“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell ” Inference Architectural Views and their Interfaces





训练集(train set) 验证集(validation set) 集(test set)。

⼀般需要将样本分成独⽴的三部分训练集(train set),验证集(validation set)和测试集(test set)。







特别的K取N,就是留⼀法(leave one out)。


Ripley, B.D(1996)在他的经典专著Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks中给出了这三个词的定义。

Training set: A set of examples used for learning, which is to fit the parameters [i.e., weights] of the classifier.Validation set: A set of examples used to tune the parameters [i.e., architecture, not weights] of a classifier, for example to choose the number of hidden units in a neural network.Test set: A set of examples used only to assess the performance [generalization] of a fully specified classifier.显然,training set是⽤来训练模型或确定模型参数的,如ANN中权值等; validation set是⽤来做模型选择(model selection),即做模型的最终优化及确定的,如ANN的结构;⽽ test set则纯粹是为了测试已经训练好的模型的推⼴能⼒。



把美国人叫醒国家歌♥剧院我们活在暮光之界We live in a twilight world.我们活在暮光之界We live in a twilight world.黄昏之时无故人And there are no friends at dusk.你暴露了这次围攻是幌子目的是杀你You've been made. This siege is a blind for them to vanish you. 但我已经和他们联♥系♥上了But I established contact.带你走或杀了你我只有两分钟你快决定Bring you in or kill you. I have two minutes. Make up your mind. 东西在哪里Where's the package?衣帽寄存处Coat check.别动Stay.拿他的你在干什么你在干什么你是谁黄昏之时无故人No friends at dusk, huh?有你就行You'll do.带他到集♥合♥点Get him to the rally point.换衣服乌克兰人找的是平民Swap clothes. The Ukrainians are expecting a passenger.我从没见过这样的封装I've never seen encapsulation like this.我们不知道它有多古老但这玩意是真东西We don't know how old it is, but it's the real deal.你知道怎么出去吗Did you have an out?可以从维修隧♥道♥到下水道Service tunnel to the sewer.拿上这个带上他Take this. Take him.走他那条路我已经不信任我们的原路线了Take his exit. I don't trust ours anymore.你能拆掉它吗Can you defuse that?它们是同步的里面还有吗It's centrally synchronized. Are there more?为了掩盖踪迹Covering their tracks.-为此不惜杀了观众吗 -他们的命不值钱- Taking out the audience? - They're just the cheap seats. 救人不是我们的任务That's not our mission.现在是我的任务了Mine now.走吧Walk away.你没必要杀了这些人You don't have to kill these people.-他不是我们的人 -谢谢他帮忙了- That wasn't one of us. - I'll take the help.快走快走Go, go, go.不是我们要的人受过训练的人能坚持十八小时A man can be trained to hold out for about 18 hours,所以7点后你的同伙就安全了so your colleagues will be clear by 7:00.他只坚持了不到十八分钟He didn't last 18 minutes.他没什么好隐瞒的He didn't have anything to hide.你们带走的是无名小卒You were smuggling a nobody.太冒险了It's risky.还是说你指望着这玩意Or were you counting on this?致命毒药Death.中情局标配CIA issue.等你的同伙安全了就放过你自己吧Spare yourself, once they clear.快到7点了Almost 7:00.时间过得真快It's running fast.我们得往回调一小时We have to put it back one hour.抠出来Get it out!信条欢迎来到来生Welcome to the afterlife.你一直处于人工昏迷状态You've been in a medically-induced coma期间我们把你救出了乌克兰治好了你的嘴while we got you out of Ukraine and rebuilt your mouth. 自杀药丸是假的The suicide pills are fake.为什么Why?这是个测试A test.测试A test?他们拔掉了我的牙齿They pulled my teeth out.我的人安全撤离了吗Did my team get clear?没有No.可能是俄♥国♥雇佣兵干的Private Russians, we think.有人泄密了Somebody talked.你没有Not you.你宁愿死也不愿意供出你的同伴You chose to die instead of giving up your colleagues.我们都觉得自己会冲进火场救人We all believe we'd run into the burning building.但在切实感受到热浪前我们无法保证But until we feel that heat, we can never know.但你做到了You do.我辞职I resign.你不为我们工作了你已经死了You don't work for us. You're dead.你的职责超越了国家利益Your duty transcends national interests.此事关乎存亡This is about survival.谁的存亡Whose?全人类的Everyone's.有一场冷战冷酷无情There's a cold war, cold as ice.只需知晓其本质就会输To even know its true nature is to lose.没人能知道全部This is knowledge divided.我只能告诉你一个手势和一个词All I have for you is a gesture in combination with a word."信条""Tenet."小心使用Use it carefully.它能打开正确的门也能打开错误的门It'll open the right doors, but some of the wrong ones, too.他们只告诉了你这些吗That's all they've told you?你通过的那个测试That test you passed?不是谁都能通过的Not everybody does.穿着反光衣拿着笔记板几乎可以通行无阻With a high-vis vest and a clipboard, you can get almost anywhere. 只是几乎Almost.这是不为人知的信条An obscure tenet.不要闲聊No small talk.别说出任何可能揭露我们身份或任务的信息Nothing that might reveal who we are or what we do.我还以为我是来接受任务的I thought I was here to find out what we do.你来不是为了任务而是学习You're not here for "what," you're here for "how."任务是你的事与我无关"What" is your department and not my business.为了完成我的任务Well, to do what I do...我得了解我们面临的威胁I need some idea of the threat we face.根据我的理解我们想要阻止第三次世界大战As I understand it, we're trying to prevent World War III.核毁灭吗Nuclear holocaust?不是No.比那更糟Something worse.瞄准扣下扳机Aim it and pull the trigger.没子弹It's empty.瞄准Aim it.看看弹夹Check the magazine.怎么回事How?其中一颗子弹和我们的一样顺时间运动One of these bullets is like us, traveling forwards through time. 另一颗逆时间运动The other one's going backwards.你能分辨出来哪颗是哪颗吗Can you tell which is which?现在呢How about now?它被逆转了它的熵是逆向的It's inverted. Its entropy runs backwards.所以在我们看来它的运动轨迹是逆向的So, to our eyes, its movement is reversed.我们认为这是一种核裂变引发的逆向辐射We think it's a type of inverse radiation triggered by nuclear fission. 这不是你们造出来的You didn't make it?不是我们还不知道要如何造No, we don't know how yet.那这是哪来的So, where'd it come from?有人在未来制♥造♥它们Someone's manufacturing them in the future.然后逆时间回到了我们这里They're streaming back at us.试试看Try it.你得已经把它放下了才行You have to have dropped it.我还没碰到它它怎么就动了How can it move before I touch it?从你的角度看你是接住了它From your point of view, you caught it.但从子弹的角度看你是放下了它But from the bullet's point of view, you dropped it.但应该是先有因后有果But cause comes before effect.不这只是我们的时间观念No, that's just the way we see time.那还存在自♥由♥意志吗Well, what about free will?如果你不把手放在那里子弹也不会动That bullet wouldn't have moved if you hadn't put your hand there. 不管正放还是倒放都是你让这件事发生的Either way we run the tape, you made it happen.别试图去理解Don't try to understand it.去感受Feel it.Instinct.明白了Got it.为什么感觉这么奇怪Why does it feel so strange?因为你不是在射子弹You're not shooting the bullet,而是在接子弹you're catching it.我之前见过这种子弹I've seen this type of ammunition before.执行任务时吗In the field?我差点被击中了I was almost hit.那你真是格外幸运Then you were exceedingly lucky.被逆向子弹击中会造成重伤An inverted bullet passing through your body would be devastating. 很惨的Not pretty.这些像是现代的子弹These look like today's.虽然它们是现代制♥造♥的They may have been made today但在多年后被逆转了and inverted years from now.你从哪弄到的Where did you get them?那面墙上的我负责研究它Came with the wall. I was assigned it,我还研究这里其它很多材料like all the material I'm studying here.你做过金属分♥析♥吗Do you have an analysis on the metals?当然怎么了Sure. Why?合金成分也许能告诉我子弹是在哪里制♥造♥的The mixture of alloys can tell me where they might have been made. 听着这看起来不算什么世界末日I'm not seeing Armageddon here.子弹看起来不算什么但机器很好操控The bullet may not seem like much, but it's a simple machine. 铅弹黄铜弹壳火♥药♥Lead bullet, brass casing, gunpowder.如果他们能逆转子弹If they can invert that,应该就能逆转一切事物I see no reason they couldn't invert pretty much anything.即便是核武器也只能影响我们的未来Even a nuclear weapon can only affect our future.但逆向武器也许还能影响我们的过去An inverted weapon might be able to affect our past as well. 明确目标后Now that we know what to look for,我们找到了越来越多的逆向材料we're finding more and more inverted material.复杂物件的残片Remnants of complex objects.你觉得这些是什么What do you think we're seeing?一场未来战争的碎片The detritus of a coming war.-喂 -我们活在暮光之界- Yep? - We live in a twilight world.黄昏之时无故人他们说你死了No friends at dusk. I was told you left the building.即便是死人也需要盟友Even the dead need allies.有什么具体要求Specifically?我在孟买♥♥需要帮手我要见桑杰·辛格I need an assist in Mumbai. I need to get to Sanjay Singh.辛格Singh?他从不离开他家而他家是...He never leaves his house. And his house is...-他的地盘 -确实- his house. - Yes, it is.我正看着呢I'm looking right at it.我看看谁能去I'll see who's on deck.两小时后去孟买♥♥游艇俱乐部Bombay Yacht Club in two hours.听说你急需It seems you need an introduction to见一位孟买♥♥名人a prominent Mumbai local on short notice.我是尼尔I'm Neil.我要见桑杰·辛格I need an audience with Sanjay Singh.那不可能That's not possible.最多十分钟就行Ten minutes tops.时间不是问题Time isn't the problem.问题是能不能活着出来It's getting out alive that's the problem.你会不会抓小孩当人♥质♥ 女人呢Would you take a child hostage? A woman?有必要的话If I had to.我不想搞出太大动静I'm not looking to make much noise here.您好Yes?伏特加汤力还有健怡可乐Vodka tonic. And a Diet Coke.怎么了What?你出任务时从不喝酒You never drink on the job.你知道得真多You're well-informed.干我们这行就得这样Well, pays to be in our profession.我更喜欢苏打水Well, I prefer soda water.你才不喜欢No, you don't.你会跳伞吗How's your parachuting?接受基础训练时我扭伤了脚I broke an ankle during basic training.辛格的房♥子不够高不能跳伞离开Singh's house isn't tall enough to parachute off of. 可以蹦极跳It's bungee-jumpable.有"蹦极跳"这个词吗I don't think "bungee-jumpable" is a word.可能没这个词It may not be a word,但这可能是我们离开的唯一方法but it may be our only way out of that place.这么说来也可以这样进去Or into it, for that matter.我知道你累了我也很累I know you're tired. I'm also very tired.退后Stay back.我在乌克兰差点被一种I was almost taken out by a very不寻常的子弹击中unusual type of ammunition in Ukraine.我想知道那是谁提供的I want to know who supplied it.我叫桑杰My name is Sanjay.你是And you are?不能聊两句吗No chitchat?不会有人回应的There's no one at the other end.总之没人会来救你们的No one who's gonna help you, anyway.趁热吃啊Don't let it get cold.我怎么知道是谁提供的Why should I know who supplied it?合金成分是印度独有的Combination of metals is unique to India.如果产自印度那就是你的If it's from India, it's from you.-不错的猜测 -是推理- Fine assumption. - Deduction.就算是推理吧Deduction, then.这位朋友Look, my friend...枪从来都不能促进有成效的谈判guns are never conducive to a productive negotiation. 我不是被派来谈判的I'm not the man they send to negotiate.也不是被派来做交易的Or the man they send to make deals.但有话可以直接告诉我But I am the man people talk to.不行I can't.我不能告诉你I can't tell you.你是个军♥火♥商朋友You're an arms dealer, friend.干掉你我可一点都不会良心不安This may be the easiest trigger I've ever had to pull. 透露任何客户的信息To say anything about a client会违反他奉行的信条would violate the tenets he lives by.如果你这么在乎信条那你可以告诉我If tenets are important to you, then you can tell me. 一切Everything.除非你不再拿枪指着我丈夫的头Not while you have a gun to my husband's head.桑杰请给我们的客人倒杯酒Sanjay, make a drink for our guest, please.干杯Cheers.我是普丽娅Priya.你才是老大This is your operation?在男人的世界里找个男人撑场面自有其用处A masculine front in a man's world has its uses.你要找的军♥火♥商是安德烈·萨托尔The dealer you're looking for is Andrei Sator.那个俄♥罗♥斯♥寡头The Russian oligarch.-你认识他吗 -我听说过- You know him? - Not personally.他靠天然气成为亿万富翁Made his billions in gas.他搬到了伦敦据说和莫斯科那边闹僵了Moved to London. Said to be on the outs with Moscow.不错Very good.但让他发家的其实不是天然气而是钚Except the gas he made his billions from was actually plutonium. 但这些都不能解释你是如何以及为什么None of which explains how or why卖♥♥给他逆向子弹you sold him inverted munitions.我把子弹卖♥♥给他时还都是普通的子弹When I sold him the rounds, they were perfectly ordinary.那他是怎么把让子弹逆转So how did he get them inverted?我们认为他充当的是中间人We believe he's functioning as some sort of a broker.连接现在和未来Between our time and the future.他能和未来沟通吗He can communicate with the future?我们都能不是吗We all do, don't we?电子邮件信♥用♥卡♥ 短♥信♥ E-mails, credit cards, texts.任何记录在案的东西都能传递到未来Anything that goes into the record speaks directly to the future.问题是未来能否回复The question is, can the future speak back?我应该去查清楚吗And I'm supposed to find out?要想接近萨托尔就需要一个新主角To get anywhere near Sator would take a fresh-faced protagonist. 而你就像雏菊一样新鲜And you are fresh as a daisy.接近他Get close.看看他收到了什么怎么收到的Find out what he's receiving and how.可以让英国情报部门参与吗Is it safe to involve British Intelligence?我有个萨托尔碰不了的线人I have a contact who's out of Sator's reach.你一定有脱身的计划吧You must've had a plan for getting out.但不是我钟意的计划Not one I love.先生有什么需要吗May I help you, sir?我和克罗斯比先生约了午餐I'm Mr. Crosby's lunch.你指的是迈克尔·克罗斯比爵士吧I presume you mean Sir Michael Crosby's lunch.差不多吧Presume away.请跟我来If you'll follow me.没等你来就开始吃了希望你不介意Started without you. Hope you don't mind.我会赶上的I'll catch up.请给我一样的Same for me, please.我去叫服务员I'll send the waiter.不直接点就行了No, just pass on the order.我猜你对一位俄♥罗♥斯♥公民有些兴趣I gather you have an interest in a certain Russian national.英俄双籍人士所以我得小心为上Anglo-Russian. So I have to watch my step.的确他是情报部门的线人Indeed. He's tapped into the intelligence services.我警告过他们他的情报不可靠但是I've warned them he's feeding them rubbish, but...他们似乎并不在乎they don't seem to care.跟我讲讲他Tell me about him.我想你对苏联时期的秘密城市很熟悉吧I assume you're familiar with the Soviet-era secret cities.封闭的城市地图上没有标识Closed cities, not shown on maps.建在敏感产业周围Built around sensitive industries.其中大部分已经开放并改名成为普通城镇Most of them have been opened up and renamed as regular towns. 但萨托尔的家乡并没有Not the one Sator grew up in.斯达尔斯克12Stalsk-12.在70年代它的人口大约有20万In the '70s, it had a population of about 200,000.据说被废弃了Thought to be abandoned.废弃Abandoned?出了某种事故Some kind of accident.后来就成了地下核试验基地After which it was used for underground tests.两周前基辅歌♥剧院被围攻的同一天Two weeks ago, same day as the Kiev opera siege,我们在西伯利亚北部检测到了爆♥炸♥we spotted a detonation in northern Siberia,就在斯达尔斯克12的旧址just where Stalsk-12 was.萨托尔从地图上的这片空白中出现Sator emerged from this blank spot on the map怀着雄心壮志with ambition...还有足够的钱跻身英国权势集团and enough money to buy his way into the British establishment.通过他的妻子Through his wife?凯瑟琳·巴顿弗雷德里克·巴顿爵士的大侄女Katherine Barton. Oldest niece of Sir Frederick Barton.她在希普利拍卖♥♥行工作在拍卖♥♥会上认识了萨托尔She works at Shipley's. Met Sator at an auction.婚姻幸福吗A happy marriage?实际上分居了Practically estranged.我该怎么接近萨托尔Well, how do I get to Sator?当然得通过她Well, through her, of course.你可能过高估计了我的吸引力You may have an inflated idea of my powers of seduction.你没希望Hardly.我们有一张隐藏的王牌We have an ace in the hole.你把戈耶的画装在购物袋里You're carrying a Goya in a Harrods bag.这是一个名叫阿雷柏的西班牙人画的赝品It's a fake by a Spaniard named Arepo.是我们从伯尔尼的一个贪♥污♥犯♥那里One of two we've confiscated from没收的两幅中的一幅an embezzler in Bern.另一幅呢What happened to the other one?进了希普利拍卖♥♥行由凯瑟琳·巴顿鉴定过It turned up at Shipley's. Authenticated by Katherine Barton.进行了拍卖♥♥Put on auction.你觉得是谁拍下了And who do you think bought it?她丈夫Her husband?她知道那是赝品吗Does she know it's a forgery?不好说Oh, it's hard to say.有传言说她和阿雷柏关系亲密Rumor has it that she and Arepo were close.无意冒犯Look, no offense,但在这个世界上你若想自称是亿万富翁but in this world, when someone is claiming to be a billionaire... 穿廉价西装可不行Brooks Brothers won't cut it.我也是想节约开支I'm assuming I'm on a budget.先拯救世界再平衡收支Save the world, then we'll balance the books.需要我推荐一位裁缝吗Can I recommend a tailor?我自己找吧I'll manage.你们英国人可没有以貌取人的专属权You British don't have a monopoly on snobbery, you know.不算专属权吧Well, not a monopoly.更像是控股权More of a controlling interest.能帮我打包吗Could you box that up for me?当然不能Certainly not.再见迈克尔爵士Goodbye, Sir Michael.西北三区加农街有什么需要吗先生How can I help, sir?抱歉我没有接到任何预约通知你是...Sorry, I wasn't notified of any appointments, Mr...戈耶Goya.戈耶先生Mr. Goya.不我听说你是鉴定戈耶的最佳人选No. I'm told you're the person to see about Goya.这太美妙了That's extraordinary.它值多少钱What's it worth?先别急Let's not get ahead of ourselves.在估价之前要进行很多鉴定Lots of work to do before any kind of valuation.溯源显微镜检查 X光检查Provenance, microscopic examination, X-rays.但你的直觉呢But what does your heart tell you?您刚才说这幅画从哪里入手的Sir, where did you say you acquired this drawing?托马斯·阿雷柏Tomas Arepo.我从一个愤怒的瑞士银行家那里I bought my Goya for cents on a dollar低价买♥♥下了这幅戈耶的画from an irate Swiss banker.我追溯到阿雷柏然后他告诉我是谁付了大价钱Traced it back to Arepo, then realized I scored a bargain 拍了他的另一幅画when he told me who paid top dollar我才发现我捡了个便宜for another one of his pictures.-是你丈夫 -你捡了什么便宜- Your husband. - Where's your bargain?你的画显然是赝品Your drawing's an obvious fake.我的画是一副逼真的赝品My drawing's a very good fake.你比任何人都清楚You know that better than anyone.这个信息就是我捡的便宜The information's the bargain.我帮助别人欺骗我自己丈夫的信息The information that I helped defraud my own husband?我和你丈夫算是同行He and I are in related businesses,但是想和他结交很难but he's a very hard man to meet.如果你我能达成交易...If you and I were to make an arrangement...交易Arrangement?你这是勒索You mean blackmail.别怕用这个词Don't be afraid of the word.我丈夫就不怕My husband isn't.很遗憾告诉你他已经知道了I'm sorry to tell you he got there first.他知道吗他什么反应也没有吗He knows? And he's never done anything about it?为什么要有反应Why would he?他花了九百万美元He paid $9 million for it.跟他逼我们陪他度假的花费差不多Barely cover the cost of the holiday he just forced us on. 你们去哪度假火星吗Where'd you go, Mars?越南坐我们的游艇他的游艇Vietnam, on our yacht. His yacht.你准备了西装鞋子手表You've got the suit. The shoes, the watch.但我看你还是有点力不从心Think you're a little out of your depth.像你丈夫那样敛财的人People who've amassed fortunes, like your husband's, 通常都不会容忍♥别人骗他的钱generally aren't okay with being cheated out of any of it. 那幅画是他控制我的把柄The drawing is his hold over me.他用报♥警♥和坐牢那一套来威胁我He threatened me with police. Prison. The works.他控制着我He controls me.控制我见儿子所有一切My contact with my son. Everything.想离开他本就不易而现在已不可能Leaving would never have been easy but now it's impossible. 不能反抗You can't fight.只能哀求Just beg.在越南我试着再次去爱他In Vietnam, I tried to love him again.我想如果还有爱他可能会把儿子还给我Thought if there was love there, he might give me my son back. 我们坐在那艘破船上看日落We sat on that bloody boat watching the sunsets,重温我们过去的生活imitating some earlier time in our lives.他看起来很高兴所以我问他了He seemed happy, so I asked him.他给我提了一个条件And he made me an offer.如果我同意再也不见儿子他就会放过我He'd let me go if I agreed never to see my son again.我发泄情绪带麦克斯上岸了I expressed myself. I took Max ashore.他打电♥话♥给我们道歉He called us, contrite.我们回去时And when we got back,我瞥见一个女人从那艘船上一跃而下I glimpsed some other woman diving off the boat,他则不见踪影and he'd vanished.我从没如此嫉妒过I never felt such envy.你看起来不像是会妒忌的人You don't seem the jealous type.我妒忌她的自♥由♥Of her freedom.你知道我多么渴望从那艘船上一跃而下吗You know how I dream of just diving off that boat?但你们还有一个儿子But you share a son.这就是我的现实That's my life now.你当时知道那幅画是赝品吗Did you know the drawing was a fake?不知道No.我和托马斯关系亲密也许太亲密了Tomas and I became close, maybe too close.我失误了I failed.安德烈不相信失误他只懂得背叛Andrei can't conceive of failure, only betrayal.但我没有背叛我丈夫But I didn't betray my husband.回想起来也许我错失了良机Retrospect, maybe I missed my chance.然后他放阿雷柏走了And he let Arepo walk free.如果你真如你所说见过阿雷柏If you'd actually met Arepo as you claimed,你就会知道他已经不能走路了you'd understand he no longer walks anywhere. 我们打电♥话♥谈的We spoke on the phone.他也没法打电♥话♥He can't do that either.-画在哪里 -怎么了- Where's the drawing? - Why?介绍我认识你丈夫Get me an introduction.我就让画消失I'll take the drawing out of the equation.没有画就没法起诉你就没有把柄了No picture, no prosecution, no more hold over you. 我可能就是你的第二次机会I might just be your second chance.不我不需要拯救No, I don't need redemption.我是指背叛的机会At betrayal.你丈夫的朋友吗Friends of your husband's?你知道会这样You knew this was going to happen?别担心他们不会杀了你的Don't worry, they won't kill you.安德烈不喜欢Andrei dislikes tangling为这种事和当地执法机关纠缠with local law enforcement on that level.你肯定是特别不喜欢我的装束You must've really not liked the look of me.你的装束没问题The look of you's fine.最好赶紧把丑事做完It's best to get to the nasty part免得我之后不忍♥心before I care one way or the other.外套左边口袋里有个号♥码There's a number in your left coat pocket.别从家里打Don't call from home.你不会接我的电♥话♥了You won't be taking my call.别小看我I might surprise you.我一小时前就点辣酱I ordered my hot sauce an hour ago.我们能走了吗Can we get going?拜托Please?他要你亲眼看看He wants you to see.他总能得偿所愿And he gets what he wants.显然不是每次都是Not always, apparently.安娜说我们要去庞贝去看熔岩Anna says we're going to Pompeii and see lava.对我们一起去We will. We'll go together.我也会去I'll be there, too!我说了别小看我Told you I'd surprise you.他真可爱He's a cute kid.他是我的一切He's everything.画在哪里Where's the drawing?奥斯陆在机场Oslo. At the airport.机场The airport?你知道自♥由♥港是什么吗Do you know what a Freeport is?是用来储存购得的艺术品...A storage facility for art that was acquired...但这些艺术品还未缴税But not yet taxed.我们构建了一个网络We started a network.建筑公♥司♥罗塔斯造这些设施Rotas, this construction company, built them.我介绍客户I brought in the clients.这些设施是避税天堂The facilities are tax havens.自♥由♥港客户无需报关就能欣赏自己的投资The clients can view their investments without importing them, 这样就可以避税so they avoid paying tax.就像是艺术品中转站It's sorta like a transit lounge for art?艺术品古董Art, antiquities.-任何值钱的东西 -任何东西- Anything of value, really. - Anything?只要合法就行Anything legal.但它和瑞士银行系统不无相似之处But it's not unlike the Swiss banking system.不透明Opaque.您肯定也明白大部分自♥由♥港其实就是仓库As I'm sure you are aware, most Freeports are just warehouses. 但我们保证您在这里可以真正享有...But here we ensure that you can actually enjoy...罗塔斯在奥斯陆自♥由♥港有些资产我猜画在那里Rotas has assets in the Oslo Freeport. I'm guessing it's there.保险库在这边And this way to the vaults!你猜Guessing?她猜Guessing?我们一年去那里四五次We make trips there four, five times a year.-去看艺术品吗 -还有其他勾当- To view art? - And whatever it is he does.其实安德烈根本不在乎艺术Turns out art's of no importance to Andrei.但他在乎自♥由♥港But the Freeports are.保险库的结构是基于五角大楼设计的The structure of the vaults is based on the Pentagon.每个保险库都是独♥立♥的Each vault a separate structure within the others.一个保险库受损不会影响到其它保险库Damage to one structure won't compromise the others.有些客户选择生物验证可以从停机坪Some of our clients opt for biometric access, straight in...直接进来off the tarmac.从航站楼吗From the terminal?从他们的私人飞机From their private planes.当然了Of course.我们的物流部门在全世界Our logistics department ships to and from各个自♥由♥港之间运送货物any other Freeport in the world奥斯陆塔林无需经过海关检查without customs inspection.塔林奥斯陆你想去那里找什么What are you hoping to find in there?你真想知道You really wanna know?我不确定I'm not sure.带上衬铅手套Bring some lead-lined gloves.天啊Jesus.是核武器It's nuclear.你参观的时候When you're on the tour,留意防火设施pay attention to the fire precautions.文件特别怕...Documents are vulnerable to...火灾吗当然了Fire? Absolutely!不我是想说怕被喷水器淋湿No, I was going to say water damage from the sprinkler systems. 我们不用喷水器We don't use sprinklers.这个设施几秒内就能用The facility is flooded with halide gas,卤素气体置换掉所有空气displacing all the air within seconds.你能演示一下吗Can you show me?我们会窒息的If I did, we'd suffocate.那员工怎么办What about the staff?卤素气体只会灌入保险库Halide only fills the vaults,员工只要随便进一个走廊就行they just have to get into either corridor,并且警报会在释放气体前十秒响起and there is a 10-second warning.至少还给他们留了十秒At least you give them 10 seconds.先生客户选择我们正是因为对我们而言Well, sir, our clients use us because we have no priorities 客户的财产高于一切above their property.天啊Blimey.所有门都是防火的All doors are fireproof.液压闭门器简单的钥匙和电子触发装置Hydraulic closers, simple key and electronic triggers.一旦设施封锁就特别容易打开Surprisingly easy once there's a lockdown.为什么要封锁Why a lockdown?电力系统会跳至自动保险状态封闭外部的门Power switches to fail-safes, sealing the outer doors,但内部的门会恢复成出厂设置but inner doors revert to factory settings.就可以把锁撬开And pickable locks.轻而易举真的It's child's play, really.轻而易举Child's play?他们在机场安保系统之内They're inside airport security.他们要操心控制温度和湿度而非武装抢劫They have to worry about climate control, not armed raids. 我们要怎么用足够的火力突破外♥围♥警戒So, how do we get enough firepower through the perimeter 以触发封锁程序。


