
KPMG笔试题(中文解释版+2篇全真verbal)KPMG笔试题(中文解释版+2篇全真verbal)1.阅读阅读共12篇英文短文,32题选择〔true, false, not given〕,18分钟,KPMG笔试题(中文解释版+2篇全真verbal)。
先讲一下其中的疑难词汇congruent全等的 coronal heart disease冠心病unequivocal清楚的,明白的 fructose果糖equilibrium平衡 emergence出现 radium镭undetermination决心、果断其中8篇阅读的大致内容表达如下,不过原文是英文的哦:1、关于工作环境能否为员工提供好的平安用品以及工作环境对人们是否认为它是一个好雇主是很有影响的。
这题我确定应该是true 组织构造传统的工厂由经理一人解决几乎所有的事情,但是随着企业的不断开展,在公共关系,经营等三方面的事情不断增加,traditional manager 就管不过来了,需要建立一个团队来进展专门管理,资料共享平台《KPMG笔试题(中文解释版+2篇全真verbal)》(s://..)。

KPMG(毕马威)笔试经典24题,36题详解(最终版本)KPMG经典24题The Classical 24 Numerical Reas"The big economic difference between nuclear and fossil-fuelled powerstations is that nuclear reactors are more expensive to build and decommission, but cheaper to sun. So disputes答案详解1. E(28x200+25x100)/(100%-10%)=90002. C(20x250+16x300) x6%=5883. BRegion E (permanent: temporary)=3:2Region SE Total: 400 Permanent: 150 Temporary: 250(New) Permanent: 400x3/5=240Temporary: 400x2/5=160所以我们可以得出P增加了90⼈,T减少了90⼈90x(30-18)=1080(我们可以⽤其他⽅法算,但是却不是最节约时间的算法)4.E⽬测,(SE和SW的P每⼩时接的电话数是最⾼的,⽽且SW的P的⼈数多,所以总数上SW可定⽐SE要⾼。
虽然E的每⼩时接电话数不⾼,但是他⼈数最多,所以总数也很⾼)5. C(43200+80000+16000) x105%-11232-12096-21600-19200-4160-4640=732326. A(40x120x4-1600)/16000=20%7. A43200/48-44000/50=208. D80000/50/25=649. E(2.50-2.40)/2.40x2.50+2.50=2.604(1.10-1.08)/1.08x1.10+1.10=1.1202.604-1.120=1.4810. A1.70-(3.20-1.70)=0.211. C(1.70-0.3)x(1-15%)=1.1912. E1.08x(1-20%)/2.40=36%13.G(70-50)x4x40x3=960014. B50x40x4x6+50x4x4x10=5600015. E3/2.4x40-40=1016. C(40-38)x4x3x(55+40)=228017. C8000/61.8-100/1.62=67.72不管在Yr 1,⽤了多少英镑买泰铢,我们要知道的是在Yr 2,8000泰铢可换多少英镑,所以⽤第⼆年的汇率,⽽不是第⼀年的。

KPMGPWC2017校招最新笔试真题解析(文末有福利)KPMG PWC 2017校招最新笔试真题解析,文章我们以聊天讲解的形式为大家放出,如果大家还不懂的话。
•08-28 21:02•今年KPMG的题整体难度不是很大,主要难度体现在大题量上,题型有两类,数字题和图表题。
首先先来看一下图表题:•••08-28 21:04•上面这个题选错误。
•08-28 21:07•因为资产负债表里一共有4个成分,已经占了100%,所以应付账款就不可能有比例了•所以这个题不选无法判断,而是选错误•如果是应收账款就是48%•08-28 21:09•这个题答案是错误,这个题和上面也是一样,要注意题目的细节,这个题需要注意的是题目所用到的单位。
•这个题选错误而不是无法判断的原因是每年的变化都是在10亿元的量级,只能说有可能FY+2大于FY-1 100亿,而不能说很有可能•今天发的题就是考试的真题•注意,题目中FY和FY+2变化只有15亿,注意单位•08-28 21:13•接下来几个题,题目都问到了一些图表中没有的信息,因此都要选择无法判断,例如这个题,表中没有第2年的信息,就无法判断正确与否了。
•咕叽咕叽:意思-1年再大不太可能到100亿?因为根据下两年也就10,15?回复:对••08-28 21:15•这个题也是无法判断,应收账款中回购协议与证券借贷的百分比也未给出。
对吗?回复:对的•08-28 21:18•这个题答案选错误,这是需要推理的一个题,注意题目问的是收入的趋势,虽然FY+3没有给出,但题目中FY,FY+1,FY+2整体趋势是上涨的,所以FY+3的值是应该大于215亿的。

问题:1.1 根据以上信息,计算每月销售额和总成本(包括固定成本和可变成本)。
1.2 根据以上信息,计算每月销售的总利润。
1.3 如果该公司希望通过每月销售数量的增加来达到每月总利润为60万美元的目标,需要将销售价格定为多少?解答:1.1 每月销售额 = 销售数量 ×销售价格 = 10000 × 800 = 8000000美元总成本 = 固定成本 + 可变成本 = 200 × 10000 + 400 × 10000 = 6000000美元1.2 每月销售的总利润 = 每月销售额 - 总成本 = 8000000 - 6000000 = 2000000美元1.3 设销售数量为x,则销售数量的增加带来的额外销售额为 (x - 10000) × 600美元。
因此,(x - 10000) × 600 = 600000。
解方程可得,x = 15000。

1、Numerical TestIn this test, you have to use facts and figures presented in statistical tables to answer the questions. In each question, you are given five options from which to choose. One, and only one, of the options is correct in each case.You may use a calculator for the following questions. In addition, you can use rough paper for your working out.2、Verbal TestIn this test, you are given several passages, each of which is followed by several statements. Your task is to evaluate the statements in the light of the information or opinions contained in the passage and to select your answer according to the rules given below.样题KPMG-Classical Numerical Test (经典24题)KPMG-Classical Verbal Test (经典36题)KPMG-Classical Verbal Test (36 Questions) 答案在后Read the passage carefully and then, using only the information given in the passage, for each statement choose whether it is True, False, or Cannot say. The test has 36 questions and you will have 18 minutes to do them.Individuals who are responsible for databases that hold information about people are now bound by the Data Protection Act (PDA). This Act covers any information stored on a computer that identifies a living individual. Companies holding such information must, under the Terms of the Act, make sure that they take ‘adequate care’ of the data, both technica lly and in terms of the behavior of the organization. The personal data stored has to be protected from loss, destruction or damage.Example 1. Any information stored about a named individual currently working for an organization is subject to the Data Protection Act. TrueExample 2. As long as any data about a named individual is managed in a technically adequate way, there are no other restrictions as to how it can be used or handled. FalseExample 3. Damage to data held about named individuals represents the biggest threat to its proper management. Can’t sayExample 4. Data about named individuals who have left a company is not subject to the Act. False Section ACompetitor analysis involves the examination of competitors in order that the planner can develop and sustain superior competitive performance for the organization. This statement belies the fact that in order to do this one must first establish from where the competition currently stems and from where it might stem in the future. One also has to consider and appraise comp etitors’ present and likely future objectives and strategies, and their likely reactions to the competitive moves that an organization might make.1. Planners can only sustain superior performance for their organization by doing competitor analysis.2. Effective competitor analysis involves looking into the future.3. It is easier to establish where competition currently stems from, rather than where it might stem from in the future.4. It is not always apparent to organizations who their competitors are.Section BThe model of consumer behavior on which neo-classical demand theory is based implies that consumers are perfectly informed about the price and quality characteristics of the products on offer, and are constantly altering their expenditure patterns in response to price and quality changes, so as to maximiz e their total ‘utility’ (satisfaction). This model is unrealistic, as the range of products on offer in modern markets is immense, and no consumer has the knowledge or inclination to acquire the information that would be needed to make choices in this way.5. Being up to date with