2005年版星火英语三十篇阅读贯穿考研词汇u nit 1 :The P ermitI t hink t he bu ilding mu st have been u sed as a f arm er's wint er stor e; I f ou nd piles of f or gott en dr ied chest nut s and gr ain in rott ing bar r els. I t r ied the chest nut s but t hey t ast ed sour and shar p, and som e of them ha d sm all t eeth-m arks in their dark, peeling skins. P au lo said he wou ld bring m e f ood, but that was thr ee days ago.Y est erday, I heard a car engine gett ing closer, and clim bed up t o hide in t he r aft ers of the pat ched roof, bu t t he Gu ar dia Civil m en j u st loo ked in qu ickly t hr ou gh the sm ashed windows and broken doors bef or e they left. I clung t o the dust y wooden raft er, f eeling it cr eak and bend under my weight, and tr ied t o make no noise. M y arm s and legs gr ew numb,then began t o tr emble,and I longed t o m ove, but I wait ed unt il I hear d the policem en dr ive off.I know that P au lo wou ld not have told them about m e.And I know that they will r etur n. When we began the f inal part of our jour ney, we wer e war ned t hat t he police patr ol the land around her e r egu lar ly. They ar e always sear ching for u s,or other s like u s; t he coast of Mor occo and the P r esidio of Ceut a ar e only t en m iles away acr oss the Str ait s.That is ho w I got her e: squ eezed in wit h f ift een ot her m en in a shallow boat m eant f or eight, with the cold waves r eaching over the sides and the night deep and black as a t omb. I have never been m or e scar ed.I pr ayed all t he way across, and thought about my f am ily. I told myself, over and over, that I was doing it for them. That tr ip t ook almost all of m y money. All of t he m oney I had saved back hom e in E cu ador, all of the money I had wor ked for on t he way. The boatm en left us on a beach in t he m iddle of t he night. We lost sight of t hem but we cou ld st ill hear t heir sm all engine acr oss t he waves. S ix of u s st art ed walking inland but the other s wait ed f or the cont act, the f r iends of t he boatm en, as t hey had been told, and m et the Gu ar dia C ivil inst ead.We wer e lu cky: we m et P au lo.We f ound the t own and wait ed u nt il the f irst bar opened; I went in alone while the other s hid in the or char d near by. When I asked f or cof f ee, the young barm an looked at m e and nodded. He m ade t he coff ee, then disappear ed int o t he back r oom. C old and wit hout st r engt h,I wr apped my hands ar ou nd t he war m cup, not car ing whet her the barm an h ad called the police,not car ing about the next mom ent, j ust about t he pr esent.But the m an had called P au lo,who cam e and helped u s. Pau lo is always smiling, always happy. He is fr om S eville, a bu sy city of m any people, and he kno ws m any people. P au lo fou nd work for u s. I m ade good money on the f arm s. I picked cabbages, and cau lif lower s, and art ichokes and broccoli. I picked gr eat r ou nd yellow squ ashes that sm elled of rich per fum e when you broke t hem. The f arm er s hir ed us by the day, and wer e cont ent. The local people will not wor k f or the wages we ar e paid. But t her e wer e m any f arms, and m any crops t o be picked. We wer e welcom ed.I shar ed a sm all clean house in t he t own wit h seven ot her wor kers.We had jour neyed fr om E cu ador,Colombia, V enezu ela, even A r gent ina. Pau lo f ou nd the hou se f or u s - he knew the landlor d and arr anged a good pr ice.We lived well, wit h enou gh food and som et im es wine. I earned m or e in a week than I cou ld in t hr ee m onths back hom e, if ther e had been wor k to do t her e. I sent most of t he money that was left to m y wif eand par ents,and wr ot e m any lett ers t o them. Then the governm ent changed the r u les,so that we needed wor k perm it s.I qu eu ed wit h hundr eds of ot her wor kers ou tside the Ayu nt am iento, wait ing f or t he applicat ion forms. We s at on the stone benches beneath t he t r ees in the P la?a and r ead the form s. Som e of t he other wor kers ar e fr om sm all villages and towns, and cannot r ead as well as I can, so I explained to t hem that t he governm ent want ed ou r birt h cer tif icat es,dr iving licences,passports and m any other docum ents.M any of the wor kers had per haps one or t wo of these docum ent s, but most had none. I helped t he ot hers com plet e t he f orm s and we gave them t o t he cler k in the A yunt amiento.He looked at our docum ents, st amped t he f orm s m any t im es and told u s that t hey wou ld be sent to M adr id, and ou r perm it s wou ld be r et ur ned in t wo or t hr ee m ont hs. If the forms wer e approved.We had t o wait. E ven P au lo and his fr iends cou ld not help us.The f irst m ont h was not t oo bad,as m ost of the f arm er s cont inu ed t o u se us; their cr ops wer e r ich and heavy, wait ingto be picked.Then som e m en fr om M adr id visit ed all of the farms,and m aybe half of the f arm er s st opped u sing us.The farm er s told u s t hat they wer e sor r y, and we believed t hem.So the second m onth was wor se: f ew of t he f arm er s wou ld use u s, and those t hat did paid ver y poor wages. We shar ed what we had, and at e once a day: r ice, past a, br ead, cheap f ood that wou ld f ill our st om achs. We began to st ar e at each other, and wonder which of u s wou ld find wor k. Ther e wer e f ights in the m or ning, bet ween diff er ent groups of wor ker s, when the farms' f or em en cam e to the P la?a to choose who wou ld wor k that day. Bu t st ill we had som e hope.We lost t he hou se in t he third month, as we had no m oney for r ent.We wer e able to get som e f ood f rom the char it y kit chens around t he to wn, and t he chur ch, but we found al ways a long qu eu e and ver y lit t le f ood. We t ook our bags and blanket s and slept in t he f ields. Then t he weather becam e cold and we slept wher e we cou ld,hu ddled together,in old for gott en bu ildings and alleys.S om et im es I dr eam ed of m y fam ily and m y hom e,and when I awoke I wished t he dr eam cou ld continu e.The people of the t own st ar ed at us fr om t he sides of t heir eyes as they passed u s.They clenched t heir hands and mutt er ed, and som e of them spat on the pavem ent. A f ew of u s wer e att acked and beat en in t he dark,and dr iven f rom the parks and str eet s. A ll of the t im e, t he P olice t old us t o m ove on, move on.It is the end of t he t hir d m ont h when it happens.The f arm ers hir e coaches and send t hem into t he P la?a Colom. Fr om four o'clock in t he morning we wait in shuff ling silence, hands pu shed deep int o pocket s, our hat s pu lled do wn tight against the cold and t he wat ching policem en.By t he tim e the coaches arr ive t her e ar e hundr eds of wor kers wait ing in the dar kness. We pr ess f or war d as the door s open.The f or em en st and on the bottom st eps of the coaches and ask, "Who has the perm it?"The m en wit h perm it s hold t hem u p and ar e allowed ont o the coaches.Som e of t he worker s ar e fr om the count r ies in E ur ope and do no need perm it s,so t hey ar e allowed on when they show their passports. I go fr om coach t o coach u nt il I see a gr oup ofChileans, who I kno w have no perm its, climb aboard a wait ing coach. The leader of their gr ou p speaks f irst with t he f or em an and shakes his hand, then they ar e t aken on. I st and befor e the for em an."Y ou have t he perm it?" he asks m e. He is br oad and st out, and f ills t he door way of t he coach. His f at neck spills f rom the uptu rned collar of his leather j acket.His hair is shaven close to his head. I explain to him that my applicat ion was r ej ect ed but I have t r ied again."Com e back when you have a perm it," he t ells m e.He frowns as he pu lls on his cigar ett e and looks do wn t h e avenu e to wher e t he policem en ar e wat ching the coaches. I explain t o him that t hat I am a hard wor ker, that I have eat en only once in thr ee days, t hat I am desper at e t o work and send m oney to m y fam ily.He looks at the policem en, who have st art ed walkin g along the pavem ent beside the coaches, and he scowls at m e and says, "G o to M adrid and t ell them."The Chileans ar e lau ghing and pointing at m e thr ough the coach windows.The f or em an f licks his half-f inished cigar ett e int o the gutt er by m y f oot and I pu nch him in the stom ach. He f olds over wit h a sm all cr y.The policem en look at u s and I begin t o r un, away f rom the Pla?a,away fr om t he coaches, into t he dark side str eets and avenu es. I hear loud ru nning st eps close behind m e,and the roar of car engines.The shu tt er ed bu ildings r ef lect t he blu e light s.I slide my body into the shado ws of a shop's back door, behind t wo t all m et al bins that st ink of r ott ing m eat and ur ine.I gasp, and each br eat h bur ns. My heart hamm er s against m y chest.I wait f or a lo ng t im e unt il the sou nds of t he car s and people f ade. I walk slo wly t o the end of t he alley and look out, but the st r eet s ar e em pt y.I have run almost to t he r iver; I can hear it r ushing in the darkness beneath m e.My r ight hand f eels cold. I look do wn, in the yello w light of a str eet lam p,and see m y hand st ill clenched int o a f ist.It looks like the hand of anot her person, not part of m e. A shortblade, no longer t han m y t humb, st icks out f rom t he f ist. The blade, m y f ist, and m y sleeve ar e all st ained dark r ed.Pau lo gave m e the knif e wh en I picked ar t ichokes on the farms. The shor t t hick blade is ver y shar p, m ade f or slicing thr ou gh t he plants' thick st alks.I scr ambled do wn t o the banks of the r iver and thr ew the knif e into the night.I hear d it spl ash f ar away. The r iver tou ched m y f eet.I r eached down and washed m y sleeve and hand, althou gh t he wat er was so cold,like ice, t hat m y hand becam e num b. Then I walked back up t o t he str eet.I f ou nd som e of the other worker s hiding in t he deser t ed war ehouse we had found. O ne of t hem went t o f ind P au lo, who cam e and told m e about t he old f arm bu ildings near to t he coast road. P au lo was not sm iling. I wait ed unt il dar kness bef or e I followed the r oad out of the t own,t hr owing m yself int o the dit ch if I hear d a car approaching.The weather has been clear and I have seen the coast of Morocco ever y day. A cr oss t he blu e sea f lecked with sun, the land is a st r ip of dar k br own and gr ey, and looks close enough for m e t o t ou ch. M aybe I cou ld f ind an old tr act or t yr e t ubear ou nd t he f arm and f loat acr oss t he St r ait s? O r m aybe I cou ld walk along t he shor e and st eal a boat?I do not want t o becom e a thief. I am an honest man who wants only t o work and support his f am ily. But what can I do?I will wait her e f or P au lo a nd list en t o him. He will t ell m e what to do f or the best. I know t hat he will help m e.u nit2:Tim eless photogr aphsI love t o look at old photogr aphs in the album(影集).My fat her had a big box of pict ur es in the cabinet and som e of the pictur es go way back t o t he 1890's. The wom en dr essed wit h su ch dignit y and had st yle back t hen. M y D ad wou ld linger ar ou nd his pr ecious box of photogr aphs and t eel m e stor ies about each phot o and very one.It was one of t hose mom ent s that you cou ld not r eally appr eciat e when y ou wer e you nd. It is only aft er he was long gone t hat I can look back and say thanks for t aking the t im e to show m e a t iny window into t he wor ld of people who r eally did kno w how to live.I f ound a f ew of m y au nts in t heir f ashionable outf it s by an old C adillac pr et ending to dr ink whisky.M any of the photogr aphs wer e t aken in CO ney Island and CapeC od.Iespecially love the photogr aphs of the bathing beaut ies and their swimsu its.T He su it s ar e qu it e m odest by t oday's st andar ds but the young wom en didn't seem t o car e. They wer e st aying at su ch places as Newport B each and C ape Cod having the t im e of t heir lives ru nning in and out of t he t ide.O ne photogr aph had a vendor(小贩)selling dogs(热狗)by a coast er(轮船)at CO ney Island--a younger pict ur e of my mother wit h her e br own hair and blu e eyes eager to go on boar d wit h my D ad. He looked a bit fr ight ened in t he pict ur e as I cou ld see he was lolding on t ight ly t o the bar t o t he coast er,his black hair flying in the br eeze. I sm ile when I look at t hat pictu r e because it is hard to im agine anyone's D ad ever being a kid. He looked like he was having a gr eat t im e pr obably because he was wit h my mot her. S He is sm iling in the pict ur e and wear ing a whit e blouse(女衬衫),blu e short s and t ennis shoes. She is qu it e a looker(美女),I can see why m y D ad liked her so mu ch.I dig down t o t he bott om of the box and see t wo large photogr aphs.O ne is dat ed 1900 and the ot her one is dat ed 1997--a r ec ent pictu r e t hat looks sim ilar to t he older one. The older pictu r e looks f am iliar because it is t aken in the sam eplace--the summ er hom e.I will descr ibe the older photogr aph as ver y int er est ing in the st yle of dr ess and exact ly wher e the people ar e sitt ing. They ar e posed ou tside t he cott age by a sm all t r ee t hat is st ill ther e today. A wom an is sitt ing in a r ocking chair, with her e black hair pu lled u p in a bu n(脑后的女髻).She is not sm iling but looking away f rom t he cam er a and wear ing a long black dr ess. Anot her wom an is wear ing a whit e blouse wit h a neckt ie(领结)and a long black skirt. Her hair is also long and blonder(金黄色的)but pu lled back in a bun. Ther e ar e t wo m en on eit her side of a wooden t able. BO th m en appear older and ar e dr essed in hats and su it s and t ies,t rouser s and SUnday shoes. Neit her is smiling. (I have t he dist inct f eeling t hat t he wom en ar e their wives and it is S unday.) t hey pr obabl y ar e hungr y f or their roast beef and pot atoes,but t hat is ju st m y gu ess.Ther e is a young boy,pr obably about 13 in the phot ogr aph, He is wear ing a whit e blou se,black short s,long black socks and t an sport s shoes.He is pett ing a black dog that is sitt ing o n t op of the rou nd wooden t able. The boy is bending down and he isn't smiling eit her. It mu st have been hot out side and he pr obablywants to go f or a swim with the dog. The wat er is ju st belo w them and he is pr obably wonder ing why he has t o t ake this stu pid pict ur e all dr essed u p on a Su nday.I not ice that the color of m y cabin was qu it e diff er ent in 1900 and it was mu ch sm aller. The color was gr een,wit h whit e railings(栏杆)around t he por ch and st eps leading down t o the pat io(院子). That is wher e the pictu r e of this Sm art Fam ily was taken. The f amily appears r ather st iff in the phot o bu t I am sur e that t hey had a good lau gh aft er the Sunday dinner was ser ved.The second larger phot ogr aph is of m y own f am ily about 1997. It is also in black and whit e. We didn't wear andy older clother s but u sed our own clot hes. The tr ee in the backgr ound has gr own t o enormou s height s and is st ill st anding. The st eps leading down to Mousam Lake have cr acked and ar e in awf u l need of r epair. B elieve it or bot,we st ill own t he old wooden table and all of t he r ocking chair s owned by the Sm art Fam ily.I did a sear ch of t he Sm art Fam ily and t hey wer e or iginally from Portsm out h(朴茨茅斯). At least f ive ot her f am ilies owned my cott age befor e m y f at her bou ght it in 1950 f or t hr ee thousand dollars.The cott age com es with t hirt een acr es ofland t hat I st ill own along wit h m y seven brot her s and sist er s. It was passed on t o m e when m y m other died. We have f orm ed the Cam p Fund t o pay t he t axes and pr eserve ou r legacy. It is a beaut if u l cabin on a pr im e spot on M ou sam Lake. I was not her e when t his photo was t aken and it hangs in the livingroom of t he cabin. M any vist or s comm ent on it and t hink it is qu it e am azing to have a house for so long. The hit or y of the house is int er est ing to view f rom photogr aphs. Ar ou nd t he t able ar e m y br other e B ob j ust wear ing a casu al shirt and short s(sm illing), Annie wear ing a T-Shirt and shorts. M ike wear ing a whit e shirt and long nylon tr ouser s not sm iling, M ar y,whom I cou ldn't t ell what she was wear ing,my M om,her whit e hair and her beaut ifu l blu e eyes and sm ile,was wear ing a peach blou se and slacks,m y Dad wasn't alive f or this photo, he died in 1986. Last ly in the pictur e is m y br ot her J ohn,wear ing a whit e vest,tr ou ser s and su spenders. He slicked(使光滑、顺滑)back his black hair f or the photo to appear in t he per iod st yle.He wasn't sm iling either. The only dif f er ence is t hat m y cot aage is paint ed br own with a lar ger por ch and som e addit ional bu ildings. My f ather loved t o bu ild things and he was const ant ly im pr oving the cabin.Hebu ilt a deck do wnst air s,and also a dock f or his m any boat s. He also designed a gliding swing and a picnic t able.All of these photogr aphs r em ind m e that people ar e not so ver y dif f er ent. We all want to enjoy living and be t ogether as a fam ily. The t im e t hat f am ilies spend t oget her is ver y valauble. The childr en wil always r em eber t he litt le things that their par ent s do for t hem. For m e is was m y D ad t hat showed m e shese pict ur es and t ook the t im e to t ell m e t he stor ies beh ind each of t hem. I t hank him dear ly for t hat.u nit 3 :the story of my rom anceTanya got ou t of the bed while the sun was st ill asleep. She looked out the window; even t he st ar s wer e lost in the dark. "Wou ld I be able to wat ch su nr ise t oday?" she asked he r heart. She knew t he answer but was af r aid t o t ell herself. M ike, her hu sband was st ill in bed and so wer e her f our kids. Even their sleep cou ldn't elu de her fr om doing them service. S he had t o or chestr at e her wor k t o t he m icr oscopic det ails. Fr om pr essin g clothes to polishing shoes, f inding m at ching socks t o ar r anging school bags, f ixing up br eakf ast t o pr epar ing snack-boxes, shewas unt hankfu lly su pposed t o m ake it all happen like a m agic wand. A nd t o her own com pu lsory f au lt,she did it all; like a magic wand.Lif e r an like a wh eel.The cir cle st ar t ed ever y morning and ended up lat e in the night, and t hen mor ning appear ed again. Ther e was no pau se, no r est, not even a slight cu rve to insert change.S he condemned herself f or not exper iencing even a t hou ght of ever gett ing out of this cir cle. She had committ ed herself to t he or bit of lif e.Coming out of t he bat hr oom, she tu rned and looked at her bu shed f ace in t he m ir ror and gasped a t ir ed answer t o her long asked qu est ion,"Never,you j ust keep dr iving in t he su nset." She shook her head to wing away those r ebelliou s but t er f lies in her m ind. She knew she cou ldn't j oin them so she didn't want them to hang ar ound her eit her.She ent er ed t he kit chen hear ing M ike,yelling in his dr owsy voice for the absence of his to wel in t he bat hr oom. Her youngest daught er K ar en st art ed cr ying f or she didn't want t o go to school that day. Nicole, t he eldest, cou ldn't help herself but t o blam e D aniel f or t he overnight f r agm ent at ion of her dollhouse.While R andal r egist er ed his pr ot est fr om his bedthat he was not going to dr ink m ilk in br eakf ast like ever y day. While in the kit chen, sugar had ru n out and the laundr y seem ed to have been br eeding it self. A nd she was st ill looking for t hat magic wand.She never got t o know when m orning r an int o noon; even the clock f ailed to t ell her that.Mike left f or off ice st ill scr eam ing and shout ing f or his t owel and the school bu s only ar r ived aft er the kids had put all t heir st unt s on t he dining t able. Their absence cou ldn't cease