



基于粗糙集和加权TOPSIS法的弹目匹配模型目录: 1. 引言 2. 粗糙集理论的介绍与应用 3. 加权TOPSIS法的介绍与应用 4. 基于粗糙集和加权TOPSIS法的弹目匹配模型 5. 模型实例分析 6. 结论 7. 参考文献1. 引言弹目匹配是指在军事领域中,通过比较不同弹药与目标之间的特性和要求,选择最合适的弹药用于打击目标。



2. 粗糙集理论的介绍与应用粗糙集理论是由波兰学者Pawlak于1982年提出的一种数学工具,适用于处理不确定性和不完全信息的问题。






3. 加权TOPSIS法的介绍与应用加权TOPSIS法是一种多准则决策分析方法,通过综合考虑各个准则的权重和方案的综合评价值,选择出最优的方案。





4. 基于粗糙集和加权TOPSIS法的弹目匹配模型基于粗糙集和加权TOPSIS法的弹目匹配模型包括以下步骤:步骤1:搜集和整理数据我们需要收集和整理弹药和目标的相关数据。



集、 下近似 集和 边界域 概念 , 结合 支持 向量机 的 分类原 理 , 出 了一种 支持 向量机 分 类算 法。首 先 , 提 在 支持 向量机 分类 中定 义样 本 分类 的粗糙 集规 则 , 然后在 边界域 寻找 两类样 本 中使 判 别 式 绝对值
取 值 最 小且 分 类正确 的样本 来确 定 最优 分 类 面 , 离 了对 惩罚 系数 c的 寻优 问题 , 效 避 免 了过 脱 有
类精 度 。 粗糙 集理 论是 一种处 理不 精确 、 不一致 、 完整 不
{ i ( ) ÷( W I n W = W・ ) m
【. Y[ ・ )+b ≥1 i , , , St ( . ] , =12 … z
等信 息 的数据 分析 理 论 J广 泛地 应 用 于 数 据分 类 ,
a t rsi s i e ms o a a mi ng ce itc n tr fd t ni .A ls i c to l o t c a sf ai n ag r hm a e n lwe pp o i to e i i b s d o o r a r xma in s t,u p r p e a p o i t n s ta h o nd r e i n i T a d ca sfc t n p n i l n S p r xma i e nd t e b u a r go n RS n l si a i r cp e i VM a e r s n— o y i o i h sbe n p e e td. Ro g es r l s o a l l si c to a e n S e u h s t ue fs mp e ca sf ai n b s d o VM l s i c to r e n d Th n t e s mpl i ca sf ain a e d f e . i i e h a e i h r i e in whih ma e h b ou e v l e o h ic i n n n miain i e r h d a d t n t e ma g n r g o c k st e a s l t au ft e d s rmi a tmi i z to ss a c e n he c re tca sf ai n t b a n t e o tma e r tn u f c a e n g te or c l sii t o o t i h p i ls pa ai g s ra e h s b e o tn.I e so to he o tmia c o tg t u ft p i z — to r b e o h e at o f c e tC, v i s t e o e - tig p o l m ,a d s a c s t e mo to tma in p o l m ft e p n ly c e f in a o d h v rf t r b e i i n n e r he h s p i l


基金项目 : 国家自然科学基金 ( 50863003, 61070139) , 江西省教育厅科技资助项目 ( 赣教技字 [ GJ J08042] 号 ) 收稿日期 : 2010- 05- 11 通讯联系人 , E mail: t aorongqiu@ 163. com
* **
& 488 &
南京大学学报 ( 自然科学 )
[ 7]
与其他方法相结合的优点. 本文将粗糙集方法 和蚁群优化算法各自的优势相结合应用于特征 选择中, 提出一种基于粗糙集蚁群优化方法的 特征选择算法. 所提出的方法将粗糙集的属性 依赖度和重要度作为启发性信息应用于转移规 则中, 并用粗糙集方法的分类质量和特征子集 的长度来构建信息素更新策略.
粗糙集理论的相关概念[ 12, 13]
X ! U/ Q
算法能保证得到相对最优特征子集 , 但是
, C为
随着处理的数据集规模增大, 算法的效率会有 所下降 . 随机搜索策略在计算过程中将特征选 择问题与模拟退火算法、 禁忌搜索算法和遗传 算法


