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Unit6 Fun Cycling

Topic1 We’re going on a spring field trip 一. 重点词汇

( 一) 词形转换:

1.discuss(名词) discussion

2.queen(对应词) king

fortable(名词) comfort

4.safely (形容词) s afe (名词) safety

( 二) 词的辨析

1. find out / look for / find

2. cost / pay for / spend on

3. other /else

4. raise /rise

5.each /every

6.exciting / excited


1.go on a visit to 去……旅行

2. make the decision 做决定

3.bring back 带回

4.go on a field trip 去野外旅行

5.decide on (upon) Sth 对某事做出决定

6 see the sunrise 看日出

7. make a reservation 预订

8. come up with 想出(主意)

9. look forward to (doing) sth 期望

10. pay for 支付;赔偿

11. raise money 筹钱

12. book a ticket 订票

13. make a room for sb 为……订房间

14. have a wonderful time 玩得愉快

15. in the daytime 在白天

16. a two-day visit 为期两天的旅行

17.find out 查出

18. some places of interest 名胜

19. rooms with bathtub 带浴室的房间

20.a hard (soft) sleeper 硬(软)卧

21.my pleasure 不客气


1. I have some exciting news to tell you. 我有一些激动人心的消息要告诉你们。

to tell you 是动词不定式短语,作定语。动词不定式作定语时常放在被修饰的名词或代词之后。如:I have nothing to talk about. He has

a lot of work to do.

2. Sounds great!= It sounds great! 听起来不错。

3. We will go on a two-day visit to Mount Ta

i. 我们将要去泰山玩两天。

go on a visit to 去参观/旅游They went to a visit to Egypt last year.

类似有:go on a trip / go on a picnic

a two-day visit 为期两天的旅行a two-month holiday 两个月的假期

an eighteen-year-old boy 一个18岁的男孩4.It’s hard to say. 这很难说。To say 是动词不定式作主语,It 是形式主语。

如:It’s nice to meet you.

5. I’ll ask the airline on the phone. 我将打电话问问航空公司。同义句是:

I’ll phone and ask the airline.

6. Bring back your information to class tomorr ow and we’ll decide on the best way to go on our field trip. 明天把你们查到的信息带到班上来,然后我们来决定最好的郊游方式。bring back 带回。Please bring back your librar y books tomorrow.

decide on/upon sth 决定,选0定We’re trying to decide on a school.

7.It’s too far for cycling. 骑自行车去路太远了。同义句是:It’ too far to cycle there.

8.How long does it take to reach Mount Tai b y…?乘……去泰山要花多长时间?

9.How much does it cost to go there ?去那里要花多少钱?

How much does a standard room cost ? 一个标准间的价格是多少?

10.We have tickets at 120 yuan for the hard sl eeper and 180 yuan for the soft sleeper.


at 意为“以……”,一般用于表示价格,年龄,速度等词的前面,for 意为“供,适合于”。I’ve got tickets at 80 yuan for The Sound of Music.

11.I’d like to book 20 tickets for the hard slee per. 我要预订20张硬卧票。

20 tickets for the hard sleeper= 20 hard sleepe r tickets

book tickets 预订票book a room for sb/sth 为……预订房间

e.g. We want to book some rooms for 14th.

