intro and reading




U校园新一代大学英语(提高篇)综合教程1unit2答案U校园新一代大学英语(提高篇)综合教程 1Unit2 答案Ullit 2 Be yourself, be happyi Explore 12-2 {Explore I: ReadingV T ieWing 1-2D CICar2)Pleiι( y細aι1ιele4)WaIk5)guilty6)chance7)IilZy紳terrified9)IlorribIeLO )UnIaZIn g2-3 !Explore I: Buikliiigyour IHnKUage λλ ords IInd expressions 1-11.decisive2.eMihκΠe3.WoUIIIeSS4 ICiIltOrCenlent5.UlKIerh Jiml?B l6.CollIfOrtinIT7.8- IiKUijfcstedλλ ords and expressions 1-2Reterence:1,ICt j*υ Of IhC IlCUaIι? c ClllotiollSW ~ ?2,Clinging to UIIhapPy things'93,take VlnIr IIHlKI υfl' IIle test' are aware Of IHS PCIIn5.goes hand In IIaIKl With a POSitiVC OUtlOOk On terms IeSolUte in CA ereOIning all difficulties COlIOCatiOnS 11.accomplish2.SenSe3.ObIigation丄baggage5. PUrSUitXOcabuIary IearIliIIg StriltegieS 1-2Referelice:1.Self-reproach; Self-talk2.Self-imposedOcahulary learning StnltegieS 1-31.Seli-deprecating2.SeIf-talk3.SelI-reproaclι4 Selt-imposedLangUage focus 1-2Referenee:1.I decide to do ιn?kιundr? h? FndaV IIiaht if not SooneE2.YOU IOok InUCh better now that VoIfve freetl ? ourself IrOm M ShOUkΓ, Shamine?3.If Ilot a great scholar, he is a bright man.4 No??^ that we know how to USe reiιιiOrCers. we Can gi?eit a tn?■Banked CIOZe 11)ObIigation2)resolute3)reiιtforcement4)guilt5)worthless6)SuCkS7)InaniieSt8)SOlidifX T9)Ilegative10)worth2?4 iExplore 1: Sharing your ideasSliai ing you∣? ideas 1Reierenee:Description Ot thC Problein: I ProCraStilIatC On regularly OrganiZing my PerSOnal belongings in Iny dorm. ?EXamPIe(S) Of IIow IhiS PrOblem is CaUSing troubles: 1) MY desk and bed arc IneSSV aιul UntidVI 2) I Cannot InUl IlIe thinss that I need Iininediatelv; 3) I don,t WaIlt to StaV In the J ?doπn.IiKiuiix about SUeSeStiOllS In a SinCCre tone: WheII VOUr W?fπκl yourself In this SitUation. What would you PoSSibly tell yoursell1? Γm rcalh UI IIeUd of your SUgycs(ιoιIS to help IUC o?ercoιnc this ProbIeIn?iExplore 22-5 iExplore 2: ReadingVleWing 1-2L ShyI awkward: negative; quiet: anti-social2? energetic: OUtgOing: IIOnna1: POSitl? e; Irieiidly; SOCIaI Mewing 1-3Referenee:1 ACCOrding to the ? ideo CIiP? intro? ersion andextro? ersion SPeCilICally (Jeal With how an Indl? idual stains and IOSeS energy? IntdItS ^alil energy from theirJ J ?j j ?internal world, as they enjoy deep Ihinking.COntCInPlatlng new ideas and reflecting UpOlI theirCXPCriCnCCS? Extro wils gain CnCrgy from tlιc CXtCrna I WOrkL as they enjoy SOCialiZing and exploring the WOrld around tlieiii.2.I always think that iιιtroveιts arc quiet, shy. CVCn a bit anti-sociaL WhiIe extro?eιls are MtiyleHuJ aιul Otten quitepopular.3.? The COntent Of the VidDO definitely ChaI12es ιn?“JOI iginaI thoughts JbOUt extro? erts and intro?eιls. They are just Cllfferent Ieniperanients. I o think that extro?βerts arc better Ihan introverts^ Or IhC Other ?va?r aroun<="" p="" sav="" the="" to="">The COntent Of the ? ideo is actually quite SinliIar to What I Ori(JinallV thought about extro?r eιls and IntrO? erts. In fact I have fιieικls WlIO arc SeelI as introverts. AS an CXtro?ert.I get IIlony well ??ith them Wc IUakC great teams Working toward a COInmOn goal. SO IbCheVe the knowledge about these two teιnρeι aments is not a COlnPlete mystery to me.2?6 iExplore 2: BUildin(I your IanSUage W ordS and expressions 1-11.UIUte2? POSSCSS3.(Jccbmion4.IIerOiC5.tierce6.intro?eH7.SParked& Iabel9. inclinedλλ ords and CXPreSSiOIIS 1?21? COnJUre OnCe3.SPCak volumes4.COnSiSt Of5.keep to herself(OlioCationS 1Reference:1.knowledge2.aimer工WanunS4.JeSirC5.qualities6.encoιιraeenιentJλ Ocabularv Iearaing StrilteOieS 1-20 01) Introxeits2)IOIkl3) IeSened4) quiet5)JedICated6) ∏erce7) ShV■8) StrOn<2InUISIntiOlI 1-1Reierelice:越來越沾勉的是?我的人物们不是躺任某处的?木巧中: 他们就在这里?等待若我去看,去感受,去经历。



