SAE J987-2003
SAE J2003-1998 内燃机.活塞环.螺旋弹簧定位的护油环

SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.”SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions.QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS DOCUMENT: (724) 772-8512 FAX: (724) 776-0243TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER; (724) 776-4970 FAX: (724) 776-0790SAE WEB ADDRESS Copyright 1998 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.All rights reserved.Printed in U.S.A.2.References2.1Applicable Publications—The following publications form a part of the specification to the extent specifiedherein. Unless otherwise indicated the latest revision of SAE publications shall apply.2.1.1SAE P UBLICATIONS—Available from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001.SAE ISO1DESIGNATION EQUIVALENTINTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES—PISTON RINGS J15886621/1VocabularyJ15896621/2Measuring principlesJ15906621/3Material specificationsJ15916621/4General specificationsJ19966621/5Quality requirementsINTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES—PISTON RINGS J19976622/1Rectangular ringsJ19986622/2 TR Rectangular rings with narrow ring widthJ19996623INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES—PISTON RINGS—SCRAPER RINGSINTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES—PISTON RINGS J20006624/1Keystone ringsJ20016624/2 TR Half keystone ringsJ20026625INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES—PISTON RINGS—OIL CONTROL RINGSJ20036626INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES—PISTON RINGS—COILSPRING LOADED OIL CONTROL RINGS J20046627 TR INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES—PISTONRINGS—EXPANDER/SEGMENT OIL CONTROL RINGS J2226INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES—PISTON RINGS—STEEL RECTANGULAR RINGSISO 1101TECHNICAL DRAWINGS—Tolerancing of form, orienta-tion, location and run-out—Generalities, definitions, sym-bols indications on drawings1.TR refers to Technical Report-2-标准分享网 免费下载3.Piston Ring Types and Designation Examples3.1Type DSF-C—Coil Spring Loaded Bevelled Edge Oil Control Ring, Chromium-Plated and ProfileGround3.1.1G ENERAL F EATURESNOTE—See Tables 9 and 15 for dimensions and forces.www.bzfxw.comFIGURE 1—TYPE DSF-C3.1.2D ESIGNATION E XAMPLE—Designation of a piston ring complying with the requirements of SAE J2003 being acoil spring loaded bevelled edge oil control ring, chromium-plated and profile ground (DSF-C), of nominal diameter d1 = 125 mm (125), a nominal ring width h1 = 5 mm (5), made of grey cast iron, nonheat-treated, material subclass 11 (MC 11). A selected closed gap of 0.2 mm (S02), a chromium layer thickness on the lands of 0.15 mm min (CR3) phosphated on all cast iron surfaces to depth of 0.002 mm min (PO), reduced slot length (WK), coil spring with reduced heat set (WF), and variable pitch with coil diameter d7 ground (CSE), tangential force F t according to the medium nominal contact pressure class (PNM) and the ring marked with manufacturer's mark (MM).-3-3.2Type DSF-CNP—Coil Spring Loaded Bevelled Edge Oil Control Ring, Chromium-Plated Not ProfileGround3.2.1G ENERAL F EATURESNOTE—See Tables 10 and 16 for dimensions and forces.www.bzfxw.comFIGURE 2—TYPE DSF-CNP3.2.2D ESIGNATION E XAMPLE—Designation of a piston ring complying with the requirements of SAE J2003 being acoil spring loaded bevelled edge oil control ring, chromium-plated not profile ground (DSF-CNP), of nominal diameter d1 = 180 mm (180) and nominal ring width h1 = 8 mm (8), made of grey cast iron, nonheat-treated, material subclass 12 (MC12), a chromium layer thickness on the lands of 0.05 mm min (CR1), constant pitch spring (CSN) and tangential force F t according to the high nominal contact pressure class (PNH).-4-标准分享网 免费下载 SSF—Coil Spring Loaded Slotted Oil Control Ring 3.3.1G ENERAL F EATURESNOTE—See Tables 11 and 17 for dimensions and forces.FIGURE 3—TYPE SSF3.3.2D ESIGNATION E XAMPLE —Designation of a piston ring complying with the requirements of SAE J2003 being acoil spring loaded slotted oil control ring (SSF), of nominal diameter d 1 = 80 mm (80) and nominal ring width h 1 = 4 mm (4), made of grey cast iron, nonheat-treated, material subclass 12 (MC12), constant pitch spring (CSN) and tangential force F t according to the low nominal contact pressure class (PNL) GSF—Coil Spring Loaded Double Bevelled Oil Control Ring 3.4.1G ENERAL F EATURESNOTE—See Tables 12 and 18 for dimensions and forces.FIGURE 4—TYPE GSF3.4.2D ESIGNATION E XAMPLE —Designation of a piston ring complying with the requirements of SAE J2003 being acoil spring loaded double bevelled oil control ring (GSF), of nominal diameter d 1 = 75 mm (75), a nominal ring width h 1 = 3 mm (3), made of grey cast iron, nonheat-treated, material subclass 12 (MC12), constant pitch spring (CSN) and a tangential force F t according to the low nominal contact pressure class (PNL).标准分享网 免费下载 DSF—Coil Spring Loaded Bevelled Edge Oil Control Ring 3.5.1G ENERAL F EATURESNOTE—See Tables 12 and 18 for dimensions and forces.FIGURE 5—TYPE DSF3.5.2D ESIGNATION E XAMPLE —Designation of a piston ring complying with the requirements of SAE J2003 being acoil spring loaded bevelled edge oil control ring (DSF), of nominal diameter d 1 = 90 mm (90) and nominal ring width h 1 = 3.5 mm (3.5), made of grey cat iron, nonheat-treated, material subclass 12 (MC12), constant pitch spring (CSN) and tangential force F t according to the reduced nominal contact pressure class (PNR).3.6Type DSF-NG-Coil Spring Loaded Bevelled Edge Oil Control Ring (Face Geometry Similar to Type DSF-C or Type DSF-CNP)3.6.1G ENERAL F EATURESNOTE—See Tables 13 and 19 for dimensions and forces.www.bzfxw.comFIGURE 6—TYPE DSF-NG3.6.2D ESIGNATION E XAMPLE—Designation of a piston ring complying with the requirements of SAE J2003 being acoil spring loaded bevelled edge oil control ring (DSF-NG) of nominal diameter d1 = 140 mm (140) and nominal ring width h1 = 6 mm (6), made of grey cast iron, nonheat-treated, material subclass 12 (MC12), constant pitch spring (CSN) and a tangential force F t according to the medium nominal contact pressure class (PNM).-8-标准分享网 免费下载 SSF-L—Coil Spring Loaded Slotted Oil Control Ring With 0.6 mm Nominal Land Width 3.7.1G ENERAL F EATURESNOTE—See Tables 14 and 20 for dimensions and forces.FIGURE 7—TYPE SSF-L3.7.2D ESIGNATION E XAMPLE —Designation of a piston ring complying with the requirements of SAE J2003 being acoil spring loaded slotted oil control ring with 0.6 mm nominal land width (SSF-L), of nominal diameter d 1 =100 mm (100) and nominal ring width h 1 = 4.5 mm (4.5), made of grey cast iron, nonheat-treated, material subclass 12 (MC12), constant pitch spring (CSN) and tangential force F t according to the reduced nominal contact pressure class (PNR) mon Features 4.1Arrangement of SlotsFIGURE 8—ARRANGEMENT OF SLOTSTABLE 1—CUTTER DIAMETERDimensions are millimetersNominaldiameterd 1Cutter diameter d 5max 60 ≤ d 1 < 15060150 ≤ d 1 ≤ 20075标准分享网 免费下载4.2Slot Length4.2.1S TANDARD S LOT L ENGTH —Slot length, w 1, equal to bridge length, w 2. Tolerance on difference between w 1and w 2: 4 mm.4.2.2R EDUCED S LOT L ENGTH (R ETAINING S AME N UMBER A ND S PACING )4.3DSF-C and DSF-CNP—Layer ThicknessFIGURE 9—LAYER THICKNESSTABLE 2—REDUCED SLOT LENGTHDimensions are millimetersd 1W 1 60 ≤ d 1 < 80 8.5 ± 2.5 80 ≤ d 1 < 11510.5 ± 2.5115 ≤ d 1 < 15012.5 ± 2.5150 ≤ d 1 ≤ 20015.0 ± 3.0TABLE 3—LAYER THICKNESSDimensions are millimetersChromiumThicknessmin CR1 0.05CR20.1CR30.15-12-4.4Tolerances of Spring Groove Offset and Land Offset5.Coil Spring5.1Types—All values in the dimensional tables are based on cylindrical coil springs made of round wire. The three designs shown in 5.1.1 to 5.1.3 are common.5.1.1T YPE CSN—Coil Spring With Constant PitchFIGURE 10—TYPE CSN COIL SPRINGTABLE 4—LAND OFFSET TOLERANCEDimensions are millimetersh 1t 3 ≤ h 1 < 50.0155 ≤ h 1 ≤ 80.025TABLE 5—SPRING GROOVE OFFSET TOLERANCEDimensions are millimetersh 1 v h 1 < 3.50.3h 1 ≥ YPE CSG—C OIL S PRING W ITH C ONSTANT P ITCH (C OIL D IAMETER, D7, G ROUND)FIGURE 11—TYPE CSG COIL SPRING5.1.3T YPE CSE—C OIL S PRING W ITH V ARIABLE P ITCH (C OIL D IAMETER, D7, G ROUND)FIGURE 12—TYPE CSE COIL SPRINGFIGURE 13—POSITION OF AREA WITH SMALL PITCHNOTE—The use of different spring designs can be agreed between manufacturer and client. Changed spring groove configurations and dimensions may then be necess ary.-14-5.2Excursion—Coil spring excursion is the distance between the ends of the ring gap with unstressed ring,measured in the middle of the spring groove (see Figure 14).FIGURE 14—COIL SPRING EXCURSION5.3Position of Coil Spring Gap and Fixing—The spring gap shall be approximately 180° from the ring gap and the spring gap ends fixed with a connecting or latch pin.5.4Material—Coil springs are made of valve spring wire, oil heat-treated. A suitable material for coil spring expanders is subclass 63 (see SAE J1590).Springs are available with two different heat set resistance levels (loss of tangential force under load and temperature):a.Standard heat resistanceb.Reduced heat set, code WFThe test conditions and the permissible loss of tangential forces are given in SAE J1996, Table 10.TABLE 6—COIL SPRING EXCURSIONDimensions are millimetersd 1f 1max 60 ≤ d 1 < 1250.13 × d 1125 ≤ d 1 ≤ 2000.12 × d 16.Tangential Force and Nominal Contact Pressure6.1Tangential Force—The tangential force of coil spring loaded oil control rings is mainly determined by the force of the spring. The cast iron part itself has a very small tangential force due to its low radial wall thickness and the decreased ratio "total free gap/nominal diameter".The tangential force measurement only can be used because of the flexible design of the cast iron part of coil spring loaded oil control rings.6.2Force Factors—Because of the small contribution of the cast iron part in the tangential force, force factors are not necessary when additional features and/or materials other than subclass 12 are being used (see SAE J1590).6.3Tangential Force, F t —The tangential force, F t , of a spring loaded oil control ring is determined by the following:a.Nominal diameter, d 1, in millimetersnd width, h t , in millimetersc.Required nominal contact pressure, p o , in newtons per square millimeter and can be calculated from the following equation:(Eq. 1)The land width, h 5, depends on ring type, nominal diameter and ring width. The nominal contact pressure, p o ,can be selected over a wide range to suit the application and the required oil scraping effect.6.3.1S PECIFIC T ANGENTIAL F ORCE , F tc —F tc is the specific tangential force required to maintain a spring loaded oil loaded oil control ring at a unit contact pressure p ou , of 1 N/mm 2:(Eq. 2)In Section 7, F tc is tabulated for every ring type.6.3.2A CTUAL T ANGENTIAL F ORCE , F t , A ND T OLERANCE —The actual tangential force of a spring loaded oil control ring can be calculated with the F tc value and the required nominal contact pressure from the following equation:(Eq. 3)The tolerance on F t is the actual value F t ± 20%.F t 12--d 12h 5p o⋅⋅⋅=F tc 12--d 12h 5⋅⋅=F t p op ou--------F tc⋅=-16-6.4Classes of Nominal Contact Pressure—The range of the nominal contact pressure has been subdivided into six classes, in accordance with Table 7.The nominal contact pressure, p o , normally decreases with increasing nominal diameter. Figure 15 shows characteristic values of p o depending on d 1.The range possible for the nominal contact pressure, p o , varies according to the ring type, ring dimensions, and features of the contact lands (if plain or chromium-plated).The classification given in Table 8 is taken from the dimensional tables in Section 7, where p o values are given in the following three categories for every nominal diameter:a."Low" category—Low friction design oil control ringsb."Mean" category—Normal design oil control ringsc."High" category—High contact pressure oil control rings for high oil scraping effectTABLE 7—CLASSES OF NOMINAL CONTACT PRESSUREClass MeaningPNE very low nominal contact pressure PNL low nominal contact pressure PNR reduced nominal contact pressure PNM medium nominal contact pressure PNH high nominal contact pressure PNVvery high nominal contact pressureTABLE 8—OIL CONTROL RING PRESSURE CLASSESRing Type Class According to Nominal Contact Pressure PNE Class According to Nominal Contact PressurePNLClass Accordingto Nominal Contact PressurePNRClass According to Nominal Contact PressurePNMClass According to Nominal Contact PressurePNHClass According to Nominal Contact PressurePNVDSF-C (–)Low Mean Mean High (x)DSF-CNP (–)Low Mean Mean High (x)SSF Low Mean High (x)(–)(–)GSF (x)Low Mean High (x)(–)DSF (x)Low Mean High (x)(–)DSF-NG (x)Low Mean High (x)(–)SSF-L LowMeanHigh(–)(–)(–)NOTES:(x) For special applications.(–) This pressure class is not used with this ring type.FIGURE 15—CHARACTERISTIC VALUES OF p o DEPENDING ON d1-18-7.Dimensions-20--22--24--26--28--30--32--34--36--38--40--42--44--46--48--50-。

附:SAE标准目录编号名称修订日期字数(千字)页数备注SAE J1019高温输油软管、发动机润滑油软管、以及软管总成试验及程序1990-06-122.665SAE J1037挡风玻璃喷洗器软管2001-082.935SAE J1183弹性材料及部件的疲劳试验推荐指南1998-0211.317SAE J1273液压软管总成推荐操作规程2001-038.6SAE J1288液压制动软管总成的包装、贮存和贮存期1999-042.394SAE J1401公路车辆——采用非石油基液压液体的液压软管总成1999-0912.7SAE J1403真空制动软管1989-073.38SAE J1405液压软管总成可选脉冲试验程序1990-06-182.87SAE J1406液压制动软管在机动车辆上的应用2002-043.816SAE J1527船用燃油软管1993-02-055.6SAE J1570液压盘式制动活塞橡胶防尘套1991-09-303.976SAE J1661CFC-12(R-12)汽车空调系统至HFC-134a(R -134a)改型程序1998-115.268SAE J1662致冷剂改型对于空调系统材料的兼容性1998-113.46SAE J1873传输所含水分试验程序——液压制动软管总成2000-102.474SAE J188动力转向回流软管——高膨胀型1998-013.266SAE J189动力转向回流软管——低压1998-013.29SAE J190动力转向压力软管——钢丝编织型1998-052.985SAE J191动力转向压力软管——低膨胀型1998-053.076SAE J20冷却剂系统软管2002-017.6713SAE J2050高温动力转向压力软管2001-043.46SAE J2064R134a制冷剂汽车空调软管1999-067.3911SAE J30燃料及油软管1998-0635.83SAE J343SAE 100R系列液压软管及软管总成试验及试验程序2001-074.79SAE J51致冷剂12汽车空调系统软管1998-085.698SAE J51附表1.052SAE J517液压软管2001-0435.7通用规范合计25185.22172SAE标准简介SAE各汽车协议和标准的简介1905年初,美国汽车工程师学会(SAE)认识到必须标准化。
SAE J 200-2003 中文版

SAE○R J200
2003 年 11 月 发布
代替 J200 2001 年 11 月版本
前言— 本 SAE 推荐惯例原始版本由汽车制造协会和美国实验与原料协会共同制备,并任命制定标准 SAE J200/ANSI/ASTM D 2000。本标准替代 SAE J14/ASTM D 735,并作为材料质量的文稿与图纸的使用规范。 本推荐惯例与指定标准 SAE J200 现在由 SAE 汽车橡胶标准委员会全权负责。 本标准是根据直接从标准压缩模压实验品橡胶材料物理性能建立的。其实验样品可能是从成品中或者是通过
SAE 技术标准部提供:“该报告由 SAE 出版,其目的是为了提高技术和工程科学的进步。是否使用该报告,全凭自愿,并且
SAE 至少每五年就要收到一份技术报告,在此期间该报告不能被重新确认,修订或撤销。SAE 诚邀你的书面评论或建议。
2. 表 6.AA 至 6.KK 中的拉伸强度数据只是作为信息参考使用。
3. ASTM 标准指南手册,章节 9,卷 09.01
第 4 页 共 49 页
SAE J200 2003 年 11 月修订版本 每种对应的橡胶材料的后缀数码在基本要求最后一栏中有说明。
第 2 页 共 49 页
表 2— 通过体积膨胀进行划分的基本要求说明
根据拉伸强度变化进行的分类不得超过±30%,延伸率不得超过-50%,其硬度在相应温度进行热老化 70 小时后其变化不得超过±15 个点。这些材料的实验温度对于测定类型见表 1。
类型是根据材料在 ASTM 3 号实验油中根据表 1 所规定的温度沉浸 70 小时后的耐膨胀性进行划分的,最 大温度 150℃(燃油稳定性最高范围)的使用除外。每种类型膨胀范围见表 2。
SAE J标准目录中文

代号 180-2002 182-1997 183-2002 184-1998 185-2003 187 188-2003 189-1998 190-1998 191-2003 192-2003 193-1996 195-1988 198-2003 200-2001 201-1997 207-1985
柴油机燃油喷嘴总成—8,9,10 和 11 型
冷却软管(政府用于替代 MS52130 部分而对 SAE J20 进
钢丝缠绕支撑冷却软管的正常使用(SAE J20 的增补件)
A 类车辆风窗玻璃阴影区域
SAE J1704-2003 硼酸醋型制动液

SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.”SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions.Copyright © 2003 SAE InternationalAll rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of SAE.TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER:Tel: 877-606-7323 (inside USA and Canada)Tel: 724-776-4970 (outside USA)Fax: 724-776-0790Email: custsvc@SAE WEB ADDRESS: J1Borate Ester Based Brake Fluids1.Scope—This SAE Recommended Practice was prepared to provide engineers, designers, and manufacturersof motor vehicles with a set of minimum performance standards which covers the next level of performanceproperties above those of the present SAE J1703 brake fluid standard. These fluids are not intended for useunder arctic conditions or in braking systems requiring the use of mineral oil based hydraulic fluid.These fluids are designed for use in braking systems fitted with rubber cups and seals made from naturalrubber (NR), styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR), or a terpolymer of ethylene, propylene, and a diene (EPDM).These fluids are not designed to operate in a pumped or a clutch braking system, especially those hydraulicsystems requiring a mineral oil based fluid.2.References 2.1Applicable Publications—The following publications form a part of this specification to the extent specifiedherein. The latest issue of SAE publications shall apply.2.1.1SAE P UBLICATIONS —Available from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001.SAE J527—Brazed Double Wall Low Carbon Steel TubingSAE J1703—Motor Vehicle Brake Fluid 2.1.2ASTM P UBLICATIONS —Available from ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959.ASTM D 91—Test Method for Precipitation Number of Lubricating OilsASTM D 395—T est Methods for Rubber Property—Compression SetASTM D 412—T est Methods for Rubber Properties in TensionASTM D 445—T est Method for Kinematic Viscosity of T ransparent and Opaque Liquids (and theCalculation of Dynamic Viscosity)ASTM D 664—T est Method for Neutralization Number of Potentiometric TitrationASTM D 746—T est Method for Brittleness Temperature of Plastics and Elastomers by ImpactASTM D 865—T est Method for Rubber—Deterioration by heating in Air (Test T ube Enclosure)ASTM D 1120—Method of Test for Boiling Point of Engine CoolantsASTM D 1209—Test Method for Color of Clear Liquids (Platinum-Cobalt Pigments)ASTM D 1364—Test Method for Water in Volatile Solvents (Fischer Reagent Titration Method)ASTM D 1415—Method of Test for International H ardness of Vulcanized Natural Rubber and SyntheticRubbersASTM D1613—T est Method for Acidity in Volatile Solvents and Chemical Intermediates Used in Paint, Varnish, Lacquer, and Related ProductsASTM D 2240—Method of T est for Indentation Hardness of Rubber and Plastics by Means of a Durometer ASTM D3182—Recommended Practice for Rubber-Materials, Equipment, and Procedures for Mixing Standard Compounds and Preparing Standard Vulcanized SheetsASTM D3185—Methods for Rubber-Evaluation of SBR (Styrene-Butadiene Rubber) including Mixtures with OilASTM E 1—Specification for ASTM ThermometersASTM E 145—Specification for Gravity-Convection and Forced-Ventilation Ovens2.2Related Publications—The following publications are provided for information purposes only and are not arequired part of this document.2.2.1ASTM P UBLICATIONS—Available from ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959.ASTM D 344—Method of Test for Relative Dry Hiding Power of PaintsASTM E 260—Standard Recommended Practice for General Gas Chromatography ProcedureASTM E 298—Evaluation of Benzoyl Peroxides3.Materials—The quality of the materials used shall be such that the resulting product will conform to therequirements of these specifications and ensure uniformity of performance.4.Requirements4.1Equilibrium Reflux Boiling Point (ERBP)—Brake fluid when tested by the procedure specified in5.1 shallhave an equilibrium reflux boiling point not less than 230 °C (446 °F).4.2Wet Equilibrium Reflux Boiling Point—Brake fluid when tested by the procedure specified in5.2 shall have awet equilibrium reflux boiling point not less than 155 °C (311 °F).4.3Viscosity—Brake fluid when tested by the procedure specified in5.3 shall have the following kinematicviscosities:4.3.1A T –40 °C (–40 °F)—Not more than 1800 mm2/s (1800 cSt)4.3.2A T 100 °C (212 °F)—Not less than 1.5 mm2/s (1.5 cSt)4.4pH Value—Brake fluid when tested by the procedure specified in5.4 shall have a pH value not less than 7.0and not more than Stability4.5.1H IGH-T EMPERATURE S TABILITY—When tested by the procedure specified in 5.5.1, the equilibrium refluxboiling point of the brake fluid shall not change by more than 5 °C (9 °F) increase or decrease.4.5.2C HEMICAL S TABILITY—When tested by the procedure specified in 5.5.2 the test fluid mixture shall show nochemical reversion as evidenced by a change in recorded temperature of more than 5 °C (9 °F) increase or decrease.-2-标准分享网 免费下载-3-4.6Corrosion—See T able RY F LUID (AS RECEIVED )—Brake fluid, when tested by the procedure specified in5.6.1, shall not causecorrosion exceeding the limits shown in Table 1. The metal strip outside of the area where the strips are in contact shall neither be pitted nor roughened to an extent discernible to the naked eye, but staining or discoloration is permitted. The fluid at the end of the test shall show no jelling at 23 °C ± 5 °C (73.4 °F ±9°F). No crystalline-type deposit shall form and adhere to either the glass walls or the surface of the metal strips. The fluid shall not contain more than 0.10% sediment by volume.The rubber specimens at the end of the test shall show no disintegration, as evidenced by blisters or sloughing indicated by carbon black separation on the surface of the rubber cup.4.6.2B RAKE F LUID WITH WATER —The brake fluid containing water, when tested by the procedure specified in5.6.2,shall not cause corrosion exceeding the limits shown in Table 1. The metal strip outside of the area where the strips are in contact shall neither be pitted nor roughened to an extent discernible to the naked eye, but staining or discoloration is permitted. The fluid/water mixture at the end of the test shall show no jelling at 23°C ± 5 °C (73.4 °F ± 9 °F). No crystalline-type deposit shall form and adhere to either the glass walls or the surface of the metal strips. The fluid/water mixture shall not contain more than 0.10% sediment by volume. The fluid/water mixture shall have a pH of not less than 7.0 and not more than 11.5.The rubber test specimens at the end of the test shall show no disintegration, as evidenced by blisters or sloughing indicated by carbon black separation on the surface of the rubber cup. The hardness of the SBR cup shall not decrease by more than 15 IRHD and the hardness of the EPDM rubber specimen shall not decrease by more than 10 IRHD. The SBR rubber cup shall not decrease in volume and shall not increase in volume by more than 16%. The EPDM rubber specimen shall not decrease in volume and shall not increase in volume by more than 10%.4.7Fluidity and Appearance at Low Temperatures 4.7.1A T –40 °C (–40 °F)—When brake fluid is tested by the procedure specified in 5.7.1, the fluid shall show nostratification, sedimentation, or crystallization. Upon inversion of the sample bottle, the air bubble shall travel to the top of the fluid in not more than 10 s. Cloudiness is permissible, but on warming to room temperature 23 °C ± 5 °C (73.4 °F ± 9 °F), this fluid shall regain its original unformity, appearance, and clarity.4.7.2A T –50 °C (–58 °F)—When brake fluid is tested by the procedure specified in 5.7.2, the fluid shall show no stratification, sedimentation, or crystallization. Upon inversion of the sample bottle, the air bubble shall travel to the top of the fluid in not more than 35 s. Cloudiness is permissible, but on warming to room temperature 23 °C ± 5 °C (73.4 °F ± 9 °F), the fluid shall regain its original unformity, appearance , and clarity.TABLE 1—CORROSION TEST STRIPS AND WEIGHT CHANGESTest Strips (1)1.Obtainable from the Society of Automotive Engineers, 400 Common-wealth Drive, Warrendale, P A 15096-0001.RM Number Maximum PermissibleWeight Change(mg/cm 2 of surface area)Tinned Iron6A 0.2Steel70.2Aluminum80.1Cast Iron90.2Brass100.4Copper 110.44.8Water Tolerance4.8.1A T –40 °C (–40 °F)—When the humidified brake fluid is tested by the procedure specified in5.8.1, the blackcontrast lines on a hiding power chart shall be clearly discernible when viewed through the fluid in the centrifuge tube. The fluid shall show no stratification or sedimentation. Upon inversion of the centrifuge tube, the air bubble shall travel to the top of the fluid in not more than 10 s.4.8.2A T 60 °C (140 °F)—When brake fluid is tested by the procedure specified in5.8.2, the fluid shall show nostratification, and sedimentation shall not exceed 0.05% by volume after centrifuging when fluid is tested for qualification, or shall not exceed 0.15% by volume for a commercial packaged fluid.4.9Compatibility4.9.1A T –40 °C (–40 °F)—When brake fluid is tested by the procedure specified in5.9.1, the black contrast lineson a hiding power chart shall be clearly discernible when viewed through the fluid in the centrifuge tube. The fluid shall show no stratification or sedimentation.4.9.2A T 60 °C (140 °F)—When brake fluid is tested by the procedure specified in5.9.2, the fluid shall show nostratification, and sedimentation shall not exceed 0.05% by volume after centrifuging.4.10Resistance to Oxidation—When the humidified brake fluid is tested by the procedure specified in5.10, itshall not cause the metal strips outside the areas in contact with the tinfoil to be pitted or roughened to an extent discernible to the naked eye, but staining or discoloration is permitted. No more than a trace of gum shall be deposited on the test strips outside of the areas in contact with the tinfoil. The aluminum strips shall not change in mass by more than 0.05 mg/cm2 and the cast iron strips shall not change in mass by more than0.3 mg/cm2.4.11Effect on Rubber4.11.1Rubber brake cups (RM-3a) subjected to brake fluid as specified in5.11.1 shall show no increase inhardness, shall not decrease in hardness by more than 10 IRH D, and shall show no disintegration as evidenced by blisters or sloughing indicated by carbon black separation on the surface of the rubber cup.Volume increase shall not be less than 1% or greater than 16%.4.11.2Rubber brake cups (RM-3a) subjected to brake fluid as specified in5.11.2 shall show no increase inhardness, shall not decrease in hardness by more than 15 IRH D and shall show no disintegration as evidenced by blisters or sloughing indicated by carbon black separation on the surface of the rubber cup.Volume increase shall not be less than 1% or greater than 16%.4.11.3Rubber slab stock (RM-69) subjected to brake fluid, as specified in5.11.3, shall show no increase inhardness, shall not decrease in hardness by more than 10 IRH D, and shall show no disintegration as evidenced by blisters or sloughing indicated by carbon black separation on the surface of the test specimens.The test specimens shall not decrease in volume and the increase in volume shall not exceed 10%.4.11.4Rubber slab stock (RM-69) subjected to brake fluid, as specified in5.11.4, shall show no increase inhardness, shall not decrease in hardness by more than 15 IRH D, and shall show no disintegration as evidenced by blisters or sloughing indicated by carbon black separation on the surface of the test specimens.The test specimens shall not decrease in volume and the increase in volume shall not exceed 10%.-4-标准分享网 免费下载5.Test Procedures5.1Equilibrium Reflux Boiling Point—Determine the equilibrium reflux boiling point of the fluid by ASTM D 1120with the following exceptions:5.1.1 A PPARATUS5.1.1.1 4.4 Thermometer—ASTM E 1, 76 mm immersion, calibrated. Use ASTM 3C or 3F thermometer. Forfluids boiling below 300 °C, ASTM 2C or 2F thermometer may be used. 4.5 Heat Source—Use a suitable variac-controlled 100 mL heating mantle designed to fit the flask, capableof supplying the heat required to conform to the specified heating and reflux rates. (Supplier: GLAS COL Apparatus Co., Terre Haute, IN. Serial number: 135464. 230 W, 135 V [max.]) Point Stones RM-755.1.1.4Preparation of Apparatus—6.4 Thoroughly clean and dry all glassware before use. Attach the flask to thecondenser. Place the mantle under the flask and support it with a suitable ring clamp and laboratory-type stand, holding the whole assembly in place by a clamp.NOTE—Place the whole assembly in an area free from drafts or other types of sudden temperature changes.5.1.2P ROCEDURE—7.1 When everything is in readiness, turn on the condenser water and apply heat to the flask atsuch a rate that the fluid is refluxing in 10 min ± 2 min at a rate in excess of 1 drop/s. Immediately adjust heat input to obtain a specified equilibrium reflux rate of 1 to 2 drops/s over the next 5 min ± 2 min period.Maintain a timed and constant equilibrium reflux rate of 1 to 2 drops/s for an additional 2 min; record the average value of four temperature readings taken at 30 s intervals as the equilibrium reflux boiling point. the boiling point to the nearest degree Celsius. Duplicate runs which agree within 3 °C areacceptable for averaging (95% confidence level).5.2Wet Equilibrium Reflux Boiling Point—Humidify the fluid and determine the boiling point.5.2.1H UMIDIFICATION P ROCEDURE—Lubricate the ground-glass joint of a 250 mm ID bowl-form desiccator havingmatched tubulated glass cover and fitted with a No. 8 rubber stopper. Pour 450 mL ± 10 mL of distilled water into the dessicator and insert a perforated porcelain plate (Coors No. 60456 or equivalent). Immediately place one open RM-49 corrosion test jar containing 350 mL ± 5 mL of the test brake fluid into the dessicator.Place a second open RM-49 corrosion test jar containing 350 mL ± 5 mL of TEGME (triethylene glycol monomethyl ether, brake fluid grade - Appendix E) (RM-71) into the same desiccator. The water content of the TEGME control fluid at the start of exposure shall have been adjusted to 0.50% ± 0.05% by weight (Karl Fischer analysis or equivalent). Replace desiccator cover and insert at once into an ASTM E 145, Type II A, forced ventilation oven set at 50 °C ± 1 °C (122 °F ± 1.8 °F).Periodically, during oven humidification, remove the rubber stopper from the desiccator and, using a long needle hypodermic syringe, quickly sample the control fluid and determine its water content. When the water content of the control fluid has reached 3.70% ± 0.05% by weight, remove the dessicator from the oven and seal the test jar promptly using a screw-cap lid (RM-63). Allow the sealed jar to cool for 60 to 90 min at 23 °C ± 5 °C (73.4 °F ± 9 °F).5.2.2W ET E QUILIBRIUM R EFLUX B OILING P OINT—Humidify the fluid as described in 5.2.1 and determine the boilingpoint as described in 5.1.-5-5.3Viscosity—Determine the kinematic viscosity of the fluid by ASTM D 445.5.3.1Report the viscosity to the nearest mm2/s (centistoke). Duplicate runs which agree within 1.2% relative areacceptable for averaging (95% confidence level).5.4pH Value—Mix the fluid with an equal volume of an 50% ethanol/50% distilled water mixture neutralized to apH of 7. Determine the pH of the resulting solution electrometrically at 23 °C ± 5 °C (73.4 °F ± 9 °F) using a pH meter equipped with a calibrated full range (0 to 14) glass electrode and a calomel reference electrode, as specified in ASTM D 664.5.5Fluid Stability5.5.1H IGH T EMPERATURE S TABILITY—Heat a new sample of the original test brake fluid to a temperature of 185 °C± 2 °C (365 °F ± 3.6 °F) by the procedure specified in 5.1 and maintain at that temperature for 2 h. Then determine the boiling point of this brake fluid as specified in 5.1. The difference between this observed boiling point and that previously determined in 5.1 shall be considered as the change in boiling point of the brake fluid.5.5.2C HEMICAL S TABILITY—Mix 30 mL of brake fluid with 30 mL of SAE Compatibility Fluid described in AppendixB (RM-66-05). Determine the equilibrium reflux boiling point of this fluid mixture by use of the test apparatusspecified in 5.1, applying heat to the flask at such a rate that the fluid is refluxing in 10 min ± 2 min at a rate in excess of 1 drop/s. The reflux rate shall not exceed 5 drops/s. Record the maximum fluid temperature observed during the first minute after the fluid begins refluxing at a rate in excess of 1 drop/s. Over the next15 min ± 1 min, adjust and maintain the rate of reflux to 1 to 2 drops/s. Maintain a timed and constantequilibrium reflux rate of 1 to 2 drops/s for an additional 2 min; record the average value of four temperature readings taken at 30 s intervals as the final equilibrium reflux boiling point. Chemical reversion is evidenced by the decrease in temperature between the maximum fluid temperature recorded and the final equilibrium reflux boiling point.5.6Corrosion5.6.1D RY F LUID (AS RECEIVED)—Prepare two sets of strips from each of the metals listed in Table 1, each striphaving a surface area of 25 cm2 ± 5 cm2 (approximately 8 cm long, 1.3 cm wide, and not more than 0.6 cm thick). Drill a hole between 4 and 5 mm in diameter and about 6 mm from one end of each strip. With the exception of the tinned iron strips, clean the strips by abrading them on all surface areas with 320A (RM-29) or P400 waterproof carborundum paper and isopropanol or ethanol until all surface scratches, cuts, and pits are removed from the strips, using a new piece of carborundum paper for each different type of metal. Wash the strips, including the tinned iron, with isopropanol or ethanol and dry the strips with a clean lint-free cloth and place strips in a desiccator containing desiccant maintained at 23 °C ± 5 °C (73.4 °F ± 9 °F) for at least1 h.Handle the strips with clean forceps after polishing to avoid fingerprint contamination.Weigh each strip to the nearest 0.1 mg and assemble each set of strips on an uncoated steel bolt (RM-61) in the order tinned iron, steel, aluminum, cast iron, brass, and copper, so that the strips are in electrolytic contact. Bend the strips, other than cast iron, so that there is a separation of at least 3 mm between adjacent strips for a distance of about 6 cm from the free end of the strips. (Immerse strip assemblies in isopropanol or ethanol to eliminate fingerprints and then handle only with clean forceps.)Use two SBR cups (RM-3a) and two 25.4 mm x 25.4 mm (1 in x 1 in) EPDM rubber slab stock (RM-69) test specimens as described in Appendix C and Appendix D, respectively.-6-标准分享网 免费下载Obtain two straight-sided round glass jars, having a capacity of approximately 475 mL and inner dimensions of approximately 100 mm in height and 75 mm in diameter (RM-49). T o the RM-49 corrosion test jar, apply four wrappings of 19 mm (3/4 in) Teflon tape around the jar threads allowing a 3 mm (1/8 in) height above the top of the jar. Place one SBR cup (RM-3a) with lip edge facing up, in each of the two glass jars. Use only tinned steel lids vented with a hole 0.8 mm ± 0.1 mm in diameter (RM-64).Insert a metal strip assembly inside each cup with the bolted end in contact with the concavity of the cup and the free end extending upward in the jar. Place one EPDM rubber slab stock (RM-69) test specimen flat on the bottom of the test jar.Add 400 mL of fluid to cover the metal strip assembly in each jar. Tighten the lid and place the jars in an oven maintained at 100 °C ± 2 °C (212 °F ± 3.6 °F) for 120 h ± 2 h. Allow the jars to cool at 23 °C ± 5 °C(73.4 °F ± 9 °F) for 60 to 90 min. Immediately following the cooling period, remove the metal strips from thejars by use of a forceps, removing loose adhering sediment by agitation of the metal strip assembly in the fluid in the jar. Examine test strips and test jars for adhering crystalline deposit, disassemble the metal strips, removing adhering fluid by flushing with water, and clean individual strips by wiping with a cloth wetted with isopropanol or ethanol. Examine the strips for evidence of corrosion and pitting. Place strips in a desiccator containing a desiccant maintained at 23°C ± 5 °C (73.4 °F ± 9 °F) for at least 1 h. Weigh each strip to the nearest 0.1 mg.Determine the difference in weight of each metal strip and divide the difference by the total surface area of the metal strip measured in square centimeters. Average the measured quantities of the duplicates. In the event of a marginal pass on inspection, or of a failure in only one of the duplicates, another set of duplicate test samples shall be run. Both repeat samples must meet all the requirements of 4.6.Immediately following the cooling period, remove the rubber cups from the jars by use of a forceps, removing loose adhering sediment by agitation of the cup in the fluid in the jar.Rinse the rubber specimens in isopropanol or ethanol and air dry cups. Examine the rubber specimens for evidence of sloughing, blisters, and other forms of disintegration.Examine the fluid in the jars for jelling. Agitate the fluid in the jars to suspend and uniformly disperse sediment and transfer a 100 mL portion of this fluid to an ASTM cone-shaped centrifuge tube and determine percent sediment as described in 5.2 of ASTM D 91.Measure the pH value of the corrosion test fluid by the procedure specified in ORROSION T EST ON B RAKE F LUID WITH W ATER—Same test procedure as 5.6.1 except the test is performedon a brake fluid containing 5% by volume water.Prepare two sets of strips from each of the metals listed in Table 1 (see Appendix A), each strip having a surface area of 25 cm2 ± 5 cm2 (approximately 8 cm long, 1.3 cm wide, and not more than 0.6 cm thick). Drilla hole between 4 and 5 mm in diameter and about 6 mm from one end of each strip. With the exception ofthe tinned iron strips, clean the strips by abrading them on all surface areas with 320A or P400 waterproof carborundum paper (RM-29) and isopropanol or ethanol until all surface scratches, cuts, and pits are removed from the strips, using a new piece of carborundum paper for each different type of metal. Wash the strips, including the tinned iron, with isopropanol or ethanol and dry the strips with a clean lint-free cloth and place strips in a desiccator containing desiccant maintained at 23 °C ± 5 °C (73.4 °F ± 9 °F) for at least 1 h.Handle the strips with clean forceps after polishing to avoid fingerprint contamination.-7-Weigh each strip to the nearest 0.1 mg and assemble each set of strips on an uncoated steel bolt (RM-61) in the order tinned iron, steel, aluminum, cast iron, brass, and copper, so that the strips are in electrolytic contact. Bend the strips, other than cast iron, so that there is a separation of at least 3 mm between adjacent strips for a distance of about 6 cm from the free end of the strips. (Immerse strip assemblies in isopropanol or ethanol to eliminate fingerprints and then handle only with clean forceps.)Use two SBR cups (RM-3a) and two 25.4 mm x 25.4 mm (1 in x 1 in) EPDM rubber slab stock (RM-69) test specimens as described in Appendix C and Appendix D, respectively.Determine the weight of the cups and rubber slab stock in air (m1) to the nearest 1 mg then determine the apparent weight of the cup and slab stock immersed in distilled water at room temperature (m2). Quickly dip each specimen in alcohol and then blot dry with filter paper free of lint and foreign matter. Measure the hardness of each specimen by the procedure specified in ASTM D 1415 using the Standards Tester.NOTE—ASTM D 2240 may be used for quality control and routine tests when a type A durometer is equipped with a fixture for keeping the plane of the pressure foot on the durometer parallel to the plane of the cup face during measurement.Obtain two straight-sided round glass jars, having a capacity of approximately 475 mL and inner dimensions of approximately 100 mm in height and 75 mm in diameter (RM-49). T o the RM-49 corrosion test jar, apply four wrappings of 19 mm (3/4 in) Teflon tape around the jar threads allowing a 3 mm (1/8 in) height above the top of the jar. Place one SBR cup (RM-3a) with lip edge facing up, in each of the two glass jars. Use only tinned steel lids vented with a hole 0.8 mm ± 0.1 mm in diameter (RM-64).Insert a metal strip assembly inside each cup with the bolted end in contact with the concavity of the cup and the free end extending upward in the jar. Place one EPDM rubber slab stock (RM-69) test specimen flat on the bottom of the test jar.Mix 760 mL of fluid with 40 mL of distilled water.Add 400 mL of the mixture to cover the metal strip assembly in each jar. Tighten the lid and place the jars in an oven maintained at 100 °C ± 2 °C (212 °F ± 3.6 °F) for 120 h ± 2 h. Allow the jars to cool at 23 °C ± 5 °C (73.4 °F ± 9 °F) for 60 to 90 min. Immediately following the cooling period, remove the metal strips from the jars by use of a forceps, removing loose adhering sediment by agitation of the metal strip assembly in the fluid in the jar. Examine test strips and test jars for adhering crystalline deposit, disassemble the metal strips, removing adhering fluid by flushing with water, and clean individual strips by wiping with a cloth wetted with isopropanol or ethanol. Examine the strips for evidence of corrosion and pitting. Place strips in a desiccator containing a desiccant maintained at 23 °C ± 5 °C (73.4 °F ± 9 °F) for at least 1 h. Weigh each strip to the nearest 0.1 mg.Determine the difference in weight of each metal strip and divide the difference by the total surface area of the metal strip measured in square centimeters. Average the measured quantities of the duplicates. In the event of a marginal pass on inspection, or of a failure in only one of the duplicates, another set of duplicate test samples shall be run. Both repeat samples must meet all the requirements of 4.6.Immediately following the cooling period, remove the rubber cups from the jars by use of a forceps, removing loose adhering sediment by agitation of the cup in the fluid in the jar.Rinse the rubber specimens in isopropanol or ethanol and air dry cups. Examine the rubber specimens for evidence of sloughing, blisters, and other forms of disintegration.Within 15 min after removal from the fluid, weigh each specimen in air (m3), again to the nearest milligram, then reweigh immersed in room temperature distilled water (m4) to determine the volume change after hot fluid immersion.-8-标准分享网 免费下载。
SAE J188 2003 高容量膨胀型动力转向式压力软管

SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.”SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions.Copyright © 2003 SAE InternationalAll rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of SAE.TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER:Tel: 877-606-7323 (inside USA and Canada)Tel: 724-776-4970 (outside USA)Fax: 724-776-0790Email: custsvc@J1Power Steering Pressure Hose—High Volumetric Expansion TypeForeword—This document represents the minimum quality recognized by original equipment manufacturers and hose suppliers as essential for satisfactory and safe operation by the hose itself and other coacting parts of the power steering system. The original equipment manufacturer may, at his option, add or alter tests through OEM specifications.1.Scope—This document covers two types of hose fabricated from fabric braid and synthetic rubber, assembledwith end fittings for use in automotive power steering applications as flexible connections within thetemperature range of −40 °C to +120 °C (−40 °F to +250 °F) average, and 135 °C (275 °F) maximum peaks.These hoses are intended for use in applications where reduction in amplitude of pump pressure pulsations isrequired.T ype 1 hose shall be suitable for 10.3 MPa (1500 psi) maximum working pressure.T ype 2 hose shall be suitable for 10.3 MPa (1500 psi) maximum working pressure.2.References 2.1Applicable Publications—The following publications form a part of the specification to the extent specifiedherein.2.1.1ASTM P UBLICATIONS —Available from ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959ASTM D 380—Methods of Testing Rubber HoseASTM D 413—T ests for Adhesion of Vulcanized Rubber (Friction T est)3.Hose Construction—The construction of this hose embodies a smooth bore inner tube of suitable syntheticrubber material, reinforced with two plies of braided fabric and covered with a synthetic rubber outer cover.4.Dimensions—Concentricity based on full indicator reading between the inside bore and the outer surface ofthe hose shall not exceed 0.076 cm (0.030 in). See Table 1.5.Test Procedures—Procedures described in ASTM D 380, shall be followed wherever applicable.6.Qualification Tests—To qualify hose under this document, all of the requirements shown in Section 8 must bemet.7.Inspection Tests—Production shipments or lots of qualified hose shall be tested in accordance with T able 2and shall conform to the applicable test requirements, but the user may test hose or hose assemblies from any or all such production shipments or lots to all the test requirements. Fourteen sample hose assemblies,selected at random, as listed in Table 2, are required to conduct a complete test. In the event of a failure, the test or tests that have failed shall be retested using twice the number of samples indicated in T able 2. Failure of any of the retested samples shall be cause for rejection of the entire lot.8.Frequency Of Testing For Inspection—All inspection tests shall be performed on either a bulk hose lot or acoupled hose lot basis or tests may be split between a bulk hose lot and a coupled hose lot.A coupled hose lot shall not exceed 10 000 hose assemblies and a bulk hose lot shall not exceed 6096 m (20000 ft) of bulk hose.9.Test Requirements 9.1Impulse Test 9.1.1T EST C ONDITIONSa.Oil T emperature:135 °C (275 °F)b.Ambient Temperature:135 °C ± 6 °C (275 °F ± 10 °F)c.Cycle Rate:30 to 40 per minute d.Cycle Date:Pressure rise time, 0.20 s ± 0.10 s. High pressure hold time, 0.65 s ±0.20 s. Pressure drop time, 0.20 s ± 0.10 s.e.Pressure Variation:Type 1 0–0.69 to 10.3 MPa (0–100 to 1500 psi)T ype 2 0–0.69 to 10.3 MPa (0–100 to 1500 psi)TABLE 1—HOSE DIMENSIONSType 1Type 2ID0.972/1.03 cm (0.365/0.405 in)0.912/1.01 cm (0.359/0.398 in)OD 1.91/2.07 cm(0.750/0.813 in) 1.91/2.07 cm (0.750/0.813 in)TABLE 2—INSPECTION TESTSTestSamples Required 1. Volumetric Expansion (9.7) followed byLength Change (9.11) followed by Bursting Strength (9.5)32. T ensile (9.2)33. Adhesion (9.4)14. Low T emperature Flexibility (9.3)15. Impulse (9.1)69.1.2H YDRAULIC F LUID AND T EST F IXTURE—As specified by the original equipment manufacturer.9.1.3C YCLE L IFE—Samples submitted to this test shall exceed 100 000 cycles for inspection acceptance and225000 cycles for qualification testing, without failure.9.2Tensile Test—When tested in accordance with ASTM D 380, hose assemblies shall withstand a minimumtensile load of 5337.9 N (1200 lb) without the fittings pulling off or rupture of the hose.9.3Low Temperature Flexibility—Samples shall be subjected to a temperature of −40 °C ± 1 °C (−40 °F ± 2 °F)for a period of 24 h, after which the hose shall be flexed in the cold chamber through 180 degrees from the centerline around a mandrel whose diameter is eight times the nominal hose OD. Flexing shall be accomplished within 3 to 5 s. Hose shall not fracture or show any cracks, checks, or breaks in the tube or cover.9.4Adhesion Test—When tested in accordance with ASTM D 413, a pull of not less than 44.48 N (10 lb) shall berequired to separate a 2.54 cm (1 in) wide ring section of the bond between any adjacent layers of the hose. 9.5Bursting Strength—Samples shall meet the following minimum bursting strength requirements:Type 1 – 41.4 MPa (6000 psi)Type 2 – 41.4 MPa (6000 psi)9.6Ozone Resistance—The outer cover of the hose shall show no cracking when examining the cover of thehose under 7X magnification, ignoring the areas immediately adjacent to or within the area covered by the binding.Bend the hose around a cylinder, the diameter of which shall be seven times the nominal outside diameter of the hose, and bind the ends. The cylinder and binding shall be made of metal or materials that prevent the consumption of ozone. If the hose collapses when bent around the cylinder, provide for internal support of the hose.Condition the hose, on the cylinder, for 24.0 h ± 0.5 h at room temperature, and then place it in an exposure chamber containing air mixed with ozone in the proportion of 50 pphm ± 5 ozone in air by volume, for 70 to72 h. Ambient air temperature in chamber during test shall be 40 °C ± 3 °C (104 °F ± 5 °F).Examine the cover of the hose for cracks under 7X magnification, ignoring the areas immediately adjacent to or within the area covered by the binding.9.7Volumetric Expansion—Samples shall be installed on the test fixture in a manner that allows the hose to liestraight but not under tension when test pressure is applied. Samples shall be preconditioned at 8.97 MPa ±0.14 MPa (1300 psi ± 20psi) for 30 s ± 5 s and allowed to recover at 0 pressure for 2 min ± 5 s prior to the test.Test pressure shall then be applied and held for 2 min ± 5 s. At the end of this period, the inlet valve shall be closed and the test fluid allowed to rise in the burrette for a period of 1 min ± 5 s. The outlet valve shall then be closed and the reading taken. The average of three volumetric expansion readings per sample shall not exceed the values listed in T able 3:TABLE 3—VOLUMETRIC EXPANSION, CC/FT AT0 TO 8.97 MPa (0 TO 1300 psi)max minType 183Type 21789.8Tensile Strength and Elongationa.Original tensile strength of cover:6.9 MPa (1000 psi) minb.Original tensile strength of tube:6.9 MPa (1000 psi) minc.Original elongation of cover:175% mind.Original elongation of tube:150% min9.9Dry Heat Resistance—After oven aging for 70 h at a temperature of 100 °C (212 °F), the reduction in tensilestrength and elongation of specimens taken from tube and cover material shall not exceed the following values:a.Original tensile strength:20%b.Original elongation:50%9.10Oil Resistance—After 70 h immersion in ASTM No. 3 oil at a temperature of 121 °C (250 °F), the reduction intensile strength and elongation of specimens taken from the tube material shall not exceed the following values:a.Original tensile strength:65%b.Original elongation:50%In addition, the volume change of specimens taken from the tube and cover material shall not exceed 0 to +100%.9.11Length Change—Type 1 hose shall not change in length more than +2%, −5% when pressure is increasedfrom 0 to 10.3 MPa (0 to 1500 psig).Type 2 hose shall not change in length more than +0%, −8% when pressure is increased from 0 to 10.3 MPa (0 to 1500 psig).9.12Identification Marking—Hose shall be identified with the SAE number, type, size of inside diameter infractions, date code in days of the year, and last digit of the year (for example, 1707 represents the 170th day of 1987), and hose manufacturer's and/or coupling manufacturer's code marking. This marking shall appear on the outer cover of the hose at intervals of not greater than 10 in. Additional identification may be added as agreed on by user and supplier.9.13100% Proof Pressure Test—Each hose assembly shall be proof pressure tested using air, oil, or water as thepressure medium. T est pressure shall be 10.3 MPa (1500 psi) when tested with air and 13.8 MPa (2000 psi) when tested with oil or water. Test pressure shall be held for not less than 30 nor more than 60 s. Care should be taken when testing with air due to its explosive nature at high pressure.10.Notes10.1Marginal Indicia—The change bar (l) located in the left margin is for the convenience of the user in locatingareas where technical revisions have been made to the previous issue of the report. An (R) symbol to the left of the document title indicates a complete revision of the report.PREPARED BY THE SAE AUTOMOTIVE BRAKE AND STEERING HOSE STANDARDS COMMITTEERationale—Changes to this document include:The ozone concentration requirement in 9.6 has been changed to 50 pphm from 50 ppm. This change is needed to bring the concentration in line with other power steering hose specifications.Relationship of SAE Standard to ISO Standard—Not applicable.Application—This document covers two types of hose fabricated from fabric braid and synthetic rubber, assembled with end fittings for use in automotive power steering applications as flexible connections within the temperature range of −40 °C to +120 °C (−40 °F to +250 °F) average, and 135 °C (275 °F) maximum peaks.These hoses are intended for use in applications where reduction in amplitude of pump pressure pulsations is required.Type 1 hose shall be suitable for 10.3 MPa (1500 psi) maximum working pressure.Type 2 hose shall be suitable for 10.3 MPa (1500 psi) maximum working pressure.Reference SectionASTM D 380—Methods of Testing Rubber HoseASTM D 413—Tests for Adhesion of Vulcanized Rubber (Friction Test)Developed by the SAE Automotive Brake and Steering Hose Standards Committee。

131. SAE J 259 点火开关
132. SAE J 264-1998 视野术语
133. SAE J 265-2002 柴油机燃油喷嘴总成—8,9,10 和 11 型
134. SAE J 266-1996 乘用车和轻型载货车稳态方向控制试验规程
135. SAE J 267-1999 车轮/轮辋—载货车—性能要求和试验规程
94. SAE J 193-1996 球节及球座总成试验规程95. SAE J 19源自-1988 机动车辆自动车速控制器
96. SAE J 198-2003 载货车、大客车及多用途车风窗玻璃刮水系统
97. SAE J 200-2001 橡胶材料分类体系
98. SAE J 201-1997 乘用车和轻型载货车在用制动器性能试验规程
102. SAE J 211-2-2001 冲击试验用仪器—第 2 部分—摄影仪器
103. SAE J 212-1998 乘用车制动系统测功机试验规程
104. SAE J 213-1997 摩托车分类
127. SAE J 250 合成树脂塑料密封胶—不干型
128. SAE J 253-1989 前照灯开关
129. SAE J 254-1993 废气排放测量用仪器和测量技术
130. SAE J 257-1997 商用车制动器额定功率要求
130. SAE J 258
99. SAE J 207-1985 汽车金属装饰件和结构件的镀铬和镍

螺纹基本尺寸及公差浙江苏强格液压有限公司质量作业文件产品代号规则Q/SQ-G8.4-031 过渡接头编号规则1.1 直通过渡接头编号规则直通过渡接头型号左端标号右端标号直通过渡接头型号中的第一位为数字,表示两端内外螺纹的组合情况;第二、三位为字母,分别表示左右端的结构型式,当左右端结构型式相同时,则使用一位字母,当左右端标号相同时,也使用一组标号。
1.1.1 型号中的第一位数字的含义如下表1 外螺纹/外螺纹 6 过板接头(右端过板)1 法兰/对接式焊接头 7 固定内螺纹/固定内螺纹(无螺母或插入焊)2 外螺纹/活动内螺纹(活动螺母) 8 锁母3 活动内螺纹/活动内螺纹 9 内螺纹堵头4 外螺纹堵头.堵板5 外螺纹/固定内螺纹5 外螺纹/较短焊接管1.1.2 型号中第二、三位字母的含义如下表A 英管螺纹球面 M 公制60?锥面或六角端面组合垫密封B 英管螺纹60?锥面或六角端面组合垫密封 N 美制布锥管C 公制24?轻系列 O 美制SAE O-Ring BOSSD 公制24?重系列 P 美制SAE 90?E 公制平面带O形圈 Q 公制74?F 美制ORFS平面 S 日式英管螺纹60?外锥G 英管螺纹平面、O-Ring密封 T 英锥管螺纹H 公制六角端面O-Ring密封 U NPSMI 710xx系列国标公制铰接体 W 焊接管J 美制JIC 74? X 表示与软管相连用卡环固定K 公制螺纹60?外锥(小松) Y 矿用接头(SAE标准)L 公制组合垫圈密封 Z BSP平面用组合垫密封1Q/SQ-G8.4-031.1.3 左右端标号根据左右端头部的螺纹或尺寸大小定,如下表:英管G1/8” G1/4” G3/8” G1/2” G5/8” G3/4” G1.1/4” G1.1/2” --G1”x11 G2”x11 螺纹 x28 x19 x19 x14 x14 x14 x11 x11 英锥管R1/8”R1/4” R3/8” R1/2” R3/4” R1.1/4” R1.1/2” -- -- R1”x11 R2”x11 螺纹x28 x19 x19 x14 x14 x11 x11 布锥管Z1/8” Z1/4” Z3/8” Z1/2” Z3/4”Z1.1/4” Z1.1/2” Z2” -- Z1”x11.5 螺纹 x27 x18 x18 x14 x14 x11.5 x11.5 x11.5 美制JIC 7/16” 1/2” 9/16” 3/4” 7/8” 1.1/16” 1.5/16” 1.5/8”1.7/8”2.1/2” -- 螺纹 x20 x20 x18 x16 x14 x12 x12 x12 x12 x12 美制ORFS9/16” 11/16” 13/16” 1” 1.3/16” 1.7/16” 1.11/16” 2” -- -- -- 螺纹 x18 x16 x16 x14 x12 x12 x12 x12 美制SAE5/8” 1.1/16” 螺纹 x18 x14 法兰1/2“ 5/8“ 3/4“ 1“ 1.1/4“ 1.1/2“ 2“ 插装式 04 06 08 12 16 20 24 32 标号 02 04 05 06 08 10 12 16 20 24 32 注:公制螺纹的标号按螺纹外径,卡套式直管的标号按直管外径。

