软件定义网络软件定义网络(Software Defined Network, SDN ),是一种新型网络创新架构,其核心技术OpenFlow通过将网络设备控制面与数据面分离开来,从而实现了网络流量的灵活控制,为核心网络及应用的创新提供了良好的平台。
SDN诞生于美国GENI项目资助的斯坦福大学Clean Slate课题,斯坦福大学Nick McKeown教授为首的研究团队提出了Openflow的概念用于校园网络的试验创新,后续基于Openflow给网络带来可编程的特性,SDN的概念应运而生。
2006年,SDN诞生于美国GENI项目资助的斯坦福大学Clean Slate课题。
Clean Slate项目的最终目的是要重新发明英特网,旨在改变设计已略显不合时宜,且难以进化发展的现有网络基础架构。
2007年,斯坦福大学的学生Martin Casado 领导了一个关于网络安全与管理的项目Ethane,该项目试图通过一个集中式的控制器,让网络管理员可以方便地定义基于网络流的安全控制策略,并将这些安全策略应用到各种网络设备中,从而实现对整个网络通讯的安全控制。
2008年,基于Ethane 及其前续项目Sane的启发, Nick McKeown 教授等人提出了OpenFlow 的概念,并于当年在ACM SIGCOMM 发表了题为《OpenFlow: Enabling Innovation in Campus Networks》的论文,首次详细地介绍了OpenFlow 的概念。
该篇论文除了阐述OpenFlow 的工作原理外,还列举了OpenFlow 几大应用场景。
基于OpenFlow 为网络带来的可编程的特性,Nick McKeown教授和他的团队进一步提出了SDN(Software Defined Network,软件定义网络)的概念。
2009年,SDN 概念入围Technology Review年度十大前沿技术,自此获得了学术界和工业界的广泛认可和大力支持。
Openflow新型网络交换模型——校园网络的创新1.互联网的现状互联网的应用迅速发展, 由于一开始的设计并没有考虑到后来互联网的规模会如此庞大、承载的应用会如此复杂、地位会变得如此重要,现代的互联网在过重的压力下已经凸显出太多亟待解决的问题:互联网太危险,恶意攻击、病毒、木马每年造成上千亿刀的损失;互联网太脆弱,无标度(Scale-free)的特性让整个网络可以在精心设计的少数攻击下即告崩溃;互联网太随意,p2p等应用的出现一度造成各大ISP网络堵塞,严重影响传统正常的访问;互联网太迟钝,现代臃肿的路由机制不能支持快速的更新,即便发现问题也无法快速反应。
所以,自然而然的想法诞生,如果能有一套开放接口、支持控制的交换标准该多好?无论是交换机还是路由器,最核心的信息都存放在所谓的flow table里面,用来实现各种各样的功能,诸如转发、统计、过滤等。
flow table结构的设计很大程度上体现了各个厂家的独特风格。
OpenFlow就是试图提出这样一个通用的flow table设计,能够满足大家不同的需求,同时这个flow table支持远程的访问和控制,从而达到控制流量的目的。
浅谈SDN—软件定义网络与OpenFlow技术SDN(Software Defined Networking)是一种网络架构,其中网络控制平面和数据平面被分离,网络控制变得可编程化,数据平面提供灵活的网络服务。
h t t p : / / w w w. c ・ S - a . o r g . c n
计 算 机 系 统 应 用
基 于 Op e n F l o w 的未来互联 网试 验 网①
韦世红。卢 威
( 重庆 邮电大学 通信与信息工程学院,重庆 4 0 0 0 6 5 )
( C o n t r o l l e r ) 来共 同完成 ,实现 了数据 转 发和路 由控制 的分 离. 控制 器可 以通过 事先规定好 的接 口操作来控 制 O p e n F l o w 交换机 中的流表,从而达到控制数据转
摘要: O p e n F o w是为支持互联网创新研究而提出 的基于流分类 的新型 网络试验技术,以 O p e n F l o w为研究对象,
在 mi n i n e t 测试平 台下,利用 O p e n v S w i t c h交换机 搭建虚拟交换试验网络模型, 并进行 了简单测试,从而 为未来 互 联网试 验创新 技术 的分析和研究提供便利. 关键词: 未来互联 网: O p e n F l o w ;网络创新;虚拟交换机
Ab s t r a c t :Op en Fl o w,p u t f o r wa r d e d t o me e t t h e r e q u i r e me n t o f I n t e r n e t i n n o v a t i o n r e s e a r c h ,i s a n e w n e t wo r k t e s t
n e t wo r k t e s t mo d e l i n he t mi ni n e t t e s t p l a t f o r m b y u t i l i z i ng t h e Op e n v Swi t c h vi r t u a l ma c h i n e . Wh a t ’ S mo r e ,we a l s o d o
OpenFlow Enabling Innovation in Campus Network以及中文翻译
附录A 外文原文OpenFlow: Enabling Innovation in Campus NetworksNick McKeown Stanford University Guru Parulkar Stanford UniversityTom AndersonUniversity of WashingtonLarry PetersonPrinceton UniversityHari BalakrishnanMITJennifer RexfordPrinceton UniversityScott Shenker University of California,BerkeleyJonathan Turner Washington University inSt. LouisThis article is an editorial note submitted to CCR. It has NOT been peer reviewed.Authors take full responsibility for this article’s technical ments can be posted through CCR Online.ABSTRACTThis whitepaper proposes OpenFlow: a way for researchers to run experimental protocols in the networks they use every day. OpenFlow is based on an Ethernet switch, with an internal flow-table, and a standardized interface to add and remove flow entries. Our goal is to encourage networking vendors to add OpenFlow to their switch products for deployment in college campus backbones and wiring closets. We believe that OpenFlow is a pragmatic compromise: on one hand, it allows researchers to run experiments on heterogeneous switches in a uniform way at line-rate and with high port-density; while on the other hand, vendors do not need to expose the internal workings of their switches. In addition to allowing researchers to evaluate their ideas in real-world traffic settings, OpenFlow could serve as a useful campus component in proposed large-scale testbeds like GENI. Two buildingsat Stanford University will soon run OpenFlow networks, using commercial Ethernet switches and routers. We will work to encourage deployment at other schools; and we encourage you to consider deploying OpenFlow in your university network too.Categories and Subject DescriptorsC.2 [Internetworking]: RoutersGeneral TermsExperimentation, DesignKeywordsEthernet switch, virtualization, flow-based1. THE NEED FOR PROGRAMMABLE NETWORKSNetworks have become part of the critical infrastructure of our businesses, homes and schools. This success has been both a blessing and a curse for networking researchers; their work is more relevant, but their chance of making an impact is more remote. The reduction in real-world impact of any given network innovation is because the enormous installed base of equipment and protocols, and the reluctance to experiment with production traffic, which have created an exceedingly high barrier to entry for new ideas. Today, there is almost no practical way to experiment with new network protocols (e.g., new routing protocols, or alternatives to IP) in sufficiently realistic settings (e.g., at scale carrying real traffi c) to gain the confidence needed for their widespread deployment. The result is that most new ideas from the networking research community go untried and untested; hence the commonly held belief that the network infrastructure has “ossified”.Having recognized the problem, the networking community is hard at work developing programmable networks, such as GENI [1] a proposed nationwide research facility for experimenting with new network architectures and distributed systems. These programmable networks call for programmable switches and routers that (using virtualization) can process packets for multiple isolated experimental networks simultaneously. For example, in GENI it is envisaged that a researcher will be allocated a slice of resources across the whole network, consisting of a portion of network links, packet processing elements (e.g. routers) and end-hosts; researchers program their slices to behave as they wish. A slice could extend across the backbone, into access networks, into college campuses, industrial research labs, and include wiring closets, wireless networks, and sensor networks.Virtualized programmable networks could lower the barrier to entry for new ideas, increasing the rate of innovation in the network infrastructure. But the plans for nationwide facilities are ambitious (and costly), and it will take years for them to be deployed.This whitepaper focuses on a shorter-term question closer to home: As researchers, how can we run experiments in