Unit 6 The Pace of Life
Before Reading Global Reading Detailed Reading After Reading Supplementary Reading
Warm-up Questions Listen to the following short passage and discuss the questions. “Now psychologists look at our view of time another Detailed Reading way. They go into several countries and measure the pace of life. They measure the accuracy of bank clocks and how fast city dwellers walk. They time transactions in banks and post offices. They see how long people take to answer questions. Japanese keep the fastest pace. Americans are a close second. Italians and Indonesians are at the bottom of the list.
Unit 6 The Pace of Life
Before Reading Global Reading Detailed Reading After Reading Supplementary Reading
… Finally, we look at heart disease. That’s tricky, because other factors are involved. Our heart’s greatest Detailed Reading enemy is tobacco. But heart disease also correlates with the pace we keep. Smokers who drive themselves are really asking for it.” 1. What do you think keep people in some countries so busy?



适合推荐书目的作文开头英文回答:Books are a portal to other worlds, allowing us to explore the depths of human experience, delve into realms of imagination, and expand our understanding of the universe. From heart-wrenching tales that evoke deep emotions to thought-provoking narratives that challenge our perspectives, the written word has the power to transport us to distant lands, introduce us to unforgettable characters, and inspire us to dream big.Whether you seek solace, knowledge, or sheer entertainment, the vast literary landscape holds countless treasures waiting to be discovered. Each book is a unique journey, offering its readers a chance to escape the mundane and embark on an extraordinary adventure. Through the pages of novels, we can travel through time, witness historical events, and gain insights into cultures far removed from our own. Non-fiction works, on the other hand,provide a window into the human psyche, exploring the complexities of science, illuminating the beauty of art, and unraveling the mysteries of the natural world.The act of reading not only enriches our minds but also cultivates our empathy and understanding. By stepping into the shoes of characters from diverse backgrounds and perspectives, we develop a deeper appreciation for the human condition. We learn to see the world throughdifferent eyes, fostering tolerance and compassion in our hearts.Moreover, books have the power to ignite our imaginations. They awaken our sense of wonder, inspire creativity, and fuel our dreams. By immersing ourselves in the worlds created by authors, we expand the boundaries of our own imaginations and unlock the potential for extraordinary ideas.In today's fast-paced world, it is more important than ever to make time for reading. In the quiet solitude of a library or the comfort of our homes, books offer asanctuary where we can slow down, reflect, and connect with our inner selves. They provide a much-needed escape fromthe constant bombardment of information and sensory stimulation, allowing us to recharge and rediscover our sense of peace and tranquility.Reading is a lifelong endeavor that offers countless rewards. By embracing the written word, we embark on a journey of self-discovery, knowledge, and imagination. Whether you are a seasoned bibliophile or just starting to explore the wonders of literature, I encourage you to dive into the pages of a good book and let its words transport you to realms beyond your wildest dreams.中文回答:书籍是通往其他世界的门户,让我们得以探索人类经验的深度,深入想象的领域,并拓展我们对宇宙的理解。

