
Negotiating Bids:尽管国内出版物常将其译为“议标”,实质上不属于招投标范畴,因为 此种采购不具备招投标活动的最基本特征。应按实定名,改译为“谈判采购”。我国招投标
技术标书the Tech ni cal Ten der,
Pre-qualificati on docume nts投标资格预审文件;
Pre-bid meeti ng:标前会,是招标人在投标人提交投标书以前组织投标人参加的项目介绍
Joi nt Ve nture:并非常说的“合资企业”,而应该指多个投标人为了满足相应资格要求而 暂时结成联营体,作为单一投标人参加投标和履行合同,合同履行完毕即解散,这种联合仅
Name of the compa ny leadi ng the Joint Venture联营体牵头公司名称
投标submission of tenders投标方,投标商ten derer, bidder投标邀请书In vitation to Bid
投标押金,押标金Bid Bo nd
投标文件tender document.
做标,编标work out ten der docume nt.
我们拟参加的投标。We wish to tender for…

国际招投标单词-英文在前tender notice招标通知bid document招标文件tenderer投标方bidder招标商Invitation to Bid投标邀请书Bid Bond投标押金,押标金tender document投标文件general conditions of tender招标条件Subject matter标的物date of the closing of tender招标截止日期tenderee招标方submission of tenders投标work out tender document做标,编标.Form of Tender投标书evaluation of bids 投标评估be willing/unwilling to participate in the bid 愿意/不愿意参加投标We wish to tender fro…我们拟参加……的投标。
We agree to abide by the conditions of Tender specified above.我们同意遵守以上规定的投标条款。
Prequalification 资格预审An inadequate(e.g. by telephone) or unresponsive quotation may be reason for rejecting the quotation不适当的(如用电话)或不负责任的报价将被拒收。
bid opening 开标has/have won the bidding in…中标the winning/successful bidder, the successful tenderer 中标者the unsuccessful tenderer 未中标者Letter of Acceptance 中标函base price limit on bids 标底bid quotation 报标evaluation of tender 评标tender discussion 议标tender decision 决标withdrawal of bid 撤标contractor 承包商requests of clarification 澄清要求late bid 迟到的标书preliminary description 初步描述preliminary design 初步设计correction of error 错误纠正single or restricted tendering 单一招标或局限性招标Cost, Insurance, and Freight, CIF 到岸价Nongovernmental organization, NGO 非政府组织Subcontractor 分包商sealing of bid 封标corruption 腐败methods of payment 付款方式terms of payment付款条件appendix 附件Ex works, Ex factory, or Off the Shelf, EXW 工厂交货价scope of works 工程范围bill of quantities 工程量清单priced bill of quantities 工程量清单报价days for construction 工期open tendering 公开招标principal place 公司总部purchase 购买fixed lump sum 固定总价eligibility criteria 合格标准eligible bidder 合格的投标人合同价格contract pricecontract amount 合同金额examination of bid 核标inquiry 询价Requisition for Inquiry 询价请求,询价单Quotation 报价Form of Quotation 报价表格submission of quotation 提交报价escalation 升价,提价confidentiality 保密性advance payment, security 保证金quotation 报价alternative bid 备选方案投标Standard Bidding Documents SBDs 标准招标文件force majeure 不可抗力procurement 采购procurement agent 采购代理procurement notice 采购公告procurement plan 采购计划procurement decision 采购决定substitution of bid 换标Free Carrier (named place),FCA 货交承运人(指定地点) list of goods 货物清单intended completion date 计划完工日期specifications 技术规范supervisor 监理inspection agent 检验代理Build, own, operate, BOO 建设-拥有-经营Build, own, operate, transfer, BOOT 建设-拥有-经营-转让Build, operate, transfer, BOT 建设-拥有-转让construction works 建筑工程delivery time 交货时间letter of acceptance 接受函deadline 截止时间deadline 截至日期requests of explanation 解释要求limited tendering 局限性招标bid opening, tender opening, opening of tender 开标place of bid opening 开标地点date of commence 开工日期United Nations, UN 联合国United Nations Development Business, UNDB 联合国发展商业报joint venture 联营体two-stage bidding 两步法招标performance security 履约保证金one bid per bidder 每投标人一标bid evaluation, evaluation of bid, tender evaluation 评标evaluation criteria 评标标准group of adjudicator, bid evaluation committee 评标委员会fraud 欺诈potential bidder 潜在的投标人construction equipment, construction plant 施工机械substantial response, be substantially responsive to 实质性响应debriefing 事后情况说明post review 事后审查prior review 事前审查applicable law 适用法律letter of authorization 授权书power of attorney 授权书(被授权人必须是律师)award of contract 授予合同alternative solution 替代方案general terms and conditions 替代建议alternative proposal 通用条款drawings图纸civil construction contractor 土建承包商date of completion, completion date 完工日期Delivered Duty Paid, DDP 完税后交货liquidated damages 违约赔偿site visit 现场参观site survey 现场查勘site management personnel 现场管理人员site technical personnel 现场技术人员Responsiveness 响应性settlement of dispute 争端解决government procurement law 政府采购法government procurement agreement 政府采购协议government procurement directives 政府采购指令direct contracting 直接签订合同award criteria 中标标准notification of award, award of tender 中标通知place of registration 注册地点Project Appraisal Document, PAD 项目评估文件project schedule 项目时间表,项目计划modification of bid 修改标书selective tendering 选择性招标Shopping 询价采购bank guarantee 银行保函response to the bidding documents 应标Limited International Bidding, LIB 有限国际招标Prepayment 预付款Carriage Paid To (named place of destination), CPT 运费付至(指定目的地)Carriage and Insurance Paid (place of destination),CIP 运费及保险费付至(目的地)bidding agency 招标代理appendix to tender 招标附录notification of bidding, tender notice 招标公告bidding no., tendering no 招标号tenderer, contracting party, contracting authority, employer 招标人bidding documents, tender documentations, tender documents 招标文件clarification of bidding documents 招标文件澄清amendment of bidding documents 招标文件修改bidding data sheet, tendering data sheet 招标资料表scope of bid 招投标范围special terms and conditions 专用条款Special Account, SA 专用账户preparation of bid, preparation of tender 准备投标书Postqualification 资格后审Prequalification 资格预审prequalified tendering 资格预审招标source of fund 资金来源qualification information 资质信息force accounting 自营工程International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank),IBRD 国际复兴开发银行(世界银行)GUIDELINES PROCUREMENT UNDER IBRD LOANS AND IDA CREDITS 国际复兴开发银行贷款和国际开发协会信贷采购指南international comparative bidding 国际竞争性招标International Development Agency,IDA 国际开发协会Gross National Product, GNP 国民生产总值National Competitive Bidding, NCB 国内竞争性招标bid security, tender security 投标保证金bid security 投标保证金cost of bidding 投标费用bid lette 投标函bid price 投标价格bidder, tenderer 投标人eligibility of bidder 投标人合格性instruction to bidders, instruction to tenderers 投标人须知qualifications of the bidder 投标人资质bid, tender 投标书clarification of bid 投标书澄清submission of bid, submission of tender投标书的提交validity of bid 投标书有效期extension of validity of bid 投标书有效期延长language of bid 投标书语言documents comprising the bid 投标书组成invitation for bids, invitation to tenders 投标邀请bid availability 投标有效性。

