

2009年美国青少年选择奖 Teen Choice Awards

2009年美国青少年选择奖 Teen Choice Awards

夏日金曲:《Fire Burning》 肖恩-金斯顿(Sean Kingston)
最佳男歌手:杰森-马耶兹(Jason Mraz)
最佳女歌手:泰勒-史薇芙特(Taylor Swift)
最佳突破歌手:大卫-阿楚莱塔(David Archuleta)
最佳喜剧:《博物馆奇妙夜2》(Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian)
最佳动作/冒险:《X战警前传:金刚狼》(X-Men Origins: Wolverine)
最佳剧情类男演员:切斯-克劳福(Chace Crawford) 《绯闻女孩》
最佳动作/冒险类女演员:海顿-潘妮蒂尔(Hayden Panettiere)
最佳动作/冒险类男演员:汤姆-威灵(Tom Welling) 《超人前传》(Smallville)
最佳突破女演员:黛米-洛瓦托(Demi Lovato) 桑尼明星梦》(Sonny With a Chance)
最受欢迎反派奖:卡姆-吉贾迪特(Cam Gigandet) 《暮光之城》
最新鲜男面孔:泰勒-洛特(Taylor Lautner) 《暮光之城》
最新鲜女面孔:阿什丽-格林(Ashley Greene) 《暮光之城》
最佳暑期档剧情:《姐姐的守护者》(My Sister's Keeper)
最佳暑期档女演员:梅根-福克斯(Megan Fox) 《变形金刚2:卷土重来》
最坏脾气演员:麦莉-赛勒斯 《汉娜蒙塔娜电影版》


第六章 对映异构 Enantiomerism
构造异构:凡分子中原子互相连接次序的不同而产生的异 构现象称为构造异构,包括碳干异构、位置异构、官能团异构 和互变异构。
立体异构:化合物分子中原子互相连接次序相同,但空间 排列的方式不同,这种异构现象称为立体异构,包括构型异构 和构象异构。在构型异构中又包括顺、反异构和对映异构。
分子中有对称面,它和它的镜象就能够重合,分子 就没有手性,是非手性分子(Achiral molecule),因而它没有对映异构体和旋光性。
2. 对称中心(i) 某些物体或分子中有一点P,通过P点画任何直线,两端有
具有对称中心的化合物和它的镜象是能重合的,因此它不 具有手性。
3、对称轴 (Cn):
180° Cl
一个物体或分子中如果存在一条轴线,绕这条轴线作一 定角度的旋转,这个物体或分子可以恢复与旋转前一样的形
具有手性的分子称为手性分子(Chiral molecules)
Some chiral objects in our life
手性碳原子:与四个不同的原子或基团相连接的碳原子为不 对称碳原子,这个特征碳原子称为手性中心,不对称碳原子称为 手性碳原子。
物质具有手性就有旋光性和对映异构现象,那么,物质具 有怎样的分子结构才与镜象不能重合,具有手性呢?其实,手 性分子与非手性分子的根本区别就在于分子的对称性,手性分 子是因为缺少某些对称因素,从而不能与镜像相互叠合。 下面介绍分子中常见的几种对称因素:对称面(σ)、 对称中心(i)、对称轴(Cn)、更替对称轴(Sn)。

第六章 对 映 异 构

第六章  对 映 异 构
C CH 楔形式
乳酸 优点: 形象生动,一目了然 缺点: 书写不方便
2.Fischer 投影式:
1)投影原则:动画 1° 横、竖两条直线的交叉点代表手性碳原子,位于纸平面。 2° 横线表示与C*相连的两个键指向纸平面的前面,竖线表 示指向纸平面的后面。 3° 将含有碳原子的基团写在竖线上,编号最小的碳原子写 在竖线上端。 30
二、手性和对称因素 1.手性(Chirality):实物与其镜影不能重叠的现象。 实物与镜象不能重叠的分子,称为手性分子。 具有手性的分子叫手性分子,手性分子必定有旋光 性,具有旋光性的分子必定是手性的。 分子的手性(而不是手性碳)是其具有旋光性和 对映异构现象的充分必要条件。
2. 对称因素
3.右旋和左旋 ( dextrorotatory and levorotatory ) —— 使偏振光振动平面向右旋转称右旋,“ + ”或“d”
—— 使偏振光振动平面向左旋转称左旋,“ - ”或“l”
4.旋光度(observed rotation) —— 旋光活性物质使偏振光振动平面旋转的角度,用“a ” 表示。 它不仅是由物质的旋光性(与物质的结构有关)决定的, 也与测定的条件有关。 旋光度大小的影响因素:1、温度 质 4、旋光管的长度 2、波长 3、溶剂的性
学习要求 学习内容: 概述

桑迪 牛顿

桑迪 牛顿
桑迪·牛顿长相灵透,极具天赋,混血儿的身份让她分外抢眼,显示出贵族气息 。桑迪·牛顿在电影《爱 的困惑》中的表现证明了其出色的表演实力 。在电影《真爱》中,她勇敢无畏的本色演出令人眼前一亮,给观 众留下深刻的印象 。在电影《谍中谍2》中,她成功地塑造了角色,给人一种软夹心小甜饼的感觉 。在电影 《迷情追杀》中,她还证明了自己是一个具有票房号召力的电影演员 。在电影《隐居》中,她高超的演技为影 片增添了几分恐怖色彩 (《优雅》《纽约时报》、搜狐娱乐、时光网评)。
《情挑玉女心》剧照1991年3月21日,其出演的电影处女作《情挑玉女心》上映,她在片中饰演了一位外表 漂亮而个性倔强,渴望求知求解的乌干达女学生 。
1993年,出演动作犯罪片《伦敦街头档案》。1994年,出演了由汤姆·克鲁斯、布拉德·皮特主演的吸血 鬼题材奇幻片《夜访吸血鬼》 。1995年3月13日,与尼克·诺特、格列塔·斯卡奇合作出演的传记片《杰弗逊在 巴黎》上映,她在片中饰演了性感的黑奴莎丽·海明斯 。
桑迪·牛顿在TED全球大会上发表演讲,题目为《拥抱他人,拥抱自己》(Embracing otherness, embracing myself) 。2013年2月,在伦敦领导了“十亿人站起来”(OneBillionRising)公益 游行活动,该活动旨在呼吁人们制止并根除针对女性的暴力 。2014年12月,桑迪·牛顿被善待动物组织(PETA) 评选为“年度最性感素食主义者” 。
2011年,在TED全球大会上发表演讲 。2013年,其主演的警务剧《卧底情劫》播出 。2016年,主演科幻剧 《西部世界》,她因此获得了第70届黄金时段艾美奖剧情类最佳女配角 。2017年,主演悬疑剧《重任在肩第四 季》,因此入围第64届英国电视学院奖最佳女主角 。2018年,出演科幻片《游侠索罗:星球大战外传》 。2019 年,被英国女王伊丽莎白二世授予大英帝国官佐勋章(OBE) 。2020年3月15日,其主演的科幻剧《西部世界第 三季》播出 。



2016-20 17学年第1 学期文献综述名称高效液相色谱法手性固定相分手性药物研究进展专业2016级药物化学学号161320217姓名李松子导师柯美荣指导老师林子俺时间2016年12月19日高效液相色谱法手性固定相分手性药物研究进展摘要手性(chirality)是指化合物的分子式和结构式相同,因分子空间排列不同导致两个分子互为镜像和实物的现象。

手性药物(chiral drug)是指药物分子结构中引人手性中心后得到的一对互为实物与镜像的对映异构体(enantiomer) 这些对映构体的理化性质基本相似,仅旋光性质有所差别。


外消旋体药物中可能只有一种对映异构体有药效,其镜像分子却有毒副作用或药效相反或无药效:如左旋巴比妥酸盐抑制神经活动而右旋巴比妥酸盐却兴奋神经;右旋甲状腺素钠可降低血脂而左旋甲状腺素钠对心脏有毒副作用;抗菌药左旋氧氣沙星的药效高于其右旋体数倍对映异构体也对香料化学和农业化学方面有重要作用:如S-型的香芹酮有香菜味,而R-型却具有荷兰薄荷香味;农药溴氰菊酯的8个异构体中,(3R,1R,S)异构体的杀虫活性是(3S, lS,R)的70多倍。










甲烷、乙烯、乙炔它们分子的二维图象和三维图象可以看出这些分子是对称的。 如果把分子中的氢互换位置,分子没有变化 生活中有许多对称的现象,也有不对称的现象。 2、 手性碳原子 与四个不同原子或基团相连的碳原子称为手性碳原子,并用“*”标出。
3. 手性分子:若分子与其镜像不能重叠,则此分子为手性分子。 判断一个分子是否为手性分子,主要看它是否具有对称因素,即对称面、 对称面 对称面 对称轴和对称中心。
1、分子的立体形象 分子的形象是分子结构体现的一种表现现象。少数简单的分子具有二维形象, 大多数有机分子都具有三维形象,也就是呈现立体的形象。碳原子是一个三维的 正四面体结构,当它和四个相同的原子结合时,四个键的键长以及它们之间的夹 角都是均等的,为109.5°单当它结合的原子不同时,键角就偏离了这一正常角 度。键长、键角的变化可以影响分子的其他性质。
特点:R、S构型法,能表示分子的绝对的空间关系,即:看见一个光活异构体 的名字,就可写出它的空间构型表达式。
H R S R R 注意:R、S构型与旋光性无内在联系,即R不代表旋光性中的右旋,S构型不代 表旋光性中的左旋。
[O ] CH3 CH CH C H 3 + K M nO 4 + H 2O CH3 CH OH CH OH CH3
两个邻二醇都是无旋光的。将熔点为19 0C的进行拆分,可以达到两个旋光度绝

