The Isles of Greece 英汉对照
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• 胡适对马、苏二人的译文均不满意,认为 “君武失之讹,而曼殊失之晦。”(马祖 毅,1999:782)于是以《哀希腊歌》为题 进行重译。胡译的最初发表时间有待考证。 1989年出版的《胡适诗存》收入此诗时注 明“录自同日译者留学日记”,即1914年2 月3日。(胡适,1989:390)
裴伦 作/马君武 译
• A king sat on the rocky brow Which looks on sea-born Salamis; And ships, by thousands, lay below, And men in nations;---all were his! He counted them at break of day--And when the sun set, where were they?
• 且酌沙明盈酒杯,恼人时事不须提。 • 当年政治从多数,为忆阿明克朗诗。 • 吁嗟乎!国民自是国权主,纷纷暴君何足数。
• 暴君昔起遮松里,当时自由犹未死。 • 曾破波斯百万师,至今人说米须底。 • 吁嗟乎!本族暴君酒杯干,白卡之岸苏里岩。 • 上有一线成海湾,斗孛之母生其间。 • 吁嗟乎!其间或布自由种,谁实获之希腊种。
• Fill high the bowl with Samian wine! Our virgins dance beneath the shade--I see their glorious black eyes shine; But, gazing on each glowing maid, My own the burning tear-drop laves, To think such breasts must suckle slaves.
• • • • •
一朝宫社尽成墟,可怜国种遂为奴。 光荣忽傍夕阳没,名誉都随秋草枯。 岂无国士生列岛,追念夙昔伤怀抱。 我今漂泊一诗人,对此犹惭死不早。 吁嗟乎!我为希腊几颦蹙,我为希腊一痛哭。
• 止哭收泪挺身起,念汝高曾流血死! • 不信赫赫斯巴达,今日无一忠义士。 • 吁嗟乎!三百勇士今何之,退某倍黎草离离。
• 不闻希腊生人声,但闻鬼啸作潮鸣。 • 鬼曰生者一人起,我曹虽死犹助汝。 • 吁嗟乎!希腊之人口尽喑,鬼声相答海天阴。
• 叩弦为君歌一曲,沙明之酒盈杯绿。 • 万枪齐举向突厥,流血死耳休来复。 • 吁嗟乎!愿君倾耳听我歌,君不应兮奈君何!
• 君今能作霹雳舞,霹雳军陴在何处? • 舞仪军式两有名,军式已亡舞仪存。 • 吁嗟乎!试读先人卡母书,谁则教君今为奴。
The Isles of Greece
Lord Byron
• The Isles of Greece 是拜伦的著名长诗 《唐璜》第3诗章的一个部分。原来并无标 题,只是后人为了方便,权且把第1节第1 行当作标题。该章完成于1819年,发表于 1821年。The Isles of Greece 集中体现了 拜伦对希腊哀其不幸、怒其不争的特殊情 怀,为历来传颂的名篇。
• The tyrant of the Chersonese Was freedom's best and bravest friend; That tyrant was Miltiades! Oh! that the present hour would lend Another despot of the kind! Such chains as his were sure to bind.
• Must we but weep o'er days more blest? Must we but blush?---Our fathers bled. Earth! render back from out thy breast A remnant of our Spartan dead! Of the three hundred grant but three, To make a new Thermopylae.
• The Scian and the Teian muse, The hero's harp, the lover's lute, Have found the fame your shores refuse; Their place of birth alone is mute To sounds which echo further west Than your sires' "Islands of the Blest."
• 马拉顿后山如带,马拉顿前横碧海。 • 我来独为片刻游,犹梦希腊是自由。 • 吁嗟乎!闲立试向波斯冢,宁思身为奴隶种。
• 有王危坐石岩倚,临深远望沙拉米。 • 海舶千艘纷如蚁,此国之民彼之子。 • 吁嗟乎!白日已没夜已深,希腊之民无处 寻。
• • • • •
希腊之民不可遇,希腊之国在何处? 但馀海岸似当年,海岸沉沉亦无语。 多少英雄古代诗,至今传诵泪犹垂, 琴荒瑟老豪华歇,当是英雄气尽时。 吁嗟乎!欲作神圣希腊歌,才薄其奈希腊何!
