



1. Excuse me, would you please tell me ______buy a digital camera?

A. what to B .where to C. what I can D. where can I

2. I’d like a piece of paper _________ .

A. to write

B. to be writing

C. to write on

D. to write with

3. Can you provide us _________ some information _______ the computer?

A. for, with

B. with, about

C. about, with

D. with, with

4. –“I hope _________ play soccer with us tomorrow. ”

–“Yes, I hope _________. ”

A. him not to, not too

B. he won’t, it too

C. him not to, that too

D. he won’t, so too

5. Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is not an easy task because technology _______ so rapidly.

A. is changing

B. has changed

C. will have changed

D. will change

6. – Lisa has made great progress these days.

– _________, and _________.

A. So has she, so have you

B. So has she, so you have

C. So she has, so you have

D. So she has, so have you

7. I didn’t go to the party not _______ the weather but _______ I didn’t feel well.

A. because of; because

B. because; because of

C. because; because

D. because of; because of

8. If I _____ her address, I _____ write to her.

A. know; would

B. knew; will

C. would know; wrote

D. knew; would

9. Plays ______ twice a month in that theatre.

A. put on

B. are put on

C. was put on

D. often put on

10. He is the only one of the workers who ______ Japanese.

A. speak

B. speaking

C. speaks

D. to speak

11. Mr. Smith, _______ of the _______ speech, started to read a novel.

A. tired; boring

B. tiring; bored

C. tired; bored

D. tiring; boring

12. – Could you tell me _________?

– I am confident and creative.

A. how are you

B. what you are like

C. what are you like

D. how you are

13. _______ would you like to live in?

A. Where

B. Which

C. When

D. Which city

14. – How about going hiking this weekend?

– Sorry, I prefer _______ rather than _______.

A. to stay at home, to go out

B. to go out, stay at home

C. to stay at home, go out

D. to go out, to stay at home

15. I am going to get my hair _____ this aternoon.

A. cut

B. to cut

C. cutting

D. be cut



1. Most of the girls are t_______ of spiders.

2. After entering WTO, we must meet c__________.

3. He is so clever that he has s_______ all the problems in the lesson.

4. The police entered the house without p___________.

5. Some of her best loved photos are on d __ in this exhibition .


6. He is considering _____ (buy) a computer for his son.

7. I spent a _____ (peace) afternoon by the river.

8. That kind of newspaper is a _____ (day) newspaper.

9. His father is a famous _______. (photo)

10. Look! A policeman _____ (chase) a young man.

11. Be sure ______ (not miss) the exhibition.

12. Yao Ming is one of the best _______ (know) Chinese basketball players in the world today.

13. It is useful _______ (memory) the words of pop songs.

14. You can’t believe him, because he is ______ (honest).

15. He was going to start working the ______ (follow) week.


One day, two friends were walking through the desert. __1__ the journey they had a quarrel, and

one friend hit __2__ one in the face.

The one who was hit was hurt, __3__ he didn’t say anything. Instead, he wrote in the sand, “Today my best frien d hit me in the face.”

They kept on __4__ until they found an oasis. They decided to get some water. The one who had been hit fell into the mire (泥潭) and was in danger, but the friend __5__him.

When he felt all right, he wrote on __6__, “Today my best friend saved my life.”

The one who had hit and saved his best friend asked him, “After I __7__ you, you wrote in the sand and now you write it on a stone. __8__?”

The other replied, “When someone hurts us, we should write it down in the sand where winds of forgiveness can blow __9__ away. But when someone does something __10__ for us, we must write it on the stone where no wind can ever blow it away.”

1. A. During B. Before C. For D. After

2. A. some B. another C.the other D. each

3. A. and B. but C. or D. so

4. A. jumping B. running C. singing D. walking

5. A. hurt B. left C. saved D. hit

6. A. the sand B. the desert C. a tree D. a stone

7. A. helped B. quarreled with C. hurt D. complained to

8. A. How B. Why C. What D. When

9. A. them B. these C. this D. it

10. A. good B. harmful C. dangerous D. interesting



Harry Potter returns!

KIDS make different wishes for the new year. Some hope that the days will pass by more quickly. Why? Because they are waiting to read a new book, “Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince”!

It is the sixth book in the Harry Potter stories. It will be in bookstores in Britain and the US on July 16,2005. Chinese kids will be able to read it three months later.

The last one, “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix” came out on June 21, in 2003. “I only hope you feel it was worth the wait when you finally read it,” said the writer J.K.Rowling,

on the Internet.

The lastest book tells of Harry’s sixth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Rowling has been thinking about how to start the new book for many years. She gave her readers some hints on what the book was about.

Rowling hasn’t said who the Half-Blood Prince is. But she did say it is neither Harry nor Voldemort.

One of her characters will die in the book. No one knows who it will be. It’s still a secret. However, fans can be sure Harry is safe for now. Rowling has said this may be the sixth and final book about Harry as a young boy.

1. Chinese kids may read the new book _______.

A. in October,2004

B. in July,2005

C. in October,2005

D. in March,2005

2. Who is the Half-Blood Prince in the new book?

A. Harry.

B. Voldemort.

C. Rowling.

D. We don’t know.

3. What does the word “hint” mean in Chinese?

A. 火花

B. 暗示

C. 撞击

D. 倒塌

4. Which is RIGHT according to the passage?

A.Rowling is the writer who is the father of three children.

B. Harry will die in the coming book.

C. Children love Harry Potter stories very much.

D. The new book is the final book about Harry

( B )

An old porter (搬运工人) had worked for the railway for a very long time. One morning he was standing in one of the big railway stations and waiting for travelers to ask him to help them with their luggage, when he saw a small man running toward the trains with a big bag in his hand.

The porter watched the man for a few seconds, and the man saw the porter.

At once the small man ran up the porter and said, “Can I catch the 10:35 train to London, porter?” He was breathing very fast, and he seemed worried.

The old porter looked at him for a moment and then said with a smile, “Well, sir, I’d like

to help you, but I can’t answer your question because I don’t know how fast you can run along rails. You see, ” he explained, “the 10:35 train to London left five minutes ago.”

