



SOP是Standard Operation Procedure三个单词中首字母的大写,即标准作业程序,就是将某一事件的标准操作步骤和要求以统一的格式描述出来,用来指导和规范日常的工一、SOP:标准作业程序SOP的精髓SOP的精髓,就是将细节进行量化,用更通俗的话来说,SOP就是对某一程序中的关键控制点进行细化和量化。



同时,SO P又不是制度,也不是表单,是流程下面某个程序中关于控制点如何来规范的程序。




如果结合ISO9000体系的标准,SO P是属于三级文件,即作业性文件。










sop是啥意思 1
SOP(Standard Operating Procedure三个单词中首字母的大写)即标准作业程序,就是将某一事件的标准操作步骤和要求以统一的格式描述出来,用来指导和规范日常的工作。






SOP工具 物料栏英汉对照

SOP工具 物料栏英汉对照
序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 中文 离子风扇 离子风扇 手指套 静电手套 防静电手套 口罩 磁棒 塑胶镊子 电子秤 镊子 电批 螺丝盘 离子风枪 扫描枪 电脑 一维扫描枪 二维扫描枪 马蹄形烙铁 英文 Ion fan Anti-static bracelet Finger sets Electrostatic gloves Anti-static gloves Masks Magnetic bar Plastic tweezers Electronic scales tweezers Electric screwdriver Screw plate Ion air gun Scanning gun computer One-dimensional scanning gun Two-dimensional scanning gun Horseshoe shaped iron Welding motor positioning fixture Screw positioning fixture Lock the screw fixture Mainboard accessories paste fixture Anhydrous ethanol Plug guage Film Ejection pin T card RunIN shelf Drop box
数据线 充电器 耳机 耳塞 棉签 打印机
Date cable charger Earpiece Earplugs Cotton swabs Printer
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 螺丝定位夹具 锁螺丝夹具 主板贴辅料夹具 无水乙醇 塞规 菲林 取卡针 T卡 老化架 跌落箱


企业隐形知识显性化,起到对企业知 识的积累和提炼的作用.是我们能够 站立在前人的肩膀前进.
本身的SOP建设是一个不断优化的过 程,可促使我们不断改革和进步.
保障我们的业务稳定健康的发展,而 不会因某个人的原因(离职,休假等) 而导致业务中断或出现差错.
利用SOP在最短的时间里培养新员工 达到熟练工的技能.
1. 一系列的结果进行 串联
2. 告诉我们要做什么
3. 提纲挈领,适合描 述全局的流转
4. 指引方向,但不指 导具体操作
1. 一系列的过程串联
2. 告诉我们如何一步 步怎么做
3. 详细描述每个关键 环节,每个人的理 解是相同的
是一个标准业务 管理/操作流程, 也是一种管理模

是一种过程管理而 不是结果管理,通 过对过程的标准化 操作,减少和预防 差错和不良后果的 发生
它不是万能的,不 是解决和预防所有 问题的发生。本身 SOP就是一个不断优 化的过程,是一个
不是为了SOP而 SOP,而是为了工 作和管理的标准化, 本身也是企业管理 知识的积累总结和
• 规章制度,标准规范,操作手册,表格单据是柱子,是支撑SOP大厦的。
• 执行是保障SOP不断优化和得以发挥作用的基石.离开了对SOP的卓越执行, 再好的SOP就成了空中楼阁,就没有存在的必要了。
规 章 制 度
标 准 规 范



外企英语之公司流程是procedure还是process?先考考⼤家,SOP⾥的P到底是procedure 还是process?或许你会想SOP不就是「标准作业流程」吗,那流程不就是process?但实际上是procedure,SOP的标准翻译其实也是「标准作业程序」。

我们再来看这两个单词的翻译:process 流程procedure 程序字⾯上,流程应该得是process,但我们⽇常⽤语⾥,流程和程序其实是不分的,80%的时候说流程,其实是在说程序。



那procedure和process到底有什么区别呢?procedure 定义了how,是⽤来执⾏的process定义了what,是⽤来经历的。

Procedures define how to carry out a process(程序⽂件定义了怎么去执⾏⼀个流程)。

所谓procedure,即做事情的标准和规范,类似说明书⼀样,告诉你应该按照什么⽅法来做事,是guidelines for people to follow,存在的⽬的是防⽌每个⼈按照⾃⼰的想法⾃由发挥从⽽得出不⼀致的结果。