our campus networks? If we can figure out how, we can start soon and extend the technique to other campuses to benefit the whole community.To meet this challenge, several questions need answering, including: In the early days, how will college network administrators get comfortable putting experimental equipment (switches, routers, access points, etc.) into their network? How will researchers control a portion of their local network in a way that does not disrupt others who depend on it? And exactly whatfunctionality is needed in network switches to enable experiments? Our goal here is to propose a new switch feature that can help extend programmability into the wiring closet of college campuses.One approach -that we do not take -is to persuade commercial “name-brand” equipment vendors to provide an open, programmable, virtualized platform on their switches and routers so that researchers can deploy new protocols, while network administrators can take comfort that the equipment is well supported. This outcome is very unlikely in the short-term. Commercial switches and routers do not typically provide an open software platform, let alone provide a means to virtualize either their hardware or software. The practice of commercial networking is that the standardized external interfaces are narrow (i.e., just packet forward ing), and all of the switch’s internalflexibility is hidde n. The internals differ from vendor to vendor, with no standard platform for researchers to experiment with new ideas. Further, network equipment vendors are understandably nervous about opening up interfaces inside their boxes: they have spent years deploying and tuning fragile distributed protocols and algorithms, and they fear that new experiments will bring networks crashing down. And, of course, open platforms lower the barrier-to-entry for new competitors.A few open software platforms already exist, but do not have the performance or port-density we need. The simplest example is a PC with several network interfaces and an operating system. All well-known operating systems support routing of packets between interfaces, and open-source implementations of routing protocols exist (e.g., as part of the Linux distribution, or from XORP [2]); and in most cases it is possible to modify theoperating system to process packets in almost any manner (e.g., using Click [3]). The problem, of course, is performance: A PC can neither support the number of ports needed for a college wiring closet (a fan out of 100+ ports is needed per box), nor the packet-processing performance (wiring closet switches process over 100Gbits/s of data, whereas a typical PC struggles to exceed 1Gbit/s; and the gap between the two is widening).Existing platforms with specialized hardware for line-rate processing are not quite suitable for college wiring closets either. For example, an ATCA-based virtualized programmable router called the Supercharged Planet Lab Platform [4] is under development at Washington University, and can use network processors to process packets from many interfaces simultaneously at line-rate. This approach is promising in the long-term, but for the time being is targeted at large switching centers and is too expensive for widespread deployment in college wiring closets. At the other extreme is NetFPGA [5] targeted for use in teaching and research labs. NetFPGA is a low-cost PCI card with a user-programmable FPGA for processing packets, and 4 ports of Gigabit Ethernet. NetFPGA is limited to just four network interfaces—insufficient for use in a wiring closet.Thus, the commercial solutio ns are too closed and inflex ible and the research solutions either have insufficient performance or fan out, or are too expensive. It seems unlikely that the research solutions, with their complete generality, can overcome their performance or cost limitations. A more promising approach is to compromise on generality and to seek a degree of switch flexibility that is:Figure 1 Idealized OpenFlow Switch. The Flow Table is controlled by a remote controllervia the Secure Channel.•Amenable to high-performance and low-cost implementations.•Capable of supporting a broad range of research.•Assured to isolate experimental traffic from production traffic. •Consistent with vendors’ need for closed platforms.This paper describes the OpenFlow Switch—a specification that is an initial attempt to meet these four goals.2. THE OPENFLOW SWITCHThe basic idea is simple: we exploit the fact that most modern Ethernet switches and routers contain flow-tables (typically built from TCAMs) that run at line-rate to im plement firewalls, NAT, QoS, and to collect statistics. While each vendor’s flow-table is different, we’ve identified an interesting common set of functions that run in many switches and routers. OpenFlow exploits this common set of functions.OpenFlow provides an open protocol to program the flow-table in different switches and routers. A network administrator can partition traffic into production and research flows. Researchers can control their own flows -by choosing the routes their packets follow and the processing they receive. Inthis way, researchers can try new routing protocols, security models, addressing schemes, and even alternatives to IP. On the same network, the production traffic is isolated and processed in the same way as today.The datapath of an OpenFlow Switch consists of a Flow Table, and an action associated with each flow entry. The set of actions supported by an OpenFlow Switch is extensible, but below we describe a minimum requirement for all switches. For high-performance and low-cost the data-path must have a carefully prescribed degree of flexibility. This means forgoing the ability to specify arbitrary handling of each packet and seeking a more limited, but still useful, range of actions. Therefore, later in the pape r, define a basic required set of actions for all OpenFlow switches.An OpenFlow Switch consists of at least three parts: (1) A Flow Table, with an action associated with each flow entry, to tell the switch how to process the flow, (2) A Secure Channel that connects the switch to a remote control process (called the controller), allowing commands and packets to be sent between a controller and the switch using (3) The OpenFlow Protocol, which provides an open and standard way for a controller to communicate