



商务英语口语900句中英文对照中文翻译全文翻译Unit 1希望与要求Part 11. We’d like to express our desire to establish business relationship with you on the basis of quality, mutual benefit and exchange of needed goods 。


2 .In order to extend our export business to your country we wish to enter direct business relations with you.为了扩大我们在贵国的出口业务,我们希望和你们建立直接贸易关系。


Our hope is to establish mutually beneficial trading relations between us 。


We looking forward to further extension of pleasant business relations。

我们期待进一步保持愉快的业务关系.5. It's our hope to continue with considerable business dealing with you。



We look forward to receiving your quotation very soon。



I hope you see from the reduction that we are really doing our utmost。




1 你什么时候要货呢?When do you want the goods?2 货送到哪里去?Where shall we deliver the goods?3 有没有送货地点的名片?Do you have card of delivery address.4 你拿多点数量可以便宜点。

We can lower the price, if you take more.5 这个很便宜了,我都算批发价价格给你了。

This is cheap, it is whole sale price.6 先生(女士),等一下,我看最低能多少钱给你。

Wait a minute, Sir/ Madam,7 这种款式没货了,这种质量和那种是一样的,价格也一样。

This style is out of stock. This one and that one are the same quality, same price.8 还需要点别的什么东西吗?Do you want any others?9 要好点的还是便宜的?Want goods products or cheap one?10 你要多少米的?How long do you want?11 算了,给你了。


OK, hope you can come again next time.12 等一下,他去仓库拿货给你看。

Wait a minute. He is going to the warehouse to take the goods.13 保修一年one year warranty14 一年内是质量问题可以拿回来换。

If there is quality problem, take it back, we replace it.15 我怎么联系你呢?How can I contact with you?16 这个数量太少了。

能不能订多点呢? Your order is too small, can you order more?17 我有便宜点的。



The road to Hell is paved with good intention好心办坏事The spirit is willing, but the fresh is weak. 心有余而力不足A young idler, an old beggar. 少壮不努力老大徒伤悲.爱莫能助be disobliging活该to have it/that coming to sb.遇到克星meet one’s wasterCats hide their claws. 知人而不知心Grasp all. Lose all. 贪多必失Two’s company,but three’s a crowed. 两人成伴,三人不欢背黑锅The whipping boy./ to carry the can逼得走投无路to bring/ drive sb. to bay.进退维谷to be caught between the Devil and deep blue sea. 出格step out of lineNo way is impossible to courage. 勇者无惧The more wit, the less courage. 初生牛犊不怕虎Nothing ventured nothing gained. 不入虎穴焉得虎子认为…不在话下think nothing of doing sth.采取主动take the initiative in doing sth.激流勇进advance through the rapids.Don’t hate the hand that fee ds you. 不要忘恩负义Better be envied than pitied. 宁被人妒,不被人怜To turn over a new leaf. 改过自新吃不着葡萄说葡萄酸sour grapes恨铁不成钢regret that one’s offspring does not live up to one’s expectations wish iron could turn into steel at once.红颜易逝beauty fades likes a flowerCare killed the cat. 忧愁伤身To leave(sb) for behind/ in the dust 望尘莫及Feast or famine 大起大落To scratch one’s head/ rack one’s brain 冥思苦想The fool wonders, the wise man asks. 愚人困惑,智者勤问The squeaking wheel gets the oil. 无声无息,亦无所得He who hesitates is lost. 犹豫不决错失良机一头雾水To be in a complete fog/ to be puzzled and confused.仁者见仁,智者见智To be all things to all men/people.茅塞顿开click(to suddenly became clear or understand)Faith moves mountain. 精诚所至,金石为开A friend is best found in adversity. 患难见真情Those are in the same boat should row together. 同舟共济望子成龙To be ambitious for one’s children.半信半疑Take sth. with a pinch/grain of salt.信誓旦旦V ow solemnly.Absence makes the heart grow fonder. 离别情更切The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. 欲取君心,先悦君胃Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. 情人眼里出西施萝卜白菜各有所爱One’s gravy is another man’s poison.薄情郎Casanova含情脉脉amorous打情骂俏frolicflirt/ with脚踏两只船have/ keep a foot in both camps快刀斩乱麻cut the Gordian knotSweet nothing 情话青梅竹马Child head sweet heart谈情说爱一厢情愿wish thinkingDon’t judge a book by its cover. 不要以貌取人You have to take the good with the bad. 福祸相依Wealth is nothing without health 健康胜于财富A contented mind is a perpetual feast. 知足常乐To come up roses/ To be roses all day. 称心如意(I wish) all/ everything would be pain-sailing. 万事如意To be basking in the love of one’s family. 享受天伦之乐A light heart lives long. 不恼不愁,活到白头Laugh and grow fat. 心宽体胖;笑口常开。



Between..and…在..之间Country of origin and manufacture生产国别和制造厂商Time of shipment装运期限Port of shipment)装运口岸Port of destination 到货口岸Be liable for 对…负责On account of由于Attribute to 造成Take measures采取措施Shipping mark唛头Gross weight毛重Net weight净重Do not stack up side down此端向上Handle with care小心轻放Keep away from moisture切勿受潮Terms of payment付款条件Payment by L/C信用证付款Payment by collection信托付款Payment by M/T信汇付款In case of在情况下,以某种方式Freight to collect运费到付Insurance policy/certificate保险单/证明War risk兵险Breakage and leakage破碎渗漏In the event of在发生情况下ifUpon arrival of在到达之时Invoice of quintuplicate发票5份Packing list in duplicate装箱单2份Certificate of quality质量证明Technical document技术资料Foundation drawings基础图Wiring instructions布线说明Terms of shipment装运条款Shipping agent装运代理人In the matter of如有。

ifBe free from defects不存在缺陷For a period of 2 years from the date of purchase自购买之日起两年内Warranty 保修期Batch number批号Forwarder 代运人Shipment date装运日期Design specification设计规格Risk assessment风险评估。




下面是店铺分享的商务英语单词,希望能对大家有所帮助!实/虚盘 firm/non-firm offer现/期货价 spot/forward price开/收盘价 opening/closing price批发/零售价 wholesale/retail price净/毛利润 net/gross profit现货 spot goods库存有限 limited stock尝试性订购 trial/try-out order现金结算 cash settlement推销员奖金 push money (PM)讨价还价 bargain回佣;回扣 return commission季节性折扣 seasonal discount离岸价 F.O.B. (Free on Board)离岸加运费价 C&F (Cost and Freight)装运港船边交货价 F.A.S. (Free Alongside Ship)目的港船边交货价 F.O.S. (Free over Side)到岸加佣金 C.I.F.C. (Cost, Insurance, Freight and Commission) 信用证结算 payment by letter of credit (L/C)到货付款 cash on delivery (COD)定金;首付 down payment分期付款 payment by installments违约 breach the contrast/agreement贸易索赔 business claim要求赔偿损失 claim for a compensation of loss/damage易货贸易 barter trade补偿贸易 compensation trade外汇储蓄 foreign exchange reserve市场准入 market access双赢/多赢/共赢战略 win-win/all-win strategy经营范围 line/scope business品牌资产 brand equity特许专卖 franchising独家销售/经销代理 exclusive distribution/selling agency直销策略 direct sale strategy促销/营销组合 promotional/marketing mix电话营销 telemarketing集中/网络/差异性营销concentrated/network/differentiatedmarketing整合营销传播方式Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) approach商务英语口语句子Every country possesses sites of local or national interests, which are a source of national pride.每个国家拥有自己地方的历史名胜、民族的历史名胜,它们是民族的骄傲之源。



翻译1.你父亲做什么工作(谋生)?What does your father do for a living?2.我是搞软件开发的。

I'm on the software development side.3.我以前没有这儿见过你。

I haven't seen you around before.4.约翰在一家计算机公司干了许多年了。

John has been with a computer company for years.5.我妻子在家工作。

My wife works from / at home.6、因为要开个会,周五下午我恐怕不能来。

I’m afraid I can’t come on Friday afternoon, because I will be having a meeting then.7、我们打算在这个地区建一座新工厂。

W e are going to set up a new plant in this area.8、你们公司的总部设在哪儿?Where is your company based?9、I’m sort of surprised.north mid-west of the States 美国中西部的北部10、你也从纽约来?真是太巧了。

You are also from New York? That’s really a coincidence.11、我们定个日子一起吃饭吧。

Let’s fix up a date to have dinner together.12、我们将尽力满足客户的需求。

We’ll try to meet the customers’ demands13、两个陌生人正在尽量寻找双方都感兴趣的话题。

Two strangers are trying to find topics of common interest.14、这是我第二次来美国。


clerical assistant 文书
clerical staff文秘人员
clerk 职员,文书
ckientele (统称)(老)客户
clinical trial 临床实验
clipboard computer 写字夹板式电脑
clip-on 夹式的
cloakroom 衣帽间
closing date 截止日
core activity 2 核心业务,主管业务
core benefits 核心福利项目
core product 核心产品
core technology 核心技术
corpocracy 公司官僚主义
corporate business area 商务地段,商务区
corporate charge card 公司赊帐卡
country of domicile 户籍国家
courier 专递员,专递公司
coursebook 教科书
courseware 课件,教学软件
courtesy 礼仪,礼貌的举止言辞
courtesy bus 免费接送汽车,亦作courtesy coach
couturier 设计女装的男设计师
consumer durables 耐用消费品
consumer electronics 家用电子产品
consymer-friendly 便于消费者使用的,亦作
consumer goods 日用消费品
consumer trends 消费趋势
container 集装箱,货柜
containerization 集装箱运输



