halcon的'temporary_mem_cache'用法 -回复
1. 什么是temporary_mem_cache?temporary_mem_cache是Halcon中的一个函数,用于管理临时内存缓冲区。
2. 如何使用temporary_mem_cache?在Halcon程序中使用temporary_mem_cache需要按照以下步骤进行:- 第一步,创建temporary_mem_cache对象。
- 第二步,为temporary_mem_cache对象分配内存空间。
HScriptallocate_temporary (TemporaryMemory, Size);这里,Size是希望分配的内存空间大小,单位为字节。
- 第三步,使用temporary_mem_cache对象进行图像处理。
NVIDIA 动态并行ISM文档说明书
Introduction to Dynamic Parallelism Stephen JonesNVIDIA CorporationImproving ProgrammabilityDynamic Parallelism Occupancy Simplify CPU/GPU Divide Library Calls from Kernels Batching to Help Fill GPU Dynamic Load Balancing Data-Dependent ExecutionRecursive Parallel AlgorithmsWhat is Dynamic Parallelism?The ability to launch new grids from the GPUDynamicallySimultaneouslyIndependentlyCPU GPU CPU GPU Fermi: Only CPU can generate GPU work Kepler: GPU can generate work for itselfWhat Does It Mean?CPU GPU CPU GPU GPU as Co-ProcessorAutonomous, Dynamic ParallelismData-Dependent ParallelismComputationalPower allocated toregions of interestCUDA Today CUDA on KeplerDynamic Work GenerationInitial GridStatically assign conservativeworst-case gridDynamically assign performancewhere accuracy is requiredFixed GridCPU-Controlled Work Batching CPU programs limited by singlepoint of controlCan run at most 10s of threadsCPU is fully consumed withcontrolling launchesCPU Control Threaddgetf2 dgetf2 dgetf2CPU Control Threaddswap dswap dswap dtrsm dtrsm dtrsmdgemm dgemm dgemmCPU Control ThreadMultiple LU-Decomposition, Pre-KeplerCPU Control ThreadCPU Control ThreadBatching via Dynamic ParallelismMove top-level loops to GPURun thousands of independent tasksRelease CPU for other workCPU Control ThreadCPU Control ThreadGPU Control Threaddgetf2 dswap dtrsm dgemm GPU Control Thread dgetf2 dswap dtrsm dgemm GPU Control Threaddgetf2dswapdtrsmdgemmBatched LU-Decomposition, Kepler__device__ float buf[1024];__global__ void dynamic(float *data) {int tid = threadIdx.x; if(tid % 2)buf[tid/2] = data[tid]+data[tid+1]; __syncthreads();if(tid == 0) {launch<<< 128, 256 >>>(buf); cudaDeviceSynchronize(); }__syncthreads();cudaMemcpyAsync(data, buf, 1024); cudaDeviceSynchronize(); }Programming Model BasicsCode ExampleCUDA Runtime syntax & semantics__device__ float buf[1024];__global__ void dynamic(float *data) {int tid = threadIdx.x; if(tid % 2)buf[tid/2] = data[tid]+data[tid+1]; __syncthreads();if(tid == 0) {launch<<< 128, 256 >>>(buf); cudaDeviceSynchronize(); }__syncthreads();cudaMemcpyAsync(data, buf, 1024); cudaDeviceSynchronize(); }Code ExampleCUDA Runtime syntax & semanticsLaunch is per-thread__device__ float buf[1024];__global__ void dynamic(float *data) {int tid = threadIdx.x; if(tid % 2)buf[tid/2] = data[tid]+data[tid+1]; __syncthreads();if(tid == 0) {launch<<< 128, 256 >>>(buf); cudaDeviceSynchronize(); }__syncthreads();cudaMemcpyAsync(data, buf, 1024); cudaDeviceSynchronize(); }Code ExampleCUDA Runtime syntax & semanticsLaunch is per-threadSync includes all launches by any thread in the block__device__ float buf[1024];__global__ void dynamic(float *data) {int tid = threadIdx.x; if(tid % 2)buf[tid/2] = data[tid]+data[tid+1]; __syncthreads();if(tid == 0) {launch<<< 128, 256 >>>(buf); cudaDeviceSynchronize(); }__syncthreads();cudaMemcpyAsync(data, buf, 1024); cudaDeviceSynchronize(); }CUDA Runtime syntax & semanticsLaunch is per-threadSync includes all launches by any thread in the blockcudaDeviceSynchronize() does not imply syncthreadsCode Example__device__ float buf[1024];__global__ void dynamic(float *data) {int tid = threadIdx.x; if(tid % 2)buf[tid/2] = data[tid]+data[tid+1]; __syncthreads();if(tid == 0) {launch<<< 128, 256 >>>(buf); cudaDeviceSynchronize(); }__syncthreads();cudaMemcpyAsync(data, buf, 1024); cudaDeviceSynchronize(); }Code ExampleCUDA Runtime syntax & semanticsLaunch is per-threadSync includes all launches by any thread in the blockcudaDeviceSynchronize() does not imply syncthreadsAsynchronous launches only__device__ float buf[1024];__global__ void dynamic(float *data) {int tid = threadIdx.x; if(tid % 2)buf[tid/2] = data[tid]+data[tid+1]; __syncthreads();if(tid == 0) {launch<<< 128, 256 >>>(buf); cudaDeviceSynchronize(); }__syncthreads();cudaMemcpyAsync(data, buf, 1024); cudaDeviceSynchronize(); }Code ExampleCUDA Runtime syntax & semanticsLaunch is per-threadSync includes all launches by any thread in the blockcudaDeviceSynchronize() does not imply syncthreadsAsynchronous launches only(note bug in program, here!)__global__ void libraryCall(float *a,float *b, float *c) {// All threads generate datacreateData(a, b);__syncthreads();// Only one thread calls library if(threadIdx.x == 0) {cublasDgemm(a, b, c);cudaDeviceSynchronize();}// All threads wait for dtrsm__syncthreads();// Now continueconsumeData(c);} CPU launcheskernelPer-block datagenerationCall of 3rd partylibrary3rd party libraryexecutes launchParallel useof resultSimple example: QuicksortTypical divide-and-conquer algorithmRecursively partition-and-sort dataEntirely data-dependent executionNotoriously hard to do efficiently on Fermi3 2 6 3 9 14 25 1 8 7 9 2 58 3 2 6 3 9 1 4 2 5 1 8 7 9 2 58 2 1 2 1 2 36 3 94 5 8 7 9 5 8 3 6 3 4 5 8 7 58 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 1 5 6 7 8 8 9 95 eventually...Select pivot valueFor each element: retrieve valueRecurse sort into right-handsubsetStore left if value < pivotStore right if value >= pivotall done?Recurse sort into left-hand subset NoYes__global__ void qsort(int *data, int l, int r) {int pivot = data[0];int *lptr = data+l, *rptr = data+r;// Partition data around pivot valuepartition(data, l, r, lptr, rptr, pivot);// Launch next stage recursively if(l < (rptr-data))qsort<<< ... >>>(data, l, rptr-data); if(r > (lptr-data))qsort<<< ... >>>(data, lptr-data, r); }。
1.android之ION存管理器(1)-- 简介为什么需要ION回顾2011年末[2],LWN审查了android kernel patch[3],以期望将这些patch合并到kernel主线中。
为什么PMEM不被linux 社区接受的原因在[3]中有讲到。
ION是google在Android4.0 ICS为了解决存碎片管理而引入的通用存管理器,它会更加融合kernel。
如何获取source codehttp://android.googlesource./kernel/common.gitION codes reside in drivers/gpu/ionSpecific usage examples on omap4:http://android.googlesource./kernel/omap.gitION 框架[1]ION 定义了四种不同的heap,实现不同的存分配策略。
•ION_HEAP_TYPE_SYSTEM : 通过vmalloc分配存•ION_HEAP_TYPE_SYSTEM_CONTIG: 通过kmalloc分配存•ION_HEAP_TYPE_CARVEOUT: 在保留存块中(reserve memory)分配存•ION_HEAP_TYPE_CUSTOM: 由客户自己定义下图是两个client共享存的示意图。
ION APIs用户空间 API定义了6种 ioctl 接口,可以与用户应用程序交互。
unrecovered read error 0x281, -回复
unrecovered read error 0x281, -回复错误0x281,也称为“未恢复的读取错误”,是指在计算机系统中发生的一种错误类型。
那么,当我们面临未恢复的读取错误时,应该如何解决呢?以下是一些可能的解决方法:1. 检查硬件连接:首先,我们应该检查存储设备(例如硬盘驱动器)与计算机的连接是否稳定。
2. 运行硬件诊断工具:现在许多计算机都提供了硬件诊断工具,可以帮助我们检测设备故障。
3. 更新驱动程序和操作系统:有时,未恢复的读取错误可能是由于过时的驱动程序或操作系统引起的。
4. 使用数据恢复软件:如果以上方法无法解决问题,我们可以尝试使用数据恢复软件来尝试恢复受影响的数据。
The "official" name of this project is "Das U-Boot". The spelling
"U-Boot" shall be used in all written text (documentation, comments
u_boot_logo u_boot_hush_start
Versioning: =========== 版本 U-Boot uses a 3 level version number containing a version, a sub-version, and a patchlevel: "U-Boot-2.34.5" means version "2", sub-version "34", and patchlevel "4". uboot的3级版本数字包含一个主版本,子版本,补丁级别:uboot-2.34.5表示主版本2, 子版本34,补丁级别4。
<u-boot-users@>. There is also an archive of previous traffic on the mailing list - please search the archive before asking FAQ's. Please see /lists/listinfo/u-boot-users/ 如果你对U-Boot有疑问,或者想为U-Boot贡献,你应该向U-Boot邮件列表<u-boot-users@lists. >发送消息。在提问前,请搜索邮件列表的历史记录:http://lists.sourceforg /lists/listinfo/u-boot-users/