序号标准号标准名称1 SAE J-266-1996不变的方向的控制测试程序为了客车和光卡车SAE J-266-96、SAE J-266、SAE J266-1996、SAE J266-96、SAE J266 2 SAE J-2662-2003 项链等级为了能力拿-关装备填充 SAE J-2662-03、SAE J-2662、SAE J2662-2003、SAE J2662-03、SAE J2662 3 SAE J-2666-2003 软管标准尺评价程序SAE J-2666-03、SAE J-2666、SAE J2666-2003、SAE J2666-03、SAE J2666 4 SAE J-2667-2004 STRSW (压榨类型反抗班点焊接) 装备接受标准为了碰撞修复工业SAE J-2667-04、SAE J-2667、SAE J2667-2004、SAE J2667-04、SAE J2667 5 SAE J-323-2004 测试方法为了决定柔韧性塑胶材料的寒冷破裂 SAE J-323-04、SAE J-323、SAE J323-2004、SAE J323-04、SAE J323 6 SAE J-326-1986 术语-水力的锄耕机 < SAE J-326-86、SAE J-326、SAE J326-1986、SAE J326-86、SAE J326 7 SAE J-328-2005 轮-乘客汽车和光卡车履行需求和测试程序 SAE J-328-05、SAE J-328、SAE J328-2005、SAE J328-05、SAE J328 8 SAE J-33-2000 1NOWMOBILE 定义和术语-普通 SAE J-33-00、SAE J-33、SAE J33-2000、SAE J33-00、SAE J33 9 SAE J-331-2000 声音水平为了摩托车 SAE J-331-00、SAE J-331、SAE J331-2000、SAE J331-00、SAE J331 10 SAE J-332-2002 测试机器为了测量的同样客车和光卡车疲劳 SAE J-332-02、SAE J-332、SAE J332-2002、SAE J332-02、SAEJ332 11 SAE J-335-1995 MULTIPOSITION 小的引擎用尽系统火点火SUPRESSION SAE J-335-95、SAE J-335、SAE J335-1995、SAE J335-95、SAE J335 12 SAE J-336-2001 声音水平为了卡车的士内部的 SAE J-336-01、SAE J-336、SAE J336-2001、SAE J336-01、SAE J336 13 SAE J-339-1994 安全带硬件带子擦破测试PROCEDUR SAE J-339-94、SAE J-339、SAE J339-1994、SAE J339-94、SAE J339 14 SAE J-34-2001 外部的声音水平测量法程序为了取乐MOTORBOATS SAE J-34-01、SAE J-34、SAE J34-2001、SAE J34-01、SAE J34 15 SAE J-342-1991 火花避雷器测试程序为了大的大小引擎 SAE J-342-91、SAE J-342、SAE J342-1991、SAEJ342-91、SAE J342 16 SAE J-343-2004 测试和测试程序为了SAE 100R 系列水力的软管和软管集合 SAE J-343-04、SAE J-343、SAE J343-2004、SAE J343-04、SAE J343 17 SAE J-345-1969 湿的或干的人行道客车疲劳山顶和锁定的轮闸牵引SAE J-345-69、SAE J-345、SAE J345-1969、SAE J345-69、SAE J345 18 SAE J-347-2002 DIESEL 燃料注射器集合类型7 (9.5毫米) SAE J-347-02、SAE J-347、SAE J347-2002、SAE J347-02、SAE J347 19 SAE J-348-1990 轮楔 SAE J-348-90、SAE J-348、SAE J348-1990、SAE J348-90、SAE J348 20 SAE J-349-1991 表面不完全的察觉在铁的杆马齿龈管和金属丝 SAE J-349-91、SAE J-349、SAEJ349-1991、SAE J349-91、SAE J349 21 SAE J-350-1991 火花避雷器测试程序为了媒体大小引擎22 SAE J-356-1999 焊接闪光受约束的低碳钢装管标准化为了弯曲两倍发光的和玻璃珠SAE J-356-99、SAE J-356、SAE J356-1999、SAE J356-99、SAE J35623 SAE J-357-1999 身体的和引擎油的化学的属性SAE J-357-99、SAE J-357、SAE J357-1999、SAE J357-99、SAE J35724 SAE J-358-1991 非破坏性的测试SAE J-358-91、SAE J-358、SAE J358-1991、SAE J358-91、SAE J35825 SAE J-383-1995 机动车安全带下锚点-设计推荐SAE J-383-95、SAE J-383、SAE J383-1995、SAE J383-95、SAE J38326 SAE J-384-1994 机动车安全带下锚点-测试程序SAE J-384-94、SAE J-384、SAE J384-1994、SAE J384-94、SAE J38427 SAE J-385-1995 机动车安全带下锚点-履行需求 <SAE J-385-95、SAE J-385、SAE J385-1995、SAE J385-95、SAE J38528 SAE J-386-1997 操作员抑制系统为了关-路工作机器SAE J-386-97、SAE J-386、SAE J386-1997、SAE J386-97、SAE J38629 SAE J-387-1995 术语学-机动车照明SAE J-387-95、SAE J-387、SAE J387-1995、SAE J387-95、SAE J38730 SAE J-390-1999 双的维SAE J-390-99、SAE J-390、SAE J390-1999、SAE J390-99、SAE J39031 SAE J-391-1981 定义为了粒子SAE J-391-81、SAE J-391、SAE J391-1981、SAE J391-81、SAE J39132 SAE J-392-2003 摩托车和设计电压的发动机受驱策的周期电的系统维护SAE J-392-03、SAE J-392、SAE J392-2003、SAE J392-03、SAE J39233 SAE J-393-2001 术语-轮集线器和边为了商业的机动车SAE J-393-01、SAE J-393、SAE J393-2001、SAE J393-01、SAE J39334 SAE J-397-2004 偏斜限制的卷-保护的结构实验室评价SAE J-397-04、SAE J-397、SAE J397-2004、SAE J397-04、SAE J39735 SAE J-398-1995 燃料水槽装填物条件-PASENGER汽车 MULTI-目的乘客机动车和光义务卡车SAE J-398-95、SAE J-398、SAE J398-1995、SAE J398-95、SAE J39836 SAE J-399-1985 阳极电镀铝汽车的部分SAE J-399-85、SAE J-399、SAE J399-1985、SAE J399-85、SAE J39937 SAE J-316-1998 油-调节的碳-钢春天金属丝和春天 <SAE J-316-98、SAE J-316、SAE J316-1998、SAE J316-98、SAE J31638 SAE J-35-2002 DIESEL烟测量法程序SAE J-35-02、SAE J-35、SAE J35-2002、SAE J35-02、SAE J3539 SAE J-351-1998 油-调节的碳-钢阀春天质量金属丝和春天SAE J-351-98、SAE J-351、SAE J351-1998、SAE J351-98、SAE J35140 SAE J-362-1982 机动车头巾门插销系统SAE J-362-82、SAE J-362、SAE J362-1982、SAE J362-82、SAE J36241 SAE J-367-2003 客车门系统压碎测试程序SAE J-367-03、SAE J-367、SAE J367-2003、SAE J367-03、SAE J36742 SAE J-368-1993 高度-力结束和调节的结构的钢43 SAE J-382-2000挡风玻璃除霜系统履行需求-卡车公共汽车和多种用途的机动车SAE J-382-00、SAE J-382、SAE J382-2000、SAE J382-00、SAE J382 44 SAE J-388-1998 动态流动FATIQUE.进行测验平板聚亚安酯泡沫 SAE J-388-98、SAE J-388、SAE J388-1998、SAE J388-98、SAE J388 45 SAE J-389-1978 普遍的符号为了操作员控制 SAE J-389-78、SAE J-389、SAE J389-1978、SAE J389-78、SAE J389 46 SAE J-39-1993 T-钩缝为了SECUREMENT 农业的装备的 SAE J-39-93、SAE J-39、SAE J39-1993、SAE J39-93、SAE J3947 SAE J-400-2002 .进行测验表面被覆的碎片反抗 SAE J-400-02、SAE J-400、SAE J400-2002、SAE J400-02、SAE J400 48 SAE J-4000-1999 辨认和最好的实行的测量法在倾斜操作的执行 SAE J-4000-99、SAE J-4000、SAE J4000-1999、SAE J4000-99、SAE J4000 49 SAE J-4001-1999 倾斜操作使用者手册的执行 SAE J-4001-99、SAE J-4001、SAE J4001-1999、SAE J4001-99、SAE J4001 50 SAE J-4002-2004 (R) H-点机器和设计工具程序和规格 SAE J-4002-04、SAE J-4002、SAE J4002-2004、SAE J4002-04、SAE J4002 51 SAE J-401-2000 选择和使用钢的 SAE J-401-00、SAE J-401、SAE J401-2000、SAE J401-00、SAE J401 52 SAE J-402-1997 SAE 编号系统为了工作或包金箔的钢 SAE J-402-97、SAE J-402、SAE J402-1997、SAE J402-97、SAE J402 53 SAE J-403-2001 的化学的写作SAE 碳钢 SAE J-403-01、SAE J-403、SAE J403-2001、SAE J403-01、SAE J403 54 SAE J-404-2000 的化学的写作SAE 合金钢 SAE J-404-00、SAE J-404、SAEJ404-2000、SAE J404-00、SAE J404 55 SAE J-405-1998 的化学的写作SAE 工作不锈钢 SAE J-405-98、SAE J-405、SAE J405-1998、SAE J405-98、SAE J405 56 SAE J-406-1998 (R) 的方法决定HARDENABILITY 钢的 SAE J-406-98、SAE J-406、SAE J406-1998、SAE J406-98、SAE J406 57 SAE J-409-1995 产品分析-可允许的变更从规定热的化学的分析或钢的投掷 SAE J-409-95、SAE J-409、SAEJ409-1995、SAE J409-95、SAE J409 58 SAE J-411-1997 碳和合金钢 SAE J-411-97、SAE J-411、SAE J411-1997、SAE J411-97、SAE J411 59 SAE J-412-1995 普通特征和热处理钢的 SAE J-412-95、SAE J-412、SAE J412-1995、SAE J412-95、SAE J412 60 SAE J-413-2002 热宴请的机械的属性工作钢 SAE J-413-02、SAE J-413、SAE J413-2002、SAE J413-02、SAE J413 61 SAE J-415-1995 热宴请学期的定义 SAE J-415-95、SAE J-415、SAE J415-1995、SAE J415-95、SAE J415 62SAE J-417-1983 硬测试& 硬数变换 SAE J-417-83、SAE J-417、SAE J417-1983、SAE J417-83、SAE J417 63 SAE J-419-1983 的方法测量DECARBURIZATIONSAE J-419-83、SAE J-419、SAE J419-1983、SAE J419-83、SAE J41964 SAE J-420-1991 磁的粒子检查SAE J-420-91、SAE J-420、SAE J420-1991、SAE J420-91、SAE J42065 SAE J-422-1983 包含的微观的决心在钢SAE J-422-83、SAE J-422、SAE J422-1983、SAE J422-83、SAE J42266 SAE J-423-1998 的方法测量事深SAE J-423-98、SAE J-423、SAE J423-1998、SAE J423-98、SAE J42367 SAE J-425-1991 电磁的测试在旋转当前的方法SAE J-425-91、SAE J-425、SAE J425-1991、SAE J425-91、SAE J42568 SAE J-426-1991 液体PENETRANT测试方法SAE J-426-91、SAE J-426、SAE J426-1991、SAE J426-91、SAE J42669 SAE J-427-1991 敏锐的发散检查SAE J-427-91、SAE J-427、SAE J427-1991、SAE J427-91、SAE J42770 SAE J-428-1991 超声的检查SAE J-428-91、SAE J-428、SAE J428-1991、SAE J428-91、SAE J42871 SAE J-429-1999 机械的和材料需求为了外表上线扣件SAE J-429-99、SAE J-429、SAE J429-1999、SAE J429-99、SAE J429 72 SAE J-430-1998 机械的和化学的需求为了NONTHREADED扣件SAE J-430-98、SAE J-430、SAE J430-1998、SAE J430-98、SAE J430 73 SAE J-431-2000 汽车的灰色铁铸件SAE J-431-00、SAE J-431、SAE J431-2000、SAE J431-00、SAE J431 74 SAE J-434-2004 (R) 汽车的易延展的(小节的) 铁铸件SAE J-434-04、SAE J-434、SAE J434-2004、SAE J434-04、SAE J434 75 SAE J-435-2002 汽车的钢铸件SAE J-435-02、SAE J-435、SAE J435-2002、SAE J435-02、SAE J435 76 SAE J-437-1970 选择和热处理工具的和死亡钢SAE J-437-70、SAE J-437、SAE J437-1970、SAE J437-70、SAE J437 77 SAE J-438-1970 工具和死亡钢SAE J-438-70、SAE J-438、SAE J438-1970、SAE J438-70、SAE J438 78 SAE J-359-1991 红外线的测试SAE J-359-91、SAE J-359、SAE J359-1991、SAE J359-91、SAE J359 79 SAE J-360-2001 (R) 卡车和公共汽车等级停车履行测试程序SAE J-360-01、SAE J-360、SAE J360-2001、SAE J360-01、SAE J36080 SAE J-361-2003 (R) 程序为了内部的的可视化的评价和外部的汽车的整齐的SAE J-361-03、SAE J-361、SAE J361-2003、SAE J361-03、SAE J36181 SAE J-363-1994 文件编档员底部装备SAE J-363-94、SAE J-363、SAE J363-1994、SAE J363-94、SAE J36382 SAE J-365-2004 测试反抗的方法到拖着脚走整齐的材料的SAE J-365-04、SAE J-365、SAE J365-2004、SAE J365-04、SAE J36583 SAE J-366-2001 外部的声音水平为了重的卡车和公共汽车SAE J-366-01、SAE J-366、SAE J366-2001、SAE J366-01、SAE J36684 SAE J-369-2003 聚合的内部的材料的易燃-地平线的测试方法SAE J-369-03、SAE J-369、SAE J369-2003、SAE J369-03、SAE J36985 SAE J-370-1998 门闩和CAPSCREW为试尺码使用在建筑和工业的机器SAE J-370-98、SAE J-370、SAE J370-1998、SAE J370-98、SAE J37086 SAE J-371-1993 排水沟装满和水平堵为了关-路自己-SAE J-371-93、SAE J-371、SAE J371-1993、SAE J371-93、SAE J37187 SAE J-373-1993 供给住宅内在的维为了单一的和二-盘子春天-LOADEDCLUTCHESSAE J-373-93、SAE J-373、SAE J373-1993、SAE J373-93、SAE J373 88 SAE J-374-2002 机动车屋顶力测试程序SAE J-374-02、SAE J-374、SAE J374-2002、SAE J374-02、SAE J374 89 SAE J-375-1994 RADIUM-OF-LOAD或繁荣角指出系统SAE J-375-94、SAE J-375、SAE J375-1994、SAE J375-94、SAE J375 90 SAE J-376-1985 载入指出装置在举起起重机服务-SAE J-376-85、SAE J-376、SAE J376-1985、SAE J376-85、SAE J376 91 SAE J-377-2001 (R) 车的交通声音打信号装置SAE J-377-01、SAE J-377、SAE J377-2001、SAE J377-01、SAE J377 92 SAE J-378-2004 (R) 舰队推进系统配线SAE J-378-04、SAE J-378、SAE J378-2004、SAE J378-04、SAE J378 93 SAE J-379-2004 (R) GOGAN闸衬里的硬SAE J-379-04、SAE J-379、SAE J379-2004、SAE J379-04、SAE J379 94 SAE J-38-1991 举起臂支持装置为了加载器SAE J-38-91、SAE J-38、SAE J38-1991、SAE J38-91、SAE J3895 SAE J-380-2002 (R) 摩擦材料的特效药重力SAE J-380-02、SAE J-380、SAE J380-2002、SAE J380-02、SAE J38096 SAE J-381-2000 挡风玻璃/边窗口除霜/除雾系统测试PROCEDUREAND履行需求-卡车公共汽车和多种用途的机动车SAE J-381-00、SAE J-381、SAE J381-2000、SAE J381-00、SAE J38197 SAE J-439-1977 烧结物碳化物工具SAE J-439-77、SAE J-439、SAE J439-1977、SAE J439-77、SAE J43998 SAE J-44-2003 脚踏闸系统履行需求-雪上汽车SAE J-44-03、SAE J-44、SAE J44-2003、SAE J44-03、SAE J4499 SAE J-441-1993 剪切金属丝开枪SAE J-441-93、SAE J-441、SAE J441-1993、SAE J441-93、SAE J441100 SAE J-442-2001 (R) 测试剥持有者和象徵物品为了开枪锤头SAE J-442-01、SAE J-442、SAE J442-2001、SAE J442-01、SAE J442继续阅读。