招标方式1.公开招标Unlimited Competitive Open Bidding2.邀请招标Limited Competitive Selected Bidding3.两阶段招标Two-stage bidding4.议标Negotiated Bidding合同类型1.总价合同Lump Sum Contract*固定总价合同Firm Lump Sum Contract*调值总价合同Escalation Lump Sum Contract*固定工程量总价合同Lump Sum on Firm Bill of Quantities Contract管理费总价合同Management Fee Lump Sum Contract2.单价合同Unit Price Contract*估计工程量单价合同Bill of Approximate Quantities Contract *纯单价合同Straight Unit Price Contract*单价与包干混合合同Unit Price and Lump Sum Items Contract *包干项目分析表Break of Lump Sum Items3.成本补偿合同Cost Reimbursement Contract/Cost Plus Fee Contract*成本加固定费用合同Cost Plus Fixed Fee Contract*成本加定比费用合同Cost Plus Percentage Fee Contract *成本加奖金合同Cost Plus Incentive Fee Contract*成本加固定最大酬金合同Cost Plus Firm?Maximum Contract*成本加保证最大酬金合同Cost Plus Guaranteed Maximum Contract*成本补偿加费用合同*工时及材料补偿合同Time and Material Reimbursement Contract招标文件的内容1.投标邀请书Invitation for Tender2.投标人须知Instruction to Tender1)总则*工程概述Description of Works*资金来源Source of Funds*资格与合格条件的要求Eligible and Qualification*投标费用Cost of Bidding*现场踏勘Site Visit2)澄清与修改*招标文件的澄清Clarification of Bidding Documents *招标文件的修改Amendment of Bidding Documents3)投标文件的编写*投标的语言Language of Bidding*组成投标的文件Document Comprising the Bid*投标报价Bid Price*投标和支付的货币Currencies of Bid and Payment*投标有效期Bid Validity*投标担保Bid Guarentee*替代方案投标Alternative Tender*标前会议Pre-Bid Meeting*投标文件的格式与签署Format and Signing of Bidding 4)投标文件的递交*投标文件的密封与印记Sealing and Marking of Bids*投标文件递交截止日期Deadline for Submission of Bidding*迟到的投标文件Late Bids*投标文件的修改和撤销Modification and Withdrawal Bids5)开标与评标*开标Bid Opening*评标过程保密Process to be Confidential*投标文件的澄清Clarification of Bidding*确定投标文件的符合性Determination of Responsiveness *错误的修正Correction of Errors*折算成一种货币Conversion to Single Currency*投标文件的评审和比较Evaluation and Comparison of Bids*本国投标人的优惠Preference for Domestic Bidders6)授予合同*授予合同的标准Award Criteria*业主有权接受任何投标和拒绝任何或所有的投标Employer's Rights to Accept any Bid and to Reject Any or All Bids *授予合同的通知Notification of Award*签订协议Signing the Agreement*履约保证Performance Security3.合同条件Conditions of Contract4.规范Specifications (Technical Specifications)5.图纸Drawings6.工程量清单Bill of Quantities*计日工Day Work*名义工程量Nominal Quantity7.投标书和投标保证格式8.补充资料表Schedules of Supplementary Information9.合同协议书Agreement10.各类保证Security*履约保证Performance Security*银行保函Band Guarantee*履约保函Performance Guarantee*无条件Unconditional有条件Conditional *履约担保Performance Bond。

招投标常用英文1. Invitation to bid (ITB) 招标邀请书2. Request for proposal (RFP) 提案请求书3. Request for quotation (RFQ) 报价请求书4. Tender 公开招标5. Bid 投标6. Proposal 提案书7. Quotation 报价单8. Contract 合同9. Terms and conditions 条款和条件10. Technical specifications 技术规格11. Scope of work 工作范围12. Bill of quantity (BOQ) 工程量清单13. Price schedule 价格表14. Award notice 中标通知书15. Bidder 投标人16. Vendor 供应商17. Contractor 承包商18. Evaluation criteria 评分标准19. Evaluation committee 评标委员会20. Bid bond 招标保证金21. Performance bond 履约保证金22. Advance payment 预付款23. Retention money 保留金24. Liquidated damages 索赔金25. Variation order 变更单26. Bill of exchange 汇票27. Letter of credit 信用证28. Bank guarantee 银行担保29. Delivery schedule 交货时间表30. Quality control 质量控制31. Inspection and testing 检验和测试32. Safety requirements 安全要求33. Environmental requirements 环境要求34. Health and safety plan 健康安全计划35. Project management plan 项目管理计划36. Contract management 合同管理37. Milestone 里程碑38. Performance indicators 绩效指标39. Procurement strategy 采购策略40. Risk assessment 风险评估41. Conflict of interest 利益冲突42. Transparency 透明度43. Accountability 责任制44. Fairness 公平性45. Non-discrimination 非歧视性46. Freedom of competition 竞争自由47. Intellectual property rights 知识产权48. Technical assistance 技术支持49. Training 培训50. Sustainability 可持续性51. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) 公司社会责任52. Ethical standards 道德标准53. Anti-corruption measures 反腐措施54. Compliance 遵从55. Confidentiality 保密56. Intellectual property rights infringement 知识产权侵权57. Force majeure 不可抗力58. Default 违约59. Arbitration 仲裁60. Litigation 诉讼61. Termination 终止62. Suspension 中止63. Extension 延期64. Liquidation 清算65. Consultancy 咨询66. Design 设计67. Engineering 工程68. Construction 施工69. Commissioning 调试70. Operation 运营71. Maintenance 维护72. Repair 修理73. Renovation 翻新74. Refurbishment 改造75. Demolition 拆除76. Site investigation 现场调查77. Feasibility study 可行性研究78. Environmental impact assessment 环境影响评价79. Project appraisal 项目评估80. Cost estimation 成本估算81. Financial analysis 财务分析82. Risk management 风险管理83. Project financing 项目融资84. Project monitoring 项目监测85. Project evaluation 项目评价86. Design-build 设计施工一体化87. Build-operate-transfer (BOT) 建设-经营-转让模式88. Public-private partnership (PPP) 公私合作模式89. EPC (Engineering, Procurement, and Construction) 工程,采购和施工模式90. Turnkey 报价包干91. Joint venture 合资企业92. Consortium 联合体93. Partnership 合作伙伴关系94. Collaborative approach 合作方法95. Value engineering 价值工程96. Lean construction 精益建设97. Total quality management (TQM) 全面质量管理98. Six Sigma (6σ) 六西格玛99. Kaizen (Continuous Improvement) 改善活动100. Balanced scorecard 平衡计分卡。

Tender 投标书,例如Form of Tender 投标书格式
Tendering and Bidding 招投标 Note; 不要把望文生义,把tendering(tender)与招标,bidding与投标直接建立完全对等的关系,实际上两个词存在大量混用的情况,有人提出是英式英语和美式英语的区别,对此无从考证,但是在实践中不要把这两个词的词义绝对话就对了。
中标者 the winning/successful bidder, the successful tenderer
未中标者 the unsuccessful tenderer
中标函 Letter of Acceptance
( | 招投标法律网 | 2006-09-29 14:13:48 )
Instructions to Tenderers 投标人须知 Note; 这里的Tenderer是投标人,因为不论是公开招标还是邀请招标,不论是国际招标还是国内招标,潜在的投标人和投标人都不是唯一的,所以取复数形式,细节决定成败,合同条款中的单复数更应当注意。
Tender Drawings,招标图纸,说明同上。
Bid Bond, 投标保证金,Note;“投标”在不同的用法中对应不同的单词。有时候不是语法和逻辑在起作用,正确使用和翻译取决于经验和积累。

招标英语词汇标的物Subject matter招标通告call for bid招标通知tender notice招标文件bid documents招标条件general conditions of tender招标截止日期date of the closing of tender招标方tenderer投标submission of tenders投标方,投标商tenderer,bidder投标邀请书Invitation to Bid投标押金,押标金Bid Bond投标文件tender documents做标,编标work out tender documents投标书Form of Tender投标评估evaluation of bids愿意/不愿意参加投标be wi11ing/unwilling to participate in the bid我们拟参加…的投标。
We wish to tender fro…我们同意遵守以上规定的投标条款。
We agree to abide by the conditions of Tender specified above.资格预审prequalification询价inquiry询价请求,询价单Requisition for Inquiry报价quotation报价表格Form of Quotation提交报价submission of quotation升价,提价escalation不适当的(如用电话)或不负责任的报价将被拒收。
An inadequate(e.g.by telephone)or unresponsive quotation may be reason for rejecting the quotation标底base price limit on bids报标bid quotation评标evaluation of tender议标tender discussion决标tender decision开标bid opening中标has/have won the bidding in…中标者the winning/successful bidder,the successful tenderer未中标者the unsuccessful tenderer中标函Letter of Acceptance招标英语词汇(摘)2010-04-14 17:27标的物Subject matter招标通告call for bid招标通知tender notice招标文件bid documents招标条件general conditions of tender招标截止日期date of the closing of tender 招标方tenderer投标submission of tenders投标方,投标商tenderer,bidder投标邀请书Invitation to Bid投标押金,押标金Bid Bond投标文件tender documents做标,编标work out tender documents投标书Form of Tender投标评估evaluation of bids愿意/不愿意参加投标be wi11ing/unwilling to participate in the bid三人行英语我们拟参加…的投标。