• In vain---in vain: strike other chords; Fill high the cup of Samian wine! Leave battles to the Turkish hordes, And shed the blood of Scio's vine! Hark! rising to the ignoble call--How answers each bold bacchanal!
• Fill high the bowl with Samian wine! We will not think of themes like these! It made Anacreon's song divine; He served---but served Polycrates--A tyrant; but our masters then Were still, at least, our countrymen.
• The mountains look on Marathon--And Marathon looks on the sea; And musing there an hour alone, I dream'd that Greece might yet be free For, standing on the Persians' grave, I could not deem myself a slave.
• 'Tis something, in the dearth of fame, Though link'd among a fetter'd race, To feel at least a patriot's shame, Even as I sing, suffuse my face; For what is left the poet here? For Greeks a blush---for Greece a tear.
• Trust not for freedom to the Franks--They have a king who buys and sells: In native swords and native ranks, The only hope of courage dwells: But Turkish force and Latin fraud Would break your shield, however broad.
• Fill high the bowl with Samian wine! On Suli's rock, and Parga's shore, Exists the remnant of a line Such as the Doric mothers bore; And there, perhaps, some seed is sown, The Heracleidan blood might own.
• What, silent still, and silent all? Ah! no; the voices of the dead Sound like a distant torrent's fall, And answer, "Let one living head, But one arise,---we come, we come!" 'Tis but the living who are dumb.
• • • • •
劝君莫信佛郎克,自由非可他人托。 佛郎克族有一王,狡童心深不可测。 可托惟有希腊军,可托惟有希腊刀。 劝君信此勿复疑,自由托人终徒劳。 吁嗟乎!突厥之暴佛郎狡,希腊分裂苦不早。
• 最早将这首诗译成汉语的是梁启超。1902 年,梁氏在其政治小说《新中国未来记》 中译了拜伦《渣阿亚》(即《异教徒》) 之一节和《端志安》(今译《唐璜》)之 第1节和第3节)
• 三年以后,即1905年,马君武将The Isles of Greece 译成《哀希腊歌》并“发表于他 在日本编印的《新文学》上”。(郭延礼, 1998:319)这是该诗第一个完整的汉语译 本。但似乎并未引起强烈反响。 • 1914年,苏曼殊在《拜伦诗选》中发表了 他译的《哀希腊》。苏译虽晚于马君武, 但在正式发表之前早已公诸于世。
• And where are they? and where art thou, My country? On thy voiceless shore The heroic lay is tuneless now--The heroic bosom beats no more! And must thy lyre, so long divine, Degenerate into hands like mine?
• You have the Pyrrhic dance as yet, Where is the Pyrrhic phalanx gone? Of two such lessons, why forget The nobler and the manlier one? You have the letters Cadmus gave--Think ye he meant them for a slave?
• Place me on Sunium's marble steep--Where nothing, save the waves and I, May hear our mutual murmurs sweep: There, swan-like, let me sing and die; A land of slaves shall ne'er be mine--Dash down yon cup of Samian wine!
• • • • •
希腊岛,希腊岛, 诗人沙孚安在哉?爱国之诗传最早。 战争和平万千术,其术皆自希腊出。 德娄飞布两英雄,溯源皆是希腊族。 吁嗟乎!漫说年年夏日长,万般销歇剩斜阳。
• • • • •
莫说侁佃二族事,繁华一夕尽销沉。 万玉哀鸣侠子瑟,群珠乱落美人琴。 迤南海岸尚纵横,应愧于今玷盛名。 侠子美人生聚地,悄然万籁尽无声。 吁嗟乎!琴声摇曳向西去,昔年福岛今何处?
• THE isles of Greece! the isles of Greece! Where burning Sappho loved and sung, Where grew the arts of war and peace,--Where Delos rose and Phoebus sprung! Eternal summer gilds them yet, But all, except their sun, is set.