2009:Family Interaction Patterns:Relation to Career Beliefs and

2009:Family Interaction Patterns:Relation to Career Beliefs and
Volume 2, March 2009 The International Journal of Research and Review
Family Interaction Patterns: Relation to Career Beliefs and Career Maturity of College Students
© 2009 Time Taylor International ISSN 2094-1420
Volume 2, March 2009 The International Journal of Researcnd myths appear to have a lower level of differentiation of self, which results in the impairment of life. Individuals raised in a healthy and functional functiona family will be well individuated, more resilient, and develop personal autonomy. This certainly will have an affect on their career development because members of a healthy family will have more flexibility in choosing a career and knowing what they want from a career in contrast to those who live in a family with rigid boundaries, rules, and myths (Bratcher, 1982). In other words, encouraging young adults to have personal autonomy while remaining connected to the family may require the family to adjust or o change their rules and myths. Bratcher’s idea about the application of family systems theory was later supported by Bradley and Mims (1992), Lopez and Andrew (1987), and Zingaro (1983). Bradley and Mims (1992) proposed that counselors identify family characteristics in terms of messages, boundaries, rules, myths, roles, and relationships to understand their influences on personal and career development. Zingaro (1983) conceptualized the influence of family dynamics on career development from Bowen’s (1 (1974) 974) and Minuchin’s (1978) perspectives. Zingaro proposed that a lack of differentiation from parents or enmeshment contributes to career decision decision-making making problems. People with low levels of differentiation from the family may not be able to differentiate their heir own expectations from their family’s expectations. This idea was extended by Lopez and Andrew (1987) who contended that career decision or career choice should not be seen “as an individual achievement but rather as the outcome of transactions between the person and the family” (p. 304). Specifically, Lopez and Andrew theorized that the quality of family relationship dynamics and the level of family functioning influenced vocational decisions. Thus, it is impossible to understand an individual without taking into account the social system of that individual, which is usually the family. Lopez and Andrew used the family life cycle model (Carter & McGoldrick, 1999) to support their hypotheses on the family influences on career development. Again, the int interrelationship errelationship between psychological separation, personal identity achievement, and career decision were emphasized for young adults and their families. Clear boundaries and high levels of differentiation will help individuals to develop their identities by separating themselves from their family-of-origin origin and forming supports outside the system. College students who are not able to separate themselves from their family family-of-origin origin may face difficulties in accomplishing career developmental tasks. They may have limited freedom to make choices based on their own interests and desires because they are controlled by others and are more likely to fulfill their families’ expectations. According to Zingaro (1983), these individuals avoid making decisions to avoid anxiety, which is created by the dynamics of fused and enmeshed families, such as emotional dependence and lack of autonomy. At the other end of the spectrum, disengaged members who are isolated from

第六章 立体异构型2

第六章 立体异构型2
X1 X2
C原子与X1(或X3)的中心 距离和C原子与X2 (或X4) 的中心距离之和超过290pm, 那么在室温(25oC)以下, 这个化合物就有可能拆分成 旋光异构体。
C-CH3(94~150) C-NH2(94~156) C-Cl (94~163) C-COOH C-OH C-Br
1. 有手性中心的旋光异构体
H 3C C6H5
+ N
除C外,N、S (P166)、P、As 等也能作手性中心
2. 有手性轴的旋光异构体
(2)联苯型的旋光异构体 (3)把手化合物
Wisteria floribunda
Wisteria sinensis
Beautiful Shellfish(贝壳)
力克·胡哲-无肢勇士 (Nick Vujicic)
在20世纪60年代,镇静药沙利度胺(thalidomide,又名“反应停”) 是以两个对映体的混合物(消旋体)用作缓解妊娠反应药物的。后来 发现,在欧洲服用过此药的孕妇中有不少产下海豚状畸形儿,成为 22 震惊国际医药界的悲惨事件。
William S. Knowles St. Louis, MO, USA b. 1917
Ryoji Noyori Nagoya University Nagoya, Japan b. 1938

Economic development and carbon dioxide emissions in China

Economic development and carbon dioxide emissions in China

Abstract: This paper investigates the driving forces, emission trends and reduction potential of China’s carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions based on a provincial panel data set covering the years 1995 to 2009. A series of static and dynamic panel data models are estimated, and then an optimal forecasting model selected by out-of-sample criteria is used to forecast the emission trend and reduction potential up to 2020. The estimation results show that economic development, technology progress and industry structure are the most important
specific effect term in the regression model, thus improving the estimation performance (Hsiao, 2003; Baltagi, 2005). A number of previous studies on international CO2 emissions based on cross-country panel data models have taken advantage of panel data econometric models, such as Holtz-Eakin and Selden (1995), Tucker (1995), Schmalensee et al. (1998), Lantz and Feng (2006), Maddison (2006), Aldy (2007). Most recently, Auffhammer and Carson (2008) attempt to forecast China’s CO2 emissions path for the foreseeable future by using provincial panel data models, and they find evidence of underestimation in previous studies which are conducted based on time series or cross-sectional data. Their estimation results, however, are not based on panel data set of CO2 emissions but waste gas emissions.






手性分子的非对称中心被称为手性中心(chiral center),而对应的镜像异构体被称为对映体(enantiomer)。


1. 手性中心的定义手性中心是指有机分子中一个碳原子,它与四个不同的基团连接,且无法通过旋转使得分子可以与其镜像重合。



2. 对映体的定义对映体是指具有手性的分子的镜像异构体,它们无法通过旋转或平移重合。


3. 对映体的表示方法为了方便表示和描述,对映体可以用R/S表示法或D/L表示法进行命名。




4. 手性中心的产生手性中心的产生可以通过多种方式实现,其中包括:- 手性催化剂:通过手性催化剂参与的化学反应来引入手性中心。

- 手性溶剂:某些手性溶剂可以影响反应物分子的构型,从而生成手性中心。

- 酶催化反应:生物体内的酶可以选择性地催化具有手性中心的反应。

5. 对映体的性质对映体之间的性质非常相似,如熔点、沸点、密度等物理性质几乎相同。




椰莉娜·沙拉斯(Yelina Salas):苏菲亚·米洛斯(Sofia Milos)饰演,出现在第2、3季。一个常常跟 CSI一起调查的重案组探员,也是Horatio弟弟雷蒙的妻子。但在嫁给雷蒙之前她曾和Horatio试着交往过,由于 知道了Horatio已经有了一个女儿所以不再和Horatio有来往。她后来与何瑞修的死对头——内务部的警官瑞 克·史特勒(Rick Stetler)交往。在第3季最后发现她的丈夫雷蒙其实并没有死,为了确保他的安全,她带着 儿子与他一起前往巴西躲藏。在丈夫死后回到迈阿密称为一名私家侦探。
约瑟夫·凯尔(Joseph Kayle):小莱斯里·欧多姆(Leslie Odom Jr.)饰演,第2季开始出现,实验室 技师。
亚伦·彼得斯(Aaron Peters):亚曼多·维得-肯尼迪(Armando Valdes-Kennedy)饰演,第3季开始出 现,实验室技师。
梅根·唐那(Megan Donner):金·迪兰妮(Kim Delaney)饰演,出现在第1季前10集。曾经担任何瑞修 现在的职位,在哀悼完丧夫之痛后回到工作岗位之后降级成为一个调查员,但是之后还是因为受不了丧夫之痛所 造成的压力而离职。她的角色在第1季第10集之后离开的原因,主要是因为她和卡罗素之间合作默契不够,缺少 共同语言。
麦欣·薇乐拉(Maxine Valera):波提·安·布莉丝(Boti Ann Bliss)饰演,DNA分析师,第2季开始出 现。在第3季因把性侵被害者资料输入系统而被停职,于第4季再度出现。
彼得·艾略特(Peter Elliott):麦克·西尔弗(Michael B. Silver)饰演,第2季开始出现,美国特勤 局经济犯罪部门的探员。















文|暗地妖娆 图|Emily恶养之谜当《孤儿怨》遇上《罗生门》要一个女孩,可惜那时她罹患妊娠并发症,医生宣布她不能再自行生育。


Learning by Experience -

Learning by Experience -
14th June 2009 SLTC-Tuesday
And assess
In the investigative phase, what we need to know is just ‘STUFF’ ‘Stuff’ is anything you know, but most people don’t, or whose relevance isn’t obvious. Sadly, because the context is infinitely variable in forensic science, you cannot learn enough stuff, even from experience.
Daughter Michelle not known to police, BUT really unlucky with boyfriends…..
14th June 2009SLTC-Tuesday
14th June 2009
Boyfriend/partner endowment mortgage; she is going to redecorate whilst he is away offshore Petrol spilt in car passenger footwell spoils evening out
(narrow window of opportunity for offender)
Electronic meter card showed reset on Tuesday morning!!
14th June 2009 SLTC-Tuesday
That case involved stuff about alcohol, petrol and gas meters Of course if you are either teaching or learning by experience the facts have to be correct. So all of you knew stuff like you couldn't ignite petrol with a cigarette end……. And learning by experience isn’t always effective even at the pragmatic and individual level The experience may be correct, but the solution poorly conceived….