4.2.2 The Abstract in English................................................................................15
The Format Criterion ofDoctoral Dissertationof DUT
3.1 The Format of Picture…………………………………………………...………….5
3.1.1 The Format Example of Picture……………………………………………..5
3.1.2 The Format Description of Picture…………………………………………..5



What are you trying to say?(你到底想说什么?)Don't be silly.(别胡闹了。

)How strong are your glasses?(你近视多少度?)Just because.(没有别的原因。

)It isn't the way I hoped it would be.(这不是我所盼望的。

)You will never guess.(你永远猜不到。

)No one could do anything about it.(众人对此束手无措。

)I saw something deeply disturbing.(深感事情不妙。

)Money is a good servant but a bad master.(要做金钱的主人,莫做金钱的奴隶。

)I am not available.(我正忙着)Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.(脑中的知识比手中的金钱更重要)Never say die.it's a piece of cake.别泄气,那只是小菜一碟。

Don't worry.you'll get use to it soon.别担心,很快你就会习惯的。

I konw how you feel.我明白你的感受。

You win some.you lose some.胜败乃兵家常事。

Don't bury your head in the sand.不要逃避现实。

I didn't expect you to such a good job.我没想到你干得这么好。

You are coming alone well.你做得挺顺利。

She is well-build.她的身材真棒。

You look neat and fresh.你看起来很清纯。

You have a beautiful personality.你的气质很好。



Big Bang Theory 学英语第一季10集-Leonard:The liquid metal Terminator were created in the future by Skynet, and Skynet was developed by Miles Dyson, but that future no longer exists due to Dyson's death in Terminator 2. liquid:液态metal:金属Terminator:终结者Skynet:天网no longer:不再exist:存在due to:由于液态金属终结者是在未来由天网系统创造的(见"终结者2")而天网系统是由Miles Dyson设计的,可是在"终结者2"中Dyson死了所以未来不存在了。

-Sheldon:Okay, then riddle me this:riddle:谜;解谜好的,这样跟你解释吧。

Assuming all the good Terminators were originally evil Terminators created by Skynet but then reprogrammed by the future John Connor.assuming:如果,假设originally:起初evil:邪恶的reprogram:改编假设所有好的终结者一开始都是坏的,他们都是由天网系统制造的但被未来的Jone Conner 重新编程。

Why would Skynet, an artificial computer intelligence, bother to create a petite, hot, 17-year-old killer robot?artificial intelligence:人工智能bother:麻烦petite:娇小的killer:杀手robot:机器人那为什么天网系统这个人工智能计算机要去创造一个娇小火辣的17岁的杀人机器人?-Leonard:Skynet is kinky? I don't know...kinky:古怪的天网系统有怪癖?我不知道...-Sheldon:Artificial intelligences do not have teen fetishes.teen:十几岁的人fetish:恋物人工智能计算机才没有恋童癖。



聪明人把知道说出来,而智者则不声张聪明人把知道说出来,而智者则不声张You can tell whether a man is clever by his answers. You can tell whether a man is wise by his questions.A clever man will always tell you answers. He will tell you things you may not even care about. His purpose is to impress. To be more accurate, his purpose is, like that of Narcissus, to see himself reflected in the reaction on your face.It may be arrogance, hubris or insecurity that causes him to seek a reaction from you. You are the fulfillment of the need of a clever man. You are the audience that satisfies his need.A wise man will not try to convince you of anything. A wise man is trying to build himself, not to build you. He asks questions because he wants to learn more. He needs to learn more because he is aware of how little he knows about so many things. He is aware less of what he knows than of what he does not yet know.A wise man will not proselytize you. If you are willing and eager, he may guide you to find your own answers. He will not push you because he is on his own quest.Then we have those who are neither clever, wanting to convey to us how much they know, nor wise. They do not ask questions. They wish to give the impression that they know as much as they need to know.They have learned from the ethics of business that they should "never let them see you sweat." Never give the impression that you don't know. When you don't know, fake it. Pretend. Most times the others won't know that you don't know.While that is the apparent ethic of business, it's not a real one. The person who doesn't ask questions and who doesn't know will never rise against the competition because deep down the others know the truth. The ones who know will reach where they want to go.The ones who do not ask questions don't try to learn. They remain ignorant. Comfortably ignorant, as they persuade even themselves that they know as much as they need to know.Yet they are always poor. Poor of spirit because they think of themselves first. Poor of intellect because they close doors of opportunity to learn. Poor of character because they deceive even themselves, thus have no hesitation about deceiving others.A wise man will share what he knows. But you will have to ask. Otherwise he will be busy.He has his own quest. He will assume that you have your own.一个人聪明与否要看他的回答。