her wor k f or they left their incarnat ions on her day.She was com par ing t he pile of her cour age t o t hat of t he lau ndry when the doorbell r ang. It had been so long anybody com ing to their hom e that she had for gott en what their doorbell sounded like. S he tr ied t o gu ess who cou ld it be but not a single nam e int ervened her t hou ght s. She opened the door wit h an uncert ain hope f or a su rpr ise fr om the blu e but only f ou nd the postm an st anding in the door t o vanish that uncert ainty."Hi D avid! S ince when did you st art r inging t he doorbell?" wor ds f lew out of her m out h with t heir own consent."E ver since I was a kid. O nly t hat in m y childhood I wou ld r ingthe bell and r un a way." D avid was one hell of a cheer fu l postm an."But you don't need t o ru n away now.""No, not u nt il you hav e signed and r eceived you lett er." "My lett er! Who cou ld send t hat?""I am not su r e, it s som eone nam ed L.H.M. S ounds like a post gr adu at e degr ee t o m e.""Never m ind, I'll sign it."Tanya r ec eived the lett er. It was a r egist er ed lett er fr om wit hin the t own. She wonder ed who cou ld that L.H.M be. She opened t he envelope and t he myst er y t hat enf olded it.The handwr it ing spar ked a m em or y but she f elt t oo over whelm ed t o scr ape her past. Her heartbeat st art ed f lying on butt erf ly wings.It wasn't ju st a lett er wit h ordinar y wor ds wr it t en on a piec e of paper. She cou ld f eel those words f lutt er ing over her hear t. They wer e t elling her stor ies of her long lost love.My f lower ed wish Tanya!I once sa w m y hom e in the str eet s of your palm, m y dest iny in the sm iles of your prom ises, and m y shelt er in theshado ws of your eyes. I t r easu r ed all you r whispers u nder m y pillow, you r fr agr ance in m y br eat hs, and your nam e in my ear s. You r f ace st ill light ens u p the sky in the night, you r voice st ill rhym es t he r ainf all, and you r ha ir st ill soft en the wind.The su n al ways r ose fr om t he casem ent of you r eyes.And t hen, t im e f lew you away into som eone else's wor ld. That su n vanished and ever since I haven't seen a sunrise.Lif e is spending m e and I am aging int o it. D ays keep climbing t he mount ain of years.Moon dr apes it s f ace in the clou ds and the night r ef uses t o bring sleep onto m y pillo w. I fight you r m emor ies and def eat myself.The pain-waves of your absence st orm t hr ou gh m y st ale heart and leave it in a vort ex.Lif e r uns like a wheel.The cir cle st arts ever y morning and ends up lat e in the night,and then m orning appear s again. Ther e is no pau se, no r est, not even a slight cur ve t o tu rn int o a change.My f ace has lived wit h m e for t en cold wint er s, no w I want t o f eel the warmt h of you f ace. Br ing t he sunshine of your eyes t o me. M eet m e while the sun set s t his Sunday at t he r iver br idgewher e days use t o m eet nights. M y eyes will be m easu r ing the passage u nt il you com e.Larr yThe let t er ended and left her st anding at t he door of he r tim e-f aded m em or ies. Larr y was her classm at e in college days. He lived her heart and she dr eam ed his eyes. They had planned to get m arr ied aft er gr adu at ion as soon as Larr y found a good job. It t ook him a year t o f ind one and this expansion of t im e let Mike su rf ace.Mike was an elegant and handsom e m an wit h alr eady a good j ob. He pr oposed Tanya and she, t ir ed of wait ing for f r esh air, st epped int o t he clouds wit h M ike. Larr y got a f ir st-r at e j ob t he day Tanya got m ar r ied.In next six months, Larr y left th e countr y and Tanya m oved t o Wisconsin.Lif e got bu sy in its det ails and Lar ry lived in her mem or y t oo mu ch that she f or got to r em ember him. Mike's love scatt er ed int o his j ob, kids and Tanya. S he did the sam e t o him, except f or t he j ob t hing.Her j ob was to t ake car e of t he kids and the hom e."E asier said than done" she liked this phr ase ever since.Her j ob impr isoned her wishes and she cou ldn't even wish f or her fr eedom.And t oday, aft er mor e t han t en years, a lett er cam e int o her lif e like a butt erf ly ca rr ying on it s wings words wr itt en in rainbow color s. It was Wednesday and she wished t o jum p over those t hr ee days int o t he Sunday su nset.She never got t o know wh en t he kids cam e back fr om the school and how she spent the r est of the day.The days had st art ed f lying wit h her. In the night she wou ld r ead t hat lett er to the m oon,t he st ar s and t he br eeze.She wou ld t ell t hem stor ies of her love; the f ir st t im e she m et Lar ry,her f ir st wor ds and her f ir st kiss. E very inch of her m em or y had a bond to a whole n ew m em or y it self.Now she r em em ber ed ever ything; every r ay t he sun ever decant ed on her love.Lif e had t aken a r ight t urn on a str aight highway of rou tines. The or bit had f inally broken. S he cou ld f eel a power fu l fr eedom that was r em oving those m onot onou s thought s f rom her m ind and inj ect ing lif e int o her veins. Lif e was wear ing hope now.The t im e fr om Su nday mor ning t o evening was hard t o spend. Tim e clock was snailing out of t he day and t he sun got hung up in m id air. Wind st opped on t he su rf ace of wat er andthe shadows declined t o shr ink. She wished t im e was a horse wit h a t ail on t he f or ehead and she wou ld pu ll it f rom it s t ail. She wished tim e was a dr y leaf and she wou ld t hr ou gh it in the windst orm of her heart. S he wished t im e was a boat and she wou ld sail it in t he r iver of her eyes. Bu t t oday, t im e that had always been a t eacher to her, had tu rn int o a t easer. It wasn't br eathing at all, ju st holding it s br eath and t easing her m or e. She want ed the t im e to f ly and it was cr a wling. S he tr ied t o make her self bu sy in house chor es but her eyes qu it support ing her hands as they wer e st ill looking at t he sun. A nd t he sun also kept glar ing at her, all day. Finally t he sun lost the batt le and st art ed going down. From t he vent ilat or, it had skid t o the window.No one in t he f am ily f elt any change in her. M ike had t o go t o meet a client and was qu it e bu sy looking at himself and t he kids wer e too involved looking at the TV. It was an hour t o su nset and she was r eady, wear ing her best dr ess and wr apped in her favor it e fr agr ance. S he surr ender ed a cou ple of years fr om her face and br ou ght back a f ew young sm iles ont o her lips."Wh er e ar e you going dear?" her pr epar at ion cou ldn'twag e enou gh r esist ance against Mike's cu r iosit y."A a,well,actu ally I thou ght I wou ld go for som e shopping" she har dly ut t er ed."Mom! I wou ld go wit h you." Nicole yelled as the idea of going ou t had r em oved her att ent ion f rom t he TV.The r est wer e too absorbed t hey didn't even list en the conversat ion. "Y eah dear, why don't you t ake Nicole wit h you, she cou ld be help."Tanya didn't f eel com fort able having a company at t hat tim e but she didn't want t o change M ike's cur iosit y in t o su spicion so she said O K.All t he way t o the city cent er, Nicole kept t elling her of all t he stuff her fr iends had a nd what she want ed t o bu y in r esponse.Tanya wasn't list ening.S he was j u st shaking her head in appr oval of what ever Nicole said. She cou ldn't possibly have said a word.Her heart was r umbling like a volcano, hitt ing t he r ib cage tr ying to get out t o t ake a look at it s long lost love.The sun was hur r ying do wn now. She was afr aid of gett ing lat e so she speeded u p a litt le.。
20xx年考研英语的复习应该逐步展开了, 纵观全局, 将英语的全程复习分为下面几个阶段, 详细安排如下:第一阶段:夯实根底阶段(5月份之前):任务内容:1. 将大纲要求的5500单词和常见的超纲单词750、短语和固定搭配870背3遍。
2. 将考研的写作核心词汇仔细过3遍。
3. 将考研语法融会贯穿,理解记忆2遍。
4. 熟悉考研试题,了解其难度和各种题型。
5. 精读英语文章,熟悉英文写作思路,通过阅读记单词。
6. 通过考研长难句练习语法。
1. 词汇是一切的根底,这是写作与做题的根底。
2. 根据科学,反复记忆,才能做到事半功倍。
3. 只有先了解考研作文要用的核心词汇才能会在需要时应用。
4. 语法是中国考试制度中不可无视的一局部,是翻译的根底第二阶段:强化提高(专项练习)阶段(6月—8月)1.“温故而知新”。
2. 考研英语着重考察两种能力:一是通过单词和语法理解别人的思想,即阅读理解;二是通过单词和语法表达自己,即写作。
3. 只有亲自下笔写,才能体会写作的真谛。
第三阶段:模考阶段(9——11月)1.通过套题的练习, 将前一阶段的专项练习进展强化和。
第五阶段:点睛阶段(1月)1. 模拟题是非常必要的,只有通过做仿真的模拟题和冲刺题才能提高解题技巧。
在八年级学习完形填空与阅读理解时,学生需要注重以下几点:1. 注意上下文逻辑关系。
2. 聚焦关键词语。
3. 练习语法和词汇。
《星火英语高考英语词汇必背乱序版新版高中英语词汇高一二三35》精彩摘 录
在高考英语考试中,词汇是至关重要的部分。为了帮助学生轻松掌握高考英 语词汇,我们推出了这本《星火英语高考英语词汇必背乱序版新版高中英语词汇 高一二三35》。本书严格按照高考英语考试大纲要求,精选了高频词汇,并按照 字母顺序进行排列,方便学生记忆。
这本书还附赠了一些有用的学习工具,如单词自测卡、近5年高考考点统计 表和抗遗忘学习计划打卡表。这些工具对于检测学习效果、了解高考考点以及合 理安排学习计划都非常有帮助。
我对《星火英语高考英语词汇必背乱序版新版高中英语词汇高一二三35》这 本书的评价非常高。我认为它不仅是一本针对高考英语词汇学习的书,更是一本 可以贯穿整个高中英语学习阶段的好书。它的星火式记忆法和乱序版设计都非常 出色,可以帮助读者更有效地记忆和理解英语词汇。这本书附赠的学习工具也使 我在学习的过程中更加得心应手。
本书不仅提供了词汇的详细解释,还配备了丰富的例句和相关短语,有利于 考生在实际应用中掌握词汇。通过词汇练习题的形式,让考生在实践中加深对词 汇的理解和记忆。
本书针对不同年级的考生提供了不同的词汇等级,具有很强的针对性。考生 可以根据自己的实际情况选择需要重点复习的词汇,提高复习效率。
《星火英语高考英语词汇必背乱序版新版高中英语词汇高一二三35》是一本 优秀的英语词汇复习指南。通过独特的乱序编排方式,本书能够帮助考生更有效 地记忆单词。本书还注重实际应用,配备了丰富的例句和相关短语以及针对性的 练习题,让考生在实践中掌握词汇。针对不同年级的考生,本书还提供了不同等 级的词汇,具有很强的针对性。这本书的目录结构合理、内容丰富、特点鲜明, 是备考高考英语词汇的必备参考书。
新概念三Lesson 60Too early and too late太早和太晚community is it possible to disregard it.I n o r d i n a r y l i v i n g, there can be some tolerance of unpunctuality. The intellectual, who is working on some abstruse problem, has everything coordinated and organized for t h e m a t t e r i n h a n d. He is therefore forgiven, if late for a dinner party. But people are often r e p r o a c h e d f o r unpunctuality when their only fault is c u t t i n g t h i n g s f i n e. It is h a r d f o r energetic, quick-minded people to w a s t e t i m e, so they are often tempted to finish a job before s e t t i n g o u t to k e e p a n a p p o i n t m e n t. If no accidents occur on the way, like punctured tyres, diversions of traffic, sudden descent of fog, they will be o n t i m e. They are often more industrious, useful citizenswho arrives half an hour too soon is the greatest nuisance. Some friends of my family had this irritatingwanted them.If you are catching a train, it is always b e t t e r t o b e comfortably early than even a fraction of a minute too late. Although being early may mean wasting a little time, this will be l e s s t h a n if you miss the train and have to wait an hour or more for the next one; and you avoid the frustration of arriving at the very moment when the train is drawingi n g o o d t i m e f o r a train and still to see it g o o f f without you. Such an experience befell a certain young girl the first time she was travelling alone.She entered the station twenty minutes before the train was due, since her parents had i m p r e s s e d u p o n her that it would be unforgivable to miss it and cause the friends with whom she was going to stay to make two journeys to meet her. She gave her luggage to a porter and showed him her ticket. T o h e r h o r r o r he said that she was two hours too soon. She felt in her handbag for the piece of paper on which her father had written down all the details of the journey and gave it to the porter. He agreed that a train did come into the station a t t h e t i m e on the paper and that it did stop, but o n l y t o take on mail, not passengers.father could not have made such a mistake. The porter w e n t t o f e t c h one and arrived back with the station master, who produced it with a flourish and p o i n t e d o u t a microscopic‗o‘ beside the time of the arrival o f the train at his station; this little ‗o‘ indicated that the train only s t o p p e d f o r mail. J u s t a s that moment the train c a m e i n t o themaster was adamant: rules could not be broken. And she had to watch that train disappear towards her destination准时是文明社会中进行一切社交活动时必须养成的习惯。
星火英语完形填空与阅读理解七年级一、完形填空1. 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的三个选项中选择最佳答案来完成短文。
Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to read books and she had a lot of books at home. One day, she found a new book on her shelf and she decidedto read it. She opened the book and began to read. After a while, she suddenly realized that she had lost track of where she was in the book. She looked around and realized that she had lost her way in the forest. She was veryscared and she began to cry.Suddenly, a kind-hearted old man appeared and askedher if she needed help. He helped her find her way back home and they became good friends. The next day, Lily found a book on her doorstep with a message inside thatsaid,“You are brave and smart. Keep reading and learning.”2. 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的五个选项中选择四个正确答案完成短文。
Bob is a boy who loves sports. He likes playing soccer and basketball with his friends every day. One day, he went to play soccer with his teammates but he fell and hurt his ankle. He couldn't play for a few days and he was very sad about it. His teammates were very kind to him and helped him get better. After a few days, he was able to play again and he felt much better.Q1: Who is Bob? A: Bob is a boy who loves sports. Q2: What did Bob do one day? A: He went to play soccer with his teammates, but fell and hurt his ankle. Q3: Who helped Bob get better? A: His teammates helped Bob get better after he fell and hurt his ankle. Q4: What did Bob feel after he was able to play again? A: He felt much better after he was able to play again.二、阅读理解阅读下面短文,回答问题。
星火英语阅读理解与完形填空《星火英语阅读理解与完形填空》Unit OnePart I ReadingAWe all need energy. We get energy from food. Our bodies use food to make energy. But where does the energy in food come from? Food comes from plants. Plants get energy from the Sun. This energy helps them grow. Plants need water and dirt. They also need a lot of light from the Sun.Animals get energy from plants. They eat plants to get energy. But animals get energy in another way, too. They eat other animals. This is another way to get the energy from plants.Many things also use energy. We use energy to do work and to cook food. We use electricity to do many things. We need energy to heat or cool our house. We use gasoline in cars to get energy.Our world is growing, and it needs more energy. We are finding new ways to get energy. We are learning about ways to use energy in a clean way.【练习1】1. What do we need?A. Food.B. Energy.C. Water.2. Where does the energy in food come from?A. Plants.B. Animals.C. The Sun.【答案】1. B 2. C【练习2】根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)( ) 1. Plants get energy from water.( ) 2. We use electricity to cook food.( ) 3. We use gasoline to cool our house.( ) 4. We are still finding new ways to use energy.【答案】1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T。
比如说写自己的家庭,她就会写“My father is a kind man. He likes reading books.”之类的句子。
生而为赢——英语背诵美文30 篇目录:·第一篇:Youth 青春·第二篇:Three Days to See(Excerpts)假如给我三天光明(节选)·第三篇:Companionship of Books 以书为伴(节选)·第四篇:If I Rest, I Rust 如果我休息,我就会生锈·第五篇:Ambition 抱负·第六篇:What I have Lived for 我为何而生·第七篇:When Love Beckons You 爱的召唤·第八篇:The Road to Success 成功之道·第九篇:On Meeting the Celebrated 论见名人·第十篇:The 50-Percent Theory of Life 生活理论半对半·第十一篇:What is Your Recovery Rate? 你的恢复速率是多少?·第十二篇:Clear Your Mental Space 清理心灵的空间·第十三篇:Be Happy 快乐·第十四篇:The Goodness of life 生命的美好·第十五篇:Facing the Enemies Within 直面内在的敌人·第十六篇:Abundance is a Life Style 富足的生活方式·第十七篇:Human Life a Poem 人生如诗·第十八篇:Solitude 独处·第十九篇:Giving Life Meaning 给生命以意义2·第二十篇:Relish the Moment 品位现在·第二十一篇:The Love of Beauty 爱美·第二十二篇:The Happy Door 快乐之门·第二十三篇:Born to Win 生而为赢·第二十四篇:Work and Pleasure 工作和娱乐·第二十五篇:Mirror, Mirror--What do I see 镜子,镜子,告诉我·第二十六篇:On Motes and Beams 微尘与栋梁·第二十七篇:An October Sunrise 十月的日出·第二十八篇:To Be or Not to Be 生存还是毁灭·第二十九篇:Gettysburg Address 葛底斯堡演说·第三十篇:First Inaugural Address(Excerpts) 就职演讲(节选)·第三篇:Companionship of Books 以书为伴(节选)Companionship of BooksA man may usually be known by the books he reads as well as by the company he keeps; for there is a companionship of books as well as of men; and one should always live in the best company, whether it be of books or of men.A good book may be among the best of friends. It is the same today that it always was, and it will never change. It is the most patient and cheerful of companions. It does not turn its back upon us in times of adversity or distress. It always receives us with the same kindness; amusing and instructing us in youth, and comforting and consoling us in age.Men often discover their affinity to each other by the mutual love they have for a book just as two persons sometimes discover a friend by the admiration which both entertain for a third. There is an old proverb, …Love me, love my dog.” But there is more wisdom in this:” Love me, love my book.” The book is a truer and hi gher bond of union. Men can think, feel, and sympathize with each other through their favorite author. They live in him together, and he in them.A good book is often the best urn of a life enshrining the best that life could think out; for the world of a man‟s life is, for the most part, but the world of his thoughts. Thus the best books are treasuries of good words, the golden thoughts, which, remembered and cherished, become our constant companions and comforters.Books possess an essence of immortality. They are by far the most lasting products of human effort. Temples and statues decay, but books survive. Time is of no account with great thoughts, which are as fresh today as when they first passed through their author‟s minds, ages ago. What was then said and thought still speaks to us as vividly as ever from the printed page. The only effect of time have been to sift out the bad products; for nothing in literature can long survive e but what is really good.Books introduce us into the best society; they bring us into the presence of the greatest minds that have ever lived. We hear what they said and did; we see the as if they were really alive; we sympathize with them, enjoy with them, grieve with them; their experience becomes ours, and we feel as if we were in a measure actors with them in the scenes which they describe.The great and good do not die, even in this world. Embalmed in books, their spirits walk abroad. The book is a living voice. It is an intellect to which on still listens.7·第四篇:If I Rest,I Rust 如果我休息,我就会生锈If I Rest, I RustThe significant inscription found on an old key---“If I rest, I rust”---would be an excellent motto for those who are afflicted with the slightest bit of idleness. Even the most industrious person might adopt it with advantage to serve as a reminder that, if one allows his faculties to rest, like the iron in the unused key, they will soon show signs of rust and, ultimately, cannot do the work required of them.Those who would attain the heights reached and kept by great men must keep their faculties polished by constant use, so that they may unlock the doors of knowledge, the gate that guard the entrances to the professions, to science, art, literature, agriculture---every department of human endeavor.Industry keeps bright the key that opens the treasury of achievement. If Hugh Miller, after toiling all day in a quarry, had devoted his evenings to rest and recreation, he would never have become a famous geologist. The celebrated mathematician, Edmund Stone, would never have published a mathematical dictionary, never have found the key to science of mathematics, if he had given his spare moments to idleness, had the little Scotch lad, Ferguson, allowed the busy brain to go to sleep while he tended sheep on the hillside instead of calculating the position of the stars by a string of beads, he would never have become a famous astronomer.Labor vanquishes all---not inconstant, spasmodic, or ill-directed labor; but faithful, unremitting, daily effort toward a well-directed purpose. Just as truly as eternal vigilance is the price of liberty, so is eternal industry the price of noble and enduring success.8·第五篇:Ambition 抱负AmbitionIt is not difficult to imagine a world short of ambition. It would probably be a kinder world: with out demands, without abrasions, without disappointments. People would have time for reflection. Such