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V62与小鼠Anamorsin在氨基酸序列上有88 % 的同源性,为不同种属的同源分子。





3、利用体外药物敏感试验、阿霉素蓄积与潴留试验、阿霉素诱导凋亡试验、Western Blot等研究CIAPIN1对胃癌MDR的影响;










为进一步确证以上结果,通过HepG2亚细胞成分的分离,用Western Blot方法检测了CIAPIN1在各亚细胞成分内的分布,结果与免疫学方法和EGFP融合表达所得到的结果一致。




我们进而采用Western Blot的方法证实CIAPIN1能上调P-gp的表达和Bcl-2/Bax的相对比率;基因转染、siRNA技术、阿霉素蓄积与潴留试验、药敏实验显示:CIAPIN1的特异性siRNA转染后可有效逆转胃癌MDR表型。





结果显示:(1) Ad‑CIAPIN1可以上调CIAPIN1在SGC7901和MKN45细胞中的表达,Ad‑CIAPIN1siRNA可以显著抑制CIAPIN1在上述两种细胞系中的表达;(2)上调CIAPIN1表达可抑制SGC7901和MKN45细胞的生长,下调CIAPIN1表达可促进SGC7901和MKN45细胞的生长;(3) CIAPIN1可以抑制胃癌SGC7901和MKN45细胞体外锚定非依赖成长能力;(4) CIAPIN1可抑制SGC7901和MKN45细胞的体内成瘤;(5) CIAPIN1抑制胃癌SGC7901和MKN45细胞增殖的机制,部分是通过下调CyclyinD1的表达,上调P27的表达,抑制细胞周期G1进展实现的。


在相似条件下分别对来自SGC7901-pSi CIAPIN1及其对照SGC7901-pSi的总蛋白样品重复进行了3次2-DE,从肉眼观察发现相同样品的3次2-DE图谱基本一致。


利用Melanie3 2-D分析软件分析,发现CIAPIN1能够上调SGC7901细胞内13个蛋白的表达,下调其中7个蛋白的表达。



然而,这一结果还需要Western Blot进行进一步验证。

经过Trizol法抽提SGC7901-pc和SGC7901-p CIAPIN1细胞的总RNA,琼脂糖检测和Lab-on-Chip分析表明:所提取的RNA无明显降解,RNA的质和量符合基因芯片测定的要求。

经过RNA纯化、荧光探针的制备纯化及定量、芯片杂交、图像采集及数据标准化等步骤,发现芯片的杂交信号强度较高,片内信号均一,14,000个杂交点的质控点变异系数(CV)均值为12.4 %,芯片杂交点的检出率为84.6 %。

以两种细胞信号强度的比值小于0.5或者大于2为标准判定差异表达基因,结果发现,与对照的SGC7901-pc细胞相比,SGC7901-p CIAPIN1细胞中上调表达的基因有411个,下调表达的基因有288个。





1、C IAPIN1蛋白在哺乳动物小鼠和人发育不同阶段的组织与器官中广泛分布,其表达水平与
2、C IAPIN1蛋白在细胞胞浆、胞核和核仁均有分布,并富集于核仁;
3、C IAPIN1通过上调P-gp的表达,增加药物泵出率;上调Bcl-2/Bax的相对比率抵抗凋亡,
4、C IAPIN1可抑制胃癌细胞增殖、成瘤,其机制部分是通过下调CyclyinD1、上调P27的表
5、C IAPIN1蛋白可与新的分子——TXNL2相互作用。