book6Unit1 warming up and reading第一篇阅读导学案

book6Unit1 warming up and reading第一篇阅读导学案

一、课前预习Task 1Do you know some important words and phrases below? (写出下列单词或短语)1. 受…影响__________________2. 信仰___________3.因此__________________4. 目标________5. 传统的___________6.典型的_________7.明显的__________8. 采取一种…态度________________________ 9. 拥有________ 10.财产__________11. 巧合的是_______________ 12. 大量,许多_______________13.荒谬的___________14. 有争议的___________ 15. 一方面…另一方面_______________________________16. 尝试做某事_________________ 17. 预言,预测_________________二.课中探究Task 1:Fast reading1.This passage is about _____________________ and the information is organized according to ______________.2.What’s the key sentence of the text? _______________________________________3.How many styles of Western painting are mentioned in the text? What are they?________________________________________________________________________Task 2. Read the passage again and do the following exercises1. Which of the following statements is true?A. Paintings in Middle Ages were very realistic.B. Western art has changed a lot since the 5th century.C. Impressionist paintings were painted mainly indoors.D. Modern art began in the Renaissance.2. At first most people hated the impressionists’ style of painting ,because _______.A. their painting were very abstract.B. their painting were very realistic.C. They broke away from the traditional style of painting.D. their paintings were very ridiculous.3. In the Renaissance, painters___.A. Painted religious scenes in a more realistic style.B. focused more on religion than on humans.C. began to paint outdoors.D. returned to classical Roman and Greek ideas about art.4. ____discovered how to make paintings look more real by using perspective.A. Giotto di Bondone.B. Masaccio.C.Claude Monet.D.Pablo Picasso5. What does the text mainly tell us?A. How religious painting developed.B. How oil painting developed.C. How impressionist painting developed.D. How western art developed.Task 3Detai led Reading (read the passage carefully and fill in the chart)1.Read para1 as quickly as you can.What influences art? Art is influenced by the ___________ and ___________of a people.3. Period 2: The RenaissanceFeatures/characteristics:(1) Painters tried to paint________ and _________ concentrating less on_________ _________.(2) People adopted a more _________ attitude, and they were able to draw __________ picturesby following the rules of _______________.4. Period 3: ImpressionismFeatures:(1) There were many new _________and ______ changes, which led to ______ _______ _____.(2) Painters worked _________;They are eager to show how________ and________fell on objects at different times of day. (3) Their painters were not as ___________as those of earlier painters.三.课中练习Summary:The style of Western art has changed many times, while Chinese art has changed less often. Art is influenced by the way of _________ and ___________.During the Middle Ages, the main aim of painters was to represent _______ themes. Artists were interested in creating________ and _____for God.In the Renaissance, people began to_____________ more on _______and less on _______. Artists tried to paint __________ and __________ as they really were.Masaccio used __________ in his paintings which made people ________ they were looking through a hole in the wall __________ a real scene.In the late 19th century, Europe changed a great deal from a mostly __________ society to a mostly ________ one. The ____________ were the first painters to work ________. They had to paint ______ and their paintings were not as detailed as those of earlier painters.Today people accept impressionists’ paintings as the _________ of _______ _______. Some modern art is _______while some is __________.四、HomeworkFinish 《金版》P2-3 Task2 to Task4。

牛津译林版英语九上Unit 1《Know yourself》(Reading1)说课稿

牛津译林版英语九上Unit 1《Know yourself》(Reading1)说课稿

牛津译林版英语九上Unit 1《Know yourself》(Reading1)说课稿一. 教材分析《牛津译林版英语九上Unit 1(Reading 1)》是一篇关于人物介绍和性格分析的文章。