product information plays little part in neo-classical demand theory.6. Neo-classical demand theory is only one of a number of models of consumer behavior.7. There are some consumers who are perfectly informed about the price and quality characteristics of products on offer.8. Maximizing the total utility of a product purchase implies consideration of both price and quality characteristicsThe business of the Company shall be managed by the directors who, subject to the law, the memorandum and articles of association, and any direction given by special resolution, may exercise all the powers of the company. The minimum number of directors is two; there is no maximum number. The directors, or the company by special resolution, may appoint as a director any person who is willing to act as a director, provided he or she is not a bankrupt or disqualified from acting as a director under the Insolvency Act. Directors need not hold shares in the company, but normally they will be required to hold at least a specific minimum shareholding.9. New directors tend to be appointed by existing directors rather than by special resolution.10. The Company cannot operate with only one director.11. Individual bankruptcy is governed by the Insolvency Act.12. There is no upper limit to the number of shares any director can hold.Section DIn most organizations, conflict between groups is quite common. Organizations usually develop differences between functional groups, such as sales and manufacturing, as a means of responding to diversity and uncertainty in their particular environment. Manufacturing must organize for stability and efficiency while sales must organize to relate to and service customers. To accomplish these diverse tasks, sales must hire different people from manufacturing, and each must manage its people in accordance with their unique expectations and the functions’ task requirements. If such differenc es did not exist, neither group could get its job done effectively.13. Functional groups within a single organization are not subject to different forms of uncertainty.14. Conflict between groups is the inevitable result of functional groups having to respond to their own unique environments.15. Manufacturing and sales are unlikely to have the same goals and expectations.16. The reality of functional differences does mean that different groups cannot operate effectively.Section EUnless companies have some knowledge of buyer behavior, they would be unaware of and unfamiliar with the complex range of behavioral factors that impinge upon purchasing behavior. The truth is that, like much of human behavior, purchase behavior is complex and multi-faceted. Even the ‘simplest’ of purchasing dec isions is an amalgam of behavioral forces and factors of which even the purchaser may not be aware. However, even though consumer behavior is a complex subject marketing planners should at least have some understanding of it. Marketers are specifically interested in the behavior associated with groups or segments of consumers as it would be impossible to serve the exact needs and wants of specific individuals in a market and remain profitable.17. The purchasing behavior of consumers is unpredictable.18. Even if one could predict the behavior of an individual buyer, it would not be profitable for marketers to try to do so.19. Some consumer groups exhibit more complex behavior than others do.20. Purchase behavior is not subject to the same whims as other aspects of human behavior.When any company moves from a sales to a marketing approach, it is not just a case of re-titling the Sales Director as Marketing Director and doubling the advertising budget. It requires a complete reorientation in thinking and a revolution in how a company organizes and practices its business activities. Whereas selling focuses on the needs of the seller, marketing focuses on the needs of the buyer. Whereas selling is preoccu pied with the seller’s need to convert his or her product into cash, marketing is preoccupied with the idea of identifying and hence satisfying the needs of the customer. However, subscribing to a philosophy of marketing, even though an important first step, is not the same as putting that philosophy into practice.21. Advertising budgets are normally doubled when a company moves over to a marketing approach.Section GThe corporate mission statement needs detailed consideration by top management to establish the business the company is really in and to relate this consideration to future business intentions. It is a general statement that provides an integrating function for the business, from which a clear sense of business definition and direction can be achieved. By formulating a clear business statement, boundaries for the ‘corporate entity’ can be conceived in the context of wider environmental trends that influence the business. This stage is often overlooked in marketing planning, and yet without it the marketing plan will lack a sense of contribution to the development of the total business.22.The boundaries of a corporate entity can only be assessed in the context of wider environment trends.23.A corporate mission statement enables top management to define the future direction of a business.24.Marketing planning does not often take account of the corporate mission statement.25. Different functions within a business are likely to interpret the mission statement in different ways.Section HThe adoption and application of performance management methods requires many different changes in behavior and attitudes up and down the organization. These methods are not merely techniques; they are ways of life and a philosophy of management. Thus the introduction of performance management systems must come as part of an organiz ation’s commitment to change its culture. Only top management commitment to a new way of managing, often triggered by a crisis, can support such a massive undertaking.29. The support of top managers is essential in changing organizational culture.31. Using performance management systems for the first time requires minimal adaptations on the