



九年级上册期中考试试卷【含答案】专业课原理概述部分一、选择题(每题1分,共5分)1. 下列哪种现象属于光的折射?A. 镜子中的倒影B. 水中的鱼看起来更浅C. 阳光直射时形成的影子D. 月亮在水中形成的像2. 下列哪种物质是导体?A. 玻璃B. 水C. 铜线D. 塑料3. 关于力的单位,下列哪项是正确的?A. 牛顿(N)B. 焦耳(J)C. 瓦特(W)D. 安培(A)4. 下列哪种能源是可再生能源?A. 石油B. 风能C. 煤炭D. 天然气5. 下列哪种现象属于化学变化?A. 水蒸发B. 木头燃烧C. 冰融化D. 铁生锈二、判断题(每题1分,共5分)1. 力是物体对物体的作用。

(正确/错误)2. 地球围绕太阳转是地球的自转。

(正确/错误)3. 在平面镜中,物体的像与物体大小相等。

(正确/错误)4. 水的沸点随海拔高度的增加而降低。

(正确/错误)5. 长度的国际单位是米。

(正确/错误)三、填空题(每题1分,共5分)1. 地球自转的方向是______。

2. 电阻的单位是______。

3. 光在真空中的速度是______。

4. 水的凝固点是______摄氏度。

5. 动能的大小与物体的质量和速度______。

四、简答题(每题2分,共10分)1. 简述牛顿第一定律。

2. 什么是光合作用?3. 描述地球公转的周期和方向。

4. 简述可再生能源和不可再生能源的区别。

5. 什么是元素?五、应用题(每题2分,共10分)1. 一个物体的质量是2kg,以3m/s的速度运动,求其动能。

2. 如果一个物体的加速度是2m/s²,初速度是5m/s,求5秒后的速度。

3. 一个电路中,电阻R1为10Ω,电阻R2为20Ω,它们串联连接,求总电阻。

4. 一束光从空气斜射入水中,折射角是30°,求入射角。

5. 如果一个物体的重力是20N,它所受的支持力是15N,求物体的净力。

六、分析题(每题5分,共10分)1. 分析物体在斜面上滑动的受力情况,并解释物体最终会停止的原因。



九年级语文上册期中测试卷及参考答案一、积累与运用(共28分)1.下列加点的字,每对读音都不同的一项是( )(2分)A.分外/分数冠冕/名冠全球间不容发/亲密无间B.拮据/盘踞箴言/三缄其口富丽堂皇/诚惶诚恐C.背诵/背包咽气/细嚼慢咽随机应变/供不应求D.相传/传记作坊/扭捏作态敬业乐群/乐不思蜀2.下列词语中没有错别字的一项是( )(2分)A.珐琅圆明园言不及意李待桃僵B.窗灵俏皮话理至易明自吹自擂C.亵渎摆架子轻而易举矫揉造作D.糟蹋压榨机不知所措断章取意3.古诗文填空。


























2024-2025学年人教版九年级上册数学期中测试卷一、单选题1.抛物线28y x =-的顶点坐标是( )A .()8,0-B .()0,8-C .()0,8D .()8,0 2.一元二次方程2 120x x --=的解是( )A .1234x x ==,B .1234x x =-=,C .1234x x ==-,D .1234x x =-=-,3.下列图形中,既是轴对称图形又是中心对称图形的是( )A .B .C .D . 4.当函数()21y a x bx c =+++是二次函数时,a 的取值为( )A .1a =B .1a =-C .1a ≠-D .1a ≠ 5.关于x 的一元二次方程2220kx x -+= 有两个相等的实数根,则k 的值是( ) A .4k = B .12k = C .2k =- D .14k =6.已知a 是一元二次方程2240x x --=的一个根,则代数式222024a a -+的值为( )A .2024+B .2024-C .2024D .2028 7.函数y mx m =+和函数222y mx x =-++(m 是常数,且0m ≠)的图象可能是( )A .B .C .D .8.已知二次函数()()222211y k x k x =-+++与x 轴有交点,则k 的取值范围在数轴上表示正确的是( )A .B .C .D .9.已知二次函数()245y x a x a =+-+-(a 为常数)的图象经过()m n -,和()m n ,两点,则二次函数与y 轴的交点坐标为( )A .()0,1B .()0,1-C .()0,5-D .()0,410.如图,一块含30︒角的直角三角板ABC 绕点B 顺时针旋转到A BC ''△的位置,使得A 、B 、C '三点在同一条直线上,则三角板ABC 旋转的角度是( )A .30︒B .60︒C .90︒D .120︒11.2024年春节刚过,国内新能源汽车车企纷纷开展降价促销活动.某款新能源汽车今年3月份的售价为25万元,5月份的售价为18万元,设该款汽车这两月售价的月均下降率是x ,则下列方程正确的是( )A .()225118x -=B .()218125x -= C .()218125x -= D .()2251218x -= 12.如图1是太原晋阳湖公园一座抛物线型拱桥,按如图2所示建立坐标系,在正常水位时水面宽30AB =米,当水位上升5米时,则水面宽20CD =米,则函数表达式为( )A .2115y x =-B .2125y x =-C .2115y x =D .2125y x =二、填空题13.在平面直角坐标系中,点(45)P -,关于原点对称点P '的坐标是. 14.若a ,b 为方程2320x x -+=的两个实数根,则232a a ab -+的值为.15.抛物线231010y x x =--与x 轴的其中一个交点坐标是(,0)m ,则2264m m -+的值为. 16.如图,抛物线21462y x x =-+与y 轴交于点A ,与x 轴交于点B ,线段CD 在抛物线的对称轴上移动(点C 在点D 下方),且3CD =.当AD BC +的值最小时,点C 的坐标为.三、解答题17.解方程:(1)230x x -=.(2)()23x x +=.18.已知二次函数2246y x x =-++,设其图象与x 轴的交点分别是A 、B (点A 在点B 的左边),与y 轴的交点是C ,求:(1)A 、B 、C 三点的坐标;(2)设抛物线的顶点为D ,求BCD △的面积.19.如图,平面直角坐标系中,ABC V 的位置如图所示:(1)请在图中作出ABC V 绕原点 O 逆时针旋转90︒得到的111A B C △;(2)作出111A B C △关于原点对称的222A B C △,并写出2B 的坐标.20.如图,二次函数21y x bx c =-++的图象交x 轴于点()3,0A -和点()1,0B ,交y 轴于点C ,且点C 、D 是二次函数图象上关于对称轴对称的一对点,一次函数2y mx n =+的图象经过点B 、D .(1)求二次函数的解析式;(2)根据图象直接写出不等式2x bx c mx n -++<+的解集为________.21.将下列方程化成一元二次方程的一般形式,并写出二次项系数、一次项系数和常数项.(1)2312x x -=;(2)()2243x x x x -=-;(3)关于x 的方程()220mx nx mx nx q p m n -++=-+≠.22.如图,抛物线2122y x bx =+-与x 轴交于A ,B 两点,与y 轴交于C 点,且(1,0)A -.(1)求抛物线的解析式;(2)判断ABC V 的形状,并证明你的结论;(3)点P 是x 轴上的一个动点,当PC PD +的值最小时,求点P 的坐标.23.如图,已知抛物线21y x bx c =++与直线22y x =+的一个交点A 在y 轴上、另一交点为点B ,直线2y x =+与x 轴交于点C ,抛物线的对称轴为直线1x =,交x 轴于点D .(1)求抛物线的解析式;(2)直接写出12y y >时x 的取值范围;(3)点P 是抛物线上A B 、之间的一点,连接CP DP 、,当C D P △面积最小时,求点P 的坐标. 24.一款服装每件进价为80元,销售价为120元时,每天可售出20件,为了扩大销售量,增加利润,经市场调查发现,如果每件服装降价1元,那么平均每天可多售出2件.(1)设每件服装降价x 元,则每天销售量增加______件,每件商品盈利______元(用含x 的代数式表示);(2)在让利于顾客的情况下,每件服装降价多少元时,商家平均每天能盈利1200元?(3)商家能达到平均每天盈利1800元吗?请说明你的理由.25.某公司销售一批产品,经市场调研发现,当销售量在0.4吨至3.5吨之间时,销售额1y (万元)与销售量x (吨)的函数解析式为15y x =;成本2y (万元)与销售量x (吨)的函数图象是如图所示的抛物线的一部分,其中17,24⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭是其顶点.(1)求出成本2y关于销售量x的函数解析式;(2)当成本最低时,销售产品所获利润是多少?(3)当销售量是多少吨时,可获得最大利润?最大利润是多少?(注:利润=销售额-成本)。

2024-2025学年牛津上海版英语九年级上册期中测验卷 (含答案)

2024-2025学年牛津上海版英语九年级上册期中测验卷 (含答案)

