Test Yourself for the 7-year medical students更新时间:2006-9-23 20:56:38 阅读 605 次1. Put the following words into Chinese: (0.5 point for each, total 10 points) sensitizer bronchodilatorureter cretinismeczema amnesiatrichomoniasis dementiagluconeogenesis lipolysisketoacidosis gynecologyvagotomy pyelonephritisnoncardiogenic chondromavasospasm dermatophytosisophthalmologist angiography2. Put the following words into English: (0.5 point for each, total 10 points)增生失禁转移多尿症黏膜处方胰岛素肢端肥大症果糖脱水健忘症偏头痛淋病步态癫痫血肿激素脓肿膀胱镜后遗症3.Translation (5 points for each, total 50 points)1) It is likely that the immediate future of oncology will include the successful application of modern molecular biology to the development of novel antiproliferative therapies for cancer. Just as the cancer cell has provided a window through which to view the normal growth regulatory processes, cancer patients are likely to provide a window through which we will begin to modulate gene expression in a therapeutically useful manner.2) The prognosis of occupational contact dermatitis is surprisingly poor,especially if effective treatment is not given early and if the dermatitis is prolonged. The reasons for this are not entirely clear; however, surveys have shown that a high percentage of individuals still have dermatitis several years later, in many cases despite a change of employment. Those with atopy appear to have the worst prognosis.(3) The rate of growth of malignant tumors correlates in general with their level of differentiation. Thus, there is wide variation. Some grow slowly for years and then enter a phase of rapid growth, signifying the emergence of an aggressive subclone of transformed cells. Others grow relatively slowly, and indeed, there are exceptional instances when growth comes almost to a standstill.(4) Pemphigus is characterized by the formation of blisters in the skin and mucous membranes caused by a separation of epidermal cells from underlying layers. Rupture of these lesions leaves deeper areas of the skin unprotected from infection and fluid loss, much as in cases of burns. The cause is an autoimmune reaction to epithelial cells. Pemphigus is fatal unless treated by methods to suppress the immune system.(5) Mammography is a method of diagnosing breast cancer by x-ray examination. Other methods include palpation and cytologic study of tissue removed by aspiration or excision. Regular breast self-examination is of utmost importance, as the majority of breast cancers are discovered by women themselves.(6) Normally, 2 months before birth the testes leave the abdomen and descend into the scrotal sac. If one or both testes fail to descend, the condition is known as cryptorchism. Orchiopexy is performed to bring the testes into the scrotum, if they do not descend on their own before the boy is 2 years old. Undescended testicles put the male at high risk of sterility and testicular cancer.(7) Among diseases causing seizures, those producing atrophic lesions of the cerebral hemispheres are the most common. They may originate in the antenatal of prenatal period and therefore may result from malformation, failure of development of the blood supply to the particular part of the brain, accidents of birth, or problems of hypoxia in the perinatal and early antenatal period. Atrophic lesions also may result from trauma at birth, due to molding of the head and marked herniation of the brain, or from trauma in later life produced by direct head injuries.(8) When the possible causes of hypoglycemia are being addressed, the most important clinical distinction is to separate hypoglycemia induced by eating and hypoglycemia occurring in the fasting state. The former is diagnosed excessively and rarely indicates a serious underlying disorder, while the latter demands a thorough search for a specific cause.(9) Cystitis is an infection of the urinary bladder. Organisms generally enter through the urethra and ascend toward the bladder. The infecting organisms are usually colon bacteria carried in feces. Cystitis is thus more common in females than in males because the female urethra is shorter than the male urethra and its opening is closer to the anus. Poor toilet habits and urinary stasis are contributing factors.(10) Shock waves are used to crush urinary tract stones into tiny fragments that can be passed out with urine. After receiving some type of anesthesia, the patient is immersed in a tank of water and shock wave ate generated electrically. Using an x-ray picture screen, fluoroscopy, the physician can position the patient so that the stone will receive the shock waves properly.5.Translation (30 points)Hypertension is one of the most common diseases afflicting humans throughout the world. Because of the associated morbidity and mortality and the cost to society, hypertension is an important public health challenge. Over the past several decades, extensive research and widespread patient education have led to decreased mortality and morbidity rates from the multiple organ damage arising from years of untreated hypertension. Hypertension is the most important modifiable risk factor for coronary heart disease, stroke, congestive heart failure, end-stage renal disease, and peripheral vascular disease. Therefore, health care professionals must notonly identify and treat patients with hypertension but also promote a healthy lifestyle and preventive strategies to decrease the prevalence of hypertension in the general population.Internationally, n ational health surveys in various countries have shown a high prevalence of poor control of hypertension. These studies have reported that prevalence of hypertension is 22% in Canada, of which 16% is controlled; 26.3% in Egypt, of which 8% is controlled; and 13.6% in China, of which 3% is controlled. Hypertension is a worldwide epidemic; in many countries, 50% of the population older than 60 years has hypertension. Overall, approximately 20% of the world's adults are estimated to have hypertension. The 20% prevalence is for hypertension defined as blood pressure in excess of 140/90 mm Hg. The prevalence dramatically increases in patients older than 60 years.Blacks have a higher prevalence and incidence of hypertension than whites. The prevalence of hypertension was increased by 50% in African Americans. The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) III reported an age-adjusted prevalence of hypertension at 20.6% in Mexican Americans.The age-adjusted prevalence of hypertension was 34%, 25.4%, and 23.2% for men and 31%, 21%, and 21.6% for women among African Americans, whites, and Mexican Americans, respectively. In the NHANES III study, the prevalence of hypertension was 12% for white men and 5% for white women aged 18-49 years. However, the age-related blood pressure rise for women exceeds that of men.A progressive rise in blood pressure with increasing age is observed. The third NHANES survey reported that the prevalence of hypertension grows significantly with increasing age in all sex and race groups. In another study, the incidence of hypertension appeared to increase approximately 5% for each 10-year interval of age.Test Yourself (2) for the 7-year medical students1. Put the following words into Chinese: (0.5 point for each, total 10 points)sedative hydronephrosishypospasia leiomyomapyloroplasty proliferationcryptorchism dementiapediatrician otolaryngologyketoacidosis tachycardiagalactose hyperkalemiaimmunosorbent eczemalipolysis pruritussequela electroencephalography2. Put the following words into English: (0.5 point for each, total 10 points)节律障碍低血糖症抗排斥反应血尿硬皮病发病机制肿瘤学胃切除术血液透析不育麻醉儿科学老年病学甲状腺功能减退症癫痫偏头痛尿毒症脓肿膀胱炎绝经3.Translation (5 points for each, total 50 points)(1) A pituitary adenoma usually increases secretion of growth hormone or adrenocorticotropic hormone. An excess of growth hormone before puberty lead to an abnormal over-growth of the body and may result in a condition known as gigantism. After puberty, it causes over-growth of bone and soft tissue, especially in the hands, feet, and face, which results in a condition called acromegaly.(2) The increased understanding of how cells die could play an important role in the development of new anticancer therapy. It has become clear that the regulation of cell death is just as complex as the regulation of cell growth. Most, if not all, animal cells self-destruct by activation of an intrinsic cell suicide program accompanied by a set of characteristic morphologic and biochemical changes known as apoptosis, or programmed cell death.(3) Perhaps in many patients with increased intraocular pressure, pressure is the dominant mechanism of opticdisk damage, and vascular and immune disorders play lesser roles. In many patients with normal intraocular pressure, systemic vascular problems and immune disorders may be the dominant damaging factors. It is also possible that in some patient, vascular problems, connective tissue susceptibilities, or immune disorders may render the optic disk more susceptible to pressure-related damage so that it may occur even at normal levels of pressure.(4) Hepatic glucose production derives initially from preformed glycogen, but the capacity of hepatic glycogen to sustain plasma glucose levels is limited to 8 to 12 hours, or even less after periods of exercise or illness. Thus, for more sustained fasting, including the normal overnight fast, gluconeogenesis, the generation of new glucose from noncarbohydrate substrates, must take over.(5) Careful rectal examination by a physician with digital (finger) palpation is a useful method for detection of early prostatic carcinoma. Lympthangiography and computerized tomography scans can detect lymph node metastases. Acid phosphatase is normally released into the blood in small quantities by the prostate, and elevated levels are found in patients with metastatic disease. Treatment is surgery (prostatectomy), radiotherapy, and hormonal chemotherapy. Since prostatic cells need androgens, antiandrogen hormones and estrogens are used to slow tumor growth by depriving the cells of testosterone.(6) Many women carry the disease asymptomatically, and others have pain, vaginal and urethral discharge, and salpingitis. As a result of sexual activity, men and women can acquire anorectal and pharyngeal gonococcal infections as well. Penicillin is the treatment and is curative.Herpes genitalis: infection of the skin and mucosa of the genitals, caused by the herpes simplex virus.(7) Among diseases causing seizures, those producing atrophic lesions of the cerebral hemispheres are the most common. They may originate in the antenatal of prenatal period and therefore may result from malformation, failure of development of the blood supply to the particular part of the brain, accidents of birth, or problems of hypoxia in the perinatal and early antenatal period. Atrophic lesions also may result from trauma at birth, due to molding of the head and marked herniation of the brain, or from trauma in later life produced by direct head injuries.(8) Allergic contact dermatitis occur as a result of sensitization to specific haptens through a process ofcell-mediated immunity. The hapten combines with protein in the skin to form a complete antigen that is processed and presented to T lymphocytes by epidermal Langerhans cells, specialized macrophages that form an intraepidermal network. Among the most frequent allergens are poison ivy or oak; rubber additives, particularly accelerators and antioxidants; monomers of plastics and resins, such as epoxies, and acrylates; nickel; chromium salts; and derivatives; and formaldehyde.(9) Malignant melanoma is cancerous growth composed of melanocyte. An alarming increase in the incidence of this malignancy has been noted and is attributed to the intense exposure to sunlight that many people experience. Melanoma usually begins as a mottled, light brown to black, flat macule with irregular borders. The lesions may turn shades of red, blue, and white and may crust on the surface and bleed. Melanomas often arise in preexisting moles and frequently appear on the upper back, lower legs, head and neck.