s h a d o we d s e t s r o u g h s e t s a n d
W ANG Li — n a , ,W ANG J i a n - d o n g 。 ,LI Ta o ,YE Fe n g 。 ’
( j.J i a n g s u Ke y La b o r a t o r y o f Me t e o r o l o g i c a l Ob s e r v a t i o n a n d I n r f o - r ma t i o n Pr o c e s s i n g,Na n j i n g Un i v e r s i t y o f I n f o r ma t i o n S c i e n c e a n d Te c h n o l o g y,Na n j i n g 2 1 0 0 4 4,C h i n a;2 . C o l l e g e o f El e c t r o n i c a n d I n fo r ma t i o n En g i n e e r i n g。Nn n j i n g Un i v e r s i t y o f I n f o r ma t i o n Sc i e n c e a n d Te c h n o l o g y,Na n j i n g 2 1 0 0 4 4, Ch i n a:3 . C o l l e g e o f Co mp u t e r Sc i e n c e a n d Te c h n o l o gy,N。 n j i n g Un i v e r s i t y o f Ae r o n a u t i c s a n d As t r o n a u t i c s ,
Ab s t r a c t :As s o c i a t i n g f e a t u r e wi t h we i g h t s f o r e a c h c l u s t e r i s a c o m mo n a p p r o a c h i n c l u s t e r i n g a l g o r i t h ms a n d d e t e r mi n i n g t h e we i g h t v a l u e s i s c r u c i a l i n g e ne r a t i n g v a l i d p a r t i t i o n . Th i s p a p e r i n t r o d u c e s a n o v e l me t h o d i n t h e f r a me wo r k o f g r a n u l a r c o mp u t i n g t h a t i n c o r p o r a t e s f u z z y s e t s ,r o u g h s e t s ,a n d s h a d o we d s e t s ,a n d c a l c u —



1.基于粗糙集和模糊层次分析法的客户需求权重确定方法 [J], 万荣;阎瑞霞
2.基于粗糙集和知识粒度的特征权重确定方法 [J], 施振佺;陈世平
3.基于改进的粗糙集与AHP法的组合权重确定方法 [J], 陈悦华;黄刚
4.基于粗糙集与AHP结合的属性权重确定方法 [J], 张文宇;马月;陈星;张宇飞
5.一种基于粗糙集的权重确定方法 [J], 鲍新中;刘澄

















基于蚁群算法和粗糙集方法的图像聚类分析研究艾凌云【摘要】Aim To solve the classification and performance problems of image recognition, a clustering analysis method is proposed for image clustering by combining the rough set theory and the ant colony algorithm. Methods First of all, the total samples were numbered and corresponding digital features were extracted. Then they were clustered by using the ant colony algorithm. Finally, the performance of the clustering was evaluated by using the principle of the positive domain of rough set theory. Results Compared with the method based on GA, the proposed method can reach better clustering performance. Conclusion The advantages of ant colony algorithm in optimization ability and rough set in dealing with information, are greatly helpful for realizing effective clustering analysis of digital images.%目的为了解决图像识别中类别划分及划分性能问题,提出基于粗糙集和蚁群优化方法相融合的图像聚类分析方法.方法先对所有样本进行编号并提取数字特征后,采用蚁群优化方法进行数字聚类,最后采用基于粗糙集理论的正域关系进行聚类结果评价.结果与遗传算法实验比较,所提出的方法能获得更理想的聚类结果.结论利用蚁群算法的寻优能力和粗糙集的不确定信息评价的优势,对数字图像进行聚类分析是有效的.【期刊名称】《西北大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2011(041)005【总页数】5页(P808-812)【关键词】蚁群算法;粗糙集;特征提取;聚类分析;数字图像识别【作者】艾凌云【作者单位】永州市职业技术学院,湖南永州425006【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP301随着网络技术和数据存储技术的迅速发展,各个机构组织积累了大量的数据。