with a switch. By specifying a standard interface (the OpenFlow Protocol) through which entries in the Flow Table can be defined externally, the OpenFlow Switch avoids the need for researchers to program the switch.It is useful to categorize switches into dedicated OpenFlow switches that do not support normal Layer 2 and Layer 3 processing, and OpenFlow-enabled general purpose commercial Ethernet switches and routers, to which the Open-Flow Protocol and interfaces have been added as a new feature.Dedicated OpenFlow switches. A dedicated OpenFlow Switch is a dumb datapath element that forwards packets between ports, as defined b y a remote control process. Figure 1 shows an example of an OpenFlow Switch.In this context, flows are broadly defined, and are limit ed only by the capabilities of the particular implementation of the Flow Table. For example, a flow could be a TCP con nection, or all packets from a particular MAC address or IP address, or all packets with the same VLAN tag, or all packets from the same switch port. For experiments involving non-IPv4 packets, a flow could be defined as all packets matching a specific (but non-standard) header.Each flow-entry has a simple action associated with it; the three basic ones (that all dedicated OpenFlow switches must support) are:1 Forward this flow’s packets to a given port (or ports). This allows packets to be routed through the network. In most switches this is expected to take place at line-rate.2 Encapsulate and forw ard this flow’s packets to a con troller. Packet is delivered to Secure Channel, where it is encapsulated and sent to a controller. Typically used for the first packet in a new flow, so a controller can decide if the flow should be added to the Flow Table. Or in some experiments, it could be used to forward all packets to a controller for processing.3 Drop this flow’s packets. Can be used for security, to curb denial of service attacks, or to reduce spurious broadcast discovery traffic from end-hosts.An entry in the Flow-Table has three fields: (1) A packet header that defines the flow, (2) The action, which defines how the packets should be processed, and (3) Statistics, which keep track of the number of packets and bytes foreach flow, and the time since the last packet matched the flow (to help with the removal of inactive flows).In the first generation “Type 0” switches, the flow header is a 10-tuple shown in T able 1. A TCP flow could be specified by all ten fields, whereas an IP flow might not include the transport ports in its definition. Each header field can be a wildcard to allow for aggregation of flows, such as flows in which only the VLAN ID is defined would apply to all traffic on a particular VLAN.Table 1 The header fields matched in a “Type 0” OpenFlow switch.The detailed requirements of an OpenFlow Switch are defined by the OpenFlow Switch Specification [6].OpenFlow-enabled switches. Some commercial switches, routers and access points will be enhanced with the OpenFlow feature by adding the Flow Table, Secure Channel and OpenFlow Protocol (we list some examples in Section 5). Typically, the Flow Table will re-use existing hardware, such as a TCAM; the Secure Channel and Proto col will be ported to run on the switch’s operating system. Figure 2 shows a network of OpenFlow-enabled commercial switches and access points. In this example, all the Flow Tables are managed by the same controller; the OpenFlow Protocol allows a switch to be controlled by two or more controllers for increased performance or robustness. Our goal is to enable experiments to take place in an existing production network alongside regular traffic and applications. Therefore, to win theconfidence of network administrators, OpenFlow-enabled switches must isolate experimental traffic (processed by the Flow Table) from productiontraffic that is to be processed by the normal Layer 2 and Layer 3 pipeline of the switch. There are two ways to achieve this separation. One is to add a fourth action:4. Forward this flow’s packets through the switch’s nor mal processing pipeline.The other is to define separat e sets of VLANs for experimental and production traffic. Both approaches allow normal production traffic that isn’t part of an experiment to be processed in the usual way by the switch. All OpenFlow-enabled switches are required to support one approach or the other; some will support both.Additional features. If a switch supports the header formats and the four basic actions mentioned above (and detailed in the OpenFlow SwitchSpecification), then we call it a “Type 0” switch. We expect that many switches will support additional actions, for example to rewrite portions of the packet header (e.g., for NAT, or to obfuscate addresses on intermediate links), and to map packets to a priority class. Likewise, some Flow Tables will be able to match on arbitrary fields in the packet header, enabling experiments with new non-IP protocols. As a particular set of features emerges, we willdefine a “Type 1” switch.Controllers.A controller adds and removes flow-entries from the Flow Table on behalf of experiments. For example, a static controller might be a simple application running on a PC to statica lly establish flows to interconnect a set of test computers for the duration of an experiment. In this case the flows resemble VLANs in current networks— providing a simple mechanism toisolate experimental traffic from the production network. Viewed this way, OpenFlow is a generalization of VLANs.One can also imagine more sophisticated controllers that dynamicallyadd/remove flows as an experiment progresses. In one usage model, a researcher might control the complete network of OpenFlow Switches and be free to decide how all flows are processed.Figure 2 Example of a network of OpenFlow-enabled commercial switches and routers.A more sophisticated controller might support multiple researchers, each with different accounts and permissions, enabling them to run multiple independent experiments on different sets of flows. Flows identified as under the control of a particular researcher (e.g., by a policy table running in a controller) could be delivered to a researcher’s user-level control program which then decides if a new flow-entry should be added to the network of switches.3. USING OPENFLOWAs a simple example of how an OpenFlow Switch might be used imagine