part of the organization concerned.32. The adoption of performance management methods of itself will create changes in behavior and attitudes.Section IThe ‘prudence rule’, which is sometimes known as conservatism, arises out of the need to make a number of estimates in preparing periodic accounts. Managers and owners are often naturallybe undue optimism over the credit-worthiness of new customers. Insufficient allowance may therefore be made for the possibility of bad debt. In turn, this might have the effect of overstating profit.33. Accountants should avoid making estimates when preparing periodic accounts.34. Most new customers are credit-worthy.35. Managers or owners are not often good judges of their customers’ willingness or ability to pay.36. The ‘prudence rule’ prevents bad debt from arising.Section JA partnership is presumed to exist when two or more people get together in business with the objective of making a profit. The law limits the total number of people who may get together to form a partnership. Apart from a few exceptions, such as firms of accountants and solicitors, a partnership may not consist of more Than 20 partners. The partnership will be managed by general agreement among the partners, but if there is no apparent agreement either formal or informal, then it is presumed that the partnership will operate in accordance with the Partnership Act, 1890. This Act lays down arrangements for dealing with such matters as the amount of capital to be contributed, the management of the business, and the division of the profits or losses among the partners.37. Some agreement must exist between partners as to the way they manage the partnership.Section EThe amount of accounting information that could be supplied to any interested party is practically unlimited. The information needs to be designed in such a way that it meets the objectives of the specific user group. If too much information is given, the user might think that it is an attempt to mislead them, and as a result all of the information may be totally rejected. In this context, accountants try to present accounts in such a way that they represent ‘a true and fair view’. The Companies Act, 1985, for example, requires company accounts to reflect this particular criterion, and it is advisable to apply it to all organizational entities. Unfortunately the Act does not define what is meant by ‘true and fair’, b ut it is assumed that accounts will be so if an entity has followed the rules laid down in appropriate accounting and financial reporting standards.19. It is a positive feature of the Companies Act, 1985, that it does not define what is meant by ‘true an d fair’.20. In practice, the proper application of accounting and financial reporting standards ensures that accounts meet the criteria of being ‘true and fair’.Section FThe style that individual managers choose to adopt depends in no small part on how they regard their subordinates. At one extreme, some will assume that the average employee has an inherent dislike of work and will avoid it if they can. They believe employees need to be controlled, directed, offered rewards or threatened with punishments to get them to make adequate efforts towards the achievement of organizational goals. On the other hand, some will take the view that, according to the conditions, work can be a source of satisfaction or dissatisfaction. Employees are not seen as naturally passive, or resistant to organizational objectives, but have been made so by experience. The most significant reward that can be offered employees is the satisfaction of their need for perso nal21. Using rewards and punishments is a necessary part of organizational life.经典36题答案A:1 C2 T 原文第二句3 C 比较级,原文未提及4 C 未提及B:5 F 与原文意思相反6 C 未提及7 F No Consumer全否定8 T 原文C:9 C 原文未表达比较意思10 T 原文11 C12 CD:13 F 与原文意思相反not14 T15 C16 FE:17 C18 T 原文19 C20 F 相反F:21 C 未提及是哪个的两倍G:22 F 缺少修饰语23 T 第一句24 T 原文25 C 未提及H:29 T31 C未提及32 F 一个是require 一个是create 意思相反I:33 C未提及34 C未提及35 T36 F 相反J: 37 FOther:E: 19 F Positive不对20 F 一个是assume,一个是in practiceF: 21 F18题,根据Marketers are specifically interested in the behaviour associated with groups or segments of consumers as it would be impossible to serve the exact needs and wants of specific individuals in a market and remain profitable.而18题的意思,大概为Marketer即使能预测具体消费者的行为,也不能保持盈利。
KPMG 13年笔试题目总结

3.某种货币两年之间价值变动(贬值or 升值)、哪些货币变动量最小(网上好像是问最大的两种,注意陷阱)、4.“哪两种货币兑换比率变换最大”5.大概就是说几年前买了多少泰铢,之后今年后要换成澳大利元,之后问损失多少之类的;还有关于汇率增长的,第三题,健身房图表……某天的午间健身班的题目。
分别为各年的销售量和价内含税销售额(好像是这样的吧= =),然后旁边给的信息是各年的税率。
第五张,东南亚一些国家某几年的销售额之类的. 东南亚各国5年(也许是6年= =)销售额,条形图。

KPMG经典24题The Classical 24 Numerical Reas"The big economic difference between nuclear and fossil-fuelled powerstations is that nuclear reactors are more expensive to build and decommission, but cheaper to sun. So disputes答案详解1. E(28x200+25x100)/(100%-10%)=90002. C(20x250+16x300) x6%=5883. BRegion E (permanent: temporary)=3:2Region SE Total: 400 Permanent: 150 Temporary: 250(New) Permanent: 400x3/5=240Temporary: 400x2/5=160所以我们可以得出P增加了90人,T减少了90人90x(30-18)=1080(我们可以用其他方法算,但是却不是最节约时间的算法)4.E目测,(SE和SW的P每小时接的电话数是最高的,而且SW的P的人数多,所以总数上SW可定比SE要高。
虽然E的每小时接电话数不高,但是他人数最多,所以总数也很高)5. C(43200+80000+16000) x105%-11232-12096-21600-19200-4160-4640=732326. A(40x120x4-1600)/16000=20%7. A43200/48-44000/50=208. D80000/50/25=649. E(2.50-2.40)/2.40x2.50+2.50=2.604(1.10-1.08)/1.08x1.10+1.10=1.1202.604-1.120=1.4810. A1.70-(3.20-1.70)=0.211. C(1.70-0.3)x(1-15%)=1.1912. E1.08x(1-20%)/2.40=36%13.G(70-50)x4x40x3=960014. B50x40x4x6+50x4x4x10=5600015. E3/2.4x40-40=1016. C(40-38)x4x3x(55+40)=228017. C8000/61.8-100/1.62=67.72不管在Yr 1,用了多少英镑买泰铢,我们要知道的是在Yr 2,8000泰铢可换多少英镑,所以用第二年的汇率,而不是第一年的。

