniski VestnikEmu,TheEngineering Analysis with Boundary ElementsEngineering ComputationsEngineering GeologyEntomologica FennicaEntomological NewsEnvironment and Devdopment EconomicsEnvironment and EcologyEnvironmental and Experimental BotanyEnvironmental ForensicsEnvIronmental Geochemistry and HealthEnvironmental Impact Assessment ReviewEnvironmental MagazineEnvironmental MicrobiologyEnvironmental 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AstrommyExperimental MathematicsExperimental TechniquesExpert systemsExtremophilesFaciesFar Eastern AgricultureFarm Bureau NewsFarm JournalFarmer’s Market OnlineFarmers WeeklyFarming JapanFatigue& Fracture of Engineering Materials& StructuresFatigue&Fracture of Engineering Materials&StructuresFeed CompounderFeed InternationalFeed ManagementFEMS Microbiology EcologyFerroelectrics LettersFew-Body SystemsFiber and Integrated OpticsFibonacci Quarterly,theFine GardeningFire EngineeringFirst BreakFischer und TeichwirtFish Farming InternationalFishery TechnologyFlight InternationalFloraFlorida Entomologist,TheFlow Measurement and InstrumentationFluid DynamicsFluid Dynamics ResearchFluid Phase EquilibriaFlyingFolia ZoologicaFolia GeobotanicaFolia PrimatologicaFood and Bioproducts ProcessingFood EngineeringFood Industry ReportFood Ingredients & Analysis International Food Marketing & TechnologyFood OutlookFood ProcessingFood Science and Tecbhoobgy Today Food Science and Technology ResearchForest LandownerForest und HolzFormal Methods In System DesignFortschritte der PhysikForum MatthematicumFoundry Trade JournalFoundrymanFractalsFracture MechanicsFree Radical ResearchFresenius Environmental BulletinFruit ProcessingFujitsu Scientific&Technical Journal Fultration&SepparationFunctional EcologyFundamenta InformaticaeFundamentals of Cosmic PhysicsFurnaces InternationalFurrowFusion Sccience and Technology Future Generation Computer SystemsFutures Research QuarterlyGalvanotechnikGarden,The Gefahrstoffe,Reinhaltung der Luft General Physiology and BiophysicsGenes to CellsGenesisGeneticaGenetical ResearchGenomeGeobiosGeochemical JournalGeodinamica Acta Geographie Physique et Quaternaire Geographische ZeitschriftGeoJournalGeologica CarpathicaGeology of Ore DepositsGeology todayGeomagnetism and AeronomyGeometriae Dedicata Geometric and functional Analysis Geophysical ProspectingGeophysical ProspectingGeophysicsGeospatial SolutionsGFFGiessereiGlasgow Mathematical Journal Glass and Ceramics Glass Physics and ChemistryGlass TechnologyGlobal and Cosmetic Global Biogeochemical Cycles Global ecology and biogeography GlÜ ckauf-ForschungshefteGlÜckaufGlycobiologyGondwana ResearchGorucie SlancyGranaGraphic Arts MonthlyGrassland ScienceGravureGreat Plains QuarterlyGreen ChemistryGround WaterGulf and Caribbean ResearchHart’s E&P Hazardous Waste ConsultantHeat Transfer EngineeringHeat Transfer,Asian Research Heating/Piping/Air Conditioning EngineeringHelicobacterHerpetological JournalHerpetological MonographHigh Pressure ResearchHigh TemperatureHigh Temperatures-High PressuresHigh Volume PrintingHistochemistry and Cell BiologyHistology and HistopathologyHistoria ScientiarumHistory and philosophy Of the Life SciencesHoard’s DairymanHolocene,TheHomeHorticultureHorticulture ReviewsHourly Precipitation Data.AlabamaHouston Journal of MathematicsHuman BiologyHuman GeneticsHuman HeredityHuman Molecular GeneticsHungarian Journal of Industrial ChemistryHutnicke 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ProceedingsInternational Food IngredientsInternational Food Safety NewsInternational Forestry Review,TheInternational Gas Engineering and ManagementInternational Journal of BiometeorologyInternational Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,The International Journal of Algebra and Computation International Journal of Applied Earth Observation & Geoinformation International Journal of Circuit Theory and ApplicationsInternational Journal of Communication SystemsInternational Journal of Comput6r MathematicsInternational Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications International Journal of Computer Integrated ManufacturingInternational Journal of Computer Systems Science and EngineeringInternational Journal of Cooperative Information SystemsInternational Journal of Developmental Biology,TheInternational Journal of Electrical Power & Energy 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Chemistry and Chemical EngineeringIranian Journal of Science and Technology.Transaction B,TechnologyIranian Polymer JournalIrish Veterinary JournalIrrigation and Drainage SystemsIrrigation Business& TechnologyIsrael Journal of ChemistryIsrael Journal of Plant SciencesIsrael Journal of ZoologyISS Tech Conference ProceedingsItalian Journal of ZoologyITE JournalIUBMB LifeIzvestiya Physics of the Solid EarthJapanese Journal of Veterinary ResearchJapanese Railway EngineeringJohns Hopkins APL Technical DigestJohns Hopkins APL Technical DigestJournal of AOAC InternationalJournal of Environmental Education,TheJournal of Essential Oil ResearchJournal of the