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第一部分听力(共20题 30分每题1.5分)
1. When does the rainy season start?
A. In January.
B. In February.
C. In November.
2. What’s wrong with the man’s food?
A. It’s hot.
B. It’s salty.
C. It’s tasteless.
3. What is Jennifer learning in school now?
A. To make sculptures.
B. To take pictures.
C. To draw.
4. Which room has the man finished decorating?
A. The living room.
B. The bathroom.
C. The kitchen.
5. Where are the speakers?
A. At a hospital.
B. In a classroom.
C. At a ball field.第二节
6. Where does Sam suggest going?
A. To a theater.
B. To a restaurant.
C. To a coffee shop.
7. How does Rita feel about the plan?
A. Excited.
B. Indifferent.
C. Disappointed.
8. What will Clark help Annie do?
A. Clean her apartment.
B. Water her plants.
C. Feed her dog.
9. What day will Clark go to Annie’s house?
A. On Monday.
B. On Thursday.
C. On Friday.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。
10. What was the program mainly about?
A. Horses and wars.
B. Horses from different countries.
C. Different uses of horses.
11. What seems to surprise the man?
A. People use horses for fun.
B. Horse races take place everywhere.
C. Horses are still used for hard labor.
12. What will the woman do this weekend?
A. Work on a farm.
B. Attend a wedding.
C. Go horse riding.
13. Where is the island?
A. It is in Asia.
B. It is in the Pacific Ocean.
C. It is off the coast of Europe.
14. Why did the man choose to go to the island?
A. It’s free of pollution.
B. It’s not far away.
C. It’s small.
15. What does the woman think of the island?
A. Beautiful.
B. Wild.
C. Unusual.
16. How many people live on the island now?
A. Eight.
B. Seven.
C. Six.
17. Who are the announcements for?
A. The manager.
B. The employees.
C. The customers.
18. What time does the store usually close?
A. At five o’clock.
B. At eight o’clock.
C. At ten o’clock.
19. What item is free for another one if you buy one?
A. Women’s dresses.
B. Men’s suits.
C. Shoes.
20. What does the speaker suggest people do in the end?
A. Go to a café.
B. Leave the shop early.
C. Buy some music CDs.
第二部分阅读(共 20题满分50分每题2.5分)
Have you realized that you can put your smartphone to really good use for learning English? Here are 4 free mobile apps th at will help you do just that.
Hello English
It covers all the aspects of language learning, including vocab ulary, translation, grammar, spelling, spoken and reading skill s. It uses interactive games to teach different English lessons and offers new audio-
books, latest news, and books. However, you should already understand basic English structures and alphabets, for the ap p can't help you learn English from scratch(从零开始).
If you want to learn English from scratch, then this is the app you are looking for. Duolingo uses interactive games to help y ou learn English. For beginners, the app focuses on helping y ou learn verbs, phrases and sentences.
If you are ready to practice your spoken skills in the real world , you'll need Lingbe. It's a community-
based app where people help each other and share their nativ e languages. It connects you with real people on call who are
native English speakers.
HelloTalk is similar to Lingbe as it connects you with native sp eakers to help improve your language skills. However, it adds a few extra functions that might interest you. You can view the information about users to find a match that interests you. Ad ditionally, you can also send text and audio-
messages, and even do video calls with other people.
If you are a beginner, start from Duolingo and then use Hello English to take full command of the language. For fluent spok en English learners, you can try out Lingbe or HelloTalk.
21.What should you already understand to use Hello English?
A. Good reading and writing skills.
B. Basic listening and speaking tips.
C. Different English lessons and books.
D. English letters and basic structures.
22.Which app is the best choice for an English beginner at firs t?
A. Hello English.
B. Duolingo.
C. Lingbe.
D. HelloTalk.
23.What can you do on Lingbe?
A. Read the latest news.
B. Enjoy the interactive games.
C. Practice your spoken English.
D. Talk with native speakers in the flesh.
When talking about the two sexes, people often say that men are from Mars and women are from Venus. Undeniably, men and women have great differences in many ways. However, these contrasts in character could all be down to su pposed differences between the male and female brain.
For example, a study led by British psychologist Stuart Ritchie in 2012 found that men’s brains are on average 10 percent bi gger than women’s.
And another study led by Israeli psychologist Daphna Joel at Tel Aviv University in 2015 further claimed that differences exi st in male and female brains, although each individual’s brain has a “mix of features”, as New Scientist wrote.
But Lise Eliot, a professor of neuroscience (神经
学) at the Chicago Medical School, begs to differ. She recentl y said that the brain “is a unisex organ ”.