常见招投标中英文对照汇总常见招投标中英文对照汇总1. 招标投标相关词汇在招标投标过程中,会涉及到许多中英文对照的词汇,下面是一些常见的招标投标词汇的中英文对照汇总:- 招标 (Tender)- 投标 (Bid)- 招标文件 (Tender documents)- 招标公告 (Tender notice)- 投标人 (Bidder)- 招标文件费 (Tender document fee)- 投标保证金 (Bid bond)- 投标文件 (Bid document)- 报价 (Quotation)- 中标 (Winning bid)- 中标通知书 (Letter of acceptance)- 中标公告 (Award notice)- 招标人 (Tenderer)- 招标代理机构 (Tender agency)2. 招标文件的组成部分招标文件是招标人向潜在投标人发出的文件,用于说明招标人的需求和要求,其组成包括但不限于以下几个部分:- 项目概况 (Project overview)- 投标要求 (Bidding requirements)- 投标程序 (Bidding procedure)- 投标文件的准备和提交要求 (Preparation and submission requirements of bid documents)- 技术规范 (Technical specifications)- 合同条款 (Contract terms)- 评标标准 (Evaluation criteria)- 费用预算 (Budget)3. 招标投标的流程招标投标的流程可以大致分为以下几个步骤:1. 招标公告的发布:招标人发布招标公告,通知潜在投标人有关投标项目的信息。
2. 投标文件的准备:潜在投标人根据招标文件的要求,准备投标文件。
3. 投标文件的递交:潜在投标人将准备好的投标文件提交给招标人设定的递交地点和时间。

标的物Subject matter招标通告call for bid招标通知tender notice招标文件bid documents招标条件general conditions of tender招标截止日期date of the closing of tender招标方tenderer投标submission of tenders投标方,投标商tenderer, bidder投标邀请书Invitation to Bid投标押金,押标金Bid Bond投标文件tender documents做标,编标work out tender documents投标书Form of Tender投标评估evaluation of bids愿意/不愿意参加投标be wi11ing/unwilling to participate in the bid我们拟参加……的投标。
We wish to tender fro…我们同意遵守以上规定的投标条款.We agree to abide by the conditions of Tender specified above。
资格预审prequalification询价inquiry询价请求,询价单Requisition for Inquiry报价quotation报价表格Form of Quotation提交报价submission of quotation升价,提价escalation不适当的(如用电话)或不负责任的报价将被拒收。
An inadequate(e.g. by telephone) or unresponsive quotation may be reason for rejecting the quotation标底base price limit on bids报标bid quotation评标evaluation of tender议标tender discussion决标tender decision开标bid opening中标has/have won the bidding in …中标者the winning/successful bidder,the successful tenderer未中标者the unsuccessful tenderer中标函Letter of Acceptance保密性 confidentiality保证金 advance payment, security报价 quotation备选方案投标 alternative bid标准招标文件 Standard Bidding Documents SBDs不可抗力 force majeure采购 procurement采购代理 procurement agent采购公告 procurement notice采购计划 procurement plan采购决定 procurement decision撤标 withdrawal of bid承包商 contractor澄清要求 requests of clarification迟到的标书 late bid初步描述 preliminary description初步设计 preliminary design错误纠正 correction of error单一招标或局限性招标 single or restricted tendering 到岸价 Cost,Insurance,and Freight, CIF非政府组织 Nongovernmental organization,NGO 分包商 subcontractor封标 sealing of bid腐败 corruption付款方式 methods of payment付款条件 terms of payment附件 appendix工厂交货价Ex works, Ex factory, or Off the Shelf,EXW工程范围 scope of works工程量清单 bill of quantities工程量清单报价 priced bill of quantities工期 days for construction公开招标 open tendering公司总部 principal place购买 purchase固定总价 fixed lump sum国际复兴开发银行(世界银行) International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank),IBRD国际复兴开发银行贷款和国际开发协会信贷采购指南 GUIDELINES PROCUREMENT UNDER IBRD LOANS AND IDA CREDITS国际竞争性招标 international comparative bidding国际开发协会 International Development Agency,IDA国民生产总值 Gross National Product,GNP国内竞争性招标 National Competitive Bidding,NCB合格标准 eligibility criteria合格的投标人 eligible bidder合同价格 contract price合同金额 contract amount核标 examination of bid换标 substitution of bid货交承运人(指定地点) Free Carrier (named place),FCA货物清单 list of goods计划完工日期 intended completion date技术规范 specifications监理 supervisor检验代理 inspection agent建设-拥有-经营 Build,own, operate, BOO建设-拥有-经营-转让 Build,own,operate, transfer,BOOT 建设-拥有-转让 Build, operate,transfer, BOT建筑工程 construction works交货时间 delivery time接受函 letter of acceptance截止时间 deadline截至日期 deadline解释要求 requests of explanation局限性招标 limited tendering开标 bid opening, tender opening,opening of tender开标地点 place of bid opening开工日期 date of commence联合国 United Nations, UN联合国发展商业报 United Nations Development Business,UNDB 联营体 joint venture两步法招标 two—stage bidding履约保证金 performance security每投标人一标 one bid per bidder评标 bid evaluation, evaluation of bid,tender evaluation评标标准 evaluation criteria评标委员会 group of adjudicator,bid evaluation committee欺诈 fraud潜在的投标人 potential bidder施工机械 construction equipment, construction plant实质性响应 substantial response, be substantially responsive to事后情况说明 debriefing事后审查 post review事前审查 prior review适用法律 applicable law授权书 letter of authorization授权书(被授权人必须是律师)power of attorney授予合同 award of contract替代方案 alternative solution替代建议 alternative proposal通用条款 general terms and conditions投标保证金 bid security,tender security投标保证金 bid security投标费用 cost of bidding投标函 bid letter投标价格 bid price投标人 bidder, tenderer投标人合格性 eligibility of bidder投标人须知 instruction to bidders,instruction to tenderers 投标人资质 qualifications of the bidder投标书 bid, tender投标书澄清 clarification of bid投标书的提交 submission of bid, submission of tender投标书有效期 validity of bid投标书有效期延长 extension of validity of bid投标书语言 language of bid投标书组成 documents comprising the bid投标邀请 invitation for bids,invitation to tenders投标有效性 bid availability图纸 drawings土建承包商 civil construction contractor完工日期 date of completion,completion date完税后交货 Delivered Duty Paid, DDP违约赔偿 liquidated damages现场参观 site visit现场查勘 site survey现场管理人员 site management personnel现场技术人员 site technical personnel响应性 responsiveness项目评估文件 Project Appraisal Document,PAD项目时间表,项目计划 project schedule修改标书 modification of bid选择性招标 selective tendering询价采购 shopping银行保函 bank guarantee应标 response to the bidding documents有限国际招标 Limited International Bidding,LIB预付款 prepayment运费付至(指定目的地) Carriage Paid To (named place of destination),CPT运费及保险费付至(目的地) Carriage and Insurance Paid (place of destination),CIP 招标代理 bidding agency招标附录 appendix to tender招标公告 notification of bidding,tender notice招标号 bidding no., tendering no.招标人 tenderer,contracting party, contracting authority,employer招标文件 bidding documents,tender documentations,tender documents 招标文件澄清 clarification of bidding documents招标文件修改 amendment of bidding documents招标资料表 bidding data sheet,tendering data sheet招投标范围 scope of bid争端解决 settlement of dispute政府采购法 government procurement law政府采购协议 government procurement agreement政府采购指令 government procurement directives直接签订合同 direct contracting中标标准 award criteria中标通知 notification of award, award of tender注册地点 place of registration专用条款 special terms and conditions专用账户 Special Account, SA准备投标书 preparation of bid,preparation of tender资格后审 postqualification资格预审 prequalification资格预审招标 prequalified tendering资金来源 source of fund资质信息 qualification information自营工程 force accounting。

