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核 心

语 migrating birds.

基 础
2.Eating and drinking too much is likely _t_o__g_iv_e_ (give) one's
达 标
知 识
stomach trouble.

3.He finds it hard _t_o__fo_c_u_s_ (focus) his thoughts on one thing for 时

究 pilot survived.


三 言
1.real adj.真实的,真的→__re_a_l_it_y_ n.真实,现实→_re_a_l_iz_e__ 心

语 vt.实现;意识到

基 础
2.optimistic adj.乐观的→_o_p_ti_m_i_s_m_ n.乐观;乐观主义
重 难
longer than five minutes.
考 点
4.Atlanta was voted the best city in which _t_o__lo_c_a_te__ (locate) a
提 能 练

究 business by more than 400 chief executives.

理 _g_u_id_a_n_c_e_ (guide) of someone who's good at the language.

重 难 考
7.The chief engineer together with his colleagues has been looking 提 能
点 for new __sc_i_e_n_ti_f_ic__ (science) methods of farming since five years ago. 练

返 首 页

言 两
6.global adj._全__球__的__,__全__世__界__的__
心 素

7.surfing n._冲__浪__
have an art club instead.

8.I gratefully took the cup of coffee that she _o_f_fe_r_e_d_ (offer) me. 提
难 考
9.The plane _c_ra_s_h_e_d_ (crash) into the mountain,but luckily the 能
能 练

6._a_tt_a_ck__ n.& vt.攻击,进攻

三 言
7._p_r_o_je_c_t_ n.课题;方案;工程

8._d_is_a_p_p_e_a_r_ vi.消失

基 础
9._su_b_u_r_b_ n.市郊,郊区

识 梳
10._d_e_st_i_n_at_i_o_n__ n.目的地

识 梳

8.entertain v.娱乐;招待→_e_n_te_r_ta_i_n_m_e_n_t__ n.娱乐;款待

时 提
难 考

返 首 页
点 探
after being dealt with.(harm)

4.Parents _a_r_ra_n_g_e_ (arrangement) everything for their children and

三 言
spare no effort to pave the way for their success.

两 语
5._D_e_s_tr_u_c_ti_o_n__ (destroy) of the environment is one of the most
素 养

基 serious challenges we face.

知 识
6.They provide an environment where you can practice under the

识 梳
3.harm vt.& n.伤害,损害→_h_a_rm__fu_l_ adj.有害的→h_a_r_m__le_s_s_ 课

重 adj.无害的

难 考 点
4.scientific adj.科学的→_s_c_ie_n_c_e_ n.科学→__s_ci_e_n_ti_s_t_ n.科
能 练

核 心

语 in China.

基 础
2.To vote,or not to vote?This is a question that troubles him

识 梳
very much.

理 3.Secondly,people can also choose to buy or sell whatever they 时

点 探
or not only by the result of online voting.[it's+adj.+(for sb.) to do

究 sth.]

课 前 三 言
基 两

基 础 知 识 梳 理
重 难 考 点 探 究

核 心 素 养 达 标

时 提

返 首 页

[单词 拼写应用]
重 难
of visitors from all over the world are _a_t_tr_a_c_te_d__ by the __at_tr_a_c_t_iv_e__

提 能
点 scenery there.(attract)

前 三

核 心
两 语
1.virtual adj._虚__拟__的__

识 梳
information they need.[it's+adj.+(for sb.) to do sth.]

理 2.个人认为,仅凭网络投票的结果决定你是否胜出是不公平的。 时

难 Personally,_i_t__is__u_n_f_ai_r__to__b_e__d_e_c_id_e_d____ whether you are a winner

怖的→__te_r_ri_f_ie_d__ adj.感到恐怖的

难 考

返 首 页

[语境运用] 用所给词的适当形式或所给提示填空。

三 言

两 语
1.These plays were a popular form of _e_n_t_e_rt_a_in_m__e_n_t_ (entertain) 素 养
究 学家 返

前 三
5.arrange vt.安排→_a_r_r_an_g_e_m__e_n_t n.安排

核 心
两 语
6.settle vi.定居 vt.解决,使定居→__se_t_tl_e_m_e_n_t_ n.(新)定居地
素 养

基 础
7.attract vt.吸引→__a_t_tr_a_c_ti_v_e_ adj.吸引人的,有魅力的
语 only one of the _d_e_s_ti_n_a_ti_o_n_s__ (destination) in your life.