5. The old porter’s job was _______

A. to stand in the railway station

B. to answer the traveler’s question

C. to help the travelers carry their luggage

D. to ask the travelers to help him

6. One morning a small man _______.

A. was waiting for the porter to help him

B. was running along rails

C. was waiting for the train to London

D. was in a hurry to catch the 10:35 train to


7. The small man looked worried, because _______.

A. he couldn’t run so fast as the train

B. he wondered if he could catch the 10:35 train to


C. the porter watched him for a few seconds

D. he lost his bag

8. At the end of the story, the porter _______.

A. played a joke on the small man

B. told the small man when he could catch the train

C. helped the small man to catch the train

D. told the small man there was no 10:35 train to


9. When the porter told the man the train had left, the time was _______

A 10:40 B. 10:35 C. 10:30 D. 10:45


It seems to be strange to most of you that there is a blind spot (盲点) on your eyes. Here is

an interesting experiment that can make something disappear, when one eye is open.

Make a card about the size of a postcard and write two English letters L and R on it, L on the

left and R on the right. First, hold the card about 80cm away and you see both the letters. Then close

your right eye and look at the letter R only with your left eye. And now, as you moved the card slowly towards you, you’ll f ind the letter L disappearing. But if you move the card nearer to your face,

the letter will be seen again. Now do the same experiment with your left eye closed, you’ll find

the letter R disappearing.

Why does the letter disappear? It is because there is a blind spot on the eyes. When the image

(影像) of the letter falls on the blind spot, it won’t be seen. That is why either of the letters disappears.

10. You fail to see the letter L in the experiment because _______.

A. your eyes are poor

B. its image falls on the blind spot

C. you move it close to your eye

D. your left eye is not open

11. In which order should you do the experiment?

①. Hold the card.②. Move the card nearer.③. Close your right eye.④. Write two English letters.

⑤. Look at the letter R.⑥. Make a card.

A. ④⑥①②③⑤

B. ①③⑥④⑤②

C. ⑥①④③②⑤

D. ⑥④①③⑤②

12. The passage mainly tells us .

A. there is a blind spot on the eyes

B. an interesting experiment

C. where the blind spot is

D. how to find the blind spot


A great thinker and teacher

Who is the greate st teacher In Chinese history? You can’t think of anyone else when you hear people read Confucius’ 2500-year-old words: “All study but no thinking makes people puzzled. All thinking but no study makes people lazy.”

Who’s Confucius?

He was born on September 28,551 BC in Kingdom of Lu, in today’s Shangdong Province.

Chinese see Confucius as the greatest thinker and also the greatest teacher. He had about 3000 students.

For more than 2000 years, Conficius’ ideas have been around in people’s everyday lives. Now they have gone far into east and south Asia. People can still hear them today.

Why are his ideas so popular? They help not only in everyday life but also in society.

Confucius’ most important ideas are kindness and good manners.

Confucius said young people should take care of the old. People should give up thinking of themselves and work for others.

As a great teacher, Confucius said all should go to school if they could and wanted to learn.

Some of Confucius’ popular words are: “A kind person should care for others” and “be strict with yourself, but be kind to others”.

People use his ideas to help themselves and society.

Now, more than 100 Internet websites are teaching people about him.

“Kindness and honesty are the best values of the world today,” said 79-year-old Kong Fanjin. He

is studying Confucius.

13. Which sentence means “思而不学则怠“?

A. All study but no thinking makes people puzzled

B. All thinking but no study makes people lazy.

C. A kind person should care for others.

D. Be strict with yourself, but be kind to others.

14. Why are his ideas so popular?

A. They help not only in everyday life but also in society.

B. They help in society

C. They help in work.

D. They help in study.

15. The passage mainly talks about .

A. when and where Confucius was born

B. what he did

C. his ideas

D. where Confucius was born


1. There is a seat in the corner. The seat is free.(合并为一句)

There is a seat in the corner _______ is free.

2. He might try to catch the ball.(对划线部分提问)

_______ _______ he try to do?

3. I like going to sleep with my bedroom light on. (同上)

_______ _______ you like going to sleep?

4. The backpack must be Cindy’s. (改为反意疑问句)

The backpack must be Cindy’s, _______ _______?

5. He used to cause a lot of trouble. (改为一般疑问句)

_______ he _______ to cause a lot of trouble?

6. The weather is not too hot and it is not too cold, either. (改为同义句)

The weather is _______ too hot _______ too cold.

7. I find it is useful to learn English well.

I find _______ _______ to learn English well.

8. You shouldn’t smoke in the bus. (同上)

You are not _______ _______ smoke in the bus.

9. Whatever you give me, I will not trust you. (同上)

_______ _______ _______ you give me, I will not trust you.

10 It makes my listening skills better. (同上)

It _______ my listening skills.

11.He has seen that girl, but he can’t remember her. (改为复合句)

_______ he has seen that girl, he can’t remember her.



_________ _________ they don’t come?


Last night, in my dream I was swimming in _________ _________ of flowers.


This picture _________ me _________ my teacher.


The firm _________ _________ the European market.


He is always _________ _________ in grammar.

VII. 补全对话(5%)

A: It's time for supper. Let’s go to the cafeteria together.

B: Yes, it’s supper time, ___1___ I want to go to the library and return these books to the library first. ___2____

A: Of course! ___3___

B: Yes. I think so.

A: Let’s go there first, then we’ll go to the dinning-hall to have supper.

B: Look! Linda! What’s that on the ground?

A: Let me see. Oh, it’s a backpack. ___4___

B: It’s brown. It might be Jane’s, and hers is brown.

A: No, look at the math book. Tom’s name is on it, ___5___

B: Let’s go and find Tom first.