And Then Came Lola《劳拉现身(2009)》完整中英文对照剧本

And Then Came Lola《劳拉现身(2009)》完整中英文对照剧本

劳拉?Lola?开始找另一种方式生活Got to find another way to make my day.宝贝现在也不错但我想要更多Hey, b, it's over but there's got to be more than this又或者保持这个节奏就不错or enough to stay at the pace.挥舞拳头已不够Got to be more than throwing fists,沉醉不醒也将满足不了我got to be more than sinking drinking fits.我说我幸运但我不会计算福佑I said I been lucky but l won't count blessings,忙着耗在酒吧数堆在地板上的空酒瓶too busy counting empties stacked on the floor in the bar. 今天我要宅在家Today's the day for me to stay inside加州旧金山我告诉过你我想对你做些什么吗Have I ever told you what I want to do to you?没有No.我总是可以开一个很好的头I'm always good at the beginning.有一个愉快的开始I'm good at beginnings.马马虎虎的过程但从来没收获过结果Not so good at middles, and I never get to the end.所以...不过我想这次会有所不同So...but this time could be different, I think.我们已经约会几个月了We've been dating a few months,这段关系是认真的吗我们可以彼此交付吗and is it serious? Is it going to be committed?我不知道但它是新鲜又美好的I don't know, but it's new and it's good,老实说我有点担心and honestly, that worries me a little bit.因为你知道的女人总是想要承诺的但我不是...Because you know women-they want you to commit, and I'm not... 我只是...我不是那样的拉拉I just...I'm not that lesbian.在这个问题上我更像个男人I mean, I'm more like a guy that way.又在过你的劳拉时间了?Hey, running on Lola time again?你忘记调你的表了你这是夏令时记得吗You forgot to change your clock. Daylight savings, remember?我们都知道我需要多余的时间Well, as we both know, I need extra time.也许你的确需要Oh! Yeah, maybe you do.我不喜欢那种按时按点的压力I don't like the pressure of being on time.空间我喜欢有空间不喜欢承诺Windows. I like windows, no commitment.设计稿不错打给我别管它Leave it.干我Make me.-干♥你♥? -干我- Make you? - Make me.性绝对是一种交流It's a communication. Sex is totally a communication.身体上的交流Physical communication,并且...我热爱交流and, um...I love to communicate.你理想中最脆弱的一个The thinnest one from wished you want从渴望到戏谑从枷锁到宝贝from itch to taunt, from hitched to baby给予伤口再缝合还有其它可能继续着from cuts come stitches and then maybe当我看到她When I saw, there she is我给她一切你能给Then I gave all that you could give试着宽以待人Just trying to live and let live但她希望你死But she's wishing you were dead比她砍伤你的速度更快Quicker than she can hack you down 我可以为你疗伤I can patch you up比她弄垮你的速度更快Quicker than she can break you down 我可将你组装你无法摆脱I can make you up, you can't shake it 这感觉that feeling她正做她所想that she's working it而你要去应付that you're making do你无法抗拒Oh, you can't shake it那感觉that feeling她正弄坏你that she's broken you她正对付你that she's onto you比她让你疯狂的速度更快Quicker than she can mess you round 我让你兴奋I can send you up你无法摆脱Oh, you can't shake it那感觉that feeling她正在做她所想that she's working you她正玩弄你于股掌That she's making do你无法摆脱Oh, you can't shake it那感觉that feelingthat she's broken you她正玩弄你That she's making do你无法摆脱You can't shake it天啊操God! Fuck!艾略特操Elliott! Fuck!操Fuck.喂?Hello?你好我是劳拉知道该做什么吧Hi. This is Lola. You know what to do.劳拉? 你在吗Lola? Are you there?接电♥话♥ 快接电♥话♥啊拜托Oh, please pick up. Please pick up. Please!我急需你帮忙I need your help.谢谢Thank you.-劳拉? -等一下- Lola? - Wait a minute.凯茜是我亲爱的冷静点怎么了Casey, hi. It's me, honey. Calm down. What's going on?我的截稿期限提前了又联络不到你My deadline's been moved up and I couldn't reach you,所以我直接去图文社拿样刊可竟然没人在那儿so I went to the lab to pick up the prints, but no one was there. 什么见鬼的图文社大中午会没人啊What kind of fricking lab is closed during the middle of the day? 我就不明白了I don't understand.拜托你得去拿...Please, you've got to get...什么声音What's that sound?...没什么他们为什么把会议提前了Why did they move up the meeting?丹妮和她的合伙人要回欧洲Danny and her partners are leaving for Europe, 所以所有的竞标人都要so all the competitors had to turn提前上交方案现在就要in their designs early, like now.所以拜托告诉我5:30之前你一定可以拿到图稿So, please, tell me you can get the prints by 5:30. 我5:30就要I need them here by 5:30.好的我5点之前就可以搞定Yeah, I can make it there by five.我一会儿就到亲爱的I'll get there, honey.我保证我肯定会拿到I promise, I'll have those prints.现在深呼吸平静下来Now, just breathe. Calm down.-没事的 -我在努力- It's going to be ok. - I'm trying.我正在努力只是...你快点来吧I'm trying. e fast.还有拜托...请尽量别迟到And please...please, try not to be late.我说过我会搞定的I said I'll be there.抱歉我只是...我太焦虑了I'm sorry. I'm just...I'm freaking out.老天丹妮来了我挂了再见Oh, God, that's Danny. I gotta go. Bye.凯茜我爱...Casey, I love...你you.天哪Oh, my God.-见到你真是太好了 -你真漂亮- It is so good to see you. - You look fantastic.操夏令时Oh, fuck! Daylight savings time.逊毙了Oh, shhh...ucks.塞里我是劳拉Yeah, Seri, hey, it's Lola.小劳冷静点Lo. Calm down.别喘了可以吗这可不是电♥话♥性♥爱♥ Quit panting, will you? This isn't phone sex.凯茜在吗她和什么人在一起吗Is Casey there? Is she there with some guy,意大利长相的人some Italian-looking guy right now?很高...很辣Tall拜托他就是个代理商Oh, come on. He's a client.他? 等一下He? Hold on a sec.那家伙可不是男人Yeah, well, he is a she,而且在我看来一点也不像生意人and it does not look like business to me.什么好吧...无视我刚才说的吧What? Uh...ok. You know what, just forget about that.告诉凯茜我会尽快赶到行吗Just tell Casey that I am going to be there just as soon as I can, ok?尽快赶到但是我会迟到一点点ASAP, but I am going to be running just a little bit late.就这样你会帮我的吧塞里?Ok, can you do that for me, Seri?迟到几个小时吗So, like a few hours?-操 -想得美- Fuck you. - You wish!好吧塞里算我欠你个人情好吗Ok, Seri. I really owe you one. Ok?-我会搞定我保证 -谢谢- I got it covered. Promise. - Thanks.这边挺忙的我要挂了Look, it's starting to get busy. I gotta go.天哪Oh, God.嘿早上好Hello, good morning我看见你俊俏的脸庞I see your pretty face有如初见it's like the first time但我差点错过了but I nearly gave that away看看表And, well, check your watch看看表Check your watch你难道不知我经历了很多Hey, don't you know that l get that a lot时间跑得那么快Time is moving oh so fast for me滴滴答答往复Ticktock's coming around again时间跑得那么快Time is moving oh so fast for me滴滴答答往复Ticktock's coming around again是你你让我着迷...You, you've got a piece of my heart...-谢谢特伦斯 -祝愉快- Thanks, Terrence. - Have a nice day.老天不不今天不行Oh, my God! Oh! No! No, no. You can't do this today.-拜托你不可以这样 -我已经干了- Please, you can't do that. - Just watch me.听着那些罚单它们都是因为工作Look, the tickets, they are from work.你知道吗我本来要去付的Ok? They were supposed to pay.我不得不并排停车很多次真的I have to double-park a lot. Really.真的吗我依法办事开过很多的罚单Really? Well, I'm in law enforcement and I write tickets a lot.拜托就不能放过我一次吗...就一次Come on. Can't you cut me a break? Can't you...just this once? 婊♥子♥Bitch.好吧Ok.你刚才说什么What did you say?我说...搭个便车行吗I said...a lift?让我搭个便车怎么样How about a lift?拜托Please?什么Huh?换句话说你挺可爱的但还不够In other words, you're cute, but not that cute.臭婊♥子♥Fucking bitch.结果整个吊灯就掉下来了 that the entire chandelier fell down,脱衣舞♥女♥ 猴子所有东西stripper, monkey, everything.不好意思I'm sorry.劳拉要迟到一个小时别抓狂Lola's running an hour late. Don't freak out.-没事吧 -...其实有事- Is everything ok? - Uh...actually no.真的很抱歉我的摄影师...I'm really sorry. My photographer...她被什么事情耽搁了但她很快就会到的she's been delayed, but she'll be here really soon.好吧...Oh, ok. Well...我们今晚要审所有的设计稿we're going over all these designs tonight,我6点就得走了and I have to leave here by six o'clock.没问题她那时候肯定到了Oh, no problem. She'll...she'll be here by then.我需要个勇士我需要鼓舞Oh, I need a warrior, I need a lift我需要奇迹的拯救I need a miracle to get me out of this我需要超能力需要超人的力量I need a superpower, a superhuman touch我需要一个超级英雄来帮我振作I need a superbeing with the strength to pick me up我需要一个超人来让我清醒I need a super someone to get me out of bed给我激♥情♥使我复活Set me on fire and bring me back to life again我该往哪儿走Oh, where do I go?我去哪儿才能找到你Where do I find you?我的超级英雄他在何处Where's my...superhero?超级英雄Yeah, yeah, superhero我的超级英雄他在何处Yeah, yeah, where's my...superhero?-抱歉很抱歉 -你干什么- I'm sorry. I'm sorry. - What?!婊♥子♥ 靠Bitch! God damn it!拜托...Oh, come on...操开什么玩笑Fuck! You're fucking kidding me!喂伙计Hey! Hey, you guys!伙计喂你们能帮我出去吗You guys, hey, can you help me out?喂Hello!不要啊不要No! No!臭婊♥子♥ 那是我最后一个硬币了跟我来波波Fucking bitch! That was my last quarter! Come on, Boo-boo.放松点把它交付于我Take yourself and lay it onto me别想太多我知道你喜欢聪明着Don't think smart, I know you'd like to be犯同样的清醒的错Make the same mistake of being awake酒精饮料看起来有点诱人Drinks start to look a little appetising制♥造♥些小伤痛总是趁人不备的Create a little pain when no one's watching犯同样的清醒的错Make the same mistake of being awake我真的非常感激你给我这次机会You know, I really appreciate you giving me this chance. 我知道你的合伙人可能I mean, I know your partners probably根本就没考虑过我wouldn't have even considered me如果没有你替我说好话的话If you hadn't have vouched for me.你知道我喜欢帮助朋友的You know I like to help my friends.给Here you go.所以我怎么才能够...So, what can I get...天哪Oh, my goodness!对不起Sorry.不好意思我马上就回来Excuse me. I'll be back in...just a second.好的Yes.小詹快点儿开门Jen! Come on, open the door!设计稿在哪儿我现在就要Where are those prints? I need them now.冷静点几个小时就好Chill. It is after hours.莱克西你可以把那个写着"世界葡萄酒"的大信封带来吗Hey, Lex, can you bring me that large envelope marked "vins du monde"?好的下次你主导Ok, next time, you're in charge.马上就好It'll be a minute.这个活和凯茜的公♥司♥一点关系都没有吧Now, this job wouldn't have anything to do with Casey's company, would it? 是啊她把这事交给我No. I mean, she gave me the work,但也只是这样怎么了but that's about it. Why?谢谢你告诉我我是为你的新女友Uh-huh. Nice of you to let me know I'm干了次免费活doing a freebie for your new girlfriend.所以你早些时候就不给她开门So that's why you didn't let her in earlier!是吗她来过吗Oh...what, did she come by?-是的 -那我肯定是去银行了- Yeah. - I must have been at the bank.那么你和莱克西怎么样了So, what's going on with you and Lex?-你们...你明白的 -也许吧- You guys, you know...? - Maybe.这么神秘干吗啊Why so secretive?很显然我们没必要把什么都告诉对方We don't need to tell each other everything. Obviously.好我明白我只是想确定Well, yeah, I know. I just want to make sure她不是你柜子里的又一个家庭主妇it's not another of your closet housewives.有意思其实她是律师Funny. Actually, she's a lawyer.很好啊That's great.太棒了That's fantastic.你在和一个律师交往太好了You'd be good with a lawyer. That's fantastic.小詹...Um...Jen...怎么了Um, what?-把车借我用用行吗 -卖♥♥了- Do you think I could borrow the car? - Sold it.-什么你把我的迷你卖♥♥了 -是我的迷你- What? You sold my mini? - My mini.你得到了公♥寓♥ 记得吧You got the apartment, remember.-不敢相信你把我的迷你卖♥♥了 -那就是一块废铁- I can't believe you sold my mini! - It was a piece of junk.而且你的生物柴油在哪儿呢Anyway, where's your biodiesel?这个就说来话长了You know, that's a long story.-那你有车可以借给我吗 -有自行车- Do you have a car that I can borrow? - I've got a bike.但不能借给你上面全是卡♥通♥ 很活泼...You can't borrow her though. She is all-carbon, so light...神啊凯茜会杀了我的她会杀了我的Oh, my God. Casey's gonna kill me. Casey is gonna kill me.-说到凯茜小劳 -怎么- Speaking of Casey, Lo. - Yeah?看看我在网上发现了什么Lookee who I found online.她可是一直以单身自居呢Guess she's keeping her options open.也许我该给她抛个媚眼Maybe I should send her a wink.我们俩都是Ok, you know what, we're both still on there.我们只是没改那个单身状态而已We just haven't taken down our single status.这不能说明什么It doesn't mean anything.我为什么要告诉你这些呢Why am I even telling you this?我自己都不知道I don't know why am I even telling you this?你朋友莱克西到哪儿了需要这么久吗Where is... where is your friend Lexy? This is taking forever. 是亚历克萨Alexa.冷静点你会拿到你的图稿的Calm down. You'll get your prints.来看看她Hey, check her out!我要是你就不会去惹她Uh...I wouldn't mess with her if I were you.为什么我们在一起的时候你也和她乱搞过吗Why? Did you do her while we were together too?好吧你知道吗在我们俩玩完之前Ok. You know what? I did not start seeing我和凯茜从来就没有过什么Casey until after you and I had finished.好吗而且你也不跟我睡了Ok? Besides, you had stopped sleeping with me anyway.一如你注意到的Like you noticed.我注意到了I noticed. I noticed.我要做♥爱♥ 她不愿意I want sex. She doesn't.-又不是每晚 -哪晚都这样- Not every night. - Not any night!我试图...尝试...I try to...initiate...-什么 -我试图尝试- What?! - I try to initiate.怎么尝试How?穿上那东西I wore that thing.你觉得健康的性生活应该是什么样的What does a healthy sex life look like to you?这是个私人问题吧It's kind of a personal question, isn't it?一周3次Three times a week.一天3次Three times a day.I like to get down.