Atom Bay Trail核心Z3740评测
AtomBay Trail核心Z3740评测第1页:Atom Z3740挑战台式机赛扬/奔腾/酷睿引言:Bay Trail核心的新Atom Z3740最大亮点就是可以运行标准Windows 8,那么它的性能水平足够吗?这次我们让它直接面对Celeron G1610、Celeron E1200、Pentium E5200、Core 2 Duo E6400这些经典台式机处理器来一探究竟..........平板电脑并不是苹果最先提出的,但不得不承认,是iPad让这一类设备走进千家万户。
与此同时,为这些平板电脑提供ARM处理器(SOC 方案)的高通、NVIDIA等厂商的CPU在性能、功耗等特性上也逐渐在户间津津乐道,势头一点儿也不亚于x86处理器。
作为半导体业界老大的Intel自然不能看着这一块巨大的蛋糕被ARM阵营瓜分,之前曾发布了面向移动设备的Medfield平台,携Z2000系列Atom SoC方案加入这场移动计算竞争。
Medfield的作用似乎仅仅是Intel宣布大举进入移动SoC领域,而接下来的任务,就交给Medfield的下一代,也就是备受关注的Silvermont微架构,首先问世的产品就是核心代号为Bay Trail的Atom芯片。
其中我们常说的Bay Trail即是其中面向平板电脑、低功耗笔记本电脑和低功耗台式一体机的具体SoC产品代号。
根据对象领域不同,以后缀区分,分别为Bay Trail-T(Tablet,平板)、Bay Trail-M(Mobile,笔记本)、Bay Trail-D(Desktop,台式机)。
在高温环境下长时间运行,以 检测主板的稳定性和散热性能
让主板持续承受高负载,以检 测其稳定性和耐久性。
通过多任务、高强度的工作负 载,检测主板在极限条件下的 稳定性。
模拟系统崩溃或突然断电的情 况,检查主板的故障恢复能力
测试BIOS界面的易用性和功能完整性,如 超频、节能等设置。
测试主板集成声卡的音质和性能,以及与外 部声卡的兼容性。
检查主板提供的接口(如USB、SATA、 PCIe等)是否正常工作。
测试主板提供的附加功能,如RGB照明、风 扇控制等。
1 2
ASUS Z9PA-U8 主板搭载高性能处理器,通过 多核性能测试,表现出色,满足高端计算需求。
测试有线和无线网络连接的速度和 稳定性。
测试主板与不同品牌和 型号的处理器是否兼容。
测试主板与不同品牌和 类型的内存条是否兼容。
测试主板对不同品牌和 接口的固态硬盘和机械
测试主板对显卡、声卡 等扩展卡的兼容性。
Intel Core i7-6700K处理器
16GB DDR4内存
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080显卡 256GB SSD硬盘
散热器 测试软件:Cinebench R15、3DMark、PCMark等
专业、强悍、可靠华硕ProArt Q17设计本
专业、强悍、可靠华硕ProArt Q17设计本作者:***来源:《微型计算机》2020年第06期对于PC业界而言,内容创作领域从2019年开始便成为众多巨头争夺的新场地。
在这个新兴市场,英特尔提出了“创意设计PC”概念,英伟达推出了NVIDIA Studio平台。
今天我们体验的华硕ProArt Q17设计本便是其中的一员。
轻薄本一样的外观在真正打开包装之前,我大致了解了—下华硕ProArt Q17的硬件配置,当我看到英特尔至强和NVIDIA Quadro的时候就想:“这又是一个桌面重器!”不过当我拆开包装盒的时候才发现并不是想象中的那样。
华硕ProArt Q17真正的包装盒非常小,如果你拆过游戏本和轻薄本的包装盒,那我能形象地这样描述:“华硕ProArt017的包装盒就像轻薄本的包装盒一样,设计小巧、优雅。
”华硕ProArt Q17是一台采用17英寸屏幕的笔记本电脑,以往我不会对笔记本电脑的屏幕尺寸作太多的说明,毕竟大家估计也见多了17.3英寸和15.6英寸的机器,不过写这篇文章的时候正值疫情期间,我需要把华硕ProArt Q17背回家测试,而我常用的背包顶多能放下15.6英寸的笔记本电脑,所以在拿到华硕ProArt Q17之前我还在担心背包放不下它。
实际情况证明我的担心是多余的——华硕ProArt Q17虽然有着17英寸的屏幕,但是它的机身只有传统15.6英寸笔记本电脑的大小,所以普通背包是能放下带走的,华硕官方还宣称15英寸公文包都能放下它。
从实际尺寸来看,华硕ProArt Q17的“三围尺寸”为382mmx265mmx18.4mm,最厚处仅18.4mm,这样的厚度甚至比一些轻薄本还薄,不合电源的裸机重量为2.39kg,这相当于普通游戏本的重量。
消费电子评测室70Copyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.轻便的塑料材质机身华硕T100TA的机身以金属灰为主色调,外壳部分采用复合塑料材质,边角圆润,拿在手中虽然感觉不太牢固,却非常轻便。
平板机身上并未提供USB接口,唯一的USB 3.0接口被放置在键盘底座的左侧。
英特尔最新一代Bay Trail-T架构Atom Z3740处理器硬件配置方面,华硕T100TA搭载英特尔最新一代Bay Trail-T架构Atom Z3740处理器,2GB内存以及32GB存储空间。
其最新一代Bay Trail-T架构Atom Z3740处理器采用22nm工艺制造而成,四核心设计,二级缓存2MB,其中还整合了HD Graphics显示核心。
最新的Windows 8.1操作系统华硕T100TA搭载了最新的Windows 8.1操作系统,Windows8.1相较于之前的Windows 8操作系统而言,有了诸多改进。
它搭载了第六代英特尔酷睿 i7 处理器,拥有四核心八线程,主频高达2.6GHz,可加速至3.5GHz,提供了强大的计算能力。
而为了提供更快的存储速度,G752VT 还配备了128GB的固态硬盘,可大大提升系统的响应速度。
它采用了NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970M独立显卡,具有3GB的显存,可以流畅运行大多数游戏和图形应用程序。
双面人生 加倍给力 华硕TACHI太极本21超级本的试用之旅
出乎意料的机身厚度说TACHI 21是变形本其实并不太合适,因为它的造型和普通的笔记本电脑保持一致,屏幕并不能像其他的变形本那样做出各种变化。
TACHI 21实现多种显示途径的方式是把屏幕的背板也变成一个显示屏,而且是触控式的。
常规状态下用户可以像使用普通笔记本电脑那样使用TACHI 21,而如果把屏幕合上的话,用户又可以像使用平板电脑那样来使用TACHI 21。
虽然自己先前知道TACHI 21是采用正背两面液晶屏设计,但在没有见到真机之前,我非常担心TACHI 21的机身厚度会比较厚。
但是拿到TACHI 21后,发现自己的担心多余了,TACHI 21的机身厚度非常薄,与普通超极本几乎维持在统一水准。
而且不到1.5公斤的旅行重量让它没有给我增加过多的负担,我感觉自己就是携带了一个平板电脑在旅行,而它“任劳任怨”地在起着笔记本、平板电脑的双重作用,是名目其实的“一机双用!”旅途使用堪称完美TACHI 21一机双用的便利性首先体验在旅途上的使用,如果用户是在高铁等空间比较宽敞的环境下使用,而且面前有固定桌子的话,可以打开屏幕像笔记本一样使用TACHI 21。
而像我此次中国台湾之旅,大部分时间是在飞机或是大巴车上使用TACHI 21,由于活动空间狭小,我基本上就是把TACHI 21的屏幕合上,像使用平板电脑一样使用TACHI 21。
当然在这样的环境下我不会再用TACHI 21来做文字处理或是修图等需要频繁操作键盘的工作,而基本上是用TACHI 21来看看电影或是PDF文件等,自己以前收集了很多摄影技巧方面的PDF文件,一直都没有时间认真看过,这次借着台湾之行,在交通工具上用TACHI 21看完了很多。
