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该文原载于中国社会科学院文献信息中心主办的《环球市场信息导报》杂志总第522期201X 年第39期-----转载须注名来源初测:
Abs tratGran det is t he bakgr ound ofthis the sis. Fro m analsi s of the major r ole in E ugenie G randet-G randet,this the sis intr odues Am erians’outlookon mone. It poin ts out G randet r eflets t he pheno menon in Ameria
Abstrat Grandetis the b akground of this thesis.From an alsis of the maj or rolein Eugen ie Grand et-Grand et, this thesisintrodue s Ameria ns’ outl ook on m one. Itpoints o ut Grand et refle ts the p henomeno n in Ame ria. Fro m histor i and ph ilosophi al persp etives,the Fren hmen hel ped Amer ians inthe Warof Indep endent,and buil t a lose relatio nship it h Ameria ns. TheFrenhmen brought their o utlook o n mone t o Ameria. The Fr enh immi grants o rked tog ether an d reated Amerian ulturehih as b lendingof Frenh ultures under n e irumst ane. Itinfluene d the Am erian’soutlookon mone.Grandet reflets phenome non in m odern Am erian so iet. InEugenieGrandet,Grandet as a ma terialis t and alover of mone. H e onside red mone as hislife. To some ex tent, mo ne is ev en muh m ore valu able tha n his li fe. Just for mon e, he sa rified d aughter’s happin ess, and sold hi s soul.Meanhile, it isbelieved that so me Ameri ans arethe love rs of mo ne. In A merian’s mind, t he mater ial andmone are ver imp ortant.The areobsessiv e ith mo ne ver m uh. Hoev er, ever one shou ld onsid er one t hing fro m to sid es. In t his thes is: thefirst pl ae, theshould h ave a ba si reogn ition ab out theoutlookon mone, the def initionof mone,and rea sons tha t influe ned on A merians;the nex t plae,this the sis shou ld analz e the ad vantages and
dis advantag es of ou tlook on mone. A t last,this the sis poin ts out t he metho ds to de al ith t he disad vantages of theoutlookon mone.Ke Words EugenieGrandet; Grandet; mone;Amerians;
outloo k on mon e; Ameri a
Intro dutionEu genie Gr andet is a famou s Frenhnovel,ri tten b B alza, ho se harat ers areGrandet, his dau ghter, a nd Charl es. Gran det arethe repr esentati ves of g reed and mone. H e is
obs essive i th mone.He repr esents s ome of t he greed Amerian s, thoug h Eugeni e Grande t is a f amous Fr enh nove l. And t he Ameri ans an l earn itfrom his torial a nd philo sophialperspeti ves. Fro m histor perspet ive, the learn t hat Fran e has alose rel ationshi p ith Am eria. Th e Frenhimmigran ts orked togethe r and re ated Ame rian ult ure hihas blend ing of F renh ult ures und er ne
ir umstane.The Fre nhmen’soutlookon moneinfluene d Ameria n’s. And from ph ilosophi al persp etive, t he learn that ev erthinghas a on netion i n the or ld, so t he annot separat e one th ing from another.Man peo ple sa t hat mone is theroot ofevil. Ho ever, ev er oin h as its t o sides; the ananalze t he funti on of mo ne fromto sides. It’s a mon kno ledge th at evero ne likes mone an d
needsmone. Wi thout mo ne, theannot bu food, l othes an d otherdail nee ssities. Without mone, t he annot go to s hool, go to inem a or oth er plaes. In m t hesis, i t analze s the di sadvanta ges andadvantag es of th e outloo k on mon e, and g ives the methods for dea ling ith the dis advantag es of th e outloo k on mon e in app ropriate a. Andsho them that mo ne is ju st for b etter li fe. Ⅰ. T he Intro dution o f the Ma jor Role s in Eug enie Gra ndetManpeople o nsider B alza tobe the g reatestof all n ovelists. Eugeni e Grande t, his s pare, la ssial st or of agirl hos e life i s blight ed b her father’s hsteri al greed, goes a long ato justi fing tha t opinio n.For be tter und erstandi ng of th e novel, there a re three peoplethe need deep an alses. T he are G randet,his daug hter-Eug enie and Charles.Firstl, this th esis put s theiremphasis on Gran det.Gran det as o ne of th e entral roles i n the no vel. Heas terri bl greed. He asthe repr esentati ve of gr eed andmone. In his min d, moneas evert hing, an d he oul d not li ve in th e orld i thout mo ne. He h ad a str ong desi re to po ssess mo ne, thou gh he ha d an abu ndant of mone. H e alas l eft hims elf in a bak roo m, and a ppreiate d mone f or a lon g time.When heas ding,he aske d his da ughter t o put mo ne on th e table, and mon e ould m ake himfeel arm. In ord er to ol let mone, he los t humannature.He onsid ered nolove asin the o rld, and mone is even mu h more v aluablethan his life. F or examp le, Gran det hada servan t, ho ha d orkedfor 30 e ars. But he neve r reeive d an gif t from G randet,exept on e old at h.Though Grandet as a Ch ristian, but atu all he a s not areal one. In his opinion, the ex istene o f God as for his need. F or him,mone asreal God and all the hop e.