痞痞的Get dirty.说脏话Talk nasty.粗鲁Get rough.我喜欢疯狂的I like to get, like, fucking crazy.就像詹妮斯·乔普林说的 [歌♥手]As Janis Joplin would say,"能上则上" 哪儿都行得通"Get it while you can." Everywhere.她就只能跟器具做She can only get off with toys.你又不帮忙Well, you're not helping!至少挑个器具做点什么吧At least pick up a toy and do something with it.她喜欢器具就是喜欢She loves toys. She loves them.两个字戴好Two words. Strap on.这么大That big.姑娘们...Girls...-在找这个吗 -谢谢- Is this what you're looking for? - Thank you.谢谢Thank you.我...需要帮下忙I...need a little help here.你不是要赶路去吗Don't you have to be somewhere?确实不过...Yeah, I do, actually, but...小詹能借我几块钱吗Jen, do you think that you could lend me a few bucks? 谢谢借过Excuse me.-再见劳拉 -再见- Bye, Lola. - Bye.很抱歉幸好我还有一件Sorry about that. Luckily I had a spare.运气不错Yeah, luckily you did.等的时候我可以给你展示一下All right, well, while we wait, why don't I show you? 好主意我很想看看你们的成果That's a great idea. I'd love to see what you have.鉴于贵公♥司♥在材料中Now, given that your company offers both old提供了新旧世界的葡萄酒and new world wines in their portfolio,我想稍微参考一下中世纪的宣传材料I wanted to subtly reference these medieval triptychs, 采用当代简约抽象设计but use a more contemporary, minimalist design.很不错That's good.他们或许会很喜欢They might really go for that.设计稿一到Now, when the prints arrive,你就知道我做了3个变化版本you'll see that I've done three variations,都着重了你们的标志each emphasising your logo.就3个吗凯茜这可够不上Just three? God, Casey, you're really falling你通常的标准behind on your usual standards, huh?我做的还不够?Should I have done more?我还有些创意Well, I also have some ideas about how we能将设计融入...might incorporate the design into some...不不凯茜我开玩笑的No, no, no. No, Casey, I'm just kidding.好吧Yeah.抱歉我就是有点紧张Sorry, I'm just a little nervous.是有点紧张You are a little nervous, aren't you?操Shit!有些事情另一面会更棒Some things are better on the other side我总是试图将自己隐藏I'm always looking for a place to hide往往高处不胜寒It's kind of harder when you're on the top 气喘吁吁已足够Well, it's enough to make your belly drop 那就努力努力So, please, please try, try不要放弃Don't give it away我知道I know那就努力努力So, please, please try, try不要放弃Don't give it away我知道I know加油跟我去另一边Come on, come on with me to the other side 来吧跟上我的步伐Come on, come on with me我知道你想兜兜风I know you'd like a ride来吧跟上我的步伐Come on, come on with me to the other side 我将始终与你同在Cos I'll let you go wherever I roll你能行的I'm sure you will.我...很抱歉Uh, know what, I'm sorry.稍等一会儿我马上回来Can you just one more second. I'll be right back.-当然 -抱歉- Oh, sure. - Sorry.我知道I know.宝贝好孩子你是个好孩子My baby, he's a good boy. You're a good boy.好极了He's a very good boy.喂?Hello?劳拉你人呢Lola! Lola, where are you?还以为你就到了呢I thought you would be here by now!我麻烦大了I'm in so much trouble!抱歉宝贝我不是你的劳拉Sorry, babe. This ain't your Lola.-没关系甜心没事 -你是谁啊劳拉呢- Oh, it's ok, honey. It's ok. - Who is this? Where's Lola? 我他妈怎么知道Fuck if I know, man.最后一次见她还是在灌木丛里Last time I saw her, she was in the bushes.-你拿她电♥话♥干吗 -这么跟你说- What are you doing with her phone? - You know what? 她欠我的好吗Let's just say she owes me one, ok?不不宝贝没关系Oh, no, no, baby. It's ok.好孩子好孩子You're a good boy. You're a good boy.-好孩子 -喂?- You're a good boy. - Hello?你是我宝贝宝贝Oh, you're my baby. You're my baby.-我爱你 -搞什么- I Love you. - What the fuck?凯茜凯茜天哪Casey! Casey! Oh, my God!-天哪劳拉你... -设计稿来了- Jesus, Lola! What... - There are the prints. -怎么了 -我...你...- What happened? -我没迟吧我...Am I on time? That's...我就想知道这个我...我没吃到吧That's all I want to know. Did I...Am I here? 我迟过头了吗Am I too late?或许还没丹妮等等Maybe not. Danny, wait!我意乱情迷I am consumed感觉被困在孤岛上Feeling marooned on an island被天使困扰Haunted by angels唏嘘进我的灵魂深处Whispering into the depth of my soul一路坎坷To drive through the danger我走...So I go...因为我所知甚少Cos it's all that I know我要跑I've got to run随着心跳的节奏To the beat of my drum让我走Let me go只因我已涌动Cos I'm driven原谅我Please say I'm forgiven让你失望For bringing you down我已无法回头But I can't turn around这次我掌控Cos I've got this chime这次我掌控...I've got this chime...你好我是劳拉知道该做什么吧Hi. This is Lola. You know what to do.劳拉是我凯西Lola, it's Casey.听着我急需你帮忙Listen, I need your help.会议提前了The meeting got moved up and I tried我没法拿到设计稿to pick up the prints, but I couldn't.我一定要得到这份工作I have got to get this job.我可不想余生都给那个I am not going to get stuck working for色迷迷的老板工作了that pervy boss for the rest of my life.求你了亲爱的我全指望你了Please. Please, sweetie. I'm counting on you. 凯茜...Casey...凯茜是我我会赶到的Casey, it's Lola. Baby, I'm gonna be there.你在吗凯茜凯茜?Are you there? Come on, Casey. Casey?-见到你真是太好了 -你真漂亮- It's so good to see you. - You look fantastic. 我亲爱的Oh, mia adorata.我亲爱的?Mia adorata?亲爱的难以置信Honey, it's possible你比我记忆中更漂亮了you are even more beautiful than I remember.谢谢葡萄酒的生意Thank you. Well, the wine business对你很有好处is obviously treating you well.谢谢Well, thank you.喝一杯吧Let's have a drink.我看见你俊俏的脸庞I see your pretty face有如初见It's like the first time但我差点错过了But I nearly gave that away好吧快看看表看看表And, well, check your watch, check your watch...-没错 -你难道不知我经历了很多- Yeah, yeah. - Hey, don't you know that I get that a lot 时间跑得那么快Time is moving oh so fast for me滴滴答答往复Ticktock's coming around again时间跑得那么快Time is moving oh so fast for me滴滴答答往复Ticktock's coming around again时间跑得那么快Time is moving oh so fast for me滴滴答答往复Ticktock's coming around again时间跑得那么快Time is moving oh so fast for me...天哪...Oh, God...时间跑得那么快Time is moving oh so fast for me滴滴答答往复Ticktock's coming around again时间跑得那么快Time is moving oh so fast for me滴滴答答往复Ticktock's coming around again你让我着迷You've got a piece of my heart让我着迷...Got a piece of my heart...抱歉Oh, excuse me!你好How you doing?你让我着迷You've got a piece of my heart让我着迷...Got a piece of my heart...老天...不要啊Oh, God...Oh, come on!为什么是我Why me?你有242块违章停车费没缴Because you owe $242 in unpaid parking tickets. 我明天会付清的好吗我保证I'll pay them off tomorrow. Ok? I promise.求你了我有急事帮帮忙Please, this is an emergency. Come on.这又是为什么And I should care why?我会让你有所得Cos I can make it worth your while.我全要I want it all现在就要I want it now我还要More该死Oh, shoot!该死...Oh, sh...操Fuck!我是个寄生虫I was a drone又一个复♥制♥品Another clone典型的荷尔蒙分泌过剩Just a typical raging hormone我的身体快要爆My body set to explode除了白马王子But instead of prince charming可每次都是癞蛤♥蟆♥ Always got the toad我要放弃I'd given up停滞不前Stuck in a rut然后你就来了...Then you came along...臭婊♥子♥Fucking bitch!咬她波波咬她Sic her, Boo-boo! Sic her!现在我想告诉你Now I want to tell you自从你叫我的名字Ever since you called my name我就完全失去了理智That's when my sense went down the drain 从此变得不一样Never been quite the same咬她伙计咬她Get her! Get her, buddy! Get her!自从你叫我的名字Ever since you called my name我就完全失去了理智That's when my sense went down the drain 从此变得不一样Never been quite the same不是因为你喜欢蚕食我的思想Not since your love ate my brain爱情没有说服力Love used to be so lame现在我爱着你宝贝全部都怪你Now I'm in love with you, and, baby, you're to blame 我的生活变得再也不一样My life will never be the same她遇到些麻烦了Says she's run into some problems.你了解她的她会来的You know Lola. She'll be here though.尽量拖住你的客户Keep your client here as long as you can她会尽快赶到的and she'll be here soon.好Great.男孩们喜欢Boys that cry漂亮的女孩Over pretty girls漂亮的大胸女孩Over pretty girls with big bra sizes男孩们喜欢Boys that cry漂亮的女孩漂亮的女孩Over pretty girls, over pretty girls真好笑We laugh about it摄影师刚打电♥话♥来The photographer just called说她马上就到and she will be here in just a little while.很好Oh, well, that's good.这样就不会损害你的杰作了We wouldn't want to jeopardise your big shot.当然不会的No. No, we wouldn't.挺过去Get over it没她你照样生活You can live without her没那些浅陋的对话你也照样生活You can live without the shallow conversation挺过去Get over it没她你照样生活You can live without her没有提高你也照样生活You can live without the augmentation我就不跟你说好听的了Ok, I'm not gonna sugar-coat this for you.我就开门见山吧I'll just give it to you straight.好Ok.我们还在观望其他两家设计公♥司♥ We are looking at two other design firms.其中一家我们还合作过One of them, we've worked with before.不过既然However, having said that,我给他们展示你的设计When I showed them your portfolio,给他们留下了很深的印象they were really impressed.所以...我相信你会有份杰作的So...I believe you have a really good shot.杰作? 好吧是的Oh, a shot? Ok. All right.你真是...You are so...来喝吧Ok, here, just drink that.喝了它?Drink this?著名的离别宣言Ok, famous last words.想让你要我想让你要我Wanting you to want me, wanting you to want me 想让你要我Wanting you to want me你要去哪儿Where are you headed?-市场南边 -好的上来吧亲爱的- South of market. - It's all right. Climb in, honey.想来一口吗女士Do you want to wet your whistle, young lady?不了No, that's ok.我...我高中时打过垒球I...I used to play a little softball in high school, you know.是吗Ok.我们要去卡斯特罗听说那边很棒We are going to the Castro. I hear it's pretty swinging there. 是啊是很棒Uh, yeah. Yeah, it's,'s swinging all right.你不是那种结了婚的拉拉吧You're not one of those marryin' kind of gays, are you?天哪...Oh, my God...停车停车Stop the car. Stop the car.现在很好Right now. This is good.-走吧 -等等找钱呢- Let's go. - Wait a minute! What about my change?找零喂Hey, my change! Come on!操Fuck!那是你在开普梅的夏日居所That was your summer house in Cape May.是的Yes, it was.-天哪那个周末很有意思吧 -确实很棒- God, what a fun weekend that was! - It was great.那周末差点害死我奶奶That was the weekend you almost killed my grandmother. 她发现我们在日光门廊那儿做♥爱♥... When she caught us making out on the sun porch...-天哪 -天哪- Oh, my God! - Oh, my God!真糟糕我还以为她要...That was bad. I thought she was going to...以为她快因为祈祷而窒息了I thought she was going to choke on all those Hail Marys. 那些祈祷有什么用我仍然是拉拉All that praying, and I'm still gay.-为拉拉干杯 -为拉拉干杯- Cheers to that. - Cheers to that.你知道的...Yeah. You know...每隔一个月我都会来一次I'll be coming here every other month如果这事成了的话Now if this deal goes through.是啊这种远距离奔波的事情Yeah, that long-distance thing确实挺适合你的是吧always did work for you, didn't it?不倒也不是No, not really.只是...你知道It's just...You know,意大利是我的家是我的归宿Italy is home to me. It's where I belong.我们可以住托斯卡纳别♥墅♥We could live in a Tuscan villa.你的别♥墅♥Your villa.承诺对你们来说分别意味着什么What does commitment mean to each of you?-每天在一起 -信任- Being there day to day. - Trust.一夫一妻Monogamy.等我老了她会给我倒便盆She'll empty my bedpan when I'm old.共同建立家园Building a home together.我已经有个很好的房♥子了I have a nice apartment.-还是租务管制的 -容忍♥彼此的错误- It's rent-controlled. - Accepting each other's faults.融入彼此的家庭Embracing each other's families.这可问住我了That's asking a lot.-相互支持 -我会支持你的- Mutual support. - I'll support you.-我可不想傍大款 -我想- I don't want a sugar Momma. - I do.我想要家庭孩子I want a family, kids.-孩子? -没错 2个- Kids? - Yes, two.好吧那我的工作怎么办Yeah. What about my job?我们怎么办What about us?-我怎么办 -我怎么办- What about me? - What about me?没有什么"我" 没有什么"我们"There's no me, there's no we.喂?Hello?最近怎么样好吗What's up? What are you doing?需要一块钱?Do you need a dollar?没错真是大错特错Yeah, that is so wrong.我不敢相信她居然逼我那么做I can't believe she made me do that.即将到站教会湾 [奥克兰名胜] Approaching Mission Bay.那...你和这个摄影师你们是不是... and this photographer, are you guys... 有一腿?You know, are you a thing?我们是同事We work together.还有别的And more.-很复杂 -是啊- It's complicated. - Yeah.这有关系吗Does that matter?我希望她的作品远强于时间观念I hope her work is better than her timing.她很有才She's very talented.她不得不了She must be.那玩意儿太滑了不是吗That was smooth, wasn't it?-我去弄干 -没问题去吧- I'm going to go dry out. - All right. Yeah, go do that. 快接啊劳拉Come on, Lola.你好我是劳拉Hi. This is Lola.我现在很忙但你知道该怎么做I'm busy right now, but you know what to do.劳拉发生什么事了Lola, what's happened to you?没那些设计稿我就完了Without those prints, I am fucked!我...我为她去了我去了I...I am there for her. I am.至少我争取了我努力争取到了那儿At least, I try. I try to be.为了她我真的尽力争取到那里I try really hard to be there for her.没错Yeah.我指望着你呢I'm counting on you.如果你再不快点来If you don't get here soon,我都不知道自己会做出什么事I don't know what I'm gonna do.打给我Call me.上帝啊Jesus!你是谁啊图文社潜伏者?。