什么是 SOP 通俗解释

什么是 SOP 通俗解释

什么是SOP(标准作业程序)所谓SOP,是Standard Operation Procedure三个单词中首字母的大写,即标准作业程序(标准操作程序),就是将某一事件的标准操作步骤和要求以统一的格式描述出来,用来指导和规范日常的工作。

SOP的精髓,就是将细节进行量化,用更通俗的话来说,SOP 就是对某一程序中的关键控制点进行细化和量化。

SOP的特征从对SOP的上述基本界定来看,SOP具有以下一些内在的特征:1) SOP是一种程序。



2) SOP是一种作业程序。



3) SOP是一种标准的作业程序。



4) SOP不是单个的,是一个体系。



SOP的作用1) 将企业积累下来的技术﹑经验,记录在标准文件中,以免因技术人员的流动而使技术流失;2) 使操作人员经过短期培训,快速掌握较为先进合理的操作技术;3) 根据作业标准,易于追查不良品产生之原因;4) 树立良好的生产形象,取得客户信赖与满意。



放在桌上5.All mise-en-place must be checked and ready forservice and ensure that those are what the guestrequested 检查所有的餐前准备工作,并确保都是客人所要求的6.Service Bar must be set as per SOP专用水吧必须按照我们的基本服务要求准备好7.Set up pre-dinner cocktail area if required 如果有要求的话,准备好餐前的餐前酒区间8.The service associate assigned for the PDR must checkwhether the kitchen order is in order and in place as requested and ready for service (if the menu has been confirmed) 包房服务员必须检查一下菜单是否已按要求在厨房准备就绪了(如果菜单已确认的话)9.Have all condiments and sauces ready according to themenu 根据菜单,所有的调配料必须准备好10.Check if there is any special requests such asseating arrangements, baby chair, number of seats,table decorations, face towels, serving gears,operating equipments, special wine / beveragearrangements, no pork no lard, vegetarian…查看一下是否有任何特别的要求,比如:桌位安排等,需不需要婴儿椅,一共几位,桌面装饰要求,小毛巾,公共用具,餐具,葡萄酒要求,酒水要求等11.Any special requests must be executed, have thebeverages stand by and the related equipments ready such as: glasses, wine cooler / baskets, warmer for Chinese Hua Tiao Wine, pot, cups dried prunes, rock sugar…客人的任何要求必须要兑现,要准备好所有相关的用具,比如:玻璃杯,冰桶,葡萄酒篮,花雕酒保温桶,花雕壶,花雕杯和干话梅12.The manager must introduce himself to the host or theorganizer, in the mean time he should find out what is the nature of the party unless he has known beforehand. If this is a birthday party, he should checkwhether the cake has been arranged and who is thebirthday boy, so the arrangements can be made,meanwhile he should also introduce the serviceassociate who is assigned to take care of this party to the guest餐厅经理必须向客人或宴会组织者做自我介绍,同时必须搞清楚宴会的性质除非事先知晓,如果是生日聚会的话,他必须检查一下生日蛋糕是否已定和谁是当天的寿星,这样就可以做相应的安排,同时他应该将负责该房间服务的服务员也介绍给客人13.The service associate must get to know who the hostis, who the organizer is, who the guest of honour is, how they should be addressed, and go through onceagain with the host or the organizer all details (the best timing is to do it before the arrival of the rest of the guests)服务员必须知道该桌的主人是谁,组织者又是谁,谁是主宾,分别应该如何称呼,最后和主人或组织者确认一遍所有的细节(这一点最好是在开餐前做)14.Check whether wines / liquors / beverages displayedshould be on the opposite side of the table 直接将鱼放在客人的桌上,鱼头不能冲着客人3.Ask the guest whether they would like the fish to be deboned 问一下客人他们是否愿意让你将他们的鱼来分一下4.Move the spring onion