that Amy (a researcher) invented Amy-OSPF as a new routing protocol toreplace OSPF. She wants to try her protocol in a network of OpenFlow Switches, without changing any end-host software. Amy-OSPF will run in a controller; each time a new application flow starts Amy-OSPF picks a route through a series of OpenFlow Switches, and adds a flow-entry in each switch along the path. In her experiment, Amy decides to use Amy-OSPF for thetraffic entering the OpenFlow network from her own desktop PC— so she doesn’t disrupt the network for others. To do this, she defines one flow to be all the traffic entering the Open-Flow switch through the switch port her PC is connected to, and adds a flow-entry with the action “Enca psulate and forward all packets to a controller”. When her packets reach a controller, her new protocol chooses a route and adds a new flow-entry (for the application flow) to every switch along the chosen path. When subsequent packets arrive at a switch, they are processed quickly (and at line-rate) by the Flow Table. There are legitimate questions to ask about the performance, reliability and scalability of a controller that dynam ically adds and removes flows as an experiment progresses: Can such a centralized controller be fast enough to process new flows and program the Flow Switches? What happens when a controller fails? To some extent these questions were addressed in the context of the Ethane prototype, which used simple flow switches and a central controller [7]. Preliminary results suggested that an Ethane controller based on a low-cost desktop PC could process over 10,000 new flows per second —enough for a large college campus. Of course, the rate at which ne w flows can be processed will depend on the complexity of the processing required by the re searcher’s experiment. But it gives us confidence that mean ingful experiments can be run. Scalability and redundancy are possible by making acontroller (and the experiments) stateless, allowing simple load-balancing over multiple separate devices.3.1 Experiments in a Production NetworkChances are, Amy is testing her new protocol in a network used by lots of other people. We therefore want the network to have two additional properties:1 Packets belonging to users other than Amy should be routed using a standard and tested routing protocol running in the switch or router from a “name-brand” v endor.2 Amy should only be able to add flow entries for her traffic, or for any traffic her network administrator has allowed her to control.Property 1 is achieved by OpenFlow-enabled switches. In Amy’s experiment, the default action for all packets that don’t come from Amy’s PC could be to forward them through the normal processing pipeline. Amy’s own packets would be forwarded directly to the outgoing port, without being processed by the normal pipeline.Property 2 depends on the controller. The controller should be seen as a platform that enables researchers to implement various experiments, and the restrictions of Property 2 can be achieved with the appropriate use of permissions or other ways to limit the powers of individual researchers to control flow e ntries. The exact nature of these permission-like mechanisms will depend on how the controller is implemented. We expect that a variety of controllers will emerge. As an example of a concrete realization of a controller, some of the authors are working on a controller called NOX as a follow-on to the Ethane work [8]. A quite different controller might emerge by extending the GENI management software to OpenFlow networks.3.2 More ExamplesAs with any experimental platform, the set of experiments will exceed those we can think of up-front — most experiments in OpenFlow networks are yet to be thought of. Here, for illustration, we offer some examples of how OpenFlow-enabled networks could be used to experiment with new network applications and architectures.Example 1: Network Management and Access Con trol. We’ll use Ethane as our first example [7] as it was the research that inspired OpenFlow. In fact, an OpenFlow Switch can be thought of as a generalization of Ethane’s datapath switch. Ethane used a specific implementation of a controller, suited for network management and control, that manages the admittance and routing of flows. The basic idea of Ethane is to allow network managers to define a network-wide policy in the central controller, which is enforced directly by making admission control decisions for each new flow. A controller checks a new flow against a set of rules, such as “Guests can communicate using HTTP, but only via a web proxy” or “VoIP phones are not allowed to communicate with laptops.” A controller associates pack ets with their senders by managing all the bindings between names and addresses — it essentially takes over DNS, DHCP and authenticates all users when they join, keeping track of which switch port (or access point) they are connected to. One could envisage an extension to Ethane in which a policy dictates that particular flows are sent to a user’s process in a controller, hence allowing researcher-specific processing to be performed in the network.Example 2: VLANs. OpenFlow can easily provide users with their own isolated network, just as VLANs do. The simplest approach is to statically declare a set of flows which specify the ports accessible by traffic on a givenVLAN ID. Traffic identified as coming from a single user (for example, originating from specific switch ports or MAC addresses) is tagged by the switches (via an action) with the appropriate VLAN ID.A more dynamic approach might use a controller to manage authentication of users and use the knowledge of the users’ locations for tagging traffic at runtime.Example 3: Mobile wireless VOIP clients. For this example consider an experiment of a new call-handoff mechanism for WiFi-enabled phones. In the experiment VOIP clients establish a new connection over the OpenFlow-enabled network. A controller is implemented to track the location of clients, re-routing connections — by reprogramming the Flow Tables — as users move through the network, allowing seamless handoff from one access point to another.Example 4: A non-IP network. So far, our examples have assumed an IP network, but OpenFlow doesn’t require packets to be of any one format — so long as the Flow Table is able to match on the packet