齐全的接口配置作为一款标准的超级本,TACHI 21在接口方面并没有什么缩水。
时尚潮人理想装备,高清超便携笔记本Acer Aspire one 752炫丽出击
流行 的 3 游 戏 , 能洞 悉 更加 细 微 的意 D 都
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时尚潮人理想装备 , 高清超便携笔记本 A e s i n 5 c r pr o e7 2炫丽出击 A e
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华硕VivoTab RT TF600T:羽翼机身 触动Win8
华硕VivoTab RT TF600T:羽翼机身触动Win8 全球最轻的10.1英寸平板华硕VivoTab RT TF600T惊艳上市!搭载最新Windows RT操作系统,“是平板、也是笔记本”的TF600T实现了触控体验的完美升级。
搭载低能高效的nVIDIATegra 3 四核处理器、免费预装office2013、以及NFC近距离无线通讯技术的应用,华硕VivoTab RT TF600T充分满足了用户在多元环境下的使用需求。
创造最轻记录打造新变形模式华硕VivoTab RT TF600T以525g的超级轻量完美刷新平板至轻新记录,再加上8.3mm的极致薄度,更让精彩Win8体验“如影随形”。
四核强力驱动呈现PC级处理效果配搭1.3GHz主频的nVIDIATegra 3 四核处理器,华硕VivoTab RT TF600T拥有PC级的处理能力:无论是运行大型3D游戏、观看1080P高清视频、还是进行多任务处理,都能为用户提供绝佳的使用感受;配合12核心GPU,渲染效果更加丰富,让游戏体验更精彩;加上独家SonicMaster声籁技术的支持,极致的影音体验好比亲临现场般振奋人心,情景的带入感更加强烈。
配合预装的office2013所带来的强劲生产力,除了作为娱乐悍器,TF600T更能轻松处理工作文件,全面Hold住移动办公!NFC传输加入让传输成为一种乐趣华硕VivoTab RT TF600T还为用户提供了更加便利与有趣的传输体验。
华硕飞行堡垒7笔记本测评:移动甜品GTX1660Ti首秀桌面端的GTX 1660 Ti可谓一张甜点神卡,相较于大哥RTX 2060精简了光线追踪单元,价格大幅降低,但传统计算性能没有落下多少,相信很多人都在热切等待移动版GTX 1660 Ti的出现,实际上今晚就是它的正式发布日。
今晚发布的华硕飞行堡垒7笔记本就身兼了这两个大热点,首发移动版GTX 1660 Ti,还搭载了TDP35瓦的Ryzen 7系列CPU和120Hz IPS刷新率屏幕,首发价格仅为6799元,是一款性价比非常出众的产品。
内切的部分可以看到B 面的一系列指示灯,这样在合上屏幕的时候也能了解机器的情况。
飞行堡垒7的接口全部分布在左侧,从左到右依次为:电源接口、RJ45网线接口、HDMI 2.0接口、USB2.0接口、两个USB3.1 Gen1(5Gbps)、耳机麦克风二合一接口。
飞行堡垒7使用的电源适配器为华硕一贯的圆角矩形设计,长16厘米,宽7.6厘米,厚2.6厘米,标称输出为19.5V 9.23A,连同电源线大约重520克。
优品评价 Esssentials
Copyright©博看网 . All Rights Reserved.
搭载着真力时引以为傲的El Primero 星速机芯,可谓“表”如Bremont
Jaguar MKII
捷豹(Jaguar )与宝名表 (Bremont) 联手创作两款腕表,以置于仪表板中心的速度计及视距仪为灵感,向1961年诞生的捷豹E-Type 跑车致敬。
E-Type 跑车不但是当年世上最快的跑车,根据法拉利创办人Enzo Ferrari 的说法,它更是最美丽的跑车。
捷豹与宝名表联手推出MKI 和MKII 腕表,标志E-Type 跑车传奇和精髓在腕表上有了完美呈现。
这款MKII 腕表将带表主转眼回到上个世纪
黑色表盘的6时位置上设有捷豹古典标志,而面盘上时符的设计则参考E-Type 跑车设备的风格而成。
经典计时秒表布局的两个副面盘分别设于3时及9时位置,配备经过宝名表个性化设计的BE-50AE 自动上弦机芯,于60分钟计时盘上设有低调的红区扇形装饰,向E-Type 跑车的视距仪致敬。
与MKI 腕表一样,透过蓝宝石水晶底盖,可欣赏向E-Type 跑车Copyright©博看网 . All Rights Reserved.。
华硕 ROG STRIX XG17AHP 便携式游戏显示器用户手册说明书
ROG STRIX XG17AHP Portable GamingMonitorUser GuideCopyright © 2020 ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. All Rights Reserved.No part of this manual, including the products and software described in it, may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language in any form or by any means, except documentation kept by the purchaser for backup purposes, without the express written permission of ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. (“ASUS”).Product warranty or service will not be extended if: (1) the product is repaired, modified or altered, unless such repair, modification of alteration is authorized in writing by ASUS; or (2) the serial number of the product is defaced or missing.ASUS PROVIDES THIS MANUAL “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL ASUS, ITS DIRECTORS, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES OR AGENTS BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF PROFITS, LOSS OF BUSINESS, LOSS OF USE OR DATA, INTERRUPTION OF BUSINESS AND THE LIKE), EVEN IF ASUS HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES ARISING FROM ANY DEFECT OR ERROR IN THIS MANUAL OR PRODUCT.SPECIFICATIONS AND INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS MANUAL ARE FURNISHED FOR INFORMATIONAL USE ONLY, AND ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT ANY TIME WITHOUT NOTICE, AND SHOULD