招投标常用英语Tendering is a crucial process in business, especially in the construction and procurement industries. It involves the bidding process, where companies submit their proposals to win contracts and projects. To effectively participate in the bidding process, it is important to understand and use common English terms and phrases related to tendering. In this article, we will explore and discuss some commonly used English terms in the field of tendering.1. Invitation to Tender (ITT)The Invitation to Tender is a formal document issued by the project owner or client, inviting potential bidders to submit their proposals for a specific project or contract. The ITT outlines the project details, requirements, evaluation criteria, and submission deadlines.2. Request for Proposal (RFP)Similar to the ITT, the Request for Proposal is another document used to invite bidders to submit their proposals. An RFP provides more flexibility and allows bidders to propose their own solutions or approaches to fulfill the project requirements.3. Expression of Interest (EOI)An Expression of Interest is a preliminary document submitted by a company to show their interest in participating in a bidding process. It provides an overview of the company's capacity, experience, and capabilities, without going into detailed project-specific proposals.4. Pre-qualification Questionnaire (PQQ)The Pre-qualification Questionnaire is used to assess the capability and suitability of potential bidders before they are invited to submit their proposals. It typically includes questions related to the company's financial stability, previous experience, expertise, and resources.5. Technical SpecificationThe Technical Specification is a document that outlines the technical requirements and specifications of the project or contract. It provides detailed information on the standards, materials, methods, and design criteria that bidders need to meet.6. Bill of Quantities (BOQ)The Bill of Quantities is a detailed list of all the items, materials, and quantities required for the project. It helps bidders to accurately estimate costs and prepare their pricing proposals.7. Evaluation CriteriaEvaluation Criteria are the standards and factors used to assess and compare proposals submitted by bidders. Common evaluation criteria include price, technical capability, relevant experience, project schedule, quality management, and environmental considerations.8. Letter of Intent (LOI)A Letter of Intent is a non-binding document issued by the project owner to inform a bidder that their proposal has been selected as the preferredchoice. It indicates the intention to award the contract, subject to further negotiations and agreement on the terms and conditions.9. Financial ProposalThe Financial Proposal is a component of the bidding document where bidders provide details of their pricing, cost breakdowns, payment terms, and any other financial requirements. This allows the project owner to evaluate the competitiveness and affordability of each bid.10. Award of ContractThe Award of Contract refers to the process of selecting a winning bidder and officially awarding the contract or project to them. It involves signing a formal agreement that outlines the rights, obligations, and terms of the contract.Conclusion:Understanding and using the correct English terms and phrases in the tendering process is essential for effectively participating in the competitive bidding process. Familiarity with these commonly used terms will help both buyers and sellers navigate through the complex process and communicate clearly and accurately.。

招标人Tenderee投标人Tenderer招标IFB (Invitation for bid); public bidding;履约保函Performance security投标保函Bid security标的物Subject matter招标通告Tender Announcement投标邀请书Invitation to Bid招标通知Tender notice招标文件Bid document招标条件General conditions of Tender招标截止日期Closing date for the Tender; deadline for the Tender Submission;投标submission of the Tender; to submit the Tender投标方,投标商the Tenderer, the Bidder投标押金,押标金Bid Bond投标文件tender document.做标,编标Develop or prepare the Tender Documents.投标书the Form of Tender投标评估Evaluation of Bids愿意/不愿意参加投标be willing/unwilling to participate in the bid我们拟参加……的投标We wish to tender for…我们同意遵守以上规定的投标条款。
We agree to abide by or subject to the conditions of Tenderset forth hereinabove.资格预审prequalification询价inquiry询价请求,询价单Request or Requisition for Inquiry报价quotation报价表格Form of Quotation提交报价submission of quotation升价,提价Price increase or increase in price不适当的(如用电话)或不负责任的报价将被拒收。

招投标英文词汇招投标英文词汇This document provides a comprehensive list of English vocabulary related to bidding and tendering processes. It ms to assist individuals in understanding and communicating effectively in the field of bidding and tendering. The vocabulary is organized into various sections for easy navigation.Section 1: General Terms1. Bidding: The process of submitting a proposal or offer in response to a tender or request for proposal.2. Tender: An invitation to submit a proposal for a specific project or supply of goods/services.3. Request for Proposal (RFP): A document outlining the requirements and expectations for a project, inviting suppliers to submit proposals.4. Request for Quotation (RFQ): A document requesting suppliers to provide pricing information for specific goods/services.5. Procurement: The process of acquiring goods/services, including tendering, contract negotiation, and contract management.6. Contract: A legally binding agreement between the buyer and the supplier specifying terms, conditions, and obligations.7. Evaluation Criteria: The factors used to assess and compare bids/proposals, such as price, quality, experience, and delivery time.8. Bidder: An organization or individual participatingin the bidding process.9. Contractor: The successful bidder who is awarded the contract.10. Technical Specification: Detled requirements and technical specifications for the project or goods/services.Section 2: Bidding Process1. Pre-qualification: The initial stage of bidding process that assesses the capability of bidders to meet the requirements.2. Invitation to Bid (ITB): A formal invitation to potential bidders to submit bids according to the specified terms.3. Pre-bid Meeting: A meeting held before the bid submission deadline to clarify any doubts and answerbidder's questions.4. Bid Security: A financial guarantee submitted by the bidder to assure their commitment to the bid.5. Bid Opening: The official process where bids are publicly opened and read aloud.6. Consortium: A group of organizations jointly submitting a bid.7. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD): A security deposit submitted by the bidder to demonstrate their seriousness and commitment.8. Letter of Intent (LOI): A document stating the intention to award the contract to a specific bidder.9. Performance Bond: A guarantee provided by the contractor to assure the completion of the project as per the contract.10. Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA): A legally binding agreement to protect confidential information shared during the bidding process.Section 3: Contract Terms1. Scope of Work: A detled description of the work to be performed under the contract.2. Delivery Schedule: The timeline or milestones for the delivery of goods or completion of the project.3. Force Majeure: Unforeseeable circumstances that prevent the fulfillment of contractual obligations.4. Liquidated Damages: Pre-determined financial penalties for delays or flure to meet contract terms.5. Warranty: A guarantee provided by thesupplier/contractor on the quality and performance of goods/services.6. Termination: The act of ending a contract before its completion, often due to non-compliance or mutual agreement.7. Variation Order: An authorized change ormodification to the original contract terms.8. Intellectual Property Rights (IPR): Legal rights protecting the creations or inventions of individuals or organizations.9. Indemnity: Compensation or protection provided to one party agnst losses or damages caused by the other party.10. Dispute Resolution: The process for resolving conflicts or disputes that may arise during the contract.Section 4: Financial Terms1. Price Schedule: A breakdown of the cost forgoods/services specified in the bid.2. Unit Price: The cost per unit of a product or service.3. Bill of Quantities (BOQ): A detled list of the quantities and specifications of items required for a project.4. Cost Estimation: The process of calculating thetotal cost of a project or service.5. Payment Terms: The agreed-upon schedule and method for making payments.6. Retention: A portion of the payment withheld temporarily to ensure the contractor's compliance with the contract.7. Escalation Clause: A provision in the contract that allows for adjustments to the contract price based on changes in certn costs.8. Value Added Tax (VAT): A consumption tax added to the price of goods/services in many countries.9. Invoicing: The process of presenting a bill or invoice for payment.10. Payment Milestones: Specific stages or events upon which payments are due.Section 5: Documentation1. Technical Proposal: A document that describes the bidder's technical approach or solution.2. Financial Proposal: A document outlining the financial aspects of the bid, including pricing and payment terms.3. Bid Evaluation Report: A document summarizing the evaluation process, results, and recommendation for awarding the contract.4. Contract Agreement: The formal document that establishes the rights, obligations, and terms of the contract.5. Amendment: A document that modifies or supplements the original contract.6. Minutes of Meeting: A written record of discussions, decisions, and actions taken during a meeting.7. Non-Responsive Bid: A bid that fls to comply with the requirements outlined in the tender documents.8. Technical Evaluation: The assessment of bids based on technical compliance with the requirements.9. Financial Evaluation: The assessment of bids based on financial viability and value for money.10. Evaluation Matrix: A tool used to compare and score bids agnst evaluation criteria.Please note that this document is intended as a guide and is not exhaustive. Additional terms and concepts may be encountered in specific bidding and tendering processes.Attachments:No attachments are included in this document.Legal Terms and Definitions:1. Force Majeure: An unforeseeable event that prevents the parties from fulfilling their contractual obligations.2. Liquidated Damages: Pre-determined compensation for specific breaches of contract.3. Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA): A contract prohibiting the disclosure of confidential information.4. Intellectual Property Rights (IPR): Legal rights governing the protection of creations or inventions.5. Indemnity: Compensation or protection agnst losses or damages.6. Variation Order: An authorized change ormodification to the original contract terms.7. Termination: The act of ending or canceling a contract before its completion.8. Dispute Resolution: The process of resolving conflicts or disputes through negotiation, mediation, or litigation.9. Retention: A portion of payment withheld until the completion of the contract.10. Value Added Tax (VAT): A consumption tax added to the price of goods and services.。

标的物Subject matter招标通告call for bid招标通知tender notice招标文件bid documents招标条件general conditions of tender招标截止日期date of the closing of tender招标方tenderer投标submission of tenders投标方,投标商tenderer, bidder投标邀请书Invitation to Bid投标押金,押标金Bid Bond投标文件tender documents做标,编标work out tender documents投标书Form of Tender投标评估evaluation of bids愿意/不愿意参加投标be wi11ing/unwilling to participate in the bid我们拟参加……的投标。
We wish to tender fro…我们同意遵守以上规定的投标条款。
We agree to abide by the conditions of Tender specified above.资格预审prequalification询价inquiry询价请求,询价单Requisition for Inquiry报价quotation报价表格Form of Quotation提交报价submission of quotation升价,提价escalation不适当的(如用电话)或不负责任的报价将被拒收。
An inadequate(e.g. by telephone) or unresponsive quotation may be reason for rejecting the quotation标底base price limit on bids报标bid quotation评标evaluation of tender议标tender discussion决标tender decision开标bid opening中标has/have won the bidding in …中标者the winning/successful bidder, the successful tenderer未中标者the unsuccessful tenderer中标函Letter of Acceptance保密性 confidentiality 保证金 advance payment, security报价 quotation备选方案投标 alternative bid标准招标文件 Standard Bidding Documents SBDs不可抗力 force majeure采购 procurement采购代理 procurement agent采购公告 procurement notice采购计划 procurement plan采购决定 procurement decision撤标 withdrawal of bid承包商 contractor澄清要求 requests of clarification迟到的标书 late bid初步描述 preliminary description初步设计 preliminary design错误纠正 correction of error单一招标或局限性招标 single or restricted tendering 到岸价 Cost, Insurance, and Freight, CIF非政府组织 Nongovernmental organization, NGO分包商 subcontractor封标 sealing of bid腐败 corruption付款方式 methods of payment付款条件 terms of payment附件 appendix工厂交货价Ex works, Ex factory, or Off the Shelf, EXW工程范围 scope of works工程量清单 bill of quantities工程量清单报价 priced bill of quantities工期 days for construction公开招标 open tendering公司总部 principal place购买 purchase固定总价 fixed lump sum国际复兴开发银行(世界银行) International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank),IBRD国际复兴开发银行贷款和国际开发协会信贷采购指南 GUIDELINES PROCUREMENT UNDER IBRD LOANS AND IDA CREDITS国际竞争性招标 international comparative bidding国际开发协会 International Development Agency,IDA国民生产总值 Gross National Product, GNP国内竞争性招标 National Competitive Bidding, NCB合格标准 eligibility criteria合格的投标人 eligible bidder合同价格 contract price合同金额 contract amount核标 examination of bid换标 substitution of bid货交承运人(指定地点) Free Carrier (named place),FCA货物清单 list of goods计划完工日期 intended completion date技术规范 specifications监理 supervisor检验代理 inspection agent建设-拥有-经营 Build, own, operate, BOO建设-拥有-经营-转让 