Ab s t r a c t Ro u g h s e t i s o n e o f t h e b a s i c me t h o d s i n d e a l i n g wi t h t h e i mp r e c i s e o r i n d e f i n i t e p r o b l e ms . F o r i t s a d v a n t a g e s
数 据集的先验知识 、 不需人为设定参数等优 点 , 因而它被广 泛应 用于模 式识别与数据挖掘领域 。针对粗糙集训练过 程
中从 未 遇 到 过 的 样 本 的分 类 问题 进 行 了探 讨 , 根 据 条件 属 性 的 重 要 性 确 定 加 权 系数 , 采 用 加 权 KNN 的 方 法 来 解 决 无
t h a t t h e p r i o r i k n o wl e d g e a b o u t a n a l y z i n g d a t a s e t i s n ’ t n e c e s s a r y a n d t h e p a r a me t e r s a n a l y s i s n e e d n’ t t o b e s e t a r t i f i — c i a l l y, r o u g h s e t i s wi d e l y u s e d i n p a t t e r n r e c o g n i t i o n a n d d a t a mi n i n g f i e l d s . Fo r r o u g h s e t t h e o r y , a c o r e p r o b l e m i s h o w t o c l a s s i f y t h e s a mp l e wh i c h h a s n e v e r b e e n me t i n t h e p r o c e s s o f t r a i n i n g . Th i s p r o b l e m wa s d i s c u s s e d i n d e t a i l i n t h i s p a p e r . Ac c o r d i n g t o t h e i mp o r t a n c e o f t h e c o n d i t i o n a t t r i b u t e s , a we i g h t e d KNN a l g o r i t h m wa s p r o p o s e d t o c l a s s i f y t h e s a mp l e s wh i c h c a n’ t p r e c i s e l y ma t c h t o d e c i s i o n r u l e s , a n d t h e c o n t r a s t t e s t wi t h t h e we i g h t e d mi n i mu m d i s t a n c e ( W M D)m e t h o d wa s ma d e t o s h o w t h e e f f i c i e n c y o f o u r a l g o r i t h m. At t h e s a me t i me , t h e e x i s t i n g a l g o r i t h ms a b o u t t h e


第3 8卷
第 4期
兵 器 装 备 工 程 学 报
2 0 1 7年 4月
【 装备理论与装备技术】
d o i : 1 0 . 1 1 8 0 9 / s c b g x b 2 0 1 7 . 0 4 . 0 0 3
基 于粗 糙 集 和 加 权 T O P S I S法 的 弹 目匹配模 型
u s e d t o q u a n t i  ̄a n d e v a l u a t e t h e p i r o i r t y o r d e r o f a l l k i n d s o f t a r g e t s , a n d s o l v e t h e p r o b l e m o f t h e m i s s i l e
( 1 . R o c k e t F o r c e U n i v e r s i t y o f E n g i n e e r i n g , X i ’ a n 7 1 0 0 2 5 , C h i n a ;
2 . T h e N o .3 1 1 0 2 T r o o p o f P L A,N a n j i n g 2 1 0 0 1 6 ,C h i n a )
进行量化评估 , 解决 了混合火力 打击 下打击 目标的弹型选择 问题 。
关键词 : 粗糙集 ; T O P S I S 法; 弹 目匹 配
本 文引用格式 : 李 亚雄 , 徐萌 , 张斌 伟. 基于粗 糙集 和加权 T O P S I S法 的弹 目匹配模 型 [ J ] . 兵器装 备工程 学报 , 2 0 1 7
在使用多种武器对 目标进行 混合火力 打击时 , 经常面 临
弹种选取顺序 的问题 , 即有多种类型 的武器都可 以打击某 一 个 目标 , 应当确定弹种的选取顺序 。研 究混合火 力打击弹 目