•旋光方向可能相同也可能不同。 •化学性质相似,但反应速度有差异。
酒石酸、2,3-二氯丁烷等分子中含有两个相同的手性碳原子。 酒石酸:共有三个异构体,少于2 n个
COOH H HO OH H COOH (1) 对映体 HO H COOH H OH COOH (2) -12° H H COOH OH OH COOH (3) 0° (m)酒石酸 内消旋体(分子中有对称面) 同一物质 HO HO COOH H H COOH (4) 0°
A' B' A' 旋光性物质 D'
测定温度 旋光度(旋光仪上的读数)
[α ] = λ
比选光度 波长 (钠光D)
α L x C
H CH3 CH3 Br2 CH3 H Br Br H CH3 Br H CH3 H Br CH3
CH3 Br2 H H Br Br CH3
H CH3 C C H CH3 δ δ Br C C H CH3
能使平面偏振光振动平面旋转的物质称为物质的旋光性,具有 旋光性的物质称为旋光性物质。
A B C D A' A B C D A' B' A' D' C' 旋光性物质 B' A' A D' C' 不旋光物质 A 乙醇



t [α]λ
α l × ρB
:旋光度;[]:比旋光度;t:温度;:光波 B 长; ρ 样品质量浓度,单位 g/mL;l:样品管长度, 单位dm
t [α]λ
α l ×ρ
( ρ 为液体样品的密度)
溶剂的不同以及溶液浓度的大小对比旋度的测定 都有影响,因此若在非水溶剂中测定时,应注明溶剂 及浓度,如: 。
绝对构型(absolut configuration)是指分子中多 个原子或基团在空间排列的真实情况。 相对构型(relative configuration)是以甘油醛构 型为参照标准而确定的构型。
在不涉及手性碳原子的前提下,通过化学反应可 以从D-(+)-甘油醛得到的,或能够生成D-(+) -甘油醛的,即为D型
对映异构体的构造相同,只是其构型不同,所以 需用构型式表示,如乳酸一对对映体:
但如此书写非常不便,为了书写方便,通常使用 Fischer投影式表示,其投影规则如下: ①横、竖两条直线的交叉点代表手性碳原子,位于纸 平面。②将与手性碳相连的两个横向键向前,两个竖
碳干异构(如:丁烷/异丁烷) 构造异构 constitutional 官能团异构(如:醚/醇) 位置异构(如:辛醇/仲辛醇)
同分异构 isomerism
构型异构 对映异构 立体异构 Configurational Stereo构象异构(交叉式/重叠式,椅式/船式) conformational