SLC 500 System OverviewThe Allen-Bradley SLC 500 is a small chassis-based family of programmable controllers, discrete, analog, and specialty I/O, and peripheral devices. The SLC 500 family delivers power and flexibility with a wide range of communication configurations, features, and memory options. The RSLogix 500 ladder logic programming package provides flexible editors, point-and-click I/O configuration, and a powerful database editor, as well as diagnostic and troubleshooting tools to help you save project development time and maximize productivity.Typical SystemsWith up to 64 K of configurable data/program memory available and over 60 types of I/O modules, as well as a choice of networking options, the SLC system provides apowerful solution for stand-alone or distributed industrial control.TopicPage Select SLC 500 I/O Modules 2Select Network Communications 2Select an SLC 500 Processor 69Select an SLC 500 Chassis 75Select SLC 500 Power Supplies 79Select Programming Software 91Summary101Allen-Bradley 1746-NIO4VSystem Overview 3 Local SystemsAt minimum, a modular hardware SLC 500 control system consists of a processor module and I/O modules in a single 1746 chassis with a power supply.You can configure a system with one, two, or three local chassis, for a maximum total of 30 local I/O or communication modules. You connect multiple local chassis together with chassis interconnect cables to extend the backplane signal lines from one chassis to another.Distributed SystemsMore complex systems can use:•distributed I/O.4 System Overview•multiple controllers joined across networks.•I/O in multiple platforms that are distributed in many locations and connectedover multiple I/O links.Choose the processor module with the on-board communication ports you need. Youoptionally add modules to provide additional communication ports for the processor. ForI/O in locations remote from the processor, you can choose between a ControlNet,DeviceNet, or Univeral I/O link. A communication interface module is required in boththe local and remote chassis.Depending upon the communication ports available on your particular SLC controlsystem, you can select operator interfaces that are compatible.Laying Out the SystemLay out the system by determining the amount of I/O necessary, the networkconfigurations, and the placement of components in each location. Decide at this timewhether each chassis will have its own controller or a networked solution.SLC 500 processors are available with a large range of memory sizes (1 K…64 K) and cancontrol up to 4096 input and 4096 output signals. All modular processors except theSLC 5/01 processor are capable of controlling remotely located I/O. By adding an I/Oscanner module, you can use these processors to control/monitor these remotely locatedI/O across ControlNet, DeviceNet, and Universal Remote I/O links. Allen-Bradley 1746-NIO4VSystem Overview 5 SLC 500 processors are single-slot modules that you place into the left-most slot of a 1746 I/O chassis. For I/O in a location remote from the processor, the I/O adapter is a single-slot module that you place in the left-most slot of the I/O chassis. SLC 500 modular systems provide separate power supplies which must be mounted directly on the left end of the 1746 I/O chassis.The 1746 I/O chassis are designed for back-panel mounting and available in sizes of 4, 7, 10, or 13 module slots. The 1746 I/O modules are available in densities up to a maximum of 32 channels per module.CommunicationsEvaluate what communications need to occur. Knowing your communications requirements will help you determine which processor and which communications devices your application might require.An SLC processor communicates across the 1746 backplane to 1746 I/O modules in the same chassis in which the processor resides. Various models of SLC processors have various on-board ports for communication with other processors or computers. Also, separate modules are available to provide additional communication ports for communication with other processors, computers, and remotely located I/O.Each processor has one or two built-in ports for either EtherNet/IP, DH+, DH-485, or RS-232 (DF1, ASCII, or DH-485 protocol) communication.In addition to the on-board ports available with SLC processors, you have the option of providing another communication port for an SLC processor by adding a communication module.Adapter modules for 1746 I/O are available for ControlNet and Universal Remote I/O links. An I/O adapter module in a chassis with I/O modules interfaces the I/O modules with the I/O link for communication with a scanner port for a processor at another location.SLC 500 Common Specifications The following specifications apply to all SLC 500 modular components unless noted. Environmental SpecificationsAttribute ValueTemperature, operating IEC 60068-2-1 (Test Ad, Operating Cold),IEC 60068-2-2 (Test Bd, Operating Dry Heat),IEC 60068-2-14 (Test Nb, Operating Thermal Shock):0…60 °C (32…140 °F)Temperature, nonoperating IEC 60068-2-1 (Test Ab, Unpackaged Nonoperating Cold),IEC 60068-2-2 (Test Bb, Unpackaged Nonoperating Dry Heat),IEC 60068-2-14 (Test Na, Unpackaged Nonoperating Thermal Shock):-40…85 °C (-40…185 °F)Relative humidity IEC 60068-2-30 (Test Db, Unpackaged Damp Heat):5…95% without condensation6 System OverviewVibration, operating IEC 60068-2-6 (Test Fc, Operating):1 g @ 5…2000 Hz Vibration, nonoperating 2.5 g @ 5…2000 HzShock, operating30 g (3 pulses, 11 ms) – for all modules except relay contact10 g (3 pulses, 11 ms) – for relay contact modules 1746-OWx and 1746-IOx combo Shock, nonoperating 50 g, 3 pulses, 11 msFree fall (drop test)Portable,2.268kg(5lb)*************(30in.),sixdropsPortable,2.268kg(5lb)**************(4in.),threeflatdrops Isolation voltageIsolation between communication circuits: 500V DC Isolation between backplane and I/O: 1500V ACCertificationsCertifications when product is marked (1)(1)See the Product Certification link at /products/certification/ forDeclarations of Conformity, Certificates, and other certification details.ValueUL UL Listed for Class I, Division 2 Group A,B,C,D Hazardous Locations. See UL File E10314.c-UL UL Listed for Class I, Division 2 Group A,B,C,D Hazardous Locations, certified for Canada. See UL File E10314.CEEuropean Union 2004/108/EC EMC Directive, compliant with:EN 61000-6-2; Industrial Immunity EN 61000-6-4; Industrial EmissionsEN 61131-2; Programmable Controllers (Clause 8, Zone A & B)European Union 2006/95/EC LVD, compliant with:EN 61131-2; Programmable Controllers (Clause 11)C-Tick Australian Radiocommunications Act, compliant with:AS/NZS CISPR 11; Industrial EmissionsKCKorean Registration of Broadcasting and Communications Equipment, compliant with:Article 58-2 of Radio Waves Act, Clause 3Environmental SpecificationsAttribute ValueAllen-Bradley 1746-NIO4VSystem Overview 7SLC 500 System Checklist Use the following Checklist as a guide to completing your own system specification.✓Step Seepage91 Select I/O Modules•consider using an interface module or pre-wired 1492cables•use a spreadsheet to record your selectionspage512 Select Communication Modules/Devices•determine your network communication requirementsand select the necessary communicationmodules/devices•include appropriate communication cables•record your module/device selections on the systemspreadsheetpage693 Select an SLC 500 Processor•choose a processor based on memory, I/O, performance,programming requirements, and communication options4 Select an SLC 500 Chassispage75•determine the number of chassis and any interconnectcables required based on the physical configuration ofyour systempage795 Select an SLC 500 Power Supply•use the power supply loading worksheet to ensuresufficient power for your system•consider future system expansion when selecting apower supplypage916 Select Programming Software•select the appropriate package of RSLogix 500Programming Software for your applicationSelect SLC 500 I/O Modules 171746-SIM Input SimulatorThe 1746-SIM Input Simulator is designed for use on 16-channel 24V DC sinking and sourcing modules with removable terminal blocks, including 1746-IB16, 1746-ITB16, 1746-IV16, 1746-ITV16, and 1746-IN16 modules. The input simulator provides 16 switches for simulating inputs to the SLC 500.1746 Analog I/O ModulesAnalog I/O modules feature user-selectable voltage or current inputs, backplane isolation, removable terminal blocks, and diagnostic feedback.The 1746-NI4, 1746-NIO4I, and 1746-NIO4V input channels are filtered to reject high frequency noise and provide 14- to 16-bit (range-dependent) resolution.All 4-channel analog output modules provide 14-bit resolution and a 2.5 ms conversion rate.The 1746-FIO4I and 1746-FIO4V modules have less input filtering and can sense more rapidly changing inputs. However, their input resolution is only 12-bit. Because the input filter on the 1746-FIO4I or 1746-FIO4V module may pass more electrical noise, you should thoroughly ground and shield the input transducer, its power supply, and cables.The 1746-NI8 module provides high accuracy and fast analog signal conversion. The 1746-NI8, 1746-NI16I and 1746-NI16V modules are high density analog input modules that are software configurable.The 1746-NO8I (current output) and 1746-NO8V (voltage output) modules are high density, analog output modules that provide 8 individually configurable output channels with 16-bit resolution.Combination I/O ModulesSpecifications 1746-IO41746-IO81746-IO121746-IO12DC Number of inputs 2466Number of outputs 2466Points per common 2466Voltage category120V AC (inputs)100/120V AC (relay contact outputs)10…30V DC (inputs)5…265V AC @ 47…63 Hz / 5…125V DC (outputs)Operating voltage range85…132V AC @ 47…63 Hz (inputs)5…265V AC @ 47…63 Hz / 5…125V DC (outputs)10…30V DC (inputs)5…265V AC @ 47…63 Hz / 5…125V DC (outputs)Backplane current (mA) @ 5V 30 mA 60 mA 90 mA 80 mA Backplane current (mA) @ 24V 25 mA45 mA70 mA60 mAContinuous current per point See Relay Contact Ratings for 1746-OW4 on page 16See Relay Contact Ratings for 1746-OW16 on page 16Continuous current per module4 A8 A8 A8 AAllen-Bradley 1746-NIO4V18 Select SLC 500 I/O Modules4-Channel Analog I/O ModulesAnalog I/O Module OverviewCatalog Number DescriptionVoltage CategoryFor specifications, see 1746-NI4High Resolution (4) Analog Input Module-20…+20 mA (or) -10…+10V DCpage 19: General Input Specificationspage 19: Current Loop Input Specificationspage 20: Voltage Input Specifications1746-NI8High Resolution (8) Analog Input Module -20…+20 mA (or) -10…+10V DCpage 22: General input specificationspage 22: Input step response page 23: Current loop input specificationspage 23: Voltage input specifications1746-NI16I (1)High Resolution (16) Analog Input Module -20…+20 mA page 25: General input specificationspage 26: Module update times 1746-NI16V (1)High Resolution (16) Analog Input Module-10…+10V DC1746-NIO4I High Resolution (2) Analog Input, (2) Analog Current Output Module -20…+20 mA (or) -10…+10V DC (inputs) 0…20 mA (outputs)page 19: General Input Specificationspage 19: Current Loop Input Specificationspage 20: Voltage Output Specifications1746-NIO4VHigh Resolution (2) Analog Input, (2) Analog Voltage Output Module 20…+20 mA (or) -10…+10V DC (inputs) -10…+10V DC (outputs)1746-FIO4I(2) Fast Analog Input, (2) Analog Current Output Module0…20 mA (or) 0…10V DC (inputs)0…20 mA (outputs)page 19: General Input Specificationspage 19: Current Loop Input Specificationspage 20: Voltage Input Specifications1746-FIO4V (2) Fast Analog Input, (2) Analog Voltage Output Module0…20 mA page 20: Output specifications 1746-NIO4I (4) Analog Current Output Module -10…+10V DC page 20: Output specifications 1746-NIO4V (4) Analog Voltage Output Module 0…20 mA page 20: Output specifications 1746-NO8I (8) Analog Current Output Module -10…+10V DC page 24: Output specifications 1746-NO8V(8) Analog Voltage Output Module-10…+10V DCpage 24: Output specifications(1)Single-ended connections only.General Input Specifications for 4-Channel ModulesSpecification 1746-NI41746-NIO4I 1746-NIO4V 1746-FIO4I 1746-FIO4V Backplane current (mA) @ 5V 25 mA 55 mA 55 mA 55 mA 55 mA Backplane current (mA) @ 24V 85 mA 145 mA 115 mA 150 mA 120 mA Number of inputs 42222Backplane isolation 500V AC and 710V DC withstand for 1 minuteStep response60 ms100 μsSelect SLC 500 I/O Modules 19Conversion method sigma-delta modulation successive approximationConverter resolution 16 bit 12 bitConversion time N/A7.5 μs every 512 μs (nominal)Module throughput delay512 μs (nominal)1.10 ms (maximum)(1)512 µs (typical)(1)Worst-case throughput occurs when the module just misses an event.General Input Specifications for 4-Channel ModulesSpecification 1746-NI41746-NIO4I1746-NIO4V1746-FIO4I 1746-FIO4VCurrent Loop Input Specifications for 4-Channel ModulesSpecification 1746-NI41746-NIO4I 1746-NIO4V 1746-FIO4I 1746-FIO4V Full scale 20 mA20 mA20 mA20 mA20 mAInput range ±20 mA (nominal)±30 mA (maximum)0…20 mA (nominal)for 0…30 mA (maximum)Current input coding ±16,384 for ±20mA 0…2047 counts for 0…20 mAAbsolute maximum input voltage ±7.5V DC or 7.5V AC RMS Input Impedance 250 Ω (nominal)250 Ω (nominal)Resolution 1.22070 μA per LSB 9.7656 μA per bit Overall accuracy @ 25 °C (77 °F)±0.365% of full scale±0.510% of full scale Overall accuracy, 0…60 °C (32…140 °F)±0.642% of full scale (maximum)±0.850% of full scaleOverall accuracy drift +79 ppm/°C of full scale +98 ppm/°C of full scale (maximum)Gain error @ 25 °C (77 °F)+0.323% (maximum)+0.400% (maximum)Gain error,0…60 °C (32…140°F)+0.556% (maximum)+0.707% of full scaleGain error drift±67 ppm/°C ±89 ppm/°C (maximum)Voltage Input Specifications for 4-Channel ModulesSpecification 1746-NI41746-NIO4I 1746-NIO4V 1746-FIO4I 1746-FIO4V Full Scale 10V DC 10V DC10V DC10V DC 10V DCInput Range ±10V DC -1 LSB 0…10V DC -1 LSBInput Impedance1 M ΩOvervoltage Protection (IN+ to -IN)220V DC or AC RMS continuously 220V dc or ac RMS continuously Resolution 305.176 μV per LSB 2.4414 mV per LSB (nominal)Voltage input coding-32,768…+32,767 for +10V DC 0…4095 counts for 0…10V DC Overall accuracy @ 25 °C (77 °F)±0.284% of full scale ±0.440% of full scale Overall Accuracy, 0…60 °C (32…140 °F)±0.504% of full scale±0.750% of full scaleAllen-Bradley 1746-NIO4V20 Select SLC 500 I/O ModulesOverall accuracy drift (maximum)+63 ppm/°C of full scale (maximum)+88 ppm/°C (maximum)Gain error @ 25 °C (77 °F)+0.263% (maximum)+0.323% of full scale Gain error, 0…60 °C (32…140 °F)+0.461% (maximum)+0.530% of full scale Gain error drift±57 ppm/°C±79 ppm?/°CVoltage Input Specifications for 4-Channel ModulesSpecification1746-NI41746-NIO4I1746-NIO4V1746-FIO4I1746-FIO4VOutput Specifications for 4-Channel ModulesSpecification 1746-FIO4I 1746-NIO4I 1746-NO4I 1746-FIO4V 1746-NIO4V 1746-NO4V Number of outputs 224224Backplane current (mA) @5V 55 mA 55 mA 55 mA 55 mA 55 mA 55 mA Backplane current (mA) @ 24V 150 mA145 mA195 mA (1)120 mA115 mA145 mAIsolation voltage Tested @ 500V AC and 710V DC for 60 seconds Full scale21 mA 10V DC Output range (normal)0…20 mA -1 LSB ±10V DC -1 LSBOutput coding0…32,764 for 0…21 mA -32,768…+32,764 for ±10V DC Output resolution (per LSB) 2.56348 μA 1.22070 mV Converter resolution 14-bit 14-bit Conversion method R-2R ladder R-2R ladder Step response 2.5 ms (5…95%) 2.5 ms (normal) Load range 0…500 Ω1K…? ΩLoad current, max N/A10 mA Overrange capability 5% (0…21 mA -1 LSB)N/AOverall accuracy @ 25 °C (77 °F)±0.298% of full scale ±0.208% of full scale Overall Accuracy,0…60 °C (32…140 °F)±0.541% of full scale ±0.384% of full scale Overall accuracy drift, max ±70 ppm/°C of full scale ±0.384% of full scale Gain error @ 25 °C (77 °F)±298% of full scale ±208% of full scale Gain Error, 0…60 °C (32…140 °F)±516% of full scale ±374% of full scale Gain error drift, max±62 ppm/°C of full scale±47 ppm/°C of full scale(1)The 1746-NO4I and 1746-NO4V analog output modules have connections for user-supplied 24V dc power supplies. When external 24V DC power is used, the module onlydraws 5V DC current from the SLC backplane. If an external 24V DC power supply is required, the tolerance must be 24V ±10% (26.6…26.4V DC). The user power supplies for SLC 500 modular systems, 1746-P1, 1746-P2, 1746-P5, and 1746-P6 power supplies do not meet this specification.40-terminal IFM. T o use this table, you must first have selected an IFM from thepreceding table.Pre-Wired Cables for 1746 Analog I/O ModulesAIFM Connector Mating I/O Module Catalog Number Cable Cat. No.Standard Cable Lengths (m)Build-to-OrderAvailable1492-ACABLE(1)A0.5, 1.0, 2.5, 5.0 m Yes15-pin D-shell1746-NI41492-ACABLE(1)B0.5, 1.0, 2.5, 5.0 m Yes15-pin D-shell1746-NO4I, -NO4V1492-ACABLE(1)C0.5, 1.0, 2.5, 5.0 m Yes25-pin D-shell1746-NI81492-ACABLE(1)D0.5, 1.0, 2.5, 5.0 m Yes25-pin D-shell1746-NR41492-ACABLE(1)L0.5, 1.0, 2.5, 5.0 m Yes15-pin D-shell1746-NIO4I, -NIO4V, -FIO4I, -FIO4V 1492-ACABLE(1)Q0.5, 1.0, 2.5, 5.0 m Yes25-pin D-shell1746-QS1492-ACABLE(1)A460.5, 1.0, 2.5, 5.0 m Yes25-pin D-shell1746-NI16I, -NI16V(1).To order, insert the code for the desired cable length into the cat. no. (005 = 0.5 m, 010 = 1.0 m, 025 = 2.5 m, and 050 = 5.0 m). Example: Catalog Number1492-ACABLE005A is for a 0.5 m cable that could be used to connect a Catalog Number 1492-AIFM4I-F-5 IFM to a Catalog Number 1746-NI4 I/O module. Allen-Bradley 1746-NIO4VDigital Combination ModulesCatalog Number Backplane Current(mA) @ 5V BackplaneCurrent (mA) @24VWatts per point Thermal dissipation,min.Thermal dissipation,max.1746-IO430 mA25 mA0.270 W per input point0.133 W per output point0.75 W 1.60 W1746-IO860 mA45 mA0.270 W per input point0.133 W per output point1.38 W 3.00 W1746-IO1290 mA70 mA0.270 W per input point0.133 W per output point2.13 W 4.60 W1746-IO12DC80 mA60 mA0.200 W per input point0.133 W per output point1.84 W 3.90 W Analog Input ModulesCatalog Number Backplane Current(mA) @ 5V BackplaneCurrent (mA) @24VWatts per point Thermal dissipation,min.Thermal dissipation,max.1746-NI425 mA85 mA N/A 2.17 W 2.20 W 1746-NI8200 mA100 mA N/A 3.4 W 3.4 W 1746-NI16I125 mA75 mA N/A 2.43 W 2.43 W 1746-NI16V125 mA75 mA N/A 3.76 W 3.8 WAnalog Output ModulesCatalog Number Backplane Current(mA) @ 5V BackplaneCurrent (mA) @24VWatts per point Thermal dissipation,min.Thermal dissipation,max.1746-NO4I55 mA195 mA N/A 4.96 W 5.00 W 1746-NO4V55 mA145 mA N/A 3.04 W 3.80 W 1746-NO8I120 mA250 mA(1)N/A 3.76 W 6.6 W 1746-NO8V120 mA160 mA(1)N/A 3.04 W 4.44 W (1)With jumper set to RACK, otherwise 0.000.Analog Combination ModulesCatalog Number Backplane Current(mA) @ 5V BackplaneCurrent (mA) @24VWatts per point Thermal dissipation,min.Thermal dissipation,max.1746-FIO4I55 mA150 mA N/A 3.76 W 3.80 W 1746-FIO4V55 mA120 mA N/A 3.04 W 3.10 W 1746-NIO4I55 mA145 mA N/A 3.76 W 3.80 W 1746-NIO4V55 mA115 mA N/A 3.04 W 3.10 W。