二. 学情分析九年级的学生已经具备了一定的英语阅读能力,能够独立阅读并理解有一定难度的文章。



三. 说教学目标1.知识目标:学生能够掌握文章中的重点词汇和短语,理解文章的主旨大意。



四. 说教学重难点1.重点:文章中重点词汇和短语的掌握,以及文章主旨大意的理解。


五. 说教学方法与手段1.任务型教学法:通过设置各种任务,让学生在完成任务的过程中,自然地学习和掌握知识。




六. 说教学过程1.Pre-reading:引导学生观察文章标题和图片,预测文章内容,激发学生阅读兴趣。



reading explorer分级

reading explorer分级

reading explorer分级
Reading Explorer 是一系列的英语阅读教材,分为不同级别,

以下是 Reading Explorer 分级和对应的学习者水平:
1. Reading Explorer Intro (初级)

2. Reading Explorer 1 (初级)

3. Reading Explorer 2 (中级)

4. Reading Explorer 3 (中高级)

5. Reading Explorer 4 (高级)

每个级别的 Reading Explorer 都包含多个主题和相关的阅读材料,帮助学习者提高阅读理解能力,并扩展词汇量和语言表达能力。

Introduction and reading

Introduction and reading

a large boat for carrying people and goods on the sea
Now match some of the words with
their definitions.
bike boat coach helicopter motorbike
receipt seat cab
11. another word for taxi to do something
12. a document which gives you the right permit
Translate the following phrases.
be connected to
1. Have you ever been stuck in a taffic jam?
2. How long were you in the jam?
Step 4
Read the passage on page18 and answer the questions.
1. How many problems does the writer
talk about?
Four (lots of traffic jam; terrible air;
buses stuck ; accidents with cyclists).
2. What are the causes of the problems?
There are too many cars in the town, but the town is old and the streets are narrow. 3. How many solutions does the writer find? Two (close the city center to all traffic except buses and bikes; build car parks

剑桥国际英语教程 Intro 第七单元 Unit 7

剑桥国际英语教程 Intro 第七单元 Unit 7

Reading If you travel to the USA, what do you want to do?
Watch the video carefully
What does the video mainly talk about?
/'wɪndoz/ they don’t No, ___________ _________________
Does ___________the house _________ a yard? have it does Yes, ___________ _________. it doesn’t No, ___________ _________________
1.表示现在的状态: e.g. He is twelve. She is at work. 2.表经常或习惯性的动作: e.g. I get up at 6:30 every day. He often goes to the English corner. 3.表主语具备的性格和能力等: e.g. She likes noodles. They speak French. 4.普遍真理和自然规律: e.g. Two plus four is six. The moon goes arounshe/it)+V.+其他? e.g. Does he study in a high school? Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t. Does Lucy have a pet? Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t.
实义动词(第三人称单数)的一般现在 时句式



a-z分级阅读简介英文Introduction to A-Z Leveled Reading.Leveled reading, often referred to as "graded reading" or "staged reading," is an educational approach that matches readers with texts based on their reading ability. This practice ensures that students are engaged with materials that are both challenging and accessible, fostering a positive reading experience and promoting skill development. A-Z leveled reading is a specific system that organizes books into distinct levels, typically labeled from A to Z, with each level corresponding to a specific reading ability.The Importance of Leveled Reading.Leveled reading is crucial for students' literacy development. It allows teachers to individualize instruction, ensuring that each student is working with materials that are appropriate for their unique readinglevel. This approach helps to build a solid foundation of reading skills, including comprehension, vocabulary, and decoding abilities. By providing students with age-appropriate and interest-captivating books, leveled reading also fosters a love of reading that can last a lifetime.How A-Z Leveled Reading Works.The A-Z leveled reading system organizes books into 26 distinct levels, each labeled with a letter from A to Z. This organization allows teachers and parents to easily identify books that are suitable for a child's current reading level. Level A books, for example, are typically appropriate for beginning readers, while Level Z books are designed for more advanced readers.Within each level, books are further categorized by genre, theme, and interest area, providing a diverse range of options to engage readers' interests. This variety ensures that students not only develop their reading skills but also expand their knowledge and understanding of different subjects and topics.The Benefits of A-Z Leveled Reading.There are numerous benefits associated with A-Z leveled reading. First and foremost, it helps to ensure that students are reading materials that are both challenging and enjoyable. By matching readers with texts that are appropriate for their ability level, leveled readingfosters a positive reading experience that encourages students to engage more deeply with the material.Additionally, leveled reading supports the development of critical reading skills. As students progress through the levels, they encounter increasingly complex texts that require higher-order thinking skills. This progressive challenge helps to build students' comprehension abilities, vocabulary knowledge, and decoding skills.Moreover, A-Z leveled reading promotes independent reading. By providing a clear framework for selecting appropriate books, it empowers students to choose their own reading materials, fostering a sense of ownership andagency in their learning. This autonomy not only enhances students' engagement with reading but also prepares themfor the independent learning they will encounter throughout their educational careers.Finally, A-Z leveled reading supports differentiated instruction. Teachers can use this system to tailor their teaching approach to the needs of individual students, providing targeted support and challenges that align with each student's unique reading level. This differentiation ensures that all students have the opportunity to succeed and grow as readers.Conclusion.In summary, A-Z leveled reading is an essential toolfor promoting literacy development among students. By matching readers with appropriate texts and providing a diverse range of options, it fosters a positive reading experience that builds skills and knowledge. The benefits of this approach are wide-ranging, including improved reading comprehension, vocabulary development, decodingabilities, and a lifetime love of reading. As such, A-Z leveled reading is a valuable resource for teachers, parents, and students alike.。