Comp ared ith Grandet, his da ughter a s ver ki nd and h umane. S he onsid ered mon e as a m ethod fo r helpin g others. She de voted he r hole l ife to s erving t he peopl e. And s he had d one a lo t of pub li
orks. For exa mple, sh e had bu ilt onerestroom, eightprimar s hools an d one li brar; sh e used m one to h elp thos e ho nee d s tl, theshould p ut their attenti on on Ch arles. H e as bor n in a r ih famil and spo iled. Th e turnin g pointin his l ife as t o do bus iness ab road. Th e hangeof lifeondition made hi s moralstandard and val ue onept hange.He beame a ver s elf-fish man. He anted t o bee ri h. In or der to p ossess m one, hegave uphis true love, a nd pursu ed a nob leman’sdaughter. To som e extent, his ou tlook on mone as similar to Gran det’s. B oth of t hem erematerial ists and the lov ers of m one.II.G randet P henomeno n in Ame riaEugen ie Grand et is th e novelof Frane. And ma n people onsider that th ere is a big dis tane bet een thei r ulture s: the F renh ult ure andthe Amer ian ultu re, so t he major role in Eugenie Grandet-Grandet annot r eflet th e Ameria n soiet.Hoever, this th esis ons iders th e to oun tries’p eople ha ve great ultural muniati on. Andit analz es the u ltural m uniation from to sides:the hist or and t he philo soph.Fro m the hi storialperspeti ve, thelearn th at the F renhmenand theAmerians had ult ural mun iation l ong ago.For exa mple, th e War of Indepen dent inthe U.S,ithoutthe help of Fran e, hoeve r, the A meriansould not have on the da. The hop e of suh aid asone impo rtant re ason h C ongressadoptedthe Dela ration o f Indepe ndene in76, forEuropean statesould not interfe re so lo ng as th e olonie s stillreognize d the En glish ki ngs. Age nts sent seretlto Frane ere abl e to pro ure loth ing andmuskets.Individ ual Fren hmen, se rved asvoluntee rs in th e Ameria n arm. T he great vitor o f Sarato ga in77, made po ssible b gunpode r reeive d from F rane, se emed toassure t he final triumph of theAmerianause. Fr ane no r eognized the
ind ependene of theUnited S tates an d formed an open alliane ith Con gress in Januar7
8. T he ne al liane en abled Co ngress t o borroan immen se sum
o f mone f rom Fran e. Frenh troopsere sent to take part in the arand thefought t o the en d at Yor k ton. F rane als o indued Spain t o make a r on Eng land in7
9. A fter the Amerian s on the ar, the Frenhme n presen ted theStatue o f Libert to Amer ians. Th e Frenhm en built lose
re lationsh ip ith A merians. And man Frenhme n immigr ated int o Ameria for pur suing mo ne, busi ness, an d happin ess. Tosome ext ent, the Frenh o utlook o n mone i nfluened the Ame rian’s.F rom thephilosop hial per spetive, the lea rn thateverthin g has aonnetion in theorld, so the ann ot separ ate onething fr om anoth er. From Eugenie Grandet, the kn o that G randet i s the re presenta tive ofmone. Ho ever, he n the me ntion Am erians,the majo rit of p eople on sider Am erians a s materi alists a nd the l overs of mone. P ursuingmone has reall b ee a kepart inthe Amer ian life and ina ver im portantposition. In one surve i n Ameria, thereare 89 p erent ag reed tha t theirsoiet is muh too monetar, 74 per ent said love of mone is a serio us soial problem. In the ir life, the bel ieve mon e is bou nd to etrue, an d mone i s everth ing.Hoev er, in t he Unite s states, thereare stil l a lotof peopl e ho are kind an d arm-he arted. T he givetheir mo ne to he lp other s. The a re the G od’s pre sents. J ust forprivatedonation, it isnot just the rih es thatdonate i n Ameria n soiet. In fat, a major it of th e USA’spopulati on ontri butes to haritab le auses, even f rom themiddle-l ass andthe orki ng lasse s. In th is point, the ar e differ ent from Grandet. The ar e not th e rih me n, but t he are a rm-heart ed. What the hav e done i s the sa me as Gr andet’sdaughter did.Sothis the sis shou ld havedeep ana lses ofGrandetphenomen on in Am eria, hi h help u s unders tand the Amerian s’ outlo ok on mo ne.III.T he Ameri ans’Out look onMoneA. R elevantInformat ion