and ginger on the side of the plate 先将鱼身上的葱和姜丝拨开到盘的一边5.Make a cut in the middle of the fish, and move the meat to two sides (if the guest want the fish to be deboned, cut off the fish head and tail, remove the big bone carefully to a bone plate, ensuring that there is no more meat attached to the bone) 在鱼的中间开一刀,将肉分开两边(如果客人同意让你分鱼的话)将大鱼小心移到一个骨碟上,骨上一定不要带任何一点点肉6.For portioning, put the fish on the dining table (fish head is on the opposite side of the table), if the fish is going to be portioning on the side, remove the fish to the service cart after showing to the guests - mainly the guest of honour and the host分份的时候,将鱼放到餐桌上(同样鱼头不能冲着客人),如果是在旁边的餐车上分的话,在将鱼给客人看过以后拿到餐车上,一般是将鱼放在主人和主宾之间看一下后7.Move the spring onion and ginger to the side 将鱼上的姜葱分到一边8.Make a cut in the middle of the fish and remove the meat to two sides (skin on top) 在鱼的中间开一刀,将肉分到两边(在鱼皮上面)9.Cut the meat into small pcs 将肉切成小份10.Cut off the fish head and the tail from the fish 将鱼头和鱼尾切下11.Share the fish in equal portion to the pre-set bowls 将鱼肉平均分在事先准备好的碗中12.Put a little spring onion, ginger and soya sauce on the fish 每个碗中放一点姜葱和酱油13.Put the fish head and the tail on a bone plate and serve it to the guest of honour, normally seating next to the host 将鱼头和鱼尾分成两份服务给主人和主宾,一般主宾总是紧靠主人坐的Family Style: 家庭式1.Put the fish on the guest table directly, fish head should be on the opposite side of the table 将鱼放在客人的桌上,鱼头不可以对着客人2.Ask the guest whether they would like the fish to be deboned 询问一下客人是否愿意让你给他们分一下3.Move the spring onion and ginger on the side of the plate 先将葱姜丝拨到一边4.Make a cut in the middle of the fish, and move the meat to two sides (if the guest want the fish to be deboned, cut off the fish head and tail, remove the big bone carefully to a bone plate, ensuring that there is no more meat attached to the bone) 在鱼的中部开一刀(如果客人同意你分的话),将鱼头和鱼尾分别割一刀,然后小心将鱼大骨取出放在一边的碟上,骨上不能带肉5.Put the fish meat from two sides back to the fish, letInterest重要性::Training Aids / Equipment培训设备: Computer and LCD Projector电脑、投影机TASK BREAKDOWN基本要求MINIMUM STANDARDS工作详述T1.The server should check the bin number, the label andthe vintage are same as ordered 服务员应该先检查一下瓶号,标牌和年份,必须与客人所点的一致2.Put the wine in the cooler with ice cubes and water 将葡萄酒放在冰桶里,冰桶里须有水和冰块e the waiter's towel to hold the bottle and show thebottle and the label to the host or the one who placedthe order 用服务巾将葡萄酒托给客人看,标牌必须向上让主人或者点酒的客人看到4.Watch and wait until the signal from the host is okay等着客人认可后方可继续5.Put the bottle back into the cooler, hold the bottlewith one hand, use the other hand to make 2 cuts on thefoil of the bottle mouth along the neck by a knife(approx 1.5 cm width and 2 cm in length) 将酒放回到冰桶里,用一只手将瓶抓住,另一只手用开酒刀在瓶口的锡纸上开两刀。



