菲尼克斯 位置变送器说明书
Phoenix 用户手册说明书
O PERATOR'S M ANUALVersion 3Dec. 9, 20052117 East 5th StreetSuperior, WI 54880 USAtel: 715-398-3627fax: 715-398-3279© 2004, 2005, 2006 Crane Song, LTD. Subject to change without notice. Printed in the U.S.A.A TDM Plug-inPhoenix is Crane Song’s suite of TDM only plug-ins designed to emulate the unique prop-erties of a magnetic tape machine. Designer Dave Hill has crafted this software with the same attention to detail he used to create the electronics for ATR Service’s much heralded “Aria” discrete tape recorders. His intimate knowledge of analog electronics, as well as decades of experience as a recording engineer has spawned a very useful, musical suite of plug-ins. The Phoenix process not only incorporates the nonlinear saturation characteris-tics created by magnetic tape itself, but also includes the interrelation of an analog tape recorder’s record/reproduce electronics and equalization curves. The Phoenix suite is not merely a downscaled version of the Crane Song HEDD processor, but a ground-up applica-tion derived from HEDD technology, and specifically engineered and optimized for Digidesign’s TDM architecture.Five different TDM plug-ins emulate different tape characteristics, each one incorporating a color change button allowing three choices to modify the process. The Gold button is the position where the color is approximately flat in frequency response, with Sapphire being a brighter, and Opal being a warmer tonality. A level control determines the amount of the Phoenix process integrated into the audio signal, and an input trim determines “how hard you hit the tape.” Because the DSP process is level dependent, reducing the input level will also cause a change in sound.The input trim can also be used to prevent clipping in the rare cases where clipping may be a problem. This can be useful on material that is hitting close to or at digital zero. When the input trim is at 0dB, (no change in gain) and no tape process is being added to the sound, the plug-in is bit accurate, meaning the output exactly matches the input.The Phoenix suite contains five separate plug-ins:•Luminescent is the most neutral sounding process of the five.•Iridescent has a similar magnetic character, but with a fatter bottom and midrange.This plug-in is the most similar to the tape knob on HEDD-192.•Radiant is characterized by a more aggressive compression curve•Dark Essence is even more aggressive. (The effect is a color with a wider frequency range—when used on a vocal Dark Essence can reduce sibilance problems byincreasing the apparent loudness of the rest of the signal.)•Luster starts more gently than the other four processes, but becomes as aggressive as Dark Essence when the process is at full scale.Running within Digidesign’s TDM architecture, Phoenix is very DSP efficient. It will run approximately twenty instances of a plug-in on a single DSP chip (HD system at 44.1 kHz sample rate).Phoenix’s color is dependant on signal level, program material and sample rate. A higher sample rate results in smother soundsThe Phoenix plug-in suite provides a wide range of choices to make your digital world sound warmer, fatter, and more analog. The plug-ins can be somewhat subtle, but the cumulative affect when used on a number of tracks can bring back the warmth and rich-ness which only analog recording has been able to provide.By grabing the text “INPUT TRIM” with the mouse and moving in the vertical direction the input trim level can be adjusted. It can also have a value between 0 and -12db entered into the window. The Process level can be moved by a mouse by grabbing it’s knob and mov-ing the mouse vertically. It can also have a value entered into it’s window with 0 db being the maximum value. Phoenix is mono, multi-mono, stereo and 5.1 capable.InstallationInstall the plug-in in and osX system by putting the decompressed file into theApplications/DigiDesign/ProTools/Plug-Ins alias directory.Under os9 the decompressed file is put into the System/DAE Folder/Plug-Ins directoryThe latest version of Phoenix contains an installer for PT7 and PT6.9 and manual installation is not required.System RequirementsYou MUST have the following to run a Crane Song Plug-In:Pro Tools TDM Hardware: MIX or HD. Our plug-ins are currently only available for Pro Tools TDM systems.We do not currently support any other plug-in format.Pro Tools 5.1.1 or higher running on Mac OS 9 or Pro Tools 6.0 (or later) running on Mac OS 10.2.4 (or later).Phoenix will also run on a Windows XP system and on VENUEAn ILok USB Smart Key and an accountIf you do not currently own an iLok, you must purchase one in order to authorize and run Crane Song plug-ins for both authorized and demonstration mode.An iLok can be purchased from a variety of sources, including the online DigiStore oper-ated by Digidesign.An account. Creating an account is simple and free. Visit for details. If you do not have one proceed to and set up an accountPhoenix Plug-in Registration FormandAuthorization FormProduct*Company or OrganizationYour name*TitleAddress 1*City*State*Zip/postal code*Country*Email*ilok user ID*Type of Work Produced* Music Film Post TV Post Radio Other: Operating System* (plug-ins available only for Mac OS) os9 osXSerial Number (Provided by Crane Song)Dealer(plug-ins available only for Pro Tools TDM systems)Phoenix Down load Location/gtg1663ft1/phoenix/downloadsThe above information must be provided to Crane Song Ltd. in order for the Authorization to be sent to your account. The Authorization is re-quired for Phoenix to run in BOTH demo and purchased modes. A different Authorization will be provide on purchase of the plug-infields with * are required1. License.YOU (either as an individual or an entity) MAY: (a) use this Software on a single computer; (b) physically transfer the Software from one computer to another provided that the Software is used on only one computer at a time and that you remove any copies of the Software from the computer from which the Software is being transferred; YOU MAY NOT: (a) distribute copies of the Software or the Documentation to others; (b) modify or grant sublicenses or other rights to the Software. The License is effective until terminated. You may terminate this License at any time by destroying the Software together with any copies in any form. This Agreement, including the license to use the Software, will terminate automatically if you fail to comply with any term of condition of this Agreement.2. Ownership.This License is not a sale of the Software contained in the Product. Crane Song Ltd. retains all rights, interest, title in and ownership of the Software, and Documentation, including all intellec-tual property rights. No title to the intellectual property in the Software is transferred to you. You will not acquire rights to the Software and Firmware except as expressly set forth above.3. No Reverse Engineering and Other Restrictions.You agree that you will not (and if you are a corporation, you will use your best efforts to prevent your employees and contractors from attempting to) reverse engineer, disassemble, decompile, modify, translate, investigate or otherwise study the Product in whole or in part.4. Compliance with Laws and Indemnification.You agree to use the Product in a manner that applies to all applicable laws in the jurisdiction in which you use the Product, including all intellectual property laws. You may not use the Software in conjunction with any device or service designed to circumvent technological measures employed to control access to, or the rights in, a content file or other work protected by the copyright laws of any jurisdiction. You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Crane Song Ltd from and against losses, damages, expenses, (including reasonable attorneys’ fees), fines, or claims arising from or relating to any claim that the Product was used by you to violate, either directly or indirectly, another party’s intellectual property rights.5. Limited Warranty on Software.Crane Song Ltd warrants that the media on which the Software is furnished will be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of purchase. If a defect appears during the warranty period, return the compact disc to Crane Song Ltd., and you will receive a free replacement, or at Crane Song’s option, a refund, so long as the Software, documentation, are returned with a copy of your receipts. This Limited Warranty is void if failure of the Software has resulted from accident, abuse, or misapplication. Any replace-ment Software will be warranted for the remainder of the original warranty period. THIS WAR-RANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS AND YOU MAY ALSO HA VE OTHER RIGHTS WHICH V ARY BY JURISDICITON.6. No Other Warranties.Crane Song Ltd. AND ITS LICENSOR(s) (hereafter collectively “Crane Song Ltd”) DO NOT WARRANT THAT THE SOFTWARE NOR ANY THIRD-PARTY SOFTWARE EMBEDDED ON THE DISK (collectively “SOFTWARE”) ARE ERROR FREE. YOU EXPRESSLY ACKNOWL-EDGE THAT THE SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION ARE PROVIDED “AS IS.” CRANE SONG LTD. DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS WITH RESPECT TO THE SOFTWARE, THE ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTATION OR CD ROMS. SHOULD THE SOFTWARE PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU (AND NOT CRANE SONG LTD OR AN AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE) ASSUME THE ENTIRE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION.7. No Liability for Consequential Damages. IN NO EVENT SHALL CRANE SONG LTD BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR INDIRECT DAMAGES OF ANY KIND ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THE PRODUCT, OR INABILITY TO USE THE PRODUCT, EVEN IF Crane Song Ltd. HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBIL-ITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. CRANE SONG’S LIABILITY FOR ANY CLAIM, LOSSES, DAM-AGES OR INJURY, WHETHER CAUSED BY BREACH OF CONTRACT, TORT OR ANY OTHER THEORY OF LIABILITY, SHALL NOT EXCEED THE FEE PAID BY YOU. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION OR EXCLU-SIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU.8. Export. You acknowledge that the laws and regulations of the United States restrict the export and re-export of the Software and Documentation. You agree the Software will not be exported or re-exported without the appropriate U.S. or foreign government licenses. You also agree not to export the Software (including over the Internet) into any country subject to U.S. embargo.Crane Song LTD. 2117 East 5th Street. Superior, WI 54880 USA Phone715-398-3627 Fax 715-398-3279 web site: “Black Crowned Crane” Photo used with permission from International Crane Foundation 。
Fisher定位器使用说明书一、Fisher定位器调校基本步骤1.将375手操器连接到接线端子上,进入菜单选择 Setup(设置)→Basic setup(基本设置)→Auto setup(自动设置)→Setup wizard(设置向导)2.根据Setup wizard的提示选择相应的参数⑴instrument mode is in service ,continue for prompts to pleaseout of service.仪表模式是在线状态,继续须要准时设置为离线状态选择 Yes.⑵output will not track input when instrument mode is out ofservice.当仪表在离线状态时,仪表的输出将不随输入的变化而变化选择Yes.⑶change to out of service to continue.继续需改变为离线模式选择out of service选择enter说明:仪表正常工作时其模式为in service状态,当对仪表进行调校时需改为out of service状态。
⑷Tru/Press select 行程/压力选择选择Travel control⑸Pressure units 压力单位选择psi⑹Max supply press 最大供气压力此时输入的最大供气压力值应与空气过滤减压阀的输出压力一致,此值不宜过大,过大,阀门易损坏,超行程。
⑺Actuator manufacturer 执行机构制造商选择Fisher controls⑻Actuator model 执行机构型号查看阀体上的铭牌,有此执行机构型号,选择相应型号,如667,1035,1051等。
⑼Actuator size 执行机构尺寸查看阀体上的铭牌,有此执行机构尺寸,选择相应尺寸,如30,34,40,45,50,46,60,70,100等。
目录1技术参数 (2)2安装说明 (3)3接线说明 (5)3.1 变送器(直流供电型)接线端子说明 (6)3.2 变送器(交流供电型)接线端子说明 (7)3.3 仪器接线功能图 (8)3.4 电极接线示意图 (8)4按键和界面说明 (9)4.1 按键及指示灯说明 (9)4.2 界面说明 (10)5操作说明 (13)5.1 参数设置操作 (14)5.2 校正操作 (15)6电极诊断及出错信息 (17)7电极保养说明 (19)8操作密码 (20)8.1 参数设置密码 (20)8.2 校正密码 (20)附1缓冲液 (21)附2技术术语 (23)安全预防措施请认真阅读并遵守下列要求!在仪器上电前,请对照您持有仪表的型号,确认供电电压:变送器需用18V-30VDC直流电源供电变送器需用100V-250V AC交流电源供电打开仪器会有电路部分暴露,因此除了接线仓和仪表透明罩外,不应打开仪器其它部分。
出现以下情况时,保护可能失效:◇仪器外观有明显破损◇仪器不能正常测量◇长期储存于超过70℃的环境中◇经过剧烈的震动或碰撞后1 技术参数2安装说明①1、请选择合适位置安装pH计(以下简称仪器),避免仪器直接受到阳光照射。
4、仪器内部的继电器为小电流继电器,若要控制较大动力的图2-1 仪器和动力装置接线示意图3 接线说明接线仓内部图(拆掉压线盖)接线步骤:打开接线仓盖→拆下压线盖→接线→装上压线盖→装上接线仓盖。
图3-1a 变送器(直流供电型)接线端子图图3-1b 变送器(交流供电型)接线端子图3.3 仪器接线功能图4 按键和界面说明图5-1 按键面板图4.1 按键及指示灯说明Cal ——校正功能键Conf ——参数设置功能键——功能切换/数字循环功能键——移位功能键Enter ——确认功能键Wash 灯:清洗指示灯,当清洗继电器动作时,此灯亮Alarm灯:报警指示灯,仪表超限报警或自检报警时,此灯亮4.2.1 测量界面入码自动清零,请操作人员重新输入。
F Series 温湿度变送器 说明书
F SeriesHUMIDITYAND HUMIDITY-TEMPERATURE TRANSMITTERS INSTRUCTION MANUALCONTENTS DESCRIPTION (3)OPERATION (4)Power Supply (4)Output Range (4)Temperature Operating Range and Temperature Limits (4)Humidity Limits (4)Temperature Compensation (4)Sensor Protection (5)Output Signals (5)Wiring Diagrams (6)Grounding (7)INSTALLATION (8)General Recommendations (8)Installation of the Base Plate (9)Installation of the Electronics Module (10)MAINTENANCE (11)Cleaning or Replacing the Dust Filter (through wall model) (11)Periodic Calibration Check (11)SPECIFICATIONS (13)PLEASE, READ THIS FIRST• Check the product for any physical damage that may have occurred during shipment. We carefully pack and routinely insure all shipments. If any damage has occurred, it is your responsibility to filea claim with the carrier, prior to returning the damaged product. Please note that our warranty doesnot cover damage during shipment.• See the label on the shipping box for information about the model number of the transmitter, the supply voltage as well as the type and range of the output signals. An identical label is also located under the printed circuit board.• Prior to installation, get fully familiarized with the operating limits of the product and with the installation instructions provided in this manual.• Do not unnecessarily remove the sensor protection (dust filter or slotted cap) from the probe. Both sensors (humidity and temperature) can be mechanically damaged by careless removal of the protection. The ROTRONIC HYGROMER humidity sensor looks like a small white paper tag. Do not remove from the probe!Each ROTRONIC instrument is carefully calibrated before shipment. No further adjustments should be required before installation. If you have any question or problem, please call our service department at 631/427-3898 and press 5 (or ask for extension 21).Transmitters of the F series are used to measure humidity or a combination of humidity and temperature in commercial HVAC installations, clean rooms, research laboratories and light (clean) manufacturing areas. The electronic circuitry is either of the 2-wire loop powered type or of the 3-wire type. Linearized output signals (DC current or voltage) are provided for transmission over a length of cable to a remote display, recorder, controller or data processing unit.The F series features the ROTRONIC HYGROMER capacitive humidity sensor. This well proven sensor offers exceptional durability and stability in all kinds of environments. This fact is reflected in the 3-year full warranty that covers the transmitters of the F series. Reliability is further enhanced by the easy-to-perform field calibration. Measurement accuracy and fast response are provided over the entire range of humidity conditions, even when the sensor is exposed to extremely high or low humidity over long periods of time. An electronic compensation circuit maintains the accuracy of humidity measurement at all temperatures.Models that measure both humidity and temperature, use an RTD Pt100 as the temperature sensor.F series transmitters include a base plate and a module (sensor and electronics) which plugs into the base plate. The base plate can be installed and wired without the module at the same time as general electrical work is being done. During that period of time, the electronics module can safely be stored away.The F series is available in the following configurations:Model Measurement Circuit Type InstallationF2C-W Humidity 2-Wire Loop Powered Space Mount (Surface)FT2C-W Hum. + Temperature 2-Wire Loop Powered Space Mount (Surface)F2C-D Humidity 2-Wire Loop Powered Duct Mount (Through Wall) FT2C-D Hum. + Temperature 2-Wire Loop Powered Duct Mount (Through Wall)F3V-W Humidity 3-Wire Space Mount (Surface)FT3V-W Hum. + Temperature 3-Wire Space Mount (Surface)F3V-D Humidity 3-Wire Duct Mount (Through Wall) FT3V-D Hum. + Temperature 3-Wire Duct Mount (Through Wall)Power SupplyTransmitters of the F series require the following supply voltage:• 2-Wire loop powered transmitters: 10..35 VDC - depending on the load connected to the output(s) The minimum supply voltage can be determined as follows: V min = 10 V + [0.02 x Load (ohm)]. For the maximum load of 500Ω, the minimum supply voltage is 10 + [0.02 x 500] = 20 VDC. The maximum current consumption is 20 mA per output circuit.• 3-Wire transmitters: 10..35 VDC or 24 VACModels with a current output require a minimum of 15 VDC when the load connected to the output(s) is 500Ω. 3-Wire transmitters have a typical current consumption of 16 mA (Humidity only) or 32 mA (combined humidity and temperature).Output RangeThe range of the relative humidity output is 0 to 100%RH. The temperature output depends on the range specified when ordering (see label on shipping box and under the printed circuit board). Temperature Operating Range and Temperature LimitsThe F series can operate within 23 to 122°F (-5 to 50°C) at the electronics.The temperature operating range of space mount models (surface) is the same as the temperature limits of the electronics. For through wall (duct) installation models, the temperature limits at the sensor(s) are -22..158°F (-30..70°C).Operating the transmitter and/or its probe outside of the temperature limits can result in permanent damage.Humidity LimitsAs far as possible, avoid sudden condensation at the sensors. When measuring at high humidity, condensation may occur on the humidity sensor due to a sudden difference in temperature with the environment. This does not damage the sensor. However, this will produce an overflow reading (an output signal of more than 100 %RH) for as long as condensation is present on the humidity sensor. Temperature CompensationPractically every make of relative humidity sensor requires a compensation for the effect of temperature on the humidity output signal