B. T he Reaso ns for t he Ameri ans’ Out look onMone Whdo Ameri ans
emph asize th e import ant of m one? The shouldonsiderthe
ques tion fro m four s ides:Fir stl, the materia lism isone of
r easons f or the o utlook o n mone.Ameria i s a soie t in hih orkersmust buand sell to live. Ever p art of l ife bees a modit, someth ing to b e bought and sol d, hethe r it isa puter,the lat est auto mobile,tehnolog ial skil ls, or o ur abili t to ork. The me dia bomb ard peop le ith a dvertise ment. Co mmerials interru pt TV an d radioprograms ith ath appealto the A meriansto go ou t and bu. Shoppi ng has a lmost re plaed ba seball a s the na tional p astime.The Amer ians ere induedb thosefators.And themain a t o ahieve them is mone. F or examp le, Marg arat And erson, a n aounta nt ho or ks in alarge fi rm on th e est oa st, expr essed it ell hen she s
a: “e o verempha size onmaterial goods v er muh,like put ers. Wealas hav e to add thingsto our l ives. We bu thin gs justbeause o f ho bea utiful a nd usefu l hen esee it f rom TV,advertis ement. I t’s easto allomone toorrupt u s.” Hoev er, thos e
advert isements not onl have in fluene o n the ad ults, bu t also h ave a gr eat impa rt on th e oung p eople. T he oungpeople h ave beemore mat erial, a nd obses sive ofmone. In one sur ve on th e Intern et, 90 p erent of parents agreedthat hil dren tod a antedtoo manmaterial things.” And 75 perentagreed t hat
adve rtisemen t as orr upting o ur basioutlookon mone. For
exa mple, Te ri silve r, a oll ege stud ent ho s tudies a t the Ne York, s aid sheas silen ed b the greed s he sa th e beauti ful loth es fromTV’s adv ertiseme nt. Forbuing be autifullothes,she hasa deepes t love o f mone.She thin ks moneis the o nl aessto helpher on t hese lot hes.Seon dl, thepetition makes t he Ameri ans have a deepobsessio n of mon e. This“land of plent”has long enjoedabundant materia l and hu man reso ures. It has the orld’slargest, rihest, and mos t produt ive eono m. And p eople ha ve
gotte n ell to materia l ealth. Besides that, A meriansbelievethat eve rone has an equa l opport unit tosuess. P eople ar en’t aba ndoned b soial l ass. The an orkhardl to improve their s tatus. M an immig rants re ah thisland ofopportun it justfor seek ing a be tter fut ure. Thi s belief in equa l opport unit has produed a spiri t of pet ition. I t likesa rae to the top of thesuess la dder. Ho ever, if ou antto be on the top of thesuess la dder inthe Unit ed State s, the f irst thi ng ou ha ve to do is olle ting mon e. Espei all fornoadas’Ameriansituatio n, the U nited St ates sta nds as t he orld’s most p rominent poer, t he Ameri ans areliving i n a ount r both t he milit ar inves tment an d the fo reign po li ahiev ement. H oever, n o Ameria is fain g a seri es of ha llengesin the o rld eono m. It as one the dominan t export ing nati on, butits peti tive sup erioritas lostgraduall in the70s and80s. Ameri a‘s bigg est hall enge ising from the Pai fi rim o untries, suh asJapan, S outh Kor ea, andSingapor e. Ameri an leade rship an d resear h in teh nolog an d its va st agriu ltural i ndustr a re being threate ned b ot her nati ons. And the rel ative im portaneof Ameri an eonom in theorld has delined. The
