V带传动的程序设计 设计说明书
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
成浩机自08-1班22080911 1、已知条件
Private Sub Command1_Click() '导航窗口,开始新的计算Picture1.Visible = True
End Sub
Private Sub Command10_Click()
'计算功率Pc txt_pc.Text = CStr(Val(txt_ka) * Val(txt_p))
End Sub
Private Sub Command11_Click()
'调出工作情况系数表chaxun_ka.Visible = True
End Sub
Private Sub Command12_Click() 'V带带轮最小基准直径和基准直径系列查询
jizhunzhijing.Visible = True
If txt_xh.Text = "Z" Then
txt_jz.Text = "50, 56, 63, 71, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 106, 112, 118, 125, 132, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 200, 212, 224, 236, 250, 265, 280, 300, 315, 355, 375, 400, 425, 450, 475, 500, 530, 560, 600, 630, 670, 710, 750, 800, 900, 1000"
End If
If txt_xh.Text = "A" Then
txt_jz.Text = "75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 106, 112, 118, 125, 132, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 200, 212, 224, 236, 250, 265, 280, 300, 315, 355, 375, 400, 425, 450, 475, 500, 530, 560, 600, 630, 670, 710, 750, 800, 900, 1000"
End If
If txt_xh.Text = "B" Then
txt_jz.Text = "125, 132, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 200, 212, 224, 236, 250, 265, 280, 300, 315, 355, 375, 400, 425, 450, 475, 500, 530, 560, 600, 630, 670, 710, 750, 800, 900, 1000"
End If
If txt_xh.Text = "C" Then
txt_jz.Text = "200, 212, 224, 236, 250, 265, 280, 300, 315, 355, 375, 400, 425, 450, 475, 500, 530, 560, 600, 630, 670, 710, 750, 800, 900, 1000"
End If
If txt_xh.Text = "D" Then
txt_jz.Text = "355, 375, 400, 425, 450, 475, 500, 530, 560, 600, 630, 670, 710, 750, 800, 900, 1000"
End If
If txt_xh.Text = "E" Then
txt_jz.Text = "500, 530, 560, 600, 630, 670, 710, 750, 800, 900, 1000"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Command13_Click()
'小带轮基准直径确定txt_d2j.Text = CStr(Format((Val(Text8.Text) * Val(txt_d1.T ext)), "#######.##"))
Dim i As Integer
Dim n1 As Single, Y As Single, z As Single
Dim n As Variant
If txt_xh.Text = "Z" Then
n = Array(400, 730, 800, 980, 1200, 1460, 1600, 2000, 2400, 2800, 3200)
n1 = Val(txt_n1.Text)
For i = 0 To 10
If n1 <= n(i) Then
Exit For
End If
Next i
Y = n(i)
For i = 1 To 10
If n1 <= n(i) Then
Exit For
End If
Next i
If (n(i) - n1) <= (n1 - n(i - 1)) Then
z = n(i)
z = n(i - 1)
End If
txt_n1.Text = CStr(Y)
ElseIf txt_xh.Text = "A" Then
n = Array(400, 730, 800, 980, 1200, 1460, 1600, 2000, 2400, 2800, 3200) n1 = Val(txt_n1.Text)
For i = 0 To 10
If n1 <= n(i) Then
Exit For
End If
Next i
Y = n(i)
For i = 1 To 10
If n1 <= n(i) Then
Exit For
End If
Next i
If (n(i) - n1) <= (n1 - n(i - 1)) Then
z = n(i)
z = n(i - 1)
End If
txt_n1.Text = CStr(Y)
ElseIf txt_xh.Text = "B" Then
n = Array(400, 730, 800, 980, 1200, 1460, 1600, 2000, 2400, 2800, 3200)
For i = 0 To 10
If n1 <= n(i) Then
Exit For
End If
Next i
Y = n(i)
For i = 1 To 10
If n1 <= n(i) Then
Exit For
End If
Next i
If (n(i) - n1) <= (n1 - n(i - 1)) Then
z = n(i)
z = n(i - 1)
End If
txt_n1.Text = CStr(Y)
ElseIf txt_xh.Text = "C" Then
n = Array(200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 730, 800, 980, 1200, 1460, 1600) n1 = Val(txt_n1.Text)
For i = 0 To 10
If n1 <= n(i) Then
Exit For
End If
Next i
Y = n(i)
For i = 1 To 10
If n1 <= n(i) Then
Exit For
End If
Next i
If (n(i) - n1) <= (n1 - n(i - 1)) Then
z = n(i)
z = n(i - 1)
End If
ElseIf txt_xh.Text = "D" Then
n = Array(200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 730, 800, 980, 1200, 1460, 1600) n1 = Val(txt_n1.Text)
For i = 0 To 10
If n1 <= n(i) Then
Exit For
End If
Next i
Y = n(i)
For i = 1 To 10
If n1 <= n(i) Then
Exit For
End If
Next i
If (n(i) - n1) <= (n1 - n(i - 1)) Then
z = n(i)
z = n(i - 1)
End If
txt_n1.Text = CStr(Y)
ElseIf txt_xh.Text = "E" Then
n = Array(200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 730, 800, 980, 1200, 1460, 1600) n1 = Val(txt_n1.Text)
For i = 0 To 10
If n1 <= n(i) Then
Exit For
End If
Next i
Y = n(i)
For i = 1 To 10
If n1 <= n(i) Then
Exit For
End If
Next i
If (n(i) - n1) <= (n1 - n(i - 1)) Then
z = n(i)
z = n(i - 1)
End If