SOP,全称标准操作规程或标准操作程序,是英文Standard Operation Procedure 的首字母缩写。


一般分为技术方面的SOP 和管理方面的SOP。




SOP 是操作人员的操作指南,是质量体系中不可或缺的局部,也是监督人员用于检查工作的依据;它是用来促进质量一致性和产品完整性的重要文件。

SOP 使得日常工作或反复性的操作、管理在产品的质量和完整性上保持一致。



SOP 应力求浅显易懂、条理清晰,使使用人员容易明白,具备可操作性、实用性。



什么是sop(What is SOP)See articleWhat is the SOP? - standard operating procedures (SOP) operation procedures 2009-09-30 15:21 standard basic knowledge (SOP) is an important part of all kinds of standardization management certification and product certification, the industry has the requirements of SOP. What is the SOP? Simply speaking, SOP is a manual operation of the cover and contain everything. A good SOP is a necessary condition to ensure the quality of the product or service. SOP is not only a technical model, it is more important to cover the management idea, the management idea and method. Because in a mature industry, have a clear management standards and certification system, so the SOP standardization and maturity are relatively high, the preparation of SOP as a lower degree of difficulty. Because there is no laboratory management and certification system, the inspection work in the mature, in the preparation of SOP will be blind.First of all, SOP has the characteristics of the industry, different industries have different SOP. The inspection work, the instrument has SOP instrument, reagent reagent SOP, each project has different SOP, no bacteria, biochemical and immune these subjects of different SOP, different projects within a discipline have different SOP. So SOP is not a test, and a set of.Second, SOP unavoidably, that is to say as long as associated with the project, to be detailed and comprehensive, to include all the possible details. In the pilot operation procedure asan example, the first is unexpectedly "sit", thus it can be seen that SOP covers the level of detail. The SOP operation is not simple, but should be practical and should become a tool book, the nature of things. An ideal SOP should make a don't understand after learning can become an expert.Third, SOP is not only the detailed instructions, it is a part of standard management, also includes quality control and management philosophy, from which can even see the staffing situation.Although the specific content of different industries SOP is different, but it is really a logical connection, so learn from other industries especially similar industry SOP requirements are very valuable. In pharmaceutical production SOP as an example, the requirements of GMP certification requirements, according to GMP, the SOP key is attached.From the focus on drug SOP, SOP test should be considered:1, operating procedures and instruments: experimental procedures, experimental instruments and experimental use after processing, experimental cleaning, experimental spills processing etc.2, quality control: quality monitoring and experimental instruments, such as the number of quality control (high, medium and low?) And the calibration of the instrument (personnel, time, etc.), maintenance and maintenance, the original records etc.. The original record is very important, an important means to discover and solve problems, in additionto patient data, but also environmental parameters (weather conditions, such as temperature and humidity), the use of instrument and instrument, sample and reagent manufacturers, quality traits and batch number, the same batch of quality control results and the treatment methods (such as review, resampling, the report, as detailed as possible).3, the abnormal results of diagnosis and treatment of abnormal results: judgment index, and analysis reasons and procedures when. For example, abnormal results, or experimental errors or mistakes? How to judge? What is the normal range of the sample? Non normal specimens if processing, much larger than or less than the number of review or associated with the clinic?4, the process should include: sample receiving, report audit, quality problems and receiving instrument processing must have clear procedures. Such as who received specimens, who report, how much time, how much time, to whom, instrument failure report support program etc..5, reagent and sample quality indicators, acceptance and storage: who, who seized and in what way if the security is storage, storage quality. Such as: storage refrigerator temperature monitoring and failure warning who who reagent and standard bacteria for so long.6, staff responsibilities: personnel responsibilities are embodied as in the process, such as instrument is bad, report to who and who, who audit report, abnormal lab operator what kind of treatment, what should be reported to the competent and so on.Of course there are personnel training SOP better.SOP can write inspection, operation manual, instrument kit for Lambon, according to the Department and on the downstream content, such as sample collection and handling, the abnormal results of processing content can be used for the project or instrument SOP. The project SOP plus sample collection, report issuance, purchase, storage and delivery acceptance reagent SOP was basically completed.Appendix:The key content of drug production SOP:1 deviationWith that and for possible with the expected results, conclusions such as bias, and yield in the expected range, the product does not comply with the specifications, the reaction conditions do not meet the specific parameters, equipment standards and so on, when and how to be studied, what is the program to take measures and whether reasonable etc.. Experimental demonstration, scientific examination and approval etc..2 