si tuationof the A merian e onom tel ls Ameri ans that the mus t have e nough mo ne, onlin thisa an the sueed,and thean still keep th e leader ship ofthe orld.Fourthl, the re ligiousfaith ha s greatimpat on the out look onmone. Re ligion i s a verimportan t part o f life i n Ameria, just a s some e sterners ment th at
relig ion shap es the e stern ha rater an d ulture. In Ame ria, the onstitu tion maell esta blish aseparati on betee n hurh a nd state, but ra re is th e itizen ho alks into avoting b ooth ith out a pa rtiularset of r eligious or mora l outloo ks, outl ooks tha t oftenaffet me oute of a polit ial rae.On thehole, eannot de n the in fluene o f religi on on Am erian li fe. Mean hile, re ligion i s nation al. Over 90 pere nt of Am erians s a that t he belie ve in
Go d. For e xample,the Sout hern Bap tist Chu rh has s ixteen
m illion m embers,the larg est Prot estant g roup inthe U.S.Over 40 perentgo to th e hurh o r snagog ue at le ast onea eek. H alf of t he Ameri an Prote stants a re ative hurh me mbers. E ven Amer ian mone reminds them of religio n. The o rds “InGod We T rust” ar e stampe d on the oins. T he hurhenourage s Ameria ns to be less ma terialis ti and m onetar.When jou rnalists rite of greed,71 peren t agreethat bei ng greed is a si n agains t God. R eligious faith p rovidedearliergenerati ons of A meriansith a mo ral lang uage tha t help u rb the p ursuit o f mone.We shoul d agreethat rel igious f aith isa soureof isdom and gui dane insome deg ree. Jus t for th e religi ous fait h, it he lps Amer ians bel ieve tha t mone i s not ev erthing.That me ans mone is notall.C. A dvantage s of the Amerian s’ Outlo ok on Mo neThough the Ame rians’o utlook o n mone e mphasize on mone ver muh, it isbenefiia l to the modernAmerians. One an English riter s ai
d:“lak ofmone isthe sour e of the evil.”Though m one anno t bringhappines s, no mo ne ill p rodue gr eater pa in, andthe happ iness an not exis t. Thatis to sa mone ma be regar ded as a means f or attai ning oth er thing s, rathe r than a s an end in itse lf. Most of Amer ians dra a tight onnetio n beteen mone an d otherthings.The outl ook on m one an h elp Amer ian ahie ve a lot of thin gs. Free dom, for instane, is one of ourdeepestvalues,and in o ne surve, 71 per ent agre ed that“havingmore mon e meanshaving m ore free dom.” Or76 pere nt agree d that “having m one give s me a g ood feel ing abou t mself.The sur ve alsoshoed th at orrin g aboutnot havi ng enoug h mone i s signif iantl re lating i th not f eeling g ood abou t onesel f.Meanhi le, if t he an on sider mo ne as amean for helping others,it an a lso help Amerian s to hav e a sues sful lif e. And t he outlo ok on mo ne makes Amerian s do man haritab le donat ions. We notie t hat good orks an d organi zed
hari t ere an integra l part o f the Am erian’sharaters. The
Am erians a re obses sive ith self-im provemen t and ea rn monehave bee n apanie d b an u rge to i mprove t heir lif e. For e xample,the pres ident of Ama, Do ug De Vo s ho use mone in properposition, and sp ends his mone on helping others.He does a lot o f hariti es, hihan helptheir pa n have a good re putation. And in his fam ilies, t he belie ve hen p eople ha ve redun dant mon e, the s hould sp end thei r mone o n approp riate po sition,suh as h arit, hi h an hel p theirpan have a bette r onditi on. In t he Unite d States, about90 peren t of peo ple areonfident in theprodutsof Ama.Meanhile, the ou tlook on mone ma kes some peopleork hard l. The b elieve t hat mone is oneaess tosuess. I n the ato pursu e mone,the atta in morethan mon e. The l earn ide knoledg e, the a to trea t others and soon. Mone makes t hem on a betterlife.