5我父亲生前是个农民Well, my dad was a farmer.6那时大家都以此为生Um, like everybody else back then.7当然最初他并不干这行Of course, he didn't start that way.8电脑提示倾斜过度puter says you're too tight.9- 没事我能搞定 - 正在穿越直道- Nah, I got this. - Crossing the Straights.10- 关闭发动机库珀 - 不要!- Shutting it down, Cooper. - No!11- 已全部关停 - 不重新启动!- Shutting it all down. - No, I need power up!12爸爸?Dad?13抱歉墨菲回去睡吧Sorry, Murph. Go back to bed.14- 我还以为你是那幽灵呢 - 我不是- I thought you were the ghost. - No.15世界上没有幽灵宝贝There are no such things as ghosts, babe.16外公说有幽灵的Grandpa says you can get ghosts.17那是因为外公自己就快成幽灵了回去睡觉Maybe that's because Grandpa's close to being one himself. Back to bed.18你又梦见那次坠机了吗?Were you dreaming about the crash?19快回去睡觉墨菲哈Get your butt back in bed, Murph. Heh.20麦子都枯死了The wheat had died.21遇上枯萎病只能全烧了The blight came and we had to burn it.22我们还剩几亩地的玉米And we still had corn. We had acres of corn.23但最多的还是沙尘But, uh, mostly we had dust.24我无法描述它那风就刮个没完I guess I can't describe it. It was just constant.25就持续不断地刮着...Just that steady blow...26沙尘of dirt.27有时我们用碎布...We wore, um, little strips of sheet...28捂住口鼻...sometimes over our nose and mouth...29以免吸入过多尘土so that we wouldn't breathe so much of it.30收拾餐桌时我们总是把盘子...When we set the table, we always set the plate...31倒扣着放酒杯啊水杯啊不管是什么...upside-down. Glasses or cups, whatever it was...32都倒扣着放upside-down.33快点! 墨菲赶紧过来!Shake a leg! Murph, get a move on!34汤姆下午四点去谷仓我教你用除草剂Tom, 4:00 today, you and me in the barn, Herbicide Resistance 101.35- 明白? - 遵命- Check? - Yes, sir.36别放餐桌上墨菲Not at the table, Murph.37爸你能修好吗?Dad, can you fix this?38你对我的登月舱都...What the heck did you do...39- 干了什么? - 不能怪我- to my lander? - Wasn't me.40让我猜猜是幽灵干的?Let me guess. It was your ghost?41就是它撞的它总把书撞下来It knocked it off. It keeps knocking books off.42根本没有幽灵笨蛋No such thing as ghosts, dumb-ass.43- 嘿 - 我查过了这叫捣蛋鬼- Hey. - I looked it up. It's called a poltergeist.44爸跟她讲讲理Dad, tell her.45这说法并不太科学墨菲Well, it's not very scientific, Murph.46你说过科学就是去确定未知的事物You said science was about admitting what we don't know.47- 她驳倒你了 - 嘿- She's got you there. - Hey.48先看好我们的东西再说Start looking after our stuff.49库珀Coop.50好吧墨菲你想聊科学?All right, Murph, you want to talk science?51别只嚷嚷着怕幽灵你得深入研究Don't just tell me you're afraid of some ghost. No, you got to go further.52你得记录现象进展分析查明因果...You got to record the facts, analyze, get to the how and the why...53最后得出结论好吗?then present your conclusions. Deal?54- 好的 - 很好- Deal. - All right.55- 上学愉快 - 等等- Have a good day at school. - Hold up.56参加家长会的是家长Parent-teacher conferences. Parent.57不是家长的家长Not grandparent.58别着急小子!Slow down, turbo!59- 那不是沙尘暴吧 - 是尔森在烧他的庄稼- That's not a dust storm. - Nelson's torching his whole crop.60枯萎病?Blight?61他们说这是最后一茬秋葵了They're saying it's the last harvest for okra.62再也种不成了Ever.63他应该和我们一样种玉米的He should've planted corn like the rest of us.64听着对汉莉小姐客气点她可是单身Now, be nice to that Miss Hanley. She's single.65这话什么意思?What's that supposed to mean?66为地球繁衍后代出点力吧年轻人Repopulating the earth. Start pulling your weight, young man.67你还是操心你自己吧老人家Why don't you start minding your own business, old man?68好了墨菲挂二档All right, Murph, give me second.69啊哈Uh-huh.70三档Third.71- 找准档位笨蛋 - 用力按!- Find a gear, dumb-ass. - Grind it!72闭嘴汤姆!Shut it, Tom!73- 你都做了什么墨菲? - 啊她什么也没做- What'd you do, Murph? - Ah, she didn't do nothing.74- 车胎爆了而已 - 墨菲定律- Blew a tire is all. - Murphy's Law.75{\an8}墨菲定律, 指如果事情有变糟的可能, 那无论可能性多小都会发生这里是谐音76闭嘴!Shut up!77- 去拿备胎汤姆 - 爆的就是备胎- Grab the spare, Tom. - That is the spare.78去拿补胎工具!Get the patch kit!79在这儿要我怎么补胎?How am I supposed to patch it out here?80你自己想方法You got to figure it out.81我不可能一直在你身边帮你I'm not always gonna be here to help you.82怎么了墨菲?What's going on, Murph?83为什么你和妈妈要用坏事给我取名?Why did you and Mom name me after something that's bad?84我们没有We didn't.85那墨菲定律呢?Murphy's Law?86墨菲定律并不是说会有坏事发生Murphy's Law doesn't mean that something bad will happen.87而是说凡事只要有可能就会发生What it means is whatever can happen will happen.88而这没什么不好的And that sounded just fine with us.89哇哦!Whoa!90上车Get in.91上车我们走Get in, let's go.92瘪了的车胎怎么办?What about the flat tire?93好极了Yeah.94那是架印度空军的无人机搭载的太阳能电池能给整个农场供电It's an Indian Air Force drone. Solar cells could power an entire farm.95你来开汤姆Take the wheel, Tom.96快快快!Go, go, go!97把它对准飞机Keep that aimed right at it.98快点汤姆要跟丢了Faster, Tom. I'm losing it.99对准了Right at it.100保持住Stay on it.101就是这样Here we go.102哇哦Whoa.103追得好汤姆Nice one, Tom.104爸爸?Dad?105就快好了别停下别停下!I almost got it. Don't stop. Don't stop!106爸!Dad!107汤姆!Tom!108是你让我一直开的You told me to keep driving.109我让你开下悬崖你就真开下去吗Well, I guess that answers the old "If I asked you to drive off a cliff" scenario. 110- 我们跟丢了 - 没跟丢- We lost it. - No, we didn't.111想带它盘旋一圈吗?Want to give it a whirl?112这样子This way.113来Go.114让它降落在水库旁边Let's lay her down right there at the edge of the reservoir.115干得好Nicely done.116你估计它飞多久了?How long you think it's been up there?117德里地面指挥中心早关了跟美国的一样...Delhi Mission Control went down, same as ours...118已经十年了ten years ago.119所以飞了整整十年?So for ten years?120- 它怎么飞得这么低? - 不清楚- Why did it e down so low? - I don't know.121也许被太阳烧坏了引擎也许是在寻找东西Maybe the sun cooked its brain or it was looking for something. 122- 什么东西? - 给我把大号的一字螺丝刀- What? - Give me a large flatblade.123也许是某种信号? 我不知道Maybe some kind of signal? I don't know.124你打算拿它做什么?What are you gonna do with it?125让它尽点社会责任...I'm gonna give it something socially responsible to do...126比如驱动联合收割机like drive a bine.127就不能放它走吗?Can't we just let it go?128它又没伤害别人It wasn't hurting anybody.129这东西也要与时俱进墨菲...This thing needs to learn how to adapt, Murph...130就像我们一样like the rest of us.131接下来如何? 你们要跟来吗?How's this work? You guys e with?132我还有课I've got class.133至于这位需要再等等This one needs to wait.134- 你犯了什么错? - 你进去就知道了- What did you do? - They'll tell you about it in there.135- 我会生气吗? - 不是生我的- Am I gonna be mad? - Not with me.136- 尽量别吧 - 嘿放松- Just please try not to. - Hey. Relax.137交给我I got this.138有点迟啊库珀Little late, Coop.139是啊车胎爆了Yeah, we had a flat.140然后还逛了趟亚洲战斗机零售店And I guess you had to stop off at the Asian fighter plane store. 141不先生那其实是架无人侦察机No, actually, sir, that's a surveillance drone.142配备超强续航的太阳能电池印度产的With outstanding solar cells. It's Indian.143请坐Take a seat.144那么...So, uh...145汤姆的成绩出来了we got Tom's scores back.146他会成为一个出色的农民He's going to make an excellent farmer.147是啊他确实有那天赋那大学呢?Yeah, he's got a knack for it. What about college?148大学只招收少量学生教育资源不足以...The university only takes a handful. They don't have the resources to...149我一直在纳税I still pay my taxes.150那些钱都去哪了? 现在已经没有军队了Where's that money go? There's no more armies.151反正没拨款给大学Well, it doesn't go to the university.152听着库珀你得现实一点Look, Coop, you have to be realistic.153你现在就要拒我儿子于大学门外?You're ruling my son out for college now?154- 他才15岁 - 没方法汤姆分数还不够高- The kid's 15. - Tom's score simply isn't high enough.155你的腰围多少? 32英寸吗?What's your waistline? About what, 32?156- 缝呢? 33英寸长? - 我不懂你想说什么- About a 33 inseam? - I'm not sure I see what you're getting at.157量你屁股尚需两组数据可我儿子就要一考定终身?It takes two numbers to measure your ass but only one to measure my son's future? 158别这样你受过高等教育库珀e on. You're a well-educated man, Coop.159- 还是个飞行员 - 以与工程师- And a trained pilot. - And an engineer.160好吧但现在我们不需要工程师了Okay, well, right now we don't need more engineers.161我们不缺电视和飞机我们缺的是食物We didn't run out of television screens and planes. We ran out of food.162这世界需要农民像你这样的好农民The world needs farmers. Good farmers, like you.163- 像汤姆这样的 - 未受教育的农民- And Tom. - Uneducated farmers.164我们是守护家园的一代库珀情况会好转的We're a caretaker generation, Coop. And things are getting better.165也许你的子有机会成为工程...Maybe your grandkids will get to be engin...166完事了吗先生?Are we done here, sir?167还没有No.168汉莉小姐还要谈谈墨菲Miss Hanley's here to talk about Murph.169墨菲是个好孩子很聪明Murph is a great kid. She's really bright.170但她最近惹了些麻烦But she's been having a little trouble lately.171她带了这个给学生看关于登月的那章She brought this in to show the students. The section on the lunar landings. 172是啊这是我的旧课本Yeah, it's one of my old textbooks.173她很喜欢里面的插图She always loved the pictures.174这是旧版的联邦教材我们已经用修正版替换了It's an old federal textbook. We've replaced them with the corrected versions. 175修正版?Corrected?176解释了伪造阿波罗计划致使联破产的经过Explaining how the Apollo missions were faked to bankrupt the Soviet Union. 177你不相信我们登过月?You don't believe we went to the moon'?178我相信那是一次绝妙的政治宣传I believe it was a brilliant piece of propaganda.179联的破产就是因为将资源浪费在...The Soviets bankrupted themselves pouring resources...180火箭和其他没用的机器上into rockets and other useless machines.181"没用的机器""Useless machines."182假如我们不想重蹈二十世纪铺浪费的覆辙那么...If we don't want a repeat of the excess and wastefulness of the 20th century, then (183)就得教孩子认识这个星球而不是如何离开它we need to teach our kids about this planet, not tales of leaving it.184他们过去造的"没用机器"里有一种叫核磁共振仪One of those useless machines they used to make was called an MRI.185倘假如有一台剩余医生就能与时发现...If we had any of those left, the doctors would've been able to find...186我妻子脑的囊肿而不至让她死去the cyst in my wife's brain before she died instead of afterwards.187那么来这里听讲的就会是她而不是我...Then she'd have been the one listening to this instead of me...188那样就好多了因为她一直都...which would have been a good thing, because she was always...189比我冷静the calmer one.190你妻子的事我很遗憾库珀先生I'm sorry about your wife, Mr. Cooper.191但墨菲和几个同学打架就因为争论这...But Murph got into a fistfight with several of her classmates over this...192阿波罗的无稽之谈Apollo nonsense.193所以我们觉得最好找你沟通一下...So we thought it best to bring you in and see what ideas...194看看你作为家长有什么管教她的高招you might have for dealing with her behavior on the home front.195这样吧? 明晚有场球赛Yeah, you know what? Um, there's a game tomorrow night.196她最近挺迷棒球的She's going through a bit of a baseball phase.197她最爱的球队参赛了到时会有糖果和汽水...Her favorite team is playing. There's gonna be candy and soda and (198)我带她去看看吧I think I'll take her to that.199谈得如何?How'd it go?200我帮你申请停学了I got you suspended.201什么?What?202我是库珀请讲This is Cooper. Go.203库珀你改装的联合收割机出故障了Coop, those bines you rebuilt went haywire.204试试重置控制器Just reset the controllers.205我试过了你得回来看一眼I did that. Now you should e take a look.206它们接连不断地离开田地往这里跑One by one they've been peeling off the fields and heading over.207有东西在干扰指南针Something's interfering with the pass.208磁场之类的Magnetism or some such.209书本身没什么特别Nothing special about which book.210像你说的我一直在研究I've been working on it, like you said.211- 我数了书架的空格 - 为什么?- I counted the spaces. - Why?212说不定幽灵想要传达什么信息In case the ghost is trying to municate.213我在试莫尔斯I'm trying Morse.214莫尔斯?Morse?215没错Yeah.216- 用点和划来... - 我知道莫尔斯电码墨菲- Dots and dashes, used... - I know what Morse code is, Murph. 217我只是不觉得你的书架想和你说话I just don't think your bookshelf's trying to talk to you.218重置了所有指南针时钟和定位系统这才消除了异常Had to reset every pass clock and GPS to offset for the anomaly. 219- 什么异常? - 还不清楚- Which is? - I don't know.220假如房子建在了磁性矿上If the house was built on magnetic ore...221最初发动时就该遇上这情况了we'd have seen this the first time we switched on the tractor. 222听说你的家长会不太顺利I hear your meeting at the school didn't go so well.223你听说了?Heh. You heard?224我们似乎已经迷失了自我唐纳德It's like we've forgotten who we are, Donald.225我们是探索者是先驱而不是守护者Explorers, pioneers, not caretakers.226我小的时候...When I was a kid...227感觉每天都有新鲜事物诞生新的...it felt like they made something new every day. Some...228玩意或想法每天都像过圣诞gadget or idea. Like every day was Christmas.229但那时有六十亿人口...But six billion people...230你想象一下吧just try to imagine that.231而每个人都想拥有一切And every last one of them trying to have it all.232这世界还不算太糟This world isn't so bad.233汤姆也会过得很好And Tom will do just fine.234你才是不合时宜的人早生或晚生了四十年You're the one who doesn't belong. Born 40 years too late, or 40 years too early. 