商务英语翻译技能等级考试英汉词汇表(以英语字母顺序排序)翻译员(五级)所要掌握的词汇为5高级翻译员(四级)所要掌握的词汇为5+4助理翻译师(三级)所要掌握的词汇为5+4+3翻译师(二级)所要掌握的词汇为5+4+3+2A4 abandonment权力委托5 absenteeism 旷工,旷职2 absolute quota 绝对配额3 absolute value 绝对值5 absorb 吸收,减轻(冲击、困难等)作用或影响3 absorb idle fund 吸收游资5 abstract; brief 摘要2 acceptance charge 承兑费2 acceptance in blank不记名承兑3 acceptance letter of credit 承兑信用证3 acceptance sampling抽样认可4 accepting bank; merchant bank承兑银行4 access to market进入市场(的机会)5 accident意外事故3 accident beyond control无法控制的意外事故3 accident insurance 意外事故保险4 accidental damage 意外损坏4 accommodation 设施;住宿;欠单3 accord with the popular will and sentiments 顺民意;合民情5 account 会计帐目4 account balance账户结金5 account book账本(账册、账簿)3 account executive 客户经理(常指广告公司)5 account for 解释;说明4 account number账目编号;账户号码2 account rendered 结欠清单5 account title账户名称5 accountancy 会计工作;会计行业5 accountant 会计5 accountant general会计长5 accounting 会计学3 accounting archives会计档案5 accounts 往来帐目2 accounts being not in order账目不清3 accounts payable应付账4 accounts receivable应收账2 accrued expenses; expenses payable; outstanding expenses 应付费用4 accumulated capital累计资本3 accumulation of capital 资本积累2 accumulative commission 累计佣金5 acquisition 收购5 action plan 行动计划2 activate the existing infrastructure assets 盘活基础设施存量资产5 active demand 畅销3 active improvement trade出口加工贸易5 active stock成交活跃的股票3 active trade balance; active balance of trade 贸易顺差5 activity业务类型3 actual cost 实际成本4 actual delivery 实际交货4 actual price时价;实际价格;实价4 actual total loss实际全损2 Ad (valorem tariff) 从价税3 additional charges; extra charges 附加费用4 additional investment 额外投资2 additional premium 附加保险费2 additional tax 追加税2 address financial risks; guard against and defuse financial risks 防范和化解金融风险2 adequate demand 充分需求4 adjust accounts核算3 adjustment letter海损理算书5 administration; implement 实施,经营,行政4 administrative budget 行政预算;管理预算2 administrative expenses行政开支;办公费4 administrative protection 行政保护5 advance charges预付费用2 advance money on a contract 预付定金4 advance sample预计货样5 advance wages预付工资4 advances on sales 预收货款4 advantage of economies of scale 规模经营优势3 adverse balance of trade贸易逆差5 advertise 公布;做广告5 advertising 广告业3 Advice Bank通知行3 advice of transfer of L/C信用证转让通知3 advocacy group 吁请团,游说团体2 after-sales service 售后服务5 against order根据订单3 against payment付款(交货)4 aged debtors 长期债务人4 agency agreement 代理协议3 agency commission代理手续费5 agenda议事日程5 agent代理人5 agent-service代理业务4 aggregate demand 总需求3 aggregate supply /demand 总供给/需求4 agree text 议定文本5 agreement 协定4 agreement of intent意向协议书5 agreement price协议价2 agreement trade policy协定贸易政策2 agricultural exhibition 农业展览会2 agricultural protectionism 农业保护主义4 air express 特快专递4 air transport航空运输3 airway bill 空运提单3 All Risks 一切险3 allocate the money for all spending 实报实销3 allocated quota国外配额3 allocation system 配额制5 allotment; appropriation拨款5 allowance 津贴5 allowance; benefit 补助金4 amalgamation; merger 合并(公司,企业等的)5 ambition 野心3 amendment of contract修改合同3 amicable settlement between two parties 当事人之间私下和解5 amortization 摊销;摊还;分期偿付5 amortize分期偿还5 amount金额4 amount deposited存款金额4 amount in words大写金额3 amount of funds available for distribution可支配资金4 amount receivable 应收入金额3 an annual rise of每年递增3 analysis for credit purpose信用分析5 annual accounts; annual report年度决算3 annual general meeting 股东年会5 annual interest 年息2 annual interest rate年利率4 annual premium年度保费4 annual reckoning年度结算5 annuitant年金受惠人5 annuity年2 annul a contract废除合同5 anticipate期望4 anticipated expenditure预付开支2 anticipatory L/C预支信用证3 antidumping duty 反倾销税4 anti-dumping measures against 反倾销措施4 anti-fake label 防伪标志5 appeal 吸引力5 appendix附件4 applicable tariff rate 适用税率5 applicant 申请人4 applicant for the credit信用证申请人2 application for amendment of L/C修改信用证申请书3 application for letter of credit信用证申请书5 apply for a job 求职, 找工作3 appointed bank指定银行5 appointee 被任命人3 apportionment of expenses 分摊费用2 appraisal of the fixed assets and the circulating funds asset and capital verification;appraisal of properties and funds 清产核资4 appraise at the current rate变价3 appropriation for state investment国家投资拨款5 aptitude 天资,才能5 arbitrage套利3 arbitral award 仲裁裁决3 arbitral tribunal仲裁庭5 arbitration 仲裁;仲裁条款5 arrears; debt欠款4 arrival draft已到汇票3 article in great demand畅销货5 article No. 货号5 asking price索价4 assembling on provided parts 来料装配2 assembling trade来料装配贸易4 assembly line work; serial production组装线工作4 assembly-line 流水作业线;装配线5 assess 估价;评定5 asset 资产5 assigned 过户5 assignor; endorser 转让人5 assortment 花色(搭配)5 at current price按现价计算5 attachment 附录4 attract deposits; take deposits 吸收存款2 attractive design款式新颖5 auction price拍卖价格5 audit 审计4 audit procedure审计手续4 audit report查账报告2 audit standards审计标准3 auditing accounts; examine and approve 核账3 auditing body 审计机构5 auditor-general审计员5 autarchy闭关自守4 authorized capital 额定投资;法定资本;核定资本4 authorized representative 授权代表3 auto insurance 汽车保险5 automate 使某事物自动操作5 available capital 可用资产5 average 平均水准;海损3 average income 平均收入3 average policy 海损保险单4 average profit 平均利润4 average profit rate on funds平均资金利润3 aviation insurance 航空保险2 avoid herd mentality 防止"一哄而起"B3 back order 拖欠订货;积压订货4 back pay; back salary 欠付工资4 backhander 贿赂5 backing 财务支持5 backlog 积压(工作或订货)4 bad assets 呆滞资产5 bad debt 死账(无法收回的欠款)5 bad loan 坏帐、呆帐、死帐4 bad packing包装不善5 balance差额;收支差额3 balance between cash receipts and payments 现金收支平衡3 balance between income and expenditures收支平衡4 balance in our favor我方受益4 balance of international payments; international even and expenditure 国际收支3 balance of payments 贸易支付差额3 balance of trade; trade gap贸易差额4 balance sheet资产负债表4 balanced budget平衡预算;收支平衡的预算5 bale capacity包装容积5 bale packing打包3 bank acceptance; banker’s acceptance bill银行承兑汇票5 bank accounting银行会计2 bank cheque account银行支票账户5 bank deposit银行存款2 bank deposit certificate银行存款凭证3 bank discount rate 银行贴现率5 bank failures银行倒闭4 bank interest银行利息4 bank money order 银行汇款单5 bank money; bank paper银行票据5 bank note 钞票3 bank of discount贴现银行3 bank post remittance银行邮汇5 bank rate银行利率3 bank remittance; banker’s bill银行汇款4 bank statement 银行结算清单(给帐户的),银行对账单5 bank stock 银行股票5 bankbook; deposit book存折4 banker’s acceptance承兑信用证4 banker’s letter of guarantee银行保证函3 banker's letter of credit银行信用证3 Banker's Letter of Guarantee 银行保证函4 banking institution金融机构5 banking; finance金融5 bar chart柱状图3 bare contract无条件契约5 bargain 讨价还价3 bargain sale大减价5 barter易货贸易5 base price 基价5 base wage; regular pay基本工资5 basic wage 基础工资2 basis of assessment 估税标准4 batch production 批量生产;成批生产3 be civic-minded 有公德心4 be fair in buying and selling买卖公平5 be in debt亏空2 be nominated 待指定5 be out of debt 不欠债3 be paid by the hour 按小时付酬4 be paid in full at the appointed time 到期全部付清5 bear 空头5 bear market 熊市4 bearer cheque 不记名支票3 bearer cheque, cheque payable to bearer 来人支票;无记名支票5 beat 胜过4 beautiful design造型优美2 beautiful in colors 色彩艳丽3 bedrock / bottom price最低价5 behave 运转2 below-the-line advertising 线下广告,尚未被付款的广告4 benchmark 衡量标准4 beneficiary受益人5 benefit 保险金得益4 best-selling goods 畅销2 bet asset value 资本净值2 bicycle tax 自行车税2 bid firm递实盘4 bid up; raise up the price 抬价3 bid; submission of tender 投标4 bid-ask spreads买方出价与卖方要价之间的差价5 bidding递盘3 bidding invitation contract system 招标承包制4 bilateral agreement双边协定4 bilateral arrangements 双边安排5 bilateral trade 双边贸易5 bilateralism双边主义5 bill broker; underwriter证券经纪人;保险商;承保人3 bill drawn on a letter of credit 信用证汇票5 bill due; outstanding accounts 欠账4 bill of entry报税通知单;报关单2 bill of exchange, draft 汇票3 bill of landing 提货单5 bill; note票据;账单;纸币5 billboard 广告牌;招贴板5 black list 黑名单,禁止贸易的(货物、公司及个人)名单4 black market operations黑市交易3 black Monday 黑色星期一,指1987年10月国际股票市场崩溃的日子4 blank cheque空白支票4 blank form 空白格式2 blockade and embargo封锁及禁运2 Blue Chip Index 蓝筹股指数5 blue chips 蓝筹股,绩优股5 blue-collar 蓝领(工人)的3 Board of Directors 董事会2 bonded factory保税工厂3 bonded warehouse 保税仓库5 bonds; debenture; negotiable securities债券5 bonus; dividend红利;奖金2 bonuses for topping quotas超额奖金4 book balance 账面余额4 book value 账面价值,(公司或股票)净值5 book; place an order for 订购;订货5 bookkeeper簿记员5 bookkeeping簿记5 books公司帐目2 boom-and-bust cycle 经济繁荣与萧条交替循环5 border trade; frontier trade边境贸易4 borrow capital; debt capital借入资本4 borrow money 借款5 borrower借款人3 bothsides clear 银货两讫5 bottleneck瓶颈4 bottleneck restrictions 瓶颈制约5 bounce 支票因签发人无钱而遭拒付并退回5 boycott抵制5 brainstorm 头脑风暴;献计献策;点子会议5 branch bank银行分行5 brand 品牌2 brand leader 占市场最大份额的品牌,名牌2 brand loyalty 对品牌的忠实(指消费者)3 breach of condition违反要件4 breach of contract 违反合同;违约;不履行合同3 breach of warranty违反随附条件5 break暴跌2 break even point 收支相抵点;盈亏平衡点3 breakage clause破碎险条款5 breakthrough 突破2 bring new vigor and vitality into 注入新的生机与活力5 brochure小册子5 broker经纪人3 brokerage fee 经济人佣金4 brokerage firm 经济商行5 budget预算4 budget allocations 预算拨款5 budget control 预算控制4 budget deficit预算赤字4 budget in balance收支平衡的预算3 budget limitation预算限度5 budget program预算方案5 budget proposal预算提案3 budget surplus 预算盈余4 budgetary expenditure 预算开支4 budgetary requirement预算需要2 budgetary resources预算经费2 budgetary revenue 预算收入5 budgeter预算编制人4 buffer fund缓冲基金,平准基金3 buffer inventory 用于应付突发性需求的存货3 build a conservation-conscious society 建设节约型社会5 build up a reputation建立信誉5 build up a market开辟市场3 bulk capacity散装容积5 bull多头5 bull market牛市2 burglary insurance 失窃保险2 business accounting商业会计2 business accounting at different levels分级核算5 business budget企业预算4 business card 名片5 business center商业中心5 business circle 工商业界4 business connection商务关系5 business cost; cost in business企业成本5 business cycle 商业周期4 business discussion业务洽谈4 business forecasting商情预测4 business insurance 商业保险4 business intelligence商业情报5 business loan商业贷款3 business negotiation交易磋商3 business practice; commercialism 商业惯例5 business principle 经营原则4 business recession 景气衰退4 business report商务报告4 business reputation商业信誉3 business segregation, economy of scale 分业管理、规模经营5 business tax营业税3 business trend商业趋势5 business trust商业信托2 business work discussion meeting商务工作座谈会5 bust 破了产的5 buy back返销3 buyer's market 买方市场4 buying and selling stocks 股票买卖;股票交易3 buying for resale购货转销4 buying long多头买升4 buying offer买方发盘5 buying power; purchasing power 购买力3 buying rate 买入汇率5 buying requisition 购货请求5 buyout买下全部产权5 by-product 副产品C4 C&F (cost and freight)成本加运费价(离岸加运费价)2 cable reply 电复3 CAD (computer aided design)计算机辅助设计4 calculate on the base line 按原口径计算3 calculated on the basis of their 按原价计算4 calculated risk 预计风险3 clear the market把市场供货一买而光5 call on约请2 calling up of capital催缴资本4 cancel a contract撤销合同4 cancel an order取消订单4 canceled cheque已付支票3 cancellation (of insurance)退保注销5 candidate求职者,候选人5 canvass 征求意见,劝说5 capacity容积;生产额,(最大)产量2 capacity inventory 用于将来某时使用的存货4 capacity packing容量包装3 capacity to pay; purchasing power支付能力2 capital adequacy ratio资本充足率4 capital and interest; principal and interest 本利3 capital construction input; capital expenditure基本建设费用3 capital consumption基本消耗4 capital deficit资本亏空2 capital financing提供资本2 capital flight 资本外逃5 capital flows; capital movement资本流动3 capital fund投资资金;基本资金2 capital gains资本收益3 capital gains tax 资本收益税4 capital goods 资本货物;生产资料4 capital in general 一般资本5 capital inflow 资本流入5 capital market 资本市场3 capital operation资本循环2 Capital Spending Binge 资本投资狂潮4 capital stock; equity capital股本;股本资本2 capital structure资本结构2 capital transactions资本交易5 capital transfer 资本转移2 capital turnover period资本周转期5 capitalist economy 资本主义经济4 capital expenditures资本支出5 caption照片或图片下的简短说明5 capture 赢得2 card ledger 卡片分类账4 cardinal number基数2 cargo examination 验货5 cargo in bag袋装货3 cargo in bulk散装货3 cargo in bundle困装货4 cargo in case箱装货3 cargo in coil; cargo in roll 卷装货5 cargo in container 货柜货4 cargo in drum 桶装货2 cargo insurance货物保险2 cargo receipt陆运收据2 carry out a contract履行合同5 carrying over结转3 carrying stock 存积货物3 carrying value 囤积价值5 cartel卡特尔5 case study 案例分析5 cash 现金,现付款;兑现5 cash account现金账3 cash against documents凭单付现4 cash assets 现金资本5 cash book; cash journal现金出纳账5 cash control现金管理2 cash deposit保证金4 cash dividend 现金配股4 cash drains 现金外流3 cash flow; movements of funds资金流动;现金流量5 cash inflow现金收入3 cash market现金市场3 cash on delivery交货付款2 cash on hand留存现金3 cash out flows 现金流出5 cash payment现金支出;现金付款4 cash pledge押金5 cash purchase 现金买卖5 cash settlement现金结算3 cash with order随订单付现5 cashier; pay clerk 出纳员3 catalog of articles for sale 销售产品目录3 catalog price商品目录价格5 catalogue 商品目录;产品目录5 catastrophe大灾难2 centralization of capital资本集中5 CEO (chief executive officer); managing director总经理2 certificate for export of cultural relics文物出口证明书2 certificate of date of sailing开船证明书2 certificate of departure from port 离岗证明书2 certificate of itinerary 航程证明书3 certificate of origin产地证明书4 certificate of registry国籍证书2 certificate of seaworthiness实行通知书3 certified copy 经签证的副本5 chain 连锁店3 chain of command 控制链5 challenger 挑战者3 change the line of production 转产5 channel 商品流通的渠道4 channel discount特殊折扣3 charges paid各费付讫5 chart图表4 charter (the chartered ship租船3 cheat in work and cut down material偷工减料4 check account 查账;盘账2 check clearing 支票清算或结算4 checking account; current-account holder支票账户5 checkout 付款台5 chequebook 支票簿,支票本4 China’s Export Commodities Fair中国出口商品交易会2 China-US Mediation Center 中美调停中心3 Chinese-foreign joint venture enterprise中外合资经营企业2 chronic inflation长期通货膨胀3 CIC (China Insurance Clause)保险条例(中国人民保险公司)3 CIF, c.i.f. 成本保险费加运费2 CIF-cost, insurance and freight到岸价(成本加运费、保险费价)3 circular flow of economy经济循环5 circular 传阅的小册子(传单等)3 circular credit / revolving L/C 循环信用证5 circulate 传阅3 circulating capital, working capital流动资本4 circulating funds流动基金2 circulation of commodities商品流通4 city development surcharge 城市建设附加费5 claim 索赔4 claims expenses索赔费用4 classification of risk风险分级3 clean / simple payment单纯支付2 clean and efficient government 政府廉洁高效3 clean bill光票3 clean payment credit全部支付信用证3 clear letter of credit无单据信用证5 clearance结关3 Clearing and Settlement Systems 清算及结算系统5 closed shop限制行业(只允许本工会会员)5 close-down停业3 closing adjustment结账整理5 closing date结账日期5 closing price 收盘2 co- insurance company公共保险公司3 coast guard缉私人员5 cold生意清淡的;没人找上门来的5 collaborator合作者3 collateral security证券抵押品4 collect fees arbitrarily 乱收费用5 collect money集资5 collect; levy征收4 collection of duty 征收关税4 collection of duty short paid; cover deficit by state subsidies 补税2 collection system 拖收系统4 collective agreement 工会代表工人与资方代表达成的4 collective bargaining 劳资双方就工资等问题谈判5 collective commerce 集体商业4 collective discussion共同商议5 collective economy 集体经济4 collective investment集资入股2 color brilliancy色泽光润5 colorful五彩缤纷3 combat the global economic slump 抵抗全球经济衰退4 combination budget混合预算2 combined certificate联合凭证4 combined transport 联运2 commercial paper商业票据2 commercial acceptance bill商业承兑汇票4 commercial agreement商业协定2 commercial and industrial law and regulations工商法规3 commercial bank商业银行3 commercial bill商汇票5 commercial capital商业资本3 commercial L/C商业信用证2 commercial packing商业包装5 commercialise使商品化5 commission佣金3 commission brokers佣金(经济人)3 commission insurance 佣金保险5 commitment 承诺5 commodity商品3 commodity exchange 商品交易所;商品交易所贸易5 commodity fair商品交易会4 commodity inspection bureau(CIB)商品检验局3 commodity tax货物税;商品税2 common mercantile practice 一般行业惯例5 common stock; equities; share 普通股2 community fund共同体基金5 company; firm 公司2 comparable price 可比价格5 compensate; indemnity; pay for; recoup 赔偿;补偿4 compensating / compensatory trade; compen 补偿贸易(或抵偿贸易;往返贸易)3 compensation trade policy抵偿贸易政策5 compensation; remuneration酬金2 competition power竞争能力5 competitor, rival对手5 competitor, rival竞争者4 complete in specifications 规格齐全4 comply with a claim满足索赔要求5 component机器元件、组件、部件,部分4 compound interest 复利(复息)2 comprehensive economic exhibition 综合性的经济展览会3 comprehensive policy 集合保险单5 computed price推算价3 concentrated marketing 集中营销策略2 concentrating funds集中资金5 concentration 集中4 concessional loan 优惠贷款4 concessional rate让价2 concessionary finance优惠性融资3 conclude a contract缔结合同4 conclude an agreement签订协议3 conclude business 成交4 conclude business after viewing samples 看样成交5 condition条件,状况3 condition of a loan借款条件3 condition subsequent 解除合同义务条件4 conditional acceptance有条件接受5 configuration; structure设备的结构、组合5 confirmation确认书3 confirmation of sales销售确认书4 confirmed L/ C保证信用证3 confirmed letter of credit保兑信用证3 confirming bank保兑银行2 confiscation of contraband对违禁品的没收5 conflict 冲突2 Conform to WTO Spirits and Agreements遵循WTO精神和条款5 conglomerate 综合商社,多元化集团公司;联合大企业3 consciousness of risk prevention 风险意识3 consequential damages间接损失3 conservation-minded society; resource-conserving society资源节约型社会5 consignee 收货人5 consignment寄售3 consignment trade 委托交易5 consignor; principal委托人;托运人5 consolidate 帐目合并2 consolidated debt 合并债务5 consortium财团2 constant cost不变成本;固定成本3 constant return 固定收益4 constructive total loss 推定全损5 consultant 咨询人员;顾问5 consumables 消耗品2 consumer confidence消费者信心3 consumer durables 耐用消费品(如:洗衣机)2 consumer goods 消费品,生活资料3 consumer price index 物价指数3 container freight station集装箱货运站4 container transport集装箱运输3 continental bridge; land bridge大陆桥4 continental shelf大陆架5 contingency意外事件2 contingency fund 意外开支,准备金3 contingent expenses; contingencies或有费用2 continue with the past and open up the future 继往开来2 continuing account结转账户5 continuum 连续时间4 contract a foreign loan借外债4 contract by deed法定契约5 contract clause; contract terms合同条款5 contract for goods 订货合同4 contract for labor and materials 包工包料3 contract guarantee 合同规定的保证3 contract implementation契约执行5 contract law合同法4 contract performance 合同履行3 contract period合同期限3 contract serial number 合同编号5 contract; indenture契约;合同3 contracted price共同价3 contracting party缔约方2 contracting work承包工程4 contraction of money in circulation通货收缩5 contractor 承办商3 contractual liability合同规定的义务4 contribution of funds 资金捐献3 controlled economy 管制经济2 controller of accounts 会计主任2 controller of the currency 货币总监3 controlling account总账3 controlling company控股公司;总公司3 conventional export packing 通常出口包装5 conventional trade 协定贸易3 conventional vessel普通货船5 convertibility可兑换性3 convertible currency可兑黄金的货币3 coordinated universal time 世界协调时间5 copper coins铜币5 copy副本2 core time 弹性工作制的必须上班时间4 corner the market 垄断市场3 corporation tax法人税;公司税5 cost成本4 cost accounting成本会计2 cost of capital 资金成本4 cost of goods manufactured产品成本3 cost of living index生活费指数5 cost of living; living expenditure 生活费用5 cost price成本价3 cost push成本推进型4 cost-effective有效益的5 costing成本计算2 cost-push inflation 成本推进式通货膨胀3 counter offer还盘4 counter purchase互购贸易4 counter sample对等样品3 counter trade对消贸易(抵偿贸易)3 counterfeit and substandard goods 假冒伪劣商品5 countersign会签3 countervailing duty 反补贴税3 cover note 保险证明书5 competition竞争3 crack down on counterfeit goods 打假5 credentials 可以相信的证明5 credit 赊购4 credit account 赊购账4 credit agency征信机构4 credit association; credit cooperative 信用社5 credit bill信用汇票5 credit card 信用卡4 credit certificate信用证明书2 credit control 赊销管理(检查顾客及时付款的体系)5 credit expansion 信贷扩大5 credit first 信用第一4 credit funds; loan capital信贷资金3 credit insurance; fidelity insurance信用保险4 credit limit 赊销限额4 credit line信贷额度3 credit man 信用调查员3 credit market信贷市场2 credit operation信贷业务3 credit period信用期限3 credit rating 信贷的信用等级,信誉评价3 credit system信用制度4 credit term 信贷条件5 creditor; lender; loaner 债权人;贷方4 creditor’s rights债权2 creditworthiness 信贷价值,信贷信用3 cremation certificate销毁证明书5 crew list船员清单2 critical path analysis 关键途径分析法2 cross retaliation 交叉报复3 crossed cheque 划线支票3 cultural and educational exchanges 人文交流5 currency货币,流通;通货2 currency app reciation’ currency revalua tion货币升值2 currency devaluation / depreciation货币贬值4 currency of payment支付货币4 currency option货币选择权(期货)2 current account 经常账户;往来账户,活期(存款)户5 current assets流动资产4 current deposit 活期存款4 current information行情3 current interest活期利息2 current investment; liquid investment 短期投资4 current liabilities流动负债;短期负债5 current money 通货3 current price prevailing price 现行价格(时价)2 custody of money 保管货币2 custom of foreign trade对外贸易惯例2 customary packing习惯包装5 customer客户4 customer service客户服务5 customise顾客化3 customs bond 海关保税;海关罚款2 customs broker; customhouse broker 报关行3 customs commissioner海关关长2 customs declaration fee报关费3 customs declaration; clearance of goods; apply to the customs 报关2 customs entry 进口报关2 customs fine海关罚款2 customs formalities海关手续2 customs frontier关境3 customs invoice海关发票5 customs law海关法4 customs officer; customs official 海关人员3 customs revenue关税收入4 customs seal海关关封2 customs seizure海关查扣3 customs supervision海关监督5 cut-price 削价(出售)的4 cut-throat残酷的4 cutting down a budget 削减预算3 CV(=curriculum vitae)履历;简历4 cycle inventory循环盘存5 cycle time循环时间D5 daily wage 计日工资;日工资2 damage caused by heating and sweating 受热受潮险4 damp-proof packing防潮包装3 dangerous mark危险标志4 date of entry记账日期5 day laborer 日工5 daybook; journal日记账(流水账)4 dead loss净亏损5 deadline最后期限5 deal营业协议,交易4 deal direct 直接交易4 deal on credit 信用交易;赊账买卖5 dealer商人5 debit记入帐户的借方;借方3 debt instrument债务证券3 debt paying ability偿债能力5 debtor欠债人;债务人;借方2 debts provable in bankruptcy 可证明的破产债务3 decimal currency十分制货币2 declaration of trust信托声明书3 declaration policy 保险陈报书4 decoupling inventory保险性存货(以应付万一)5 deduct扣除5 deductible costs减除成本5 deductible 绝对免配额4 deed of trust信托契约5 default 违约,未履行5 defect缺陷5 defective有缺点的3 defective goods有瑕疵的货物3 defective packing有瑕疵的包装5 defendant被诉方4 defense bond国防公债5 defer推迟3 deferred income延迟收入3 deferred payment L/C; usance L/C远期信用证4 deferred payments延期支付2 deficiency payment system增补亏空支付制2 deficit in revenue 收入不足3 deficit on the books账面赤字2 deficit spending赤字开支5 deficit; in the red 赤字5 deflation 通货紧缩4 deft design 设计精巧3 delicate colors 色泽素雅3 deliver goods发货5 delivery交货5 delivery boy 送报员2 delivery cycle 交货周期3 demand certificate 活期存单4 demand deposit即期存款;活期存款4 demand draft 即期汇票2 demand management需求规化5 demand over supply供不应求3 demand payment of a debt要账4 demand-pull inflation 需求拉动式通货膨胀4 demonstration, manifestation示威3 demurrage (money, charge, fee)滞期费4 departure permit; exit permit出境许可证2 dependable performance性能可靠2 dependency allowance抚养津贴5 deposit 押金;预付(定金);储蓄4 deposit at call 即期存款4 deposit rate存款利率3 deposit receipt; deposit certificate; CD(certificate of deposit) 存款单;存款收据5 depositor存单5 depot仓库5 depreciation 贬值;折旧2 depreciation at market price按市价折旧5 depression萧条5 deputy 副职5 description 说明3 description of commodity 商品名称摘要3 descriptive catalog说明书;商品详细目录3 descriptive labeling商品简介标签5 detailed list清单2 detention beyond the legally prescribed time limit 超期羁押4 detention of vessel船只扣留;海关扣留5 devaluation法定贬值5 developing 发展中的5 development 研究与开发4 die cut pack开窗包装3 different specification 规格不符3 different type式样不符5 differentiation 区分,鉴别4 direct barter直接易货5 direct cost 直接成本4 direct investment 直接投资5 direct mail直接邮件3 direct quotation直接标价5 direct trade直接贸易4 direct transaction in business 直接通用2 direct transit trade 直接过境贸易5 directory号码簿;指南5 discount贴现;折扣4 discount granted 给予折扣5 discount rate 贴现率2 discrepancy and claim clause 异议、索赔条款2 disequilibrium of balance of payment 国际收支不平衡4 dishonor (a cheque) 拒付5 dismissal打发走5 dispatch 调遣2 dispatch money速遣费4 disposable personal income归个人支配的收入5 dispose处理(事务)5 dispose of 清除;去掉5 disputes争议5 distribution分发,分送产品2 diversified economy多种经营5 diversify从事多种经营5 divest剥夺5 dividend股息5 division; section部门3 document against payment (DP)付款交单3 document against payment-sight 即期付款单3 documentary bill 跟单汇票3 documentary letter of credit跟单信用证2 documents against acceptance承兑交单5 dog滞销品5 doldrums 景气停滞5 domestic bank 国内银行4 domestic currency, local currency本国货币4 domestic exchange; home exchange国内汇兑5 domestic saving国内储蓄3 double- digit inflation 双位数通货膨胀2 double insurance双保险4 double-entry复式簿记3 down-market低档商品市场5 downtime设备闲置期3 DP(=data processing) 计算机数据处理3 draft a contract起草合同2 draw a percentage from a sum of money 提成2 draw money from a bank 取出存款5 drawback; refund退款5 drawer 开票人5 drive积极性,能动性3 drug in the market 呆滞商品3 DSB (dispute settlement body) 争端解决机制3 dual purpose exports 军民两用品出口5 dull盘整3 dummy account; false account假账5 dumping商品倾销5 dumping price 倾销价4 duplicate law enforcement多头执法5 duplicate sample复样4 durable in use 经久耐用4 duty allowance职务津贴2 duty memo上税单;税单2 duty partially remitted; duty remitted 特准减税2 duty to be paid at port of import口岸纳税2 duty-free importation 免税进口5 dynamic有活力的E4 earn a profit获得利润5 earned income; labor income 劳动收入;劳动所得4 earnest money 定金5 earnings; profit盈利2 East Asia Economic Rim 东亚经济圈2 easy and simple to handle 操作简便5 easy to use 使用方便5 economic balance经济平衡4 economic channels经济渠道4 economic depression经济衰退5 economic exhibition经济展览会2 economic fluctuation 经济波动4 economic management system经济管理体制5 economic policy经济政策5 economic recovery经济复原4 economic sanction 经济制裁4 economic situation 经济形势5 economic stability 经济稳定3 economic stimulus经济刺激3 economic take-off经济腾飞5 economic trend经济趋势3 education for all-round development素质教育5 efficiency效率4 efficiency of capital资本效率3 efficiency wage效率工资4 Efficient Allocation of Resources资源有效配置3 eight do's and eight don'ts八个坚持、八个反对2 elegant shape 式样优雅3 elimination of rural compulsory education charge取消农村义务教育收费3 elimination of tariffs取消关税5 embargo限额出口3 embezzlement of public funds defalcation挪用公款2 emerging markets新兴市场3 EMP (European Main Port) 欧洲主要港口4 employed person 从业人员3 enclose a check in settlement of 附寄一张支票已清偿5 endorsement 背书4 endowment insurance 养老保险3 end-product制成品3 end-user直接用户;最终用户2 enjoy high reputation at home and abroad誉满中外5 enquiry; inquiry询盘(询价)4 enterprise with exclusive foreign investment 外商独资企业5 entitle 授权5 entitlement应得的权利5 entrepeneur企业家4 entrepot trade 转口贸易3 entrustment of an agent委托代理5 entry permit境许可证4 EPZ (export processing zone)出口加工区4 equal opportunities利益均等2 equilibrium of AD and AS总供给和总需求的均衡3 equilibrium value 均衡值5 equity股东权益2 escape clause免责条款3 escrow credit寄托信用证3 establish oneself in business立足商界3 establish sales territories开拓销售市场3 established / accomplished facts 既成事实4 established practice惯例。