NOT BE CONSTRUED AS A COMMITMENT BY ASUS. ASUS ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY OR LIABILITY FOR ANY ERRORS OR INACCURACIES THAT MAY APPEAR IN THIS MANUAL, INCLUDING THE PRODUCTS AND SOFTWARE DESCRIBED IN IT.Products and corporate names appearing in this manual may or may not be registered trademarks or copyrights of their respective companies, and are used only for identification or explanation and to the owners’ benefit, without intent to infringe.Table of contentsNotices .........................................................................................................iii Safety information ......................................................................................iv Care & cleaning ............................................................................................v Takeback services .. (vi)1.1 Welcome! ......................................................................................1-11.2Package contents .........................................................................1-11.3Monitor introduction ....................................................................1-21.3.1 Front View and Charging Instructions .............................1-22.1Monitor standing positions .........................................................2-12.2Connect the USB monitor with system ......................................2-22.3Assembling/Dis-assembling the ROG tripod ............................2-32.4How to Adjust tilt strength of ROG Tripod ................................2-32.5 Announcements ...........................................................................2-53.1 OSD (On-Screen Display) menu .................................................3-13.1.1 How to reconfigure ..........................................................3-13.1.2 OSD Function Introduction ..............................................3-23.2 Specifications .............................................................................3-103.3 Troubleshooting (FAQ) ..............................................................3-113.4Supported Timing List ...............................................................3-12NoticesFederal Communications Commission StatementThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:• This device may not cause harmful interference, and• This device must accept any interference received including interference that may cause undesired operation.This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.• Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. Canadian Department of Communications StatementThis digital apparatus does not exceed the Class B limits for radionoise emissions from digital apparatus set out in the Radio Interference Regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications.This class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.Safety information• Before setting up this Portable Gaming Monitor, carefully read all the documentation that came with the package.• To prevent fire or shock hazard, never expose this Portable Gaming Monitor to rain or moisture.• Never try to open this Portable Gaming Monitor cabinet.• Before using this Portable Gaming Monitor, make sure all cables are correctly connected and the power cables are not damaged. If youdetect any damage, contact your dealer immediately.