(10) Malignant neoplasms are characterized by a wide range of parenchymal cell differentiation, from surprisingly well-differentiated to completely undifferentiated. Malignant neoplasms that are composed of undifferentiated cells are said to “anaplastic”. Indeed, lack of differentiation, or an aplasia, is considered a hallmark of malignancy. The term anaplasia lietreally means “ to form backward.” It implies dedifferentiation or loss of structural and functional differentiation of normal cells. However, it is now known that cancers arise from stem cells in tissues, so failure of differentiation, rather than dedifferentiation of specialized cells, accounts for undifferentiated tumors.6.Translation (30 points)Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is one of the top ten causes of death from cancer in industrialized countries, with over 40000 deaths/year in Europe and nearly 30000 deaths/year in the USA. The incidence has risen dramatically in many countries as they have become more westernized in their way of life. The peak incidence is around 10–12 per 105population. In Europe the incidence in women has continued to increase and in most but not all countries virtually matches the levels observed in men [1–4]. Data from the Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results program in the United States, however, have shown a fall in the total incidence of pancreatic cancer from 12.3 per 105 population in 1973 to 10.7 per 105 in 1999. During the same period the declinein rates for men was from 16.1 to 12.1 per 105 and for women from 9.6 to 9.5 per 105, respectively. The changes in incidence in the USA and Europe, both in absolute terms and as trends, are likely to be accounted for by major environmental a etiological factors, notably tobacco smoking and perhaps dietary factors.The chief cause of pancreatic cancer so far identified is tobacco consumption, conferring about a two-fold increased risk, even so this only accounts for some 30% of cases. Chronic pancreatitis is associated with an increased risk of about, five- to 15-fold, but given a prevalence of only 10 per 105 population the contribution to the overall numbers is small. Although the risk of PDAC is increased 50- to 70-fold in hereditary pancreatitis and forms part of a number of familial cancer syndromes, in themselves important in understanding the molecular basis of pancreatic cancer and as a potential for secondary screening, altogether they account for no more than 5% of all cases. Current diagnostic techniques lack sufficient sensitivity and specificity to support screening for pancreatic cancer in general. Thus, apart from reducing tobacco consumption there are no special opportunities available by which to reduce the mortality from pancreatic cancer. The overall median survival from diagnosis is less than 3–5 months with a 12-month survival rate of 6~10% and a 5-year survival rate of 0.4–3%. There are three important reasons for these appalling survival figures. First, the disease usually advances to a late clinical stage before symptoms are apparent. Secondly, partial or total resection of the pancreas is surgically very demanding with acceptable resection and postoperative mortality rates found only in specialized centers. Thirdly, pancreatic cancer has an aggressive biological phenotype that is exceptionally resistant to all forms of therapy.1.passage three Normal-pressure Glaucoma;2.passage two Endocrein Disorders.3.passage three Hypoglycemia.4.passage two Disorders of the Urinary System and Some Means for Finding themOut.5. d passage two Reproductive Disorders.6.passage Epilepsy7.passage Why We Forget.8.passage Disorders of the Skin.9.passage Occupatinal Diseases of the Skin.10.text Characteristics of Benign and Malignant Neoplasms.11.text The Future of Oncology.12.。
口腔专业英语 试题
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1.(A) is the space contains the pulp.A. Pulp cavityB. pulp hornC. pulp chamberD. pulp canal2.The ( B) consists of 8 incisors,4canines,8 premolars, and 12 molars.A .milk teeth B. permanent dentitions C. primary dentitions D. deciduous dentitions3.(A)are frequently extracted for othodontics purposes.A. Fist premolarsB. Second premolarsC. First molarsD. Second molars4.The openings of the (B )ducts are on the inner sides of the cheeks, opposite the second upper molar teeth.A. submandibularB. parotidC. sublingualD. platal5.The ( C) membrane surrounding the necks of the teeth is the gingiva or gum.A .mucosa B. mucus C. mucous D. mucosal6.irst molar usually has five __A___,three buccal and two lingual.A. cuspsB. cariesC. rootsD.dentition7.Root concavities are located on the mesial and distal surfaces of the mesial root; they are especially prominent on the first molar because this root usually has two _______B____.A. pulp cavitiesB. pulp canalsC. pulp chambersD. pulp horns8.The greater part of the tooth consists of ____C___.A. pulpB. enamelC. dentineD.cementum9.Doctor: Sit in the chair please. Lean your head back __D_____ the chair now. What’s the trouble?Patient: I have an awful toothache.A.onB. toC.inD. against10.Enamel consists of rods or prisms in an interprismatic substance that is slightly less _____A _______ than the rods themselves.A. mineralizedB. wearedC.demineralizedD.polished11. To fill these __A____ –to say nothing of extracting teeth, periodontal and prosthodontic treatment and straightening – the average American would need six hours of a dentist’s time.A. cavitiesB. holeC. dentinD. pulp12. The_____B_____ processes within the dentinal tubules degenerate, and the empty tubule becomes plugged with calcium salts and forms a harder dentin..A. orthodonticB. odontoblasticC. periodonticD. endodontic13. The typical histological picture of acute ____D____ (hyperemia, exudate, polymorphonuclear leukocytes) is almost always associated with that chronic pulpitis (lymphocytes, plasma cells etc.).A. infectionB. traumaC. tuberculosisD. inflammation14. In the case of active ____A__ a of the pulp, where there are as yet no pus – filled vacuoles or pronounced edema, other mechanisms are at work.A. hyperemiaB. disintegrationC. abscessD. inflammation15. Traumatic effects on the tooth or alveolus sometimes are beyond repair. Many teeth in the line of ____B___ fracture are removed to treat the fractured bone.A. headB. jawC. boneD. mouth16. With the increasing demand for aesthetic dentistry, there has been an increased interest in the use of resin-based composites for (A ) restorations.A. anteriorB. inferiorC. posteriorD. superior17. The one which is universally recognized is Angle`s classification which is based on arch relationship in the ( D ) plane.A. axialB. coronalC. crossD. sagittal18. There are fixed type and ( D ) type appliance for straightening the teeth.A. activityB. functionC. movementD. removable19. Physical violence and ( A ) accidents lead the list in a municipal hospital for the fracture of the mandible.A. automobileB. bikeC. carD. motor20. After extraction, don`t rinse for 24 hours as it may disturb the blood ( A ).A. clotB. dollopC. loafD. lump阅读理解TEXT1The Risks and Benefits of Orthodontic TreatmentBenefitsThe orthodontic treatment that has been suggested for you may have overall benefits in the appearance of your face and teeth and in maintaining good oral health.Well aligned teeth are easier to keep clean and many patients will find their self esteem is enhanced by an attractive smile and dental appearance.It is important to appreciate that not all these benefits may be appropriate to every individual patient. These is also great variation in each individual’s response to treatment and this can, on occasions, affect the final result.RiskAs with any form of treatment there are some risks associated with orthodontic treatment. While every effort is taken to minimize these risks, you, the patient, can help to minimize them by following treatment advice carefully and fully.1. Tooth decay and enamel damageTooth decay and enamel damage can occur if sugary or acid foods are eaten and tooth brushing is not maintained at a high standard. This damage can occur at any time but is more likely when fixed appliances are attached to the teeth.2. Root resorptionOrthodontic tooth movement involves light pressure being placed on the teeth and roots. In some patients changes such as root shortening may occur. The causes of this are not well understood and it is not always possible to identify susceptible patients in advance. In the majority of cases where this occurs there are so significant consequences.3. HeadgearIf not worn correctly, headgear may cause injury. It is imperative that the written instructions are necessary when using a headgear appliance.4. Joint discomfortSome individuals may experience jaw joint discomfort during orthodontic treatment. This is usually a transitory phase and indeed such symptoms also occur in patients who are not wearing orthodontic appliances.5. Post–treatment changesThroughout life the position of teeth alters regardless of orthodontic treatment.Some aspects of orthodontic treatment are particularly prone to post–treatment changes.Following fixed appliance treatment retainers will need to be worn. There are other changes, particularly the degree of crowding of the lower incisors, that may progressively alter throughout life.6. Medical historyGeneral medical pro blems may influence an individual’s response to orthodontic treatment. It is important to inform your orthodontist of any changes in your medical health.Instructions for Patients Wearing Fixed AppliancesYou are now wearing a fixed appliance. You must take great care it.You must:1.Clean your teeth with a brush, immediately after every meal and before going to bed. If yourteeth are not kept clean damage will occur.2.Avoid eating hard foods (such as crusty bread), and sticky food(such as toffee and nougat).3.Since it will be necessary to use a toothbrush after eating, most patients find it best to avoidsnacks taken between main meals.4.Contact the orthodontist if the appliance hurts, becomes loose, or if any part however small isbroken.5.Continue with your routine dental visits.Initially there will be some difficulty in eating and speaking but this will soon pass.You may experience some discomfort for a few hours following the placement of new archwires. This may be eased with a mild analgesicQuestion:1. The orthodontic treatment may have good effect on a person except (C)A. maintaining good oral healthB. improving a person’s face appearanceC. ensuring every individual patient to have the same attractive smileD. making teeth easier to keep clean2. What would doctors advise on the procedure of orthodontic treatment? (B)A. Eat sugary or acid foods and maintain tooth brushing at a high standard.B. Conform the instructions when using a headgear appliance.C. Be scared by root resorption and joint discomfort.D. Wear retainers irregularly after fixed appliance treatment.3. When will the tooth decay and enamel damage happen? (C)A. only when eaten too many sugary or acid foodsB. when tooth brushing maintained at a high standardC. the damage can occur at any timeD. especially when flexible appliance are attached to the teeth4. What kind of food can you eat when you are now wearing a fixed appliance? (D)A. crusty breadB. toffeeC. nougatD. orange5. Which of the following statement in not true? (B)A. Clean your teeth immediately after you have a meal.B. You can repair it by yourself when the appliance is broken.C. You should avoid eating hard food.D. Contact your dentist if the appliance becomes loose.TEXT 2So far we have discussed mostly about the dental profession and society. Now we will look at dentistry as a possible profession for you.Can you answer "yes" to the five questions below? If so, you have passed a simple, but very important, test --a sort of entrance requirement for dental school.Are you skillful with your hands?Do you like to work with people?Is your health good?Does science interest you?Would six years of college be alright with you?Let us look at the first four questions right nowClever Hands. To even get into dental school, you must pass a test of "manual dexterit". A dentist must use his hands skillfully in very small spaces, and use them with controlled strength and gentleness.If you are very good at precise, detailed work with your hands --and like such work -- but cannot answer "yes" to the other questions.Working With People. Many people choose dentistry because they do not like to work for other people, but want to be their own boss. Working with people is, of course, something quite different. Dentists work with people under very difficult conditions every day. They need patience to put up with a patient's needless worries. They need calm to match his anxiety. Dentists must also have sympathy -- or at least a sympathetic manner -- like a physician's "bedside manner".Suppose you do not like taking all these pains with people. You could still enter dentistry if you chose a proper specialty. For instance, oral surgeons and oral pathologists have very little contact with patients. Dental teachers need to communicate with people, but in a much more relaxed way. If you are solitaryminded, you could be a research scientist.Good Health. Dentists stand on their feet a lot. They often work in awkward positions. They need a lot of stamina. Robust general health is a prime requirement for dentistry.Dentists need particularly good eyesight. This does not mean that you cannot wear glasses. With or without glasses, you have to identify some very small changes and very tiny structures in some corners that are difficult to see.The Scientific Mind. Do you like the science courses you have had in school? Do you enjoy the science columns and features in