SAE标准目录代号名称SAE标准目录代号名称SAE TSB002-1992 SAE技术报告的准备SAE TSB003-1999 SAE使用公制(Metric)单位的规则SAE J 10-2000 汽车和非道路车辆气制动储气罐性能要求和识别要求SAE J 17-2003 天然泡沫橡胶SAE J 20-2006 冷却系统软管SAE J 20-1-2002 冷却软管(政府用于替代MS52130部分而对SAE J20进行的增补)SAE J 20-2-2001 钢丝缠绕支撑冷却软管的正常使用(SAE J20的增补件)SAE J 30-1998 燃油和机油软管SAE J 31-1986 液压式铲车举升能力SAE J 33-2000 雪地车定义和术语—总则SAE J 34-2001 机动游艇外部噪声测量规程SAE J 38-1991 装载机举升臂支撑装置SAE J 44-2003 雪地车行车制动系统性能要求SAE J 45-2003 雪地车制动系统试验规程SAE J 46-1993 车轮打滑制动控制系统道路试验规程SAE J 47-2005 摩托车潜在最大噪声声级SAE J 48-1993 液面指示器指南SAE J 49-1980 液压铲车技术参数的定义SAE J 51-2004 汽车空调软管SAE J 56-1999 道路车辆—带调节器的交流发电机—试验方法和一般要求SAE J 57-2000 公路载货车轮胎噪声声级 SAE J 58-1998 带凸缘的12角头螺钉SAE J 64-1995 雪地车识别代号SAE J 67-1998 铲斗,抓斗和挖斗额定容量 SAE J 68-2004 雪地车开关装置和部件试验SAE J 75-2006 机动车制动液容器兼容性 SAE J 78-1998 钢制自攻螺钉SAE J 79-1972 制动盘和制动鼓热电偶安装 SAE J 80-2004 汽车用橡胶垫SAE J 81-1997 滚丝螺钉SAE J 82-1998 机制螺钉机械和质量要求SAE J 88-2006 非道路工作机械外部噪声测量SAE J 89-1995 雪地车坐椅动态缓冲性能标准SAE J 90-1995 汽车非金属垫圈材料标准分类体系SAE J 92-1995 雪地车节气门控制系统SAE J 95-1986 工业设备前照灯SAE J 96-2005 工业设备闪光警报灯SAE J 98-1998 通用工业机械人员防护SAE J 99-2003 公路上使用的工业设备灯光和标志SAE J 100-1999 A类车辆风窗玻璃阴影区域SAE J 101-2006 汽车鼓式制动器液力分泵SAE J 107-1996 摩托车操纵件和显示器SAE J 108-2000 摩托车制动系统试验代码SAE J 109-2000 摩托车和动力驱动自行车行车制动系统性能要求SAE J 112a 电动风窗玻璃刮水器开关SAE J 114-1994 座椅安全带织带磨损性能要求SAE J 115-2003 安全标志SAE J 119-1987 纤维板褶皱弯曲试验SAE J 121M-1997 淬硬和回火螺纹紧固件的脱碳SAE J 121-1997 淬硬和回火螺纹紧固件的脱碳SAE J 122-1998 螺母表面的不连续性SAE J 123-1994 用于疲劳载荷的螺栓,螺钉和双头螺栓的表面不连续性 SAE J 125-1988 铸铁温升性能SAE J 126-1986 冷、热轧钢板和钢带的选择和说明SAE J 128-1994 乘用车和轻型载货车乘员约束系统评价SAE J 129-1981 发动机和传动系识别号码SAE J 131-2003 摩托车转向信号灯SAE J 133-2003 商用挂车和半挂车牵引销性能SAE J 134-1993 乘用车和轻型载货车与挂车组成的列车制动系统道路试验代码SAE J 135-1993 乘用车与挂车组成的列车行车制动系统性能要求SAE J 138-1969 试验人体动力学研究摄影分析指南SAE J 139-1999 点火系统术语SAE J 140-1995 座椅安全带硬件试验规程SAE J 141-1995 座椅安全带硬件性能要求SAE J 153-1987 操作人员预防措施SAE J 156-2005 保险丝SAE J 159-2002 额定容量系统SAE J 160-2001 摩擦材料在暴露在温度升高的环境中时尺寸的稳定性SAE J 163-2006 低压电线和电缆终端接头及铰接夹SAE J 164-2006 散热器盖和加水口颈SAE J 167-2002 农用拖拉机顶部防护—试验规程和性能要求SAE J 169-1985 非道路车辆操作人员空间内空调系统的设计指南SAE J 174-1998 英制钢螺纹紧固件力矩-应力试验规程SAE J 174M-1998 公制钢螺纹紧固件力矩-应力试验规程SAE J 175-2003 道路车辆车轮冲击试验规程SAE J 176-1994 非道路自驱动工作机械快速加油设备SAE J 179-2001 载货车盘式车轮和可拆卸轮辋—表识SAE J 180-2002 建筑和工业机械充电系统SAE J 182-2005 机动车辆基准标志和三维参考系SAE J 183-2006 发动机油性能和发动机维修分类(除节能方面外)SAE J 184-1998 噪声数据获得系统的检定SAE J 185-2003 非道路机械的接近系统SAE J 187-1970 载货车识别号码SAE J 188-2003 高体积膨胀型动力转向压力软管SAE J 189-2003 低压动力转向回油软管SAE J 190-1998 钢丝编织动力转向压力软管SAE J 191-2003 低体积膨胀型动力转向压力软管SAE J 192-2003 雪地车外部噪声等级SAE J 193-1996 球节及球座总成试验规程SAE J 195-1988 机动车辆自动车速控制器SAE J 198-2003 载货车、大客车及多用途车风窗玻璃刮水系统SAE J 200-2006 橡胶材料分类体系SAE J 201-1997 乘用车和轻型载货车在用制动器性能试验规程SAE J 207-1985 汽车金属装饰件和结构件的镀铬和镍SAE J 211-1-2003 冲击试验用仪器—第1部分—电子仪器SAE J 211-2-2001 冲击试验用仪器—第2部分—摄影仪器SAE J 212-1998 乘用车制动系统测功机试验规程SAE J 213-2004 摩托车分类SAE J 216-1999 乘用车玻璃—电路SAE J 217-1994 不锈钢17-7PH弹簧钢丝和弹簧SAE J 218-1981 乘用车识别术语SAE J 220-1998 起重机起重臂限位装置SAE J 222-2006 驻车灯(前位置灯)SAE J 224-1980 碰撞变形分类SAE J 225-2003 商用车制动系统扭矩平衡试验代码SAE J 226-1995 发动机预热器SAE J 228-1995 空气流量参考标准SAE J 229-1993 乘用车行车制动器结构总成试验规程SAE J 230-1994 不锈钢,SAE 30302,弹簧钢丝和弹簧SAE J 232-1994 工业旋转割草机SAE J 234-1977 电动风窗玻璃清洗器开关SAE J 235-1971 电动鼓风机电机开关SAE J 238-1998 螺母和锥形弹簧垫圈总成SAE J 240-2002 汽车蓄电池寿命试验SAE J 243 汽车密封胶,粘结剂和缓冲胶剂的试验方法 SAE J 244-1992 柴油机进气或排气流量测量SAE J 246-2000 球面和凸缘管接头SAE J 247-1987 测量车内噪声脉冲的仪器SAE J 249-1988 机械制动灯开关SAE J 250 合成树脂塑料密封胶—不干型SAE J 253-1989 前照灯开关SAE J 254-1993 废气排放测量用仪器和测量技术SAE J 257-1997 商用车制动器额定功率要求SAE J 259 点火开关SAE J 264-1998 视野术语SAE J 265-2002 柴油机燃油喷嘴总成—8,9,10和11型SAE J 266-1996 乘用车和轻型载货车稳态方向控制试验规程SAE J 267-1999 车轮/轮辋—载货车—性能要求和试验规程SAE J 268-2004 摩托车后视镜SAE J 272-1981 车辆识别号码体系SAE J 276-2002 铰接式装载机和拖拉机转向锁SAE J 277-2004 雪地车电气系统设计电压的维持SAE J 278-1995 雪地车制动灯SAE J 279-2006 雪地车尾灯(后位置灯)SAE J 280-2006 雪地车前照灯SAE J 283-1999 带三点式挂接装置的农用拖拉机液压举升能力试验规程SAE J 284-2002 农用、建筑和工业装备安全警报信号SAE J 285-1999 汽油分配泵喷嘴SAE J 286-2006 SAE第2号离合器摩擦试验机械指南SAE J 287-1988 驾驶员手控制区域SAE J 288-2002 雪地车燃油箱SAE J 291-1980 制动液温度的确定SAE J 292-2006 雪地车及车灯、反射装置和相关装备SAE J 293-2004 车辆坡道驻车性能要求SAE J 294-1993 GVWR大于4 500公斤(10 000 lb)车辆的行车制动器总成试验规程SAE J 297-2002 工业装备操作人员控制件SAE J 299-1993 制动距离试验规程SAE J 300-2004 发动机机油黏度分级SAE J 301-2006 新的或已修订技术报告的有效日期SAE J 304-1999 发动机机油试验SAE J 306-2005 汽车齿轮润滑剂黏度分级SAE J 308-1996 轴和手动变速器润滑剂SAE J 310-2005 汽车润滑脂SAE J 311-2000 乘用车自动变速器液SAE J 312-2001 车用汽油SAE J 313-2004 柴油SAE J 314-2002 毛毡—羊毛和部分羊毛SAE J 315-2004 纤维板试验规程SAE J 318-2003 汽车气制动管接头SAE J 321-1999 推土机牵引机械操作人员防护轮罩SAE J 322-1996 非金属装饰材料—确定抗硫化氢腐蚀性的试验方法 SAE J 323-2004 确定柔性塑料材料冷裂性的试验方法SAE J 326-1986 液压反铲挖掘机术语SAE J 328-2005 乘用车及轻型载货车车轮性能要求和试验规程SAE J 331-2000 摩托车噪声声级SAE J 332-2002 测量乘用车和轻型载货车轮胎一致性的试验机械SAE J 335-1995 多位小型发动机排气系统点火抑制SAE J 336-2001 载货车驾驶室内部噪声声级SAE J 339-1994 座椅安全带织带磨损试验规程SAE J 342-1991 大型发动机火花防止器试验规程SAE J 343-2004 SAE 100R系列液压软管和软管总成试验和试验规程SAE J 345a 干或湿路面乘用车轮胎最大和抱死时车轮制动力 SAE J 347-2002 7型(9.5 mm)柴油机燃油喷嘴总成SAE J 348-1990 车轮三角垫木SAE J 349-1991 黑色金属杆,棒,管和丝的表面缺陷检查SAE J 350-1991 中型发动机火花防止器试验规程SAE J 356-2006 可以抑制焊瘤的弯曲,双层扩口和卷边正火低碳钢 SAE J 357-2006 发动机油的物理和化学特性SAE J 358-1991 非破坏性试验SAE J 359-1991 红外线试验SAE J 360-2001 载货车和大客车坡道驻车性能试验规程SAE J 361-2003 汽车内饰件和外饰件视觉评价规程SAE J 363-1994 滤清器座的安装SAE J 365-2004 装饰材料抗擦伤性试验方法SAE J 366-2001 重型载货车和大客车外部噪声声级SAE J 369-2003 车辆内部聚合物材料燃烧特性—试验方法SAE J 371-2006 非道路自驱动工作机械的放油、注油和油位螺塞SAE J 373-1993 单片和双片弹簧加载式离合器壳内尺寸SAE J 374-2002 车顶抗压试验规程SAE J 375-1994 负荷半径式悬臂角指示系统SAE J 376-1985 起重机举升负载指示装置SAE J 377-2001 车辆通行声音信号装置SAE J 378-2004 船用发动机布线SAE J 379-1996 制动衬片高氏硬度SAE J 380-2002 摩擦材料比重SAE J 381-2000 载货车,大客车和多用途车风窗玻璃除雾系统试验规程和性能要求SAE J 383-1995 机动车辆座椅安全带固定点设计建议SAE J 384-1994 机动车辆座椅安全带固定点试验规程SAE J 385-1995 机动车辆座椅安全带固定点性能要求SAE J 386-2006 非道路工作机械操作人员约束系统SAE J 387-1995 机动车辆灯光术语SAE J 390-1999 双向尺寸SAE J 391-1981 颗粒物尺寸定义SAE J 393-2001 商用车辆车轮,轮毂,轮辋术语SAE J 397-2004 防护结构试验室评价—偏转极限值SAE J 398-2005 乘用车,多用途车和轻型载货车燃油箱加注口条件 SAE J 399-1985 阳极化处理的铝制汽车部件SAE J 400-2002 表面覆层的耐剥落试验SAE J 401-2000 钢的选择和使用SAE J 402-2006 锻制钢和轧制钢的SAE编号系统SAE J 403-2001 SAE碳素钢的化学成分SAE J 404-2000 SAE合金钢的化学成分SAE J 405-1998 SAE锻制不锈钢的化学成分SAE J 406-1998 钢的可淬性确定方法SAE J 409-1995 产品分析—热处理或铸钢化学成分分析的容许变差SAE J 411-1997 碳素钢和合金钢SAE J 412-1995 钢的热处理和一般特性SAE J 413-2002 热处理可锻钢的机械性能SAE J 415-1995 热处理术语定义SAE J 417-1983 硬度试验和硬度值换算SAE J 419-1983 脱碳的测量方法SAE J 420-1991 磁粉检查SAE J 422-1983 用显微镜确定钢所含物质的方法SAE J 423-1998 硬化层深度测量方法SAE J 425-1991 用涡电流法进行电磁试验SAE J 426-1991 液体渗透剂试验方法SAE J 427-1991 渗透辐射检查SAE J 428-1991 超声波检查SAE J 429-1999 外螺纹紧固件机械性能和材料要求SAE J 430-1998 非螺纹紧固件碳素钢实心铆钉机械性能和材料要求SAE J 431-2000 汽车灰铸铁件SAE J 434-2004 汽车可锻(球墨)铸铁件SAE J 435-2002 汽车铸钢件SAE J 437a 工具和模具钢的选用和热处理SAE J 438b 工具和模具钢SAE J 439a 硬质合金刀具SAE J 441-1993 切割钢丝喷丸SAE J 442-2006 喷丸处理用试验带,支架和钢带SAE J 443-2003 使用标准喷丸试验带的规程SAE J 444-2005 喷丸处理和喷砂清洗用铸丸和铸粒的规格SAE J 445-2005 金属喷丸和喷粒的机械性能试验SAE J 447-1995 机动车辆车身及底盘部件的防腐SAE J 448a 表面质地SAE J 449a 表面质地的控制SAE J 450-2002 屈服强度和屈服点术语的使用SAE J 451-1989 铝合金—基本原理SAE J 452-2003 SAE铸铝合金的一般信息—化学组成,机械和物理性能SAE J 454-1991 锻制铝合金的一半数据SAE J 457-1991 SAE锻制铝合金的化学组成,机械性能限值和尺寸公差SAE J 459-1991 轴承和轴瓦合金SAE J 460-1991 轴承和轴瓦合金—SAE轴承和轴瓦的化学组成SAE J 461-2002 锻铜和铸铜合金SAE J 462-1981 锻铜合金SAE J 463-2002 锻铜和铜合金SAE J 464-1989 镁合金SAE J 465-1989 铸镁合金SAE J 466-1989 锻镁合金SAE J 467b 特殊用途合金(超级合金)SAE J 468-1988 锌合金锭和压铸件锌合金的成分SAE J 469-1989 锌模铸合金SAE J 470c 锻镍和与镍有关的合金SAE J 471d 粉末冶金黑色金属部件SAE J 473a 焊锡SAE J 474-1985 电镀及抛光SAE J 476a 干密封式管螺纹SAE J 482-2006 高六角头螺母SAE J 483-2006 槽顶(暗,盖帽式)螺母SAE J 485-1998 安装开口销用螺栓和螺钉杆上的孔及螺母的槽SAE J 490-1996 球节SAE J 491-1987 转向球头销和球座总成SAE J 492 铆钉和铆接SAE J 493 杆端销和U形夹SAE J 499a 装配用零件软拉孔直齿内花键SAE J 501 轴端SAE J 502 半圆键SAE J 503 半圆键槽和键沟SAE J 506-1995 套筒式半轴SAE J 510-1992 机动车辆悬架用钢板弹簧—美制单位SAE J 511-1989 空气弹簧术语SAE J 512-1997 汽车管接头SAE J 513-1999 制冷剂管接头—一般规范SAE J 514-2004 液压管接头SAE J 515-2004 液压O形环材料,特性和尺寸规范SAE J 516-2005 液压软管接头SAE J 517-2006 液压软管SAE J 518-1993 液压凸缘管及4螺栓分裂凸缘型软管接头SAE J 524-1996 弯曲和扩口用退火无缝低碳钢管SAE J 525-1999 弯曲和扩口用退火焊接冷拉低碳钢管SAE J 526-2000 焊接低碳钢管SAE J 527-2000 铜焊双层壁低碳钢管SAE J 530-1995 汽车用管接头SAE J 531-1995 汽车用管子,加注口和排出螺塞SAE J 532-1993 汽车用直螺纹加注口和排出螺塞SAE J 533-1999 管的扩口SAE J 534-1998 润滑剂管接头SAE J 537-2000 蓄电池SAE J 539-1993 柴油机电气系统电压SAE J 541-1996 起动机电路的电压降SAE J 542-1991 起动机的安装SAE J 543-1995 起动机小齿轮和齿圈SAE J 544-1996 电起动机试验规程SAE J 548-1-2000 火花塞SAE J 548-2-2000 火花塞安装座孔SAE J 549-1999 火花塞提前点火率SAE J 551-1-2006 车辆,船(最大15米)和机械电磁兼容性(50 Hz-18 GHz)性能等级和测量方法SAE J 551-5-2004 电动车宽带(9 kH-30 MHz)磁场和电场强度性能等级和测量方法SAE J 551-11-2000 车辆抗电磁干扰性—非道路车辆源SAE J 551-12-1996 车辆抗电磁干扰性—车载模拟发射机SAE J 551-13-1994 车辆抗电磁干扰性—大电流注入SAE J 551-15-2002 车辆抗电磁干扰性—静电放电(ESD) SAE J 551-17-1997 车辆抗电磁干扰性—电线磁场SAE J 553-2004 断电器SAE J 554-1987 电保险丝(管式)SAE J 560-2004 载货车挂车跨接电缆7线电插头SAE J 561-2007 孔式及叉式电接头SAE J 563-1990 6 V和12 V点烟器插座SAE J 564-1990 前照灯变光开关SAE J 565-1989 半自动前照灯变光装置SAE J 567-2006 灯泡保持系统SAE J 572-2004 建筑和工业机械封闭式灯光部件的要求SAE J 573-1998 微型灯泡SAE J 575-2006 总宽度小于2032 mm的车辆用照明装置和部件的试验方法和装备SAE J 576-1991 光学部件用塑料材料,如机动车辆照明装置透镜和反射器SAE J 578-2006 颜色规格SAE J 581-2004 辅助行车灯SAE J 583-2004 前雾灯SAE J 584-2003 摩托车前照灯SAE J 585-2000 总宽度小于2032 mm的机动车用尾灯(后位灯)SAE J 586-2000 总宽度小于2032 mm的机动车用制动灯SAE J 587-1997 牌照板照明装置(后牌照板照明装置)SAE J 588-2000 总宽度小于2032 mm的机动车用转向信号灯SAE J 589B 转向信号灯开关SAE J 591-1995 聚光灯SAE J 592-2005 总宽度小于2032 mm的机动车用示宽灯SAE J 593-2005 倒车灯SAE J 594-2003 回复反射器SAE J 595-2005 被认可的急救车,保养和维修车辆的闪光警示灯SAE J 599-1997 灯光检查代码SAE J 600-1993 前照灯照准试验机械SAE J 602-1989 机械照准前照灯的照准装置SAE J 604-1995 发动机术语—总则SAE J 609-2003 小型发动机安装法兰和动力输出轴SAE J 614-1995 发动机和变速箱量油计标记SAE J 615-1995 发动机安装件SAE J 616-1995 发动机前后座安装SAE J 617-1992 发动机飞轮壳和变速器壳结合法兰SAE J 618-1991 单片弹簧加载离合器飞轮SAE J 619-1993 双片弹簧加载离合器飞轮SAE J 620-1993 与驱动环式偏心离合器的工业动力输出装置和发动机上安装的船用齿轮及单轴承发电机相配用的工业发动机飞轮SAE J 621-1995 带驱动环式偏心离合器的工业功率输出装置SAE J 626-1998 柴油机燃料喷射—燃料喷射泵末端安装法兰SAE J 629-2002 柴油机燃料喷射总成—5型和6型法兰安装SAE J 631-1998 散热器术语SAE J 635-1995 风扇毂螺栓定位圆和导孔SAE J 636-2001 V型皮带和皮带轮SAE J 637-2001 汽车V型皮带传动SAE J 638-1998 机动车辆暖风装置试验规程SAE J 639-2005 车用空调系统机械蒸汽压缩系统制冷剂的安全性和保存SAE J 640-2000 液力传动符号SAE J 641-2000 液力传动术语SAE J 643-2000 液力传动试验代码SAE J 645-1997 汽车变速器术语SAE J 646-2000 行星齿轮术语SAE J 647-1997 变速器示意图SAE J 648-2000 自动变速器液压控制系统术语SAE J 649-2000 自动变速器功能术语SAE J 651-2005 乘用车和轻型载货车自动变速器和自动驱动桥试验代码 SAE J 656-1988 汽车制动术语和定义SAE J 661-1997 制动衬片质量控制试验规程SAE J 662-2003 制动块倒角SAE J 663-2001 制动衬片铆钉和制动块螺栓SAE J 670e 车辆动力学术语SAE J 671-1997 减振材料和车身底部涂层SAE J 673-2005 汽车安全玻璃SAE J 674-2005 机动车和机动车装备用安全玻璃材料SAE J 678-1988 汽车速度表和里程表SAE J 680-1988 载货车驾驶室仪表和控制件的位置和操作SAE J 682-2002 后轮防溅和飞石防护SAE J 683-1985 轮胎防滑链间隙—载货车,大客车和车辆列车(郊区客车,城间客车和公共汽车除外)SAE J 684-2005 汽车挂车联接装置,铰链和安全链SAE J 686-1999 机动车牌照板SAE J 689-1996 乘用车和轻型载货车路缘间隙,接近和离去角及坡道倾翻角SAE J 691-1990 载货车CA尺寸SAE J 693-1989 载货车跨越双胎的总宽度SAE J 694-2001 商用车盘式车轮/轮毂或轮鼓接触面尺寸SAE J 695-1998 机动车辆的转向能力和跑偏SAE J 697-1988 全挂车或台车的安全链SAE J 699-1985 设计机动车辆维修设施时使用的车辆平均尺寸SAE J 700-2001 商用挂车和半挂车上牵引主销SAE J 701-1984 载货车牵引车半挂车互换联接尺寸SAE J 702-2003 载货车-牵引车及载货车-挂车制动和电气连接位置 SAE J 703-2006 载货车及载货车牵引车燃油系统SAE J 704-2000 用于安装载货车变速器上的6螺栓和8螺栓动力输出装置的开口SAE J 706-2003 绞盘等级SAE J 709-1977 农用拖拉机轮胎载荷,扭矩系数和充气压力 SAE J 711-1991 今后设计农用拖拉机时轮胎选用表SAE J 712-1999 工业用和农业用盘式车轮SAE J 714-1993 工业用和农业用盘式车轮安装零部件SAE J 731-1985 装载机部件术语SAE J 732-1992 装载机规格定义SAE J 737-2006 铲土机和推土机切削刃的孔间距SAE J 738-1986 双斜横截口切削刃SAE J 739-2006 平路机切削刃SAE J 740-2006 切削刃和刀头的沉头方孔SAE J 744-1996 液压泵和马达安装及传动尺寸SAE J 745-1996 液压动力泵试验规程SAE J 746-1996 液压马达试验规程SAE J 747-1990 控制阀试验规程SAE J 748-1986 液压方向控制阀(最大压力3 000 psi)SAE J 751-1997 非道路用轮胎和轮辋分类—建筑机械SAE J 753-2006 维修周期表SAE J 754a 润滑剂类型—建筑和工业机械SAE J 755-1980 船用螺旋桨轴轴端和轮毂SAE J 759-2001 灯光识别代码SAE J 760-2004 通用封闭式照明组件尺寸规格SAE J 764-2006 铲土机装载能力试验规程SAE J 765-1990 起重机装载稳定性试验代码SAE J 771-1986 汽车印制电路SAE J 772-2004 载货车变速器后端6螺栓、8螺栓动力输出装置周围间隙SAE J 773-1998 锥形弹簧垫圈SAE J 774-2006 紧急警报装置及其防护壳SAE J 775-2004 发动机提升阀信息报告SAE J 782b 机动车辆座椅手册SAE J 792b SAE喷抛清理手册SAE J 800-1994 机动车辆座椅安全带总成的安装SAE J 810-1996 钢板普通表面缺陷分类SAE J 811-1981 金属机械预加应力表面滚压法及其他方法SAE J 814-1999 发动机冷却剂SAE J 815-2002 汽车座椅用聚氨酯泡沫加载挠度试验SAE J 817-1-1991 工程设计可维修性指南—建筑和工业机械—可维修性定义—非道路工作机械SAE J 817-2-1991 工程设计可维修性指南—建筑和工业机械—可维修性索引—非道路工作机械SAE J 818-1987 装载机额定工作载荷SAE J 819-1995 发动机冷却系统现场试验(空气-沸腾)SAE J 820-1998 起重机缆索速度和功率试验代码SAE J 823-1994 闪光器试验SAE J 824-1995 发动机旋转和气缸定序SAE J 826-2004 H点机械和设计工具规程和规格SAE J 827-2005 高碳铸钢喷丸SAE J 829-2005 油箱加注口盖和盖保持器SAE J 830-1999 燃料喷射装置术语SAE J 831-1998 电气定义SAE J 835-1995 剖分式衬套—设计和应用SAE J 836-1970 汽车冶金连接件SAE J 839-1998 乘用车侧门锁系统SAE J 840-1998 制动蹄和衬片粘结剂试验规程SAE J 843-1997 乘用车和轻型载货车制动系统道路试验代码SAE J 844-2004 空气制动系统非金属管SAE J 845-1997 被认可的急救,维修和保养车辆的声音警报装置SAE J 846-2004 液体导管和接头识别编码系统SAE J 847-1987 挂车拖杆环和挂钩/连接装置性能SAE J 848-2001 重型商用车和半挂车牵引鞍座主销SAE J 849-2003 多节挂车的连接装置和附件的位置SAE J 850-2000 固定刚性壁障碰撞试验SAE J 851-2001 商用车轮辋可拆卸车轮,可拆卸轮辋和间隔圈—尺寸SAE J 852-2001 机动车用前转弯灯SAE J 853-1981 车辆识别代号SAE J 855-2002 纺织品和塑料拉伸和变形试验方法SAE J 858-2006 片式电接头SAE J 860-2003 有机装饰材料质量(重量)测量试验方法SAE J 861-2003 有机装饰材料耐脱色试验方法SAE J 862-1989 影响机械驱动的汽车速度表和里程表精度的因素SAE J 863-1986 薄钢板冲压时塑性变形测定法SAE J 864-1993 用锉刀进行的表面硬度试验SAE J 866-2002 制动衬片摩擦系数识别系统SAE J 873-2003 建筑,林业和工业机械牵引力试验规程SAE J 875-1999 挂车车轴校准(A)SAE J 876-2000 宽轮辋及车轮(A)SAE J 879b 机动车座椅系统SAE J 880-1997 商用车制动系评定试验规范SAE J 881-1985 起重机滑轮和转鼓尺寸SAE J 882-2002 *汽车用纺织品和塑料厚度试验方法SAE J 883-2002 *确定汽车纺织品材料尺寸稳定性试验方法SAE J 884-1991 农用拖拉机驱动轮胎液体配重平衡平台SAE J 887-2004 校车报警灯(A)SAE J 891-2004 弹簧螺母SAE J 892-1996 压紧弹簧螺母英制尺寸系列一般说明SAE J 892M -1996 压紧弹簧螺母公制尺寸系列一般说明SAE J 896-1983 发动机辅助传动装置用装配法兰(A)SAE J 898-2003 非道路机械控制位置SAE J 899-1988 非道路自行推力机械操作者座椅尺寸SAE J 900-1995 曲轴箱排放控制测试规范SAE J 901-2000 万向节及传动轴术语_定义_应用指南SAE J 902-2003 乘用车前风窗除霜系统SAE J 903 乘用车前风窗刮水系统SAE J 905-1999 燃油过滤器试验方法SAE J 910-1999 危险报警信号开关SAE J 911-1998 冷轧钢板表面组织测量(A)SAE J 912-2002 *汽车装饰材料的抗粘连性及相关特性的试验方法SAE J 913-2004 汽车用织物及纤维材料的液体分散性试验方法 SAE J 914-2000 车长小于12米的车辆侧转信号灯SAE J 915-2000 自动变速箱手动操作步骤SAE J 917-2004 船用推拉式控制缆索SAE J 918 乘用车轮胎性能要求和试验方法SAE J 919-1995 单独式操作者的非公路机械噪声测量SAE J 920-1985 非公路工作机械技术公报SAE J 922-1995 涡轮增压器术语SAE J 923-2001 货车和客车驱动桥术语(A)SAE J 924-1995 止推垫圈的设计和应用SAE J 927-1995 发动机上安装的变矩器的飞轮SAE J 928-2006 电线接头—插头及插座的类型SAE J 930-1995 非公路机械蓄电池SAE J 931-1986 液压动力回路滤清(D)SAE J 932-1985 常量应变及微量应变的定义(A)SAE J 933-2005 自攻螺钉的机械性能和质量要求 SAE J 934-1998 车辆乘员门铰链系统SAE J 935-2002 *高强度碳素钢和合金模压钢SAE J 940-1994 碳素钢板和带钢术语SAE J 941-2002 *汽车驾驶员眼睛位置SAE J 942-1999 乘用车前风窗洗涤器系统SAE J 947-2003 纤维板术语表SAE J 948-2005 确定汽车车厢布、乙烯树脂和皮革的耐腐蚀性和汽车车厢布抽丝的试验方法(A)SAE J 951-1985 汽车面漆的佛罗里达曝光试验SAE J 953-1999 乘用车后窗除霜系统SAE J 958-2003 起重吊车术语和尺寸SAE J 959-1991 举升起重机钢丝强度因素(A)SAE J 960-2001 船用操纵缆连接—发动机离合器杠杆(A) SAE J 961-2001 船用操纵缆连接—发动机节流阀杠杆(A)SAE J 964-2003 检测镜子发射和混浊的推荐规程SAE J 965-1966 磨损SAE J 966-2000 测量乘用车轮胎每英里转数的试验规程SAE J 967-2005 *柴油机喷射设备校正液(A)SAE J 968-1-2002 *柴油机喷射油泵试验—第一部分:校正喷嘴和保持架总成(J968)SAE J 968-2-2002 *柴油机喷射油泵试验—第二部分:孔板流量测量(J968)SAE J 971-2000 商用车惯性测功计制动功率标定试验规程(A)SAE J 972-2000 移动障壁碰撞试验SAE J 973-1999 点火系统测量规程SAE J 974-2002 *农用设备闪光报警灯SAE J 975-1993 农用设备前照灯SAE J 983-1998 起重机和缆索式挖掘机的基本操作控制杆的布置SAE J 985-2002 *后视镜设计中应考虑的视觉因素(J985)SAE J 986-1998 乘用车及轻型货车噪声级别SAE J 987-2003 绳索支持椼架臂式起重机试验方法SAE J 993-1989 铝合金及其热调质命名系统SAE J 994-2003 倒车电子警报装置性能试验(A)SAE J 995-1995 钢螺母的机械及材料要求SAE J 997-2000 防止火花装置的试验碳SAE J 999-1998 吊杆起重机动力脱离装置SAEJ101001-2004 工业甩刀式割草机和动力耙SAE J 1004-2004 发动机冷却系统术语词汇SAE J A1004-2004 软件可支持性计划标准(A)SAE J A1005-2001 软件可支持性计划的实施指南SAE J A1006-1999 软件可支持性概念SAE J 1008-1987 自驱式农用设备外部噪声测量(A)SAE J A1010--1-2004 可维护性计划标准SAE J A1010-2000 可靠集中维护的评价标准SAE J A1012-2002 可靠集中维护标准指南SAE J 1012-1993 操作者工作舱增压系统试验步骤SAE J 1013-2004 非公路机械就座操作者全身振动测量SAE J 1014-2004 集材机和履带式拖拉机用牵引绞盘术语及分类SAE J 1015-1995 每小时吨公里试验规程SAE J 1017-1986 压路机和压实机术语(A)SAE J 1019-1990 高温变速器输油软管、发动机润滑油软管及软管总成的试验规程SAE J 1024-1989 建筑及工程机械燃油加热热风装置 SAE J 1025-2000 测量货车轮胎每英里转数的试验规程 SAE J 1028-1998 机动起重机工作区定义SAE J 1029-1996 建造掘土机械的灯光及标识SAE J 1032-1987 机械(非公路机械)适用性定义(A)SAE J 1033-1993 飞轮、飞轮壳及其配件的孔偏心和面偏差的测量 SAE J 1037-2001 前风窗洗涤器管SAE J 1038-1992 儿童用雪地运动车的建议(A)SAE J 1042-2003 通用机械操作者的保护SAE J 1044-2006 世界制造厂识别代号SAE J 1050-2003 驾驶员视野的描述和测量SAE J 1051-2002 *非公路机械座垫挠性变形量的测量(1051)SAE J 1052-2002 *汽车驾驶员及乘员头部位置(A)SAE J 1053-1996 英制系列单线程钢制冲压螺纹设计SAE J 1053M-1996 公制系列单线程钢制冲压螺纹设计SAE J 1058-1999 标准钢板的厚度及公差(A)SAE J 1059-1984 车速表试验规程(A)SAE J 1060 评价与汽车车轮有关的噪声和乘坐舒适性的主观等级量表SAE J 1061-1998 通用螺栓,螺母、螺杆表面不连续性SAE J 1062-2006 雪地运动车乘员手柄SAE J 1063-1993 悬臂式起重机结构试验方法SAE J 1065-2003 液压管及接头的额定压力SAE J 1067-1998 七导线电缆SAE J 1069-1981 非公路自驱式工作机械快速保养用机油更换系统(A)SAE J 1071-2003 平路机操作控制件(A)SAE J 1072 烧结工具材料SAE J 1073-1995 常闭式弹簧离合器旋转试验规程SAE J 1074-2000 发动机噪声等级测量规程(A)(D)SAE J 1075-2000 建筑工地噪声测量SAE J 1076-1990 倒车灯开关SAE J 1078-1994 确定液压伸缩式起重机悬臂能力的推荐方法SAE J 1079-1995 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SAE标准中文版SAE标准中文版美国汽车工程师协会标准中文版目录代号名称1. SAE TSB002-1992 SAE技术报告的准备2. SAE TSB003-1999 SAE使用公制(Metric)单位的规则3. SAE TSB004-1998 技术委员会指南4. SAE J 10-2000 汽车和非道路车辆气制动储气罐性能要求和识别要求5. SAE J 17-2003 天然泡沫橡胶6. SAE J 18-2002 海绵橡胶和多孔橡胶制品7. SAE J 19-1997 汽车用乳胶浸渍制品和涂料8. SAE J 20-2003 冷却系统软管9. SAE J 20-1-2002 冷却软管(政府用于替代MS52130部分而对SAE J20进行的增补)10. SAE J 20-2-2001 钢丝缠绕支撑冷却软管的正常使用(SAE J20的增补件)11. SAE J 30-1998 燃油和机油软管12. SAE J 31-1986 液压式铲车举升能力13. SAE J 33-2000 雪地车定义和术语—总则14. SAE J 34-2001 机动游艇外部噪声测量规程15. SAE J 38-1991 装载机举升臂支撑装置16. SAE J 43-1988 工业轮式装载机和铲车轴载荷17. SAE J 44-2003 雪地车行车制动系统性能要求18. SAE J 45-2003 雪地车制动系统试验规程19. SAE J 46-1993 车轮打滑制动控制系统道路试验规程20. SAE J 47-1998 摩托车潜在最大噪声声级21. SAE J 48-1993 液面指示器指南22. SAE J 49-1980 液压铲车技术参数的定义23. SAE J 51-1998 汽车空调软管24. SAE J 56-1999 道路车辆—带调节器的交流发电机—试验方法和一般要求25. SAE J 57-2000 公路载货车轮胎噪声声级26. SAE J 58-1998 带凸缘的12角头螺钉27. SAE J 64-1995 雪地车识别代号28. SAE J 67-1998 铲斗,抓斗和挖斗额定容量29. SAE J 68-1991 雪地车开关装置和部件试验30. SAE J 75-1999 机动车制动液容器兼容性31. SAE J 78-1998 钢制自攻螺钉32. SAE J 79 制动盘和制动鼓热电偶安装33. SAE J 80-1997 汽车用橡胶垫34. SAE J 81-1997 滚丝螺钉35. SAE J 82-1998 机制螺钉机械和质量要求36. SAE J 88-1995 非道路工作机械外部噪声测量37. SAE J 89-1995 雪地车坐椅动态缓冲性能标准38. SAE J 90-1995 