• Avoid dust, humidity, and temperature extremes. Do not place this Portable Gaming Monitor in any area where it may become wet. Place this Portable Gaming Monitor on a stable surface.• Never push objects or spill liquid of any kind into the slots on this Portable Gaming Monitor cabinet.• If you encounter technical problems with this Portable Gaming Monitor, contact a qualified service technician or your retailer.• This Portable Gaming Monitor is powered by USB port which complies with LPS and SELV circuit according to IEC60950-1:2005.• DO NOT dispose of the product in fire• DO NOT use monitor near heating equipment or in places where there is likelihood of high temperature• Keep your monitor away from sharp objects• DO NOT place objects on top of your monitorCare & cleaning• Cleaning. Turn your monitor off and unplug the cable. Clean the monitor surface with a lint-free, non-abrasive cloth. Stubborn stainsmay be removed with a cloth dampened with mild cleaner.• Avoid using a cleaner containing alcohol or acetone. Use a cleaner intended for use with the LCD. Never spray cleaner directly on thescreen, as it may drip inside the monitor and cause an electric shock. The following symptoms are normal with the monitor:• You may find slightly uneven brightness on the screen depending on the desktop pattern you use.• When the same image is displayed for hours, an afterimage of the previous screen may remain after switching the image. The screen will recover slowly or you can turn off the Power Switch for hours.• When the screen becomes black or flashes, or cannot work anymore, contact your dealer or service center to fix it. Do not repair the screen by yourself!Conventions used in this guideWARNING: Information to prevent injury to yourself when trying tocomplete a task.CAUTION: Information to prevent damage to the componentswhen trying to complete a task.IMPORTANT: Information that you MUST follow to complete atask.NOTE: Tips and additional information to aid in completing a task.Where to find more informationRefer to the following sources for additional information and for product and software updates.1. ASUS websitesThe ASUS websites worldwide provide updated information on ASUS hardware and software products. Refer to 2. Optional documentationYour product package may include optional documentation that may have been added by your dealer. These documents are not part ofthe standard package.Takeback servicesASUS recycling and takeback programs come from our commitment to the highest standards for protecting our environment. We believe in providing solutions for our customers to be able to responsibly recycle our products, batteries and other components as well as the packaging materials. Please go to /english/Takeback.htm for detail recycling information in different region.1.1 Welcome!Thank you for purchasing the ASUS® Portable Gaming Monitor!The latest ASUS Portable Gaming Monitor provides great portability and simplicity to your daily life, enhancing both of your viewing experience and style.1.2 Package contentsCheck your package for the following items:Portable Gaming MonitorQuick Start GuideWarranty CardUSB Type-C CableSmart CoverUSB Type-C to A AdapterMicro HDMI to HDMI cablePower AdapterROG TripodROG Carry Bag• If any of the above items is damaged or missing, contact your retailerimmediately.1.3Monitor introduction 1.3.1Front View and Charging Instructions1.Power button/Power LED •Press this button to turn the monitor on/off when connected to a valid source.