235我女儿明白上帝保佑她My daughter knew it, God bless her.236孩子们也明白特别是墨菲And your kids know it. Especially Murph.237我们过去常常仰望星空思考着...Well, we used to look up in the sky and wonder...238自己在繁星中何去何从at our place in the stars.239如今我们只能俯视担心自己在沙尘中无处立命Now we just look down and worry about our place in the dirt.240库珀你有你的长处...Cooper, you were good at something...241却从未有机会施展and you never got a chance to do anything with it.242真是遗憾I'm sorry.243没人预料到...You didn't expect...244哺育我们生长的土地...this dirt that was giving you this food...245会如此背叛并消灭我们to turn on you like that and destroy you.246我记得那天是四月... 十五号吧In April... I believe I'm right... Fifteenth of April, I think. 247大约一点半的时候沙尘暴...This happened about 1:30 when that thing...248从天而降席卷了峡谷came off the top of that canyon.249我那会儿的球手才叫球手In my day, we had real ballplayers.250哪像这群笨蛋?Who are these bums?251在我那会儿人们只顾着...In my day, people were too busy...252抢食物哪有闲工夫打棒球fighting over food to even play baseball.253看球赛吃爆米花多别扭我想吃热狗Popcorn at a ballgame is unnatural. I want a hot dog.254学校说你会紧随我的脚步School says you're gonna follow in my footsteps.255我觉得很不错I think that's great.256- 你觉得很不错? - 你讨厌种地爸爸- You think that's great? - You hate farming, Dad. 257外公说的Grandpa said.258外公这么说吗?Grandpa said, huh?259听着关键是你觉得这事怎么样Listen, all that matters is how you feel about it. 260我喜欢你的工作I like what you do.261我喜欢我们的农场I like our farm.262你会干得很出色的You're gonna be great at it.263我们走吧Let's get out of here.264好吧刮得挺猛All right, it's a doozy.265大家戴好口罩All right, gang, let's mask up.266- 汤姆? 墨菲? 戴好了? - 好了- Tom? Murph? Check'? - Yeah.267墨菲汤姆你们的窗户都关了吧?Murph, Tom, you guys shut your windows?268墨菲?Murph?269是幽灵The ghost.270拿上你的枕头Grab your pillow.271今晚去跟汤姆睡You're sleeping in with Tom.272这不是幽灵It's not a ghost.273是重力It's gravity.274我先送汤姆上学接着去镇上I'm dropping Tom, then heading to town.275等你们俩祷告完了方便收拾下吗?You want to clean that up when you've finished praying to it? 276不是莫尔斯墨菲是二进制It's not Morse, Murph. It's binary.277宽代表1 窄代表0Thick is one, thin is zero.278这是坐标Coordinates.279不是Nope.280这对了Here we go.28133度Thirty-three.282就是这里That's it.283我非去不可!I can't miss this!284外公几小时后就回来了墨菲Grandpa will be back in a couple hours, Murph.285可你都不知道会发现什么But you don't know what you're gonna find.286而这...And that...287正是不带上你的原因is why I can't take you.288墨菲?Murph?289外公一会儿就回来了告诉他我会用无线电跟他联系Grandpa will be home in a while. Tell him I'll call him on the radio. 290- 啊! - 天啊- Aah! - Jesus.291你在干什么?What are you doing?292你觉得这很好玩吗?Oh, you think this is funny? Huh?293要不是我你也来不了这You wouldn't be here if it wasn't for me.294那就帮点忙Make yourself useful.295嘿墨菲?Hey, Murph?296墨菲Murphy297看来路到这里就断了I think this is the end of the road.298你不是带了老虎钳吗?Didn't you bring the bolt cutters?299不愧是我女儿That's my girl.300退后!Step away!301别开枪! 我没有武器我女儿在车上Don't shoot! I'm not armed. My daughter's in the car.302- 请别害怕 - 啊!- Don't be afraid. - Aah!303北美防空联合司令部警告304你们怎么找到这地方的?How did you find this place?305我女儿在哪里?Where's my daughter?306你在地图上标记了此处的坐标它是哪里来的?You had the coordinates for this facility marked on your map. Where did you get them?307我女儿在哪里?Where's my daughter?308别逼我再撂倒你坐下!Don't make me take you down again. Sit down!309你以为你还是海军陆战队的吗伙计?Oh, you still think you're a Marine, pal?310海军陆战队早没了Marines don't exist anymore.311而你这种低等兵正适合帮我割草And I got grunts like you mowing my grass.312你从哪里得到这组坐标的?Where did you find those coordinates?313但你看着不大像割草机But you don't look much like a lawnmower.314还是浪费点儿改成吸尘器好了Think I'll turn you into an overqualified vacuum cleaner.315你不会的No, you won't.316TARS 退下吧TARS, back down, please.317使用前军防设备是有风险的You know, you're taking a risk using ex-military security.318它们又旧控制元件又不稳定They're old, and their control units are unpredictable.319政府财政只够提供这些It's what the government could spare.320你是谁?Who are you?321布兰德博士Dr. Brand.322我曾经认识一位布兰德博士他是个教授I knew a Dr. Brand once. He was a professor.323凭什么断定我不是教授呢?What makes you think I'm not?324看着不像也不够可爱Wasn't near as cute, either.325拜托了布兰德博士我不清楚现在什么状况Please, Dr. Brand. I don't have any idea what this is.326但我很担心我女儿想让她来我身边Now I'm scared for my daughter and want her by my side.327你带她过来我保证知无不言You give me that, I'll tell you anything you want to know.328麻烦带负责人和那女孩去会议室Get the principals and the girl in the conference room, please.329你女儿没事Your daughter is fine.330她很聪明Bright kid.331一定是遗传她母亲的Must have a very smart mother.332很显然你们不想有人到访It's pretty clear you don't want any visitors.333为何不放我们回围墙那儿? 我们会乖乖离开的嗯?So why don't you just let us back up from your fence and we'll be on our way? Huh?334- 没这么简单 - 就这么简单- It's not that simple. - Well, sure, it is.335我根本不认识你对这地方也一无所知I don't know anything about you. I don't know anything about this place.336不你知道的Yes, you do.337爸爸!Dad!338你好库珀Hello, Cooper.339布兰德教授Professor Brand.340解释一下你是如何找到这里的Explain to me how you found this facility.341纯属意外我们偶然发现的当时正在收集废品...Kind of an accident. We sort of stumbled upon it. We were on a salvage run (342)你此刻身处全世界最隐蔽的地方You're sitting in the best-kept secret in the world.343没人偶然来这也没人随意离开Nobody stumbles in here. Nobody stumbles out.344库珀拜托Cooper, please.345积极配合这些人Cooperate with these people.346听着Look.347这事很难解释It's kind of hard to explain.348由于一次异常现象我们找到了这组坐标We learned these coordinates from an anomaly.349什么异常现象?What sort of anomaly?350我不太想称之为超自然现象但它绝对不科学I hesitate to term it supernatural, but it definitely wasn't scientific.351你得讲具体点库珀先生抓紧时间You're going to have to be specific, Mr. Cooper. Right now.352是重力It was gravity.353怎样的重力异常? 在哪发生的?Um, what sort of gravitational anomaly? Where was this?354我很高兴你们对重力感兴趣但...Now, I'm real happy that you're excited about gravity, but...355但不得到保证我一个字也不会透露but you're not getting any answers from us until I get assurances.356- 保证? - 是的- Assurances? - Yeah.357比如放我们离开这儿不准绑在后备箱里Like, that we're getting out of here. And I don't mean in the trunk of some car. 358你不认识我们吗库珀?Don't you know who we are, Coop?359不教授我不认识No, professor, I don't.360你认识我父亲布兰德教授You know my father, Professor Brand.361我们是美国国家航空航天局We're NASA.362- 航天局? - 航天局- NASA? - NASA.363你当过飞行员的那个航天局The same NASA you flew for.364我听说他们把它关了先生...I heard they shut you down, sir...365因为你们拒绝从平流层往下投弹...for refusing to drop bombs from the stratosphere...366炸死挨饿的百姓onto starving people.367当他们意识到滥杀民众...When they realized that killing other people was...368不是长久之计时就召回了我们not a long-term solution, then they needed us back.369- 秘密地 - 为什么要?- In secret. - Why secret?370因为舆论不允许政府投资宇宙探索Because public opinion wouldn't allow spending on space exploration. 371至少不是在解决温饱之前Not while you're struggling to put food on the table.372枯萎病Blight.373七年前害死了小麦今年是秋葵Wheat seven years ago. Okra this year.374现在只剩玉米了Now there's just corn.375而我们种得前所未有地多And we're growing more than we ever have.376但就像爱尔兰的土豆俄克拉荷马尘暴区的小麦一样...But like the potatoes in Ireland and the wheat in the Dust Bowl (377)玉米迟早会消失the corn will die.378很快Soon.379我们会找到方法的教授总会有方法的We'll find a way, professor. We always have.380就凭"地球属于我们"的坚决信念吗Driven by the unshakable faith the Earth is ours.381当然不全属于我们Not just ours, no.382但它是我们的家园But it is our home.383地球的大气层80%都是氮气Earth's atmosphere is 80 percent nitrogen.384我们呼吸不了氮气We don't even breathe nitrogen.385但枯萎病原菌可以它越是肆虐空气含氧量就越低Blight does. And as it thrives, our air gets less and less oxygen. 386最后一批经历饥荒的人将会率先面临窒息The last people to starve will be the first to suffocate.387你女儿这一代人...And your daughter's generation...388会是活在地球上的最后一代will be the last to survive on Earth.389墨菲有点累了能不能让她去我办公室小睡一会儿Murph is tired. I was wondering if she could take a nap in my office. 390当然你Yeah. Thank you.391好了...Okay...392现在告诉我你们打算怎么拯救这个世界now you need to tell me what your plan is to save the world.393我们不打算拯救世界我们要逃离它We're not meant to save the world. We're meant to leave it.394漫游者Rangers.395这是仅存的在轨多功能舰船"永恒号"的最后组件The last ponents of our one versatile ship in orbit, the Endurance. 396我们最后的远征Our final expedition.397你派了人去外太空寻找新家园?You sent people out there looking for a new home?398拉撒路行动The Lazarus missions.399- 真是振奋人心 - 拉撒路经由耶稣呼唤死而复生- Oh, that sounds cheerful. - Lazarus came back from the dead.400话是没错但先得死了才能复生Sure, but he had to die in the first place.401整个太阳系没有一颗行星适合生存...There's not a planet in our solar system that could sustain life...402去系外最近的恒星也至少要飞一千年and the nearest star's over a thousand years away.403这连海底捞针都算不上That doesn't even qualify as futile.404你打算送他们去哪里?Where'd you send them?405库珀...Cooper...406我暂时不能多说除非你同意...I can't tell you anymore unless you agree...407驾驶这艘飞船to pilot this craft.408- 你曾是我们最好的飞行员 - 我都没飞出过平流层- You're the best pilot we ever had. - I barely left the stratosphere. 409这群人连模拟舱都没出过This team never left the simulator.410我们需要宇航员这正是你当初受训的目标We need a pilot, and this is the mission that you were trained for.411某个我压根不知道的目标?Without even knowing it?412一小时前你甚至不知道我还活着An hour ago, you didn't even know I was alive.413就算那样行动依然照常You were going anyway.414我们本来别无选择We had no choice.415但冥冥之中你来到了这里But something sent you here.416- 他们选择了你 - "他们"是谁?- They chose you. - Who's "they"?417我会离开多长时间?How long would I be gone?418很难说几年吧?Hard to know. Years?419我有孩子教授I've got kids, professor.420到太空去拯救孩子们Get out there and save them.421"他们"是谁?Who's "they"?422大约在50年前我们开始探测到重力异常现象We started detecting gravitational anomalies almost 50 years ago. 423大多是我们置于高层大气的仪器出现的微小畸变Mostly small distortions to our instruments in the upper atmosphere. 424事实上我相信你自己也遇到过In fact, I believe you encountered one yourself.425对在直道上Yeah, over the Straights.426我的那起事故电传操纵系统受到了干扰My crash. Something tripped my fly-by-wire.427正是Exactly.但所有的异常现象中最值得注意的是这个But of all these anomalies, the most significant is this:429在土星附近...Out near Saturn...430出现了时空畸变a disturbance of space-time.431- 那是个虫洞吗? - 它在48年前出现的- Is that a Wormhole? - It appeared 48 years ago.432{\an8}虫洞宇宙中可能存在的连接两个不同时空的狭窄隧道433它通向哪里?And it leads where?434另一个星系Another galaxy.435虫洞不是自然发生的现象A wormhole's not a naturally occurring phenomenon.436是有人把它放在那里的Someone placed it there.437- 是"他们"吗? - 嗯- "They"? - Mm.438不管他们是谁他们似乎在留意着我们And whoever they are, they appear to be looking out for us.439这个虫洞能通向其他星系That Wormhole lets us travel to other stars.440它来的正是时候It came along right as we needed it.441他们把潜在的宜居世界置于我们触手可与的地方They've put potentially habitable worlds right within our reach. 442事实上有十二个这是我们初步探测的结果Twelve, in fact, from our initial probes.443- 你们派了探测器进去? - 唔- You sent probes into that? - Mm-hm.我们派了人进去在十年前We sent people into it. Ten years ago.445拉撒路行动The Lazarus missions.446十二个可能的世界...Twelve possible worlds...447十二艘"漫游者"飞船载着...twelve Ranger launches carrying...448最勇敢的人类...the bravest humans ever to live...449由了不起的曼恩博士带队led by the remarkable Dr. Mann.450每个人的着陆舱里只有两年的补给Each person's landing pod had enough life support for two years.451但他们可以利用休眠来延长时间...But they could use hibernation to stretch that...452从而对有机生命进展长达十年的观察甚至更久making observations on organics over a decade or more.453他们的任务是对抵达的世界进展评估如果表现出可能性...Their mission was to assess their world, and if it showed potential...454他们可以发出信号躺下进入长期休眠等待救援到来then they could send out a signal, bed down for the long nap, wait to be rescued. 455要是抵达的世界没有希望呢?And what if the world didn't show promise?456所以需要勇敢的人Hence the bravery.457现有的资源不足以到访所有地方You don't have the resources to visit all 12.458是No.459通过虫洞回传数据的技术还不成熟。