汽车非金属垫圈材料标准分类体系39. SAE J 92-1995 雪地车节气门控制系统40. SAE J 95-1986 工业设备前照灯41. SAE J 96-1986 工业设备闪光警报灯42. SAE J 98-1998 通用工业机械人员防护43. SAE J 99-2003 公路上使用的工业设备灯光和标志44. SAE J 100-1999 A类车辆风窗玻璃阴影区域45. SAE J 101-1989 汽车鼓式制动器液力分泵46. SAE J 107-1996 摩托车操纵件和显示器47. SAE J 108-2000 摩托车制动系统试验代码48. SAE J 109-2000 摩托车和动力驱动自行车行车制动系统性能要求49. SAE J 112a 电动风窗玻璃刮水器开关50. SAE J 113 冷拔机械弹簧钢丝和弹簧51. SAE J 114-1994 座椅安全带织带磨损性能要求52. SAE J 115-2003 安全标志53. SAE J 119-1987 纤维板褶皱弯曲试验54. SAE J 121M-1997 淬硬和回火螺纹紧固件的脱碳55. SAE J 121-1997 淬硬和回火螺纹紧固件的脱碳56. SAE J 122-1998 螺母表面的不连续性57. SAE J 123-1994 用于疲劳载荷的螺栓,螺钉和双头螺栓的表面不连续性58. SAE J 125-1988 铸铁温升性能59. SAE J 126-1986 冷、热轧钢板和钢带的选择和说明60. SAE J 128-1994 乘用车和轻型载货车乘员约束系统评价61. SAE J 129-1981 发动机和传动系识别号码62. SAE J 131-2003 摩托车转向信号灯63. SAE J 133-2003 商用挂车和半挂车牵引销性能64. SAE J 134-1993 乘用车和轻型载货车与挂车组成的列车制动系统道路试验代码65. SAE J 135-1993 乘用车与挂车组成的列车行车制动系统性能要求66. SAE J 138 试验人体动力学研究摄影分析指南67. SAE J 139-1999 点火系统术语68. SAE J 140-1995 座椅安全带硬件试验规程69. SAE J 141-1995 座椅安全带硬件性能要求70. SAE J 153-1987 操作人员预防措施71. SAE J 156-2000 保险丝72. SAE J 159-2002 额定容量系统73. SAE J 160-2001 摩擦材料在暴露在温度升高的环境中时尺寸的稳定性74. SAE J 163-2001 低压电线和电缆终端接头及铰接夹75. SAE J 164-1997 散热器盖和加水口颈76. SAE J 167-2002 农用拖拉机顶部防护—试验规程和性能要求77. SAE J 169-1985 非道路车辆操作人员空间内空调系统的设计指南78. SAE J 174-1998 英制钢螺纹紧固件力矩-应力试验规程79. SAE J 174M-1998 公制钢螺纹紧固件力矩-应力试验规程80. SAE J 175-2003 道路车辆车轮冲击试验规程81. SAE J 176-1994 非道路自驱动工作机械快速加油设备82. SAE J 179-2001 载货车盘式车轮和可拆卸轮辋—表识83. SAE J 180-2002 建筑和工业机械充电系统84. SAE J 182-1997 机动车辆基准标志和三维参考系85. SAE J 183-2002 发动机油性能和发动机维修分类(除节能方面外)86. SAE J 184-1998 噪声数据获得系统的检定87. SAE J 185-2003 非道路机械的接近系统88. SAE J 187 载货车识别号码89. SAE J 188-2003 高体积膨胀型动力转向压力软管90. SAE J 189-1998 低压动力转向回油软管91. SAE J 190-1998 钢丝编织动力转向压力软管92. SAE J 191-2003 低体积膨胀型动力转向压力软管93. SAE J 192-2003 雪地车外部噪声等级94. SAE J 193-1996 球节及球座总成试验规程95. SAE J 195-1988 机动车辆自动车速控制器96. SAE J 198-2003 载货车、大客车及多用途车风窗玻璃刮水系统97. SAE J 200-2001 橡胶材料分类体系98. SAE J 201-1997 乘用车和轻型载货车在用制动器性能试验规程99. SAE J 207-1985 汽车金属装饰件和结构件的镀铬和镍100.101. SAE J 211-1-2003 冲击试验用仪器—第1部分—电子仪器102. SAE J 211-2-2001 冲击试验用仪器—第2部分—摄影仪器103. SAE J 212-1998 乘用车制动系统测功机试验规程104. SAE J 213-1997 摩托车分类105.106. SAE J 216-1999 乘用车玻璃—电路107. SAE J 217-1994 不锈钢17-7PH弹簧钢丝和弹簧108. SAE J 218-1981 乘用车识别术语109. SAE J 220-1998 起重机起重臂限位装置110. SAE J 222-2000 驻车灯(前位置灯)111. SAE J 224-1980 碰撞变形分类112. SAE J 225-2003 商用车制动系统扭矩平衡试验代码113. SAE J 226-1995 发动机预热器114. SAE J 228-1995 空气流量参考标准115. SAE J 229-1993 乘用车行车制动器结构总成试验规程116. SAE J 230-1994 不锈钢,SAE 30302,弹簧钢丝和弹簧117. SAE J 232-1994 工业旋转割草机118. SAE J 234 电动风窗玻璃清洗器开关119. SAE J 235 电动鼓风机电机开关120. SAE J 238-1998 螺母和锥形弹簧垫圈总成121. SAE J 240-2002 汽车蓄电池寿命试验122. SAE J 243 汽车密封胶,粘结剂和缓冲胶剂的试验方法123. SAE J 244-1992 柴油机进气或排气流量测量124. SAE J 246-2000 球面和凸缘管接头125. SAE J 247-1987 测量车内噪声脉冲的仪器126. SAE J 249-1988 机械制动灯开关127. SAE J 250 合成树脂塑料密封胶—不干型128. SAE J 253-1989 前照灯开关129. SAE J 254-1993 废气排放测量用仪器和测量技术130. SAE J 257-1997 商用车制动器额定功率要求131. SAE J 259 点火开关132. SAE J 264-1998 视野术语133. SAE J 265-2002 柴油机燃油喷嘴总成—8,9,10和11型134. SAE J 266-1996 乘用车和轻型载货车稳态方向控制试验规程135. SAE J 267-1999 车轮/轮辋—载货车—性能要求和试验规程136. SAE J 268-1989 摩托车后视镜137. SAE J 272-1981 车辆识别号码体系138. SAE J 273-1981 乘用车识别号码体系139. SAE J 274-1989 悬架弹簧额定承载能力140. SAE J 276-2002 铰接式装载机和拖拉机转向锁141. SAE J 277-1995 雪地车电气系统设计电压的维持142. SAE J 278-1995 雪地车制动灯143. SAE J 279-1995 雪地车尾灯(后位置灯)144. SAE J 280-1984 雪地车前照灯145. SAE J 283-1999 带三点式挂接装置的农用拖拉机液压举升能力试验规程146. SAE J 284-2002 农用、建筑和工业装备安全警报信号147. SAE J 285-1999 汽油分配泵喷嘴148. SAE J 286-1996 SAE第2号离合器摩擦试验机械指南149. SAE J 287-1988 驾驶员手控制区域150. SAE J 288-2002 雪地车燃油箱151. SAE J 291-1980 制动液温度的确定152. SAE J 292-1995 雪地车及车灯、反射装置和相关装备153. SAE J 293-1995 车辆坡道驻车性能要求154. SAE J 294-1993 GVWR大于4 500公斤(10 000 lb)车辆的行车制动器总成试验规程155. SAE J 297-2002 工业装备操作人员控制件156. SAE J 299-1993 制动距离试验规程157. SAE J 300-1999 发动机机油黏度分级158. SAE J 301-1999 新的或已修订技术报告的有效日期159. SAE J 304-1999 发动机机油试验160. SAE J 306-1998 汽车齿轮润滑剂黏度分级161. SAE J 308-1996 轴和手动变速器润滑剂162. SAE J 310-2000 汽车润滑脂163. SAE J 311-2000 乘用车自动变速器液164. SAE J 312-2001 车用汽油165. SAE J 313-1998 柴油166. SAE J 314-2002 毛毡—羊毛和部分羊毛167. SAE J 315-1985 纤维板试验规程168. SAE J 318-2003 汽车气制动管接头169. SAE J 321-1999 推土机牵引机械操作人员防护轮罩170. SAE J 322-1996 非金属装饰材料—确定抗硫化氢腐蚀性的试验方法171. SAE J 323-1998 确定柔性塑料材料冷裂性的试验方法172. SAE J 326-1986 液压反铲挖掘机术语173. SAE J 328-1994 乘用车及轻型载货车车轮性能要求和试验规程174. SAE J 331-2000 摩托车噪声声级175. SAE J 332-2002 测量乘用车和轻型载货车轮胎一致性的试验机械176. SAE J 335-1995 多位小型发动机排气系统点火抑制177. SAE J 336-2001 载货车驾驶室内部噪声声级178. SAE J 339-1994 座椅安全带织带磨损试验规程179. SAE J 342-1991 大型发动机火花防止器试验规程180. SAE J 343-2001 SAE 100R系列液压软管和软管总成试验和试验规程181. SAE J 345a 干或湿路面乘用车轮胎最大和抱死时车轮制动力182. SAE J 347-2002 7型(9.5 mm)柴油机燃油喷嘴总成183. SAE J 348-1990 车轮三角垫木184. SAE J 349-1991 黑色金属杆,棒,管和丝的表面缺陷检查185. SAE J 350-1991 中型发动机火花防止器试验规程186. SAE J 356-1999 可以抑制焊瘤的弯曲,双层扩口和卷边正火低碳钢187. SAE J 357-1999 发动机油的物理和化学特性188. SAE J 358-1991 非破坏性试验189. SAE J 359-1991 红外线试验190. SAE J 360-2001 载货车和大客车坡道驻车性能试验规程191. SAE J 361-1996 汽车内饰件和外饰件视觉评价规程192. SAE J 363-1994 滤清器座的安装193. SAE J 365-1994 装饰材料抗擦伤性试验方法194. SAE J 366-2001 重型载货车和大客车外部噪声声级195.196. SAE J 369-2003 车辆内部聚合物材料燃烧特性—试验方法197. SAE J 370-1998 建筑和工业机械用螺栓和内六角螺钉尺寸198. SAE J 371-1993 非道路自驱动工作机械的放油、注油和油位螺塞199. SAE J 373-1993 单片和双片弹簧加载式离合器壳内尺寸200. SAE J 374-2002 车顶抗压试验规程201. SAE J 375-1994 负荷半径式悬臂角指示系统202. SAE J 376-1985 起重机举升负载指示装置203. SAE J 377-2001 车辆通行声音信号装置204. SAE J 378-1988 船用发动机布线205. SAE J 379-1996 制动衬片高氏硬度206. SAE J 380-2002 摩擦材料比重207. SAE J 381-2000 载货车,大客车和多用途车风窗玻璃除雾系统试验规程和性能要求208. SAE J 383-1995 机动车辆座椅安全带固定点设计建议209. SAE J 384-1994 机动车辆座椅安全带固定点试验规程210. SAE J 385-1995 机动车辆座椅安全带固定点性能要求211. SAE J 386-1997 非道路工作机械操作人员约束系统212. SAE J 387-1995 机动车辆灯光术语213. SAE J 390-1999 双向尺寸214. SAE J 391-1981 颗粒物尺寸定义215.216. SAE J 393-2001 商用车辆车轮,轮毂,轮辋术语217. SAE J 397-1995 防护结构试验室评价—偏转极限值218. SAE J 398-1995 乘用车,多用途车和轻型载货车燃油箱加注口条件219. SAE J 399-1985 阳极化处理的铝制汽车部件220. SAE J 400-2002 表面覆层的耐剥落试验221. SAE J 401-2000 钢的选择和使用222. SAE J 402-1997 锻制钢和轧制钢的SAE编号系统223. SAE J 403-2001 SAE碳素钢的化学成分224. SAE J 404-2000 SAE合金钢的化学成分225. SAE J 405-1998 SAE锻制不锈钢的化学成分226. SAE J 406-1998 钢的可淬性确定方法227. SAE J 409-1995 产品分析—热处理或铸钢化学成分分析的容许变差228. SAE J 411-1997 碳素钢和合金钢229. SAE J 412-1995 钢的热处理和一般特性230. SAE J 413-2002 热处理可锻钢的机械性能231. SAE J 415-1995 热处理术语定义232. SAE J 417-1983 硬度试验和硬度值换算233. SAE J 419-1983 脱碳的测量方法234. SAE J 420-1991 磁粉检查235. SAE J 422-1983 用显微镜确定钢所含物质的方法236. SAE J 423-1998 硬化层深度测量方法237. SAE J 425-1991 用涡电流法进行电磁试验238. SAE J 426-1991 液体渗透剂试验方法239. SAE J 427-1991 渗透辐射检查240. SAE J 428-1991 超声波检查241. SAE J 429-1999 外螺纹紧固件机械性能和材料要求242. SAE J 430-1998 非螺纹紧固件碳素钢实心铆钉机械性能和材料要求243. SAE J 431-2000 汽车灰铸铁件244. SAE J 434-1986 汽车可锻(球墨)铸铁件245. SAE J 435-2002 汽车铸钢件246. SAE J 437a 工具和模具钢的选用和热处理247. SAE J 438b 工具和模具钢248. SAE J 439a 硬质合金刀具249. SAE J 441-1993 切割钢丝喷丸250. SAE J 442-2001 喷丸处理用试验带,支架和钢带251. SAE J 443-2003 使用标准喷丸试验带的规程252. SAE J 444-1993 喷丸处理和喷砂清洗用铸丸和铸粒的规格253. SAE J 445-1996 金属喷丸和喷粒的机械性能试验254. SAE J 447-1995 机动车辆车身及底盘部件的防腐255. SAE J 448a 表面质地256. SAE J 449a 表面质地的控制257. SAE J 450-2002 屈服强度和屈服点术语的使用258. SAE J 451-1989 铝合金—基本原理259. SAE J 452-2003 SAE铸铝合金的一般信息—化学组成,机械和物理性能260. SAE J 454-1991 锻制铝合金的一半数据261. SAE J 457-1991 SAE锻制铝合金的化学组成,机械性能限值和尺寸公差262. SAE J 459-1991 轴承和轴瓦合金263. SAE J 460-1991 轴承和轴瓦合金—SAE轴承和轴瓦的化学组成264. SAE J 461-2002 锻铜和铸铜合金265. SAE J 462-1981 锻铜合金266. SAE J 463-2002 锻铜和铜合金267. SAE J 464-1989 镁合金268. SAE J 465-1989 铸镁合金269. SAE J 466-1989 锻镁合金270. SAE J 467b 特殊用途合金(超级合金)271. SAE J 468-1988 锌合金锭和压铸件锌合金的成分272. SAE J 469-1989 锌模铸合金273. SAE J 470c 锻镍和与镍有关的合金274. SAE J 471d 粉末冶金黑色金属部件275. SAE J 473a 焊锡276. SAE J 474-1985 电镀及抛光277. SAE J 476a 干密封式管螺纹278. SAE J 482-1998 高六角头螺母279. SAE J 483-1998 槽顶(暗,盖帽式)螺母280. SAE J 485-1998 安装开口销用螺栓和螺钉杆上的孔及螺母的槽281. SAE J 490-1996 球节282. SAE J 491-1987 转向球头销和球座总成283. SAE J 492 铆钉和铆接284. SAE J 493 杆端销和U形夹285. SAE J 494 带槽销286. SAE J 495 圆柱销(实心)287. SAE J 496 弹性圆柱销288. SAE J 497 非淬火接地柱销289. SAE J 499a 装配用零件软拉孔直齿内花键290. SAE J 501 轴端291. SAE J 502 半圆键292. SAE J 503 半圆键槽和键沟293. SAE J 506-1995 套筒式半轴294. SAE J 510-1992 机动车辆悬架用钢板弹簧—美制单位295. SAE J 511-1989 空气弹簧术语296. SAE J 512-1997 汽车管接头297. SAE J 513-1999 制冷剂管接头—一般规范298. SAE J 514-2001 液压管接头299. SAE J 515-2001 液压O形环材料,特性和尺寸规范300. SAE J 516-2001 液压软管接头301. SAE J 517-2001 液压软管302. SAE J 518-1993 液压凸缘管及4螺栓分裂凸缘型软管接头303. SAE J 524-1996 弯曲和扩口用退火无缝低碳钢管304. SAE J 525-1999 弯曲和扩口用退火焊接冷拉低碳钢管305. SAE J 526-2000 焊接低碳钢管306. SAE J 527-2000 铜焊双层壁低碳钢管307. SAE J 528-1991 无缝铜管308. SAE J 530-1995 汽车用管接头309. SAE J 531-1995 汽车用管子,加注口和排出螺塞310. SAE J 532-1993 汽车用直螺纹加注口和排出螺塞311. SAE J 533-1999 管的扩口312. SAE J 534-1998 润滑剂管接头313. SAE J 537-2000 蓄电池314. SAE J 539-1993 柴油机电气系统电压315. SAE J 541-1996 起动机电路的电压降316. SAE J 542-1991 起动机的安装317. SAE J 543-1995 起动机小齿轮和齿圈318. SAE J 544-1996 电起动机试验规程319. SAE J 548-1-2000 火花塞320. SAE J 548-2-2000 火花塞安装座孔321. SAE J 549-1999 火花塞提前点火率322. SAE J 551-1-2002 车辆,船(最大15米)和机械电磁兼容性(50 Hz-18 GHz)性能等级和测量方法323. SAE J 551-2-1994 车辆,机动船和由火花点火发动机驱动的装置的无线电骚扰特性的限值和测量方法324. SAE J 551-4-2000 车辆和装置宽带和窄带(150 kHz-1000 MHz)无线电骚扰特性限值和试验方法325. SAE J 551-5-1997 电动车宽带(9 kH-30 MHz)磁场和电场强度性能等级和测量方法326. SAE J 551-11-2000 车辆抗电磁干扰性—非道路车辆源327. SAE J 551-12-1996 车辆抗电磁干扰性—车载模拟发射机328. SAE J 551-13-1994 车辆抗电磁干扰性—大电流注入329. SAE J 551-15-2002 车辆抗电磁干扰性—静电放电(ESD)330. SAE J 551-17-1997 车辆抗电磁干扰性—电线磁场331. SAE J 553-1996 断电器332. SAE J 554-1987 电保险丝(管式)333. SAE J 560-1998 载货车挂车跨接电缆7线电插头334. SAE J 561-2001 孔式及叉式电接头335. SAE J 562-1986 非金属导线管336. SAE J 563-1990 6 V和12 V点烟器插座337. SAE J 564-1990 前照灯变光开关338. SAE J 565-1989 半自动前照灯变光装置339. SAE J 567-1998 灯泡保持系统340. SAE J 572-1998 建筑和工业机械封闭式灯光部件的要求341. SAE J 573-1998 微型灯泡342. SAE J 575-1992 总宽度小于2032 mm的车辆用照明装置和部件的试验方法和装备343. SAE J 576-1991 光学部件用塑料材料,如机动车辆照明装置透镜和反射器344. SAE J 578-2002 颜色规格345. SAE J 581-1998 辅助行车灯346. SAE J 582-1995 辅助近光灯347. SAE J 583-2001 前雾灯348. SAE J 584-2003 摩托车前照灯349. SAE J 585-2000 总宽度小于2032 mm的机动车用尾灯(后位灯)350. SAE J 586-2000 总宽度小于2032 mm的机动车用制动灯351. SAE J 587-1997 牌照板照明装置(后牌照板照明装置)352. SAE J 588-2000 总宽度小于2032 mm的机动车用转向信号灯353. SAE J 589B 转向信号灯开关354. SAE J 590 转向信号闪光器355. SAE J 591-1995 聚光灯356. SAE J 592-2000 总宽度小于2032 mm的机动车用示宽灯357. SAE J 593-1993 倒车灯358. SAE J 594-2003 回复反射器359. SAE J 595-1990 被认可的急救车,保养和维修车辆的闪光警示灯360. SAE J 599-1997 灯光检查代码361. SAE J 600-1993 前照灯照准试验机械362. SAE J 602-1989 机械照准前照灯的照准装置363. SAE J 604-1995 发动机术语—总则364. SAE J 609-2003 小型发动机安装法兰和动力输出轴365. SAE J 614-1995 发动机和变速箱量油计标记366. SAE J 615-1995 发动机安装件367. SAE J 616-1995 发动机前后座安装368. SAE J 617-1992 发动机飞轮壳和变速器壳结合法兰369. SAE J 618-1991 单片弹簧加载离合器飞轮370. SAE J 619-1993 双片弹簧加载离合器飞轮371. SAE J 620-1993 与驱动环式偏心离合器的工业动力输出装置和发动机上安装的船用齿轮及单轴承发电机相配用的工业发动机飞轮372. SAE J 621-1995 带驱动环式偏心离合器的工业功率输出装置373. SAE J 626-1998 柴油机燃料喷射—燃料喷射泵末端安装法兰374. SAE J 629-2002 柴油机燃料喷射总成—5型和6型法兰安装375. SAE J 631-1998 散热器术语376. SAE J 635-1995 风扇毂螺栓定位圆和导孔377. SAE J 636-2001 V型皮带和皮带轮378. SAE J 637-2001 汽车V型皮带传动379. SAE J 638-1998 机动车辆暖风装置试验规程380. SAE J 639-1999 车用空调系统机械蒸汽压缩系统制冷剂的安全性和保存381. SAE J 640-2000 液力传动符号382. SAE J 641-2000 液力传动术语383. SAE J 643-2000 液力传动试验代码384. SAE J 645-1997 汽车变速器术语385. SAE J 646-2000 行星齿轮术语386. SAE J 647-1997 变速器示意图387. SAE J 648-2000 自动变速器液压控制系统术语388. SAE J 649-2000 自动变速器功能术语389. SAE J 651-1996 乘用车和轻型载货车自动变速器和自动驱动桥试验代码390. SAE J 656-1988 汽车制动术语和定义391. SAE J 661-1997 制动衬片质量控制试验规程392. SAE J 662-2003 制动块倒角393. SAE J 663-2001 制动衬片铆钉和制动块螺栓394. SAE J 670e 车辆动力学术语395. SAE J 671-1997 减振材料和车身底部涂层396. SAE J 673-1993 汽车安全玻璃397. SAE J 674-1997 机动车和机动车装备用安全玻璃材料398. SAE J 678-1988 汽车速度表和里程表399. SAE J 680-1988 载货车驾驶室仪表和控制件的位置和操作400. SAE J 682-2002 后轮防溅和飞石防护401. SAE J 683-1985 轮胎防滑链间隙—载货车,大客车和车辆列车(郊区客车,城间客车和公共汽车除外)402. SAE J 684-1998 汽车挂车联接装置,铰链和安全链403. SAE J 686-1999 机动车牌照板404. SAE J 689-1996 乘用车和轻型载货车路缘间隙,接近和离去角及坡道倾翻角405. SAE J 691-1990 载货车CA尺寸406. SAE J 693-1989 载货车跨越双胎的总宽度407. SAE J 694-2001 商用车盘式车轮/轮毂或轮鼓接触面尺寸408. SAE J 695-1998 机动车辆的转向能力和跑偏409. SAE J 697-1988 全挂车或台车的安全链410. SAE J 699-1985 设计机动车辆维修设施时使用的车辆平均尺寸411. SAE J 700-2001 商用挂车和半挂车上牵引主销412. SAE J 701-1984 载货车牵引车半挂车互换联接尺寸413. SAE J 702-1985 载货车-牵引车及载货车-挂车制动和电气连接位置414. SAE J 703-2000 载货车及载货车牵引车燃油系统415. SAE J 704-2000 用于安装载货车变速器上的6螺栓和8螺栓动力输出装置的开口416. SAE J 706-1999 绞盘等级417. SAE J 709-1977 农用拖拉机轮胎载荷,扭矩系数和充气压力418. SAE J 711-1991 今后设计农用拖拉机时轮胎选用表419. SAE J 712-1999 工业用和农业用盘式车轮420. SAE J 714-1993 工业用和农业用盘式车轮安装零部件421. SAE J 731-1985 装载机部件术语422. SAE J 732-1992 装载机规格定义423. SAE J 737-1989 铲土机和推土机切削刃的孔间距424. SAE J 738-1986 双斜横截口切削刃425. SAE J 739-1991 平路机切削刃426. SAE J 740-1986 切削刃和刀头的沉头方孔427. SAE J 741-1993 铲土机、翻斗车车斗额定容量428. SAE J 744-1996 液压泵和马达安装及传动尺寸429. SAE J 745-1996 液压动力泵试验规程430. SAE J 746-1996 液压马达试验规程431. SAE J 747-1990 控制阀试验规程432. SAE J 748-1986 液压方向控制阀(最大压力3 000 psi)433. SAE J 751-1997 非道路用轮胎和轮辋分类—建筑机械434. SAE J 753-1991 维修周期表435. SAE J 754a 润滑剂类型—建筑和工业机械436. SAE J 755-1980 船用螺旋桨轴轴端和轮毂437. SAE J 756-1987 船用螺旋桨联轴节438. SAE J 759-2001 灯光识别代码439. SAE J 760-1999 通用封闭式照明组件尺寸规格440. SAE J 764-1995 铲土机装载能力试验规程441. SAE J 765-1990 起重机装载稳定性试验代码442. SAE J 771-1986 汽车印制电路443. SAE J 772-2000 载货车变速器后端6螺栓、8螺栓动力输出装置周围间隙444. SAE J 773-1998 锥形弹簧垫圈445. SAE J 774-2000 紧急警报装置及其防护壳446. SAE J 775-1993 发动机提升阀信息报告447. SAE J 782b 机动车辆座椅手册448. SAE J 792b SAE喷抛清理手册449. SAE J 800-1994 机动车辆座椅安全带总成的安装450. SAE J 810-1996 钢板普通表面缺陷分类451. SAE J 811-1981 金属机械预加应力表面滚压法及其他方法452. SAE J 814-1999 发动机冷却剂453. SAE J 815-2002 汽车座椅用聚氨酯泡沫加载挠度试验454. SAE J 817-1-1991 工程设计可维修性指南—建筑和工业机械—可维修性定义—非道路工作机械455. SAE J 817-2-1991 工程设计可维修性指南—建筑和工业机械—可维修性索引—非道路工作机械456. SAE J 818-1987 装载机额定工作载荷457. SAE J 819-1995 发动机冷却系统现场试验(空气-沸腾)458. SAE J 820-1998 起重机缆索速度和功率试验代码459. SAE J 821-1994 建筑、农用和非道路机械电线束系统460. SAE J 823-1994 闪光器试验461. SAE J 824-1995 发动机旋转和气缸定序462. SAE J 826-2002 H点机械和设计工具规程和规格463. SAE J 827-1996 高碳铸钢喷丸464. SAE J 829-2000 油箱加注口盖和盖保持器465. SAE J 830-1999 燃料喷射装置术语466. SAE J 831-1998 电气定义467. SAE J 833-2003 人体物理尺寸468. SAE J 835-1995 剖分式衬套—设计和应用469. SAE J 836-1970 汽车冶金连接件470. SAE J 839-1998 乘用车侧门锁系统471. SAE J 840-1998 制动蹄和衬片粘结剂试验规程472. SAE J 843-1997 乘用车和轻型载货车制动系统道路试验代码473. SAE J 844-1998 空气制动系统非金属管474. SAE J 845-1997 被认可的急救,维修和保养车辆的声音警报装置475. SAE J 846-2003 液体导管和接头识别编码系统476. SAE J 847-1987 挂车拖杆环和挂钩/连接装置性能477. SAE J 848-2001 重型商用车和半挂车牵引鞍座主销478. SAE J 849-2003 多节挂车的连接装置和附件的位置479. SAE J 850-2000 固定刚性壁障碰撞试验480. SAE J 851-2001 商用车轮辋可拆卸车轮,可拆卸轮辋和间隔圈—尺寸481. SAE J 852-2001 机动车用前转弯灯482. SAE J 853-1981 车辆识别代号483. SAE J 855-2002 纺织品和塑料拉伸和变形试验方法484. SAE J 858-2001 片式电接头485. SAE J 860-2003 有机装饰材料质量(重量)测量试验方法486. SAE J 861-2003 有机装饰材料耐脱色试验方法487. SAE J 862-1989 影响机械驱动的汽车速度表和里程表精度的因素488. SAE J 863-1986 薄钢板冲压时塑性变形测定法489. SAE J 864-1993 用锉刀进行的表面硬度试验490. SAE J 866-2002 制动衬片摩擦系数识别系统491. SAE J 872-1986 建筑,林业和工业机械牵引杆试验规程492. SAE J 873-2003 建筑,林业和工业机械牵引力试验规程493.494. SAE J 875-1999 挂车车轴校准(A)495. SAE J 876-2000 宽轮辋及车轮(A)496. SAE J 879b 机动车座椅系统497. SAE J 880-1997 商用车制动系评定试验规范498. SAE J 881-1985 起重机滑轮和转鼓尺寸499. SAE J 882-2002 *汽车用纺织品和塑料厚度试验方法500. SAE J 883-2002 *确定汽车纺织品材料尺寸稳定性试验方法501. SAE J 884-1991 农用拖拉机驱动轮胎液体配重平衡平台502. SAE J 887-1996 校车报警灯(A)503. SAE J 891-1998 弹簧螺母504. SAE J 892-1996 压紧弹簧螺母英制尺寸系列一般说明505. SAE J 892M -1996 压紧弹簧螺母公制尺寸系列一般说明506. SAE J 896-1983 发动机辅助传动装置用装配法兰(A)507. SAE J 897-2003 工程机械坡道操作试验规范(A)508. SAE J 898-2003 非道路机械控制位置509. SAE J 899-1988 非道路自行推力机械操作者座椅尺寸510. SAE J 900-1995 曲轴箱排放控制测试规范511. SAE J 901-2000 万向节及传动轴术语_定义_应用指南512. SAE J 902-2003 乘用车前风窗除霜系统513. SAE J 903 乘用车前风窗刮水系统514. SAE J 905-1999 燃油过滤器试验方法515. SAE J 910-1999 危险报警信号开关516. SAE J 911-1998 冷轧钢板表面组织测量(A)517. SAE J 912-2002 *汽车装饰材料的抗粘连性及相关特性的试验方法518. SAE J 913-1996 汽车用织物及纤维材料的液体分散性试验方法519. SAE J 914-2000 车长小于12米的车辆侧转信号灯520. SAE J 915-2000 自动变速箱手动操作步骤521. SAE J 917-1980 船用推拉式控制缆索522. SAE J 918 乘用车轮胎性能要求和试验方法523. SAE J 919-1995 单独式操作者的非公路机械噪声测量524. SAE J 920-1985 非公路工作机械技术公报525. SAE J 922-1995 涡轮增压器术语526. SAE J 923-2001 货车和客车驱动桥术语(A)527. SAE J 924-1995 止推垫圈的设计和应用528. SAE J 925-1993 非公路机械最小接近空间尺寸529. SAE J 927-1995 发动机上安装的变矩器的飞轮530. SAE J 928-2001 电线接头—插头及插座的类型531. SAE J 930-1995 非公路机械蓄电池532. SAE J 931-1986 液压动力回路滤清(D)533. SAE J 932-1985 常量应变及微量应变的定义(A)534. SAE J 933-1998 自攻螺钉的机械性能和质量要求477. SAE J 848-2001 重型商用车和半挂车牵引鞍座主销478. SAE J 849-2003 多节挂车的连接装置和附件的位置479. SAE J 850-2000 固定刚性壁障碰撞试验480. SAE J 851-2001 商用车轮辋可拆卸车轮,可拆卸轮辋和间隔圈—尺寸481. SAE J 852-2001 机动车用前转弯灯482. SAE J 853-1981 车辆识别代号483. SAE J 855-2002 纺织品和塑料拉伸和变形试验方法484. SAE J 858-2001 片式电接头485. SAE J 860-2003 有机装饰材料质量(重量)测量试验方法486. SAE J 861-2003 有机装饰材料耐脱色试验方法487. SAE J 862-1989 影响机械驱动的汽车速度表和里程表精度的因素488. SAE J 863-1986 薄钢板冲压时塑性变形测定法489. SAE J 864-1993 用锉刀进行的表面硬度试验490. SAE J 866-2002 制动衬片摩擦系数识别系统491. SAE J 872-1986 建筑,林业和工业机械牵引杆试验规程492. SAE J 873-2003 建筑,林业和工业机械牵引力试验规程493.494. SAE J 875-1999 挂车车轴校准(A)495. SAE J 876-2000 宽轮辋及车轮(A)496. SAE J 879b 机动车座椅系统497. SAE J 880-1997 商用车制动系评定试验规范498. SAE J 881-1985 起重机滑轮和转鼓尺寸499. SAE J 882-2002 *汽车用纺织品和塑料厚度试验方法500. SAE J 883-2002 *确定汽车纺织品材料尺寸稳定性试验方法501. SAE J 884-1991 农用拖拉机驱动轮胎液体配重平衡平台502. SAE J 887-1996 校车报警灯(A)503. SAE J 891-1998 弹簧螺母504. SAE J 892-1996 压紧弹簧螺母英制尺寸系列一般说明505. SAE J 892M -1996 压紧弹簧螺母公制尺寸系列一般说明506. SAE J 896-1983 发动机辅助传动装置用装配法兰(A)507. SAE J 897-2003 工程机械坡道操作试验规范(A)508. SAE J 898-2003 非道路机械控制位置509. SAE J 899-1988 非道路自行推力机械操作者座椅尺寸510. SAE J 900-1995 曲轴箱排放控制测试规范511. SAE J 901-2000 万向节及传动轴术语_定义_应用指南512. SAE J 902-2003 乘用车前风窗除霜系统513. SAE J 903 乘用车前风窗刮水系统514. SAE J 905-1999 燃油过滤器试验方法515. SAE J 910-1999 危险报警信号开关516. SAE J 911-1998 冷轧钢板表面组织测量(A)517. SAE J 912-2002 *汽车装饰材料的抗粘连性及相关特性的试验方法518. SAE J 913-1996 汽车用织物及纤维材料的液体分散性试验方法519. SAE J 914-2000 车长小于12米的车辆侧转信号灯520. SAE J 915-2000 自动变速箱手动操作步骤521. SAE J 917-1980 船用推拉式控制缆索522. SAE J 918 乘用车轮胎性能要求和试验方法523. SAE J 919-1995 单独式操作者的非公路机械噪声测量524. SAE J 920-1985 非公路工作机械技术公报。

