
A.afterB. beforeC. soD.but
10. --Hello, this is Jim. Can I speak toKim?
--Yes, _____ .
A. Kim is meB. I amKim
C.my name is KimD. this is Kim speaking
A.aB. anC. theD./
2. I have got two magazines. I can share them_______my sister.
A aboutB. withC. forD. on
3. He usually does homework atfive o'clock in the afternoon.But he______his mother wash dishes right now.
On Laba Festival, people eat hot Laba porridge*. There are usually eight things in it. The porridge is not just good for your health, but a blessing for the coming of Chinese New Year.
If it is a Christmas or birthday party, don’t forget to bring a present. As for other kinds of parties, you can just ask if the host needs anything. Sometimes he may say with beer, candy, and so on. The most popular present for Christmas party is Christmas card. People love talking about the pictures and reading the wishes on it.However, if the host doesn't needanything, then you can go empty-handed.

把梦想的种子撒在奋斗的土壤上,才能结出累( )累硕果。
(3分)磨(lì)□ 累( )累(róng)□入【答案】砺léi 融【解析】根据平时积累答题,注意“砺”右边是“厉”,“累”读二声,“融”字右下边是“虫”。
2.填入上文横线处的词语恰当的一项是()(2分)A.贡献力量B.建言献策C.添砖加瓦【答案】C. 添砖加瓦【解析】联系上句“为民族复兴铺路架桥”可知此处应为“为祖国建设添砖加瓦”,故选C。

)1、分子是保持物质化学性质的最小微粒.首先提出分子概念的科学家是( )A、阿伏伽德罗B、道尔顿C、卢瑟福D、汤姆生2、下面四个实验现象中,能够说明分子在不停地运动的是 ( )3、初春培育水稻秧苗时,为了不使秧苗受冻,下列做法中正确的是 ( ) A.早晨多排水,傍晚多灌水 B.早晨多灌水,傍晚多排水C.早晨和傍晚都要多灌水 D.早晨和傍晚都不要灌水4、做功和热传递在改变物体的内能上是等效的,下图不属于做功改变物体内能的是()5、如图所示的滑动变阻器的四种接法中,当滑片P 向右移动时使电路的电阻变小的接法是( )6、关于热机的效率,下列说法正确的是()A、蒸汽机的效率通常高于喷气发动机;B、热机的效率一定小于100%;C、汽车排放的尾气,是城市环境污染的重要来源。
7、如图所示,在探究并联电路中的电流关系时,小明同学用电流表测出A.B.C三处的电流分别为IA =0.5A,IB=0.3A,IC=0.2A,在表格中记录数据后,下一步首先应该做的是:()A.整理器材,结束实验;B.换用不同规格的小灯泡,再测出几组电流值C.分析数据,得出结论;D.换用电流表的另一量程,再测出一组电流值8、在一本用电常识的书中,列出了使用白炽电灯的常见故障与检修,其中一项故障现象如下:从电路的组成来看,上述故障现象可以概括成一个原因:()A、开路;B、通路;C、短路;D、以上都不对。

2021-2022学年度第一学期期中测试卷九年级 数学满分:100分 时间:60分钟一、选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分。
每小题只有一个正确答案) 1.下列图形中,既是轴对称图形又是中心对称图形的是( )A. B. C. D.2.设一元二次方程2x 2+3x-2=0的两根为x 1、x 2,则x 1+x 2的值为( ) A.-32B.23C.-2D.-13.已知关于x 的方程(a-3)x |b−1|+x-1=0是一元二次方程,则a 的值是( ) A.-1 B.2 C.-1或3 D.34.二次函数y=-2x 2+4x+3的图象的顶点坐标是( ) A.(1,5) B.(-1,5) C.(1,3) D.(-1,3)5.利用配方法解方程x 2+4x-5=0,经过配方得到( ) A.(x+2)2=9 B.(x-2)2=9 C.(x+4)2=9 D.(x-4)2=9 6.如果点A(-3,a)是点B(3,-4)关于原点的对称点,则a 的值是( ) A.-4 B.4 C.4或-4 D.无法确定7.若关于x 的一元二次方程(k+2)x 2-3x+1=0有实数根,则k 的取值范围是( ) A.k <14且k ≠-2 B.k ≤14C.k ≤14且k ≠-2 D.k ≥148.在同一平面直角坐标系中,函数y=ax+b 与y=ax 2-bx 的图象可能是( )9.某种植基地2020年菜产量为80吨,预计2021年蔬菜产量达到300吨,求蔬菜产量的年平均增长率,设蔬菜产量的年平均增长率为x ,则可列方程为( ) A.80(1+x)2=300 B.80(1+3x)=300 C.80+80(1+x)+80(1+x)=300 D.80(1+x)=30010.已知二次函数的图像如图所示,下列结论:(1)a+b+c <0(2)a-b+c >0 (3)abc >0(4)b=-2a ,其中正确的结论个数是( )A.2个B.3个C.4个D.5个二、填空题(本大题共8小题,每小题3分,共24分) 11.已知函数y=(m-1)x m2+1是二次函数,则m= .12.a 是方程x 2-x=1的一个根,则2a 2-2a+6的值是 .13.抛物线y=3x 2向右平移1个单位,再向下平移2个单位,得到抛物线 . 14.如图是二次函数y=ax 2+bx+c 的部分图象,由图象可知不等式ax 2+bx+c >0的解集是 .15.已知点A(-1,y1)、B(-2,y2)、C(3,y3)在二次函数y=-(x-2)2+4的图象上,则y1,y2,y3的大小关系是 .16.在平面直角坐标系中,将点A(3,2)绕原点O按顺时针方向旋转90°后,其对应点A’的坐标是 .17.如图,将Rt△ABC绕直角顶点C顺时针旋转90°,得到△A’B’C’,连接A’A,若∠1=20°,则∠B的度数是 .18.如图,第1个图案是由黑白两种色的六边形地面砖组成的,第2个,第3个图案可以看成是第1个图案经过平移而得,那么第2021个图案中有白色六边形地面砖块.三、解答题(本大题共6小题,共6分)19.用适当的方法解方程(每小题4分,共16分)(1)(x-3)2-9=0 (2)x2-2x-5=0(3)x2-6x-27=0 (4)(x-3)2+4k(x-3)=020.(8分)如图,矩形ABCD是一花圃,它的一边AD利用已有的墙(可利用的墙足够长),另外三边所用的栅栏的总长是20m,若矩形ABCD的面积为50m2,求AB的长. 21.(10分)已知关于x的方程x2+2kx+k2-1=0(1)试说明无论取何值时,方程总有两个不相等的实数根;(2)如果方程有一个根为3,试求2k2+12k+2021的值.22.(10分)在下列网格图中,每个小正方形的边长均为1个单位.在Rt△ABC中,∠C=90°, AC=3, BC=2.(1)试在图中画出将△ABC以B为旋转中心,沿顺时针方向旋转90°后的图形△A1BC1;(2)若点B的坐标为(-1,-4),点C的坐标为(-3,-4),试在图中画出直角坐标系,并写出点A的坐标;(3)根据(2)的坐标系作出与△ABC关于原点对称的图形△A2B2C2.23.(10分)如图所示,已知在△ABC中,∠B=90°,AB=6cm,BC=12cm,点Q从点A开始AB边向点B以1cm/s的速度移动,点P从点B开始沿BC边向点C以2cm/s的速度移动.(1)如果Q、P分别从A、B两点出发,那么几秒后,△PBQ的面积等于8cm2?(2)在(1)中,△PBQ的面积能否等于10cm2?试说明理由.24.(12分)如图抛物线的顶点为A(-3,-3).此抛物线交x轴于O、B两点.(1)求此抛物线的解析式.(2)求△AOB的面积.(3)若物线上另有点P满足S△POB=S△AOB,求点P坐标.参考答案1-5 DAAAA 6-10 BCCAC11.-1; 12.8; 13.y=3(x-1)2-2 ; 14.-1<x<5; 15.y2<y1<y3 16.(2,-3);17.65°; 18.808619.(1)x1=6 x2=0 (2)x1=1+√6,x2=1-√6(3)x1=-3 x2=9 (4)x1=3 x2=3520.x2+2kx+k2-1=0 解:(1)∵b2-4ac=4k2-4(k2-1)=4k2-4k2+4=4>0,∴无论k取何值时,方程总有两个不相等的实数根. (2)∵方程有一个根为3.∴32+2k×3+k2-1=0,∴k2+6k=-8,∴2k2+12k+2021=2(k2+6k)+2021=200521.(1)如图:(2)如图可知,A(-3,-1); (3)△A2B2C2如图.22.设AB的长度为xm,则BC的长度为(20-2x)m,由题意得:x(20-2x)=50,解得:x1=x2=5,答:AB的长度为5m.23.(1)设t秒后,△PB Q的面积等于8cm2,根据题意得:12×2t(6-t)=8,解得:t=2或4答:2秒或4秒后,△PBQ的面积等于8cm2.(2)由题意得:12×2t(6-t)=8=10 整理得:t2-6t+10=0∵b2-4ac=36-40=-4<0,此方程无解,∴△PB Q的面积不能等于10cm2.24.(1)如图,连接AB、OA.设抛物线的解析式为y=a(x+3)2-3,解得a=13,所以此抛物线的解析式为y=13(x+3)2-3;(2)∵抛物线的对称轴为直线x=-3,∴B点坐标为(-6,0),∴△A OB的面积=12×6×3=9(3)设P点坐标为(x,y),∵S△POB=S△AOB,∴12|y|×6=9,解得y=3或y=-3(舍去),∴13(x+3)2-3=3,解得x1=3√2-3,x2=-3√2-3,∴P点坐标为(3√2-3,3)(-3√2-3,3).。

2020-2021学年度第一学期 九年级历史期中 测试卷一.单选题(共24小题,共48分)1.领主总是想尽一切办法、利用各种手段来达到庄园法庭上的胜诉,这样就可以名正言顺地剥夺农民的利益了。
材料反映了( )A.庄园法庭存在着弊端和偏颇B.庄园法庭在一定程度上扩充了领主的特权C.领主利用庄园法庭剥削农民D.农民可以通过庄园法庭维护自己一些权益 2.如图是某同学的学习笔记,根据所示内容判断他笔记中所涉及的历史人物是( )A.克伦威尔B.华盛顿C.罗伯斯庇尔D.拿破仑3.詹姆斯•哈林顿曾提出:1640年开始的英国内战的原因是财产发生了转移,从贵族手里转移到“人民”手中了。
据此可知,哈林顿的观点是( )A.政治权力维护财产权利B.财产权利决定政治权力C.贵族转移了财产权利D.“人民”掌握了政治权力4.14世纪,意大利“薄雾开始消散……人成了精神的个体,并且也这样认识自己”。
这反映了意大利人( )A.重视标新立异B.追求人性解放C.反对君主专制D.抛弃宗教信仰5.如下图油画描绘了美国历史上的一个历史事件:1776年,《独立宣言》签署后的第五天,情绪激昂的人们聚集在曼哈顿一个公园里,推倒了当时英国国王乔治三世的雕像。
这一事件表明( )A.美国以此宣布国家独立B.美国反抗英国的决心C.美国庆祝独立战争胜利D.美英两国关系的断绝6.欧洲殖民国家将美洲、非洲和亚洲殖民地的马铃薯、玉米、番茄、烟草、茶叶等作物运回欧洲;把欧洲的葡萄酒、啤酒和毛纺织品销往殖民地。
这一进程客观上( )A.增加了殖民地的人口B.有助于世界市场逐渐形成C.丰富了欧洲市场D.促进了洲际间交通的发展 7. 下列关于庄园法庭的说法错误的是( )A.庄园法庭没有专门的工作人员B.惩罚违法行为的手段通常是处以罚金C.法庭审判的依据是习惯法或村法D.法庭维护领主利益,不限制领主特权 8. 小军制作了如下读书卡片,该卡片反映的是( )A.《汉谟拉比法典》B.《拿破仑法典》C.《权利法案》D.1787年宪法 9.“从世界史的观点看,美国革命之所以重要,并不是因为它创造了一个独立的国家,而是因为它创造了一个新的、不同类型的国家”。
我们总是希望获得学习的(mì jué),一只爬井的蜗牛或许就可以给我们答案。
倘若(tíng zhì)不前,必然是一无所获,只有孜孜不倦、持之以恒,才能爬出深井。
①mì jué_______________ ②tíng zhì_______________2.班级开展以“走进小说天地,体会别样人生”为主题的综合性学习活动,请你积极参与。