work as they did would not be for themselves but for the collectivity. Competition would never enter in. conflict would be eliminated, tension become a thing of the past. The stress of creation would be at an end. Art would no longer be troubling, but purely celebratory in its functions. Longevity would be increased, for fewer people would die of heart attack or stroke caused by tumultuous endeavor. Anxiety would be extinct. Time would stretch on and on, with ambition long departed from the human heart.Ah, how unrelieved boring life would be!There is a strong view that holds that success is a myth, and ambition therefore a sham. Does this mean that success does not really exist? That achievement is at bottom empty? That the efforts of men and women are of no significance alongside the force of movements and events now not all success, obviously, is worth esteeming, nor all ambition worth cultivating. Which are and which are not is something one soon enough learns on one‟s own. But even the most cynical secretly admit that success exists; that achievement counts for a great deal; and that the true myth is that the actions of men and women are useless. To believe otherwise is to take on a point of view that is likely to be deranging. It is, in its implications, to remove all motives for competence, interest in attainment, and regard for posterity.We do not choose to be born. We do not choose our parents. We do not choose our historical epoch, the country of our birth, or the immediate circumstances of our upbringing. We do not, most of us, choose to die; nor do we choose the time or conditions of our death. But within all this realm of choicelessness, we do choose how we shall live: courageously or in cowardice, honorably or dishonorably, with purpose or in drift. We decide what is important and what is trivial in life. We decide that what makes us significant is either what we do or what we refuse to do. But no matter how indifferent the universe may be to our choices and decisions, these choices and decisions are ours to make. We decide. We choose. And as we decide and choose, so are our lives formed. In the end, forming our own destiny is what ambition is about.9·第六篇:What I have Lived for 我为何而生What I Have Lived ForThree passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind. These passions, like great winds, have blown me hither and thither, in a wayward course, over a deep ocean of anguish, reaching to the very verge of despair.I have sought love, first, because it brings ecstasy---ecstasy so great that I would often have sacrificed all the rest of my life for a few hours for this joy. I have sought it, next, because it relieves loneliness---that terrible loneliness in which one shivering consciousness looks over the rim of the world into the cold unfathomable lifeless abyss. I have sought it, finally, because in the union of love I have seen, in a mystic miniature, the prefiguring vision of the heaven that saints and poets have imagined. This is what I sought, and though it might seem too good for human life, this is what---at last---I have found.With equal passion I have sought knowledge. I have wished to understand the hearts of men. Ihave wished to know why the stars shine. And I have tried to apprehend the Pythagorean power by which number holds sway above the flux. A little of this, but not much, I have achieved.Love and knowledge, so far as they were possible, led upward toward the heavens. But always it brought me back to earth. Echoes of cries of pain reverberate in my heart. Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a hated burden to their sons, and the whole world of loneliness, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be. I long to alleviate the evil, but I cannot, and I too suffer.This has been my life. I have found it worth living, and would gladly live it again if the chance were offered me.10·第七篇:When Love Beckons You 爱的召唤When Love Beckons YouWhen love beckons to you, follow him, though his ways are hard and steep. And when his wings enfold you, yield to him, though the sword hidden among his pinions may wound you. And when he speaks to you, believe in him, though his voice may shatter your dreams as the north wind lays waste the garden.For even as love crowns you so shall he crucify you. Even as he is for your growth so is he for your pruning. Even as he ascends to your height and caresses your tenderest branches that quiver in the sun, so shall he descend to our roots and shake them in their clinging to the earth.But if, in your fear, you would seek only love‟s peace and love‟s pleasure, then it is better for you that you cover your nakedness and pass out of love‟s threshing-floor, into the seasonless world where you shall laugh, but not all of your laughter, and weep, but not all of your tears. Love gives naught but it self and takes naught but from itself. Love possesses not, nor would it be possessed, for love is sufficient unto love.Love has no other desire but to fulfill itself. But if you love and must have desires, let these be your desires:To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody to the night.To know the pain of too much tenderness.To be wounded by your own understanding of love;And to bleed willingly and joyfully.To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving;To rest at the noon hour and meditate love‟s ecstasy;To return home at eventide with gratitude;And then to sleep with a payer for the beloved in your heart and a song of praise upon your lips.11·第八篇:The Road to Success 成功之道The Road to SuccessIt is well that young men should begin at the beginning and occupy the most subordinate positions. Many of the leading businessmen of Pittsburgh had a serious responsibility thrust upon them at the very threshold of their career. They were introduced to the broom, and spent the first hours of their business lives sweeping out the office. I notice we have janitors and janitresses now in offices, and our young men unfortunately miss that salutary branch of business education. But if by chance the professional sweeper is absent any morning, the boy who has the genius of the future partner in him will not hesitate to try his hand at the broom. It does not hurt the newest comer to sweep outthe office if necessary. I was one of those sweepers myself.Assuming that you have all obtained employment and are fairly started, my advice to you is “aim hig h”. I would not give a fig for the young man who does not already see himself the partner or the head of an important firm. Do not rest content for a moment in your thoughts as head clerk, or foreman, or general manager in any concern, no matter how extens ive. Say to yourself, “My place is at the top.” Be king in your dreams.And here is the prime condition of success, the great secret: concentrate your energy, thought, and capital exclusively upon the business in which you are engaged. Having begun in one line, resolve to fight it out on that line, to lead in it, adopt every improvement, have the best machinery, and know the most about it. The concerns which fail are those which have scattered their capital, which means that they have scattered their brains also. They have investments in this, or that, or the other, here there, and everywhere. “Don‟t put all your eggs in one basket.” is all wrong. I tell you to “put all your eggs in one basket, and then watch that basket.” Look round you and take notice, men who do that not often fail. It is easy to watch and carry the one basket. It is trying to carry too many baskets that breaks most eggs in this country. He who carries three baskets must put one on his head, which is apt to tumble and trip him up. One fault of the American businessman is lack of concentration.To summarize what I have said: aim for the highest; never enter a bar room; do not touch liquor, or if at all only at meals; never speculate; never indorse beyond your surplus cash fund; make the firm‟s interest yours; break orders always to save owners; concentrate; put all your eggs in one basket, and watch that basket; expenditure always within revenue; lastly, be not impatient, for as Emerson says, “no one can cheat you out of ultimate success but yourselves.”12·第九篇:On Meeting the Celebrated 论见名人On Meeting the CelebratedI have always wondered at the passion many people have to meet the celebrated. The prestige you acquire by being able to tell your friends that you know famous men proves only that you are yourself of small account. The celebrated develop a technique to deal with the persons they come across. They show the world a mask, often an impressive on, but take care to conceal their real selves. They play the part that is expected from them, and with practice learn to play it very well, but you are stupid if you think that this public performance of theirs corresponds with the man within.I have been attached, deeply attached, to a few people; but I have been interested in men in general not for their own sakes, but for the sake of my work. I have not, as Kant enjoined, regarded each man as an end in himself, but as material that might be useful to me as a writer. I have been more concerned with the obscure than with the famous. They are more often themselves. They have had no need to create a figure to protect themselves from the world or to impress it. Their idiosyncrasies have had more chance to develop in the limited circle of their activity, and since they have never been in the public eye it has never occurred to them that they have anything to conceal. They display their oddities because it has never struck them that they are odd. And after all it is with the common run of men that we writers have to deal; kings, dictators, commercial magnates are from our point of view very unsatisfactory. To write about them is a venture that has often tempted writers, but the failure that has attended their efforts shows that such beings are too exceptional to form a proper ground for a work of art. They cannot be madereal. The ordinary is the writer‟s richer field. Its unexpectedness, its singularity, its infinite variety afford unending material. The great man is too often all of a piece; it is the little man that is a bundle of contradictory elements. He is inexhaustible. You never come to the end of the surprises he has in store for you. For my part I would much sooner spend a month on a desert island with a veterinary surgeon than with a prime minister.13·第十篇:The 50-Percent Theory of Life 生活理论半对半The 50-Percent Theory of LifeI believe in the 50-percent theory. Half the time things are better than normal; the other half, they re worse. I believe life is a pendulum swing. It takes time and experience to understand what normal is, and that gives me the perspective to deal with the surprises of the future.Let‟s benchmark the parameters: yes, I will die. I‟ve dealt with the deaths of both parents, a best friend, a beloved boss and cherished pets. Some of these deaths have been violent, before my eyes, or slow and agonizing. Bad stuff, and it belongs at the bottom of the scale.Then there are those high points: romance and marriage to the right person; having a child and doing those Dad things like coaching my son‟s baseball t eam, paddling around the creek in the boat while he‟s swimming with the dogs, discovering his compassion so deep it manifests even in his kindness to snails, his imagination so vivid he builds a spaceship from a scattered pile of Legos.But there is a vast meadow of life in the middle, where the bad and the good flip-flop acrobatically. This is what convinces me to believe in the 50-percent theory.One spring I planted corn too early in a bottomland so flood-prone that neighbors laughed. I felt chagrined at the wasted effort. Summer turned brutal---the worst heat wave and drought in my lifetime. The air-conditioned died; the well went dry; the marriage ended; the job lost; the money gone. I was living lyrics from a country tune---music I loathed. Only a surging Kansas City Royals team buoyed my spirits.Looking back on that horrible summer, I soon understood that all succeeding good things merely offset the bad. Worse than normal wouldn‟t last long. I am owed and savor the halcyon times. The reinvigorate me for the next nasty surprise and offer assurance that can thrive. The 50-percent theory even helps me see hope beyond my Royals‟ recent slump, a field of struggling rookies sown so that some year soon we can reap an October harvest.For that on blistering summer, the ground moisture was just right, planting early allowed pollination before heat withered the tops, and the lack of rain spared the standing corn from floods. That winter my crib overflowed with corn---fat, healthy three-to-a-stalk ears filled with kernels from heel to tip---while my neighbors‟ fields yielded only brown, empty husks.14Although plantings past may have fallen below the 50-percent expectation, and they probably will again in the future, I am still sustained by the crop that flourishes during the drought.15·第十一篇:What is Your Recovery Rate? 你的恢复速率是多少?What is Your Recovery Rate?What is your recovery rate? How long does it take you to recover from actions and behaviors thatupset you? Minutes? Hours? Days? Weeks? The longer it takes you to recover, the more influence that incident has on your actions, and the less able you are to perform to your personal best. In a nutshell, the longer it takes you to recover, the weaker you are and the poorer your performance. You are well aware that you need to exercise to keep the body fit and, no doubt, accept that a reasonable measure of health is the speed in which your heart and respiratory system recovers after exercise. Likewise the faster you let go of an issue that upsets you, the faster you return to an equilibrium, the healthier you will be. The best example of this behavior is found with professional sportspeople. They know that the faster they can forget an incident or missd opportunity and get on with the game, the better their performance. In fact, most measure the time it takes them to overcome and forget an incident in a game and most reckon a recovery rate of 30 seconds is too long!Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage. Your aim is to play your part to the best of your ability. You have been given a script and at the end of each sentence is a ful stop. Each time you get to the end of the sentence you start a new one and although the next sentence is related to the last it is not affected by it. Your job is to deliver each sentence to the best of your ability.Don‟t live your life in the past! Learn to live in the present, to overcome the past. Stop the past from influencing your daily life. Don‟t allow thoughts of the past to reduce your personal best. Stop the past from interfering with your life. Learn to recover quickly.Remember: Rome wasn‟t built in a day. Reflect on your recovery rate each day. Every day before you go to bed, look at your progress. Don‟t lie in bed saying to you, “I did that wrong.” “I should have done better there.” No. look at your day and note when you made an effort to place a full stop after an incident. This is a success. You are taking control of your life. Remember this is a step by step process. This is not a make-over. You are undertaking real change here. Your aim: reduce the time spent in recovery.The way forward?Live in the present. Not in the precedent.16·第十二篇:Clear Your Mental Space 清理心灵的空间Clear Your Mental SpaceThink about the last time you felt a negative emotion---like stress, anger, or frustration. What was going through your mind as you were going through that negativity? Was your mind cluttered with thoughts? Or was it paralyzed, unable to think?The next time you find yourself in the middle of a very stressful time, or you feel angry or frustrated, stop. Yes, that‟s right, stop. Whatever you‟re doing, stop and sit for one minute. While you‟re sitting there, completely immerse yourself in the negative emotion.Allow that emotion to consume you. Allow yourself one minute to truly feel that emotion. Don‟t cheat yourself here. Take the entire minute---but only one minute---to do nothing else but feel that emotion.When the minute is over, ask yourself, “Am I wiling to keep holding on to this negative emotion as I go through the rest of the day?”Once you‟ve allowed yourself to be totally immersed in the emotion and really fell it, you will be surprised to find that the emotion clears rather quickly.If you feel you need to hold on to the emotion for a little longer, that is OK. Allow yourself another minute to feel the emotion.When you feel you‟ve had enough of the emotion, ask yourself if you‟re willing to carry that negativity with you for the rest of the day. If not, take a deep breath. As you exhale, release all that negativity with your breath.This exercise seems simple---almost too simple. But, it is very effective. By allowing that negative emotion the space to be truly felt, you are dealing with the emotion rather than stuffing it down and trying not to feel it. You are actually taking away the power of the emotion by giving it the space and attention it needs. When you immerse yourself in the emotion, and realize that it is only emotion, it loses its control. You can clear your head and proceed with your task. Try it. Next time you‟re in the middle of a negative emotion, give yourself the space to feel the emotion and see what happens. Keep a piece of paper with you that says the following:Stop. Immerse for one minute. Do I want to keep this negativity? Breath deep, exhale, release. Move on!17This will remind you of the steps to the process. Remember; take the time you need to really immerse yourself in the emotion. Then, when you feel you‟ve felt it enough, release it---really let go of it. You will be surprised at how quickly you can move on from a negative situation and get to what you really want to do!18·第十三篇:Be Happy 快乐Be Happy!“The days that make us happy make us wise.”----John Masefieldwhen I first read this line by England‟s Poet Laureate, it startled me. What did Masefield mean? Without thinking about it much, I had always assumed that the opposite was true. But his sober assurance was arresting. I could not forget it.Finally, I seemed to grasp his meaning and realized that here was a profound observation. The wisdom that happiness makes possible lies in clear perception, not fogged by anxiety nor dimmed by despair and boredom, and without the blind spots caused by fear.Active happiness---not mere satisfaction or contentment ---often comes suddenly, like an April shower or the unfolding of a bud. Then you discover what kind of wisdom has accompanied it. The grass is greener; bird songs are sweeter; the shortcomings of your friends are more understandable and more forgivable. Happiness is like a pair of eyeglasses correcting your spiritual vision.Nor are the insights of happiness limited to what is near around you. Unhappy, with your thoughts turned in upon your emotional woes, your vision is cut short as though by a wall. Happy, the wall crumbles.The long vista is there for the seeing. The ground at your feet, the world about you----people, thoughts, emotions, pressures---are now fitted into the larger scene. Everything assumes a fairer proportion. And here is the beginning of wisdom.19·第十四篇:The Goodness of life 生命的美好The Goodness of LifeThough there is much to be concerned about, there is far, far more for which to be thankful. Though life‟s goodness can at times be overshadowed, it is never outweighed.For every single act that is senselessly destructive, there are thousands more small, quiet acts of love, kindness and compassion. For every person who seeks to hurt, there are many, many more who devote their lives to helping and to healing.There is goodness to life that cannot be denied.In the most magnificent vistas and in the smallest details, look closely, for that goodness always comes shining through.There si no limit to the goodness of life. It grows more abundant with each new encounter. The more you experience and appreciate the goodness of life, the more there is to be lived.Even when the cold winds blow and the world seems to be cov ered in foggy shadows, the goodness of life lives on. Open your eyes, open your heart, and you will see that goodness is everywhere.Though the goodness of life seems at times to suffer setbacks, it always endures. For in the darkest moment it becomes vividly clear that life is a priceless treasure. And so the goodness of life is made even stronger by the very things that would oppose it.Time and time again when you feared it was gone forever you found that the goodness of life was really only a moment away. Around the next corner, inside every moment, the goodness of life is there to surprise and delight you.Take a moment to let the goodness of life touch your spirit and calm your thoughts. Then, share your good fortune with another. For the goodness of life grows more and more magnificent each time it is given away.Though the problems constantly scream for attention and the conflicts appear to rage ever stronger, the goodness of life grows stronger still, quietly, peacefully, with more purpose and meaning than ever before.20·第十五篇:Facing the Enemies Within 直面内在的敌人Facing the Enemies WithinWe are not born with courage, but neither are we born with fear. Maybe some of our fears are brought on by your own experien ces, by what someone has told you, by what you‟ve read in the papers. Some fears are valid, like walking alone in a bad part of town at two o‟clock in the morning. But once you learn to avoid that situation, you won‟t need to live in fear of it.Fears, even the most basic ones, can totally destroy our ambitions. Fear can destroy fortunes. Fear can destroy relationships. Fear, if left unchecked, can destroy our lives. Fear is one of the many enemies lurking inside us.Let me tell you about five of the ot her enemies we face from within. The first enemy that you‟ve got to destroy before it destroys you is indifference. What a tragic disease this is! “Ho-hum, let it slide. I‟ll just drift along.” Here‟s one problem with drifting: you can‟t drift your way to the to of the mountain.The second enemy we face is indecision. Indecision is the thief of opportunity and enterprise. It will steal your chances for a better future. Take a sword to this enemy.The third enemy inside is doubt. Sure, there‟s room for healthy skepticism. You can‟t believe everything. But you also can‟t let doubt take over. Many people doubt the past, doubt the future, doubt each other, doubt the government, doubt the possibilities nad doubt the opportunities. Worse of all, they doubt the mselves. I‟m telling you, doubt will destroy your life and your chances of success. It will empty both your bank account and your heart. Doubt is an enemy. Go after it.。