基于关联熵系数的粗糙Vague集相似性度量方法张倩倩;马媛媛;徐久成【期刊名称】《智能系统学报》【年(卷),期】2018(13)4【摘要】The rough Vague set is a theoretical tool that combines the theories of rough and Vague sets to deal with un-certain information.In this paper,we introduce the concept of relative entropy and its coefficient to a rough Vague set to investigate a method for measuring relative entropy,its coefficient,and the similarity of Vague and rough fuzzy sets.We also analyzed their main properties.We verified that the coefficient of the relative entropy has similarity with that of rough Vague sets,and that this coefficient can be used to measure the similarity of rough Vaguesets.Finally,we con-ducted a case study to verify the effectiveness of using the relative entropy coefficient of a rough Vague set to determ-ine the degree of similarity between rough Vague sets.This theory provides a new method for measuring the similarity of rough Vague sets.%粗糙Vague集是将粗糙集和Vague集理论相互融合以处理不确定性信息的一种理论工具.本文在深入研究Vague集及粗糙模糊集的关联熵、关联熵系数及集合相似性度量方法基础上,将关联熵和关联熵系数的概念引入到粗糙Vague集,并详细讨论了它们的主要性质,同时证明了关联熵系数满足粗糙Vague集相似度的定义,可用于粗糙Vague 集的相似性度量.最后通过实例验证了粗糙Vague集的关联熵系数用于度量粗糙Vague集之间相似性程度的有效性,该理论为粗糙Vague集相似性度量提供了一种新方法.【总页数】6页(P650-655)【作者】张倩倩;马媛媛;徐久成【作者单位】河南师范大学计算机与信息工程学院,河南新乡 453007;"智慧商务与物联网技术"河南省工程实验室,河南新乡 453007;河南省高校计算智能与数据挖掘工程技术研究中心,河南新乡 453007;河南师范大学计算机与信息工程学院,河南新乡 453007;"智慧商务与物联网技术"河南省工程实验室,河南新乡 453007;河南省高校计算智能与数据挖掘工程技术研究中心,河南新乡 453007;河南师范大学计算机与信息工程学院,河南新乡 453007;"智慧商务与物联网技术"河南省工程实验室,河南新乡 453007;河南省高校计算智能与数据挖掘工程技术研究中心,河南新乡 453007【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP18【相关文献】1.基于符号熵的序列相似性度量方法 [J], 张豪;陈黎飞;郭躬德2.一种基于积的vague集合相似性度量方法 [J], 杨清波;郭荣伟;韩延彬3.粗糙模糊集的关联熵与关联熵系数 [J], 苗夺谦;魏莱;徐菲菲4.基于改进Jaccard系数的证据间相似性度量方法 [J], 董仕;马怀祥5.基于近似精度和条件信息熵的粗糙集不确定性度量方法 [J], 王向阳;蔡念;杨杰;刘小军因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。



21 0 0年 7月
J1 00 u .2 1

种 基 于 粗 糙 集 的 特 征 加 权 朴 素 贝 叶 斯 分 类 器
王 国才 , 张 聪
407 ) 00 4
( 庆 交 通 大 学 信 息科 学 与工 程 学 院 , 庆 重 重

要: 朴素 贝叶斯 分类 器是一种 简单 高效 的分 类算 法 , 其 属性 独立 性假 设 影 响 了分类 效 但
Absr c :Na v y sa ls i e s a smp e a d e ce tc a sf ai n a g rt m ,b ti trb t ta t ie Ba e i n c a sf ri i l n f i n ls i c to lo ih i i i u t atiu e s i d p n e c s u to fe t h l s i c to e u t. Rea i g “Nav y s a s mp in’ a n e e d n e a s mp in afcs t e ca sf ain r s l i s lx n i e Ba e s u to ’c n e ha c h fe to av y sa l si c t n a d u u l e u ti ub tn il ic e s n t e n n e t e ef c f n ie Ba e in ca sf a i n s al r s l n a s sa ta n r a e i h i o y
c mp rs n t e ca sfc to lo t ms wi h a v Y e Ba e i n c a sfe , Ba e in Newo k o a o h l s i ain ag r h t te n ie Nav y sa l s i r i i i h i y sa t r s