1-5 BCBDA 6-10 DADBC 11-15 ABDCA


1. terrified

2. challenges

3. solved

4. permission

5. display

6. buying

7. peaceful

8. daily

9. photographer 10. is chasing

11. not to miss 12. known 13. to memorize 14. dishonest 15. following


1-5 ACBDC 6-10 DCBDA


1-5 CDBCC 6-10 DBAAB 11-15 DABAC


1. that

2. What, might

3. How, do

4. isn’t, it

5. Did, use

6. ne ither, nor

7. it, useful

8. allowed, to

9. No matter what 10. improves 11. Although / Though


1.What if 2. an ocean 3. reminds of 4. consentrate on 5. making mistakes




高一语文期中考试试卷 (本试卷分为两部分,共22道题,满分150分,考试时间150分钟。) 第Ⅰ卷(阅读题共66分) 一、现代文阅读(9分,每小题3分) 阅读下面的文字,完成1-3题。 中国的篆刻艺术,其实就是在金属、象牙、犀角、玉石等材质上以篆体文字雕刻的艺术。因以制作印章为主,又称印章艺术。作为国粹之一,它经历了漫长的发展过程,形成了一以贯之及厚重的悠久传统。其融万千气象于方寸之间,向来为历代文人墨客所钟爱。或自篆自用,或馈赠文友,钤记落款,观赏把玩,可从中获得无尽的审美愉悦和艺术享受。 考篆印之滥觞,当不晚于周代。当前所发现的最早实物,可确定为东周遗物,学界亦普遍接受“我国篆印源于春秋而盛于战国”的论断。但从当时篆刻艺术的成熟程度论之,此前当有相当漫长的发展过程。商周时期普遍应用的甲骨文,就是以刀为笔,刻在龟甲兽骨之上而成的,广义而言亦可归入篆刻艺术之内。河南安阳殷墟曾出土过颇似当今印章的铜玺,字迹清晰,斑斑可考,或可视为印章艺术之先河。 古人崇尚诚信,因而对作为诚信物证的印玺十分重视。先秦时期,古风犹存,等级观念尚不严备,无论官印、私章,皆可称“玺”,且样式五花八门,美不胜收。到秦汉时,专制制度正式确立,社会等级日益森严,“玺”成为了皇帝王侯印章之专用名称,其他人的印信只能以“印”“章”“记”等名之,且尺寸、样式也有严格规定。汉代时,篆刻印章十分兴盛,到达顶点。考其原因,乃由于秦代实行“书同文”,废六国古文字,独行秦国创制的小篆字体,而比篆晚出之隶、草、楷、行等字体尚未行世,故篆文居官方正式字体地位,因而大盛。另两汉社会稳定,冶炼业和手工制作业发达,使得汉印的艺术取得长足进展,水平空前,而成为历代篆刻家尊奉临摹之典范。 就制作方法而论,汉印多以黄铜浇铸而成,但浇铸前须将印文反刻于陶范内壁;而部分急就章乃直接用铜坯凿成,如“某某将军章”等;另有一部分乃就玉材而雕琢。因此,三者尤其是后两者被认为是现代篆刻艺术之始祖。 印章文字,有凹凸两种,凹者称阴文,凸者称阳文,也有阴阳合璧者。因印泥多取朱色,故钤盖印蜕后,阴即白,阳即朱,遂又有“白文”“朱文”之目。印面虽风韵万端,但也无非是依阴阳二体间组合搭配以求变化。阴文之美,无阳文之衬托则不可能存在,反之亦然。二者相互制约又相辅相成,故而“分朱布白”“虚实有致”乃印人需潜心探索的治印之道。真可谓是高深莫测,奥妙无穷。 篆刻就布局而言,有字法、章法之分。字法乃用字写字之法。包括选取字体、反书于印面等环节。不同时代之字体,切不可出现于同一印章之内。而字之书写,乃印家书法功力的集中体现。而所谓章法,指将所有印文排列于印面的艺术,要力求疏密有致,彼此呼应,向无定法,气象万千,这应该是篆刻艺术最重要的一环。因为即使印家刀法熟练,而章法却幼稚,亦绝无佳作可言。尤其是同一字两次以上出现于同一印章时,每字则不可取同。而成套成组之印章,须方方有别,显示其作者的章法功力。所以在设计印稿时必反复构思,用尽解数。当然既是印家,便多是“心中有字”“胸内有法”。 1.下列对于中国篆刻艺术的理解,不正确的一项是() A.中国的篆刻艺术属于国粹,又称印章艺术。它是在金属、象牙、犀角、玉石等材质上雕刻篆体文字的艺术。 B.中国篆刻艺术的起源应该不会晚于周代,中国篆刻艺术经历了漫长的发展过程,从而形成了一以贯之以及厚重的悠久传统。 C.中国篆刻艺术有凹凸两种形式,分别称为阴文和阳文,也有阴阳合璧者;由于印泥多用朱色,又有“白文”“朱文”的说法。 D.中国篆刻艺术在章法上疏密有致,彼此呼应,使万千气象融于方寸之间,让人从中获得无尽的审美愉悦和艺术享受。 2.下列理解和分析,不符合原文意思的一项是() A.古人崇尚诚信,人们对作为诚信物证的印玺十分重视。等级观念尚不严备的先秦时期,玺的样式五花八门,美不胜收。 B.汉代篆刻印章大盛的原因:一是小篆居官方正式字体地位且独行于世,二是当时社会稳定、冶炼与手工业发达。 C.印章的印面依据阴阳二体间的组合搭配来求得变化,二者相互制约又相辅相成,进而取得奥妙无穷的效果。 D.印家的“心中有字”是指篆刻布局中将所有印文排列于印面的章法,这也是篆刻艺术最重要的一环。 3.根据原文内容,下列理解和分析不正确的一项是() A.甲骨文在广义上可归入篆刻艺术之内,殷墟曾出土过颇似当今印章的铜玺大致可以视为印章艺术的先河。 B.就制作方法而论,现代篆刻艺术的始祖被认为是汉代直接用铜坯凿成的急就章和用玉材雕琢的印章。 C.篆刻中的字法包括字体的选择和反书于印面的书写等环节,后一环节是印家书法功力的集中体现。 D.设计印稿的印家需要反复构思,使尽解数让成套和成组的印章方方有别,从而显出自己的章法与功力。 二、文言文阅读 (一)课内文言知识(每题2分,共10分) 4.下列选项中文言句式跟其他三项不同的是()(2分) A.夫晋,何厌之有? B.大王来何操?