Through analyzing brain data of several different men and wo men, Eliot found that the statistics about brain differences me an nothing. According to her findings, male and female brains
are not much more different from each other than male or fem ale hearts or kidneys. And more importantly, these differences don’t show that male and female brains work differently. So, if it’s not in the brain, what makes males and females beh ave differently? The answer may lie in socialization, according to The Atlantic.
In the past, many gender studies ignored the effects of a pers on’s social background and upbringing, instead relying on oth er data. Take former Harvard University president Lawrence Summers for example. He used a 1970 study that showed me n outperformed women 13-to-
one on the math part of the SAT to argue that males are more suited to science subjects.
However, another study found that if females were given bette r opportunities to study science subjects, the ratio would drop to three-to-one.
Eliot’s study “contributed in an important way to the conversati on,” neuropharmacologist Margaret McCarthy at the Universit y of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore, US, told Scien ce magazine.
Yet, at the same time, McCarthy believes that classing males and females as essentially the same is going “too far”.
24. Why were Ritchie and Joel’s studies mentioned in the arti
A. To explain the causes of behavioral differences in men and women.
B. To show how men and women differ in character.
C. To explain the differences between male and female brains .
D. To explore the features of male and female brains.
25. What did Eliot’s study find?
A. Male and female brains are exactly the same.
B. Male and female brains do not differ in function.
C. Brain data is not useful for conducting gender studies.
D. Male and female brains have fewer differences than other organs.
26. What causes the differences in behavior between men an
d women, according to Th
e Atlantic?
A. Brain size.
B. Intelligence.
C. Social environment.
D. Learning ability.
27. Which statement would McCarthy probably agree with?
A. It’s important to give equal opportunities to men and wome n.
B. It’s unnecessary to study the differences between men’s an
d women’s brains.
C. Eliot’s study offers a good explanation for gender differenc es.
D. Male brains are better at solving science problems.
Teenagers in the US know they’ll probably need tech skills to l and good jobs, but a new survey suggests that interest in tech careers may be decreasing .
The percentage of boys aged 13 to 17 who are interested in s cience, technology, engineering and math – or STEM – caree rs dropped from 36 percent in 2017 to 24 percent this year, ac cording to a survey by Junior Achievement USA. The amount of girls interested in STEM careers stayed unchanged at 11 p ercent.
But the 1,000 survey participants still named technology as on e of two key skills that will be necessary to prepare them for t heir future careers.
“Kids don’t understand how technology can be applied to care ers outside of computers, coding and maybe robotics,” said T ammera L. Holmes, president of aviation consulting firm Aero Star Consulting. “That’s all they know, so they can’t really tran slate that interest to career pathways .”
When Holmes was in high school, her mom sent her to an ev ent that featured the Tuskegee Airmen, famous military pilots from World War II. One of the pilots took her for a ride and let her take the wheel. “I was 16 years old, flying over Lake Michi gan, facing down the skyline, and I knew immediately that wa s the career for me,” she said.
Women remain outnumbered by men in fields like technology. For people working to increase the number of women in thes e areas, the lack of growth in girls’ interest in STEM careers is concerning.
Teenage girls are more interested than their male classmates in pursuing careers in which they can help others, said Ed Gr ocholski from Junior Achievement. Even with all the programs aimed at increasing girls’ interest in STEM, “I don’t think we r eally talk that much about how we improve people’s lives thro ugh STEM,” Grocholski said.
Society needs to do better at making those connections for ki ds, said Katherine Latham, founder of an engineering firm. Sh e used civil engineering as an example of a career that will co ntinue to be crucial.
However, the fact that students know they will need tech skills in their future careers is encouraging. The second skill they s aid they need? Relationship-building.
“That’s going to be the new breed of engineers,” Latham said.
28. What is the reason behind kids’ falling interest in tech care ers?
A. They find tech careers too boring.
B. They find tech skills are less important than before.
C. They can’t connect their tech interest to future careers.
D. They don’t think tech careers are rewarding enough.
29. What started Holmes’ interest in her current career?
A. A documentary about the life of pilots.
B. A summer camp for trainee pilots.
C. Her parents’ wish for her to become a pilot.
D. Her flight experience with a pilot.
30. According to Grocholski, teenage girls are more interested in careers that ______.
A. can improve people’s lives
B. will make them look beautiful
C. are different from those of their parents
D. can socialize more with other people
31. What is the article mainly about?
A. The popularity of tech careers among kids and its reasons.
B. Reasons behind the change of kids’ interest in tech careers
C. The different careers boys and girls in the US will pursue.
D. Some examples of kids pursuing tech careers successfully.
Few writers have had such an impact on the thinking of the m odern world as British writer George Orwell (1903-
1950). Orwell wrote many things on a variety of topics, for exa mple, poverty in England in the 1930s during the Great Depre ssion and his experience in the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939).