密学校 班级 姓名 学号密 封 线 内 不 得 答 题人教版2020---2021学年度上学期九年级数学期中考试卷及答案(满分:120分 时间:120分钟)一、选择题(共10小题,每小题3分,共30分)1.方程3x 2﹣4x ﹣1=0的二次项系数和一次项系数分别为( ) A .3和4 B .3和﹣4 C .3和﹣1 D .3和1 2.二次函数y=x 2﹣2x+2的顶点坐标是( )A .(1,1)B .(2,2)C .(1,2)D .(1,3) 3.将△ABC 绕O 点顺时针旋转50°得△A 1B 1C 1(A 、B 分别对应A 1、B 1),则直线AB 与直线A 1B 1的夹角(锐角)为( ) A .130° B .50° C .40° D .60°4.用配方法解方程x 2+6x+4=0,下列变形正确的是( ) A .(x+3)2=﹣4 B .(x ﹣3)2=4 C .(x+3)2=5 D .(x+3)2=± 5.下列方程中没有实数根的是( ) A .x 2﹣x ﹣1=0 B .x 2+3x+2=0 C .2015x 2+11x ﹣20=0 D .x 2+x+2=06.平面直角坐标系内一点P (﹣2,3)关于原点对称的点的坐标是( )A .(3,﹣2)B .(2,3)C .(﹣2,﹣3)D .(2,﹣3)7.如图,⊙O 的直径CD=10cm ,AB 是⊙O 的弦,AB ⊥CD ,垂足为M ,OM :OC=3:5,则AB 的长为( )A . cmB .8cmC .6cmD .4cm8.已知抛物线C 的解析式为y=ax 2+bx+c ,则下列说法中错误的是( )A .a 确定抛物线的形状与开口方向B .若将抛物线C 沿y 轴平移,则a ,b 的值不变 C .若将抛物线C 沿x 轴平移,则a 的值不变D .若将抛物线C 沿直线l :y=x+2平移,则a 、b 、c 的值全变 9.如图,四边形ABCD 的两条对角线互相垂直,AC+BD=16,则四边形ABCD 的面积最大值是( )A .64B .16C .24D .32封线内不得10.已知二次函数的解析式为y=ax2+bx+c(a、b、c为常数,a≠0),且a2+ab+ac<0,下列说法:①b2﹣4ac<0;②ab+ac<0;③方程ax2+bx+c=0有两个不同根x1、x2,且(x1﹣1)(1﹣x2)>0;④二次函数的图象与坐标轴有三个不同交点,其中正确的个数是()A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4二、填空题(共6小题,每小题3分,共18分)11.抛物线y=﹣x2﹣x﹣1的对称轴是_________.12.已知x=(b2﹣4c>0),则x2+bx+c的值为_________.13.⊙O的半径为13cm,AB,CD是⊙O的两条弦,AB∥CD,AB=24cm,CD=10cm.则AB和CD之间的距离_________.14.如图,线段AB的长为1,C在AB上,D在AC上,且AC2=BC•AB,AD2=CD•AC,AE2=DE•AD,则AE的长为_________.15.抛物线的部分图象如图所示,则当y<0时,x的取值范围是_________.16.如图,△ABC是边长为a的等边三角形,将三角板的角的顶点与A重合,三角板30°角的两边与BC交于D、E点,则DE长度的取值范围是_________.三、解答题(共8小题,共72分)17.解方程:x2+x﹣2=0.18.已知抛物线的顶点坐标是(3,﹣1),与y轴的交点是(﹣4),求这个二次函数的解析式.19.已知x1、x2是方程x2﹣3x﹣5=0的两实数根(1)求x1+x2,x1x2的值;(2)求2x12+6x2﹣2015的值.密学校 班级 姓名 学号密 封 线 内 不 得 答 题20.如图所示,△ABC 与点O 在10×10的网格中的位置如图所示(1)画出△ABC 绕点O 逆时针旋转90°后的图形; (2)画出△ABC 绕点O 逆时针旋转180°后的图形;(2)若⊙M 能盖住△ABC ,则⊙M 的半径最小值为_________.21.如图,在⊙O 中,半径OA 垂直于弦BC ,垂足为E ,点D 在CA 的延长线上,若∠DAB+ ∠AOB=60°(1)求∠AOB 的度数; (2)若AE=1,求BC 的长.22.飞机着陆后滑行的距离S (单位:m )关于滑行时间t (单位:s )的函数解析式是:S=60t ﹣1.5t 2(1)直接指出飞机着陆时的速度; (2)直接指出t 的取值范围;(3)画出函数S 的图象并指出飞机着陆后滑行多远才能停来?23.如图,△ABC 是边长为6cm 的等边三角形,点D 从B 点出发沿B →A 方向在线段BA 上以a cm/s 速度运动,与此同时,点E 从线段BC 的某个端点出发,以b cm/s 速度在线段BC 上运动,当D 到达A 点后,D 、E 运动停止,运动时间为t (秒)(1)如图1,若a=b=1,点E 从C 出发沿C →B 方向运动,连AE 、CD ,AE 、CD 交于F ,连BF .当0<t <6时:密封 线 内 不 得①求∠AFC 的度数; ②求的值;(2)如图2,若a=1,b=2,点E 从B 点出发沿B →C 方向运动,E 点到达C 点后再沿C →B 方向运动.当t ≥3时,连DE ,以DE 为边作等边△DEM ,使M 、B 在DE 两侧,求M 点所经历的路径长.24.定义:我们把平面内与一个定点F 和一条定直线l (l 不经过点F )距离相等的点的轨迹(满足条件的所有点所组成的图形)叫做抛物线.点F 叫做抛物线的焦点,直线l 叫做抛物线的准线.(1)已知抛物线的焦点F (0,),准线l :,求抛物线的解析式;(2)已知抛物线的解析式为:y=x 2﹣n 2,点A (0,)(n ≠0),B (1,2﹣n 2),P 为抛物线上一点,求PA+PB 的最小值及此时P 点坐标;(3)若(2)中抛物线的顶点为C ,抛物线与x 轴的两个交点分别是D 、E ,过C 、D 、E 三点作⊙M ,⊙M 上是否存在定点N ?若存在,求出N 点坐标并指出这样的定点N 有几个;若不存在,请说明理由.参考答案一、选择题(共10小题,每小题3分,共30分) 1.B . 2.A . 3. B .4.C .5.D .6.D .7.B .8.D . 9. D .密 线学校 班级 姓名 学号密 封 线 内 不 得 答 题10.C .二、填空题(共6小题,每小题3分,共18分)11.抛物线y=﹣x 2﹣x ﹣1的对称轴是 直线x=﹣ . 12.已知x=(b 2﹣4c >0),则x 2+bx+c 的值为 0 .13.⊙O 的半径为13cm ,AB ,CD 是⊙O 的两条弦,AB ∥CD ,AB=24cm ,CD=10cm .则AB 和CD 之间的距离 7cn 或17cm .14.如图,线段AB 的长为1,C 在AB 上,D 在AC 上,且AC 2=BC •AB ,AD 2=CD •AC ,AE 2=DE •AD ,则AE 的长为 ﹣2 .15.抛物线的部分图象如图所示,则当y <0时,x 的取值范围是 x >3或x <﹣1 .16.如图,△ABC 是边长为a 的等边三角形,将三角板的30°角的顶点与A 重合,三角板30°角的两边与BC 交于D 、E 两点,则DE 长度的取值范围是 (2﹣3)a ≤DE ≤a . .三、解答题(共8小题,共72分)17. 解:分解因式得:(x ﹣1)(x+2)=0, 可得x ﹣1=0或x+2=0,题解得:x 1=1,x 2=﹣2.18.解:设抛物线解析式为y=a (x ﹣3)2﹣1, 把(0,﹣4)代入得:﹣4=9a ﹣1,即a=﹣, 则抛物线解析式为y=﹣(x ﹣3)2﹣1.19.解:(1)∵∴x 1、x 2是方程x 2﹣3x ﹣5=0的两实数根, ∴x 1+x 2=3,x 1x 2=﹣5,;(2)∵x 1、x 2是方程x 2﹣3x ﹣5=0的两实数根, ∴x 12﹣3x 1﹣5=0, ∴x 12=3x 1+5,∴2x 12+6x 2﹣2015=2(3x 1+5)+6x 2﹣2015=6(x 1+x 2)﹣2015=﹣1987.20.解:(1)如图,△A ′B ′C ′为所作; (2)如图,△A ″B ″C ″为所求;(3)如图,点M 为△ABC 的外接圆的圆心,此时⊙M 是能盖住△ABC 的最小的圆,⊙M 的半径为=.故答案为.21.解:(1)连接OC , ∵OA ⊥BC ,OC=OB ,∴∠AOC=∠AOB ,∠ACO=∠ABO ,∵∠DAO=∠ACO+∠AOC=∠OAB+∠DAB ,∠ACO=∠OAB , ∴∠DAB=∠AOC ,∴∠DAB=∠AOB ,又∠DAB+∠AOB=60°, ∴∠AOB=30°; (2)∵∠AOB=30°, ∴BE=OB ,设⊙O 的半径为r ,则BE=r ,OE=r ﹣1, 由勾股定理得,r 2=(r )2+(r ﹣1)2, 解得r=4,∵OB=OC ,∠BOC=2∠AOB=60°, ∴BC=r=4.密线学校 班级 姓名 学号密 封 线 内 不 得 答 题22.解:(1)飞机着陆时的速度V=60; (2)当S 取得最大值时,飞机停下来,则S=60t ﹣1.5t 2=﹣1.5(x ﹣20)2+600, 此时t=20因此t 的取值范围是0≤t ≤20; (3)如图,S=60t ﹣1.5t 2=﹣1.5(x ﹣20)2+600. 飞机着陆后滑行600米才能停下来.23.解:(1)如图1,由题可得BD=CE=t . ∵△ABC 是等边三角形, ∴BC=AC ,∠B=∠ECA=60°. 在△BDC 和△CEA 中,,∴△BDC ≌△CEA , ∴∠BCD=∠CAE ,∴∠EFC=∠CAE+∠ACF=∠BCD+∠ACF=∠ACB=60°, ∴∠AFC=120°;②延长FD 到G ,使得FG=FA ,连接GA 、GB ,过点B 作BH ⊥FG于H ,如图2,∵∠AFG=180°﹣120°=60°,FG=FA ,密 封 内∴△FAG 是等边三角形,∴AG=AF=FG ,∠AGF=∠GAF=60°. ∵△ABC 是等边三角形, ∴AB=AC ,∠BAC=60°, ∴∠GAF=∠BAC , ∴∠GAB=∠FAC . 在△AGB 和△AFC 中,,∴△AGB ≌△AFC ,∴GB=FC ,∠AGB=∠AFC=120°, ∴∠BGF=60°. 设AF=x ,FC=y ,则有FG=AF=x ,BG=CF=y . 在Rt △BHG 中,BH=BG •sin ∠BGH=BG •sin60°=y ,GH=BG •cos ∠BGH=BG •cos60°=y , ∴FH=FG ﹣GH=x ﹣y . 在Rt △BHF 中,BF 2=BH 2+FH 2 =(y )2+(x ﹣y )2=x 2﹣xy+y 2.∴==1;(2)过点E 作EN ⊥AB 于N ,连接MC ,如图3,由题可得:∠BEN=30°,BD=1×t=t ,CE=2(t ﹣3)=2t ﹣∴BE=6﹣(2t ﹣6)=12﹣2t ,BN=BE •cosB=BE=6﹣t , ∴DN=t ﹣(6﹣t )=2t ﹣6, ∴DN=EC .∵△DEM 是等边三角形, ∴DE=EM ,∠DEM=60°.∵∠NDE+∠NED=90°,∠NED+∠MEC=180°﹣30°﹣60°∴∠NDE=∠MEC . 在△DNE 和△ECM 中,,∴△DNE ≌△ECM , ∴∠DNE=∠ECM=90°,密 线学校 班级 姓名 学号密 封 线 内 不 得 答 题∴M 点运动的路径为过点C 垂直于BC 的一条线段.当t=3时,E 在点B ,D 在AB 的中点, 此时CM=EN=CD=BC •sinB=6×=3;当t=6时,E 在点C ,D 在点A , 此时点M 在点C .∴当3≤t ≤6时,M 点所经历的路径长为3.24.解:(1)设抛物线上有一点(x ,y ), 由定义知:x 2+(y ﹣)2=|y+|2,解得y=ax 2;(2)如图1,由(1)得抛物线y=x 2的焦点为(0,),准线为y=﹣,∴y=x 2﹣n 2由y=x 2向下平移n 2个单位所得, ∴其焦点为A (0,﹣n 2),准线为y=﹣﹣n 2, 由定义知P 为抛物线上的点,则PA=PH , ∴PA+PH 最短为P 、B 、A 共线,此时P 在P ′处, ∵x=1,∴y=1﹣n 2<2﹣n 2, ∴点B 在抛物线内,∴BI=y B ﹣y I =2﹣n 2﹣(﹣﹣n 2)=,∴PA+PB 的最小值为,此时P 点坐标为(1,1﹣n 2); (3)由(2)知E (|n|,0),C (0,n 2),设OQ=m (m >0),则CQ=QE=n 2﹣m ,在Rt △OQE 中,由勾股定理得|n|2+m 2=(n 2﹣m )2, 解得m=﹣, 则QC=+=QN ,∴ON=QN ﹣m=1, 即点N (0,1), 故AM 过定点N (0,1).