the news magazines?Good grades in all your subjects are important. They show that you have two qualities that you may get into dental field. Those qualities are intelligence and persistence.1. what would be the best title for the text? CA. A Test for CollegeB. Features for College StudentsC. Is Dentistry for YouD. The Benefits of Good Healthy and Skillfull Hands2. It is indicated in paragraph 2 that___. DA. the five questions are a test of every dental schoolB. if you say "yes' to the five questions you will be a dentistC. if you say "yes' to the five questions, you will get an entrance for a dental school that you wantD. the five questions are a simple ,but very important test for students who want to go to dental school3 dentists don’t have to possess _____ BA skillful handsB pass all the testsC good healthD group spirit4 which one is wrong according to the text? AA I wear glasses so I can’t be a dentistB dentistry is related to scienceC to be a dentist need intelligence and persistenceD not all people is suitable to be a dentist5 The word “stamina” is closest in meaning to ______. Bknowledge B endurance C characteristics D muscle翻译The pulp. The pulp consists of loose connective tissue and carries the blood, lymphatic and nerve supply to the tooth. Where it meets the dentine ,the surface of the pulp is covered by a layer of odontoblasts. These are columnar cells with oval nuclei, and each cell has a process that lies within a corresponding tubule in the dentine. Immediately internal to the odontoblast layer there is a narrow cell-free zone.Dentine. Physically and chemically dentine is very similar to bone, consisting of 30 percent organic material. As in bone ,the organic fraction consists of collagen fibrils embedded in a mucopolysaccharide cementing substance, and the inorganic fraction consists mainly of calcium phosphates in the form of apatite crystals. Unlike bone ,however, dentine contains no cell bodies but only cell processes, those of the odontoblasts ,in the dentinal tubule .The dentinal tubules are 2to3 um diameter and each runs through the whole thickness of the dentine from the cell body of the odontoblast to the surface of The dentine. There are cross-communications between the tubules, containing anastomosing branches of the odontoblast processes. Where calcification is incomplete, the separate globules can be seen, with the uncalcified or hypocalcified ground substance in between them. Such areas are referred to as interglobular dentine.Enamel. Mature enamel can be studied only in ground sections unless special methods are employed, since it is completely removed by routine histological decalcification. The inorganic material is an apatite and small organic fraction is mainly of keratinous nature. Enamel consists of rods or prisms in an interprismatic substance that is slightly less mineralized than the rods themselves. Each rod runs from the enamel-dentine junction through the whole thickness of the enamel to its surface, following a slightly wavy course. The rods have a “fish-scale” appearance in cross-section, with an average diameter of 4 um.牙髓。
以上内容ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ以 2005 年研究生复试情况为准的,仅供大家参考。希望大家都能如愿以偿,梦想成真!!
各个专业方向的复试程序大致相同,包括笔试、临床操作、面试三部分。笔试试题由各专业科室命 题,临床操作当然是跟专业紧密联系的(修复方向好几年都考的雕牙,可以提前练习一下,不过好像雕得 好不好不太要紧^_^),面试的程序一般是:3 分钟的英文自我介绍、给一段英文文献要求你朗读后翻译、 导师提问。这样复试就结束了。第一轮复试的结果会很快出来,没有被录取的考生会参加第二轮复试,就 是一些没有招满的专业进行补录。至此,研究生录取工作基本上结束了。
四川大学华西口腔医学院 2005 年研究生入学考试复试题目
口腔修复学 名词解释 Passamonti notch bending moment Customimpression tray Prominence of compensationing curve Extra-coronal attachment Surveyor muscle trimming healing cap Protrusive interocclusal record lute 应用 kennedy 分类应遵循的 applegate 法则(英译汉) 论述题 1.固定桥应力分布 2.Rpi 组成及其作用 3.骨内牙种植体适应证 4.固定桥基牙选择 5.困难全口义齿固位
何口腔综合的辅导班(华西临床西医综合很早就开始有考研辅导班了),2006 年考研前曾有华西口腔综合 的辅导班广告,但证实后发现不可信。华西口腔的复试分数线不高,并且一般只要上线都能录取,只是分 数较低的话可能要被调剂到冷门专业,不过今年的招生规模缩小了,情况可能会有变化。
复试前会要求考生再报一次专业志愿,并且以第二次报的专业志愿为参加复试的志愿,比如考研报 名时报的是正畸,复试前改报为口腔外科,那么就直接参加口腔外科的复试。这样做可以使考生从热门专 业分流到一些较冷的的专业,也给了成绩不太理想的考生又一次选择的机会。
C 提高缝合速度D 减小伤口张力E 防止感染及愈合后瘢痕不明显43.带蒂皮瓣的断蒂手术一般在第一次手术后多久实施A 7天B 7-14天C 14-21天D 21-30天E 30-40天44.游离皮片移植失败的常见原因是A 缝合不严密B 皮片下有血肿C 加压包扎压力过大或过小D 游离皮片取得太薄E 患者贫血45.对偶三角瓣适用于A 整复邻近组织的缺损B 松解挛缩的瘢痕C 覆盖感染的创面D 作毛发的移植E 器官再造46.一般认为表皮损伤不超过哪一层即不会形成疤痕组织A 基层B 棘层C 颗粒层D 透明层E 角质层47.下列哪种组织移植方法不属于皮瓣移植:A.带真皮下血管网的全厚皮片B.胸大肌肌皮瓣C.前臂皮瓣D.“Z”字成形术E“V-Y”成形术48.下列哪种组织移植方法属于动脉皮瓣移植:A.带真皮下血管网的全厚皮片B.旋转皮瓣C.前臂皮瓣D.“Z”字成形术E.皮管移植49.下列组织移植方法哪种属于皮肤皮瓣移植方法:A.“Z”字成形术B.斜方肌肌皮瓣C.全厚皮片D.游离血管的腹股沟皮瓣E.带真皮下血管网的全厚皮片50.下列组织移植方法哪种既可以作为皮瓣移植也可以作为骨肌皮瓣移植:A.颈阔肌皮瓣B.胸三角肌皮瓣C.胸大肌肌皮瓣D.腹直肌肌皮瓣E.随意皮瓣51. 移植的皮片不可能获得如同正常皮肤的功能。
口腔英语试题一、选择题(Choose the best answer.)What is the term for the hard, calcified tissue that covers the crown of a tooth?A. EnamelB. DentinC. CementumD. PulpWhich of the following is NOT a type of periodontal disease?A. GingivitisB. PeriodontitisC. Tooth decayD. AbscessWhat is the main function of saliva in the mouth?A. Digestion of foodB. LubricationC. Protection against bacteriaD. All of the aboveWhich instrument is commonly used for scaling teeth to remove plaque and tartar?A. Dental drillB. ScalerC. ProbeD. MirrorWhat is the most common cause of tooth decay?A. BacteriaB. SugarC. AcidD. Genetic factors二、填空题(Fill in the blanks.)The _______ is the soft tissue inside a tooth that contains blood vessels and nerves.Brushing your teeth at least _______ times a day with fluoride toothpaste helps prevent tooth decay._______ is a common periodontal disease that affects the gums.Saliva contains enzymes that help _______ carbohydrates in the mouth.Regular dental check-ups and professional _______ are important for maintaining good oral health.三、简答题(Short answer questions.)Describe the importance of flossing in addition to brushing your teeth.Explain the role of fluoride in preventing tooth decay.What are the symptoms of gingivitis?How does a dentist typically treat a cavity?Discuss the importance of maintaining good oral hygiene throughout life.答案及解析选择题解析1.【答案】A【解析】Enamel(牙釉质)是覆盖牙齿冠部的坚硬钙化组织。
口腔医学专业英语电子版1、77.–Hey! Any idea about learning abroad? --You ()google the College Board to learn the names of college you ____ be interested in [单选题] *A. may;needB. can; might (正确答案)C. will; shouldD. shall; must2、Which is _______ city, Shanghai, Beijing or Chengdu? [单选题] *A. largeB. largerC. largestD. the largest(正确答案)3、—What can I do to help at the old people’s home?—You ______ read stories to the old people. ()[单选题] *A. could(正确答案)B. mustC. shouldD. would4、He has two sisters but I have not _____. [单选题] *A. noneB. someC. onesD. any(正确答案)5、12.That is a good way ________ him ________ English. [单选题] * A.to help;forB.helps;withC.to help;with(正确答案)D.helping;in6、26.—Mary, is this your pen?—No, it isn't. ________ is black. [单选题] * A.MyB.IC.MeD.Mine(正确答案)7、By the end of this month, all this _____. [单选题] *A. is changedB.will changeC. will have changed(正确答案)D. has changed8、The children are playing wildly and making a lot of?_______. [单选题] *A. cryB. voicesC. noises(正确答案)D. music9、—When are you going to Hainan Island for a holiday? —______ the morning of 1st May.()[单选题] *A. InB. AtC. On(正确答案)D. For10、74.No person ()carry a mobile phone into the examination room during the national college Entrance Examinations.[单选题] *A.shall(正确答案)B.mustC.canD.need11、My brother usually _______ his room after school. But now he _______ soccer. [单选题] *A. cleans; playsB. cleaning; playingC. cleans; is playing(正确答案)D. cleans; is playing the12、—I can’t always get good grades. What should I do?—The more ______ you are under, the worse grades you may get. So take it easy!()[单选题] *A. wasteB. interestC. stress(正确答案)D. fairness13、Many volunteers _______ food and water to the local people in Japan after tsunami(海啸). [单选题] *A. gave out(正确答案)B. cut outC. put outD. found out14、Allen is looking forward to _______ his American partner at the trade fair. [单选题] *A. meetB. meeting(正确答案)C. be meetingD. having meeting15、The house was completed five months ago. [单选题] *A. 完成(正确答案)B. 复杂C. 开始D. 装着16、I think _______ is nothing wrong with my car. [单选题] *A. thatB. hereC. there(正确答案)D. where17、Since we have _____ money left,we can't afford the expensive computer. [单选题] *A. a littleB. a fewC. little(正确答案)D. few18、19.Students will have computers on their desks ________ . [单选题] *A.in the future(正确答案)B.on the futureC.at the momentD.in the past19、33.Body language is even___________ and ___________ than any other language. [单选题] *A.stronger, loudB.strong, louderC.strong, loudD.stronger, louder (正确答案)20、Could you tell me _____ to fly from Chicago to New York? [单选题] *A.it costs how muchB. how much does it costC. how much costs itD.how much it costs(正确答案)21、How _______ it rained yesterday! We had to cancel(取消) our football match. [单选题] *A. heavily(正确答案)B. lightC. lightlyD. heavy22、They took _____ measures to prevent poisonous gases from escaping. [单选题] *A.efficientB.beneficialC.validD.effective(正确答案)23、She _______ be here. [单选题] *A. is gladB. is so glad to(正确答案)C. am gladD. is to24、Could you please ______ why you can’t come to attend the meeting? [单选题] *A. explain(正确答案)B. understandC. giveD. reach25、Marie is a _______ girl.She always smiles and says hello to others. [单选题] *A. shyB. friendly(正确答案)C. healthyD. crazy26、He went to America last Friday. Alice came to the airport to _______ him _______. [单选题] *A. take; offB. see; off(正确答案)C. send; upD. put; away27、Will you be able to finish your homework _______? [单选题] *A. by the timeB. in time(正确答案)C. once upon a timeD. out of time28、—John, How is it going? —______.()[单选题] *A. It’s sunnyB. Thank youC. Well doneD. Not bad(正确答案)29、Simon does not()his fellow workers because they often argue over trivial matters. [单选题] *A. get on with(正确答案)B. come up withC. do away withD. go on with30、The rain is very heavy _______ we have to stay at home. [单选题] *A. butB. becauseC. so(正确答案)D. and。
口腔内科学习题一、名词解释1.pulp necrosis2.sedative treatment3.step back technique4.work length5.牙菌斑6.深龋7.remineralization 8.microleakage9.smear layer二、填空1.氟斑牙与龋病的鉴别诊断要点是______。
2.Dental Plaque的基本结构、、。
三、问答题1.牙髓尖周病疼痛问诊内容?2.简述Reversible pulpitis的诊断依据是什么?应与哪些疾病鉴别?如何鉴别?3.感染根管与非感染根管在根管预备、消毒和充填过程中有何区别?4.试述糖在龋病发生中的作用。
5※<习题二>口腔内科学习题一、名词解释1.pulp necrosis2.sedative treatment3.step back technique4.work length5.牙菌斑6.深龋7.remineralization 8.microleakage9.smear layer二、填空1.氟斑牙与龋病的鉴别诊断要点是______。
2.Dental Plaque的基本结构、、。
华西口腔专业课考试最给力历年真题_02级至06级跨越整理分解内部资料06级牙体牙髓名解:Stephen Curve,reversible pulpitis,smear layer,再矿化治疗,继发龋,牙髓牙本质复合体,猛性龋,直接盖髓,间接盖髓,电活力试验,致龋性牙菌斑填空:龋洞内息肉的三个来源,牙隐裂的主要临床表现,牙内陷好发于那颗牙,畸形中央尖的好发牙,龋病最常见的致病菌,根管治疗适用于哪两类疾病。
填空:Le Fort 123型骨折线的走行,下颌骨骨折好发部位,上颌骨骨折的切口(两个空),引起前牙开合的骨折(两个),干槽症的处理原则(三个),颌面外科常用全麻方法(四个),可以区分左右的拔牙钳,拔除上颌尖牙需要麻醉的神经(三个);儿童髁突骨折多为神马骨折,采用神马治疗,注意神马训练,预防神马;引起张口受限的间隙感染有哪些(四个);放射性颌骨骨髓炎---有放疗史,发展缓慢;新生儿骨髓炎好发于--上颌骨,大题:拔牙后出血的原因及处理;切取活检的适应症和注意事项;窒息的原因;智齿冠周炎导致间隙感染的一个病例分析,就跟题库上面那个题一样,让判断有哪些间隙感染及处理要点;干槽症的临床表现及处理;修复名解:倒凹深度,倒凹坡度,美观卡环,基牙,直接固位体,后堤区,合位关系记录,解剖式牙,centric balanced occlusion, 卡环体,回转线,牙尖斜度填空:颊侧固位美观卡环有(三个),Christensen现象,诊断模型的四个作用,支托的功能,平衡合三因素,吸附力有哪两种,河堤后部与神马解剖标志平行,四种转动性不稳定,制锁角、制锁区,对半卡环适用于,上下颌骨分别吸收的方向,根据人工牙的合面形态有哪几类,有个空俺和强哥都填的“游离端缺失”想不起题干了,上颌第一磨牙在合平面上的牙尖大题:全口义齿固位和稳定的因素;全口义齿后牙排列的组织保健原则;前牙深覆合的修复;可摘局部义齿基托边缘伸展范围;垂直距离恢复不正确的表现;04级牙体牙髓病学:Smear layer、牙釉质发育不全、逐步后退法、固位形、再矿化、acquair pellic、根管工作长度、直接盖髓术、逆行性牙髓炎四联因素、急性牙髓炎与急性根尖周炎异同、深龋的治疗原则和方法、牙髓感染途径、上颌1开髓基本要求和注意事项04级材料:Monomer、研磨、熟石膏、极限强度、冷却曲线应力应变曲线、化学固化与可见光固化复合树脂比较、低铜、高铜银合金粉区别、全?金瓷结合、陶瓷新材料04级修复:补偿曲线、卡环体、倒凹深度、舌向集中合、合架、合位关系记录、交互作用三向集中原则、卡环作用、合架与人体解剖、深覆合修复、RPI减少基牙受力、全口固位、稳定原理、前伸不平衡前牙接触后牙不接触、垂直合位关系记录04级预防:RCI ART OHE 捷径调查初级预防氟牙症局部用氟原理、方法、优缺点机械控制菌斑方法、特点口腔健康教育评价04级外科:拔牙适应症、窒息原因、上颌1松动未脱落处理要点、扪诊哪三方面检查记录、儿童髁突骨折与关节强直的临床特点、咬肌间隙感染临床特点、治疗注意、清创步骤和注意事项,、口腔颌面外科与其他学科04级口腔临床药物:抗微生物药、麻醉性镇痛药、细胞周期非特异性药物、消毒防腐药、二重感染、宿主调节药、免疫增强药、辅助化疗四环素治疗牙周病机制、氨基糖苷特点、局麻药机制分类、IOE 作用、理想活髓保存药特点、CA(OH)机制、干扰素机制、CPM组成用法不良反应对抗、肝移植患者重度口腔念珠菌氟康唑是否合理03级材料老化、口腔种植陶瓷材料、聚合反应、混水率、流电性口腔材料生物学评价试验、光固化复合树脂组成各部分功能、全?瓷结合类型、银汞合金在口腔中易腐蚀原因,如何防止、简述某种口腔材料性能不足、如何改进玻璃离子水门汀的组成、口腔材料分类方法、包埋材料用于补偿金属收缩的有、延展率()的材料为塑性材料、常温下金属塑性形变又称、彩色的特性包括、银汞合金充填后()小时候可正常使用、比例极限、强度极限03级口腔临床药物:二重感染、分布、生物转化、每晨给药法、免疫调节药、消毒防腐药、姑息化疗比较丁香油酚和CA(OH)药理作用异同;戊二醛药理作用、临床应用;牙周缓释抗菌药特点孕妇严重口腔溃疡用反应停是否合理03级修复工艺:工作模型、功能性印模、铸道、工作授权、润湿性、粘砂、热中心印模制取常出现的问题、如何避免;模型设计的步骤和内容;浸蜡法制作冠桥的准备工作及作用;冠的制作方法;舌杆蜡型的设计要求;复制耐火模型材料的加热方法和灌注深度;连接杆、板蜡型要求;铸造不全的原因及对策03级牙体牙髓:静止龋、逐步后退法、涂层、混合层、逆行性牙髓炎、工作长度、抗力形、牙菌斑、生理性根尖孔深龋的治疗原则、窝洞制备原则和步骤、miller学说内容和在龋病病因学中地位、根管预备的目的和常用方法、急性牙髓炎和急性根尖周炎临床表现区别、与银汞合金充填材料相比牙色材料粘结修复的优点、牙髓炎细菌入侵途径窝洞制备中使用洞漆的目的是;畸形中央窝和急性中央尖分别好发于;牙髓功能;牙髓中神经纤维有;扩锉针长度锥度;牙本质过敏症的处理;引起根尖周炎免疫反应的抗原物质有03级活动修复:垂直距离、合架、基牙、间接固位体、RPD的交互作用、倒凹深度、全口中的二次印模法、中性区、固位制锁区;合架分哪几部分;五因素;基托作用;按颜色层次人工牙分;按颌面形态人工牙分;确定垂直关系的方法;肯氏()无亚分类;圈卡适用于(),对半卡适用于();排牙原则有;义齿表面有垂直距离恢复不当的全口义齿有何表现、大连接体要求、三项集中原则是什么、在RPD修复前口腔准备工作中如何调整合平面和牙列不齐H合架和简单面弓为例,上合架的步骤;RPD摆动的处理方法;全口蜡型试戴时前牙接触后牙不接触的原因及调整方法;肯氏1类RPD设计原则和常见问题RPD设计时保护口腔软硬组织的具体方法05级口腔材料流电性,混水率,共聚物,amaglation,,过冷度金属晶格三种结构,银焊合金应用于()合金的焊接。
以下是一些模拟的真题答案,仅供参考:1. 牙周病的预防措施包括哪些?牙周病的预防措施主要包括:定期口腔检查和清洁,正确的刷牙方法,使用牙线和间隙刷清理牙缝,保持良好的口腔卫生习惯,避免吸烟,控制糖尿病等全身性疾病,以及合理饮食,避免高糖食物。
2. 描述牙髓炎的临床表现和治疗方法。
3. 口腔癌的早期症状有哪些?口腔癌的早期症状可能包括口腔内不愈合的溃疡,口腔内肿块,牙齿松动,口腔出血,吞咽困难,以及颈部淋巴结肿大等。