Build, own, operate, transfer, BOOT 建设-拥有-转让 Build, operate, transfer, BOT建筑工程 construction works交货时间 delivery time接受函 letter of acceptance截止时间 deadline截至日期 deadline解释要求 requests of explanation局限性招标 limited tendering开标 bid opening, tender opening, opening of tender开标地点 place of bid opening开工日期 date of commence联合国 United Nations, UN联合国发展商业报 United Nations Development Business, UNDB 联营体 joint venture两步法招标 two-stage bidding履约保证金 performance security每投标人一标 one bid per bidder评标 bid evaluation, evaluation of bid, tender evaluation评标标准 evaluation criteria评标委员会 group of adjudicator, bid evaluation committee欺诈 fraud潜在的投标人 potential bidder施工机械 construction equipment, construction plant实质性响应 substantial response, be substantially responsive to 事后情况说明 debriefing事后审查 post review事前审查 prior review适用法律 applicable law授权书 letter of authorization授权书(被授权人必须是律师)power of attorney授予合同 award of contract替代方案 alternative solution替代建议 alternative proposal通用条款 general terms and conditions投标保证金 bid security, tender security投标保证金 bid security投标费用 cost of bidding投标函 bid letter投标价格 bid price投标人 bidder, tenderer投标人合格性 eligibility of bidder投标人须知 instruction to bidders, instruction to tenderers 投标人资质 qualifications of the bidder投标书 bid, tender投标书澄清 clarification of bid投标书的提交 submission of bid, submission of tender投标书有效期 validity of bid投标书有效期延长 extension of validity of bid投标书语言 language of bid投标书组成 documents comprising the bid投标邀请 invitation for bids, invitation to tenders投标有效性 bid availability图纸 drawings土建承包商 civil construction contractor完工日期 date of completion, completion date完税后交货 Delivered Duty Paid, DDP违约赔偿 liquidated damages现场参观 site visit现场查勘 site survey现场管理人员 site management personnel现场技术人员 site technical personnel响应性 responsiveness项目评估文件 Project Appraisal Document, PAD项目时间表,项目计划 project schedule修改标书 modification of bid选择性招标 selective tendering询价采购 shopping银行保函 bank guarantee应标 response to the bidding documents有限国际招标 Limited International Bidding, LIB预付款 prepayment运费付至(指定目的地) Carriage Paid To (named place of destination), CPT运费及保险费付至(目的地) Carriage and Insurance Paid (place of destination),CIP 招标代理 bidding agency招标附录 appendix to tender招标公告 notification of bidding, tender notice招标号 bidding no., tendering no.招标人 tenderer, contracting party, contracting authority, employer招标文件 bidding documents, tender documentations, tender documents 招标文件澄清 clarification of bidding documents招标文件修改 amendment of bidding documents招标资料表 bidding data sheet, tendering data sheet招投标范围 scope of bid争端解决 settlement of dispute政府采购法 government procurement law政府采购协议 government procurement agreement政府采购指令 government procurement directives直接签订合同 direct contracting中标标准 award criteria中标通知 notification of award, award of tender注册地点 place of registration专用条款 special terms and conditions专用账户 Special Account, SA准备投标书 preparation of bid, preparation of tender资格后审 postqualification资格预审 prequalification资格预审招标 prequalified tendering资金来源 source of fund资质信息 qualification information自营工程 force accounting。

开标bid opening, tender opening, opening of tender开标地点place of bid opening开工日期date of commence联合国United Nations, UN联合国发展商业报United Nations Development Business, UNDB联营体joint venture两步法招标two-stage bidding履约保证金performance security每投标人一标one bid per bidder评标bid evaluation, evaluation of bid, tender evaluation评标标准evaluation criteria评标委员会group of adjudicator, bid evaluation committee欺诈fraud潜在的投标人potential bidder施工机械construction equipment, construction plant实质性响应substantial response, be substantially responsive to 事后情况说明debriefing事后审查 post review事前审查prior review适用法律applicable law授权书letter of authorization授权书(被授权人必须是律师)power of attorney授予合同award of contract替代方案alternative solution替代建议alternative proposal通用条款general terms and conditions投标保证金bid security, tender security投标保证金bid security投标费用cost of bidding投标函bid letter投标价格bid price投标人bidder, tenderer投标人合格性eligibility of bidder投标人须知instruction to bidders, instruction to tenderers 投标人资质qualifications of the bidder投标书bid, tender投标书澄清clarification of bid投标书的提交submission of bid, submission of tender投标书有效期validity of bid投标书有效期延长extension of validity of bid投标书语言language of bid投标书组成documents comprising the bid投标邀请invitation for bids, invitation to tenders 投标有效性bid availability图纸drawings土建承包商 civil construction contractor完工日期date of completion, completion date完税后交货Delivered Duty Paid, DDP违约赔偿liquidated damages现场参观site visit现场查勘site survey现场管理人员site management personnel现场技术人员site technical personnel响应性responsiveness项目评估文件Project Appraisal Document, PAD项目时间表,项目计划project schedule修改标书modification of bid选择性招标selective tendering询价采购shopping银行保函bank guarantee应标response to the bidding documents有限国际招标Limited International Bidding, LIB预付款prepayment运费付至(指定目的地) Carriage Paid T o(named place of destination), CPT 运费及保险费付至(目的地) Carriage and Insurance Paid (place of destination),CIP招标代理bidding agency招标附录appendix to tender招标公告 notification of bidding, tender notice招标号 bidding no., tendering no.招标人tenderer, contracting party, contracting authority, employer招标文件bidding documents, tender documentations, tender documents 招标文件澄清clarification of bidding documents招标文件修改amendment of bidding documents招标资料表bidding data sheet, tendering data sheet招投标范围scope of bid争端解决settlement of dispute政府采购法government procurement law政府采购协议government procurement agreement政府采购指令government procurement directives直接签订合同direct contracting中标标准award criteria中标通知notification of award, award of tender注册地点place of registration专用条款special terms and conditions专用账户Special Account, SA准备投标书preparation of bid, preparation of tender 资格后审postqualification资格预审prequalification资格预审招标prequalified tendering资金来源source of fund资质信息qualification information自营工程force accounting。

招投标常用英语 Revised as of 23 November 2020标的物 Subject matter招标通告 call for bid招标通知 tender notice招标文件 bid documents招标条件 general conditions of tender招标截止日期 date of the closing of tender招标方 tenderer投标 submission of tenders投标方,投标商tenderer, bidder投标邀请书 Invitation to Bid投标押金,押标金 Bid Bond投标文件 tender documents做标,编标 work out tender documents投标书 Form of Tender投标评估 evaluation of bids愿意/不愿意参加投标be wi11ing/unwilling to participate in the bid我们拟参加……的投标。
We wish to tender fro…我们同意遵守以上规定的投标条款。
We agree to abide by the conditions of Tender specified above.资格预审 prequalification询价 inquiry询价请求,询价单 Requisition for Inquiry报价 quotation报价表格 Form of Quotation提交报价 submission of quotation升价,提价 escalation不适当的(如用电话)或不负责任的报价将被拒收。