第六章 光学异构
有机化学 ( Organic Chemistry ) 齐齐哈尔大学化学与化学工程学院 宋波
1. 异构体分类 2. 对映异构 3. 手性与旋光活性 4. 对称因素与手性 5. 构型标记法 6. 立体异构 7. 非对映体 8. 外消旋体和内消旋体 9. 不含手性碳的手性分子
Cl H F
Br Cl
手性(chirality):实 物和其镜像不能重叠 的现象
手性分子(chiral molecules) 有手性现象的分子
有机化学 ( Organic Chemistry ) 齐齐哈尔大学化学与化学工程学院 宋波
F H Cl C Br
* * 例: CH CHCHCH 3 3 连有四个不同基团的碳原子 手性碳(chiral carbon) 手性中心 (Chiral center)
F H C* Br Cl
Cl Cl
* * CH3CHCHCH2CH3 * *
Cl Cl
齐齐哈尔大学化学与化学工程学院 宋波
有机化学 ( Organic Chemistry )
+ 3 3 2 3 2 3 3 2 3
2 5 2 5
有机化学 ( Organic Chemistry )
对称中心(p) 对称面(m) 简单对称轴(Cn) 交替对称轴(Sn)
有机化学 ( Organic Chemistry )
齐齐哈尔大学化学与化学工程学院 宋波
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‘Naked-Eye’Enantioselective Chemosensors for N-Protected Amino Acid Anions Bearing Thiourea UnitsGUANGYAN QING,1,2TAOLEI SUN,2ZHIHONG CHEN,1XI YANG,1XIAOJUN WU,1AND YONGBING HE1*1College of Chemistry and Molecular Sciences,Wuhan University,Wuhan430072,People’s Republic of China2Physikalisches Institut,Mu¨nster Universita¨t,Mu¨nster48149,GermanyABSTRACT Four linear thiourea anion receptors(1–3)derived from simple aminoacid have been synthesized and their bonding properties with various chiral N-protectedamino acid anions were examined by using UV–vis andfluorescence titration experi-ments.Receptors1a,2,and3exhibit excellent enantioselective recognition abilitiestowards N-Boc-protected alanine anion in the UV–vis spectra,obvious difference in thecolor of solution indicate that the enantiomers of N-Boc-alanine anion could be distin-guished by naked eye directly.Receptor1a is also found to carry out enantioselectivefluorescent recognition of the N-acetyl-glutamate.1H NMR experiments suggest thathydrogen-bonding interaction between the host and guest is the main factor in the rec-ognition process.Chirality21:363–373,2009.V C2008Wiley-Liss,Inc.KEY WORDS:enantioselective recognition;amino acid anion;UV–vis;fluorescence;thioureaINTRODUCTIONMolecular recognition,and in particular chiral recogni-tion,is a fundamental characteristic in the biochemical systems.The study of synthetic model systems could con-tribute to the understanding of these processes and,at the same time,offer new perspectives for the development of pharmaceuticals,enantioselective sensors,catalysts,and other molecular devices.1–3Amino acids and their deriva-tives are important components of chemical and biological systems,and their recognition,in particular,chiral recog-nition attracts considerable interest.4–7Various approaches involve the use of metal complexes,8,9imprinted poly-mers,10,11natural and modified cyclodextrins,12–14syn-thetic macrocycles(including calixarenes),15–17and differ-ent types of acyclic compounds18–20as host molecules. Often a chiral host is prepared by using a natural chiral compound as precursor or modifier.Amino acids and pep-tides have often been employed as chiral sources in the synthesis of chiral receptors because of their accessibility and biological relevance.21Neutral receptors typically con-tain an NÀÀH fragment(from amides,sulfonamides or pyr-roles)which acts as an H-bond donor.Especially,thiourea contains two rigidly positioned NÀÀH fragments suitable for the interaction with Y-shaped anions,like carboxy-lates.22Many literatures describe the thiourea containing receptors form stable complexes with various anions23–25; some of them also exhibit good enantioselective recogni-tion abilities towards various amino acid derivatives.7,15,26,27 Recently,many efforts involve the covalent linking of an optical signaling unit(a chromophore or afluorophore)to a specific receptor for the anion or chiral molecuales.28–32 Compared with other detection methods,such as NMR, HPLC,capillary electrophoresis or CD,colorimetric che-mosensor has a good useful value in thefield of analytical chemistry because it can be directly observed by naked eye and has the reliable calibration stability.29,33,34Fluores-cence techniques have often been used to study the inter-action between enantiomers and receptors because of their sensitivity,selectivity,and versatility.30,35On the ba-sis of their respective advantages,we attempt to design some receptors with a dual optical response to the enan-tiomers in the recognition interaction,which may offer a simple method to explore the recognition process for more information.In this article,four linear thiourea anion receptors(1–3)derived from amino acid have been synthesized easily, and their bonding properties with various chiral N-pro-tected amino acid anions have been examined by using UV–vis andfluorescence titration experiments in DMSO. Receptors1a,2,and3exhibited good enantioselective recognition abilities towards N-Boc-protected alanine anion and formed1:1complex with the guests in DMSO. While receptor1a also showed good enantioselectivefluo-rescent response to the N-acetyl-glutamate.1H NMR experiments suggested that hydrogen-bonding interaction between the host and guest were the main factor in the recognition process.*Correspondence to:Yongbing He,College of Chemistry and Molecular Sciences,Wuhan University,Wuhan430072,People’s Republic of China. E-mail:ybhe@Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online version of this article.Contract grant sponsor:National Natural Science Foundation;Contract grant number:20572080Received for publication30January2008;Accepted4April2008DOI:10.1002/chir.20593Published online20June2008in Wiley InterScience().CHIRALITY21:363–373(2009)V C2008Wiley-Liss,Inc.MATERIALS AND METHODSGeneralMelting point was determined with a Reichert7905 melting-piont apparatus(uncorrected).Optical rotations were taken on a Perkin-Elmer Model341polarimeter.IR spectra were obtained on a Nicolet670FTIR spectropho-tometer.1H NMR spectra were recorded in CDCl3or d6-DMSO on a Varian Mercury VX-300MHz spectrometer. 13C NMR spectra were recorded on a Varian Inova–600MHz spectrometer.Mass spectra were recorded on a Fin-nigan LCQ advantage mass spectrometer.Elemental anal-ysis was determined with a Carlo-Erba1106instrument. The UV–vis spectra were performed with a TU-1901spec-tro-photomer.Fluorescence spectra were obtained on a Shimadzu RF–5301spectrometer.Propane diamine was distilled before using.DMF was dried from CaH2and dis-tilled under reduced pressure.All other commercially available reagents were used without further purification. The anions were used as their tetrabutylammonium salts.UV–vis and Fluorescent Spectra MeasurementAll the host compounds1a,1b,2,and3were prepared as stock solution in DMSO for531024mol dm23.All anions used in this report were in the form of tetrabu-tylammonium salt.They were prepared to$0.175and 0.0175mol dm23of stock solution in DMSO.The work solutions were prepared by adding different volumes of anion solution to a series of test tubes,then,the same amount of stock solution of host compound was added into each of test tubes followed by dilution to3.5ml by DMSO.After being shaken for several minutes,the test solution could be measured immediately.Influorescence spectra measurement,the excited wavelengths were both 295nm,the excitation slit width was5nm and the emis-sion slit wavelength was10nm.The association constants were calculated by means of a nonlinear least-square curve fitting method with Origin7.0(Orignin-Lab Coroperation). To ensure the veracity of data,more than16series of con-tinuous data were collected in the optical titration experi-ments until the absorbance orfluorescence intensities approach equilibrium.NMR Shift ExperimentsNMR shift experiments were performed on a Mercury-VX300spectrometer at258C.Samples for analysis were prepared by mixing equimolar amounts of compounds1a, 2,and3with the N-Boc-L-or D-alanine anion(the concen-trations were2.031023mol dm23).Tetrabutylammonium SaltsThe tetrabutylammonium salts were prepared by adding 1equiv(for monocarboxylic acid)or2equiv(for dicarbox-ylic acid)tetrabutylammonium hydroxide in methanol to a solution of corresponding carboxylic acid(1equiv)in methanol.The mixture was stirred at room temperature for2h and evaporated to dryness under reduced pressure. The resulting syrup was dried at high vacuum for24h, checked by NMR and stored in the desiccators.SynthesisCompounds4and5were synthesized according to themethod reported in the literatures.17General procedure for the synthesis of compounds 1–pound5(1mmol)was added into dry DMF (10mL)and stirred.Then the p-nitrophenyl isothiocyanate(0.18g,1mmol)or p-methylphenyl isothiocyanate(0.15g,1mmol)was added into the mixture and stirred.Graduallythe mixture turned clear.After stirred for24h,a solutionof ethanol(10ml)and H2O(40ml)was added into the so-lution dropwise.The precipitate wasfiltered and the resi-due was washed with ethanol:H2O(4320ml,V:V51:4).The resulting solid was dried in vacuo to give powder.Then the powder was dissolved in200ml CHCl3,washedwith brine for three times,the organic layer was collectedand dried over anhydrous Na2SO4.Afterfiltration,the sol-vent was removed under reduced pressure,and the resi-due was purified by column chromatography on silica gel. tert-Butyl-(S)-1-(3-(3-(4-nitrophenyl)thioureido)pro-pylcarbamoyl)-2-(1H-indol-3-yl)ethylcarbamate[1a]. (eluant:CHCl3/CH3OH580:1(V/V)).Pure product wasobtained as a yellow powder(0.35g)in64.8%.m.p.104–1068C;[a]20D516.708(c0.010,DMSO);IR(KBr/cm21)m: 3401,2957,1653,1536,1508,1329,1302,1255,1164,1111, 851,745;1H NMR(CDCl3):d(ppm)1.42(s,9H,Bu t),1.64–1.71(m,2H,CCH2C),3.14–3.29(m,4H,Indole-CH2,NCH2C), 3.48(s,1H,NCH2C),3.71(s,1H,NCH2C),4.29–4.36(m,1H, NC*H CO), 5.11(s,1H,NH-Boc), 6.12(s,1H,CNHCS), 7.05(s,1H,Indole),7.10–7.16(m,1H,Indole),7.20(d,J5 7.5Hz,1H,Indole),7.38(d,J58.1Hz,1H,Indole),7.45(s, 1H,ArNHCS),7.57(d,J58.1Hz,1H,Indole),7.65(d,J5 9.6Hz,2H,ArH-N),8.20–8.23(m,3H,ArH-NO2,Indole-N H), 8.52(s,1H,CONHC);13C NMR(CDCl3):d(ppm)26.0,34.5, 39.3,53.5,64.7,78.5,107.3,109.2,116.1,117.3,119.4,119.9, 121.0,122.4,124.9,133.9,140.9,142.5,153.7,170.1,178.0; ESI-MS m/z(%):541.6(M111,100);Elemental analysis calcd.