4. 简述牙齿矫正的基本原理。
5. 口腔黏膜疾病的治疗方法有哪些?口腔黏膜疾病的治疗方法取决于具体的病因和病情。
6. 简述牙齿美白的方法。
口腔专业英语考试一英汉互译(20分)1牙槽骨2 local anesthesia3 caries4 根尖感染5 gingivitis6 pericoronitis7 髓角8颞颌关节9 leukoplakia10骨结合11 fibroosseous integration12 根管治疗13菌斑14 drug-induced gingivitis15咬合16 osteomyelitis of the jaws17 ameloblastoma18 palpation19汞合金20可复性牙髓炎二阅读理解(40分)A Gay BiologistMolecular biologist Dean Hammer has blue eyes, light brown hair and a good sense of humor. He smokes cigarettes, spends long hours in an old laboratory at the US National Institute of Health, and in his free time climbs up cliffs and points his skis down steep slopes. He also happens to be openly, matter-of-factly gay.What is it that makes Hammer who he is? What, for that matter, accounts for the talents and traits that make up anyone's personality? Hammer is not content merely to ask such questions; he is trying to answer them as well. A pioneer in the field of molecular psychology, Hammer is exploring the role genes play in governing the very core of our individuality. To a remarkable extent, his work on what might be called the gay, thrill-seeking and quit-smoking genes reflects how own genetic predispositions.That work, which has appeared mostly in scientific journals, has been gathered into an accessible and quite readable form in Hammer's creative new book, living with Our Genes. "You have about as much choice in some aspect of your personality." Hammer and co-author Peter Copeland write in the introductory chapter, "As you do in the shape of your nose or the size of your feet."Until recently, research into behavioral genetics was dominated by psychiatrists and psychologists, who based their most compelling conclusions about the importance of genes onstudies of identical twins. For example, psychologist Michael Bailey of Northwestern University famously demonstrated that if one identical twin is gay, there is about a 50% likelihood that the other will be too. Seven years ago, Hammer picked up where the twin studies left off, homing in on specific strips of DNA that appear to influence everything from mood to sexual orientation..Hammer switched to behavioral genetics from basic research, after receiving his doctorate from Harvard, he spent more than a decade studying the biochemistry of a protein that cells use to metabolize heavy metals like copper and zinc. As he was about to turn 40, however, Hammer suddenly realized he had learned as much about the protein as he cared to."Frankly, I was bored, "he remembers, "and ready for something new."Homosexual behavior, in particular, seemed ripe for exploration because few scientists had dared tackle such an emotionally and politically charged subject. "I'm gay," Hammer says with a shrug, "but that was not a major motivation. It was more of a question of intellectual curiosity-and the fact that no one else was doing this sort of research"1. The first paragraph describes Hammer's ( )A. looks, hobbies and characterB. viewpoint on homosexualityC. unique life-styleD. scientific research work2. Hammer was a ( )A. psychiatristB. physiologistC. chemistD. biologist3. What is Hammer doing now? ( )A. He is exploring the role of genes in deciding one's intelligence.B. He is exploring the role of genes in deciding one's personality.C. He is writing a book entitled "Live with Our Genes."D. He is trying to answer some questions on a test paper.4. What happened to Hammer's research interest? ( )A. He turned to basic research.B. He sticked to basic research.C. He turned to behavioral genetics.D. He sticked to behavioral genetics.5. According to Hammer, what was one of the main reasons for him to choose homosexual behavior as his research subject? ( )A. He is a gay and he wants to cure himself.B. He was curious about it as a scientist.C. He was curious about it like everyone else.D. It is a subject that can lead to political success.Silent and DeadlyTransient ischemic attacks(TIAS), or mini-strokes, result from temporary interruptions of blood flow to the brain. Unlike full strokes, they present symptoms lasting anywhere from a fewseconds to 24 hours. Rarely do they cause permanent neurological damage, but they are often precursors of a major stroke."Our message is quite clear," says Dr. Robert Adams, professor of neurology at the Medical College of Georgia in August. "TIAS,while less severe than strokes in the short term, are quite dangerous and need a quick diagnosis and treatment as well as appropriate follow-up to prevent future injury."Unfortunately, mini-strokes are greatly under diagnosed. A study conducted for the National Stroke Association indicates that 2.5% of all adults aged 18 or older(about 4.9 million people in the U. S. )have experienced a confirmed TI A. An additional 1.2 million Americans over the age of 45, the study showed, have most likely suffered a mini-stroke without realizing it. These findings suggest that if the public knew how to spot the symptoms of stroke, especially mini-strokes, and sought prompt medical treatment, thousands of lives could be saved and major disability could be avoided.The problem is that the symptoms of a mini-stroke are often subtle and passing. Nonetheless, there are signs you can look out for:*Numbness or weakness in the face, arm or leg, especially on one side of the body.*Trouble seeing in one or both eyes.*Confusion and difficulty speaking or understanding.*Difficulty walking, dizziness or loss of coordination.*Severe headache with no known cause.Along with these symptoms, researchers have identified some key indicators that increase your chances of having a full-blown stroke after a TIA: if you're over 60, have experienced symptoms lasting longer than 10 minutes, feel weak and have a history of diabetes.As with many diseases, you can help yourself by changing your lifestyle. The first things you should do are quit smoking, limit your intake of alcohol to no more than a drink or two a day and increase your physical activity. Even those who suffer from high blood pressure or diabetes can improve their odds-and minimize complications if they do have a stroke-by keeping their illness under control.If you experience any of the symptoms, your first call should be to your doctor. It could be the call that saves your life.6. Which of the following is NOT true of mini-strokes? ( )A. The cause of them remains unidentified.B. They seldom cause permanent neurological damage.C. They symptoms of them are often passing.D. They are not unrelated to major strokes.7. To prevent mini-strokes from turning into major strokes, it is important to ( )A. saves thousands of lives.B. avoids major disability.C. seeks prompt medical treatment.D. prevents future injury.8. The passage indicates that the symptoms of mini-strokes ( )A. are always easy to spot.B. are frequently hard to recognize.C. usually last a couple of days.D. can by no means be avoided.9. All of the following may be signs of mini-strokes EXCEPT for ( )A. trouble seeing in one eyeB. numbness in the faceC. loss of coordinationD. severe headache caused by external injury.10. It can be inferred from the passage that mini-strokes are ( )A. more dangerous than major strokesB. silent and deadlyC. difficult to cureD. sure to lead to major strokesA New FindingBritish cancer researchers have found that childhood leukaemia is caused by an infection and clusters of cases around industrial sites are the result of population mixing that increases exposure. The research published in the British Journal of Cancer backs up a 1988 theory that some as yet unidentified infection caused leukaemia-not the environmental factors widely blamed for the disease."Childhood leukaemia appears to be an unusual result of a common infection," said Sir Richard Doll, an internationally-known cancer expert who first linked tobacco with lung cancer in 1950. "A virus is the most likely explanation. You would get an increased risk of it if you suddenly put a lot of people from large towns in a rural area, where you might have peopie who had not been exposed to the infection." Doll was commenting on the new findings by researchers at Newcastle University, which focused on a cluster of leukaemia cases around the Sellafield nuclear reprocessing plant in Cumbria in northern England. Scientists have been trying to establish why there was more leukaemia in children around the Sellafield area, but have failed to establish a link with radiation or pollution. The Newcastle University research by Heather Dickinson and Louise Parker showed the cluster of cases could have been predicted because of the amount of population mixing going on in the area, as large numbers of con- struction workers and nuclear staff moved into a rural setting. "Our study shows that population mixing can account for the, (Sellafield) leukaemia cluster and that all children, whether their parents are incomers or locals, are at a higher risk if they are born in an area of high population mixing," Dickinson said in a statement issued by the Cancer Research Campaign, which publishes the British Journal of Cancer.Their paper adds crucial weight to the l988 theory put forward by Leo Kinlen, a cancer epidemiologist at Oxford University, who said that exposure to a common unidentified infection through population mixing resulted in the disease.11 Who first hinted at the possible cause of childhood leukaemia by infection? ( )A Leo Kinlen.B Richard Doll.C Louise Parker.D Heather Dickinson12 which statement can be supported by Heather Dickinson and Louise Parker's new findings? ( )A Radiation has contributed to the disease.B Putting a lot of people from rural area in a large towns increases the risk of childhoodleukaemiaC Population mixing is the most important reason for leukaemia clusterD Childhood leukaemia is caused by an unusual infection.13 According to the passage, which of the following is true? ( )A Most people believe childhood leukaemia is due to environmental factors.B Population mixing best explains the cause of childhood leukaemia.C Radiation has nothing to do with childhood leukaemia.D Children born in a large town are at higher risk of leukaemia.14 Cancer Research Campaign is most possibly a ( )A medical journalB research instituteC private companyD governmental agency15 This passage is mainly about ( )A the cluster of leukaemia eases around the Sellafield nuclear reprocessing partB the kind of infection that causes childhood leukaemiaC the causes of childhood leukaemiaD a new finding by British scientistsMobile Phone and DiseasesA study by scientists in Finland has found that mobile phone radiation can cause changes in human cells that might affect the brain, the leader of the research team said.But Darius Leszczynski, who headed the 2-year study and will present findings next week at a conference in Quebec(魁北克), said more research was needed to determine the serious-ness of the changes and their impact on the brain or the body.The study at Finland's Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority found that exposure to radiation from mobile phones can cause increased activity in hundreds of proteins in human cells grown in a laboratory, he said."We know that there is some biological response. We can detect it with our very sensitive approaches, but we do not know whether it can have any physiological effects on the human brain or human body," Leszczynski said.Nonetheless the study, the initial findings of which were published last month in the scientific journal Differentiation, raises new questions about whether mobile phone radiation can weaken the brain's protective shield against harmful substances.The study focused on changes in cells that line blood vessels and on whether such changes could weaken the functioning of the blood-brain barrier, which prevents potentially harmful substances from entering the brain from the bloodstream. Leszczynski said.The study found that a protein called hsp27 linked to the functioning of the blood-brain barrier showed increased activity due to irradiation and pointed to a possibility that such activity could make the shield more permeable(能透过的), he said."Increased protein activity might cause ceils to shrink-not the blood |vessels hut the cells themselves-and then tiny gaps could appear between those cells through which some molecules could pass." he said.Leszezynski declined to speculate on what kind of health risks that could pose, but said a French study indicated that headache, fatigue and sleep disorders could result."These are not life-threatening problems but can cause a lot of discomfort," he said, adding that a Swedish group had also suggested a possible link with Alzheimer's disease."Where the truth is do not know," he said.Leszczynski said that he, his wife and children use mobile phones, and he said that he did not think his study suggested any need for new restrictions on mobile phone use.16 According to Leszczynski, how does mobile phone affect one's health? ( )A Mobile phone radiation can increase protein activities and such activities can make theprotective shield more permeable.B Mobile phone radiation can shrink the blood vessels and prevent blood from flowingsmoothly.C Mobile phone radiation will bring stress to people exposed to it.D Mobile phone radiation kills blood cells at a rapid speed.17 What's the result of the French study? ( )A The harm of mobile phone radiation is life-threatening.B Mobile phone may affect one's normal way of thinking.C Sleep disorders could result from mobile phone radiation.D A protein called hsp27 is killed by mobile phone radiation.18 What kind of disease is not caused by the use of mobile phone? ( )A FatigueB HeadacheC Alzheimer's diseaseD Tuberculosis19 According to the passage, what would be the future of the use of mobile phone? ( )A People will be forbidden to use mobile phone.B People dare not use mobile phone because of its radiation.C People will continue to use mobile phone.D There will be new restrictions on the use of mobile phone.20 Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? ( )A The research in Finland found that mobile phone radiation will affect one's brain.B Mobile phone radiation can cause increased activity in hundreds of protein in human cells.C Increased protein activity might cause cells to shrink.D Leszczynski forbid his wife and children to use mobile phone after、his research.三翻译(20分)1 Gingival retraction is a way to detach free gingival from tooth surface and reveal the subgingival area as a result. While it has been wildly used in many oral therapies to make them more convenient and safer, it may damage our body in some ways.2 龈乳头的缺失形成的“黑三角”常带来美学效果的缺憾。