• The color definition of the power indicator is as the below table. 2.MENU Button:•Press this button to enter the OSD menu.•Long pressing the button allows you to have a quick check on battery % even the device is OFF.3.Close Button •Exit the OSD menu.4.•Adjust the volume level.•Key Lock shortcut key. Press and hold it for 5 seconds to enable/disable Keys Lock.5. Micro-HDMI port •Connect your computer with Micro-HDMI cable.6. USB Type-C port• Used to connect to a valid source such as Notebook/PC/Mobile phone that supports USB Type C DP Alt Mode; signal input supports maximumto resolution 1920 x 1080 @240Hz.• Used to do battery charging; up to 9V@2A 18W power supply by **************************************************adapters on the market.7. USB Type-C port• Used to do battery charging; up to 9V@2A 18W power supply by **************************************************adapters on the market.8. Earphone - out PortIMPORTANT:• Charge the monitor for 4 hours before using it for the first time• Use only bundled power adapter and USB cable to charge yourmonitor. Using different power adapter and cable might bring potentialdamage to your device.WARNING: The adapter may become warm to hot while in use.DO NOT cover the adapter and keep it away from your body whileit is connected to a power source. If your device become unusualhot, disconnect the USB cable from your device and send thedevice including the power adapter and USB cable to an ASUSqualified service personnel2.1 Monitor standing positionsYou can stand up the monitor by several positions with the smart cover.2.2 Connect the USB monitor with systemBCD2.3 Assembling/Dis-assembling the ROG tripod132.4 How to Adjust tilt strength of ROG TripodThe tilt strength is adjustable according to personal habits.Depends on the usage, the tilt strength could get loose as used frequency gets more , you can also follow below steps to do the adjustment.After adjusting the tilt strength by inbox Allen wrench, following below to assemble ball shaft backNOTE:• ROG tripod can be the stand for products that implement standardtripod hole.• When the ball shaft is removed, it becomes a standard tripod, astandard 1/4 thread is seen embedded.• ROG tripod can only support product that is within 1.5kg, please don’tconnect with product that is over this weight.2.5 AnnouncementsAs this product and attached smart cover includes magnet in the structure, there could be potential risk to cause the damage of computer hard disc and objects that are sensitive to magnet.Please ensure not to stack the product with the computer when computer is in use (power on or standby mode) otherwise the hard drive could possibly be influenced by the result of permanent data missing or the computer display could be switched off due to computer auto protection mechanism. When place this product together with computer in the bag, must have the computer power off to avoid possible hard drive damage problem.