British Astronomical Association Journal Of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology Journal for the History of AstronomyJournal Of bioenergetics and Biomembranes Journal of Hydroscience and Hydraulic Engineering Journal of Pressure Vessel TechnologyJournal of Solar Energy EngineeringJournal of Advanced TransportationJournal of Agricultural 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A, Sensory,Neural,and Behavioral Physiology Journal of Comparative Physiology.B,Biochemical,Systemic,and EnvironmentalPhysiologyJournal of ComplexityJournal of Composites for ConstructionJournal of Computational BiologyJournal of Computer and System ScienceInternationalJournal of Computer Information SystemsJournal of Cosmetic ScienceJournal of Elastomers and PlasticsJournal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering , Australia Journal of Electrical Engineering and Information ScienceJournal of Electronic ImagingJournal of Electronic PackagingJournal of Electronic TestingJournal of ElectrostaticsJournal of Energy EngineeringJournal of Energy Resources TechnologyJournal of Engineering DesignJournal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and PowerJournal of Engineering Materials and TechnologyJournal of Enhanced Heat TransferJournal of Entomological scienceJournal of Environmental BiologyJournal of Environmental HorticultureJournal of Environmental SciencesJournal of Environmental SystemsJournal of Equine Veterinary ScienceJournal of EthologyJournal Of Eukaryotic Microbiology, TheJournal of Evolutionary BiologyJournal of Field OrnithologyJournal of Fire SciencesJournal of Fluids and StructuresJournal of Fluorine ChemistryJournal of Food Composition and AnalysisJournal of Food Science and BiotechnologyJournal of Foraminiferal ResearchJournal of Forest EconomicsJournal of Fourier Analysis and Applications,TheJournal of Fusion EnergyJournal of Geoscience EducationJournal of Global OptimizationJournal of Hetetocyclic ChemistryJournal of High Speed NetworksJournal of Human GeneticsJournal of HydrologyJournal of IchthyologyJournal of Industrial and Engineering ChemistryJournal of Industrial and Organometallic PolymersJournal of inorganic BiochemistryJournal of Intelligent and Robotic SystemsJournal of Intelligent Information Systems Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and StructuresJournal of Irreproducible ResultsJournal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies Journal of Loss Prevention In the Process Industries。



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IEEE transactions on systems, and, cybernetics. Part A IEEE 系统、人和控制论汇 730B0001
35 Systems and humans
刊。A 辑,系统与人类
模糊集与系 混沌、孤立子与分形 数学分析与应用杂志
510LB054 510C0072 513B0003
18 SIAM journal on scientific computing
Computing & control engineering journal
科学 自然
500B0008 500C0004
伦敦皇家学会报.A 辑,数学、
伦 敦 皇 家 学 会 哲 学 汇 刊 .A 辑,数学、物理学与工程学 510C0006
18 Science in context
19 Historical studies in the physical and biological 物理与生物科学史研究 sciences
20 American scientist 21 Osiris 22 New scientist
15 Part C, Applications and reviews
刊.C 辑,应用与评论
16 Archive for history of exact sciences
17 The British journal for the history of science
俄罗斯 英国
N 自然科学总论类核期刊表
1 Scientific American 2 Social studies of science 3 The British journal for philosophy of science
科学美国人 科学的社会研究 英国科学哲学杂志
40 Cybernetics and systems 41 Kybernetika 42 Cybernetics and systems analysis
控制论与系统 控制论 控制论和系统分析
O1 数学类核心期刊表
737B0055 737LJ002 737LB005
美国 捷克 荷兰
714C0005 500LB068 509B0008
29 Kybernetes 30 Natural history 31 Nonlinearity
控制论 自然科学史 非线性
738C0077 509B0002 513C0060
International journal of bifurcation and chaos in 国际应用科学与工程中的分
国外科学技术核心期刊总览(2008 版)
N/Q,T/X 综合性科学技术类核心期刊表
序号 1 2
7 8 9 10 11 12
14 15 16 17 18 19
21 22 23
25 26 27
29 30
Science Nature Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences Proceedings. Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences Philosophical transactions. Series A, Mathematical, Physical and engineering sciences Die Naturwissenschaften Issues in science and technology Endeavour Interdisciplinary science reviews Science, technology & human values South African journal of science IEE proceedings. Science, measurement and technology Interciencia Current science (India ) Discovery and innovation IEEE spectrum Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand Northwest science The International journal of advanced manufacturing technology Finite elements in analysis and design Queuing systems R&D Proceedings of the Japan Academy. Series B, physical and biological sciences Journal of manufacturing science and engineering Journal of scientific & industrial research The Ohio journal of science Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
500B0017 500C0081 500C0052
4 Studies in history and philosophy of science 5 Philosophy of science 6 Isis
科学史与科学哲学研究 科学的哲学 爱雪司
500C0078-A 110B0006 500B0002
1 Journal of the American Statistical Association 2 Annals of mathematics 3 Inventiones mathematicae
美国统计学会志 数学纪事 数学新进展
299B0001-1 510B0008 510E0009
纯数学与应用数学杂志 微分几何学杂志 伦敦数学会会报