txt_n1.Text = CStr(Y)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Command14_Click()
'圆整基准长度Ld Dim i As Integer
Dim cd As Single, Y As Single, z As Single
Dim n As Variant
n = Array(400, 450, 500, 560, 630, 710, 800, 900, 1000, 1120, 1250, 1400, 1600, _
1800, 2000, 2240, 2500, 2800, 3150, 3650, 4000, 4500, 5000, 5600, 6300, 7100, 8000, 9000, 10000)
cd = Val(txt_lcd.Text)
For i = 0 To 28
If cd <= n(i) Then
Exit For
End If
Next i
Y = n(i)
For i = 1 To 28
If cd <= n(i) Then
Exit For
End If
Next i
If (n(i) - cd) <= (cd - n(i - 1)) Then
z = n(i)
z = n(i - 1)
End If
txt_ld.Text = CStr(Y)
End Sub
Private Sub Command15_Click()
Dim pi As Double
pi = 3.1415926
txt_lcd.Text = CStr(Format((2 * Val(txt_a0.Text) + (pi * (Val(txt_d1.Text) + Val(txt_d2.Text)) / 2) + ((Val(txt_d2.Text) - Val(txt_d1.Text)) ^ 2) / (4 * Val(txt_a0.Text))), "######.##"))
End Sub
Private Sub Command16_Click()
'计算实际中心距a txt_a.Text = CStr(Val(txt_a0.T ext) + (1 / 2) * (Val(txt_ld.Text) - Val(txt_lcd.Text)))
End Sub
Private Sub Command17_Click()
Picture5.Visible = False
Picture10.Visible = True
Command5.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub Command19_Click()
'计算带轮的包角α1 txt_bj.Text = CStr(Format((180 - (Val(txt_d2.Text) - Val(txt_d1.Text)) / Val(txt_a) * 57.3), "######.##"))
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
Picture2.Visible = False
Picture5.Visible = False
Picture10.Visible = False
Picture12.Visible = False
Picture1.Visible = False
Frame1.Visible = True
Frame12.Visible = False
Frame25.Visible = False
End Sub
Private Sub Command20_Click()
'对小带轮包角α1进行圆整Dim i As Integer
Dim cda As Single, w As Single, q As Single
Dim n As Variant
n = Array(70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180)
cda = Val(txt_bj.Text)
For i = 0 To 11
If cda <= n(i) Then
Exit For
End If
Next i
w = n(i)
For i = 1 To 11
If cda <= n(i) Then
Exit For
End If
Next i
If (n(i) - cda) <= (cda - n(i - 1)) Then
q = n(i)
q = n(i - 1)
End If
txt_bjdz.Text = CStr(q)
End Sub
Private Sub Command21_Click()
'确定包角系数If Val(txt_bjdz.Text) = 70 Then
Text16.Text = "0.58"
ElseIf Val(txt_bjdz.Text) = 80 Then
Text16.Text = "0.64"
ElseIf Val(txt_bjdz.Text) = 90 Then
Text16.Text = "0.69"
ElseIf Val(txt_bjdz.Text) = 100 Then
Text16.Text = "0.74"
ElseIf Val(txt_bjdz.Text) = 110 Then
Text16.Text = "0.78"
ElseIf Val(txt_bjdz.Text) = 120 Then
Text16.Text = "0.82"
ElseIf Val(txt_bjdz.Text) = 130 Then
Text16.Text = "0.86"
ElseIf Val(txt_bjdz.Text) = 140 Then
Text16.Text = "0.89"
ElseIf Val(txt_bjdz.Text) = 150 Then
Text16.Text = "0.92"
ElseIf Val(txt_bjdz.Text) = 160 Then
Text16.Text = "0.95"
ElseIf Val(txt_bjdz.Text) = 170 Then
Text16.Text = "0.98"
ElseIf Val(txt_bjdz.Text) = 180 Then
Text16.Text = "1.00"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Command22_Click()
Dim v As Integer, pi As Integer, d1 As Integer, p0 As Variant
pi = 3.1415926
v = pi * Val(txt_d1.Text) * Val(txt_n1.Text) / 60000
d1 = Val(txt_d1.Text)
If txt_xh.Text = "Z" Then
p0 = (0.246 * v ^ (-0.09) - 7.44 / d1 - 0.441 * ((10) ^ (-4)) * (v ^ 2)) * v
ElseIf txt_xh.Text = "A" Then
p0 = (0.449 * v ^ (-0.09) - 19.62 / d1 - 0.765 * ((10) ^ (-4)) * (v ^ 2)) * v
ElseIf txt_xh.Text = "B" Then
p0 = (0.794 * v ^ (-0.09) - 50.6 / d1 - 1.31 * ((10) ^ (-4)) * (v ^ 2)) * v
ElseIf txt_xh.Text = "C" Then
p0 = (1.48 * v ^ (-0.09) - 143.2 / d1 - 2.34 * ((10) ^ (-4)) * (v ^ 2)) * v
ElseIf txt_xh.Text = "D" Then
p0 = (3.15 * v ^ (-0.09) - 507.3 / d1 - 4.77 * ((10) ^ (-4)) * (v ^ 2)) * v
ElseIf txt_xh.Text = "E" Then
p0 = (4.57 * v ^ (-0.09) - 951.5 / d1 - 7.06 * ((10) ^ (-4)) * (v ^ 2)) * v
End If
Text17.Text = CStr(Format(p0, "######.##"))
End Sub
Private Sub Command23_Click()
'传递功率的增量值△P0 If txt_xh.Text = "Z" Then
If Val(Text8.Text) >= 1.365 And Val(Text8.Text) <= 1.51 Then 'Z型号表第一行
If Val(txt_n1.Text) = 400 Or 730 Or 800 Then
Text18.Text = "0.01"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 980 Or 1200 Or 1460 Or 1600 Then
Text18.Text = "0.02"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 2000 Or 2400 Then