《星火英语高中英语词汇考频版新版》是一本汇聚了高中英语词汇精粹的宝 典。在这本书中,每一个词汇都经过精心挑选,不仅涵盖了高中英语学习的核心 词汇,更注重词汇在实际运用中的频率和重要性。这本书不仅仅是一本词汇书, 更是一本英语学习的指南。
这本书按照词汇的考频进行了分类,将高频词汇、中频词汇和低频词汇分别 进行了归类。高频词汇是考试中出现频率最高的词汇,对于考生来说,掌握这些 词汇至关重要。中频词汇虽然出现频率略低,但也是考试中不可或缺的一部分。 低频词汇则是那些出现频率较低,但在特定语境中可能出现的词汇。这样的分类 方式,使得学习者可以根据自己的需求进行针对性的学习,提高了学习效率。
该书涵盖了3500个课标词、376个课标新增词以及1116个四级补充词,几乎 囊括了高中阶段所有需要掌握的词汇。不仅如此,书中还提供了大量的真题例句 和2000个拓展词,对于想要深入了解和掌握词汇的学生来说,这无疑是一大福音。 而3526个考点搭配,更是直击考试要点,有助于学生在学习词汇的同时,了解其 在考试中的实际应用。
在阅读过程中,我特别注意到了书中的“熟词生义”部分。这部分内容对于 扩展词汇的理解和应用非常有帮助。因为很多时候,我们可能对某个单词非常熟 悉,但在具体语境中却发现对其理解并不全面。通过这部分内容的学习,我们可 以更深入地了解单词的不同意义和用法。
书中还有大量的真题例句,这些例句不仅有助于我们理解词汇的具体应用, 还可以作为练习的材料,帮助我们提高阅读理解和写作能力。而且,通过比较不 同例句中的词汇应用,我们可以更好地掌握词汇的细微差别和不同语境下的含义。
பைடு நூலகம்
这本书的目录结构清晰,易于理解。目录将整个词汇书按照字母顺序进行排 列,每个单词都有相应的页码标注。这种设计使得学生在查找单词时能够快速定 位到相应的位置,提高了学习效率。
星火贯通英语15篇文章贯通六级词汇Preface前言Directions使用说明Unit1InAnotherWorm另一个世界Unit2Let'sDressUp-It'sHalloween万圣节——让我们盛装打扮起来Unit3Gardening园艺Unit4ACanadianFamilRStorR一个加拿大家庭的故事Unit5TheFraud这个骗子Unit6ThePasture牧场Unit7TheDecision决定Unit8Chinese-AmericanRelations:AHistorR(Ⅰ)中美关系史(一)Unit9Chinese-AmericanRelations:AHistorR(Ⅱ)中美关系史(二)Unit10ASolitarRQuest独自寻访Unit11ActingTodaRforTomorrow为了明天,今天就行动吧Unit12TheAmericanDream美国梦Unit13SeRRoleStereotRpes性别成规Unit14Dr.SunRat-sen:FatheroftheChineseRevolution中国革命之父孙中山先生Unitl5TheWorldTradeOrganization(WTO)andChinaWTO与中国AppendiR附录IndeR索引UNIT1InAnotherWorldHereIam,inChina,halfwaRaroundtheworldfromhome.AsIlookatmRclockandcalculate (计算)thetimebackhomeIrealizethathalfaworldawaR,peoplearebusRgettingreadRforaweddin g.ThebrideismRniece(侄女),apersonIfirstmetwhenshewasthreedaRsold.IthinkbacktothefirsttimeIhadtheopportunitRtobecomeacquaintedwith(开始了解;知道熟悉)mRniece.AsmRsistercradled(n摇篮vt抚育)herinherarms,theinfant(adj婴儿的幼稚的未成年的初期的n.婴儿)girlclasped(紧抱)hermother'soutstretched(伸开的)finger.MRintuition(直觉)toldmethathertemperament(气质性格急躁)wouldbeasunnRdisposition(n.处置性情部署倾向),ajoRtopeoplearoundher.Asshegrew,thecutelittlegirlhadaninfectious(adj.传染的)laughthatstartedasasmallgrin(n.adj.露齿笑),thenbecameagiggle(n.v.咯咯笑)andgrewlouderandlouderuntilittriggered(触发引起)aresponsefromallthepeoplearoundherandtheRjoinedin.Asanadolescent(未成年青春期),shestudiedhardandenjoRedwelldeservedsuccessinsecondarR(中等的第二的次要的)schoolassheinteracted(互相影响互相作用)with(与….相互作用)herpeer (贵族,同等的人)group(同辈群体).Afterreceivingherhighschooldiploma(高中文凭),shechosenursingashercareer.FromthebeginningoftheR oungcouple’sromanceitwasevident(明显的明白的)thattheRwerecompatible(兼容的能共处的)andwerecompletelRintriguedwith(对….感兴趣)eachother.ThecouplehadanengagementpartRwhenIwasathomeinCanadaafewmonths ago.ThepartRwasintheformofapicnicinabeautifulrosegarden.Tocelebrateandtotoastth eirfuture,wedrankchampagne.AstheRposed(摆姿势)underanarch(拱门)coveredwithclimbingroses,wesnapped(啪啪作响拍快照)picturesfortheirphotoalbum(相簿).Thecoupledecidedonafallwedding.PlansfortheweddingdaRwereactivatedimmediatelR. Thedecisionsabouttheforthcoming(即将来临的)eventweresharedbRthewholefamilR.AclosefriendofthefamilRwascontactedandinvitedt osingasolojustpriorto(在….之前)theceremonR.ThedaRbeforetheceremonR,arehearsal(排演)wouldtakeplacesothattheremainder(剩余的)ofthedetailscouldbelookedafterandattendedto.Theplanningthattakesplacebeforehandf oroneoftheseeventsandalltheworkthatthebigdaRentails,withmanRpeoplecollaboratingt omaketheeventrunsmoothlR,areimmense.Theconscientiousattentiontodetailwillbeevid enttothespectatorsofthisevent. IcanimaginetheeRcitementandemotionsofthefamilRtodaR.Thetimeisnear.Theceremon Rwillbeginin3shorthours.ThebridewillberadiantasshecomesdowntheaisleescortedbRh erfather.Shewillwearhergrandmother'spearlsasanaccessorR.Herveilwillbethesameon eashercousinworelastRear.AsiscustomarR,underhergarmentsshewillwearabluegarter. AspartofthetraditionofCanadianweddings,shewillbewearingsomethingold(thepearls),s omethingnew(hergown),somethingborrowed(theveil)andsomethingblue(thegarter).Ast hefirstchordsoftheweddingmarchareplaRed(amelodRfamiliartoall),thecongregationwill rise.GaspswillbeheardastheRcatchaglimpseofthebrideinhergorgeousweddinggown.T hemotherofthebridewillcalmlRviewthiswholeevent,thoughtearswillblurhervision.Shewill beovercomewithsentimentatherdaughter'sapparenthappiness.Thepicturewillbeonetha twillembodRhopeforthefutureofhumanitR. AsthecoupleeRchangeweddingvowstheRwillbeaffirmingtheirloveandmakingacommitm enttoeachother.Allthespectatorsaretheretowishthemwell.Asthetimeapproaches,IthinkbacktootherfamilRweddingsovermanRRears.MRoldersist erswereallmarriedinthesamechurchandasbridestheRcarriedawhiteBibledecoratedwitht inRroses.Thereceptionsfortheirweddingswereallheldinthesamechurchbasement,asthe rewasnolargebanquethallinthelocalarea.ThefeastwasusuallRcateredbRagroupofchurc hmembers.TodaR'sweddingreceptionwillbeheldinanarenathatwillbedecoratedwithjusttherightamo untoffallflowersinwonderfularraRstogiveitdignitRRetatouchofglamour.Thetabledecorati onswillbeamasterpiece.Oneofthetabledecorationswillbesmallpumpkins,usedascontain ersforflowersthatwerecollectedfromfamilRgardens,surroundedbRalargewreathmadefr omlongstalksofwheat.Therewillbeafewcolouredleavesplacedinsidethewreath.MaRbetheRwilluseoakandmapleleavestoshowthesplendouroftheautumncolours.Thecolouroft heoutfitsthatthebridesmaidsarewearingwillbefallcoloursaswell.Theingeniousdecoratio nswillbeappreciatedbRthemanRguestsattendingthefestivities.Ateachplacesettingthere willbeaspecialpapernapkinwiththebrideandgroom'snameprintedonitandthedateoftheir wedding.ItwillbecarefullRfoldedplacedontopandofalinennapkin.Thiswillbeoneofthesou venirstheguestswillhavetocommemoratethespecialweddingdaR.Alsoateachplacewillb eafewafterdinnermintsfortheguests.Aminiaturetreewillalsobeplacedateachpersonsplac e.Theintentisforthegueststotakethelittletreehomeandtransplantittoaspecialplace.Inthis waR,ourenvironmentisalsoimprovedandthetreewillbecomealivingtributetotheRoungco uple. ThegroomwillcarrRheracrossthethresholdasiscustomarRforaRoungcoupleastheRbegi ntheirnewlifetogether.ThehoneRmoonplanswilltakethemtothewestcoastofCanada.The RwillhaveaweekofprivacRfarawaRfromfriendsandfamilR.TheRwillinhabitacondominiu minthetownofWhistler,BritishColumbia,intheRockRMountains.TheRwillfeelasiftheRare roRaltRlivinginamansioninthislittlebitofparadiseonearth.Thereafter,theRwillreturnhome toOntariowheretheRwillreside. TheiroriginalplantospendtheirhoneRmoononboardaRachtintheMediterraneanSeawas abandonedwhenworldcircumstancesdictatedthatourcountrRCanadawasasaferchoice. Earlierthismonth,asIthoughtabouttheforthcomingmarriage,andknewthatIwouldbeunabl etoattend,IdecidedtowriteamessagetotheRoungcouple.Theintentwasthatthemessage wouldbereadaloudduringtheweddingreception.Inthemessage,Iwishedthemwellandurg edthemtocherisheachothereverRdaR.(1083words)UNIT2Let'sDressUp--It'sHalloween FromearlRchildhoodgettingdressedupisconnectedwithaspecialpastimeinNorthAmeric a,calledHalloween.HalloweeniscelebratedonthelastnightofOctober,whentheairiscrispa ndsnowisnotfaroff.EverRRoungchildisacquaintedwiththiseRcitingtradition. OnthelastdaRofOctoberwhendinnerisfinished,childrenhurrRtodressupinacostume.Dar knesscomesearlRatthistimeofRearandcautionmustbepracticed,foremostbRthechildren whoaregoingfromhousetohouse,“trickortreat”.Parentswarntheirchildrennottodartoutinfr ontofcars.InalltheeRcitementitiseasRforchildrentobecomedistractedandignoresafetRr ules.PlanningwhatRourcostumewillbe,aheadoftime,ispartofthefunoftheevening.ManRmoth erswillspendtimefabricatingoutfitsfortheirlittlegirlswhosuddenlRturnintocircusclowns,b eautifulballetdancersorweirdcolorfulbugs.FathersmaRhelptheirsonsconstructacostum eoffoilarmor.LittleboRsoftenenjoRpretendingtheRareinthearmRsoonHalloweenitispos sibletoseesquadsoflieutenantsandsergeantsmarchingalonginthedark.Weaffiliatethisce lebrationwiththesupernaturalsosomechildrenmaRchoosetowearaskeletoncostumebea ringaskullandcrossbones,orevenamonstercostume.Thechoiceofwardrobefortheevenin gisreallRlimitless.Witchescanbeseenridingonbroomsticksacrosswell-illuminatedintersections.EarlierintheeveningtheRmaRhaveconcoctedawitch'sbrewtoq uenchtheirthirstfortheirarrivalhome.GhostscanbeheardgroaningandmoaningwhiletheR glidealongcitRstreets.BeautifulbutterfliesflutterbRontheirwaRtoapartR.PiratescarrRing swordsandpistolsroamabout,patchesoveroneeRe.Smallalienssearchforanewhomeher eonEarth.WearingacapeandmaskallowsachildtobecomeSupermanforafewhoursande ntertheworldoffantasR.AnethnicflavorisintroducedasabandofgRpsiesdancealongunderabrightfullmoon.OfcourseRoucanalwaRsseeacertainnumberofNativeAmericancostu mes,thebuckskinjacketsanddressesdecoratedwithfringeandbeads. SomeRoungsterschoosetodecorateonlRtheirfaceswithgreasepaintinsteadofwearingm asks.InmanRwaRsthisissaferforachild,makingvisibilitRclearer.Atthesametimeamaskall owsthemtoremainanonRmoustoallbuttheirclosestfriends.UsuallR,onthenightbeforeHalloween,familRmembersgathertogethertocarveapumpkin. OnHalloweennightthecandlelitfaceofthepumpkinshinesfromeachhomewelcomingthelitt leghostsandgoblinstocall.ParentsusuallRescortsmallchildrenaroundtheirownneighbor hoodhelpingtokeepthemsafe.SmallchildrenonlRvisitrandomhouses,theirparent'sfriend smostlR,whileolderchildrenknockateverRdoor.Crowdingontothefrontpor chofthehousethechildrenrapatthedoorandchanttherefrain“tric kortreat”.Householdersdistributecandies,apples,peanuts,oran Redibletreatintodecorat edwoodensiRquartbaskets,orplasticbags.TheRmaRbeaskedtoreciteapoemorsingason gbeforereceivingtheirtreat.SomeluckRchildrenmaRreceivecookiesfromafreshlRbaked batchofchocolatechipcookies.OnarrivinghomethechildrenwilldumpallthejunkcandRout uallRthereisagreatracketasbrothersandsisterscomp arewhatgoodiestheRhavecollected.Adults,too,liketojoininHalloweencelebrationsbRattendingsmallhousepartiesorlargegro upgatheringsathallsorarenas.TheRmaRplaRtheoldtraditionalgamessuchasbobbingfor apples,whichfloatintubsofwater,tellingghoststoriesandvisitingahauntedhouse.EverRon eseemstogetenjoRmentfrombeingslightlRafraid. IfRouliveinthecountrRthehootingofanowloreventhehowlofawolfunderlinesthespookRat mosphereofHalloweenevening.Cloudsscuttleacrossthefaceofthemoonandtheflapofabi rd'swingscanbeheardasitsettlesonthebarebranchesofatree.EResgleaminthenightasabl ackcatcrossesRourpath.Batsswoopaboutinthedarkstartlingthosewhoarenervous. OnthiseveningitisnotnecessarRtobeeRtravaganttohaveagoodtime.Alittleimaginationa ndasenseoffunwillcreateamemorRofHalloweennightformanRRears.(751words)UNIT3GardeningOneofthequietjoRsoflifeinthesouthernpartofOntario,Canada,isgardening.Whetherpurs uedasahobbRorsolelRtoimprovetheestheticvalueofone'shome,thepleasurederivediso nlReRceededbRthetherapeuticbenefit.TheeRerciseinvolvedinworkinginagardenishelp fulinkeepingpeopleingoodphRsicalcondition. Ithasbecomearitualforhomeownerstospendlatewinterweekendsbrowsingthroughseedc atalogueswhilesittingontheircouch.TheRmakelistsofitemstheRwishtopurchaseandofte nmakenotationsrightonthecatalogueastheRmakedecisionsaboutthisRear'sgarden. IftheRorderearlR,thereisusuallRadiscountcoupon,allowingapercentageofthecosttobed eductedfromtheprice.Oftenthecouponneedstobedetachedfromthecatalogueandmailed tothecompanRalongwiththeorder.ThisisaneRtrabonusfortheconsumer.Theinvestment costrequiredisnominalwhentheamountofpleasuregeneratedisconsidered.Theseedcom panieswillusuallRwarranttheplants,andoftenarefundisofferediftheplantsdonotthrive.Th eshipmentfromtheseedcompanR'swarehouseisawaitedwitheageranticipation.Itsappea rancemeansthatspringwillsoonarrive. TheglossRpagesofthecataloguesprovideapreviewofthevisualdelightsthatcanbegrown. PicturesshowanarraRofflowersthatdazzletheeRe.TherearemonochromaticdisplaRsaswellasothersthatareafusionofthecompletespectrumoftherainbow'scolors.Alsoincludedi nthepublicationarepicturesanddescriptionsofvegetables,shrubs,andtrees. AvidgardenerssubscribetomagazinesthatspecializeinarticlesandadsaboutthisenjoRabl epastimeandpeopleliterallRreadeachissuefromcovertocover. Descriptionsofplantsincludeimplicitinstructionsonwhethertoplanttheminsunorshade.Sp ecificationastotheamountofirrigationrequiredisalsostated.ElaborateirrigationsRstemsa resometimesinstalledoratrenchforimprovingthewaterflowisused.Controlsareneededoni rrigationsRstemsbecauseifthegroundbecomestoosaturatedthesoilinthegardenwillbeto omuddRtoallowanRonetoworkinituntilitdriesout.IfthereistoomuchwaterconstantlR,theg ardenwillbecomeaswampandimpossibletocultivate.(ManRpeopleliketopreservethenat uralhabitatofbirdsandwildlifeinamarsh.TheseareasareusuallRprotectedbRthegovernm entandalthoughimportanttoourenvironment,arenotconsideredgardens.) Geographiclocationisimportantforplants.CertainplantsareonlRsuitableforpropagationcl osetotheequator.OthersneedtobeseveraldegreesoflatitudeawaRfromtheequator.Longi tudeisalsoafactorandmostcompaniesclearlRstatetheconditionsthatwillprovidetheoptim umchancesfortheplantssurvival.CanadiansgrowtulipsimportedfromHollandandtheRdo wellintheSouthernOntarioclimate. BecauseitislatespringbeforeplantscansurviveoutdoorsinSouthernOntario,itiscommonf orpeopletostarttheirplantsindoors.Seedsareplantedinsmallcontainersandcontinuetogr owindoorsuntiltheappropriatesizeisachieved.Sometimesultravioletlightisusedtoencour ageplantgrowth.WhenthemercurRrisesandthedangeroffrostispast,theplantsarethentra nsplantedtothegardenortoaflowerbed.Plantsarenourishedfromthesoil,buttoprovideoptimumfood,fertilizercanbeappliedtoenc ouragevigorousgrowth.Sometimesfertilizerisdilutedwithwaterwhileotherkindsaredisper sedwithaspreaderthatflingsthefertilizergranulesinasmallradiusaroundtheplants.Thewat ersolublefertilizerwillthenbeabsorbedintothesoiltheneRttimeitrains.Justaspeopleneed minerals,suchascalciumandzinc,tobehealthR,plantsalsoneedmineralsbutphosphorous andnitrogenarebetterfoodforthem. Somegardenersplantheirgardenwithmeticulousattentiontodetail.TheRchoosecolorstha twillcomplementeachotheranddesigntheirgardenasiftheRwerepaintingonacanvas.Oth ersaremorespontaneousandsimplRvisitanurserRandpurchaseplantsthatappealtothem .OftengardenershaveatrademarkplantthatistheirspecialtR.PerhapstheRenjoRthevelvet teRtureoftheleaves,ormaRbetheflower'scolorattractsthem. Thevarietiesofgardensareendless.Terracegardeninghasbecomepopular.Withaherbalg arden,cooksenjoRbeingabletousefreshherbsfromtheirgardentoaddzesttotheirfavorited ishes.TheRsimplRvisittheirgardenandclipafewpiecesoftheherbtheRwishtouse. EverRgardenisasindividualasitsowner.Gardenscomeinallshapesandsizes.Someareint heshapeofarectangle,whileothersarecircularorirregularinshape.Somegardenerslikethe appearanceofanasRmmetricalshapewhileothersworktoachievesRmmetrRintheirgarde ns.Forvegetablegardens,themostpopularshapeisrectangularandvegetablesareusuallR plantedinalinearfashion.Thismethodmakesiteasiertocultivatebetweentherowsofplants. RoucouldmistakesomegardensforameadowwhenthegardenerchoosestoincludeonlRwi ldflowersasachoiceofvegetation.Includingapondinagardenispopulartoo. EntrepreneursarealwaRslookingforinnovationsandgadgetsthatwillattracttheattentionof devotedgardenersandinducethemtospendtheirmoneR.IthasbecomeahugeindustrRinthelastfewRears,asthebabRboomersreachretirementageandhavemoretimetopursuehob biessuchasgardening.TherearenewproductspatentedeverRReartotemptthegardener. ItispossibletobuRakitthatcontainsacompletesetoftoolsneededbRthehomegardener.Un fortunatelR,oftenthequalitRispoorandtheproductisafraud.Insteadofhavingsomethinggo odtoworkwith,thepurchaseturnsouttobejunk.IfRouwanttoflatteragardener,andboosttheiregoatthesametime,summonupthecouraget osimplRaskifRoucanswapplants.Ofcourse,itwillgivethemathrillifRoualsocomplimentthe monthehardinessoftheirplantsascomparedtoRours.TheRmighteventrRtoconsoleRouo nRourlackofcompetenceasagardenerbecauseRourplantsarenotassturdRastheirplants. Irrespectiveofthecompetenceofthegardener,anRonewhoaugmentsthenumberofplants grownishelpingtoconserveourplanetbRavertingerosion.ThispaRsgreatdividendsforeve rRoneasitalsoservestoprotecttheozonelaRer. Somepeopleerectbarricadestokeepsmallanimalsfromattackingtheplants.Squirrelslovet odigupflowerbulbs.TheRfindthematastRtreat. ItiscommontoseeceramicfiRturesorfigurinesinagarden.EventheuntrainedeRecantellth attheimitationsareafake,RetproperlRplaced,theRaddtotheintrinsicbeautR.Araingauge, attachedbRabrackettoafence,isacommonsightandisusedtoenablethegardenertodiagn osethemoisturelevelofthesoilaroundtheplantsanddetermineiftheRneedmorewater.Ifnat uredoesnotprovideenoughrain,thenthegardenerwilluseaplasticorrubberhosetoprovide moreirrigation.Withatwistofaknob,orbRmovingalever,thethirstoftheplantsformoistureca nbequenched.Whatgreaterpleasure,thantoworkinRourgardenandasRoucliptheovergrownplantsbackt osizeorprunebranchesoffruittrees,hearthebuzzofbees?RouknowthattheRareenjoRing RourgardenastheReRtractthepollenfromtheblooms.RourelishthefeelingthatRouareon ewithnature.ThehumofinsectsastheRsharethegardenismorepleasurablethanmusicfro mastereoorasRmphonRtoadevotedgardener.Inaddition,thescentoftheflowersisaninteg ralpartofthejoRofspendingtimeworkinginagarden. TheironRofthesituationisthatnaturesometimesconspiresagainstthegardener,andahails tormcanriddlebeautifulplants,shreddingtheirleavesinminutes.Hurricanescanuprooteve nthelargesttreesalthoughthisisaneventthatseldomoccursinSouthernOntario.Tornadoe saremorelikelRinthisarea.Parasitescanattackplantsandthreatentheirsurvival.AnRnumb erofthingscanbecomeaplague.ItisoftendifficulttodiscerneRactlRwhatitisthatisdestroRin gthepreciousplants.AnRnumberofcomplicationscanshatterthegardener'sdreamofsurp assinglastRear'saccomplishment.Anauthenticgardenerwillnotbroodaboutthedisappoin tmentforlong.Evenasthedisasterisoccurring,R oumightoverhearthegardenermurmur“Th ere'salwaRsneRtR ear.”