freelance 自由职业TV commercial 电视广告spam 垃圾邮件subscription fee 开通服务费recruitment agency 职业介绍机构senior 资深的,上司aroma 芳香voice mail 语音信箱trade fair event 交易会flow 流动spot 地点,认出dynamic 活力的corporate world 商界post-it note 便利贴/即时贴coaching event 专项体验活动searching engine 搜索引擎buzz 嗡嗡声image 形象incentive 动机artificial sweetener 人工甜味剂bits and pieces 零碎voice mail 语音信箱haul 努力得到的结果trade fair event 交易会corporate world 商界knockbacks 拒绝ranging 分类body-piercing studio 人体穿环工作室email addict 电子邮件狂worst-case scenario 最糟糕的情况client services executive 客服主管entrepreneurial 企业家的embrace 包含,拥抱jolly 痛快,刺激in-tray 文件栏referrals 推荐maximize 最大化dimension 方面recruitment agency 职业介绍机构take a case to the tribunal 起诉pinch 少量branch 分公司out- of -the –way 偏僻的tailor 定制Focus 焦点,侧重jingle 广告词basic package 基本组合V AT 增值税cold calling 无约电话slaves 奴隶shift work 轮班制flexitime 弹性时间shake off 摆脱launch 发行availability 可用性job-sharing 工作分担parental leave 产假social norm 社会规范automated 自动化的incumbent 现任的networking 建立人际网养老金pension职业目标career goal项目经理project manager控股公司holding company创新技术innovative technology利润率profit margin班车shuttle bus目标观众target audience工作说明job description职业目标career goal项目经理project manager岗位培训课程incumbent program远程教育distance learning独立法人sole trader/independent legal entity 部门经理line manager音乐评论music review专题研讨会focus group育儿假parental leave企业家精神entrepreneurial spirit口碑word of mouth广告牌billboard在一个圈子里keep in the loop起始费initial fee品牌识别brand identity带薪休假paid holiday保存邮件save emails惩戒程序disciplinary procedure 联合总裁co-chair营业额turnover资料管理document management 宗旨宣言mission statement情况说明书fact sheet销售总监commercial director行政人员administration staff驾驶课driving lesson。




一、(五级)翻译员 (1-23页)1 absenteeism 旷工,旷职2 absorb 吸收,减轻(冲击、困难等)作用或影响3 abstract; brief 摘要4 accident意外事故5 account 会计帐目6 account book账本(账册、账簿)7 account for 解释;说明8 account title账户名称9 accountancy 会计工作;会计行业10 accountant 会计11 accountant general会计长12 accounting 会计学13 accounts 往来帐目14 acquisition 收购15 action plan 行动计划16 active demand 畅销17 active stock成交活跃的股票18 activity业务类型19 administration; implement 实施,经营,行政20 advance charges预付费用21 advance wages预付工资22 advertise 公布;做广告23 advertising 广告业24 against order根据订单25 agenda议事日程26 agent代理人27 agent-service代理业务28 agreement 协定29 agreement price协议价30 allotment; appropriation拨款31 allowance 津贴32 allowance; benefit 补助金33 ambition 野心34 amortization 摊销;摊还;分期偿付35 amortize分期偿还36 amount 金额37 annual accounts; annual report年度决算38 annual interest 年息39 annuitant年金受惠人40 annuity 年41 anticipate期望42 appeal 吸引力43 appendix附件44 applicant 申请人45 apply for a job 求职, 找工作46 appointee 被任命人47 aptitude 天资,才能48 arbitrage套利49 arbitration 仲裁;仲裁条款50 arrears; debt欠款51 article No. 货号52 asking price索价53 assess 估价;评定54 asset 资产55 assigned 过户56 assignor; endorser 转让人57 assortment 花色(搭配)58 at current price按现价计算59 attachment 附录60 auction price拍卖价格61 audit 审计62 auditor-general审计员63 autarchy闭关自守64 automate 使某事物自动操作65 available capital 可用资产66 average 平均水准;海损67 backing 财务支持68 backlog 积压(工作或订货)69 bad debt 死账(无法收回的欠款)70 bad loan 坏帐、呆帐、死帐71 balance差额;收支差额72 bale capacity包装容积73 bale packing打包74 bank accounting银行会计75 bank deposit银行存款76 bank failures银行倒闭77 bank money; bank paper银行票据78 bank note 钞票79 bank rate银行利率80 bank stock 银行股票81 bankbook; deposit book存折82 banking; finance金融83 bar chart柱状图84 bargain 讨价还价85 barter易货贸易86 base price 基价87 base wage; regular pay基本工资88 basic wage 基础工资89 be in debt亏空90 be out of debt 不欠债91 bear 空头92 bear market 熊市93 beat 胜过94 behave 运转95 benefit 保险金得益96 bidding递盘97 bilateral trade 双边贸易98 bilateralism双边主义99 bill broker; underwriter证券经纪人;保险商;承保人100 bill due; outstanding accounts 欠账101 bill; note票据;账单;纸币102 billboard 广告牌;招贴板103 black list 黑名单,禁止贸易的(货物、公司及个人)名单104 blue chips 蓝筹股,绩优股105 blue-collar 蓝领(工人)的106 bonds; debenture; negotiable securities债券107 bonus; dividend红利;奖金108 book; place an order for 订购;订货109 bookkeeper簿记员110 bookkeeping簿记111 books公司帐目112 border trade; frontier trade边境贸易113 borrower借款人114 bottleneck瓶颈115 bounce 支票因签发人无钱而遭拒付并退回116 boycott 抵制117 brainstorm 头脑风暴;献计献策;点子会议118 branch bank银行分行119 brand 品牌120 break暴跌121 breakthrough 突破122 brochure小册子123 broker经纪人124 budget预算125 budget control 预算控制126 budget program预算方案127 budget proposal预算提案128 budgeter预算编制人129 build up a reputation建立信誉130 build up a market开辟市场131 bull多头132 bull market牛市133 business budget企业预算134 business center商业中心135 business circle 工商业界136 business cost; cost in business企业成本137 business cycle 商业周期138 business loan商业贷款139 business principle 经营原则140 business tax营业税141 business trust商业信托142 bust 破了产的143 buy back返销144 buying power; purchasing power 购买力145 buying requisition 购货请求146 buyout买下全部产权147 by-product 副产品148 call on约请149 candidate求职者,候选人150 canvass 征求意见,劝说151 capacity容积;生产额,(最大)产量152 capital flows; capital movement资本流动153 capital inflow 资本流入154 capital market 资本市场155 capital transfer 资本转移156 capitalist economy 资本主义经济157 caption照片或图片下的简短说明158 capture 赢得159 cargo in bag袋装货160 cargo in container 货柜货161 carrying over结转162 cartel卡特尔163 case study 案例分析164 cash 现金,现付款;兑现165 cash account现金账166 cash book; cash journal现金出纳账167 cash control现金管理168 cash inflow现金收入169 cash payment现金支出;现金付款170 cash purchase 现金买卖171 cash settlement现金结算172 cashier; pay clerk 出纳员173 catalogue 商品目录;产品目录174 catastrophe大灾难175 CEO (chief executive officer); managing director总经理176 chain 连锁店177 challenger 挑战者178 channel 商品流通的渠道179 chart图表180 checkout 付款台181 cheque book 支票簿,支票本182 circular 传阅的小册子(传单等)183 circulate 传阅184 claim 索赔185 clearance结关186 closed shop限制行业(只允许本工会会员)187 close-down停业188 closing date结账日期189 closing price 收盘190 cold生意清淡的;没人找上门来的191 collaborator合作者192 collect money集资193 collect; levy征收194 collective commerce 集体商业195 collective economy 集体经济196 colorful五彩缤纷197 commercial capital商业资本198 commercialize使商品化199 commission佣金200 commitment 承诺201 commodity商品202 commodity fair商品交易会203 common stock; equities; share 普通股204 company; firm 公司205 compensate; indemnity; pay for; recoup 赔偿;补偿206 compensation; remuneration酬金207 competitor, rival对手;竞争者209 component机器元件、组件、部件,部分210 computed price推算价211 concentration 集中212 condition条件,状况213 configuration; structure设备的结构、组合214 confirmation确认书215 conflict 冲突216 conglomerate 综合商社,多元化集团公司;联合大企业217 consignee 收货人218 consignment寄售219 consignor; principal委托人;托运人220 consolidate 帐目合并221 consortium财团222 consultant 咨询人员;顾问223 consumables 消耗品224 contingency意外事件225 continuum 连续时间226 contract clause; contract terms合同条款227 contract for goods 订货合同228 contract law合同法229 contract; indenture契约;合同230 contractor 承办商231 conventional trade 协定贸易232 convertibility可兑换性233 copper coins铜币234 copy副本235 cost成本236 cost of living; living expenditure 生活费用237 cost price成本价238 costing成本计算239 countersign会签240 competition竞争241 credentials 可以相信的证明242 credit 赊购243 credit bill信用汇票244 credit card 信用卡245 credit expansion 信贷扩大246 credit first 信用第一247 creditor; lender; loaner 债权人;贷方248 crew list船员清单249 currency货币,流通;通货250 current assets流动资产251 current money 通货252 customer客户253 customize顾客化254 customs law海关法255 cut-price 削价(出售)的256 cycle time循环时间257 daily wage 计日工资;日工资258 day laborer 日工259 daybook; journal日记账(流水账)260 deadline最后期限261 deal营业协议,交易262 dealer商人263 debit记入帐户的借方;借方264 debtor欠债人;债务人;借方265 deduct扣除266 deductible costs减除成本267 deductible 绝对免配额268 default 违约,未履行269 defect缺陷270 defective有缺点的271 defendant被诉方272 defer推迟273 deficit; in the red 赤字274 deflation 通货紧缩275 delivery交货276 delivery boy 送报员277 demand over supply供不应求278 deposit 押金;预付(定金);储蓄279 depositor存单280 depot仓库281 depreciation 贬值;折旧282 depression萧条283 deputy 副职284 description 说明285 detailed list清单286 devaluation法定贬值287 developing 发展中的288 development 研究与开发289 differentiation 区分,鉴别290 direct cost 直接成本291 direct mail直接邮件292 direct trade直接贸易293 directory号码簿;指南294 discount贴现;折扣295 discount rate 贴现率296 dismissal打发走297 dispatch 调遣298 dispose处理(事务)299 dispose of 清除;去掉300 disputes争议301 distribution分发,分送产品302 diversify从事多种经营303 divest剥夺304 dividend股息305 division; section部门306 dog滞销品307 doldrums 景气停滞308 domestic bank 国内银行309 domestic saving国内储蓄310 downtime设备闲置期311 drawback; refund退款312 drawer 开票人313 drive积极性,能动性314 dull盘整315 dumping商品倾销316 dumping price 倾销价317 duplicate sample复样318 dynamic有活力的319 earned income; labor income 劳动收入;劳动所得320 earnings; profit盈利321 easy to use 使用方便322 economic balance经济平衡323 economic exhibition经济展览会324 economic policy经济政策325 economic recovery经济复原326 economic stability 经济稳定327 economic trend经济趋势328 efficiency效率329 embargo限额出口330 endorsement 背书331 enquiry; inquiry询盘(询价)332 entitle 授权333 entitlement应得的权利334 entrepreneur企业家335 entry permit境许可证336 equity股东权益337 ethnocentrism民族优越感338 exaggerate 夸张339 exceed 超过340 exchange 汇兑341 exclusion除外责任342 exclusive agency; sole agency独家代理343 exhibits展览品345 expenditure, outgoings支出;开支;花费346 expense费用347 expertise专门知识和技能348 export bill 出口汇票349 export capability出口能力350 export contract出口合同351 export control出口管制352 export credit出口信贷353 export duty出口税354 export licence 出口许口证355 export packer出口包装公司356 export subsidy 出口补贴357 export subsidy 出口津贴358 external trade; foreign trade对外贸易359 extra wage; supplementary wage 附加工资360 facilities用于生产的设备、器材361 factoring脱手保付代理;折价购买债券362 fair trade公平交易363 feedback 反馈364 file 文件集,卷宗,档案,文件365 final account; final settlement of account 决算366 final statement 决算表367 financial aid财政援助368 financial center; banking center金融中心369 financial credit财政信贷370 financial index 金融指数371 Financial Instrument金融工具372 financial; fiscal财政的373 financing提供资金;筹借资金374 fine gold; pure gold纯金375 finished goods 制成品376 fire insurance 火险377 fiscal year; financial year财政年度378 fiscality; review检查379 fixed capital; constant capital 不变资本;固定资本380 fixed income固定收入381 fixed interest国定利息382 fixed price; constant price 不变价格;固定价格383 flagship同类中最成功的商品,佼佼者384 flexible 有弹性的,灵活的385 flextime弹性工作时间制386 flier; flyer 促销传单387 flop 失败388 flow shop 车间389 fluctuate波动390 forecast; project 预测391 foreign currency外国货币392 foreign exchange 外汇393 formal contract正式合同394 framework框架395 franchise相对免赔额396 franchisee 特许经营人;授予特许经营权者397 fraud 欺骗398 free port自由贸易港399 free trade自由贸易400 freebie赠品(常指非正式的),免费促销的商品401 freelance 自由职业者(的)402 frozen capital 冻结资金403 frozen fund冻结资本404 funds资金,基金;经费405 futures 期货(贡);期货交易406 GDP Gap缺口(指GDP)407 gearing配称(即定息债务与股份资本之间的比率)408 general agent总代理人409 general import 总进口410 general insurance 一般保险411 general trade总贸易;一般贸易412 gimmick 好主意,好点子413 go public上市;首次公开发行股票414 goal; target目标415 going rate 现行利率,现行汇率;产品的市场价格416 gold bar金条417 gold coin金币418 gold money金货币419 gold rush抢购黄金420 goodwill声誉421 gradually逐渐地422 greenmail 绿票欺诈423 grievance 申诉,抱怨424 gross margin; gross profit毛利率425 gross wages 全部收入426 gross weight毛重427 group集团(由若干公司联合而成)428 guarantee保单429 guidelines指导方针,准则430 hand in呈送431 handle经营432 hands on有直接经验的433 hard currency; hard money硬通货434 hard sell强行推销435 hard times低潮436 head主管437 headquarters总部438 heavy weather 恶劣天气439 hedge 套期保值440 hidden 隐藏的,不明显的441 hierarchy领导层;统治集团;等级制度442 hold water站得住脚443 holder持有者444 HRD人力资源发展部445 hype天花乱坠的(夸张)广告宣传446 impact 强烈影响447 income 工资或薪金收入,经营或投资的收入448 increment 定期增加449 incur 招致,承担450 index索引;指数451 indirect costs 间接成本452 induction就职453 industrial accident劳动事故454 industrial bank 实业银行455 inefficiency 低效率456 inflate 抬高(物价),使(通货等)膨胀457 inflation 通货膨胀458 infrastructure 基本建设459 innovate革新460 input投入461 insolvency 破产462 insolvent 无清偿力的463 inspection certificate 检验证书464 insurance保险465 insurance rebate保险回扣466 insurer 保险人;承保人467 interest bill利息单468 interest rate利率469 interim 过渡期间;中期470 internal tax国内税471 international reserve国际储备472 international trade 国际贸易473 interview面试474 interviewee被面试的人475 interviewer招聘者;主持面试的人476 introduction定向发行477 inventory; stock库存478 investment 投资,资产479 investment bank投资银行480 investment capital 投资资本481 investment trust投资信托482 investor投资者;客商483 invisible trade 无形贸易484 invoice发票485 IOU; bill signed in acknowledgement of debt欠条486 IOUs(I owe you); receipt for a loan 借据487 irrevocable不可撤消的,不能改变的488 issue; float 发行股票489 issuing bank 发证行490 IT (information technology信息技术491 job description 工作说明;职务说明492 job firm股票公司493 job shop专门车间494 joint 联合的495 joint venture联合经营496 junk mail直接邮寄的广告宣传(常指未经收信人要求而发送的)497 jurisdiction管辖(权)498 knockdown 价格很低的499 know-how 专门技术500 label 标签501 labor force; manpower劳动力;劳动力人数502 labor service; work contract劳务合同503 labour costs; labour input 劳力成本504 labour law 劳工法505 launch在市场推出一种新产品506 lay-off临时解雇507 layout工厂的布局508 laytime 装卸时间509 leaflet广告印刷传单510 lease租借,租赁物511 lessee承租人512 lessor出租人513 leverage杠杆比率514 liability; get into debt 负债;债务515 licence (US: license) 许可证516 life cycle 寿命周期517 lighter 驳船518 line process 流水线(组装)519 liquid易转换成现款的520 liquidation清理(关闭公司)521 liquidator 清算人522 liquidity 拥有变现力523 listed 登记注册的524 listing 上市公司名录525 literature 印刷品,宣传品(指产品说明书之类等)526 litigate提出诉讼527 local bank 本地银行528 logo企业的特有标记529 long draft; time bill; usance bill; forward exchange rate 远期汇率;长期汇票530 lose损531 loser失败者532 loss损失533 mailshot邮购534 management管理部门535 manager; director经理536 managerial管理人员的,管理方面的537 manifest报关单;舱单538 manning人员配备539 manufacture用机器制造540 manufacturer制造者(厂、商、公司)541 margin 保证金;利润542 market fairs集市贸易543 market price市场价,市价544 marketing packing 销售包装545 mass media大众传媒(如电视、广播、报纸等)546 material goods 物质资本547 maturity到期日,偿还日548 maximise使增至最大限度、最大化549 media新闻工具,传媒550 merchandising通过对商品的摆放与促销进行经营551 Merchandizing 商品化552 middleman中间人553 minimum profit最低利润554 mission公司的长期目标和原则555 mobility流动性,可移性556 modern design 造型新颖557 modification; revocation 发盘的修改558 monetariest货币主义者559 monetary crisis货币危机560 monetary system金融制度561 money capital 货币资本562 money income 货币收入563 money supply 货币供应564 monopoly垄断565 monopoly capital独占资本566 motivate 激发……的积极性;激励567 motivation 提供动机,积极性,动力568 motive 动机569 multilateralism多边主义570 national debt; government loan 国债571 national income 国民收入;国收入572 national tax; state tax 国税573 national treasury金库574 natural forces; act of God 自然力575 natural wages 正常工资576 negotiable 可谈判的,可转让的577 negotiate谈判578 net income 纯收益;净收入;收益净额579 net price净价580 net profit纯利润;净利581 net weight 净重582 net-export 净出口583 net-import 净进口584 network 网络585 new account新开账户586 niche专业市场中的小摊位587 normal tariff; normal rate 普通税率588 notice 辞职申请;离职通知;通知589 offer发盘590 offer to buy; subscribe 认购591 offerer 发盘人592 office girl 女记事员593 off-season 淡季的594 opening空位595 opening price; offer; initial price 开价;开盘596 operating cost 经营成本;营业成本;生产费用597 operating profits 营业利润598 opportunity 机会599 optimize优化600 option 选择权601 order sheet; indent 订单602 organigram组织图603 orient定向604 original正本605 original text原文606 outlay 经费;开销607 output产出;产量608 outsource 外购产品或由外单位制做产品609 outstanding 未付款的,应收的610 overcharge 超收611 overdraw 透支612 overhead expenses 间接费用,管理费用613 overheads 杂项开支;间接成本;企业一般管理费用614 overpay 多付(款)615 overtime 加班616 overtime pay加班费617 ownership; proprietary rights 所有权618 packaging 包装;包装物619 packing cost包装成本620 packing industry包装工业621 pamphlet 宣传小册622 parent company 总公司;母公司623 parity 平价624 partnership 合伙企业;合伙(关系)625 patent 专利626 pay a debt 还债627 pay according to one’s post职务工资628 pay cash; cash a cheque兑现629 payer收款人630 payment for labor 劳动报酬631 payroll 雇员名单,工资表632 peddler 小贩633 penalty 罚金;罚金条款634 penetrate打入(市场)635 penetration 目标市场的占有份额636 pension养老金,退休金637 performance表现工作情况638 perk额外待遇(交通、保健、保险等)639 petty cash 零用现金640 physical goods 实物641 pick 提取生产用零部件或给顾客发货642 pie chart饼形图643 pilot小规模试验644 pipeline渠道645 placing; direct selling直销646 planned costs 计划成本647 plant capacity 生产规模648 plot策划649 policy; insurance policy保险单650 poor products 劣品651 portfolio 投资组合652 position职位653 postal order; money order 邮政汇票654 potential潜在力,潜势655 power能力656 premium保险费657 premium rate 保险率费658 press 打包机器659 price价格660 price-earning ratio 价格收益比率661 prime rate 优惠贷款利率;优待利率662 probation试用期663 proceeds收益664 producer price; ex-factory price出厂价格665 product产品666 production capacity; plant capacity生产能力667 production cost生产成本668 production cycle生产周期669 profile简介形象特征670 profit 利润671 profit tax利润税672 profit through circulation 流动利润673 promote推销674 promotion 提升,升级675 prospect预期,展望676 prospectus计划书,说明书677 protectionism保护主义678 protocol议定书679 prototype 原型,样品680 proxy 委托书681 public finance 财政682 public revenue 国库收入683 publicity 引起公众注意684 publics 公众,(有共同兴趣的)一群人或社会人士685 punctuality准时686 purchase购买687 purchaser采购人688 qualification资格证明689 quality质量690 quality assurance 质量保证691 quality control 质量管理;质量控制692 questionnaire问卷;调查表693 quotation 报价694 raise增加薪金695 raising limit 涨停板696 range系列产品697 rank排名698 rapport 密切的关系;轻松愉快的气氛699 rating 评定结果700 ratio比率701 rationalise使更合理702 rationalise使更有效703 raw 原料状态的,未加工的704 raw material原材料705 RBM (Reminbi)人民币706 ready money 现钱707 ready money business, no credit given 现金交易;概不赊欠708 real capital; actual capital 实际资金709 real wages 实际工资710 real wages 实际收入711 rebate 回扣712 receipt; voucher凭证;收据713 receiver 接管人;清算人714 receivership破产管理715 recession; decline 衰退;萧条716 reckon估算717 recognise承认718 recourse追索权719 recovery复苏720 recruitment新成员的吸收721 recycling再循环722 redemption; refund偿还723 rediscount再贴现724 reduce price减价725 reduction 减少726 redundancy裁员727 redundant被解雇的;过多的728 reference参考资料729 reference price 参考价730 region地区731 regular budget 正式预算732 regular price固定价格733 rehabilitation; reorientation; retraining 再训练, 再培训734 reimburse报销735 reinvest再投资736 reject拒绝737 release 放行738 reliable quality质量可靠739 relief救济740 relocate重新安置741 repo再购协议742 reposition重新定位(常指商品)743 reserve fund; reserves准备金744 reserve funds储备基金;储备资本745 resignation辞职746 resistance阻力,抵触情绪747 restore 恢复748 restriction 限制749 retail零售750 retail outlet零售店751 retail price 零售价752 retailer 零售商753 retirement退休754 return投资报酬755 revaluation 法定升值;使货币升值;重估价756 revenue岁入,税收757 revenue tax财政税758 risk capital风险资本759 risk covered; risk insured 承保险别760 road toll公路通行税761 rocket急速上升,直线上升762 roughly粗略地763 royalty; special concession特许权,专利权税764 running day连续日765 sack, fire 解雇766 sale by auction 拍卖767 sales contract 买卖合同;销售合同768 sales force 销售人员769 sample样品;抽样检验770 sampling选择771 saturate 饱和772 saturation市场的饱和(状态)773 savings存款774 savings banks 储蓄银行775 scapegoat替罪羊776 scarcity短缺777 scrap废料或废品778 seasonal work 季节工作779 seasonal worker 季节工780 securities; marketable security有价证券781 segment部分782 selling rate 卖出汇率;卖出价783 services 专业服务784 set up 创立785 share 股份786 shareholder贡持有人,股东787 shareholder股东;股票持有人788 shift 轮班789 shift work 换班工作790 shipment装船;装运791 shipper, consignor 托运人(一般指出口商)792 shopfloor 生产场所793 short loan; short-term borrowing 短期借款794 short term credit 短期信贷795 shortlist供最后选择的候选人名单796 short-term loan短期贷款797 showroom陈列室798 shut out退关799 sick leave病假800 sick note 病假工资801 sickness 生病802 sign a contract 签订合同803 signatory签约方804 silver coins银币805 simulation 模拟806 single-entry单式簿记807 sit-down strike; down tools 静坐;罢工808 skilled employee; specialized worker 熟练工人809 skilled worker 技术工人810 skimming 高额定价,撇奶油式定价811 slogan销售口号812 small economy小经济813 small items小商品814 small money零钱815 social capital社会资本816 social insurance社会保险817 social security tax 社会保险税818 social welfare 社会福利819 soft currency软通货820 software软件821 solvent 有偿付能力的822 sourcing得到供货823 spare part零部件824 special funds 专项资金825 special import 专门出口826 specification产品说明827 specifications 规格828 speculation; venture 投机829 spokesman 发言人830 sponsor 赞助者(为了商品的广告宣传)831 spot price 现货价格832 spread 差额(常指股票买价和卖价)833 staff 职员834 staff manager部门经理助理835 stag投机认股者836 Stagflation 滞胀837 stagnation停滞,萧条,不景气838 starting price 起价839 state treasury国库840 statute成文法841 statutory法定的842 steamship(SS)轮船843 stock股票844 stock company; joint-stock company 股份公司;证券公司845 stock jobber股票商人846 stock transfer股票过户847 stockbroker股票经纪人;贡经纪人848 stockholder贡持有人,股东;股票持有人849 stock-jobber贡经纪人850 storage贮藏851 strategy战略852 streamline 精简机构;提高效率853 strike pay 罢工津贴(由工会给的)854 subcontract分包(工程项目),转包;承包合同855 subject to prior sale 以未售出为准856 subordinate下级857 subsidiary子公司858 subsidiary account; ledger 分类帐;账本(账册、账簿)859 subsidy补助金;补贴;津贴860 sum of insurance; amount insured 保险金额861 superior上级862 supervisor 监督人,管理人863 surtax 附加税864 surveillance监督865 survey 调查866 synergy协作867 system analyst 系统分析员868 takeover 接管869 tanker 油轮870 tare 皮重871 tariff barrier关税堡垒872 tariff; customs duty 关税873 tax 税874 tax allocation税捐分配875 tax allowance免减税;避税876 tax burden 税收负担877 tax bureau 税务局878 tax collector 收税员;税务员879 tax items税目880 tax law 税务法令881 tax policy税收政策882 tax rates; rate of taxation税率883 taxation税收;征税884 taxation system 税制885 taxes; duties税捐886 tax-free; tax exemption免税887 taxpayer 纳税人888 telesales 电话销售889 temporary export 暂时出口890 temporary import 暂时进口891 tender 投标人892 term loan分期偿还贷款893 term of loan贷款条件894 territory销售区域895 test check; sport check抽查896 the customs; custom house海关897 the European Union欧洲联盟898 throughput工厂的总产量899 time honored shop 老字号900 timework work 计时工作901 tolerance公差902 total assets 总资产903 total cost总成本904 total loss全部损失905 total revenue总收益906 total value 总值907 trade agreement贸易协议908 trade bloc贸易联盟909 trade channel贸易渠道910 trade circle 贸易界911 trade deficit贸易赤字912 trade discipline贸易纪律913 trade investment商业投资914 trade mark商标915 trade mark legislation 商标法916 trade market贸易市场917 trade year 贸易年度918 trainee 受培训者919 tramp不定期船920 transaction 交易921 transfer; assignment 转让;转账;过户922 transparency透明胶片923 transshipment 转船924 treasurer司库925 treasury deposit金库存款926 treaty article合同条款927 trial manufacture试制928 trial sale试销929 trust托拉斯930 trust business信托业务931 trust deed信托证932 trust money信托款项933 trust obligation信托合约934 trust shop; commission shop 信托商店935 truster 信托人936 turnabout经济好转937 turnover股票交易额;营业额;员工流动的比率938 underemployment 不充分就业;不发达939 understanding 约定940 undertake同意做某事;从事941 uneconomical不经济的,浪费942 unemployed person失业人员943 unemployment失业944 unilateralism 单边主义945 unit单位946 unit price单价947 up to date 流行的948 update使现代化949 upturn使向上950 USP 唯一的销售计划951 vacancy 空缺;缺额952 valuation价值953 value-added增加值954 variable 可变物955 variable capital可变资本956 variety多样化957 vendor 卖主(公司或个人)958 version 译文959 viability 可行性960 vision 设想,公司的长期目标961 vocation行业,职业962 volume体积963 voucher付款凭单964 wage freeze工资冻结965 wage; earnings 工资966 warehouse货栈967 warning mark 警告性标志968 warrant收款凭单969 welfare 福利970 well-known for its fine quality以质优而闻名971 white-collar 白领阶层972 wholesale 批发973 wholesaler 批发商974 wording措辞975 work permit工作许可证976 working capital营运资本,营运资金;周围资金977 working capital fund 周转基金978 working day 工作日979 working hours 工作时间980 workload 工作量981 write off取消982 write-off债务的取消983 written agreement 书面协定984 wrong packing 包装不符985 yield有效产量986 zero defect合格产品二、(四级)高级翻译员1 abandonment权力委托2 accepting bank; merchant bank承兑银行3 access to market进入市场(的机会)4 accidental damage 意外损坏5 accommodation 设施;住宿;欠单6 account balance账户结金7 account number账目编号;账户号码8 accounts receivable应收账9 accumulated capital累计资本10 actual delivery 实际交货11 actual price时价;实际价格;实价12 actual total loss实际全损13 additional investment 额外投资14 adjust accounts核算15 administrative budget 行政预算;管理预算16 administrative protection 行政保护17 advance sample预计货样18 advances on sales 预收货款19 advantage of economies of scale 规模经营优势20 aged debtors 长期债务人21 agency agreement 代理协议22 aggregate demand 总需求23 agree text 议定文本24 agreement of intent意向协议书25 air express 特快专递26 air transport航空运输27 amalgamation; merger 合并(公司,企业等的)28 amount deposited存款金额29 amount in words大写金额30 amount receivable 应收入金额31 annual premium年度保费32 annual reckoning年度结算33 anticipated expenditure预付开支34 anti-dumping measures against 反倾销措施35 anti-fake label 防伪标志36 applicable tariff rate 适用税率37 applicant for the credit信用证申请人38 appraise at the current rate变价39 arrival draft已到汇票40 assembling on provided parts 来料装配41 assembly line work; serial production组装线工作42 assembly-line 流水作业线;装配线43 attract deposits; take deposits 吸收存款44 audit procedure审计手续45 audit report查账报告46 authorized capital 额定投资;法定资本;核定资本47 authorized representative 授权代表48 average profit 平均利润49 average profit rate on funds平均资金利润50 back pay; back salary 欠付工资51 backhander 贿赂52 bad assets 呆滞资产53 bad packing包装不善54 balance in our favor我方受益55 b alance of international payments; international reven and expenditure国际收支56 balance sheet资产负债表57 balanced budget平衡预算;收支平衡的预算58 bank interest银行利息59 bank money order 银行汇款单60 bank statement 银行结算清单(给帐户的),银行对账单61 banker’s acceptance承兑信用证62 banker’s letter of guarantee银行保证函63 banking institution金融机构64 batch production 批量生产;成批生产65 be fair in buying and selling买卖公平66 be paid in full at the appointed time 到期全部付清67 bearer cheque 不记名支票68 beautiful design造型优美69 benchmark 衡量标准70 beneficiary 受益人71 best-selling goods 畅销72 bid up; raise up the price 抬价73 bid-ask spreads买方出价与卖方要价之间的差价74 bilateral agreement双边协定75 bilateral arrangements 双边安排76 bill of entry报税通知单;报关单77 black market operations黑市交易78 blank cheque空白支票79 blank form 空白格式80 book balance 账面余额81 book value 账面价值,(公司或股票)净值82 borrow capital; debt capital借入资本83 borrow money 借款84 bottleneck restrictions 瓶颈制约85 breach of contract 违反合同;违约;不履行合同86 brokerage firm 经济商行87 budget allocations 预算拨款88 budget deficit预算赤字89 budget in balance收支平衡的预算90 budgetary expenditure 预算开支91 budgetary requirement预算需要92 buffer fund缓冲基金,平准基金93 business card 名片94 business connection商务关系95 business discussion业务洽谈96 business forecasting商情预测97 business insurance 商业保险98 business intelligence商业情报99 business recession 景气衰退100 business report商务报告101 business reputation商业信誉102 buying and selling stocks 股票买卖;股票交易103 buying long多头买升104 buying offer买方发盘105 C&F (cost and freight)成本加运费价(离岸加运费价)106 calculate on the base line 按原口径计算107 calculated risk 预计风险108 cancel a contract撤销合同109 cancel an order取消订单110 canceled cheque已付支票111 capacity packing容量包装112 capital and interest; principal and interest 本利113 capital deficit资本亏空114 capital goods 资本货物;生产资料115 capital in general 一般资本116 capital stock; equity capital股本;股本资本117 capital expenditures资本支出118 cardinal number基数119 cargo in case箱装货120 cargo in drum 桶装货121 cash assets 现金资本122 cash dividend 现金配股123 cash drains 现金外流124 cash pledge押金125 certificate of registry国籍证书。