1. 粗糙集粗糙集理论是Zdzislaw Pawlak于1982年提出的,它是基于不精确、不完整、不确定的数据构建知识的一种数学方法。





2. Logistic回归Logistic回归是一种用于建立分类模型的回归分析方法。






3. 将粗糙集与logistic回归相结合的模型将粗糙集与logistic回归相结合的模型,主要是通过利用粗糙集的精简能力来降低logistic回归的维度和复杂度,从而提高分类精度。



ISSN 100020054CN 1122223 N 清华大学学报(自然科学版)J T singhua U niv (Sci &Tech ),2009年第49卷第8期2009,V o l .49,N o .86 39110621108,1121基于粗糙集理论的聚类融合加权迭代模型阳琳 , 王 路, 卓 晴, 王文渊(清华大学自动化系,北京100084)收稿日期:2008203214作者简介:阳琳 (1980—),男(汉),湖南,博士研究生。

通讯联系人:王文渊,教授,E 2m ail :ww y 2dau @m ail.tsinghua .edu .cn 摘 要:针对聚类融合问题,考虑了聚类成员的质量和噪声对聚类结果的影响,提出一种加权迭代的聚类融合模型,利用粗糙集理论中的决策表属性重要性的信息熵来衡量聚类成员的重要性,迭代更新聚类成员的权重。



关键词:聚类融合;共生矩阵;信息熵;加权迭代模型中图分类号:T P 181文献标识码:A文章编号:100020054(2009)0821106203Itera tive we ighted cluster en sem ble m odel ba sed on rough set theoryY ANG L inyun ,W ANG Lu ,ZHUO Q ing ,W ANG W e nyua n(D epart men t of Automation ,Tsi nghua Un iversity ,Be ij i ng 100084,Ch i na )Abstract :A n iterative w eigh ted cluster ensem ble (I W CE )model w as developed taking into account the qualities of the cluster m em bers and the no ise in the cluster ensem ble .T he model evaluates the significance of each cluster m em ber using info r m ati on m easuring the attribute significance in the rough set and iteratively updates the w eigh t values .Experi m ents on several synthetic and real data sets show that the model can handle different 2quality cluster m em bers and effectively lessens the effect of no ise .T herefo re,the model p rovides better ensem ble results than general cluster ensem ble m ethods .Key words :cluster ensem ble;co 2associati on m atrix;info rm ati onentropy;iterative w eighted model聚类分析是一种无监督的机器学习方法,它的目的是按照数据的某些属性将数据聚集成类,使类间的相似性尽量小,而类内的相似性尽量大。



变精度粗糙集的加权KNN文本分类算法刘发升;董清龙;李文静【摘要】针对训练样本较大时KNN算法(K最近邻算法)的分类效率较低和训练样本不均衡时算法的分类性能受到影响这两个问题,提出变精度粗糙集的加权KNN 文本分类算法.利用变精度粗糙集上下近似的概念,将各个类别的训练集分为β正区域和β边界域.分类过程中根据测试样本与样本中心的相似度,得到样本的归属区域.其中属于β正区域的样本可以直接判断其类剐,其它区域的样本用基于数量加权的KNN算法判断其类别.实验结果表明,该算法能有效提高分类的性能和效率.【期刊名称】《计算机工程与设计》【年(卷),期】2019(040)005【总页数】5页(P1339-1342,1364)【关键词】K最近邻;文本分类;变精度粗糙集;上近似;下近似;数量加权【作者】刘发升;董清龙;李文静【作者单位】江西理工大学信息工程学院,江西赣州341000;江西理工大学信息工程学院,江西赣州341000;江西理工大学信息工程学院,江西赣州341000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP391.10 引言KNN算法在文本分类方面有着良好的应用,但也存在一些缺陷。