But he is most famous for his works of fiction, Animal Farm (1 945) and, especially, Nineteen Eighty-
Four (1949). These last books became especially influential in the West in the 1950s during the early Cold War years.
In Nineteen Eighty-
Four, Orwell imagined a Britain of the future, modeled on the Soviet Union. His chilling tale of Winston Smith, a regular man who comes into conflict with the government, was close to th e fears of many people of the time. Ideas from the novel soon entered everyday culture, and are still in use today. “Big Broth er”, for example, is a phrase from the book that refers to how authority is always looking over one’s shoulder.
Other phrases used in the novel, like “War is Peace” and “Fre edom is slavery” are also still used now. Indeed, many people see Orwell’s books as warnings about what might happen if t hose in power become corrupted (腐败).
Even today, Orwell remains an influential voice. Often, writers achieve great fame and popularity, but they don’t affect how people live their everyday lives. For example, British author J K Rowling is a huge literary success, but one wouldn’t say tha t Harry Potter has affected the way people think about politics. For better or for worse, however, George Orwell has.
It’s because of Orwell’s influence on popular thinking that UN ESCO’s Memory of the World Programme recently decided to include a collection of Orwell’s writings on its register.
The Memory of the World register is similar to UNESCO’s wor ld heritage (遗
产) site program, which protects places and buildings and nat ural features in the world. According to its website, the idea b ehind the body is “that the world’s documentary evidence belo ngs to all” and should be “permanently accessible to all”. University College London, which proposed the idea to UNES CO, said in its application that Orwell’s work “had a profound (深远
的) influence on human thought in all parts of the world, an infl
uence that remains potent (强大的) today”.
32. What do we know about Orwell?
A. His most famous works were based on his own experience .
B. His books were well-received during the Cold War.
C. He mainly wrote about imaginative, beautiful worlds.
D. His writings are often compared to those of JK Rowling.
33. What’s the novel Nineteen Eighty-Four about?
A. The cruelty of war in the 20th century.
B. The serious effects of poverty in England.
C. People’s various conflicts with the government.
D. A corrupt UK government of the future.
34. The phrases from Orwell’s books are mentioned in the arti cle mainly to ______.
A. share some of his classic ideas
B. show how he used language in a creative way
C. stress his ideas are still meaningful today
D. show how he described the dark side of society
35. Why were Orwell’s writings included on the Memory of the World register?
A. They introduced a new way of writing.
B. They were a huge literary success.
C. They shaped political systems in Western countries.
D. They continue to have a great influence on human thought.
Energy balance is the balance of energy in and energy out.
36 Energy out is the calories (卡路
里) burned from physical activity(like walking in the climbing st airs),
activities of daily living(like getting dressed and cleaning your room) and basic body processes(like thinking and sleeping). Human beings need energy to survive—to breathe,
move and think. 37 When we say a kind of food or d rink contains 100 calories,
that is a way of describing how much energy our body gets fro m eating or drinking it. 38 Our height,weight,
age and activity level all affect the amount of energy we need. That energy is then used by the activities we do each day an d the basic body processes.
Keeping balance between our energy in and energy out contri butes to the lifestyle. 39 For children,however,
the focus should also be about having enough energy to do al
l the things they want to do and to become strong and healthy .
40 But our goal should be to keep balance over time. Energy balance in children happens when the amount of ener gy in and energy out supports normal growth and developmen t without gaining too much weight. So an exact 1:1 ratio(比例) of energy in and energy out is not our goal. What’s import ant is to balance our daily calorie requirements with regular p hysical activities.
A. We need energy to survive.
B. Adults often focus on weight gain or loss.
C. Energy in is calories taken in from food and drinks.
D. And we get this energy from calories in food and drinks.
E. How many calories we need each day depends on many th ings.
F. Generally speaking,
school children need more calories than adults.
G. Our energy in and energy out don’t have to balance exactl y each day.
Tim Cook is both blind and deaf. And try as they might, staff o n a recent flight just couldn’t figure out how to 41 with the ma n, who was travelling all alone.
But then, a 15-year-
old girl used sign language and genuine compassion to 42 th e day.
Teenager Clara Daly was 43 with her mother Jane from Bos ton to Los Angeles when the flight attendants made a(n) 44 over the speaker. They were 45 for anyone onboard who k new sign language.