9A期中测验卷Class __________No. __________ Name __________Part II Vocabulary and Grammar 55分I. Choose the best answer: 20分(30*0.5’)26. Which of the underlined parts has the different pronunciation from the others?A. beyondB. cormorantC. controlD. salary27. Do you know how many bridges there are ___________ the Huangpu River?A. onB. crossC. aboveD. over28. He set out ___________ America ___________ the early morning of July 1st.A. for, inB. for, onC. to, inD. to, on29. ---It is reported that there is _____ big breakthrough in the cancer treatment.---If only my son could be brought back to _____ life!A. a; /B. /; aC. the; theD. a; the30. We were ___________ a map of this area.A. provided withB. provided forC. offered forD. offered to31. ___________, Tom works ___________.A. Of all students, hardestB. In all students, the hardestC. Of all students, most hardlyD. In all students, the most hardly32. He watched the patient ___________ through the ___________ window.A. closely, closeB. close, closedC. closely, closedD. close, close33. Some of his spare time is spent in reading. What about ___________?A. othersB. the othersC. the restD. other34.E-mail, as well as telephones, ___________ an important part in daily communication.A. playB. have playedC. had playedD. plays35. The prices of the vegetables ___________.A. have been risenB. have roseC. is risingD. have been raised36. There is no such thing ___________ a free lunch.A. toB. likeC. forD. as37. ---The captain gets on well with everyone on his team.--- _________.A. So I doB. So he doesC. So have ID. So does he38. The policy ___________ many children suffering hardship, so it was strongly criticized.A. resulted fromB. resultedC. resulted inD. as a result of39. The police rushed out after they heard the burglar alarm ___________.A. go outB. go overC. go offD. go on40. Through the window ___________ the sweet music.A. in cameB. comesC. coming inD. came in41. Do you think it's important ___________ friends you knew as a child?A. to keep contact in withB. to keep in contact withC. keeping contact withD. not to lose in contact with42. Many students signed up for the ___________ race in the sports meeting to be held next week.A. 800-meter-longB. 800-meters-longC. 800 meters’ longD. 800 meters length43. Someone in our class will be punished for the matter, but not ___________.A. you or IB. you and IC. you or meD. you and me44. Sorry I didn't hear what you ___________. Could you repeat it?A. talkedB. toldC. saidD. spoke45. ___________ are used to the life in Austria.A. The Jones’ familyB. The Jones familyC. JonesD. The Jones’46. To be great, you must be smart, confident, and, ___________, honest.A. thereforeB. above allC. at leastD. after all47. The ___________ is just around the corner and you won't miss it.A. gift’s shopB. gift shopC. gifts shopD. gifts’ shop48. __________ time went on, my father’s words proved true.A. WithB. AsC. WhenD. While49. Jenny hopes that Mr. Smith can suggest a good way to have her written English __________ in a short period.A. improveB. improvingC. to improveD. improved50. The underground is more convenient in Shanghai than __________ in Beijing.A. itB. /C. thoseD. that51. He knows ___________ knowledge of painting and music.A. a great number ofB. plentyC. large amounts ofD. great deal of52. ___________ exciting life is on the moon!A. WhatB. What anC. HowD. How an53. Could you tell me ___________.A. where he has been toB. where he had been toC. where he has goneD. where he had gone54. --- Lisa, let’s go to the airport at once. The plane is taking off.--- ___________. We still have 2 hours left.A. Take it easyB. Never mindC. Let’s goD. It doesn’t matter55. --- Must I pay for my cancel?--- ___________.A. Yes, you can.B. No, you mustn’t.C. Yes, you need.D. No, you needn’tII. Fill in the blanks with the given words in their proper forms: 7分56. You can discover the glorious ruins of __________ civilization.(Egypt)57. His speech is better than any other ___________ (program)58. The ox has four __________. (stomach)59. If you review your notes on textbook regularly, the material will become __________ and you will remember it longer. (mean )60. For complete__________, you can rent an apartment or house on your own. (depend)61.The three men were given work according to their __________ abilities. (respect)62. Many parents try their best to meet their children’s __________. (require)III. Fill in the blanks with the verbs in their proper forms: 6分63. The first modern Olympic Games ___________ in Athens in 1896 and only twelve nations participated. (hold)64. A cook will be immediately fired if he is found ___________ in the kitchen.(smoke)65. When I met Marco I __________ by his great dress sense. (strike)66. He hoped that he __________ behind in the mid-term examination. (not leave)67. Would you please ___________ your shoes on the floor? (not drop)68. The well-selling dictionary ___________ to in the lecture is available in many book stores. (refer) IV. Rewrite the sentences as required: 14分69. Only she can finish the task so perfectly. (保持句意基本不变)No one ___________ ___________ can finish the task so perfectly.70. The computer is made up of many different parts. (保持句意基本不变)The computer ___________ ___________many different parts.71. The noise of a car woke me up. (改为被动)I __________ __________ up by the noise of a car.72. We haven’t decided when and where to have the party. (改为被动)When and where to have the party ___________ ___________ ___________.73. It’s taken a long time to finish the work, ___________ ___________? (反义疑问句)74. The students look orderly in their uniforms. (对划线部分提问)___________ ___________ the students look like in their uniforms?75. He was so careless. He made the mistake. (保持句意不变)He made the mistake ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ his ____________.V. Complete the following passage with the words in the box. 8分A. accessB. alternativesC. supportingD. confirmedE. conflictingF. separateG. functionH. innovativeI. prospectiveConsidering how much time people spend in offices, it is important that work spaces be well designed. Well-designed office spaces help create a corporation’s image. They motivate workers and they make an impression on people who visit and might be potential, or ____76____, customers. They make business work better, and they are a part of the corporate culture to live in.As we move away from an industrial-based economy to a knowledge-based one, office designers come up with ____77____ to the traditional work environments of the past. The design industry has moved away from a fixed office setup and created more flexible “strategic management environments.”These____78____ solutions are meant to support better organizational performance.As employee hierarchies (等级制度)have flattened or decreased, office designers’ response to this change has been to move open-plan areas to more desirable locations within the office and create fewer formal private offices. The need for increased flexibility has also been ____79____ by changes in workstation design. Office and work spaces often are not designed to a given person on a permanent basis. Because of changes to methods of working, new design allow for expansion or movement of desks, storage, and equipment within the workplace. Another important design goal is communication, which designers have improved by breaking the walls that _____80____ workstations. Designers have also created informal gathering places and upgraded employees’ ____81____ to heavily trafficked areas such as copy and coffee rooms.Corporate and institutional office designers often struggle to resolve a number of competing and often ____82____ demands, including budgetary limits, employees hierarchies and technological innovation (especially in relation to computerization). These demands must also be balanced with the need to create interiors (内饰) that in some way enhance, establish or possess a company’s image and will enable employees to ____83____ at their best.All these elements of office design are related. The most successful office designs are like good marriage—the well-designed office and the employees that occupy it are seemingly made for each other.Part III Reading & Writing 65分A.Choose the best answer: 5分(5*1’)Enough “meaningless drivel”. That’s the message from a group of members of the UK government who have been examining how social media firms like LinkedIn gather and use social media data.The House of Commons Science and Technology Committee’s report, released last week, has blamed firms for making people sign up to long incomprehensible legal contracts and calls for an international standard or kitemark to identify sites that have clear terms and conditions.“The term and conditions statement that we all carelessly agree to is meaningless drivel to anyone,” says Andrew Miller, the chair of the committee. Instead, he says, firms should provide a plain-English version of their terms. The simplified version would be checked by a third party and awarded a kitemark if it is an accurate reflection of the original.It is not yet clear who would administer the scheme, but the UK government is looking at introducing it on a voluntary basis. “We need to think through how we make that work in practice,” says Miller.Would we pay any more attention to a kitemark? “I think if you went and did the survey, people would like to think they would,” says Nigel Shadbolt at the University of Southampton, UK, who studies open data. “We do know people worry a lot about the inappropriate use of their information.” But what would happen in practice is another matter, he says.Other organizations such as banks ask customers to sign long contracts they may not read or understand, but Miller believes social media requires special attention because it is so new. “We still don’t know how significant the long-term impact is going to be of unwise things that kids put on social media that come back and bite them in 20 years’ time,” he says.Shadbolt, who gave evidence to the committee, says the problem is that we don’t know how compani es will use our data because their business models and uses of data are still evolving. Large collections of p ersonal information have become valuable only recently, he says.The shock and anger when a social media firm does something with data that people don’t expect, even if users have apparently permission, show that the current situation isn’t working. If properly administered, a kitemark on terms and conditions could help people know what exactly they are signing up to. Although they would still have to actually read them.84. What does the phrase “ meaningless drivel” in paragraphs 1 and 3 refer to?A. Legal contracts that social media firms make people sign up to.B. Warnings from the UK government against unsafe websites.C. Guidelines on how to use social media websites properly.D. Insignificant data collected by social media firms.85. It can be inferred from the passage that Nigel Shadbolt doubts whether _______.A. social media firms would conduct a survey on the kitemark schemeB. people would pay as much attention to a kitemark as they thinkC. a kitemark scheme would be workable on a nationwide scaleD. the kitemark would help companies develop their business models86. Andrew Miller thinks social media needs more attention than banks mainly because _______.A. their users consist largely of kids under 20 years oldB. the language in their contracts is usually harder to understandC. the information they collected could become more valuable in futureD. it remains unknown how users’ data will be taken advantage of87. The writer advises users of social media to _______.A. think carefully before posting anything onto such websitesB. read the terms and conditions even if there is a kitemarkC. take no further action if they can find a kitemarkD. avoid providing too much personal information88. Which of the following is the best title of the passage?A. Say no to social media?B. New security rules in operation?C. Accept without reading?D. Administration matter!B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage.14分Since finishing my studies at Harvard and Oxford. I’ve watched one friend after another land high-ranking, high-paying Wall Street jobs. As executives with banks, consulting firms, established law firms, and major corporations, many are now well on their way to impressive careers. By society’s standards they seem to have it made.On the surface, these people seem to be very lucky in life. As they left student life behind, many had a last drink at their cheap but friendly local bar, shook hands with longtime roommates, and moved out of small apartments into high buildings. They made reservations at restaurants where the cost of a bottle of wine ____89____ a college year’s monthly rent. They replaced their beloved old car with expensive new sports cars.The thing is, a number of them have ____90____ that despite their success, they aren’t happy. Some ____91____ of unfriendly coworkers and feel sad for eight-hour workweeks devoted to tasks they hate. Some do not respect the companies they work for and talk of feeling tired and ____92____. However, instead of devoting themselves to their work, they find themselves working to support the lifestyle to which they have so quickly become accustomed .People often speak of trying a more satisfying path, and in the end the idea of leaving their jobs to work for something they ____93____ or finding a position that would give them more time with their families almost always leads them to the same conclusion: it’s impossible. They have loans, bills, a mortgage to pay off , retirement to save for. They recognize there’s something ____94____ in their lives, but it’s hard to step off the track.In a society that tends to ____95____ everything in terms of dollars and cents, we learn form a young age to consider the costs of our decisions in financial terms. But what about the personal and social costs involved in pursuing money over meaning? These are exactly the kinds of us tend to ignore — and the very ones we need to consider most.89. A. shared B. paid C. equaled D. collected90. A. advertised B. witnessed C. admitted D. demanded91. A. complain B. dream C. hear D. approve92. A. calm B. guilty C. warm D. empty93. A. let out B. turn in C. give up D. believe in94. A. missing B. inspiring C. sinking D. shining95. A. measure B. suffer C. digest D. deliverCC. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words. 14分It was 1961 and I was in the fifth grade. My marks in school were miserable and, the thing was, I didn’t know enough to really care. My elder brother and I lived with Mom in an ugly multi-family house in Detroit. We watched TV every night.But one day Mom changed our world f___96___. She turned off the TV. Our mother had only been able to get through third grade. But, she was much brighter and smarter than we boys knew at the time. She had n___97___ something in the suburban houses she cleaned---- books. So she came home one day, switched off the TV, sat us down and explained that her sons were going to make something of t___98___. “You boys are going to read two books every week,” she said. “And you’re going to write a report on what you read.”We moaned and complained about how unfair it was. B___99___, we don’t have any books in the house other than Mom’s Bible. But she explained that we would go where the books were: “I’ll drive you to the library.”So pretty soon there were these two peevish boys sitting in her white 1959 Oldsmobile on their way to Detroit Public Library. I wandered reluctantly a___100___ the children’s books. I loved animals, so when I saw some books that seemed to be about animals, I started leafing through them.The first book I read was about beavers(河狸). For the first time in my life I was l____101___ in another world. No television program had ever taken me so far away from my surroundings as did this verbal visit to a cold stream in a forest and these animals building a home.Now my elder brother is an engineer and I am chief of pediatric neurosurgery(儿童神经外科) at John Hopkins Children’s Center in Baltimore. Sometimes I still can’t believe my life’s journey, from a failing and indifferent student in a Detroit public school to this p___102___, which takes me all over the world to teach and perform critical surgery.But I know when the journey began the day Mom switched off the TV set and put us in her Oldsmobile for that drive to the library.D. Answer the questions: 12分Follow a strict way of lifeSelf-disciplined people are not all outstanding people. But nearly all outstanding people are self-disciplined people. Some of them read every day. Some of them never run late. The real difference between an elite person and an ordinary person is that an elite person can manage his or her time well. That’s where their success comes from. What people call self-discipline is in fact self-management.One example is staying fit. Never underestimate someone who is in good shape. Anyone who has ever tried to lose weight knows that it’s not easy. It’s even harder to avoid putting weight back on. If someone is in good shape, it shows that he knows the principles of staying fit and is able to stick to a plan that uses these principles.If someone is in good shape, it means that this person is good at managing themselves and their time. Whether it is natural or acquired, it is a great skill. It also shows that this person is able to keep persevering and can balance long-term goals with short-term goals.So if someone is in good shape, he or she is much more than just healthy.How do you learn self-management? First of all, set a goal and write down your reasons for wanting to achieve it. Create a list of all the things you need to do to achieve this goal and start to work on them one at a time. With self-discipline, small things in life will no longer trouble you. Only through self-discipline, can you _______________________________________. 103. Are all outstanding people self-disciplined people?_______________________________________________________.104. What’s the difference between an elite person and an ordinary person?________________________________________________________.105. Which is even harder to lose weight or to avoid putting weight back on?________________________________________________________.106. What does it mean if someone is in good shape?________________________________________________________.107. List one of the suggestions mentioned in the passage for starting self-management.___________________________________________________________.108. What can you do through self-discipline? Fill in the blank with your own words.___________________________________________________________.E. Writing 20分Write at least 60 words about the topic“My opinion on WeChat”.微信等社交软件已经成为人们生活中不可或缺的部分,有人认为它为人们的工作和生活带来了诸多便利,也有一些人认为它的出现弊远大于利。