仿真结果表明,所提算法的分类用时低于520 ms,且该方法的查全率、查准率及F1值均高于对比方法,混合传感节点分类性能较好。




基于粗糙集约简并加权的SVM分类算法吴欣远;林建辉【期刊名称】《微型机与应用》【年(卷),期】2014(000)020【摘要】针对 Web 中文文本分类中现有权重计算方法的不足和 SVM 算法对大数据量模式分类的低效性,提出了基于粗糙集约简并且加权的 SVM 分类方法。

粗糙集作为 SVM 分类的前期预处理器,应用粗糙集的约简理论和基于 Web 中文文本的可变精度粗糙集加权方法对分类前的数据分别进行简化并计算权重,从而提高SVM 后期分类的效率和精度。

实验结果表明, SVM 对约简并加权后的数据进行分类,分类性能得到了进一步保证。

%The existing weight computation methods and support vector machine (SVM) algorithm are low-efficiency in large amount of data pattern classification of Chinese web text, so a classification algorithm of SVM based on rough set reduction and weighting is proposed in the paper. In the algorithm, rough set is used as preprocessor of SVM classification, and then the data is simplified with weight calculated using rough set reduction theory and variable precision rough set weighting method , in order to enhance the efficiency and precision of classification. The experiment result shows that the classification performance is further improved.【总页数】4页(P55-57,61)【作者】吴欣远;林建辉【作者单位】西南交通大学牵引动力国家重点实验室,四川成都 610031;西南交通大学牵引动力国家重点实验室,四川成都 610031【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP391.1【相关文献】1.粗糙集的模糊性度量与SVM的混合分类算法 [J], 任小康;孙正兴;郝瑞芝2.基于粗糙集的加权KNN数据分类算法 [J], 刘继宇;王强;罗朝晖;宋浩;张绿云3.基于邻域粗糙集的加权KNN肿瘤基因表达谱分类算法 [J], 陈智勤4.一种基于邻域粗糙集的多标记加权分类算法 [J], 马文;计华5.基于BT-SVM模型组合的动态加权多分类算法研究 [J], 李涛;张景肖因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。



基于新的相似性度量的加权粗糙聚类算法孙晓博;廖桂平【期刊名称】《计算机工程与科学》【年(卷),期】2011(33)12【摘要】Clustering is a major research orientation in data mining. Considering the drawbacks of the existing clustering algorithm, a new similarity measure is proposed firstly. Then the discernibility ability of the rough set theory is used to measure the importance of attributes, and thus a weighted rough clustering algorithm based on new similarity measure is proposed. Finally,we test our algorithm versus other algorithms on the UCI datasets, and the experimental results show the proposed clustering algorithm can deal with the categorical data, and does not need to be given the number of cluster, and especially, it improves the cluster quality.%聚类是数据挖掘中重要的研究方向.本文针对现有的聚类算法中相似度量的缺陷,提出了一种新的相似性度量方法.在此基础上,将粗糙集理论中的区分能力引入到聚类算法中,用来度量属性的重要性,进而提出了一种能够处理符号型数据的新的加权粗糙聚类算法.通过对UCI数据的实验表明,本文算法对数据输入顺序不敏感,且不需要预先给定簇的数目,提高了聚类的质量.【总页数】6页(P110-115)【作者】孙晓博;廖桂平【作者单位】湖南农业大学信息科学技术学院,湖南长沙410128;湖南农业大学信息科学技术学院,湖南长沙410128【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP18【相关文献】1.一种新的基于粗糙集的leader聚类算法 [J], 张琼;张莹;白清源;谢丽聪;谢伙生2.一种基于粗糙集的加权聚类算法 [J], 田慧;刘希玉;李章泉3.一种新的相似性度量在加权模糊推理中的应用 [J], 沈君4.集成粗糙集和阴影集的簇特征加权模糊聚类算法 [J], 王丽娜;王建东;李涛;叶枫5.基于粗糙集指数加权的聚类算法 [J], 李振东;李飞因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。