in order to measure accurately over a wide range of temperature conditions. In the specific case of an instrument using a capacitive sensor, compensation is required because the dielectric characteristics of both the water molecule and the hygroscopic polymer used in the sensor vary with temperature.The electronic circuit of the F series uses an NTC located next to the humidity sensor to provide automatic compensation for the effect of temperature on the humidity sensor. The temperature compensation uses normal room temperature as a reference. Because of this, calibration of the unit is done at normal room temperature rather than at the temperature of operation at the sensor.Sensor ProtectionTransmitters of the F series for through wall (duct) installation are supplied as a standard with a dust filter to protect the sensors. Space mount transmitters do not have a dust filter since the sensor(s) relies on natural ventilation through the slots of the enclosure.When using a transmitter for through wall installation in a clean environment with rapidly changing conditions, it is recommended to use a slotted cap with screen (available from ROTRONIC) as opposed to using a dust filter.Never use the transmitter without protecting the sensors with either a filter or a slotted cap.Output SignalsThe F series is available with the following output signals:• 2-Wire loop powered transmitters: 4-20 mAThe transmitter behaves as a variable load and adjusts the current flowing through the terminals as a function of relative humidity and temperature. The output signal may be read with any current sensing device having a maximum impedance of 500 ohms. When several devices are connected in series with the transmitter, the resulting impedance should not exceed 500 ohms, wiring included.• 3-Wire transmitters: 0-20 mA, 4-20 mA, 0-1 V or 0-5 V. The output signal depends on the type specified when ordering (see label on shipping box and under the printed circuit board).The output signals are linear and are consistent with the requirements of most data/signal processing instrumentation (panel meter, controller, computer card, etc.).Units with current outputs behave as a variable source of current and adjust the current flowing through the terminals as a function of relative humidity and temperature. The output signal may be read with any current sensing device having a maximum impedance of 500 ohms. When several devices are connected in series with the transmitter, the resulting impedance should not exceed 500 ohms, wiring included.Units with voltage outputs behave as a variable voltage source and adjust the voltage across the terminals as a function of relative humidity and temperature. The output signals may be read with any voltage sensing device having a minimum impedance of 1000 ohms. When several devices are connected in parallel with the transmitter, the resulting impedance should not be less than 1000 ohms.Wiring DiagramsThe wiring diagram for transmitters that measure humidity only is as follows:3-Wire Transmitter with voltage output2-Wire Transmitter (4-20 mA output)Terminal number on base plateTerminal number on base plate3-Wire Transmitter with current output12Terminal number on base platenot used not usedThe wiring diagram for transmitters that combine humidity and temperature measurement is as follows:GroundingOperation of the F series does not require that the unit be electrically grounded. However, we recommend grounding the instrument, especially if the electronic circuits are subjected to a low humidity environment (less than 35 %RH).3-Wire Transmitter with voltage outputs2-Wire Transmitter (4-20 mA outputs) using two independent power suppliesTerminal number on base plateTerminal number on base plateTerminal number on base plate3-Wire Transmitter with current outputs2-Wire Transmitter (4-20 mA outputs)using a single power supplyINSTALLATION• Do not remove the dust filter or slotted cap from the probe. The sensor can easily be damaged when not protected.• The ROTRONIC HYGROMER humidity sensor has the appearance of a small white paper tag.Do not remove!General RecommendationsRelative humidity is extremely dependent on temperature. Proper measurement of relative humidity requires that the probe and its sensors be at exactly the temperature of the environment to be measured. Because of this, the location where you choose to install the probe can have a significant effect on the performance of the instrument. The following guidelines should guarantee good instrument performance:• Select a representative location: install the probe where humidity, temperature and pressure conditions are representative of the environment to be measured.• Provide good air movement at the probe: air velocity of at least 200 ft/ minute (1 meter/second) facilitates adaptation of the probe to changing temperature.• Avoid the following:(1)Close proximity of the probe to a heating element, a cooling coil, a cold or hot wall, direct exposure to sun rays, etc. (2) Close proximity of the probe to a steam injector, humidifier, direct exposure to precipitation, etc. (3) Unstable pressure conditions resulting from excessive air turbulence.• Immerse as much of the probe as possible in the environment to be measured.• Prevent the accumulation of condensation water at the sensor leads. Install the probe so that the probe tip is looking downward. If this is not possible, install the probe horizontally.Installation of the Base PlateThe base plate should be installed first, using screws with an approximate diameter of 5/32".Through Wall Space MountIMPORTANT (Through wall installation only)In order to be able to use a calibrator for future calibration checks, an orifice should be provided at a distance of about 6” from the center of the base plate. Calibrators available from ROTRONIC require an orifice with a diameter of 13/16” (21 mm). We recommend that this orifice be equipped with a QMA-15 probe holder and a rubber stopper. The orifice will be used to insert the probe of the calibrator and to verify the readings of the transmitter.The base plate of the through wall model is supplied with one sealing cable grip. This cable grip provides effective sealing only with cables having the proper outside diameter. Preferably, use a cable with an outside diameter of 0.236 to 0.275 inch (6 to 7 mm) and with 18 AWG wires. Depending on the installation, you may have to use a cable with twisted pairs or a shielded cable to avoid interference.In order to determine the maximum length of cable that can be used to connect the transmitter to other devices, the first step is to find out what is the resistance per unit of length of the cable that you plan on using.. Current outputs: the maximum permissible cable length, connecting the unit to other devices, is determined by the total resistance resulting from the addition of the cable resistance and that of the devices connected in series with the unit. This resistance should not exceed 500 ohms.. Voltage outputs: the maximum cable length can be determined under consideration of the voltage drop caused by the current flowing to the devices connected to the unit. The voltage drop in the cable depends both on cable resistance and on the equivalent resistance of the devices connected in parallel to the unit. The total resistance connected to each unit output must at least be equal to 100 kohms. Cable resistance should not be more than 1/1000 of the load resistance.Avoid running the cables connecting the unit in the same conduit as 110 VAC power cables. If this cannot be avoided, a shielded cable or a cable with twisted wires may be required to prevent interference due to electromagnetic induction caused by switching.We generally recommend grounding, especially if the electronics will be subjected to a low humidity environment (35 %RH or less).Transmitter TypeTerminals Description (see base plate) 2-Wire, humidity only 1: not used2: not used3: (+) Supply Voltage 4: 4-20 mA (humidity)3-Wire, humidity only 1: (+) Supply Voltage2: (-) Supply Voltage and Common 3: not used4: (+) Humidity (current or voltage)2x2-Wire, humidity and temperature 1: (+) Supply Voltage2: 4-20 mA (temperature) 3: (+) Supply Voltage 4: 4-20 mA (humidity)3-Wire, humidity and temperature 1: (+) Supply Voltage2: (-) Supply Voltage and Common 3: (+) Temperature (current or voltage) 4: (+) Humidity (current or voltage)See also Wiring DiagramsInstallation of the Electronics ModuleOnce the base plate has been installed and wired, the plug-in module (sensor(s) and electronics can be inserted and secured with the screws provided. The transmitter is ready to operate.Example:Through wall installation.MAINTENANCECleaning or Replacing the Dust Filter (through wall model)The dust filter should be cleaned from time to time, depending on the conditions of measurement. Cleaning should be done without removing the filter from the probe. Gently wipe the filter with a solution of water and mild detergent. If this does not remove most of the stains, the filter should be replaced. To do this, unscrew the filter from the probe.Before putting on a new dust filter, check the