(Check Picture A)The battery capacity will vary depending on the environment temperature, humidity, and monitor usagePicture A3.1OSD (On-Screen Display) menu3.1.1How to reconfigure1. Press the MENU button to activate the OSD menu.2.Press the ❑ and ☐ buttons to toggle between options in theMenu. As you move from one icon to another, the option name is highlighted.3. To select the highlighted item on the menu press the button.4. Press the ❑ and ☐ buttons to select the desired parameter.5.Press the button to enter the slide bar and then use the ❑ or ☐ buttons, according to the indicators on the menu, to make your changes.6.to return to previous menu or to accept and return to previous menu.• :Get power from source when this icon is shown • :Battery power•:Battery is being charged3.1.2 OSD Function Introduction1. GamingThis function contains OD, Adaptive-Sync/Free-Sync, GamePlus, GameVisual, Shadow Boost.• Level 0~Level 5.•Adaptive-Sync/FreeSync : It can allow a Adaptive-Sync/FreeSync supported graphics source to dynamically adjust display refresh rate based on typical content frame rates for power efficient, virtually stutter free and low-latency display update. FreeSync is supported from 48-240Hz under HDMI port and Type C port (DP alt mode).•GamePlus : The GamePlus Function provides a toolkit and creates a better gaming environment for users when playing different types of games. Particularly, Crosshair function is specially designed for new gamers or beginners interested in First Person Shooter (FPS) games. To active GamePlus:•Activate Crosshair, Timer or FPS Counter or Display Alignment function.• GameVisual: This function contains eight sub-functions that you can select for your preference. Each mode has the Resetselection, allowing you to maintain your setting or return to the preset mode.• Scenery Mode: This is the best choice for scenery photo displaying with GameVisual™ Video Intelligence Technology.• Racing Mode: This is the best choice for racing game playing with GameVisual™ Video Intelligence Technology.• Cinema Mode: This is the best choice for movie watching with GameVisual™ Video Intelligence Technology.• RTS/RPG Mode: This is the best choice for Real-TimeStrategy(RTS)/Role-Playing Game(RPG) playing with GameVisual™Video Intelligence Technology.• FPS Mode: This is the best choice for First Person Shooter game playing with GameVisual™ Video Intelligence Technology.• sRGB Mode: This is the best choice for viewing photos and graphics from PCs.• MOBA Mode : This is the best choice for Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) games playing with GameVisual TM Video intelligenceTechnology.• User Mode: More items are adjustable in the Color menu.• In the Racing Mode, the Saturation, Sharpness, and ASCR functions are not user-configurable.• In the sRGB, the Saturation, Color Temp., Sharpness, Brightness,Contrast and ASCR functions are not user-configurable.•In the MOBA Mode, the Saturation, Sharpness and ASCR functions are not user-configurable.•Shadow Boost: Dark color enhancement adjust monitor gamma curve to enrich the dark tones in an image making dark scenes and objects much easier be found.2. ImageYou can adjust Brightness, Contrast, Sharpness, VividPixel, ASCR, Aspect Control, and Blue Light Filter from this main function.• Brightness : The adjusting range is from 0 to 100.• Contrast : The adjusting range is from 0 to 100.• Sharpness : Adjust the picture sharpness. The adjusting range is from 0to 100.•VividPixel : ASUS Exclusive Technology that brings lifelike visuals for crystal-clear and detail-oriented enjoyment. The adjusting range is from 0 to 100.• ASCR : Select ON or OFF to enable or disable dynamic contrast ratio function.