An inadequate. by telephone) or unresponsive quotation may be reason for rejecting the quotation 标底 base price limit on bids 报标 bid quotation 评标 evaluation of tender 议标 tender discussion 决标 tender decision 开标 bid opening 中标has/have won the bidding in … 中标者 the winning/successful bidder, the successful tenderer 未中标者 the unsuccessful tenderer 中标函 Letter of Acceptance保密性confidentiality 保证金advance payment, security报价quotation备选方案投标alternative bid 标准招标文件Standard Bidding Documents SBDs不可抗力force majeure采购procurement采购代理procurement agent采购公告procurement notice采购计划procurement plan采购决定procurement decision撤标withdrawal of bid承包商contractor澄清要求requests of clarification迟到的标书late bid初步描述preliminary description初步设计preliminary design错误纠正correction of error单一招标或局限性招标single or restricted tendering到岸价Cost, Insurance, and Freight, CIF非政府组织Nongovernmental organization, NGO分包商subcontractor封标sealing of bid腐败corruption付款方式methods of payment付款条件terms of payment附件appendix工厂交货价 Ex works, Ex factory,or Off the Shelf, EXW工程范围scope of works工程量清单bill of quantities工程量清单报价priced bill of quantities工期days for construction公开招标open tendering公司总部principal place购买purchase固定总价fixed lump sum国际复兴开发银行(世界银行) International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank),IBRD国际复兴开发银行贷款和国际开发协会信贷采购指南GUIDELINES PROCUREMENT UNDER IBRD LOANS AND IDA CREDITS国际竞争性招标international comparative bidding国际开发协会International Development Agency,IDA国民生产总值Gross National Product, GNP国内竞争性招标National Competitive Bidding, NCB合格标准eligibility criteria合格的投标人eligible bidder合同价格contract price合同金额contract amount核标examination of bid换标substitution of bid货交承运人(指定地点) Free Carrier (named place),FCA货物清单list of goods计划完工日期intended completion date技术规范specifications监理supervisor检验代理inspection agent建设-拥有-经营Build, own, operate, BOO建设-拥有-经营-转让Build, own, operate, transfer, BOOT建设-拥有-转让Build, operate, transfer, BOT建筑工程construction works交货时间delivery time接受函letter of acceptance截止时间deadline截至日期deadline解释要求requests of explanation局限性招标limited tendering开标bid opening, tender opening, opening of tender开标地点place of bid opening开工日期date of commence联合国United Nations, UN联合国发展商业报United Nations Development Business, UNDB联营体joint venture两步法招标two-stage bidding履约保证金performance security每投标人一标one bid per bidder评标bid evaluation, evaluation of bid, tender evaluation评标标准evaluation criteria评标委员会group of adjudicator, bid evaluation committee欺诈fraud潜在的投标人potential bidder施工机械construction equipment, construction plant实质性响应substantial response, be substantially responsive to事后情况说明debriefing事后审查post review事前审查prior review适用法律applicable law授权书letter of authorization授权书(被授权人必须是律师)power of attorney授予合同award of contract替代方案alternative solution替代建议alternative proposal通用条款general terms and conditions投标保证金bid security, tender security投标保证金bid security投标费用cost of bidding投标函bid letter投标价格bid price投标人bidder, tenderer投标人合格性eligibility of bidder投标人须知instruction to bidders, instruction to tenderers投标人资质qualifications of the bidder投标书bid, tender投标书澄清clarification of bid投标书的提交submission of bid, submission of tender投标书有效期validity of bid投标书有效期延长extension of validity of bid投标书语言language of bid投标书组成documents comprising the bid投标邀请invitation for bids, invitation to tenders投标有效性bid availability图纸drawings土建承包商civil construction contractor完工日期date of completion, completion date完税后交货Delivered Duty Paid, DDP违约赔偿liquidated damages现场参观site visit现场查勘site survey 现场管理人员site management personnel现场技术人员site technical personnel响应性responsiveness项目评估文件Project Appraisal Document, PAD项目时间表,项目计划project schedule修改标书modification of bid选择性招标selective tendering询价采购shopping银行保函bank guarantee应标response to the bidding documents有限国际招标Limited International Bidding, LIB预付款prepayment运费付至(指定目的地) Carriage Paid To (named place of destination), CPT运费及保险费付至(目的地) Carriage and Insurance Paid (place of destination),CIP招标代理bidding agency招标附录appendix to tender招标公告notification of bidding, tender notice招标号bidding no., tendering no.招标人tenderer, contracting party, contracting authority, employer招标文件bidding documents, tender documentations, tender documents招标文件澄清clarification of bidding documents招标文件修改amendment of bidding documents招标资料表bidding data sheet, tendering data sheet招投标范围scope of bid争端解决settlement of dispute政府采购法government procurement law政府采购协议government procurement agreement政府采购指令government procurement directives直接签订合同direct contracting中标标准award criteria中标通知notificationof award, award of tender注册地点place of registration专用条款special terms and conditions专用账户Special Account, SA准备投标书preparation of bid, preparation of tender资格后审postqualification资格预审prequalification资格预审招标prequalified tendering资金来源source of fund资质信息qualification information自营工程force accounting。

招投标常用英语(2009-08-03 11:00:03)转载▼标签:标书投标招标英文杂谈招标人Tenderee投标人Tenderer招标IFB (Invitation for bid); public bidding;履约保函Performance security投标保函Bid security标的物 Subject matter招标通告 Tender Announcement投标邀请书 Invitation to Bid招标通知 Tender notice招标文件 Bid document招标条件 General conditions of Tender招标截止日期 Closing date for the Tender; deadline for the Tender Submission; 投标 submission of the Tender; to submit the Tender投标方,投标商 the Tenderer, the Bidder投标押金,押标金 Bid Bond投标文件 tender document.做标,编标 Develop or prepare the Tender Documents.投标书 the Form of Tender投标评估 uation of Bids愿意/不愿意参加投标be wi11ing/unwilling to participate in the bid我们拟参加……的投标。
We wish to tender for…我们同意遵守以上规定的投标条款。
We agree to abide by or subject to the conditions of Tender set forth hereinabove. 资格预审 prequalification询价 inquiry询价请求,询价单 Request or Requisition for Inquiry报价 quotation报价表格 Form of Quotation提交报价 submission of quotation升价,提价 Price increase or increase in price不适当的(如用电话)或不负责任的报价将被拒收。
第1章 招投标(Tendering)【国际工程实务英语】

Chapter 1 招投标(Tendering) 第一节招标的类型Types of Bidding竞争性招标competitive bidding协商性招标negotiated bidding竞标与协商相结合的招标combined bidding and negotiation第二节招投标活动Tendering Activities一、招投标程序Tendering Procedure1、招标前的活动Pre-tendering activities●对承包商的招标初步意向询问Preliminary inquiry to contractors●对投标人的资格预审Pre-qualification of tenderers2、邀请招标,发放招标文件Inviting tenders and supplying documents●邀请信Letter of Invitation●投标者须知Instructions to Tenderers●合同条件:通用条件和专用条件Conditions of Contract:Consisting ofGeneral Conditions and ParticularConditions●投标书格式Form of Tender●图纸Drawings●技术规格书Specifications●工程量表Bill of Quantity●附加资料表Schedules of Additional Information●资料数据Information Data●回函信封(递送投标书的信封,为了确保准确无误的送达,上面印有业主的地址)Return envelope (An addressedenvelope for the return of tender toensure that each tenderer has the sameand correct address of the Employer) 3、承包商编制投标书[ 'enviləup ]Preparation of tender by contractors●考察现场Visit and inspect the site●如有疑问可向业主提出质询[ 'kwiəri ]Make queries to the Employer (if any)●承包商对现场的形状和性质感到满意The contractor is satisfied with the form and nature of the site●向业主收集资料Collect data from the employer●对业主提供的数据资料进行解释Interpret