alignment of both sensors with the probe. The wires that connect the sensors to the probe are very thin and bend easily. If this happens, correct the alignment by holding the sensor very gently with a pair of small flat nosed pliers.Periodic Calibration CheckLong term stability of the humidity sensor is typically better than 1 %RH per year. For maximum accuracy, calibration of the unit should be verified every 6 to 12 months.Transmitters of the F series are equipped with a 5-pin keyed test connector that permits reading the signal(s) without interrupting the operation of the transmitter.ConnectorPop out ROTRONIC Labelto access Connector andCalibration Pot(s)SquareSingle-turn Pot = Temp.RectangularMulti-turn Pot = RH Space Mount Through WallTest Connector Pin # Wire Color Signal(+)1 Green Humidity(-)2 Yellow Humidityused3 Brown not4 White Temperature (+)(-)5 Gray TemperatureThe ROTRONIC A2C calibrator can be used to directly read the signal(s) provided by the test connector. The A2C comes with test cable AK3029-B used to connect the A2C with the transmitter.The humidity-temperature probe connected to the A2C provides the reference readings necessaryto check the accuracy of the F transmitter. As an alternative, any suitable reference instrument maybe used and the signal(s) from the test connector can be read with a multimeter (use test cableAK3029-4P to connect the DVM to the transmitter).The signals from the test connector are as follows:• 2-Wire and 2x2-Wire Transmitters: 40..200 mV.• 3-Wire Transmitters: 0..1 VFor humidity, this corresponds to 0..100%RH. For temperature, this corresponds to the range specified when ordering the transmitter (see label on shipping box and under the printed circuit board).A one-point calibration check can be done by comparison between a reference instrument and thesignal(s) provided by the test connector. If an offset adjustment of the transmitter is required, use the potentiometer(s) located next to the test connector.Note: during a 1-point adjustment against a referenceprobe, make sure that both the reference probe andtransmitter are ventilated and provide enough time forboth to equilibrate.SPECIFICATIONSHumidity Sensor ROTRONIC HYGROMER C94Temperature Sensor (FT Models) Pt100 RTDOperating Temperature at Electronics 23..122°F (-5..50°C)Humidity Measuring Range 10..100 %RHHumidity Output Range 0..100%RHStandard Temperature Output Range (FT Models) 0..100°F or 0..100°CTemperature Limits at Sensors Space Mount Models: 23..122°F (-5..50°C)Duct Mount Models: -22..158°F (-30..70°C) Output Signals (linear) F2C/FT2C: 4-20 mA (max. load 500Ω)F3V/FT3V: 0-5 V (min. load 1000 Ω)Accuracy at 68..77°F (20..25°C) ± 2%RH from 10 to 100%RH± 0.5°F (±0.3°C)Repeatability ± 0.3%RH and ±0.2°F (±0.1°C)Humidity Sensor Stability better than 1%RH over a yearResponse Time (without filter) 10 seconds (%RH and temperature) Calibration Potentiometers 2 for Humidity, 2 for TemperatureSupply Voltage F2C/FT2C: 10..35VDC; min. 10V + [0.02 x Load]F3V/FT3V: 15..35VDC/24VAC - 16/32 mA (F/FT) Sensor Protection Duct Mount Models: PPS Dust FilterWeight Space Mount Models: 0.3 lbs (120g)Duct Mount Models: 0.7 lbs (300 g)Case Material ABSCase Protection Duct Mount Models: DIN IP 54Duct MountSpace Mount。
模块化多功能电力仪表用户手册本手册适用于以下型号的产品S fere100江 苏 斯 菲 尔 电 气 股 份 有 限 公 司JIANGSU SFERE ELECTRIC CO.,LTD感谢您选择江苏斯菲尔电气股份有限公司研发的模块化多功能电力仪表Sfere100,为了方便您选购和安全、正确、高效的使用本仪表,请仔细阅读本说明书并在使用时务必注意以下几点。
目 录一、产品简介 (1)1.1符合标准 (1)1.2 产品概述 (1)二、技术参数 (1)三、安装与接线 (5)3.1 尺寸图 (5)3.2安装方式 (5)3.3 典型信号接线图 (5)3.4典型功能接线示意图 (7)四、菜单显示与编程 (8)4.1面板说明与使用 (8)4.2菜单介绍与操作 (8)4.3编程操作方法 (23)5.1通讯 (28)5.2电能脉冲输出 (34)5.3开关量输入 (35)5.4继电器输出 (35)5.5模拟量输出 (39)六、常见问题及解决办法 (42)6.1关于通讯 (42)6.2关于电流U I P 等测量不准确 (43)6.3关于电能走字不准确 (43)6.4仪表不亮 (43)6.5仪表不响应任何操作 (43)6.6其它异常情况 (43)一、产品简介1.1符合标准IEC 61557-12:2007 交流1000V和直流1500V以下低压配电系统电气安全防护措施的实验、测量或监控设备第12部分性能测量和监控装置(PMD)IEC 62053-22:2003 电量测量设备(交流)-特殊要求-第22部分:静态电度表(0.5S)IEC 62053-23:2003 电量测量设备(交流)-特殊要求-第23部分:静态无功表(2级)IEC 61010-1:2001 测量、控制以及实验室用电气设备的安全要求-第1部分:一般要求IEC 61000-4-2 电磁兼容性静电放电抗扰度试验IEC 61000-4-3 电磁兼容性射频电磁场辐射抗扰度试验IEC 61000-4-4 电磁兼容性电快速瞬变脉冲群抗扰度试验IEC 61000-4-5 电磁兼容性浪涌(冲击)抗扰度试验IEC 61000-4-6 电磁兼容性射频场感应的传导骚扰抗扰度试验IEC 61000-4-8 电磁兼容性工频磁场抗扰度试验IEC 61000-4-11 电磁兼容性电压暂降、短时中断和电压变化的抗扰度试验IEC 61000-2-6 电磁兼容性无线电干扰IEC 60068-2-30 环境测试工业环境抗扰度1.2 产品概述模块化多功能电力仪表Sfere100可测量各种常用电力参数、有功电能、无功电能、总谐波含量,并具有数字通讯、越限报警、监测开关状态、电能脉冲输出和模拟量输出等功能。
亚沙希美国有限公司 94系列Peaktronics位置器说明书
used to configure ALL parameters that the unit needs for a variety of applications, and eliminates the need for special meters and/or tools for calibration. As long as there is supply power, the unit can easily be field calibrated. This positioner can be calibrated for various command types (such as 4-20mA, 1-5 VDC, 0-5 VDC, 0-10 VDC, or digital) and also the default operation upon loss of command (such as fail open, fail close, or fail as is). The optional transmitter/auxiliary limit switch module is installed into the positioner card via plug and socket. This allows a user defined feedback signal of current or voltage, and provides 3-SPST relay contacts for open position, closed position and a fault condition.Series 94 Standard Features• Reversing, brushless capacitor run motor (115 VAC &230 VAC)• All 115 VAC and 230 VAC motors are CE Compliant,and bear the CE mark• Integral thermal overload protection for motorwindings with automatic reset (115 VAC & 230 VAC)• 75% - 100% duty cycle motor• Permanently lubricated gearing• Type 4X enclosure• ZYTEL FR50 Engineered resin enclosure• ISO mounting configuration• Two (2) 1/2” FNPT conduit entry to eliminate cross feed between control, feedback, and power signals • Highly visible position indicator for positive position of valve, even at a distance• Declutchable manual override: Push down on handle and rotate• Output torque: Series 94 actuators have an output torque range from 150 in/lbs to300 in/lbs Positioner Standard Features• High resolution• Simple Pushbutton calibration• Calibrated as standard or reverse acting• Multi-meter not required for potentiometercalibration• Control signal not required for calibration• Options install into positioner via plug and socket • Selectable fail position for loss of input signal; failopen, fail close, or fail as is• Selectable input signal; 4-20mA, 1-5 VDC, 0-5 VDC, 0-10 VDC, or digital• Loss of command and feedback potentiometer fault detection• Motor stall detection will sense when the motor has reached a stall condition and remove power from the motor• Voltages: 230 VAC, and low AC or DC• Heater and thermostat• Mechanical Brake• 4-20 mA Output transmitter with 3-SPST RelayContactsSize: A94, B94Torque: 150 in/lbs - 300 in/lbsVoltage: 120 VAC, 1-phase, 50/60HzAmp Draw: A94 = 0.5AB94 = 0.8ADuty Cycle: A94 = 100%B94 = 75%Conduit Entry: two (2) 1/2” FNPTMaximum Ambient Temperature: 150°FSwitches: two (2) single pole, double throw(2SPDT) , 15 amp ratedCycle Time per 90°: A94, B94 5 seconds Actuator/Positioner Options Series 94 Engineering Specificationsectionotor35 Green Street, P.O. Box 653, Malden, MA 02148 • T el:800-343-3618•781-321-5409•Fax:800-426-7058•E-mail:***********************ASAHI/AMERICARev. E 09-08and socket installation, and is supplied with its own terminal strip. This module provides a selectable output signal of 0-20mA as a current output signal, or 0-10 VDC as a voltage output signal. It also provides 3-SPST relay contact outputs that are typically used as end of travel limit switches (open and closed), and a fault indicator (loss of power, etc.). These contacts are rated for 1A @ 24vdc / 0.5A @125vac.Transmitter/Relay Standard Features•Transmitter/Relay plugs directly into DHC-100positioner card•Its own terminal strip•Selectable current (0-20mA), or voltage (0-10 VDC) output signal•3-SPST independently configurable relay contacts •Simple calibration via DHC-100 pushbuttons •Control signal not required for calibrationPositionerPOWER REQUIREMENTSDHC-100: 117 VAC ±10%, 50/60 Hz 12 VA typical (not including output load)Fuse Type: 5A TR5 Slo-Blo (replaceable)COMMAND SIGNAL INPUT Input Impedance20K ohms (1-5 VDC, 0-5 VDC, 0-10 VDC Input)251 ohms ±1% (4-20 mA Input)Loss of Command threshold< 0.75V or > 5.5V (1-5 VDC input)< 3mA or > 22mA (4-20mA input)FEEDBACK SIGNAL INPUT Input Voltage: 0 to 2.5 VDCExternal Feedback Potentiometer: 1K ohm POWER SUPPLY OUTPUTS+15V OUT (J2-8): 125mA maximum (not including option module)+5V OUT (J2-7): 5mA maximum NOTE:NOTE: Do not connect these outputs to other power supplies.AC MOTOR OUTPUTSOff-state Leakage Current: <15mA Maximum Load Current @ 150C: 5AENVIRONMENTALOperating Temperature Range: 32 F to 150F Storage Temperature Range: -40 F to 185 FRelative Humidity Range: 0 to 90 %(noncondensing)Transmitter/RelayCURRENT OUTPUT0 to 20mA @ 8 VDC or 400© maximum Resolution: 0.0031mA VOLTAGE OUTPUT0-10vdc @ 10mA maximum Resolution: 0.0016 VDCRELAY OUTPUTSSwitch Contact Type: SPST Contact Rating (non-inductive):1A @ 24 VDC / 0.5A @ 125 VACENVIRONMENTALOperating Temperature Range: 32 F to 150 F Storage Temperature Range: -40 F to 185 FRelative Humidity Range: 0 to 90 %(noncondensing)Specifications35 Green Street, P.O. Box 653, Malden, MA 02148 • T el:800-343-3618•781-321-5409•Fax:800-426-7058•E-mail:***********************。