尽管人工雕(zhuó) ()的痕迹较浓,缺乏“大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆”“天苍苍,野茫茫,风吹草低见牛羊”那种截然不同、有着天壤之别纯属自然的异域景观,但苏州绝对是不寂寞的。

她的变(qiān) (),她的历史,她的古往今来的历史人物,她的具有旅游价值的景点等等,正是她的永( héng) ()的媚力所在,无时无刻不攒动着关注她的人们的心,被她所诱,被她所惑,为她而叹。

在我眼里,小家壁玉般的苏州虽不及大家闺秀般的杭州来得气派,也缺乏像上海那样的大手笔,但从文化底(yùn) ()来讲,苏州是有底气的。


(4分)①雕(zhuó)()②变(qiān) ()③永( héng) ()④底(yùn) ()(2)找出语段中的两个错别字,并加以改正。

(2分)_______改为_______ _______改为_______(3)把上文中的画线句改为肯定句式。

(1分)___________________________________________________________ ___________________2.默写古诗文名句,并写出相应的作家、篇名。



( 《商山早行》)③,月是故乡明。

(杜甫《月夜忆舍弟》)④,天与云与山与水,上下一白…… (张岱《湖心亭看雪》)⑤,病树前头万木春。



2024湖南人教版九年级英语上学期期中测试卷I. 听力(共两节,满分20分)第一节听下面5段对话。



(共5小题,计5分)1. What class is the man taking?A. Piano lessonB. Painting lessonC. Paper-cutting lesson2. What did the man do last weekend?A. Go climbingB. Playing footballC. Rowing a boat3. What time is it now?A. 4:45.B. 5:00.C. 5:15.4. How does the woman feel?A. Excited.B. Upset.C. Moved.5. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. In a library.B. In a bookshop.C. In a hospital.第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面6段对话或独白。





6. How was Mary’s trip to Beijing?A. Tiring.B. Wonderful.C. Terrible.7. Which place did Mary like best?A. The Summer Palace.B. The Forbidden City.C. The Great Wall.听第七段材料,回答第8、9题。

九年级语文上册第一学期期中综合测试卷(人教辽宁版 2024年秋)

九年级语文上册第一学期期中综合测试卷(人教辽宁版 2024年秋)
















期中测试卷--2024-2025学年九年级英语上册模拟测试卷(译林版2024)一、单项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)1.David, go to bed early, ________ you will feel sleepy in class tomorrow.A.and B.so C.or D.but2.—What would you like, tea or coffee?—________, thanks. I just prefer a glass of water.A.All B.Both C.Neither D.Either3.They are talking about ________ they can borrow some money from their friends.A.if B.that C.whether D.who4.Liu Shan is ________ famous ________ he is known to people in our school.A.such; that B.so; that C.too; to D.both; and5.—I wonder if you can play the guitar well.—________. I could play it well at the age of six.A.Use it or lose it B.It serves you rightB.C.Practice makes perfect D.It’s a piece of cake6.— I want to know if we ________ a picnic in the park next Sunday.— If it ________, we’ll go there by bus together.A.have, won’t rain B.will have, will rain C.will have, doesn’t rain D.have, rains 7.The small hotel is famous ________ its good service, and the boss of the hotel is famous________ a singer in that village.A.at; for B.for; as C.by; for D.from; as8.—He dressed up as a monster last night. How scary!—Take it easy! He just played a trick ________ us.A.on B.in C.as D.at9.Do you know ________ Beijing or not tomorrow?A.if they are leaving for B.whether they are leaving forC.whether are they leaving for D.if are they leaving for10.It is impossible for you to ________ the work in only three hours.A.compare B.complete C.compete D.concert阅读理解(共三节,满分50分)第一节阅读下面三个语篇,从每题所给的A、B、C、D三个选项中选出最佳选项。

湖南省长沙市2024-2025学年人教版 九年级上册英语期中第二次模拟测试卷(含答案)

湖南省长沙市2024-2025学年人教版 九年级上册英语期中第二次模拟测试卷(含答案)

2024年九年级上册英语期中模拟测试卷(二)时量: 100 分钟满分:100 分注意事项:1.答题前,请按要求在答题卡上填写好自己的姓名和准考证号。




ASome Sports News in Our SchoolLast week Class 1, Grade 2 had a basketball game with Class 4, Grade 2 on the playground.The players played very hard and had a good time. Class l beat(击败) Class 4 by 96:88. Li Feng, aplayer from Class 4, was the best player of the game.Do you think taking exercise is good for us? How can we take exercise in a right way? OurP.E. teacher, Mr. Wu, will tell us something about exercise in the school hall at 5 o’clock tomorrowafternoon. If you are interested in doing exercise, go to the hall then.21. What is Li Feng good at?A. Football.B. Basketball.C. Volleyball.22. Which of the following is NOT true?A. Mr. Wu is a P.E. teacher.B. Li Feng is a student from Class 1, Grade 2.C. Mr. Wu will be in the school hall at 5 o’clock tomorrow afternoon.BZhong Kaitong, a fourth-grader from Guangzhou, enjoyed a fun vacation this summer. Instead of having English or math training courses, she played badminton and basketball most of the time.A new guideline(指导方针) introduced by our government on July 24 helped Zhong enjoy some free time during the summer. In order to give less schoolwork on primary and junior high school students, the guideline calls for giving less homework, improving the quality(质量) of education and regulating(规范) after-class activities, Xinhua reported.According to the guideline, children below the third grade will not have homework anymore. It should take no more than 90 minutes for junior high school students to finish their homework.Off-campus tutoring institutions(校外培训机构) are not allowed to offer overseas education courses or advanced(超前的) teaching. No subject-based training will be allowed on weekends, national holidays or during winter and summer vacations.More than 75 percent of children in Chinese cities from grades 1 to 12 are taking after school courses, Global Times reported.“Parents are worried that if their children start behind, they will stay behind. Some training institutions have made use of parents’ worries to make money,” said Chen Xianzhe, a professor at South China Normal University. “The guideline is meant to calm the worries of parents and the whole society.”“But this does not mean all the after-school courses will completely disappear, since student will still have exams,” said Chu Zhaohui, a senior researcher at the National Institute of Education Sciences. “One-on-one or one-on-two classes might see a rise because of this need.”“Therefore, schools should improve their education quality, take the main responsibility for students’ education and not push them into after school courses,” Chu added.23. Which of the following matches the guideline?A. All after-school courses are asked to close.B. Homework is not allowed for primary students.C. Junior high schools should reduce their homework.24. According to the guideline, students CANNOT take _______ courses in tutoring institutions during vacations.A. tennisB. mathsC. guitar25. What is Chen Xianzhe’s attitude toward the guideline?A. He supports the guideline.B. He thinks the guideline is useless.C. He is against the guideline.26. Chu Zhaohui might agree that _______.A. the guideline will stop off-campus tutoring coursesB. schools should be responsible for students’ educationC. education will become even more unfair in the societyCWhen 1900 (not his real name) was a child, he was deeply impressed by the big war scenes in the movie Decisive Engagement(《大决战》). However, not knowing much about the history, he didn’t quite understand the movie; which is about China’s War of Liberation (1946-1949).Now, almost 20 years later, he is a vlogger. He decided to make videos on these revolution-themed(革命主题的) films and shows, so that viewers, especially children and teenagers, can better enjoy them.Since May, he has made 27 videos on The Great Transition(转折), The Birth of New China and more — he named it “the red classics collection”. In these videos, he shows battle maps, introduces the life stories of the characters and even analyzes(分析) the poems in them. “These details make history lively and are able to be felt,” said 1900.These details are based on reality because they come from a lot of research and reading. To make the videos, he interviewed history professors and teachers from Party schools. Besides, he has so far read around 30 books.Details also mean longer videos. “This is an era of short videos, which attract the most clicks and views,” said 1900. “What I’m doing is against the fashion, as most of my videos are 20 minutes long.”His effort has paid off. Within five months, the collection won him more than 400,000 new followers. Some companies and organizations asked their workers to watch his videos on Party lectures. Students told him that they used his works aswriting sources in their college entrance exams.These things have brought 1900 a “great sense of achievement”. “My slogan(口号) is ‘everything can be the material of my video’, which might seem like a challenging task to some. But I guess every person can find his or her friends with the same taste,” he said.27. How can 1900 make sure the details of his video are real?A. He has made 27 videos which he named “the red classics collection”.B. He interviewed history professors and teachers from Party schools.C. He made most of his videos 20 minutes long.28. What does the phrase “paid off” in Para. 6 mean?A. 遭遇失败B. 取得成功C. 支付薪水29. According to the text, 1900’s video was used by _______.A. students and professorsB. companies and professorsC. students and organizations30. Which part of the newspaper could this text be found in?A. Environment.B. People.C. History.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,每个选项仅使用一次。