header. This would allow experiments using new naming, addressing and routing schemes. There are several ways an OpenFlow-enabled switch can support non-IP traffic. For example, flows could be identified using their Ethernet header (MAC src and dst addresses), a new EtherType value, or at the IP level, by a new IP Version number. More generally, we hope that future switches will allow a controller to create a generic mask (offset + value + mask), allowing packets to be processed in a researcher-specified way.Example 5: Processing packets rather than flows.The examples above are for experiments involving flows — where a controller makes decisions when the flow starts. There are, of course, interesting experiments to be performed that require every packet to be processed. For example, an intrusion detection system that inspects every packet, an explicit congestion control mechanism, or when modifying the contents of packets, such as when converting packets from one protocol format to another.Figure 3: Example of processing packets through anexternal line-rate packet-processing device, such as a programmable NetFPGA router.There are two basic ways to process packets in an OpenFlow-enabled network. First, and simplest, is to force all of a flow’s packets to pass t hrough a controller. To do this, a controller doesn’t add a new flow entry into the Flow Switch — it just allows the switch to default to forwarding every packet to a controller. This has the advantage of flexibility, at the cost of performance. It might provide a useful way to test the functionality of a new protocol, but is unlikely to be of much interest for deployment in a large network.The second way to process packets is to route them to a programmable switch that does packet processing — for example, a NetFPGA-based programmable router. The advantage is that the packets can be processed at line-rate in a user-definable way; Figure 3 shows an example of how this could be done, in which the OpenFlow-enabled switch operates essentially as a patch-panel to allow the packets to reach the NetFPGA. In some cases, the NetFPGA board (a PCI board that plugs into a Linux PC) might be placed in the wiring closet alongside the OpenFlow-enabled switch, or (more likely) in a laboratory.4. THE OPENFLOW CONSORTIUMThe OpenFlow Consortium aims to popularize OpenFlow and maintain the OpenFl ow Switch Specification. The Con sortium is a group of researchers and network administrators at universities and colleges who believe their research mission will be enhanced if OpenFlow-enabled switches are installed in their network.Membership is open and free for anyone at a school, college, university, or government agency worldwide. The OpenFlow Consortium welcomes individual members who are not employed by companies that manufacture or sell Ethernet switches, routers or wireless access points (because we want to keep the consortium free of vendor influence). To join, send email to***********************.The Consortium web-site contain s the OpenFlow Switch Specification, a list of consortium members, and reference implementations of OpenFlow switches.Licensing Model: The OpenFlow Switch Specification is free for all commercial and non-commercial use. (The exact wording is on the web-site.) Commercial switches and routers claiming to be “OpenFlow-enabled” must conform to the requirements of an OpenFlow Type 0 Switch, as defined in the OpenFlow Switch Specification. OpenFlow is a trademark of Stanford University, and will be protected on behalf of the Consortium.5. DEPLOYING OPENFLOW SWITCHESWe believe there is an interesting market opportunity for network equipment vendors to sell OpenFlow-enabled switches to the research community. Every building in thousands of colleges and universities contains wiring closets with Ethernet switches and routers, and with wireless access points spread across campus.We are actively working with several switch and router manufacturers who are adding the OpenFlow feature to their products by implementing a Flow Table in existing hardware; i.e. no hardware change is needed. The switches run the Secure Channel software on their existing processor.We have found network equipment vendors to be very open to the idea of adding the OpenFlow feature. Most vendors would like to support the research community without having to expose the internal workings of their products. We are deploying large OpenFlow networks in the Computer Science and Electrical Engineering departments at Stanford University. The networks in two buildings will be replaced by switches running OpenFlow. Eventually, all traffic will run over the OpenFlow network, with production traffic and experimental traffic being isolated on different VLANs under the control of。
Openflow协议于2008年被Stanford University首次发布,经过近十年的发展,它已经成为一种流行的网络交换协议,被广泛应用于云计算和虚拟化网络中。
【转】OpenFlow是什么?OpenFlow和SDN之间是什么关系?前⾔OpenFlow 是⼀种⽹络通信协议,应⽤于 SDN 架构中控制器和转发器之间的通信。
软件定义⽹络 SDN 的⼀个核⼼思想就是“转发、控制分离”,要实现转、控分离,就需要在控制器与转发器之间建⽴⼀个通信接⼝标准,允许控制器直接访问和控制转发器的转发平⾯。
OpenFlow 引⼊了“流表”的概念,转发器通过流表来指导数据包的转发。
控制器正是通过 OpenFlow 提供的接⼝在转发器上部署相应的流表,从⽽实现对转发平⾯的控制。
OpenFlow 的起源与发展OpenFlow 起源于斯坦福⼤学的 Clean Slate 项⽬,该项⽬的⽬标是要“重塑互联⽹”,旨在改变设计已略显不合时宜,且难以进化发展的现有⽹络基础架构。
在 2006 年,斯坦福的学⽣ Martin Casado 领导了⼀个关于⽹络安全与管理的项⽬,试图通过⼀个集中式的控制器,让⽹络管理员⽅便地定义基于⽹络流的安全控制策略,并将这些安全策略应⽤到各种⽹络设备中,从⽽实现对整个⽹络通讯的安全控制。
受此项⽬启发,Clean Slate 项⽬的负责⼈ Nick McKeown 教授及其团队发现,如果将传统⽹络设备的数据转发和路由控制两个功能模块相分离,通过集中式的控制器(Controller)以标准化的接⼝对各种⽹络设备进⾏管理和配置,那么这将为⽹络资源的设计、管理和使⽤提供更多的可能性,从⽽更容易推动⽹络的⾰新与发展。
于是,他们便提出了 OpenFlow 的概念,并且于 2008 年发表了题为的论⽂,⾸次详细地介绍了 OpenFlow 的原理和应⽤场景。
2009 年,基于 OpenFlow,该研究团队进⼀步提出了 SDN(Software Defined Network,软件定义⽹络)的概念,引起了⾏业的⼴泛关注和重视。
2011 年,由Google、Facebook、微软等公司共同发起成⽴了⼀个对 SDN 影响深远的组织 ONF(Open Networking Foundation),致⼒于发展 SDN。
D e s i g n o n Ne t wo r k Aw a r e ne s s a nd Ne t w or k M a na g e m e nt S
L 1 Ya n—G u a n . X U Ya h
f 1 . Th e 5 4 t h Re s e a r c h I n s t i t u t e o f CETC, S h i j i a z h u a n g He b e i ( J 5 ( ) I ) 8 1 , ( ' h i n a 2 . Un i t 61 9 3 2 , P L A, Be i j i n g 1 0 0 0 ( 1 0 , Ch i n a )
基于 Op e n F l o w 的网络感知管理方案设计
李艳 冠 。 , 徐 艳
( 1 . 中国电子科技 集 团公 司第五 十四研 究所 , 河北 石家 庄 《 } 5 0 t } 8 1 ;
2 . 中国人 民解放 军 6 1 9 3 2部 队 , 北京 l { } I l I l I 1 1 ) )
a d j u s ml e l F t o f p r i o r i t y " . T h e s i n ml a t i o n e x p e r i me n t r e s u l t s s h o \ v t h a t t h i s s c h e l l l e i s a v a i l a b l e a n d f e a s i b l e .