c.选择后,按下〖确认〗键,显示变为:“d XX”,进入分度值设定,其中“XX”表示分度值,分为:“1、2、5、10、20、50”共6种,可通过〖〗、〖〗键来选择。
超声波物位变送器Prosonic S FMU90说明书
超声波物位变送器,与1个或2个超声波物位传感器(FDU90、FDU91、FDU91F、FDU92、FDU93、FDU95)配套使用应用•液体的液位测量和限位检测,或固体散料的料位测量和限位检测•明渠或测量堰中的流量测量•最大测量范围:45 m (148 ft)•泵控制和格栅控制•可选:高级泵控制(例如泵功能测试)•平均值、差值或总和计算•回水检测或污染物检测•最多提供3个累加器和3个每日计数器•计数脉冲和时间脉冲输出,用于控制外部单元优势•操作便捷的引导式菜单,6行纯文本显示,15种显示语言可选•显示屏上显示包络线,直接实现现场诊断•使用免费的FieldCare 调试软件轻松完成仪表操作、诊断和测量点归档记录•通过自带或外部温度传感器实现基于温度的行程时间校正•线性化功能(最多32个线性化点,允许用户自定义);仪表内置常用水槽和测量堰的线性化表•通过HART 或PROFIBUS DP 通信实现系统集成•可选铝制现场型外壳,适用ATEX II 3D 防爆区应用Products Solutions Services技术资料Prosonic S FMU90超声波物位变送器TI00397F/28/ZH/19.21715292142021-05-31Prosonic S FMU902Endress+Hauser目录重要文档信息..............................3信息图标 (3)功能与系统设计 (4)液体限位检测................................4明渠或测量堰中的流量测量......................5盲区距离...................................5基于温度的行程时间校正........................5干扰回波抑制................................5泵控制....................................6物位线性化.................................6流量线性化.................................6特殊功能...................................6数据记录功能................................7物位测量的应用实例...........................8流量测量的应用实例.. (10)输入 (11)传感器输入................................11外部限位开关输入...........................11外部温度传感器输入.. (12)输出....................................13模拟量输出................................13继电器...................................14PROFIBUS DP 接口...........................15电源....................................16电气参数(交流电)..........................16电气参数(直流电)..........................16电气隔离..................................16保险丝...................................16电气连接 (17)电缆入口..................................17电缆规格. (17)性能参数 (18)参考操作条件...............................18最大测量误差...............................18测量误差..................................18测量值分辨率...............................18工作频率..................................18蒸汽压力影响...............................18环境条件 (19)环境温度..................................19储存温度..................................19气候等级..................................19抗振性...................................19防护等级..................................19电磁兼容性................................19机械结构 (20)外形尺寸..................................20重量. (23)材质 (23)可操作性 (25)通过HART 通信操作..........................25通过PROFIBUS DP 通信操作....................25显示与操作单元概览..........................26显示与操作单元.............................26操作方式..................................26证书和认证 (27)CE 认证...................................27RoHS 认证.................................27RCM-Tick 认证..............................27EAC 符合性声明.............................27防爆认证..................................27其他标准和准则.............................27订购信息 (27)订购信息..................................27供货清单. (28)附件 (28)通信专用附件...............................28设备专用附件. (28)补充文档资料.............................33技术资料..................................33操作手册..................................33设备参数描述...............................33槽/索引列表(PROFIBUS DP)...................33《安全指南》文档资料代号.....................33Prosonic S FMU90Endress+Hauser 3重要文档信息信息图标安全图标操作和其他影响提示信息图标。
Rosemount 3107和3108超声波液位和流量变送器的安装和操作指南说明书
StartEndRosemountGauged Head Verification Device (HVD)2© 2010 Rosemount Inc. All rights reserved. All marks property of owner.The Rosemount HVDThe HVD is a combined mounting bracket and verification device (reference target) to check and certify the Rosemount 3107 Ultrasonic Level transmitter or 3108 Flow transmitter in an open channel flow application.•Valuable aid for instrument calibration, commissioning and certification •Easy reference check of calibrated flow •Essential tool for setting the bottom reference dimension of a tank •Corrosion resistant stainless steel construction•Reinforced polypropylene target plate Unreliable flow data can result in inefficient plant operation and unnecessary investment in plant upgrades. This is particularly true with measuring industrial and municipal effluents, and yet it is frequently given the least priority and attention. Flow data obtained from a dependable source enables plant to beoperated in an efficient manner. By optimizing treatment processes, operators can ensure the maximum treatment capacities are achieved, before additional investment is made.Open Channel Flow measurement systems such as weirs and flumes, frequently use non-contact ultrasonic level measuring instruments to determine flow. The mostcommon cause of unreliable flow data is due to inaccurate setting of the gauge zero and measurement span of the ultrasonic device.With the aid of the Head Verification Device (HVD), regular flow system checks can be carried out in a matter of minutes.Emerson Process Management Rosemount Division8200 Market BoulevardChanhassen, MN USA 55317T (U.S.) 1-800-999-9307T (International) (952) 906-8888F (952) Emerson Process Management Blegistrasse 23P .O. Box 1046CH 6341 Baar SwitzerlandT +41 (0) 41 768 6111F +41 (0) 41 768 6300Emerson Process ManagementAsia Pacific Pte Limited 1 Pandan Crescent Singapore 128461T +65 6777 8211F +65 6777 0947Service Support Hotline: +65 6770 8711Enquiries@AP Figure 1. Rosemount HVDNovember 20103S TEP 1: I NSTALLATIONInstalling The HVDThe HVD package includes a universalmounting bracket designed to bolt directly to standard Uni-Strut or similar mountingsystem. The HVD should be assembled as shown in the picture (Figure 2) and with reference to the installation pictures onpage 5. It should be installed on a securely mounted section of horizontal Uni-Strut or suitable mounting system, such that theretractable target can be lowered and rotated under the ultrasonic sensor withoutinterference from the surrounding channel or chamber. The HVD should be positioned upstream of the flume or weir at a position as recommended in the relevant ISO or BS standard for the primary measuring device.The target plate shaft is provided with a selection of holes to accept a dowel pin to enable the optimum reference height to be set with relation to the invert level of the flume or vertex of the weir. After final assembly and when the structure is fully tightened and aligned, the exact HVD reference height should be determined using a suitable optical or laser level. The target plate should be set to represent a level reading of 75% to 90% of the maximum span. This enables the target to be lowered and rotated under the sensor and to simulate a flow reading within the normal measurement span.Calculating The Transmitter Mounting HeightTo minimize the measurement uncertainty, it is recommended to mount the transmitter as low as possible in the flume approach section or weir chamber. As a typical guide, the optimum height or reference height (3107/3108 parameter P010) should be calculated as follows:P010 = Maximum Gauged Head + Transmitter Deadband + 2 in.Where:Transmitter Deadband = 12 in. for 3107 and 3108For example, consider a rectangular weir application using a Rosemount 3108 transmitter and Rosemount 3490 controller, where the maximum flow to be measured is 2000 gallons per minute and the maximum gauged head is 14 in.The transmitter reference height above the datum (P010) is calculated as follows:NOTE:Ensure the Transmitter Base Units are set to the required units (in., ft. or m)H max = 14 in. and 3107/3108 Minimum Transmitter Deadband = 12 in.Therefore, Transmitter Height (P010) = 14 in. + 12 in. + 2 in. =28 in.Figure 2. Typical InstallationIn the example above, the HVD should be mounted in the weir chamber so that transmitter face is minimum of 28 in. above the datum level which, in this case, is the horizontal sill of the weir. An allowable tolerance for this height is ±1 in. as this will be set precisely when the transmitter is calibrated using the target plate on the HVD.Setting The HVD Target Plate Reference HeightThe HVD system comes fully assembled. If further adjustment is needed to achieve the desired height of the transmitter, it may be necessary to adjust the relative position of the transmitter mounting bracket on the main HVD assembly. This is achieved by removing the two countersunk cap-head screws and locknuts, and re-positioning the bracket as required. If the target plate height needs to be adjusted in the “READ” position, remove the locking pin from the main 0.5 in. diameter stainless steel shaft and re-fit to achieve a reference height as detailed in the example below.Rectangular Weir - Q max = 2000 GPMH max = 14 in.Sensor Height Above Datum = 28 in. (result from previous calculation)Therefore, Target Height Above Zero Datum = 0.9 * H max = 0.9 * 14 in. = 12.6 in. (Max.) Or = 0.75 * H max = 0.75 * 14 in. = 10.5 in. (Min.)S TEP 2: O PERATING T HE HVDWhen the HVD has been finally adjusted to achieve a target height (as described above), the transmitter readings can be verified after the exact reference height has been measured. The most convenient way to measure the actual reference target height above the datum level is to use an optical or laser level. This normally involves using a surveyors' staff (or similar rigid pole or rule) and observing the relative heights of the target and