

小学生英语看图说话精品PPT课件 图文

小学生英语看图说话精品PPT课件 图文
“呵!黑色的斗篷、掩着的嘴脸,闭上 眼睛你 就出来 ,睁开 眼睛你 就躲在 阴影里 ,撒旦 ,今天 你总算 露了回 脸…… ”子都 愤愤不 已…… 估摸着 从打电 话到现 在,她 们在车 里呆了 也有一 小时了 …… 若的车启动了,那时子都想追上去问 个究竟 ,转念 又怕她 误以为 是在监 视她, 彼此不 愉快, 那是他 不愿意 见到的; 况且与 她说什 么,质 问?凭 什么… …正犹 豫间收 到若的 信息, 说她在 家洗澡 ,要他 放心… … “呵呵……都听见没有?她在家里洗澡 啊…… ”子都 快疯了 ,不知 那时他 的心肠 做何颜 色…… 一个他 爱了十 四年的 女人当 着他的 面扯谎 ,为一 个他所 不屑的 男人回 护、并 与之厮 混…… 妈妈的 心(《 妈妈的 心》), 当那个 王子向 妈妈索 取那颗 能给他 带来欢 怡之心 的时候 ,腹腔 里何尝 还有 颗心… …他一 句话也 说不出 来,亦 或也没 必要说 什么, 万箭穿 心,扎 向他的 是剑… … 七窍喷火,他驾着车漫无目的的一路 狂奔… …“天 经地义 ,人之 常情。 不错, 她爱谁 不关我 的事儿 。然而 ,但凡 年轻点 的、英 俊点的 、血腥 点的, 不,有 个人样 就行, 我甚至 会为她 祝福… …就他 ,一只 缠了她 多年的 癞蛤蟆 ,竟给 她盘了 去,大 侮,奇 耻大辱 ……呵 呵…… 他竟是 用了什 么做诱 饵?一 块饼子? 一张画 饼就给 她钓了 去…… 这是她 吗…… ”他窝 囊、无 地自容 ……
3.物体形状:The book is thin… big/ small/ long/ short/ round(圆)/
square(正方形的),oblong(椭圆的) flat(扁的), thin(薄的),thick(厚的)
4.天气:It’s rainy(雨天)/ sunny(晴天)/ cloudy( 阴 天)/ windy(大风)/ snowy(下雪)/hot(天 热)/warm(天暖)/ cold(天冷) 5.季节:It’s spring/ summer/ autumn/ winter

英语看图说话 ppt课件

英语看图说话 ppt课件
From the picture we can see, the rate of students who are myopic is increasing sharply. This condition cannot be disregarded.
fire exit
When a fire happens…
wet towel湿毛巾
Pretect youself from fire
Exit; call 119; lie down;cover nose With towel
The four pictures show us some fire rules. If you go to a place, make sure you know the location of the fire exit. When you find a fire, remember to call 119. The firemen can help you. If there is much smoke, you should lie down on the floor. Don't forget to wet some towels and cover your nose and mouth with them.
Thanks for the policeman
Rain;on bike;fall down; Hurt;Taxi;hospital;
It was raining hard yesterday. Rose went home by bike. Suddenly she fell off her bike and hurt her leg because of the bad weather. At that time, a policeman saw this and helped her. He stopped a taxi and sent her to a hospital at once. In the hospital the doctor looked her over carefully asked her to take some medicine. It was nothing serious. Rose was thankful to the doctor and the policeman. We hope that she will be better soon.That’s all, thank you.看图说话12345

英语看图说话(图 范文)

英语看图说话(图 范文)

英语看图说话(图范文)One day。

a woman purchased a large box of groceries from the supermarket。

On her way home。

she was noticed by two young people。

one of XXX。

the boy lost his grip and the heavy box fell on his feet。

XXX a nearby clinic。

XXX his injuries were not us.Over the weekend。

we decided to go on a XXX and set off early in the morning。

After an hour's drive。

we arrived at a beautiful river with clear blue waters and fresh air。

We were so XXX and running around。

We started off by going for a swim。

XXX finally heading back home at around five in the evening.Last Sunday was Tree Planting Day。

and a group of students from a local school XXX。

They met up at the school gate in the morning and set off on their n.They took a bus to their n。

Upon arrival。

they XXX。

others planted the trees。

and a few XXX when they returned home exhausted but content with their plishment.During class。



Mrs. Wang was forty years old. she was too fat. She
often felt tired even when she went upstairs. she had to see
a doctor. The doctor looked her over and told her there
because of the bad weather. At that time, a policeman
saw this and helped her. He stopped a taxi and sent her
to a hospital at once. In the hospital the doctor looked
3、重复1、2 步骤,直到不再发现问题;
主题:Sports meeting
主题词:healthy; sports meeting;
high jump
Look at this picture, As we know, doing sports
with his father and grandfather. They had great fun. In
the afternoon, Tommy and his younger sister watched
TV with their grandpa. They enjoyed it very much.
A happy day Family; picnic; take photo; watch TV



wet towel湿毛巾
Pretect youself from fire
Exit; call 119; lie down;cover nose With towel
The four pictures show us some fire rules. If you go to a place, make sure you know the location of the fire exit. When you find a fire, remember to call 119. The firemen can help you. If there is much smoke, you should lie down on the floor. Don't forget to wet some towels and cover your nose and mouth with them.
From the picture we can see, the rate of students who are myopic is increasing sharply. This condition cannot be disregarded.
fire exit
When a fire happens…
Thanks for the policeman
Rain;on bike;fall down; Hurt;Taxi;hospital;
It was raining hard yesterday. Rose went home by bike. Suddenly she fell off her bike and hurt her leg because of the bad weather. At that time, a policeman saw this and helped her. He stopped a taxi and sent her to a hospital at once. In the hospital the doctor looked her over carefully asked her to take some medicine. It was nothing serious. Rose was thankful to the doctor and the policeman. We hope that she will be better soon.That’s all, thank you.
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