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College of Science Hebei United University Tangshan, Hebei, China b Hebei University of Engineering Han Dan, Hebei, China
Abstract A Weighted Relational Classification Algorithm Based on Rough Set is proposed in this paper. The relations of tables are classified in database, relational graph is converted into 0 - 1 matrix, the weight is calculated using UCINET; at the same time, different condition attributes are weighted differently by using attribute frequency of Rough Set. It is improved effectively. Experiments have proved that new classifier has good classification performance. Index Terms: Multi-relational classification, 0-1 matrix, attributes frequency. © 2013 Published by MECS Publisher. Selection and/or peer review under responsibility of the International Conference on E-Business System and Education Technology
1. INTRODUCTION Multi-relational classification is important in Multi Relational Data Mining. Its purpose is to derive a prediction model from training set. The existing classifiers are based on ILP (Inductive Logic Programming) [1] or relational database[2]. The representative of Multi-relational Classification Algorithm is CrossMine[3] algorithm and the Graph-NB[4] algorithm. Graph-NB algorithm is based on Semantic Relational Graph (SRG) that builds a semantic graph before classification, uses Pruning strategy of “cutting off” to pru ne the table in order to improve the Classification accuracy rate. But this method is not appropriate that directly remove the weak link table. This will allow incomplete information, thereby affecting the classification performance. Meanwhile, in the Bayesian classifier attributes are involved in the classification. In multi relation, in addition to the relationship between tables, attributes of each table are important. However, the influence of different attributes is inconsistent for classification. In paper[5], a RS-RBC (Multi-Relational Bayesian Classification Algorithm with Rough Set) is proposed. The concept of relational graph used to dynamic choice associative table associated with the target table, and a tuple ID propagation approach is used to solve directly the association rule mining problem with multiple database relations, and the concept of Core in Rough Set is introduced, simplify the associative table.
* Corresponding author. E-mail address: 1Fujinghong111@
A Weighted Relational Clat
Compared with the traditional algorithm, it improves the accuracy rate. This algorithm support relation Database directly. Its running rate is much higher than ILP. It makes the algorithm easier for reduce the associative table and classification attribute set, but it does not consider the different effects. In fact, the influence of different attributes is inconsistent for classification. It is not realistic without considering its impact. So considering the influence of the associative table and attributes, a Weighted Relational Bayesian Classification Algorithm with Rough Set (RS-WRBC) is proposed. The relations of tables are classified in database, relational graph is converted into 0 - 1 matrix, the weight is calculated using UCINET; at the same time, different condition attributes are weighted differently by using attribute frequency of Rough Set. It is improved effectively. Experiments have proved that new classifier has good classification performance. 2. Related Concept Relational database is composed by many relationship tables and association relationship of each table. Definition 1: Relational graph: In a given database D, create Relational graph through link between the table's primary and foreign key. It is a directed acyclic graph. Each table is as a node, each side is the connection between the relationship tables. Arrow points to the table where the primary key has. Definition 2: Associative table: In database D, for a classification task T, it is called association table that related by classification task and associated with the target table. Definition 3: Isolation table: In database D, for a classification task T, It is called isolation table that has nothing with target table. As we can be seen, isolation table and target table are just in the same database. Moreover, isolation tables and relationships table, target table is relative. A table will become an isolated form, depending on the classification task. Figure 1 is a Relational graph of seven tables. R1 , R2 , R3 , R4 , R5 , R6 , R7 compose a Relational graph. R1 is target table. R2 , R3 , R4 , R5 , R6 is Associative table, R 7 is Isolation table. To show the role of associative table, using class label propagation method, a given tuple in the target table contains class label, while the topples in other tables are no class label. Definition 4: Class label propagation: it is supposed that there are two relations R1 and R 2 where R1 the target relation is, and they can be connected by the attributes R1 . A and R2 . A where A is the primary key or foreign key. Then the class labels of the tuple in R1 can be transmitted to the tuples in R 2 by attribute A . In fact, the method of the class label propagation is a virtual connection in contingency table. The result from the physical connection to the table is a table that contains large amounts of data, and contains a large number of redundant data that the operation is extremely troublesome. While if it is used the method of the class label propagation, there is no such problems. And as so, we can also get the class labels of the tuples in contingency table, and can easily calculate the nuclear properties in the table.