Text18.Text = "0.03"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 2800 Or 3200 Then
Text18.Text = "0.04"
End If
End If
If Val(Text8.T ext) >= 2 Then 'Z型号表第二行
If Val(txt_n1.Text) = 400 Then
Text18.Text = "0.01"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 730 Or 800 Or 980 Then
Text18.Text = "0.02"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 1200 Or 1460 Or 1600 Then
Text18.Text = "0.03"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 2000 Or 2400 Or 2800 Then
Text18.Text = "0.04"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 3200 Then
Text18.Text = "0.05"
End If
End If
End If
If txt_xh.Text = "A" Then
If Val(Text8.Text) >= 1.35 And Val(Text8.Text) <= 1.51 Then 'A型号表第一行
If Val(txt_n1.Text) = 400 Then
Text18.Text = "0.04"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 730 Then
Text18.Text = "0.07"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 800 Or 980 Then
Text18.Text = "0.08"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 1200 Then
Text18.Text = "0.11"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 1460 Then
Text18.Text = "0.13"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 1600 Then
Text18.Text = "0.15"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 2000 Then
Text18.Text = "0.19"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 2400 Then
Text18.Text = "0.23"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 2800 Then
Text18.Text = "0.26"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 3200 Then
Text18.Text = "0.30"
End If
End If
If Val(Text8.T ext) >= 2 Then 'A型号表第二行
If Val(txt_n1.Text) = 400 Then
Text18.Text = "0.05"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 730 Then
Text18.Text = "0.09"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 800 Then
Text18.Text = "0.10"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 980 Then
Text18.Text = "0.11"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 1200 Then
Text18.Text = "0.15"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 1460 Then
Text18.Text = "0.17"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 1600 Then
Text18.Text = "0.19"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 2000 Then
Text18.Text = "0.24"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 2400 Then
Text18.Text = "0.29"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 2800 Then
Text18.Text = "0.34"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 3200 Then
Text18.Text = "0.39"
End If
End If
End If
If txt_xh.Text = "B" Then
If Val(Text8.Text) >= 1.35 And Val(Text8.Text) <= 1.51 Then 'B型号表第一行
If Val(txt_n1.Text) = 400 Then
Text18.Text = "0.10"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 730 Then
Text18.Text = "0.17"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 800 Then
Text18.Text = "0.20"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 980 Then
Text18.Text = "0.23"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 1200 Then
Text18.Text = "0.30"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 1460 Then
Text18.Text = "0.36"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 1600 Then
Text18.Text = "0.39"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 2000 Then
Text18.Text = "0.49"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 2400 Then
Text18.Text = "0.59"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 2800 Then
Text18.Text = "0.69"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 3200 Then
Text18.Text = "0.79"
End If
End If
If Val(Text8.T ext) >= 2 Then 'B型号表第二行
If Val(txt_n1.Text) = 400 Then
Text18.Text = "0.13"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 730 Then
Text18.Text = "0.22"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 800 Then
Text18.Text = "0.25"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 980 Then
Text18.Text = "0.30"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 1200 Then
Text18.Text = "0.38"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 1460 Then