Recommending "Reader's Digest" forHigh School StudentsIn the vast ocean of magazines, "Reader's Digest" stands out as a beacon of knowledge and wisdom, especially for high school students. Its diverse range of content, from thought-provoking articles to captivating stories, not only entertains but also educates, making it an ideal companion for the discerning young reader.The magazine's strength lies in its ability to present complex ideas and topics in a simple and engaging manner. Whether it's a science article explaining the mysteries of the universe or a thought-provoking essay on the value of hard work, "Reader's Digest" always manages to captivate its readers with its clear and concise writing style. This is particularly beneficial for high school students, who are constantly bombarded with complex information and ideas.Moreover, the magazine's emphasis on moral and ethicalvalues is a breath of fresh air in today's world. In an era where much of the media is focused on sensationalism and clickbait, "Reader's Digest" reminds us of the importance of character and integrity. Its articles often feature real-life stories of people who have overcome challenges, triumphed over adversity, or simply lived their lives with honesty and compassion. These stories serve as inspiration for high school students, who are at a crucial stage of their moral development.The magazine also covers a wide range of subjects, catering to the diverse interests of high school students. From fashion and technology to history and culture, "Reader's Digest" has something for everyone. This variety not only keeps readers engaged but also helps them broaden their horizons, encouraging them to explore areas beyond their immediate interests.Additionally, the magazine's focus on literacy and reading skills is invaluable for high school students. With the increasing use of digital devices and the decline in physical reading, it's important to instill the habit of reading in young minds. "Reader'sDigest" provides high-quality content that encourages reading for pleasure as well as for education, helping students develop their reading and comprehension skills.In conclusion, "Reader's Digest" is an excellent choice for high school students. Its engaging content, clear writing style, and emphasis on moral values make it a valuable resource for young minds. By encouraging reading, providing thought-provoking articles, and showcasing real-life stories of inspiration, "Reader's Digest" helps high school students grow intellectually, morally, and emotionally.**推荐《读者文摘》给高中生**在众多的杂志中,《读者文摘》犹如一盏照亮知识和智慧的明灯,特别适合高中生阅读。

Welcome Unit Reading and thinking 课件

Welcome Unit Reading and  thinking 课件

Let’s read one more passage about Tian Hua, a new student at an American high school. Complete the passage with the correct forms of the words and
phrases below.
2. How was her first maths class? It was difficult but the teacher was kind and friendly.
3. What happened in the chemistry class? What would you do if this happens to you? The guy next to Han Jing tried to talk to her the whole time. If I were Han Jing, I would tell him to keep quiet and leave me alone.
if this happened to you? 4) What did Han Jing learn from her first day at senior high school?
Scanning: Scanning is keeping questions in mind, reading key words and phrases quickly to find specific information such as dates, numbers and so on. (根据题干中问到的内容,在文章中scan, 准确定
Tian Hua is not sure how well she will do at school this year, but she is not