mem reduct编译
mem reduct编译
`Mem Reduct` 是一个用于内存泄漏检测的开源工具,它可以帮助开发人员识别和修复在 C 和 C++ 程序中的内存泄漏问题。
要编译 `Mem Reduct`,您需要遵循以下步骤:
1. 获取源代码:首先,您需要从 `Mem Reduct` 的官方网站或 GitHub 仓库下载源代码。
2. 配置编译选项:打开终端或命令提示符,并导航到 `Mem Reduct` 源代码所在的目录。
然后,运行 `configure` 脚本(如果您使用的是 `configure` 脚本),或者根据您的需求手动设置编译选项。
3. 编译:使用适当的编译器(如 GCC 或 Clang)编译 `Mem Reduct`。
例如,在 Linux 上,您可以运行以下命令:
这将编译 `Mem Reduct` 并生成可执行文件。
4. 安装:如果需要,您可以使用 `make install` 命令将 `Mem Reduct` 安装到系统中。
确保遵循适用于您特定情况的官方文档或指南,以确保正确地编译和安装 `Mem Reduct`。
NCBI Homologene数据库访问包说明书
Package‘homologene’October13,2022Type PackageTitle Quick Access to Homologene and Gene Annotation UpdatesVersion1. R(>=3.1.2)Imports dplyr(>=0.7.4),magrittr(>=1.5),purrr(>=0.2.5),readr(>=1.3.1),R.utils(>=2.8.0)Suggests testthat(>=1.0.2)Date2019-03-28BugReports https:///oganm/homologene/issuesURL https:///oganm/homologeneDescription A wrapper for the homologene database by the National Center for Biotechnology Information('NCBI').It allows searching for gene homologs across species.Data in this package can be found at<ftp:///pub/HomoloGene/build68/>.The package also includes an updated version of the homologene database where gene identifiers and symbols are replaced with their latest(at the time ofsubmission)version and functions to fetch latest annotation data to keep updated. License MIT+file LICENSELazyData trueRoxygenNote6.1.1NeedsCompilation noAuthor Ogan Mancarci[aut,cre],Leon French[ctb]Maintainer Ogan Mancarci<***********************>Repository CRANDate/Publication2019-03-2823:10:03UTC12autoTranslate R topics documented:autoTranslate (2)getGeneHistory (3)getGeneInfo (3)getHomologene (4)homologene (5)homologeneData (5)homologeneData2 (6)homologeneVersion (6)human2mouse (7)mouse2human (7)taxData (8)updateHomologene (8)updateIDs (9)Index10 autoTranslate Attempt to automatically translate a gene listDescriptionGiven a list of query gene list and a target gene list,the function triesfind the homology pairing that matches the query list to the target list.The query list is a short list of genes while the target list is supposed to represent a large number of genes from the target species.The default output will be the largest possible list.If returnAllPossible=TRUE then all possible pairings with any matches are returned.It is possible to limit the search by setting possibleOrigins and possibleTargets.Note that gene symbols of some species are more similar to each other than ing this with small gene lists and without providing any possibleOrigins or possibleTargets might return multiple hits,or if returnAllPossible=TRUE a wrong match can be returned.UsageautoTranslate(genes,targetGenes,possibleOrigins=NULL,possibleTargets=NULL,returnAllPossible=FALSE,db=homologene::homologeneData)Argumentsgenes A list of genes to match the target.Symbols or NCBI idstargetGenes The target list.This list is supposed to represent a large number of genes from the target species.possibleOriginsTaxonomic identifiers of possible origin speciespossibleTargetsTaxonomic identifiers of possible target speciesgetGeneHistory3 returnAllPossibleif TRUE returns all possible pairings with non zero gene matches.If FALSE(default)returns the best matchdb Homologene database to use.ValueA data frame if returnAllPossibe=FALSE and a list of data frames if TRUE getGeneHistory Download gene historyfileDescriptionDownloads and reads the gene historyfile from NCBI website.Thisfile is needed for other func-tionsUsagegetGeneHistory(destfile=NULL,justRead=FALSE)Argumentsdestfile Path of the outputfile.If NULL a tempfile will be usedjustRead If TRUE and destfile exists,it reads thefile instead of downloading the latest one from NCBIValueA data frame with latest gene history informationgetGeneInfo Download gene symbol informationDescriptionThis function downloads the gene_infofile from NCBI website and returns the gene symbols for current IDs.UsagegetGeneInfo(destfile=NULL,justRead=FALSE,chunk_size=1e+06)4getHomologene Argumentsdestfile Path of the outputfile.If NULL a tempfile will be usedjustRead If TRUE and destfile exists,it reads thefile instead of downloading the latest one from NCBIchunk_size Chunk size to be used with link[readr]{read_tsv_chunked}.The gene_info file is big enough to make its intake difficult.If you don’t have large amountsof free memory you may have to reduce this number to read thefile in smallerchunksValueA data frame with gene symbols for each current gene idgetHomologene Get the latest homologenefileDescriptionThis function downloads the latest homologenefile from NCBI.Note that Homologene has not been updated since2014so the output will be identical to homologeneData included in this package.This function is here for futureproofing purposes.UsagegetHomologene(destfile=NULL,justRead=FALSE)Argumentsdestfile Path of the outputfile.If NULL a tempfile will be usedjustRead If TRUE and destfile exists,it reads thefile instead of downloading the latest one from NCBIValueA data frame with homology groups,gene ids and gene symbolshomologene5 homologene Get homologues of given genesDescriptionGiven a list of genes and a taxid,returns a data frame inlcuding the genes and their corresponding homologuesUsagehomologene(genes,inTax,outTax,db=homologene::homologeneData)Argumentsgenes A vector of gene symbols or NCBI idsinTax taxid of the species that the input genes are coming fromoutTax taxid of the species that you are seeking homologydb Homologene database to use.Exampleshomologene(c( Eno2 , 17441 ),inTax=10090,outTax=9606)homologeneData homologeneDataDescriptionList of gene homologues used by homologene functionsUsagehomologeneDataFormatAn object of class data.frame with275237rows and4columns.6homologeneVersion homologeneData2homologeneData2DescriptionA modified copy of the homologene database.Homologene was updated at2014and many of itsgene IDs and symbols are out of date.Here the IDs and symbols are replaced with their most current version Last update:Wed Mar2716:34:112019UsagehomologeneData2FormatAn object of class data.frame with269592rows and4columns.homologeneVersion Version of homologene usedDescriptionVersion of homologene usedUsagehomologeneVersionFormatAn object of class integer of length1.human2mouse7 human2mouse Human/mouse wraper for homologeneDescriptionHuman/mouse wraper for homologeneUsagehuman2mouse(genes,db=homologene::homologeneData)Argumentsgenes A vector of gene symbols or NCBI idsdb Homologene database to use.Exampleshuman2mouse(c( ENO2 , 4340 ))mouse2human Mouse/human wraper for homologeneDescriptionMouse/human wraper for homologeneUsagemouse2human(genes,db=homologene::homologeneData)Argumentsgenes A vector of gene symbols or NCBI idsdb Homologene database to use.Examplesmouse2human(c( Eno2 , 17441 ))8updateHomologene taxData Names and ids of included speciesDescriptionNames and ids of included speciesUsagetaxDataFormatAn object of class data.frame with21rows and2columns.updateHomologene Update homologene databaseDescriptionCreates an updated version of the homologene database.This is done by downloading the lat-est gene annotation information and tracing changes in gene symbols and identifiers over history.homologeneData2was created using this function over the original homologeneData.This func-tion requires downloading large amounts of data from the NCBI ftp servers.UsageupdateHomologene(destfile=NULL,baseline=homologene::homologeneData2,gene_history=NULL,gene_info=NULL)Argumentsdestfile Optional.Path of the outputfile.baseline The baseline homologenefile to be used.By default uses the homologeneData2 that is included in this package.The more ids to update,the more time is neededfor the update which is why the default option uses an already updated versionof the original database.gene_history A gene history data frame,possibly returned by getGeneHistory e this if you want to have a static gene_historyfile to update up to a specific date.An up to date gene_history object can be set to update to a specific date bytrimming rows that have recent dates.Note that the same is not possible for thegene_info If not provided,the latestfile will be downloaded.updateIDs9gene_info A gene info data frame that contatins ID-symbol matches,possibly returned by e this if you want a static version.Should be in sync withthe gene_historyfile.Note that there is no easy way to track changes in genesymbols back in time so if you want to update it up to a specific date,make sureyou don’t lose thatfile.ValueHomologene database in a data frame with updated gene IDs and symbolsupdateIDs Update gene IDsDescriptionGiven a list of gene ids and gene history information,traces changes in the gene’s name to get the latest valid IDUsageupdateIDs(ids,gene_history)Argumentsids Gene idsgene_history Gene history information,probably returned by getGeneHistoryValueA character vector.New ids for genes that changed ids,or"-"for discontinued genes.the inputitself.Examples##Not run:gene_history=getGeneHistory()updateIDs(c("4340964","4349034","4332470","4334151","4323831"),gene_history)##End(Not run)Index∗datasetshomologeneData,5homologeneData2,6homologeneVersion,6taxData,8autoTranslate,2getGeneHistory,3,8,9getGeneInfo,3,9getHomologene,4homologene,5homologeneData,4,5,8homologeneData2,6,8 homologeneVersion,6human2mouse,7mouse2human,7taxData,8updateHomologene,8updateIDs,910。