Text18.Text = "0.46"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 1600 Then
Text18.Text = "0.51"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 2000 Then
Text18.Text = "0.63"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 2400 Then
Text18.Text = "0.76"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 2800 Then
Text18.Text = "0.89"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 3200 Then
Text18.Text = "1.01"
End If
End If
End If
If txt_xh.Text = "C" Then
If Val(Text8.Text) >= 1.354 And Val(Text8.Text) <= 1.51 Then 'C型号表第一行
If Val(txt_n1.Text) = 200 Then
Text18.Text = "0.14"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 300 Then
Text18.Text = "0.21"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 400 Then
Text18.Text = "0.27"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 500 Then
Text18.Text = "0.34"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 600 Then
Text18.Text = "0.41"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 730 Then
Text18.Text = "0.48"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 800 Then
Text18.Text = "0.55"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 980 Then
Text18.Text = "0.65"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 1200 Then
Text18.Text = "0.82"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 1460 Then
Text18.Text = "0.99"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 1600 Then
Text18.Text = "1.10"
End If
End If
If Val(Text8.T ext) >= 2 Then 'C型号表第二行If Val(txt_n1.Text) = 200 Then
Text18.Text = "0.18"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 300 Then
Text18.Text = "0.26"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 400 Then
Text18.Text = "0.35"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 500 Then
Text18.Text = "0.44"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 600 Then
Text18.Text = "0.53"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 730 Then
Text18.Text = "0.62"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 800 Then
Text18.Text = "0.71"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 980 Then
Text18.Text = "0.83"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 1200 Then
Text18.Text = "1.06"
Text18.Text = "1.27"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 1600 Then
Text18.Text = "1.41"
End If
End If
End If
If txt_xh.Text = "D" Then
If Val(Text8.Text) >= 1.35 And Val(Text8.Text) <= 1.51 Then 'D型号表第一行
If Val(txt_n1.Text) = 200 Then
Text18.Text = "0.49"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 300 Then
Text18.Text = "0.73"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 400 Then
Text18.Text = "0.97"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 500 Then
Text18.Text = "1.22"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 600 Then
Text18.Text = "1.46"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 730 Then
Text18.Text = "1.70"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 800 Then
Text18.Text = "1.95"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 980 Then
Text18.Text = "2.31"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 1200 Then
Text18.Text = "2.92"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 1460 Then
Text18.Text = "3.52"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 1600 Then
Text18.Text = "3.89"
End If
End If
If Val(Text8.T ext) >= 2 Then 'D型号表第二行
If Val(txt_n1.Text) = 200 Then
Text18.Text = "0.63"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 300 Then
Text18.Text = "0.94"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 400 Then
Text18.Text = "1.25"
Text18.Text = "1.56"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 600 Then
Text18.Text = "1.88"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 730 Then
Text18.Text = "2.19"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 800 Then
Text18.Text = "2.50"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 980 Then
Text18.Text = "2.97"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 1200 Then