《秘密》(The Secret)是Prime Time公司在2006年推出的一部纪录片,该片堪称成功学、财富学和人生指导的经典之作,动用许多重量级的专家学者,加上精彩的故事演绎和精美的影片制作,极具说服和震撼力。


A year ago my life had collapsed around me.;一年以前, 我的生活彻底崩溃了.I've worked myself into exhaustion,;我把自己累得精疲力竭,My father died suddenly;我的父亲也突然去世了and my relationships were in turmoil.;我的人际关系也一团糟了.Little did I know at the time;那时,我还不知道out of my greatest despair;在这最大的绝望之中was to come the greatest gift.;将要来临的是上天最大的礼物.I've been given a glimpse of a great secret.;我瞥见一个伟大的秘密.I began tracing the secret back through history;我开始追踪这个秘密的历史渊源I couldn't believe all the people who knew this.;我简直不敢相信, 那些知道这个秘密的人,They were the greatest people in history.;他们都是历史上最伟大的人物.All I wanted to do was to share this secret with the world.;我想把这个秘密分享给这个世界.I began searching for people alive todaywho know the secret.;我开始搜寻那些现在还在世的知道这个秘密的人.One by one they began to emerge.;一个接一个, 他们出现在我的面前...If you know this secretit gives you everything you want.如果你知道了这个秘密, 你就能得到所有你想要的东西.Happiness, health and wealth.幸福,健康,财富。