2007 KPMG实习生笔试数字题&笔试题图表1:ABCDE五个店铺的日销售额图标横轴分别是5个店铺;纵轴是男性,女性消费者的数量,另有每个店铺男性和女性的平均消费金额(单位澳元)题目是:E店铺的销售金额比目标金额少20%,问你E店铺一天的目标金额是多少;如果C店铺的男女比例跟E一样而总数保持不变,那它的销售额变化多少;哪两家店铺男性的消费额较高;图表2:机票价格目标销售额,4个星期为一周期图表横向是去三个目的地(暂定为ABC吧,具体地方英文名不记得了)的机票单价、4星期的目标销售额、第一星期的收入、第二星期的收入;纵向是三个目的地题目是:如果4周目标销售额增长5%的话,那么还需要完成多少销售额;如果去C地单价提高为55$(原价是50$),那么如果完成销售额可以少卖多少张机票;如果一个公车16座的,票已经卖完,那么要完成去A地的销售任务,需要派多少辆公车;图表3:计算投票人数图表横向是90,91,92,94,96,98,06等;纵向是可投票人数、实际投票人数、邮寄投票比例(单位百万)题目是:如果2006年到2014年的可投票人数和实际投票人数增长幅度等同于98年到06年,问你2014年没投票的人数;94年如果邮寄投票比例是*%,问你亲自到现场投票人数将是多少;某年实际投票人数与没投票人数的差额;某年邮寄投票比例变化为*%,问你,亲自现场投票变化多少人;图表4:关于计算工人工资和咨询电话量,4周为1个周期图表横向是ABCDE5个公司;纵向是每个公司员工数量;另还有每个员工每个小时可接销售电话量为9个,每周正常工作时间35小时,工人的基本工资是每小时5元,加班工资是没小时8元题目是:如果E公司每周工作时间由35小时改为32小时,为了保证工作量,需增加多少员工;D公司员工在一个周期内每人每周加班3小时,问总共需要付多少工资;哪两家公司接的电话量最大;图表5:关于各国货币两年的汇率,以1英镑为基础图表横向是05年和06年两年的汇率;纵向是8个国家(大概是8个)题目是:如果第一年买进8000泰铢,第二年先换100欧,剩下的钱还可以换多少英镑;如果第一年买进100美元,第二年可以换多少日元;哪两个国家两年的汇率变动较小;图表6:关于采矿数量和某种稀有金属的销售图表横向是采矿的数量(单位是千吨),矿产中X的含量(单位是克/吨,具体什么稀有金属不记得了),这种金属的单价(第尔纳元/克,不知道是什么国家的货币);纵向是不同年份题目是:如果--年要达到销售额多少,需采多少的矿产;哪两年采矿的财务回报最高;阅读第一篇讲到business statement第二篇关于corporation culture第三篇是business structure第四篇是comsumer behavior其余的忘了,但都与经济有关,阅读我只做了6篇,图表有两张没做,血的教训啊.做题不能太纠结,无论是阅读还是数字题,必须快刀斩乱麻,我就是太容易停留在一道题上了! 数字题第一小题算了n遍也算不出正确结果,明明是超easy的题目:"E店铺的销售金额比目标金额少20%,问你E店铺一天的目标金额是多少;"不知大家算得怎么样,我甚至怀疑题目出错了!先是25分钟的阅读,12篇小短文回答48个问题。

第1篇一、个人倾向1. 你更喜欢独自活动还是与朋友一起?A. 独自活动B. 与朋友一起C. 两者都可以2. 你在解决问题时,更倾向于:A. 依靠直觉B. 逻辑分析C. 情感判断3. 你通常怎样度过周末?A. 安静地在家休息B. 参加社交活动C. 两者兼有4. 你认为自己的性格是:A. 外向型B. 内向型C. 中间型5. 你更喜欢以下哪种活动?A. 观看体育比赛B. 参与体育活动C. 既观看又参与二、工作态度6. 你在工作中更注重:A. 结果B. 过程C. 团队合作7. 你在面对困难时,更倾向于:A. 坚持到底B. 寻求帮助C. 放弃8. 你认为自己的工作风格是:A. 创新型B. 稳定型C. 灵活型9. 你更喜欢以下哪种工作环境?A. 独立工作B. 团队合作C. 管理层10. 你认为自己的职业规划是:A. 短期目标B. 长期目标C. 随机应变三、人际关系11. 你在与人交往时,更注重:A. 实用性B. 情感交流C. 两者兼有12. 你认为自己的沟通方式是:A. 直接表达B. 委婉表达C. 灵活应对13. 你在处理人际关系时,更倾向于:A. 坚持原则B. 灵活应变C. 避免冲突14. 你认为自己的朋友类型是:A. 朋友众多B. 朋友较少,但关系紧密C. 两者兼有15. 你在团队中更喜欢:A. 领导角色B. 成员角色C. 灵活应对请您根据自己的实际情况,选择每个问题的答案。
一、测试说明1. 请仔细阅读每一道题,并根据您的实际情况选择最符合您的选项。
The Classical 24 Numerical Reasoning(200*28 + 100*25)*0.9 = 7290 错(200*28+100*25)/0.9 = 9000 EC (250*20+300*16)*0.06 =588400*3/5 = 240 240-150=90 90*(30-18)=1080 B4.which two regions had the highest total number of calls handed per hour by permanent staff?SW 和E (5400,5600)(43200+80000+16000)*1.05 = 139200*1.05 = 146160146160-11232-…-4640 = 73232 C4*120*40 = 19200 (19200-16000)/16000 = 3200/16000 = 20% A44000/50 – 43200/48 = 880-900 = -20 A80000/(50*25) = 64 DCommuter:(远距离)上下班往返的人(2.5-2.4)/2.4 = (x-2.5)/2.5 x=2.6 (1.1-1.08)/1.08=(y-1.1)/1.1 y=1.12 E(3.2-1.7)-1.7=-0.2 A(1.7-0.3)*(1-15%) = 1.19 C1.08*(1-20%)/2.4 = 36% E20*4*40*3 = G50*4*(40*6+4*10) = B40*3 = (40+x)*2.4 E(55+40)*4*(40-38)*3 = C8000/61.8 – 100/1.62 = C1000*1.52/1.62 * 11.1 = 10414.8 F(61.8-65.4)/65.4 = 5.5 这是不对的应该除以后者(1/61.8 –1/65.4)/(1/65.4) 除的是year1的数 DB根据前一题知,比较:差额/yr2E (gm:gram克)(150-110)/110£英镑X*5*8=100000 G10.5 - 9.5*1.1 A"The big economic difference between nuclear and fossil-fuelled powerstations is that nuclear reactors are more expensive to build and decommission, but cheaper to sun. So disputesA经典24题答案详解1. E(28x200+25x100)/(100%-10%)=90002. C(20x250+16x300) x6%=5883. BRegion E (permanent: temporary)=3:2Region SE Total: 400 Permanent: 150 Temporary: 250(New) Permanent: 400x3/5=240Temporary: 400x2/5=160所以我们可以得出P增加了90人,T减少了90人90x(30-18)=1080(我们可以用其他方法算,但是却不是最节约时间的算法)4. E目测,(SE和SW的P每小时接的电话数是最高的,而且SW的P的人数多,所以总数上SW 可定比SE要高。

kpmg英语试题及答案KPMG英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题1分,共10分)1. The company is looking for a candidate who is proficient in ________.A. EnglishB. FrenchC. SpanishD. German答案:A2. Which of the following is NOT a function of a financial analyst?A. Analyzing financial dataB. Preparing financial reportsC. Designing marketing strategiesD. Evaluating investment opportunities答案:C3. The annual report is expected to be released ________.A. next weekB. next monthC. next quarterD. next year答案:B4. The board of directors has decided to ________ the current CEO.A. promoteB. replaceC. retainD. dismiss答案:B5. The new policy will come into ________ on January 1st.A. effectB. practiceC. useD. operation答案:A6. The market research indicates that the demand for organic food is ________.A. increasingB. decreasingC. stableD. fluctuating答案:A7. The project was delayed due to ________ weather conditions.A. adverseB. favorableC. neutralD. variable答案:A8. The company's revenue has ________ by 20% compared to last year.A. increasedB. decreasedC. remained the sameD. fluctuated答案:A9. The auditor found several instances of ________ in the financial statements.A. discrepanciesB. similaritiesC. consistenciesD. correlations答案:A10. The merger negotiations are expected to be completed by the ________ of the year.A. beginningB. endC. middleD. peak答案:B二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)11. The ________ of the company's assets should be reported accurately in the balance sheet.答案:valuation12. The ________ of the company's shares on the stock market has a direct impact on its market capitalization.答案:price13. A ________ budget is one that allocates funds for all expected expenses and revenues.答案: comprehensive14. The ________ of the company's financial health is crucial for attracting investors.答案:assessment15. The ________ of the company's operations is a key factor in determining its profitability.答案:efficiency16. The ________ of the company's financial statements is a legal requirement.答案:audit17. A ________ is a financial instrument that represents ownership in a company.答案:share18. The ________ of the company's cash flow is essential forits liquidity management.答案:monitoring19. The ________ of the company's debt can affect its credit rating.答案:level20. The ________ of the company's financial performance is analyzed through financial ratios.答案:evaluation三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)21. What are the three main financial statements used by businesses?答案:The three main financial statements are the balance sheet, the income statement, and the cash flow statement.22. Explain the difference between a budget and a forecast.答案:A budget is a detailed financial plan that outlines expected revenues and expenses for a specific period, while a forecast is a projection of future financial performance based on trends and assumptions.23. What is the purpose of a financial audit?答案:The purpose of a financial audit is to provide an independent assessment of the accuracy and completeness of a company's financial statements, ensuring compliance with accounting standards and regulations.24. Describe the role of a financial analyst in a business.答案:A financial analyst assesses investment opportunities, analyzes financial data, prepares reports, and provides recommendations to help a company make informed financial decisions.四、论述题(每题15分,共30分)25. Discuss the importance of financial planning for a business.答案:Financial planning is crucial for a business as it helps in setting financial goals, allocating resources effectively, managing risks, and ensuring the long-term sustainability of the company.26. Explain the concept of corporate governance and its significance.答案:Corporate governance refers to the system of rules, practices, and processes by which a firm is directed and controlled. It is significant as it ensures transparency, accountability, and fairness in the management of a company, which in turn builds trust among stakeholders and investors.。