新目标九年级英语单元 测试题附答案 Document number【SA80SAB-SAA9SYT-SAATC-SA6UT-SA18】

新目标九年级英语第三-四单元测试题(附答案) 笔试部分(90分) 一、单项选择。(15分) ( )1. Who______ will play football next Sunday? A. other B. another C. the other D. else ( )2.If I were a bird, I _________ fly freely in the sky. A. will B. would C. would have D. were going to ( )3. The rest of the food _________ not enough for two days. A. am B. is C. are D. be ( )4. Tom ,your hair is too long. Would you please get your hair ? A. cut B. to cut C. cutting D. be cut ( )5. So much work usually makes them ______ tired. A. feels B. feel C. to feel D. feeling ( )6. If you go to the park tomorrow morning, ______ A. so will he B. so he will C. so he does D. so does he ( )7.----We can use QQ to talk with each other online. ----Good! Will you show me ______ it? A. what to use B. where to use C. how to use D. when to use ( )8.Our teacher is friendly to us.But he is strict _________ us,too. A.to B.in C.on D.with ( )9. In such hot day, I would rather_______ at home than_____ out . A. to stay; to go B. to stay; go C. stay; to go D. stay, go ( )10. Please give me______ on how to study English. A. an advice B. a advice C. advices D. some advice ( )11. He doesn’t do his homework _________, though he has _______. A. carefully enough , enough time B. enough carelessly, time enough C. carelessly enough, enough time D. enough carefully,enough time ( )12. Every year ______ trees are planted by volunteers. A. thousand B. thousands C. thousand of D. thousands of ( )13. ----How much time did you______ watching TV? -----Less than an hour. A. cost B. spend C. pay D. take ( )14. The blackboard _______ before the next lesson begins. A. must clean B. must be cleaned C. can clean D. can be cleaned ( )15.You have to be 18 years before you _________ to drive a car. A.are allowed B.are C.allowed D.allow 二.完形填空。(10分) We are lucky to live in a rich country where we have many things. However, most of us usually 16 some things.


语文七年级上册期中测试卷 (时间:120分钟满分:100分) 一选择题(10分) 1.下列加点的字词拼音无误的一项是:() A 凝.成( ní ) 眩.目( xuàn ) 小憩.( qì ) 盘虬.卧龙( qióu ) B 呵.责( hē) 洗濯.(zuó) 厄.运( è ) 迸.溅( bìnɡ ) C 伫.立( zhù) 黄晕.( yùn ) 发髻.( jì) 禅.心( chán ) D啜.泣( chuò) 澄.清( dènɡ ) 冉冉.( rǎn ) 玷.污( zhān ) 2.选出下列字词全对的一项:() A 诱惑辜负雏形崛强 B 贮畜朗润训戒忍俊不禁 C 潦亮耸立烘托录录终生 D 抖擞安适诅咒仙露琼浆 3.选出下列字词的解释有误的一项:() A 欣欣然:欢欢喜喜的样子。 花枝招展:比喻姿态优美。招展,迎风摆动。 B 响晴:(天空)晴朗无云。 可望不可即:只能远远看见而不能接近。即,靠近、接触。 C 怡然自得:形容安适愉快而满足的样子。怡然,安适愉快的样子。 卖弄:摆弄。 D明察秋毫:极细小的事物也能看得一清二楚。秋毫,指鸟类在秋天重新生出的非常纤细的羽毛,后用来比喻细微的事物。 嶙峋:形容人瘦削。 4.选出下列没有语病的一句:() A. 我校开展了向雷锋同志学习的活动。 B.屋子里放着各式各样的鲁迅过去所使用过的东西和书籍。 C.读了这篇文章之后,对我的教育太大了。 D.谁也不会否认提高学习成绩不是勤奋学习的结果。 5.下列选项中对课文理解不当的一项是:() A 《在山的那边》一文中所说的“用信念凝成的海”,这里的“海”指的是理想的境界。 B 《童趣》一文的主旨是写作者儿时的“物外之趣”。作者通过自己的联想和想象,将眼前的事物放大了千万倍,从而享受到一种独有的乐趣。 C “理想既是一种获得,又是一种牺牲。”这句诗并不矛盾,因为诗人所说得理想,是崇高的社会理想,是为社会进步,为多数人谋利益的理想,拥有为这种理想而奋斗的幸福感,是获得,而这一切又是以牺牲个人利益为前提的,所以又是一种牺牲。 D 《济南的冬天》一文中,作者先运用对比手法突出济南的“温晴”,赞誉它是个“宝地”,然后紧扣“山”和“水”,铺展了一幅幅淡雅的山水画。文中写山景,先写薄雪覆盖下的山,次写城外远山,再写阳光朗照下的山。 二、按课文内容填空(每空1分,共10分)


期中检测卷 时间:90分钟 满分:100分 一、础训练营(32分) 1.读拼音写词语。(8分) 2.比较字形并组词。(4分) ?????拂( )佛( ) ?????阻( )组( ) ?????拢( )扰( ) ?????牧( )枚( ) 3.补充下面的词语。(6分) 争( )斗( ) ( )( )五车 杯( )蛇( ) 南( )北( ) ( )来( )去 无( )无( ) 4.句子练习。(6分) (1)给下面的句子加上合适的词语,描写人物说话时的神情和语气。 小女儿__________________________________喊道:“有两只蜜蜂飞回来了!” (2)根据前面的句子补充一个问题。 有的瓢虫吃蚜虫,有的瓢虫吃马铃薯嫩叶, _________________ (3)街上有挂着各种招牌的店铺、作坊、酒楼、茶馆…… 句中的省略号表示______________________________________。 (4)改变句式,意思不变:这清闲的生活无忧无虑,还有什么能够代替? ________________________________________________________ 5.用修改符号修改下面一段话。(8分) 今天中午,我亲身检验了母亲洗衣服的坚幸,想到了不禁孟郊流传千古的名句:“谁言寸草心,抱得三春晖。”不错,只能亲身经历的道理,才能深刻地领会其中的含义,正如未经沙场的将军永远只会纸上谈兵,未经搏斗的雄鹰,永远只是天空中的摆设,未经磨炼的孩子,永远只是手中的风筝。 二、综合展示厅(7分) 6.根据农历日期写出我国的传统节日。(2分) (1)农历正月十五( ) (2)农历五月初五( ) (3)农历八月十五( ) (4)农历九月初九( ) 7.连线。(2分) 雅人四好 望闻问切