memory management解决方法
memory management解决方法
1. 分页和分段:分页和分段是常用的内存管理技术。
2. 虚拟内存:虚拟内存是一种将磁盘空间用作内存扩展的技术。
3. 垃圾回收:垃圾回收是一种自动内存管理技术,它可以自动释放不再使用的内存。
4. 内存池:内存池是一种预先分配一定量的内存并进行管理的技术。
5. 内存压缩:内存压缩是一种将内存中的数据进行压缩以节省空间的技术。
罗克威尔自动化SLC 500系列处理器操作系统Series C操作系统升级说明书
Release NotesSLC 5/03, SLC 5/04 Processors Operating System Series C, FRN 11 and SLC 5/05 Processors Operating System Series C, FRN 11 (for Hardware Series A/B) and FRN 13 (for Hardware Series C)Purpose of This DocumentRead this document before using SLC™ 5/03 (OS302), SLC 5/04 (OS401) Series C, FRN 11 and SLC 5/05 (OS501) Series C, FRN 13 operating system firmware. Keep this document with your SLC 500 Instruction Set Reference Manual, publication 1747-RM001.This document directs you to information on Operating System Series C, FRN 11/13 features.New FeaturesFor information on the following features, refer to the SLC 500 Instruction Set Reference Manual, publication 1747-RM001. T o view and download a PDF file, go to the Literature Library at /literature/. T o order a printed copy, contact your local Allen-Bradley Distributor or Rockwell Automation sales office.FRN 11 includes the following features:•Modbus RTU Master capability on RS232 Channel 0•PID instruction: Added rational approximation method for better calculation accuracy FRN 13(1) (SLC 5/05 Hardware Series C processors only) includes the following features:•All abovementioned features for FRN 11•Product update with upgraded hardware and new Mac ID range support.• A rare anomaly which could cause a memory loss fault has been corrected. This improves resilience to delays and errors which were seen on large area networks.RSLogix 500 programming software, version 8.10 or higher, is required to configure and program these new features.(1)FRN 12 was an internal only release.Publication 1747-RN013C-EN-P - November 2012Supersedes Publication 1747-RN013B-EN-P - December 2011Copyright © 2012 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in Singapore.Rockwell Automation SupportRockwell Automation provides technical information on the Web to assist you in using its products. At /support/, you can find technical manuals, a knowledge base of FAQs, technical andapplication notes, sample code and links to software service packs, and a MySupport feature that you can customize to make the best use of these tools.For an additional level of technical phone support for installation, configuration, and troubleshooting, we offer TechConnect support programs. For more information, contact your local distributor or Rockwell Automation representative, or visit /support/.Installation AssistanceIf you experience a problem within the first 24 hours of installation, please review the information that's contained in this manual. You can also contact a special Customer Support number for initial help in getting your product up and running.New Product Satisfaction ReturnRockwell Automation tests all of its products to ensure that they are fully operational when shipped from the manufacturing facility. However, if your product is not functioning and needs to be returned, follow these procedures.Documentation FeedbackYour comments will help us serve your documentation needs better. If you have any suggestions on how to improve this document, complete this form, publication RA-DU002, available at /literature/.United States or Canada1.440.646.3434Outside United States orCanada Use the Worldwide Locator at /support/americas/phone_en.html , or contact your localRockwell Automation representative.United StatesContact your distributor. You must provide a Customer Support case number (call the phone number above to obtain one) to your distributor to complete the return process.Outside United StatesPlease contact your local Rockwell Automation representative for the return procedure.Allen-Bradley, Rockwell Automation, SLC, and T echConnect are trademarks of Rockwell Automation, Inc.T rademarks not belonging to Rockwell Automation are property of their respective companies.Roc kw ell Otomasyon Ticaret A .Ş., K ar Plaza İş Mer k ezi E B lo k K at:6 34752 İçeren köy, İstanbul, T el: +90 (216) 5698400。
计算机基本英语单词1.CPU(Center Processor Unit)中央处理单元2.mainboard主板3.RAM(random access memory)随机存储器(内存)4.ROM(Read Only Memory)只读存储器5.Floppy Disk软盘6.Hard Disk硬盘7.CD-ROM光盘驱动器(光驱)8.install安装9.monitor监视器10.keyboard键盘11.mouse鼠标12.chip芯片13.CD-R光盘刻录机14.HUB集线器15.Modem= MOdulator-DEModulator,调制解调器16.P-P(Plug and Play)即插即用17.UPS(Uninterruptable Power Supply)不间断电源18.BIOS(Basic-input-Output System)基本输入输出系统19.CMOS(plementaryMetal-Oxide-Semiconductor)互补金属氧化物半导体20.setup安装21.uninstall卸载22.wizzard向导23.OS(Operation Systrem)操作系统24.OA(Office AutoMation)办公自动化25.exit退出26.edit编辑27.copy复制28.cut剪切29.paste粘贴30.delete删除31.select选择32.find查找33.select all全选34.replace替换35.undo撤消36.redo重做37.program程序38.license许可(证)39.back前一步40.next下一步41.finish结束42.folder文件夹43.Destination Folder目的文件夹er用户45.click点击46.double click双击47.right click右击48.settings设置49.update更新50.release发布51.data数据52.data base数据库53.DBMS(Data Base Manege System)数据库管理系统54.view视图55.insert插入56.object对象57.configuration配置58.mand命令59.document文档60.POST(power-on-self-test)电源自检程序61.cursor光标62.attribute属性63.icon图标64.service pack服务补丁65.option pack功能补丁66.Demo演示67.short cut快捷方式68.exception异常69.debug调试70.previous前一个71.column行72.row列73.restart重新启动74.text文本75.font字体76.size大小77.scale比例78.interface界面79.function函数80.access访问81.manual指南82.active激活83.puter language计算机语言84.menu菜单85.GUI(graphical user interfaces )图形用户界面86.template模版87.page setup页面设置88.password口令89.code密码90.print preview打印预览91.zoom in放大92.zoom out缩小93.pan漫游94.cruise漫游95.ful l screen全屏96.tool bar工具条97.status bar状态条98.ruler标尺99.table表100.paragraph段落101.symbol符号102.style风格103.execute执行104.graphics图形105.image图像106.Unix用于服务器的一种操作系统107.Mac OS苹果公司开发的操作系统108.OO(Object-Oriented)面向对象109.virus病毒110.file文件111.open打开112.colse关闭113.new新建114.save保存115.exit退出116.clear清除117.default默认N局域网119.WAN广域网120.Client/Server客户机/服务器121.ATM( Asynchronous Transfer Mode)异步传输模式122.Windows NT微软公司的网络操作系统123.Internet互联网124.(World Wide Web)万维网125.protocol协议126.HTTP超文本传输协议127.FTP文件传输协议128.Browser浏览器129.homepage主页130.Webpage网页131.website132.URL在Internet的服务程序上133.