KPMG经典24题The Classical 24 Numerical Reasoning图一:五个地区电话中心暂时的和永久的员工数量,比目标少,问:每小时目标是多少?10%、在SW,实际每小时接待电话数量要低1 ,那么总共会增加多少的电话接待量?,如果平均接电话数量不变,然后计划暂时和永久职工都增加6%、在2NW 地区一样,但总人数不变,那么接待电话的数量变化是多少?SE、如果地区的人员比例同E3 4、哪两个地区的永久员工拥有每小时总量最高的电话接待量?图二:下表展示的是三个目的地为期四周的长途车旅行的限制票价和销售目标5、如果将三个地区的销售目标合起来再超过现阶段的5%,那么在这4周期末还需要收入多少来完成目标?6、在接下来的4周,目标是以平均价格每周卖120张票到skipdown,与现阶段相比。
Skipdown 的预期收益会增长%?7、对hopworth来说,如果平均票价上升到50gbp,并且销售目标上升到44000gbp,要少卖多少票?8、如果25个座位的长途巴士(去jumpford),上面的所有票都能卖光,那么在4周时间内需要多少辆巴士来完成销售目标?图三:下表展示了新城的通勤人数和使用列车的人数9、如果所有通勤者和列车通勤者在6月---8月的%增长趋势应用到9月----11月,那么11月的不乘列车的通勤者应是多少?10、在10月,不乘列车的人比乘列车的人少多少?11、如果11月的列车使用者比10月下降了0.3百万,且列车使用者中习惯使用“METRO TRAIN”的人为15%,那么多少列车使用者没有使用“METRO TRAIN”?12、7月,%多少的通勤者使用了列车,但没有使用“METRO TRAIN”?四:下图展示了工厂16周的生产力报告,每四周分为一个时期,共四个时期13、时期一和时期二相差了多少个产品单位(假设没有加班)?14、时期二中,员工平均每周加工4小时(以增加他们标准的40小时工作时间),那么这个时期总共支付了多少?15、如果时期四,生产力下降到2.4单位每人每小时,那需要增加多少劳动力以保证这时期的总产量不变?16、工厂考虑将40小时的工作时间减到38小时,如果针对时期三和四,且没有加班的话,那么会减少多少个单位的生产?图五:下图展示了连续两年的汇率17、一个旅行者在第一年买了8000泰铢,第二年转换了一部分为100欧元,另一部分为英镑,问转换了多少英镑?18、如果第一年买了价值1000英镑的欧元,那么在第二年交易的近似的港币是多少?19、在第一1、2年中,泰铢对英镑的数值变化最接近于?(表示为%)20、关于兑换英镑,哪2个币种显示出在(第一年、第二年)最大比例的数值变化图六:下表展示了为期6年地金田的产品统计21、从第一年到第五年,开采矿石数量的增长%是多少?22、在第二年,如果金产出的所有钱是1百万英镑,那么需要开采和磨多少矿?23、如果在第4、5年,一般性通胀率是10%,那么在通胀基础上,金价增长了多少?24、哪两年的每千吨矿石开采引起了最差的收益回报?答案详解1.E(28x200+25x100)/(100%-10%)=90002.C(20x250+16x300) x6%=5883. BRegion E (permanent: temporary)=3:2Region SE Total: 400 Permanent: 150 Temporary: 250(New) Permanent: 400x3/5=240Temporary: 400x2/5=160所以我们可以得出P增加了90人,T减少了90人90x(30-18)=1080(我们可以用其他方法算,但是却不是最节约时间的算法)4.E目测,(SE和SW的P每小时接的电话数是最高的,而且SW的P的人数多,所以总数上SW可定比SE要高。

目前最全KPMG09笔经整理截止10.19(附所有用的上的资料)[此帖已被设为推荐] 整理了目前网上出现的08年KPMG的笔经,为接下来笔试的同志们提供方便~~攒rp附件里打包今年最重要的24题和经典36题及24题的答案。
所有资料来源网络,尽可能的注明了原作者,让我们再一次感谢他们,并对他们进行深深的祝福~~verbal经典36题,numerical24及解答在本楼SHL全套在2-6楼,太大了,不得不分五个部分18号武汉笔经by caoweijia2008中文数字+英文逻辑。
逻辑题全做完了,后三篇不是看得很细,基本上属于边看边猜型的,碰到了2道经典36题,对了,数学碰到了汇率,虽然不是经典24题中的那题,但是用到了一些原理,希望后面考的同学好好做下经典题,祝大家考试顺利,希望我能进面试哦!稳扎稳打,步步为营!呵呵KPMG 10月14日笔经by liu861201今天刚刚笔试好,上来和大家分享下。
没有exchange rate的题目,有可能太难今年不考。
V erbal 有36题的原题,分别是Section A B E 还有补充部分的F,所以大家可以好好看看,至少理解深刻,考场上不用读题,节省时间个人建议靠前把24题认认真真做一边,所有题目的思路必须理清初,要做到在考场上马上反映出思路的状态,不用想直接做,把事件留给没见过的题目。
2008年10月18日南京笔经by yang_618南京:今天上午9点--kpmg 做verbal题时,时间没把握好,以至于后面剩下两三个短文都没时间看,于是乱选,并且还没把机读卡圆圈涂满,草草涂的,也不知道机器读的出来不numerical还好,但有几道题算出来没答案,我还“不抛弃不放弃”的把那几个题算了四五遍,最后还是没算出答案,结果乱选。

Chinese name: _________ Career Preference: _____________ Numerical Reasoning一.The bar chart below shows the number of temporary and permanent staff working in five regional call centres:1. The actual number of calls taken per hour in region sw fell 10% short of the2. An increase of 6% in both the number of temporary and permanent staff in region NW is planned. If the average number of calls taken per hour stayed the same for all staff, what would be the increase in the total number of calls taken3. If the ratio of permanent to temporary staff in region SE was the same as for region E, but the total number of staff remained the same, what would be the4. Which two regions had the highest total number of calls handed per hour by二.T able below shows coach travel limited’s ticket prices and sales targets to three destinations over a 4-week period:Destinationaverageprice4-weeksalesweek 1 week 2 per ticket target revenue revenueHopworth 48 43200 11232 12096Jumpford 50 80000 21600 19200Skipdown 40 16000 4160 46405. If the combined sales target to all three destinations over the current period in creased by 5%, what is the total amount of revenue that remains to be earned by6. For the next four-week period ,the intention is to sell 120 tickets to Skipdownper week at the same average price. Compared to the current four-week period,7. How many fewer tickets to Hopworth would need to be sold if the average ticket price was increased to 50 GBP and the sales target was to increase to8. If 25 seater coaches are used on the Jumpford route and all tickets on these coaches were sold , how many coach journeys would need to made during the三.The table below shows the commuter population and number of train users for new city:June July Aug Sept Oct total number of commuters(millions) 3.2 2.4 2.2 2.5 3.2 total number of commuters bytrain(millions)1.4 1.08 0.88 1.1 1.7 commuters using metro train services(%) 20 20 10 15 15 Note: metro train user levels are based up on a proportion of those who commute using all train services.9. assuming the percentage growth trends in total commuters and train commuters between July and September were applied to the period between September an November,what would be the number of non-train commuters in10. in October how many fewer people were non-train commuters compared to11. If the number of rail commuters in November fell by 0.3 million compared to October , how many rail commuters did not use metro train services if rail12. What percentage of commuters traveled by train during July but did not useVerbal ReasoningTrue(T), False(F) or Can’t say(C)Example:Individuals who are responsible for databases that hold information about people are now bound by the data protection act (PDA). This act covers any information stored on a computer that identifies a living individual. Companies holding such information must, under the terms of the act, make sure that they take adequate care of the data , both technically and in terms of the behavior of the