internal auditAs far as possible to clearly describe how and when and by whom the internal audit, internal audit and why, methods and procedures taken what etc..3 external auditDescription of the supplier (raw materials, packaging materials and other reasons) frequency and audit protocol and use (contract), the most simple and straightforward method is through the supplier completed a self-designed include the contents of the form to carry out examination and approval procedures.4 quality audit proceduresDescribe how and by whom the review and approval of batch records, in the process of inspection, and finally the API test data, the quality assurance department (QA) must be finished before entering the market the ultimate responsibility.5 sent to the production department for intermediate test process personnelAllow the production personnel must comply with the description of the intermediate test process rules and standards, such as check before the extraction solution pH etc..6 standardResponsible for the review and approval of new raw materials, intermediates and drug specifications, personnel departments and programs, such as specification changes, review and approval procedures should also be discussed in this article in SOP.7 inspection procedures for approvalResponsible for the inspection of the personnel department, inspection procedures, inspection procedures may be the national legal standards, inspection procedures such as China Pharmacopoeia and American Pharmacopoeia, the national formulary is standard, but if this procedure does not exist or is not suitable for specific materials, you can use the test method on the other.8 control procedures in the approval processDescribe the control process for decisive program verification for.9 verification manual and reportDescribe the issuing, review and approval process validation manual and report rules.10 change controlWhen describing the process, inspection method, inspection equipment, change process or will be changed when they have to do the work, review and approval procedures.11 sampling proceduresDescribe the quality control departments to be informed, and how to identify the sample collection, and put them to thequality control room for transportation.The approval of 12 standard control productsAccording to the description of the related process, selection and approval of quality control personnel and departments.13 Analysis and evaluationAccording to the description of the related process, selection and approval of analysis and evaluation of the personnel and departments.14 sample approvalAccording to the description of the related process, selection and approval of the relevant departments and personnel, including the laboratory report.15 commissioned the production material auditDescribe if intermediate is by the third party to use intermediate test and production.16 stability testThe stability test procedures, including the conditions, frequency, data verification and documentation.17 the contractor evaluation and approvalHow to describe the selection, evaluation and approval of the contractor, for example the enterprise cannot delegate external inspection etc..The 18 batch record reviewDescribe how and by whom the production record review and signature.19 complaints reviewDescription of customer complaints received from the evaluation as well as to the final response is how to deal with.The use of the material outside the 20 specificationsDescribe when allow material specifications and approval procedures, the contents include.The use of 21 returned materialsDescribes the use of returned material must be what to do and when acceptable or unacceptable.22 periodic review of SOPDescribe how often examine SOP (usually every two years), who approved the audit, and anyone involved in the review process.The establishment of 23 training recordsDescribe who get the training they get, what type of training, training and training files are kept in where and by whom.24 of raw materials, intermediates, packaging materials and drug purchasing, receiving, storage and testingDescription of all materials is how to arrange and when they are receiving, inspection procedures (e.g. the attached label), where and how to be stored (separate locations and qualified materials such as quarantine area) and relocated after the qualified (qualified or unqualified area). Re storage and identification procedures are also applicable to intermediates and drugs.25 unqualified materialsDescription of the unqualified materials can be returned to the supplier (such as purchase inform Supplier and prepare documents), it is stored until it is shipped out where.26 label controlHow is the description tag printing, storage, control and need to be transported to the production department and other relevant departments. (Note: save label area must ensure trespassers and labels must be strictly control the amount of. )The replacement of 27 work clothesDescribe who must put on work clothes (such as the operation of uniformed personnel and supervision personnel wear lab coats)to replace, distribute, work uniforms when and where and how often change clothes.Control of the 28 air and water supply systemFor a description of the ventilation and all water systems how often, by whom is responsible for inspection and check what (including deionized water with endotoxin and microbial analysis of its processes, specifications).29 laboratory and production area pipeline system identificationDescribes a system for identifying all of the laboratory and production area of the pipeline, can be mixed