Text18.Text = "3.75"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 1460 Then
Text18.Text = "4.53"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 1600 Then
Text18.Text = "5.00"
End If
End If
End If
If txt_xh.Text = "E" Then
If Val(Text8.Text) >= 1.354 And Val(Text8.Text) <= 1.51 Then 'E型号表第一行
If Val(txt_n1.Text) = 200 Then
Text18.Text = "0.96"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 300 Then
Text18.Text = "1.45"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 400 Then
Text18.Text = "1.93"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 500 Then
Text18.Text = "2.41"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 600 Then
Text18.Text = "2.89"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 730 Then
Text18.Text = "3.38"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 800 Then
Text18.Text = "3.86"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 980 Then
Text18.Text = "4.58"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 1200 Then
Text18.Text = "5.61"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 1460 Then
Text18.Text = "6.83"
Text18.Text = "-"
End If
End If
If Val(Text8.T ext) >= 2 Then 'E型号表第二行If Val(txt_n1.Text) = 200 Then
Text18.Text = "1.24"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 300 Then
Text18.Text = "1.86"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 400 Then
Text18.Text = "2.48"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 500 Then
Text18.Text = "3.10"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 600 Then
Text18.Text = "3.72"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 730 Then
Text18.Text = "4.34"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 800 Then
Text18.Text = "4.96"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 980 Then
Text18.Text = "5.89"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 1200 Then
Text18.Text = "7.21"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 1460 Then
Text18.Text = "8.78"
ElseIf Val(txt_n1.Text) = 1600 Then
Text18.Text = "-"
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Command24_Click()
Picture10.Visible = False
Picture12.Visible = True
Command36.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub Command26_Click() '确定长度系数KL If txt_xh.Text = "Z" Then
If Val(txt_ld.Text) = 400 Then 'Z型号表
Text19.Text = "+0.87"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 450 Then
Text19.Text = "+0.89"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 500 Then
Text19.Text = "+0.91"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 630 Then
Text19.Text = "+0.96"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 710 Then
Text19.Text = "+0.99"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 800 Then
Text19.Text = "+1.00"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 900 Then
Text19.Text = "+1.03"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 1120 Then
Text19.Text = "+1.08"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 1250 Then
Text19.Text = "+1.11"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 1400 Then
Text19.Text = "+1.14"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 1600 Then
Text19.Text = "+1.16"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 1800 Then
Text19.Text = "+1.18"
End If
ElseIf txt_xh.Text = "A" Then
If Val(txt_ld.Text) = 630 Then 'A型号表Text19.Text = "+0.81"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 710 Then
Text19.Text = "+0.83"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 800 Then
Text19.Text = "+0.85"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 900 Then
Text19.Text = "+0.87"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 1000 Then
Text19.Text = "+0.89"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 1120 Then
Text19.Text = "+1.00"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 1250 Then
Text19.Text = "+0.93"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 1400 Then
Text19.Text = "+0.96"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 1600 Then