• Aspect Control : Adjust the aspect ratio to “Full ”, “4:3” and “1:1”. •Blue Light Filter: Adjust the energy level of blue light emitted from LED backlight.•Choose 4:3 to display the picture according to the original aspect ratio of the input source.• When Blue Light Filter is activated,the default settings of Racing Mode will be automatically imported.• Between Level 1 to Level 3, the Brightness function is user-configurable.•Level 4 is optimized setting. It is compliance with TUV Low Blue LightCertification. The Brightness function is not user-configurable.Please refer to the following to alleviate eye strains:•Users should take some time away from the display if working for long hours. It is advised to take short breaks (at least 5 mins) after around 1 hour of continuous working at the computer. Taking short and frequent breaks is more effective than a single longer break.• To minimize eye strain and dryness in your eyes, users should rest the eye periodically by focusing on objects that are far away.•Eye exercises can help to reduces eye strain. Repeat theseexercises often. If eye strain continues please consult a physician. Eye exercises: (1) Repeating look up and down (2) Slowly roll your eyes (3) Move your eyes diagonal.•High energy blue light may lead to eye strain and AMD (Age-Related Macular Degeneration). Blue light filter to reduce 70% (max.) harmful blue light to avoiding CVS (Computer Vision Syndrome).3. ColorSelect the image color you like from this function.• Color Temp.: Contains three preset color modes (Cool , Normal , Warm ) and User Mode.• Gamma : Contains three gamma modes including 1.8, 2.2, 2.5•Saturation : The adjusting range is from 0 to 100.•In the User Mode, colors of R (Red), G (Green), and B (Blue) are user-configurable; the adjusting range is from 0 ~ 100.4. PowerYou can adjust the Input Device Pop-up and Input Device from this main function.Input Device Pop-up : To enable/disable Input Device & Power Supplyfrom NB/PC pop-up questions WHENEVER in connection.•Input Device :Select “Phone” if connect to mobile phone ( Power supply function is not provided under “Phone” due to common mobile devices cannot provide enough power output ). Select “NB/PC” if connect to NB/PC and then select “Charging From NB/PC” with charging function. This function allows you to sustain the working time for longer.In NB/PC sub-function, you can disable power supply function by selecting “No Charging From NB/PC”* No Charging here means getting power under 100mA, and this does not affect the battery life/usage of host devices connected.* Monitor battery power could still drop after turning on Charging from NB/PC or ECO Mode due to some of devices have limited power output.5.Auto RotationSelect the Auto Rotation on or off.* Auto rotation is supported by software DisplayWidget and only working under Windows OS, please go to to download the latest DisplayWidget for this function.6.Input SelectSelect the input source:•HDMI and Type-C*In HDMI Source, If PC/NB had shut down , By using HDMI port, if PC/NB is shutdown or in sleeping mode, we suggest you to remove the HDMI cable, or the monitor power will be consumed continuously.7. MyFavoriteYou can adjust Shortcut and Customized Setting from this main function.