color code, arrow, written description and label use.30 cleaning procedure for production equipment, utensils and containersThe description method is validated and approved to clean each piece of equipment. (a procedure if several reaction tank cleaning procedures are the same, then write down the description of this clean reaction tank can contain all the cleaning. )31 maintenance of production equipmentThe normal operation described how often and what needs to be done to maintain the equipment. (need to save each piece of equipment to record and explain what to do in the maintenancetime by whom maintenance. )The protection and inspection equipment used in 32Description of idle equipment used in between the two is to be kept and must be carried out before being used again to check, should also be the most long time record idle experience (not more than 10 days or the need for re cleaning).33 cleaning validation proceduresDescribes how to develop the cleaning validation rules, by whom the review and approval, and file records are kept in where. (including residues, cleaning agents and biological control of the load frequency. )34 equipment calibrationDescribe what check equipment, how often to check, by whom the calibration to be marked, and the record is stored in where.The 35 is not used or check unqualified equipmentDescribes how to identify equipment, which is due to the failure of the check, maintenance, maintenance and need not be used.36 validation of computer systemSpecify when computer system is used in the production process and some standards need to be validated. The main content is tested is that the operation of the system, to prevent theoccurrence of fault measures, error checking, record the correction, restart and data recovery, change of license, change records, electronic signature, manual input data accuracy check, data backup, user permissions.37 log equipmentUsed to describe what equipment, what product production log.Note: it is not necessary for special equipment. These contents have been included in the batch production record.The 38 main production and control records preservationDescribes how to save and control the main production records (blank batch records) and analysis records (inspection procedures for quality control), main production records should be required by the quality assurance department store in the right place.Save the production and control records of the complete 39Describes how to preserve the integrity of the production records (batch complete records) and test records (analysis), the requirements of the complete batch records and inspection report by the analysis of the quality assurance department store and control.Re inspection cycle of 40 of all raw materials and intermediatesA detailed description of how often, what materials must be reexamined. For example: after the inspection and acceptance of approval, have two years of time, if at that time has not run out of all the materials remaining before use must be re inspection. Qualified after extended use, or for scrap processing.A mixture of more than 41 batches of productsDescribes how to mixed batches of products, if you want to mix, so each batch must be tested by standard parameters after all can with other batch mixing. Should avoid batches of API mixture, unless absolutely necessary.The 42 API tag identificationDescribes how to mark the product. The SOP should include a copy of the label. (the label surface is damaged can not be used. )43 batch traceabilityThe system can be traced and operation procedure description given batch of raw materials or intermediates in use after. If you want to recover relevant materials, this system requires more rigorous.44 once found unqualified, re sampling of raw materials, intermediates and APIS and re inspectionA detailed description of what the situation, raw materials, intermediate or API re inspection at once found unqualified, including how to re inspected and allowed to use.45 validation of analytical proceduresDescribe the characteristics that should be considered for the analysis of verification, including accuracy, precision, specificity, limit of detection and quantitation limit, linear range and extensive degree, etc..46 to notify customers about the production and process control procedures to determine the changeIf you want to change or describe or is expected to change the production and control procedures have been determined when and how to inform customers when. It should be noted that small changes in different changes, changes and critical changes.Test 47 rework API and certificate issuedWhen testing and qualification are reprocessed API of any differences are analyzed. For example, the API caused by unqualified standards for critical analysis and evaluation etc..48 mixed with new and recycled solventDescribes how to save and use the new distribution and recovery of the solvent, the solvent mixed with new and recycled in the storage bin is very inappropriate, only when they are added to a batch of product which can be mixed, and must be in accordance with their respective specifications can be used as qualified product use before use.The recovery of 49 APISWhen the decision is necessary when describing the recovery of what must be done and who notice.50 of the drugs used for clinical trialsThe description used in clinical trials for drug production and quality control measures of "drug production quality management standards" (GMP) content. Note: the quality standard and the raw materials used in the production of the same medicinal formal.。