专英重点一、Parapharyngeal 咽旁Septicemia 败血病Sialolithiasis 涎石病Periostitis 骨膜炎Sialoductitis 涎管炎Fracture 骨折minution 粉碎 Hyperplasia 增生Reparative 修复性Mucoperiosteum 黏骨膜Radiolucent X光透射Space 间隙Infection 感染Prosthesis义齿Oblique 倾斜Scquestrum腐骨死骨Biopsy 切片检查法Sialogram 涎管X线造影片Giant巨大Nonmalignant良性得Pyogenic 化脓性Mole 胎块Devoid 缺乏得Laceration 撕裂Hyperpyrexia高热Self-reduce 自行使脱臼复位句子翻译1. I f proper preparation of solution, syringes, needles and technic has been carried out, untoward incidents should seldom occur during or after the injection of the local anesthetic、 However, one should be in a position to cope with plications in the rare cases when they arise、若药液注射剂,针头及技术准备妥当,在局麻注射过程中或之后都将很少出现,但就是,医生仍应做好应对罕见并发症得准备。
2. P ostoperative pain which the patient experiences after the second and third postoperative day should be carefully examined, since this is not a normal postoperative course、 It is caused by dry socket or sharp bone spine、患者于术后二三日之后得疼痛,可能为非正常情况,需特别仔细检查,其有可能由于干槽症或就是尖锐骨刺引起。
16.下列何种间隙感染脓肿切开引流切口选在口内:A.颌下间隙B.口底蜂窝织炎C.舌下间隙D.翼颌间隙E.咬肌间隙17.下列间隙感染首先表现为张口困难的为:A.翼下颌间隙B.眶下间隙C.下颌下间隙D.口底蜂窝织炎E.舌下间隙18.卢德维(Ludwig's)咽峡炎指:A.腐败坏死性龈口炎B.化脓性咽峡炎C.腐败坏死性口底蜂窝织炎D.化脓性扁桃体炎E.粒细胞缺乏症19.下颌智齿冠周炎沿下颌支外侧面向后可形成:A.翼颌间隙感染B.咽旁间隙感染C.颌下间隙感染D.口底蜂窝织炎E.咬肌间隙感染20.唇痈较少出现大块组织坏死,这是因为:A.唇部组织表浅,易于早期发现病变B.唇部血液循环丰富C.感染的细菌毒力较低D.金黄色葡萄球菌是条件致病菌,其侵袭力弱E.唇部运动频繁,细菌不易滞留聚集21.颜面部疖痈的治疗主张:A.早期切开引流B.局部烧灼C.局部热敷D.保守治疗E.全身支持疗法22.化脓性颌骨骨髓炎根据临床病理特点,病变始于颌骨骨松质和骨髓者,称:A.边缘性骨髓炎B.放射性骨髓炎C.中央性骨髓炎D.婴幼儿上颌骨骨髓炎E.根尖周致密性骨炎23.由于下颌骨的特殊解剖特点,下列哪种病变容易通过下颌管扩散,导致急性弥散性中央性颌骨骨髓炎:A.溶解性边缘性骨髓炎B.根尖周致密性骨炎C.根尖脓肿D.粘膜下脓肿E.根尖囊肿24.边缘性骨髓炎好发于:A.下颌骨升支B.下颌骨体部C.上颌骨体部D.下颌骨牙槽突E.下颌骨髁状突25.边缘性颌骨骨髓炎死骨刮除术应在急性炎症后:A.2~4周B.4~6周C.6~8周D.2个月以上E.半年以上26.中央性骨髓炎死骨切除术应在急性炎症后:A.2周B.3~4周C.2个月D.3~4个月E.6个月以上27.放射性颌骨骨髓炎,下列正确的说法为:A.死骨分离时间较快B.病变与正常组织之间无明显界限C.患者全身症状明显,伴发热、寒战、白细胞总数升高D.一般倾向于积极治疗,早期切除坏死的软、硬组织E.无需手术,单纯高压氧治疗效果较佳28.婴幼儿化脓性淋巴结炎应与下列哪一疾病鉴别:A.川崎病B.勒—雪氏病C.韩—薛—柯氏病D.Horner综合征E.Burkitt氏瘤29.婴幼儿的淋巴结:A.淋巴结发育完善,淋巴滤泡丰富B.淋巴结被膜厚,淋巴滤泡不成熟C.淋巴结发育完善,防御功能佳D.淋巴结发育不完善,淋巴结包膜不成熟E.淋巴结细胞增生活跃,滤泡成熟30.智齿冠周炎常形成瘘道,其常见部位为:A.第三磨牙颊部皮肤B.第二磨牙颊部皮肤C.第一磨牙舌侧牙龈D.第二磨牙颊侧牙龈E.第一磨牙颊侧牙龈31.嚼肌间隙感染,若未及时引流或引流不彻底,最常引起的并发症为: A.败血症B.脓毒血症C.海绵窦血栓性静脉炎D.下颌升支边缘性骨髓炎E.下颌升支中央性骨髓炎32.下列关于颊间隙感染的描述中正确的是:A.以腺源性感染多见B.因可导致翼下颌间隙、咬肌间隙、眶下间隙等多间隙感染,故应早期切开引流C.可由上颌智齿冠周炎导致D.为避免面部瘢痕和损伤面神经,应从口内切开引流E.其主要诊断依据是牙关紧闭33.不易导致张口困难的间隙感染是:A.咬肌间隙感染B.颞间隙感染C.舌下间隙感染D.翼下颌间隙感染E.颊间隙感染34.颞间隙感染A.局限于颞肌表面,与周围间隙无通连B.因有颞骨屏障,不易侵犯颅内C.若怀疑伴有颞骨骨髓炎,可在急性炎症控制、死骨充分分离后,行死骨摘除D.可来源于化脓性中耳炎E.不引起张口受限35.有关颞间隙脓肿切开引流术正确的是:A.颞间隙因可导致颞骨骨髓炎,故无论脓肿深浅,均应早期切开引流B.为了保护颞肌的附丽,颞深间隙切开引流时应在颞肌表面皮肤作弧形切口C.为了保护颞骨,避免颅内感染,切开引流后,不宜轻易探查骨面D.颞深间隙感染扪及波动感是切开引流的指征E.伴有颞下、翼下颌和下颌下间隙感染时,应作贯通引流36.冠周炎的病因是:A.因智齿萌出最晚B.冠周龈瓣与牙冠之间的盲袋易堆积食物及细菌C.颌骨长度不足D.下颌智齿发育异常E.邻牙牙周炎37.结核性淋巴结炎A.自行破溃后可形成经久不愈的瘘道B.多见于体弱的老年人群C.炎症波及周围组织时,可导致表面皮肤的红肿热痛D.应早期切开引流E.当累及多个淋巴结时,可变硬并伴明显疼痛38.下述有关颌骨骨髓炎的论述正确的是:A.颌周间隙感染导致的中央性颌骨骨髓炎最为常见B.幼儿患者边缘性骨髓炎死骨刮除时切勿损伤牙胚C.急性弥漫性中央性颌骨骨髓炎可导致多数牙松动D.慢性颌骨骨髓炎不适于手术治疗,应以保守为主E.下唇麻木是边缘性颌骨骨髓炎重要的诊断依据39.翼下颌间隙感染向上直接累及的间隙是:A.颞间隙B.舌下间隙C.颌下间隙D.咽旁间隙E.颞下间隙40.下列关于脓肿切开引流正确的是:A.翼下颌间隙切开引流的口内切口位于翼下颌皱襞内侧2mm处B.咬肌间隙切开引流时,应同时探查下颌升支表面,以明确有无死骨C.下颌下间隙切开引流时,应在口内外同时作切口,以免感染扩散和口底肿胀D.眶下间隙的切开引流常导致颅内的逆行感染,故宜保守E.唇痈的切开引流是减少颅内和全身并发症的重要方法41.下列关于口腔颌面部感染错误的是:A.口腔颌面部血运丰富,有利于炎症的吸收和愈合B.口腔颌面部血运丰富,感染易向颅内扩散引起严重并发症C.口腔颌面部有众多的潜在筋膜间隙,是控制感染发展的有效屏障D.口腔颌面部有多数体腔与外界相通,其表面的常驻菌是感染的易发因素E.口腔颌面部感染最常见的原因是牙源性感染42.化脓性颌骨骨髓炎由下列感染而来,除了:A.牙源性感染B.损伤性感染C.血行性感染D.腺源性感染E.邻近感染直接播散43.慢性颌骨骨髓炎常有面部瘘管形成,并长期排脓或排出小块死骨块,例外的有:A.中央性颌骨骨髓炎B.溶解性边缘性颌骨骨髓炎C.放射性颌骨骨髓炎D.增生性边缘性颌骨骨髓炎E.婴幼儿上颌骨骨髓炎44.关于口腔颌面部感染的特点,下列说法错误的是:A.口腔、鼻腔的环境有利于细菌滋生繁殖B.牙齿的病变常向颌骨和颌周蔓延C.颌面部筋膜间隙内血管丰富,抗病力强D.颌面部感染易逆行导致严重并发症E.颌面部暴露在外,易受各种损伤,继发感染45.不属于口腔颌面部感染常见病原菌的是:A.金黄色葡萄球菌B.溶血性链球菌C.大肠杆菌D.绿脓杆菌E.阿米巴原虫46.以下不是智齿冠周炎常见原因的是:A.牙齿阻生B.牙龈盲袋形成C.机械压力D.牙髓炎E.细菌侵入47.下列细菌中不引起特异性感染的是:A.破伤风杆菌B.结核菌C.梅毒螺旋体D.放线菌E.大肠杆菌48.下列不属于智齿冠周炎症状的有:A.张口受限B.磨牙后区肿胀C.局部自发性跳痛,伴放射痛D.下唇麻木感E.全身不适、发热等49.以下不是冠周炎向颌周蔓延的途径为:A.感染向前方,到达第一磨牙颊侧,形成龈瘘B.感染向外前方,形成颊部脓肿C.感染向下颌支内后,形成翼下颌间隙感染D.感染循下颌支内侧向后,形成咬肌间隙脓肿E.感染向下,形成口底蜂窝织炎50.不宜在冠周炎急性期进行的治疗是:A.消炎B.镇痛C.建立引流D.对症处理E.去除病因51.间隙感染脓肿形成后,下列间隙均可作下颌下缘下切口,除了:A.下颌下间隙B.眶下间隙C.翼下颌间隙D.口底蜂窝织炎E.咬肌间隙52.以下不是间隙感染脓肿切开引流术目的者是:A.排除脓液,减少毒素吸收B.消除病因,使病变彻底治愈C.减轻局部肿胀、疼痛、张力D.防止感染向邻近间隙蔓延E.防止边缘性骨髓炎53.以下哪一项不是切开引流的指征:A.发病时间B.局部凹陷性水肿,波动感明显C.脓肿已穿破但引流不畅D.腐败坏死性感染应早期广泛切开E.局部肿胀,质地较硬54.一患者因智齿冠周炎反复发作,伴面颊瘘半年,下列治疗措施不恰当的是:A.拔除阻生牙B.瘘管刮治术C.抗菌素控制感染D.加强冲洗换药E.切开引流55.下面哪一项临床表现与舌下间隙感染不符合A.语言障碍B.声音嘶哑C.吞咽疼痛,进食困难D.舌运动受限E.口底粘膜充血,水肿,口底抬高56.关于眶下间隙感染,下列说法错误的是:A.眶下间隙内的面前静脉与海绵窦相通B.感染来自上颌前牙根尖感染C.临床表现以眶下区红肿热痛最明显D.可直接扩散蔓延导致下颌下间隙感染E.脓肿形成时,应及时切开引流57.关于咬肌间隙感染下列说法错误的是:A.感染多来自于下磨牙冠周炎和根尖周炎B.临床表现为下颌角区红肿痛C.常伴张口困难D.脓肿形成后常在下颌升支外侧触及波动感E.切开引流时作位于下颌角下缘下1~2cm的弧形切口58.关于翼下颌间隙感染下列说法错误的是:A.感染少数是医源性感染B.临床首先表现为张口受限C.翼颌间隙周围肌肉多而厚实,感染不易扩散D.口内翼下颌皱襞肿胀、压痛E.可从口内作切开引流59.下列哪项描述不是关于下颌下间隙感染:A.婴幼儿常继发于化脓性颌下淋巴结炎B.以颌下区肿胀明显C.间隙位于颌下三角内D.感染可扩散蔓延导致口底蜂窝织炎E.感染来源以特异性感染为主60.下列哪项不是化脓性口底蜂窝织炎的常见临床表现:A.全身发热、白细胞总数升高B.下唇麻木、感觉异常C.口底高度肿胀,舌体抬高,影响呼吸D.双侧颈上份皮肤肿胀,下颌下缘消失E.下颌牙根尖周化脓性炎症61.下列哪项不是腐败坏死性口底蜂窝织炎广泛切开引流的目的:A.消除病灶B.预防毒素的进一步吸收C.改变厌氧环境D.减轻局部压力,预防呼吸困难E.充分引流脓液62.下列哪项不是增生型边缘性颌骨骨髓炎的病理组织学表现A.骨密质增生B.骨松质溶解破坏C.骨膜反应活跃D.少量新骨形成E.以上都不是63.下列有关颞间隙感染错误的是:A.可因化脓性中耳炎或乳突炎等扩散导致B.因有坚厚的颞肌阻隔,一般不易导致颞骨骨髓炎C.因有坚厚的颞肌被盖,深部间隙不易触及波动感D.颞深间隙感染一旦成脓,应及时切开、充分引流E.颞间隙感染可向下扩散至颞下间隙和翼下颌间隙64.下列有关颊间隙的描述错误的是:A.感染来源多为牙源性B.通过颊脂垫与咬肌、翼下颌、颞间隙等相通连C.脓肿口内切开引流的部位与眶下间隙感染相似D.因下颌骨的阻隔,感染不易扩散至下颌下间隙E.可导致张口受限65.口底腐败坏死性感染治疗中错误的是:A.早期广泛切开引流B.广泛分离每个间隙C.3%过氧化氢液及盐水冲洗D.盐水纱条引流E.加压包扎,消灭死腔66.下列部位不是细菌常寄居的部位:A.唇腺B.皮脂腺C.牙周袋D.鼻腔E.扁桃体67.下列哪一项不是化脓性颌骨骨髓炎的分型:A.根尖脓肿B.急性边缘性颌骨骨髓炎C.慢性中央性颌骨骨髓炎D.溶解型边缘性颌骨骨髓炎E.急性增生型中央性颌骨骨髓炎68.不是中央性颌骨骨髓炎临床表现的是:A.常常先有间隙感染的表现B.患处多数牙疼痛、松动C.下唇麻木和感觉异常D.牙周溢脓E.颌下淋巴结肿痛69.可引起边缘性颌骨骨髓炎的感染不包括:A.颞间隙感染B.咬肌间隙感染C.翼下颌间隙感染D.下颌下间隙感染E.智齿冠周炎70.化脓性颌骨骨髓炎的治疗不包括:A.脓肿切开引流B.死骨摘除术C.彻底消除病灶D.全身大剂量激素支持治疗E.全身应用抗生素71.关于婴幼儿化脓性颌骨骨髓炎病因错误的是:A.脐带感染B.人工喂养奶嘴创伤C.中耳炎D.局部皮肤疖肿E.败血症72.婴幼儿化脓性颌骨骨髓炎治疗错误的是:A.全身抗感染B.伴有眶下间隙感染时应及时切开引流C.保持乳头和奶嘴、奶瓶的清洁D.清除已分离的死骨E.清除感染部位的牙胚73.关于放射性颌骨骨髓炎病因下列说法错误的是:A.受大剂量放射线照射血管内皮损伤B.被照射的骨组织处于缺氧氧状态C.肿瘤转移D.牙周炎和猛性龋E.口腔粘膜溃疡、创伤74.放射性颌骨骨髓炎以预防为主,下列做法错误的是:A.精确放射野剂量B.严格非放射野的防护C.放射前拔除病灶牙D.放射前治愈牙及牙周疾患E.放射前运用高压氧,促使血管增生75.有关口腔颌面部特异性感染错误的是:A.颌骨结核应首选保守治疗B.淋巴结寒性脓肿必要时可切开引流C.全身抗感染治疗首选金葡菌敏感的抗生素D.包括梅毒感染和放线菌病E.不包括溶血性链球菌引起的感染76.颜面部疖痈受到不恰当处理常并发下列严重并发症,除了:A.脓毒血症B.脑膜炎C.颅内出血D.败血症E.脑脓肿77.毛囊和皮脂腺内寄居的细菌在下列条件下易引发面部疖痈,除了:A.机体衰弱B.营养不良C.新陈代谢障碍D.毛囊破坏,皮脂腺萎缩E.皮肤抵抗力下降78.下列治疗颜面部疖痈的方法错误的是:A.保守治疗B.10%高渗盐水纱布湿敷C.及早切开引流D.全身运用大剂量有效抗生素E.全身支持治疗79.有关婴幼儿淋巴结下列说法错误的是:A.淋巴结发育不完善D.淋巴滤泡不成熟C.淋巴结被膜薄D.淋巴结内淋巴细胞为不成熟细胞E.淋巴结防御功能较差80.化脓性淋巴结炎的治疗不包括:A.切开引流B.全身支持C.局部热敷D.全身应用足量抗生素E.处理原发病灶【B型题】以下提供若干组考题,每组考题共同使用在考题前列出的A、B、C、D、E五个备选答案。
专英重点一、Parapharyngeal 咽旁 Septicemia 败血病 Sialolithiasis 涎石病Periostitis 骨膜炎Sialoductitis 涎管炎Fracture 骨折Comminution 粉碎 Hyperplasia 增生Reparative 修复性Mucoperiosteum 黏骨膜Radiolucent X光透射Space 间隙Infection 感染Prosthesis义齿Oblique 倾斜Scquestrum腐骨死骨Biopsy 切片检查法Sialogram 涎管X线造影片 Giant巨大Nonmalignant良性的Pyogenic 化脓性Mole 胎块Devoid 缺少的 Laceration撕裂 Hyperpyrexia高热Self-reduce 自行使脱臼复位句子翻译If proper preparation of solution, syringes, needles and technic has been carried out, untoward incidents should seldom occur during or after the injection of the local anesthetic.However, one should be in a position to cope with complications in the rare cases when they arise.若药液注射剂, 针头及技术准备妥当, 在局麻注射过程中或之后都将很少出现, 但是, 医生仍应做好应对罕见并发症的准备。
Postoperative pain which the patient experiences after the second and third postoperative day should be carefully examined, since this is not a normal postoperative course.It is caused by dry socket or sharp bone spine.患者于术后二三日之后的疼痛, 也许为非正常情况, 需特别仔细检查, 其有也许由于干槽症或是锋利骨刺引起。
第一章口腔颌面部发育鼻凹nasal pit鼻板nasal placode鼻腭管naso-palatal canal鼻鳍nasal fin侧腭突lateral palatal process,也称继发腭(second palate),腭突(palatine shelf)第一鳃弓软骨Meckel's cartilage额鼻突frontonasal process腭裂cleft palate分叉舌bifid tongue,也称舌裂(cleft tongue,split tongue)颌裂cleft jaw继发腭secondary palate颊咽膜orapharyngeal membrane甲状舌管thyroglossal duct界沟sulcus terminalis颈窦cervical sinus口凹oral pit口咽膜orapharyngeal membrane拉特克囊Rathke's pouch,也称神经颊囊(craniobuccal pouch),颅颊囊(craniopharyngeal pouch)联合merge联合突copula面裂facial cleft模式发育patterning奇结节tuberculum impar前腭突median palatine process前脑单脑室畸形Holoprosencephaly切牙管incisive canal球状突globular process融合fuse鳃弓branchial arch鳃沟branchial groove上颌突maxillary process舌盲孔foramen cecum神经嵴neural crest神经节原基ganglionic placode施万细胞Schwann细胞为神经鞘膜细胞外间充质ectomesenchyme 也称外胚间叶,系来自于神经嵴外胚层的结缔组织的总称维甲酸综合征retinoic acid syndrome (RAS),妊娠早期服用过量13-顺-维甲酸引起的发育异常下颌软骨Meckel's cartilage嗅板olfactory placode嗅窝nasal pit咽囊pharyngeal pouch也称鳃囊原发腭primary palate原口stomadeum中鼻突medial nasal process主动脉的conotruncal第二章牙的发育氨基葡萄糖glycosaminoglycans成牙本质细胞odontoblast成釉蛋白ameloblastin成釉器enamel organ成釉细胞ameloblast分泌型成牙本质细胞secretory odontoblast赫特威上皮根鞘Hertwing epithelial root sheath基质小泡matrix vesicle颈环cervical loop静止型成牙本质细胞resting odontoblast蕾状期bud stage连接复合体junctional complex马拉瑟上皮剩余Malassez epithelial rest帽状期cap stage萌出eruption非胶原蛋白non-collagenous proteinNSPs内釉上皮层inner enamal epithelium前成牙本质细胞preodontoblast前期牙本质predentin缩余釉上皮reduced dental epithelium托姆斯突Tomes processe脱落shedding 交替外釉上皮层outer enamal epithelium星网状层stellate reticulum牙板dental lamina牙囊dental sac牙乳头dental papilla引导管gubernacular canal釉丛蛋白tuftelin釉结enamel knot釉龛enamel niche釉索enamel cord釉质形成amelogenesis原发性上皮带primary epithelial band罩牙本质mantle dentin中间层stratum intermedium终棒terminal web钟状期bell stage第三章牙体组织玻璃粘连蛋白vitronectin,细胞外粘附蛋白,副纤维粘连蛋白成纤维细胞fibroblast成牙本质细胞odontoblast成牙本质细胞突起odontoblasticprocess,也称"Tomes' fiber"成牙本质细胞突周间隙periodontoblastic space成釉蛋白ameloblastin穿通纤维perforating fiber蛋白酶proteinases第三期牙本质tertiary dentin多细胞层cell-rich zone乏细胞层cell-free zone, the zone ofWeil,Weil层反应性牙本质reaction dentin反转线reversal line非釉原蛋白non-amelogenins缝隙连接gap junction骨钙素osteocalcin骨连接素osteonectin骨桥蛋白osteopontin骨样牙本质osteodentin固有牙髓pulp proper管间牙本质intratubular dentin管周牙本质peritubular dentin核心蛋白聚糖decorin横纹cross striations基质金属蛋白酶20matrixmetalloproteinases 20,MMP20继发性牙本质secondary dentin,牙发育完成之后形成的牙本质腱蛋白tenascin绞釉gnarled enamel紧密连接tight junction科尔夫纤维Korff's fiber, 最先形成的牙本质纤维类牙骨质cementoid流体动力学说hydrodynamic theory磨损abrasion, attrition纳米球nanospheres耐龋潜能cariostatic potential脑啡肽enkephalin诺伊曼鞘Neumann sheath欧文线Owen line(加重的牙本质生长线),也称"contour line of Owen"前期牙本质predentin桥粒desmosome球间牙本质interglobular dentin芮氏线lines of Retzius,釉质生长线沙比纤维Sharpey's fiber,穿通纤维神经壁层parietal layer of nerves,Raschkow 丛神经传导学说direct innervation theory生长激素抑制素somatostatin生长线incremental lines,同芮氏线施雷格线Schreger line树突状细胞dendritic cells双糖链蛋白聚糖biglycan丝氨酸蛋白酶serine proteinases(kallikrein-4)死区dead tract髓核pulp core髓周牙本质circumpulpal dentin糖胺聚糖glycosaminoglycans透明层hyaline layer透明牙本质sclerotic dentin透明牙本质transparent dentin托姆斯颗粒层Tomes' granular layer托姆斯突凹Tomes processes pit,TPP微孔micropore未分化间充质细胞undifferentiatedmesenchymal cell无细胞固有纤维牙骨质acellularintrinsic fiber cementum, AIFC无细胞外源性纤维牙骨质acellularextrinsic fiber cementum, AEFC无细胞无纤维牙骨质acellular afibrillarcementum, AAC无细胞牙骨质acellular cementum无釉柱牙釉质rodless enamel细胞牙骨质cellular cementum纤维粘连蛋白fibronectin限制板lamina limitans楔状缺损wedge shaped defect新生线neonatal line修复性牙本质reparative dentin牙本质dentin牙本质磷蛋白dentin phosphophoryn;dentin phosphoproteins,DPP牙本质生长线von Ebner 1ine牙本质涎蛋白dentin sialoprotein,DSP牙本质涎磷蛋白dentinsialophosphoproteinsword.