务类 的 忧 圮 . 感 知 的 基 础 上 以一 定 的 策略 则进 行 决
c on d i t i on o f l i J ni t e d n e t wor k r e s o ur c e s I n vi e w o f t hi s pr ob l e m ,t hi s pa pe r de s i g ns a F l e W ne t wo r k a wa r e ne s s a nd nl a n a g e n l e n t s c he l l l e b a s e d Oi l I l 、 v a r e l l e S S m e t h od s of Op e nF l ow n et wo r k a nd t r a d i t i on a l ne t w or k . Th i s s c he me p e r f onns m a na ge nl e nt ,o pt i nf i z a t i on a l l d a l l oc a t i o n f o r ne t w or k r e s o ur c e b y i s i n g c o nt r ol l e r ,c a r l e n s u r e e fe c t i v e l y t he q ua l i t y o f s er vi c e a n d i mpr o ve t h e r e s ou r c e u t i l i z a t i on b y t h e
软件定义网络[5]SDN的出现为人们提供了一种崭新的思路.本文从SDN的起源和概念出发,分析了SDN的逻辑架构与技术特点、描述了SDN 的标准化进程,梳理了国内外的研究进展与最新动态,在此基础上提出了SDN技术在未来的发展中面临的挑战并总结了可能的研究方向。
2.起源与概念2.1起源2006 年,斯坦福大学启动了名为“Clean-Slate Design for the Internet”项目,该项目旨在研究提出一种全新的网络技术,以突破目前互联网基础架构的限制,更好地支持新的技术应用和创新。
通过该项目,来自斯坦福大学的学生Martin Casado 和他的导师Nick McKeown 教授等研究人员提出了Ethane 架构[6],即通过一个集中控制器向基于流的以太网交换机发送策略,实现对流的控制、路由的统一管理。
2、可编程性强: SDN技术支持自定义网络功能,可以灵活适应不同的应用场景和需求。
中文引用格式 : 左青云 , 陈鸣 ,赵广松 ,邢长友 ,张国敏 ,蒋培成 .基于 OpenFlow 的 SDN 技术研究 .软件学报 ,2013,24(5):1078 1097. /1000-9825/4390.htm 英文引用格式 : Zuo QY, Chen M, Zhao GS, Xing CY, Zhang GM, Jiang PC. Research on OpenFlow-based SDN technologies. Ruan Jian Xue Bao/Journal of Software, 2013,24(5):10781097 (in Chinese). /1000-9825/4390.htm
软件学报 ISSN 1000-9825, CODEN RUXUEW Journal of Software,2013,24(5):10781097 [doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1001.2013.04390] ©中国科学院软件研究所版权所有 .
E-mail: jos@ Tel/Fax: +86-10-62562563
网络 范围 视图 网络层目标
Decision Disseminatቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱon Discovery Data
直接 控制
4D architecture 4D 架构
下 ,决策平面通过全局网络视图做出网络控制决策 ,并直接下发到数据平面 ;分发平面在决策平面和路由器之间
Journal of Software 软件学报 Vol.24, No.5, May 2013
network applications and future Internet technologies. The development status of OpenFlow-based SDN technologies is surveyed in this paper. The research background of decoupled architecture of network control and data transmission in OpenFlow network is summarized first, and the key components and research progress including OpenFlow switch, controller, and SDN technologies are introduced. Moreover, current problems and solutions of OpenFlow-based SDN technologies are analyzed in four aspects. Combined with the development status in recent years, the applications used in campus, data center, network management and network security are summarized. Finally, future research trends are discussed. Key words: OpenFlow; future Internet; controller; virtualization; software-defined networking (SDN)