Clara 46 the call button, as she’d studied a year of America n Sign Language in school. She was the only one on the plan e 47 of truly communicating with Tim, and her heart went o ut to him.
“ 48 six hours of just not being able to talk to anyone,” she s aid.
Clara used fingerspelling to talk to Tim, which is where you 4 9 each letter in every word. This way, Tim could 50 Clara’s hands and they could communicate. First, Clara helped the f light attendants 51 all of Tim’s needs were met. Then, she spent the rest of the time just 52 with him.
Together, they shared stories about their families and Clara’s future plans, while Clara 53 about Tim’s past as a salesman .
A nearby passenger named Lynette Scribner couldn’t 54 tak ing a photo and sharing it on social media. She mentioned ho w 55 she was to have witnessed such incredible 56 . After writing about Clara’s real-
life act of 57 on social media, Lynette’s post 58 . In fact, it has since been shared over 730,000 times on US social medi a platform Facebook.
The 59 teen was quick to point out that she just did what an y one of us should do when given the opportunity: help out.“Everyone should just be 60 each other just because that’s the nature of people,” Clara said.
41 A.cooperate B.connect C.com municate D.meet
42A.save B.enjoy C.spend D.live
43 A.shopping B.travelling
C.working D.staying
44 A.forecast B.effort
C.suggestion D.announcement
45 A.looking B.waiting
C.standing D.sending
46 A.picked B.fixed
C.hit D.made
47A.afraid B.capable C.aware D.fond
48A.Notice B.Predict
C.Describe D.Imagine
49A.draw B.mark C.sign D.say
50 A.feel B.see C.shake D.move
51 A.discover B.ensure C.prove D.recognize
52 A.chatting B.dealing C.playing D.joking
53 A.cared B.thought C.heard D.learned
54 A.consider B.miss C.resist D.stop
55A.satisfied B.amazed C.nervous D.doubtful
56A.compassion B.adventure
C.courage D.wisdom
57 A.politeness B.bravery
C.patience D.kindness
58 A.put up B.came up
C.set off D.took off
59 A.proud B.humorous
C.humble D.thankful
60 A.believing B.helping
C.accepting D.understanding
Cola and the color red go together like milk and cookies. After all, we would recognize that red label anywhere. But why did the company choose this color for its logo 61 the first place? Some claim that the red color came from one of the company ’s first 62 (advertise), which featured Santa wearing his fam ous red-and-
white suit and 63 (hold) a Coke bottle. But according to the Coco-
Cola Company, its famous logo 64 (date) back to the very b eginning of the brand itself. (You might be surprised by the se cret messages 65 (hide) in the famous company logo too.) Over 130 years ago, Coco-
Cola was sold in round buckets at American drug stores. Alco hol 66 (distribute) in the same way. Alcohol was taxed at th at time, while soft drinks were not. So, the Coco-
Cola Company began painting 67 (it) containers red in order to help customers distinguish them from buckets 68 (contain ) wine. You won’t find this drink’s famous color though, it is 6 9 (actual) a combination of three different colors of red.“Now, when you see a red disc picture in a store, you know th at you’ll be able to get 70 (taste), ice-cold Coco-
Cola there,” Ted Ryan, a Coco-
Cola clerk, said. “It became a promise in a way.”
提示词:垃圾分类 garbage sorting
______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________
I was responding to a call from a small brick flat (用砖做的公寓) in a quiet part of town. I assumed I was being sent to pick up some partygoers,
or someone who had just had a fight with a lover,
or a worker heading to an early shift at some factory for the in dustrial part of town.
When I arrived at 2:
30 a.m., the building was dark except for a single light in a g round floor window. Under such circumstances, many drivers just honk(按喇叭) once or twice,wait a minute,
then drive away. But I had seen too many weak people who d epended on taxis as their only means of transportation. Unless a situation smelled of danger,
I always went to the door.
This passenger might be someone who needs my assistance ,
I reasoned to myself. So I walked to the door and knocked.“Ju st a minute,” answered a frail,
elderly voice. I could hear something being dragged across th e floor. After a long pause,
the door opened. A small woman in her 80s stood before me. She was wearing a print dress and a pillbox hat,
like somebody out of a 1940s movie. By her side was a small nylon suitcase.
The apartment looked as if no one had lived in it for years. All the furniture was covered with sheets. There were no clocks o n the walls, no equipment on the counters. In the corner was a cardboard box filled with photos and glassware.
“Would you carry my bag out to the car?” she said. I took the
suitcase to the cab,
then returned to assist the woman. She took my arm,
and we walked slowly toward the cab.