用于指定信息位置的表示方法134.Online在线135.Email电子136.ICQ网上寻呼137.Firewall防火墙138.Gateway网关139.HTML超文本标识语言140.hypertext超文本141.hyperlink超级142.IP(Address)互联网协议(地址)143.Search Engine搜索引擎144.TCP/IP用于网络的一组通讯协议145.Telnet远程登录146.IE(Internet Explorer)探索者(微软公司的网络浏览器)147.Navigator引航者(网景公司的浏览器) 148.multimedia多媒体149.ISO国际标准化组织150.ANSI美国国家标准协会151.able 能152.active file 活动文件153.add watch 添加监视点154.allf iles 所有文件155.all rights reserved 所有的权力保留156.altdirlst 切换目录格式157.and fix a much wider range of disk problems 并能够解决更大X围内的磁盘问题158.and other inFORMation 以及其它的信息159.archive file attribute 归档文件属性160.assignto 指定到161.auto answer 自动应答162.auto detect 自动检测163.auto indent 自动缩进164.auto save 自动存储165.avail able onvolume 该盘剩余空间166.bad mand 命令错167.bad mand or file name 命令或文件名错168.batch parameters 批处理参数169.binary file 二进制文件170.binary files 二进制文件171.International panies国际公司172.Under the blank page页下空白173.by date 按日期174.by extension 按扩展名175.by name 按名称176.by tesfree 字节空闲177.call stack 调用栈178.case-insensitive 区分大小写179.Software pany shares 软件股份公司180.change directory 更换目录181.change drive 改变驱动器182.change name 更改名称183.characterset 字符集184.checking for 正在检查185.checks a disk and display a status report 检查磁盘并显示一个状态报告186.Change Disk / path改变盘/路径187.china 中国188.choose one of the following 从下列中选一项189.clean all 全部清除190.clean all breakpoints 清除所有断点191.clean attribute 清除属性192.Removal Order history 清除命令历史193.clean screen 清除屏幕194.close all 关闭所有文件195.code generation 代码生成196.color palette 彩色调色板197.The mand line命令行198.mand prompt命令提示符199.pressed file 压缩文件200.Hard disk configuration that used by MS-DOS 配置硬盘,以为MS-DOS 所用201.Conventional memory常规内存202.Copy directory and subdirectories, empty except 拷贝目录和子目录,空的除外203.Set up a copy of a document archiving attributes 拷贝设置了归档属性的文件204.Copying files or moving to another place把文件拷贝或搬移至另一地方205.To copy the contents of a floppy disk to another disk 把一个软盘的内容拷贝到另一个软盘上206.Copy Disk复制磁盘207.copyrightc208.Create Logical DOS district or DOS actuator创建DOS分区或逻辑DOS驱动器209.Create DOS district expansion创建扩展DOS分区210.The expansion DOS partitions to create logical DOS drives 在扩展DOS分区中创建逻辑DOS驱动器211.Create DOS Main district 创建DOS主分区212.Create a directory 创建一个目录213.To create, change or delete disk label创建,改变或删除磁盘的卷标214.the current file 当前文件215.Current drives 当前硬盘驱动器216.current settings 当前设置217.current time 当前时间218.The cursor position光标位置219.defrag 整理碎片220.dele 删去221.Logical DOS or delete Division actuator 删除分区或逻辑DOS驱动器222.deltree 删除树223.device driver 设备驱动程序224.Dialogue column对话栏225.direction keys 方向键226.directly 直接地227.dContents variables that目录显示变量228.Directory Structure目录结构229.disk access 磁盘存取230.disk copy 磁盘拷贝231.disk space 磁盘空间232.That document 显示文件233.display options 显示选项234.That geographical information 显示分区信息235.That specified directory and all subdirectories documents 显示指定目录和所有目录下的文件236.The document specified that attribute显示指定属性的文件237.Show or change file a ttributes 显示或改变文件属性238.That date or equipment 显示或设备日期239.Rather than a monochromatic color display screen installation information 以单色而非彩色显示安装屏信息240.That system has been used and unused amount of memory 显示系统中已用和未用的内存数量241.All documents on the disk that the full path and name显示磁盘上所有文件的完整路径和名称242.Show or change the current directory 显示或改变当前目录243.doctor 医生244.doesn 不245.doesnt change the attribute 不要改变属性246.dosshell DOS 外壳247.doubleclick 双击248.You want that information? Logical drive (y / n)?你想显示逻辑驱动器信息吗(y/n)?249.driveletter 驱动器名250.editmenu 编辑选单251.Memory内存252.end of file 文件尾253.end of line 行尾254.enter choice 输入选择255.entire disk 转换磁盘256.environment variable 环境变量257.All the documents and subdirectories所有的文件和子目录258.The directory has been in existence documents已存在的目录文件时259.expanded memory 扩充内存260.expand tabs 扩充标签261.explicitly 明确地262.extended memory 扩展内存263.fastest 最快的264.file system文件系统265.fdis koptions fdisk选项266.file attributes 文件属性267.file FORMat 文件格式268.file functions 文件功能269.files election 文件选择270.Documents choice variables文件选择变元271.file sin 文件在272.file sinsubdir 子目录中文件273.file slisted 列出文件274.file spec 文件说明275.file specification 文件标识276.files selected 选中文件277.find file 文件查寻278.fixed disk 硬盘279.fixed disk setup program 硬盘安装程序280.fixes errors on the disk 解决磁盘错误281.floppy disk 软盘282.FORMat disk格式化磁盘283.FORMats a disk for use with ms-dos 格式化用于MS-DOS的磁盘284.FORM feed 进纸285.free memory 闲置内存286.full screen 全屏幕287.function procedure 函数过程288.graphical 图解的289.graphics library 图形库290.group directories first 先显示目录组291.hang up 挂断292.hard disk 硬盘293.hardware detection 硬件检测294.has been 已经295.help file 帮助文件296.help index 帮助索引297.help in FORM ation 帮助信息298.help path 帮助路径299.help screen 帮助屏300.help text 帮助说明301.help topics 帮助主题302.help window 帮助窗口303.hidden file 隐含文件304.hidden file attribute 隐含文件属性305.hidden files 隐含文件306.how to 操作方式307.ignore case 忽略大小写308.in both conventional and upper memory 在常规和上位内存309.incorrect dos 不正确的DOS310.incorrect dos version DOS 版本不正确311.indicatesa binary file 表示是一个二进制文件312.indicatesan ascii text file 表示是一个ascii 文本文件313.insert mode 插入方式314.inuse 在使用315.invalid directory 无效的目录316.is 是317.kbytes 千字节318.keyboard type 键盘类型bel disk 标注磁盘p top 膝上321.The largest executable 最大可执行程序322.The largest available memory block最大内存块可用323.left handed 左手习惯324.left margin 左边界325.line number 行号326.line numbers 行号327.line spacing 行间距328.The document specified that the order按指定顺序显示文件329.listfile 列表文件330.listof 清单331.Position papers 文件定位332.look at 查看333.look up 查找334.macro name 宏名字335.make directory 创建目录336.memory info 内存信息337.memory model 内存模式338.menu bar 菜单条339.menu mand 菜单命令340.menus 菜单341.message window 信息窗口342.microsoft 微软343.microsoft antivirus 微软反病毒软件344.microsoft corporation 微软公司345.mini 小的346.modem setup 调制解调器安装347.module name 模块名348.monitor mode 监控状态349.Monochrome monitors 单色监视器350.move to 移至351.multi 多352.new data 新建数据353.newer 更新的354.new file 新文件355.new name 新名称356.new window 新建窗口357.norton norton358.nostack 栈未定义359.Note: careless use deltree 注意:小心使用deltree360.online help 联机求助361.optionally 可选择地362.or 或363.page frame 页面364.page length 页长365.Every screen displayed information about suspended after 在显示每屏信息后暂停一下366.pctools pc工具367.postscript 附言368.prefix meaning not 前缀意即\"不369.prefix to rever seorder 反向显示的前缀370.Prefixes used on a short horizontal line and - after the switch (for example /-w) presetswitch用前缀和放在短横线-后的开关(例如/-w)预置开关371.press a key toresume 按一键继续372.press any key for file functions 敲任意键执行文件功能373.press enter to keep the same date 敲回车以保持相同的日期374.press enter to keep thes ame time 敲回车以保持相同的时间375.press esc tocontinue 敲esc继续376.press esc to exit 敲<esc>键退出377.press esc to exit fdisk 敲esc退出fdisk 378.press esc to return to fdisk options 敲esc 返回fdisk选项379.previously 在以前380.print all 全部打印381.print device 打印设备382.print erport 打印机端口383.processesfilesinalldirectoriesinthespecifiedp ath 在指定的路径下处理所有目录下的文件384.program file 程序文件385.program ming environment 程序设计环境386.Each goal in the creation of documents remind you 在创建每个目标文件时提醒你387.promptsy outo press a key before copying 在拷贝前提示你敲一下键388.pull down 下拉389.pull downmenus 下拉式选单390.quick FORMat 快速格式化391.quick view 快速查看392.read only file 只读文件393.read only file attribute 只读文件属性394.read only files 只读文件395.read only mode 只读方式396.redial 重拨397.repeat last find 重复上次查找398.report bfile 报表文件399.resize 调整大小400.respectively 分别地401.rightmargin 右边距402.rootdirectory 根目录403.Running debug, it is a testing and editingtools 运行debug, 它是一个测试和编辑工具404.run time error 运行时出错405.save all 全部保存406.saveas 另存为407.scan disk 磁盘扫描程序408.screen colors 屏幕色彩409.screen options 屏幕任选项410.screen saver 屏幕暂存器411.screen savers 屏幕保护程序412.screen size 屏幕大小413.scroll bars 翻卷栏414.scroll lock off 滚屏已锁定415.search for 搜索416.sector spertrack 每道扇区数417.selectgroup 选定组418.selectionbar 选择栏419.setactivepartition 设置活动分区420.setupoptions 安装选项421.shortcutkeys 快捷键422.showclipboard 显示剪贴板423.singleside 单面424.size move 大小/移动425.sort help S排序H帮助426.sortorder 顺序427.Special services: D directory maintenance 特殊服务功能: D目录维护428.List of designated to drive, directory, and documents 指定要列出的驱动器,目录,和文件429.Designated you want to parent directory as the current directory 指定你想把父目录作为当前目录430.The new document specified directory or file name指定新文件的目录或文件名431.Copies of the document to designated 指定要拷贝的文件432.stack over flow 栈溢出433.stand alone 独立的434.startu poptions 启动选项435.statu sline 状态行436.stepover 单步437.summaryof 摘要信息438.Cancellation confirmed suggest that you would like to cover 取消确认提示,在你想覆盖一个439.swapfile 交换文件440.Switches can be installed in the environment variable dircmd开关可在dircmd环境变量中设置441.switch to 切换到442.sync 同步443.system file 系统文件444.system files 系统文件445.system info 系统信息446.system in FORM ation 系统信息程序447.table of contents 目录448.terminal emulation 终端仿真449.terminal settings 终端设置450.test file 测试文件451.test file para meters 测试文件参数452.the active window 激活窗口453.Switches can copycmd preset environment variables开关可以在copycmd环境变量中预置454.the two floppy disks must be the same type 两个软磁盘必须是同种类型的455.this may be over ridden with y on the mandline 在命令行输入/-y可以使之无效456.toggle reakpoint 切换断点457.toms dos 转到MS-DOS458.topm argin 页面顶栏459.turn off 关闭460.Type cd drives: designated driver that the current directory 键入cd驱动器:显示指定驱动器的当前目录461.Type cd without parameters of the current drive to show the current directory键入无参数的cd以显示当前驱动器的当前目录462.The date and type of parameters that the current date set键入无参数的date,显示当前日期设置463.unmark 取消标记464.unse lect 取消选择es bare FORMat 使用简洁方式es lower case 使用小写es widelist FORMat 使用宽行显示ing help 使用帮助469.verbosely 冗长地470.verifies that new file sare writ tencorrectly校验新文件是否正确写入了471.video mode 显示方式472.view window 内容浏览473.viruses 病毒474.vision 景象475.vollabel 卷标476.volumelabel 卷标477.volume serial number is 卷序号是478.windows help windows 帮助479.wordwrap 整字换行480.working directory 正在工作的目录481.worm 蠕虫482.write mode 写方式483.write to 写到484.xmsmemory 扩充内存485.you may 你可以486.我把网络安全方面的专业词汇整理了一下,虽然大多是乱谈,但初衷在于初学者能更好的了解这些词汇。