(1459words)UNIT4ACanadianFamilRStorR MRstorRbeginsinNewfoundlandwheremRbrotherandIwerebornduringtheSecondWorld War.TheislandofNewfoundland,whichwasoriginallRaBritishcolonR,becamethenewest provinceofCanadain1949,thesameRearthatthePeople'sRepublicofChinawasborn. OurmotherwasbornandraisedinNewfoundland.DuringtheWar(WorldWarII),sheworkedi nSt.John's,thecapitalcitR,whereshemetaRoungCanadiansailorfromOntario.Hewasam emberofthecrewofaRoRalCanadianNavRshipthatwaspartofoneoftheconvoRsthatesco rtedsupplRshipsacrosstheAtlanticOceantoEuropeduringthewar.TheRfellinloveandsubsequentlR,gotmarried.TherestishistorR,sotospeak.OurfamilRmovedtoOntarioinlate19 45,justafterthewarended.In1999,actingonimpulse,mRbrotherandIdecidedtotakeourmothertoNewfoundlandforav isit.IthadbeenalmostfiftRRearssincewehadlastvisitedourmother'soutport(remoteorver Rruralislandvillage)whereshegrewup.Itwasalsothe50thanniversarRofNewfoundland'sb ecomingpartofCanada.In1950,IwassiRandmRbrotherwasfivewhenwelastvisitedourmother'schildhoodhome.A tthattime,Ireland'sERewasavibrant,quaintfishingvillagehuggingtherockRshoreofasmall ,enclosedharbour.TherewasnoelectricitR.Therewerenoroads,noautomobiles,andfewsi gnsofautomationofanRtRpe.Therewereoillampsandwoodstovesinthehomesandmeref ootpathsbetweentheaggregateofsmallcommunitiesonthehillRisland,alsonamedIreland' sERe.Wecanstillseeandheartheinboardmotorboats,puttputting(soundofengines)intoth eharbour,haulingtheirdaR'scatchoffish.TheimageofhardRfishermenwithpitchforkshoist ingandtossingthecodfishuptothestiltedplatformsfromthebowelsoftheboatsisstillquitevivi d.Thearomaofsalted,drRingcodfish,lingersstill.WhatIrememberbest,ofalmosthalfacenturRago,wasgoingoutwithmRUncleFredinhisbo attofish.ThatparticulardaR,wewerehuddledtogetherandlashedtootherboats,justoutside oftheharbour.IcanstillhearthelivelRgossipbetweenmRuncleandtheotherfishermen,abo vetheripplingandsplashingofthewavesagainstthehullsoftheboats.Iremembertheboatsh eavingperiodicallR,onthehugegentlRrollingwaves.MRUncleFredhadonlRonearm,buta mazinglR,hecoulddoeverRthingasifhehadtwohands.Hecouldevenrollacigaretteandligh tit.ThesearemRmemoriesofthequaintNewfoundlandglorRdaRsgonebR.ItwasaverRhardlif einthoseoutports,butaliferomanticallRcherishedbRmostofthosewholivedit.Ourmotherw asnotfeelinguptothetripatthetimewewerereadRtoleave,butinsistedthatmRbrotherandIg oonthisodRsseR.Wewouldlaterprovideherwithpictures,awrittenaccount,andvideotapeo fthetrip.AlthoughwetouredotherpartsofNewfoundland,includinganovernightstaRontheF renchIslandsofSt.PierreandMiquilon,justoffthesouthcoastofNewfoundland,ourmainobj ectivewastovisitIreland'sERe.Thisnecessitatedfindingwatertransportation.Wemanage dtoarrangeforaboattotakeusonthehalfhourtriptotheisland.Asitturnedout,themarriedcou plewhoferriedusovertotheislandwasactuallRacoupleofourdistantcousins,whomwehad nevermet. Wehadintendedtohaveourcousinsdropusoffontheislandandpickusupafewhourslater.H owever,eitherbecausewewerenewlRfoundcousins,ortheRweretRpicallRhospitableNe wfoundlanders,ortheRthoughtthatmRbrotherandIwouldgetlost,theRwantedtostaRwith us.ProbablRallthreefactorsinfluencedtheirdecision.TheRwereabsolutelRfabulous. TheRgotcaughtupinwhatmRbrotherandIweretrRingtodo.TheRwereverRknowledgeabl eabouttheislandandthepeoplewhohadoncelivedthere.Clutchinganarrativeoftheisland, writtenbRanotherofourcousins,theforgottenhistorRofthatspecialplacebecamemorecoh erenttothefourofus.AsweenteredIreland'sERe'ssmallharbour,whichwasguarded,bRafamilRofhawksinane sthighonarockRpoint,aweirdsensationcameoverus.There,infrontofus,wastheplacewevi sitedfiftRRearsbefore,andaboutwhichwehadheardandreadsomuchthroughoutouradultl ives.Wethought,whatanaestheticallRbreathtakingsight!Theglitteringsun,onthatdaR,ga veeverRthingapicture-postcardimage.Thiswasindeedasliceofparadise.Theruinsofafewremainingbuildingstha tdottedthehillsidesandshorelineandtheoncedominantSt.GeorgesChurchonthehillattheendoftheharbour,arousedinusaneRcitingsenseofhistorRandofourheritage.Lookingouto vertheharbourfromthehillbRthechurchattheeRtinctcommunitR,revivedmemoriesoffiftR Rearsbefore.WithagreaterclaritRoftheknowledgeofthearea,wewalkedfromthechurchalittlefartherinla ndtowhatusedtobethepostofficeandtheschoolthatourmotherattended,theskeletalshells ofwhichwerestillstandingprecariouslR.Fromthere,stoppingperiodicallRtoeatsomeedibl eberries,westruggledbehindourcousinsthroughtheheavilRbrushandshrubcoveredfootp athstoBlackDuckCovetovisitthecemeterRwhereourgrandmother,whomweneverknew, wasburied.ThissacredgroundwasinverRbadcondition,withmanRbadlRcorrodedgravest onesburiedunderbrushandlonggrass.Aftersearchingforafewminutesinthemidstoftangle dvegetation,wefoundourgrandmother'srestingplacebesidewhichwepaidourrespects.It wasagoodthingthatourcousinsstaRedwithus,asthefootpathsthattraversedtheisland,we reovergrownwithbrush.ItwouldhavebeenvirtuallRimpossibleformRbrotherandme,towal ktotheothercommunitiesontheisland. WemadeourwaRbacktothechurchonthehillanddescendedtotheboatforahalfhourboatrid etotheothersideoftheisland.Sailingthroughanumberofislets,wearrivedatwhatremainsoft hesmallvillageofTraRtown,whereourgrandparentshadlived.There,wemetsomemorelon glostrelativesatasmallcottage.One,abitofaneccentric,whonowlivesinTorontobuttakess ummerrefugeinTraRtown,showedustheremnantsofwhathadoncebeenourgrandparents ’house.Besidetheseruins,wasthestillflourishingclusterofwildrosebushes,plantedtherem anRRearsagobRourstepgrandmother.Alotofpeople,manRwhomweremorelostcousins, continuallRdroppedinorgatheredontheporchoutside. Afteracupofteaandsomemorechitchat(smalltalk)andsomecomicrelief,wemadeourdepa rtureforthemainland.OnthewaR,wepassedotherinletswithghostcommunitiesonIreland's ERe.ToaddtotheeRcitementofthatspecialdaR,mRbrotherspottedahumpbackwhalequit eclose,betweentheboatandtheisland.OurvisittoIreland'sERewasabittersweeteRperienceforus.Ontheonehand,therewasase nseofbeingattheverRplacewhereourrelativesandancestorshadlived,workedandplaRed .Ontheotherhand,therewasasenseofagonizinglossofwhatwereoncethrivingcommunitie sontheisland.Itwasdifficulttoreconcilethepastwiththepresent,afteragapoffiftRRearsofch ronicdegenerationofthecommunities.TodaR,theareaisnotoriousforsmuggling.However ,ourmissionwasinvaluableinthatwewereabletofindoutmoreaboutourselves.Theentiree RpeditiontoNewfoundlandwasamajorhighlightineachofourlives.Ittuggedatouremotions ateverRturn.ThepeopleofNewfoundland,especiallRthoseofgeneticconnection,couldn't doenoughforus.ItwasreallRlikecominghome,butthen,thathasalwaRsbeenthenatureofN ewfoundlandcourtesR,eventonon-Newfoundlanders.ItwasreassuringtoseethattheNewfoundlandcharmhastranscendedti me.IthasenduredsomanRchangessinceConfederationin1949.MRbrotherandI,eternall R,willbeNewfoundlandersandhopetogodownhomemoreoftenintheRearstocome.(1442words)UNIT5TheFraudFlushedwitheRcitement,KatesteppedintothespatialvestibuleandwasimmediatelRdazzl edbRthescenebeforeher.TheinlaidmarblefloorpavedthewaRtoacircularstaircaserisingt hreelevelsaboveher.InafountaininthecenteroftheentrRwaRstoodabronzedolphinbalan cingonitstail,itssnoutpointedtotheloftRdomed,stainedglassskRlightfortRfeetabove.Amassivechandelier,luminousinthebrightsunlight,castrainbowfairiesdancingthroughthepin k,green,andgoldfloralpatternsofthefloorandaroundthesnowRwhitewalls. BeforeshecouldfullRappreciatethebeautRoftheintricateplasterworkdecoratingtheedge softheshallownichesinstalledinthewallstoframethenumerouspaintings,or,indeed,toapp reciatethecanvasesthemselves,herhost,VictorStone,approached.SmallbRNorthAmeri canstandards,hewasperfectlRproportioned.SlightlRbaldingattheforehead,hissilverhair ughingblueeResstartledh erwiththeirclaritR.Astraight,aristocraticnoserosetomeethisslightlRarchedbrows.Hiscar efullRmanicuredhandsboreasinglegoldpinkiering.Heheldouthishandtotakehers. “Thank Rousomuchforcoming,Kate.IamgladR oucouldmakeit,”hesaidcheerfull R.Shehadnevermetthischarminglittlemanbef oreandknewhimbRreputationonlR.Amonghiscontemporaries,hewasknownasashrewd entrepreneur,abletodiagnoseataglance,theprospectsofthoseseekinghisbacking.Shew asanRioustolearnwhRhehadinvitedhertocometomeethimathishome. “Thanksforaskingme.Niceplace R ouhavehere.“Shefeltstupidsa Ringsomethingsoabsur d,butshewas,atthatmoment,stumped.Heregowouldn'tletheradmitshe'dneverinherwhol elife,beensoimpressedbRafoRer.Shehopedthathewouldrealizeshe'dhadlittleeRperien cewiththeelite,takepitRonher,andshowheraround.“Would R ouliketoseemoreofthehouse?”h easked,politelR.“WouldI?R oubet!”Shewashapp Rhegavenoindicationthathethoughtshewasnotinhisbra cket.SheleftherbriefcaseonthesetteenearthedoorandfollowedhimthroughthefoRertoast airwaRtoastairwaRleadingtoalowerlevelofthehouse. TheRbeganthetourinthewinecellar.AheavR,doublethickdooropenedtorevealrowuponro wofgleamingglassbottlesofvintagewines,alllRingontheirsides,cradledbRthesolidoakrac ks.ThesteadRhumofmachinerRbrokethesilenceoftheinsulatedroom.VictoreRplainedth atitwasnecessarRtocontroltheventilation,temperatureandhumiditRofthecellartoachieve optimumconditionsforconservingtheflavorsoftheeRpensivewines. ThesmallbutluRuriousaudio-visualtheaterwasadjacenttothewinecellar.Leatherupholsteredrecliningchairswerecasu allRarraRedabouttheroom,allwithanunimpairedviewoftheretractablescreen.Thestereo, silentatthatmoment,wasstate-of-the-art,withspeakerstacticallRinstalledformaRimizingsoundeffects.Blackwalnutwoodpaneli ngandabaffledceilingavertedthepossibilitRofoverlRloudentertainmentdisturbingothersi nthemansion.Slidingglassdoorsledfromthelowestlevelofthelivingareatotheenclosedkid neR-shapedswimmingpool.Turquoiseandwhiteceramictilesoutlinedwithgoldcoveredthedec karea.PillarsofquartztoppedwithmilkglassspheresprovidedilluminationshouldanRonec hoosetoswimafterdark.AchangingboothwasdiscretelRhiddenbehindascreenoforname ntalfloorplantsandcascadingvines.Here,too,abaffledceilingpreventedthehollowresona nceofthepoolroomfromdisturbingothers.Atthemoment,thegamesroomwasarrangedforgambling.Anauthenticroulettewheel,acra pstablefordice,andvariouscardtablesweresetupforabenefiteveningthatwasbeingheldth efollowingnight.Checkers,chessandotherboardgamesaugmentedthegamesofchance. Comfortablefurnitureandsoftlightinglentaromanticatmospheretotheterracegarden.Kate hadnoticedearlierthatVictorhadaslightlimp.AstheRprogressedontheirtour,sherealizedhewasquitelameontherightsideandneededtorest.TheR sattochatforafewminutes.“Howm uchdoR ouknowaboutme,Kate?”heasked.“Onl RwhatI'veread.AndwhatIhavediscernedinthepasthalfhour.IthinkRouareamanwhoh asmadeRourhomeintoadiversionfromtherealworld.Rourtasteisimplicit,subtle.EverRthi ngIhaveseenhasbeenchosenwithakeeneRe,nottooverwhelm,buttoinvite.IthinkRoucho osethingsfortheirintrinsicvalue,thingsthatareestheticallRpleasingtoRou.Idon'tthinkther ecouldbeanimitationorafakeiteminthiswholeplace.RouloveRourhomeandenjoRsharing itwithothers.AmIright?”“R ouareperceptive!Come.Let’sgotothesittingroomandhaveacocktail.“Heledthewa Rbac kintothelibrarRwithitsmahoganRshelvesfilledwithleatherboundmatchedsetsoffirsteditio nsandvolumesofencRclopedia.OnasturdRtableunderareadinglampanilluminatedmanu scriptwithgoldmetallicpageedgingwaslRingopentodisplaRitsvibrantart.Katefeltcompell edtomentionthisbeautifulpiece.HesaidanobscuremonkduringtheRenaissancehadcopie dandillustratedtheBookofRevelations.IthadbeenquiteshabbRwhenitfirstcameintohispo ssessionbuthehaditrestoredandplannedtodonateittoamuseum.Thedoortoapowderroo mstoodajar.InsideKatenoticed,again,thecarefulattentiontodetailmanifestintherestofthe house.Thedoorknobwashandpaintedporcelain.TheivorR-coloredfiRtureswereshell-shapedandgold-trimmed.AlargebowlofsweetlRscentedflowerswascenteredonthevanitR.NeRttotheflow erssatapieceofhand-carvedfossilizedebonR. KatewasstunnedbRthesizeofthespacioussittingroom.Severalgroupingsoffurniturelentt hemselvestoseatingasfewastwoguestsorasmanRasten.Here,too,ornamentalplasterwo rkdecoratedthewallsandceilings.TheraspberrRcoloredvelvetupholsterRcoveringtheco uchesandchairscomplementedthepalegreenorientalcarpetsandlightlRteRtureddraperi es.Thegold-coloredlampswiththeircreamRwhiteshades,thepaintingsintheirornatealcoves,andtheop enfireplacewithfamilRpicturesonthemantel,gaveKateanoverwhelmingfeelingofcomfort andpeace. SherelishedthenoveltRandthrillofhavingbeensummonedtothisprestigiousman'shome.T hesheerbeautRoftheplacefarsurpassedhereRpectations.However,shewasbecomings uspiciousaboutthereasonforthisvisit.Nowthatshehadreceivedanorientationtohishome, andnotwithstandingherfirstimpressionsoftheman,shewasanRioustolearnwhRshewash ere.Whatcouldamerereporterdoforthisrich,influentialman? HebegantospeaksoberlR,contradictinghisearlierspontaneitR.“Iwilltell RouastorRRoum aRhavedifficultR believing,”hesaid,softl R.“Iwasnotbornintothislifest Rle.Itisironicthatther eissuchadiscrepancRbetweenwhatIwasandwhatIam.MRfatherlefttheUnitedStateswhe nIwasabouttwoRearsold.HeranajunkstoreintheslumsofWinnipegwhenIwasakid.Hewas avulgarmanbutheknewhowtofoolpeopleintothinkingtheRwerebuRingsomethingrareorv aluable.ItwasunderhistutelagethatIlearnedtobeafraud.“Idecidedatanearl Ragethatiftherewasashortcuttosuccess,IcouldbRpassthecomplicatio nsofgettingtherebRtheconventionalmethods.Iwaslikeahurricane,rushingforwardwithou tconsiderationfortherules.Ifit'sanRconsolation,Ididn'tintentionallRharmanRoneinthepro cess.IwasabletostaRwithintheparametersofthelaw,butjustbarelR.Iboughtandsoldusedf urniturebeforegoingintotheantiquebusiness.WhenIbought,IalwaRspaidafractionofthep otentialworthofthegoods.WhenIsold,IalwaRsmadeaprofit.IwasabletoupgrademRstock withalmosteverRtransaction.Intime,Ihadawarehousefullofmerchandise.。
这本书的选材非常广泛,包括日常生活、文化、科学、历史等多个领域。这 不仅开阔了我的视野,也让我了解到不同主题的英语表达方式。通过阅读,我逐 渐积累了更多的词汇和语法知识,这对我提高英语水平起到了积极的推动作用。
这本书的练习设计非常实用。它不仅有针对阅读理解的各式问题,还有完形 填空和短文填空等题型。这些练习帮助我更好地理解和掌握阅读技巧,如预测文 章内容、推断作者意图等。同时,任务型阅读题型也锻炼了我的总结、概括和逻 辑推理能力。
这本书的目录清晰地呈现了它的主要章节和内容。从目录中可以看出,这本 书涵盖了中考英语考试的所有重要题型,包括阅读理解、完形填空、短文填空和 任务型阅读。每个章节都分为若干个主题,这些主题涉及不同的阅读类型和话题, 有助于学生全面了解和掌握中考英语的阅读技能。
阅读理解:这一部分涵盖了各种阅读理解题型,如细节理解题、推理判断题、 主旨大意题等。通过大量的例题和解析,学生可以学会如何抓住文章主旨,理解 细节信息,并做出准确的推断。
《星火英语初三九年级中考阅读理解完形填空短文填空任务型阅读》是一本 非常值得推荐的书。它既适合初中生也适合高中生使用,无论是用于备考中考还 是提升英语能力都十分有益。我希望更多的学生能够受益于这本书,取得英语学 习的进步。
《星火英语初三九年级中考阅读理解完形填空短文填空任务型阅读》是一本 针对中考英语考试的综合性阅读教材。通过对其目录的深入分析,我们可以了解 到这本书的主要内容以及其在教学和备考中的价值。
星火英语初三九年级中考阅读 理解完形填空短文填空任务型
01 思维导图
03 精彩摘录 05 目录分析
星火英语30篇文章贯通考研词汇全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: Mastering GRE Vocabulary with "Spark English: 30 Articles for the Graduate Entrance Examination"Introduction:Building a strong vocabulary is crucial for success in the Graduate Record Examination (GRE). To help students prepare effectively, the "Spark English: 30 Articles for the Graduate Entrance Examination" series provides a comprehensive set of articles that not only enhance language skills but also cover key vocabulary for the GRE. In this article, we will explore how the series can be used as a valuable resource to master GRE vocabulary.Overview of the Series:The "Spark English: 30 Articles for the Graduate Entrance Examination" series consists of 30 articles, each focusing on a specific topic relevant to the GRE. The articles are designed to not only improve reading comprehension but also introduce and reinforce essential GRE vocabulary. By reading and studyingthese articles, students can expand their vocabulary while gaining valuable insights into diverse subjects.Strategies for Mastering GRE Vocabulary with the Series:1. Regular Reading and Review: Make it a habit to read one article from the series every day. After reading, review the key vocabulary words and their meanings. Use flashcards or vocabulary journals to reinforce your learning.2. Contextual Understanding: Pay attention to how the vocabulary words are used in context within the articles. Understanding the nuances of usage will help you remember the words more effectively.3. Practice with Exercises: Each article in the series is accompanied by exercises to test your understanding of the vocabulary. Complete these exercises to reinforce your learning and track your progress.4. Create Personalized Vocabulary Lists: Keep a running list of the vocabulary words you have learned from the series. Organize the words based on themes or difficulty levels to make it easier to review.5. Use Words in Context: Practice using the newly learned vocabulary words in your everyday conversations or writing. Thiswill help you become familiar with the words and retain them in your long-term memory.Benefits of Using the Series:1. Comprehensive Coverage: The series covers a wide range of topics and vocabulary words commonly found in the GRE. By studying the articles, you can build a strong foundation of vocabulary for the exam.2. Engaging Content: The articles in the series are engaging and informative, making the learning process enjoyable. You can learn new words in a context that is relevant and interesting.3. Structured Learning: The series is designed to provide a structured approach to learning GRE vocabulary. By following the articles in sequence, you can systematically build and reinforce your vocabulary skills.Conclusion:"Spark English: 30 Articles for the Graduate Entrance Examination" is a valuable resource for students aiming to excel in the GRE. By using the series to enhance vocabulary skills, students can boost their confidence and performance on the exam. Incorporate the strategies mentioned above into yourstudy routine to make the most of this resource and achieve success in the GRE.篇2Title: Mastering GRE Vocabulary with "Spark English: 30 Articles Comprehensive Guide"With the increasing number of Chinese students applying for graduate programs abroad, the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) has become an important step towards their goal. Among all sections of the GRE, the verbal reasoning part is notoriously challenging for many test-takers, especially when it comes to vocabulary.To conquer this hurdle, many students turn to various study materials for help. One popular choice is "Spark English: 30 Articles Comprehensive Guide," a collection of articles specially designed to help students master GRE vocabulary. This unique resource covers a wide range of topics, each paired with carefully selected GRE words and their definitions.One of the key features of "Spark English: 30 Articles Comprehensive Guide" is its focus on contextual learning. Instead of rote memorization, the articles provide real-life examples and scenarios where the vocabulary words are used.This not only helps students understand the meanings of the words but also allows them to grasp how these words are used in context.Furthermore, the articles in the guide are written in an engaging and easily digestible manner, making the learning process more enjoyable and effective. By reading through the articles and actively engaging with the vocabulary words, students can gradually expand their word bank and improve their ability to understand and use complex vocabulary.In conclusion, "Spark English: 30 Articles Comprehensive Guide" is a valuable resource for students preparing for the GRE verbal reasoning section. By immersing themselves in the articles and actively studying the GRE words provided, students can significantly enhance their vocabulary skills and increase their chances of success on the exam.篇3The "Starfire English 30 Articles Comprehensive Examination Vocabulary" is a valuable resource for students preparing for the graduate entrance examination. This collection of articles covers a wide range of topics and introduces key vocabulary that is commonly tested on the exam.The articles are written in a clear and concise manner, making them accessible to students of all levels. Each article is accompanied by a detailed explanation of the vocabulary used, helping students to understand and remember the words more effectively.One of the key benefits of this collection is its focus on high-frequency vocabulary. By familiarizing themselves with the vocabulary presented in these articles, students can improve their overall language proficiency and increase their chances of success on the exam.In addition to vocabulary practice, the articles also provide valuable reading practice. The topics covered in the articles range from current affairs to cultural issues, helping students to develop their reading comprehension skills while also expanding their knowledge of the world.Overall, the "Starfire English 30 Articles Comprehensive Examination Vocabulary" is a must-have resource for any student preparing for the graduate entrance examination. With its comprehensive coverage of essential vocabulary and engaging articles, this collection is sure to help students achieve their goals and succeed on the exam.。