AWith the development of technology, our city life is becoming more and more “smart”. Here are some great technologies that make our cities “smart”.Sensors(传感器)Sensors are like eyes in every corner of the city. They can see and feel things by collecting data (数据) on people and the environment.Internet of things (万物物联)It is like the blood vessels (血管) of a city, connecting everything to the Internet. Imagine when you are nearly home, and your smart watch can tell your home to turn on the lights. This can become a reality with the Internet of things.5G5G provides high- speed wireless Internet. It is what makes the Internet of things possible. The speed of 5G can be up to 10 GB per second. With such a speed, we can download a film in just a few seconds.Artificial intelligence (AI)AI can also help to deal with data. More importantly, it learns from the data and becomes a smart helper for us. AI can work as a delivery person, a tour guide, or even help design cars and make people’s work safer.Online mapsBaidu Map and Gao de Map are two typical online maps. They help people find their way from one place to another. Some online maps can update real-time data on cities. With their help, people can find out the busiest road and plan the best route when traveling.16.How many technologies are mentioned in the passage?A.3B.4C.5D.617.Which technology makes a difference to Internet of things?A.Sensors.B.5G.C.AI.D.Online maps.18.What can AI be used for according to the passage?①Dealing with data. ②Collecting data. ③Working as a tour guide.④Helping design cars. ⑤Making people healthier.A.①②⑤B.②③④C.①③④D.③④⑤19.Which of the following is Not true according to the passage?A.Sensors can see and feel things like eyes.B.You can use your smart watch to turn on your light s out of your home one day.C.We can download a film in a few seconds with 5G.D.People can only use Baidu Map to avoid heavy traffic.20.What’s the purpose of the passage?A.To introduce some technologies.B.To ask people to buy cars.C.To show what the city life is like.D.To tell people how to use technologies.B16-year-old Yang Jun’ao, a student from No.1 Middle School in Nanxian County, Hunan Province, invented a robot to help harvest lotus roots (采藕).“I got the idea when I saw my grandmother, in her 70s, working hard to harvest lotus roots under the hot sun,” Yang said. Sometimes, his grandmother would badly hurt her fingers while using harvesting tools.To make things easier for his grandmother, he decided to invent a robot that could do the job for her.With the help of his teacher, Hong Wei, Yang spent almost a year building a model of the robot. The robot can move by itself in the muddy (泥泞的) fields where lotus roots grow. It uses special technology to identify ripe roots by looking at the color of the lotus leaves. Then, its arm carefully cuts the roots without harming them.While creating the robot, Yang faced challenges like collecting parts for the model, putting them together and using a hot glue gun for connecting. “The first time I used a hot glue gun, my hands were shaking,” Yang laughed. At first, he planned to use rotating blades (旋转叶片) for harvesting lotus roots. But it was hard to find them, so he used more common blades instead.When Yang showed the robot to his grandmother, she was happy and gave helpful suggestions for improvement. She suggested using a voice player to help locate the robot in thick lotus leaves. “My grandmother’s suggestion reminded me that any invention must be practical to be truly valuable.” said Yang.Although Yang still needs to make improvements, like finding cheaper materials, his teacher Hong spokehighly of Yang’s creative thinking and resolution to help his hometown.21.What does the underlined word “It” in Paragraph 4 refer to?A.The robot.B.The muddy field.C.The ripe root.D.The lotus leaf.22.How many challenges did Yang meet during the invention process?A.5.B.4.C.3.D.2.23.Put the following information into correct order according to the passage?a. Yang had the idea to invent a machine to make harvesting easier for his grandmother.b. Yang’s grandmother sometimes would hurt herself while using harvesting tools.c. Yang’s grandmother offered suggestions to improve the machine.d. Yang spent nearly a year building a model of the machine.e. Yang kept on improving the machine better.A.a-b-d-c-e B.a-b-e-c-d C.b-a-d-c-e D.b-a-c-d-e24.What is Yang Jun’ao like according to the passage?A.Happy, helpful and honest.B.Polite, talented and humorous.C.Humorous, clever and friendly.D.Hard-working, caring and creative.25.Which would be the best title for the passage?A.A Young Inventor’s Journey to Making a Useful MachineB.The Harvesting Robot: A Teen’s Invention for FarmingC.A Teen’s Invention to Help His Grandmother’s WorkD.Growing New Ideas: A Student’s Gift to His TownCPlastic (塑料) is everywhere. It has been found at the bottom of the ocean. It’s been found at the top of Mount Qomolangma. Now plastic has been found in another unlikely place: on the backs of hermit crabs (寄居蟹).Hermit crabs are small and they have soft bodies. To protect themselves, they usually wear seashells (贝壳). They find shells left behind by dead sea snails.But according to a study, at least 386 hermit crabs are wearing rubbish now. There are 16 species of hermit crabs that live on land, and 10 species of them are wearing rubbish now. And nearly 9 out of 10 of these crabs are wearing plastic. The others are wearing glass or metal (金属).Scientists aren’t sure why hermit crabs are now choosing rubbish instead of snail shells. But they have some ideas. It’s possible that hermit crabs can’t find enough seashells. It’s also possible that crabs choose plastic because it’s light and easy to carry. Or they just like the bright colors.Scientists agree that plastic pollution is bad for wildlife and the environment. But it isn’t clear that the crabs are in any danger.“It’s really an amazing example of the beauty of adaptation (适应),”an expert says.“ What are the long-term result of these adaptations? We don’t know.”26.What’s the writer’s purpose in writing Paragraph 1?A.To give examples.B.To raise a question.C.To lead into the topic.D.To explain a problem.27.What do hermit crabs normally wear to protect themselves?A.Plastic.B.Glass.C.Metal.D.Seashells.28.Which could be one of the reasons why crabs wear rubbish?A.The rubbish is colorful.B.The rubbish is heavy for protection.C.The rubbish is easy to find.D.The shells are enough for the crabs.29.Which of the following is true about hermit crabs?A.They have their own shells.B.They are in great danger because of the plastic pollution.C.They like wearing glass more than plastic.D.They are very smart to adapt to the environmental changes.30.What’s the best title for the passage?A.Protecting crabs. B.Plastic pollution. C.Creative crabs.D.Crabs in danger.D阅读下面短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。

九年级语文上册第一学期期中综合测试卷(人教河南版 2024年秋)

九年级语文上册第一学期期中综合测试卷(人教河南版 2024年秋)






()(2分)A.shézhēn bài B.shéjiān pàiC.zhézhēn pài D.zhéjiān bài(2)语段中横线处分别选哪个字?请工整书写。

















1.中国“二十四节气”已被列入联合国教科文组织人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录,下列四幅作品分别代表“立春”、“立夏”、“芒种”、“大雪”,其中既是轴对称图形,又是中心对称图形的是( )A.B.C.D.2.关于x的方程(m+1)x|m|+1﹣(m﹣1)x+1=0是一元二次方程,则m的值是( )A.﹣1B.1C.±1D.03.若将抛物线y=x2﹣2x+3平移后得到抛物线y=x2,下列平移方法正确的是( )A.向左平移1个单位,再向上平移2个单位B.向左平移1个单位,再向下平移2个单位C.向右平移1个单位,再向上平移2个单位D.向右平移1个单位,再向下平移2个单位4.若实数b,c满足c﹣b+2=0,则关于x的方程x2+bx+c=0根的情况是( )A.有两个相等实数根B.有两个不相等的实数根C.没有实数根D.无法确定5.如果点A(a、b)在第三象限,则点B(﹣a+1,3b﹣5)关于原点的对称点是( )A.第一象限B.第二象限C.第三象限D.第四象限6.建设中的“乐西高速”是乐山市与西昌市的重要通道,建成后将极大改善区域内交通运输条件,并对沿途各县的经济发展有极大地促进作用,如图是其中一个在建隧道的横截面,它的形状是以点O为圆心的圆的一部分,若M是⊙O中弦CD的中点,EM经过圆心O交⊙O于点E,且CD=8m,EM=8m,则⊙O 的半径为( )m.A.5B.6.5C.7.5D.872021年盈利4000万元,2023年盈利6760万元,且从2021年到2023年,每年盈利的年增长率相同.设每年盈利的年增长率为x,则列方程得( )A.4000(1+2x)=6760B.4000(1+x)2=6760C.4000×2×(1+2x)=6760D.4000+4000(1+x)+4000(1+x)2=67608.若a、b是方程x2+2x﹣2026=0的两个根,则a2+3a+b=( )A.2026B.2027C.2024D.20299.如图,△OAB中,∠AOB=60°,OA=4,点B的坐标为(6,0),将△OAB绕点A逆时针旋转得到△CAD,当点O的对应点C落在OB上时,点D的坐标为( )A.(7,3)B.(7,5)C.(5,5)D.(5,3)10.函数y=x2+2bx+6的图象与x轴两个交点的横坐标分别为x1,x2,且x1>1,x2﹣x1=4.当1≤x≤3时,该函数的最大值m与最小值n的关系式是( )A.B.m=3n C.3m﹣n=36D.3m﹣n=611.如图,在菱形ABCD中,点E是BC的中点,以C为圆心、CE为半径作弧,交CD于点F,连接AE、AF.若AB=2,∠B=60°,则阴影部分的面积为( )A.B.C.D.12.对称轴为直线x=1的抛物线y=ax2+bx+c(a,b,c为常数,且a≠0)如图所示,小明同学得出了以下结论:①abc>0,②b2<4ac,③4a+2b+c>0,④3a+c>0,⑤当x<﹣1时,y随x的增大而减小.其中结论正确为( )A.①②④B.①③⑤C.①②③D.①④⑤第二部分(非选择题共114分)二、填空题:本题共4小题,每小题4分,共16分。