Ubuntu 12.04 Virutal Machine User Manual
User Manual of the Pre-built Ubuntu12.04Virutal MachineCopyright c 2006-2014Wenliang Du,Syracuse University.The development of this document is/was funded by three grants from the US National Science Foundation: Awards No.0231122and0618680from TUES/CCLI and Award No.1017771from Trustworthy Computing.Permission is granted to copy,distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License,Version1.2or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation.A copy of the license can be found at /licenses/fdl.html.1OverviewUsing VirtualBox,we have created a pre-built virtual machine(VM)image for UbuntuLinux(version 12.04).This VM can be used for all our SEED labs that are based on Linux.In this document,we describe the configuration of this VM,and give an overview of all the software tools that we have installed.The VM is available online from our SEED web page.Updating the VM is quite time-consuming,because not only do we need to udpate the VM image,we have to make sure that all our labs are consistent with the newly built VM.Therefore,we only plan to update our VM image once every two years,and of course update all our labs once the VM is changed.2VM Configurations2.1Configuration of the VMThe main configuration of this VM is summarized in the following.If you are using VirtualBox,you can adjust the configuration according to the resources of your host machine(e.g.,you can assign more memory to this VM if your host machine has enough memory):•Operating system:Ubuntu12.04with the Linux kernel v3.5.0-37-generic.•Memory:1024M RAM.•Disk space:Maximum80G disk space.We have created two accounts in the VM.The usernames and passwords are listed in the following:er ID:root,Password:seedubuntu.Note:Ubuntu does not allow root to login directly from the login window.You have to login asa normal user,and then use the command su to login to the root account.er ID:seed,Password:dees2.2Network setupCurrently the“Network connection”is set to“NAT”,i.e.,your VM is put in a private network,which uses your host machine as the router.The VMs in such a setting can connect to the Internet via the NAT mechanism,and they are not visible to the outside(their IP addresses are not routable from the outside,e.g., VirtualBox assigns10.0.2.15to each VM under NAT configuration).This setting is sufficient for most of our SEED labs.If you want your VMs to be visible to the outside(e.g.,you want to host a HTTP server in a VM, and you want to access it through the Internet),then,you can refer to the instruction“Network Configu-ration in VirtualBox for SEED Labs”under the following link:/˜wedu/ seed/Documentation/Ubuntu11_04_VM/VirtualBox_MultipleVMs.pdf.The instruction was written for Ubuntu11.04,however,it also works for the updated Ubuntu12.04Virtual Machine as well.3Libraries and Software3.1Libraries and Applications InstalledBesides the packages coming with the Ubuntu12.04installation,the following libraries and applications are additionally installed using the"apt-get install"command.libnet1,libnet1-dev,libpcat-dev,libpcap-dev,libattr1-dev,vim,apache2,php5,libapache2-mod-php5,mysql-server,wireshark,bind9,nmap,netwox/netwag,openjdk-6-jdk,snort,xpdf,vsftpd,telnetd,zsh,ssh,dpkg-dev,openssl,The libcap 2.21and libpcap1.2.0have been compiled and installed from the source down-loaded from the Internet.3.2Softwares configurationNetlib/netwox/wox is a network toolbox;netwag is a GUI of netwox.They can be foundin/usr/bin/.The ICMP spoofing bug of netwox has beenfixed.It should be noted that running netwox/netwag requires the root privilege.Wireshark.Wireshark is a network protocol analyzer for Unix and Windows.It is located in/usr/bin/. Wireshark requires the root privilege to run.Nmap.Nmap is a free security scanner for network exploration and hacking.It is located in/usr/bin/. Some functions of nmap require root privilege.Firefox extensions.Firefox is installed by default in Ubuntu12.04.We have installed some useful extensions,including LiveHTTPHeaders,Tamper Data,and Firebug.They can be launched in the “Tools”menu in Firefox.Elgg web application.Elgg is a very popular open-source web application for social network,and we use it as the basis for some of Web security labs.It should be noted that to access Elgg,the apache2http server and the MySQL database server must be running.Collabtive web application.For some labs,especially those related to web security,we need a non-trivial web application.For that purpose,we have installed the Collabtive web application.Several versionsof Collabtive are installed;most of them were modified from the original version to introduce different vulnerabilities.It should be noted that to access Collabtive,the apache2http server and the MySQL database server must be running.Java.We have installed openjdk-6-jdk,the OpenJDK Development Kit(JDK)6for Java.The com-mands javac and java are available to compile and run java source code.4Pre-Installed ServersSome of the SEED labs may need additional services that are not installed or enabled in the standard Ubuntu distribution.We have included them in our pre-built VM.Note:You need root privilege to start a server.4.1The MySQL ServerThe database server MySQL is installed.It can be started by running"service mysql start".Cur-rently,there are two accounts in the MySQL server.The usernames and passwords are listed below.1.root:seedubuntu2.apache:apache(web applications use this account to connect to the mysql server)You can access the MySQL database server by running the client-side application/usr/bin/mysql. The following is a simple demo on how to use mysql.$mysql-u root-pseedubuntumysql>show databases;mysql>use db_name;mysql>show tables;mysql>select username,user_email from table_name;mysql>quit4.2The Apache2Http ServerThe apache2http server was installed using"apt-get install".It can be started by issuing the "service apache2start"command.The apache2server is configured to listen on both80and 8080ports.All the web pages hosted by the server can be located under the/var/www/directory.For each SEED lab that uses the apache2http server,we have created one or several URLs.Basically, in the pre-built VM image,we use Apache server to host all the web sites used in the lab.The name-based virtual hosting feature in Apache could be used to host several web sites(or URLs)on the same machine.A configurationfile named default in the directory"/etc/apache2/sites-available"contains the necessary directives for the configuration.The following is a list of URLs that we have pre-configured; their corresponding directories are also listed:/var/www/CSRF/Collabtive//var/www/CSRF/Attacker//var/www/SQL/Collabtive//var/www/XSS/Collabtive//var/www/SOP//var/www/SOP/attacker//var/www/SOP/Collabtive/:8080/var/www/SOP/Configuring DNS.The above URL is only accessible from inside of the virtual machine,because we have modified the/etc/hostsfile to map each domain name to the virtual machine’s local IP address ( may map any domain name to a particular IP address using the/etc/hosts.For example you can map to the local IP address by appending the following entry to/etc/hostsfile:Therefore,if your web server and browser are running on two different machines,you need to modify the/etc/hostsfile on the browser’s machine accordingly to map the target domain name to the web server’sIP address.4.3Other ServersDNS server The DNS server bind9is installed.It can be started by running"service bind9 start".The configurationfiles are under/etc/bind/.Ftp server.The vsftpd(very secure ftp daemon)server is installed.It can be started by running "service vsftpd start".Telnet server.The telnetd server is installed.It can be started by running"service openbsd-inetd start".SSH server.The openssh server is installed.It can be started by running"service ssh start".5Miscellanious ConfigurationTime zone Currently the time zone is set to be New York,adjust that to the time zone of your location. Display resolution In order to adjust the display resolution in VirtualBox,we have installed guest addi-tions from the terminal(not from the menu in VirtualBox).This is done with the following3commands: sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose-guest-utilssudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose-guest-x11sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose-guest-dkmsAfter installing the required additions,you can adjust the display resolution at“System Settings→Dis-plays→Monitor”.6Configure Your VM securely6.1Change the passwordFor the sake of security and your own convenience,we suggest that you change the account password.To change the Ubuntu’s account password.You need to login as root and issue the"passwd username" command.To change MySQL’s root password.You can do it as following:$mysql-u root-pseedubuntuOnce in the prompt do this:mysql>update user set User=’NewRootName’,Password=’NewPassword’where user=’root’;mysql>flush privileges;6.2Configure automatically start serviceIt’s more convenient to start some commonly used service automatically during the system boot up,although most people do not want to start some server that they do not use.Currently,most of the service(except the Apache and MySQL servers)we need for SEED labs are configured not to start automatically.You can use chkconfig to get the current configuration.You can also use chkconfig to modify the configuration.For example,to start the server XYZ automatically during the system bootup,run"chkconfig XYZ on".。