星火英语听力阅读资料必备星火英语六级晨读美文We enjoy reading books that belong to us much more than if they are borrowed. A borrowed book is like a guest in the house; it must be treated withpunctiliousness, with a certain considerate formality. You must seethat itsustains no damage; it must not suffer while under your roof. Butyour own booksbelong to you; you treat them with that affectionate intimacy that annihilatesformality. Books are for use, not for show; you should own no bookthat you areafraid to mark up, or afraid to place on the table, wide open andface down. Agood reason for marking favorite passages in books is that thispractice enablesyou to remember more easily the significant sayings, to refer to them quickly,and then in later years, it is like visiting a forest where you once blazed atrail. Everyone should begin collecting a private library in youth;the instinctof private property can here be cultivated with every advantage andno evils.The best of mural decorations is books; they are more varied in color andappearance than any wallpaper, they are more attractive in design, and they havethe prime advantage of being separate personalities, so that if you sit alone inthe room in the firelight, you are surrounded with intimate friends. The knowledge that they are there in plain view is both stimulating andrefreshing. Books are of the people, by the people, for the people. Literatureis the immortal part of history; it is the best and most enduring part ofpersonality. Book-friends have this advantage over living friends; you can enjoythe most truly aristocratic society in the world whenever you want it. The greatdead are beyond our physical reach, and the great living are usually almost asinaccessible. But in a private library, you can at any moment converse withSocrates or Shakespeare or Carlyle or Dumas or Dickens. And there is no doubtthat in these books you see these men at their best. They laid themselves out,they did their ultimate best to entertain you, to make a favorable impression.You are necessary to them as an audience is to an actor; only instead of seeingthem masked, you look into their innermost heart of heart.星火英语听力综合训练习题第一节(共5小题)听下面5段对话。
U I thi nit 1 The Permitnk the building must have been used as a farmer's winter store for I found piles of forgotten dried chestnuts and grain in rotten barrels. I tried the chestnuts but they tasted sour, Paulo said he would bring me food, but that was three days ago. Yesterday, I heard a car engine getting closer, and climbed up to hide in the beams of the patched roof. But the men just looked in quickly through the wornout windows and broken doors before they left. I clung to the dusty wooden beam, feeling it would bend under my weight, and tried to make no noise. My arms and legs grew numb, then began to tremble. I longed to move, but I waited until I heard the policemen drive off. I know that they will return. When we began the final part of our journey, we were warned that the police patrolled the land around here regularly. They are always searching for us, or others like us; the coast of Morocco and the Presidio of Ceuta are only ten miles away across the Straits. That is how I got here: squeezed in with fifteen other men in a shallow boat meant for eight, with the cold waves reaching over the sides and the night deep and black as a tomb. I had never been more scared. I prayed all the way across, and thought about my family. I told myself, over and over, that I was doing it for them. That trip took almost all of my money. All of the money I had saved in Ecuador. The boatmen left us on a beach in the middle of the night. We lost sight of them but we could still hear their small engine across the waves. Six of us started walking inland but the others waited for the contacts, the friends of the boatmen, as they had been told. We were lucky: we met Paulo. We found the town and waited until the first bar opened;I went in alone while the others hid in the orchard nearby. When I asked for a cup of coffee, the young barman looked at me and nodded. He made the coffee, then disappeared into the back room. Cold and without strength, I wrapped my hands around the warm cup, not caring whether the barman had called the police, not caring about the next moment, just about the present. But the man had called Paulo, who came and helped us. Paulo was always smiling, always happy. He was from Seville, a busy city of many people, and he knew many people. Paulo found work for us. I made good money on the farms. I picked cabbages, beans, cucumbers and peas. I picked great round yellow squashes that smelled of rich perfume when you broke them. The farmers hired us by the day, and were content. The local people would never work for the wages we were paid. But there were many farms, and many crops to be picked. We were welcomed. I shared a small clean house in the town with seven other workers. We had journeyed from Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, even Argentina. Paulo found the house for us- he knew the landlord and arranged a good price. We lived well, with enough food and sometimes wine. I earned more in a week than I could in three months back home if there had been work to do there. I sent most of the money that was left to my wife and parents, and wrote many letters to them. Then the government changed the rules so that we needed work permits. I queued with hundreds of other workers, waiting for the application forms. We sat on the stone benches beneath the trees and read the forms. Some of the other workers are from small villages and towns, and cannot read as well as I can, so I explained to them that the government wanted our birth certificates, driving licenses, passports and many other documents. Many of the workers had perhaps one or two of these documents, but most had none. I helpedthe others complete the forms and we gave them to the clerk. He looked at our documents, stamped the forms many times and told us that they would be sent to Madrid, and our permits would be returned in two or three months if the forms were approved. We had to wait. Even Paulo and his friends could not help us. The first month was not too bad as most of the farmers continued to use us: their crops were rich, waiting to be picked. Then some men from Madrid visited all of the farms, and maybe half of the farmers stopped using us. The farmers told us that they were sorry, and we understood them. So the second month was worse: only a few of the farmers would use us, and those that did paid very poor wages. We shared what we had, and ate once a day: rice, porridge, bread, cheap food that would fill our stomachs. We began to stare at each other, and wonder which of us would find work. There were fights in the morning, between different groups of workers, when the farms’ supervisors came to choose who would work that day. But still we had some hope. We lost the house in the third month, as we had no money for rent. We were able to get some food from the charity kitchens around the town, and the church, but we found always a long queue and very little food. We took our bags and blankets and slept in the fields. Then the weather became cold and we slept where we could, huddled together, in old forgotten buildings and alleys. Sometimes I dreamed of my family, and when I awoke, I wished the dream could continue. The people of the town stared at us from the sides of their eyes as they passed us. They clenched their hands and muttered, and some of them spat on the pavement. A few of us were attacked and beaten in the dark, and driven from the parks and streets. All of the time, the police told us to move on, move on. It is the end of the third month when it happened. The farmers hired coaches and sent them into the town. From four o’clock in the morning we waited in agitating silence, hands pushed deep into pockets, our hats pulled down tight against the cold and the watching policemen. By the time the coaches arrived, there were hundreds of workers waiting in the darkness. We pressed forward as the doors opened. The supervisors stood on the bottom steps of the coaches and asked, “who has the permit?” The men with permits held them up and were allowed onto the coaches. Some of the workers were from the countries in Europe and did not need permits, so they were allowed on when they showed their passports. I went from coach to coach until I saw a group of Chileans, who I knew have no permits, climbing aboard awaiting coach. The leader of their group spoke first with the supervisor and shook his hand, then they were taken on. I stood before the supervisor. “You have the permit?” he asked me. He was broad, stout and filled the doorway of the coach. His fat neck spilt from the upturned collar of his leather jacket. His hair was shaven close to his head. I explained to him that my application was rejected but I would try again. “Come back when you have a permit,” he told me. He frowned as he inhaled a smoke and looked down the avenue where the policemen were watching the coaches. I explained to him that I was a hard worker, that I had eaten only once in three days, that I was eager to work and send money to my family. He looked at the policemen, who had started walking along the pavement beside the coaches, and glared at me and said, “Go to Madrid and tell them.” The Chileans were laughing and pointing at me through the coach windows. The supervisor tossed his half-finished cigarette into the gutter by my foot. At the moment I stabbedhim in the stomach. He bent down with a small cry. The policemen looked at us and I began to run away from the coaches, into the dark side streets. I heard loud running steps close behind me, and the roar of car engines. I slid into the shadows of a shop’s back door, behind two tall metal containers that stank of rotten meat and spoiled foodstuff. I gasped, and each breath burnt. My heart hammered against my chest. I waited for a long time until the sounds of the cars and people faded. I walked slowly to the end of the alley and looked out, but the streets were empty. I had run almost to the river; I could hear it rushing in the darkness beneath me. My right hand felt cold. I looked down in the yellow light of a street lamp, and saw my hand still clenched into a fist. It looked like the hand of another person, not part of me. A short blade, no longer than my thumb, stuck out from the fist. The blade, my fist, and my sleeve were all stained dark red. Paulo gave me the knife when I picked cucumbers on the farms. The short blade was very sharp, made for cutting the plants’stalks. I scrambled down to the banks of the river and threw the knife into the river water. I heard it splashed far away. The river touched my feet. I bowed down and washed my sleeve and hands, although the water was so cold, like ice, that my hand became numb. Then I walked back up to the street. I found some of the other workers hiding in the deserted warehouse we had found. One of them went to find Paulo, who came and told me about the old farm buildings near to the coast road. I waited until darkness before I followed the road out of the town, throwing myself into the ditch if I heard a car approaching. The weather has been clear and I have seen the coast of Morocco every day. Across the blue sea, the land is a strip of dark brown and gray, and looks close enough for me to touch. Maybe I could find an old tractor tyre tube around the farm and float across the Straits? Or maybe I could walk along the shore and steal a boat? I do not want to become a thief. I am an honest man who wants only to work and support his family. But what can I do? I will wait here for Paulo and listen to him. He will tell me what to do for the best. I know that he will help me.UNIT 2 Timeless PhotographsI love to look at old photographs in the album. My father had a big box of pictures in the cabinet and some of the pictures go way back to the 1890’s. The women dressed with such dignity and had style back then. My Dad would linger around his precious box of photographs and tell me stories about each photo and every one. It was one of those moments that you could not really appreciate when you were young. It is only after he was long gone that I can look back and say thanks for taking the time to show me a tiny window into the world of people who really did know how to live. I found a few of my aunts in their fashionable outfits by an old Cadillac pretending to drink whisky. Many of the photographs were taken in Coney Island and Cape Cod. I especially love the photographs of the bathing beauties and their swimsuits. The suits are quite modest by today’s standards but the young women didn’t seem to care. They were staying at such places as Newport Beach and Cape Cod having the time of their lives running in and out of the tide. One photograph had a vendor selling hot dogs by a coaster at Coney Island— a younger picture of my mother with her brown hair and blue eyes eager to go on board with my Dad. He looked a bit frightened in the picture as I could see he was holding on tightly to the bar to the coaster, his black hair flying inthe breeze. I smile when I look at that picture because it is hard to imagine anyone’s Dad ever being a kid. He looked like he was having a great time probably because he was with my mother. She is smiling in the picture and wearing a white blouse, blue shorts and tennis shoes. She is quite a looker. I can see why my Dad liked her so much.I dig down to the bottom of the box and see two large photographs. One is dated 1900 and the other one is dated 1997— a recent picture that looks similar to the older one. The older picture looks familiar because it is taken in the same place—the summer home. I will describe the older photograph as very interesting in the style of dress and exactly where the people are sitting. They are posed outside the cottage by a small tree that is still there today. A woman is sitting in a rocking chair, with her black hair pulled up in a bun. She is not smiling but looking away from the camera and wearing a long black dress. Another woman is wearing a white blouse with a necktie and a long black skirt. Her hair is also long and blonde but pulled back in a bun. There are two men on either side of a wooden table. Both men appear older and are dressed in hats and suits and ties, trousers and Sunday shoes. Neither is smiling. (I have the distinct feeling that the women are their wives and it is Sunday.) They probably are hungry for their roast beef and potatoes, but that is just my guess. There is a young boy, probably about 13 in the photograph. He is wearing a white blouse, black shorts, long black socks and tan sports shoes. He is petting a black dog that is sitting on top of the round wooden table. The boy is bending down and he isn’t smiling either. It must have been hot outside and he probably wants to go for a swim with the dog. The water is just below them and he is probably wondering why he has to take this stupid picture all dressed up on a Sunday.I notice that the color of my cabin was quite different in 1900 and it was much smaller. The color was green, with white railings around the porch and steps leading down to the patio. That is where the picture of this Smart Family was taken. The family appears rather stiff in the photo but I am sure that they had a good laugh after the Sunday dinner was served. The second larger photograph is of my own family about 1997. It was taken in the same place as the Smart Family’s was taken. We thought it would be cool to do that. It is also in black and white. We didn’t wear any older clothes but used our own clothes. The tree in the background has grown to enormous heights and is still standing. The steps leading down to Mousam Lake have cracked and are in awful need of repair. Believe it or not, we still own the old wooden table and all of the rocking chairs owned by the Smart Family. I did a search of the Smart Family and they were originally from Portsmouth. At least five other families owned my cottage before my father bought it in 1950 for three thousand dollars. The cottage comes with thirteen acres of land that I still own along with my seven brothers and sisters. It was passed on to me when my mother died. We have formed the Camp Fund to pay the taxes and preserve our legacy. It is a beautiful cabin on a prime spot on Mousam Lake. I was not here when this photo was taken and it hangs in the living room of the cabin. Many visitors comment on it and think it is quite amazing to have a house for so long. The history of the house is interesting to view from photographs. Around the table are my brother Bob just wearing a casual shirt and shorts (smiling), Annie wearing a T-Shirt and shorts, Mike wearing a white shirt and long nylon trousers not smiling, Mary, whom I couldn’t tell what she was wearing, my Mom, her white hair and her beautifulblue eyes and smile, was wearing a peach blouse and slacks, my Dad wasn’t alive for this photo, he died in 1986. Lastly in the picture is my brother John, wearing a white vest, trousers and suspenders. He slicked back his black hair for the photo to appear in the period style. He wasn’t smiling either. The only difference is that my cottage is painted brown with a larger porch and some additional buildings. My father loved to build things and he was constantly improving the cabin. He built a deck downstairs, and also a dock for his many boats. He also designed a gliding swing and a picnic table. All of these photographs remind me that people are not so very different. We all want to enjoy living and be together as a family. The time that families spend together is very valuable. The children will always remember the little things that their parents do for them. For me it was my Dad that showed me these pictures and took the time to tell me the stories behind each of them. I thank him dearly for that.U Tany NIT 3 The Story of My Romancea got out of the bed while the sun was still asleep. “Would I be able to watch sunrise today?” she asked her heart. She knew the answer but was afraid to tell herself. Mike, her husband,was still in bed and so were her four kids. Even theirs leep couldn’t prevent her from doing them service. She arranged her work to the microscopic details. From pressing clothes to polishing shoes, finding sports socks to putting school bags in order, fixing up breakfast to preparing snack boxes, she wanted to make it all happen like magic. She did it all, like a magician. Life ran like a wheel. The circle started every morning and ended up late in the night, and then morning appeared again. There was no pause, no rest, not even a slight change to insert the circle. She condemned herself for not experiencing even a thought of ever getting out of this circle, but she just committed herself to the orbit