datum by using the optical level. To be more precise with the measurement, a suitable ruler can be temporarily fixed to the staff to allow a more accurate reading. The actual height of the reference target is taken as the difference between the target plate level and the datum level.When the exact reference target height is known, the target plate should be lowered down and moved directly underneath the transmitter to simulate a level or flow reading. If the 3107 or 3108 is being used with a Rosemount 3490 controller, the display can be configured to indicate the actual level being measured by the transmitter. This is normally the PVin value which is the Primary Variable (level in inches) being sent to the 3490 controller. Alternatively, this can be read from the “MONITOR” option on the 3490 main menu.The target plate should be left under the transmitter for a minimum of three minutes to provide a stable reading for the level. If the transmitter bottom reference or reference height P010 has been set correctly, the transmitter should indicate a level reading corresponding to the actual reference target height.If the transmitter needs to be adjusted to achieve a correct reading, the transmitter’s bottom reference parameter P010 can be adjusted in two ways. Either calculate the error in the reading and correct for this by re-setting P010 by the required offset, or using the Set-up menu on the 3490 controller to go to transmitter Set-up and select “Depth now”. When prompted, enter the actual level and confirm “Depth now”. The 3490 will automatically configure parameter P010 to the correct value to read the true target plate height.4November 20105Figure 3. Dimension Drawings9.61(244)Note: Dimensions Are Shown In Inches (mm)Note: Dimensions Are Shown In Inches (mm)Note: Ensure Liquid LevelIs Below Target Plate WhenTaking MeasurementsLiquid Level6。
Prosonic M FMU43 4-20 mA HART 安全指南说明书
XA00439F-B/00/B2/13.1371216217Safety InstructionsProsonic M FMU434-20 mA HART DIP A20/21 T A , T* IP6X DIP A21 T A , T* IP6X DIP A20/22 T A , T* IP6X DIP A21/22 T A , T* IP6X NEPSI GYJ12.1531en -Document: XA00439F-BSafety instructions for electrical apparatus for explosion-hazardous areas →ä3zh -文档:XA00439F-B爆炸环境中电气仪表的安全指南→ä7NEPSI GYJ12.1531 / XA00439F-B Prosonic M 2Endress+HauserProsonic M NEPSI GYJ12.1531 / XA00439F-BEndress+Hauser3Prosonic M FMU434-20 mA HARTAssociated Documentation This document is an integral part of the following Operating Instructions:BA00237F/00The Operating Instructions which are supplied and correspond to the device type apply.DesignationApplied standards Designation of explosion protectionDIP A20/21T A ,T*IP6X DIP A21T A ,T*IP6X DIP A20/22T A ,T*IP6X DIPA21/22T A ,T*IP6X* →ä5 (Temperature tables)GB 12476.1-2000NEPSI GYJ12.1531 / XA00439F-B Prosonic M4Endress+HauserSafety instructions:Special conditions Permitted ambient temperature range at the electronics housing: –40 °C ≤ T a ≤ +80 °C.Observe the information in the temperature tables.Safety instructions: Installationå 1A Zone 21 or Zone 221Tank, hazardous area Zone 202Electronic insert3Housing, optionally with or without VU331 display and operating module:–F12, aluminium coated 44-20 mA HART passive 54-20 mA HART active 6Power supply7For passive: associated apparatus 8For active: associated apparatus 9Tank, hazardous area Zone 2110Local potential equalization•Install the device according to the manufacturer's instructions and any other valid standards and regulations.•Do not operate the device outside the specified electrical and thermal parameters.•The housing of the transmitter is equipped with a ground terminal; users must ensure that it is reliably connected to ground during installation and use.•The relationship between the permitted ambient temperature for the electronics housing, dependent on the range of application and the temperature classes is shown in the table (→ä5).•Continuous duty temperature of the cable ≥ Ta +5 K.•Connection compartment cover: "Do not open under voltage in explosive atmospheres".•The electronics compartment can be opened under voltage for configuring the device. •If the cover of electronics compartment is opened make sure that no dust may deposit.•Cover of terminal compartment or cover of electronics compartment: Torque ≥ 40 Nm.•A suitable certified cable entry and blind plug shall be used and correctly installed.After mounting and connecting the sensor, check that a degree of protection of at least IP65 as per GB4208-2008 has been attained.•Avoid a build-up of electrostatic charge on the sensor surface. Do not make friction and clean with dry cloth.•Only install the devices in media for which the wetted materials have sufficient durability.•The user shall not change the configuration in order to ensure the explosion protection performance of the equipment. Any change may impair safety.•For installation, use and maintenance of the device, users must also observe the requirements stated in the Operating Instructions and the standards:–GB50257-1996: "Code for construction and acceptance of electric device for explosion atmospheres and fire hazard electrical equipment installation engineering".–GB15577-2007: "Safety regulations for dust explosive prevention and protection".–GB12476.2-2006: "Electrical apparatus for use in the presence of combustible dust,Part 1-2: Electrical apparatus protected by enclosures and surface temperature limitation -Selection, installation and maintenance".Prosonic M NEPSI GYJ12.1531 / XA00439F-BEndress+Hauser 5•The following components of the device correspond to the low risk of mechanical danger.They must be mounted in a protected position if installed within a hazardous location area rated Zone 21 or Zone 22 if mechanical danger is expected:–Cover with inspection window–Plug connectors of devices for supply/communication (e.g. PROFIBUS PA or FOUNDATION Fieldbus)not supplied with a category Ex iaD circuit. This circuit may not be disconnected in energized state.Option•Remote displayE.g. FHX40. Observe associated Safety Instructions.Temperature tablesAn irreversible thermal fuse with cut-off temperature of 115 °C is implemented in the 4-wire transmitter.Connection dataOption: Remote display•Power supply and signal circuit in protection type: intrinsic safety Ex ia IIC or IIB.Process temperature Maximum ambient or medium temperature max. 80 °C–40 °C...+80 °CSensor Electronics housing in Zone 20in Zone 21in Zone 22Max. permitted ambient temperature –40 °C...+80 °C –40 °C...+80 °C –40 °C...+80 °C Max. surface temperature at 40 °C ambient temperature +40 °C +80 °C +43 °C Max. surface temperature at 80 °C ambient temperature+80 °C+115 °C+83 °CSignal circuit (4...20 mA)active U m =24.4 V passiveU m =30 VSupply circuitPower supply version: ACSupply voltage =90...253 V, 50/60 Hz Max. power =4 VAU m =253 VPower supply version: DCSupply voltage =10.5...32 V Max. power =1 WU m =60 VPower supply U o = 4.2 VI o = 34 mA P o = 36 mWL o = 5 mH C o = 4 μFeffective inner inductance L i = negligible effective inner capacitance C i = negligible characteristic curve: linearNEPSI GYJ12.1531 / XA00439F-B Prosonic M 6Endress+HauserProsonic M NEPSI GYJ12.1531 / XA00439F-BEndress+Hauser7Prosonic M FMU434-20 mA HART相关资料本文档是下列操作手册的组成部分:BA00237F/00根据用户订购仪表的具体型号所提供的相应操作手册。
FLS F6.30转轮式流量变送器安全说明说明书
FLS F6.30转轮式流量变送器安全说明通用说明• 必须按以下说明手册安装并使用产品。
• 此产品设计用于连接其他仪表,如果使用不当,这些仪表可能存在危险。
• 产品安装与接线只能由有资质的人员完成。
• 请勿改动产品构造。
安装与调试说明• 在进行输入与输出接线之前,应切断仪表电源。
• 仪表使用不得超过极限值规定。
• 要清洁设备单元,请只使用兼容化学制品。
必须包含以下物品:• F6.30 转轮式流量变送器• F6.30 转轮式流量变送器说明手册• 带接口软件的 USB 笔式驱动器• 用于仪表/电脑接口的 USB 电缆说明新型FLS F6.30是以转轮为基础的盲变送器。
F6.30转轮式流量变送器装有USB接口和专用软件(在 USB 笔式驱动器上或从FLS网站免费下载),可以轻松校准仪器,并通过个人电脑直观地设置输出。
此特定设计可以在DN15(0.5”) - DN600(24”)的宽范围管道尺寸内实现精确的流量测量。
23技术数据通用• 管道尺寸范围:DN15 至 DN600 (0.5”至 24”)请参阅 FLS 目录的“安装配件”章节,获取更多详情。
• 流速范围:0.15 - 8m/s(0.5 - 25ft./s)• 线性:满量程的±0.75%• 可重复性:满量程的±0.5 %•所需最小雷诺数:4500• 外壳:IP65• 焊接材料:- 传感器本体:CPVC、PVDF、黄铜或316L不锈钢- O形圈:EPDM或FPM - 转子:ECTFE (Halar ®)- 轴:陶瓷 (Al 2O 3)/ 316L SS(仅适用于金属传感器)- 轴承:陶瓷(Al 2O 3)电气• 电源:- 12 - 24VDC±10%稳压(逆极性和短路保护)- 最大电流:消耗量:150 mA - 保护性接地:< 10 Ω• 1 X 电流输出:- 4-20 mA,隔离- 最大环路阻抗:800Ω(24VDC)- 250Ω(12VDC)• 1 X固态继电器输出:- 用户可选择:最小值警报、最大值警报、体积测定、脉冲输出、窗口警报、关闭- 光隔离、50mA最大漏电流、24VDC最大上拉电压- 最大脉冲/分钟:300- 迟滞:用户可选择环境• 操作温度:-20°C - +70°C(-4°F - 158°F)• 存储温度:-30°C - +80°C(-22°F - 176°F)• 相对湿度:0 - 95%(无结露)标准和认证•按照 ISO 9001 要求制造•按照ISO 14001要求制造•CE•RoHS合规性•GOST R最高操作压力/温度(25年使用寿命)• CPVC 本体:- 10 bar (145 psi) @ 25°C (77°F) - 1.5 bar (22 psi) @ 80° C (176°F)• PVDF本体:- 10 bar (145 psi) @ 25°C (77°F) - 2,5 bar (36 psi) @ 100°C (212°F)• 黄铜或不锈钢本体:- 25 bar (363 psi) @ 100°C (212°F)45尺寸安装管道位置• 图1中显示的六个最普通的安装配置有助于在管道中为转轮式流量传感器和电磁流量传感器选择最佳位置。
Festo SDAS-MHS 位置变送器 接近开关说明书
位置变送器/接近开关SDAS-MHS,用于T型槽位置变送器/接近开关 SDAS-MHS,用于 T 型槽特性概览SDAS-MHS 用于和气缸一起组成非接触式活塞位置反馈。
1. 用作位置变送器时,其输出与感测范围内行程成正比的信号,信号可用 IO-Link®通信标准。
而且,4 条通道可通过 IO-Link®编程为接近开关、区域值比较器或迟滞比较器。
2. 用作可编程接近开关,SDAS-MHS 以二进制信号反馈活塞位置,标准为 24 V 输出信号。
另外,通过设备上的电容控制键在感测范围内可示教两个接近开关开关点得益于其极为紧凑的结构,SDAS-MHS 是用于抓手、紧凑型气缸及所有安装空间有限的应用场合的理想解决方案。
H--注意其可用于 Festo 带 T 型槽(8 号型材槽)的气缸以及带安装组件的圆形气缸和拉杆气缸。
位置变送器接近开关---- 输出信号 (PDV): 上升方向反转— 输出信号 (PDV): 交付状态的上升方向[1] PDV (位置数据值)[2] SSC1 (开关信号通道)[3] SSC2[4] SSC3[5] SSC4[1] 电气输出 1[2] 电气输出 2应用场合:良品/不良品分拣、压装、铆接、超声波焊接等。