密 封 线 得 人教版2020---2021学年度上学期九年级数学期中考试卷及答案(满分:120分 时间:120分钟)一、选择题(共15题,每题3分共45分)1.下列平面图形中,既是轴对称图形,又是中心对称图形的是( )A .B .C .D .2.方程x 2=3x 的解是( )A .x=﹣3B .x=3C .x 1=0,x 2=3D .x 1=0,x 2=﹣3 3.三角形的两边长分别是3和6,第三边是方程x 2﹣6x+8=0的解,则这个三角形的周长是( )A .11B .13C .11或13D .11和134.已知x 1,x 2是一元二次方程x 2﹣4x+1=0的两个实数根,则x 1•x 2等于( )A .﹣4B .﹣1C .1D .45.若a 为方程x 2+x ﹣5=0的解,则a 2+a+1的值为( )A .12B .6C .9D .166.关于x 的一元二次方程9x 2﹣6x+k=0则k 的范围是( )A .k <1B .k >1C .k ≤1D .k ≥17.如图所示,在等腰直角△ABC 中,∠B=90°,将△ABC A 逆时针旋转60°后得到的△AB ′C ′,则∠BAC ′等于(A .105°B .120°C .135°D .150°8.与y=2(x ﹣1)2+3形状相同的抛物线解析式为( A .y=1+x 2 B .y=(2x+1)2 C .y=(x ﹣1)2 D .y=2x 2 9.将抛物线y=2x 2向左平移1个单位,再向上平移3到的抛物线,其解析式是( )A .y=2(x+1)2+3B .y=2(x ﹣1)2﹣3C .y=2(x+1)2﹣3D .y=2(x ﹣1)2+3 10.抛物线y=(x+2)2+1的顶点坐标是( ) A .(2,1) B .(﹣2,1) C .(2,﹣1) D .(﹣2,﹣1)11.函数y=﹣x 2﹣4x ﹣3图象顶点坐标是( ) A .(2,﹣1) B .(﹣2,1) C .(﹣2,﹣1) D .2,1)密线学校 班级 姓名 学号密 封 线 内 不 得 答 题12.已知二次函数y=ax 2+bx+c 的x 、y 的部分对应值如下表:x ﹣1 0 1 2 3y51﹣1 ﹣1 1则该二次函数图象的对称轴为( )A .y 轴B .直线x=C .直线x=2D .直线x= 13.已知二次函数y=ax 2+bx+c 的图象如图所示,则a 、b 、c满足( )A .a <0,b <0,c >0B .a <0,b <0,c <0C .a <0,b >0,c >0D .a >0,b <0,c >014.已知抛物线y=ax 2+bx 和直线y=ax+b 在同一坐标系内的图象如图,其中正确的是( )A .B .C .D .15.已知0≤x ≤,那么函数y=﹣2x 2+8x ﹣6的最大值是( ) A .﹣10.5 B .2 C .﹣2.5 D .﹣6 二、解答题(本大题共9小题,共75分) 16.解方程:x 2﹣4x+2=0.17.已知抛物线的顶点为A (1,﹣4),且过点B (3,0).求该抛物线的解析式.18.如图,点O 是等边△ABC 内一点,∠AOB=110°,∠BOC=α,将△BOC 绕点C 按顺时针方向旋转60°得△ADC ,连接OD . (1)求证:△COD 是等边三角形;(2)当α=150°时,试判断△AOD 的形状,并说明理由.19.一快餐店试销某种套餐,试销一段时间后发现,每份套餐的成本为5元,该店每天固定支出费用为600元(不含套餐成本).若每份售价不超过10元,每天可销售400份;若每份售价超过10元,每提高1元,每天的销售量就减少40份.为了便于结算,每份套餐的售价x (元)取整数,用y (元)表示该店日净收入.( 日净收入=每天的销售额﹣套餐成本﹣每天固定支出 )(1)当5<x ≤10时,y= ;当x >10时, y= ;(2)若该店日净收入为1560元,那么每份售价是多少元?20.如图所示的正方形网格中,△ABC的顶点均在格点上,请在所给直角坐标系中按要求画图和解答下列问题:(1)以A点为旋转中心,将△ABC绕点A顺时针旋转90°得△AB1C1,画出△AB1C1.(2)作出△ABC关于坐标原点O成中心对称的△A2B2C2.(3)作出点C关于x轴的对称点P.若点P向右平移x(x取整数)个单位长度后落在△A2B2C2的内部,请直接写出x的值.21.已知关于x的一元二次方程.(1)判断这个一元二次方程的根的情况;(2)若等腰三角形的一边长为3,另两条边的长恰好是这个方程的两个根,求这个等腰三角形的周长及面积.22.某房地产开放商欲开发某一楼盘,于2010年初以每亩100万的价格买下面积为15亩的空地,由于后续资金迟迟没有到位,一直闲置,因此每年需上交的管理费为购买土地费用的10%,2012年初,该开发商个人融资1500万,向银行贷款3500万后开始动工(已知银行贷款的年利率为5%,且开发商预计在2014年初完工并还清银行贷款),同时开始房屋出售,总面积为5万平方米,费用的5%开发商聘请调查公司进行了市场调研,发现在该片区,定位每平方米3000100元,则会少卖1000平方米,且卖房时间会延长2.5房地产开发商预计售房净利润为8660万.(1)问:该房地产开发商总的投资成本是多少万?(2)若售房时间定为2年(2发商不再出售,准备作为商业用房对外出租)每平方米多少元?23.正方形ABCD中,将一个直角三角板的直角顶点与点A 合,一条直角边与边BC交于点E(点E不与点B和点C另一条直角边与边CD的延长线交于点F.(1)如图①,求证:AE=AF;(2)如图②,此直角三角板有一个角是45°,它的斜边与边CD交于G,且点G是斜边MN的中点,连接EGEG=BE+DG;(3)在(2)的条件下,如果=,那么点G是否一定是边CD的中点?请说明你的理由.密 线学校 班级 姓名 学号密 封 线 内 不 得 答 题24.如图,已知点A (0,1),C (4,3),E (,),P 是以AC 为对角线的矩形ABCD 内部(不在各边上)的一动点,点D 在y 轴上,抛物线y=ax 2+bx+1以P 为顶点. (1)说明点A ,C ,E 在一条直线上;(2)能否判断抛物线y=ax 2+bx+1的开口方向?请说明理由; (3)设抛物线y=ax 2+bx+1与x 轴有交点F 、G (F 在G 的左侧),△GAO 与△FAO 的面积差为3,且这条抛物线与线段AE 有两个不同的交点,这时能确定a 、b 的值吗?若能,请求出a ,b 的值;若不能,请确定a 、b 的取值范围.参考答案一、选择题(共15题,每题3分共45分)1.B .2. C .3. B .4. C .5.B .6.A .7.A .8.D .9.A . 10.B .11.B .12.D .13.A .14.D .15.C .二、解答题(本大题共9小题,共75分) 16.解:x 2﹣4x=﹣2 x 2﹣4x+4=2 (x ﹣2)2=2或 ∴,.17.解:设抛物线的解析式为y=a (x ﹣1)2﹣4, ∵抛物线经过点B (3,0), ∴a (3﹣1)2﹣4=0, 解得:a=1,∴y=(x ﹣1)2﹣4,即y=x 2﹣2x ﹣3.18.(1)证明:∵将△BOC 绕点C 按顺时针方向旋转60°得△ADC ,∴∠OCD=60°,CO=CD , ∴△OCD 是等边三角形; (2)解:△AOD 为直角三角形. 理由:∵△COD 是等边三角形.答 题∴∠ODC=60°,∵将△BOC 绕点C 按顺时针方向旋转60°得△ADC , ∴∠ADC=∠BOC=α, ∴∠ADC=∠BOC=150°,∴∠ADO=∠ADC ﹣∠CDO=150°﹣60°=90°,于是△AOD 是直角三角形.19.解:(1)由题意得:当5<x ≤10时,y=400(x ﹣5)﹣600; 当x >10时,y=(x ﹣5)[400﹣40(x ﹣10)]﹣600=﹣40x 2+100x ﹣4600.即y=﹣40x 2+100x ﹣4600(x >10).故答案是:400(x ﹣5)﹣600;﹣40x 2+100x ﹣4600; (2)由(1)知,y=﹣40x 2+100x ﹣4600(x >10) 当y=1560时,(x ﹣5)[400﹣40(x ﹣10)]﹣600=1560, 解得:x 1=11,x 2=14,答:该店日净收入为1560元,那么每份售价是11元或14元;20.解:(1)作图如右:△A 1B 1C 1即为所求;(2)作图如右:△A 2B 2C 2即为所求;(3)x 的值为6或7.21.解:(1)密 线学校 班级 姓名 学号密 封 线 内 不 得 答 题所以,方程有两个实数根;(2)若腰=3,则x=3是方程的一个根,代入后得:k=2, 原方程为x 2﹣5x+6=0⇒x 1=2,x 2=3即,等腰三角形的三边为3,3,2. 则周长为8,面积为若底为3,则原方程为x 2﹣4x+4=0⇒x 1=x 2=2 即,等腰三角形的三边为2,2,3. 则周长为7,面积为22.解:(1)15×100=1500万, 1500×10%×2=300万,1500+3500+3500×5%×2=5350万, 1500×5%×2=150万,四者相加1500+300+5350+150=7300万. 答:该房地产开发商总的投资成本是7300万;(2)设房价每平方米上涨x 个100元,依题意有 (5﹣0.1x )=8660+7300, 解得x 1=12,x 2=8,又因为当x 1=12时,卖房时间为30个月,此时超过两年,所以舍去;当x 2=8时,卖房时间为20个月; 则房价为3000+8×100=3800元. 答:房价应定为每平方米3800元.23.解:(1)如图①,∵四边形ABCD 是正方形, ∴∠B=∠BAD=∠ADC=∠C=90°,AB=AD . ∵∠EAF=90°,∴∠EAF=∠BAD ,∴∠EAF ﹣∠EAD=∠BAD ﹣∠EAD , ∴∠BAE=∠DAF . 在△ABE 和△ADF 中,∴△ABE ≌△ADF (ASA ) ∴AE=AF ;(2)如图②,连接AG , ∵∠MAN=90°,∠M=45°, ∴∠N=∠M=45°, ∴AM=AN .∵点G 是斜边MN 的中点, ∴∠EAG=∠NAG=45°.密 封 题∴∠EAB+∠DAG=45°. ∵△ABE ≌△ADF , ∴∠BAE=∠DAF ,AE=AF , ∴∠DAF+∠DAG=45°, 即∠GAF=45°, ∴∠EAG=∠FAG . 在△AGE 和AGF 中,,∴△AGE ≌AGF (SAS ), ∴EG=GF . ∵GF=GD+DF , ∴GF=GD+BE , ∴EG=BE+DG ;(3)G 不一定是边CD 的中点. 理由:设AB=6k ,GF=5k ,BE=x , ∴CE=6k ﹣x ,EG=5k ,CF=CD+DF=6k+x , ∴CG=CF ﹣GF=k+x ,在Rt △ECG 中,由勾股定理,得 (6k ﹣x )2+(k+x )2=(5k )2, 解得:x 1=2k ,x 2=3k ,∴CG=4k 或3k .∴点G 不一定是边CD 的中点.24.解:(1)由题意,A (0,1)、C (4,3)两点确定的直线解析式为:y=x+1 将点E 的坐标(,),代入y=x+1中,左边=,右边=×+1=.∵左边=右边∴点E 在直线y=x+1上, 即点A 、C 、E 在一条直线上;(2)解法一:由于动点P 在矩形ABCD 的内部,∴点P 的纵坐标大于点A 的纵坐标,而点A 与点P 上,且P 为顶点,∴这条抛物线有最高点,抛物线的开口向下. 解法二:∵抛物线y=ax 2+bx+1的顶点P 的纵坐标为,且P 在矩形ABCD 的内部, ∴1<<3,由1<1﹣得﹣>0.∴a <0.∴抛物线开口向下; (3)连接GA 、FA .密学校 班级 姓名 学号密 封 线 内 不 得 答 题∵S △GAO ﹣S △FAO =3∴GO •AO ﹣FO •AO=3. ∵OA=1, ∴GO ﹣FO=6.设F (x 1,0),G (x 2,0),则x 1、x 2是方程ax 2+bx+1=0的两个根,且x 1<x 2,又∵a <0 ∴x 1•x 2=<0, ∴x 1<0<x 2 ∴GO=x 2、FO=﹣x 1∴x 2﹣(﹣x 1)=6,即x 2+x 1=6 ∵x 2+x 1=,∴=6∴b=﹣6a∴抛物线的解析式为:y=ax 2﹣6ax+1,其顶点P 的坐标为(3,1﹣9a )∵顶点P 在矩形ABCD 的内部, ∴1<1﹣9a <3, ∴﹣<a <0① 由方程组,得ax 2﹣(6a+)x=0, ∴x=0或x==6+,当x=0时,即抛物线与线段AE 交于点A ,而这条抛物线与线段AE 有两个不同的交点, 则有:0<6+≤, 解得:﹣a <﹣②,综合①②,得﹣<a <﹣,∵b=﹣6a , ∴<b <.。