2024-2025学年人教版道法九年级上册 第一学期期中测试卷

2024-2025学年人教版道法九年级上册  第一学期期中测试卷

2024-2025学年人教版道法九年级上册第一学期期中测试卷九年级·道德与法治上册(R版) 时间:60分钟满分:100分一、选择题(每小题3分,共45分)1.40多年前的岁末,它开启了一场波澜壮阔的伟大改革,中华大地,风起云涌,春华秋实。


它是指( )A.中华人民共和国成立 B.党的十一届三中全会C.中国共产党第十八次全国代表大会 D.党的十九大二中全会2.改革开放是中国与世界关系发生根本变化的原因。


从“进”到“近”体现了中国( )①是促进世界经济健康发展的决定性力量②成为世界经济增长的主要稳定器和动力源③已经成为影响世界的重要力量④在谋求本国发展的同时促进各国的共同发展A.①② B.①④ C.②③ D.③④3.40多年来,我国国内生产总值占世界生产总值的比重由改革开放之初的1.8%上升到15.2%,多年来对世界经济增长贡献率超过30%。

这说明改革开放是( ) ①强国之路、富民之路②实现同等富裕的最佳选择③引领发展的第一动力④决定当代中国命运的关键抉择A.①② B.①④ C.②④ D.③④4.莘南高速是山东省重要支线,向西与河南、山西两省的南乐(鲁豫界)至长治的南林、平长两条高速公路相连,它的通车能促进地区协调发展。

促进地区协调发展( )A.有利于实现同步富裕,早日实现中华民族伟大复兴B.有利于实现同时富裕,消除区域之间的差距C.有利于实现共同富裕,促进社会公平正义D.有利于实现全民族的同等富裕5.历经十余年研究论证与施工建设之后,我国又一项世界级工程——港珠澳大桥正式建成通车。





(35分)1、下列加点字的注音全都正确的一项是()A.窗棂.(lín)恣.睢(zì)嗤.笑(chī)栈.桥(zhàn)B.廿.年(niàn)脂.粉(zhǐ)冠.冕(guān) 红晕.(yùn)C.阴晦.(huì)瓦楞.(léng)祭祀.(sì)瞥.见(piē)D.拮据.(jū)褴褛.(lǚ)牡.蛎(mǔ)炊.烟(cuī)2、下列词语书写全部的一项是()A.门框缅怀腐化惰落日月如梭B.诽谤瞻养花团锦簇寡不敌众C.训诫侥幸心不在蔫满目苍痍D.畸形贿赂疲惫不堪鞠躬尽瘁3、下列各句中,加点成语使用恰当的一句是( )A.全面建成小康社会时不我待....,青年一代要勇立时代潮头,只争朝夕,在伟大实践中放飞青春梦想。














2024-2025学年九年级数学上学期期中模拟卷02(人教版)(考试时间:120分钟 试卷满分:120分)注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。