2d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2020/0332020/03 – Subject to changed Internet: /catalogue/...位置变送器/接近开关 SDAS-MHS ,用于 T 型槽特性H- -注意感测范围 [mm]:位置变送器工作模式时设定值;典型值。
接近开关工作模式时,出于功能余量的考虑,感测范围中的设定开关点会在左边沿和右边沿各自减少约 5%。
目录1. 按键功能概述 (1)1.1. 按键模式说明 (1)2. 按键功能 (1)2.1. 输入操作码 (1)2.1.1. 操作码及对应功能 (1)2.1.2. 操作码输入方法 (2)2.2. 设置单位 (3)2.3. 设置量程下限 (3)2.4. 设置量程上限 (5)2.5. 设置阻尼 (5)2.6. 主变量调零(清零)功能 (5)2.7. 设置输出特性 (6)2.8. 校准下限 (6)2.9. 校准上限 (7)2.10. 零点迁移与量程迁移[调零和调满] (8)2.11. 显示变量设置 (8)3. 恢复出厂设置 (9)按键详细操作指南1.按键功能概述1.1. 按键模式说明标准的H3051S和H3051T表头上都有三个按键,分别为“M”、“S”、“Z”。
2.按键功能2.1. 输入操作码2.1.1.操作码及对应功能现场使用按键组态时,LCD左下角“88”字符用于表示当前设置变量类型,也就是当前按键所执➢例如输入“5”,直接进入设置阻尼功能。
2.1.2.操作码输入方法图例说明:1.均以当前采集值1 kPa,量程为0~100kPa为例2.2. 设置单位2.3. 设置量程下限2.4. 设置量程上限2.5. 设置阻尼2.6. 主变量调零(清零)功能2.7.设置输出特性2.8.校准下限2.9.校准上限2.10.零点迁移与量程迁移[调零和调满]2.11.显示变量设置液晶显示屏能显示“电流”、“百分比”、“主变量”三种变量的一种或交替显示其中的两种(间隔时间4秒)。
D 200357X 0124200 S erie s E lectroni c P ositio n T ransmittersThe 4200 Series electronic position transmitters com-bine Fisher’s field-proven electronic and mechanical expertise in a versatile, accurate instrument thatsenses the position of a device, and sends a standard (4 to 20 milliampere) output signal to an indicating de-vice. The instrument is available as a transmitter with integral high and low electronic travel limit alarms, as a transmitter only, or with electronic travel limit alarms only.The instrument can sense the position of rotary or slid-ing stem valves, vents, dampers or other devices.When the instrument is mounted, a potentiometershaft is mechanically connected to the device to sense mechanical motion. For a standard instrument, a single potentiometer is provided for position input, or an optional dual element potentiometer is available to allow independent electrical operation of the transmit-ter and alarm circuits.The instrument has standard, or long stroke (see fig-ure 5), capabilities for sliding stem actuator applica-tions. For long stroke applications, a multiturn poten-tiometer attached to a cable/pulley assembly is used to sense linear motion of the actuator stem or other devices. The instrument with standard capabilities can also be used on quarter-turn actuators.For instruments equipped with electronic travel limit alarms, individual electronic high and low alarm cir-cuits drive separate high and low alarm SPDT relays.The user adjusts the trip point and deadband of the high and low alarms to the desired travel limits. When the sense potentiometer voltage is higher than the high trip point, the electronic high alarm circuit de-en-ergizes the high alarm relay. When the sense poten-tiometer voltage is lower than the low trip point, the low alarm circuit de-energizes the low alarm relay. The low trip point may be offset from the high trip point by as little as 5% of the remaining span. In the event of a power loss to the alarm circuits, both alarms aretripped (both relays are de-energized). This indicates a(Continued page 3)Figure 1. 4200 Series T ransmitterW4966/ILFigure 2. 4200 Series T ransmitter on a Control V alveW4271–1/ILh t tp ://w w w .a m k eg as .c n1.These terms are defined in ISA Standard S51.1-1979. 23Table 2. Zero and Span Limits (2)system failure because the actuator cannot be physi-cally at both travel limits simultaneously. The relay contacts are isolated from the transmitter and alarm circuits.To reduce field wiring requirements from 4 to 3 wires,the transmitter and alarm circuits share the positive supply wire. A separate return wire is required to iso-late relay coil currents from the 4 to 20 mA transmitter signal.FeaturesD High Accuracy —A precision film-element poten-tiometer in the standard unit and a precision multiturn-wirewound potentiometer in the long-stroke unit pro-vide exceptional linearity by matching the span of the sense element to the application.D Application Versatility —This instrument may be used with sliding-stem or rotary valves as well as with other mechanical devices such as furnace damp-ers or louvers.D Electronic Travel Limit Alarms —To eliminate the need for externally mounted mechanical limitswitches, instruments with travel limit alarms incorpo-rate comparator circuits that monitor the sense poten-tiometer voltage output.D Adjustable Deadband —Electronic travel limit alarms have an adjustable deadband up to 10 percent of the maximum span.D Compact Design —The instrument, even with travel limit alarms, uses little space when mounted,allowing room for additional devices.D Durable Construction —A rugged housing and a corrosion-resistant coating on the printed wiring board help protect the instrument from harsh environments.D Simple Circuitry —A simple hybrid electronic design combines the best qualities of discrete compo-nents and integrated circuits for improved reliability and performance.D Easy Maintenance —The simple design of the transmitter and alarms allows easy maintenance. The high reliability of the instrument requires minimum spare parts inventory.D Moisture Resistant —The field wiring compart-ment is isolated from the electronic compartment. This protects the electronic circuits from any moisture brought into the housing via the field wiring ports.(Features Continued page 4)h t tp ://w w w .a4Features (Continued)D Field Reversible Action —The output is easily reversed in the field simply by switching two poten-tiometer leads on the printed wiring board.D Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Fil-ters —Filters between the electronic compartment and the field wiring compartment of the housing help pro-vide protection against electromagnetic interference.ApplicationsStandard Position TransmitterSliding-Stem Valve—In typical valve applications, the transmitter is mounted on the actuator as shown in figure 1. Two linkage configurations sense up to 2inches (51 mm) or up to 4-1/8 inches (105 mm) of stem travel. The linkages incorporate mechanicalgearing to linearize the transformation from linear mo-tion to rotational. To reduce the possibility of physical damage if the linkage should slip, the potentiometer has no physical stops. Zero and span can be adjusted as follows:D Zero —Between 0 and 2 inches (51 mm) of travel,or between 0 and 4-1/8 inches (105 mm) of travel.D Span —Between 1/3 inch (9 mm) minimum span and 2 inches (51 mm) maximum span, or between 2/3inch (17 mm) minimum span and 4-1/8 inches (105mm) maximum span.Rotary-Shaft Valve —In typical valve applications, the transmitter is mounted on the actuator as shown in figure 2. A coupling connects the hub of the actuator to the potentiometer shaft. To reduce the possibility of physical damage if the coupling should slip, the poten-tiometer has no physical stops. Zero and span can be adjusted as follows:Figure 3. T ransmitter Load LimitationsTERMINAL VOLTAGEPOWER SUPPLY VOLTAGE (VOLTS dc)A6765/ILD Zero —Between 0 and 90 degrees of shaft rota-tion.D Span —Between 15 and 90 degrees of shaft rota-tion.Other Devices —The transmitter is mounted such that the potentiometer shaft or linkage aligns with the mo-tion of the device. The motion of the device should not exceed the zero and span input signal limits in de-grees of rotation.Long-Stroke Position TransmitterLong-Stroke Sliding-Stem Valve —The transmitter is mounted on the actuator as shown in figure 5. The cable/pulley assembly can sense from a 4-1/8 inch (105 mm) minimum to a 24-inch (610 mm) maximum stem travel. The sensing element is a multiturn poten-tiometer with physical stops. Two pulley sizes are used for long stroke applications.D Zero —Between 0 and 12 inches (305 mm) for the small pulley. Between 0 and 24 inches (610 mm)for the large pulley.D Span —Between 4-1/8 inches (105 mm) minimum and 12 inches (305 mm) maximum for the smallpulley. Between 12 inches (305 mm) minimum and 24inches (610 mm) maximum for the large pulley.Other Devices —The transmitter is mounted such that the cable/pulley assembly aligns with the motion of the device to allow straight retraction of the cable to the pulley. The motion of the device should not exceed the zero and span limits in inches (mm).h t tp ://w w w .a m k eg as .5Figure 4. T ype 4210 T ransmitter DetailsW4276–2/IL W4675–1/ILTRANSMITTER COMPARTMENTFIELD WIRING COMPARTMENTInstallationField wiring is inserted into one of the ports and con-nected to the terminal blocks mounted on the printed wiring board in the field wiring compartment. The in-strument with transmitter circuits and travel limitalarms, and the instrument with alarms only (no trans-mitter circuits), use terminal blocks numbered 1, 2,and 3 (see figure 4) on the printed wiring board. These terminal blocks are accessible when the field wiring compartment cover is removed. The instrument with transmitter circuits only (no alarms) uses a barrier strip mounted in the field wiring compartment without the printed wiring board. Dimensions of the transmitter housing are shown in figure 5.Ordering InformationWhen ordering, specify:1. Transmitter type number.2. Actuator type, size, and length of stroke.(Note: For 490 Series actuators, specify yoke boss and cylinder size.)3. Valve body design.4. Other applications (1).1.Contact your Fisher Controls sales office or sales representative for assistance in deter -mining the type and style of linkage and mounting hardware required for the application.h t tp ://w w w .a m k eg as .c6Figure 5. DimensionsPOTENTIOMETER SHAFTALLOW 10 INCHES (254)FOR MAINTENANCE (2 PLACES)INCH (mm)2.00(51)5/16-18UNC 0.53 DEEP (13)2.00(51)CAP(2 PLACES)0.25 (6)DIA.(102)2.62(67)0.81(21)(159)4.00(102)1.38(35)3.00(75)2.62(67)BOTTOM VIEWEND VIEWSIDE VIEW19A7968–E B1910–3*A / ILh t tp ://w w w .a m k eg as .c n7Figure 5. Dimensions (Continued)19A7968–E B1910–3*B / ILh t tp ://w w w .a m k eg as .c nE Fisher Controls International, Inc. 1985, 1997; All Rights ReservedFisher, Fisher-Rosemount, and Managing The Process Better are marks owned by Fisher Controls International, Inc. or Fisher-Rosemount Systems, Inc.All other marks are the property of their respective owners.Thecontentsofthispublicationarepresentedforinformationalpurposesonly,andwhileeveryefforthasbeenmade t oensur et heiraccuracy ,t heyar en ott ob econstrue da swarrantie so rguarantees ,e xpresso ri mplied,regarding the products or services described herein or their use or applicability.We reserve the right to modify or improve the designs or specifications of such products at any time without notice.。