青少年应该如何正确对待网络英语作文全文共5篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Totally Awesome Way to Write English Online!Hey buddies! Today we're gonna talk about something super important for all you cool kids out there - writing English online. With the internet being such a big part of our lives, it's more important than ever to know how to write good English when you're chatting with friends, posting on social media, or anything else online.First off, let me just say that it's totally fine to use slang and abbreviations when you're texting your BFFs. Saying things like "OMG" or "YOLO" is all good fun with your friends. But when you're writing something that other people might see, you gotta step it up and use proper English.Why is it so important to write good English online? Well, think about it this way - the internet connects you with people all around the world. Maybe you'll make an online friend who lives in another country. Or maybe a teacher or future employer willsee what you write online. You want to make sure you sound smart and put together, right?Using good English online shows that you are a mature young person who is educated and knows how to communicate clearly. It makes you look really impressive! Plus, practicing your writing now will make you a better writer overall, which can help you tons in school and later on when you get a job.So how do you actually write good English online? Here are some totally rad tips:Use complete sentences and propercapitalization/punctuation. Instead of saying "rn im playing videogames lol", write "Right now, I am playing video games. Lol." See how much cleaner and more put together that looks?Spell out words correctly instead of using text lingo. Say "before" instead of "b4", "to" instead of "2", etc. This makes your writing way easier to understand.Avoid using tons of slang and abbreviations that someone might not get. Not everyone knows what "slay" or "wig" means, for example. Stick to more common slang if you must use it.Be respectful and appropriate with your language. Don't use curse words or say mean things about others. The internet is public, so you want to make a good impression.Re-read what you've written before posting/sending to check for any mistakes. Proofread, proofread, proofread!If you're writing something really important like a school essay or cover letter, ditch the slang entirely and use totally proper, formal English. No slang allowed!Following these tips will make you sound like such a smart and awesome writer when you're online. Your teachers will be impressed, and you'll make a great online impression on anyone who reads your stuff.Of course, writing good English can be hard, especially if you're still learning. Don't get discouraged if it takes some practice. Start working on it now, and it'll get easier over time. You've got this!The internet is such a fun way to connect with people and share your thoughts with the world. But you wanna make sure you're putting your best foot forward online. Using proper English writing shows that you're a responsible young personwho is going places. Trust me, writing good English online is a total game changer!So there you have it, my friends. Start being awesome online writers today, and you'll go on to be incredibly successful teenagers and adults. Writing is a skill that'll help you out SO much in life. Now get out there and work on those writing skills - you've got this!篇2Title: The Awesome World of Writing Stories Online!Hey there, kids! Are you ready for an exciting adventure into the world of writing cool stories online? Get your imagination hats on because we're about to dive into the awesome realm of sharing our tales with others through the internet!First things first, what do we mean by "online writing"? Well, it's pretty much exactly what it sounds like – writing stories, poems, or any other type of creative piece and posting it on the internet for others to read. How crazy is that? With just a few clicks, your words can be seen by people from all around the world!Now, I know what some of you might be thinking: "But writing is hard! And the internet is a big, scary place!" Fear not,my friends. With a little guidance and some practice, writing online can be an absolute blast. Plus, it's a great way to improve your English skills while having loads of fun.One of the coolest things about online writing is that you can let your creativity run wild. Want to write about a talking unicorn who travels through time? Go for it! A group of brave pirates searching for buried treasure? Why not? The possibilities are endless, and you get to be the master of your own storytelling universe.But wait, there's more! Online writing also allows you to connect with other young writers from different countries and cultures. Imagine having pen pals from all over the globe, sharing your stories and getting feedback from kids just like you. It's like having a massive, worldwide writing club right at your fingertips!Of course, with great power comes great responsibility. When writing online, it's super important to be respectful, kind, and mindful of others. Avoid using any language or content that could hurt someone's feelings or make them uncomfortable. Remember, the internet is a public space, and your words have the power to impact people in positive or negative ways.Another key thing to keep in mind is to always double-check your spelling, grammar, and punctuation before hitting that "post" button. You want your stories to shine, and proper English will help make them sparkle even brighter!Now, let's talk about some practical tips for becoming an online writing rockstar:Find a safe and secure platform to share your work. Make sure your parents or guardians are aware of the website you're using and that they篇3How We Kids Should Deal With Writing English Stuff OnlineHey there, guys and girls! It's me, your friend who loves writing and the internet. Today I want to talk to you about something super important – how we should act when we write English things online.First off, let me just say that being able to write in English on the web is really, really cool. We're lucky that we can share our thoughts, stories, and other awesome stuff with people all around the world with just a few taps on a keyboard or phone screen. How neat is that?But with great power comes great responsibility, as Uncle Ben told Peter Parker in Spider-Man. Writing in English online isn't just a fun game – we have to be really careful and do it the right way. Otherwise, we could get in big trouble or hurt people's feelings without meaning to.So let's go over some tips on how to be responsible online English writers, okay? Listen up, because this stuff is important!Tip #1: Use Decent Grammar and SpellingI know, I know – writing with perfect grammar and spelling is soooo boring. Doesn't using slang and abbreviations like "ur" instead of "your" make things way more fun?Well, yeah, kinda. But here's the thing – when you write English online, people from all over can read it. And a lot of those people, especially teachers, parents, future bosses, and others you want to impress, really care about good grammar and spelling.Using poor grammar and spelling can make you look super silly and unintelligent. It's kinda like wearing mismatched shoes and a backwards shirt to an important event – people will think you just don't care about making a good impression.So when you write Online in English, even if it's just a casual post or message, try your best to use complete sentences, capitalize proper nouns, and spell words correctly. It'll make you look a hundred times more mature and put-together.Tip #2: Be Respectful of Different Cultures and BeliefsOne of the coolest things about the internet is that it connects people from all kinds of different backgrounds, cultures, religions, and places in the world. But that awesome diversity also means we have to be super careful about respecting everyone's differences.When you write in English online, avoid saying things that discriminate against or insult people for their race, nationality, gender, religion, abilities, or other traits they can't control. Name-calling, stereotyping, and prejudiced comments are huge no-no's.It's okay if you don't understand certain cultures or beliefs –the internet is a great place to learn more about them. But don't attack or mock people for being different from you. That's just plain disrespectful and mean.Tip #3: Think Before You Over-ShareThese days, we share tons of personal info and deep thoughts on the web without a second thought, am I right? Twitter rants, long Facebook posts, pics and vids of our daily lives – it's all out there for the world to see.And in general, sharing things online can be really fun and let us connect with others. But we have to be smart about what stuff we choose to put out there in English for everyone to view.Some things, like private family matters, intense political rants, or details about your crush, are probably better kept to yourself or shared in-person with good friends. Oversharing that kind of ultra-personal stuff online, even in English, can often lead to drama, hurt feelings, and embarrassment later on.So before you publish that crazy-deep, emotional English post or upload that pic from your bathroom, take a pause. Think about whether it's something you'll still feel great about having out there on the web in a few years. If not, keep it to yourself or your close circle.Tip #4: Be Authentic and Have Fun!Okay, now that I've gone over some "safety rules" for online English writing, here's the most important tip of all – be yourself and have a blast doing it!Yeah, you'll want to follow guidelines for good writing, think about impacts on others, and all that mature stuff we just covered. But don't get so hung up on rules that you forget to just let your personality shine through in a fun way.The best online English writing lets your unique voice, humor, interests, and creativity take center stage. So sprinkle in your favorite memes, jokes, random thoughts, and kid-friendly slang in a way that feels natural to you. That's what makes things you write online so special and connecting with readers easy.Just make sure that, while you're being your awesome self, you're also being a pretty awesome human overall. Use your English writing powers online for good, to spread more joy, knowledge, and positivity in this crazy world of ours.Phew! That was a mega-long lecture, huh? But all this online English writing stuff is super vital for us kids to stay on top of these days.Just remember – have fun sharing your thoughts and interests online in English, but be smart about it. Follow the tips we went over, like using proper grammar, respecting differences, avoiding oversharing, and keeping things real. Do all that, and you'll be an online writing superstar!Let's go forth and English write successfully on the web, guys! Our world is counting on us young people to set a shining example. So make me proud by being amazing, upstanding digital citizens, ok? Together we've got this!篇4Internet English Writing: A Kiddo's GuideHey guys! It's me, your pal Jimmy. Today I'm gonna talk to you about something super important - how to be awesome at writing English essays and stories online!First up, why is web writing even a thing? Well, these days we spend tons of time on our phones, tablets, and computers thanks to the internet. We chat with friends, watch funny videos, and even do schoolwork online. And sometimes our teachers want us to write compositions and share them on the web for others to see.Writing for the internet is both fun and kinda tricky. It's fun because you get to express yourself and maybe even get read by people from all over the world! But it's tricky because you have to be extra careful with what you say and how you say it. The online world is a big place with all sorts of people.So let's go through some tips to make you an internet writing superstar!Tip #1: Remember, the internet is forever!Once you post something on the web, it could stick around for a really, really long time. Even if you delete it, there might be copies floating around somewhere. That's why you need to triple check what you write before hitting "submit." Don't say anything mean, embarrassing, or that you might regret later. Your future self will thank you!Tip #2: Avoid oversharing personal detailsIt's best to be cautious about sharing too much private information online, like your home address, phone number, school name, etc. Bad people could try to use that info to bother or even hurt you. Leave out those deets unless you reeeally have to include them.Tip #3: Use proper grammar and spellingI know, I know - nobody's perfect at writing. But doing your best to use good grammar and fix spelling mistakes makes your work look more professional. Most websites and apps have spell-checkers built in to help out. Proofread your drafts carefully before posting!Tip #4: Be respectful of othersThe internet connects people from all backgrounds and cultures. When you're writing something online, avoidputdowns, insults, and hurtful language about someone's race, religion, gender, abilities, or appearance. Treat others how you want to be treated - with kindness and respect.Tip #5: Give credit where it's dueIf you use someone else's words or ideas in your writing, make sure to properly cite and give credit to the original source. Copying without permission is plagiarism, which is like stealing and can get you in big trouble. Cite your sources right!Tip #6: Think before you writeSometimes we get carried away and type things we shouldn't out of anger, excitement, or other strong emotions. If you're feeling worked up, it's best to take a break before writing anything online. Give yourself a cool-down period, then come back with a calmer, more level head.Tip #7: Be authentic and originalAt the end of the day, the best internet writing comes from the heart. Don't just copy stuff you see elsewhere - find your own voice and creativity. Tell your genuine stories, share your realthoughts and perspectives. That's what makes online writing powerful and memorable.Tip #8: Have fun with it!Last but not least, try to enjoy the writing process! Writing for the web lets you explore all sorts of cool topics and maybe even make new friends who share your interests. Don't get too stressed - find the fun in expressing yourself.There you have it, my top tips for being an internet writing champ! If you follow this advice, all your online compositions will be polished, responsible, and awesome. Keep practicing and learning, and you'll be amazing at web writing in no time.Well, that's all for now. BFF Jimmy signing off! Happy writing, dudes!篇5How to Be a Smart Online WriterHey kids! Are you excited to learn about writing awesome English stories and essays online? Writing on the internet can be really fun, but there are some important rules we need to follow to do it the right way. Let me explain!First, we have to understand that writing online is different from writing on paper at school. When we write online, our words can be seen by people all over the world! That means we have to be extra careful about what we say and how we say it. We don't want to accidentally hurt someone's feelings or share private information, right?One of the most important rules is to never share personal details like your full name, address, phone number or which school you go to. That's private stuff that should stay between you, your family and your teachers. Bad people could use that information to try and find you, which is really scary!It's also super important to be kind and respectful when writing online. The internet can feel like a blank space where you're anonymous, but there are real people reading your words on the other side of the screen. Would you want someone making fun of you or using mean language? I didn't think so! We should treat online writing like we're talking face-to-face with our classmates.Speaking of language, we need to watch our spelling, grammar and punctuation extra closely online. In class, your teacher is right there to catch mistakes. But online, those errors are out there for the whole world to see! Using proper Englishshows that you're a skilled writer who took the time to do a good job. Sloppy writing with tons of mistakes makes you look lazy and careless.Here's another big one - giving credit where it's due. If you get inspirations or facts from somewhere else online, you have to make that clear. Copying someone's work word-for-word without saying it came from them is called plagiarism, and it's just like cheating on a test. Not cool! Anytime you use someone else's words or ideas, cite your sources properly.One of the awesome things about writing online is that you can share your creativity and passions with lots of people around the globe. But with that comes responsibility. You have to be very careful about what personal information you reveal, stay away from inappropriate content, and respect copyright laws.If you're old enough to have social media accounts, those are linked to your online writing too. Never post anything online that you wouldn't want your parents, teachers, friends and future employers to see! Those posts and pics stay out there forever, even if you delete them later.Now for my favorite part - using pics, emojis, gifs and videos to jazz up your online writing! These multimedia tools allow you to express yourself in fun, engaging ways. Just be smart aboutwhat images you choose. Make sure they're appropriate, aren't offensive to anyone, and that you're allowed to use them without breaking any rules.Online writing opens up a massive world of opportunities for you to learn, grow and connect with others. But you have to do it responsibly to stay safe. Follow these tips, and you'll be a star online writer!Remember - think before you click, be respectful of others, give proper credit, protect your private info, and use cool multimedia responsibly. Do all that, and your online writing will be awesome!Writing online allows your voice and ideas to be heard across the world. How cool is that?! Just make sure you're doing it the smart way. Now go forth and write!。

dontknow what to do英语连读

dontknow what to do英语连读

dontknow what to do英语连读Don't Know What to Do: An Exploration of English LinkingEnglish language learners often encounter various challenges in their journey to master the language. One common difficulty is understanding and navigating through connected speech, including the concept of linking. Linking is the process of blending sounds between words to create smooth and natural speech. In this article, we will explore the phenomenon of English linking and discuss its implications for language learners.1. What is linking?Linking is a crucial aspect of connected speech in English. Unlike in some other languages, where words are pronounced distinctly and separately, English words often blend together to form a seamless flow of speech. This blending occurs through the use of linking sounds, which connect the final sound of one word with the initial sound of the following word.For example, consider the phrase "I want to go." In natural spoken English, the phrase would sound more like "I wanna go." The linking sound "n" is inserted between "want" and "to" to create a smoother pronunciation.2. Types of linkingThere are several types of linking in English, each serving a different purpose in speech.2.1 Consonant-to-vowel linkingConsonant-to-vowel linking is the most common type of linking in English. It occurs when a word ends with a consonant sound and thefollowing word begins with a vowel sound. In this case, a linking sound is inserted to bridge the gap between the two words.For instance, in the phrase "big apple," the final "g" sound in "big" blends with the initial "a" sound in "apple," resulting in "biggapple."2.2 Consonant-to-consonant linkingConsonant-to-consonant linking happens when a word ends with a consonant sound and the next word also begins with a consonant sound. In such cases, a linking sound is used to smoothly connect the two words.For example, in the phrase "nice shirt," the final "s" sound in "nice" is linked with the initial "sh" sound in "shirt," yielding "nice shurt."2.3 Vowel-to-vowel linkingVowel-to-vowel linking occurs when a word ends with a vowel sound, and the following word also begins with a vowel sound. In this situation, a linking sound, typically a glottal stop or a slight pause, is used to separate the two vowel sounds.For instance, in the phrase "see it," the final "ee" sound in "see" is separated from the initial "i" sound in "it" with a slight pause, resulting in "see-eet."3. Why is linking important?Understanding and utilizing linking is crucial for effective communication in English. Incorporating linking into your speech can significantly enhance your fluency and make you sound more like a native speaker.By linking words together, you create a smoother and more natural flow in your speech. This melodic connectedness between words can help convey your ideas more effectively and facilitate better comprehension by your listener.4. How to practice linkingPracticing English linking will help you improve your spoken English skills and enhance your overall fluency. Here are some strategies to incorporate linking into your language practice:4.1 Listen to native speakersBy regularly listening to native English speakers, you can become more familiar with the natural rhythm and flow of connected speech. Pay close attention to how words blend together and identify instances of linking in their speech.4.2 ShadowingShadowing involves listening to a native speaker and simultaneously repeating what they say. This technique allows you to imitate the natural linking patterns and develop a more intuitive understanding of connected speech.4.3 Recording and analyzing your own speechRecord yourself speaking in English and analyze your pronunciation. Take note of instances where you can incorporate linking and work on integrating those linking sounds naturally into your speech over time.4.4 Practicing with tongue twistersEngaging in exercises with tongue twisters is an entertaining way to practice and improve linking skills. Tongue twisters often contain challenging sequences of linked sounds that can help you develop a better grasp of English linking.In conclusion, the concept of linking is a crucial aspect of connected speech in English. By understanding and practicing linking, language learners can improve the naturalness and fluency of their spoken English. Embracing this aspect of the English language will open doors to more effective communication and enhance overall language proficiency. So, don't hesitate to dive into the world of English linking and reap the rewards it offers.。




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2024年七年级英语学科学习困难及解决方法单选题40题1.I can't remember the new word. What should I do?A.Read it many times.B.Write it down only once.C.Never look it up in a dictionary.D.Don't try to use it in sentences.答案:A。

“Read it many times”( 多读几遍)是一种有效的记忆单词的方法。

选项B“Write it down only once” 只写一次)不利于记忆单词。

选项C“Never look it up in a dictionary” 从不查字典)不利于理解和记忆单词。

选项D“Don't try to use it in sentences”(不在句子中使用它)也不利于掌握单词。

2.I don't understand a word in the text. What's the best way?A.Guess its meaning from the context.B.Ignore it and move on.C.Ask someone immediately without thinking.D.Give up reading.答案:A。