牙本质小管dentinal tubule牙本质牙骨质界dentino-cemental junction牙骨质cementum牙骨质生长因子cementum growth factor牙骨质粘附蛋白cementum adhesion protein牙面平行线perikymata,也称釉面横纹牙髓dental pulp牙髓牙本质复合体pulpo-dentinal complex牙釉质enamel牙釉质溶解蛋白enamelysin牙釉质牙本质界enamel-dentinal junction(EDJ)牙釉质牙骨质界enamelo-cemental junction油炸圈样appearance of doughnut有细胞固有纤维牙骨质cellular intrinsic fiber cementum, CIFC有细胞混合性分层牙骨质cellular mixed stratified cementum, CMSC釉板enamel lamellae釉丛enamel tufts釉丛蛋白tuftelin釉蛋白enamelin釉帽enamel cap釉面横纹perikymata,也称牙面平行线釉梭enamel spindle釉小皮enamel cuticle釉牙本质界enamel-dentinal junction (EDJ)釉原蛋白amelogenins釉柱enamel rod釉柱鞘enamel rod sheath原发性牙本质primary dentin,牙发育时期形成的牙本质原胶原tropocollagen灶性孔focal hole, FH罩牙本质mantle dentin中间连接intermediate junction中间牙骨质intermediate cementum重塑remodeling转导学说transduction theory组织细胞histiocyte第四章牙周组织不成熟的弹力纤维oxytalan fibers弹力纤维elastin fibers点彩stippling凋亡apoptosis附着龈attached gingiva根尖组apical group根间组interradicular group固有牙槽骨alveolar bone proper环行组circular group结合上皮junctional epithelium束骨bundle bone水平组horizontal group斜行组oblique group牙槽骨alveolar bone牙槽嵴组alveolar crest group牙槽突alveolar process牙槽龈组alveologingival group牙骨膜组dentoperiosteal group牙间乳头interdental papilla牙龈gingiva牙龈结合dentogingival junction牙龈上皮gingval epithelium第六章涎腺半月板demilune胞吐exocytosis杯状细胞goblet cell储备细胞reserve cell锇酸osmic acid分泌单位secretory unit分泌管secretory duct富脯氨酸蛋白proline-rich protein富酪氨酸蛋白tyrosine-rich protein干细胞stem cell高血糖素样蛋白glucogon-like protein颌下腺submandibular gland混合性腺泡mixed acinus肌动蛋白actin肌球蛋白myosin肌上皮细胞myoepithelial cell肌微丝myofilament浆液性腺泡serous acinus浆粘液细胞seromucous cell晶样体crystalloid局浆分泌merocrine抗蛋白溶解蛋白antiproteolytic protein篮细胞basket cell连接复合体junctional complex酶原颗粒zymogen granule排泄管excretory duct粘多糖mucin粘液性腺泡mucous acinus全浆分泌holocrine-type secretion乳铁蛋白lactoferrin闰管intercalated duct腮腺parotid gland腮腺导管Stensen duct腮腺素parotin舌下腺sublingual gland舍格伦综合征Sj?gren syndrome肾素rennin嗜酸粒细胞瘤oncocytoma嗜酸细胞oncocyte嗜酸性腺瘤oxiphilic adenoma唾液saliva唾液腺salivary gland味觉素gustin纹管striated duct涎液素ptyatin腺泡acinus小涎腺minor salivary gland原始多潜能涎腺导管细胞primitivepluripotential salivary duct cells致密小体dense body组氨酸histidine第七章颞下颌关节多细胞带cellularrich zone钙化软骨带zone of calcified cartilage关节囊capsule关节盘disc滑膜synovial membrane髁突condyle颞下颌关节temporo-mandibular join,TMJ纤维软骨带fibrocartilaginous zone纤维性关节表面带fibrous articularsurface第八章牙发育异常II型牙本质结构不良dentin dysplasiatype II ,冠部牙本质结构不良I型牙本质结构不良dentin dysplasiatype I白兰地型brandywine isolate,牙本质形成缺陷的一种斑釉mottled enamel半面过度增生hemifacial hyperplasia成熟不全型hypomatuaration type低磷酸酯酶症hypophosphatasia多生牙hyperdontia; supernumeraryteeth非氟性牙釉质浑浊症non-fluorideenamel opacities氟牙症dental fluorosis附加牙supplemental teeth副磨牙paramolar钙化不全型hypocalcified type过早脱落premature loss畸形舌侧尖lingual cusp deformity畸形舌侧窝lingual fossa deformity畸形中央尖central cusp deformity结合牙concrescence巨牙macrodontia壳状牙shell-teeth矿化不全型hypomineralized type牛牙症taurodontism前牙的牙外突dens evaginatus ofanterior teeth区域性牙发育不良regionalodontodysplasia,阴影牙融合牙fusion乳牙滞留persistence of deciduous teeth桑椹牙mulberry molar少汗外胚层发育不良hypohidroticectodermal dysplasia少牙hypodontia双生牙gemination水流围绕圆石water streaming roundbouldings,根部牙本质结构不良的表现四环素牙tetracycline stained teeth锁骨颅骨发育不全征cleidocranialdysplasia;也有称锁骨头颅发育不良胎生牙natal teeth,出生时即已萌出的牙特纳牙Turner's teeth,与乳牙有关的感染或创伤引起继生恒牙成釉细胞的损伤,导致继生恒牙牙釉质形成不全或矿化不全弯曲牙dilacerations无牙adontia先天性梅毒牙congenital syphilis小牙microdontia新生牙noenatal teeth,出生后30天内萌出的牙word.形成不全型hypoplastic type雪帽型snow-capped牙本质基质蛋白1dentin matrix protein 1, DMP1牙本质结构不良dentin dysplasia牙本质涎蛋白dentin sialoprotein, DSP 牙本质形成缺陷症II型dentinogenesis imperfecta type II牙变色discoloration of teeth牙骨质发育不全hypocementosis牙骨质过度增生hypercementosis牙内陷dens invaginatus牙釉质混浊症enamel opacities牙釉质矿化不全hypomineralized enamel牙釉质形成不全enamel hypoplasia牙釉质形成缺陷症amelogenesis imperfecta牙釉质延伸cervical enamel extension牙中牙dens in dente牙阻生impaction of teeth延迟萌出retarded eruption遗传性乳光牙本质hereditary opalescent dentin阴影牙ghost teeth,区域性牙发育不良鹰爪尖talon cusp釉珠enamel pearl远中磨牙distomolar早萌premature eruption正中牙mesiodens第九章龋病暗层dark zone变形链球菌mutans streptococci; S. mutans表层surface zone病损体部body of the lesion蛋白溶解-螯合学说proteolysis-chelation theory蛋白溶解学说proteolytic theory发酵乳杆菌L. fermentus放线菌属actinomyces干酪乳杆菌L. casei根龋root caries化学寄生学说chemico-parasitic theory 化学细菌学说chemico-bacterial theory 坏死崩解层zone of destruction获得性薄膜acquired pellicle,唾液薄膜急性龋acute caries静止性龋arrested caries菌斑bacterial plaque慢性龋chronic caries猛性龋rampant caries内氏放线菌 A. naeslundii平滑面龋smooth surface caries轻链球菌S. mitis龋病dental caries乳杆菌属Lactobacilli三联因素学说three primary factors theory嗜酸乳杆菌L. acidophilus酸原学说acidogenic theory透明层translucent zone ,硬化层脱矿层zone of demineralization唾液薄膜salivary pellicle,获得性薄膜窝沟龋pit and fissure caries细菌侵入层zone of bacterial invasion血链球菌S. sanguis牙本质龋dentin caries牙骨质龋cementum caries牙釉质龋enamel caries远缘链球菌S. sobrinus粘性放线菌 A. viscosus第十章牙髓病白三烯leukotrienes,LTs白细胞介素interleukin不可逆性牙髓炎irreversible pulpitis残髓炎residual pulpitis成牙本质细胞层空泡变性vacuolardegeneration of the odontoblastic layer急性化脓性牙髓炎acute supurativepulpitis急性浆液性牙髓炎acute serous pulpitis急性牙髓炎acute pulpitis可复性牙髓炎reversible pulpitis慢性闭锁性牙髓炎chronic closedpulpitis慢性溃疡型牙髓炎chronic ulcerativepulpitis慢性牙髓炎chronic pulpitis慢性增生性牙髓炎chronic hyperplasticpulpitis逆行性牙髓炎retrograde pulpitis前列腺素prostaglandins,PGs特发性吸收idiopathic resorption牙内吸收internal tooth resorption牙髓变性pulp degeneration牙髓充血pulp hyperemia牙髓钙化pulp calcification牙髓坏疽pulp gangrene牙髓坏死pulp necrosis牙髓渐进性坏死necrobiosis牙髓网状萎缩reticular atrophy of thepulp牙髓纤维性变pulp fibrosis牙髓炎pulpitis牙体吸收tooth resorption牙外吸收external tooth resorption转化生长因子transfer growth factor,TGF第十一章根尖周炎蜂窝织炎cellulitis根尖肉芽肿periapical granuloma根尖周炎periapical periodontitis急性根尖周炎acute periapicalperiodontitis急性牙槽脓肿acute alveolar abscess磷脂壁酸lipoteichoic acids慢性根尖脓肿chronic periapical abscess慢性根尖周炎chronic periapicalperiodontitis慢性牙槽脓肿chonic alveolar abscess肽葡聚糖peplidoglyans致密性骨炎condensing osteoitis肿瘤坏死因子tumor necrosis factor,TNF第十二章牙周组织病白细胞介素interleuk ins,IL白血病性龈增大gingival enlargementassociated with leukemia伴白血病性龈炎gingivitis with leukemia伴有牙髓病变的牙周炎periodontitisassociated with endodontic lesions边缘性龈炎marginal gingivitis变性degeneration病损确立期established lesion剥脱性龈病损desquamative lesion ofgingival创伤trauma创伤性咬合traumatic occlusion蛋白酶proteinases发育性或获得性异常及其状况developmental or acquired deformities andconditions反应全身疾病的牙周炎periodontitis asa manifestation of systemic diseases放线共生放线杆菌Actinobacillusactinomycetem comitans,Aa非菌斑性牙龈病损non-plaque-inducedgingival lesions非炎症性noninflammatory奋森龈炎Vincent gingivitis福赛类杆菌Bcteroides forsythus,Bf共聚coaggregation骨内袋intrabony pocket骨上袋supragingival pocket护骨因子osteoprotegerin,OPG坏死性牙周病necrotizing periodontaldiseases基质金属蛋白酶matrixmetalloprotinases,MMP激素性龈炎steroid hormone-influencedgingivitis急性坏死性溃疡性龈炎acutenecrotizing ulcerative gingivitis急性坏死性龈炎acute necrotizinggingivitis继发性咬合创伤secondary occlusaltrauma家族性龈纤维瘤病congenital familialfibromatosis浆细胞龈炎plasma cell gingivitis胶原酶collagenase金属蛋白酶metalloproteinases进展期advanced lesion聚集aggregation菌毛fimbriae老年性萎缩senile atrophy硫酸软骨素酶chondrosulphatase慢性牙周炎chronic periodontitis慢性龈炎chronic gingivitis密螺旋体属Treponema破骨细胞分化因子osteoclastdifferentation factor,ODF前列腺素E2 prostglandinE2,PGE2侵袭性牙周炎aggressive periodontitis青春期龈炎pubertal gingivitis人类白细胞抗原human leucocyteantigen,HLA妊娠期龈炎pregnancy gingivitis始发期initial stageword.嗜麦芽糖密螺旋体T. maltophilum梭螺菌龈炎fusospirochetal gingivitis特发性浆细胞龈口炎idiopathic plasma-cell gingivostomatitis特发性龈增生idiopathic gingival hyperplasia透明质酸酶hyaluronidase唾液粘蛋白mucin维生素C缺乏性龈炎vitamin C deficeint gingivitis萎缩atrophy细胞因子cytokine细胞粘附分子cellular adhesion m olecules,CAM细菌性生物膜dental pla que biofilm先天性家族性纤维瘤病congenital familial fibromatosis牙槽骨弥漫性萎缩diffuse atrophy of alveolar bone牙菌斑性牙龈病dental plaque-induced gingival disease牙龈病gingival diseases牙龈卟啉单胞菌Porphyromonas gingivalis,P.g牙龈二氧化碳嗜纤维菌Cap no gingivalis 牙龈乳头炎papillary gingivitis牙龈退缩gingival recession牙周变性periodontal degeneration牙周病periodontal disease牙周脓肿abcesses of the periodontium 牙周炎periodontitis牙周症periodontosis炎症inflammation咬合创伤occlusal trauma药物性龈炎medication-influenced gingivitis遗传性牙龈纤维瘤病hereditary gingival fibromatosis遗传性龈增生hereditary gingival hyperplasia龈袋gingival pocket龈沟液gingival crevicular fluid,GCF龈裂gingival cleft; Stillman'S cleft龈增生gingival hyperplasia营养不良dystrophy营养不良性dystrophic早老性萎缩presenile atrophy早期病变early lesion粘附adhesion粘性放线菌Actinomyces viscosus,Av 战壕口炎trench mouth脂多糖lipopolysaccharedes,LPS中间密螺旋体T.medium中性多形核白细胞polymorphonuclear leukocytes,PMN肿瘤neoplasia肿瘤坏死因子-αtumor necrosis factor-α,TNF-α组织金属蛋白酶的抑制剂tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinase,TIMP第十三章口腔粘膜病艾滋病AIDS白斑leukoplakia白塞综合征Behcet syndrome白色海绵状斑痣white sponge nevus白色念珠状菌candida albicans白色水肿leukoedema白皱折病white folded disease斑macule扁平苔藓lichen planus,LP程序化细胞死亡programmed cell death大疱bulla单纯性疱疹herpes simplex地图舌geographic tongue淀粉样变性amyloidosis多形渗出性红斑erythema multiformeexsudativum非典型性atypia非霍奇金淋巴瘤non-Hodgkin lymphoma复发性阿弗他口炎recurrent aphthousstomatitis,RAS复发性阿弗他溃疡recurrent aphthousulcer,RAU复发性坏死性粘膜腺周围炎periadenitismucosa necrotica recurrens,PMNR过度不全角化hyperparakeratosis过度角化hyperkeratosis过度正角化hyperorthokeratosis海绵形成spongiosis红斑erythroplakia红色增殖性病变erythroplastic lesion获得性免疫缺陷综合征acquiredimmunodeficiency syndrome, AIDS ,艾滋病基底细胞空泡性变及液化vaculationand liquefaction of hasal cell棘层松解acantholysis棘层增生acanthosis痂crusts假膜pseudomembrane,伪膜间杂型红斑interspersed erythroplakia胶样小体colloid body,Civatte小体角化不良dyskeratosis结节病sarcoidosis均质型红斑homogenous erythroplakia皲裂rhagade抗核抗体antinuclear antibody,ANA颗粒型红斑granular erythroplakia口腔Kaposi肉瘤oral Kaposi sarcoma口腔非霍其金淋巴瘤oral non-Hodgkinlymphoma口腔毛状白斑oral hairy leukoplakia,OHL口腔念珠菌病oral candidiasis口腔粘膜下纤维化oral submucousfibrosis溃疡ulcer类天疱疮样扁平苔藓lichen PlanusPemphigoides,LPP良性游走性舌炎benign migratoryglossitis良性粘膜类天疱疮benign mucousmembrane pemphigoid硫黄素T thioflavine T慢性盘状红斑狼疮chronic discoid lupuserythematosus梅一罗综合征Melkersson-Rosenthalsyndrome糜烂erosion念珠菌病candidiasis疱vesicle疱疹性口炎herpetic stomatitis气球变性ballooning degeneration桥粒芯胶粘蛋白desmocollins桥粒芯糖蛋白desmogleins丘疹papule区域剥脱性舌炎glossitis areataexfoliativa人免疫缺陷病毒humanimmunodeficiency virus,HIV肉芽肿性唇炎cheilitis granulomatosa上皮萎缩epithelial atrophy上皮异常增生epithelial dysplasia舌乳头炎lingual papillitis嗜碱性变性basophilic degeneration噬黑色素细胞melanophages天疱疮pemphigus天疱疮细胞Tzanck cell网状变性reticular degeneration韦格内肉芽肿Wegener granulomatosis萎缩atrophy细胞凋亡cell apoptosis腺性唇炎cheilitis glandularis肖曼小体Schauann bodies,多核巨细胞内的包涵体眼、口、生殖器三联综合征oculo-oral-genital syndrome增殖性红斑erythroplasia粘膜良性淋巴组织增生病benignlymphoadenosis of mucosa周缘扩展现象Nikolsky征第十四章颌骨疾病板层骨lamellar bone表皮树突状细胞dermal dendrocyte伯基特淋巴瘤Burkitt's lymphoma不确定细胞indeterminate cell成软骨细胞瘤chondroblastoma虫蚀状moth-eaten appearance出血性骨囊肿hemorrhagic bone cyst穿凿性吸收tunneling resorption ordissecting resorption穿凿样punched-out appearance单纯性骨囊肿simple bone cyst单骨性骨纤维异常增殖症monostoticbibrous dysplasia 也称单骨性骨纤维结构不良单核基质细胞mononucleate stromal cell单核巨噬细胞系统mononuclearphagocyte system动脉瘤性骨囊肿aneurysmal bone cyst多发性骨髓瘤multiple myeloma多发性软骨瘤病multiplechondromatosis多骨性骨纤维异常增殖症polyostoticfibrous dysplasia 也称多骨性骨纤维结构不良恶性成骨细胞瘤malignantosteoblastoma腭隆突torus palatinus放射性骨坏死osteoradionecrosis非钙化骨样组织unmineralized osteoid富巨细胞性病变giant cell rich lesion钙化骨mineralized boneword.孤立性骨囊肿solitary bone cyst骨化性骨膜炎periostitis ossificans骨化性纤维瘤ossifying fibroma骨巨细胞瘤giant cell tumor of bone,GCT骨壳involucrum骨瘤osteoma骨膜骨肉瘤periosteal osteosarcoma骨膜下骨吸收subperiosteal bone resorption骨旁骨肉瘤paraosteal osteosarcoma骨肉瘤osteosarcoma骨软骨瘤osteochondroma骨软骨性外生骨疣osteocartilaginous exostosis骨髓瘤myeloma骨外骨肉瘤extraosseous osteosarcoma 骨外型软骨肉瘤extraosseous chondrosarcoma骨纤维结构不良fibrous dysplasia of bone 也称骨纤维异常增殖症骨小梁周围纤维化peritrabecular fibrosis骨样骨瘤osteoid osteoma海绵型骨瘤cancellous osteoma汉-许-克病Hand-Schiiller-Christian disease颌骨放线菌病actinomycosis of jaws颌骨骨髓炎osteomyelitis of jaws颌骨结核tuberculosis of jaws颌骨巨细胞病变giant cell granuloma颌骨梅毒syphilis of jaws弧立性骨髓瘤solitary myeloma化牙骨质纤维瘤cementifying fibroma 急性化脓性颌骨骨髓炎acute suppurative osteomyelitis of jaws继发软骨secondary cartilage继发性甲状旁腺功能亢进secondary hyperparathyroidism家族性颌骨多囊性病familial mulitilocular cystic disease of jaws家族性颌骨纤维异常增殖症familial fibrous dysplasia of the jaws家族性巨颌症cherubism甲状旁腺功能亢进Hyperparathyroidism 假囊肿pseudocyst间叶型软骨肉瘤mesenchymal chondrosarcoma浆细胞瘤plasmacytoma结核性颌骨骨髓炎tuberculous osteomyelitis of jaws静止性骨腔static bone cavity巨大型骨样骨瘤giant osteoid osteoma 巨细胞肉芽肿giant cell lesions of the jaws巨细胞修复性肉芽肿giant cell reparative granuloma郎格汉斯细胞病Langerhans cell disease,同郎格汉斯细胞组织细胞增生症(Langerhans cell histiocytosis)郎格汉斯细胞组织细胞增生症Langerhans cell histiocytosis,同郎格汉斯细胞病(Langerhans cell disease)朗汉斯巨细胞Langhans giant cell勒-雪病Letterer-Siwe disease良性成骨细胞瘤benign oseoblastoma淋巴结的交错突细胞interdigitatingdendritic cell硫磺颗粒sulfur granule滤泡树枝状细胞follicular dendritic cell慢性非化脓性硬化性骨炎Garré'schronic nonsuppurative sclerosing ostitisGarre慢性骨髓炎伴增生性骨膜炎chronicosteomyelitis with proliferative periostitis慢性化脓性颌骨骨髓炎chronicsuppurative osteomyelitis of jaws慢性局灶性硬化性颌骨骨髓炎chronicfocal sclerosing osteomyelitis of jaws慢性弥漫性硬化性颌骨骨髓炎chronicdiffuse sclerosing osteomyelitis of jaws慢性硬化性颌骨骨髓炎chronicsclerosing osteomyelitis of jaws磨砂玻璃样groundglass appearance内生型软骨瘤enchondroma破骨细胞瘤osteoclastoma侵袭性成骨细胞瘤aggressiveosteoblastoma侵袭性骨化性纤维瘤aggressiveossifying fibroma青少年骨化性纤维瘤juvenile ossifyingfibroma日光放射状(影像)sun-ray肉芽肿性炎症granulomatousinflammation软骨瘤chondroma软骨颅chondrocranium软骨肉瘤chondrosarcoma软骨粘液样纤维瘤chondromyxoidfobroma上皮样细胞epithelioid cell嗜酸性肉芽肿eosinophilic granuloma树突状细胞系统dendritic cell system死骨sequestrum髓外浆细胞瘤extramedullaryplasmacyfoma髓外性尤文肉瘤extramedullarg Ewingsarcoma图顿巨细胞Touton giant cell外伤性骨囊肿traumatic bone cyst外生骨疣exostosis下颌隆突torus mandibularis纤维-骨病变fibro-osseous lesion新生儿上颌骨骨髓炎neonatal maxillitis牙骨质骨化性纤维瘤cemento-ossifyingfibroma洋葱皮onion-skin硬骨板lamina dura原发性甲状旁腺功能亢进primaryhyperparathyroidism致密型骨瘤compact osteoma致密性骨炎condensing ostitis中心型central type周围型peripheral type周围型软骨瘤peripreral chondroma周围性巨细胞肉芽肿peripheral giantcell granuloma转化亢进high-turnover state棕色瘤brown tumor组织细胞增生症X histiocytosisX第十五章颞下颌关节病(染色体)三体trisomy垂直裂vertical cleft错颌malocclusion骨剥露denudation骨关节病osteoarthrosis骨关节炎osteoarthritis,OA骨赘性唇状突出osteophytic lipping滑膜软骨瘤病synovialosteochondromatosis髁突增生condylar hyperplasia类风湿肉芽肿rheumatoid granuloma类风湿性关节炎rheumatoid arthritis,RA类风湿性小结rheumatoid nodule颞下颌关节紊乱病temporomandibularjoint disorders切线裂tangential cleft绒毛状突起villous projection色素性绒毛结节性滑膜炎pigmentedvillonosdular synovitis退行性关节病degeneratitive jointdisease纤维素样变fibrinoid change象牙化eburnation (骨质)血管翳pannus蚓状小体vermiform bodies游离小体loose body原纤维化fibrillation第十六章涎腺非肿瘤性疾病与涎腺肿瘤PAS periodic acid schiff的缩写,PAS反应即过碘酸雪夫反应,用于对糖原的特殊染色癌胚抗原carcinoembryonic antigen,CEA癌在多形性腺瘤中carcinoma expleomorphic adenoma; carcinoma inpleomorphic adenoma艾滋病病毒相关性涎腺疾病HIV-associated salivary gland disease暗细胞dark cells奥辛兰Alcian blue半多能双储备细胞理论semipluripotential bicellular reserve celltheory伴淋巴间质的未分化癌undifferentiatedcarcinoma with lymphoid stroma变性型涎腺肿大症degenerative sialosis波形丝蛋白vimnentin成涎细胞瘤sialoblastoma大细胞癌large cell carcinoma导管发育异常developmental anomaliesof ducts导管内乳头状瘤intraductal papilloma导管乳头状瘤ductal papilloma导管腺泡单位ductoacinar unit淀粉酶amylase顶浆分泌apocrine多动脉周围炎polyarteritis多发性肌炎polymyositis多囊腮腺polycystic parotid gland多能单储备细胞理论pluripotentialunicellular reserve cell theory多细胞理论multicellular theoryword.