复试口语介绍你喜欢的书籍Hello everyone, my name is [你的名字] and I'm excited to introduce you to one of my favorite books today. As a content creator, I love exploring new ideas and perspectives through reading, and the book I want to talk about today has left a deep impression on me. So without further ado, let me introduce you to [书名]!1. IntroductionFirst and foremost, I think it's important to give you alittle background on the book. [书名] was written by [作者姓名] and published in [出版年份]. The book is a [类型介绍], and tells the story of [故事梗概]. It's a [主题介绍] bookthat delves into [深入讨论的主题] and is told through [书中的叙述方式].2. Why I love this bookNow, I want to share with you why this book has become one of my favorites. There are a few reasons, but I think the biggest one is the way it tackles [主题]. [书名] really forces you to think deeply about this topic and challenge your own beliefs. It's not an easy read by any means, butit's an incredibly thought-provoking one.Another reason I love this book is the characters. [主角姓名] is such a well-developed character, and I found myself really invested in his story. I think [作者姓名] did an amazing jobof making the characters feel real and believable. As a reader, you really feel like you're going on a journey with them.Finally, I would be remiss if I didn't mention the writing itself. [作者姓名] is an incredibly talented writer, and I was blown away by how well-written [书名] is. The prose is beautiful and lyrical, and the pacing is excellent. Even during the slow parts of the book, I never found myself getting bored.3. Why I recommend this bookSo, if you're looking for a thought-provoking, well-written book that will challenge your beliefs, I highly recommend [书名]. It's not an easy read, but it's definitely worth the effort. If you're someone who loves character-driven stories, you'll also really enjoy this one.Overall, I think [书名] is the kind of book that sticks with you long after you've finished reading it. It's the kind of book that makes you think, and that's why I love it so much.。



推荐读者杂志的英语作文高中Reading magazines is a great way for high school students to improve their English writing skills. Magazines cover a wide range of topics, from current events to fashion to technology, providing readers with a wealth of information and inspiration. In this essay, I will recommend three magazines that are particularly beneficial for high school students.First and foremost, I recommend "Time Magazine" for high school students. "Time" is a weekly news magazine that covers a wide range of topics, including politics, culture, and science. Reading "Time" can help students stay informed about current events and develop a better understanding of the world around them. Additionally, the magazine's in-depth articles and analysis can help students improve their critical thinking and writing skills.Secondly, I recommend "National Geographic Magazine" for high school students. "National Geographic" is known forits stunning photography and in-depth articles about the natural world. Reading this magazine can not only improve students' English writing skills but also inspire a love ofnature and exploration. The magazine covers a wide range of topics, from wildlife to environmental issues, providing students with a wealth of information to draw upon in their writing.Lastly, I recommend "Teen Vogue" for high school students interested in fashion, beauty, and culture. "Teen Vogue" covers a wide range of topics relevant to young people, including fashion trends, social issues, and celebrity interviews. Reading this magazine can help students improve their vocabulary and writing style, as well as stay informed about current trends and events in popular culture.In conclusion, reading magazines can be a fun and effective way for high school students to improve their English writing skills. Magazines like "Time," "National Geographic," and "Teen Vogue" offer a wealth of information and inspiration for young writers. I encourage all high school students to pick up a magazine and start reading today!阅读杂志是高中学生提高英语写作能力的一个很好的途径。