sop的三个意思SOP的三个意思一、SOP作为"Standard Operating Procedure"的缩写,意为"标准操作规程"。









二、SOP作为"Statement of Purpose"的缩写,意为"目标陈述"或"目的陈述"。








三、SOP作为"Standard of Proof"的缩写,意为"证据标准"。

SOP标准操作程序(Standard Operating Process)

SOP标准操作程序(Standard Operating Process)

一、SOP :标准操作程序SOP是标准操作程序(Standard Operating Process) 的英文首字母缩写。




















SOP是Standard Operation Procedure三个单词中首字母的大写,即标准作业程序,就是将某一事件的标准操作步骤和要求以统一的格式描述出来,用来指导和规范日常的工作。









2. 使操作人员经过短期培训,快速掌握较为先进合理的操作技术;
3. 根据作业标准,易于追查不良品产生之原因;
4. 树立良好的生产形象,取得客户信赖与满意。
5. 是贯彻ISO精神核心(说,写,做一致)之具体体现,实现生 产管理规范化、生产流程条理化、标准化、形象化、简单化。 6.是企业最基本﹑最有效的管理工具和技术数据。
Sop內容還包括包括: 作業流程
開始作業執行些動作 作業過程的相關注意事項 (如不按此手法產生的風險 後果)
Sop內容還包括包括: 工作結束所要做的 動作 涉及相關表單 本站所用工時
1. 将企业积累下来的技术﹑经验,记录在标准文件中,以免因技术 人员的流动而使技术流失;
Sop內容包括: 封面明確了
編號(便於文件統一管 理,方便查找)
機密等級(涉及行業競 爭,技術保密) 版本 機種范圍 站名 修訂紀錄
Sop內容還包括: 本站相關動作的時序即 本站作業流程
說明ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ:
Sop內容還包括: 開始作業前准備事項
SOP,是 Standard Operation Procedure三个单词中首字母的大写 , 即标准作业程序,
就是将某一事件的标准操作步骤和要求以统一的格式描述出来,用 来指导和规范日常的工作.SOP的精髓,就是将细节进行量化。




sopsop的英语音标:英 [sɒp] 美 [sɑːp]sop的中文意思:n.贿赂;面包片;湿软食物;安慰物v.浸透;泡;吸SOP.abbr.标准操作程序(=standard operating procedure )sop的双语例句:1) Please sop up the water with a mop.请用拖把把水吸干。

2) Northbridge is a cool, calculating and clever criminal who could strike again 诺思布里奇是个头脑冷静、诡计多端、阴险狡诈的罪犯,他可能还会犯案。

3) She made a fanning motion, pretending to cool herself off 她做了个扇风的动作,假装想让自己凉快一点。

4) In warm weather, you should wear clothing that is cool and comfortable 在热天里,应该穿凉快舒适的衣服。

5) All I had to do was be halfway cool 我要做的只是保持适度的冷静。

6) Columbia recently resigned the band for a cool $ million 哥伦比亚唱片公司最近以,万美元的高价再次签下这个乐队。

7) Robbins is typically cool in his pronouncements about his future 罗宾斯在发表有关个人前途的声明时表现出一贯的冷静。

8) Cool air whooshes up through the grates on the street 冷空气吹得大街上的格栅呜呜作响。

9) She has a reputation for being calm and cool-headed 她以沉着冷静著称。



受试者知情同意SOP及其可操作性知情同意(Informed Content)是保障受试者权益的一项主要措施,包括“知情”和“同意”两个方面,即:让受试者知晓和明了与临床试验有关的信息(知情)后,受试者自愿确认其参加该临床试验的过程(同意)。

知情同意书(Informed Consent Form),是每位受试者表示自愿参加某一试验的文件证明。



















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北京大发正大有限公司熟食加工厂 HACCP 体系 HACCP System of Beijing Dafa Chia Tai Co., Ltd. Further Processing Plant
分发号: 版 本:B
豚 角 煮 标 准 操 作 程 序
北京大发正大有限公司熟食加工厂 HACCP 体系 HACCP System of Beijing Dafa Chia Tai Co., Ltd. Further Processing Plant
分发号: 版 本:B
北 京 大 发 正 大 有 限 公 司 熟 食 加 工 厂