多形性低度恶性腺癌polymorphous low-grade adenocarcinoma多形性腺瘤pleomorphic adenoma恶性多形性腺瘤malignant pleomorphic adenoma恶性淋巴上皮病变malignant lymphoepithelial lesion发育性舌侧下颌涎腺陷入evelopmental lingual salivary gland depression放射线损伤radiant impair非皮脂淋巴腺瘤non-sebaceous lymphadenoma非特异性透明细胞癌clear cell carcinoma, not otherwise specified非特异性腺癌adenocarcinoma not otherwise specified,NOS分泌组份secretory component副涎腺accessory salivary gland干燥综合征sicca syndrome管状腺瘤canalicular adenoma; tubular adenoma过氧化物酶抗过氧化物酶peroxidase anti-proxidase, PAP汗腺瘤syringoma合胞体syncytium坏死性涎腺化生necrotizing sialometaplasia混合瘤mixed tumor获得性免疫缺陷综合征acquired immune deficiency syndrome AIDS霍奇金淋巴瘤Hodgkin lymphoma肌上皮瘤myoepithelioma基底储备细胞理论basal reserve cell theory基底鳞状的旋涡状basisquamous whorling基底细胞腺瘤basal cell adenoma急性化脓性腮腺炎acute pyogenic paratitis急性涎腺炎acute sialadenitis挤压假象crush artifact甲状腺球蛋白thyroglobulin浆液细胞腺癌serous cell carcinoma结外边缘带B细胞淋巴瘤extranodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma静止骨腔static bony cavity巨细胞包涵体病cytomegalic inclusion disease口腔干燥症xerostomia链亲和素过氧化物酶streptavidin peroxidase,S-P链亲和素生物素复合物streptavidin-biotin complex SABC良性淋巴上皮病变benign lymphoepithelial lesion亮细胞light cells淋巴上皮癌lymphoepithelial carcinoma 淋巴上皮囊肿lymphoepithelial cyst鳞状细胞癌squamous cell carcinoma流行性腮腺炎epidemic parotitis; mumps 慢性复发性腮腺炎chronic recurrent parotitis慢性涎腺炎chronic sialadenitis慢性硬化性颌下腺炎chronic sclerosing sialadenitis of submandibular gland; Küttner 瘤弥漫性大B细胞淋巴瘤diffuse large B-celllymphoma迷走涎腺aberrant salivary glands免疫球蛋白A immunoglobulin A免疫细胞化学immunocytochemistry免疫组织化学immunohistochemistry囊腺癌cystadenocarcinoma囊腺瘤cystadenoma内翻性乳头状瘤inverted ductalpapilloma皮脂淋巴腺癌sebaceouslymphadenocarcinoma皮脂淋巴腺瘤sebaceous lymphadenoma皮脂腺瘤sebaceous adenoma前淋巴瘤prelymphoma桥本甲状腺炎Hashimoto's thyroiditis亲和素生物素过氧化物酶复合体avidinbiotin-peroxidase complex, ABC人类免疫缺陷病毒hunmanimmunodeficiency HIV溶菌酶lysozyme乳铁蛋白lactoferrin,LF乳头状淋巴囊腺瘤papillarycystadenoma lymphomatosum乳头状囊腺癌papillarycystadenocarcinoma乳头状囊腺瘤papillary cystadenoma乳头状涎腺瘤sialadenoma papilliferum上皮-肌上皮癌epithelio-myoepithelialcarcinoma上皮肌上皮岛epi-myoepithelial island上皮膜抗原epithelial membraneantigen,EMA舍格伦综合征Sjögren's syndrome施墨试验Schirmer test,检查泪液分泌情况的一种试验嗜酸细胞瘤oncocytoma嗜酸性腺瘤oxyphilic adenoma透明细胞癌clear cell carcinoma透明细胞瘤clear cell tumor未分化癌undifferentiated carcimma细胞角蛋白cytokeratin纤维连接蛋白fibronectin涎石病sialolithiasis涎腺病毒病salivary gland virus disease涎腺导管癌salivary duct carcinoma涎腺导管结石salivary duct stone涎腺导管囊肿salivary duct cyst涎腺发育不全aplasia of salivary gland涎腺发育异常development anomalies ofsalivary gland涎腺放线菌病actinomycosis of salivaryglands涎腺结核tuberculosis of salivary gland涎腺囊肿salivary gland cyst涎腺退行性肿大degenerative swelling ofsalivary gland涎腺先天性缺失congenital absence ofsalivary gland涎腺炎sialadenitis涎腺异位hetrotopic of saIivary gland涎腺症sialadenosis腺癌adenocarcinoma腺淋巴瘤adenolymphoma; Warthin瘤腺鳞癌adenosquamous carcinoma腺泡细胞癌acinic cell carcinoma腺样囊性癌adenoid cystic carcinoma小管-腺泡复合体tubelo-acinae-complexs小细胞癌small cell carcinoma小叶状癌lobular carcinoma血管瘤haemangioma血型物质blood group substances粘液表皮样癌mucoepidermoidcarcinoma粘液腺腺瘤样增生adenomatoidhyerplasia of mucous glands植物血凝素受体lectin receptors终末导管癌teminal duct carcinoma转移性多形性腺瘤Metastasizingpleomorphic adenoma组织多肽抗原tissuce peptide antigen,TPA第十七章口腔颌面部囊肿鼻唇囊肿nasolabial cyst鼻腭管囊肿nasopalatine duct cyst鼻牙槽囊肿nasoalveolar cyst残余囊肿residual cyst成人龈囊肿gingival cyst of adults发育性根侧囊肿lateral periodontal cyst根尖囊肿radicular cyst含牙囊肿dentigerous cyst畸胎样囊肿teratoid cyst即婴儿龈囊肿Bohn结节甲状舌管囊肿thyroglossal tract cyst假性囊肿pseudocyst颈部淋巴上皮囊肿cervicallymphoepithelial cyst口腔淋巴上皮囊肿oral lymphoepithelialcyst滤泡囊肿follicular cyst锚纤维anchoring fibrils萌出囊肿eruption cyst皮样囊肿dermoid cyst皮样样囊肿发epidermoid切牙管囊肿incisive canal cyst切牙窝incisive fossa球状上颌囊肿globlo-maxillary cyst鳃裂囊肿branchial cleft cyst上皮斑epithelial plaque舌下囊肿ranula透明小体Rushton body外渗性粘液囊肿mucous extravasationcyst下颌感染性颊囊肿mandibular infectedbuccal cyst下颌正中囊肿median mandibular cyst涎腺牙源性囊肿sialo-odontogenic cyst腺牙源性囊肿glandular odontogeniccyst新生儿牙板囊肿dental lamina cyst ofthe newborn牙旁囊肿paradental cyst牙源性产粘液囊肿mucus producingodontogenic cyst牙源性角化囊肿odontogenic keratocyst牙源性囊肿odontogenic cystword.炎症性根侧囊肿inflammatory collateral cyst异位口腔胃肠囊肿heterotopic oral gastrointestinal cyst婴儿龈囊肿gingival cyst of infants釉突enamel spur粘液囊肿mucocele痣样基底细胞癌综合征Gorlin 综合征痣样基底细胞癌综合征naevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome潴留性粘液囊肿mucous retention cyst第十八章牙源性肿瘤壁成釉细胞瘤mural ameloblastoma标准或经典型骨内成釉细胞瘤classic intraosseous ameloblastoma成牙骨质细胞瘤cementoblastoma成牙组织dental formative tissue成釉细胞瘤ameloblastoma成釉细胞肉瘤ameloblastic sarcoma成釉细胞纤维瘤ameloblastic fibroma成釉细胞纤维肉瘤ameloblatic fibrosarcoma成釉细胞纤维牙本质瘤ameloblastic fibrodentinoma成釉细胞纤维牙本质肉瘤ameloblastic fibrodentinsarcoma成釉细胞纤维-牙肉瘤ameloblasticfibro-odontosarcoma丛状型plexiform pattern丛状型单囊成釉细胞瘤plexiform unicystic ameloblastoma促结缔组织增生型成釉细胞瘤desmoplastic ameloblastoma单囊性成釉细胞瘤unicystic ameloblastoma恶性成釉细胞瘤malignant ameloblastoma反折线reversal line非肿瘤性牙滤泡增生non-neoplastic thickened follicle骨异常增殖症osseous dysplasias混合性牙瘤complex odontoma基底细胞型成釉细胞瘤basal cell ameloblastoma棘皮瘤型acanthomatous type畸形malformation极性倒置reversed polarity角化成釉细胞瘤keratoameloblastoma 颗粒细胞型granular cell type良性成牙骨质细胞瘤benign cementoblastoma滤泡型follicular pattern玫瑰花样结构rosette-like structure明显的玻璃样变marked hyalinization前成釉细胞preameloblast乳头状角化成釉细胞瘤papilliferous keratoameloblastoma牙本质生成性影细胞癌dentinogenic ghost cell carcinoma牙本质生成性影细胞瘤dentinogenic ghost cell tumor牙骨质样组织cementoid牙瘤odontoma牙源性癌odontogenic carcinoma牙源性癌肉瘤odontogenic sarcoma牙源性钙化囊肿calcifying odontogeniccyst ,COC牙源性钙化囊性瘤calcifying cysticodontogenic tumor牙源性钙化上皮瘤calcifying epithelialodontogenic tumor; Pindborg瘤牙源性角化囊性瘤keratocysticodontogenic tumour牙源性颗粒细胞瘤granular cellodontogenic tumor牙源性鳞状细胞瘤squamousodontogenic tumor牙源性囊肿恶变malignant change inodontogenic cysts牙源性肉瘤odontogenic sarcoma牙源性透明细胞癌clear cellodontogenic carcinoma牙源性透明细胞瘤clear cellodontogenic tumor牙源性纤维瘤odontogenic fibroma牙源性腺样瘤adenomatoid odontogenictumor, AOT牙源性龈上皮错构瘤odontogenicgingival epithelial hamartoma牙源性影细胞癌odontogenic ghost cellcarcinoma牙源性影细胞瘤odontogenic ghost celltumor牙源性粘液瘤odontogenic myxoma牙源性肿瘤odontogenic tumor一般型成釉细胞瘤classic ameloblastoma影上皮细胞ghost epithelial cell原发性骨内癌primary intraosseouscarcinoma原发性骨内鳞状细胞癌primaryintraosseous squamous cell carcinoma粘液瘤myxoma粘液纤维瘤myxofibroma真性牙骨质瘤true cementoma中心性巨细胞病变(肉芽肿)central giantcell lesion (granuloma)周边型peripheral ameloblastoma周边性牙源性纤维瘤peripheralodontogenic fibroma转移性(恶性)成釉细胞瘤metastasizing(malignant)ameloblastoma组合性牙瘤compound odontoma第十九章口腔颌面部其他组织来源的肿瘤和瘤样病变边缘不规则border irregularity不对称asymmetry车轮状-多形性storiform-pleomorphic成人型纤维肉瘤adult fibrosarcoma成釉细胞癌ameloblastic carcinoma丛状血管瘤tufted angioma又称进展性毛细血管瘤(progressive capillaryhemangioma)、Nakagawa 血管母细胞瘤(angioblastoma of Nakagawa)动静脉性血管瘤arteriovenoushemangioma多形性组织细胞增生症polymorphichistocytosis,PH恶性黑色素瘤malignant melanoma恶性淋巴瘤malignant lymphoma恶性雀斑样痣lentigo melanoma恶性肉芽肿malignant granuloma恶性纤维组织细胞瘤malignant fibroushistocytoma,MFH (多形型称为多形性恶性纤维组织细胞瘤/未分化高级别多形性肉瘤(pleomorphic malignant fibroushistiocytoma/undifferentiated high gradepleomorphic sarcoma);巨细胞型称为巨细胞恶性纤维组织细胞瘤/伴巨细胞的未分化多形性肉瘤(giant cell malignant fibroushistiocytoma/undifferentiate pleomorphicsarcoma with giant cell);炎症型称为炎症性恶性纤维组织细胞瘤/伴有明显炎症反应的未分化多形性肉瘤(inflammatorymalignant fibroushistiocytoma/undifferentiate pleomorphicsarcoma with prominent inflammation);粘液型被归在纤维母细胞/肌纤维母细胞性肿瘤中,称为粘液纤维肉瘤(myxofibrsarcoma);血管瘤样型则归为分化不确定的肿瘤中,称为血管瘤样纤维组织细胞瘤(angiomatoidfibrous hisiocytoma))非霍奇金淋巴瘤non- Hodgkinlymphoma,NHL分叶状纤维瘤leaf-fibroma复合痣compound naevus汞纹amalgamtatoo海绵状血管瘤cavernous hemangioma黑色素瘤melanoma黑色素胚前瘤menotic progonoma黑素细胞痣melanocytic naevus化脓性肉芽肿pyogenic granuloma霍奇金病Hodgkin disease,HD棘层松解性鳞状细胞癌acantholyticsquamous cell carcinoma也称腺样鳞状细胞癌(adenoid squamous cell carcinoma)基底样鳞状细胞癌basaloid squamouscell carcinoma尖锐湿疣condyloma acuminatum亦称性病性疣(venereal wart)或性病性湿疣(venereal condyloma)交界痣junctional naevus静脉性血管瘤vanous hemangioma结节性恶性黑色素瘤nodular malignantmelanoma巨细胞性龈瘤giant cell epulis局灶性上皮增生focal epithelialhyperplasia亦称Heck病(Heck disease)颗粒细胞肌母细胞瘤granular cellmyoblastoma颗粒细胞瘤granular cell tumor口腔转移性肿瘤metastatic tumors inthe oral tissues棱形小体angulate body淋巴管瘤lymphangioma淋巴瘤样肉芽肿病lymphomatoidgranulomatosis,LYG淋巴网状系统lymphoreticular system鳞状细胞癌squamous cell carcinoma鳞状细胞乳头状瘤squamous cellword.。
内科Lesson 1. Clinical Features Of Dental CariesTeaching hours: 2.By the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:Understand the characteristic features of dental cariesRecognize the characteristic features of root surface caries and occlusal caries.Be familiar macroscopic features and Surface features of the clinical ‘white spot’ lesionLanguage Training:From language learning point of view, the student are required reading the text fluently, translating the text into Chinese correctly and vice versa, completing dictation of some sentences chosen from the text to exercise ability of comprehending and writing in English if the course time allowed.Terms should be taken into mind:dental caries n. 龋white spot lesion 白恶班损害facet-area n. 面,面区dental floss 牙线brown spot lesion棕褐色的,褐色班损害remineralization 再矿化interproximal a. 邻面perikymata n 釉面横纹discoloration n. 变色fissure caries 沟裂,沟裂龋focus n. 病灶groove-fossa system 窝沟系统Lesson 2. Stages And Steps In Cavity PreparationTeaching hours: 2.By the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:Understand the proper stages and steps in cavity preparation.Recognize the initial stage and the final stage of cavity preparationBe familiar with the concept of outline form, initial depth, resistance form, retention form, convenience form, final procedures.Language Training:From language learning point of view, the student are required reading the text fluently, translating the text into Chinese correctly and vice versa, completing dictation of some sentences chosen from the text to exercise ability of comprehending and writing in English if the course time allowed.Terms should be taken into mind:cavity preparation 制备,洞型制备,预备outline form 外形,洞缘形resistance form 抗力形retention form 固位形convenience form 便利形varnishing n. 上洞漆conditioning 指修复前的一些准备工作cavosurface angle 洞缘角air syringe 喷枪、注射机,气枪cling 附着microleakage 微漏Lesson 3. Amalgam RestorationsTeaching hours: 2.By the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:Understand concept of AmalgamRecognize Class 1 and 2 preparations and insertion techniques for dental amalgam.Be familiar with advantages and disadvantages of dental amalgamLanguage Training:From language learning point of view, the student are required reading the text fluently, translating the text into Chinese correctly and vice versa, completing dictation of some sentences chosen from the text to exercise ability of comprehending and writing in English if the course time allowed.Terms should be taken into mind:amalgam n. 汞合金faciolingual a. 面舌的,颊舌的resin fissure sealant树脂窝沟封闭剂marginal ridge a. 边缘嵴mesiodistally adv. 近远中向地etchant n. 刻蚀剂slot restoration 开槽性修复round bur 钻针,球钻handpiece n. 牙科用手机Lesson 4 . Initial Endodontic Treatment ProblemsTeaching hours: 2.By the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:Understand symptoms, clinical signs, prognosis and treatment of reversible pulpitis, irreversible pulpitis, acute periapical inflammation.Recognize three categories of endodontic treatment problemsBe familiar with symptoms, clinical signs, prognosis and treatment of chronic periapical inflammation.Language Training:From language learning point of view, the student are required reading the text fluently, translating the text into Chinese correctly and vice versa, completing dictation of some sentences chosen from the text to exercise ability of comprehending and writing in English if the course time allowed.Terms should be taken into mind:r eversible pulpitis 可复性牙髓炎analgesic n. 