答题时,请注意以下几点:1. 全卷共10页。
2. 答案必须写在答题纸相应的位置上,写在试题卷、草稿纸上无效。
3. 答题前,请认真阅读答题纸上的“注意事项”,按规定答题。
卷一说明:本卷共三大题, 45小题;满分70分。
1. How does Kathy learn English?A. By reading English books.B. By watching English movies.C. By listening to English songs.2. Which festival are they talking about?A. Thanksgiving.B. Halloween.C. Christmas.3. Where is the man going?A. The bank.B. The bookstore.C. The post office.4. What is the skirt made of?A. Wool and silk.B. Silk and cotton.C. Wool and cotton.5. What did Mary use to look like?A. She was heavy.B. She was thin.C. She was short.第二节:听较长对话,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,回答问题。
6. Where did Tom find the notebook?A. On the desk.B. On the chair.C. On the floor.7. Whose notebook is it?A. Mary's.B. Helen's.C. Cindy's.听下面一段较长对话,回答第8~10三个小题。

浙江省温州市乐清外国语学校2022-2023学年九年级上学期期末英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、完形填空Sometimes my bad mood feels like quicksand, and the harder I try to climb out, the more stuck I get! That was true last week. I was reading a book. I had just come to the most“Haha! Definitely.” I laughed.“Hey!” said Craig. “That 14 you just made sounded a lot like a laugh.”Just when I think I’ll 15 be in a bad mood, I’m suddenly on the other side of it. I smiled. “Possibly.”1.A .whoB .whatC .whenD .where 2.A .heldB .sentC .turnedD .opened 3.A .angrilyB .silentlyC .carelesslyD .proudly 4.A .nothingB .anythingC .somethingD .everything 5.A .leftB .dancedC .droveD .returned 6.A .todayB .tonightC .tomorrowD .yesterday 7.A .hopedB .endedC .sharedD .started 8.A .changeB .chanceC .secretD .reason 9.A .onlyB .evenC .alsoD .still 10.A .inB .onC .byD .for 11.A .broke upB .broke inC .broke downD .broke off 12.A .adviceB .courageC .surprisesD .decisions 13.A .lyingB .sittingC .jumpingD .hanging 14.A .poemB .songC .noiseD .story 15.A .oftenB .alwaysC .neverD .hardly16.Where is the Solar Egg Frying Competition held?A.Texas.B.Austin.C.Arizona.D.South America. 17.When is the day about a drink from South America?A.June 4.B.June 11.C.September 9.D.December 13. 18.What can we learn from the three titles?A.Dates of some surprising holidays.B.Important holidays in the US.C.Places for celebrating different holidays.D.Reasons to celebrate a few holidays.Without the Internet or phones, communicating long distance is limited. Yet throughout history, cultures have developed ways to produce messages that travel miles. Morse Code is a system of communication. It uses patterns of signals to send and receive messages, often with a machine called a telegraph.A telegraph is a machine that creates different signals from different messages. These signals are then changed into electrical current. They are sent across a wire. They can travel long distances, such as across the country or ocean. Another telegraph receives these signals. The machine changes the signals back into the original message.In Morse Code, there are three types of signals. They are dots, dashes, and pauses. Dots (•) are the short noises or flashes of light. Dashes (━) are longer noises or flashes of light. Spaces (____) are the pauses. Patterns of these signals represent letters, numbers, and punctuation marks. In Morse Code, letter A is one dot and one dash, letter E is one dot, letter Iis two dots. As for consonants, letter C is one dash, one dot, one dash and one dot, letter D is one dash and two dots, Letter T is one dash.Morse Code was invented in the United States by Samuel Morse during the 1830s. People soon realized that the code could not transmit all messages in other languages. To fix this problem, a newer version called the International Morse Code was developed. International Morse Code is simpler and more exact. For example, the original Morse Code could only represent a few of the letters. The International Morse Code, on the other hand, is for all letters.19.According to Paragraph 2, how does the telegraph work?━The signals are sent across a wire.━The signals are changed back to letters.━Another telegraph receives these signals.━The telegraph changes signals to electricity.A.━━━━B.━━━━C.━━━━D.━━━━20.Look at the signals: •━━•━•━, which of the following do they mean?A.Cat.B.Act.C.Eat.D.Ted. 21.What happened after Morse Code couldn’t work in other languages?A.It became very popular.B.People stopped using it.C.The telephone was invented.D.A newer version was created. 22.What is the writing purpose of this passage?A.To explain a secret message.B.To introduce a type of phone.C.To show a way to communicate.D.To tell stories of an old machine.Cathy Hackl’s son wanted a party for his 9th birthday. He wanted to hold the party on Roblox, a website where users can play and create games. Roblox is part of the metaverse. This is a virtual-reality space. There, users can interact with other people and digital environments. Virtual reality is a three-dimensional simulation of a real-life image or environment. “They hung out and played, ” Hackl said, “Just because it happens in a virtual space doesn’t make it less real.” The term metaverse has become popular. Today, people arespending more of their lives in virtual spaces.The word metaverse comes from a science fiction book from the 1990s. But the metaverse has been around longer than that. Online communities have existed since the 1980s. We enter the metaverse through a screen. This could be through virtual reality(VR). It could also be through augmented reality(AR). Augmented reality covers computer-generated images on the real world. These experiences create a greater blending of our virtual and real lives. But these two worlds already cannot be separated and we don’t even need any headsets, such as VR glasses. Think about the Didi Taxi app. It uses location data to tell drivers where their cars are.The metaverse is an expansion of the Internet. There are lots of Internet problems to solve already. Still, many people say it has real benefits. They say it can increase social networks and improve mental health. Hackl is a metaverse expert, and she’s African. She says, “You can encourage a lot more people to join and build social relations.” For those already spending part of their life in the metaverse, that building has begun.Carrie Tatsu runs a business in the metaverse. But she wants her kids to spend time in the real world. “It’s so important for humans to be with humans in real life, ” she said, “I think as kids grow up in this space, it’s important for them to take part, go smell a flower here, walk on a trail, have a real conversation with a friend. Even though you can simulate that, the simulation is not the same. ”23.How does the writer lead in metaverse in Paragraph 1?A.By telling stories.B.By listing numbers.C.By describing people.D.By comparing facts.A.Changing.B.Entering.C.Mixing.D.Reaching. 25.What’s the structure of the passage?A.B.C.D.26.Which of the following can be the title for the passage?A.Metaverse: virtual spaces online.B.Metaverse: a science-fiction book.C.Metaverse: a popular computer game.D.Metaverse: businesses on the Internet.三、多任务混合阅读I ran back to Grandpa’s garden as fast as I could with Grandpa’s dog, Bandit. “Grandpa, I heard something strange in your woods!” I told him.“Let’s go and find out what it is, Sarah,” he took my hand. My grandpa lives alone near the woods. Sometimes I go into the woods with Bandit and pretend I am Sarah the Adventurer. But I can’t go past the big rock so that Grandpa can always see me from the garden.As we hiked toward the big rock, there was that sound! Cack-cack-cack-cack! “What is that, Grandpa?” I whispered.“It’s the first sign of spring,” he said. “How about you go past the big rock a bit to find out what it is.”“No,” I looked at Grandpa. His whole face seemed to be smiling. I wondered what an adventurer would do. “Grandpa,” I said, “I think I can do it.”Grandpa said, “It’s all right, just a little further.”As I went past the rock, suddenly there was silence. When I got closer, I heard Grandpa say, “Just sit down and watch.”I sat down but I didn’t see any animals. Just ahead of me there was a big puddle. Then I found something in the puddle. “Frogs!” I shouted.“They’re calling because it’s time for them to lay eggs. Next time we’ll check for tadpoles,” he told me.On my next visit, I went straight down to the puddle with Grandpa. To discover the frogs, I walked closer to the puddle. “Keep going, Sarah, just a little further,” Grandpa said.I took a big pace forward. I’m Sarah the Adventurer!Soon I saw some brown tadpoles. I got one tadpole home.Grandpa helped me feed it. Each time I came, it was bigger. First, its back legs came out. Then front legs. Grandpa said, “it’s time for it to return home.”This time, I was brave enough to go ahead of Grandpa. I reached into the jar and got the little tadpole. I hold it out to the water. It wouldn’t move. “It’s all right, just a little further,” I said. I touched its tail, and it jumped right into the water.As I headed back, holding Grandpa’s hand, I looked back and smiled. There wassomething special in Grandpa’s woods.27.Why did Sarah run back to Grandpa’s garden?A.Sarah fell off the big rock when climbing.B.Sarah heard a strange noise in the woods.C.Sarah heard Bandit barking at something.D.Sarah saw tadpoles jumping out ofa puddle.28.What happened after Grandpa told Sarah to sit down and watch?A.Sarah took Grandpa’s hand.B.Sarah hiked toward the big rock.C.Sarah saw several frogs in a puddle.D.Sarah pretends to be Sarah theAdventurer.29.Which of the following describes Grandpa?A.Grandpa thinks Sarah’s fears are silly.B.Grandpa is kind and patient with Sarah.C.Grandpa is worried about Sarah in the woods.D.Grandpa thinks Sarah should treat animals better.40 words. )四、多句选词填空五、短文汉语提示填空根据短文内容和所给中文提示,用单词的正确形式完成下列短文。