准 操
作 程

北京大发正大有限公司熟食加工厂 HACCP 体系 HACCP System of Beijing Dafa Chia Tai Co., Ltd. Further Processing Plant
1. 收验检疫证、消毒证、检验报告或相关的证明资料。 Check the quarantine certificate,the disinfecting certificate of the vehicle, test report or relevant certificate of manufacturer. 2. 感官检验:查看培根肉原料的色泽、鲜度等; Inspect by sense organ: check the color, freshness of the pork. 3. 抽验原料重量是否符合要求,按 5%抽检并记录; Check if the weight of the pork meets the standard, check percentage: 5%, and record. 4. 抽测产品温度:将温度计探插入袋中,待温度计稳定后读取数值并记录; Check the temperature of the products, poke the probe of the thermograph into the bag, and get the stable readings and record. 5. 每批抽测 5 袋,检验脂肪厚度是否符合工艺要求。 Check 5 bags/batch; see if the thickness of the fat meets the craft requirement. 6. 填写《原料验收单》 ; Fill in “the raw materials checking and accepting report”. 7. 储存在 0℃库内,定时抽测产品温度; Keep in the 0℃ storage, check the products temperature periodically.
纠正措施: Correction action:
1. 超过验收标准的,对该批产品根据验收标准的有关规定分别予以让步接受、拒收同时填写《包装物料质量 反馈单》通知厂商要求其反馈原因及改进措施; If the materials are not up the standard, according to relatively stipulations accept concussively or reject, meanwhile fill in《the feedback report of the packing materials》and announce the supplier for advice. 2. 对于多次严重违反验收标准或涉及食品安全的供应商,取消其供货资格。
Drop the suppliers that violate the standard and the food safety for many times.
北京大发正大有限公司熟食加工厂 HACCP 体系 HACCP System of Beijing Dafa Chia Tai Co., Ltd. Further Processing Plant
项目:包装物料的验收和储藏 Item: checking, accepting and storing of packing materials CP02
Principal: QC for packing materials, administrators for materials 操作程序: Operation procedure:
按研发部提供的验收标准进行检验和接收; Inspect and receive the subsidiary materials according to the standards provided by the R.D. department. 1. 豚角煮专用调料:检验厂家提供的检验报告,并抽测糖度、盐分、粘度、温度等理化指标,查看色泽、 品尝口味等;保存期限不得超过 180 天; Seasonings special used for steamed nock: check the inspection report provided by the supplier, spot-check the saccharin, salt, viscosity, temperature, color, taste etc, keep time not more than 180 days. 2. 一般调味品如味精、盐、香辛料等,验看品质、包装完好,无异物,具有其特有的味道;并在保质期 内; General seasonings such as: monosodium glutamate, flavor etc, check the quality, package, requires no foreign materials, with it’s special taste, and within it’s guarantee limits. 3. 经检验合格的入辅料库标识并分区存放; Receive the qualified subsidiary materials and keep in subsidiary materials storage room separately with correct label. 4. 填写《辅料验收报告单》 Fill in “the subsidiary materials checking and accepting report”. 5. 远离地面和墙壁 30cm 以上; Put them apart from floors and walls 30cm up. 6. 先入先出先用。 Follow the principle of “first in, first out and first use”
分发号: 版 本:B
豚 角 煮 标 准 操 作 程 序
NO: SOP01 项目:辅料验收和储藏
Item: checking, accepting and storing of subsidiary materials CP01
Principal: QC for subsidiary materials, administrators for subsidiary materials 操作程序: Operon Action:
1. 不合格品拒收,并填写《物料反馈单》 ,由采购部门反馈给厂家; Reject the unqualified subsidiary materials fill “the subsidiary materials feed back report”, announce the suppliers by the purchase department 2. 对多次发生产品质量问题的,须重新组织对供应商进行评估,必要时取消分供方资格。 Drop or re-evaluate the suppliers, which have quality problems for many times.
分发号: 版 本:B
豚 角 煮 标 准 操 作 程 序
Item: checking, accepting and storing of pork 负责人:原料验收员、库工 Principal: QC for raw materials, storage workers 操作规程: Operation procedure:
1. 按验收标准进行验收; Check and accept according to “the check and acceptance standard”. 2. 对于第一次送货的供应商,要有国家有关机构开具的食品级证明及出厂检验报告单; For the first delivery, the supplier should provide the food grade certification issued by the national authorities and the delivery inspection report. 3. 检验员对照《包装材料采购单》 ,用游标卡尺、卷尺、电子称测量包装物料的规格、克重是否符合要求; The inspectors measure the size and weight with venires caliper, tape measure, and electro-balance to see if they meet the standard according to the specifications on the purchase order. 4. 比照标准比色卡检查印色是否符合要求; Check if the print color meets the requirement contrast standard color card. 4.1 依据验收标准检验强度、 防潮性、 耐低温性、 套色牢固程度、 封粘牢固程度等; According to the receiving standard check the intensity, moistureproof ability, cold resistance, color process firmness, bended firmness etc. 4.2 检验卫生状况,必要时进行微生物检验; Check the hygiene state, if necessary do microbe analysis. 4.3 开具《包装物料验收报告单》 ; Write “packing materials checking and accepting report”. 4.4 记录检验结果。 Put down the inspection results. 5.合格的包装物料分别储存在内包装材料库、包装箱库、物料库内; Store qualified packing materials in inner packing materials storage, cartons storage, and materials storage separately. 6.按批次先入先出。 Follow the principle of “first in, first out.” 7.远离地面和墙面 30cm 以上。 Put them apart from floors and walls 30cm up.