翻译1.你父亲做什么工作(谋生)?What does your father do for a living?2.我是搞软件开发的。

I'm on the software development side.3.我以前没有这儿见过你。

I haven't seen you around before.4.约翰在一家计算机公司干了许多年了。

John has been with a computer company for years.5.我妻子在家工作。

My wife works from / at home.6、因为要开个会,周五下午我恐怕不能来。

I’m afraid I can’t come on Friday afternoon, because I will be having a meeting then.7、我们打算在这个地区建一座新工厂。

W e are going to set up a new plant in this area.8、你们公司的总部设在哪儿?Where is your company based?9、I’m sort of surprised.north mid-west of the States 美国中西部的北部10、你也从纽约来?真是太巧了。

You are also from New York? That’s really a coincidence.11、我们定个日子一起吃饭吧。

Let’s fix up a date to have dinner together.12、我们将尽力满足客户的需求。

We’ll try to meet the customers’ demands13、两个陌生人正在尽量寻找双方都感兴趣的话题。

Two strangers are trying to find topics of common interest.14、这是我第二次来美国。



4 安居工程housing project for low-income urban residents3 按股分红sharing profits according to contribution4 按市价订购贡market order5 按现价计算at current price3 按小时付酬be paid by the hour3 按原价计算calculated on the basis of their original price4 按原口径计算calculate on the base line3 把市场供货一买而光clear the market3 罢工暴动民变险SRCC(strikes, riots and civil commotions)5 罢工津贴(由工会给的)strike pay4 罢工纠察队员strike picket3 拜会made a courtesy call on4 班轮regular shipping liner3 班轮运费表liner’s freight tariff4 办公费office expenses4 半年决算half-year closing4 包工包料contract for labor and materials3 包工制labor contract system3 包销exclusive sales; have exclusive selling rights; submit an expense account 5 包装不符wrong packing4 包装不善bad packing4 包装费用packing charges3 包装破裂loss or damage caused by breakage of packing5 包装容积bale capacity5 保单guarantee3 保单期满expiration of policy5 保护主义protectionism3 保留工资retained salaries3 保姆式全程服务whole-journey nanny service3 保税仓库bonded warehouse3 保险陈报书declaration policy5 保险费premium4 保险合同insurance treaty5 保险回扣insurance rebate3 保险金(保险收入)insurance proceeds5 保险金得益benefit5 保险金额sum of insurance; amount insured3 保险经纪人insurance broker4 保险客户policy holder5 保险率费premium rate4 保险赔偿insurance indemnity3 保险条例(中国人民保险公司)CIC (China Insurance Clause)3 保险物interest insured4 保险性存货(以应付万一)decoupling inventory4 保险责任insurance liability3 保险责任终止termination of risk3 保险帐目underwriting account3 保险证明书cover note3 保证重量weight guaranteed3 保质保量quality and quantity assured3 报关customs declaration; clearance of goods; apply to the customs5 报关单;舱单manifest3 报关附税payment of duty4 报税make a statement of dutiable goods4 报税通知单;报关单bill of entry5 报销reimburse3 备用信用证stand by credit5 背书endorsement5 被解雇的;过多的redundant5 被诉方defendant4 被通知人notify party5 本地银行local bank4 本国货币domestic currency, local currency4 本利capital and interest; principal and interest3 本票;期票promissory note3 边际生产力marginal productivity5 边境贸易border trade; frontier trade4 编制预算preparing a budget; making a budget5 贬值depreciation4 变价appraise at the current rate4 标高售价mark-up3 标价posted price4 标准standard type3 标准统一Harmonization of Standards5 表现工作情况performance5 病假工资sick note5 拨款allotment5 剥夺divest5 驳船lighter3 薄利多销small profits but quick turnover; large sales at a small profit4 补偿贸易(或抵偿贸易;往返贸易)compensating / compensatory trade4 补税collection of duty short paid; cover deficit by state subsidies5 补助金allowance; benefit; subsidy5 不变价格;固定价格constant price5 不变资本;固定资本constant capital5 不充分就业underemployment4 不定值保单unvalued policy4 不动产,房地产immovable property3 不动产税real estate tax4 不记名支票bearer check5 不欠债be out of debt3 不受约束without engagement3 不限期即期装运undefined prompt shipment3 不许转运;不许转船transshipment prohibited 3 不足款保险under-insurance3 布雷顿森林体系The Bretton Woods System5 部分segment5 部门division; section5 簿记bookkeeping4 材料管理materials handling3 财产保险property insurance5 财团consortium4 财务报告financial statement4 财务结算financial settlement3 财务事项;金融交易financial transactions5 财务支持backing5 财政public finance4 财政保护financial protection3 财政拨款financial allocations4 财政部the Ministry of Finance5 财政的financial; fiscal4 财政关税revenue tariff5 财政年度fiscal year; financial year5 财政税revenue tax5 财政信贷financial credit5 财政援助financial aid5 裁员redundancy5 采购人purchaser3 采取高姿态show magnanimity3 参加工会的工人organized labor5 参考价reference price4 参考样品reference sample5 参考资料reference4 仓至仓条款W / W (warehouse to warehouse) 4 舱位shipping space4 草签合同initial a contract5 策划plot3 查船inspection of ships; search of ships4 查禁走私(缉私)prevention of smuggling4 查账;盘账check account4 查账报告audit report5 差额(常指股票买价和卖价)spread5 差额;收支差额balance3 产、供、销production, supply and marketing of products5 产出;产量output3 产地证明书certificate of origin4 产品成本cost of goods manufactured3 产品返销product buyback4 产品生命周期product life cycle4 产值output value; value of output4 长期贷款long-term loan3 长期经营long-standing business dealing4 长期投资long-term investment4 长期债务人aged debtors4 长期证券long-term security3 长线产品long-term oversupplied goods; oversupplied products4 偿付借款repayment of loan3 偿付损失settlement of loss5 偿还redemption; refund3 偿还贷款本息pay the principal and interest on the loan they borrow4 偿还基金redemption fund3 偿还率rate of redemption3 偿还债务settle a debt payment3 偿债基金sinking fund3 偿债能力debt paying ability5 畅销active demand4 畅销best-selling goods3 畅销货article in great demand4 畅销性market ability4 超额支出financial expenditure5 超收overcharge4 超支over-expenditure4 撤销合同cancel a contract4 成本会计cost accounting5 成本计算costing5 成本价cost price3 成本推进型cost push3 成交额volume of transaction; volume of business5 成交活跃的股票active stock5 成文法statute3 承包通知单insurance cover note5 承保险别risk covered; risk insured3 承兑信用证acceptance letter of credit4 承兑信用证banker’s acceptance4 承兑银行accepting bank; merchant bank4 承兑支票honor a check3 承接订单execute an order5 承租人lessee4 城市建设附加费city development surcharge3 程租船;程租voyage charter3 尺码吨measurement ton5 抽查test check; sport check3 抽样认可acceptance sampling5 筹借资金financing5 酬金compensation; remuneration5 出厂价格producer price; ex-factory price4 出港许可证port clearance4 出境许可证departure permit; exit permit5 出口包装公司export packer3 出口标准包装export standard packing5 出口补贴export subsidy5 出口管制export control3 出口加工贸易active import trade4 出口加工区EPZ (export processing zone)4 出口经营export operation5 出口能力export capability4 出口配额制export quota system5 出口税export duty4 出口退税tax refund4 出口销售额export sales5 出口信贷export credit3 出口信用证export letter of credit5 出租人lessor4 除当事人另有约定的以外unless parties have agreed otherwise3 除非较早靠泊unless sooner berthed4 除非使用unless used5 除外责任exclusion5 储备基金;储备资本reserve funds5 储蓄银行savings banks5 处理(事务)dispose5 传阅circulate5 传阅的小册子(传单等)circular3 船舶运输代理人shipping and forwarding agents4 船舱进口报告书report of ship’s entry3 船壳特殊检验special survey for hull5 船员清单crew list4 船只扣留;海关扣留detention of vessel3 串味险risk of odor4 垂直贸易(南北贸易)vertical trade; south-north trade5 纯金fine gold; pure gold4 从量税specific duty5 从事多种经营diversify4 从业人员employed person3 从属信用证subsidiary credit5 促销传单flier(=flyer)4 催债press for payment of debt5 存单depositor3 存积货物carrying stock5 存款savings3 存款单;存款收据deposit receipt; deposit certificate; CD(certificate of deposit)4 存款金额amount deposited3 存款利息interest on deposit5 存折bankbook; deposit book5 措辞wording4 达成交易strike a bargain4 达到最有效的基本生产规模minimum efficient scale5 打包bale packing5 打包机器press3 打假crack down on counterfeit goods5 打入(市场)penetrate3 大减价bargain sale3 大量订购large-volume commodities; bulk commodity4 大陆架continental shelf3 大陆桥continental bridge; land bridge4 大路货(良好平均品质)fair average quality4 大写金额amount in words3 呆滞商品drug in the market4 呆滞资产bad assets3 代理手续费agency commission4 代理协议agency agreement5 代理业务agent-service3 代销offer for sale; sale on a commission basis4 贷款loaning money3 贷款利率lending rate5 贷款条件term of loan4 贷款协定;借款契约loan agreement4 贷款账户loan account3 贷款总额loan ceiling5 袋装货cargo in bag4 单边出口unilateral export5 单边主义unilateralism3 单纯支付clean / simple payment4 单独海损PA (particular average)4 单利simple interest5 单式簿记single-entry4 单一的实体single entity4 单一市场Single Market3 弹性预算flexible budget4 淡水雨淋险FWRD (fresh water rain damage)3 当事人之间私下和解amicable settlement between two parties4 到期全部付清be paid in full at the appointed time5 到期日,偿还日maturity3 到期未付清的负债matured liabilities unpaid5 得到供货sourcing5 低潮hard times3 低档商品市场down-market3 抵偿贸易政策compensation trade policy4 抵达海水吃水salt water arrival draft3 抵抗全球经济衰退combat the global economic slump4 抵押贷款mortgage lending4 抵押金mortgage money3 抵押契约mortgage agreement4 抵押银行mortgage bank5 抵制boycott4 地方公务员local public service employee5 地区region3 地租land tax5 递盘bidding3 缔约方contracting party4 电汇telegraphic transfer; telegraphically remit4 电脑操作员key puncher4 电讯telegraphic communication3 奠基仪式foundation stone laying ceremony3 调解人re-conciliator5 调遣dispatch3 调整前预算表trial balance before adjustment5 订单indent5 订货合同contract for goods4 定金earnest money4 定期付款payment on term5 定期增加increment5 定向发行introduction4 动产movable property5 独家代理exclusive agency; sole agency4 独家经营/ 包销/ 代理协议exclusivity agreement4 独家专营权exclusive right4 独立经营individual proprietorship5 独占资本monopoly capital3 短量险risk of shortage5 短期贷款short-term loan4 短期汇票short-term draft5 短期借款short loan; short-term borrowing3 短期外债short term external debt5 短期信贷short term credit3 短期证券short-term security3 短线产品goods in short supply; undersupplied products4 对冲基金hedge fund4 对等样品counter sample3 对货物(合同、订单等)的保险insurance on goods (contract, order, etc.)5 对外贸易external trade; foreign trade3 对消贸易(抵偿贸易)counter trade4 兑付honor (a check)5 兑现pay cash; cash a check3 吨位证书tonnage certificate3 囤积价值carrying value3 多边环境协议Multilateral Environmental Agreement4 多边贸易multilateral trade5 多边主义multilateralism5 多付(款)overpay4 多级管理multiple management5 多头bull4 多头买升buying long4 多头执法duplicate law enforcement5 多样化variety4 额定投资;法定资本;核定资本authorized capital4 额外保险excess insurance3 额外保险费extra premium5 额外待遇(交通、保健、保险等)perk4 额外投资additional investment5 恶劣天气heavy weather3 发货deliver goods4 发货人提供的重量shipper's weights5 发盘的修改modification; revocation5 发行股票issue; float4 发行价格issue price5 发证行issuing bank5 法定贬值devaluation5 法定的statutory3 法定货币lawful money; legal tender3 法定利率legal interest4 法定契约contract by deed5 法定升值;使货币升值;重估价revaluation3 法庭调解reconciliation by court3 反补贴税Countervailing Duty3 反倾销税antidumping duty5 返销buy back4 防潮包装damp-proof packing4 防伪标志anti-fake label3 放宽利率liberalization of interest rates5 放行release3 非凡的牛市raging bull3 非关税堡垒non-tariff barrier3 非技术工人unskilled worker4 非居民账户non-resident account3 非配额产品quota-free products3 非歧视Non-discrimination4 非专门设计的off-the-shelf5 分包(工程项目),转包;承包合同subcontract3 分保(在保险)re- insurance5 分发,分送产品distribution4 分股share split up4 分红share profit; receive dividends4 分阶段停止使用phase out5 分类帐;账本(账册、账簿)subsidiary account; ledger3 分批运输partial transport5 分期偿还贷款term loan4 分期付款installment buying; purchase in installment3 分期付款购物法hire purchase3 分摊费用apportionment of expenses3 分业管理、规模经营business segregation, economy of scale4 风险分级classification of risk3 风险基金;风险资本venture capital3 风险意识consciousness of risk prevention3 风险准备金loan loss provision; provisions of risk3 付款(交货)against payment3 付款交单document against payment (DP)5 付款凭单voucher5 负债;债务liability; get into debt3 附寄一张支票已清偿enclose a check in settlement of4 附加福利fringe benefits5 附加工资extra wage; supplementary wage4 附加津贴fringe benefits5 附加税surtax4 附加资本supplementary capital; additional paid-in capital5 附件appendix5 附录attachment4 复利(复息)compound interest4 复式簿记double-entry5 复样duplicate sample3 概算financial estimates3 岗位津贴job subsidies3 港口附加费port surcharge3 港口税port dues5 杠杆比率leverage3 高度机密strictly confidential3 格式合同model contract4 个别资本individual capital4 个人贷款personal loan4 个人收入personal income3 个人所得税individual income tax4 个人自愿计划voluntary private plans4 个体经济individual economy3 个体经营privately or individually-owned business4 个体经营者individual operator3 个体商贩individual traders and peddlers3 各费付讫charges paid4 给予折扣discount granted5 根据订单against order3 跟单汇票documentary bill3 跟单信用证documentary letter of credit4 工会trade union4 工会代表工人与资方代表达成的collective agreement4 工会管事shop steward5 工商业界business circle4 工商资金industrial and commercial funds3 工团主义trade unionism3 工团主义者trade unionist3 工业(实业)股票industrial stock3 工业流动资金industrial circulating funds3 工业展览会industrial exhibition3 工艺精良sophisticated technology5 工作量workload4 工作轮换job rotation4 工作情况评估performance appraisal5 工作日working day5 工作时间working hours5 工作说明;职务说明job description4 工作条件working conditions3 工作位置work station5 工作许可证work permit5 公差tolerance4 公共成分;公共部门;公有企业public sector4 公开发行public issue4 公开上市交易的公司Publicly Traded Companies3 公开市场业务Open-Market Operations5 公路通行税road toll5 公司的长期目标和原则mission3 公司组织机构图organization chart4 公务员public servants4 公益金public accumulation funds; public reserve funds4 公制the metric system5 供不应求demand over supply3 供不应求in short supply3 供不应求的市场tight market3 共同价contracted price4 共同商议collective discussion4 钩损险hook damage4 购货单purchase note5 购货请求buying requisition3 购货转销buying for resale5 估算reckon4 股本;股本资本capital stock; equity capital3 股东年会annual general meeting5 股东权益equity5 股份share5 股份公司;证券公司stock company; joint-stock company3 股份合作joint stock partnership4 股金share capital4 股利收入income gain4 股面价格, 票面价格par value5 股票公司job firm5 股票过户stock transfer4 股票交易所;贡市场;证券交易所stock exchange5 股票经纪人;贡经纪人stockbroker4 股票买卖;股票交易buying and selling stocks5 股票商人stock jobber4 股票值share worth4 股票指数share index; stock index3 股权分置改革Share-merger reform5 股息dividend4 固定工permanent worker5 固定价格regular price3 固定收益constant return4 雇佣工人salary earner5 关税tariff; customs duty5 关税堡垒tariff barrier3 关税合并(关税同化)mergence of tariff3 关税收入customs revenue3 官价official price4 管账keeping accounts3 管制经济controlled economy3 惯常包装usual packing4 惯例established practice3 惯性增长inertial growth rate3 光票clean bill4 归个人支配的收入disposable personal income3 规格不符different specification4 规格齐全complete in specifications4 规模经济scale economy / economies of scale4 规模经营优势advantage of economies of scale4 国防公债defense bond4 国防支出expenditure on national defense3 国合企业(即国有合作社)state-owned cooperatives4 国籍证书certificate of registry3 国际(商会)贸易术语解释通则International Chamber of Commerce Terms 5 国际储备international reserve3 国际货币基金international monetary fund(the IMF)5 国际贸易international trade4 国际贸易值;国贸值value of international trade4 国际收入international trade of payments4 国际收支balance of international payments; international reven and expenditure 4 国家补贴public subsidies3 国家公务员national public servant3 国家经济预算nation’s economic budget4 国家垄断state monopoly4 国家收入national revenue3 国家收支national balance sheet3 国家投资拨款appropriation for state investment4 国家现汇结存state foreign exchange reserves4 国库券state treasury bonds5 国库收入public revenue4 国贸地区分布international trade by regions4 国贸量quantum of international trade5 国民收入;国收入national income3 国民素质the populace's cultivation5 国内储蓄domestic saving4 国内汇兑domestic exchange; home exchange5 国内税internal tax3 国内信用证supplementary credit; domestic credit5 国内银行domestic bank5 国税national tax; state tax3 国外配额allocated quota3 国外支付external payment3 国营铁路职员nation railroad man5 国债national debt; government loan5 过户assigned3 过境货物监管supervision and control over transit cargo4 过境贸易;转口贸易transit trade5 海关the customs; custom house3 海关保税;海关罚款customs bond3 海关发票customs invoice5 海关法customs law3 海关关长customs commissioner4 海关关封customs seal3 海关监督customs supervision4 海关人员customs officer; customs official4 海关验货单particular paper for examination3 海损保险单average policy3 海损理算书adjustment letter4 海外贸易overseas trade4 海洋运输ocean transport; marine transport4 含金量gold content4 航次期租time charter trip3 航空保险aviation insurance4 航空运输air transport5 号码簿;指南directory4 合并(公司,企业等的)amalgamation; merger5 合格产品zero defect4 合理时间reasonable time3 合理引导消费guide rational consumption3 合同编号contract serial number3 合同到期expiration of contract5 合同法contract law3 合同规定的保证contract guarantee3 合同规定的义务contractual liability4 合同履行contract performance3 合同期限contract period5 合同条款contract clause; contract terms;treaty article3 合约价exercise price3 合资经营企业joint ventures using Chinese and foreign investments’5 合作者collaborator4 核算adjust accounts3 核算预算收支数字preparing the budgeted figures for revenue and expenditure 3 核账auditing accounts; examine and approve5 黑名单,禁止贸易的(货物、公司及个人)名单black list4 黑市交易black market operations4 衡量标准benchmark4 红筹股red chips5 红利bonus; dividend3 红条款信用证letter of credit with red clause3 宏观经济的macroeconomic4 互购贸易counter purchase4 互惠贸易政策reciprocal trade policy3 互惠协定reciprocal agreement5 花费expenditure5 花色(搭配)assortment3 划线支票crossed check5 坏帐、呆帐、死帐bad loan3 还本付息pay principal and interest4 还款保证书repayment guarantee3 还盘counter offer4 还清债务pay off a debt5 还债pay a debt4 缓冲基金,平准基金buffer fund5 换班工作shift work4 换文exchange of letter4 黄金输送点gold points2 黄金外汇储备gold and foreign currency reserves4 回报率rate of return4 回佣return commission .3 汇兑银行exchange bank4 汇价rate of exchanges; exchange quotation4 汇率;汇兑率rate of exchange; exchange rate3 汇率波动的官定上下限official upper and lower limits of fluctuation 5 会计长accountant general3 会计档案accounting archives5 会计工作;会计行业accountancy5 会计学accounting5 会计帐目account5 会签countersign4 贿赂backhander3 混合销售/ 兼营mixed sales / concurrent business4 混合预算combination budget3 活期存单demand certificate4 活期存款current deposit3 活期利率rate of call3 活期利息current interest4 活页分类账loose-leaf ledger5 火险fire insurance4 火险契约fire contract3 或有费用contingent expenses; contingencies4 货币存款money on deposit3 货币单位unit of currency3 货币化monetization3 货币汇率monetary exchange rate4 货币交换exchange through money3 货币利息monetary interest3 货币联盟Monetary Union5 货币收入money income4 货币投资monetary investment5 货币危机monetary crisis4 货币选择权(期货)currency option5 货币主义者monetarist5 货币资本money capital5 货柜货cargo in container5 货号article No.4 货架期(商品可以陈列在货架上的时间)shelf-life3 货物税;商品税commodity tax4 货物账goods account3 货运集装箱freight container5 货栈warehouse4 获得利润earn a profit5 基本工资base wage; regular pay3 基本建设费用capital construction input; capital expenditure3 基本消耗capital consumption4 基层文化建设primary-level cultural undertakings5 基础工资basic wage5 基价base price4 基数cardinal number3 缉私人员coast guard3 即期承兑immediate acceptance4 即期存款deposit at call4 即期存款;活期存款demand deposit4 即期付款payment at sight3 即期付款单document against payment-sight4 即期汇兑sight exchange4 即期汇票demand draft3 即期装运prompt shipments3 集合保险单comprehensive policy5 集市贸易market fairs5 集体经济collective economy5 集体商业collective commerce3 集中营销策略concentrated marketing3 集装箱货运站container freight station5 集资collect money4 集资入股collective investment5 计划成本planned costs4 计划经济planned economy5 计划书,说明书prospectus3 计划数字planned figures4 计件工资piecework wage4 计件工作piecework work5 计日工资;日工资daily wage4 计时工资wage rate per hour; hourly wages; time wage5 计时工作timework work3 计算机辅助设计CAD (computer aided design)4 记名帐nominal ledger5 记入帐户的借方;借方debit4 记账keep accounts4 记账结算settlement on account4 记账日期date of entry4 记账员ledger clerk5 技术工人skilled worker4 季节性调价seasonal price adjustments3 既成事实established / accomplished facts3 继承税inheritance tax5 寄售consignment3 寄托信用证escrow credit5 加班费overtime pay3 加工transformation3 加工精细finely processed3 加工贸易processing trade4 家庭经济household economy4 家庭经营household management production4 家庭手工业household handicrafts5 价格很低的knockdown5 价格收益比率price-earning ratio4 价值如原保单所载value as in original policy3 假冒伪劣商品counterfeit and substandard goods3 假账dummy account; false account3 间接标价indirect quotation5 间接费用,管理费用overhead expenses4 间接过境贸易indirect transit trade4 间接贸易indirect trade3 间接损失consequential damages5 监督surveillance5 减除成本deductible costs5 检查review3 检查账目examining accounts5 检验证书inspection certificate5 简介形象特征profile5 建立信誉build up a reputation3 建设节约型社会build a conservation-conscious society 5 奖金bonus; dividend4 奖券lottery ticket3 交货付款cash on delivery4 交货时间time of delivery5 接管人;清算人receiver3 节流reduce expenditure5 结关clearance3 结汇settlement of exchange4 结算;结账settling account5 结账日期closing date3 结账整理closing adjustment5 结转carrying over3 解除合同义务条件condition subsequent5 解雇sack, fire4 解决问题trouble-shooting4 借贷业务lending and borrowing business5 借据IOUs(I owe you); receipt for a loan3 借款条件condition of a loan4 借入资本borrow capital; debt capital4 借外债contract a foreign loan4 金本位制度gold standard5 金货币gold money5 金库national treasury5 金库存款treasury deposit4 金平价gold standard3 金券gold certificate5 金融banking; finance5 金融工具Financial Instrument3 金融管理monetary management4 金融汇率financial rate4 金融机构banking institution4 金融信托公司financial trust4 金融政策monetary policy5 金融指数financial index5 金融制度monetary system5 金融中心financial center; banking center4 金融资本financial capital5 金条gold bar3 金属货币metallic currency3 仅供参考for reference only3 进口额外费import surcharge3 进口管制import control3 进口汇票import bill3 进口申报import declaration4 进口税import duty3 进口替代import substitution4 进入市场(的机会)access to market5 经费;开销outlay3 经济刺激economic stimulus5 经济复原economic recovery4 经济管理体制economic management system5 经济好转turnabout3 经济人佣金brokerage fee4 经济商行brokerage firm4 经济衰退economic depression4 经济特区special economic zone3 经济腾飞economic take-off5 经济稳定economic stability4 经济形势economic situation3 经济循环circular flow of economy5 经济展览会economic exhibition5 经济政策economic policy4 经济制裁economic sanction4 经久耐用durable in use3 经签证的副本certified copy5 经营成本;营业成本;生产费用operating cost5 经营原则business principle5 精简机构;提高效率streamline3 精明的讨价还价交易horse-trading4 景气衰退business recession5 景气停滞doldrums5 净出口net-export5 净价net price4 净亏损dead loss5 静坐;罢工sit-down strike; down tools4 久负盛名have a long standing reputation5 救济relief4 救助费用salvage charges3 救助损失salvage loss5 就职induction3 卷装货cargo in coil; cargo in roll5 决算final account; final settlement of account5 决算表final statement5 绝对免配额deductible3 绝对值absolute value3 军民两用品出口dual purpose exports4 军事开支military spending; military expenditure3 均衡值equilibrium value3 均摊费用share the expenses equally5 卡特尔cartel5 开辟市场build up a market4 开窗包装die cut pack3 开发利用可再生能源exploit and utilize renewable energy resources4 开户头;开户存款opening an account; opening a deposit account5 开价;开盘opening price; offer; initial price5 开票人drawer3 开拓销售市场establish sales territories3 开支票账户opening a checking account4 看样成交conclude business after viewing samples3 可变成本variable costs3 可变利率抵押variable rate mortgage5 可变物variable5 可兑换性convertibility3 可兑黄金的货币convertible currency5 可谈判的,可转让的negotiable5 可行性viability5 可以相信的证明credentials5 可用资产available capital3 可支配资金amount of funds available for distribution3 可转让的保单transferable policy3 客户经理(常指广告公司)account executive4 空白格式blank form4 空白支票blank check5 空缺;缺额vacancy5 空头bear3 空头支票rubber check5 空位opening3 空运提单airway bill3 控股公司;总公司controlling company3 控制链Chain of Command4 库房管理者stock controller3 跨国公司Multi-national Corporation3 宽松的财政政策slack fiscal policy3 款式齐全various styles4 款式样pattern sample5 旷工,旷职absenteeism5 亏空be in debt5 亏损lose3 捆装货cargo in bundle4 扩大资本widening of capital4 来料加工processing with supplied materials4 来料装配assembling on provided parts3 来人支票;无记名支票bearer check, check payable to bearer4 来样加工processing with supplied designs4 劳动保险labor insurance5 劳动报酬payment for labor3 劳动力短缺labor shortage4 劳动力市场labor market3 劳动密集型企业labor-intensive enterprises5 劳动事故industrial accident5 劳动收入;劳动所得earned income; labor income5 劳工法labor law3 劳工行动industrial action5 劳力成本labor costs; labor input5 劳务合同labor service; work contract3 劳资关系industrial relations; labor relations3 劳资联合委员会works council4 劳资双方就工资等问题谈判collective bargaining5 老字号time honored shop3 累加平均盘存法progressive average inventory4 累进税graduated tax3 累进税制progressive taxation4 理赔settlement of claim3 立足商界establish oneself in business4 利差interest margin4 利改税substitution of tax payment for profit delivery4 利润幅度profit margin5 利润税profit tax5 利息单interest bill3 利益的丧失和减损nullification and impairment3 利用外资introduce foreign investment3 连带责任joint and several liability5 连续日running day5 连续时间continuum3 联合工作teamwork work3 联合公司integrated corporation5 联合经营joint venture4 联合银行存款帐户joint bank account4 联运combined transport3 良好的品质FAQ (fair average quality)4 两元经济结构urban-rural dual economy5 零部件spare part5 零售店retail outlet5 零用现金petty cash4 零用账petty cash book; petty cash account5 领导层;统治集团;等级制度hierarchy4 流动(预约)保单floating policy4 流动负债;短期负债current liabilities4 流动基金circulating funds5 流动利润profit through circulation5 流动性,可移性mobility3 流动资本circulating capital, working capital5 流动资产current assets4 垄断市场corner the market4 旅行信用证travelers’ letter of credit3 履约保证函performance guarantee5 绿票欺诈greenmail4 乱收费用collect fees arbitrarily3 乱摊成本unjustified additions to production costs5 轮船steamship(SS)3 裸装nude packing4 码头费warfare4 买断产权或管理权management buyout4 买方出价与卖方要价之间的差价bid-ask spread5 卖主(公司或个人)vendor4 满足索赔要求comply with a claim3 漫天要价wild speculation3 盲目趋同slavish moves3 毛收益gross yield3 贸易差额balance of trade; trade gap3 贸易带地区trade zone4 贸易方式mode of trade3 贸易互惠trade reciprocity3 贸易及资本流动Flow of Goods and Capital5 贸易纪律trade discipline5 贸易界trade circle4 贸易开拓trade creation3 贸易逆差adverse balance of trade5 贸易年度trade year3 贸易顺差active/favorable balance of trade3 贸易行trade house3 贸易支付差额balance of payments4 贸易资本流动trade capital movement3 每年递增an annual rise of5 密切的关系;轻松愉快的气氛rapport5 免减税;避税tax allowance5 免税tax-free; tax exemption3 免税特别储蓄账户tax exempt special savings account4 明细账;细账itemized account4 牟取暴利make high profits5 目标市场的占有份额penetration4 目的港port of destination3 内外物资交流flow of goods between domestic and foreign markets 5 纳税人taxpayer4 年度保费annual premium4 年度结算annual reckoning5 年度决算annual accounts; annual report4 年度预算yearly budget; annual budget5 年金受惠人annuitant4 年金制度seniority system3 年终奖金year-end bonus4 年终结算final accounting at the year-end3 农村综合试点改革trials of comprehensive rural reform4 农业工人laborer worker5 女记事员office girl3 挪用公款embezzlement of public funds defalcation3 欧洲货币Euro-currency3 欧洲主要港口European Main Port3 盘货make an inventory of stock on hand4 盘进(一个公司)的出价takeover bid5 盘整dull5 赔偿;补偿indemnity; recoup3 赔账make compensation5 配称(即定息债务与股份资本之间的比率)gearing3 配额制allocation system4 配套生产form a complete production network4 配套政策supporting policies5 皮重tare3 骗赔fraudulent claim3 票额sum stated on a check or bill3 票根stubs of a checkbook; counterfoil3 票号stamp number3 品质检验证书inspection certificate of quality3 平等互利的原则principle of equality and mutual benefit 5 平均水准;海损average4 平均资金利润average profit rate on funds5 评定结果rating3 凭单付现cash against documents3 凭等级买卖sale by grade5 凭证;收据receipt; voucher5 破产管理receivership3 破坏罢工者strikebreaker, blackleg5 破了产的bust4 破土动工仪式ground-breaking ceremony3 普遍优惠制generalized system of preferences5 普通股common stock; equities; share3 普通货船conventional vessel4 普通货柜general container5 普通税率normal tariff; normal rate3 七国集团the G-74 期货合同forward contract; commodity future contract5 期货交易futures3 期租承运人责任time charterer's liability5 企业成本business cost; cost in business4 企业技术改造technological updating of enterprises5 企业预算business budget。