(%)for C26H32N6O5S:C,57.75;H, 5.97;N,15.55. Found:C,57.36;H,6.04;N,15.32.tert-Butyl-(S)-1-(3-(3-p-tolylthioureido)propylcar-bamoyl)-2-(1H-indol-3-yl)ethylcarbamate[1b].(eluant: CHCl3/C2H5OH5150:1(V/V)).Pure product was obtainedas a white powder(0.27g)in53.0%.m.p.72–748C;[a]20D5 112.718(c0.010,CHCl3);IR(KBr/cm21)m:3317,2973, 1696,1658,1536,1513,1385,1365,1250,1166,1119,870, 744;1H NMR(CDCl3):d(ppm)1.43(s,9H,Bu t),2.37(s,3H, Ar-CH3), 3.08–3.15(m,4H,Indole-CH2,NCH2C), 3.29–3.32(m,4H,NCH2C,CCH2C),4.38–4.41(m,1H,NC*H CO), 5.14(s,1H,NH-Boc),6.32(s,2H,CNHCS),7.05–7.15(m,6H, Indole-H,CH3Ar H),7.23–7.26(m,2H,CH3Ar H),7.34(d,J57.2Hz,2H,Indole-H),7.61(d,J56.6Hz,2H,Indole-N H),8.30(s,1H,CONHC);13C NMR(CDCl3):d(ppm)21.2,28.5,28.7,29.1,36.2,41.9,55.8,67.2,80.3,110.5,111.6,119.0,119.6,122.2,123.6,125.6,127.7,130.7,133.9,136.4,137.3,155.7,172.5,180.9;ESI-MS m/z(%):501.5(M121,100); Elemental analysis calcd.(%)for C27H35N5O3S:C,63.62;H, 6.93;N,13.75.Found:C,63.21;H,6.99;N,13.55.tert-Butyl(S)-1-(3-(3-(4-nitrophenyl)thioureido)-propylcarbamoyl)-2-phenylethylcarbamate[2].(eluant: CHCl3/CH3OH560:1(V/V)).Pure product was obtained364QING ET AL. Chirality DOI10.1002/chiras a yellow powder (0.30g)in 60%.m.p.146–1488C;[a ]20D 5127.928(c 0.015,CHCl 3);IR (KBr/cm 21)m :3306,3182,2986,1684,1656,1534,1385,1340,1248,1171,1110,1053,853,744,701;1H NMR (CDCl 3):d (ppm)1.40(s,9H,Bu t ),1.73–1.78(m,2H,CCH 2C),3.01(d,J 56.6Hz,2H,phenyl-CH 2),3.18(s,1H,NCH 2C),3.38(s,1H,NCH 2C),3.53(s,1H,NCH 2C),3.76(s,1H,NCH 2C),4.17–4.25(m,1H,NC*H CO),5.01(s,1H,NH-Boc), 6.16(s,1H,CNHCS),7.16(d,J 56.6Hz,2H,phenyl-H),7.30–7.35(m,3H,phenyl-H),7.51(s,1H,ArNHCS),7.65(d,J 59.0Hz,2H,ArH-N),8.21(d,J 58.7Hz,2H,ArH-NO 2),8.56(s,1H,CONHC);13C NMR (CDCl 3):d (ppm)18.5,28.4,28.8,38.5,41.6,56.5,58.4,67.2,80.9,121.8,124.9,127.3,128.9,129.3,136.5,143.4,145.4,156.1,163.2,173.0,180.7;ESI-MS m /z (%):500.1(M 121,100);Elemental analysis calcd.(%)for C 24H 31N 5O 5S:C,57.46;H,6.23;N,13.97.Found:C,57.23;H,6.35;N,13.82.(S )-tert -Butyl-2-(3-(3-(4-nitrophenyl)thioureido)pro-pylcarbamoyl)pyrrolidine-1-carboxylate [3].(eluant:CHCl 3/CH 3OH 540:1(V/V)).Pure product was obtained as a yellow powder (0.35g)in 77.5%.m.p.80–828C;[a ]20D 5125.648(c 0.010,DMSO);IR (KBr/cm 21)m :3328,2976,1660,1597,1539,1510,1391,1331,1258,1170,1112,851,720;1H NMR (CDCl 3):d (ppm)1.45(s,9H,Bu t ),1.81–1.90(m,4H,CCH 2C,Pro-ring CH 2),2.08–2.14(m,2H,Pro-ring CH 2), 3.26–3.31(m,1H,NCH 2C), 3.44–3.52(m,4H,Pro-ring CH 2N,NCH 2C), 3.96–4.00(m,1H,Pro-ring CH 2N),4.16–4.21(m,1H,NC*H CO),6.46(s,2H,CNHCS),7.63(s,1H,ArNHCS),7.74(d,J 58.1Hz,2H,ArH-N),8.17(d,J 58.1Hz,2H,ArH-NO 2),8.97(s,1H,CONHC);13C NMR (DMSO-d 6):d (ppm)23.8,24.6,28.2,28.7,36.7,42.1,47.3,60.6,79.3,121.0,125.1,142.4,147.0,154.0,173.1,180.7;ESI-MS m /z (%):450.3(M 121,100);Elemen-tal analysis calcd.(%)for C 20H 29N 5O 5S:C,53.20;H,6.47;N,15.51.Found:C,53.02;H,6.56;N,15.40.RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONDesign and Synthesis of the New Chiral ReceptorsThe synthesis of receptors 1–3is outlined in Scheme 1.N-Boc-protected amino acid methyl ester (4)were synthe-sized according to the literature with high yield,17and then reacted with excess amount of propane diamine to obtain the compounds 5.To avoid the partial racemization of 5in this reaction,the material 4and 1,3-diaminopropyl were soluble in large amount of methanol and continued to stir at room temperature.Especially at the end of reac-tion,the solvent and 1,3-diaminopropyl should be evapo-rated under high vacuum at 30–358C,because a little higher temperature may lead the racemization of com-pound.Then the condensation reactions between com-pounds 5and p -nitrophenylisothiocyanate or p -methylphe-nylisothiocyanate were performed in dry DMF at room temperature for 24h,giving the target materials (1–3).Receptors 1–3are common soluble in organic solvents such as CHCl 3,C 2H 5OH,CH 3CN,DMSO,and DMF;their structures were characterized by IR,MS,1H NMR,13C NMR spectra,and elemental analysis.Absorption Properties StudyUV–vis spectra were first used to investigate the enan-tioselective recognition abilities of these receptors.The UV–vis spectra were recorded from a solution of 1a ,2,or 3in the absence and presence of various chiral N-pro-tected amino acid anions,in each case the counter cation was tetrabutylammonium.DMSO was chose as the solvent considering the solubility of anions.First N -tert -butylcarbonate protected alanine anion (N -Boc-Ala anion)was chosen as the guest.Figure 1exhibits the UV–vis absorption spectra of receptor 1a upontheScheme 1.Synthesis of receptors 1–3.365ENANTIOSELECTIVE CHEMOSENSORS WITH THIOUREA UNITSChirality DOI 10.1002/chiraddition of N -Boc-L -Ala anion.In the absence of anion,1a has an absorption maximum at 360nm,which can be assigned to an intramolecular charge transfer (CT)absorp-tion band.With the addition of N -Boc-L -Ala anion to the so-lution of 1a in DMSO (5.0310–5mol dm 23),the charac-teristic absorption peak of the host at 360nm was decreased gradually with a red shift (about 10nm)and a new absorption peak at 482nm was produced.The new absorption suggested the formation of the complex between 1a and N -Boc-L -Ala anion.Gradually increasing the concentration of anion,the color of the solution of 1a changed from colorless to yellow,which could be observed by naked eye.As shown in the Figure 2,the similar phenomena were observed when N -Boc-D -Ala anion was added into the solu-tion of receptor 1a (5.0310–5mol dm 23)in DMSO.With the increasing concentration of anion,the new band at 482nm increased obviously,100equiv of anion could lead the absorbance intensity (at 482nm)approach to 0.65and the color of the solution changed from colorless to brown red.Although the intensity only approached to 0.18with the addition of 100equiv of N -Boc-L -Ala anion,the color of so-lution just changed from colorless to yellow.Obvious dif-ference in the absorbance spectra and the color of solution indicated that 1a had a good enantioselective recognition ability towards N -Boc-Ala anion.The satisfactory result (the correlation coefficient (R )is over 0.99)of nonlinear curve fitting (at 480nm)confirm that 1a and N -Boc-Ala anion form a 1:1complex (see the insets of Figs.1and 2)36,37;in addition,the association constants (K ass )are dif-ferent (K ass (L)5192.7dm 3mol 21;K ass (D)5519.7dm 3mol 21),which correspond to the D /L selectivity (K ass(D)/K ass(L))of 2.70for N -Boc-Ala anion.Receptor 1a was developed to give strong hydrogen bonding to anions,which could give rise to colorimetric changes upon anion recognition,as 4-nitro-phenyl moiety is part of amidothiourea anion receptor moiety,giving riseto an internal charge transfer (ICT)absorption band in the absorption spectra.Upon adding anions such as Boc-Ala anion to a solution of 1a ,a gradual shift to longer wave-length was observed,signifying a perturbation in the ICT character of the sensor,due to the recognition of anion at the amidothiourea moiety.This enhances the push–pull character of the ICT state,and consequently a red-shift is observed,upon hydrogen bonding of the anion to the re-ceptor.38–40To prove this explanation,receptor 1b was designed,in which the electron repulsive p -tolyl unit took instead of the p -nitro-phenyl unit.Similar experiments have been done,but there was nearly no change could be observed in the UV–vis spectra,which confirmed that charge-transfer interactions mainly happened between the thiourea units and electron-deficient p -nitro-phenyl moi-eties.When a protic solvent,such as methanol,was added to the solution of 1a and N-Boc-L -or D -Ala anion in DMSO,the color of solutions both changed to colorless.This phe-nomenon illustrated that addition of the protic solvent destroyed the complexation of host and guest,which dem-onstrated that the interaction between 1a and N-Boc-L -or D -Ala anion were largely relied on the hydrogen bonding.Similar thiourea-based anion receptors were reported by Fabbrizzi 24and Pfeffer 25recently,the effect of deprotona-tion versus hydrogen bond interaction has been described for fluoride and carboxylate anion for both urea and thiou-rea,the latter being more acidic and prone to deprotona-tion in DMSO.The tendency towards deprotonation increases with the acidity of the receptor and the stability of [HX 2]2self-complex.When fluoride or acetate was inves-tigated,small amount of anion is sufficient enough to induce large change in the UV–vis or 1H NMR spectra;it could be presumed that the deprotonation of thiourea con-tribute to the interaction.But in this work,only large amount of N -Boc-Ala anion could induce the change of ab-sorbance,small K ass also indicate that the interaction between the host and guest is not large,which indicate that Ala anion is not a strongly basic anion to lead thedeproto-Fig. 1.UV–vis absorption spectra of receptor 1a (5.031025mol dm 23)upon the addition of various amounts of N -Boc-L -Ala anion in DMSO.Equivalent of anion:0,1.5,4.0,6.5,10,15,25,30,45,60,80,95,and 115.The nonlinear fitting curve of change in absorbance at 482nm with respect to the amount of N-Boc-L -Ala anion is shown in the inset,the line is fittingcurve.Fig. 2.UV–vis absorption spectra of receptor 1a (5.031025mol dm 23)upon the addition of various amounts of N -Boc-D -Ala anion in DMSO.Equivalent of anion:0,1.2,2.5,3.5,5.0,6.5,7.5,9.5,12,15,16.5,20,22,25,30,35,37.5,42.5,50,57.5,65,75,85,100,and 115.The nonlin-ear fitting curve of change in absorbance at 482nm with respect to the amount of N -Boc-D -Ala anion is shown in the inset,the line is fitting