SDN——未来网络演进的重要趋势赵慧玲;冯明;史凡【摘要】SDN已经成为通信界最热门的词汇之一,其基于控制和转发相分离的思路,实现了网络和业务的可编程,促进了网络的虚拟化和IT化以及硬件的归一化,为降低建设成本、运维难度和业务响应时间奠定了基础.SDN代表了网络演进的方向和趋势,以OpenFlow为代表的相关技术正在标准化过程中,业界也开始了相应的研发和部署试验,但总体上还处于起步阶段,值得各方加以重视,以促进未来网络的智能化发展.%Now the SDN becomes the hot topic in the telecom world.It is based on the separation of the control plane and data plane, also introducing the programming between network and service.So SDN can promote the network virtualization and device uniformity, as help to reduce the CAPEX/OPEX and release time for new service.SDN is the key trend for the future network evolution obviously even in its early stage now.The OpenFlow, which is the typical protocol in SDN is maturing step by step with the work in ONF.Also some R&D related with SDN is in progress all over the world, indicating the right future of the SDN.【期刊名称】《电信科学》【年(卷),期】2012(028)011【总页数】5页(P1-5)【关键词】软件定义网络;控制;可编程【作者】赵慧玲;冯明;史凡【作者单位】中国电信集团公司北京 100032【正文语种】中文1 引言自 2011 年以来,SDN(software defined network,软件定义网络)逐步成为业界最热门的词语之一,在InfoWorld于2011年11月公布的将影响未来10年的10项新技术中,SDN排名第二。
如果我从一个 全新 的开始设计互联网 ,我
会怎么做 ”和 “5年后 的互联 网应该是什 1
么样子 ” 。为此 , 改革 派们 开始了一 系列新 的设计方 案 ,本期所介绍 的就是改革 派大
军 中的一个新兴组织 O eFo 交换机论坛 p n lw fh pn l wthC not m, T e e Fo S i osru 后文简称 O w c i
O eFo pn l w论 坛 ) 。
重新设计互联 网
上图分别 为全球 互联 网情况和流量情况 图, 面对这样规模的应用 , 要重新 设计互联 网 , 一切推倒重来 , 无疑是 一
与那 些 动辄 成 立 多 年 的 论 坛 相 比 ,
个极大的 挑战。新 兴组织Oe I pno F w论坛主要解决的是重新设计互联网的实验环境问题。
的设计者 之一 ,O eFo pnl w论 坛希望防止制 造商 的利益 冲突被 引入 论坛 。
O eFo pn l w论坛 主要解决 的是重新设计
互联 网的实验环境 问题 。在 纯的实验 网上
总难 以有足够多 的实 际用户 或者 足够 大的
互联 网改革新 军 Op n Iw论坛 eFo
网络拓扑来测试新协议 的性 能和功能 ,最
好的方法是将运行新协议 的实验网络嵌入
实际运营 的网络 ,利用 实际的网络环境来
检验新协议 的可行性 和存在的问题 。 传统 的解 决方案有两种 ,要求设备制
造商完全开放平 台接 E或实验者 自 l 行制造设 pn lw :0 8 随着互联 网的发展 ,今 天的互联 网业 O e Fo 论坛 只是 ̄ 20 年刚刚成立的新 备。 设备制造商完全开放平 台接 口让研究者 pnl w论坛起源于斯坦福大学 可以使用商用网络设备进行二次开发 , 务对互联 网提 出了越来越 高的传 输质量要 兴组织 。O eFo 寻找 Ce l e 计划( a t 斯坦福大学 的“ l n 实验协议 与传统协议并存 的方法 ( 1 o Ce a 求, 如何修改互联网以满足新 业务 的需求 , 的 “ l nSa ” 图 出现 了改 良派和改革派两种不同的做 法。 Sae 1 ”计划是一个致 力于研究重新设计互 t 但是 ,直接开放 网络设备 的开发接 口 改 良派认 为可以在 原有 的基础设施上 联 网的项 目,这个计划 目前支持 了大约 1 对设备提供商 而言是一场噩梦 ,一方面与 O 添加新 的协议来解决 问题 ,改革派则认为 个 不 同方 向致 力 于重新 设 计互 联 网 的项 商用平 台的封 闭性 相冲突 ,开放开发 的二 必须推到一切重来 。改 革派 向自己提 出这 样 的两个 问题 :“ 自己 目前掌握 的知识 , 就 目)最早 的成员 只有斯坦福大学 的高性能 次接 口无 疑会有暴露 自身技术细节 的风险 , ,
因此,为了在现有网络上试验新型网络协议,2008年3月,Nick McKeown等人提出了OpenFlow:一种基于流分类的新型网络试验技术,用来解决当前网络面对新业务产生的种种瓶颈。
基于OpenFlow的SDN技术1. SDN与OpenFlow技术简介SDN指的是软件定义网络。
你可以这样去理解SDN:如果将网络中所有的网络设备视为被管理的资源,那么参考操作系统的原理,可以抽象出一个网络操作系统(Network OS)的概念—这个网络操作系统一方面抽象了底层网络设备的具体细节,同时还为上层应用提供了统一的管理视图和编程接口。
SDN的最重要特征:将传统网络设备的数据转发(data plane)和路由控制(control plane)两个功能模块相分离,通过集中式的控制器(Controller)以标准化的接口对各种网络设备进行管理和配置,那么这将为网络资源的设计、管理和使用提供更多的可能性,从而更容易推动网络的革新与发展。
其实,这张图还很好地表明了OpenFlow Switch规范所定义的范围—从图上可以看出,OpenFlow Switch规范主要定义了Switch的功能模块以及其与Controller之间的通信信道等方面。
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C m ue n weg n eh o g o p t K o l ea dT cn l y电脑 知 识 与技术 r d o
网络 。
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
当前 网络 的报 文 转 发 过 程 完 全 由交 换 机/ 由器 等 交 换 设 备控 制 , O eFo 路 而 p n lw网络 中 报 文 转 发 过 程 由交 换 机 和 控 制 器 共 同完
成 , 而实现了数据转发和路 由控制的分离 。控制器可以通过事先 规定好 的接 口操作来控 制 O eFo 从 p n lw交换机 中的流表 , 如修改流
实验 , 并希望他们 的服务器能够直接访 问交换机的转发表。在后来 的斯坦福大学 的CenSae la l 计划 中O e Fo t pn l w作为计划投资 的一 开放式标准协议 ,la l e CenSa 计划致力于研究 在现有网络上利用 O eFo t pnl w技术试验新 型的网络协议 , 其最 终 目标是能够重新设计
表表项以改变流量在 网络 中的走 向 , 从而达到控制数据转发 的目的。
Vo . ,No 2 18 .5,S p e e 01 e t mb r 2 2.
