物流专业英语 Unit 7 E business and its application in l

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传统的物流概念主要是指将商品由供应者向需求方的物理性移 动,包括包装、搬运、储存、运输、配送等过程。
Along with the development of e-business and its extensive application in logistics, profound changes have taken place with regard to the concept of logistics. Logistics nowadays is not only limited to movement of goods, but also includes transfer and exchange of information. E-business created a virtual space for logistics, through which various functions of logistics are all embodied in virtualized means.
What is e-business?
E-business, or e-commerce, refers to the processing of business transactions via electronic means and with digitalized data.
e-based logistics requires that the capability of speedy response be elevated---high speed, systemization
电子商务物流系统要求提高物流的运作水平——标准化、 信息化
电子商务物流系统要求提高物流的快速反应能力——高速 度、系统化
电子商务广泛地用于商业交易中,也用于物流中。据估计,在 中国有25%的业务是基于电子商务手段的,并且还在稳步 增长。图1是基于电子商务的卖方报价系统。
E-based vendor quotation system
Figure 1: an e-based vendor quotation system
in the logistics process The system has apparent advantages of scale
整个系统具有无限的开放性 物流节点普遍实行信息化管理 信息流在物流过程中起引导和整合作用 系统具有明显的规模优势
What are the requirements of e-based logistics?
电子商务物流系统要求提高物流动态调配能力——个性化、 柔性化
电子商务物流系统要求改变物流的经营形态——社会化、 全球化
How e-business impacts logistics 电子商务对物流的影响
E-business changed the philosophy of traditional logistics.
While upgrading the logistics performance, the e-based logistics system also poses specific requirements to each links of logistics operation in a full dimension in that:
capacity 容量,生产量 advantage of scale 规模优

第二部分 Section 2
本单元核心概念 Core concepts
What is e-business?
E-business, or e-commerce,
refers to the processing of business transactions via electronic means and with digitalized data.
该数据可以是文本、图形、声音、视频或其结合体,可以在类 似于万维网(World Wide Web)的开放式上网络上传输, 或者在类似于企业内部网和企业外部网的封闭式网络上传 输。
E-business is widely applied in business transactions, and in logistics as well. It is estimated that 25% of business in China is now ebased and with steady growth.
Step 3 难点学习
➢ 理解并背诵核心概念 ➢ 学习时间5分钟
Step 4 课文学习
➢ 理解课文的意思 ➢ 对难句进行语法和结构讲解 ➢ 学习时间30分钟
➢ 教师在讲解课文时,除对课文进 行翻译之外,还要顺带讲解一下 难句的语法结构。
E-business and its application in logistics
goods flow are both transferred layer by layer, owing to the constraints of communication means and management mode. In this mode, information travels from supplier to manufacturer, and then to distributor and customer in the final step.
随着电子商务的发展及其在物流行业中的广泛应用。物流的概 念发生了深刻的变化。如今物流不仅局限于商品的运动, 而且包括信息的传递、交换等过程。电子商务为物流创造 了一个虚拟的空间。物流的各种功能都可以通过虚拟化的 方式表现出来。
E-business will change the operation pattern of logistics In the links of traditional logistics, information flow and
e-based logistics requires that the logistics dynamic scheduling capacity be improved---individuality, flexibility
e-based logistics requires that the status of logistic running be transformed---socialization, globalization
电子商务是二十世纪信息化、网络化的产物,由于其日新月异 的发展,已广泛引起了人们的注意。电子商务中的任何一 笔交易,都包含着以下几种基本的“流”,即信息流、商 业流、资金流和物流。
E-business marks a fundamental revolution of the business sector. However, its development in China is way farther than expected, and the lagging of logistics capacity is one of the major reasons.
E-business, the output of information and networks of the 20th century, has drawn people’s attention extensively thanks to its ever-changing development. Any one transaction in e-business contains a number of primary “flows”, namely flows of information, business, finance and goods.
物流与电子商务的关系极为密切, 毫无疑问,后者对前者的影响 也极为巨大。物流在未来的发展与电子商务的影响是密不 可分的。
What are the features of logistics in e-business?
In comparison with the conventional logistics system, the e-based logistics system has the following features:
The concept of traditional logistics mainly refers to the physical movement of goods from the supplier to the demanding party, including packiibution and so on.
Unit 7
E-business and its application in logistics
授课日期 授课教师 授课专业/班级 讲授单元 单元讲授时长 讲授内容
______专业______班级 Unit 7 二学时 物流术语、课文、课堂练习
掌握本单元的物流专业术语 掌握本单元的核心概念 熟悉本单元的常用物流英语表达法 熟悉本单元的物流流程
第一部分 Section 1
本单元核心术语 Core terms
digitalized transaction 数字 化交易
vendor quotation system 卖 方报价系统
电子商务标志着一场商业领域的根本性革命,然而,它在中国 的发展的实际情况却远没有预想中的那样好,其中物流能 力的滞后是一个重大的原因。
Logistics is closely related to e-business; the latter definitely has a huge impact on the former. The future development of logistics will be tightly inseparable from e-business.
The whole system is infinitely open Information management is fulfilled in all nodes of logistics The information flow plays the role of directing and integrating
电子商务,又称为e-commerce, 是指通过电子手段并用数字数据 来处理商业交易。
This data can be texts, images, sound, video or the combination thereof, which are transmitted over either open networks like the World Wide Web, or over closed networks like the Intranet and Extranet.
在提升物流绩效的同时,电子商务下物流系统也对物流运作的 各个环节提出了全方位的具体要求,表现在:
e-based logistics requires that the level of logistics operation be uplifted---standardization, information
电 子 商 务 , 又 称 为 e-commerce,
是指通过电子手段并用数字数据来 处理商业交易。
Step 1 单词领读
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Step 2 重点内容
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