“Guess its meaning from the context” 从上下文猜测其意思)可以帮助理解不认识的单词。

选项B“ Ignore it and move on” 忽略它继续往下读)可能会导致对文本理解不全面。

选项C“Ask someone immediately without thinking”( 不加思考就马上问别人)不利于培养自主学习能力。

选项D“Give up reading”( 放弃阅读)不可取。



批判性思维的重要性如何培养的英语作文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Awesome Power of Critical ThinkingHave you ever heard someone say "Don't believe everything you read online" or "Question everything"? Those are reminders about using critical thinking – something super important that can help you make great choices in life. Let me explain why critical thinking matters so much and how you can get better at it.Critical thinking means not just believing stuff because someone told you, but questioning it, looking at it from different angles, and making up your own mind. It's like being a detective who gathers clues and evidence before deciding what really happened.Why is that so useful? Well, think about how many things you're told every day – by teachers, parents, TV shows, websites, friends, and more. Some of it is totally true and accurate. But some of it might be mistaken, exaggerated, or even made up! Ifyou just believe everything without questioning it, you could end up with a bunched up mess of wrong information in your brain.Imagine if you believed everything you saw in TV commercials. You'd think that every toy was the most amazing thing ever, every food was delicious and healthy, and every product would make you popular and happy. But we all know commercials exaggerate and leave out downsides to get you to buy their stuff. That's why you need critical thinking to sort out the real deal from the phony claims.Or let's say you're researching animals online and you read that lions are the biggest cats that have ever existed. Using critical thinking, you'd ask: Is this source reliable? Are there other sources that disagree? What about prehistoric cat species that are extinct - were any of those bigger? By digging deeper and cross-checking, you might learn that lions aren't the biggest felines ever after all.Critical thinking also helps you make choices instead of just going along with the crowd. If all your friends want to watch a movie that looks inappropriate for kids, you can stop and think: Is this really a good choice for me? What are the potential downsides? Is there a better option that's smarter and safer? Then you get to make your own wise decision.And later in life, critical thinking will help you weigh different views on important issues, evaluate advertising claims, select trustworthy media sources, and make big life decisions like choosing a job, buying a home, or deciding who to vote for. The more you practice questioning, analyzing, and thinking independently now, the better prepared you'll be.So how can you amp up your critical thinking skills? Here are some tips:Ask questions! Whenever you're taught something, don't just accept it. Ask: Is this totally true? How do we know? What's the evidence? Are there other perspectives? Questioning is the start of thinking critically.Check your sources. Not everything you read or hear is accurate and unbiased. Learn to evaluate whether sources are reliable, credible, and objective.Look for ulterior motives. When people are trying to persuade you of something, think about whether they might be biased or have a hidden agenda, like selling you a product or getting your support.Consider multiple viewpoints. Things aren't always simple yes-or-no situations. Practice looking at issues from different angles before making up your mind.Use your brain - don't just memorize! Understanding reasons and analyzing ideas is more important than just memorizing facts if you want to think critically.Practice, practice! Critical thinking is like a muscle – the more you exercise it, the stronger and smarter it gets. Look for chances to question things every day.So next time you hear something surprising, confusing, or just a bit fishy, don't immediately believe it. Stop, think it through, and decide for yourself what's really true. That's what critical thinkers do – and it can help you avoid being tricked, make excellent decisions, and become a wise person prepared for incredible success!篇2Why Thinking Critically is Super Important and How to Get Better At ItHey there! My name is Sam and I'm a 5th grader at Oakwood Elementary School. Today I want to talk to you about somethingthat's really, really important – thinking critically. You might be wondering, "What's that?" and "Why does it matter for a kid like me?" Well, let me explain!Critical thinking means looking at information, arguments or situations from multiple angles and perspectives. It's about asking questions, analyzing the evidence, and coming to your own conclusions instead of just blindly accepting what you're told. It helps you make good decisions, solves problems, and separates fact from fiction.Pretty cool, right? Being a good critical thinker is an awesome skill to have, no matter how old you are. It helps you out all the time in school, with your friends and family, and in everyday life. Let me give you some examples of when critical thinking comes in handy:• When you're doing homework and the book or teacher's explanation doesn't make sense, you can think through it yourself and find a way to understand it better.• W hen two friends tell you conflicting stories about something that happened, you can think critically about both accounts and figure out which one is more likely to be true.• When you watch an ad on TV or online for some new toy, you can think critically about whether the company is giving you all the facts or just trying to get you excited to buy their product.• When you have a decision to make, like what game to play at recess or which book to read next, thinking critically helps you weigh the pros and cons.See what I mean? Critical thinking is pretty handy! If you get good at it now, it'll make your life so much easier as you get older. That's why it's super important to start building these skills while you're young.But how exactly do you get better at critical thinking? It's not something you're just born with – it takes practice. Here are some tips that have helped me a lot:Ask questions! Whenever you're confused about something or want more details, ask "How?" "Why?" "What evidence is there for that?" Asking questions is a huge part of thinking critically.Don't just accept everything you hear or read as truth right away. Play devil's advocate and try to poke holes in the argument. What might be missing or wrong?Look at things from multiple points of view. Just because someone thinks one way doesn't mean it's the only way to look at the situation. Consider other perspectives.When you have to make a decision, make a pros and cons list. Writing it out step-by-step can help you analyze better.Practice analyzing things like advertisements, news stories, and even movies or TV shows you watch. What are they really trying to say or get you to do?Discuss things with others and hear their thought processes. You might spot flaws or good points you missed.Those are just some examples, but there are tons of ways to exercise your brain's critical thinking muscles every single day! The more you practice, the better and stronger your skills will become.I know it's easy to sometimes just go along with what a teacher, parent, friend, book or website tells you without really questioning it. And sure, those sources are often trustworthy. But not always! By thinking critically, you're taking charge of your own learning and understanding of the world – not just going along with what you're told.I'll be honest, critical thinking does take more effort than just accepting things at face value. You have to work a little harder to analyze, question, consider other perspectives, and come to your own conclusions. But in my opinion, putting in that extra mental effort is 100% worth it.Here's the way I see it: The world is a really big, complicated place, and there's sooooo much information, misinformation, arguments and decisions we all have to deal with every single day. Without strong critical thinking skills, it's like you're just drifting through life accepting whatever you're told or whatever is easiest. But if you have a critical mindset, you're in control –you ask the tough questions, analyze evidence from multiple angles, and make educated decisions for yourself.To me, that ability to think critically and not just go with the flow is one of the most important skills anyone can have, kid or adult. That's why I really want to keep working on building my critical thinking skills now. I know being a strong critical thinker will allow me to better understand things in school, make good choices with my friends, question misleading info, and be more independent with my thinking overall.So what do you think – are you ready to start flexing those critical thinking muscles with me? It'll take practice, but it'll betotally worth it. Having a sharp, questioning mind is a crucial tool not just for school, but for life. Let's get started!篇3The Power of Questioning Everything: Why Critical Thinking MattersHave you ever been told to just listen and not ask too many questions? Or that you should simply believe what adults, teachers, or other authorities tell you without questioning it? Well, I'm here to tell you that constantly asking "why?" is actually a really good thing!Critical thinking is all about not just blindly accepting what you're told, but questioning information, opinions, and arguments to understand if they really make sense. It's about using logic and reasoning to analyze things carefully instead of just going along with the first thing you hear.Why is this so important? Because not everything people say is accurate or true, even if the person seems like an expert. By thinking critically, you can learn to separate fact from fiction, truth from myth or exaggeration. Critical thinkers don't just believe everything they read online or see on TV either. Theyanalyze sources, look for evidence, and make their own informed decisions about what to believe.Pretty cool, right? Critical thinking helps you avoid being misled and keeps you from believing silly rumors, urban legends, or "fake news." It's a crucial skill for learning, research, and just understanding the world around you. Let me give you an example of how it works:Let's say your friend tells you that going outside at night causes blindness because that's what their uncle claims. Anon-critical thinker might just believe this weird statement because an adult said it. But a critical thinker would ask questions like: "Does he have any proof?" "Have doctors and scientists studied this?" "What could possibly cause blindness from being outside at night?"By asking probing questions and demanding evidence,you'd quickly realize that claim makes no sense at all! Using your critical thinking abilities prevents you from falling for silly myths and unfounded claims.So how can you become a brilliant critical thinker? It starts with cultivating certain habits:Always ask questions! Don't just blindly accept things you're told. Ask "why?" constantly to push for reasons, evidence, and explanations.Evaluate information sources carefully. Just because something is online or in a book doesn't make it accurate. Look for objective, well-researched information from experts.Identify assumptions and biases. We all have prereconceived ideas that can cloud our judgement. Try to set aside assumptions when analyzing an issue objectively.Consider multiple perspectives. Things are rarely as simple as they may seem at first. Make sure to look at every side of an issue, argument, or situation.Separate fact from opinion. Facts are objective and backed by evidence. Opinions are subjective views that may or may not be based on reality.Look for solid logic and reasoning. Well-thought-out arguments rely on logical principles like cause/effect and premise/conclusion to be valid.Don't just accept the first answer. Sometimes the obvious or immediate conclusion isn't the right one. Dig deeper through research and analysis.Be willing to change your mind. Critical thinkers don't cling to views that get disproven. They rationally re-evaluate based on new information.It takes practice, but developing these abilities will make you a True Critical Thinker! Along with helping you separate truth from fiction, it's also a crucial skill for success in school and future careers.Thinking critically allows you to analyze information, weigh evidence, consider different viewpoints, and come to logical conclusions. It helps you make good decisions, avoid being fooled, and really understand what you're learning instead of just memorizing facts.In our world with so much information (and misinformation!) out there, having strong critical thinking abilities is more important than ever. It empowers you to think for yourself, question things, and not simply accept everything you're told without evidence.So next time someone tells you to stop asking "why" so much, you can explain that constantly questioning things is actually the smartest way to learn! By developing your critical thinking muscles, you'll gain deeper knowledge, learn to tell fact from fiction, and make well-reasoned decisions throughout life.Those who think critically today will be the leaders, innovators, and problem-solvers of tomorrow. So start flexing your critical thinking skills now and you'll go on to do amazing things!篇4How to Become a Critical ThinkerHi there! My name is Jamie and I'm going to tell you all about critical thinking. It's a super important skill that can help you in so many ways. Let me explain what it is and why it matters.Critical thinking means looking at things carefully and asking questions instead of just believing everything you're told or see. It's about using your brain to figure out what is true and what isn't. It's being curious and not taking things at face value.For example, let's say your friend tells you that chocolate milk comes from brown cows. You could just believe them because they're your friend. Or you could think critically about it. You know milk comes from cows, but have you ever seen a brown cow? Probably not, since most cows are black and white. So by using your brain and knowledge, you can question whether that "fact" is really true or just a silly made-up thing.Critical thinkers are like detectives. They gather information and evidence, then use logic and reasoning to figure out what's really going on. It keeps you from being fooled by lies, mistakes, or badly thought-out ideas. Critical thinking protects you from falling for scams, conspiracy theories, and fake news too.But critical thinking isn't just about doubting things. It's also about looking at sources to see which ones are trustworthy and believable. Is this info coming from a real expert who studies the topic? Or is it just some random person on the internet stating an opinion as fact? Thinking critically helps you tell the difference.Another aspect is looking at different sides of a situation instead of just accepting one perspective. Let's say two friends are arguing because one said something mean to the other. A critical thinker will try to understand both points of view instead of instantly taking one friend's side. They'll ask questions, gather information on what happened, and think about it from multiple angles before deciding what they believe is fair.So now you know what critical thinking is and why it's useful. But how can you become a better critical thinker yourself? Here are some tips:Ask Questions: Get curious! When you hear a claim or statement, ask yourself questions like "How do they know that?", "Is there evidence to back it up?", "Are there other possible explanations?". Asking questions is key to not just blindly accepting everything you hear.Don't Jump to Conclusions: Avoid making assumptions or judgments until you have enough information. Sometimes our first impression can be wrong. Be patient and look at things from all sides before deciding what you think.Use Your Senses: Don't just rely on one source or perspective. Look at information and evidence from as many places as possible. See things for yourself instead of just taking someone's word for it when you can.Check Sources: Is the information coming from a reliable, trustworthy source that has actual expertise on the topic? Or is it just some random person's opinion stated as fact? Evaluate the quality of sources.Consider Multiple Viewpoints: Things are often more complex than they seem at first. There can be multiple valid perspectives and interpretations. Try to consider different angles and viewpoints besides your initial one.Use Logic and Reasoning: Once you've gathered information from good sources, use logic and reasoning to analyze it. What conclusions does the evidence support or not support? What are the strengths and weaknesses of different claims?Be Open-Minded but Skeptical: Have an open mind when first looking at a topic, but judge ideas and claims with a healthy skepticism based on logic and evidence. Don't just reject things out of hand, but don't blindly accept things either. Use your brain!Critical thinking takes practice, but it's a skill that will help you so much in school and life. It helps you figure out what information is true and what isn't so you can make good decisions. It prevents you from being easily fooled or manipulated. And it helps you understand situations from many angles instead of only one limited view.So keep working on asking questions, evaluating sources, considering different perspectives, and using reasoning. The more you practice critical thinking, the better you'll get at spotting poor arguments, faulty logic, and lacking evidence. You'll make wiser choices and be able to see through lies, rumors, and tricks.Critical thinking is key to learning, understanding the world, and solving problems. It gives you power over being misled and helps you get closer to the truth. So keep working on becoming an amazing critical thinker - it's an awesome life skill!篇5The Super Power of Critical ThinkingHi friends! Today I want to talk about a really cool superpower that can make you smarter and help you make better choices. It's called "critical thinking" and it's like a mental muscle that gets stronger the more you use it. Pretty awesome, right?So what exactly is critical thinking? Well, it's all about questioning things instead of just accepting them at face value. It means looking at information carefully, asking questions, and making sure you understand something fully before believing it. Critical thinkers don't just swallow everything they're told - they analyze it from different angles.Why is this so important? Because there's a ton of information out there, and not all of it is true or accurate. TV shows, websites, even some books - they can have mistakes, biases, or try to get you to believe something that benefits theminstead of you. Critical thinking helps you sort out the facts from the nonsense.It's kind of like being a detective, gathering clues and evidence to get to the truth instead of just guessing. You have to look at who is giving you information and why they might want you to believe it. You check if their facts and sources are reliable. You consider different viewpoints on the same topic. It's like seeing the full picture instead of just one tiny part.Developing this superpower takes practice, but it's so worth it! Critical thinkers tend to get better grades, make wise decisions, and have an easier time seeing through tricks people use to mislead them. Companies love hiring people who can think critically too because it means they can solve problems and come up with creative ideas.So how can you work on becoming a critical thinking ninja? Here are some tips:Ask questions! Whenever you're learning something new or someone tells you something, get in the habit of asking "why?" Understanding the reasoning behind things is key.Don't just accept the first answer. If something doesn't make sense, ask more questions to better understand it. And check ifthe information is coming from an expert source that knows what they're talking about.Consider multiple viewpoints. For any situation, there are usually different ways of looking at it. Try to see things from other perspectives before making up your mind.Look for evidence. What proof is there that something is true? Reliable sources like expert books and academic articles are better than just someone's opinion online.Practice analyzing things. Whether it's an ad, a story, or even song lyrics, try breaking it down and evaluating the message, techniques used, assumptions made, and so on.Don't be afraid to question authority. Just because a teacher, parent, or other authority figure says something, it doesn't automatically make it true. Respectfully asking for explanations is part of learning.Keep an open mind. While questioning things is great, you also don't want to be so doubtful or biased that you refuse to accept anything new. Critical thinkers weigh evidence fairly.The more you flex your critical thinking muscles, the stronger they'll become. It might feel a little uncomfortable at first, kind of like when you start a new exercise. But stick with itand you'll get а mental superpower that helps you succeed in school and life!Just imagine - with critical thinking skills, you can become a facts ninja, slicing through lies and spotting tricks from a mile away. You'll learn way more because you'll understand things on a deeper level. And you'll make excellent decisions because you'll consider all the angles instead of just going with your first gut reaction.Someone once said that критическое мышление не значит быть негативным - это значит оценивать честно и сохранять здравый смысл . I may be just a kid, but I know that developing this skill now will make me stronger, smarter, and more awesome as I grow up. Who's with me?篇6Title: Why It's Cool to Think for Yourself!Do you ever feel like adults are always telling you what to do? They say things like "Because I said so," or "You'll understand when you're older." Well, I've got a secret to share with you - it's really important to learn how to think for yourself and ask questions! This skill is called "critical thinking," and it's like a superpower that will help you in school and life.What is critical thinking? It means looking at information and ideas from different angles instead of just believing everything you're told. It's about asking questions like "How do we know this is true?" and "What if we looked at it this way instead?" Critical thinkers don't just accept things at face value – they dig deeper to understand the full story.Why is it so cool to be a critical thinker? Well, for starters, it will make。