the data provided by the Employer ●根据数据资料编制标书Prepare tender based on the data●承包商认为中标合同金额是正确和足够Satisfy himself as to correctness andsufficiency of the Accepted ContractAmount●应考虑到合同第13.7和第13.8款,关于成本的增加与减少的规定Consider the provision s in Sub-clauses13.7 & 13.8 regarding increase or decreaseof cost4、提交投标书---附上投标函和投标担保Tender Submission (with Letter of Tender and Tender Security)5、评标与授标Evaluation of Tender and Decision on Award 6、双方就保险条件达成协议Both parties agree on the terms of insurance7、颁发中标函Issue the Letter of Acceptance8、向业主提交履约担保Submission of Performance Security to the Employer9、签订合同Signing of Contract二、资格预审Prequalification●组织形式和/或合法地位、注册地点和主要经营地等原始文件的复印件[ ə'ridʒənəl ]copies of original documents definingconstitution and/or legal status, place ofregistration and principal place of busines s ●最近五年中每年完成的工程总量的年度营业总额total annual turnover expressed as totalvolume of engineering work carried out in each of the five year●财务报告(包括最近五年中的损益表,平衡表和审计报告,随后一年的财务预测)financial report (including profit and lossstatement s, balance sheets and auditor’sreports for the past five years, and afinancial forecast / an estimated financedprojection for the subsequent year)●信贷额度的使用证据,其他财务资源的可用性evidence of access to lines of credit, and availability of other financial resources●业主请求时,能(且已被授权)提供证明的银行的名称及地址[ 'ɔ:θəraizd ]name and address of banker(s) who will (and have been authorized to) provide references upon quest by the Employer●作为总承包商最近五年从事的类似性质和规模的工程及目前工程的业绩的详细资料details of performance as prime contractor on works of a similar nature and volume over the past five years and on current works●一份关于执行包括所有权的详细资料在内的合同的承包商设备的主要条款的清单a list of major items of Contractor’sEquipment proposed for carrying out theContract including details of ownership.三、投标者须知Instructions to Tenderers1、说明Introduction1) 定义Definition2) 工程描述Description of Works3) 资金来源Source of Funds [ 'elidʒəbl ]4) 合格的投标人Eligible Tenderers5) 投标费用Cost of Tendering6) 现场考察Site Visit2、招标文件Tendering Documents1) 招标文件内容Contents of Tendering Documents2) 招标文件的澄清Clarification of Tendering Documents3) 招标文件的修改Amendment of Tendering Documents3、投标文件的编制Preparation of Tenders1) 投标的语言Language of Tender2) 组成投标书的文件Documents Comprising the Tender3) 定价方法及投标报价Pricing and Tender prices4) 货币要求与汇率Currency Requirements and ExchangeRates5) 证明投标人合格和资格的文件Documents Establishing Tenderers’Eligibility and Qualification6) 投标担保Tender Security7) 投标有效期Tender Validity Period8) 标前会议Pre-tender Meeting9) 投标书的式样和签署Format and Signing of Tender4、投标书的提交Submission of Tenders1) 投标文件的密封和标记Sealing and Marking of Tenders2) 投标截止期Deadline for Submission of Tenders3) 迟交的投标书Late Tenders4) 投标文件的修改、替代与撤回Modification, Substitution andWithdrawal of Tenders [ sʌbsti'tju:ʃən ] 5、开标与评标Opening and Evaluation of Tenders1) 开标Opening of Tenders2) 投标文件的澄清Clarification of Tender Documents3) 投标文件的初审Preliminary Examination of TenderDocuments4) 最终评标价的确定Determination of Final Evaluated TenderPrices5) 错误的修正Correction of Errors6) 评标Evaluation of Tenders6、授予合同Award of Contract1) 资格后审Post Qualification2) 合同授予标准Award Criteria3) 接收投标与拒绝任何或所有投标的权力Right to Accept Tender and to RejectAny or All Tenders4) 中标通知书Notification of Award /Letter of Acceptance5) 签订合同Signing of Contract6) 履约担保Performance Security7) 预付款担保Advance Payment Security附录A:投标保函格式Appendix A: Form of Tender Bond附录B:协议书格式Appendix B: Form of Agreement附录C:现场视察确认书Appendix C: Confirmation of Site Visit附录D:履约保函格式Appendix D: Form of Performance Bond 附录E:预付款保函格式Appendix E: Form of Advance PaymentBond附录F:预付款指南Appendix F: Guideline for AdvancePayment四、工程量表(工程量清单)Bill of Quantities (BOQ)1、预备Preliminaries (包括业主的要求及承包商的职责)1) 合同双方的名称Names of parties2) 工程的描述Description of the works3) 合同的形式及种类Form and type of contract4) 承包商将要提供的基本设施General facilities to be provided by thecontractor ……2、序言Preambles(包括……)1) 材料的质量及性能Quality and performance of materials2) 工艺标准Standard of Workmanship3) 材料及工艺的测试the testing of materials and workmanship 4) 材料及工艺样品Samples of materials and workmanship3、工程量明细表Breakdown of bill of quantitiesa) 工种工程量表trade bill of quantitiesb) 单位工程量表elemental bill of quantities4、主要成本和暂定金额Prime cost and provisional sums(备用款)5、附录Appendices [ə'pendisi:z]1) 投标总结tender summary2) 一份主要承包商、分包商名单a list of the main contractors andsubcontractors3) 材料及主要承包商愿意指定分包商投标的工程的基本价目单a basic price list of materials andnominated subcontractor’s work for whichthe main contractor desires to tender五、投标决策Decision to Tender工程应该在规定时间内开工。
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1.公开招标Unlimited Competitive Open Bidding
2.邀请招标Limited Competitive Selected Bidding
3.两阶段招标Two-stage bidding
4.议标Negotiated Bidding
1.总价合同Lump Sum Contract
*固定总价合同Firm Lump Sum Contract
*调值总价合同Escalation Lump Sum Contract
Lump Sum on Firm Bill of Quantities Contract
管理费总价合同Management Fee Lump Sum Contract
2.单价合同Unit Price Contract
*估计工程量单价合同Bill of Approximate Quantities Contract *纯单价合同Straight Unit Price Contract
*单价与包干混合合同Unit Price and Lump Sum Items Contract *包干项目分析表Break of Lump Sum Items
Cost Reimbursement Contract/Cost Plus Fee Contract
*成本加固定费用合同Cost Plus Fixed Fee Contract
*成本加定比费用合同Cost Plus Percentage Fee Contract
*成本加奖金合同Cost Plus Incentive Fee Contract
Cost Plus Firm?Maximum Contract
Cost Plus Guaranteed Maximum Contract
Time and Material Reimbursement Contract
1.投标邀请书Invitation for Tender
2.投标人须知Instruction to Tender
*工程概述Description of Works
*资金来源Source of Funds
*资格与合格条件的要求Eligible and Qualification
*投标费用Cost of Bidding
*现场踏勘Site Visit
*招标文件的澄清Clarification of Bidding Documents
*招标文件的修改Amendment of Bidding Documents
*投标的语言Language of Bidding
*组成投标的文件Document Comprising the Bid
*投标报价Bid Price
*投标和支付的货币Currencies of Bid and Payment
*投标有效期Bid Validity
*投标担保Bid Guarentee
*替代方案投标Alternative Tender
*标前会议Pre-Bid Meeting
*投标文件的格式与签署Format and Signing of Bidding
*投标文件的密封与印记Sealing and Marking of Bids
Deadline for Submission of Bidding
*迟到的投标文件Late Bids
*投标文件的修改和撤销Modification and Withdrawal Bids
*开标Bid Opening
*评标过程保密Process to be Confidential
*投标文件的澄清Clarification of Bidding
*确定投标文件的符合性Determination of Responsiveness *错误的修正Correction of Errors
*折算成一种货币Conversion to Single Currency
Evaluation and Comparison of Bids
*本国投标人的优惠Preference for Domestic Bidders
*授予合同的标准Award Criteria
Employer's Rights to Accept any Bid and to Reject Any or All Bids
*授予合同的通知Notification of Award
*签订协议Signing the Agreement
*履约保证Performance Security
3.合同条件Conditions of Contract
4.规范Specifications (Technical Specifications)
6.工程量清单Bill of Quantities
*计日工Day Work
*名义工程量Nominal Quantity
8.补充资料表Schedules of Supplementary Information
*履约保证Performance Security
*银行保函Band Guarantee
*履约保函Performance Guarantee
*履约担保Performance Bond。