SAE标准中文版美国汽车工程师协会标准中文版目录代号名称1. SAE TSB002-1992 SAE技术报告的准备2. SAE TSB003-1999 SAE使用公制(Metric)单位的规则3. SAE TSB004-1998 技术委员会指南4. SAE J 10-2000 汽车和非道路车辆气制动储气罐性能要求和识别要求5. SAE J 17-2003 天然泡沫橡胶6. SAE J 18-2002 海绵橡胶和多孔橡胶制品7. SAE J 19-1997 汽车用乳胶浸渍制品和涂料8. SAE J 20-2003 冷却系统软管9. SAE J 20-1-2002 冷却软管(政府用于替代MS52130部分而对SAE J20进行的增补)10. SAE J 20-2-2001 钢丝缠绕支撑冷却软管的正常使用(SAE J20的增补件)11. SAE J 30-1998 燃油和机油软管12. SAE J 31-1986 液压式铲车举升能力13. SAE J 33-2000 雪地车定义和术语—总则14. SAE J 34-2001 机动游艇外部噪声测量规程15. SAE J 38-1991 装载机举升臂支撑装置16. SAE J 43-1988 工业轮式装载机和铲车轴载荷17. SAE J 44-2003 雪地车行车制动系统性能要求18. SAE J 45-2003 雪地车制动系统试验规程19. SAE J 46-1993 车轮打滑制动控制系统道路试验规程20. SAE J 47-1998 摩托车潜在最大噪声声级21. SAE J 48-1993 液面指示器指南22. SAE J 49-1980 液压铲车技术参数的定义23. SAE J 51-1998 汽车空调软管24. SAE J 56-1999 道路车辆—带调节器的交流发电机—试验方法和一般要求25. SAE J 57-2000 公路载货车轮胎噪声声级26. SAE J 58-1998 带凸缘的12角头螺钉27. SAE J 64-1995 雪地车识别代号28. SAE J 67-1998 铲斗,抓斗和挖斗额定容量29. SAE J 68-1991 雪地车开关装置和部件试验30. SAE J 75-1999 机动车制动液容器兼容性31. SAE J 78-1998 钢制自攻螺钉32. SAE J 79 制动盘和制动鼓热电偶安装33. SAE J 80-1997 汽车用橡胶垫34. SAE J 81-1997 滚丝螺钉35. SAE J 82-1998 机制螺钉机械和质量要求36. SAE J 88-1995 非道路工作机械外部噪声测量37. SAE J 89-1995 雪地车坐椅动态缓冲性能标准38. SAE J 90-1995 汽车非金属垫圈材料标准分类体系39. SAE J 92-1995 雪地车节气门控制系统40. SAE J 95-1986 工业设备前照灯41. SAE J 96-1986 工业设备闪光警报灯42. SAE J 98-1998 通用工业机械人员防护43. SAE J 99-2003 公路上使用的工业设备灯光和标志44. SAE J 100-1999 A类车辆风窗玻璃阴影区域45. SAE J 101-1989 汽车鼓式制动器液力分泵46. SAE J 107-1996 摩托车操纵件和显示器47. SAE J 108-2000 摩托车制动系统试验代码48. SAE J 109-2000 摩托车和动力驱动自行车行车制动系统性能要求49. SAE J 112a 电动风窗玻璃刮水器开关50. SAE J 113 冷拔机械弹簧钢丝和弹簧51. SAE J 114-1994 座椅安全带织带磨损性能要求52. SAE J 115-2003 安全标志53. SAE J 119-1987 纤维板褶皱弯曲试验54. SAE J 121M-1997 淬硬和回火螺纹紧固件的脱碳55. SAE J 121-1997 淬硬和回火螺纹紧固件的脱碳56. SAE J 122-1998 螺母表面的不连续性57. SAE J 123-1994 用于疲劳载荷的螺栓,螺钉和双头螺栓的表面不连续性58. SAE J 125-1988 铸铁温升性能59. SAE J 126-1986 冷、热轧钢板和钢带的选择和说明60. SAE J 128-1994 乘用车和轻型载货车乘员约束系统评价61. SAE J 129-1981 发动机和传动系识别号码62. SAE J 131-2003 摩托车转向信号灯63. SAE J 133-2003 商用挂车和半挂车牵引销性能64. SAE J 134-1993 乘用车和轻型载货车与挂车组成的列车制动系统道路试验代码65. SAE J 135-1993 乘用车与挂车组成的列车行车制动系统性能要求66. SAE J 138 试验人体动力学研究摄影分析指南67. SAE J 139-1999 点火系统术语68. SAE J 140-1995 座椅安全带硬件试验规程69. SAE J 141-1995 座椅安全带硬件性能要求70. SAE J 153-1987 操作人员预防措施71. SAE J 156-2000 保险丝72. SAE J 159-2002 额定容量系统73. SAE J 160-2001 摩擦材料在暴露在温度升高的环境中时尺寸的稳定性74. SAE J 163-2001 低压电线和电缆终端接头及铰接夹75. SAE J 164-1997 散热器盖和加水口颈76. SAE J 167-2002 农用拖拉机顶部防护—试验规程和性能要求77. SAE J 169-1985 非道路车辆操作人员空间内空调系统的设计指南78. SAE J 174-1998 英制钢螺纹紧固件力矩-应力试验规程79. SAE J 174M-1998 公制钢螺纹紧固件力矩-应力试验规程80. SAE J 175-2003 道路车辆车轮冲击试验规程81. SAE J 176-1994 非道路自驱动工作机械快速加油设备82. SAE J 179-2001 载货车盘式车轮和可拆卸轮辋—表识83. SAE J 180-2002 建筑和工业机械充电系统84. SAE J 182-1997 机动车辆基准标志和三维参考系85. SAE J 183-2002 发动机油性能和发动机维修分类(除节能方面外)86. SAE J 184-1998 噪声数据获得系统的检定87. SAE J 185-2003 非道路机械的接近系统88. SAE J 187 载货车识别号码89. SAE J 188-2003 高体积膨胀型动力转向压力软管90. SAE J 189-1998 低压动力转向回油软管91. SAE J 190-1998 钢丝编织动力转向压力软管92. SAE J 191-2003 低体积膨胀型动力转向压力软管93. SAE J 192-2003 雪地车外部噪声等级94. SAE J 193-1996 球节及球座总成试验规程95. SAE J 195-1988 机动车辆自动车速控制器96. SAE J 198-2003 载货车、大客车及多用途车风窗玻璃刮水系统97. SAE J 200-2001 橡胶材料分类体系98. SAE J 201-1997 乘用车和轻型载货车在用制动器性能试验规程99. SAE J 207-1985 汽车金属装饰件和结构件的镀铬和镍100.101. SAE J 211-1-2003 冲击试验用仪器—第1部分—电子仪器102. SAE J 211-2-2001 冲击试验用仪器—第2部分—摄影仪器103. SAE J 212-1998 乘用车制动系统测功机试验规程104. SAE J 213-1997 摩托车分类105.106. SAE J 216-1999 乘用车玻璃—电路107. SAE J 217-1994 不锈钢17-7PH弹簧钢丝和弹簧108. SAE J 218-1981 乘用车识别术语109. SAE J 220-1998 起重机起重臂限位装置110. SAE J 222-2000 驻车灯(前位置灯)111. SAE J 224-1980 碰撞变形分类112. SAE J 225-2003 商用车制动系统扭矩平衡试验代码113. SAE J 226-1995 发动机预热器114. SAE J 228-1995 空气流量参考标准115. SAE J 229-1993 乘用车行车制动器结构总成试验规程116. SAE J 230-1994 不锈钢,SAE 30302,弹簧钢丝和弹簧117. SAE J 232-1994 工业旋转割草机118. SAE J 234 电动风窗玻璃清洗器开关119. SAE J 235 电动鼓风机电机开关120. SAE J 238-1998 螺母和锥形弹簧垫圈总成121. SAE J 240-2002 汽车蓄电池寿命试验122. SAE J 243 汽车密封胶,粘结剂和缓冲胶剂的试验方法123. SAE J 244-1992 柴油机进气或排气流量测量124. SAE J 246-2000 球面和凸缘管接头125. SAE J 247-1987 测量车内噪声脉冲的仪器126. SAE J 249-1988 机械制动灯开关127. SAE J 250 合成树脂塑料密封胶—不干型128. SAE J 253-1989 前照灯开关129. SAE J 254-1993 废气排放测量用仪器和测量技术130. SAE J 257-1997 商用车制动器额定功率要求131. SAE J 259 点火开关132. SAE J 264-1998 视野术语133. SAE J 265-2002 柴油机燃油喷嘴总成—8,9,10和11型134. SAE J 266-1996 乘用车和轻型载货车稳态方向控制试验规程135. SAE J 267-1999 车轮/轮辋—载货车—性能要求和试验规程136. SAE J 268-1989 摩托车后视镜137. SAE J 272-1981 车辆识别号码体系138. SAE J 273-1981 乘用车识别号码体系139. SAE J 274-1989 悬架弹簧额定承载能力140. SAE J 276-2002 铰接式装载机和拖拉机转向锁141. SAE J 277-1995 雪地车电气系统设计电压的维持142. SAE J 278-1995 雪地车制动灯143. SAE J 279-1995 雪地车尾灯(后位置灯)144. SAE J 280-1984 雪地车前照灯145. SAE J 283-1999 带三点式挂接装置的农用拖拉机液压举升能力试验规程146. SAE J 284-2002 农用、建筑和工业装备安全警报信号147. SAE J 285-1999 汽油分配泵喷嘴148. SAE J 286-1996 SAE第2号离合器摩擦试验机械指南149. SAE J 287-1988 驾驶员手控制区域150. SAE J 288-2002 雪地车燃油箱151. SAE J 291-1980 制动液温度的确定152. SAE J 292-1995 雪地车及车灯、反射装置和相关装备153. SAE J 293-1995 车辆坡道驻车性能要求154. SAE J 294-1993 GVWR大于4 500公斤(10 000 lb)车辆的行车制动器总成试验规程155. SAE J 297-2002 工业装备操作人员控制件156. SAE J 299-1993 制动距离试验规程157. SAE J 300-1999 发动机机油黏度分级158. SAE J 301-1999 新的或已修订技术报告的有效日期159. SAE J 304-1999 发动机机油试验160. SAE J 306-1998 汽车齿轮润滑剂黏度分级161. SAE J 308-1996 轴和手动变速器润滑剂162. SAE J 310-2000 汽车润滑脂163. SAE J 311-2000 乘用车自动变速器液164. SAE J 312-2001 车用汽油165. SAE J 313-1998 柴油166. SAE J 314-2002 毛毡—羊毛和部分羊毛167. SAE J 315-1985 纤维板试验规程168. SAE J 318-2003 汽车气制动管接头169. SAE J 321-1999 推土机牵引机械操作人员防护轮罩170. SAE J 322-1996 非金属装饰材料—确定抗硫化氢腐蚀性的试验方法171. SAE J 323-1998 确定柔性塑料材料冷裂性的试验方法172. SAE J 326-1986 液压反铲挖掘机术语173. SAE J 328-1994 乘用车及轻型载货车车轮性能要求和试验规程174. SAE J 331-2000 摩托车噪声声级175. SAE J 332-2002 测量乘用车和轻型载货车轮胎一致性的试验机械176. SAE J 335-1995 多位小型发动机排气系统点火抑制177. SAE J 336-2001 载货车驾驶室内部噪声声级178. SAE J 339-1994 座椅安全带织带磨损试验规程179. SAE J 342-1991 大型发动机火花防止器试验规程180. SAE J 343-2001 SAE 100R系列液压软管和软管总成试验和试验规程181. SAE J 345a 干或湿路面乘用车轮胎最大和抱死时车轮制动力182. SAE J 347-2002 7型(9.5 mm)柴油机燃油喷嘴总成183. SAE J 348-1990 车轮三角垫木184. SAE J 349-1991 黑色金属杆,棒,管和丝的表面缺陷检查185. SAE J 350-1991 中型发动机火花防止器试验规程186. SAE J 356-1999 可以抑制焊瘤的弯曲,双层扩口和卷边正火低碳钢187. SAE J 357-1999 发动机油的物理和化学特性188. SAE J 358-1991 非破坏性试验189. SAE J 359-1991 红外线试验190. SAE J 360-2001 载货车和大客车坡道驻车性能试验规程191. SAE J 361-1996 汽车内饰件和外饰件视觉评价规程192. SAE J 363-1994 滤清器座的安装193. SAE J 365-1994 装饰材料抗擦伤性试验方法194. SAE J 366-2001 重型载货车和大客车外部噪声声级195.196. SAE J 369-2003 车辆内部聚合物材料燃烧特性—试验方法197. SAE J 370-1998 建筑和工业机械用螺栓和内六角螺钉尺寸198. SAE J 371-1993 非道路自驱动工作机械的放油、注油和油位螺塞199. SAE J 373-1993 单片和双片弹簧加载式离合器壳内尺寸200. SAE J 374-2002 车顶抗压试验规程201. SAE J 375-1994 负荷半径式悬臂角指示系统202. SAE J 376-1985 起重机举升负载指示装置203. SAE J 377-2001 车辆通行声音信号装置204. SAE J 378-1988 船用发动机布线205. SAE J 379-1996 制动衬片高氏硬度206. SAE J 380-2002 摩擦材料比重207. SAE J 381-2000 载货车,大客车和多用途车风窗玻璃除雾系统试验规程和性能要求208. SAE J 383-1995 机动车辆座椅安全带固定点设计建议209. SAE J 384-1994 机动车辆座椅安全带固定点试验规程210. SAE J 385-1995 机动车辆座椅安全带固定点性能要求211. SAE J 386-1997 非道路工作机械操作人员约束系统212. SAE J 387-1995 机动车辆灯光术语213. SAE J 390-1999 双向尺寸214. SAE J 391-1981 颗粒物尺寸定义215.216. SAE J 393-2001 商用车辆车轮,轮毂,轮辋术语217. SAE J 397-1995 防护结构试验室评价—偏转极限值218. SAE J 398-1995 乘用车,多用途车和轻型载货车燃油箱加注口条件219. SAE J 399-1985 阳极化处理的铝制汽车部件220. SAE J 400-2002 表面覆层的耐剥落试验221. SAE J 401-2000 钢的选择和使用222. SAE J 402-1997 锻制钢和轧制钢的SAE编号系统223. SAE J 403-2001 SAE碳素钢的化学成分224. SAE J 404-2000 SAE合金钢的化学成分225. SAE J 405-1998 SAE锻制不锈钢的化学成分226. SAE J 406-1998 钢的可淬性确定方法227. SAE J 409-1995 产品分析—热处理或铸钢化学成分分析的容许变差228. SAE J 411-1997 碳素钢和合金钢229. SAE J 412-1995 钢的热处理和一般特性230. SAE J 413-2002 热处理可锻钢的机械性能231. SAE J 415-1995 热处理术语定义232. SAE J 417-1983 硬度试验和硬度值换算233. SAE J 419-1983 脱碳的测量方法234. SAE J 420-1991 磁粉检查235. SAE J 422-1983 用显微镜确定钢所含物质的方法236. SAE J 423-1998 硬化层深度测量方法237. SAE J 425-1991 用涡电流法进行电磁试验238. SAE J 426-1991 液体渗透剂试验方法239. SAE J 427-1991 渗透辐射检查240. SAE J 428-1991 超声波检查241. SAE J 429-1999 外螺纹紧固件机械性能和材料要求242. SAE J 430-1998 非螺纹紧固件碳素钢实心铆钉机械性能和材料要求243. SAE J 431-2000 汽车灰铸铁件244. SAE J 434-1986 汽车可锻(球墨)铸铁件245. SAE J 435-2002 汽车铸钢件246. SAE J 437a 工具和模具钢的选用和热处理247. SAE J 438b 工具和模具钢248. SAE J 439a 硬质合金刀具249. SAE J 441-1993 切割钢丝喷丸250. SAE J 442-2001 喷丸处理用试验带,支架和钢带251. SAE J 443-2003 使用标准喷丸试验带的规程252. SAE J 444-1993 喷丸处理和喷砂清洗用铸丸和铸粒的规格253. SAE J 445-1996 金属喷丸和喷粒的机械性能试验254. SAE J 447-1995 机动车辆车身及底盘部件的防腐255. SAE J 448a 表面质地256. SAE J 449a 表面质地的控制257. SAE J 450-2002 屈服强度和屈服点术语的使用258. SAE J 451-1989 铝合金—基本原理259. SAE J 452-2003 SAE铸铝合金的一般信息—化学组成,机械和物理性能260. SAE J 454-1991 锻制铝合金的一半数据261. SAE J 457-1991 SAE锻制铝合金的化学组成,机械性能限值和尺寸公差262. SAE J 459-1991 轴承和轴瓦合金263. SAE J 460-1991 轴承和轴瓦合金—SAE轴承和轴瓦的化学组成264. SAE J 461-2002 锻铜和铸铜合金265. SAE J 462-1981 锻铜合金266. SAE J 463-2002 锻铜和铜合金267. SAE J 464-1989 镁合金268. SAE J 465-1989 铸镁合金269. SAE J 466-1989 锻镁合金270. SAE J 467b 特殊用途合金(超级合金)271. SAE J 468-1988 锌合金锭和压铸件锌合金的成分272. SAE J 469-1989 锌模铸合金273. SAE J 470c 锻镍和与镍有关的合金274. SAE J 471d 粉末冶金黑色金属部件275. SAE J 473a 焊锡276. SAE J 474-1985 电镀及抛光277. SAE J 476a 干密封式管螺纹278. SAE J 482-1998 高六角头螺母279. SAE J 483-1998 槽顶(暗,盖帽式)螺母280. SAE J 485-1998 安装开口销用螺栓和螺钉杆上的孔及螺母的槽281. SAE J 490-1996 球节282. SAE J 491-1987 转向球头销和球座总成283. SAE J 492 铆钉和铆接284. SAE J 493 杆端销和U形夹285. SAE J 494 带槽销286. SAE J 495 圆柱销(实心)287. SAE J 496 弹性圆柱销288. SAE J 497 非淬火接地柱销289. SAE J 499a 装配用零件软拉孔直齿内花键290. SAE J 501 轴端291. SAE J 502 半圆键292. SAE J 503 半圆键槽和键沟293. SAE J 506-1995 套筒式半轴294. SAE J 510-1992 机动车辆悬架用钢板弹簧—美制单位295. SAE J 511-1989 空气弹簧术语296. SAE J 512-1997 汽车管接头297. SAE J 513-1999 制冷剂管接头—一般规范298. SAE J 514-2001 液压管接头299. SAE J 515-2001 液压O形环材料,特性和尺寸规范300. SAE J 516-2001 液压软管接头301. SAE J 517-2001 液压软管302. SAE J 518-1993 液压凸缘管及4螺栓分裂凸缘型软管接头303. SAE J 524-1996 弯曲和扩口用退火无缝低碳钢管304. SAE J 525-1999 弯曲和扩口用退火焊接冷拉低碳钢管305. SAE J 526-2000 焊接低碳钢管306. SAE J 527-2000 铜焊双层壁低碳钢管307. SAE J 528-1991 无缝铜管308. SAE J 530-1995 汽车用管接头309. SAE J 531-1995 汽车用管子,加注口和排出螺塞310. SAE J 532-1993 汽车用直螺纹加注口和排出螺塞311. SAE J 533-1999 管的扩口312. SAE J 534-1998 润滑剂管接头313. SAE J 537-2000 蓄电池314. SAE J 539-1993 柴油机电气系统电压315. SAE J 541-1996 起动机电路的电压降316. SAE J 542-1991 起动机的安装317. SAE J 543-1995 起动机小齿轮和齿圈318. SAE J 544-1996 电起动机试验规程319. SAE J 548-1-2000 火花塞320. SAE J 548-2-2000 火花塞安装座孔321. SAE J 549-1999 火花塞提前点火率322. SAE J 551-1-2002 车辆,船(最大15米)和机械电磁兼容性(50 Hz-18 GHz)性能等级和测量方法323. SAE J 551-2-1994 车辆,机动船和由火花点火发动机驱动的装置的无线电骚扰特性的限值和测量方法324. SAE J 551-4-2000 车辆和装置宽带和窄带(150 kHz-1000 MHz)无线电骚扰特性限值和试验方法325. SAE J 551-5-1997 电动车宽带(9 kH-30 MHz)磁场和电场强度性能等级和测量方法326. SAE J 551-11-2000 车辆抗电磁干扰性—非道路车辆源327. SAE J 551-12-1996 车辆抗电磁干扰性—车载模拟发射机328. SAE J 551-13-1994 车辆抗电磁干扰性—大电流注入329. SAE J 551-15-2002 车辆抗电磁干扰性—静电放电(ESD)330. SAE J 551-17-1997 车辆抗电磁干扰性—电线磁场331. SAE J 553-1996 断电器332. SAE J 554-1987 电保险丝(管式)333. SAE J 560-1998 载货车挂车跨接电缆7线电插头334. SAE J 561-2001 孔式及叉式电接头335. SAE J 562-1986 非金属导线管336. SAE J 563-1990 6 V和12 V点烟器插座337. SAE J 564-1990 前照灯变光开关338. SAE J 565-1989 半自动前照灯变光装置339. SAE J 567-1998 灯泡保持系统340. SAE J 572-1998 建筑和工业机械封闭式灯光部件的要求341. SAE J 573-1998 微型灯泡342. SAE J 575-1992 总宽度小于2032 mm的车辆用照明装置和部件的试验方法和装备343. SAE J 576-1991 光学部件用塑料材料,如机动车辆照明装置透镜和反射器344. SAE J 578-2002 颜色规格345. SAE J 581-1998 辅助行车灯346. SAE J 582-1995 辅助近光灯347. SAE J 583-2001 前雾灯348. SAE J 584-2003 摩托车前照灯349. SAE J 585-2000 总宽度小于2032 mm的机动车用尾灯(后位灯)350. SAE J 586-2000 总宽度小于2032 mm的机动车用制动灯351. SAE J 587-1997 牌照板照明装置(后牌照板照明装置)352. SAE J 588-2000 总宽度小于2032 mm的机动车用转向信号灯353. SAE J 589B 转向信号灯开关354. SAE J 590 转向信号闪光器355. SAE J 591-1995 聚光灯356. SAE J 592-2000 总宽度小于2032 mm的机动车用示宽灯357. SAE J 593-1993 倒车灯358. SAE J 594-2003 回复反射器359. SAE J 595-1990 被认可的急救车,保养和维修车辆的闪光警示灯360. SAE J 599-1997 灯光检查代码361. SAE J 600-1993 前照灯照准试验机械362. SAE J 602-1989 机械照准前照灯的照准装置363. SAE J 604-1995 发动机术语—总则364. SAE J 609-2003 小型发动机安装法兰和动力输出轴365. SAE J 614-1995 发动机和变速箱量油计标记366. SAE J 615-1995 发动机安装件367. SAE J 616-1995 发动机前后座安装368. SAE J 617-1992 发动机飞轮壳和变速器壳结合法兰369. SAE J 618-1991 单片弹簧加载离合器飞轮370. SAE J 619-1993 双片弹簧加载离合器飞轮371. SAE J 620-1993 与驱动环式偏心离合器的工业动力输出装置和发动机上安装的船用齿轮及单轴承发电机相配用的工业发动机飞轮372. SAE J 621-1995 带驱动环式偏心离合器的工业功率输出装置373. SAE J 626-1998 柴油机燃料喷射—燃料喷射泵末端安装法兰374. SAE J 629-2002 柴油机燃料喷射总成—5型和6型法兰安装375. SAE J 631-1998 散热器术语376. SAE J 635-1995 风扇毂螺栓定位圆和导孔377. SAE J 636-2001 V型皮带和皮带轮378. SAE J 637-2001 汽车V型皮带传动379. SAE J 638-1998 机动车辆暖风装置试验规程380. SAE J 639-1999 车用空调系统机械蒸汽压缩系统制冷剂的安全性和保存381. SAE J 640-2000 液力传动符号382. SAE J 641-2000 液力传动术语383. SAE J 643-2000 液力传动试验代码384. SAE J 645-1997 汽车变速器术语385. SAE J 646-2000 行星齿轮术语386. SAE J 647-1997 变速器示意图387. SAE J 648-2000 自动变速器液压控制系统术语388. SAE J 649-2000 自动变速器功能术语389. SAE J 651-1996 乘用车和轻型载货车自动变速器和自动驱动桥试验代码390. SAE J 656-1988 汽车制动术语和定义391. SAE J 661-1997 制动衬片质量控制试验规程392. SAE J 662-2003 制动块倒角393. SAE J 663-2001 制动衬片铆钉和制动块螺栓394. SAE J 670e 车辆动力学术语395. SAE J 671-1997 减振材料和车身底部涂层396. SAE J 673-1993 汽车安全玻璃397. SAE J 674-1997 机动车和机动车装备用安全玻璃材料398. SAE J 678-1988 汽车速度表和里程表399. SAE J 680-1988 载货车驾驶室仪表和控制件的位置和操作400. SAE J 682-2002 后轮防溅和飞石防护401. SAE J 683-1985 轮胎防滑链间隙—载货车,大客车和车辆列车(郊区客车,城间客车和公共汽车除外)402. SAE J 684-1998 汽车挂车联接装置,铰链和安全链403. SAE J 686-1999 机动车牌照板404. SAE J 689-1996 乘用车和轻型载货车路缘间隙,接近和离去角及坡道倾翻角405. SAE J 691-1990 载货车CA尺寸406. SAE J 693-1989 载货车跨越双胎的总宽度407. SAE J 694-2001 商用车盘式车轮/轮毂或轮鼓接触面尺寸408. SAE J 695-1998 机动车辆的转向能力和跑偏409. SAE J 697-1988 全挂车或台车的安全链410. SAE J 699-1985 设计机动车辆维修设施时使用的车辆平均尺寸411. SAE J 700-2001 商用挂车和半挂车上牵引主销412. SAE J 701-1984 载货车牵引车半挂车互换联接尺寸413. SAE J 702-1985 载货车-牵引车及载货车-挂车制动和电气连接位置414. SAE J 703-2000 载货车及载货车牵引车燃油系统415. SAE J 704-2000 用于安装载货车变速器上的6螺栓和8螺栓动力输出装置的开口416. SAE J 706-1999 绞盘等级417. SAE J 709-1977 农用拖拉机轮胎载荷,扭矩系数和充气压力418. SAE J 711-1991 今后设计农用拖拉机时轮胎选用表419. SAE J 712-1999 工业用和农业用盘式车轮420. SAE J 714-1993 工业用和农业用盘式车轮安装零部件421. SAE J 731-1985 装载机部件术语422. SAE J 732-1992 装载机规格定义423. SAE J 737-1989 铲土机和推土机切削刃的孔间距424. SAE J 738-1986 双斜横截口切削刃425. SAE J 739-1991 平路机切削刃426. SAE J 740-1986 切削刃和刀头的沉头方孔427. SAE J 741-1993 铲土机、翻斗车车斗额定容量428. SAE J 744-1996 液压泵和马达安装及传动尺寸429. SAE J 745-1996 液压动力泵试验规程430. SAE J 746-1996 液压马达试验规程431. SAE J 747-1990 控制阀试验规程432. SAE J 748-1986 液压方向控制阀(最大压力3 000 psi)433. SAE J 751-1997 非道路用轮胎和轮辋分类—建筑机械434. SAE J 753-1991 维修周期表435. SAE J 754a 润滑剂类型—建筑和工业机械436. SAE J 755-1980 船用螺旋桨轴轴端和轮毂437. SAE J 756-1987 船用螺旋桨联轴节438. SAE J 759-2001 灯光识别代码439. SAE J 760-1999 通用封闭式照明组件尺寸规格440. SAE J 764-1995 铲土机装载能力试验规程441. SAE J 765-1990 起重机装载稳定性试验代码442. SAE J 771-1986 汽车印制电路443. SAE J 772-2000 载货车变速器后端6螺栓、8螺栓动力输出装置周围间隙444. SAE J 773-1998 锥形弹簧垫圈445. SAE J 774-2000 紧急警报装置及其防护壳446. SAE J 775-1993 发动机提升阀信息报告447. SAE J 782b 机动车辆座椅手册448. SAE J 792b SAE喷抛清理手册449. SAE J 800-1994 机动车辆座椅安全带总成的安装450. SAE J 810-1996 钢板普通表面缺陷分类451. SAE J 811-1981 金属机械预加应力表面滚压法及其他方法452. SAE J 814-1999 发动机冷却剂453. SAE J 815-2002 汽车座椅用聚氨酯泡沫加载挠度试验454. SAE J 817-1-1991 工程设计可维修性指南—建筑和工业机械—可维修性定义—非道路工作机械455. SAE J 817-2-1991 工程设计可维修性指南—建筑和工业机械—可维修性索引—非道路工作机械456. SAE J 818-1987 装载机额定工作载荷457. SAE J 819-1995 发动机冷却系统现场试验(空气-沸腾)458. SAE J 820-1998 起重机缆索速度和功率试验代码459. SAE J 821-1994 建筑、农用和非道路机械电线束系统460. SAE J 823-1994 闪光器试验461. SAE J 824-1995 发动机旋转和气缸定序462. SAE J 826-2002 H点机械和设计工具规程和规格463. SAE J 827-1996 高碳铸钢喷丸464. SAE J 829-2000 油箱加注口盖和盖保持器465. SAE J 830-1999 燃料喷射装置术语466. SAE J 831-1998 电气定义467. SAE J 833-2003 人体物理尺寸468. SAE J 835-1995 剖分式衬套—设计和应用469. SAE J 836-1970 汽车冶金连接件470. SAE J 839-1998 乘用车侧门锁系统471. SAE J 840-1998 制动蹄和衬片粘结剂试验规程472. SAE J 843-1997 乘用车和轻型载货车制动系统道路试验代码473. SAE J 844-1998 空气制动系统非金属管474. SAE J 845-1997 被认可的急救,维修和保养车辆的声音警报装置475. SAE J 846-2003 液体导管和接头识别编码系统476. SAE J 847-1987 挂车拖杆环和挂钩/连接装置性能477. SAE J 848-2001 重型商用车和半挂车牵引鞍座主销478. SAE J 849-2003 多节挂车的连接装置和附件的位置479. SAE J 850-2000 固定刚性壁障碰撞试验480. SAE J 851-2001 商用车轮辋可拆卸车轮,可拆卸轮辋和间隔圈—尺寸481. SAE J 852-2001 机动车用前转弯灯482. SAE J 853-1981 车辆识别代号483. SAE J 855-2002 纺织品和塑料拉伸和变形试验方法484. SAE J 858-2001 片式电接头485. SAE J 860-2003 有机装饰材料质量(重量)测量试验方法486. SAE J 861-2003 有机装饰材料耐脱色试验方法487. SAE J 862-1989 影响机械驱动的汽车速度表和里程表精度的因素488. SAE J 863-1986 薄钢板冲压时塑性变形测定法489. SAE J 864-1993 用锉刀进行的表面硬度试验490. SAE J 866-2002 制动衬片摩擦系数识别系统491. SAE J 872-1986 建筑,林业和工业机械牵引杆试验规程492. SAE J 873-2003 建筑,林业和工业机械牵引力试验规程493.494. SAE J 875-1999 挂车车轴校准(A)495. SAE J 876-2000 宽轮辋及车轮(A)496. SAE J 879b 机动车座椅系统497. SAE J 880-1997 商用车制动系评定试验规范498. SAE J 881-1985 起重机滑轮和转鼓尺寸499. SAE J 882-2002 *汽车用纺织品和塑料厚度试验方法500. SAE J 883-2002 *确定汽车纺织品材料尺寸稳定性试验方法501. SAE J 884-1991 农用拖拉机驱动轮胎液体配重平衡平台502. SAE J 887-1996 校车报警灯(A)503. SAE J 891-1998 弹簧螺母504. SAE J 892-1996 压紧弹簧螺母英制尺寸系列一般说明505. SAE J 892M -1996 压紧弹簧螺母公制尺寸系列一般说明506. SAE J 896-1983 发动机辅助传动装置用装配法兰(A)507. SAE J 897-2003 工程机械坡道操作试验规范(A)508. SAE J 898-2003 非道路机械控制位置509. SAE J 899-1988 非道路自行推力机械操作者座椅尺寸510. SAE J 900-1995 曲轴箱排放控制测试规范511. SAE J 901-2000 万向节及传动轴术语_定义_应用指南512. SAE J 902-2003 乘用车前风窗除霜系统513. SAE J 903 乘用车前风窗刮水系统514. SAE J 905-1999 燃油过滤器试验方法515. SAE J 910-1999 危险报警信号开关516. SAE J 911-1998 冷轧钢板表面组织测量(A)517. SAE J 912-2002 *汽车装饰材料的抗粘连性及相关特性的试验方法518. SAE J 913-1996 汽车用织物及纤维材料的液体分散性试验方法519. SAE J 914-2000 车长小于12米的车辆侧转信号灯520. SAE J 915-2000 自动变速箱手动操作步骤521. SAE J 917-1980 船用推拉式控制缆索522. SAE J 918 乘用车轮胎性能要求和试验方法523. SAE J 919-1995 单独式操作者的非公路机械噪声测量524. SAE J 920-1985 非公路工作机械技术公报525. SAE J 922-1995 涡轮增压器术语526. SAE J 923-2001 货车和客车驱动桥术语(A)527. SAE J 924-1995 止推垫圈的设计和应用528. SAE J 925-1993 非公路机械最小接近空间尺寸529. SAE J 927-1995 发动机上安装的变矩器的飞轮530. SAE J 928-2001 电线接头—插头及插座的类型531. SAE J 930-1995 非公路机械蓄电池532. SAE J 931-1986 液压动力回路滤清(D)533. SAE J 932-1985 常量应变及微量应变的定义(A)534. SAE J 933-1998 自攻螺钉的机械性能和质量要求477. SAE J 848-2001 重型商用车和半挂车牵引鞍座主销478. SAE J 849-2003 多节挂车的连接装置和附件的位置479. SAE J 850-2000 固定刚性壁障碰撞试验480. SAE J 851-2001 商用车轮辋可拆卸车轮,可拆卸轮辋和间隔圈—尺寸481. SAE J 852-2001 机动车用前转弯灯482. SAE J 853-1981 车辆识别代号483. SAE J 855-2002 纺织品和塑料拉伸和变形试验方法484. SAE J 858-2001 片式电接头485. SAE J 860-2003 有机装饰材料质量(重量)测量试验方法486. SAE J 861-2003 有机装饰材料耐脱色试验方法487. SAE J 862-1989 影响机械驱动的汽车速度表和里程表精度的因素488. SAE J 863-1986 薄钢板冲压时塑性变形测定法489. SAE J 864-1993 用锉刀进行的表面硬度试验490. SAE J 866-2002 制动衬片摩擦系数识别系统491. SAE J 872-1986 建筑,林业和工业机械牵引杆试验规程492. SAE J 873-2003 建筑,林业和工业机械牵引力试验规程493.494. SAE J 875-1999 挂车车轴校准(A)495. SAE J 876-2000 宽轮辋及车轮(A)496. SAE J 879b 机动车座椅系统497. SAE J 880-1997 商用车制动系评定试验规范498. SAE J 881-1985 起重机滑轮和转鼓尺寸499. SAE J 882-2002 *汽车用纺织品和塑料厚度试验方法500. SAE J 883-2002 *确定汽车纺织品材料尺寸稳定性试验方法501. SAE J 884-1991 农用拖拉机驱动轮胎液体配重平衡平台502. SAE J 887-1996 校车报警灯(A)503. SAE J 891-1998 弹簧螺母504. SAE J 892-1996 压紧弹簧螺母英制尺寸系列一般说明505. SAE J 892M -1996 压紧弹簧螺母公制尺寸系列一般说明506. SAE J 896-1983 发动机辅助传动装置用装配法兰(A)507. SAE J 897-2003 工程机械坡道操作试验规范(A)508. SAE J 898-2003 非道路机械控制位置509. SAE J 899-1988 非道路自行推力机械操作者座椅尺寸510. SAE J 900-1995 曲轴箱排放控制测试规范511. SAE J 901-2000 万向节及传动轴术语_定义_应用指南512. SAE J 902-2003 乘用车前风窗除霜系统513. SAE J 903 乘用车前风窗刮水系统514. SAE J 905-1999 燃油过滤器试验方法515. SAE J 910-1999 危险报警信号开关516. SAE J 911-1998 冷轧钢板表面组织测量(A)517. SAE J 912-2002 *汽车装饰材料的抗粘连性及相关特性的试验方法518. SAE J 913-1996 汽车用织物及纤维材料的液体分散性试验方法519. SAE J 914-2000 车长小于12米的车辆侧转信号灯520. SAE J 915-2000 自动变速箱手动操作步骤521. SAE J 917-1980 船用推拉式控制缆索522. SAE J 918 乘用车轮胎性能要求和试验方法523. SAE J 919-1995 单独式操作者的非公路机械噪声测量524. SAE J 920-1985 非公路工作机械技术公报525. SAE J 922-1995 涡轮增压器术语526. SAE J 923-2001 货车和客车驱动桥术语(A)527. SAE J 924-1995 止推垫圈的设计和应用528. SAE J 925-1993 非公路机械最小接近空间尺寸529. SAE J 927-1995 发动机上安装的变矩器的飞轮530. SAE J 928-2001 电线接头—插头及插座的类型531. SAE J 930-1995 非公路机械蓄电池532. SAE J 931-1986 液压动力回路滤清(D)533. SAE J 932-1985 常量应变及微量应变的定义(A)534. SAE J 933-1998 自攻螺钉的机械性能和质量要求590. SAE J 1029-1996 建造掘土机械的灯光及标识591. SAE J 1032-1987 机械(非公路机械)适用性定义(A)592. SAE J 1033-1993 飞轮、飞轮壳及其配件的孔偏心和面偏差的测量593. SAE J 1037-2001 前风窗洗涤器管594. SAE J 1038-1992 儿童用雪地运动车的建议(A)595.596. SAE J 1042-2003 通用机械操作者的保护597. SAE J 1044-1981 世界制造厂识别代号598. SAE J 1050-2003 驾驶员视野的描述和测量599. SAE J 1051-2002 *非公路机械座垫挠性变形量的测量(1051)600. SAE J 1052-2002 *汽车驾驶员及乘员头部位置(A)601. SAE J 1053-1996 英制系列单线程钢制冲压螺纹设计602. SAE J 1053M-1996 公制系列单线程钢制冲压螺纹设计603. SAE J 1058-1999 标准钢板的厚度及公差(A)。