of life. Coming out of the bathroom, she turned and looked at her wrinkled face in the mirror and gasped a tired answer to her long asked question, “never, you just keep driving in the sunset.” She shook her head to wing away those vicious butterflies in her mind. She knew she couldn’t join them so she didn’t want them to hang around her either. She entered the kitchen and heard Mike yelling in his uneasy voice for the absence of his towel in the bathroom. Her youngest daughter Karen started crying that she didn’t want to go to school that day. Nicole, the eldest, couldn’t help herself but to blame Daniel for the overnight fragmentation of her dollhouse while Randal registered his protest from his bed that he was not going to drink milk in breakfast like every day. In the kitchen, sugar had run out. So she was still looking for that magic wand. She never got to know when morning ran into noon; even the clock failed to tell her that. Mike left for office still screaming and shouting for his towel and the school bus only arrived after the kids had swallowed their breakfast. Their absence couldn’t cease her work for there was too much work to do. She was planning to send dirty clothes to laundry when the doorbell rang. It had been so long nobody coming to their home that she had forgotten what their doorbell sounded like. She tried to guess who could it be but not a single name appeared in her mind. She opened the door with an uncertain hope but only found the postman standing in the door to vanish that uncertainty. “Hi David! Since when did you start ringing the doorbell?” Words flew out of her mouth without her own consent. “Eversince I was a kid. In my childhood I would ring the bell and run away.” David was a cheerful postman. “But you don’t need to run away now.” “No, not until you have signed and received your letter.” “My letter! Who could send that?” “I am not sure, it’s someone named L.H.M. Sounds like a postgraduate degree to me.” “Never mind, I’ll sign it.” Tanya received the letter. It was a registered letter from within the town. She wondered who could that L.H.M. be. She opened the envelope and the mystery that was enclosed in it. The handwriting sparked a memory but she felt too overwhelmed to scrape her past. Her heartbeat started flying like butterfly wings. It wasn’t just a letter with ordinary words written on a piece of paper. She could feel those words blazing over her heart. They were telling her stories of her long lost love. My flowered wish Tanya! I once saw my home in the streets of your palm, my destiny in the smiles of your promises, and my shelter in the shadows of your eyes. I treasured all your whispers under my pillow, your fragrance in my breaths, and your name in my ears. Your face still lightens up the sky in the night, your voice still rhymes the rainfall, and your hair still soften the wind. The sun always rose from the sparkle of your eyes. And then, time flew you away into someone else’s world. That sun vanished and ever since I haven’t seen a sunrise. Life is spending me and I am aging. Days keep climbing the mountain of years. Moon disguises its face in the clouds and the night refuses to bring sleep onto my pillow. I fight your memories and defeat myself. The pain waves of your absence storm through my stale heart and leave it in a misery. My face has lived with me for ten cold winters, now I want to feel the warmth of your face. Bring the sunshine of your eyes to me. Meet me while the sun sets this Sunday at the river bridge. My eyes will be measuring the passage until you come. Larry The letter ended and left her standing at the door of her time faded memories. Larry was her classmate in college days. He lived in her heart and she dreamed his eyes. They had planned to get married after graduation as soon as Larry found a good job. It took him a year to find one and this expansion of time let Mike surface. Mike was an elegant and handsome man with already a good job. Larry got a first rate job the day Tanya got married. In the next six months, Larry left the country and Tanya moved to Wisconsin. Mike’s love scattered into his job, kids and Tanya. She did the same to him, except for the job. Her concern was to take care of the kids and the home. “Easier said than done”, she liked this phrase ever since. Her housework imprisoned her wishes and she couldn’t even wish for her freedom. And today, after more than ten years, a letter came into her life like a butterfly carrying on its wings, words written in rainbow colors. It was Wednesday and she wished to jump over those three days into the Sunday sunset. She never got to know when the kids came back from the school and how she spent the rest of the day. The days had started flying with her. In the night she would read that letter to the moon, the stars and the breeze. She would tell them stories of her love; the first time she met Larry, her first words and her first kiss. Every inch of her memory had a bond to a whole new memory. Now she remembered everything; every ray the sun ever endowed on her love. She could feel a powerful freedom that was removing those tedious thoughts from her mind and thrusting life into her veins. Life was wearing hope now. The time from Sunday morning to evening was hard to spend. Time clock was snailing out of the day and the sun got hung up in mid air. Wind stopped on thesurface of water and the shadows declined to shrink. She wished time was a horse with a tail on the forehead and she would pull it from its tail. She wished time was a dry leaf and she would blow it in the windstorm of her heart. She wished time was a boat and she would sail it in the river of her eyes. But today, time had turn into a teaser. She wants time to fly but it is crowding. She tried to make herself busy in house chores but her eyes quit supporting her hands as they were still looking at the sun. And the sun also kept glaring at her all the day. Finally the sun lost the battle and started going down. From the rim of the roof, it skidded to the window. No one in the family felt any change in her. Mike had to go to meet a client and was quite busy looking at himself and the kids were too involved in watching the TV. It was an hour to sunset and she was ready, wearing her best dress and wrapped in her favorite fragrance. She looked several years younger and brought back a charming smile onto her lips. “Where are you going, dear?” Her preparation couldn’t wage enough resistance against Mike’scuriosity. “Aa, well, actually I thought I would go for some shopping”, she hardly uttered. “Mom! I would go with you.” Nicole yelled as the idea of going out had removed her attention from the TV. The rest were so absorbed that they didn’t even hear the conversation. “Yeah dear, why don’t you take Nicole with you, she could be helpful.” Tanya didn’t feel comfortable having a company at that time but she didn’t want to change Mike’s curiosity into suspicion so she said OK.All the way to the City Center, Nicole kept telling her of all the stuff her friends had and what she wanted to buy in response. Tanya wasn’t listening. She was just nodding her head in approval of whatever Nicole said. She couldn’t possibly have said a word. Her heart was rumbling like a volcano, hitting the rib cage trying to get out to take a look at its long lost love. The sun was hurrying down now. She was afraid of getting late so she speeded up a little. “Mom! Aren’t we supposed to go to the City Center?” Nicole asked seeing her turning to a different street. “Yes dear but I have to take care of something important before we go shopping,all right?” She said. “All right.” It was OK for Nicole as long as it didn’t alter their shopping plan. The bridge was getting closer and so was logic. Sanity had started penetrating her enthusiasm. The question of “how should I do it?” turned into “why should I do it?” The eclipse of her memories had started declining. She could see the bridge now. She stopped the car a hundred yards away from the bridge. “Honey! You stay in the car, I’ll be back in a few minutes.” She said to Nicole without a slight touch of emotions. She didn’t wait for her answer, stepped out of the car in a mechanical way and started walking towards the bridge. Larry was standing on the corner of the bridge, with his back to her. He was looking down the bridge into the running water. She walked for a few yards and then stopped. Larry turned his face towards her. Age seemed to have worn him out. He looked tired as if he had traveled a huge span of years. His presence sent no waves of fresh air to clean her heart from the mist of dissatisfaction. He disappointed her again. She hoped to find a ray of hope and he damped down her hope. She looked back towards the car and her daughter. “I have lost too much, I don’t want to lose my ten years.” She decided and turned back. Larry ran after her but she had reached her car. Larry called her with a passionate cry, “Tanya!” She opened the door and sat in. Larry stopped abruptly with shock in his eyes. Tanya turned the car back. “You are my wish,Tanya!” Larry murmured. She stepped onthe car. Larry saw her going into the sunset. “Who was he, mommy?” Nicole couldn’t catch any idea out of it. “He was a nobody,my dear.” Tanya kept driving into the sunset.U Of a NIT 4 Big Tomll the males in our company’s dormitory, I felt the most affection for Tom. He was a genius, I thought, but the other guys took him for a nut. He came from far away, andat first had a strong Spanish accent. Now, after a year with the company, he spoke English very well. But his English accent had an exaggerated precision that the other guys didn’t like. In the crude environment of the dormitory, Tom’s accent seemed artificial. But he was a big man, a giant, and strong as an ox, and the others feared him and left him alone. I on the other hand had a weak constitution. I couldn’t digest any real food and lived on little more than coffee. My arms and legs were as thin as stems.And what work did I do there, you may well ask. I was chief garbage man for the dormitory. Our company had a big project to build a reinforced concrete reservoir out in a suburb surrounded by hills. At night a portion of the project was closed to us by means of a big square gate made of brass. One cold evening I was depositing the garbage from supper behind our dormitory when I saw a torch and the shape of a man passing through the brass gate. I walked over. “I knew it was you,” I said to Tom. “It’s open,” he said. “Shall we go in?” “Don’t you know we shouldn’t?” I said. “You still haven’t adjusted to the company.” “Adjust?” he said. “I’d rather quit. Come. What are you afraid of? Don’t you want to investigate this portion?” He knew I did. Already it seemed inevitable that I would go with him. I only feared that the torch would be noticeable on the TV monitor of the chief watchman. “Turn off the torch,” I said, and we walked through the brass square gate. Tom and I penetrated all the way to the crane, and no watchman had yet pursued us. This giant crane was used for moving and placing the reinforced concrete blocks. In the dark we recognized it by its shape— an immense pillar of zigzag rods. At the top of it, we knew, at the peak, would be the flag. And far over our heads, up in the dark sky, would be the crane’s giant arm. On the arm was the banner that we saw everyday, with the letters ABC, the initial letters of our company’s name. We had ABC written on our shirts, too, and on the chairs and beds with which our dormitory was furnished. “Let’s go up!” said Tom. I laughed—but Tom had spoken in earnest. Strong as he was, he really had no concept of authority. “Tom, you are a nut!” I said, wanting to show him that I was reluctant. But in the end he convinced me, and we mounted the ladder to the lift. There were two buttons, a red one and a green one. I pressed the latter, just to see if the lift might be operational. It was. I pressed the red button and stopped it. Tom got in. I pressed the green one again and we rose and rose and finally reached the top. We were at the peak of the pillar, just underneath the flag. Even in the dark we were close enough to see it. Before us the crane’s giant arm led off like a road into the night. Its rods and all zigzag, made me feel that over there would be, I saw, a square gate, some garbage and a dormitory. But no. Off the end of that zigzag road really would be nothing but dark night. The geometry of the crane scared me. “Let’s walk out to the banner!” To the banner? Oh, no. This was too much. “I want to see the ABC!” said Tom. “Come on!” Why was his voice so。
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2005年版星火英语三十篇阅读贯穿考研词汇unit 1 :The PermitI think the building must have been used as a farmer's winter store; I found piles of forgotten dried chestnuts and grain in rotting barrels. I tried the chestnuts but they tasted sour and sharp, and some of them had small teeth-marks in their dark, peeling skins. Paulo said he would bring me food, but that was three days ago.Yesterday, I heard a car engine getting closer, and climbed up to hide in the rafters of the patched roof, but the Guardia Civil men just looked in quickly through the smashed windows and broken doors before they left. I clung to the dusty wooden rafter, feeling it creak and bend under my weight, and tried to make no noise. My arms and legs grew numb, then began to tremble, and I longed to move, but I waited until I heard the policemen drive off.I know that Paulo would not have told them about me.And I know that they will return. When we began the final part of our journey, we were warned that the police patrol the land around here regularly. They are always searching for us, or others like us; the coast of Morocco and the Presidio of Ceuta are only ten miles away across the Straits.That is how I got here: squeezed in with fifteen other men in a shallow boat meant for eight, with the cold waves reaching over the sides and the night deep and black as a tomb. I have never been more scared. I prayed all the way across, and thought about my family. I told myself, over and over, that I was doing it for them. That trip took almost all of my money. All of the money I had saved back home in Ecuador, all of the money I had worked for on the way. The boatmen left us on a beach in the middle of the night. We lost sight of them but we could still hear their small engine across the waves. Six of us started walking inland but the others waited for the contact, the friends of the boatmen, as they had been told, and met the Guardia Civil instead.We were lucky: we met Paulo. We found the town and waited until the first bar opened; I went in alone while the others hid in the orchard nearby. When I asked for coffee, theyoung barman looked at me and nodded. He made the coffee, then disappeared into the back room. Cold and without strength, I wrapped my hands around the warm cup, not caring whether the barman had called the police, not caring about the next moment, just about the present.But the man had called Paulo, who came and helped us. Paulo is always smiling, always happy. He is from Seville, a busy city of many people, and he knows many people. Paulo found work for us. I made good money on the farms. I picked cabbages, and cauliflowers, and artichokes and broccoli. I picked great round yellow squashes that smelled of rich perfume when you broke them. The farmers hired us by the day, and were content. The local people will not work for the wages we are paid. But there were many farms, and many crops to be picked. We were welcomed.I shared a small clean house in the town with seven other workers. We had journeyed from Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, even Argentina. Paulo found the house for us - he knew the landlord and arranged a good price. We lived well, with enough food and sometimes wine. I earned more in a week than I could in three months back home, if there had been work to do there. I sent most of t he money that was left to my wife and parents, and wrote many letters to them. Then the government changed the rules, so that we needed work permits.I queued with hundreds of other workers outside the Ayuntamiento, waiting for the application forms. We s at on the stone benches beneath the trees in the Pla?a and read the forms. Some of the other workers are from small villages and towns, and cannot read as well as I can, so I explained to them that the government wanted our birth certificates, driving licences, passports and many other documents. Many of the workers had perhaps one or two of these documents, but most had none. I helped the others complete the forms and we gave them to the clerk in the Ayuntamiento. He looked at our documents, stamped the forms many times and told us that they would be sent to Madrid, and our permits would be returned in two or three months. If the forms were approved.We had to wait. Even Paulo and his friends could not help us.The first month was not too bad, as most of the farmers continued to use us; their crops were rich and heavy, waiting to be picked. Then some men from Madrid visited all of the farms, and maybe half of the farmers stopped using us. The farmers told us that they were sorry, and we believed them.So the second month was worse: few of the farmers would use us, and those that did paid very poor wages. We shared what we had, and ate once a day: rice, pasta, bread, cheap food that would fill our stomachs. We began to stare at each other, and wonder which of us would find work. There were fights in the morning, between different groups of workers, when the farms' foremen came to the Pla?a to choose who would work that day. But still we had some hope.We lost the house in the third month, as we had no money for rent. We were able to get some food from the charity kitchens around the town, and the church, but we found always a long queue and very little food. We took our bags and blankets and slept in the fields. Then the weather became cold and we slept where we could, huddled together, in old forgotten buildings and alleys. Sometimes I dreamed of my family and my home, and when I awoke I wished the dream could continue.The people of the town stared at us from the sides of their eyes as they passed us. They clenched their hands and muttered, and some of them spat on the pavement. A few of us were attacked and beaten in the dark, and driven from the parks and streets. All of the time, the Police told us to move on, move on.It is the end of the third month when it happens.The farmers hire coaches and send them into the Pla?a Colom. From four o'clock in the morning we wait in shuffling silence, hands pushed deep into pockets, our hats pulled down tight against the cold and the watching policemen.By the time the coaches arrive there are hundreds of workers waiting in the darkness. We press forward as the doors open. The foremen stand on the bottom steps of thecoaches and ask, "Who has the permit?"The men with permits hold them up and are allowed onto the coaches.Some of the workers are from the countries in Europe and do no need permits, so they are allowed on when they show their passports. I go from coach to coach until I see a group of Chileans, who I know have no permits, climb aboard a waiting coach. The leader of their group speaks first with the foreman and shakes his hand, then they are taken on. I stand before the foreman."You have the permit?" he asks me. He is broad and stout, and fills the doorway of the coach. His fat neck spills from the upturned collar of his leather jacket. His hair is shaven close to his head. I explain to him that my application was rejected but I have tried again."Come back when you have a permit," he tells me. He frowns as he pulls on his cigarette and looks down th e avenue to where the policemen are watching the coaches. I explain to him that that I am a hard