密学校 班级 姓名 学号密 封 线 内 不 得 答 题部编版2019—2020学年上学期九年级历史期中测试卷及答案(总分:75分 时间: 90分钟)第Ⅰ卷选择题一、选择题(每小题2分,共30分)1.人类早期文明大多兴起于亚非地区的大河流域。
下列大河流域主要文明成果归属错误的是( ) A .尼罗河流域——金字塔 B .两河流域——伊斯兰教 C .印度河流域——种姓制度 D .黄河流域——甲骨文2.下列图中的遗址和文物,代表着不同国家和地区的古代文明。
按一下图中内容出现的时间顺序,排列正确的是( )①汉谟拉比法典②金字塔③罗马军队④希腊陶器A .①②③④B .④③②①C .③④①②D .②①④③3.古巴比伦王国的汉谟拉比法典,是世界上现存的古代第一部比较完备的成文法典。
以下内容出自其中的是( ) A .“以眼还眼,以牙还牙”B .“身在罗马,就像罗马人一样行事”C .“条条大路通罗马”D .“我的附庸的附庸.不是我的附庸”4.下列有关雅典城邦的表述中,正确的是( ) A .雅典近海,海上交通便利,农业发达 B .古代雅典城邦是著名的君主专制国家C .伯利克里时期全体成年男性公民均可参加公民大会D .古代雅典用系统的教育将全体小孩培养成合格公民 5.“马拉松长跑”源于希波战争中著名的马拉松战役。
该战役发生的地点位于今天的( ) A .希腊B .意大利C .法国D .埃及密 封 线 内 不 得 答 题6.“诏书规定:效法隋唐的均田制,实行“班田收授法”。
”下列能够从材料中得出来的是( )A .日本统治阶层内讧和隋唐政治经济文化的吸引是其改革的重要因素B .标志着日本从古代社会向中古封建社会的转折,促进了国家和社会的迅速发展C .通过土地制度变革,废除土地和部民的私有制,变成国家的公地和公民D .这场变革是天皇开始的自上而下封建性质的改革,其目的是维护自身统治7.1075年1月,德皇亨利四世在与罗马教皇的斗争失利后,被迫前往卡诺莎城堡向出身低微的教皇格里高利七世忏悔,受尽了精神上的侮辱,最终才获得了格里高利七世恩赐的一个赦罪的吻,这就是历史上的“卡诺莎之辱”。

2024年浙江温州市瓯海区外国语学校中考英语模拟练习四学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、阅读理解My name is Dave. I’m a middle school student. I make friends with teachers. They teach us different subjects. My favourite teacher is our English teacher. She is Miss Brown, and she is only twenty-three years old.Miss Brown is very kind. She helps us with our English in class. After class, she is our good friend. She plays basketball with us.Miss Brown’s parents aren’t in China, so she always eats outside (在外面). She has milk and bread for breakfast. For lunch and dinner, she always eats hamburgers. I don’t think her eating habits (习惯)are healthy, so I ask her to eat with me. Every day, I take some vegetables and rice to school and eat with her at lunchtime (在午餐时间). She likes them very much.1.Dave is a ________.A.teacher B.doctor C.worker D.student2.Which is true(正确的) about Miss Brown?A.She is twenty-five years old.B.She is very kind.C.She teaches Chinese.D.Her parents live in China.3.What does Miss Brown do after class?A.She plays football with students.B.She plays basketball with students.C.She helps students with their English.D.She helps students with their Chinese. 4.What does Miss Brown have for dinner?A.Hamburgers.B.Milk and bread.C.Vegetables and rice.D.Some fruit. 5.Why does Dave eat with Miss Brown at lunchtime?A.Because he wants to be with her.B.Because he wants to learn English from her.C.Because he wants to have hamburgers for lunch.D.Because he doesn’t think Miss Brown’s eating habits are healthy.The Laba Festival is on the 8th day of the 12th lunar month. 6 This tradition could go back to the Song Dynasty (960—1279). From the imperial court (宫廷) to every family, cooking Laba Rice Porridge (粥) was a seasonal must. They not only cooked the dish for their own family members, but also sent it to others as a gift. 7 So Laba Rice Porridge was also called “Longevity Blessing Porridge”(寿福粥) and “Virtue Blessing Porridge” (德福粥).Now, every family would still cook Laba Rice Porridge on this day. They usually make it with different kinds of rice, beans (豆类), nuts (坚果) and dried fruits. Do you know how to make it? 8First, wash the rice and beans in water.Next, put them into a pot. 9Then, cook it for one and a half hours over low heat.10Finally, turn off the heat after another 30 minutes.Now, it’s time to enjoy the delicious Laba Rice Porridge.A.Pour some water into it.B.Here is one way to make Laba Rice Porridge.C.They thought this would make them lucky and have a long life.D.Then all family members would get together to have the porridge.E.After that, wash the nuts and dried fruit, and put them into the pot.F.People usually cook and have Laba Rice Porridge on this day to celebrate this festival.It was the final sprint(冲刺)of the Santa Barbara XV Grand Prix cyclo—cross race in Spain. Fans lined the road to the finishing line, cheering on the competitors.Ismael Esteban, in third place, was just ahead of his competitor, August Navarro, with only 300 meters to the finishing line. Esteban had been cycling as hard as he could for hours and with the finishing line in sight (视线) all the cyclists began to speed up to cross it. Then, suddenly Esteban got a puncture (爆胎). What should he do? Give up or continue? Esteban threw his bike over his shoulders and raced towards the finishing line.Just a few seconds later, fourth-placed Navarro caught up with him. Surely, he could simply overtake Esteban and come third. But Navarro slowed down and let Esteban run ahead of him. The two cyclists reached the finishing line ahead of Esteban who was on foot, Navarro just behind him. Navarro had let Esteban finish in third place, while he came fourth. The audience was amazed at his show of sportsmanship (体育精神) and cheered and clapped for the cyclists. After the race, Navarro said, “I didn’t want to win that way.” Later, Esteban, who won the bronze medal, tried to give his medal to Navarro. However, Navarro refused, and his response was: “Offering me the prize was worth more than what I did for him.”The two cyclists made amazing sporting gestures — Navarro for refusing to take advantage of Esteban’s troubles, and Esteban for offering Navarro his medal. This was sportsmanship at its very best.11.What happened to Esteban with the finishing line in sight?A.He gave up the race.B.He threw away his bike.C.He got a puncture.D.He rode to cross the line.12.Before reaching the finishing line, Navarro _________.A.speeded up to cross the lineB.let Esteban finish in third placeC.cheered and clapped for EstebanD.caught up with other competitors13.From the story we can learn that _________.A.winning is the most importantB.Navarro got the bronze medalC.Esteban fell behind in the race at lastD.they showed the sportsmanship successfullyQuite different from other kids, my son Alex was born with club feet. Doctors told us that he would be able to walk, but would never run very well. At the age of eight, Alex jumped, ran and played like most children did. You wouldn’t know he had a problem when you saw him walk. We never told him that he might not be able to run as well as the other children, so he didn’t know.In Grade 7, he said he dreamed to join the school running team. To prepare for the race, every day he ran with other students. He worked hard and spent most of his time running. Only the top seven runners had the chance to the running team. We didn’t tell him he might never be in the team, so he didn’t know.Even the day he had a bad cold, he continued to run five miles every day. I went to school and found him running on the playground. I asked him about the cold. “Okay,” he said. He was not worried about it although he had two more miles to go. The sweat ran down his face, but he looked straight and kept running. We never told him he couldn’t run five miles with a bad cold, so he didn’t know.After two weeks, good news came to us. Among the sixty students, Alex was only No. 8 in the race but had the chance to the running team! The top seven kids were all from Grade 9, older than him, so the teacher decided Alex should be in the team. We never told him he might not run well. We never told him he couldn’t do it, so he didn’t know. He just did it.14.When Alex was eight years old, _________.A.he didn’t know he had club feet B.he joined the school running teamC.he couldn’t run like other children D.we told him he would never run well 15.The underlined word “it” means _________.A.the club feet B.the bad cold C.the five miles D.the running team 16.Alex was No. 8 in the race because ________.A.he didn’t know how to prepare for the raceB.he had a bad cold and couldn’t run well that dayC.he was not the same age as the other seven childrenD.he didn’t spend much time on running before the race17.The writer writes this passage to show _________.A.it’s easy to run well with club feetB.it’s difficult to join a running teamC.dreams can come true if you work hardD.everyone is the same and is able to do anythingLet’s enjoy a movieZootopiaFrom a large elephant to a small mouse, animals live happily together inDisney’s Zootopia.Language: EnglishRunning Time: 1 hour and 30 minutesPrice: Weekdays-$50$25(children under 6)Weekends-$70$30(children under 6)I’ve never imagined the movie is so interesting. There are 64 kinds of animals in it. After I watched the movie, I learned more about animals. I would highly recommend this movie to thoseanimal lovers.— JohnI have seen many cartoons of this kind, but this one is surprisingly funny and I love the sweet voice in it. My brother and I just couldn’t help laughing from the beginning to the end.— David This movie is so well made. I went to see it with my 5-year-old son last Sunday afternoon. I love the beautiful music while my son loves the rabbit police officer Judy very much. It shows that small animals like her can also do seriouswork.— Nancy18.The poster shows that _________ is spoken in the movie.A.Japanese B.English C.French D.Chinese19.From the poster, we can know that the movie lasts _________.A.60 minutes B.120 minutes C.100 minutes D.90 minutes 20.John likes this movie because of _________.A.the different kinds of animals B.the funny actorsC.the sweet voice D.the beautiful music21.It cost Nancy and her son _________ to watch the movie.A.$75B.$90C.$100D.$120 22.According to the poster, the movie most probably tells a _________ story.A.frightening B.sad C.true D.funny二、完形填空When my dad finally finished the triathlon (铁人三项) in Montauk, the crowd cheered. It showed me how his great effort 23 off and it excited my curiosity. I wondered whether a small boy of my size could 24 something like that. I found myself saying this out loud and my father overheard me. He encouraged me and said I could train with him.Training with my dad 25 out to be very challenging. We would get up early for a morning jog, or go for a swim in the pool after school. After a few weeks of training, I signed up for my first triathlon. Before the competition, I nervously waited for the gun. When someone 26 the gun, I was off, swimming towards the distant buoy (浮标) that marked my turn. I finished the half-mile swim and ran towards my bike. I was dripping 27 , trying to get on it. Once on my bike, I experienced a particular excitement of 28 . I went through the transition zone (转换区) again and switched to my running shoes. At the start of the run part of the triathlon, my legs already felt like they were made of cement (水泥) .For me, the real competition began during the run, because now I could see each 29 as a goal. No matter my position in the field, each racer was either following me or being followed. The run part of the race boiled down to pain tolerance. “Shut up, legs”, one of my favorite sayings, kept me from thinking about the 30 feeling. Then I crossed the finish line. I took a breath and then began a celebration with the other finishers. The sense of achievement was there for all of us.Looking back, I remember the small boy on that day in Montauk who thought he couldn’t do it. Now, that same boy is not only a huge fan, but also a training partner.23.A.showed B.paid C.worked D.made 24.A.afford B.improve C.benefit D.achieve25.A.changed B.turned C.went D.carried 26.A.started B.jumped C.fired D.showed 27.A.hot B.dry C.wet D.cold 28.A.cycling B.running C.traveling D.swimming 29.A.competitor B.person C.partner D.cycler 30.A.exciting B.disappointing C.satisfying D.burning三、短文填空There 31 traffic rules to keep order on the road. They also keep safe. The pedestrians have as many rules to follow 32 the drivers. You should walk on the sidewalk or at the side of the road, and always look carefully before you walk across the street. If you ride a bike, don’t ride in the middle of the road or run through red traffic lights. When you ride a bike 33 a friend, don’t look around to talk. If you drive, you should slow down at the traffic lights. You must always wear a seat belt. Without belts, both drivers 34 passengers may be badly hurt in a sudden accident. You may not need to drive a bus, but you should be careful, if you have 35 travel on one. Get off the bus only when it has come to a stop. When it is full, don’t try to get inside, or you may fall off.四、单词拼写36.S is the first day of a week in Western countries.37.They are having a meeting on the floor. (five)38.I looked for it everywhere, but I found in the end.39.It s important to learn to g (猜测) the meanings of new words.40.Sweet memories were b back when I saw these old things.41.An hour ago, I (play)football with Tom. I (happen)to break a window of the classroom with the ball.42.—Have a good (旅行)!—Thank you.43.I have (邀请) him to our party, and he is glad to come tonight.44.There is a s of fried chicken in this room. I like it for lunch.45.She is always so h (诚实的) that we believe whatever she says.五、书面表达46.请根据下列提示写一篇短文介绍你的好朋友Tom。
浙江省温州市新希望联盟校2020-2021学年第一学期九年级期中考试数学学科试题 (无答案)