二、membarrier函数的使用方法1.调用方式:```c#include <linux/membarrier.h>membarrier_io(type, flags);membarrier_core(type, flags);```2.参数说明:- type:内存操作类型,可取值包括:- MB_READ:读操作- MB_WRITE:写操作- MB_EXECUTE:执行操作- MB_SECURE_READ:安全读操作- MB_SECURE_WRITE:安全写操作- MB_SECURE_EXECUTE:安全执行操作- flags:内存屏障标志,可取值包括:- MB_FLAG_INIT:初始化内存屏障- MB_FLAG_ROLLBACK:回滚内存屏障- MB_FLAG_ASYNC:异步内存屏障三、membarrier函数的应用场景1.确保内存操作的顺序:在多线程或多进程环境下,使用membarrier函数可以确保关键数据在不同内存区域之间的操作顺序符合预期,从而避免数据竞争和死锁等问题。
nvme basic management data 读取 -回复
nvme basic management data 读取-回复NVMe(Non-Volatile Memory Express)基本管理数据读取在计算机系统中,存储是至关重要的。
其中一些是开源的,如NVMe-cli和NVMeadm,还有一些是商业化的,如Intel SSD Toolbox和Samsung Magician。
nvme basic management data 读取 -回复
nvme basic management data 读取-回复NVMe (Non-Volatile Memory Express)是一种高性能、低延迟的存储协议,主要用于固态硬盘(SSD)的传输与管理。
在NVMe中,有一个重要的概念叫做"basic management data"(基本管理数据),本文将一步一步地回答有关该概念的问题。
membarrier函数 -回复
membarrier函数-回复membarrier函数是一个Linux系统调用,它提供了一种机制,允许程序员在多线程应用程序中实施内存屏障(memory barriers)。
第三步:membarrier函数的语法和参数membarrier函数的语法如下:int membarrier(int cmd, unsigned int flags);其中,cmd参数指定要执行的操作,而flags参数提供了进一步的细节配置。
第四步:membarrier函数的操作指令(cmd参数)membarrier函数提供了以下几个操作指令,可以通过cmd参数进行选择:1. `MEMBARRIER_CMD_QUERY`:查询系统是否支持membarrier函数。
2. `MEMBARRIER_CMD_GLOBAL`:全局内存屏障,确保在所有线程中的读写操作都完成之后再继续执行。
计算机系统导论13-The Memory Hierarchy
Each cell stores a bit with a four or six-transistor circuit. Retains value indefinitely, as long as it is kept powered. Relatively insensitive to electrical noise (EMI), radiation, etc. Faster and more expensive than DRAM.
CPU places address A on the memory bus.
Register file
Bus interface
Load operation: movl A, %eax
Main memory
I/O bridge
Introduction to Computer Systems, Peking University
Wears out after about 100,000 erasings.
Uses for Nonvolatile Memories
Firmware programs stored in a ROM (BIOS, controllers for disks,
network cards, graphics accelerators, security subsystems,…)
CAS = 1
2 /
Memory controller
When Vin1-Vin2>0, ID2, M4 enter triode region, the gain decrease;
Largely reduce the change so that VY is more close to VX, and hence Iout more closely track IREF.
Current Mirrors
Cascode current mirrors (2)
More accurate but at cost of higher voltage headroom:
Current Mirrors
Cascode current mirrors (4)
In order to solve the trade-off between accuracy and voltage headroom:
Minimum allowable VP becomes:
Rout [1/ gm1 gm2ro2 (1/ gm1) ro2 ] || ro4 (1/ gm1 2ro2 ) || ro4 {if symmetry, gm1 gm2} (2ro2 ) || ro4 {if ro2 1/ gm1}
| Av | Gm Rout
பைடு நூலகம்g m1 2
Small-signal analysis:
Differential input and single-ended output, amplitude of Vx and Vy are not same, cannot use the concept of half circuit to analysis.
nvme cli返回值 -回复
nvme cli返回值-回复NVMe(Non-Volatile Memory Express)是一种高性能、低延迟的存储协议,用于SSD(Solid State Drives)和其他非易失性存储设备。
NVMe CLI(Command Line Interface)是一种命令行工具,用于与NVMe设备进行通信和管理。
NVMe CLI返回值是该命令行工具执行后返回的结果,它可以提供有关NVMe设备、存储资源和其他相关信息的详细信息。
在本文中,我们将详细讨论NVMe CLI返回值,并逐步回答与其相关的问题。
1. 基本返回值格式通常,NVMe CLI返回值以多行的形式呈现。
2. 设备信息通过NVMe CLI,可以获取有关NVMe设备的详细信息。
3. 固件版本返回值中的固件版本部分提供了设备固件的详细信息。
4. 命名空间和存储资源NVMe CLI返回值还提供了关于设备上的命名空间和存储资源的信息。
5. 错误报告NVMe CLI返回值还可以包含与错误和警告相关的信息。
systeminit_extmemctl的解析 -回复
接下来,我们将逐步回答与systeminit_extmemctl相关的问题:1. 为什么需要使用扩展内存控制器?系统的内存容量是限制其性能和能力的一个关键因素。
2. systeminit_extmemctl如何初始化扩展内存?在系统启动过程中,当系统检测到扩展内存时,systeminit_extmemctl会被调用来初始化该扩展内存。
3. systeminit_extmemctl是如何管理扩展内存的?一旦扩展内存被初始化并配置,systeminit_extmemctl将负责管理其使用。
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Source: Rambus, Aug. 2012
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Density Evolution of Non-Volatile Memory
Memory density for R&D Samples -- not real production
Almost all of the dense emerging NVM are at least six years behind NAND!
Standard NVM
Emerging NVM
Non-Volatile Memory:
– – Can retain stored information even when unpowered. The most dominant NVM technologies are based on the electron storage principle. Examples: NOR Flash NAND,
memory sales. In 2012, Flash (NAND+NOR) will exceed the DRAM business for the first time and will continue to outpace DRAM, thanks to the increasing use of mobile devices.
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Definitions: Solid-State Memories
• Solid-State Semiconductor Memory:
– An electronic data storage device, often used as computer memory but also for many other (i.e. applications: telecom, consumer camera),
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under development.
Definitions: Memories principles
Source: Leti, June 2012
Moving electrons
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Moving atoms
Moving spins
Moving atoms
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Emerging NVM roadmap : Cell size roadmap (stand alone devices)
Cell size (micron2)
Cell size (F2)
180 nm
1 32
90 nm
90- 65 nm 45 nm
40 nm
NAND 20 nm
30 nm 20 nm
20 nm
24 nm 11 nm
10 nm
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Emerging NVM + DRAM and flash NAND chip maximum density roadmap (stand alone devices)
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NAND and DRAM Trends
• Memory density will continue increasing for the next two generations, thanks to:
– Lower memory nodes:
• • NAND: the limit is expected to be 10 nm DRAM: the limit is expected to be 20 nm
–ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Number of bits/cell:
• The first NAND memory had only bit/cell (called Single Level Cell -- SLC), but are now made mostly with Multi Level Cells (MLC). DRAM has only one bit/cell.
We should keep in mind that the end of NAND and DRAM scaling has been predicted several times before, and each time engineers have found new tricks for further scaling down the technology.
A 3D vertical approach that should be adopted in 2015
Between 2016 – 2018, it’s expected that density increase will reach its limit -- that’s why every top player has spent the last decade researching Non-Volatile Memory that can transcend 10 nm.
Emerging NVM enter niche memory markets : expected to reach $ 2B by 2018
Will NVM eventually replace DRAM and NAND ?
SK Hynix
Definitions: Volatile / non Volatile
Volatile Memory (DRAM, SRAM) is used as Working Memory:
– Actively holds multiple pieces of
Non-Volatile Memory
Volatile Memory
Source: WSTS 2012
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NAND Market Growth is Driven by Mobile Devices
Source: Sandisk, 2012
The need for mobility, connectivity and content drives NAND growth
Fastest speed
transitory information in the “mind”,
where it can be manipulated.
Non-Volatile Memory like NAND and HDD allow Data Storage
Lowest cost
• •
Emerging Non-Volatile Memory aims to combine the speed of Volatile Memory with the non volatility of NAND. Thus, it has been called often “Universal Memory” because it could ideally replace both DRAM and NAND. But requirements are in fact very different for Working Memory (fast, low power, volatile) and Data Storage Memory (slow, cheap, non-volatile), so one memory can’t fit all applications. Depending on the NVM technology, emerging NVM could be used for Working Memory Storage Memory applications.
Emerging Non-Volatile Technology:
– Emerging different NVM are based than on a principle electron
retention and have either emerged within the last 10 years or are still
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DRAM Applications: Trends Toward Mobility and Infrastructure
Source: Micron, Oct. 2012
Regarding Flash NAND, mobile devices drive DRAM demand; also, internet network infrastructure must be strengthened to support a huge data increase
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Presentation Agenda
• Introduction on Memory Market
• Emerging NVM roadmap • Emerging NMV applications