九年级新目标英语第5单元测试题 一、词汇 A)完成单词 1. s ______ long complex musical composition, usu. In three or four parts (movements) for a large orchestra 2. a ______ things produced by sb. trying to do or make sth. 3. a ______ arrangement to meet or visit sb. at a particular time 4. c ______ very important, decisive 5. a ______ feeling anxiety, worried, uneasy B)在B中选择最佳答案填入A中括号。 A B 1. teenager A. belonging to a particular place or district 2. hallway B. waste material 3. director C. corridor 4. mystery D. person who manages, esp. as a member of board; person who in charge of a film 5. local E. mass of salt water that covers most of the earth’s surface 6. ocean F. person in his or her teens 7. garbage G. make oneself appear to be (doing) sth. in order to deceive others or in the play 8. alien H. things of which the cause or origin is hidden or impossible to explain 9. creature I. foreign 10. pretend J. living being, especially animals C)选择正确单词填空。 1. The prisoners ______ to escape, but failed. 2. I have a datal ______ at 3 p.m. 3. There are extra trains to the seaside ______ the summer. 4. I’m very ______ about my son’s health. 5. There would be ______ people in the ______ hall. 6. Getting this contract is ______ to the future of our company. 7. If you have any idea where it ______ be, please call me. 二、用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. Listen! Some of the girls ______ (talk) about Harry Potter. 2. —Where is Mr. Green now? I haven’t seen him for a few days. —He ______ (go) to Hong Kong. 3. Y ou’d better ______ (not eat) too much meat. Y ou are already overweight. 4. “Titanic” is a very nice film. I ______ (see) it twice. 5. There ______ (be) an English Evening next Monday.


人教版一年级数学下册 期中测试卷 (时间:60分钟总分:100分) 一、填空题。(45分) 1.△□○●?△△□,排在最前面的是(),排在最后面的是()。●的前面有()个图形,后面有()个图形。 2.四十五写作:()六十写作:() 89读作:() 100读作:() 3.100里面有()个十,有()个一;7个十和8个一是();65里面有()个十和()个一。 4.和50相邻的两个数是()和();30前面的一个数是()。 5.92十位上的数是(),表示()个十,个位上的数是(),表示()个()。 6. 写作()写作()写作() 读作()读作()读作() 7.在12、36、40、34、18、90这6个数中,比36小一些的数是(),比36大一些的数是(),比12大又比34小的数是(),()比36大得多。 8.在()填上适当的数。 8+()=16 ()+7=14 8+()=17 16-()=9 ()-6=9 18-8=() 9.在○里填上“>”“<”或“=”。 59○60 49○94 17-8○9 7+9○19-9 5+8○78-70 13-7○5+4 13-8○7 8+3○23-3 二、判断题。(5分) 1.55中的两个5表示的意义相同。()

2.100比所有的两位数都大。() 3.最大的两位数是99,最小的两位数是10.() 4.100前面的第5个数是95。() 5.92比29多得多。() 三、选择题。(4分) 1.一个正方形对折以后,可以得到2个相同的(),还可以得到2个相同的()。 A.长方形三角形 B.正方形三角形 C.平行四边形三角形 2.同学们去浇树,六年级浇了30棵,三年级比六年级浇的少一些。三年级可能浇树()。 A.32棵 B.26棵 C.30棵 3.从47到53中间有()个数。 A.6 B.7 C.5 4.计算16-9时,下列哪个方法是错误的()。 A.先想9+7=16,得出16-9=7。 B.先算10-9=1,再算1+6=7。 C.先想3+6=9,所以16-9=3。 5.一个两位数,十位上的数与个位上的数相同,但比50小,这样的数有()个。 A.3 B.4 C.5 四、计算题。(21分) 1.直接写出得数。(15分) 40+8= 7+6= 60+8= 13-9= 58-8= 17-9= 12-5= 35-5= 15-7= 13-6= 7-6+6= 22-2+3= 13-0+0= 5+6-8= 44-40= 2.看图列式计算。(6分)


人教版三年级下册期中测试卷及答案 一、用“√”选出加点字正确的读音。 服侍(shì sì)琴弦(xuán xián)污浊(zhó zhuó)广泛(fà fàn)谱曲(pǚ pǔ)承认(chéng chén)二、读拼音,写词语。 téng tòng quàn wèi cōng yù suōxiǎo ()()()() dīng zhǔbēi cǎn kūlong chuān suō ()()()() 三、比一比,再组词。 暑()诲()既() 著()悔()即() 赛()载()扛() 塞()栽()杠() 四、把词语和对应的解释连在一起。 脱口而出得到无尽的好处或利益。 受益无穷没有预先约定而彼此的见解或行动一致。 和颜悦色不加思索,随口说出。 不约而同形容态度温和亲切。 五、选词填空。 持续继续陆续连续 1.课间操以后,同学们()走回教室。

2.这场大雨()了三天,水坑里、池塘里灌满了水。 3.我国女排曾()五次获得世界冠军。 4.我们不能满足已经取得的成绩,还要()努力。 六、句子乐园。 1.画上的骆驼在连绵起伏的群山里走着。(缩句) 2.村里的人家把树木一棵一棵砍下来。(改为“被”字句) 3.()我知道人永远跑不过时间,()可以比原来跑快一步。(填入恰当的关联词,再用此关联词造句) 七、根据课文内容判断对错。 1.《亡羊补牢》《南辕北辙》《惊弓之鸟》都是童话故事。() 2.“我”和时间赛跑是因为珍惜时间,想在有限的时间内多做一些事。() 3.《翠鸟》一课告诉我们要和动物和谐相处,给动物们应有的自由。() 4.“我”和克徕谛发生争吵后,我不但没有后悔,还对克徕谛举起了戒尺。() 八、口语交际。 每个人都有自己的拿手本领,有的会跳舞,有的会游泳,有的会整理家务,有的……你有什么拿手本领?你是怎样学会这项本领的呢?说出来和大家分享一下吧!