curve.366QING ET AL.Chirality DOI 10.1002/chirnation of the thiourea.So we presume that deprotonation of thiourea is not the main factor for the complexation.The continuous variation methods were used to deter-mine the stoichiometric ratio of the receptor1a with N-Boc-Ala anion.The total concentration of host and anion guest was constant(5.0310–4mol dm23)in DMSO,with continuously variable molar fraction of guest([G]/ ([H]1[G])).The Job plots of1a interacted with N-Boc-L-or D-Ala anion(at482nm)were shown in the supporting information(SI)Figure S1.1.When the molar fraction of guest is0.50,the absorption reaches a maximum,which further demonstrates that receptors1a forms a1:1com-plex with guest.41,42For the complex of1:1stoichiometry,the association constant K ass can be calculated by using the following eq1 in Origin7.043,44:A¼A0þA limÀA02C0f C HþC Gþ1=K assÀ½ðC HþC Gþ1=K assÞ2À4C H C G 1=2gð1Þwhere A represents the absorption intensity,and C H and C G are the corresponding concentrations of host and anion guest.Then the association constants of1a with other chiral amino acid anions can be obtained using the same method.The association constants(K ass)and correlation coefficients(R)obtained by a non-linear least-squares anal-ysis of X versus C H and C G are listed in Tables1and2. From the data listed in the Table1,receptor1a is also found to have a good enantioselective recognition ability towards N-acetyl-alanine anion(N-Ac-Ala anion),the D/L selectivity(K ass(D)/K ass(L))is7.24.While the addition of N-benzoyl-L-or D-Ala anion could not cause any significant change to the UV–vis spectrum of1a,which indicates that acylamide of N-protected Ala anion could largely affect the complexation.When N-benzoyl-Ala anion is referred,the electron could partly transfer from acylamide to phenyl through the n-p conjugation,which will decrease the com-plexation ability of acylamide,while the basicity of anion also become weakened,both of them lead the rather weak interaction with host.To eliminate the effect of steric hin-drance,N-Boc-Phe anion,mandelate and phenylglycine were used as the guests,receptor1a all exhibited good response to these anions in the UV–vis spectra.Many literatures reported the chemosensors containing thiourea units had good recognition abilities towards dicar-boxylate,7,26,27,29we also used N-protected glutamate or aspartate as the guests to investigate recognition abilities of receptor1a,the association constants(K ass)between the host and guest are listed in the pared with the small K ass between receptor1a and monocarbox-ylates,the K ass are much larger when the1a interacted with dicarboxylates,which maybe due to the stronger hydrogen bonding could be formed through the more bonding sites.Receptor1a was found to have the best enantioselective recognition ability towards N-Boc-Ala anion in the UV–vis titration,which inspired us to change the structure of1a to investigate these phenomena further.Then receptor2 derived from L-phenylalanine was synthesized and also found to have a good chiral recognition ability towards N-Boc-Ala anion(see SI Figs.S2.1,S2.2).Job plots for the interaction between2and Ala anion indicated that a1:1 complex was formed,and the association constant of2TABLE1.Association constants(K ass)andenantioselectivities K ass(D)/K ass(L)of receptor1a with L/D-monocarboxylate in DMSO at258C Entry Guest a K ass(dm3mol21)b,c K(D)/K(L) 1N-Boc-L-Ala192.766.12N-Boc-D-Ala519.7613.4 2.703N-Ac-L-Ala79.968.64N-Ac-D-Ala578.3631.57.245N-Bz-L-Ala d6N-Bz-D-Ala d7N-Boc-L-Phe347.2624.18N-Boc-D-Phe83.368.80.249L-mandelate303.768.910D-mandelate619.5613.8 2.04 11L-phenylglycine(1.5260.07)310312D-phenylglycine(4.6260.24)3103 3.04a The anions were used their tetrabutylammonium salts.The amino groups of amino acid anions were protected by tert-butylcarbonate,acetyl or ben-zoyl respectively.b The data were calculated from UV-vis titration in DMSO.c All error values were obtained by the results of nonlinear curvefitting, the correlation coefficient(R)of nonlinear curvefitting is over0.99.d Reliable association constant could not be obtained due to the too small change in the UV-vis spectra.TABLE2.Association constants(K ass)andenantioselectivities K ass(D)/K ass(L)of receptor1awith L/D-dicarboxylate in DMSO at258CEntry Guest a K ass(dm3mol-1)b,c K(D)/K(L) 1N-Boc-L-Glu(6.5160.29)31032N-Boc-D-Glu(1.3060.08)3104 2.00 3N-Ac-L-Glu d4N-Ac-D-Glu d5N-Bz-L-Glu(3.4960.24)31036N-Bz-D-Glu694.2655.20.20 7N-Boc-L-Asp(3.8760.37)31038N-Boc-D-Asp(1.2060.05)3104 3.10 9N-Ac-L-Asp303.1622.510N-Ac-D-Asp432.7616.5 1.43 11N-Bz-L-Asp(1.9260.15)310412N-Bz-D-Asp(6.8860.58)31030.36 13L-malate(1.6460.09)310414D-malate(7.7460.38)31030.47 15L-tartrate(1.4760.14)310416D-tartrate(2.2260.17)3104 1.51a The anions were used their tetrabutylammonium salts.The amino groups of amino acid anions were protected by tert-butylcarbonate,acetyl or ben-zoyl respectively.b The data were calculated from UV-vis titration in DMSO.c All error values were obtained by the results of nonlinear curvefitting, the correlation coefficient(R)of nonlinear curvefitting is over0.99.d Reliable association constant could not be obtained due to the too small change in the UV-vis spectra.367ENANTIOSELECTIVE CHEMOSENSORS WITH THIOUREA UNITSChirality DOI10.1002/chirwith L -Ala anion was 92.5dm 3mol 21,while that was 277.2dm 3mol 21for its D -enantiomers.The colors of solution were also different when 100equiv of L -or D -Ala anion was added to the solution as shown in the Figure 3,which sug-gested that this kind of chiral recognition process could be observed by visual color change.Proline derivates are widely reported as chiral ligands used in the asymmetric catalysis,so we also synthesized receptor 3,in which the linear structure and most of bind-ing sites were remained.Similar titration experiments were done to investigate whether it had similar property to 1a or 2.As shown in the Figure 4,receptor 3was also found to have good enantioselective recognition ability towards N-Boc-Ala anion,large difference in the absorb-ance intensity changes and color of solution could confirm this conclusion (see SI Part 3).This phenomenon indi-cated that the linear structure derived from N-Boc-pro-tected amino acid may be the key factor for the good chi-ral recognition properties;further 1H NMR experiment will investigate the interaction in detail.The interaction between receptor 2or 3and various chiral anion guests were also investigated with UV–vis ti-tration;the results are listed in the Tables 3and 4.These receptors both have good enantioselective recognition abil-ities towards N-Ac-Ala anion and do not have any response to the N-Bz-Ala anion,which is similar to that of 1a .Othergood results can be obtained when receptors 2or 3inter-acts with N-Bz-glutamate (see SI S1.7).The absorbance intensities of 2or 3increased gradually with the addition of D -Glu anion,while there was nearly no change despite large amount of L -Glu anion was added,which indicated that receptors 2and 3could be also used as colorimetric chemosensors for the N-Bz-glutamate.On the basis of the good chiral recognition abilities of receptors 1a –3towards N -Boc-alanine anion,we tried to use them as the probes to detect the enantiomeric composi-tion of this anion.45,46The UV–vis absorbance intensities changes of 1a ,2,and 3with respect to the enantiomeric composition of N -Boc-alanine anion were studied.As shown in the Figure 5,the absorbance intensity of 1a increases lin-early with the increasing D -component of the alanine anion,similar linear increase could be also observed when 2or 3was used as the probe.Thus,these receptors can be used as colorimetric sensors to readily determine the enantio-meric composition of N -Boc-alanine anion.Fluorescence Properties StudyFluorescence techniques have often used to study the interaction between enantiomers and receptors because of their sensitivity,selectivity,and versatility.30To explore more details about the complexation,fluorometric method was also used to detect the fluorescence change when the guests were added.Fluorescence spectra were recorded from a solution of the receptor 1a in the presence of N -Boc-L -or D -Ala anion in DMSO.As shown in the Figure 6,the fluorescence emission of 1a (k ex 5295nm;k em 5347nm)increases gradually with the addition of D -Ala anion.The satisfactory result (the correlation coefficient is over 0.99)of nonlinear curve fitting confirm that 1a and D -Ala anion form 1:1com-plex 41,42(see the top right plots of Fig.6).Similar phenom-ena were found when 1a interacted with N -Boc-L -Ala anion (see Supporting Information Part 4Fig S4.1).The associa-tion constants (K ass )could also be calculated through the eq 1.The K ass of 1a with L -Ala anion is 200.4dm 3mol 21,while that is 685.4dm 3mol 21with its D -enantiomers,which are consistent with the results calculated from the UV–vis titration (see Table 1).Comparative experiments have been done to explore whether receptor 1b has the similar recognition abilities.There was little enhancement in the emission spectra of fluorescence,but 1b wasstillFig.3.Effects of N -Boc-L -or D -Ala anion (as Bu 4N 1salts)on color changes of 1a ,2,or 3(131024mol dm 23)in DMSO.From left to right:(a )1a ;(b )1a 1L -Ala anion;(c )1a 1D -Ala anion;(d )2;(e )21L -Ala anion;(f )21D -Ala anion;(g )3;(h )31L -Ala anion;(i )31D -Ala anion.N -Boc-L or D -Ala anion had been added with the amount of 100euqiv of the host.[Color figure can be viewed in the online issue,which is available at.]Fig.4.Absorbance intensity changes (at 482nm)of receptors 1a ,2,or 3(531025mol dm 23)with the addition of N -Boc-Ala anion in DMSO.The line is the fitting curve.368QING ET AL.Chirality DOI 10.1002/chir。