Text19.Text = "+0.99"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 1800 Then
Text19.Text = "+1.01"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 2000 Then
Text19.Text = "+1.03"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 2240 Then
Text19.Text = "+1.06"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 2500 Then
Text19.Text = "+1.09"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 2800 Then
Text19.Text = "+1.11"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 3150 Then
Text19.Text = "+1.13"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 3650 Then
Text19.Text = "+1.17"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 4000 Then
Text19.Text = "+1.19"
End If
ElseIf txt_xh.Text = "B" Then 'B型号表If Val(txt_ld.Text) = 900 Then
Text19.Text = "+0.82"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 1000 Then
Text19.Text = "+0.84"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 1120 Then
Text19.Text = "+0.86"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 1250 Then
Text19.Text = "+0.88"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 1400 Then
Text19.Text = "+0.90"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 1600 Then
Text19.Text = "+0.92"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 1800 Then
Text19.Text = "+0.95"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 2000 Then
Text19.Text = "+0.98"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 2240 Then
Text19.Text = "+1.00"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 2500 Then
Text19.Text = "+1.03"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 2800 Then
Text19.Text = "+1.05"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 3150 Then
Text19.Text = "+1.07"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 3650 Then
Text19.Text = "+1.09"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 4000 Then
Text19.Text = "+1.13"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 4500 Then
Text19.Text = "+1.15"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 5000 Then
Text19.Text = "+1.18"
End If
ElseIf txt_xh.Text = "C" Then 'C型号表If Val(txt_ld.Text) = 1600 Then
Text19.Text = "+0.83"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 1800 Then
Text19.Text = "+0.86"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 2000 Then
Text19.Text = "+0.88"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 2240 Then
Text19.Text = "+0.91"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 2500 Then
Text19.Text = "+0.93"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 2800 Then
Text19.Text = "+0.95"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 3150 Then
Text19.Text = "+0.97"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 3650 Then
Text19.Text = "+0.99"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 4000 Then
Text19.Text = "+1.02"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 4500 Then
Text19.Text = "+1.04"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 5000 Then
Text19.Text = "+1.07"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 5600 Then
Text19.Text = "+1.09"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 6300 Then
Text19.Text = "+1.12"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 7100 Then
Text19.Text = "+1.15"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 8000 Then
Text19.Text = "+1.18"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 9000 Then
Text19.Text = "+1.21"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 10000 Then
Text19.Text = "+1.23"
End If
ElseIf txt_xh.Text = "D" Then 'D型号表If Val(txt_ld.Text) = 2800 Then
Text19.Text = "+0.83"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 3150 Then
Text19.Text = "+0.86"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 3650 Then
Text19.Text = "+0.89"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 4000 Then
Text19.Text = "+0.91"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 4500 Then
Text19.Text = "+0.93"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 5000 Then