D. Disadva ntages o f the Am erians’Outlookon MoneW e an har dl onnet mone it h eletio n. Hoeve r, the v ie of mo ne an de stro a d emoratieletionin the U nited St ates. El etion, e speiallfor theeletionof presi dent isver impo rtant in a ountr. If the eletion isn’t j ustie, t he peopl e ould s uffer th e pain u nder the trann.It is be lieved t hat Amer ia is ademora o untr and the pro ess of e letion i s justie. Hoever, e arerong; th ere arestill so me peopl e use mo ne to bu politiright an d mone.Mone bee the evi l, monedestroed the Ame rian’s d emora. T he feder al and s tate gov ernments have be en taken over bthose ho are abl e to pro vide mul ti-milli on dolla r eletio n ampaig n funds.Wealthperson r un for o ffie orthe “bu” their o n andida tes, the n theseeleted o ffiialsarr outthe prog rams ofthose ho put the m into p oer. The most vi sible ex ample is Enron’s hairman, Kela,giving 2 billion dollars to theBush amp aign and then al lo b the Bush ad ministra tion tomanipula te the e nerg mar kets tomake
bil lions.II I. Solut ions tothe prob lems ofthe Amer ians’
Ou tlook on MoneInfat, mon e is a o rld lang uage. Wh ether Ch inese or Amerian, mone i s just m one. The mone’svalue is deidedb human, so ho t o deal i th moneand theoutlookon moneare verimportan t. Whatdoes the average Ameriafamil do ith mon e at pre sent? Fo r most o f famili es, thefirst th ing thehave todo is to manageit. Fami lies oft en keepareful f inanialreords.Man of t hem spen d theirine in a planned a. Theoften pl an for b asi expe nses lik e housin g, food,lothes,and med ial bill s. On av erage, A merianssave aro und 5 pe rent oftheir in e. All o f theseonduts a re appro priate.Hoever,the need to find bettermethodsfor deal ing iththe disa dvantage s of the outlook on mone.
First l, the A meriansshould r ememberGod in t heir hea rts. The believe God. An d the Bi ble teah es themthat enj o theirlife. So the sho uld reme mber tha t earnin g mone i s just f or a hap p life.One upon a time, a blaksinger s ai
d:“thoughI sing t he folksongs in the str eet andonl an e arn litt le mone,the mak e me fee l happ.I do the thing I reall l ike.” Se ondl, th e Ameria ns shoul d earn m one thro ugh theproper a. Some T V progra m does i nvestiga tions ab out themethodsfor earn ing mone among m illionai res. The folloin g are th e ruialfators i n the su ess.
1. Hone st. Themust behonest t o everon e; onl i n this a an thegain oth er’s tru sts.
Abilitof self-restrain t. We ne ed ontro l oursel ves
feel ings and onduts. Don’t b reak the la.
3. Hardork. Weneed ork hardl,and lear n ide kn oledge.I n onlusi on, theAmerians shouldremember that ea rning mo ne is ju st for h app life. The sh ouldn’tonsidermone aseverthin g. Onl i n this a an thebe the r eal rihmen.
Con lusionEu genie Gr andet, B alza’s s pare, la ssial st or of agirl hos e life i s blight ed b her father’s hsteri al greed, goes a long ato justi f that o pinion.In Eugen ie Grand et, Gran det is t he repre sentativ e of gre ed and m one.Themajor ro le in Eu genie Gr andet-Gr andet re flets ph enomenon in mode rn Ameri an soiet. From a great a mount of informa tion, Ikno that some Am erians a re obses sive ith mone ve r muh, a nd the a re the l overs of mone. F or earni ng mone,the bre ak the l a. Hoeve r, meant ime, the re are s till a l ot of pe ople doi ng harit ies ithmone. Th e onside r mone a s a mean s for he lping ot hers. As a large r sense,hat the have do ne is th e same a s Grande t’s daug hter did. So the shouldhave a d eep anal sis of t he Grand et pheno menon in Ameria.Hoever,h do Ame rians em phasizethe impo rtane of mone? W e should onsider the que stion fr om foursides: m ateriali sm, peti tion,
im migrants, religi on. Allthe fato rs influ ened the outlook on mone. For ex ample, j ust forthe reli gious fa ith, ithelps
Am erians b elieve t hat mone is noteverthin g. Thatmeans mo ne is no t all. I t helpsus under stand th e Ameria ns’ outl ook on m one.Fina ll, unde r the an alsis of the Ame rians’o utlook o n mone,this the sis poin ts out t he metho ds to de al ith t he disad vantages of theoutlookon mone. The Ame rians sh ould
reg ard earn ing mone as a me thod for perfetlife. Mo ne is no t the fi nal obje tive intheir li fe. Ther e are st ill so m an valua ble thin gs thatneed the m to apl ish.
Bib liograph
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7. 胡良贵.马克思主义哲学原理 .四川:
3. 凯斯勒. Running Mone .上海人民出版社,200 6. 摩根森. 福布斯商业五巨子.海南:
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