图2 图1 图3 新人教版九年级物理上学期期中测试卷 一.填空题(每空1分,共21分) 1. 炒菜时我们闻到菜香扑鼻,这是__________现象, 炒菜时菜很快就变咸了,而腌咸菜时,很长时间菜才会变咸,这个表明了__________越高,分子热运动越剧烈。 2.改变物体内能的方式有多种,冬天晒太阳会使身体变暖,这是通过 __来改变物体的内能;摩擦生热是通过___________来改变物体的内能。 3.我国的北方的冬天,为了防止秧苗被冻坏,晚上向秧苗地里防水,白天再把水抽出来,这是利用了水______________________的特性。 4.内燃机的一个工作循环有四个冲程,图1中表示的是其中的________冲程,在这冲程里,内能转化成___能。 5.“西气东输”工程已全线竣工,输送的燃料为天然气,这是利用了燃气___________较大的特性,而且使用天然气时对环境_____________。使用天然气做饭,要想把2kg 、20℃的水烧开,水吸收的热为________J,需要燃烧________m3的天然气,(假设天然气完全燃烧放的热全部被水吸收,q 天然气=8.2×107J/m3)天然气用掉一部分后,剩余天然气的热值__________(选填“变大”、“变小”或者“不变”) 6.“永动机”不会制造出来,为它违背了_________________________定律。 7.用毛皮摩擦过的橡胶棒靠近很细的水流,会发现______________________.根据导电性能可以把物质分为导体、半导体和绝缘体。在玻璃杯、电炉丝、橡胶手套、热敏电阻。 这些物品中,利用半导体材料制成的是 __ 8.电路中要有持续电流应满足两个条件,一是电路中必需有___________,二是电路必须是__________。 9.电路的连接方式有两种,一种是串联,另一种是并联,下列电路中属于并联电路的有________________(填序号)①家庭电路;②教室电路;③公路上的路灯;④用来烘托居室气氛的小彩灯;⑤冰箱电路中的灯泡和压缩机。 10.如图2所示,若将开关闭合,电流表A1的读数为1.1A ,电流表A2的读数为0.2A ,则通过L2的电流是_______A ,若电压表示数为3V ,则L1两端的电压是_______V 。 11.如图3所示,要想使灯泡变亮,滑动变阻器的滑片应向________移动。 二、选择题(每题3分,共21分) 12下列说法不正确的是 ( ) A .一切物体都有内能 B .提高热机效率的途径之一是设法利用废气的能量 C .燃料燃烧时把内能转化为化学能 D .自由电子定向移动方向和电流方向相反 L 1 L 2


新目标英语九年级综合测试题一、单项选择(共30 个,30 分) 从每小题A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳答案。 1 In a zoo in Shandong Province, the zoo keepers tried ___ way to help ___ monkey give up smoking. A. the; a B. one; the C. a; the D every; a 2 —We ve waited for the two sin gers for two hours. Will they be able to come here? --I ' m afraid ____ of them will come today. A. neither B. either C. both D. none 3. - Do you know _____ move into our new house? --We will move there as soon as the key ___ to us. A. when we can; is given B. when can we; will be given C. if we can; is given D. when we can; will be given 4. --Here comes the train. Where are our tickets? --Oh, my God! I ____ them at home. A. forgot B missed C lost D. left 5 - -John sings well in our school. -- _____ Henry, my best friend. He is also popular! A. So does B. Neither does C. So is D. Neither is 6. --It 's a secret between us. Don 't tell anybody else. --Sure, ____ .


初四语文期中测试卷 姓名 一、基础(共26分) 1、读下面文字,完成第(1)—(3)题。  诗歌是文学殿堂里璀璨的明珠。优秀的诗歌可以飞越时间的长河和 不同的国度,拔动人们的心xián( )。她如绝美的天籁,拂去尘 世的喧嚣;她似千年的佳酿,蕴藏醉人的芳香; , 。cháng( )徉其间,我们的情感将在潜移墨化中得到熏陶,我 们的思想将在孜孜求索中变得深邃。 (1)、根据拼音写出汉字。(2分) Xián( ) cháng( ) (2)、画波浪线的句子中各有一个错别字,请找出并改正。(2分) 改为 改为 (3)、请仿照画横线的句子,续写一句话。(2分) 她似千年的佳酿,蕴藏醉人的芳香; , 。 2、下列各项对加点字的注音全部正确的一项是( )(1分) A.亵(xiè)渎 骈(bǐng)进 恪(kè)尽职守 吹毛求疵(chī) B.陨(yǔn)落 睿(ruì)智 忐忑(tè)不安 怒不可遏(jiē) C.阴晦(huì) 恣睢(suī) 咬文嚼(jué)字 豁(huò)然贯通 D.拮据(jū) 滞(zhì)碍 孜孜(zī)不倦 妄自菲(fěi) 薄 3、下面的句子没有语病的一项是( )(1分) A.他请几个学校的干部参加座谈会。 B.有人主张接受,有人反对,他同意这种主张。 C.只有坚持核查,就能和平解决伊拉克问题。 D.有没有坚定的意志,是一个人在事业上是否取得成功的前提。 4、按要求完成下题。 4月23日是“世界读书节”,班里准备上午8点在本班教室进行读书 节的班会活动。在本次读书节活动开展前,班委会针对我校200名同学 的阅读情况进行了一个调查,调查的信息如下表。假如你要参加这次活 动,请你先完成以下内容。 阅读内容人数百分比 卡通画11256%



九年级英语上学期单元测试题(U n i t1—2)一、单项选择: ( )1.- do you improve your listening -I improve it listening to tapes. A. How; with B: What; with C: How; by D. What; by ( )2. He must be in the room, because the light in the room is . A. in B. on C. off D. open ( )3. I got an A this term, so my teacher was . A. to impress B. impress C. impressing D. impressed ( )4. seems that Jane has known the bad news. A. She B. It C. This D. That ( )5. All of us were at the news. A. frustrating, frustrating B. frustrating, frustrated C. frustrated, frustrating D. frustrated, frustrated ( )6. Jack likes playing soccer, but he doesn’t like playing piano.