如何正确问答情感问题英语When addressing emotional questions in English, it's important to approach the conversation with sensitivity, empathy, and cultural awareness. Here are some guidelines to help you ask and answer emotional questions correctly:1. Use Polite and Respectful Language: Start with phraseslike "I hope you don't mind me asking," or "If you're comfortable sharing," to show respect for the other person's feelings.2. Be Empathetic: Show that you understand and care about the person's feelings. Use phrases like "That must be really tough for you," or "I can imagine how difficult that must be."3. Ask Open-Ended Questions: Instead of asking questions that can be answered with a simple "yes" or "no," try to ask questions that encourage the person to express their feelings and thoughts. For example, "How are you feeling about the situation?" or "What has been your experience with this?"4. Avoid Judgmental Statements: Be careful not to make statements that could be interpreted as judgmental. Stick to asking for information and expressing support.5. Listen Actively: When the person is answering, listen carefully to what they are saying. Show that you are engagedby nodding, maintaining eye contact, and using verbal cues like "I see" or "Go on."6. Offer Support: If appropriate, offer support or encouragement. You might say something like, "I'm here for you if you need to talk," or "It's okay to feel the way you do."7. Respect Boundaries: If the person seems uncomfortable or unwilling to discuss the topic further, respect their boundaries and change the subject.8. Use "I" Statements: When expressing your own feelings or thoughts, use "I" statements to avoid sounding accusatory. For example, "I feel concerned about your well-being," instead of "You should be more careful."9. Be Patient: Emotional discussions can take time. Bepatient and give the person space to express themselves.10. Follow Up Appropriately: If the conversation is ongoing, follow up in a way that shows you remember and care about what was discussed. "How are you doing with that situation now?" is a good way to show you're still concerned.Remember, the key to asking and answering emotional questions in English, or any language, is to be compassionate, respectful, and attentive to the other person's feelings and comfort level.。



别追问时间的意义去主动赋予作文英文回答:The meaning of time is a complex concept that has been pondered by philosophers, scientists, and ordinary individuals throughout history. Time is a fundamentalaspect of our existence, shaping our daily lives and influencing our decisions. It is a valuable resource thatwe constantly strive to manage effectively. However, the significance of time goes beyond its practical implications.Time is a measure of change and progress. It allows usto track the passage of events and observe the evolution of the world around us. Without time, there would be no senseof history or development. We would be trapped in aneternal present, unable to learn from the past or plan for the future. Time gives us the opportunity to reflect on our experiences, learn from our mistakes, and grow as individuals.Furthermore, time provides a sense of structure and order in our lives. It helps us establish routines, set goals, and prioritize our activities. It allows us to allocate our limited resources, such as energy and attention, in a way that maximizes our productivity and well-being. Time management is crucial for achieving success in various aspects of life, whether it be in our careers, relationships, or personal pursuits.In addition, time has a profound impact on our perception of reality. It shapes our memories and influences our sense of time passing. The passage of time can be experienced differently depending on our state of mind and the activities we engage in. For example, time may seem to fly by when we are having fun or engaged in an enjoyable activity, while it may drag on when we are bored or waiting for something. Our perception of time can also be influenced by cultural factors, such as the pace of life in different societies.Overall, the meaning of time is multifaceted and deeply intertwined with our human experience. It is a fundamentalaspect of our existence, enabling us to navigate the world, learn from our experiences, and make the most of ourlimited resources. Time is not just a practical concept, but also a philosophical and psychological one that shapes our perception of reality.中文回答:时间的意义是一个复杂的概念,历史上一直被哲学家、科学家和普通人所思考。



为什么不说反话英语作文英文,Why not speak in a reverse language English composition?Well, speaking in a reverse language can be quite challenging for many people. It requires a lot of mental effort to form sentences in a way that is opposite to the usual way of speaking. Additionally, it can be confusingfor the listener to understand and interpret the meaning of the reverse language. For example, if I were to say "I am not happy" in reverse language, it would be "I ma ton yppah", which is not easily understood.Furthermore, speaking in reverse language may not be practical in many real-life situations. For instance, if I were to communicate with someone who is not familiar with the reverse language, it would be difficult to convey my message effectively. In addition, using reverse language in professional or formal settings may not be appropriate and could lead to misunderstandings.Overall, while speaking in reverse language may be a fun and interesting exercise, it is not a practical or effective means of communication in most situations.中文,为什么不说反话英语作文?说反话英语对很多人来说是一种挑战。

Don't Ask, Don't Tell文本歌词

Don't Ask, Don't Tell文本歌词

Don't Ask, Don't Tell - Chelsea GrinI'm not too far from youI can't wait to see you again and again Lift me up to the higest levelAnd lay me down once I reach the clouds I'm not a fiendJust persistent in my beingI've been living up the nights in white The storm keeps growingI can taste the bitter leafThe highThe blood is flowingThe blood is flowingOh My lady winterPlease come and take my soulSo don't ask and I won't tellJust relax and let your heart swellTake this flask and kick it backIt won't be easy until she comes back Until she comes backSo don't ask and I won't tellI will hold my breathUntil you fill my lungsI will never give upAnticipation is the itch to my craveLift me up to the higest levelLift me up to the higest levelI've been living up the nights in white The storm keeps growingI ILook in the mirrorsThe red is feeling in your eyes your eyes You're getting lost inBetween the lines the linesI've been living up the nights in white The storm keeps growingI can taste the bitter leafThe high the blood is flowingSo don't ask and I won't tell tellSo don't ask and I won't tell。

当别人问不愿意回答的问题时,切勿说it’s my secret,当不想再听某人讲话时,也最好别说shut up !(

当别人问不愿意回答的问题时,切勿说it’s my secret,当不想再听某人讲话时,也最好别说shut up !(


“shutup !”(闭嘴!)自然没错,可人家受得了吗?不如来一句“oh, come on .give me a break !” (帮帮忙,让我歇歇吧!)这多地道、多幽默。


“you look fine !”当然不错,可如果你说”you’re in the pink !”就妙得多了,实际上,在英语口语中,表示颜色的词用起来非常形象生动。

★“他精力充沛”美国人说:“he is bouncy.”而不说“he is energetic ”,牢记一些日常对话中的活句式是你一把必备的钥匙。

★如:久仰,“i get mind of you “。

比”i heard a lot about you.”轻松得多。

★代问他人好当然能用”please remember me to your sister .”或”please give my bestwishes to you r father ”不过,若是很好的朋友,何不说,“please give my love tojim。

”★在中国可不能随便说“我想你”,然而,当和西方人分手时说“i will miss you .”要比说“good-bye”或“see you soon”有趣得多,不妨一试。

★有人开会迟到了,你若对他说“you are late .”,听起来象是废话,若说“did you getlost ?”,则更能让他歉然,可别说成“get lost!”那可是让人滚蛋的意思。

★别人征求你的意见,问能否开窗户等,你要说“you can do that .”就有点土了,用“Whynot?”可能会好些。

问“现在几点了?”用一句“do you have the time? ”实际上,问他人的姓名,地址都可以这么用:“may i have you name?“要比”what’s your name ? ”礼貌得多,不过警察例外。




爱因斯坦经典中文语录1) 你要知道科学方法的实质,不要去听一个科学家对你说些什么,而要仔细看他在做些什么。

2) 在一个崇高的目的的支持下,不停地工作。


3) 想像力比知识更重要,因为知识是有限的,而想像力概括着世界上的一切,推动着进步,并且是知识进化的源泉。


4) 我们一来到世间,社会就会在我们面前树起了一个巨大的问号,你怎样度过自己的一生?我从来不把安逸和享乐看作是生活目的本身。

5) 等你们六十岁的时候,你们就会珍惜由你们支配的每一个钟头了。

6) 学习知识要善于思考,思考,再思考。


7) 我生平喜欢步行,运动给我带来了无穷的乐趣。

8) 不管时代的潮流和社会的风尚怎样,人总可以凭着高贵的品质,超脱时代和社会,走自己正确的道路。

9) 只有两种东西没有极限,一是宇宙,一是人类的愚蠢;对于前者我还不太确定。

10) 我要做的只是以我微薄的力量为真理和正义服务,即使不为人喜欢也在所不惜。

11) 学习知识要善于思考,思考,再思考,我就是靠这个方法成为科学家的。

12) 对于我来说,生命的意义在于设身处地替别人着想,忧他人之忧,乐他人之乐。

13) 宽容意味着尊重别人的无论哪种可能有的信念。

14) 科学研究基于同一法则,即一切事物的产生取决于自然规律,这也适用于人们的行动。

15) 提出一个问题往往比解决一个更重要。


16) 要成为羊群中优秀的一员,你就必须先成为一只羊。

17) 苦和甜来自外界,坚强则来自内心,来自一个的人自我努力。

18) 我不知道第三次世界大战用什么武器,第四次世界大战肯定用棍子和石头。



爱因斯坦语录以下是爱因斯坦的一些名言和语录:1. "Imagination is more important than knowledge." - "想象力比知识更重要。

"2. "The only source of knowledge is experience." - "知识的唯一来源是经验。

"3. "The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits." - "愚蠢和天才之间的区别在于天才有其局限性。

"4. "In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity." - "困难的中间蕴藏着机会。

"5. "Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." - "伟大的精神总是遭遇平庸的思维的激烈反对。

"6. "Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school." - "教育是在人们忘记在学校学到了什么之后剩下的东西。

"7. "The measure of intelligence is the ability to change." - "智慧的衡量标准是变革的能力。

"8. "Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere." - "逻辑可以带你从A到B,想象力可以带你到任何地方。

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“Don’t Ask,Don’t Tell”Inference:Architectural Views and their Interfaces∗Rich HilliardConsentCache Inc.rh@March15,2001AbstractThis position paper asks the theoreticians for help with a practical class of problems in inconsistency man-agement:integration of multiple architectural views of a system.I outline the problem,suggest a metaphorfor approaching the problem and ask some questions.IntroductionI’m not an expert in non-classical logics.I don’t have a general theory to apply to the issues posed by this workshop.Instead,I’m a software architect.I’m interested in practical solutions to inconsistency for a certain class of problems.In this position paper,I describe that class of problems and some intuitions that may be relevant.I’m writing this position paper in the hope that these issues will generate some interest among the theoretical community; because they are real and perhaps more tractable than the general problem of inconsistency among software artifacts at-large.Architecural DescriptionsMost modern architecting techniques[1,3,6,7,8,9]start from a notion of multiple architectural views as a fundamental,organizing principle of architectural descriptions(ADs):those work products used to document the architecture of a software-intensive system.However,there are virtually no practical techniques for view integration or inconsistency management in this community.My interest is the integration of multiple architectural views into an architectural description for a system of interest.The system may be an individual system,a product line or product family with variants,a system-of-systems,etc.The architectural views have this character:•each view is typically written in its own viewpoint language;•in practice,views are developed somewhat autonomously to solve distinct architectural problems(system structure,security,distribution);•therefore,the subjects addressed by each view are somewhat orthogonal;∗Submission to the2nd International Workshop on Living With Inconsistency•architectural views are“contemporaneous”(or horizontal):issues of vertical refinement do not arise(until later).Note:I use the terminology of IEEE1471,which distinguishes views and viewpoints roughly as follows(cf.[10]):view:viewpoint::object:typeViews as ModulesThe character of the views as described above,makes the metaphor of Views as modules attractive[4,5]: views:architectural description::modules:programModules have these characteristics:(i)they facilitate separation of concerns;(ii)they promote encapsulation; and(iii)module integration can be defined in terms of modules’interfaces.These notions date back at least to Parnas[11].The metaphor suggests these ideas:that views,like modules,address separate concerns;that to the extent that views can be non-interfering,those views“encapsulate”concerns;and that if we had some notion of “view interface,”it may be useful to talk about view integration via interfaces.Pursuing the metaphor further,we might characterise interfaces in terms of the resources they provide and require from other views:a provides interface exports viewpoint elements to be used by other views.A requires interface identifies“formal parameters”of the view which must be supplied by another view.In the example,the Capability View provides components and connectors.The Commerce View requires that actors and values be instantiated from outside the view,etc.Questions for the WorkshopHere are some questions the Views as modules metaphor suggests:•What criteria can be used to maximise the independence of views?Of viewpoint languages?•Are there logics that can underwrite an open-ended set of viewpoint languages to facilitate reasoning about the resulting views?•Is there a notion of view interface that is useful when reasoning–rather than pure description–is the goal?•Are interface theories sufficient to write correspondence relations between views[2]?•Does the provides,requires paradigm from module interconnection languages suggest a metaphor for view interfaces that can support reasoning?References[1]L.Bass,P.Clements,and R.Kazman.Software Architecture in Practice.Addison Wesley,1998.[2]E.Boiten,J.Derrick,H.Bowman,and M.Steen.Constructive consistency checking for partial specificationin Z.Science of Computer Programming,35(1):29–75,September1999.[3]D.E.Emery,R.Hilliard,and T.B.Rice.Experiences applying a practical architectural method.InA.Strohmeier,editor,Reliable Software Technologies–Ada-Europe’96,number1088in Lecture Notesin Computer Science.Springer,1996.[4]ing the UML for architectural description.In R.France and B.Rumpe,editors, UML ’99The Unified Modeling Language,Second International Conference,volume1723of Lecture Notes in Com-puter Science,pages32–48.Springer,1999.[5]R.Hilliard.Views as modules.In B.Balzer and H.Obbink,editors,Proceedings Fourth InternationalSoftware Architecture Workshop(ISAW-4),4and5June2000,Limerick,Ireland,pages7–10,2000.[6]C.Hofmeister,R.Nord,and D.Soni.Applied Software Architecture.Addison-Wesley,1999.[7]IEEE Std1471-2000Recommended Practice for Architectural Description of Software-Intensive Systems,October2000.[8]International Organization for Standardization.ISO/IEC107461–4Open Distributed Processing—Reference Model(Parts1–4),July1995.ITU Recommendation X.901–904.[9]P.B.Kruchten.The4+1view model of architecture.IEEE Software,28(11):42–50,November1995.[10]B.Nuseibeh,J.Kramer,and A.Finkelstein.A framework for expressing the relationships between multipleviews in requirements specification.IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering,20(10):760–773,1994.[11]D.L.Parnas.On the criteria to be used in decomposing systems into modules.CACM,15:1053–58,December1972.。