Text19.Text = "+0.96"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 5600 Then
Text19.Text = "+0.98"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 6300 Then
Text19.Text = "+1.00"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 7100 Then
Text19.Text = "+1.03"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 8000 Then
Text19.Text = "+1.06"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 9000 Then
Text19.Text = "+1.08"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 10000 Then
Text19.Text = "+1.11"
End If
ElseIf txt_xh.Text = "E" Then 'E型号表If Val(txt_ld.Text) = 4500 Then
Text19.Text = "+0.90"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 5000 Then
Text19.Text = "+0.92"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 5600 Then
Text19.Text = "+0.95"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 6300 Then
Text19.Text = "+0.97"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 7100 Then
Text19.Text = "+1.00"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 8000 Then
Text19.Text = "+1.02"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 9000 Then
Text19.Text = "+1.05"
ElseIf Val(txt_ld.Text) = 10000 Then
Text19.Text = "+1.07"
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Command27_Click()
'计算V带根数txt_zcd.Text = CStr(Format(Val(txt_pc.Text) / ((Val(Text17.Text) + Val(Text18.Text)) * Val(Text16.Text) * Val(Text19.T ext)), "######.##"))
End Sub
Private Sub Command28_Click()
'对V带根数进行圆整txt_zyz.T ext = CStr(Int(Val(txt_zcd.Text)) + 1)
End Sub
Private Sub Command29_Click()
txt_p.Text = "7.5"
txt_n1.Text = "1450"
txt_n2.Text = "630"
txt_ka.Text = "1.1"
If Text8.Text = "" Then
Text8.Text = CStr(Val(txt_n1.Text) / Val(txt_n2.Text))
txt_n2.Text = CStr(Val(txt_n1.Text) / Val(Text8.Text))
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Command3_Click()
Picture2.Visible = True
Picture5.Visible = False
Picture10.Visible = False
Picture12.Visible = False
Picture1.Visible = False
Frame1.Visible = False
Frame12.Visible = False
Frame25.Visible = False
End Sub
Private Sub Command30_Click()
chaxun_ka.Visible = False
End Sub
Private Sub Command31_Click()
jizhunzhijing.Visible = False
End Sub
Private Sub Command32_Click()
'查询每米带质量q If txt_xh.Text = "Z" Then
txt_q.Text = "0.06"
ElseIf txt_xh.Text = "A" Then
txt_q.Text = "0.10"
ElseIf txt_xh.Text = "B" Then
txt_q.Text = "0.17"
ElseIf txt_xh.Text = "C" Then
txt_q.Text = "0.30"
ElseIf txt_xh.Text = "D" Then
txt_q.Text = "0.62"
ElseIf txt_xh.Text = "E" Then
txt_q.Text = "0.90"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Command33_Click()
'计算初拉力F0 txt_f0.Text = CStr(Format(500 * Val(txt_pc.Text) / (Val(txt_zyz.Text) * Val(txt_v.Text)) * (2.5 / Val(Text16.Text) - 1) + Val(txt_q.Text) * (Val(txt_v.Text)) ^ 2, "######.##"))
End Sub
Private Sub Command34_Click()
'计算压轴力Q Text1.Text = CStr(Format(2 * Val(txt_zyz.T ext) * Val(txt_f0.Text) * Sin(Val(txt_bj.Text) / (4 * 180) * 3.1415926), "######.##"))
End Sub
Private Sub Command35_Click()
Picture12.Visible = False
Frame25.Visible = True
Text5.Text = txt_xh.Text
Text6.Text = txt_d1.Text
Text7.Text = txt_d2.Text
Text9.Text = Text2.Text
Text10.Text = txt_ld.Text
Text11.Text = txt_a.T ext
Text12.Text = txt_bj.T ext
Text13.Text = txt_zyz.Text
Text14.Text = txt_f0.Text
Text15.Text = Text1.T ext
End Sub
Private Sub Command36_Click()
Picture2.Visible = False
Picture5.Visible = False
Picture10.Visible = False
Picture12.Visible = True
Picture1.Visible = False
Frame1.Visible = False
Frame12.Visible = False
Frame25.Visible = False
End Sub
Private Sub Command37_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub Command38_Click()
Picture2.Visible = False
Picture5.Visible = False
Picture10.Visible = False
Picture12.Visible = False
Picture1.Visible = False
Frame1.Visible = False
Frame12.Visible = True
End Sub
Private Sub Command4_Click()
Picture2.Visible = False
Picture5.Visible = True
Picture10.Visible = False
Picture12.Visible = False
Picture1.Visible = False
Frame1.Visible = False。