organization. The personal data stored has to be protected from loss, destruction or damage.Example1. Any information stored about a named individual currently working for an organization is subject to the data protection act.Example1. TExample2. As long as any data about a named individual is managed in a technically adequate way, there are no other restrictions as to how it can be used or handled. FExample3. Damage to data held about named individuals represents the biggest threat to its proper management .CExample4. Data about named individuals who have left a company is not subject to the act. FSection ACompetitor analysis involves the examination of competitors in order that the planner can develop and sustain superior competitive performance for the organization. This statement belies the fact that in order to do this one must first establish from where the competition currently stems and from where it might stem in the future. One also has to consider and appraise competitors’ present and likely future objectives and strategies, and their likely reactions to the competitive moves that an organization might make.1. Planners can only sustain superior performance for their organization by doing competitor analysis.2. Effective competitor analysis involves looking into the future.3. It is easier to establish where competition currently stems from, rather than where it might stem from in the future.4. It is not always apparent to organizations who their competitors are.Section BThe model of consumer behavior on which neo-classical demand theory is based implies that consumers are perfectly informed about the price and quality characteristics of the products on offer, and are constantly altering their expenditure patterns in response to price and quality changes, so as to maximize their total utility (satisfaction). This model is unrealistic, as the range of products on offer in modern markets is immense, and no consumer has the knowledge or inclination to acquire the information that would be needed to make choices in this way.5. Being up to date with product information plays little part in neo-classical demand theory.6. Neo-classical demand theory is only one of a number of models of consumer behavior.7. There are some consumers who are perfectly informed about the price and quality characteristics of products on offer.8. Maximizing the total utility of a product purchase implies consideration of both price and quality characteristics.Section CThe business of the company shall be managed by the directors who, subject tothe law, the memorandum and articles of association, and any direction given by special resolution, may exercise all the powers of the company. The minimum number of directors is two; there is no maximum number. The directors, or the company by special resolution, may appoint as a director any person who is willing to act as a director, provided he or she is not a bankrupt or disqualified from acting as a director under the insolvency act. Directors need not hold shares in the company, but normally they will be required to hold at least a specific minimum shareholding.9. New directors tend to be appointed by existing directors rather than by special resolution.10. The company cannot operate with only one director.11. Individual bankruptcy is governed by the insolvency act.12. There is no upper limit to the number of shares any director can hold. Section DIn most organizations, conflict between groups is quite common. Organizations usually develop differences between functional groups, such as sales and manufacturing, as a means of responding to diversity and uncertainty in their particular environment. Manufacturing must organize for stability and efficiency while sales must organize to relate to and service customers. To accomplish these diverse tasks, sales must hire different people from manufacturing, and each must manage its people in accordance with their unique expectations and the functions’ task requirements. If such differences did not exist, neither group could get its job done effectively.13. Functional groups within a single organization are not subject to different forms of uncertainty.14. Conflict between groups is the inevitable result of functional groups having to respond to their own unique environments.15. Manufacturing and sales are unlikely to have the same goals and expectations.16. The reality of functional differences does mean that different groups cannot operate effectively.。

2012六西格玛黑带考前精髓36 题 ( 含答案 )1.某财务服务公司有 4 各不一样的部门负责办理贷款业务,对该业务的权衡是采纳每个部门的一组职工一周的 5 个工作日内每日进行办理的均匀数目(连续数据,假定听从正态分布)。
经过方差剖析,发现部门同业务办理能力有明显不一样,但公司经理还想知道 4 个部门中任取 2 部门业务办理能力的比较状况,请问他应当采纳以下的多重比较方法中的哪一种方法?( A)A. Tukey ’s整体偏差率方法B. Fisher’s个体偏差率方法C. Dunnett ’s整体偏差率方法D.Hsu ’s整体偏差率方法2.对一个稳固的生产过程绘制控制图,已知当子组样本含量为 2 时,其下控制限 LCL=70,上控制限 UCL=82,问:当子组样本含量增添到 8 时,控制图的控制限应当变成: (C)A LCL=75,UCL=77B LCL=74,UCL=78C LCL=73,UCL=79D LCL=70,UCL=823.在某 MSA剖析中发现其容差百分比为60%,不知足 MSA要求,黑带考虑利用重复丈量降低 MSA偏差,以连续使用原丈量系统。
请问,要将容差百分比降低到 20%,最少要重复丈量多少次: (D)A. 6 次。
B.7 次。
C.8 次。
D.9 次。
4.某公司拟购置一部重点设施,现有两个供应商(甲、乙)均可供应同样型号的设施,为了查验设施的质量,质量工程师对甲、乙两台设施进行了过程能力剖析,结果发现,甲设施: Cp=1.8, Cpk=1.3,乙设施: Cp=1.31, Cpk=1.3。
依据这一结果,我们能够判断: (A)A甲设施比乙设施好一些,因为甲设施的 Cp更高一些;B甲设施和乙设施同样,因为甲设施和乙设施的Cpk同样;C乙设施要比甲设施好一些,因为乙设施的 Cp与 Cpk靠近,表示目标中心与散布中心基本重合D以上结论都不对5.对生产的螺钉直径加以监控,能够得悉过程是稳固的,螺钉直径是听从正态散布的。