Op n Iw 技 术及 应 用优 势 分析 e Fo
黄宝 赵 座,喜求
( 四川大学 计算机学院 , 四川 成都 6 0 6 ) 10 4 -
摘 要 : 文介 绍 了一 种 新 型 网络技 术一 opn 1w。Opn l 网络 将 路 由控 制 和 数 据 传 输 分 离 , 决 了 当前 网络 因复 杂 功 该 e Fo e Fo w 解 能 导 致 网络 交 换 设 备 臃 肿 和 设 备 性 能提 升 空 间 小 的 问 题 。 该 文 分 析 了 Op n lw 网络 体 系结 构 以及 Op n lw的 应 用优 eF o eF o 势 , 提 出 了 0pn lw技 术 研 究挑 战 。 并 e Fo 关键 词 : e Fo 网络 协 议 ; Opn lw; 交换 机 中 图分 类 号 : P 9 文献 标 识 码 : 文 章 编 号 :0 9 3 4 (0 22 — 9 5 0 T 33 A 1 O — 0 42 1 )5 5 8 — 3
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《电信网技术》2011年6月第6期□TELECOMMUNICATIONS NETWORK TECHNOLOGY No.6NETWORK TECHNOLOGY2可编程网络设备技术与OpenFlow2.1可编程网络设备技术简介基于重叠网络的未来互联网试验验证平台构建技术的基本思想,是把互联网中的主机当作路由器,利用点对点技术使主机之间形成邻居关系,从而构成一个附加在物理互联网之上的逻辑网络拓扑,再在每台主机上运行路由算法,将数据报文在逻辑网络拓扑中进行转发和处理。
2.2OpenFlow技术基本原理OpenFlow是斯坦福大学Clean Slate计划资助的一个开放式协议标准,同时也作为GENI计划的一个子项目,主要用于在现有网络上部署新的协议和新的业务应用。
斯坦福大学的Clean Slate计划,是协助致力于未来互联网研究的研究人员利用OpenFlow技术在现有网络上试验新型的网络协议,其最终目标是重新设计互联网。
如图1所示,一个OpenFlow交换机由以下3部分构成:图1OpenFlow交换机模型●数据流表(Flow Table)每个数据流表项对应一个操作(Action),用以指示OpenFlow交换机如何处理该数据流。
●安全通道(Secure Channel)用于实现OpenFlow交换机与控制器之间的指令和数据包的安全传递。
●OpenFlow协议(OpenFlow Protocol)为OpenFlow交换机和控制器之间的通信提供开放的、标准化的通道。
通过指定标准的接口,OpenFlow 流量表中的表项可以在外部进行定义。
控制器通过OpenFlow 协议这个标准接口对2··《电信网技术》2011年6月第6期OpenFlow 交换机中的流表进行控制,达到了控制数据转发的目的,从而实现了对整个网络的集中控制。
如图2所示,OpenFlow 中数据流标的Flow Entry 包括以下3个组成部分:●规则(Rule )定义了数据包的特征,其中包括10个包头标志域。
这10个包头标志域可以确定一个惟一的TCP Flow 。
去掉TCP 有关的两个标志域,就可以确定一个IP Flow 。
而只使用其中一个标志域,则可确定一组Flow ,如只保留VLAN ID 就可以确定拥有指定VLAN ID 的所有流量。
●操作(Action )定义了对数据包进行处理的操作,通常的操作包括输出包到端口、封装后送往控制器、丢弃包、发送到正常处理路径、修改域等。
●状态(Status )定义了一些计数器,用来统计OpenFlow 中相关表、数据流和端口等的参数。
OpenFlow 交换机本质上是一个可管理的数据流表。
在实现了数据转发和可知分离的基础上,基于OpenFlow 技术原理,斯坦福大学OpenFlow 研究组还研究和提供了名为FlowVisor 的网络虚拟化软件去实现网络的虚拟化,具体参见图3。
FlowVisor 是位于硬件结构元件和软件之间的一个网路虚拟层,可以允许多个控制器同时控制一台OpenFlow 交换机,但是每个控制器仅仅可以控制经过这个OpenFlow 交换机的某一个虚拟网络。
通过FlowVisor ,不同用户的控制器可以在一个物理网络上定义各自的逻辑网络拓扑,再通过运行在各自控制器上的路由算法来控制数据报文在逻辑拓扑中的转发路径。
FlowVisor 可以使用户之间相互隔离,从而可以互不影响。
3OpenFlow 性能分析通过OpenFlow 技术,可以在正常运行的现有网络上,以可编程的方式,根据特定的需求,自由地定义数据的路由途径和转发交换规则,最终实现对网络数据流的分类和精细化管理等。
同时,OpenFlow 还允许多个依据不同需求产生的协议和应用同时运行,而彼此之间又是逻辑上分离的,不会互相产生干扰。
网络技术3··□TELECOMMUNICATIONS NETWORK TECHNOLOGY No.6□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□NETWORK TECHNOLOGY就目前的发展情况来看,OpenFlow 技术自身还存在两点不足:首先是扩展性问题,OpenFlow 交换机目前主要是在某些大学校园里如普林斯顿大学进行了一定部署,实际部署的范围比较有限,部署规模也都比较小;其次,OpenFlow 只定义了有限的几个操作(Action ),灵活性有限,不足以满足用户的所有需求。
OpenFlow 技术与基于重叠网络的未来互联网试验验证平台构建技术相比,具有如下特点:●在可编程性方面,基于重叠网络的构建技术可采用软件路由器的方式,但是转发性能较低。
而OpenFlow 技术则只是要求用户采用C/C++语言在控制器上开发自己的算法,且能保证较高的转发速度。
OpenFlow 则是提供了FlowVisor 软件供用户方便的进行网络定制,而且用户之间的隔离也很彻底。
而OpenFlow 需要部署新的设备才能支持相应的验证和评估,因此建设的周期较长,且控制器集中式的管理方式在大规模网络中也会面临挑战,而且目前OpenFlow 受自身发展模式的限制,实际部署范围比较有限。
通过以上分析可知,虽然自身在扩展性和部署规模等方面有所欠缺,但是OpenFlow 在可编程性和虚拟化等方面具备较大的技术优势。
因此,综合来看,在未来互联网演进的研究过程中,以OpenFlow 为代表的可编程网络设备技术代表着互联网发展的未来,技术也在不断地成熟,是目前阶段创建未来互联网试验验证平台的首选技术。
4结束语本文在介绍欧美主要的未来互联网研究项目的基础上,重点对以OpenFlow 为代表的基于可编程网络设备技术的未来互联网试验验证环境构建技术进行了分析和研究,并指出OpenFlow 是目前阶段创建未来互联网试验验证平台的首选技术。
参考文献1GENI.2PlanetLab. 3Future Internet Forum.http://fif.kr 4PanLab. 5OneLab.http://www.onelab.eu6胡光武,徐恪,华婷,姚姜源.可编程路由器研究进展.中国教育网络.2010,77OpenFlow.8Stanford ’s Clean Slate Design for the Internet.9韦兴军.OpenFlow 交换机模型及关键技术研究与实现.国防科学技术大学.2008,11Research on Future Internet Experimental Technology Based on OpenFlowAbstract This paper firstly makes research on future Internet experimental technology based on OpenFlow,analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of OpenFlow,and finally points out that OpenFlow is the first choice to build future Internet experimental platform in current days.Key words OpenFlow,future Internet,GENI爱立信任命Per Borgklint 为多媒体业务部主管爱立信于2011年6月7日任命Per Borgklint 出任高级副总裁兼多媒体业务部主管。
Per Borgklint 此前任瑞典运营商Net1( )的首席执行官。
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