基 础
7.We _r_e_je_c_t_ed__ (reject) his idea for a music club,and decided to 标

识 梳

三 言

两 语
素 养

基 础

识 梳
Unit 4 Cyberspace

难 考

返 首 页
课 前 三 言
课 两

基 础 知 识 梳 理
重 难 考 点 探 究

核 心 素 养 达 标

时 提

返 首 页


三 言
1.In recent years,Internet voting has become increasingly popular


核 心

1._l_ik_e_l_y_ adj.有可能的 adv.(与most,very连用)可能

基 础
2._fo_c_u_s_ vi.集中注意

识 梳
3._g_u_id_e_ n.指南;导游,向导

4._c_li_m_a_t_e_ n.气候

考 点
5._a_ff_e_c_t_ vt.影响

11._o_ff_e_r_ n.& vt.提供,提议;优惠

考 点
12._cr_i_m_e_ n.犯罪;罪行
能 练

言 两
13._c_ra_s_h_ vt.(汽车、飞机等)撞毁;坠毁
心 素

14._a_v_er_a_g_e_ adj.平均的n.平均数

基 础

知 识
15._h_i_st_o_r_ic_a_l__ adj.历史的,有关历史的

8.The man _s_u_g_g_e_s_te_d_ that the manager should accept his

言 两
_s_u_g_g_e_s_ti_o_n_s_ which he thought were of great value.(suggest)
心 素

素 养

2.pessimistic adj._悲__观__的__,__厌__世__的__

达 标
知 识
3.destruction n._破__坏_,___毁__灭___

4.military adj._军__事__的__,__军__用__的____

难 考
5.hacker n._电__脑__黑__客_

16._lo_c_a_t_e_ vt.坐落于;位于

重 难
17._to_u_r_is_m__ n.观光,游览

提 能

[语境运用] 用所给词的适当形式填空。

三 言
1.For example,outdoor lighting severely _a_f_fe_c_t_s_ (affect)
基 础
9.The _c_r_im__in_a_l_ is said to have committed many _c_ri_m_e_s_ before 达 标
知 being arrested.(crime)

梳 理

10.Blackpool is the top tourist __a_tt_ra_c_t_io_n__ in England.A number 时

5.The soldier took his sword and _a_t_ta_c_k_e_d_ (attack) the enemy.

三 言
6.Achieving your goal to be admitted by a first-grade university is 心

难 考
want by the Internet,while traditional shops don't provide them

探 究
with such great freedom.
返 首 页

前 三
言 两
基 in the 1920s and 1930s.

达 标
知 识
2.In _r_e_a_li_t_y_,I have _r_e_a_li_z_ed__ that I must stop daydreaming

理 and be __re_a_l_is_ti_c__.(realise)

重 难 考
3.The _h_a_rm__f_u_l materials became _h_a_rm__le_s_s_ to the environment 提 能

三 言

两 语
9.suggest vt.建议,提议→_s_u_g_g_e_st_i_o_n_ n.建议,提议
素 养

基 础
10.terror n.恐怖→__te_r_ro_r_i_st__ n.恐怖分子→_te_r_r_o_ri_s_m__

识 梳
n.恐怖主义→_t_er_r_if_y__ vt.使恐怖;使惊吓→__te_r_ri_f_y_in_g__ adj.令人恐
核 心 素

Firstly,with the help of the Internet,_i_t_'s__p_o_ss_i_b_le__f_o_r__p_eo_p_l_e__to__
养 达

础 _w__o_r_k__at__h_o_m__e___ with a computer in front,sending and getting the