一、选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个选项是符合题目要求的)1.下列图形中,既是轴对称又是中心对称图形的是( )A .B .C .D .【答案】B 【详解】解:A .不是中心对称图形,是轴对称图形,故此选项不合题意;B .既是中心对称图形,也是轴对称图形,故此选项符合题意;C .是中心对称图形,但不是轴对称图形,故此选项不合题意;D .不是中心对称图形,是轴对称图形,故此选项不合题意;故选:B .2.方程2430x x ++=的两个根为( )A .121,3x x ==B .121,3x x =-=C .121,3x x ==-D .121,3x x =-=-【答案】D【详解】∵243=(1)(3)x x x x ++++∴(1)(3)=0x x ++∴12=1=3x x --,故选:D .3.抛物线y=(x+2)2﹣3可以由抛物线y=x2平移得到,则下列平移过程正确的是( )A .先向左平移2个单位,再向上平移3个单位B .先向左平移2个单位,再向下平移3个单位C .先向右平移2个单位,再向下平移3个单位D .先向右平移2个单位,再向上平移3个单位【答案】B【详解】解:将2y x =的图象向左平移2个单位后得函数()22y x =+的函数图象,将()22y x =+的图象向下平移3个单位得到()223y x =+-的函数图象,∴平移过程为:先向左平移2个单位,再向下平移3个单位.故选:B .4.如图,△AOB 中,25B Ð=°,将AOB V 绕点O 顺时针旋转60°,得到A OB ¢¢△,边A B ¢¢与边OB 交于点C (A ¢不在OB 上),则A CO ¢∠的度数为( )A .105°B .95°C .85°D .75°【答案】C【详解】解:∵将AOB V 绕点O 顺时针旋转60°,得到A OB ¢¢△,∴2560B B BOB ¢¢Ð=Ð=°Ð=°,,∴85A CO B BOB ¢¢¢Ð=Ð+Ð=°,故选:C .5.若关于x 的一元二次方程2210kx x --=有两个不相等的实数根,则k 的取值范围是( )A .1k >-B .1k <C .1k >-且0k ¹D .1k <且0k ¹【答案】C 【详解】解:∵关于x 的一元二次方程 2210kx x --= 有两个不相等的实数根,2∴ 1k >- 且 0k ¹ .故答案为:C .6.如图,点A 、B 、C 、D 在⊙O 上,120AOC Ð=°,点B 是 AC 的中点,则D Ð的度数是( )A .30°B .40°C .50°D .60°【答案】A【详解】连接OB ,∵点B 是 AC 的中点,∴∠AOB =12∠AOC =60°,由圆周角定理得,∠D =12∠AOB =30°,故选:A .7.抛物线()=-+2y 2x 31过()14,y ,()23,y ,()31,y -三点,则123,,y y y 大小关系是( )A .231y y y >>B .132y y y >>C .213y y y >>D .312y y y >>【答案】D【详解】在二次函数()2231y x =-+,对称轴3x =,20a =>,开口向上,在图象上的三点()14,y ,()23,y ,()31,y -,点()31,y -离对称轴的距离最远,点()23,y 离对称轴的距离最近,312,y y y \>>故选:D .8.如图,90,25AOB B Ð=°Ð=°,A OB ¢¢△可以看做是由AOB V 绕点O 顺时针旋转α角度得到的,若点A ¢在AB 上,则旋转角α的大小是( )A .50°B .65°C .30°D .40°【答案】A【详解】解:Q A OB ¢¢△是由AOB V 绕点O 顺时针旋转α角度得到,\AO A O ¢=,A OA a =Т,Q 点A ¢在AB 上,\AOA ¢△是等腰三角形,A OA A ¢\Ð=Ð,Q 90,25AOB B Ð=°Ð=°,18065A AOB B \Ð=°-Ð-Ð=°,65A OA A ¢\Ð=Ð=°,\18050AOA A OAA ¢¢Ð=°-Ð-Ð=°,50a \=°,故选:A .9.如图,边长为1的正六边形ABCDEF 放置于平面直角坐标系中,边AB 在x 轴正半轴上,顶点F 在y 轴正半轴上,将正六边形ABCDEF 绕坐标原点O 顺时针旋转,每次旋转45°,那么经过第2026次旋转后,顶点D 的坐标为( )A .3,2æ-çèB .3,2æ-ççèC .32æöç÷èøD .32ö-÷ø【答案】D 【详解】解:连接BD ,OD ,把OD 绕点O 顺时针旋转90°至OD ¢,过点D 作DG y ^轴于点G ,过点D ¢作DH y ^轴于点H ,在正六边形ABCDEF 中,1AF AB BC CD ====,120FAB BCD Ð=Ð=°,60,30,FAO AFO \Ð=°Ð=°11,22OA AF BD BD OB \===^,33,(22OB OA AB D =+=,3,2DG OG ==将正六边形ABCDEF 绕坐标原点O 顺时针旋转,每次旋转45°,360458¸=Q ,即8次旋转一周,20268253¸=余2,45290°´=°,故经过第2026次旋转后,顶点D 在D ¢的位置,90,90,GDO DOG D OH DOG ¢Ð+Ð=°Ð+Ð=°Q ,90,,GDO D OH DGO OHD OD OD ¢¢¢Ð=ÐÐ=Ð=°=()≌A A S DGO OHD ¢V V ,3,2OH DG OG HD ¢====即3)2D ¢-,故选:D .10.如图为二次函数2y ax bx c =++的图象,在下列说法中:①0ac <;②方程20ax bx c ++=的根是11x =-,23x =;③0a b c ++<;④当1x >时,y 随x 的增大而减小;⑤20a b -=;⑥240b ac ->.下列结论一定成立的是( )A .①②④⑥B .①②③⑥C .②③④⑤⑥D .①②③④【答案】B【详解】解:①由图象可得,00a c ><,,0ac \<,故①正确,②2y ax bx c =++与x 轴的交点是()()1,03,0-,,∴方程20ax bx c ++=的根是1213x x =-=,,故②正确,③当1x =时,0y a b c =++<,故③正确,④∵该抛物线的对称轴是直线1312x -+==∴当x >1时,y 随x 的增大而增大,故④错误,⑤12b a -=则2a b =-,那么20a b +=,故⑤错误,⑥∵抛物线与x 轴两个交点,∴240b ac ->,故⑥正确,正确的为. ①②③⑥故选:B .二、填空题(本大题共5小题,每小题3分,共15分)11.若点3P m (,)与点32Q n -(,)关于原点成中心对称,则m n +的值是__________.【答案】2【详解】解:∵点3P m (,)与点32Q n -(,)关于原点成中心对称,∴323m n =--=-,,∴5n =,则352m n +=-+=.故答案为:2.12.已知m 为一元二次方程2310x x --=的一个根,则代数式2262023m m -+的值为__________.【答案】2025【详解】解:∵m 是一元二次方程2310x x --=的一个根,2310m m \--=,∴231m m -=,∴()222620232320232120232025m m m m -+=-+=´+=.故答案为:2025.13.二次函数y=ax2+bx+c 和一次函数y=mx+n 的图像如图所示,则ax2+bx+c≤mx+n 时,x 的取值范围是__________.【答案】21x ££﹣【详解】解:依题意得求关于x 的不等式2ax bx c mx n ++£+的解集,实质上就是根据图像找出函数2y ax bx c =++的值小于或等于y mx n =+的值时x 的取值范围,由两个函数图像的交点及图像的位置可以得到此时x 的取值范围是21x ££﹣.故答案为:21x ££﹣.14.如图,在菱形OABC 中,OB 是对角线,2OA OB ==,⊙O 与边AB 相切于点D ,则图中阴影部分的面积为【答案】p【详解】解:如图,连接OD ,∵AB 是切线,则OD ⊥AB ,在菱形OABC 中,∴2AB OA OB ===,∴△AOB 是等边三角形,∴∠AOB=∠A=60°,∴1AD =,OD ==,∴122AOB S D =´=,2p =,∴阴影部分的面积为:22pp ´=-;故答案为:p .15.如图,已知正方形ABCD 中,两动点M 和N 分别从顶点B 、C 同时出发,以相同的速度沿BC 、CD 向终点C 、D 运动,连接AM 、BN ,交于点P ,再连接PC ,若4AB =,则PC 长的最小值为__________.【答案】2-【详解】解:由题意得:BM CN =,∵四边形ABCD 是正方形,90,4ABM BCN AB BC \Ð=Ð=°==,在ABM V 和BCN △中,AB BC ABM BCN BH CN =ìïÐ=Ðíï=î,∴△ABM≅△BCN(SAS),BAM CBN \Ð=Ð,90ABP CBN Ð+Ð=°Q ,90ABP BAM \Ð+Ð=°,90ABP \Ð=°,∴点P 在以AB 为直径的圆上运动,设圆心为O ,运动路径一条弧 BG ,是这个圆的14,如图所示:连接OC 交圆O 于P ,此时PC 最小,4AB =Q ,2OP OB \==,由勾股定理得:OC ==2PC OC OP \=-=-;故答案为:2.三、解答题(本大题共8小题,共75分)16.(7分)解下列方程:(1)()()121x x x +-=+;2【详解】解:(1)原方程可化为:()()130x x +-=,∴x+1=0或x ﹣3=0,解得:x1=﹣1,x2=3;(3分)(2)原方程可化为:22530x x +-=,∴(x+3)(2x ﹣1)=0,∴x+3=0,2x ﹣1=0,解得:x1=﹣3,x2=12.(7分)17.(7分)如图,将ABC V 绕点A 逆时针旋转一个角度a ,得到△ADE ,点B 的对应点D 恰好落在BC 边上.且点A 、B 、E 在同一条直线上.(1)求证:AD 平分BDE Ð;(2)若AC DE ^,求旋转角a 的度数.【详解】(1)证明:∵△ADE 是由△ABC 旋转得到,1B Ð=Ð∴,AD AB =,2B \Ð=Ð,12\Ð=Ð,AD \平分BDE Ð.(3分)(2)解:如图,由旋转可知:34a Ð=Ð=,C E Ð=Ð,∵AC ⊥DE ,90C E a \Ð=Ð=-°,(4分)∵在ABD △中,AB AD =,()111809022B a a \Ð=°-=°-,(5分)Q 点,,A B E 在同一条直线上,∴4B C Ð=Ð+Ð,即190902a a a °-=°-+,(7分)解得72a =°.(8分)18.(8分)已知关于x 的一元二次方程210x ax a -+-=.(1)求证:方程总有两个实数根;(2)若该方程有一实数根大于2,求a 的取值范围.【详解】(1)解:210x ax a -+-=,根据题意得:()()()222414420a a a a a D =---=-+=-³,∴方程总有两个实数根;(4分)(2)解:210x ax a -+-=,∴()()110x x a --+=,解得:121,1x x a ==-,∵该方程有一实数根大于2,∴12a ->,3a >19.(9分)某商场销售一种商品,进价为每个20元,规定每个商品售价不低于进价,且不高于60元.经调查发 现,每天的销售量y(个)与每个商品的售价x(元)满足一次函数关系,其部分数据如下表所示:(1)求y 与x 之间的函数关系式;(2)设商场每天获得的总利润为w (元),求w 与x 之间的函数关系式;(3)不考虑其他因素,当商品的售价为多少元时,商场每天获得的总利润最大,最大利润是多少?【详解】(1)∵y 与x 满足一次函数关系.∴设y 与x 的函数表达式为y kx b =+()0k ¹.将()30,100,()40,80代入y kx b =+中,得10030.8040.k b k b =+ìí=+î 解得 2.160.k b =-ìí=î(2分)∴y 与x 之间的函数表达式为2160y x =-+.(3分)(2)由题意,得()()()22021602022003200w y x x x x x =-=-+-=-+-.∴w 与x 之间的函数表达式为222003200w x x =-+-.(5分)(3)()22220032002501800w x x x =-+-=--+.(7分)∵20-<,∴抛物线开口向下.由题可知:2060x ££,∴当x =50时,w 有最大值,=1800w 最大元. (8分)答:当售价定为50元时,商场每天获得总利润最大,最大利润是1800元. (9分)20.(10分)如图,已知△ABC 中,90BAC AB AC D E Ð=°=,,、是BC 边上的点,将ABD △绕点A 旋转,得到ACD ¢△.(1)当45DAE =°∠时,求证:DE D E ¢=;(2)在(1)的条件下,猜想:BD DE CE 、、有怎样的数量关系?请写出,并说明理由.【详解】(1)证明:由旋转性质得,△ABD≌△ACD ′,,AD AD BAD CAD ¢¢\=Ð=Ð,(2分)90,45BAC DAE Ð=°Ð=°Q ,904545BAD EAC \Ð+Ð=°-°=°,45CAD EAC DAE \Ð+Ð=°=Т,D AE DAE ¢\Ð=Ð,在EAD ¢△和EAD V 中AD =AD ′∠D ′AE =∠DAE AE =AE,()SAS EAD EAD ¢\△≌△,(3分)DE ED \=¢;(4分)(2)222DE BD CE =+,理由如下:(5分)AB AC =Q ,且90BAC Ð=°,45B ACB \Ð=Ð=°,(6分)由(1)得,45ACD B Ð=Ð=¢°,90ECD ACB ACD ¢\+ТÐ=Ð=°,ECD \¢△是直角三角形,(7分)222D E CE D C \=+¢¢,(8分)22221.(10分)如图,AC 是四边形ABCD 外接圆O 的直径,,30AB BC DAC =Ð=°,延长AC 到E 使得CE CD =,作射线ED 交BO 的延长线与,F BF 交AD 与G .(1)求证:△ADE 是等腰三角形;(2)求证:EF 与O e 相切;(3)若3AO =,求FGD V 的周长.【详解】(1)证明:∵AC 是四边形ABCD 外接圆O 的直径,30DAC Ð=°,∴90ADC Ð=°,60ACD Ð=°,(2分)∵CE CD =,∴E CDE Ð=Ð,∵E CDE ACD Ð+Ð=Ð,∴30E CDE DAC Ð=Ð=°=Ð,∴AD DE =,∴△ADE 是等腰三角形;(3分)(2)证明:如图,连接OD ,(4分)∵60OC OD OCD =Ð=°,,∴△OCD 是等边三角形,∴60DOC Ð=°,∴18090EDO E DOC Ð=°-Ð-Ð=°,(4分)又∵OD 是半径,∴EF 与⊙O 相切;(5分)(3)解:∵AC 为直径,AB BC =,∴BF AC ^,∴18060AGO DAC AOG Ð=°-Ð-Ð=°,(6分)∵3OD AO ==,∴30ODA DAC Ð=Ð=°,∴30GOD AGO ADO ADO Ð=Ð-Ð=°=Ð,∴GD OG =,(7分)∵30DOF Ð=°,90ODF Ð=°,∴12DF OF =,由勾股定理得,OD =3=,解得DF =∴OF =(8分)∴△FGD的周长为FD FG GD FD FG OG FD OF ++=++=+=∴△FGD的周长为(10分)22.(12分)已知AOB V 和MON △都是等腰直角三角形,90OM ON AOB MON ö<=Ð=Ð=÷ø°.(1)如图1:连,AM BN ,求证:AM BN =;(2)若将MON △绕点O 顺时针旋转,①如图2,当点N 恰好在AB 边上时,若1,2AN ON ==,请求出线段BN 的长;②当点,,A M N在同一条直线上时,若AB ON ==BN的长.【详解】(1)证明:Q △AOB 和MON △都是等腰直角三角形,\OA OB =,OM ON =,Q 90AOB MON Ð=Ð=°,\MON AON AOB AON Ð+Ð=Ð+Ð,\AOM BON Ð=Ð,(2分)在AMO V 和△BNO 中,OM ON AOM BONOA OB =ìïÐ=Ðíï=î,\AMO BNO ≌△△()SAS ,\AM BN =;(4分)(2)解:①如图,连接AM ,Q △AOB 和MON △都是等腰直角三角形,\OA OB =,OM ON =, 45OAB OBA Ð=Ð=°,\MN ==.(5分)Q 90AOB MON Ð=Ð=°,\MON AON AOB AON Ð-Ð=Ð-Ð,\AOM BON Ð=Ð,在AMO V 和△BNO 中,OM ON AOM BONOA OB =ìïÐ=Ðíï=î,\AMO BNO ≌△△()SAS ,(6分)\AM BN =,45OAM OBN °Ð=Ð=,\454590MAN OAM OAN °+°=°Ð=Ð+Ð=,在Rt △AMN 中,222A M A N MN +=,\AM ===,\BN AM ==(8分)②分两种情况,当点N 在线段AM 上时,连接BN ,过点O 作OH M N ^于点H ,同(1)可得AM BN =,Q △AOB 和MON △都是等腰直角三角形,AB =ON =,\4MN ==,OA =OB ==5,Q O H M N ^,\MH =NH =OH =12MN =2,\AH ===\BN =AM =AH +MH =+2;(10分)当点M 在线段AN 上时,连接BN ,过点O 作O H M N ^于点H ,同①可证AMO BNO ≌△△()SAS ,\AM BN =,Q △AOB 和MON △都是等腰直角三角形,AB =ON =,\4MN ==,5OA OB AB ===,Q O H M N ^,\122MH NH OH MN ====,\AH ==\2BN AM AH MH ==-=.(11分)综上可知,BN22.(12分)23.(12分)如图所示,抛物线2y ax bx c =++与x 轴相交于()()1,03,0A B -与y 轴相交于点C (0,―3),点M 为抛物线的顶点.(1)求抛物线的解析式及顶点M 的坐标;(2)如图2,若点N 是第四象限内抛物线上的一个动点,过点N 作x 轴的垂线,垂足为D ,并与直线BC 交于点Q ,连接BN CN 、.求BCN △面积的最大值及此时点N 的坐标;(3)若点P 在y 轴上,PBC △为等腰三角形,请直接写出P 点的坐标.【详解】(1)解:把点(1,0)A -和点(0,3)C -,点(3,0)B 代入抛物线2(0)y ax bx c a =++¹,则09303a b c a b c c -+=ìï++=íï=-î,解得123a b c =ìï=-íï=-î,∴抛物线的解析式为:2=23y x x --,故()1,4M -;(3分)(2)由(1)知抛物线的顶点为()1,4M -,设直线BC 的解析式为令y kx b ¢=+,将()(3,0),0,3B C -代入,得303k b b ¢¢+=ìí=-î,解得13k b =ìí=-¢î,设点2(,23),N m m m --,则(,3),Q m m -∴223233,NQ m m m m m =--++=-+∴CBN △面积22211393327(3)32222228QN OB m m m m m æö=××=-+×=-+=--+ç÷èø,∵302-<,∴当32m =时,CBN △面积的最大值为278.此时315,24N æöç÷èø;(6分)(3)设点P 坐标为()0,t ,∵(3,0),(0,3)B C -,∴222223318,9BC BP t =+==+,22(3)CP t =+,(7分)①当BC BP =时,即22BC BP =,∴2189t =+,解得123,3t t ==-(不合题意,舍去),∴点P 的坐标为(0,3);(8分)②当BC CP =时,即22BC CP =,∴()2183t =+,(9分)解得123,3t t ==(),∴点P的坐标为3)或3);(10分)③当CP BP =时,即22CP BP =,∴()2293t t +=+,解得0t =,∴点P 的坐标为()0,0.(11分)综上,存在,点P 的坐标为(0,3)或3)或3)+或()0,0.(12分)。