商务英语词汇表1. abandon [ə'bændən] v.舍弃;抛弃2. list n.倾侧;表,一览表;名单3. numerous a.众多的,许多的,无数的4. monopoly n.垄断,专利5. aboard ad.船(飞机)上;上船,登机6. lively a.生动的,活泼的7. nylon n.尼龙8. mood n.情绪,心情9. absolute a.绝对的;专制的;完全的10. load v.&n.装;加载;负载11. object n.物,物体;目标;客体12. mop v.擦,洗,抹13. accident n.事故14. local a.地方的;区域的15. objective a.&n.客观的;目标16. mortgage n.&v.抵押17. accomplish v.完成18. location n.定位;位置19. oblige v.迫使20. motel n.汽车旅客旅馆21. accountant n.会计22. lodging n.寄宿,住宿23. observe v.观察24. motive n.&a.动机;发动的25. account receivable 应收帐款26. long-distance a.长途的27. obtain v.获得;买到28. mount v.登,爬上;装上29. acknowledgement n.承认;告知收到30. loosen v.放松;(解,松)开31. occasion n.原因,理由;需要;场合;情况32. movement n.运动,移动;(社会)运动33. acre n.英亩34. loss n.丧失;亏损35. occupation n.行业;职业36. multitude n.众多,大群37. active a.积极的38. loyal a.忠诚的39. occurrence n.发生,出现40. muscular a.肌肉发达的,强健的41. adapt v.适应;改编42. lubricate v.润滑43. odour n.气味44. mysterious a.神秘的;帮弄玄虚的45. adequate a.足够的,恰当的46. lumber v.伐木47. office n.办公室48. namely ad.即,就是49. admit v.让…进入,接纳;容纳50. luxurious a.奢侈,豪华,昂贵1. omission n.省略;删去2. narration n.叙述3. advance n.&v.进展;前进4. machinery n.(总称)机械,机器5. only a.&ad.仅仅,只6. natural a.天然的,本来的7. advantage n.优点;优越性8. magnificent a.壮丽的,华丽的9. open an account 开户10. nearby a.&ad.附近的,在附近11. advertisement n.广告12. magnitude n.巨大;量值大小13. openly ad.公开地14. necessarily ad.必定,必然,当然15. agenda n.议事日程16. main a.最主要的,最重要的17. operator n.操作人员18. necessity n.需要,必要性19. agreement n.一致;协议20. maintain v.保持;维持21. opportunity n.机会22. needle n.针23. alike a.相像的24. major a.较大的;较多的;较重要的25. opposite a.对立的,相对的26. negative a.否定的;反的;负的27. ally n.&v.同盟;使结盟28. make v.造,制作,使…29. optional a.可以任选的30. negotiate v.谈判;疏通31. altogether ad.完全;总共32. manager n.经理;管理人33. ore n.矿石34. neighbourhood n.邻接;邻居关系;地区35. ambition n.志向,抱负;野心36. manipulate v.操纵,摆布37. organize v.组织起来38. net a.网39. amuse v.逗乐40. mansion n.大厦41. ornament n.&v.装饰物;装饰42. nevertheless ad.&conj.不过;然而43. anchor n.锚v.抛锚,固定44. manufacture v.(大量)制造,加工45. ounce n.盎司46. nickel n.镍币,镍47. announce v.宣布,宣告48. manufacturer n.制造商;制造厂49. outdoors a.户外的,野外的50. nominate v.提名,命名1. anyhow ad.无论如何,不管怎样2. marine a.&n.海上的,海运业3. outlet n.输出口;销路;引出线4. none pron.没有人5. apartment n.(一套)住宅(住房)6. market n.市场,行情7. outlook n.眼界,景色8. normally ad.正常地9. appeal v.呼吁;有吸引力10. marvelous a.惊人的,奇迹般的11. outstanding a.杰出的12. notation n.标志13. application n.申请,申请书14. mask n.面罩15. overall a.全面的,总体的16. notice v.注意到17. appreciate v.感激;欣赏18. massive a.庞大的19. overestimate v.估计过高20. nought n.零,无21. approve v.赞成,批准22. masterpiece n.杰作,名作23. overlap v.重迭24. novel a.新颖的25. arise v.起来;发生,起因于26. mate n.&v.伙伴,助手,配偶;交配27. overlook v.监督;指导28. nowhere ad.任何地方都不29. arrive v.到达,抵达某地30. mature a.成熟的31. overseas a.海外的32. null a.无效的,等于零的33. Asian a.亚洲的34. meadow n.草地,牧场35. owe v.欠;归功于36. abide v.遵守,坚持(by)37. assent v.同意;赞成;认可38. means n.方法,手段39. ownership n.所有权40. abroad ad.到国外,在国外41. assignable a.可转让的;可过户的42. meantime ad.与此同时43. pace n.(一)步,步态(调)44. abundant a.充裕的45. associate v.联系;交往46. measure v.&n.测量;量度47. pack v.包,捆48. accommodation n.(舱室、床位等)招待设施;调停49. assure v.使确信,保证50. mechanic n.机修工,机械工1. packet n.小包,袋2. account n.帐目,帐户3. attempt v.尝试;试图4. medal n.奖章,勋章5. painting n.绘画,油画6. accounting n.会计学;清算帐目7. attest v.证实;证明8. medicine n.(内服)药9. pamphlet n.小册子10. achieve v.获得(胜利),达到(目的)11. attractive a.有吸引力的,动人的12. melt v.熔化,融化,溶解13. paper n.纸14. acquaintance n.了解;熟人15. auditor n.审计员;查帐员16. memorial n.纪念物;纪念碑17. paragraph n.段落18. act v.&n.行动;行为,动作19. authorization n.授权;批准20. memorandum n.便笺;备忘录21. memo n.便笺;备忘录22. parcel n.小包;邮包23. actually ad.实际上24. available a.可用的25. mention v.提及,说起26. parliament n.(英)下议院,国会27. in addition to 除…以外28. averse a.不愿意的;嫌恶的29. merchandise n.&v.商品;经商30. partial a.偏袒的;部分的31. adjust v.调整,校准32. awfully ad.异常,非常33. mercury n.水银34. particular a.特殊的,特别的35. admission n.接纳,收容,允许进入36. baggage n.行李37. mess n.混乱,一团糟38. particularly ad.特别,尤其39. advance payment 预付货款40. banking n.银行业;金融41. metal n.金属42. party n.聚会43. adverse a.逆的,相反的;不利的44. bargain v.&n.计价还价,成交;买卖合同45. metre n.公尺,米46. passenger n.乘客,旅客47. affect v.影响;感动48. battery n.炮组;电池49. mighty a.强有力的50. passport n.护照1. agency n.代理处,代办处2. beach n.海滩,湖滨3. mild a.温和,温柔的4. patent n.&a.专利(权),专利的5. aid n.援助;辅助6. beginning n.开端,开始7. mill n.磨坊;工厂8. patron n.保护人;赞助人9. alloy n.合金10. behavior n.行为,表现11. millionaire n.&v.定金;存款;沉淀12. pause n.&v.暂停,中止13. alternative a.选择的 n.可供选择的方法14. beneath prep.&ad.在下方15. mineral n.矿物,无机物;(pl.)矿泉水16. pavement n.人行道17. amateur n.&a.业余的,非专业的;业余活动者18. bet v.打赌19. minimum n.最小值20. payment n.支付,付款21. amicable a.友善的,和平的22. bind v.凝结,凝固23. minor a.较小的,较少的24. peculiar a.特别的;奇异的25. analysis v.分析26. blend v.&n.混合,掺合27. minus a.&prep.负的,减;负号28. pedlar n.小贩29. angle n.角30. bond n.联结,结合,约束31. minutes n.会议记录32. penetrate v.穿过,透过,渗透过33. anticipate v.预期;预先…34. bound v.跳跃,弹起,边界35. missing a.失去的,失踪的,失落的36. penny n.分(美国辅币)37. apparatus n.器械;仪器;装置38. branch n.树枝,分枝39. misunderstand v.误解40. perceive v.察觉,领悟41. apology n.道歉,认错42. broad a.广阔,宽的,辽阔43. mobile a.灵活多变的,机动的44. perfect a.完美的;完全的45. appendix n.附录;附庸;盲肠46. broker n.经马人,掮客47. model n.模型48. performance n.演出;性能49. appoint v.任命,指定50. brush v.&n.刷子;画笔1. agency n.代理处,代办处2. beach n.海滩,湖滨3. mild a.温和,温柔的4. patent n.&a.专利(权),专利的5. aid n.援助;辅助6. beginning n.开端,开始7. mill n.磨坊;工厂8. patron n.保护人;赞助人9. alloy n.合金10. behavior n.行为,表现11. millionaire n.&v.定金;存款;沉淀12. pause n.&v.暂停,中止13. alternative a.选择的 n.可供选择的方法14. beneath prep.&ad.在下方15. mineral n.矿物,无机物;(pl.)矿泉水16. pavement n.人行道17. amateur n.&a.业余的,非专业的;业余活动者18. bet v.打赌19. minimum n.最小值20. payment n.支付,付款21. amicable a.友善的,和平的22. bind v.凝结,凝固23. minor a.较小的,较少的24. peculiar a.特别的;奇异的25. analysis v.分析26. blend v.&n.混合,掺合27. minus a.&prep.负的,减;负号28. pedlar n.小贩29. angle n.角30. bond n.联结,结合,约束31. minutes n.会议记录32. penetrate v.穿过,透过,渗透过33. anticipate v.预期;预先…34. bound v.跳跃,弹起,边界35. missing a.失去的,失踪的,失落的36. penny n.分(美国辅币)37. apparatus n.器械;仪器;装置38. branch n.树枝,分枝39. misunderstand v.误解40. perceive v.察觉,领悟41. apology n.道歉,认错42. broad a.广阔,宽的,辽阔43. mobile a.灵活多变的,机动的44. perfect a.完美的;完全的45. appendix n.附录;附庸;盲肠46. broker n.经马人,掮客47. model n.模型48. performance n.演出;性能49. appoint v.任命,指定50. brush v.&n.刷子;画笔1. modify v.修饰;更改;缓和2. periodical n.期刊3. approach v.接近;与…打交道4. bulk order 大宗订购5. molecule n.分子6. permission n.答应;允许7. argue v.争辩8. bureau n.局,署,处9. monitor v.班长10. perpetual a.永久的,永恒的11. arrange v.安排12. buy v.买13. ability n.能力;才能14. personal a.个人的;亲自的15. article n.冠词16. calculate v.计算,核算,打算17. absence n.缺席;缺乏18. personnel n.全体人员,全体职员19. can n.能20. accept v.接受21. persuade v.说服22. asset n.(单项)财产23. candy n.糖果24. accompany v.交往;同伴25. pest n.害虫,瘟疫26. assist v.协助27. capital n.首都;省会28. on account of 因为,由于29. petroleum n.石油30. assume v.承担;呈现31. career n.生涯32. accounts payable 应付帐款33. phenomenon n.现象;奇迹34. atmosphere n.大气,大气层;氯氛35. carry v.运送;手提,肩挑36. achievement n.功绩;成就37. phrase n.短语;警句38. attendant n.服务员,侍者39. in case 万一;在…情况下;以防40. acquire v.获得,学到(知识等)41. picnic n.野餐42. attract v.吸引43. cast v.投掷44. action n.行动;作用45. pillar n.柱子46. audience n.听众,观众;倾听;(正式)接见47. caution n.&v.谨慎,慎重48. ad n.广告49. pioneer n.先锋50. authority n.权威,权力1. censor n.监察员2. address v.&n.演说;讲话3. piston n.活塞4. automatic a.自动化的5. central a.中心的,中央的6. administration n.管理;行政机关(署,局)7. plan n.计划8. average n.&a.平均(的)9. certain a.一定的 pron.某几个,某些10. adopt v.采纳11. pleasure n.愉快;满足12. award v.授予13. challenge v.&n.挑战14. advanced a.先进的;高级的15. plug n.塞子;插头16. background n.背景17. chapter n.章,回18. advertise v.做广告,宣扬19. P.M. ad.下午,午后20. p.m. ad.下午,午后21. band n.一帮,一伙22. chart n.海图;图表23. afford v.提供;出产;付得起24. poll n.&v.投票数;投票,民意测验25. banquet n.宴会26. cheque n.支票27. agreeable a.同意的;一致的;令人愉快的28. pollution n.污染29. basement n.地下室30. choice n.选择,挑选31. airmail n.航空邮件32. population n.人口33. bazaar n.集市,市场34. circular a.圆形的,循环的35. allowance n.津贴,补助(费)36. portable a.轻便的37. because of 因为38. citizen n.公民,市民39. altitude n.(海拔)高度40. positive a.积极的41. on behalf of 代表,为了42. classify v.分类43. amaze v.使惊异44. possession n.占据,占有45. belong to vi.属于46. climate n.气候47. amount n.&v.合计;总数;相当于48. possibly ad.可能地;也许49. beneficial a.有益的50. club n.俱乐部1. analyse v.分析,分解2. postage n.邮费3. bid v.表达;喊价;叫牌(体)4. coin n.&v.硬币;铸币5. anniversary n.周年纪念6. potential a.&n.潜在的,潜力;可能的,电压7. blame v.责备,责难8. collective n.集体9. anxious a.焦急的,担心的;渴望的10. power n.强权,权力11. board n.会议桌,全体委员,委员会12. comfortable a.舒服的13. apart ad.分开,离开14. precede v.高于…;先于…15. border n.边界16. commerce n.商业,贸易17. apparent a.明显的;表面的;外观的18. precise a.精确的,精密的;严谨的19. bow v.鞠躬;点头20. commodity n.日用品21. applicant n.申请者22. predominant a.主要的,占优势的23. brief a.简短的,短暂的24. communicate v.传递,传送;通信25. appointment n.约定,约会26. prefer v.更喜欢,宁愿27. brochure n.小册子28. companion n.同伴;同事29. approval n.赞同,批准30. preferential a.偏重的31. bronze n.青铜,古铜32. comparison n.比较,对照33. argument n.论据34. prepare v.准备;预备35. bulb n.电灯泡36. competition n.竞赛37. arrangement n.安排;筹备;整理38. prescribe v.指示,处方39. bunch n.一(束、串)40. complement n.补充物,补足物,定额41. ascertain v.查明,确定42. present v.&n.礼物43. on business 因公,因事44. comply v.服从,照办45. assembly n.集会,会议46. presently adv.一会儿,不久47. cable n.电缆;发电报48. comprise v.包含,包括;构成49. assign v.分配;指定50. preserve v.保存;保护1. camera n.照相机;摄象机2. concentrate v.集中3. assistant n.助手;图书管理员4. press v.压5. cancel v.取消,撤消6. conduct v.引导,传导7. assumption n.假定;采取8. prestige n.威望,声望9. capable a.有…能力的10. confident a.有信心的11. attach v.附上,贴上;属于12. prevail v.流行,盛行,占优势13. carbon n.碳14. confirmation n.确认;确认书15. attention n.注意16. price n.价格17. carpet n.地毯18. connection n.连接;联系19. attraction n.有吸引力的人或事物20. primary a.初级的;首要的21. case n.情况22. conservation n.保存,保护23. audit v.审计,查帐24. principal a.&n.主要的;主要人物25. cash n.现金26. consignee n.收货人;承销人27. authorize v.授权;核准,认可28. private a.私人的,非公开的29. category n.种类;类目30. constant a.坚定的,坚贞的31. automobile n.汽车32. probable a.可能的,大概的33. celebrate v.庆祝,赞颂;举行仪式34. consume v.消费,消耗35. on the average 平均,一般说来36. process n.过程37. per cent n.百分之38. contain v.容纳;遏制39. await vt.等候40. product n.产物,产品41. century n.世纪42. content v.(使)满足43. badly ad.坏;恶劣地44. professional a.职业的45. chain n.链,链条;一连串46. continent n.大陆47. banker n.银行主48. profit n.利益,利润49. change v.变化50. contracted n.已约定的1. bar n.杠上运动;酒吧2. profound a.深奥的;深厚的;深刻的3. characteristic n.(个、特)性,特征4. convenience n.方便5. basic a.基本的,基础的;碱的6. progressive a.进步的7. check v.检查;核对8. convertible a.可改变的,可兑换的9. B.C. 公元前10. project v.&n.规划,设计;工程11. childhood n.幼年(时代),童年12. co-operative a.合作的13. beforehand ad.预先,事先14. promising a.有希望的,有前途的15. circle n.圆16. cordial a.诚恳的,亲切的,热诚的17. behave v.举止,表现18. promotion n.推销19. circulation n.循环,流通,传播20. correspondence n.一致;通信;相应21. below ad.&prep.在下面;向下22. proof v.检验;校对23. claim v.声称;要求24. council n.理事会25. bestow v.把…赠与,把…授予;花费26. property n.性质,性能27. clerk n.职员,店员28. course n.进程29. bill n.招贴,广告30. proposal n.提议,建议31. clinic n.诊所32. craft n.技艺,工艺33. blank n.空白;完全的;没有表情的34. prosperity n.繁荣;昌盛35. coast n.海岸36. creditor n.贷方,债权人37. on board 在船上,在飞机上38. proprietor n.所有者39. collect v.聚集40. critical a.临界的41. boss n.老板42. protest v.抗议`反对43. combination n.结合44. cubic a.立方体的45. box n.盒子46. provision n.给养,口粮47. commend v.称赞;推荐48. current a.流行的;当前的49. brilliant a.&n.光辉的,辉煌的;卓越的;宝石50. publication n.发表;出版物1. commission n.委员会2. custom n.习俗,惯例3. broken a.破碎的,破坏了的4. pump n.泵,抽水机5. in common 共用,共有6. cylinder n.圆柱体7. brown n.&a.棕色8. punishment n.惩罚9. community n.社区,社会10. daring a.胆大的,敢作敢为11. bulk n.大块;体积;大量12. pure a.纯净的;纯洁的13. comparative a.比较的,相当的14. up to date 现代的;最近的,最新的15. burden v.使负担16. purple n.&a.紫色(的)17. compete v.竞争,比赛18. debit v.借方;将…记入借方19. button n.钮扣20. pursue v.追赶,追求,从事21. complain v.抱怨22. deceive v.欺骗,欺诈23. cafeteria n.自助食堂24. qualification n.资格;合格证;规定25. complicated a.结构复杂的;难懂的26. decline v.下倾,下降27. campaign n.战役;(政治或群众)运动28. quality n.&a.质量;合格的29. composition n.作文;写作30. deem v.认为;相信31. candidate n.候选人,报考者32. quarantine n.&v.(被隔离)检疫33. computer n.计算机,电子计算机34. definition n.