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Classcical 36 Verbal QuestionsExampleIndividuals who are responsible for databases that hold information about people are now bound by the Data Protection Act (PDA). This Act covers any information stored on a computer that identifies a living individual. Companies holding such information must, under the Terms of the Act, make sure that they take ‘adequate care’ of the data, both technically and in terms of the behaviour of the organisation. The personal data stored has to be protected from loss, destruction or damage.Example 1. Any information stored about a named individual currently working for an organisation is subject to the Data Protection Act.Example 2. As long as any data about a named individual is managed in a technically adequate way, there are no other restrictions as to how it can be used or handled.Example 3. Damage to data held about named individuals represents the biggest threat to its proper management.Example 4. Data about named individuals who have left a company is not subject to the Act.Section ACompetitor analysis involves the examination of competitors in order that the planner can develop and sustain superior competitive performance for the organisation. This statement belies the fact that in order to do this one must first establish from where the competition currently stems and from where it might stem in the future. One also has to consider and appraise competitors’ present and likely future objectives and strategies, and their likely reactions to the competitive moves that an organisation might make.1. Planners can only sustain superior performance for their organisation by doing competitor analysis.2. Effective competitor analysis involves looking into the future.3. It is easier to establish where competition currently stems from, rather than where it might stem from in the future4. It is not always apparent to organisations who their competitors are.Section BThe model of consumer behaviour on which neo-classical demand theory is based implies that consumers are perfectly informed about the price and quality characteristics of the products on offer, and are constantly altering their expenditure patterns in response to price and quality changes, so as to maximise their total ‘utility’(satisfaction). This m odel is unrealistic, as the range of products on offer in modern markets is immense, and no consumer has the knowledge or inclination to acquire the information that would beneeded to make choices in this way.5. Being up to date with product information plays little part in neo-classical demand theory.6. Neo-classical demand theory is only one of a number of models of consumer behaviour.7. There are some consumers who are perfectly informed about the price and quality characteristics of products on offer.8. Maximising the total utility of a product purchase implies consideration of both price and quality characteristicsSection CThe business of the Company shall be managed by the directors who, subject to the law, the memorandum and articles of association, and any direction given by special resolution, may exercise all the powers of the company. The minimum number of directors is two; there is no maximum number. The directors, or the company by special resolution, may appoint as a director any person who is willing to act as a director, provided he or she is not a bankrupt or disqualified from acting as a director under the Insolvency Act. Directors need not hold shares in the company, but normally they will be required to hold at least a specific minimum shareholding.9. New directors tend to be appointed by existing directors rather than by special resolution.10. The Company cannot operate with only one director.11. Individual bankruptcy is governed by the Insolvency Act.12. There is no upper limit to the number of shares any director can hold.Section DIn most organisations, conflict between groups is quite common. Organisations usually develop differences between functional groups, such as sales and manufacturing, as a means of responding to diversity and uncertainty in their particular environment. Manufacturing must organise for stability and efficiency while sales must organise to relate to and service customers. To accomplish these diverse tasks, sales must hire different people from manufacturing, and each must manage its people in accordance with their unique expectations and the functions’ task requirements. If such differences did not exist, neither group could get its job done effectively.13. Functional groups within a single organisation are not subject to different forms of uncertainty.14. Conflict between groups is the inevitable result of functional groups having to respond to their own unique environments.15. Manufacturing and sales are unlikely to have the same goals and expectations.16. The reality of functional differences does mean that different groups cannot operate effectively.Section EUnless companies have some knowledge of buyer behaviour, they would be unaware of and unfamiliar with the complex range of behavioural factors that impinge upon purchasing behaviour. The truth is that, like much of human behaviour, purchase behaviour is complex and multi-faceted. Even the ‘simplest’ of purchasing decisions is an amalgam of behavioural forces and factors of which even the purchaser may not be aware. However, even though consumer behaviour is a complex subject marketing planners should at least have some understanding of it. Marketers are specifically interested in the behaviour associated with groups or segments of consumers as it would be impossible to serve the exact needs and wants of specific individuals in a market and remain profitable.17. The purchasing behavior of consumers is unpredictable.18. Even if one could predict the behaviour of an individual buyer, it would not be profitable for marketers to try to do so.19. Some consumer groups exhibit more complex behaviour than others do.20. Purchase behaviour is not subject to the same whims as other aspects of human behaviour.Section FWhen any company moves from a sales to a marketing approach, it is not just a case ofre-titling the Sales Director as Marketing Director and doubling the advertising budget. It requires a complete reorientation in thinking and a revolution in how a company organises and practises its business activities. Whereas selling focuses on the needs of the seller, marketing focuses on the needs of the buyer. Whereas selling is preoccupied with the seller’s need to convert his or her product into cash, marketing is preoccupied w ith the idea of identifying and hence satisfying the needs of the customer. However, subscribing to a philosophy of marketing, even though an important first step, is not the same as putting that philosophy into practice.21. Advertising budgets are normally doubled when a company moves over to a marketing approach.Section