worker, that I have eaten only once in three days, that I am desperate to work and send money to my family.He looks at the policemen, who have started walkin g along the pavement beside the coaches, and he scowls at me and says, "Go to Madrid and tell them."The Chileans are laughing and pointing at me through the coach windows.The foreman flicks his half-finished cigarette into the gutter by my foot and I punch him in the stomach. He folds over with a small cry.The policemen look at us and I begin to run, away from the Pla?a, away from the coaches, into the dark side streets and avenues. I hear loud running steps close behind me, and the roar of car engines. The shuttered buildings reflect the blue lights.I slide my body into the shadows of a shop's back door, behind two tall metal bins that stink of rotting meat and urine.I gasp, and each breath burns. My heart hammers against my chest.I wait for a long time until the sounds of the cars and people fade. I walk slowly to the end of the alley and look out, but the streets are empty.I have run almost to the river; I can hear it rushing in the darkness beneath me.My right hand feels cold. I look down, in the yellow light of a street lamp, and see my hand still clenched into a fist. It looks like the hand of another person, not part of me. A short blade, no longer than my thumb, sticks out from the fist. The blade, my fist, and my sleeve are all stained dark red.Paulo gave me the knife when I picked artichokes on the farms. The short thick blade is very sharp, made for slicing through the plants' thick stalks.I scrambled down to the banks of the river and threw the knife into the night. I heard it spl ash far away. The river touched my feet. I reached down and washed my sleeve and hand, although the water was so cold, like ice, that my hand became numb. Then I walked back up to the street.I found some of the other workers hiding in the deserted warehouse we had found. One of them went to find Paulo, who came and told me about the old farm buildings near to the coast road. Paulo was not smiling. I waited until darkness before I followed the road out of the town, throwing myself into the ditch if I heard a car approaching.The weather has been clear and I have seen the coast of Morocco every day. Across the blue sea flecked with sun, the land is a strip of dark brown and grey, and looks close enough for me to touch. Maybe I could find an old tractor tyre tube around the farm and float across the Straits? Or maybe I could walk along the shore and steal a boat?I do not want to become a thief. I am an honest man who wants only to work and support his family. But what can I do?I will wait here for Paulo and listen to him. He will tell me what to do for the best. I know that he will help me.unit2:Timeless photographsI love to look at old photographs in the album(影集).My father had a big box of pictures in the cabinet and some of the pictures go way back to the 1890's. The women dressed withsuch dignity and had style back then. My Dad would linger around his precious box of photographs and teel me stories about each photo and very one.It was one of those moments that you could not really appreciate when y ou were yound. It is only after he was long gone that I can look back and say thanks for taking the time to show me a tiny window into the world of people who really did know how to live.I found a few of my aunts in their fashionable outfits by an old Cadillac pretending to drink whisky. Many of the photographs were taken in COney Island and CapeCod. I especially love the photographs of the bathing beauties and their swimsuits. THe suits are quite modest by today's standards but the young women didn't seem to care. They were staying at such places as Newport Beach and Cape Cod having the time of their lives running in and out of the tide. One photograph had a vendor(小贩)selling dogs(热狗)by a coaster(轮船)at COney Island--a younger picture of my mother with here brown hair and blue eyes eager to go on board with my Dad. He looked a bit frightened in the picture as I could see he was lolding on tightly to the bar to the coaster,his black hair flying in the breeze. I smile when I look at that picture because it is hard to imagine anyone's Dad ever being a kid. He looked like he was having a great time probably because he was with my mother. SHe is smiling in the picture and wearing a white blouse(女衬衫),blue shorts and tennis shoes. She is quite a looker(美女),I can see why my Dad liked her so much.I dig down to the bottom of the box and see two large photographs. One is dated 1900 and the other one is dated 1997--a recent picture that looks similar to the older one. The older picture looks familiar because it is taken in the same place--the summer home.I will describe the older photograph as very interesting in the style of dress and exactly where the people are sitting. They are posed outside the cottage by a small tree that is still there today. A woman is sitting in a rocking chair, with here black hair pulled up in a bun(脑后的女髻).She is not smiling but looking away from the camera and wearing a long black dress. Another woman is wearing a white blouse with a necktie(领结)and a long black skirt. Her hair is also long and blonder(金黄色的)but pulled back in a bun. There are two men on either side of a wooden table. BOth men appear older and are dressed in hats and suits and ties,trousers and SUnday shoes. Neither is smiling. (I have the distinct feeling that the women are their wives and it is Sunday.) they probably are hungry for their roast beef and potatoes,but that is just my guess. There is a young boy,probably about 13 in the photograph, He is wearing a white blouse,black shorts,long black socks and tan sports shoes. He is petting a black dog that is sitting o n top of the round wooden table. The boy is bending down and he isn't smiling either. It must have been hot outside and he probably wants to go for a swim with the dog. The water is just below them and he is probably wondering why he has to take this stupid picture all dressed up on a Sunday.I notice that the color of my cabin was quite different in 1900 and it was much smaller. The color was green,with white railings(栏杆)around the porch and steps leading down to the patio(院子). That is where the picture of this Smart Family was taken. The family appears rather stiff in the photo but I am sure that they had a good laugh after the Sunday dinner was served.The second larger photograph is of my own family about 1997. It is also in black and white. We didn't wear andy older clothers but used our own clothes. The tree in the background has grown to enormous heights and is still standing. The steps leading down to Mousam Lake have cracked and are in awful need of repair. Believe it or bot,we still own the old wooden table and all of the rocking chairs owned by the Smart Family.I did a search of the Smart Family and they were originally from Portsmouth(朴茨茅斯). At least five other families owned my cottage before my father bought it in 1950 for three thousand dollars. The cottage comes with thirteen acres of land that I still own along with my seven brothers and sisters. It was passed on to me when my mother died. We have formed the Camp Fund to pay the taxes and preserve our legacy. It is a beautiful cabin on a prime spot on Mousam Lake. I was not here when this photo was taken and it hangs in the livingroom of the cabin. Many vistors comment on it and think it is quiteamazing to have a house for so long. The hitory of the house is interesting to view from photographs. Around the table are my brothere Bob just wearing a casual shirt and shorts(smilling), Annie wearing a T-Shirt and shorts. Mike wearing a white shirt and long nylon trousers not smiling, Mary,whom I couldn't tell what she was wearing,my Mom,her white hair and her beautiful blue eyes and smile,was wearing a peach blouse and slacks,my Dad wasn't alive for this photo, he died in 1986. Lastly in the picture is my brother John,wearing a white vest,trousers and suspenders. He slicked(使光滑、顺滑)back his black hair for the photo to appear in the period style. He wasn't smiling either. The only difference is that my cotaage is painted brown with a larger porch and some additional buildings. My father loved to build things and he was constantly improving the cabin. He built a deck downstairs,and also a dock for his many boats. He also designed a gliding swing and a picnic table.All of these photographs remind me that people are not so very different. We all want to enjoy living and be together as a family. The time that families spend together is very valauble. The children wil always remeber the little things that their parents do for them. For me is was my Dad that showed me shese pictures and took the time to tell me the stories beh ind each of them. I thank him dearly for that.unit 3 :the story of my romanceTanya got out of the bed while the sun was still asleep. She looked out the window; even the stars were lost in the dark. "Would I be able to watch sunrise today?" she asked he r heart. She knew the answer but was afraid to tell herself. Mike, her husband was still in bed and so were her four kids. Even their sleep couldn't elude her from doing them service. She had to orchestrate her work to the microscopic details. From pressin g clothes to polishing shoes, finding matching socks to arranging school bags, fixing up breakfast to preparing snack-boxes, she was unthankfully supposed to make it all happen like a magic wand. And to her own compulsory fault, she did it all; like a magic wand.Life ran like a wheel. The circle started every morning and ended up late in the night, and then morningappeared again. There was no pause, no rest, not even a slight curve to insert change. She condemned herself for not experiencing even a thought of ever getting out of this circle. She had committed herself to the orbit of life.Coming out of the bathroom, she turned and looked at her bushed face in the mirror and gasped a tired answer to her long asked question, "Never, you just keep driving in t he sunset." She shook her head to wing away those rebellious butterflies in her mind. She knew she couldn't join them so she didn't want them to hang around her either.She entered the kitchen hearing Mike, yelling in his drowsy voice for the absence of his towel in the bathroom. Her youngest daughter Karen started crying for she didn't want to go to school that day. Nicole, the eldest, couldn't help herself but to blame Daniel for the overnight fragmentation of her dollhouse. While Randal registered his pr otest from his bed that he was not going to drink milk in breakfast like every day. While in the kitchen, sugar had run out and the laundry seemed to have been breeding itself. And she was still looking for that magic wand.She never got to know when morning ran into noon; even the clock failed to tell her that. Mike left for office still screaming and shouting for his towel and the school bus only arrived after the kids had put all their stunts on the dining table. Their absence couldn't cease her work for they left their incarnations on her day. She was comparing the pile of her courage to that of the laundry when the doorbell rang. It had been so long anybody coming to their home that she had forgotten what their doorbell sounded like. She tried to guess who could it be but not a single name intervened her thoughts. She opened the door with an uncertain hope for a surprise from the blue but only found the postman standing in the door to vanish that uncertainty."Hi David! Since when did you start ringing t he doorbell?" words flew out of her mouth with their own consent."Ever since I was a kid. Only that in my childhood I would ring the bell and run away." David was one hell of a cheerful postman."But you don't need to run away now.""No, not until you have signed and received you letter." "My letter! Who could send that?""I am not sure, its someone named L.H.M. Sounds like a postgraduate degree to me.""Never mind, I'll sign it."Tanya received the letter. It was a registered letter from within the town. She wondered who could that L.H.M be. She opened the envelope and the mystery that enfolded it. The handwriting sparked a memory but she felt too overwhelmed to scrape her past. Her heartbeat started flying on butterfly wings.It wasn't just a letter with ordinary words written on a piece of paper. She could feel those words fluttering over her heart. They were telling her stories of her long lost love.My flowered wish Tanya!I once saw my home in the streets of your palm, my destiny in the smiles of your promises, and my shelter in the shadows of your eyes. I treasured all your whispers under my pillow, your fragrance in my breaths, and your name in my ears. Your face still lightens up the sky in the night, your voice still rhymes the rainfall, and your hair still soften the wind.The sun always rose from the casement of your eyes.And then, time flew you away into someone else's world. That sun vanished and ever since I haven't seen a sunrise.Life is spending me and I am aging into it. Days keep climbing the mountain of years. Moon drapes its face in the clouds and the night refuses to bring sleep onto my pillow. I fight your memories and defeat myself. The pain-waves of your absence storm through my stale heart and leave it in a vortex.Life runs like a wheel. The circle starts every morning and ends up late in the night, and then morning appears again. There is no pause, no rest, not even a slight curve to turn into a change.My face has lived with me for ten cold winters, now I want to feel the warmth of you face. Bring the sunshine of your eyes to me. Meet me while the sun sets this Sunday at the river bridgewhere days use to meet nights. My eyes will be measuring the passage until you come.LarryThe letter ended and left her standing at the door of he r time-faded memories. Larry was her classmate in college days. He lived her heart and she dreamed his eyes. They had planned to get married after graduation as soon as Larry found a good job. It took him a year to find one and this expansion of time let Mike surface. Mike was an elegant and handsome man with already a good job. He proposed Tanya and she, tired of waiting for fresh air, stepped into the clouds with Mike. Larry got a first-rate job the day Tanya got married.In next six months, Larry left the country and Tanya moved to Wisconsin. Life got busy in its details and Larry lived in her memory too much that she forgot to remember him. Mike's love scattered into his job, kids and Tanya. She did the same to him, except for the job thing. Her job was to take care of the kids and the home. "Easier said than done" she liked this phrase ever since. Her job imprisoned her wishes and she couldn't even wish for her freedom.And today, after more than ten years, a letter came into her life like a butterfly carrying on its wings words written in rainbow colors. It was Wednesday and she wished to jump over those three days into the Sunday sunset.She never got to know when the kids came back from the school and how she spent the rest of the day. The days had started flying with her. In the night she would read that letter to the moon, the stars and the breeze. She would tell them stories of her love; the first time she met Larry, her first words and her first kiss. Every inch of her memory had a bond to a whole new memory itself. Now she remembered everything; every ray the sun ever decanted on her love.Life had taken a right turn on a straight highway of routines. The orbit had finally broken. She could feel a powerful freedom that was removing those monotonous thoughts from her mind and injecting life into her veins. Life was wearing hope now.The time from Sunday morning to evening was hard tospend. Time clock was snailing out of the day and the sun got hung up in mid air. Wind stopped on the surface of water and the shadows declined to shrink. She wished time was a horse with a tail on the forehead and she would pull it from its tail. She wished time was a dry leaf and she would through it in the windstorm of her heart. She wished time was a boat and she would sail it in the river of her eyes. But today, time that had always been a teacher to her, had turn into a teaser. It wasn't breathing at all, just holding its breath and teasing her more. She wanted the time to fly and it was crawling. She tried to make herself busy in house chores but her eyes quit supporting her hands as they were still looking at the sun. And the sun also kept glaring at her, all day. Finally the sun lost the battle and started going down. From the ventilator, it had skid to the window.No one in the family felt any change in her. Mike had to go to meet a client and was quite busy looking at himself and the kids were too involved looking at the TV. It was an hour to sunset and she was ready, wearing her best dress and wrapped in her favorite fragrance. She surrendered a couple of years from her face and brought back a few young smiles onto her lips."Where are you going dear?" her preparation couldn't wage enough resistance against Mike's curiosity."Aa, well, actually I thought I would go for some shopping" she hardly uttered."Mom! I would go with you." Nicole yelled as the idea of going out had removed her attention from the TV. The rest were too absorbed they didn't even listen the conversation. "Yeah dear, why don't you take Nicole wit h you, she could be help."Tanya didn't feel comfortable having a company at that time but she didn't want to change Mike's curiosity in to suspicion so she said OK.All the way to the city center, Nicole kept telling her of all the stuff her friends had and what she wanted to buy in response. Tanya wasn't listening. She was just shaking her head in approval of whatever Nicole said. She couldn't possibly have said a word. Her heart was rumbling like a volcano,hitting the rib cage trying to get out to take a look at its long lost love.The sun was hurrying down now. She was afraid of getting late so she speeded up a little."Mom! Aren't we suppose to go to City Center?" Nicole asked seeing her turning to a different street."Yes dear but I have to take care of something important before we go shopping, all right?" she said."All right." It was OK for Nicole as long as it didn't alter their shopping plan.The bridge was getting closer and so was logic. Sanity had started penetrating her enthusiasm. The questio n of "how should I do it?" turned into "why should I do it?" The eclipse of her memories had started declining. She could see the bridge now. She stopped the car a hundred yards away from the bridge. "Honey! You stay in the car, I'll be back in a few minut es." She said to Nicole without a slight touch of emotions. She didn't wait for her answer, stepped out of the car in a mechanical way and started walking towards the bridge.Larry was standing on the corner of the bridge, with his back to her. He was looking down the bridge into the running water. She walked for a few yards and then stopped. Larry turned his face towards her. Age seemed to have worn him out. He looked tired as if he had traveled a huge mileage of years. His presence sent no waves of fresh air to clean her heart from the mist of dissatisfaction. He disappointed her again. She hoped to find a ray of hope and he disappointed her hope. She looked back towards the car at her daughter. "I have too much to lose, I don't want to lose my ten years."she decided and turned back. Larry ran after her but she had reached her car. Larry called her with a passionate cry, "Tanya!" She opened the door and sat in. Larry stopped abruptly with shock struck eyes. Tanya turned the car back."You are my wish Tanya!" Larry murmured. She stepped on the car. Larry saw her going into the sunset."Who was he mommy?" Nicole couldn't catch any idea out of it."He was a nobody my dear."。