定义35. capacity n.能力;容量36. quarter n.一刻钟,四分之一37. conclude v.得出结论,议定38. delay v.延迟;耽搁39. card n.卡片;名片40. quartz n.石英41. conference n.(正式)会议42. delight v.使高兴43. carrier n.带菌者;载体;航空母舰44. questionnaire n.调查表45. confine n.限制;使不出门46. demonstrate v.说明,论证,证实,表示47. in any case 无论如何,总之48. quiet a.安静的,平静的49. congratulate v.祝贺50. depend on 依赖,依靠1. cassette n.盒子,盒式磁带,暗盒2. quotation n.引证;行情;报价单3. consequence ad.因而,所以4. depth n.深度5. cause n.原因6. radical a.(政治的)激进的7. considerate a.考虑周到的,体谅的8. deserve v.应受,值得9. cement n.水泥;胶粘剂10. rainbow n.虹11. consist v.存在于…12. despite prep.不管,不顾13. centigrade a.百分度的,摄氏温度的14. raise v.使升高;提高;增加15. construction n.建筑,建造16. determinable a.可确定的17. ceremony n.典礼,仪式;礼节18. random a.随便的;任意的;随机的19. consumption n.消费20. device n.装置,器件21. chair n.椅子22. rank n.军衔23. contemplate v.凝视;沉思24. diameter n.直径25. channel n.航道,水道;海峡26. rarely ad.难得,很少27. context n.(文章的)上下文,前后关系28. dictation n.口授笔录,听写29. charge v.&n.装满(电荷、负荷),使承受责任30. at any rate 不管如何31. continuous a.连续不断的32. digest n.文摘33. chemical a.化学的34. would rather 宁愿,但愿35. contrast v.对比,对照36. diminish v.使减少;缩小37. china n.瓷器,瓷料38. rational a.理性的,合理的39. convenient a.方便的40. directly ad.径直地;直接地41. circuit n.&v.环行;绕行;电路42. ray n.光线,射线43. convince v.使确信;使认识(错误等)44. disappointed a.失望的45. circumstance n.情况46. react v.起作用;起反应47. copper n.铜48. discovery a.发现;发现物49. classic n.名著,杰作50. reality n.现实1. corporation n.公司,法人团体2. display v.展示,显示3. client n.委托人;当事人;顾客4. reasonable a.有道理的5. cost v.花费,价值6. distance n.距离7. closet n.私室;密室;小房间8. receipt n.收到;收据;收入9. count on 依靠,指望10. distribute v.分发,散布11. code n.法典,准则12. receiver n.接受者;接收机13. courtesy n.礼貌,谦恭14. divisible a.可分的;可割的15. collection n.收集16. reception n.接待,欢迎17. creative a.创造性的;引起的18. dollar n.美元19. combine v.&n.(使)联合;兼有;集团20. recipe n.烹饪法;处方;菜谱21. crisis n.危机;转折点22. dot n.圆点23. comment n.&vi.评论24. reciprocal a.互惠的,互相的25. crystal n.水晶26. draft v.&n.[美]征兵;分遣队27. committee n.委员会28. recognition n.认识29. curl v.(使)卷曲,卷缩30. drawee n.(支票或汇票等的)付款人31. commonly ad.一般地;共同地32. recommendation n.建议,劝告,推荐33. curve n.&v.曲线;(使)弯曲34. duly adv.按时,及时地35. compact a.紧凑的,紧密的36. recorder n.录音机37. cut back 削减,减少38. during prep.在…期间39. compare v.比较40. rectangle n.长方形、矩形41. dam n.水坝42. dwelling n.住所43. competent a.有能力的,应该做的,足够的44. reduction n.减少,缩小45. date n.日期46. earnings n.收入,利润47. complaint n.抱怨;控告;疾病48. refer v.把…归于;提到49. deadline n.期限,有效期50. effect n.结果;影响;效果1. compliment n.&v.赞美的话;祝贺,致意2. reference v.参考;提及,提交;关联3. debtor n.借方,债务人4. effort n.努力,尽力5. comprehensive a.综合的;有理解力的6. reflection n.反对;水中映像7. declaration n.宣告,宣布,宣言8. electrical a.电的,电气科学的9. conceive v.想象,设想10. refrigerator n.冰箱11. decrease v.减少12. elementary a.基础的,初步的13. conclusion n.结束;结论14. regard v.注重,注意,认为,问候15. defence n.防御;保卫16. embarrass v.使为难,使窘迫17. confidence n.信心18. regardless of 不管19. degrade v.降级;使堕落20. emphasize v.强调;重压21. confirm v.认可,批准22. register v.登记,注册23. delicate a.精美的24. employment n.职业,工作,雇用25. congress n.大会,国会(美)26. regular a.有规律的;固定的;定期的27. delivery n.传递,传送,交付28. endeavour v.尽力29. consequently ad.因此30. regulation n.规定,规则31. department n.部门,系32. endow v.捐赠33. consign v.把…托付给,寄存34. relate v.叙述35. deposit v.存放,寄存36. engage v.雇(聘)用;从事于37. consistent a.坚固的,坚实的;始终如一的38. relative n.&a.亲戚;相对的39. derive v.导致40. enjoy v.喜欢;享受…乐趣41. consult v.商议;请教;查阅(字典等)42. relay v.换班,接力,中继43. desirable a.全乎需要的;便利的44. ensure v.保障;保险45. contact v.(使)接触46. reliable a.可靠的47. detail n.细节48. entertainment n.娱乐49. contemporary a.当代的50. relieve v.救;解除1. develop v.发展2. envelope n.信封3. context n.(文章的)上下文,前后关系4. reluctant a.不愿的,勉强的5. diagram n.&v.图表;用图解法表示6. equality n.同等,平等7. contract v.使收缩;皱8. remain v.剩下,余留;保持9. diary n.日记;日记簿10. essential a.基本的,必不可少的11. contribute v.贡献12. remarkable a.显著的13. on diet 节食14. etc. 等待15. conversation n.谈话;会话16. remit v.宽恕;赦免17. diligent a.勤勉的,用功的18. evidence n.明显;证据19. co-operate v.合作;协作20. rent v.&n.租用;出租;租金21. diplomatic a.外交的22. example n.例子;榜样23. copy n.&v.副本24. replace v.取代25. disadvantage n.缺点26. except prep.除…之外27. correspond v.通信28. report n.&v.报告,汇报29. discharge v.&n.解散30. excessive a.过度的31. costly a.昂贵的,贵重的32. representative n.代表;象征33. dislike n.&v.不喜欢;厌恶34. execution n.实行;实施35. courageous a.勇敢的36. reputation n.名誉;声望37. dispute v.争辨,争执;争夺38. exhibit v.展览,展出39. cover n.封面40. require v.需要;要求41. distinction n.区别,差别;级别42. expect v.期待;指望43. credit n.&v.信任;信用44. research v.调查;研究45. district n.区域46. expire v.终止,到期47. criterion n.准则48. resemble v.像,类似49. dock v.削减(费用)50. exploration n.考察,探索1. cube n.立方体2. reserve v.贮备,保存3. dominate v.支配,统治4. extend v.伸延5. currency n.通货,货币6. residence n.住处,住宅7. doubtful a.怀疑的8. external a.外部的,[药]外用的9. cushion n.坐垫10. resign v.辞(职);放弃11. dramatic a.戏剧(性)的12. extremely ad.极,非常13. cut down 削减,减少,降低14. resolute a.坚决的15. drawing n.图(指素描或工程图)16. factor n.因素;因数,代理人17. damage v.&n.损坏18. resolve v.解决;分解19. durable a.耐用的20. failure n.失败;失灵21. out of date 过时的,陈旧的22. resource n.资源;办法,智谋23. off duty 下班24. fake v.&n.伪造;虚构;赝品25. debate v.争论26. respective a.个别的,各个的27. eager a.渴望的;热心的28. as far as 至于;就…;直到29. decade n.十年;十个(天)30. response v.回答;响应31. economy n.经济32. fashionable a.流行的,时髦的33. declare v.宣布34. responsible a.负责的35. effective a.有效的36. feature n.外貌,特征37. dedicate v.奉献,专用38. restore v.寻回;恢复;重建39. elaborate v.精心制作40. female a.女性的,雌的41. define v.限定42. result n.结果,效果43. elegant a.优雅的44. file n.&v.文卷;归档45. degree n.等级,程度46. resume v.再开始,再继续;恢复47. elevator n.电梯,升降机48. finance n.财政,金融49. delicious a.芳香的,可口的;妙的50. retailer n.零售商1. emergency n.紧急事件,紧急情况2. fiscal a.国库的,财政的3. demand v.要求4. retire v.退却,引退,退休5. employee n.雇员6. flexible a.柔韧的;灵活的7. departure n.出发;背离8. in return 作为报答9. enclose v.围住,封入10. flour n.面粉,粉11. deprive v.剥夺12. reveal v.展现;揭示,揭露13. endorsement n.背书;变更保险范围的条款14. fold v.折叠15. description n.描写;说明书16. reverse v.&n.颠倒;相反17. energy n.(物)能,能量18. foodstuff n.食品,食料19. dispatch n.急件;快件20. revise v.修改;校订21. engine n.发动机;机车22. foreign a.外国的23. detain v.使留住,阻住;拘留24. reward n.酬金,奖25. enormous a.巨大的26. forgive v.原谅,宽恕27. development n.发展28. rise v.升高;增长29. enterprise n.事业;企业30. formula n.公式,程式31. dial n.&v.日晷;电话拨号盘,刻度盘;拨号32. risk n.&v.风险;冒险33. entrance n.进入,入口34. fortune n.命运;运气;财产35. dictate v.规定36. robot n.机器人37. epoch n.(新)纪元,(新)时代38. foundation n.基础;基金39. differential a.微分的40. roll v.滚动41. equivalent n.&a.等价;等值的42. frame n.构架,框架43. dimension n.尺寸;空间维数44. route n.路;路线45. estate n.等级;阶层46. freight n.货物,货运,货车47. direction n.方向;指导48. row n.排,行49. event n.事件,重大事件50. friendly a.友好的1. disagree vi.意见不同;不一致2. ruby n.红宝石3. exact v.确切的4. fully ad.完全地;足足5. discount n.&v.折扣;打折扣6. rule v.&n.规则;规定7. excel v.胜过;杰出8. fundamental a.基本的,根本的9. dismiss v.解雇,开除10. run v.跑11. exceptional a.特殊的;额外的12. furniture n.家具13. dissolve v.分解,使溶解14. rust n.&v.锈;生锈15. exclude v.排除16. gain v.&n.获得;获利17. distinguish v.区别;识别18. safe a.安全的19. exert v.尽力,努力;使用权力20. garage n.车库21. dividend n.股息,红利;被除数22. sake n.目的;缘故23. existence n.存在24. gather v.聚集25. document n.文件26. salary n.薪水27. expensive a.昂贵的28. generally ad.一般地29. dose v.&n.给…服药;剂量30. on sale 上市,出售31. explanation n.解释,说明32. geographical a.地理学上的,地理的33. dozen n.一打34. same a.同样的35. express v.&a.表达;可表达的;明确的36. globe n.地球,天体37. draw v.画,绘制38. sample n.&v.样品,取样39. extensive a.广博的,广泛的40. gold n.金子41. due a.应当的42. satisfaction n.满意43. extraneous a.体外的;外来的;外部的44. govern v.统治45. duration n.持久,持续时间46. saving n.储蓄47. face value 票面价值;票面额48. graduate a.&n.大学毕业后的;研究生49. on duty 值班,当班50. scale v.标度;比例尺;规模;攀登1. Fahrenheit n.&a.华氏温度;华氏温度计(的)2. grateful a.感激的3. earn v.赚得4. scarce a.缺乏的;稀有的5. faith n.信任;信仰6. greeting n.欢迎,致敬,问候7. edition n.版本8. scarcity n.缺乏9. fame n.名声10. gross a.总的,全部的;十足的11. efficient a.效率高的,有能力的12. scarlet n.&a.猩红色,鲜红的13. farther a.较远的;更远的14. guidance n.引导,指导15. elastic a.弹性的16. scenery n.风景,背景17. favour n.喜爱;赞许18. gulf n.海湾;深渊19. element n.元素;元件;因素20. on schedule 按预定时间21. fee n.费用22. in half 成两半23. eliminate v.消除,排除24. scholarship n.学问;奖学金25. fibre n.纤维26. handy a.顺手的,手边的27. emphasis n.强调;重点28. scope n.范围29. fill out 填好,填写30. hardware n.五金,金属制品31. employer n.雇主;雇用者32. screen n.幕;荧光屏33. firm a.坚固的;坚定的34. hasty a.急速的;草率的35. enclosure n.圈地,围场36. scrub v.擦洗37. flavour n.滋味,风味,情趣38. heading n.标题39. endorser n.背书人40. seal n.&v.封印,加封,盖章41. flock v.成群聚集42. heartily ad.衷心地,热心地43. enforce v.执行;强制44. search v.搜查;探索45. fluent a.流畅的46. height n.高度47. engineering n.工程48. seat n.座位49. following a.下列的,其次的50. hence ad.因此,此后1. enroll v.登记,编入,招收2. secondary a.中级的;第二位的3. forbid v.禁止;阻止4. hereof ad.在本文件中;关于此点5. entertain v.款待6. secretary n.书记,秘书7. foresee v.预见,预知8. highway n.公路9. entry n.条目10. secure a.&v.安全的;保证,获得11. formal a.外形的,形式的;正式的12. historical a.历史的,有关历史的13. equal a.相等的14. segment n.&v.部分;段;分割15. fortnight n.两周16. honour vt.给…以荣誉17. era n.时代,年代;纪元18. select v.&a.选;精选的19. forward a.&ad.向前的;向前20. horizon n.地平线21. estimate v.估计;评价22. selfish a.自私的,利己的23. fragment n.碎片24. household n.家庭,户;家务25. eventually ad.最终26. senior n.&a.高年级;上级,长辈(的)27. free a.&v.空闲的;自由的28. humour n.幽默29. examination n.检查;考试30. in a sense 从某种意义上说31. frequently ad.经常32. ideal n.&a.观仿,理想,理想(观念)化的33. excellent a.极好的,优秀的34. separation n.分离;要开35. fuel n.燃料36. i.e. 也就是,即37. excess n.过量;超过38. series n.一连串,系列39. functional a.起作用的40. illustration n.插图41. execute v.执行42. service n.服务;业务43. furnace n.炉子,熔炉;磨炼44. imitate v.模仿45. exhaust v.抽空,使精疲力竭46. set v.装置,设备47. furthermore ad.而且,此外48. impartial a.公正的49. exit n.出口50. settle v.安排,安置;处置1. gamble v.&n.赌博;投机2. importance n.重要,重大;显要3. experience n.经验4. several a.&pron.几个,数个5. garment n.外衣6. impressive a.给人深刻印象的7. exploit v.&n.开拓,开发;功绩8. shaft n.矛;杆9. in general ad.通常,一般来说10. incentive n.刺激,鼓励11. expressly ad. 明确地;特意地12. sham v.&n.假装;骗人之物13. generation n.(一)代(人);产生14. income n.收入15. extent n.广度;程度16. share n.&v.一份;股份;分享,分担17. giant a.&n.巨大的;巨大18. indicate v.指示;表明19. extraordinary a.非常的;不平凡的20. sharply ad.急剧地,尖锐地21. glue n.胶;粘合22. induce v.诱导;引起23. facility n.容易;熟练24. sheet n.薄片、薄板;被单,纸张25. golf n.高尔夫球26. inferior a.低级的;次要的27. failing prep.如果没有…;若无….28. shell n.壳;甲壳,贝壳29. grade n.年级30. inform v.通知;告诉31. faithfully ad.忠诚地32. shilling n.先令33. grant v.同意,允许34. inherent a.内在的;固有的35. familiar with 熟悉的;通晓的36. shipment n.装货,装船37. gravity n.地心引力38. injury n.伤害,损害,伤害处39. fashion n.时样;时髦,方式40. short a.短的41. grocer n.杂货商42. inquiry n.探究;调查;询问43. favourite n.宠物44. shortly ad.立刻;简短地45. growth n.生长,发展46. insistent a.坚持的;显著的47. feedback n.反馈48. shoulder n.肩部49. guilty a.有罪的,内疚的50. inspector n.学监1. figure n.数字2. shutter n.百叶窗3. gymnasium n.体育馆,健身房4. installment n.一期,一集5. final a.最终的6. signatory n.签署者;签约国7. hammer n.锤,槌8. instead of 代替9. first-rate a.头等的,第一流的10. significant a.重大的,重要的11. harbour n.港口12. instruct v.教导,指示13. fleet v.飞过;掠过14. silver n.银15. harmony n.和谐,融洽16. insurance n.保险17. flood n.洪水;水灾18. simplify v.简化,使单纯19. hazard v.&n.冒险;危险;公害20. intelligent a.聪慧的;理解力强的21. focus n.焦点22. simultaneous a.同时的23. headquarter n.总部;总局24. intentional a.故意的,有意识的25. fond a.喜爱的;爱好的26. sincere a.真诚的,诚恳的27. heating n.加热,供暖,供暧装置28. interior a.&n.内部(的);内地(的)29. forecast v.预报,预测30. site n.地点31. helpful a.有帮助的;有益的32. internal a.内部的;国内的33. forge v.稳步前进;突然加速前进34. situation n.情况;形势35. herein ad.于此处36. interrupt v.打断(讲话);打扰37. former a.从前的,往时的38. size n.尺寸,大小39. hereunder ad.在下面40. intimate v.通告;暗示41. fortunate a.幸运的,带来好运的42. skill n.技能43. hint v.&n.暗示44. invest v.投资45. found v.成立,建立46. skillful a.灵巧的,娴熟的47. holder n.保持者;占有者;架;柄48. invisible a.看不见的;无形的49. fragrant a.芬芳的,香的50. slack a.懒散的,松松垮垮的;呆滞的1. hook n.&v.钩子,钩引2. inward a.内在的;向内的3. freely ad.自由地;随意地4. slightly ad.轻微地5. hospitality n.好客,殷勤,款待6. issue n.问题争论点7. fresh a.新鲜的8. slope v.&n.(使)斜;斜度9. humble a.谦卑的10. jam v.塞进;阻塞11. fulfill v.完成,履行12. smooth a.平滑,流畅的13. hydrogen n.氢14. jewel n.宝石15. fund n.资金,基金,款项16. so-called a.所谓的17. identify v.认为…相同;验明18. judge v.&n.法官19. furnish v.提供;装备20. society n.社会。