ETA-UTP001 Revision 0(SAE J1263)[P19].pdf ETA-UTP001-Effective March 23,2001 Implementation of SAE J1263—1996.pdf NASA-SAE—88-1448 LDV Surveys Over Fighter Model at Moderate High Angles of Attack[P27].pdf SAE—Automotive Chassis Engineering Principles (SECOND EDITION)[P454].pdf SAE- Automotive Chassis—Engineering Principles [SECOND EDITION][P456]。
pdf SAE- Automotive Physical Layer SAE—J1708 DS36277。
pdf SAE- Structural Steel Designer's Handbook (Brockenbrough & Merritt)(3Rd Edition)[P1201].pdf SAE—174M-MAY1998 TORQUE—TENSION TEST PROCEDURESTEEL THREADED FASTENERS,METRIC SERIES。
pdf SAE-2006 Formula SAE—Chassis Design(Queen's University)[P18].pdf SAE—720709—1972 Design&Development of a High horsepower torque sensing variable speed drive。
SAE J0306-1998 汽车齿轮齿轮润滑油粘度等级标准

SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.”SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions.QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS DOCUMENT: (724) 772-8512 FAX: (724) 776-0243TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER; (724) 776-4970 FAX: (724) 776-0790SAE WEB ADDRESS This classification is based on the lubricant viscosity measured at both high and low temperatures. The high-temperature kinematic viscosity values are determined according to ASTM D 445, with the results reported in centistokes (cSt). The low-temperature viscosity values are determined according to ASTM D 2983 and these results are reported in centipoises (cP). These two viscosity units are related as follows in Equation 1:(Eq. 1)Density is measured at the test temperature. This relationship is valid for Newtonian fluids; it is an approximation for non-Newtonian fluids.High-temperature viscosity is related to the hydrodynamic lubrication characteristics of the fluid. Some gear lubricants may contain high molecular weight polymers, known as viscosity modifiers or viscosity index improvers, which function to increase the viscosity of the fluids. During use, these polymers may shear to a lower molecular weight, thereby resulting in a fluid with a lower viscosity than that of the new fluid. In order to ensure that the designated high-temperature viscosity grade is retained during use, lubricants must meet the 100°C viscosity limits listed in Table 1 not only when new, but also following evaluation in CEC L-45-T -93,Viscosity Shear Stability of Transmission Lubricants, Method C (20 h).Low-temperature viscosity requirements are related to the ability of the fluid to flow and provide adequate lubrication to critical parts under low ambient temperature conditions. The 150 000 cP viscosity value used for the definition of low-temperature properties is based on a series of tests in a specific rear axle design. These tests have shown that pinion bearing failure has occurred at viscosities higher than 150 000 cP and the Brookfield method was shown to give adequate precision at this viscosity level. However, it should be pointed out that other axle designs may tolerate higher viscosities or fail at lower viscosities.TABLE 1—AUTOMOTIVE GEAR LUBRICANT VISCOSITY CLASSIFICATIONSAE Viscosity Grade MaximumTemperature forViscosity of150 000 cP, °C (1),(2)ing ASTM D 2983.2.Additional low-temperature viscosity requirements may be appropriate for fluidsintended for use in light-duty synchronized manual transmissions. See text.Kinematic Viscosity at 100 °C, cSt (3) Minimum (4)ing ASTM D 4454.Limit must also be met after testing in CEC L-45-T -93, Method C (20 h).Kinematic Viscosity at 100 °C, cSt (3)Maximum 70W −55(5)5.The precision of ASTM D 2983 has not been established for determinations made attemperatures below –40 °C. This fact should be taken into consideration in any pro-ducer-consumer relationship.4.1—75W −404.1—80W −267.0—85W −1211.0—80—7.0<11.085—11.0<13.590—13.5<24.0140—24.0<41.0250—41.0Note—1 cP = 1 mPa s; 1 cSt = 1 mm 2/scP Density, g/cm3--------------------------------------cSt =Other applications may require additional low temperature limits. For example, shifting ease at low temperature in light-duty synchronized manual transmissions may be related to viscosity at higher shear rates than that provided by the Brookfield method. For such applications, use of the Cold Cranking Simulator (CCS) per ASTM D5293 should be considered. A CCS viscosity of 5 000 cP, maximum, at –30°C may ensure satisfactory low-temperature shiftability.Automotive Gear lubricant SAE viscosity grades should not be confused with engine oil SAE viscosity grades.(Compare Table 1 in this report with Table 1 in SAE J300.) A gear lubricant and an engine oil having the same viscosity will have widely different SAE viscosity grade designations as defined in the two viscosity classifications. For instance, an SAE 75W gear lubricant can have the same kinematic viscosity at 100°C as an SAE 10W engine oil; and an SAE 90 gear lubricant viscosity can be similar to that of an SAE 40 or SAE 50 engine oil.beling—In properly describing the viscosity grade of an automotive gear lubricant according to thisdocument, a lubricant may use one W grade numerical designation, one non-W grade numerical designation, or one W grade in combination with one non-W grade. In all cases, the numerical designation must be preceded by the letters “SAE.” In addition, when both a W grade and a non-W grade are listed (multigrade) the W grade shall be listed first and the two designations shall be separated by a hyphen (i.e., SAE 80W-90).Other forms of punctuation or separation are not acceptable.A lubricant which meets the requirements of both a low-temperature and a high-temperature grade iscommonly known as a multiviscosity-grade lubricant. For example, an SAE 80W-90 lubricant must meet the low-temperature requirements for SAE 80W and the high-temperature requirements for SAE 90. Since the W grade is defined on the basis of maximum temperature for a Brookfield viscosity of 150 000 cP and minimum kinematic viscosity at 100°C, it is possible for a lubricant to satisfy the requirements of more than one W grade.In labeling either a W grade or a multiviscosity grade lubricant, only the lowest W grade satisfied may be referred to on the label. Thus, a lubricant meeting the requirements of both SAE 75W and SAE 85W as well as SAE 90, would be labeled as an SAE 75W-90, and not SAE 75W-85W-90.5.Notes5.1Marginal Indicia—The change bar (l) located in the left margin is for the convenience of the user in locatingareas where technical revisions have been made to the previous issue of the report. An (R) symbol to the left of the document title indicates a complete revision of the report.PREPARED BY THE SAE FUELS AND LUBRICANTS TECHNICAL COMMITTEE 3—GEAR LUBRICANTSRationale—Not ApplicableRelationship of SAE Standard to ISO Standard—Not applicable.Application—Not ApplicableReference SectionASTM D445—Standard Test Method for Kinematic Viscosity of Transparent and Opaque Liquids (the Calculation of Dynamic Viscosity)ASTM D2983—Standard Test Method for Low-Temperature Viscosity of Automotive Fluid Lubricants Measured by Brookfield ViscometerASTM D5293—Standard Test Method for Apparent Viscosity of Engine Oils Between –5 and –30°C Using the Cold-Cranking SimulatorCEC Test Method CEC L-45-T-93—Viscosity Shear Stability of Transmission Lubricants (KRL – Tapered Roller Bearing Test Rig) Shear Stability Test, 1993Developed by the SAE J306 Task ForceSAE J301—EFFECTIVE DATES OF NEW OR REVISED TECHNICAL REPORTSThe final approval date for Fuels and Lubricants technical reports is shown following the J-report number. This approval date is the date of final approval by the Fuels and Lubricants Division. It is effective immediately subsequent to divisional approval for newly issued Standards, Recommended Practices, and Information Reports, and also for revised Information Reports and the SAE J1146 Recommended Practice. In the case of revised or cancelled Standards or Recommended Practices (used to define product quality), an 18-month optional grace period exists before they become fully effective.。