第Ⅰ卷一、选择题(本大题共16个小题,共38分,1~6小题每题3分,7~16小题每题2分.每小题均有四个选项,其中只有一项符合题目要求,答案涂在答题卡上)1.在某市体育中考期间,在运动技能测试“排球垫球”项目中,某市直中学有8位学生的垫球数分别为39,53,55,48,52,53,48,48.这组数据的中位数和众数分别是()A .50,48B .52,48C .52,53D .48,482.甲、乙、丙、丁四名同学参加科技知识竞赛,他们平时测验成绩的平均分相同,方差分别是21.7S =甲,2 2.4S =乙,20.5S =丙,24S =丁,则成绩最稳定的是( )A .甲B .乙C .丙D .丁3.若38m n =,则m n n +的值是( )A .118B .311C .113D .8114.如图,河坝横断面迎水坡AB 的坡度是,坝高BC =,则坡面AB 的长度是( )A .B .6mC .D .9m5.如图,AB 为O e 的直径,点C ,D 在圆上,若64D Ð=°,则BAC Ð的度数为( )A .64°B .34°C .26°D .24°6.将方程21010x x -=+利用配方法转化为()25x c -=的形式,则c 的值为( )A .24B .25C .26D .1007.下表是小明填写的综合实践活动报告的部分内容,请你借助小明的测量数据,计算河流的宽度AB .题目测量河流宽度AB目标示意图测量数据1.5m BC =,10m BD =, 1.8mDE =则AB =( )m A .20B .30C .40D .508.已知菱形OABC 在平面直角坐标系中如图放置,点C 在x 轴上,若点A 的坐标为(3,4),经过点A 的双曲线交BC 于点D ,则OAD △的面积为( )A .8B .9C .10D .129.如图,在由小正方形组成的网格中,小正方形的边长均为1,点A ,B ,O 都在小正方形的顶点上,则AOBÐ的正弦值是( )A B C .13D .1210.如图,直线y kx =与双曲线my x =相交于点A 和B ,已知点A 的坐标为()4,1,则不等式m kx x³的解集为( )A .4x ³B .04x <£C .4x ³或4x £-D .4x ³或40x -£<11.如图,A 、B 、C 、D 均为圆周上十二等分点,若用直尺测量弦CD 长时,发现C 点、D 点分别与刻度1和4对齐,则A 、B 两点的距离是( )A .B .C .D .612.在矩形ABCD 中,已知45AB AD ==,,点E 为BC 上一点,连接AE 并延长交DC 的延长线于点F ,连接DE ,若2DEC BAE Ð=Ð,则EF 的长为( )A .B .C .3D .513.关于x 的方程22240x mx m -+-=的两个根1x ,2x 满足1223x x =+,且12x x >,则m 的值为( )A .3-B .1C .3D .914.如图,当反比例函数()0ky x x=>的图象L 将矩形ABCD 的内部(不含边界)的横、纵坐标都为整数的点分成数量相等的两部分,则k 的取值范围为( )A .1215k <<B .1014k <<C .410k <<D .1516k <<15.某数学兴趣小组借助无人机测量一条河流的宽度BC .如图,无人机在P 处测得正前方河流的点B 处的俯角DPB a Ð=,点C 处的俯角45DPC Ð=o ,点A ,B ,C 在同一条水平直线上.若45m AP =,tan 3a =,则河流的宽度BC 为( )A .30mB .25mC .20mD .15m16.如图,已知A ,B ,C 为O e 上的三点,且2120AC BC ACB ==Ð=°,.点P 从点A 出发,沿着逆时针方向运动到点B ,连接CP 与弦AB 相交于点D ,当ACD V 为直角三角形时,弧AP 的长为( )A .2pB .12πC .23p 或12πD .2p 或43p第Ⅱ卷二、填空题(本大题共3个小题,共10分;17小题2分,18~19小题各4分,每空2分,答案写在答题卡上)17.如图,在O e 中,AM 是O e 的直径,8AM =,点B 是 AM 的中点,点C 在弦AB 上,且AC =D 在 AB 上,且CD OB ∥,则CD 的长为.18.如图①所示,E 为矩形ABCD 的边AD 上一点,动点P ,Q 同时从点B 出发,点P 沿折线BE ED DC--运动到点C 时停止,点Q 沿BC 运动到点C 时停止,它们运动的速度都是1cm/s ,设P ,Q 同时出发t 秒时,BPQ V 的面积为2cm y .已知y 与t 的函数关系图象如图②(曲线OM 为抛物线的一部分),则:(1)cos ABE Ð= ;(2)当t = 时,ABE QBP ∽△△.19.如图,点(3,0)A ,(0,4)B ,连接AB ,点D 为x 轴上点A 左侧的一点,点E ,F 分别为线段AB ,线段BO上的点,点B ,D 关于直线EF 对称.(1)若DE AO ^,则四边形BEDF 的形状是 ;(2)当AD 最长时,点F 的坐标为 .三、解答题(本大题共7个小题,共72分,解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤)20.(本小题满分9分)解方程:(1)22125x x -+=;(2)()()3222x x x +=+.21.(本小题满分9分)某校九年级男生进行了“引体向上”测试,每班随机抽取的人数相同,成绩分为“优秀”“良好”“及格”“不及格”四个等级,其中相应等级的得分分别为10分、8分、6分、4分.小聪将九(1)班和九(2)班的成绩整理并绘制了如图所示的不完整的统计图表.班级平均数众数中位数方差九(1)班7.6——8 3.84九(2)班8.410—— 3.84请你根据所给的信息解答下列问题:(1)请补充完成条形图和统计分析表;(2)若九(2)班少统计了一个学生“优秀”的成绩,则此次统计的数据中不受影响的是______(选填“平均数”“众数”“中位数”);(3)请你从两个方面分析出哪个班的男生“引体向上”成绩更好些.22.(本小题满分9分)如图,ABCD Y 中,点E 是AD 的中点,连接CE 并延长交BA 的延长线于点F .(1)求证:AF AB =;(2)点G 是线段AF 上一点,满足,FCG FCD CG Ð=Ð交AD 于点H .①求证:AH CH DH GH ×=×;②若2,6AG FG ==,求GH 的长.23.(本小题满分10分)图1是某住宅单元楼的人脸识别系统(整个头部需在摄像头视角范围内才能被识别),其示意图如图2,摄像头A 的仰角、俯角均为15°,摄像头高度160cm OA =,识别的最远水平距离150cm OB =.(1)如图2,张亮站在摄像头前水平距离100cm 的点G 处,恰好能被识别(头的顶部在仰角线AD ), 求张亮的身高约是多少厘米;(2)夕夕身高136cm ,头部高度为18cm ,踮起脚尖可以增高3cm ,此时夕夕能被识别吗?请计算说明.(精确到0.1cm ,参考数据:sin150.26cos150.97°»°»,,tan150.27°»)24.(本小题满分10分)如图1,一汤碗的截面是以AB 为直径的半圆O (碗体厚度忽略不计),放置于水平桌面MN 上,碗中装有一些液体(图中阴影部分),其中液面截线∥CD MN .已知液面截线CD 宽8cm ,液体的最大深度为2cm .(1)求汤碗直径AB 的长;(2)如图2,在同一截面内,将汤碗(半圆O )沿桌面MN 向右作无滑动的滚动,使液体流出一部分后停止,再次测得液面截线CD 减少了2cm .①上述操作后,水面高度下降了多少?②通过计算比较半径12AB 和流出部分液体后劣弧 CD 的长度哪个更长.(参考数据:3tan 374°=)25.(本小题满分12分)如图,已知在平面直角坐标系中,矩形ABCD 的边AB x ∥轴,AD y ∥轴,点A 的坐标为(2,1),43AB AD ==,.(1)求直线BD 的解析式;(2)已知双曲线()0ky k x =>与折线ABC 的交点为E ,与折线ADC 的交点为F .①连接CE ,当3BCE S =V 时,求该双曲线的解析式,并求出此时点F 的坐标;②若双曲线()0ky k x =>与矩形ABCD 各边和对角线BD 的交点个数为3,请求k 的取值范围.26.(本小题满分13分)在ABC V 中,45A Ð=°,AC =D 为AB 边上一动点,45CDF Ð=°,DF 交BC 边于F .探究:如图1,若AC BC =,(1)当ACD V 与BDF V 全等时,求AD 的长;(2)当CDF V 为等腰三角形时,求CF 的长.延伸:如图2,若90DCF Ð=°,E 为BD 上一点,且45DEF Ð=°,(3)小东经过研究发现:“当点D 在AB 边上运动时,DE 的长度不变,是个定值.”你认为小东的结论是否正确,如果正确,请求出这个定值;如不正确,说明理由(4)若BF =sin B 的值.。