小明任意选取一个,选到红枣粽的概率是( )A .12B .13C .14D .34 2.抛物线的顶点坐标是( )A .B .()42,C .()2-4,D .()-42,3.若⊙O 的半径是5 cm ,点A 在⊙O 内,则OA 的长可能是( ▲ ) A .2 cmB .5 cmC .6 cmD .10 cm4.如图所示,点A 、B 、C 是⊙O 上三个点,若∠AOC =130°,则∠ABC 等于( ▲ ) A .50°B .60°C .65°D .70°5.将二次函数2y x =的图像向右平移2个单位,再向上平移3个单位后,则函数的解析式为( )A.()223y x =++ B.()223y x =-+ C.()223y x =+- D.()223y x =--6.已知点1(1,)y -,2(2,)y ,3(3,)y -都在函数23(1)y x m =+-的图象上,则1y ,2y ,3y 的大小关系是(▲)A.231y y y >> B.213y y y >> C.123y y y >> D.312y y y >>7.如图,在半径为10cm 的O 中,弦16AB cm =,OC AB ⊥于点C ,则OC 等于(▲)A.3cmB.4cmC.5cmD.6cmOCAB8.四边形ABCD 内接于☉O ,若2∠A+3∠C ,则∠A=( )A .45°B .72°C .108°D .135°9.二次函数()20,,,y ax bx c a a b c =++≠为常数的部分对应值列表如下:x-2 -1 0 1 2 y-2.5-5-2.5517.5则代数式164a b c -+的值为( )A .17.5B .5C .-5D .-2.510.如图,在ABC 中,CA =CB, ∠ACB =90︒,以AB 的中点D 为圆心,做圆心角为90︒的扇形DEF ,点C 恰好在EF 上,∠ADE =α()0α<<90︒,当α由小到达大变化时,图中两个阴影部分的周长和( )A .由小变大B .由大变小C .不变D .先由小变大,再由大变小二.填空题(3*8=24)11.在一个箱子里放有2个白球和5个红球,现摸出1个球是黑球,这个事件属于 事件(填“必然,不确定或不可能”)12.已知二次函数245y x x =+-,其对称轴为直线x = 13. 如图已知点E 为圆外的一点,EA 交圆于点B ,EC 交圆于点D ,若80AC =︒,30BD =︒,则BED ∠=度。

1.下列有关机械效率的说法中正确的是()A.功率大的机械,机械效率高B.机械效率越高的机械越省力C.机械效率越低的机械,做的功就越少D.由于有用功总小于总功,所以机械效率总小于12.一个人先后用同样大小的力F使不同质量的物体分别在光滑水平面、粗糙水平面和粗糙斜面上沿力的方向移动相同的距离s(如图1所示),该力在这三个过程中所做的功分别为W1、W2、W3,则关于它们之间的大小关系,下列说法正确的是()图1A.W1<W2<W3B.W1<W2=W3C.W1=W2=W3D.W1=W2<W33.某个灯泡的灯丝烧断了,把断了的灯丝搭在一起,接在原来的电源上,灯泡会更亮(灯丝电阻为R,通过的电流为I,两端的电压为U,消耗的功率为P),产生这种现象的原因是()A.R变大,I不变;由P=I2R可知,P变大B.R变小,I变小;由P=I2R可知,P变小C.R变大,I变大;由P=UI可知,P变大D.R变小,U不变;由P=可知,P变大4.如图2所示的四个冲程不是按照热机正常工作的顺序排列的,你认为让汽车获得动力的冲程是( )图25.初温相同、质量也相同的水和铜块,吸收相等的热量后,再将铜块投入水中,则会出现()A.铜块放热,水吸热B.铜块吸热,水放热C.铜块与水之间不发生热传递D.水的内能传递到铜块上6.如图3所示,电源电压为4.5 V,电压表量程为“0~3 V”,电流表量程为“0~0.6 A”,滑动变阻器规格为“10 Ω 1 A”,小灯泡L标有“2.5 V 1.25 W”(灯丝电阻不变)。
在保证小灯泡L电流不超出额定电流的情况下,移动滑动变阻器的滑片,下列说法正确的是()①小灯泡的额定电流是0.6 A②滑动变阻器连入电路的阻值变化范围是4~10 Ω③电压表示数变化范围是0~3 V④电流表示数变化范围是0.3~0.5 AA.只有②④正确 B.只有②③正确图3C.只有①④正确 D.只有①③正确7.如图4所示电路,甲、乙是两只电表,闭合开关S后,两灯泡串联,则下列说法中正确的是()A.甲是电流表,乙是电压表B.甲、乙都是电压表C.甲是电压表,乙是电流表D.甲、乙都是电流表图4二、填空题(本大题7小题,每空1分,共21分)8.如图5所示,被压缩的弹簧一旦释放,就能将它上面的砝码举起,直到砝码静止不动.在这一过程中,弹簧的能转化为砝码的能.弹簧压得越紧,松开时它对砝码做功越多,表示它具有的越大.图59.重100 N的物体在水平推力F的作用下,5 s内沿水平面匀速前进了4 m,已知物体与水平面之间的滑动摩擦力为20 N,则此过程中推力F对物体所做的功为J, 功率为W.10.烈日下在海边散步,我们会感到海水的温度比沙滩的温度(选填“高”或“低”),这是因为海水的较大.11.城市中到处可见的违章“小广告”严重影响着市容市貌,被称为“城市牛皮癣”,它已成为城市管理中的一大“顽症”.在创建“宜居港城”的活动中,小敏和同学们一起到街头巷尾用砂纸清除那些违章“小广告”.砂纸表面很粗糙,是为了(选填“增大”或“减小”)摩擦力.过了一会儿,小敏感觉砂纸发热,是因为机械能转化为了能,这是通过的方式改变内能的.12.将电阻R1与R2并联后接在电源两端时,通过它们的电流之比是3∶2,则R1∶R2=;若把它们串联起来接在电路中,则通过它们的电流之比I1∶I2= ;电压之比U1∶U2=13.如图6所示,开关S闭合时,电流表A1测的是中的电流,电流表A2测的是通过的电流.(均选填“L1”“L2”或“干路”)图6 图814.如图7甲所示电路,电源电压不变。

密学校 班级 姓名 学号密 封 线 内 不 得 答 题部编版2019—2020学年上学期九年级历史期中测试卷及答案(总分:60分 时间: 60分钟)一、选择题(每题1分,共20分,每小题只有一个正确选项)1.右图反映的古代文明诞生于( )A .尼罗河流域B .两河流域C .印度河流域D .黄河流域2.动荡不安的伊拉克是当今世界关注的焦点,伊拉克所在的两河流域是世界文明的发祥地之一。
下列哪一文明成果出自该地区( )A .金字塔B .《汉谟拉比法典》C .佛教D .星期制度3.你看过获得奥斯卡外语奖的印度电影《阿育王》吗?阿育王的身份是( )A .婆罗门B .刹帝利C .吠舍D .首陀罗4.现在通行的公元纪年,就是以传说中的“耶稣出生”之年算起的,这一年就是公元纪年。
这和下列哪一宗教有关( )A .佛教B .伊斯兰教C .道教D .基督教5.法兰克王国是由日耳曼人在西欧建立的,它建立在哪个帝国基础之上( )A .亚历山大帝国B .罗马帝国C .西罗马帝国D .东罗马帝国6.中世纪的一位教皇把他的母校巴黎大学称作“为整个世界烤制面包的烤炉”,这一比喻的含义是希望母校()A.开展世俗教育B.成为传播神学的中心C.自由探讨真理D.学术研究成果7.《罗马民法大全》最富有成效和影响力,该法律由哪几部分组成()①《查士丁尼法典》②《法学汇纂》③《法理概要》④《新法典》⑤《十二铜表法》A.①②③④B.①②③⑤C.①②④⑤D.①③④⑤8.中国古书这样记载日本:“沧浪之中有倭人,大小数百国。
该帝国是()A.阿拉伯帝国B.古希腊C.古代波斯D.奥斯曼土耳其11这幅图中可以得出的最准确信息是()密学校 班级 姓名 学号密 封 线 内 不 得 答 题A .资本主义萌芽必然促进商品经济的发展B .手工工场推动了资本主义萌芽的产生C .商品经济的发展是手工工场产生的前提D .中世纪后期市场经济的雏形开始出现12.要了解阿拉伯帝国丰富的社会生活,首先应查阅的是( )A .《荷马史诗》B .《马可波罗行纪》C .《天方夜谭》D .《哈姆雷特》13.手工工场出现后,出现了新的阶层。