The functional characterization of a novel gene CIAPIN1
Li Xiaohua
CIAPIN1, a novel antiapoptotic molecule, which does not show any homology to known apoptosis regulatory molecules such as Bcl-2 family, Caspase family, or signal transduction molecules, is proven to be a mediator of the RAS signaling pathway and plays a vitally important role in fetal liver hematopoiesis. Microarray analysis showed that Bcl-xL and Jak2were downregulated in fetal liver of mCIAPIN1null mice, suggesting that mCIAPIN1 might exert its function by up-regulating the expression of Bcl-xL and Jak2. In addition, mCIAPIN1 protects Ba/F3 cells a gainst etoposide, γ radiation and stauroporine in vitro. Our previous studies revealed that CIAPIN1was upregulated in MDR gastric cancer cell subline SGC7901/VCR at mRNA level. Furthermore, CIAPIN1 was found to act as an antiapoptotic molecule in vivo because mCIAPIN1-/-
mice died in late gestation from defective definitive hematopoiesis in the fetal liver. However, although mCIAPIN1 as an anti-apoptosis molecule has been observed in the mouse cell lines, the basic biological function of CIAPIN1 is still unclear. Here, we aim to explore the basic biological function of CIAPIN1 and to examine its effects on the embryogenesis, multidrug resistance, cancer development and so on. These studies would reveal the basic biological function of this novel gene-CIAPIN1.
In order to explore the basic biological function of CIAPIN1, we first examined the expression and location of CIAPIN1 in mammal development and its subcellular location in differential cell lines. Then, we focused on the effect and mechanism of CIAPIN1 on gastric cancer MDR, cancer development and process. Finally, by the approaches of the 2-DE, gene chip, TAP and MALDI-TOF-MS technologies, we tried to understand the possible signal pathways and interaction molecules of this novel gene-CIAPIN1.
(1) Immunohistochemistry was used to analyze the expression trend of CIAPIN1 in heart, liver, brain, kidney and skeletal muscle during mouse postnatal development from P0 to P28 and the various tissues of adult mouse. Immunochistochemistry was also used to analyze the expression distribution of CIAPIN1 in the various tissues from five month human embryos and adult human.
(2) Bioinformatic prediction disclosed a putative nuclear localization signal and a putative nuclear export signal within both human and mouse CIAPIN1. Here, we want to examine the distribution of CIAPIN1 in normal fetal and adult human tissues by immunohistochemical (IHC) staining with an in-house-produced we further performed immunofluorescence, 6×His-tagged fusion protein expression, and analytical cell fractionation in our present study. (3) CIAPIN1was found to be overexpressed at the mRNA level in the vincristine induced MDR gastric cancer cell SGC7901/VCR compared to its parental cell line. In this study, with the gene transfected, in vitro drug sensitivity assay, flow cytometry detect apoptosis, RT-PCR, Western Blot and Luciferase reporter assay methods, we investigated the role of CIAPIN1in multidrug resistance (MDR) of gastric cancer cells and the possible underlying mechanisms. (4) CIAPIN1, CIAPIN1-siRNA and their control vectors and adenovirus were constructed and packaged. In order to explore the
relationship of CIAPIN1 and gastric carcinoma, CIAPIN1 related adenoviruses were used to infect gastric cancer cells. (5) The downstream effectors were screened by two-dimensional electrophoresis and MALDI-TOF-MS. (6) The downstream effectors were screened by microarray.
(7) The interaction molecules were screened by TAP.
1.T he distribution of CIAPIN1 in tissues of mouse postnatal of differential time point During mouse postnatal development, CIAPIN1 immunoreactions in the heart, brain, liver, kidney and skeletal muscle have some upregulated between P0 and P7. CIAPIN1 expression becomes slightly low in the liver, kidney and skeletal muscle, but higher between P7 and P14 in the heart and brain. Between P14 and P21, CIAPIN1 expression in the brain, heart and liver becomes much lower. However, between P21 and P28, CIAPIN1 expression in the heart, brain, liver and skeletal muscle becomes much lower, while with the kidney development, CIAPIN1 expression in the kidney becomes higher. In various tissues from adult mouse, CIAPIN1 has been found in the cardiac muscle, brain, liver, epithelium of renal tubule, skeletal muscle, lung tissue, gastric mucosa and gland, acinus lienalis.
2. Distribution of CIAPIN1 in normal fetal and adult human tissues
To reveal the possible physiological role of CIAPIN1, we examined the expression and distribution of CIAPIN1 in fetal and adult human tissues using immunohistochemistry. We found that CIAPIN1 was ubiquitously expressed in fetal and adult tissues, and localized in both the cytoplasm and the nucleus. The expression patterns of CIAPIN1 were similar in fetal and adult tissues and correlated with the previously described expression pattern of Ras. These observations suggested that CIAPIN1 expression appears to be involved in the cell differentiation, and it might exert some universal and possibly important physiological functions in the regulation of Ras in humans.
3. Subcellular localization of CIAPIN1
Our previous studies have demonstrated that CIAPIN1 is ubiquitously expressed in normal fetal and adult human tissues. However, fundamental biological functions of CIAPIN1 have not been elucidated. In this study, we first predicted the subcellular localization of CIAPIN1 with bioinformatic approaches and then characterized the intracellular localization of CIAPIN1 in both human and mouse cells by a combination of techniques including (a) immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence, (b) His-tagged CIAPIN1 expression, and (c) subcellular fractionation and
analysis of CIAPIN1 in the fractions by Western Blot. All methods produced consistent results: CIAPIN1 localized in both the cytoplasm and the nucleus and accumulated in the nucleolus. Bioinformatic prediction disclosed a putative nuclear localization signal and a putative nuclear export signal within both human and mouse CIAPIN1. These findings suggested that CIAPIN1 may undergo a cytoplasm–nucleus–nucleolus translocation.