常见商务英语词汇表acceptance 承兑accommodation notes 通融票据account 账户accrued 自然增长值accumulation 累计acknowledge 收悉act 条例active 活跃的actual rate 实际汇价addressee 收信人,抬头人addressing bank 通知银行administration expense 管理费adjustment 调整,理算advance 预付advice of charge 付账通知书advice of drawing 票汇通知书advice of outport collection 代收委托书affiliate 联号,联行affix 盖印after date 发票后after sight见票后agency 代理行allotment 分配数allowance 津贴,折让amalgamate 合并amendment 更改,修正amortize 摊提,分期偿还analysis 分析annual expenditure 岁出annual revenue 岁入application for authority to purchase 委托appointed bank 指定银行购买证申请书appreciation涨价appraisal 估价arrears 拖欠approved 核准assets 资产article 项目,货品attachments 附件assign 转账available 有效,可得到的audit 审计balance 余额bad check 空头支票bank bill 钞票,银行balance sheet 资产负债表banker’s association 银行协会bank draft 银行汇票bankruptcy 破产bargain 交易barter 易货,以物易物bank’s buying rate 银行买价bank’s selling rate 银行卖价base price 底价bearer 来人,持票人below par 低于票面价值beneficiary 受益人bid 投标bid bond 押标金bill of exchange 汇票bill of lading 提单board of directors 董事会bona fide 出于善意的,可靠的bond 保记,公债books 账薄bonus 红利broker 经纪人brokerage 经纪人之业务,回扣budget 预算bundle 捆business day 营业日buyback 回购buying rate 银行买家buying offer 买盘cable confirmation 电报确认书carriage 运费calendar year 自然年度cancelled 取消capital 资产carrying charge 资产费用cartage 货运费cash 现金cash against documents 凭票据付款cash on delivery 货到付款cashier 出纳员cashier’scheck 银行所开支票cash with order 先付货款catalogue 目录category 类目category of tax 税目ceiling price 限价certificate of inspection 货品检验证书certificate of origin 原产地证明书certified check 保付支票certified invoice 签证发票chamber of commerce 商会charge 费用,借记,要价charter 执照,包租chattels 动产chattel mortgage 动产抵押check 支票checking account 甲种户头checkbook stubs 支票存根簿check register 支票登记簿chop 图章chose 动产circular 通函circular letter of credit 流通信用证claim 索赔classification 分类clean bill 光票clean bill of lading 清洁提货单clearance 清算clearing 交换clearing house 清算所close of business closing rate 收盘汇率collates 抵押品collection 代收,托收ercial 广告commission 佣金commodity 商品common law 习惯法compensate 赔偿compensation trade 赔偿贸易compound interest 复利comprehensive 广泛confidential 机密confirmation 确认书confirmed credit 确认信用证书confirming bank 确认银行consignee 收货人consigner 发货人consignment 寄售consular invoice 零时签证货单contra accounts 贷方对销contract 合同contractor 承包人conversion table 换算表convertible 自由兑换的copy 副本correspondent 代理行,联号cost 成本cost and freight 离岸加运费价cost insurance and freight 到岸价格cost-plus 附加成本counterfeit notes 伪钞counter part 副本countersign 副签cover 抵偿covering letter 送报或重要文件时所备之简函credit 信用creditor 贷方crossed check 划线支票currency 货币,通货current rate 当日汇率customs 进口税,海关customs broker 报关行customs invoice 海关发票data 资料date draft 定期汇票date of expiry 有效日期date of value 起算利息日期days of grace 宽限日(宽限赎票期三日)deal 分派,交易debit note 收款清单debt 债务deed 契约,证书deferred payment 延付货款deficiency 缺陷deliver 交货delivery 交货delivery order 提货单demand draft 即期汇票demurrage 延期费denomination 票面金额deposit book 存款簿depreciation 折旧description 说明书designated bank 指定银行devaluation 贬值disburse 支付disbursement 付出discount 贴现dishonor 退票disposal of proceeds 款项处置办法disseminate 传播dividend 红利documentary bill 跟单汇票documents 单据down payment 分期付款的首次付款draft 汇票drawback 退税drawee 汇票付款人drawer 汇票出票人drawing 提款due 到期due date 到期日duplicate 副本duty 关税embargo 禁运empower 授权encumbrance 负担,负债endorsee 被背书人endorsement guaranteed 担保背书无误endorser 背书人enforce 实施engagement 义务,债务entertainment 招待交际费entry 报单equity 产权estate 财产estimates 估计exchange control 外汇管制exclusive sales 独家经销商exfactory 工厂交货价expenditure 支出expenses 开支export bill 出口汇票export declaration 出口申报书extension展期extra 额外的face value 面值factor 代理商fessible 可行的fee 费用file 卷宗filing 归档financial 财政的firm 公司fiscal year 会计年度floating rate 流动汇率foreign exchange 外汇forwarding agent 运输行foul bill of lading不洁提单franchise 免配额度free of particular average 单独海损不赔freight 运费freight prepaid 运费先付讫fulfill 完成fund 基金goods 货物goodwill 商誉grace 缓期grant 让与gross 毛数gross weight 毛重guarantee 保重guarantor 保证人holder of bill 持票人implement 工具impost 捐税in bond 保税中income tax 所得税in debt 负债indenture 契约inflation 通货膨胀insolvency 无力偿还installment 分期付款instrument 文件,票据insurance 保险insurance policy 保险单integrity 商誉interest 利益interest rate 利率inventory 存货清单invoice 发票involve 包括irrevocable 不可撤销的issue 发行issuing bank 开证银行item 项目joint account 合开户头joint venture 合资journal 日记帐lable 标签ledger 分类账legal tender 法定货币lessee 承租人lessor 出租人letter of acceptance 承兑函letter of credit 信用证letter of guarantee 保证书letter of indemnity 赔偿书letters patent 专利书liability 负债license 执照,许可证lien 留置权limitation 时效liquidation 清算loan 放款lockout 停工lump sum 总价mail transfer 信汇management 厂方,资方man hour 人时manual 手册margin 定金marine risk 海险mark 唛头maturity 到期memorandum 备忘录merge 合并minimum charges 最低费用minute 笔记modification 变更monetary 货币monopoly 垄断mortgage 抵押mortgage bond 抵押债券mutual 相互,双方negotiate 让购negotiating bank 让够汇票银行negotiation 谈判net 净值nominal account 虚帐户nominal rate 名义汇率notary 公证人notary public 公证人note 借据notify 通知notifying bank 通知银行objection 反对obligation 义务,债obligee 债权人ocean bill of lading 海运提单ocean freight 海运费offer 报价office copy 办公室留底official rate 法定汇价off lay 花费,支出offset 补偿on board bill of lading 已装船提单open account 开户open policy 未确定保险单opening rate 开盘汇率order bill of lading 记名提单order check 指定人支票ordinary telegram 寻常电报original 正本outstanding 未付out turn 产量overdraft 透支overdue 过期overhead 管理的overpayment 多付款overstock 库存过剩over valuation 估价过高owner 业主ownership 所有权package 打包packing credit 包装信用证书packing list 打包清单paid-up 付足paper 政权,票据parity 平价party 当事人,一方participate 参与partnership 合伙人par value 票面价值patent 专利权pay 致富payee 受款人permit 许可证personalty 动产petty cash 零用现金plain telegram 明码电报pledge 担保postal money order 邮局汇票position 头寸posting 过账postpone 延期power of attorney 授权书prepay 预付price ceiling 高价price floor 底价principal 本金priority 优先权privilege 特权procedure 程序procuration 代理背价professional charges 公费promissory note 期票prompt 当场交付的proof 证明proposal 建议,投保书pro rate 按照比例proprietor 所有者,业主protest 拒付,抗议书protocol 议定书provision 条款proxy 委托书punctual 准时quadruplicate 三副本,四份quality certificate 品质证明书quota 配额quota system 限额制quotation 报价单rate 估价ratio 比率rate of exchange 汇率real estate 不动产rebate 回扣receipt 收据received for shipment B/L 备运提单red clause 红条款rediscount 重贴现refunds and rebates 回扣register 登记簿registered trade mark 注册商标reimbursement 偿还remittance 汇款renewal 展期repeal 撤销requisition 请求单rescission 解约retailer 零售商retire bill 赎票revenue 收入revocable 可取消的revolving credit 循环信用证rider 附加条款royalty 租费safe box 保管箱salary 薪金sales contract 售货和约schedule 明细表screen 帐secured loan 抵押贷款securities 抵押品,担保人set-off 抵消shipping documents 营运证shipping space 船位shortage 短少shut out 退开sight 见票即付sight draft 即期汇票signature card 印鉴卡single proprietorship 独资slip 传票sola 单张汇票solvency 偿还人special endorsement 记名背书spell 详细说明statistics 统计数据stipulate 订约,保证stock 股票stock exchange 证券交易所stop payment 止付stock holder 股东sublet 转租subscription 订金sundry 杂项supplier 供货商surplus 过剩surveyor 公证人tariff 关税telegraphic address 电报挂号telegraphic transfer 电汇tenor 汇票期限terms 条件through bill of lading 联运提单tolerance 容许偏差transfer 转让transferee 受让人transferor 出让人transshipment 转运traveler’scheck 旅行支票trust receipt 信托收据turnover 周转数unclean bill of lading 不洁提货单uncollectible account 坏账unconfirmed 未经确认的underwriter 保险人,下书人unit price 单价usance bill 远期汇票usance letter of credit 远期信用证urgent telegram 急电validity 有效期限voucher 传票warehouse receipt 栈单war risks 战争险warranties 特约条款weight certificate 重量证明书withdrawal 退票writing-off process 销账法yard 码yield 收盘UNIT 1 FACE TO FACEaggressive adjective 敢作敢为/侵略性的aggression - noun 进攻,侵略appointment noun 约会,指定badge noun 徽章,证章colleague noun 同事,同僚head of department noun 部门经理department- noun 部门,科,处managing director noun 常务懂事personnel noun 人员,职员public relations noun 公共关系sales office noun 营业部,销售部sincere adjective 诚挚的,真诚的small talk noun 闲聊superior noun 长者,上级surname noun 姓vice-chairman noun 副主席vice - prefix 副的chairman - noun主席visitor noun 访问者,来宾visit - 拜访,参观whereabouts noun 下落,行踪aperitif noun 开胃酒apparently 显然地behaviour noun 行为,举止chew over noun 考虑,详细讨论counterpart noun 对等的人或物demonstration noun 示范,实证demonstrate – verb 示范,证明disaster noun 灾难manners plural noun 礼貌offence noun 犯罪,冒犯syllable noun 音节tricky adjective 狡猾的,机警的accountant noun 会计,会计师ambitious adjective 有雄心/野心勃勃的application noun 应用程序,应用软件challenge noun 挑战deadline noun 最终期限environment noun 环境,外界finance noun 金融,财政学generate verb 产生,发生hands-on noun 有实际经验的人hectic adjective 忙乱的,忙碌的responsibility noun 责任,职责body language noun 身体语言,手势语言business card noun 名片click verb 发出滴答声co-worker noun 合作者,同事concentrate verb集中conference noun 会议,协商会delegate noun 代表indigestion noun 消化不良quiz noun 测验reliable adjective 可靠的,可信赖的sigh verb 叹息,叹气sniff verb 用力吸气,闻到yawn verb 打呵欠border noun 边界,边ballpark figure noun 约略的数字fact noun 事实,真相flu noun 流感junior adjective 下级的,地位较低的senior adjective 高级的,地位较高的sketch noun 草图,梗概。


