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2)利用SQL Server对招生数据建立数据库,对生源的结构进行了分析,以发现考生生源地、年份、报考专业与考生之间的内在关系。

【英文摘要】In recent years, our country is taking great effort to develop vocational education. The higher vocational education is an important kind of vocational education. The vocational school has been expending the numbers of students and the requirement of enrollment management is increasing. Now most of the vocational colleges are in the developing stage. The most of enrollment management works are done by hand, so the existing enrollment management methods cannot meet the scientific and modern vocational college management requirements. My college (Shangrao Vocational and Technical College) is a vocational college founded in 2004, our enrollment management is basically done by hand. Because the number of students is large, the management has appeared a lot of problems, and work efficiency is very low. The enrollment management system that is more standardized and scientific will improve the quality and efficiency of the management. So it is urgent to develop Enrollment Management system to reduce the
workload of managements and increase staff productivity and ensure data integrity and accuracy of enrollment.In order to achieve enrollment management in a scientific and modern level, all colleges and universities are exploring the development of advanced software to enrollment for scientific, standardized, modern management. For the different colleges and universities located in the different area, each school has their own special policies and procedures related to management. It is very inconvenient to enrollment work for the increasing number of enrollment, numerous majors, and other issues to the tight schedule of work. With the combination of the above questions and the actual situation of our school, the thesis will describe a system that meet all conditions of enrollment management system. It will establish a database based on enrollment data of our school.This paper has two main tasks:1) The first is to research the current higher university admissions and distributed to the use of “national college admission online enrollment system” and some university’s enrollment management system. It will discuss the enrollment management system model based on the special school. The main tasks of the system are requirement analysis, the realization of system design module and the design of the database.2) The second is
to establish the database by use of SQL Server. The structure of the students will be analyzed to find the relationship among the background, the year, the applied major of candidates.
【关键词】高职学校高职教育招生管理系统 SQL Server
【英文关键词】vocational schools vocational education Enrollment Management System SQL Server
【目录】上饶职业技术学院招生管理系统的研究与实现摘要4-5ABSTRACT5-6第一章绪论9-15 1.1 课题背景9-10 1.2 高校招生管理系统研究现状10-12 1.3 研究意义12-13 1.4 本论文的主要工作及论文结构
13-15第二章关键技术简介15-23 2.1 C/S 计算模式15-16 2.2 B/S 模式16-19 2.3 内网模式
19-20 2.4 JSP 动态网页技术技术20-21 2.5 系统技术路线21-22 2.6 本章小结22-23第三章需求分析
23-46 3.1 用户需求描述24-28 3.2 招生信息管理子系统分析28-34 3.3 招生信息服务子系统分析
34-36 3.4 对招生信息系统类进行分析36-37 3.5 访问控制子系统分析37-42 3.5.1 基于角色的用户安全模型
38-40 3.5.2 访问控制子系统分析40-41 3.5.3 系统数据需求分析41-42 3.6 系统网络需求42-44 3.7 界面及安全需求44-45 3.8 本章小结45-46第四章系统
设计46-70 4.1 系统软、硬件环境的设计46-51 4.1.1 系统网络环境设计46-50 设计目标和原则
46-47 网络计算模式及拓扑结构设计
47-48 网络设备选型48-50 4.1.2 软件系统环境选择50-51 网络操作系统选择
50 数据库管理系统选择50-51 4.2 系统总体结构设计51-53 4.3 系统功能的设计53 4.4 功能模块的设计53-69 4.4.1 考生查询模块54-56 4.4.2 招生信息发布模块56-57 4.4.3 考生信息维护模块
57 4.4.4 新生分班模块57-58 4.4.5 新生报到模块
58-59 4.4.6 新生缴费模块59-61 4.4.7 数据转换模块61 4.4.8 通知书打印模块61-62 4.4.9 招生计划管理62-64 4.4.10 网上录取管理64-67 4.4.11 录取流程分析67-69 4.5 本章小结69-70第五章招生管理系统的实现70-81 5.1 数据库的实现70-77 5.1.1 管理子系统实现70-75 5.1.2 服务子系统实现75-77 5.2 系统与数据库的连接实现77-78 5.3 网络安全性实现
78-80 5.4 本章小结80-81第六章总结与展望
81-83 6.1 总结81-82 6.2 展望82-83致谢