3.本卷可能用到的相对原子质量:H-1;C-12;0-16;Ca-40;C1-35.5;Na-23;Mg-24;S-32; Zn-65祝你成功!卷Ⅰ一、选择题(本题有15小题,每小题4分,共60分。
每小题只有一个选项是正确的,不选、多选、错选均不给分)1 .在“电闪雷鸣”这一自然现象中,没有涉及到的能量形式是【A】电能【B】声能【C】光能【D】核能【答案】D【解答】通常涉及核能的有核裂变和核聚变2. 家庭厨房就是一个化学小世界,米、油、盐、醋,其主要成分属于无机物的是【A】米(淀粉)【B】油(脂肪)【C】盐(氯化钠)【D】醋(醋酸)【答案】C【解答】有机物是指含碳化合物(不包括碳的氧化物,碳酸以及碳酸盐),C项NaCl不含碳元素。
3 .下图是某些物品的近似pH,其中酸性最强的【A】猴桃pH=3.0【B】牛奶pH=6.5【C】醋pH=3.8【D】小苏打pH=9.1【答案】A【解答】pH越大,酸性越强。
下列地摊活动中涉及化学变化的是【A】手工刺绣【B】西瓜切块【C】露天烧烤【D】捏制泥人【答案】C【解答】物质燃烧有涉及到化学反应5. 规范操作是实验成功的基本保证,下列实验操作规范的是【A】液体加热【B】稀释浓硫酸【C】胶头滴管加液【D】锌粒放入试管【答案】B【解答】A加热试管液体不超过1/3,C滴管不能深入到试管,D固体用纸槽送6. 乌牛茶味醇气香,是茶中珍品。
2024年浙江温州市瓯海区外国语学校中考适应性考试 英语模拟练习(含答案)

2024年温州市瓯海区外国语学校中考适应性考试英语模拟练习学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、阅读理解1.Who lost a smart watch?A.Bob.B.Jack.C.Helen.D.Eric.2.If you find the pencil box, you can call .A.869-9090B.858-9062C.222-4545D.885-9602 3.What's in Tony's schoolbag?A.A cartoon picture.B.A white cat.C.Some books.D.Some keys.4.Which is TRUE?A.They're three Found notices.B.The pencil box looks like a boat.C.Tony lost some notebooks and pens, too.D.The blue smart watch is new.People travel (旅行) to different places to relax. Do you like traveling? How can you makeA.Decide when to leave.B.Know which bus to take.C.Decide which hotel to stay at.D.Find some information about the place. 6.Which of the information is not mentioned (提及) in the passage?A.People.B.History.C.Weather.D.Geography. 7.What should we choose when we take photos?A.The most special sights.B.Seaside cities.C.Different people.D.Delicious food.8.What does the passage suggest (建议) doing during the trip?A.Reading more books.B.Tasting some specials.C.Taking photos of the sea.D.Writing down what you eat.9.What’s the best title for this passage?A.The best place to travel B.How to make a travel planC.The most popular way to travel D.How to make your trip interestingMike is a factory worker. He is often very tired after a day’s work. His wife, Jenny, has no job, so she stays at home to cook the meals. Every day he can have his dinner when he gets home from his factory.One day, Mike came home very late because he was very busy in the factory. He was very hungry when he got home.He was not happy when he found his dinner was not ready. He was very angry with his wife. He shouted at her, “I’m going out to eat in a restaurant.” “Wait for five minutes.” said his wife. “Why? Do you think that the dinner will be ready in five minutes?”asked Mike.“Of course not,” she answered, “But I can be ready to go with you in five minutes.”10.Mike works in ______.A.a factory B.an office C.a school D.a hospital 11.One day, Mike came home very late because ______.A.he wanted to have dinner in a restaurant B.he had a lot of work to doC.he was angry with his wife D.his wife didn’t cook dinner12.Which sentence is correct?A.Jenny could have the dinner ready in five minutes.B.Jenny wanted to go to the restaurant with her husband.C.Jenny didn’t like the dinner at home.D.Jenny didn’t love her husband.You have finished all your homework on Sunday afternoon. You lie on the sofa to watch a new TV show. You plan to watch two or three episodes (集) at most. Yet, you don’t stop until it’s past midnight. You’ve gone through the whole season. You’ve gone on a binge-watching TV shows (疯狂刷剧)!Binge-watching has something to do with a part of our brain that makes us feel good. When we start binge watching, our brain produces something that makes us feel pleasure. As we watch more and more episodes, it grows, so we feel great.Writers and directors also try to get us to binge-watch. They design shows that keep people’s interest. Something exciting usually happens at the end of each episode. This is called a cliffhanger, and its purpose is to keep viewers wondering “What will happen next?” So, they keep watching.Although binge-watching can be enjoyable, it may become an unhealthy habit. It keeps people from doing more productive activities. For example, instead of sitting in front of the TV, you could exercise, do housework, or study for exams. It may also cause problems for people the next day. Staying up late to finish a show means you get less sleep. So you perform poorly at work or school. Luckily, there are some steps you can take to stop this bad habit.For starters, try to remind yourself to say “no” to the next episode. If you have trouble with it, then try to stop the shows in the middle when exciting things aren’t happening.13.Why do some people keep on binge-watching?A.It is a good way to relax.B.It makes their brain work faster.C.It is good for their health.D.It gives them a feeling of pleasure. 14.What do some writers and directors try to do?A.To get us to binge-watch.B.To tell us interesting stories.C.To keep us use our brain.D.To help us study for exams.15.What does the underlined word “cliffhanger” probably mean?A.A happy point B.A fantastic point.C.A sad point.D.A terrible point. 16.What problem may binge-watching cause?A.Staying up late.B.Doing productive activities.C.Making people feel sad.D.Stopping people’s bad habits.17.The last paragraph mainly tells us ________.A.what binge-watching is B.the feelings of binge-watchingC.how to stop binge-watching D.the advantages of binge-watching二、完形填空My daughter Mary is seven. She has had all kinds of soft toys since she was a(n) 18 . She plays with the toys almost every day.Mary had a bad habit. She often left her toys 19 . This gave me much trouble in picking them up and putting them in their 20 places.One day, Mary and I went out into our garden to 21 an hour in the fresh air. I took my work with me. Mary ran about and played with Dash, her pet dog, and was having 22 .Then in the corner of the garden, Mary saw her favorite toy bear, dirty and 23 . Sheknew that Dash did this. She got angry and showed the toy bear to me.I asked, “You left the toy bear outside in the garden last time, right?Mary had to answer, “Yes, Mom.”“Then you shouldn’t blame (责备) the dog. I hope this will teach you a 24 . That is, always 25 your toys when you have finished playing with them.”“I’ll try 26 best,” said Mary.“OK, then I’ll repair the toy bear as 27 as I can.”Hearing this, Mary smiled widely.18.A.baby B.teenager C.adult D.keeper 19.A.anywhere B.everywhere C.somewhere D.nowhere 20.A.wide B.high C.right D.small 21.A.spend B.make C.cost D.lead22.A.test B.risk C.dinner D.fun 23.A.magic B.broken C.bright D.sick 24.A.truth B.record C.lesson D.mark 25.A.part with B.check out C.fix up D.put away 26.A.his B.my C.her D.your 27.A.well B.loudly C.much D.simply三、任务型阅读任务型阅读Teeth are important to us. We should keep our teeth healthy. Do you know how to keep teeth healthy? Here are some do’s and don’ts. Please remember them.Do’sBrush your teeth at least twice a day: in the morning and before bedtime.Brush for at least two or three minutes every time.Brush up and down on every tooth.Use a dental flose (牙线) for your teeth to make it cleaner.Get a new toothbrush every three months.Don’tsDon’t eat too much candy and sweet food.Don’t drink too much Cola.Don’t bite (咬) on very hard food. That may hurt your teeth.Don’t eat snacks before bedtime.How to Keep Teeth HealthyBrush your teeth in the morning and 28Spend 29 brushing your teeth every time.Brush up and down on every time.Make your teeth cleaner by using 30Get a new toothbrush every three months.Don’t eat too much sweet food or drink too much Cola.Don’t bite on very 31 food.Don’t 32 before bedtime.四、短文填空I’m happy to be here today to share my experience with you. Three years ago, my doctor told me that I had to lose weight to s 33 healthy. So I made up my 34 that I would change my lifestyle.I believe that the key to losing weight is having a positive (积极的)mind. During the past three years, whenever I faced difficulties, I would 35 (鼓励)myself. That’s how I could keep going.Next, I had to change my diet. I threw 36 all of the junk food in my house. When I went shopping, I only bought healthy food for 37 . I suggest that when you get home, you should 38 (检查)the food in your fridge. Will it help you 39 (变成)the healthy person you want to be?Lastly, I also started e 40 . I tried to get out of my room and spent more time o 41 . At first, it was different for me. But as time went by, I started doing more and more exercise. Now, I’m able to run 5 km every day.Losing weight is all about making the right choices for your health. I’ve m 42 it. And I want to tell you that you can, too!根据短文和汉语提示,写出单词的正确形式。
2020-2021学年外研版九年级英语第一学期 Module 1 Wonders of the world 测试卷(含答案)