3报关附税payment of duty
4报税make a statement of dutiable goods
4报税通知单;报关单bill of entry
3备用信用证stand by credit
3保险证明书cover note
3保证重量weight guaranteed
3保质保量quality and quantity assured
3报关customs declaration; clearance of goods; apply to the customs
3保险条例(中国人民保险公司)CIC (China Insurance Clause)
3保险物interest insured
4保险性存货(以应付万一)decoupling inventory
4保险责任insurance liability
3保险责任终止termination of risk
3保险帐目underwriting account
4补偿贸易(或抵偿贸易;往返贸易)compensating / compensatory trade
4补税collection of duty short paid; cover deficit by state subsidies
5补助金allowance; benefit;subsidy
5不变价格;固定价格constant price
4被通知人notify party
5本地银行local bank
4本国货币domestic currency, local currency



1、商务书信常用开头语(1)特此奉告等We are pleased to inform you that …We have the pleasure in informing you that …We have to advise you of/that …We think it advisable to inform you of/that …We are pleased to have this opportunity of reminding you of/that …We take the advantage of this opportunity to bring before your notice … Please allow us to call your attention to …Permit us to remind you of/that …May we ask your attention to …We feel it our duty to inform you of/that …(2)为(目的)奉告某某事项The purpose of this letter is to inform you of/that …The object of this letter is to tell you that …By this letter we purpose (vt.) to inform you of/that …The present (信,函) serves to acquaint you that …(3)惠请告知某某事项Please inform me of/that …Kindly infom me of/that …… be good enough to inform me of/that …I should be glad if you would inform me of/that …We shall be obliged if you will inform us that …We shall be pleased to have your information regarding on/as to/about …(4)特确认我方某月某日函件We confirm our letter of the 10th of this month …We confirm our last letter of the 10th June …We confirm the particulars of our inquiry by telephone of this morning … In confirming our telegram of this morning, …Confirming our respects of the 10th May, …(5)敬悉贵公司某月某日函电We are pleased to acknowledge receipt of your favour of the 1st June.Your letter of May 5 was very welcome.Your letter of April 10 gave me much pleasure.Your favour of the Oct. 10th is to/at hand.We are in receipt of your letter of the 7th July.We thank you for your letter of the 5th May.Many thanks for your letter of the 5th June.Your letter of the 5th May has just reached me.Your favour of the 5th May is now before me.(6)特回复贵公司某月某日函所叙述有关事项I have the pleasure of stating, in answer to your inquiry of June 4, that …In reply to your letter of the 5th of May, I have to inform you of/that …In reply to your letter of the 10th May, relative to …, I would say that …I am in receipt of your favour of the 7th May, and in response I inform you that … In answer to your favour of the 5th May regarding …, I reply as follows:Answering your letter of the 8th of February, I would say that …(7)非常遗憾,我们奉告您关于……We regret to inform you of/that …We are sorry to have to draw your attention to …We regret to have to say that …It is most regrettable that we have to inform you of/that …To our greatest regret we must herewith (因此,据此,随函) inform you of/that …It is with regret and reluctance that we have to inform you of/that …It gives us a deep sorrow that we have to announce you that …It causes me much sorrow to have to say that …I feel sorry for having to announce you that …I express my sorrow for announcing you that …(8)我们得悉……甚为遗憾We are very sorry to hear/know that …We are indeed sorry to hear that …We very much regret to hear that …It is with great regret that we just learn that …Much to our regret we have heard that …To our deep regret we were informed of/that …(9)我们对于您某月某日来函的询价深表谢意。



商务出差词汇英汉对照1. Perks:额外津贴。



额外津贴包括乡间俱乐部会员费, 公司用车费, 住房补贴, 利润分红, 股票期权和更高的旅行津贴。

2. Reimbursement:公司所返还的差旅费。

3. Per diem rates:每日定额。

per diem是拉丁文,意思是逐天计算的津贴。


4. Cash advance:预支费用。


5. Itinerary:旅程表。


6. Receipt:收据。





7. Corporate card:公司信用卡。




8. OCS:On pany Service的缩写,指由公司支付的其他业务活动。

员工在公司之外代表公司所从事的所有活动, 不但包括实际费用,还包括其他项目,如保险费用。

9. Frequent flyer miles:航空积分里程。




10. Living out of a suitcase:旅行包生活。


11. E_pense account:费用帐户/报销单。


12. pany credit:公司信贷。

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