人教版三年级数学下册 期中测试卷 (时间:60分钟总分:100分) 一、选择题 1.(2019铜川期中)如果大树的影子在西面,那么太阳在大树的()面。 A. 西 B. 东 C. 南 2.(2019三下·金寨期中)603÷3的商是()。 A. 201 B. 202 C. 203 D. 20 0 3.(2019三下·武侯月考)一个三位数除以2的商仍然是三位数.那么被除数的百位不可能是() A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 4.(2018三上·福田期中)买一束玫瑰花要30元,买8束康乃馨要160元,一束玫瑰花比一束康乃馨贵( )元。 A. 130 B. 20 C. 10 5.一根绳子总长是16米,这根绳子对折两次后是()米。 A. 4 B. 6 C. 32 6.(2019三下·嘉陵期末)两位数乘两位数,当用第二个因数十位上的数去乘第一个因数十位上的数时,得到的是多少个() A. 一 B. 十 C. 百 7.(2018三下·云南期末)25×32积的末尾有( )个0。 A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 8.一匹马的质量是250千克,4匹马的质量是()。 A. 1000克 B. 2000千克 C. 1吨 9.(2019三下·东海月考)李阿姨买了38个礼盒,每个礼盒32元,李阿姨大约花去()元. A. 1200 B. 900 C. 1216 10.15只青蛙,每只青蛙吃45只害虫,一共吃了()只害虫。 A. 675 B. 685 C. 695

二、判断题 11.(2019三下·京山期末)小红家在学校的正南方,学校就在小红家的正北方。() 12.(2019三上·惠州期中)300作为被除敬,末尾有2个0,商的末尾一定也有2个0。() 13.(2019三下·增城期中)两位数乘两位数,积可能是三位数。() 14.3.7×0.9的积一定小于3.7。 15.(2019三下·金寨期中)2□×12的积一定是三位数。() 三、填空题 16.燕子每年都从________飞往________过冬。 17.()÷39=25……○,○中最大可填________,这时()中应填________。 18.(2019三下·江城期中)256里面有________个8,14个80是________. 19.(2018三上·九台期中)超市运进320箱水果,要4天卖完,平均每天卖________箱水果. 20.(2019三下·仲恺期中)在横线上填上“>”“<”或“=”。 56÷6________54÷3 45×24________25×44 0×12________0÷12 400÷2________800÷4 160×2________16×20 104÷8________104×8 21.(2019三下·江城期中)老师有157块糖,至少拿出________块剩下的就能平均分给7个小朋友;至少拿出________块剩下的就能平均分给8个小朋友. 22.________比620多180,830比270多________。 130与70的和是________,它比450少________。 四、计算题 23.(2019三下·简阳期中)竖式计算: ①624÷6= ②39×40= ③609÷3= ④742÷7= ⑤46×25= ⑥259÷7= 五、解答题 24..笑笑从一楼走到三楼,走了36级台阶,如果每两层之间的台阶相等,那么她从一楼到12楼要走多少台阶? 25.(2019三下·松滋期中)周末,小红和爸爸、妈妈一起去游乐场玩,一共花了364元,平


沈阳市东北育才双语学校2012—2013学年上学期期中考试 初一语文试卷 考试时间120分钟满分:100分 一、基础知识(29分) 1.下列词语中字音完全正确的()(3分) A、滑稽(jī)哽咽(yàn)妯娌 (lí) 乳臭(chòu)未干 B、泼(pǒ)辣衙(yá)门坠(duò)落崭露(lòu)头角 C、毛坯(pī)打旋(xuàn)蓦(mù)地风尘仆(pǔ)仆 D、造孽(niè)揶揄(yú)戏谑(xuè)随声附和(hè) 5.下列词语中字形完全正确的()(3分) A、烦琐朦胧指高气扬昂首阔步 B、震撼祖籍苦心孤诣寥寥无几 C、拼凑蹒跚令人废解愿天尤人 D、颤抖灌注为富不人汗马功劳 3、下列句子中的加点成语完全正确的一组是()(3分) A 长达四个多小时的2012年春节晚会伴着新春的钟声和人们的祝福销声匿迹了 .....。 B 在解放初,邓稼先是一个在国内外崭露头角 ....的优秀青年物理学家。 C 沈北新区有一处大型的露天蔬菜批发市场,这里每天门庭若市 ....,来来往往的人们忙着购买各种新鲜蔬菜。 D 由于有关部门监管不力,大量的垃圾食品厂雨后春笋 ....般地冒出来了。 4、下列句子没有语病的一项是()(3分) A、不酒后驾车,是衡量一个公民素质高低的标准。 B、在本届世乒赛上,经过运动健儿的奋力拼搏,再次赢得了男子团体冠军。 C、自古以来,无数诗人咏唱过游子的思家之情。 D、她不但知道这件事,而且全班同学都知道了。 5、下列对文学常识的表述正确的一项是()(3分) A我国古代诗歌史上被称为“乐府双璧”的是《木兰诗》和《陌上桑》。 B我们学过的鲁迅的《少年闰土》、《藤野先生》都出自他的散文集《朝花夕拾》。C《童年》是托尔斯泰以自身经历为原型创作的自传体小说三部曲中的第一部,这部小说生动地再现了19世纪七八十年代俄罗斯下层人民的生活状况。 D《论语》是儒家的经典之一,与《中庸》《大学》《孟子》合称四书。 6、填入下面横线上的句子,与上下文衔接最恰当的一组是()(3分) 最可悲的是我们的孩子,他们______________,____________, _________________。有一位作家写到,她曾带几个孩子到野外去看月亮和海,可