ETA-UTP001 Revision 0(SAE J1263)[P19].pdfETA-UTP001-Effective March 23,2001 Implementation of SAE J1263-1996.pdfNASA-SAE-88-1448 LDV Surveys Over Fighter Model at Moderate High Angles of Attack[P27].pdf SAE- Automotive Chassis Engineering Principles (SECOND EDITION)[P454].pdfSAE- Automotive Chassis-Engineering Principles [SECOND EDITION][P456].pdfSAE- Automotive Physical Layer SAE-J1708 DS36277.pdfSAE- Structural Steel Designer's Handbook (Brockenbrough & Merritt)(3Rd Edition)[P1201].pdf SAE-174M-MAY1998 TORQUE-TENSION TEST PROCEDURESTEEL THREADED FASTENERS,METRIC SERIES.pdfSAE-2006 Formula SAE-Chassis Design(Queen's University)[P18].pdfSAE-720709-1972 Design&Development of a High horsepower torque sensing variable speed drive.pdfSAE-AIR1228-2001 Standard Impulse Machine Equipment&Operation[P6].pdfSAE-AIR1377A-2004 Fire Test Equipment for Flexible Hose&Tube Assemblies[P22].pdfSAE-AIR3260-2006 Identification of Standard Utility Parts - Bolts&Nuts[P4].pdfSAE-AIR4002-1994 8000 psi Hydraulic Systems Experience&Test Results.pdfSAE-AIR4069A-1998 Sealing of Integral Fuel Tanks [P94].pdfSAE-AIR4069A-1998 Sealing of Integral Fuel Tanks[P95].pdfSAE-AIR4176-1995(R2005) Cost Versus Benefits of Engine Monitoring Systems.pdfSAE-AIR5120-2006 Engine Monitoring System Reliability&Validity[P27].pdfSAE-AIR797E-2001 Hose Characteristics&Selection Chart[P15].pdfSAE-AMS1376B-1992 R1998 Remover,Epoxy Paint Acid-Type,Thickened.pdfSAE-AMS1379A-1996 COMPOUND,ALKALINE RUST REMOVER Aircraft Turbine Engine Components[P7].pdfSAE-AMS1380A-1992 SCALE CONDITIONER,ALKALINE Aircraft Turbine Engine Components[P6].pdfSAE-AMS1382A-1991 OXIDE REMOVER COMPOUND,ACIDIC Aircraft Turbine Engine Components[P6].pdfSAE-AMS1383A-1999 Oxide Conditioner,Alkaline Permanganate Aircraft Turbine Engine Components.pdfSAE-AMS1384A-1991 ACID,INHIBITED PHOSPHORIC Aircraft Turbine Engine Components Room Temperature Application[P6].pdfSAE-AMS1385A-2004 Compound,Hot Carbon&Paint Remover Aircraft Turbine Engine Components.pdfSAE-AMS1386A-2004 Compound,Silicone Rubber Remover Aircraft Turbine Engine Components Room Temperature Application.pdfSAE-AMS1387A-2004 Remover,Anti-Galling Compound Aircraft Turbine Engine Components Room Temperature Application.pdfSAE-AMS1424G-2006 (R) Deicing_Anti-Icing Fluid,Aircraft SAE-Type I.pdfSAE-AMS1424H-2007 Deicing_Anti-Icing Fluid,Aircraft,SAE-Type I[P15].pdfSAE-AMS1426C-1993 FLUID,DEICINGANTI-ICING,RUNWAYS&TAXIWAYS Glycol Base.pdf SAE-AMS1428E-2006 Fluid,Aircraft DeicingAnti-Icing,Non-Newtonian (Pseudoplastic),SAE-Types II,III,&IV.pdfSAE-AMS1431B-1998 Compound,Solid Runway&Taxiway Deicing_Anti-Icing.pdfSAE-AMS1435A-1999 Fluid,Generic,Deicing_Anti-Icing Runways&Taxiways.pdfSAE-AMS1453-2004 Disinfectant Cleaner for Aircraft Interior General Purpose Liquid .pdfSAE-AMS1476B-2004 Deodorant,Aircraft Toilet.pdfSAE-AMS1526B-2000 Cleaner for Aircraft Exterior Surfaces Water-Miscible,Pressure-Spraying Type.pdfSAE-AMS1534B-2004 Cleaner,Aircraft Glass Window.pdfSAE-AMS1535C-2002 Cleaner,Transparent Plastic.pdfSAE-AMS1537B-2001 Cleaner,Alkaline Hot-Tank Type.pdfSAE-AMS1538A-1996 DEOXIDER,ACIDIC,FOR MAGNESIUM ALLOYS.pdfSAE-AMS1547-1996 Cleaner,Anodic,Electrolytic,Alkaline For Steel,Tank Type .pdfSAE-AMS1595A-1998 Qualification of Aircraft,Missile&Aerospace Fusion Welders.pdfSAE-AMS1625B-1989 DESMUTTER,ALUMINUM,POWDERED.pdfSAE-AMS1626B-1989 DESMUTTER,ALUMINUM Liquid.pdfSAE-AMS1631C-2005 Cleaner,Carpet Water Extraction Type.pdfSAE-AMS1640B-1988 CORROSION REMOVING COMPOUND For Aircraft Surfaces.pdfSAE-AMS2154-2005 Inspection,Ultrasonic,Wrought Metals,Process For.pdfSAE-AMS2154-2005 Inspection,Ultrasonic,Wrought Metals,Process For[P41].pdfSAE-AMS2175-2003 Castings,Classification&Inspection of.pdfSAE-AMS2241P-2005 Tolerances,Corrosion&Heat-Resistant Steel,Iron Alloy,Titanium,&Titanium Alloy Bars&Wire.pdfSAE-AMS2242F-2006 Tolerances Corrosion&Heat Resistant Steel,Iron Alloy,Titanium,&Titanium Alloy Sheet,Strip,&Plate.pdfSAE-AMS2243H-2006 Tolerances Corrosion&Heat-Resistant Steel Tubing.pdfSAE-AMS2244C-2003 Tolerances (R) Titanium&Titanium Alloy Tubing.pdfSAE-AMS2249F-2005 Chemical Check Analysis Limits Titanium&Titanium Alloys.pdfSAE-AMS2249F-2005 Chemical Check Analysis Limits Titanium&Titanium Alloys[1].pdfSAE-AMS2251G-1998 Tolerances Low-Alloy Steel Bars.pdfSAE-AMS2251H-2006 Tolerances Low-Alloy Steel Bars.pdfSAE-AMS2252D-2006 Tolerances Low-Alloy Steel Sheet,Strip,&Plate.pdfSAE-AMS2269F-2006 Chemical Check Analysis Limits Nickel,Nickel Alloys,and Cobalt Alloys.pdf SAE-AMS2372D 碳钢和低合金钢取样规范[中文版].pdfSAE-AMS2372D-JAN2002 Quality Assurance Sampling&Testing Carbon&Low-Alloy Steel Forgings[P6].pdfSAE-AMS2375D-2007 Control of Forgings Requiring First Article Approval [P6].pdfSAE-AMS2406L-2007 Plating,Chromium Hard Deposit [p7].pdfSAE-AMS2411F-2007 Plating,Silver for High Temperature Applications [P8].pdfSAE-AMS2412H-2007 Plating,Silver Copper Strike,Low Bake[P7].pdfSAE-AMS2417G-2004 Plating,Zinc-Nickel Alloy.pdfSAE-AMS2422E-2007 Plating,Gold[P9].pdfSAE-AMS2435G-2007 Coating,Tungsten Carbide-Cobalt Coating,Detonation Process [P8].pdfSAE-AMS2448-2004 Application of Tungsten Carbide Coatings on Ultra High Strength Steels High Velocity Oxygen Fuel Process[P13].pdfSAE-AMS2448-2004 Application of Tungsten Carbide Coatings on Ultra High Strength Steels High Velocity Oxygen Fuel Process.pdfSAE-AMS2469G-2004 Hard Anodic Coating Treatment of Aluminum&Aluminum Alloys Processing&Performance Requirements.[P8].pdfSAE-AMS2470M-2007 Anodic Treatment of Aluminum Alloys Chromic Acid Process[P8].pdfSAE-AMS2482C-2006 Hard Coating Treatment of Aluminum Alloys Teflon-Impregnated or Codeposited.pdfSAE-AMS2482C-2006 Hard Coating Treatment of Aluminum Alloys Teflon-Impregnated or Codeposited[P7].pdfSAE-AMS2546-2004 Reaffirmed 2010-05 Laser Peening.pdfSAE-AMS2633C-2007 Ultrasonic Inspection Centrifugally-Cast,Corrosion-Resistant Steel Tubular Cylinders[P13].pdfSAE-AMS2643D-2007 Structural Examination of Titanium Alloys Chemical Etch Inspection Procedure [P5].pdfSAE-AMS2647C-2009 Fluorescent Penetrant Inspection Aircraft&Engine Component Maintenance.pdfSAE-AMS2649C-2008 Etch Inspection of High Strength Steel Parts.pdfSAE-AMS2753B-1991 Liquid Salt Bath Ferritic Nitrocarburizing Non-Cyanide Bath[P8].pdfSAE-AMS2757-B-2004 气体氮碳共渗.pdfSAE-AMS2759_11-2005 Stress Relief of Steel Parts[P5].pdfSAE-AMS2759_2C-2000 低合金钢零件的热处理最小拉伸强度大于等于220KSI[中文版][P13].pdfSAE-AMS2759_3C-2000 沉淀硬化不锈钢和马氏体时效钢的热处理[中文版][P16].pdfSAE-AMS2759_3D-2005 Heat Treatment Precipitation-Hardening Corrosion-Resistant&Maraging Steel Parts[P16].pdfSAE-AMS2759_3D-2005 Heat Treatment Precipitation-Hardening Corrosion-Resistant&Maraging Steel Parts[P16][1].pdfSAE-AMS2759-11-1992 Ion Nitriding.pdfSAE-AMS2759-11-2005 Stress Relief of Steel Parts.pdfSAE-AMS27591-12A-2007 Gaseous Nitrocarburizing,Automatically Controlled by Potentials.pdf SAE-AMS2759-12A 2007 Gaseous Nitrocarburizing,Automatically Controlled by Potentials.pdfSAE-AMS2759-1C-2000 最低抗拉强度低于220 ksi (1517 MPa)低合金碳钢零件的热处理.pdf SAE-AMS2759-2C-2000 Heat Treatment of Low-Alloy Steel Parts Minimum Tensile Strength 220 ksi (1 51 7 MPa)&Higher.pdfSAE-AMS2759-2C-2000 中文版低合金钢零件的热处理最小拉伸强度大于等于220KSI(1517MPa).pdfSAE-AMS2759-3C-2000 中文版沉淀硬化不锈钢和马氏体时效钢的热处理.pdfSAE-AMS2759-3D-2005 Heat Treatment Precipitation-Hardening Corrosion-Resistant&Maraging Steel Parts.pdfSAE-AMS2759-4B-2001 Heat Treatment Austenitic Corrosion-Resistant Steel Parts.pdfSAE-AMS2759-5D-2004 Heat Treatment Martensitic Corrosion-Resistant Steel Parts.pdfSAE-AMS2759-6A-2002 Gas Nitriding&Heat Treatment of Low-Alloy Steel Parts.pdfSAE-AMS2759-7A-2006 Carburizing&Heat Treatment of Carburizing Grade Steel Parts.pdfSAE-AMS2759-9_8-1992 Ion Nitriding [P12].pdfSAE-AMS2759C-2000 Heat Treatment of Steel Parts General Requirements[P15].pdfSAE-AMS2770H-2006 Heat Treatment of Wrought Aluminum Alloy Parts.pdfSAE-AMS2771C-2004 Heat Treatment of Aluminum Alloy Castings.pdfSAE-AMS2772C-2002 Heat Treatment of Aluminum Alloy Raw Materials.pdfSAE-AMS2772E-2008 Heat Treatment of Aluminum Alloy Raw Materials.pdfSAE-AMS2809-1986 R2002 Identification Titanium&Titanium Alloy Wrought Products.pdfSAE-AMS2809-2002 Identification Titanium&Titanium Alloy Wrought Products.pdfSAE-AMS2814F-2001 优质焊丝包的包装和标识.pdfSAE-AMS2814F-2001 优质焊丝包的包装和标识[P8].pdfSAE-AMS3021D-2007 Fluid,Reference for Testing Di-Ester (Polyol) Resistant Material [P4].pdfSAE-AMS3302G-1990 Silicone Rubber,General Purpose,50 Durometer.pdfSAE-AMS3650C-1991 Rods,Sheets,&Molded Shapes,Polychlorotrifluoroethylene (PCTFE),Unplasticized.pdfSAE-AMS3901C-1998 Organic Fiber (Para-Aramid),Yarn&Roving,High Modulus[P13].pdfSAE-AMS4045J-2007 Aluminum Alloy Sheet&Plate 5.6Zn-2.5Mg-1.6Cu-0.23Cr 7075 (-T6 Sheet,-T651 Plate)[P5].pdfSAE-AMS4100D-2007 Aluminum Alloy,Alclad,Sheet 5.7Zn-2.2Mg-1.6Cu-0.22Cr (Alclad 7475-T761)[P6].pdfSAE-AMS4108F-2003 Aluminum Alloy,Hand Forgings 6.2Zn-2.3Cu-2.2Mg-0.12Zr (7050-T7452)Solution Heat Treated,Compression Stress-Relieved,and Overaged.pdfSAE-AMS4111D-2007 Aluminum Alloy Forgings 7.7Zn-2.5Mg-1.5Cu-0.16Cr (7049-T73)[P8].pdf SAE-AMS4143D-2001 Aluminum Alloy Forgings&Rolled or Forged Rings 6.3Cu-0.30Mn-0.18Zr-0.10V-0.06Ti (2219-T6) Solution&Precipitation Heat Treated.pdfSAE-AMS4147D-2007 Aluminum Alloy Forgings 5.6Zn-2.5Mg-1.6Cu-0.23Cr(7075-T7352) Solution Heat Treated,Stress Relieved by Compression,&Overaged[P7].pdfSAE-AMS4150L-2003(R2008) Aluminum Alloy,Extrusions&Rings 1.0Mg-0.60Si-0.28Cu-0.20Cr-(6061-T6) Solution&Precipitation Heat Treated.pdfSAE-AMS4152M-2007 Aluminum Alloy,Extrusions 4.4Cu 1.5Mg 0.60Mn Solution Heat Treated[P5].pdfSAE-AMS4157D-2007 Aluminum Alloy Extrusions 7.7Zn-2.4Mg-1.6Cu-0.16Cr (7049-T73511)[P5].pdfSAE-AMS4162D-2003 Aluminum Alloy,Extrusions 6.3Cu - 0.30Mn - 0.18Zr - 0.10V - 0.06Ti (2219-T8511) Solution Treated,Stress Relief Stretched,Straightened,&Precipitation Heat Treated.pdf SAE-AMS4169K-2003 Aluminum Alloy,Extrusions 5.6Zn - 2.5Mg - 1.6Cu - 0.23Cr (7075-T6511)&Precipitation Heat Treated.pdfSAE-AMS4173E-2003 Aluminum Alloy,Extrusions 1.0Mg - 0.60Si - 0.30Cu - 0.20Cr (6061-T6511) Solution Heat Treated Stress.pdfSAE-AMS4206A-2006 Aluminum Alloy,Plate (7055-T7751) 8.0Zn - 2.3Cu - 2.0Mg - 0.16Zr Solution Heat Treated,Stress Relieved,&Overaged.pdfSAE-AMS4218H-2001 Aluminum Alloy Castings 7.0Si 0.35Mg (A356.0-T6P) (Formerly T61P Temper) Solution&Precipitation Heat Treated.pdfSAE-AMS4270B-2007 Aluminum Alloy,Alclad Flat Sheet 4.1Cu-1.4Mg-0.45Mn (Alclad 2424-T3) [P7].pdfSAE-AMS4279B-2006 Aluminum Alloy,Alclad Sheet 4.4Cu 1.5Mg 0.60Mn (2024-T4 Flat Sheet) Solution Heat Treated,High Formability.pdfSAE-AMS4324-2002(R2007) 固溶热处理的、消除应力的和过老化的(7055-T74511)含8.0Zn-2.3Cu-2.0Mg-0.16Zr挤压的铝合金杆材、棒材和型材.pdfSAE-AMS4329A-2006 Aluminum Alloy,Plate (7085-T7651) 7.5Zn - 1.6Cu - 1.5Mg - 0.12Zr Solution Heat Treated,Stress-Relieved,&Ove[P6].pdfSAE-AMS4337A-2006 Aluminum Alloy,Extruded Profiles (7055-T77511) 8.0Zn 2.3Cu 2.0Mg 0.16Zr Solution Heat Treated,Stress Relieved,&Overaged.pdfSAE-AMS4342E-2007 Aluminum Alloy,Extrusions 6.2Zn 2.3Cu 2.2Mg 0.12Zr (7050-T74511) Solution Heat Treated,Stress Relieved,Straightened,&Overaged.pdfSAE-AMS4484K-2007 Magnesium Alloy Castings,Permanent Mold 9.0Al-2.0Zn (AZ92A-T6) [P7].pdfSAE-AMS4500J-2007 Copper,Sheet,Strip,and Plate Soft Annealed [P4].pdfSAE-AMS4640-2005 ALUMINUM BRONZE BARS. RODS. SHAPES. TUBES.&FORGINGS 81.5 CU- 10.A1 - 4.8NI - 3.0FE DRAWN&STRESS RELIEVED (HR50) OR TEMPER ANNEALED (TQ50[P8 OCR].pdfSAE-AMS4775H-2005 Nickel Alloy,Brazing Filler Metal 73Ni - 0.75C - 4.5Si - 14Cr - 3.1B - 4.5Fe 1790 to 1970 °F (977 to 1077 °C) Solidus-Liquidus Range.pdfSAE-AMS4805E-2007 Bearings,Sintered Metal Powder 89Cu-10Sn Oil Impregnated [P6].pdfSAE-AMS4900M-2006 AEROSPACE MATERIAL SPECIFICA TION Titanium Sheet,Strip,&Plate Commercially Pure Annealed,55 ksi (379 MPa) [P6].pdfSAE-AMS4911K-2007 Titanium Alloy,Sheet,Strip,and Plate 6AI-4V Annealed [P7].pdfSAE-AMS4911L-2007 Titanium Alloy,Sheet,Strip,and Plate 6AI-4V Annealed [P7].pdfSAE-AMS4918L-2006 Titanium Alloy,Sheet,Strip,&Plate6AI - 6V - 2Sn Annealed[P7].pdfSAE-AMS4921K-2006 [P8].pdfSAE-AMS4921L-2007 Titanium Bars,Wire,Forgings,and Rings Commercially Pure 70 ksi (483 MPa) Yield Strength [P7].pdfSAE-AMS4928Q-2001 Titanium Alloy Bars,Wire,Forgings,Rings,&Drawn Shapes.pdfSAE-AMS4928R-2007 Titanium Alloy Bars,Wire,Forgings,Rings,&Drawn Shapes 6Al - 4V Annealed.pdfSAE-AMS4931B-2002 含6Al-4V超低填隙的、二次退火的、断裂韧度的钛合金棒材、锻件和环件.pdfSAE-AMS4931C-2007 Titanium Alloy bars,Forgings&Rings 6Al-4V Extra low interstitial(ELI) Duplex.pdfSAE-AMS4933D-2008 Titanium Alloy Extrusions and Flash Welded Rings 8Al-1Mo-1V Solution Heat Treated and Stabilized[P8].pdfSAE-AMS4942E-2006 Titanium Tubing,Seamless Annealed,40.0 ksi (275 MPa) Yield Strength.pdf SAE-AMS4943H-2008 Titanium Alloy.Hydraulic. Seamless Tubing 3.0Al-2.5V Annealed.pdfSAE-AMS4944G-2006 Titanium Alloy Tubing,Seamless,Hydraulic 3.0Al - 2.5V Cold Worked,Stress Relieved.pdfSAE-AMS4958C-2008 Titanium Alloy Bars and Rods 3Al-8V-6Cr-4Mo-4Zr Consumable Electrode Melted Solution Heat Treated and Centerless Ground[P6].pdfSAE-AMS4965J-2007 Titanium Alloy,Bars,Wire,Forgings,and Rings 6.0AI-4.0V Solution Heat Treated&Aged [P8].pdfSAE-AMS4971G-2007 Titanium Alloy,Bars,Wire,Forgings,and Rings 6Al-6V-2Sn Annealed,Heat Treatable[P8].pdfSAE-AMS4975J-2007 Titanium Alloy,Bars,Wire,andRings6.0Al-2.0Sn-4.0Zr-2.0Mo-0.08SiSolution&Precipitation Heat Treated[P7].pdfSAE-AMS4982D-2007 Titanium Alloy Wire 44.5 Cb [P6].pdfSAE-AMS5010K-2006 Steel Bars Free Machining Cold Drawn (SAE-1212 or SAE-1215) UNS G12120[P4].pdfSAE-AMS5046C-2007 Carbon Steel,Sheet,Strip,and Plate (SAE-1020&1025) Annealed[P5].pdfSAE-AMS5047F-2007 Steel,Sheet&Strip 0.08-0.13C,Aluminum Killed (SAE-1010) Deep Forming Grade [P4].pdfSAE-AMS5085G-2008 Steel Sheet. Strip.&Plate 0.47-0.55C (SAE-1050) Annealed.pdfSAE-AMS5349D-2007 Steel,Corrosion-Resistant,Investment Castings 13Cr Free Machining; Hardened&Tempered[P11].pdfSAE-AMS5352E-2007 Steel,Corrosion-Resistant,Investment Castings 17Cr-0.55Mo (0.95-1.20C) Annealed[P9].pdfSAE-AMS5353D-2007 Steel,Corrosion-Resistant,Investment Castings 16Cr-1.8Ni-0.08N ASCast [P10].pdfSAE-AMS5355H-2001 steel,corrosion resistant,investment casting[P14 OCR].pdfSAE-AMS5383E-2007 Nickel Alloy,Corrosion&Heat-Resistant,Investment Castings 52.5Ni-19Cr-3.0Mo-5.1Cb(Nb)-0.90Ti-0.60Al-18Fe[P11].pdfSAE-AMS5385G-1999 铸造状态的含62Co-27Cr-2.8Ni-5.5Mo耐腐蚀和耐热的钴合金熔模铸件.pdfSAE-AMS5398F-2006 Steel,Corrosion Resistant,Sand&Centrifugal Castings 16Cr 4.1Ni 0.22(Cb + Ta) 2.8Cu Solution Heat Treated[P9].pdfSAE-AMS5512L-2007 Steel,Corrosion&Heat-Resistant,Sheet,Strip,and Plate 18Cr-10.5Ni-0.80Cb (SAE-30347)Solution Heat Treated[P5].pdfSAE-AMS5516P-2007 Steel,Corrosion-Resistant,Sheet,Strip,and Plate 18Cr-9.0Ni (SAE-30302)Solution Heat Treated[P5].pdfSAE-AMS5542N-2007 Nickel Alloy,Corrosion&Heat-Resistant,Sheet,Strip,and Plate72Ni-15.5Cr-0.95Cb(Nb)-2.5Ti-0.70Al-7.0Fe[p6].pdfSAE-AMS5548P-2007 Steel,Corrosion&Heat-Resistant,Sheet&Strip 16.5Cr-4.5Ni-2.9Mo-0.10N 1850 to 1975 °F (1010 to 1079 °C) Annealed[P6].pdfSAE-AMS5561G-2007 Steel,Corrosion&Heat-Resistant,Welded&Drawn or Seamless&Drawn Tubing 9.0Mn-20Cr-6.5Ni-0.28N High-Pressure Hydraulic[P8].pdfSAE-AMS5569A-2001 Steel,Corrosion&Heat Resistant,Seamless&Welded Hydraulic Tubing 19Cr-9.5Ni-0.03C max Cold Drawn,1∕8 Hard Temper.pdfSAE-AMS5575N-2007 Steel,Corrosion&Heat-Resistant,Welded Tubing 18Cr-10.5Ni-0.70Cb(Nb) (SAE-30347)Solution Heat Treated[P6].pdfSAE-AMS5581D-2001 Nickel Alloy,Corrosion&Heat Resistant,Seamless or Welded Tubing 62Ni-21.5Cr-9.0Mo-3.7Cb Annealed.pdfSAE-AMS5589E-2007 Nickel Alloy,Corrosion&Heat-Resistant,Seamless Tubing 52.5Ni-19Cr-3.0Mo-5.1Cb (Nb)-0.90Ti-0.50Al-18Fe[P6].pdfSAE-AMS5596K-2007 Nickel Alloy,Corrosion&Heat-Resistant,Sheet,Strip,Foil&Plate 52.5Ni-19Cr-3.0Mo-5.1Cb (Nb)-0.90Ti-0.50Al-18Fe[P8].pdfSAE-AMS5599G-2007 Nickel Alloy,Corrosion&Heat-Resistant,Sheet,Strip,and Plate 62Ni-21.5Cr-9.0Mo-3.7 Cb (Nb)[P5].pdfSAE-AMS5612J-2007 Steel,Corrosion&Heat-Resistant,Bars,Wire,Forgings,Tubing,and Rings 12CrFerrite Controlled,Annealed[P7].pdfSAE-AMS5629E-2002 真空感应加真空自耗预热处理沉淀硬化型耐蚀13Cr-8.0Ni-2.2Mo-1.1Al钢棒、丝、锻件、环和模锻件.pdfSAE-AMS5630G-2000 Steel,Corrosion Resistant,Bars,Wire,and Forgings 17Cr-0.52Mo (0.95-1.20C) (SAE-51440C).pdfSAE-AMS5639H-2002(R2007) 管口连接用备份密封圈的六角螺母[P7].pdfSAE-AMS5643Q-2003 Steel,Corrosion-Resistant,Bars,Wire,Forgings,Tubing,and Rings 16Cr-4.0Ni-0.30Cb-4.0Cu Solution Heat Treated,Precipitation Hardenable.pdfSAE-AMS5659K-1998 Steel,Corrosion Resistant,Bars,Wire,Forgings,Rings,&Extrusions 15Cr - 4.5Ni - 0.30Cb - 3.5Cu Consumable Electrode Melted Solution Heat Treated,Precipitation Hardenable.pdf SAE-AMS5659L-2004 Steel,Corrosion-Resistant,Bars,Wire,Forgings,Rings,&Extrusions[P10].pdf SAE-AMS5662M-2004 镍基高温合金[P17].pdfSAE-AMS5668J-2007 Nickel Alloy,Corrosion&Heat-Resistant,Bars,Forgings,and Rings 72Ni-15.5Cr-7.0Fe-2.5Ti-1.0Cb (Nb)-0.70Al[P7].pdfSAE-AMS5678F-2002(R2007) Steel,Corrosion Resistant,Wire 17Cr-7.1Ni-1.1Al Cold Drawn,Precipitation-Hardenable-UNS S17700.pdfSAE-AMS5688L-2007 Steel,Corrosion Resistant,Wire 18Cr 9.0Ni (SAE-30302) Spring Temper.pdf SAE-AMS5698G-2003(R2007) Nickel Alloy,Corrosion&Heat-Resistant,Wire 72Ni-15.5Cr-0.95Cb-2.5Ti-0.70Al-7.0Fe No.1 Temper,Precipitation Hardenable-UNS N07750.pdf SAE-AMS5699G-2003(R2007) Nickel Alloy,Corrosion&Heat-Resistant,Wire 72Ni 15.5Cr 0.95Cb 2.5Ti 0.70Al 7.0Fe Spring Temper,Precipitation Hardenable.pdfSAE-AMS5713J-2007 Nickel Alloy,Corrosion&Heat-Resistant,Bars,Forgings,&Rings 53Ni - 19Cr - 11Co - 9.8Mo - 3.2Ti - 1.6Al - 0.006B Vacuum Melted,Solution&Precipitation Heat Treated.pdfSAE-AMS5713J-2007 Nickel Alloy,Corrosion&Heat-Resistant,Bars,Forgings,and Rings 53Ni-19Cr-11Co-9.8Mo-3.2Ti-1.6Al-0.006B[P7].pdfSAE-AMS5732J-2006 Steel,Corrosion&Heat-Resistant,Bars,Wire,Forgings,Tubing,and Rings 15Cr-25.5Ni-1.2Mo-2.1Ti-0.006B-0.30V Consumable Electrode Melted 1800 °F (982 °C) Solution&P.pdfSAE-AMS5759-2004 Cobalt Alloy,Corrosion&Heat-Resistant,Bars,Forgings,&Rings 52Co- 20Cr- 10Ni- 15W Solution Heat Treated.pdfSAE-AMS5772D-2004(R2009) Cobalt Alloy,Corrosion&Heat-Resistant,Bars,Forgings&Rings 40Co 22Cr 22Ni 14.5W 0.07La,Solution Heat Treated.pdfSAE-AMS5786E-2002 Nickel Alloy,corrosion&heat-resistant,welding wire 62.5Ni-5.0Cr-24.5Mo-5.5Fe.pdfSAE-AMS5796D-2000 Cobalt Alloy,Corrosion&Heat Resistant,Welding Wire 52Co-20Cr-10Ni-15W.pdfSAE-AMS5830C-2007 Nickel-Iron Alloy,Corrosion&Heat-Resistant,Welding Wire 12.5Cr-42.5Ni-6.0Mo-2.7Ti-0.015B-35Fe.pdfSAE-AMS5830C-2007 Nickel-Iron Alloy,Corrosion&Heat-Resistant,Welding Wire 12.5Cr-42.5Ni-6.0Mo-2.7Ti-0.015B-35Fe[P6].pdfSAE-AMS5857B-2007 Steel,Corrosion-Resistant,Bars&Wire 19Cr-10Ni (SAE-30304)High Yield Strength Solution Heat Treated&Cold Worked[P4].pdfSAE-AMS5869C-2008 Nickel Alloy.Corrosion&Heat-Resistant.Sheet.Strip.and Plate 62Ni-21.5Cr-9.0Mo-3.7Cb Solution Heat Treated.pdfSAE-AMS6257D-2007 Steel Bars,Forgings,and Tubing 1.6Si-0.82Cr-1.8Ni-0.40Mo-0.08V (0.40-0.44C)[P9].pdfSAE-AMS6260P-2007 Steel,Bars,Forgings,and Tubing 1.2Cr-3.2Ni-0.12Mo (0.07-0.13C) (SAE-9310)[P6].pdfSAE-AMS6267G-2007 Steel Bars,Forgings,and Tubing 1.2Cr-3.25Ni-0.12Mo (0.07-0.13C) (SAE-9310)[p6].pdfSAE-AMS6345B-2007 Steel,Sheet,Strip,and Plate 0.95Cr-0.20Mo (0.28-0.33C) (SAE-4130)[p7].pdf SAE-AMS6354F-2007 Steel,Sheet,Strip,and Plate 0.75Si-0.62Cr-0.20Mo-0.10Zr (0.10-0.17C)[P5].pdf SAE-AMS6359H-2007 Steel,Sheet,Strip,and Plate 0.80Cr-1.8Ni-0.25Mo (0.38-0.43C) (SAE-4340)[p6].pdfSAE-AMS6409C-2007 Steel,Bars,Forgings,and Tubing 0.80Cr-1.8Ni-0.25Mo (0.38-0.43C) (SAE-4340)[p8].pdfSAE-AMS6414K-2007 Steel,Bars,Forgings,and Tubing 0.80Cr-1.8Ni-0.25Mo (0.38-0.43C) (SAE-4340)[p9].pdfSAE-AMS6415S-2007 Steel,Bars,Forgings,and Tubing 0.80Cr-1.8Ni-0.25Mo (0.38-0.43C) (SAE-4340)[P8].pdfSAE-AMS6417F-2006 Steel,Bars,Forgings,and Tubing 1.6Si-0.82Cr-1.8Ni-0.40Mo-0.08V (0.38-0.43C)Consumable Electrode Vacuum Remelted.pdfSAE-AMS6440P-2007 Steel,Bars,Forgings,and Tubing 1.45Cr (0.93-1.05C) (SAE-52100) For Bearing Applications[p7].pdfSAE-AMS6454D-2007 Steel,Sheet,Strip,and Plate 1.8Ni-0.80Cr-0.25Mo (0.38-0.43C) (SAE-4340)Vacuum Consumable Electrode Remelted[p7].pdfSAE-AMS6501D-2007 Steel,Maraging,Welding Wire 18Ni-8.0Co-4.9Mo-0.40Ti-0.10Al Vacuum Induction Melted,Environment Controlled Packaging[p6].pdfSAE-AMS753-1998 Corrosion-Resistant Steel Parts Sampling,Inspection&Testing for Surface Passivation[P11].pdfSAE-AMS7721C-2007 Lead Alloy Sheet&Extrusions 93Pb-6.5Sb-0.50Sn ASFabricated[p5].pdfSAE-AMS7731C-2007 Gold Wire&Ribbon 99.97Au Annealed[p6].pdfSAE-AMS7881-2007 Tungsten Carbide-Cobalt Powder Agglomerated&Sintered[p5].pdfSAE-AMS7881-2007 Tungsten Carbide--Cobalt Powder Agglomerated&Sintered[P5].pdfSAE-AMS7882A-2007 Tungsten Carbide-Cobalt Chrome Powder Agglomerated&Sintered[p5].pdf SAE-AMS7882A-2007 Tungsten Carbide--Cobalt Chrome Powder Agglomerated&Sintered[P5].pdf SAE-AMS-A-22771A-2007 Aluminum Alloy Forgings,Heat Treated[p25].pdfSAE-AMS-C-5541A-2003 Chemical Conversion Coatings on Aluminum&Aluminum Alloys.pdfSAE-AMS-F-7190A-2007 Forging,Steel,For Aircraft_Aerospace Equipment&Special Ordnance Applications[p11].pdfSAE-AMS-H-6875-1998(R2006) Heat Treatment of Steel Raw Materials [P29].pdfSAE-AMS-I-23011A-2007 Iron-Nickel Alloys for Sealing to Glasses&Ceramic[P22].pdfSAE-AMS-M-7866A-2007 Molybdenum Disulfide,Technical,Lubrication Grade[p11].pdfSAE-AMS-QQ-A-200-13B-2007 Aluminum Alloy 7178,Bar,Rod,Shapes,Tube,and Wire,Extruded[p8].pdfSAE-AMS-QQ-A-200-14A-2007 Aluminum Alloy,Bar,Rod,Shapes,and Wire,Extruded,7178-T76 Improved Exfoliation Resistance[p8].pdfSAE-AMS-QQ-A-200-5A-2007 Aluminum Alloy 5086,Bar,Rod,Shapes,Tube,andWire,Extruded[p7].pdfSAE-AMS-QQ-A-200-7B-2007 Aluminum Alloy 5456,Bar,Rod,Shapes,Tube,and Wire,Extruded[p6].pdfSAE-AMS-QQ-A-200-9-1997 Aluminum Alloy 6063,Bar,Rod,Shapes,Tube,&Wire,Extruded.pdfSAE-AMS-QQ-A-250-10A-2007 Aluminum Alloy 5454,Plate&Sheet.pdfSAE-AMS-QQ-A-250-11A-2007 Aluminum Alloy 6061,Plate&Sheet.pdfSAE-AMS-QQ-A-250-12-2007 Aluminum Alloy 7075,Plate&Sheet.pdfSAE-AMS-QQ-A-250-13-2007 Aluminum Alloy Alclad 7075,Plate&Sheet.pdfSAE-AMS-QQ-A-250-14A-2007 Aluminum Alloy 7178,Plate&Sheet [p7].pdfSAE-AMS-QQ-A-250-15B-2007 Aluminum Alloy Alclad 7178,Plate&Sheet[p8].pdfSAE-AMS-QQ-A-250-21B-2007 Aluminum Alloy,7178-T76,Plate&Sheet Improved Exfoliation Resistant[p7].pdfSAE-AMS-QQ-A-250-22B-2007 Aluminum Alloy,7178-T76,Alclad Plate&Sheet,Improved Exfoliation Resistant[p10].pdfSAE-AMS-QQ-A-250-28B-2007 Aluminum Alloy,7011 Alclad 7178 Plate&Sheet[p14].pdfSAE-AMS-QQ-A-250-4A-2007 Aluminum Alloy 2024,Plate&Sheet..pdfSAE-AMS-QQ-A-250-5A-2007 Aluminum Alloy Alclad 2024,Plate&Sheet.pdfSAE-AMS-QQ-A-250-8A-1998 Aluminum Alloy 5052,Plate&Sheet.pdfSAE-AMS-QQ-A-250-9A-2006 Aluminum Alloy 5456,Plate&Sheet.pdfSAE-AMS-QQ-A-250A-2004 Aluminum&Aluminum Alloy,Plate&Sheet General Specification for.pdf SAE-AMS-QQ-A-367A-2007 Aluminum Alloy Forgings[p29].pdfSAE-AMS-S-13165 Issued NOV1997 Shot Peening of Metal Parts[P27].pdfSAE-AMS-W-6858A-2000 Welding,Resistance Spot&Seam[P46].pdfSAE-ARP1232B-2001 Gland Design,Elastomeric O-Ring Seals,Static Radial..pdfSAE-ARP1420B-2002 Gas Turbine Engine Inlet Flow Distortion Guidelines.pdfSAE-ARP1420B-2002 Gas Turbine Engine Inlet Flow Distortion Guidelines[P24].pdfSAE-ARP1755B-2000 Effect of Cleaning Agents on Aircraft Engine Materials Stock Loss Test Method.PDFSAE-ARP1962A-1995 TRAINING&APPROVAL OF HEAT-TREA TING PERSONNEL.PDFSAE-ARP4191-2003 C Gas Turbine Engine Performance Presentation[P9].pdfSAE-ARP4191C-2003 Gas Turbine Engine Performance PresentationDigital Computer Programs Using FORTRAN 77.pdfSAE-ARP4191C-2003Gas Turbine Engine Performance Presentation [P9].pdfSAE-ARP4754-1996 ConsiderationsHighly-Integrated or Complex Aircraft Systems[P101].pdfSAE-ARP5316B-2002 Storage of Elastomer Seals&Seal Assemblies Which Include an Elastomer Element Prior to Hardware Assembly.pdfSAE-ARP5580-2001 非机动车用的故障模式和效果分析的推荐实施规范.pdfSAE-ARP598C-2003 Aerospace Microscopic Sizing&Counting of Particulate Contamination for Fluid Power Systems[P16].pdfSAE-AS122026A THRU AS122075A-2007 WASHER-LOCK,SPRING,CADMI[p3].pdfSAE-AS123601 THRU AS123750B-2007 RIVET,SOLID,100 FLUSH HEA[p3].pdfSAE-AS1241-1997 Fire Resistant Phosphate Ester Hydraulic Fluid for Aircraft.pdfSAE-AS14101-1998 低速自调心自润滑关节轴承.pdfSAE-AS14153B-2007 CIRCUIT BREAKER-AIRCRAFT,TRIP-FREE,[P3].pdfSAE-AS14154B-2007 Circuit Breaker-Aircraft,Trip-Free,Push-P[P3].pdfSAE-AS15001B-2007 FITTING,LUBRICATION,HYDRAULIC,SURFACE CHEC[P3].pdfSAE-AS15002B-2007 FITTING,LUBRICATION,HYDRAULIC,SURFACE CHEC[P3].pdfSAE-AS15003B-2007 FITTING,LUBRICATION,HYDRAULIC,SURFACE CHEC[P3].pdfSAE-AS15005B-2007 FITTING,LUBRICATION,HYDRAULIC,THROA T OR SU[P3].pdfSAE-AS15006B-2007 FITTING,LUBRICATION,HYDRAULIC,LEAKPROOF,1_8 PIPE THREADS[P3].pdfSAE-AS155001 THRU AS155300A-2007 STUD,STEPPED,2 DIA ENGAGEME[p3].pdfSAE-AS155301 THRU AS155600A-2007 STUD,STEPPED,2 DIA ENGAGEME[p3].pdfSAE-AS155901 THRU AS156200A-2007 STUD,STEPPED,2 DIA ENGAGEMENT,CADMIUM PLATED,STEEL UNS G87400,[p2].pdfSAE-AS158901 THRU AS159200A-2007 STUD,STEPPED,NECKED,1.5 DIA ENGAGEMENT,CADMIUM PLATED,STEEL[P3].pdfSAE-AS162501 THRU AS162800A-2007 STUD,STEPPED,DRILLED,NECKED,2 DIA ENGAGEMENT,CADMIUM PLATED,STEEL[p3].pdfSAE-AS17108A-2008 (R) bearing,ball,annular,primarily for aircraft generators&motor-generators,wide cartridge,type ii.pdfSAE-AS22759-10-2000 wire,electrical,fluoropolymer-insulated,extruded tfe,nickel-coated copper conductor,1000 volt.pdfSAE-AS22759-86B-2007 wire,electrical,polytetrafluoroethylene polyimide insulated,normal weight,silver coated,copper conductor,200 °c,600 volts.pdfSAE-AS22759-87B-2007 wire,electrical,polytetrafluoroethylene-polyimide insulated,normal weight,nickel coated,copper conductor,260 °c,600 volts.pdfSAE-AS22759-89B-2007 Wire,Electrical,Polytetrafluoroethylene-Polyimide Insulated,Normal Weight,Silver Coated,High Strength or Ultra High Strength Copper Alloy,200-mDC,600 V olts.pdf SAE-AS23190-1-1999(R2006) Straps,Clamps,&Mounting Hardware,Plastic for Cable Harness Tying&Support Clamp,Loop,Nylon,Adjustable,Wire Support[P5].pdfSAE-AS23190-1998 Straps,Clamps,&Mounting Hardware,Plastic&Metal for Cable Harness Tying&Support-FSC 5975[P42].pdfSAE-AS23190-2-1998(R2003) Straps,Clamps,Plastic&Metal,&Mounting Hardware,Plastic for Cable Harness Tying&Support Clamp,Loop,Metal[P9].pdfSAE-AS23190-3-2008 Straps,Clamps,&Mounting Hardware,Plastic&Metal for Cable Harness Tying&Support Strap,Tie down[P3].pdfSAE-AS25244-2007 CIRCUIT BREAKER,TRIP-FREE,PUSH-PULL,5 THRU [P6].pdfSAE-AS25361A-2007 CIRCUIT BREAKER -AIRCRAFT,TRIP-FREE,PUSH-PULL,50 THRU 100 AMP,TYPE I,[P3].pdfSAE-AS3086A-2007 STUD-STRAIGHT,KEY LOCKED,CADMIUM PLA TED,S[p2].pdfSAE-AS3087A-2007 STUD-STRAIGHT,KEY LOCKED,CADMIUM PLA TED,S[P3].pdfSAE-AS3088A-2007 STUD,STRAIGHT,KEY LOCKED,CADMIUM PLA TED,ST[P3].pdfSAE-AS3089A-2007 STUD,STRAIGHT,KEY LOCKED,CADMIUM PLA TED,ST[P3].pdfSAE-AS33514A-2007 Fitting End,Standard Dimensions for Flareles[P3].pdfSAE-AS33515A-2007 FITTING END,STANDARD DIMENSIONS FOR BULKHEAD[P3].pdfSAE-AS39029-19A-2007 CONTACTS,ELECTRICAL CONNECTOR,PIN,CRIMP[P5].pdfSAE-AS39029-21A-2007 CONTACTS,ELECTRICAL CONNECTOR,SOCKET,CR[P5].pdf。

Common Name
化学名 符号 Common Name
Nitrile Rubber
Natural Rubber
天然橡胶 NBR
(Acrylonitrile Butad iene
乙烯丙烯 酸脂
Fluoroalkoxyphosphazene Rubber
乙烯氯醇 橡胶
丁睛橡 胶
氢化丁 睛橡胶 氯化聚 乙烯 氯磺化 聚乙烯 丙烯酸 脂橡胶 聚胺脂 聚胺脂聚醚型 硅胶
Silicone Rubber Fluorosilicone
Fluorocarbon Rubber
Epichlorohydrin Homopolymer
Acrylic Ester/Ethylene Copolymer
SAE J200 标准代号
符号 后缀○1 -1 A:耐热,ASTM D573/70h B:压变,ASTM D395B C:耐臭氧或天候,ASTM D1171A D:压缩挠曲,ASTM D575A EO:耐润滑油,ASTM D471/70h EF:耐燃油,ASTM D471/70h EA:耐水,ASTM D471/70h F:耐低温,ASTM D2137A G:耐撕裂,ASTM D624C