止痛药sequela n. 后遗症irreversible pulpitis 不可复性牙髓炎broach 髓针pulpotomy n. 牙髓切断术formocresol n. 甲醛甲酚ubperiosteal adj. 骨膜下的intraseptal adj. 间隔内的interligamentary adj. 韧带内的exudates 渗出物,渗出液radiolucency 射线透射性Lesson 5. Rationale and Application of Endodontic Therapy Teaching hours: 2.By the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:Understand root canal preparation, obturation of the root canal.Recognize surgical procedures.Be familiar with the definition of rationaleLanguage Training:From language learning point of view, the student are required reading the text fluently, translating the text into Chinese correctly and vice versa, completing dictation of some sentences chosen from the text to exercise abilityof comprehending and writing in English if the course time allowed.Terms should be taken into mind:rationale n 基本原理,理论基础sepsis n. 脓毒症apicoectomy n. 根尖切断术file n. 锉reamer n. 扩大针obturation 封闭gutta percha 牙胶root perforation根管穿孔curettage n. 刮除术root resection 根尖切除术hemisection n. 半切术Lesson 6. Nonsurgical Treatment for Endodontic Emergencies Teaching hours: 2.By the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:Understand the diagnosis for Endodontic EmergenciesRecognize the electric pulp test, thermal tests, percussion and palpationBe familiar with a philosophy of EndodonticsLanguage Training:From language learning point of view, the student are required reading the text fluently, translating the text into Chinese correctly and vice versa, completing dictation of some sentences chosen from the text to exercise ability of comprehending and writing in English if the course time allowed.Terms should be taken into mind:chief complaint 主诉electric pulp test 牙髓电活力测试neuralgia n. 神经痛hydrodynamic theory 流体动力学说thermal test 温度诊percussion n. 叩诊palpation n. 扪诊periosteum n. 骨膜purulent adj. 化脓的Lesson7 . Examination of the PeriodontiumTeaching hours: 2.By the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:Understand concept , and concent of periodontal examination .the examinatin og the gingiva and periodontal pocketsRecognize How to determin the activity of periodontal diseaseBe familiar with the determination of the attachment lossLanguage Training:From language learning point of view, the student are required reading the text fluently, translating the text into Chinesecorrectly and vice versa, completing dictation of some sentenceschosen from the text to exercise ability of comprehending and writingin English if the course time allowed.Terms should be taken into mind:Periodontium 牙周组织suprag9ingival plaque 龈上菌斑stipple 点彩periodontal pocket 牙周袋supraybony 骨上的infrabony 骨下的bleeding on probing 探诊出血juvenile periodontitis 青少年牙周炎mucogingival junction 膜龈联合gingival sulcus 龈沟Notes1)give rise to 导致,造成2).penetrate into 插入3)confuse with 把与混淆Lesson 8. Clinical Features of GingivitisTeaching hours: 2.By the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:1Understand what changes will occur when gingiva was inflamed. How do you describe the manifestation of gingivitis. What are the color changes in the gingivitis.Recognize the reasons coused the changes of clinical features of gingivitisBe familiar with the classification of gingivitis,the definition of recessionLanguage Training:From language learning point of view, the student are required reading the text fluently, translating the text into Chinese correctly and vice versa, completing dictation of some sentences chosen from the text to exercise ability of comprehending and writing in English if the course time allowed.Terms should be taken into mind:gingivitis 牙龈炎acute gingivitis 急性牙龈炎subacute gingivitis 亚急性牙龈炎recurrent gingivitis 复发性龈炎chronic gingivitis 慢性牙龈炎localized gingivitis 局限性牙龈炎generalized ginginvitis 广泛性牙龈炎6marginal gingivitis 边缘性龈炎papillary gingivitis 龈乳头炎diffuse gingivitis 弥散性牙龈炎gingival bleeding 牙龈出血acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis 急性坏死溃疡性龈炎herpetic gingivostomatitis 疱疹性龈口炎pigmentation 色素沉着edematous 水肿的recession 退缩Self-study:the eiology of the clinical changes of gingivitis.the histopathologic changes in gingival consistencyLesson 9. Supragingival Scaling TechniqueTeaching hours: 2.By the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:Understand.the characteristic of supragingival scaling and subgingival scaling.the instruments of supragingival scaling 、subgingival scaling and root planning.Recognize ultrasonic scaling techniqueBe familiar with how to ues the instrumants of the supragingival scaling and subgingival scaling,the evaluation of scaling and root planing.Language Training:From language learning point of view, the student are required reading the text fluently, translating the text into Chinese correctly and vice versa, completing dictation of some sentences chosen from the text to exercise ability of comprehending and writing in English if the course time allowed.Terms should be taken into mind:supragingival scaling 龈上洁治术subgingival scaling 龈下洁治术root planing 根面平整sickle 镰形器curette 匙形器hoe 锄形器chisel 凿modified pen grasp 改良握笔式finger rest 支点overlapping 叠瓦式的Lesson 10. Aphthous ulcersTeaching hours: 2.By the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:Understand concept ,clinical feature and types of recurrent aphthous ulcersRecognize the synonyms , etiology, course and treatment principle of recurrent aphthous ulcers.Be familiar with the triggering factors ,the associated diseases, histopathology and laboratory diagnosis ,differential diagnosis of recurrent aphthous ulcers.Language Training:From language learning point of view, the student are required reading the text fluently, translating the text into Chinese correctly and vice versa, completing dictation of some sentences chosen from the text to exercise ability of comprehending and writing in English if the course time allowed.Terms should be taken into mind:Disease terms: aphthae(口疮,小溃疡), crohn’s disease(克罗恩病,局限性肠炎), herpangina(疱疹性咽峡炎), Behcet’s disease( 白塞氏病),herpes simplex virus(单纯疱疹病毒),sialometaplasia(涎腺化生),fixed drug eruption(固定性药疹),cold sore(感冒疮),lymphadenopathy(淋巴结病),dermatoses(皮肤病),canker sore 口腔溃疡,papule(丘疹)。
四川大学华西口腔医学院口腔修复学习题 - 副本
![四川大学华西口腔医学院口腔修复学习题 - 副本](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/fd0c70a3b0717fd5360cdcf0.png)
第一章修复学绪论第一章课后习题[A型题]1.口腔修复的基本治疗手段是( )。
A.充填B.手术D.对因治疗E.对症处理[X型题]2.口腔修复的目的是恢复口颌.系统因各种原因而丧失的()制作修复体A.形态B.功能C.牙齿 D.软组织E.硬组织3.口腔修复学是( )。
A,研究义齿的科学B.研究用符合生理的方法修复口腔颌面部各种缺损的一门科学C.口腔医学的主要组成部分D.医学与现代科学技术相结合的产物E.研究牙体缺损的治疗方法4.与口腔修复学有关的学科包括( )。
A.材料学B.生物力学C.美学D.工程技术学E.基础医学5.有关口腔修复体质量要求的说法中,正确的是( )。
满足患者合理的生理、心理需要E,价格相对的合理6.患者在口腔修复前应具有的条件有( )。
8.口腔修复学常有哪些临床修复内容?修复学学绪论参考答案【名次解释】1.C 2.AB 3.BCD 4.ABCDE 5.ABCDE 6.ABCD7.口腔修复体应该达到的质量总体要求是:(1)具有良好生物兼容性,能够和口领系统和谐;(2)能够发挥作用、改善口腔缺损部位组织器官的功能;(3)对患者无伤害;(4)设计合理、制作精良,便于维护;(5)能够满足患者合理的生理、心理需要;(6)使用期能够达到预期要求;(7)相应的价格合理。
8.口腔修复学常有的临床修复内容有:(1 ) 牙体缺损或者畸形的修复治疗;(2)牙列缺损或者畸形的修复治疗;(3)牙列缺失的修复治疗;(4)颌.面缺损的修复治疗;第二章临床接诊-患者检查、诊断、治疗计划[A型题]1.( )是指患者就诊的主要原因和迫切要求解决的主要问题。
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口腔医学专业英语题库四川大学华西口腔医学院 Modified by JEEP on December 26th, 2020.专英重点一、Parapharyngeal 咽旁 Septicemia 败血病 Sialolithiasis 涎石病Periostitis 骨膜炎Sialoductitis 涎管炎Fracture 骨折Comminution 粉碎 Hyperplasia 增生Reparative 修复性Mucoperiosteum 黏骨膜Radiolucent X光透射Space 间隙Infection 感染Prosthesis义齿Oblique 倾斜Scquestrum腐骨死骨Biopsy 切片检查法Sialogram 涎管X线造影片 Giant巨大Nonmalignant良性的Pyogenic 化脓性Mole 胎块Devoid 缺乏的 Laceration撕裂 Hyperpyrexia高热Self-reduce 自行使脱臼复位句子翻译1. I f proper preparation of solution, syringes, needles and technic has been carried out, untoward incidents should seldom occur during or after the injection of the local anesthetic. However, one should be in a position to cope with complications in the rare cases when they arise.若药液注射剂,针头及技术准备妥当,在局麻注射过程中或之后都将很少出现,但是,医生仍应做好应对罕见并发症的准备。
2. P ostoperative pain which the patient experiences after the second and third postoperative day should be carefully examined, since this is not a normal postoperative course. It is caused by dry socket or sharp bone spine.患者于术后二三日之后的疼痛,可能为非正常情况,需特别仔细检查,其有可能由于干槽症或是尖锐骨刺引起。
3. A cute dento-alveolar abscess. This is an acute localized suppuration about a tooth. The infection may start in one of three ways: (a) periapical (b)pericemental (c)pericoronal急性牙槽脓肿,是一种牙齿急性局限性的化脓表现。
4. S alivary glands may be involved by tumors, cyst , sialadenitis from infection , sialoductitis with subsequent strictures of the ducts.涎腺可罹患肿瘤、囊肿、感染所致的涎腺导管炎,及其后遗的导管狭窄症。
5. T he lower jaw is more exposed to violence and consequently is more often fractured than any other facial bone. 下颌骨更加容易暴露于外界暴力中,因此比所有其它的面部骨都更经常发生骨折。
6. T he common diseases of the temporo-mandibular joint are subluxation dislocation and ankylosis. The infection of this joint is rare.普通疾病会造成颞下颌关节半脱位或脱臼和关节僵直是很非常少见的。
7. N early all of the tumors and cysts which can arise in any part of the body may be found in or around the mouth, except those which are peculiar to certain organs.几乎全部肿瘤和囊肿会发生在身体的任何部位或嘴巴周围,除非某些特殊的肿瘤才会发生在特定的器官。
8. T he object in undertaking such reparative procedures is the restoration of function or the improvement of appearance or both. Included within the group which may require reconstructive procedures are congenital malformations, traumatic injuries, deformations due to operation for neoplasms , destruction of tissue incident to disease, or the treatment of disease.被用来使用修复程序的对象是为了恢复功能或是促进美观或是两者兼具。
9. I t includes also those oral or extraoral operations which are indicated for the restoration of lost bone, teeth or the insertion of retentive devices for dentures.用来修复失骨和失牙或是义齿的固位装置包含在口腔和口外的手术10. The maxillary right central and left lateral incisors had Class 1 mobility3; the maxillary left central incisor had an oblique4 fracture line through the distal portion of the crown.上合右中切牙和左侧切牙属于1分类松动3度;上合左中切牙在牙冠远中部分有一个斜行的骨折线11. In the treatment of acute osteomyelitis the general rule is to institute antibiotic therapy and to surgically establish adequate drainage.在治疗急性骨髓炎时,全身疗法可用滴注抗生素治疗,外科方法为建立开放引流管道。
12. The lower end of the short fragment is generally displaced upward and forward by contraction of the elevator muscles. In addition, Slight inward displacement is more common than external displacement.短部分的下部通常会因为提口肌群的收缩导致向上向前移位。
此外,稍微向内的移位比向外移位常见二、anodyne镇痛剂apiciectomy 根尖切除术analgesic 止痛的adenocarcinoma 腺癌anastomosis 吻合alveolalgia 干槽症appliance 矫正器aggravate 加重恶化advious 迂回的apprehensive 敏捷的担心的ankylosis 关节僵直appliance 器具ameloblastoma 成釉细胞瘤advanced 晚期的bur 园头锉contraindication 禁忌症chisel 凿子cancellate 松的cellulites 蜂窝织炎condyle 棵突comminution 粉碎curettment 刮除术coronoid 冠状喙状crepitus 捻发音cripple使残废circumferential环绕周围的chondrosarooma 软骨肉瘤dermatitis 皮炎devitalization失活去生肌detritus腐质dammed up 阻塞的dilation 膨胀扩大deformity 畸形deviation 偏向diffuse 弥散的discoloration 再生dissection 解剖分析demonstrable 可论证的employ使用ethyl chloride 氯乙烷enhance 增强epinephrine 肾上腺素ecohymosis瘀斑extraction拔出erupt萌出elevator牙挺excision 切除effusion渗出exostosis外生骨疣edentulous无牙的extravasation外渗液enucleation摘除术eradicate根除消灭flap 办片fracture 骨折fibrosarcoma 纤维肉瘤fixation固定fibroma 纤维瘤ganglion 神经节glenoid 关节窝的hypodermic 皮下hyperthyroidism 甲抗hematoma 血肿hematogenous 血源性的hyoid 舌骨的hypertrophy 肥大hyperostosis骨肥厚hemangioma血管瘤instillation滴注inadvisable不妥当的infraorbital眶下的idiosyncrasy特异性质impacted 阻生的infratemporal 颞下的inward 向内的isotope 同位素jaundice 黄疸lessen 减少loop 环圈lime 石灰laceration 撕裂ligation 结扎lymphangioma淋巴管瘤lipoma脂肪瘤lymphosarooma淋巴肉瘤lining 榇里medication 药疗法maxilla 上颌骨myxofibroma 粘液纤维瘤malposition 错位malposed异位的mallet 槌mental颏的morbidity发病率masseter嚼肌melanomaco黑瘤muoperiosteal 粘骨膜的muoperiosteum 粘骨膜myxoma黏液瘤myeloma骨髓瘤metastasize转移marsupialization造袋术neurasthenic 神经衰弱的neuralgia 神经痛neuroma 神经瘤nedule小节结notch 切迹nonmalignant 非恶性的ointment软膏opponent 对抗肌odontoma牙瘤orthodontic正牙的osseous骨的osteomyelitis骨髓炎osteoma骨瘤osteoradionecrosis放射性骨坏死osteoid骨样的osteoclastoma 破骨细胞瘤ossify使骨硬化paralyze使麻痹瘫痪prolong延长pericementitis 牙周膜炎psychically精神上地periostitis骨膜炎pyemia脓毒症脓血症preanesthetic 前驱麻痹precipitate 促使加速premadicate术前用药pterygomandibular翼突下颌pterygoid翼状的palpation触诊periosteum 骨膜periosteal 骨膜的perineurium 神经束膜parapharyngeal咽旁的pathognomonic特殊病症的pyogenic 生脓的peripheral周围的periodontoclasia牙周溃疡pericoronal冠周的precox 早发的periosteumpapilloma 乳头瘤paranasal 鼻旁的retard 延迟retrieval取回restricted 受限制的retrozygomatic 颧骨后的regeneration再生rhabdomyoma横纹肌瘤rhabdomyosarcoma横纹肌肉瘤sheath 鞘succedaneous替代的spine刺脊柱symphysis 联合sinus窦sequestrum 死骨supernumerary 多余的salt盐sepsis 脓毒症败血症subcutaneous皮下的sialadenitis 涎腺炎sialoductitis涎管炎septicemia 败血症sialolithiasis 涎石形成sialography 涎管X线造影技术swallow 吞咽splint 夹板suprahyoid舌骨上的tuberosity结节粗隆trismus牙关紧闭traumatize 受外伤traumatism 创伤病traumatogenic创伤性的thrombophlebitis 血栓性静脉炎temporal 颞的tendernoss触痛torus palatinus 腭隆凸transitonal转变的vicinity 附近邻近三、内科1、In evaluating the clinical features of gingivitis, it is necessary to be systematic. Attention should be focused on subtle tissue alteration, because these may be of diagnostic significance. A systematic clinical approach requires an orderly examination of the gingival for color, contour, consistency, position, ease and severity of bleeding, and pain.我们必须系统性的评估牙龈炎的临床特点。