4. CIAPIN1 confers MDR of gastric cancer cells
The overexpression of CIAPIN1 gene has been previously reported in SGC7901/VCR cell line compared with its parental cell line SGC7901 by our team. In the present study, we constructed the siRNA eukaryotic expression vectors of CIAPIN1 and transfected them into SGC7901/VCR cells to examine whether the downregulation of CIAPIN1 increased cell sensitivity towards chemotherapeutic drugs. After transfection, the expression of CIAPIN1 was dramatically decreased in CIAPIN1-siRNA transfectants compared with that in parental cells and vector control cells. The downregulation of CIAPIN1 significantly enhanced the sensitivity of SGC7901/VCR cells to vincristine (VCR), adriamycin (ADR) and etoposide (VP-16), but not to 5-fluorouracil (5-Fu) and cisplatin (CDDP). The capacity to efflux adriamycin decreased markedly in CIAPIN1-siRNA transfectants, and the correlation between CIAPIN1 downregulation and decreased MDR-1 transcriptional activity was obtained. Inhibition of the CIAPIN1expression could significantly downregulate the expression of Bcl-2, and upregulate the expression of Bax, but does not alter the expression of PTEN in gastric cancer cells. These observations suggested that the CIAPIN1-siRNA could effectively downregulate the expression of CIAPIN1 and reverse the multi-drug resistance of gastric cancer cells. Further study of the biological functions of CIAPIN1may be helpful for understanding the mechanisms of multidrug resistance of gastric cancer and developing possible strategies for the treatment gastric cancer.
5. CIAPIN1 inhibits gastric cancer cell proliferation and cell cycle progression
CIAPIN1 was found to be downregulated in human gastric cancer tissues as compared to the matched adjacent nonneoplastic tissues. In this study, we investigated the effect of CIAPIN1 on the proliferation of gastric cancer cells in vitro and in vivo. Ectopic expression and knockdown of CIAPIN1 in gastric cancer cells SGC7901 and MKN45 were achieved by transduction with recombinant adenoviruses expressing human CIAPIN1(Ad‑CIAPIN1) and human CIAPIN1‑specific small interference RNA adenovirus (Ad‑CIAPIN1siRNA). Gastric cancer cells with upregulated expression of CIAPIN1 significantly decreased proliferation, while cells with
downregulated CIAPIN1 expression showed significantly quicker growth rate as compared with their respective controls in both in vitro and in vivo tests. Also, CIAPIN1could significantly suppress the colony formation of SGC7901 and MKN45 cells in soft agar cloning test. Furthermore, cell cycle distribution analysis revealed that CIAPIN1induced cell cycle arrest at G1/S phase. Downregulation of CyclyinD1 and upregulation of P27 might contribute, at least in part, to this altered cell cycle distribution. This study demonstrated that CIAPIN1 is a suppressor of the proliferation of gastric cancer cell and suggested that CIAPIN1 might play an important role in the development of human gastric cancer.
6. Screening of the downstream effectors of CIAPIN1
The proteomic maps of SGC7901-pSi CIAPIN1 and SGC7901-pSi were successfully acquired through two-dimensional electrophoresis. Most of the protein spots were distributed in the center of the map. Melanie3 2D software was used to analyze the two proteomic maps. Compared to the map of SGC7901-pSi, there were 13 protein spots of interest in SGC7901-pSi CIAPIN1which were strongly stained and 7 spots weakly stained. All the spots were treated by destaining of silver, in-gel digestion and then analyzed by MALDI-TOF-MS. After MASCOT database searching, eight proteins were identified. They were P66、If-A20、Twist、IGHD、CACNA1B、GSDM1、IFT20 and RGS, among which P66、RGS、Twist、CACNA1B、GSDM1 and IGHD were downregulated, IFT20 and If-A20 were upregulated by CIAPIN1. The total RNA of SGC7901-p CIAPIN1and SGC7901-pc were extracted. The quality of extracted RNA was evaluated by agarose electrophoresis and analysis of Lab-on-chip. After microarray hybridization and data normalization, 84.6 % spots out of 14,000 genes were positively detected, among which in gastric cancer cell lines 411 genes were up-regulated while 288 genes were down-regulated by CIAPIN1.
7. Screening of the interaction molecules of CIAPIN1
Identification of protein–protein interactions is at the core of understanding biological processes occurring in living cells. The tandem affinity purification (TAP) combines purification of a protein complex of interest using affinity purification tags with subsequent mass spectrometry identification of unknown protein complex components. The key feature of this technology is the use of two different affinity purification tags that are fused to at least one known component of the protein complex of interest by genetic methods. Performing two consecutive purification steps using affinity purification tags that have gentle washing and elution conditions allows for isolation without disrupting the targeted complex. In this study, we constructed the pCTAP expression vector
of CIAPIN1 and trasfected the vectors into SGC7901 cells. With the TAP and SDS-PAGE, the spots were treated by destaining of Coomassie brilliant blue, in-gel digestion and then analyzed by MALDI-TOF-MS. After MASCOT database searching, one protein molecule – TXNL2 interacted with CIAPIN1 was identified.
In conclusion, we provide evidence of several new biological function of novel gene CIAPIN1.
(1) CIAPIN1 was ubiquitously expressed in fetal and adult tissues of the different development stages in mammalian mouse and human; (2) CIAPIN1 localized in both the cytoplasm and the nucleus and accumulated in the nucleolus; (3) CIAPIN1 confers multidrug resistance by upregulating the expression of P-gp and Bcl-2/Bax ratio in gastric cancer cells; (4) CIAPIN1 inhibits gastric cancer cell proliferation and cell cycle progression by downregulating CyclinD1 and upregulating P27; (5) One new protein molecule – TXNL2 interacted with CIAPIN1 was identified. 【Keywords】
CIAPIN1; embryonic development; tissue distribution; subcellular localization; MDR; adenovirus; gastric cancer; 2-DE; gene chip; TAP; interaction molecule.。