推荐大家读这本书英文作文Title: "Why You Should Read This Book: A Persuasive Essay"In today's fast-paced world, where distractions abound and time is a precious commodity, choosing what to read can be a daunting task. However, amidst the vast sea of literature, there are certain books that stand out, beckoning us to explore their pages and immerse ourselves in their narratives. One such book that I wholeheartedly recommend to everyone is [Book Title].At first glance, [Book Title] may seem like just another addition to the shelves of fiction or non-fiction, depending on its genre. But delve deeper, and you'll discover a treasure trove of knowledge, wisdom, and inspiration waiting to be unearthed.One of the most compelling reasons to read [Book Title] is its captivating storytelling. From the very first page,the author weaves a narrative that grips the reader's attention and refuses to let go until the final sentence. Each chapter is meticulously crafted, drawing readers into a world brimming with vivid imagery, complex characters, and thought-provoking themes.Moreover, [Book Title] offers invaluable insights into the human condition. Through the experiences of its characters or the exploration of profound ideas, the book sheds light on universal truths about life, love, resilience, and the pursuit of happiness. Whether you're a teenager navigating the tumultuous waters of adolescence or an adult grappling with existential questions, [Book Title] has something meaningful to offer to readers of all ages and backgrounds.Furthermore, [Book Title] serves as a gateway to new perspectives and cultures. Through its narrative lens, readers are transported to different time periods, geographical locations, and social contexts, expandingtheir understanding of the world and fostering empathy for those whose experiences may differ from their own. In anincreasingly globalized society, this ability to empathize with others is more crucial than ever, making [Book Title] not just an enjoyable read but also a valuable tool for personal growth and cultural awareness.Additionally, [Book Title] has the power to ignite a passion for reading in even the most reluctant of readers. Its engaging plot twists, relatable characters, andthought-provoking themes can instill a love of literature that transcends the pages of this particular book,inspiring readers to seek out other works and explore new genres. In a world where electronic devices often competefor our attention, [Book Title] reminds us of the unparalleled magic found within the pages of a good book.In conclusion, [Book Title] is not just a book; it's an experience waiting to be savored. From its captivating storytelling to its profound insights and cultural richness, it has the power to captivate, enlighten, and inspire readers of all ages. So, if you're looking for your next literary adventure, look no further than [Book Title].Trust me, you won't be disappointed.。



Unit 1 Reading and Thinking名师教学设计●课时内容Compare school life in different places主题语境:人与自我——生活与学习主题群下的学校生活。



[How]该语篇以学生刚从初中升入高中会遇到的问题这种真实情境为依托,每一段有一个主题句,每段有主干句型复现“I had to…,I know…”使得文章脉络清晰,内容分布合理;通过使用“First,too,still”使得文章行文逻辑联系紧凑。








教学过程Step I 学习理解活动一:Brainstorm首先让学生小组讨论:What do you want to know about school life in other countries?What would you tell a teenager from another country about school life in China?【设计意图】通过Brainstorm活动,联系了学生的生活实际,引发学生对主题的思考,激活学生的背景知识和相关经验。



介绍读书英语作文Introduction to Reading Books。

Reading books is a popular and beneficial activity that people of all ages can enjoy. It allows us to explore new worlds, gain knowledge, and expand our imagination. In this essay, we will delve into the advantages of reading books and how it can positively impact our lives.Firstly, reading books broadens our horizons. Through books, we can travel to different countries, experience diverse cultures, and learn about various historical events. For example, reading books about ancient civilizations can transport us back in time and provide us with a deeper understanding of our past. Additionally, books canintroduce us to different perspectives and ways of thinking, enabling us to develop empathy and open-mindedness.Secondly, reading books enhances our knowledge. Whether it's fiction or non-fiction, books offer a wealth ofinformation on a wide range of topics. By reading educational books, we can expand our knowledge in subjects such as science, history, and philosophy. Moreover, books provide us with valuable insights and ideas that can helpus in our personal and professional lives. For instance,self-help books can provide guidance on personal growth, while business books can offer strategies for success inthe corporate world.Furthermore, reading books stimulates our imagination and creativity. Unlike movies or TV shows, books allow usto create our own mental images of the story and characters. This imaginative process strengthens our cognitiveabilities and encourages creativity. It also helps us develop our own unique interpretations of the text,fostering critical thinking skills.In addition to these benefits, reading books can also improve our language skills. By reading extensively, we are exposed to a wide range of vocabulary and sentence structures, which enhances our language proficiency. Furthermore, reading books can improve our writing skillsas we gain exposure to different writing styles and techniques. This is particularly beneficial for students who are learning a foreign language.Moreover, reading books can have a positive impact on our mental health. It provides an escape from the stresses of everyday life and allows us to relax and unwind. Reading can also be a form of therapy, as it helps us understand and cope with our own emotions. In fact, studies have shown that reading can reduce stress levels and improve overall well-being.To conclude, reading books is a valuable activity that offers numerous benefits. It broadens our horizons, enhances our knowledge, stimulates our imagination, improves our language skills, and positively affects our mental health. Therefore, it is essential to cultivate a habit of reading and encourage others to do the same. So, pick up a book and embark on a journey of learning andself-discovery!。