Module 1测试卷时间:100分钟满分:120分第一卷听力部分(25分)一、关键词语选择。
(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)1. A. sky B. silk C. sign2. A. beside B. behind C. beyond3. A. though B. thought C. through4. A. rained B. remained C. remembered5. A. loud B. round C. last二、听对话,选择正确图片。
(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)6. What does the man eat at last?7. Where is John going this summer holiday?8. What did the girl do yesterday?9. What was the girl doing yesterday evening?10. When does Peter usually go for a trip?三、听长对话,选择正确答案。
11. When did the man move to a new place?A. Last week.B. Last month.C. Last year.12. Which of the following is true?A. The streets are dirty in the new area.B. There are few cars around the new area.C. The man may think about buying a bike.请听第2段材料,回答第13至第15小题。
13. What time is the man going to get up tomorrow morning?A. At 6:00.B. At 7:00.C. At 8:00.14. Where would the man like to have a meal this evening?A. In the street.B. In his room.C. In the dining hall.15. What can we get from the conversation?A. There is a post office next to the hotel.B. The man can get a free dinner in the hotel.C. The man can use the Internet in the hotel.四、听短文,选择正确答案。
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浙江省温州市外国语学校2020-2021学年第一学期九年级期中考试数学学科试题(含答案)一.选择题(3*10=30)1.若20192020(0)x y xy =≠,则下列比例式成立的是(▲).A.20192020x y =B.20202019x y =C.20202019y x =D.20192020y x =2.在“WZFLS ”中随机选择一个字母,选到“F ”的概率是(▲).A.13B.14C.15D.163.已知点()2,M n 在抛物线()()2123y x x =-+-上,则n 的值为(▲).A.1-B.0C.2D.34.已知点A 是数轴上一定点,点B 是数轴上一动点,点AB 所表示的实数为b ,作以A 为圆心,2为半径的A ,若点B 在A 外,则b 的值可能是(▲).A.1-B.0C.2D.35.如图,已知M,N 分别为AB,AC 上的两点,且MN ∥BC ,AN=4CN ,若AB=10,则BM 的长为( ) A.1 B.2 C.3 D.46.已知△ABC 的外心为O ,连结BO ,若∠OBA=18°,则∠C 的度数为( )A.60°B.68°C.70°D.72°7.把抛物线12-=x y 先向右平移2个单位,再向上平移2个单位,所得抛物线的解析式为( )A.682++=x x yB.682+-=x x yC.542+-=x x yD.542++=x x y 8.如图,分别以AB,AC 为直径的两个半圆,其中AC 是半圆O 的一条弦,E 是弧AEC 中点,D 是半圆ADC 中点。
若AB=12,且AC˃6,则AC 长为( )ABCD9.如图,在Rt △ABC 中,∠B=90⁰,AB BC=43,D 是AB 边上一点,过D 作DE ⊥AB 交AC 于点E,过D 作DF ∥AC 交BC 于点F ,连接BE 交DF 于H.若DH=DE,则为( )CBN M AAFBH DEHS S △△CA 32B 43C 94D 16910. 已知抛物线y=-x2+bx+c 与x 轴交于A,B 两点(A 在原点O 左侧,B 在原点O 右侧),与y 轴交于C 点,且OC=OB,令AOCO =m ,则下列m 与b 的关系式正确的是( )A m=2bB m=b+1C m=b 6D m=2b +1二.填空题(3*8=24)11.二次函数12++=x x y 与y 轴交点的坐标为_________。
12. 在不透明的袋子里装有颜色不同的16个红球和若干个白球,每次从袋子里摸出1个球,记录下颜色后再放回,经过100次试验,发现摸到白球的次数为60次,估计袋中白球有_____个。
13. 贺哲同学的身高1.86米,影子长3米,同一时刻金老师的影子长2.7米,则金老师的身高为________米(结果保留两位小数)。
14. 如图,等腰三角形ΔABC ,中线AD ,BE 交于点G ,若BC=2,GD=1,则AB=_______.GE CDBA15. 在3*4的正方形网格中,有三块小正方形被涂黑色,其余均为白色(如图),先任选一个白色的小正方形涂黑,使黑色部分所构成的图形是轴对称图形的概率是:_______.16.如图,边长为1的小正方形构成的4*4网格中,半径为2的ΘO 的圆心在格点上,点A ,B,C 在格点上,AC 与圆交于点D ,则AD=________.17.如图,ABC △内接于圆O ,连结,,AO D E 分别是,BC AO 的中点,且OD OE =,若10ODE ︒∠=,则B ∠等于 .18.小芳同学在学习了图形的镶嵌和拼接以后,设计了一幅瓷砖贴纸(图1),它是由图2这种基本图形拼接而成。
图2中正方形ABCD 边长为6cm,,E F 分别是BC 的三等分点,连接,,//,//,DE AF GF DE HE AF HE 交GF 于点O ,且45GDE HAF ︒∠=∠=,则图(1)中的一个阴影四边形的周长为 cm,图(1)中的阴影八边形的面积为 2cm .三.解答题(46分)19.(本题8分) 如图,一个质地均匀的转盘分为A 、B 两个扇形区域,A 区域的圆心角为120° (1)随意转动转盘一次,指针指在B 区域的概率是多少.(2)随意转动两次转盘,指针第一次指在B 区域,第二次指在A 区域的 概率是多少,用树状图或列表方法来说明理由.20.(本题8分) 下图是由边长为1的小正方形组成的5×4网格,A 、B 、C 、D 、E 、F 、P 、Q 均为网格格点,请用无刻度直尺作图,保留作图痕迹,不写画法. (1)在线段AB 上找到一点M ,使⊿AQM ≌⊿BPM. (2)在线段CD 上找点N ,使⊿ECN ∽⊿FDN.21.(本题9分) 二次函数y=2x²+bx+c 的图像与y 轴交于点(0,1),函数图像的顶点为点A. (1)若点A 在直线y=bx+2上,求该二次函数的解析式.(2)若该二次函数与x 轴的交点在(1,0)的两侧,求b 的取值范围.OHG F E DC BA22.(本题9分)某游乐园要建造一个直径为20m 的圆形喷水池,计划在喷水池周边安装一圈喷水头,使喷出的水柱距池中心4m 处达到最高,最大高度为6m.如图,以水平方向为x 轴,喷水池中心为原点建立直角坐标系.(1) 若要在喷水池的中心设计一个装饰物,使各方向喷出的水柱在此汇合,则这个装饰物的高度为多少,请计算说明理由.(2)为了增加喷水池的观赏性,游乐园新增加了一批向上直线型喷射的喷水头,这些喷水头以水池为圆心,分别以1.5米,3米,4.5米,6米,7.5米为半径呈圆形放置,为了保证喷水时互不干扰,防止水花四溅,且所有直线喷水头射程高度均为一致,则直线型喷水头最高喷射高度为多少米?(假设所有喷水头高度忽略不计).23(本题12分)如图,在等腰直角ABC △中,=90ACB ∠,12AB =,P 是AB 上一个动点,连结CP ,以CP 为斜边构造等腰直角CPQ △(C 、Q 、P 按逆时针方向),射线PQ 与CA 交于点D .(1)证明:2=CP CD CA ⋅.(2)若12QD DP =,求CP 的长. (3)连接AQ ,记Q 关于直线AC 的对称点为Q ',若APC △的外接圆经过Q ',则APQ △的面积为 (直接写出答案).浙江省温州市外国语学校2020-2021学年第一学期九年级期中考试数学学科试题一.选择题(3*10=30)1.若20192020(0)x y xy =≠,则下列比例式成立的是(D ).A.20192020x y =B.20202019x y = C.20202019y x = D.20192020y x =2.在“WZFLS ”中随机选择一个字母,选到“F ”的概率是(C ).A.13B.14C.15D.163.已知点()2,M n 在抛物线()()2123y x x =-+-上,则n 的值为(B ).A.1-B.0C.2D.34.已知点A 是数轴上一定点,点B 是数轴上一动点,点AB 所表示的实数为b,作AABC以A 为圆心,2为半径的A ,若点B 在A 外,则b 的值可能是(A ).A.1-B.0C.2D.35.如图,已知M,N 分别为AB,AC 上的两点,且MN ∥BC ,AN=4CN ,若AB=10,则BM 的长为( B ) A.1 B.2 C.3 D.46.已知△ABC 的外心为O ,连结BO ,若∠OBA=18°,则∠C 的度数为( D ) A.60° B.68° C.70° D.72°7.把抛物线12-=x y 先向右平移2个单位,再向上平移2个单位,所得抛物线的解析式为( C ) A.682++=x x y B.682+-=x x y C.542+-=x x y D.542++=x x y 8.如图,分别以AB,AC 为直径的两个半圆,其中AC 是半圆O 的一条弦,E 是弧AEC 中点,D 是半圆ADC 中点。
若AB=12,且AC˃6,则AC 长为( D ) A 6+√2 B 8+√2 C 6+2√2 D 8+2√2CBN M AA9.如图,在Rt △ABC 中,∠B=90⁰,ABBC=43,D 是AB 边上一点,过D 作DE ⊥AB 交AC 于点E,过D 作DF ∥AC 交BC 于点F ,连接BE 交DF 于H.若DH=DE,则为( C )A 32B 43C 94D 16910. 已知抛物线y=-x2+bx+c 与x 轴交于A,B 两点(A 在原点O 左侧,B 在原点O 右侧),与y 轴交于C 点,且OC=OB,令AOCO =m ,则下列m 与b 的关系式正确的是( B )A m=2bB m=b+1C m=b 6D m=2b +1二.填空题(3*8=24)11.二次函数12++=x x y 与y 轴交点的坐标为__()01,_______。
12. 在不透明的袋子里装有颜色不同的16个红球和若干个白球,每次从袋子里摸出1个球,记录下颜色后再放回,经过100次试验,发现摸到白球的次数为60次,估计袋中白球有__24___个。
FBH DEHS S △△C BFH EDA13. 贺哲同学的身高1.86米,影子长3米,同一时刻金老师的影子长2.7米,则金老师的身高为__1.67______米(结果保留两位小数)。
14. 如图,等腰三角形ΔABC ,中线AD ,BE 交于点G ,若BC=2,GD=1,则15. 在3X4的正方形网格中,有三块小正方形被涂黑色,其余均为白色(如图),先任选一个白色的小正方形涂黑,使黑色部分所构成的图形是轴对称图形的概率是:__49_____.16.如图,边长为1的小正方形构成的4X4网格中,半径为2的ΘO 的圆心在格点上,点A ,B,C 在格点上,AC 与圆交于点D ,则AD=___17.如图,ABC △内接于圆O ,连结,,AO D E 分别是,BC AO 的中点,且OD OE =,若10ODE ︒∠=,则B ∠等于 50︒ .GE CDBA18.小芳同学在学习了图形的镶嵌和拼接以后,设计了一幅瓷砖贴纸(图1),它是由图2这种基本图形拼接而成。
图2中正方形ABCD 边长为6cm,,E F 分别是BC 的三等分点,连接,,//,//,DE AF GF DE HE AF HE 交GF 于点O ,且45GDE HAF ︒∠=∠=,则图(1)中的一个阴影四边形的周长为cm,图(1)中的阴影八边形的面积为5452cm . 三.解答题(46分)19.(本题8分) 如图,一个质地均匀的转盘分为A 、B 两个扇形区域,A 区域的圆心角为120° (1)随意转动转盘一次,指针指在B 区域的概率是多少.(2)随意转动两次转盘,指针第一次指在B 区域,第二次指在A 区域的 概率是多少,用树状图或列表方法来说明理由.OHG F E DC BA答案:(1)23;(2)2920.(本题8分) 下图是由边长为1的小正方形组成的5×4网格,A 、B 、C 、D 、E 、F 、P 、Q 均为网格格点,请用无刻度直尺作图,保留作图痕迹,不写画法. (1)在线段AB 上找到一点M ,使⊿AQM ≌⊿BPM. (2)在线段CD 上找点N ,使⊿ECN ∽⊿FDN.21.(本题9分) 二次函数y=2x²+bx+c 的图像与y 轴交于点(0,1),函数图像的顶点为点A. (1)若点A 在直线y=bx+2上,求该二次函数的解析式.(2)若该二次函数与x 轴的交点在(1,0)的两侧,求b 的取值范围.答案:(1)221y x =±+;(2)3b <-22.(本题9分)某游乐园要建造一个直径为20m 的圆形喷水池,计划在喷水池周边安装一圈喷水头,使喷出的水柱距池中心4m 处达到最高,最大高度为6m.如图,以水平方向为x 轴,喷水池中心为原点建立直角坐标系.(1) 若要在喷水池的中心设计一个装饰物,使各方向喷出的水柱在此汇合,则这个装饰物的高度为多少,请计算说明理由.(2)为了增加喷水池的观赏性,游乐园新增加了一批向上直线型喷射的喷水头,这些喷水头以水池为圆心,分别以1.5米,3米,4.5米,6米,7.5米为半径呈圆形放置,为了保证喷水时互不干扰,防止水花四溅,且所有直线喷水头射程高度均为一致,则直线型喷水头最高喷射高度为多少米?(假设所有喷水头高度忽略不计).答案:(1)103;(2)952423(本题12分)如图,在等腰直角ABC △中,=90ACB ∠,12AB =,P 是AB 上一个动点,连结CP ,以CP 为斜边构造等腰直角CPQ △(C 、Q 、P 按逆时针方向),射线PQ 与CA 交于点D .(1)证明:2=CP CD CA ⋅.(2)若12QD DP =,求CP 的长. (3)连接AQ ,记Q 关于直线AC 的对称点为Q ',若APC △的外接圆经过Q ',则APQ △的面积为 (直接写出答案).答案:(1)ACP PCD ∆∆;(2)CP =(3)6.AABC。