GThe corporate mission statement needs detailed consideration by top management to establish the business the company is really in and to relate this consideration to future business intentions. It is a general statement that provides an integrating function for the business, from which a clear sense of business definition and direction can be achieved. By formulating a clear business statement, boundaries for the ‘corporate entity’ c an be conceived in the context of wider environmental trends that influence the business. This stage is often overlooked in marketing planning, and yet without it the marketing plan will lack a sense of contribution to the development of the total business.22.The boundaries of a corporate entity can only be assessed in the context of wider environment trends.23.A corporate mission statement enables top management to define the future direction of a business.24.Marketing planning does not often take account of the corporate mission statement.25. Different functions within a business are likely to interpret the mission statement in different ways.Section HThe adoption and application of performance management methods requires many different changes in behaviour and attitudes up and down the organisation. These methods are not merely techniques; they are ways of life and a philosophy of management. Thus the introduction of performance management systems must come as part of an organisation’s commitme nt to change its culture. Only top management commitment to a new way of managing, often triggered by a crisis, can support such a massive undertaking.29. The support of top managers is essential in changing organisational culture.31. Using performance management systems for the first time requires minimaladaptations on the part of the organisation concerned.32. The adoption of performance management methods of itself will create changes in behaviour and attitudes.Section I The ‘prudence rule’, whi ch is sometimes known as conservatism, arises out of the need to make a number of estimates in preparing periodic accounts. Managers and owners are often naturally overoptimistic about future events. As a result, there is a tendency to be too confident about the future, and not to be altogether realistic about the organisation’s prospects. There may, for example, be undue optimism over thecredit-worthiness of new customers. Insufficient allowance may therefore be made for the possibility of bad debt. In turn, this might have the effect of overstating profit.Randall at kpmg33. Accountants should avoid making estimates when preparing periodic accounts.34. Most new customers are credit-worthy.35. Managers or owners are not often good judges of their cu stomers’ willingness or ability to pay.36. The ‘prudence rule’ prevents bad debt from arising.Section JA partnership is presumed to exist when two or more people get together in business with the objective of making a profit. The law limits the total number of people who may get together to form a partnership. Apart from a few exceptions, such as firms of accountants and solicitors, a partnership may not consist of more Than 20 partners. The partnership will be managed by general agreement among the partners, but if there is no apparent agreement either formal or informal, then it is presumed that the partnership will operate in accordance with the Partnership Act, 1890. This Act lays down arrangements for dealing with such matters as the amount of capital to be contributed, the management of the business, and the division of the profits or losses among the partners.37. Some agreement must exist between partners as to the way they manage the partnership.Section EThe amount of accounting information that could be supplied to any interested party is practically unlimited. The information needs to be designed in such a way that it meets the objectives of the specific user group. If too much information is given, the user might think that it is an attempt to mislead them, and as a result all of the information may be totally rejected. In this context, accountants try to present accounts in such a way that they represent ‘a true and fair view’. The Companies Act, 1985, for example, requires company accounts to reflect this particular criterion, and it is advisable to apply it to all organisational entities. Unfortunately the Act does not define what is meant by ‘true and fair’, but it is assumed that accounts will be so if an entity has followed the rules laid down in appropriate accounting and financial reporting standards.19. It is a positive feature of the Companies Act, 1985, that it does not define what is meant by ‘true and fair’.20. In practice, the proper application of accounting and financial reporting standards ensures that accounts meet the criteria of being ‘true and fair’.Section FThe style that individual managers choose to adopt depends in no small part on how they regard their subordinates. At one extreme, some will assume that the average employee has an inherent dislike of work and will avoid it if they can. They believe employees need to be controlled, directed, offered rewards or threatened with punishments to get them tomake adequate efforts towards the achievement of organisational goals. On the other hand, some will take the view that, according to the conditions, work can be a source of satisfaction or dissatisfaction. Employees are not seen as naturally passive, or resistant to organisational objectives, but have been made so by experience. The most significant reward that can be offered employees is the satisfaction of their need for personal growth and self-development21. Using rewards and punishments is a necessary part of organisational life.经典36题答案Example1:T Example2:F Example3:C Example4:FA:1 C2 T 原文第二句3 C 比较级,原文未提及4 C 未提及B:5 F 与原文意思相反6 C 未提及7 F No Consumer全否定8 T 原文C:9 C 原文未表达比较意思10 T 原文11 C12 CD:13 F 与原文意思相反not14 T15 C16 FE:17 C18 T 原文19 C20 F 相反F:21 C 未提及是哪个的两倍G:22 F 缺少修饰语23 T 第一句24 T 原文25 C 未提及H:29 T31 C未提及32 F 一个是require 一个是create 意思相反I:33 C未提及34 C未提及35 T36 F 相反J: 37 FOther:E: 19 F Positive不对20 F 一个是assume,一个是in practice F: 21 F。