FESTO SDAT-MHS 位置传感器 T 槽配置说明书
Position transmitters SDAT-MHS, for T-slot2d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2022/02Position transmitters SDAT-MHS, for T-slotKey featuresGeneralPosition transmitters are used to pro-vide feedback on piston movement in pneumatic drives. They are situated between simple proximity switches and more expensive displacement en-coders, both in terms of price and com-plexity. They are the ideal solution for applications in which reliable ana-logue feedback on the piston stroke is required with high repetition accuracy, such as in press-fitting, screwing, rivet -ing, ultrasonic welding, good/bad selection and other applications.Ultrasonic weldingBendingThe SDAT-MHS is a position transmitter which continuously records the move-ment of the piston within the sensing range and makes it available as an output signal proportional to the displacement.The sensing ranges are 50, 80, 100, 125 and 160 mm, making them per-fectly harmonised to the stroke of the best-selling Festo cylinders.The SDAT has a 0 ... 10 V or 4 ... 20 mA analogue output, so it can be connect-ed to analogue inputs without accessories.An IO-Link switching output is availa-ble as a second interface. There is thus a choice between: switching output 24 V or IO-Link operation. The switching output is directly pro-grammed into the device using a teach button; the IO-Link function is pro-grammed via a graphic user interface in the controller. The programming op-tions in the two operating modes are: proximity switch function, window comparator, hysteresis comparator. The IO-Link switching output istherefore the universal interface for simple programming of routine appli-cation functions without needing to evaluate the analogue output.Switching outputEverything in a single device • AnalogueSDAT-...-SA-... 4 ... 20 mA SDAT-...-SV-... 0 ... 10 V • IO-Link• Switching output Programming options:• Proximity switch function • Window comparator • Hysteresis comparator •NO/NCRepetition accuracy: 0.1 mmH- -NoteSensors that detect magnetic fields, such as the position transmitter SDAT, must not be secured onto the drive using mountings made from ferritic materials, as this can lead to malfunction.Position transmitters SDAT-MHS for T-slot Key features3 2022/02 – Subject to change d Internet: /catalogue/...Position transmitters SDAT-MHS, for T-slotPeripherals overview4d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2022/02Position transmitters SDAT-MHS, for T-slotType codes52022/02 – Subject to change d Internet: /catalogue/...Position transmitters SDAT-MHS, for T-slotData sheetFunction Array Normal operationSDAT-...-SA-...SDAT-...-SV-...6d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2022/02Position transmitters SDAT-MHS for T-slot Data sheet7 2022/02 – Subject to change d Internet: /catalogue/...Position transmitters SDAT-MHS for T-slotData sheetTerminal allocationPlug M8x1, 4-pinWire colours1 Operating voltage+24 V DC2 Analogue outputSDAT-...-SA-... 4 ... 20 mASDAT-...-SV-... 0 ... 10 V3 0 V4 IO-Link/switching output1 BN = brown2 WH = white3 BU = blue4BK = black8d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2022/02Position transmitters SDAT-MHS, for T-slot Accessories9 2022/02 – Subject to change d Internet: /catalogue/...Festo - Your Partner in AutomationConnect with us/socialmedia 1Festo Inc.2Festo Pneumatic 3Festo Corporation 4Regional Service Center 5300 Explorer DriveMississauga, ON L4W 5G4CanadaAv. Ceylán 3,Col. Tequesquináhuac 54020 Tlalnepantla, Estado de México1377 Motor Parkway Suite 310Islandia, NY 117497777 Columbia Road Mason, OH 45040Festo Customer Interaction CenterTel:187****3786Fax:187****3786Email:*****************************Multinational Contact Center 01 800 337 8669***********************Festo Customer Interaction Center180****3786180****3786*****************************S u b j e c t t o c h a n g e。
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DIN rail connector.
Configurable potiposition transducer Output signal range can be configured using a DIP switch Approval for Ex zone 2 (nA) Can be supplied with screw or spring-cage connection
Ambient temperature (operation) Ambient temperature (storage/transport)
Conformance / approvals
Conformance ATEX approval UL, USA / Canada
Conformance with EMC directive 2004/108/EC
cessible slide switch is used to set the upper and lower potiposition end values. The output signal between 0 and 100%
is based on this fixed end value.
Noise immunity according to EN 61000-6-2 Noise emission according to EN 61000-6-4
Block diagram
< 0.2 % < 0.02 %/K < 30 ms Any IP20 6.2 mm / 93.1 mm / 102.5 mm PBT green
Only modules suitable for operation in zone 2 potentially explosive areas may be connected.
Repairs must not be carried out by the user.
In potentially explosive areas, snap the module onto the DIN rail and connect the cables only when the power is disconnected.
width of only 6.2 mm and converts potentiometer positions – as a percentage to an analog standard signal. If the potenti-
ometer range cannot be utilized to the full, an externally ac- –
UL applied for
Spring-cage conn.
0.2 mm2 ... 2.5 mm2 0.2 mm2 ... 2.5 mm2 8 mm
1 mC
Байду номын сангаас
7 UB+
8 GND2
ME 6,2 TBUS-...
Resistance/potiposition transducer
Data Sheet 102807_en_05
The slim MINI MCR-SL-R-UI... potiposition transducer has a –
MINI MCR power terminal block, with screw connection, current consump- MINI MCR-SL-PTB tion up to 2 A, maximum
MINI MCR power terminal block, with spring-cage connection, current consumption up to 2 A, maximum
Power supply unit, primary switched, slim design, output: 24 V DC / 1.5 A MINI-SYS-PS-100-240AC/24DC/1.5
Power supply unit, primary switched, slim design, output: 24 V DC / 1.5 A, MINI-PS-100-240AC/24DC/1.5/EX ATEX approval
2864095 2810256
Order No.
DIN rail connector (T-BUS), 5-pos., for bridging the supply voltage, can be ME 6,2 TBUS-2 1,5/5-ST-3,81 GN snapped onto NS 35/... DIN rails according to EN 60715
Technical data
2869728 2864134 2864147 2866983 2866653
Pcs. Pkt.
1 1
Pcs. Pkt.
1 1
Potentiometer input
Potentiometer resistance range Reference voltage source
The DIP switches are accessible on the side of the housing
and allow the following parameters to be configured:
– Output signal,
– Automatic potentiometer detection,
Screw connection
0.14 mm2 ... 2.5 mm2 0.2 mm2 ... 2.5 mm2 12 mm
1.5 kV (50 Hz, 1 min.)
-20 °C ... 65 °C -40 °C ... 85 °C
X II 3 G Ex nA II T4 X
Safety notes
WARNING: Correct usage in potentially explosive areas
The module is a category 3 item of electrical equipment. Follow the instructions provided here during installation.
– Open circuit detection slider and
– Fault evaluation type.
Power (19.2 V DC to 30 V DC) can be supplied through con-
nection terminals on the modules or in conjunction with the
Power supply
Nominal supply voltage Supply voltage range Typical current consumption Power consumption
100 Ω ... 100 kΩ < 3.6 V
0 V ... 5 V 0 V ... 10 V 1 V ... 5 V 10 V ... 0 V 12.5 V Approx. 12.5 V 0 mA ... 20 mA 4 mA ... 20 mA 20 mA ... 0 mA 20 mA ... 4 mA 23 mA Approx. 10 mA > 10 kΩ < 20 mVPP (at 500 Ω) < 500 Ω (20 mA) Configurable 0 % ... 105 %
Signal output
Voltage output signal
Max. voltage output signal Non-load voltage Current output signal
Max. current output signal Short-circuit current Load/output load voltage output Ripple Load/output load current output Behavior in the event of a sensor error
Installation, operation, and maintenance may only be carried out by qualified electricians. When installing and operating the device, the applicable safety directives (including national directives), accident prevention regulations, as well as general technical regulations, must be observed.
Install the module in housing with IP54 protection according to EN 60529. The specified limits for mechanical strain or thermal loads for the module must not be exceeded.