数学九年级上期中测试题 一、选择题(每小题2分,共12分) 1.若代数式x 52-有意义,则x 的取值范围是( ) A. x ≥5 2- B. x ≤52 C. x ≥52 D. x ≤52- 2.下列图形中,是中心对称图形但不是轴对称图形的是( ) 3.已知关于x 的一元二次方程2x +x +2a -1=0的一个根是0,则a 的值为( ) A.1 B .-1 C.1或-1 D. 2 1 4.若⊙O 的半径为5㎝,点A 到圆心O 的距离为4㎝,那么点A 与⊙O 的位置关系是( ) A.点A 在⊙O 外 B.点A 在⊙O 上 C.点A 在⊙O 内 D.不能确定 5.如图,在正方形ABCD 中,以点A 为圆心,AB 长为半径作弧MN.若∠1=∠2,AB=2,则弧MN 的长为( ) A. 21π B. π3 2 C. π D.2π 6.如图所示,AB 、AC 分别切⊙O 于B 、C 两点,D 是⊙O 上一点,∠D=40°,则∠BAO=( ) A.40° B.50° C.100° D.80° 二、填空题(每小题3分,共24分) A B C D 21M B N D C A O D C B A 5题图 6题图

7.已知一矩形长为23㎝,宽为6㎝,则该矩形的对角线长为 ㎝. 8.若方程(m +1)2x -m x -1=0是关于x 的一元二次方程,则m 的取值范围是 . 9.如图,AB 、AC 都是⊙O 的弦,O M ⊥AB,ON ⊥AC,垂足分别为M 、N ,如果MN=3,那么BC= . 10.如图,在平面直角坐标系中,正方形ABCO 的顶点A 、C 分别在y 轴、x 轴上,以AB 为弦的⊙M 与x 轴相切,若点A 的坐标为(0,8),则圆心M 的坐标为 . 11.如图,将△ABC 绕点B 逆时针方向旋转到△EBD 的位置,若∠A=15°,∠C=10°,点E 、B 、C 在一条直线上,则旋转角等于 度. 12.圆锥底面半径为2 1,母线长为2,它的侧面展开图的圆心角是 度. 13.一件商品的原价是100元,经过两次提价后的价格为121元,如果每次提价的百分率都是x ,根据题意,列出的方程是 . 14.如图,△ABC 为等边三角形,AB=6,动点O 在△ABC 的边上从点A 出发,沿着A →C →B →A 的路线匀速运动一周,速度为1个单位长度每秒,以O 为圆心、3为半径的圆在运动过程中与△ABC 的边第二次相切时是出发后第 秒. 三、解答题(每小题5分,共20分) 15.计算:243122÷? . 16.用配方法解方程:22x -4x -3=0. E D C B A 9题图 10题图 11题图 14题图


Test for Unit 1 一.词组翻译(30分) 1.犯错,出错______________ 2. 结束_____________ 3. 根本不_____________ 4. 以后,随后____________ 5. 害怕去做______________ 6. 嘲笑_______________ 7. 做笔记_______________ 8. 查阅_____________ 9. 编造______________ 10. 处理______________ 11. 生……的气__________ 12. (指时间)过去,消逝________________ 13. 尽力做……_____________ 14. 突然中止,中断_________________ 15. 没关系________________ 二.单项选择(10分) ()1.---- How do you study ______ a test? ---- I study ______ working with a group. A: for by B: by in C: for from ()2.Have you ever ______ with a group? A: study B: studying C: studied ()3.My sister said she studied by ________ English-language videos. A: watch B: watching C: watched ()4.What about _______ the textbook? A: reading B: read C: to read ()5.It improves my _______ skills A: spoken B: speak C: speaking ()6.I have trouble ________ the new words. A: memorize B: memorizing C: to memorize ()7.I don’t know how ________ commas. A: use B: to used C: used ()8.Miss Li regards all his students _______ his children. A: as B: for C: to ()9.If you don’t know how to spell new words, look them _____ in a dictionary. A: up B: for C: after ()10.The small boys decided ________ to each other. A: not talk B: not talking C: not to talk 三.完形填空(10分) I like English very much. I think English is very important and 1 . Here are my


五年级下册期中测试卷及答案(一) 一、用“—”画出每一组加点字错误的读音,再改正。 1.水泵(bèng)颧骨(qián)家禽(qín) 2.得逞(chěng)毛毡(zhān)子曰(rì) 3.戎装(lóng)盗贼(zéi)生锈(xiù) 二、读拼音,写词语。 è hào gān jú wú rǔ fàng sì ()()()() shuōhuǎng yī jīn lěng mò páo xiào ()()()() 三、选字组词。 【瞪蹬澄】 ()清()眼()腿()视 【硝稍悄】 ()烟()声()微()许 四、用“\”划去括号内不恰当的词语。 1.军民携手同洪水进行了(坚强顽强)的搏斗。 2.这些古色古香的家具,高贵典雅,有(浓厚深厚)的民族风味。 3.爷爷曾经告诉我,山鹰的家常常会筑在(严峻险峻)的山崖上。 五、先补充词语,再按要求填空。 迫不()()()()一息()无()事小心()()得意()()()()作声

九、阅读天地。 (一)课内阅读。 《晏子使楚》节选 楚王安排酒席招待晏子。正当他们吃得高兴的时候,有两个武士押着一个囚犯,从堂下走过。楚王看见了,问他们:“那个囚犯犯的是什么罪?他是哪里人?”武士回答说:“犯了盗窃罪,是齐国人。”楚王笑嘻嘻地对晏子说:“齐国人怎么这样没出息,干这种事?”楚国的大臣们听了,都得意扬扬地笑起来,以为这一下可让晏子丢尽脸了。哪知晏子面不改色,站起来,说:“大王怎么不知道哇?淮南的柑橘,又大又甜。可是橘树一种到淮北,就只能结又小又苦的枳,还不是因为水土不同吗?同样的道理,齐国人在齐国能安居乐业,好好地劳动,一到楚国,就做起盗贼来了,也许是两国的水土不同吧。”楚王听了,只好陪不是,说:“我原来想取笑大夫,没想到反让大夫取笑了。”1.仿写词语。 笑嘻嘻(ABB式) 2.选文是楚王第次侮辱晏子,用了的办法。 3.齐国人到楚国做盗贼的原因是什么?从原文中找出答案。 4.你觉得晏子是个怎样的人? (二)课外阅读。 董存瑞舍身炸碉堡