She kept thanking me for my kindness.“It’s nothing,” I told h er.“I just try to treat my passengers the way I would want my mother treated.”
Paragraph 1:
Having given me an address,a hospice,she asked,“Could you drive through downtown?”
______________________________________________________ _________________________
______________________________________________________ _________________________
______________________________________________________ _________________________
______________________________________________________ _________________________
______________________________________________________ _________________________
Paragraph 2:
We drove in silence to the address she had given me,
and it...
______________________________________________________ _________________________
______________________________________________________ _________________________
1—5 CCABA 6—10 AABBC 11—15 CBBAB 16—20 CCBCA
21-23 DBC 24-27 ABCC 28-31 CDAB 32-35 BDCD
41-45 CABDA 46-50 CBDCA 51-55 BADCB 56-60 ADDCB (二)语法填空
61. in 62. advertisements 63.holding 64. dates 65. hidden 66. was distributed 67. its 68. containing 69. actually 70. ta sty
Garbage Sorting Activities
To raise students’ awareness of environmental protection and
promote garbage sorting on campus, our school will conduct a series of activities next Saturday. Detailed arrangements ar e as follows:
From 8:00 to 10:00am, a lecture on current environmental pro blems and possible solutions will be given by a famous enviro nmentalist in the lecture room. For the following hour, two co mmunity workers will give useful tips on garbage sorting.
At 2:00 pm, participants will walk around campus, pick up tras h and practice garbage sorting. At 4pm, a sharing meeting will be held in the activity room to reflect on today’s activities.
If you are interested in these activities, please sign up on the homepage of our school’s website. You are welcome to join u s!
The Student Union
April 21, 2020
第一部分听力(共20题 30分每题1.5分)
1. When does the rainy season start?
A. In January.
B. In February.
C. In November.
2. What’s wrong with the man’s food?
A. It’s hot.
B. It’s salty.
C. It’s tasteless.
3. What is Jennifer learning in school now?
A. To make sculptures.
B. To take pictures.
C. To draw.
4. Which room has the man finished decorating?
A. The living room.
B. The bathroom.
C. The kitchen.
5. Where are the speakers?
A. At a hospital.
B. In a classroom.
C. At a ball field.
6. Where does Sam suggest going?
A. To a theater.
B. To a restaurant.
C. To a coffee shop.
7. How does Rita feel about the plan?
A. Excited.
B. Indifferent.
C. Disappointed.
8. What will Clark help Annie do?
A. Clean her apartment.
B. Water her plants.
C. Feed her dog.
9. What day will Clark go to Annie’s house?
A. On Monday.
B. On Thursday.
C. On Friday.
10. What was the program mainly about?
A. Horses and wars.
B. Horses from different countries.
C. Different uses of horses.
11. What seems to surprise the man?
A. People use horses for fun.
B. Horse races take place everywhere.
C. Horses are still used for hard labor.
12. What will the woman do this weekend?
A. Work on a farm.
B. Attend a wedding.
C. Go horse riding.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。
13. Where is the island?
A. It is in Asia.
B. It is in the Pacific Ocean.
C. It is off the coast of Europe.
14. Why did the man choose to go to the island?
A. It’s free of pollution.
B. It’s not far away.
C. It’s small.
15. What does the woman think of the island?
A. Beautiful.
B. Wild.
C. Unusual.
16. How many people live on the island now?
A. Eight.
B. Seven.
C. Six.
17. Who are the announcements for?
A. The manager.
B. The employees.
C. The customers.
18. What time does the store usually close?
A. At five o’clock.
B. At eight o’clock.
C. At ten o’clock.
19. What item is free for another one if you buy one?
A. Women’s dresses.
B. Men’s suits.
C. Shoes.
20. What does the speaker suggest people do in the end?
A. Go to a café.
B. Leave the shop early.
C. Buy some music CDs.
第二部分阅读(共 20题满分50分每题2.5分)
Have you realized that you can put your smartphone to really good use for learning English? Here are 4 free mobile apps that will help you do just that.
Hello English
It covers all the aspects of language learning, including vocabulary, translation, grammar, sp elling, spoken and reading skills. It uses interactive games to teach different English lessons and offers new audio-
books, latest news, and books. However, you should already understand basic English struct ures and alphabets, for the app can't help you learn English from scratch(从零开始).
If you want to learn English from scratch, then this is the app you are looking for. Duolingo us es interactive games to help you learn English. For beginners, the app focuses on helping yo u learn verbs, phrases and sentences.
If you are ready to practice your spoken skills in the real world, you'll need Lingbe. It's a com munity-。