2024-2025学年九年级数学上学期期中模拟卷(扬州专用)(考试时间:120分钟 试卷满分:150分)注意事项:1.本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。


2.回答第Ⅰ卷时,选出每小题答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。









1.在平面内O e 的半径为5cm ,点P 到圆心O 的距离为3cm ,则点P 与O e 的位置关系为( )A .圆内B .圆外C .圆上D .无法确定2.若3x =-是一元二次方程20x x m ++=的一个根,则方程的另一个根及m 的值分别是( )A .2,6-B .―2,6C .4,12-D .4-,123.小明家1至6月份的用水量统计如图所示,关于这组数据,下列说法中错误的是( )A .众数是6吨B .平均数是5吨C .中位数5.5吨D .方差是1.24.若关于x 的一元二次方程2690kx x -+=有两个不相等的实数根,则k 的取值范围是( )A .1k > B .0k ¹ C .1k < D .1k <且0k ¹5.若m n ,是方程2320240x x --=的两个实数根,则代数式22m m n -+的值等于( )A .2029B .2028C .2027D .20266.如图,一枚飞镖游戏板由大小相等的小正方形格子构成.向游戏板随机投掷一枚飞镖,击中黑色区域的概率是( )A .12B .38C .14D .137.如图,四边形ABCD 内接于O e ,若140AOC Ð=°,则ABC Ð=( )A .110°B .120°C .130°D .140°8.“已知MON Ð,点A ,B 是ON 边上不重合的两个定点,点C 是OM 边上的一个动点,当ABC V 的外接圆与边OM 相切于点C 时,ACB Ð的值最大.”这是由德国数学家米勒提出的最大角问题,我们称之为米勒定理.已知矩形ABCD ,4=AD ,点E 是射线AD 上一点,点F 是射线AB 上的一动点.当12AE =时,则DFE Ð的值最大为( )A .30°B .45°C .60°D .90°第Ⅱ卷二、填空题:本题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分。

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期中测试卷第一部分英语知识运用第一节词语释义(10分)( )1.Don’t make fun of the poor man.It’s impolite.A.make room forugh atC.findD.be fuuny( )2.With his father’s help,Bob is beginning to write his stories.A.Bob’s father agrees with hi mB.Bob does well in writingC.Thanks to his father’s helpD.Because of his stories( )3.Sandra doesn’t get good grades at present.But she will try her best to improve herself.A.nowB.at onceter onD.sometimes( )4.Mary came top in the final exams.She didn’t let her parents down.A.make her parents frustratedB.let her parents be disappointedC.get worried about her parentsD.feel terrified of her parents( )5.I’m looking forward to visiting the Great Wall this summer holiday.A.expecting to visitB.dreaming of visitingC.thinking of visitingD.planning to visit( )6. We often play football on weekends, but at times we go shopping.A. alwaysB. sometimesC. as usualD. at that time ( )7. My uncle rang me up this morning, but I wasn't at home.A. visited meB. looked after meC. woke me upD. called me ( )8. John was walking on air when he knew his father bought him a bike.A. too badB. quite sadC. very excitedD. a little angry ( )9. ―Why not listen to pop music, Tom?―Oh, that's not my cup of tea. I like classical music better.A. it's my favouriteB. that's not my favouriteC. it's good for meD. I don't want to drink tea( )10. ―The dress is so beautiful. Do you like it?―Yes. But it costs an arm and a leg and I haven't enough money with me.A. it's too expensiveB. it's very cheapC. it doesn't fit meD. it's too big for第二节单项填空(20分)( )11.---Why are you so thin now,Gina?---Because I have all my bad eating habits.A.picked uped upC.put upD.given up( )12.There’s no doubt that scientists will a good way to solve the environmental problems.e up withB.catch up withC.work out withD.keep up with( )13.---Sixteen-year-olds should to drive.---I agree.They aren’t serious enough at that age.A.not be allowedB.be allowedC.not be allowD.be allow( )14.---I bought a new camera,but I don’t know.---You can read the instructions.A.what to do itB.how to do itC.what to doD.how to do( )15.---I have trouble in learing math this term.---You should pay more to your teacher’s advice.A.moneyB.attentionC.heartsD.time( )16.The price of gold is nuch these days.A.expensiveB.higherC.more expensiveD.dear( )17.---Do you speak English after school?---When we practice speaking English,we often end up in Chinese. A.to speak B.speaking C.spoken D.speak( )18.The math problem is difficult for us work out.A.too,toB.to,tooC.so,thatD.such,that( )19.---What does your uncle do,Tom?---He be a history teacher.Now he is a businessman.ed toB.be used toe toD.be use to( )20.Tom likes to travel in China because thinks traveling is a great . A.time B.experience C.travel D.health( 21.My sister doesn’t like bread.She won’t eat it she is very hungry.A.ifB.whenC.asD.unless( 22.If you can’t get to sleep,then get up and try to do something lying in bed.A. andB.orC.instead ofD.because of( )23.---Do you have any problems if you this job?---Well,I’m thinking about the working day.A.offerB.will offerC.are offeredD.will be offered( )24.---Another cup of tea?---No,thanks. I be off.It’s too late.A.canB.mayC.mustD.could( )225.A.He pretended an important paper when the boss entered.A.readingB.to readingC.to be readingD.read( )26. We have ______ up early in order to catch the early bus.A. used to getB. been used to getC. used for gettingD. been used to getting( )27. I think ______ of the materials I listened to at the beginning of the exam______ easy.A. three fourths, isB. third four, areC. three fourths, areD. three fourth, are ( )28. --May we leave the classroom now?--No, you ______. You ______ to leave until the bell rings.A. mustn’t, are allowedB. don’t have to, are supposedC. needn’t, aren’t allowedD. can’t, aren’t supposed( )29. The plane ______ when we got to the airport.A. had taken offB. was taken offC. will take offD. is taking off ( )30. -I hear Huang Gang made an English speech at the graduation ceremony yesterday. -______ , and ______.A. So he did, so did IB. So did he, so I didC. So he was, so was ID. So was he, so I was第三节完形填空There was a boy who was the brightest student in his class. But the boychanged__31__leaving home and living in the school. His grades started dropping(下降) and felt worried.. He__32__being with others. He was 33 all the time because he felt that no one loved him.His parents__34__worrying about him. But they did not know what was happening to him.__35__his dad decided to go to the school and talk with him.They sat on the bank of the lake near the__36__. His dad said, “Do you kno w why I am here today?”The boy answered back, “T o check my grades?”“No, no” his dad__37__, “I am here to tell you that you are the most important person for us. We want to see you happy. I don’t care about__38__. I care about your happiness. YOU ARE OUR LIFE.”These words caused the boy’s eyes to fill with tears(眼泪). He hugged(拥抱) his dad. He knew there was___39__who cared for him deeply.Today this young man is in Peking University and he is the of his class. ( )31. A. before B. when C. after D.while ( )32. A. enjoyed B. hated C. kept D.liked ( )33. A. lonely B. lovely C. lively D.alone ( )34. A. stopped B. started C. liked D.was( )35. A. So B. Because C. But D.And ( )36. A. home B. college C. school D.supermarket ( )37. A. shouted B. replied C. asked D.cried ( )38. A. health B. sports C. grades D.happiness ( )39. A. someone B. nobody C. anyone D.everyone ( )40. A. weakest B.best C. tallest D.saddest第二部分阅读理解(30分)AOnce a circle missed a wedge(楔子).The circle wanted to be whole,so it went around looking for its missing piece.But because it was incomplete and therefore could roll only very slowly,it admired the flowers along the way.It chatted with grasses.It enjoyed the sunshine.It found lots of different pieces,but none of them fit.So it left them all by the side of the road and kept on searching.Then one day the circle found a piece that fit perfectly.It was so happy.It put the found piece into itself and began to roll.Now it was a perfect circle.it could roll very fast,too fast to notice the flowers or to talk to the grasses.When it rolled so quickly,it realized how different the world seemed.Then it stopped,left the found piece by the side of the road and rolled slowly away.The lesson of the story,I suggested,was that in some strange sense we are more whole when we are missing something.The man who has everything isn't in some ways a whole man.He will never know what it feels like to yearn(渴望),to hope,to come true the dream of something better.根据短文内容 判断句子正(T)误(F)。