• Shortcut : User can select from “Blue Light Filter” “GameVisual”,“Brightness”, “Contrast”, “Auto Rotation”, “Input Select”, “Volume”,“GamePlus” and set as shortcut key.The default setting is Volume.• Customized Setting : You can do your setting according to yourfavorite.8.System SetupAdjust the system configuration.• Language: Select OSD language. The selections are: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Russian, Poland, Czech, Croacia, Hungary, Romania, Portugal, Turkey, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Persian, Thai, and Indonesian.• Volume: Selects “Volume” to adjust the output volume level.• ECO Mode: Activate the ecology mode for power saving.• Power Indicator: Turn the power LED indicator on/off.• Power Key Lock: To disable / enable power key.• Key Lock: Disable all key functions. Pressing down key (shortcut key) for more than five seconds to disable key lock function.• OSD Setup: Adjust the OSD Timeout, DDC/CI, and Transparency of the OSD screen.• Information:Displays the monitor information.• All Reset: Selects “Yes” to revert all settings to the factory default mode.3.2 Specifications*Specifications are subject to change without notice.3.3 Troubleshooting (FAQ)The signal source is shown in power supply mode • The monitor will get a small amount of electricity from the signal source. This is normal.When there’s no signal or power charging input, but LED light keep showing in green • Please press both on/off button and menu key together for few seconds to allow the system to resetMobile phone is no working after reset mobile phone.• Disconnect XG17AHP before reset mobile phone.3.4 Supported Timing List。
而“性能过剩论”喧嚣尘上的时候,就只有3d 游戏还在不断挑战着硬件性能的极限。
小度写范文【风冷上5GHz的“装甲奇兵”,华硕TUF,SABERTOOTH,P67主板深度体验】 华硕风冷超频模板
不过,让人意外的是,近日在一款民用消费级主板上,也出现了披挂装甲的产品,它就是由华硕电脑推出的TUF SABERTOOTH P67主板。
与玩家国度主板类似,TUF(全称为The Ultimate Force,意译为特种部队)系列主板也是华硕面向高端用户推出的一条独立产品线,较普通主板拥有更好的做工、更多的特色。
而这块神秘的外壳正是该主板的装甲,那么它的作用是什么?难到我们普通的家用主板也怕“子弹飞”吗?接下来,就让我们通过对华硕TUF SABERTOOTH P67主板的深度体验来揭开装甲主板的神秘面纱。
Tt The Tower 100ITX机箱体验
Tt The Tower 100ITX机箱体验作者:黄兵来源:《微型计算机》2021年第20期全景设计,犹如展示柜2016年T t推出了全塔式机箱Towe r 9 0 0,时隔5年,Tower 900的“小弟”诞生,它就是The Tower 100。
作为一款定位于Mini- ITX机箱的产品,The Tower 100的机身尺寸为462.8mm×266mm×266mm,外观看上去就像是一个高耸的柜子一般。
The Tower 100拥有多种配色,有典雅黑、珍珠白、松石绿、竞速绿。
机箱的I/O接口就设计在这个倾斜面上,它配备了两个USB 3.0和一个USBType- C以及两个3.5mm音频接口。
The Tower100采用的这种立柜式的设计,能减少占地面积,放在桌面上也能节约更多的空间。
此外,The Tower 100为了拥有良好的散热效果和通透的展示效果,它机身的钢板都采用网格式设计,内部都配备了滤网,方便用户拆卸清理。
The Tower 100在机箱外部细节的打磨方面也下足了功夫,比如在机箱的边缘棱角处由于钢板切割后会容易出现铬手感,所以它在边角部分和手可能会触碰到的位置都进行了圆润化处理。
性能超RTX 2080S,感受信仰之力吧! 华硕TUF-RTX3060Ti-O8G-GAMING评测
性能超RTX 2080S,感受信仰之力吧!华硕TUF-RTX3060Ti-O8G-GAMING评测作者:来源:《电脑报》2020年第47期9月初发布会上官宣的三款新显卡——RTX 3090、RTX 3080和RTX 3070陆续上市之后,NVIDIA继续按部就班地丰富着RTX 30系列产品线,定位更低的RTX 3060Ti就出现在了玩家的视线当中。
RTX 3060Ti甜点级的定位更适合主流用户,自然让玩家们对其充满了期待。
用料标准未降低,不比高端产品差产品沿用了这一代TUF GAMING家族式的设计美学,黑灰色全铝外壳高端大氣有质感,不仅能轻松搭配各种风格的硬件,也能为显卡提供周全的保护。
不规则的线条勾勒出硬朗的外形,再加上跃肩式装甲上的TUF GAMING文字和RGB TUF GAMING灯光的装饰,共同打造出深受年轻人喜欢的硬派电竞风格。
显卡背面覆盖有金属PCB背板,能够有效防止 PCB 扭曲和侧弯。
我们也对TUF-RTX3060Ti- O8G-GAMING进行了拆解,显卡采用的是GA104-200-A1核心,默认频率为1410MHz,加速频率为1800MHz,比公版1665MHz的加速频率高出不少。
300Hz刷新率于十代酷睿 ROG枪神4PLUS游戏本实战体验
300Hz刷新率于十代酷睿 ROG枪神4PLUS 游戏本实战体验作者:***来源:《微型计算机》2020年第18期隨着硬件技术的高速发展,近年来游戏本的配置越来越强,英特尔第十代酷睿处理器+NVIDIARTX光追显卡成为目前中高端游戏本的标准配置。
因此,为了带给玩家更好的游戏体验,ROG特别在今年推出了支持300Hz超高刷新率的ROG枪神4系列游戏本,今天我们特别对其中采用17.3英寸显示屏的“大个子”ROG枪神4PLUS进行了测试,看看它能给我们带来怎样的体验?做工精致光效炫酷与去年推出的枪神3系列类似,枪神4系列游戏本仍是ROG与BMWGroupDesignworks 宝马集团设计工作室合作设计的产品。