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students' problems
1. I remember the first time (that)I met Roy.
the first time 后接定语从句,省略了that
先行词是time作“次数”讲时,用that引导定 语从句,that可省略; 若作“一段时间,时代”用when或 “at/during+which”引导且不可省略。
one of/the only one of
• He is the only one of the students that _____ (be) late for school. • He is only one of the students that _____ (be) late for school. • She is only one of the teachers that ______ (know) French in our school. • She is the only one of the teachers that _______ (know) French in our school.
1. 完全倒装句。 2. 独立主格结构。 3. 强调句。 4. as if 不要动那个花瓶就好像它是用 钢做的。
• • • • • • • aloud adv. 出声地 loud adv. 大声地 loudly adv. 吵闹地 请出声读。 Please read aloud. 请大点声。 Louder please. silently low
2. When he reached the final line, everyone burst out laughing.
• burst into laughter • 突然哭起来 • burst out crying • burst into tears • burst - ______-_______ 3. think to oneself 暗自想 7303/5304 • 自言自语 • speak/talk/say to oneself
12. These days, Roy and I see each other from time to time, but we're no longer close. 7307 from time to time • every now and then • at times • occasionally • once in a while • sometimes • time 有关短语 • at a time at no time at one time • in time in no time on time
I can’t remember how many times ____ I’ve failed. It was also a time _____ there were many great philosophers.
• 回忆way作先行词关系代词的使用 • Treat others in the way ____ you want to be treated. • 注意:way 作先行词引导定语从句,关系代 词用that/in which/省略。
The first time I met him
① What was Roy like? Outgoing, popular, and friendly. ② What was Daniel like ?
Shy & lonely in a new class.
③ What kind of relationship did Roy and Daniel have? They have close friendship, where they trusted each other.
4. I was twelve and, having lost all my old friends, I felt shy and lonely at my new school. 7305/5301,06,07,11 发生在谓语动词之前 原因状语 没有老朋友的陪伴
5. get to 开始 He's just kind, once you get to know him. His graduation will never take place if he doesn't get to work harder.
8. But just under a year ago, Roy's father was knocked over by a car.
under a year ago under = less than 不到65岁 under 65 years old over a year ago over = more than
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Who is your best friend? What does he/she look likeid you first meet? Why do you think he/she is your best friend? What kind of thing do you talk about together? Have you ever quarreled with each other? What did you do after quarrel(l)ing?
About three months ago……
① What happened in the classroom that surprised Daniel?
He saw Roy taking money from other boy’s pockets. ②How did Roy react? He went bright red and put the money back. ③ After that, what did I hope? I hoped he would explain why he had been stealing, but he started avoiding me.
Part1(Para.1--2) : I learnt about Roy and made friends with him.
The first time I met him Part4(Para.6--8): I found Roy stole the money raised for a charity by accident.
• He gave his mother a comforting hug. • His comforting words helped to cheer me up. • The chair is very comfortable.
• 某人有事要去做; • 不情愿做某事; • It was ____ ____ he came back from Africa that year _____ he met the girl he would like to marry. • 说明 • 当看电影的时候,我们听到门铃响了。 • 被从太空中看,地球,伴随着水覆盖了其 表面的70%,看起来像一块蓝毯子。
• • • • • • • • •
被制成 由……制成(看出、看不出原材料) 整体由……组成(2种) 部分 构成 整体 某人占有某物 sb. possess sth./sb. take possession of sth. sb. be in possession of sth. 某物被某人占有 sth. be in the possession of sb.
Last week…… Last week,
① What happened to the £500 ? It was stolen from the box in the classroom. ② How did Daniel know who had stolen £500? Daniel felt cold while waiting for Roy in his bedroom, so he put on Roy’s jacket and he found the money in the pocket.
Part2(Para.3): His father died and he changed completely.
Five years later Part3(Para.4--5): I found Roy stole other students money.
Last week
About three months ago
knock …over/down 7309/5308
She was knocked over by the news. knock at the door knock sb out of sth 把某人淘汰出局 knock into sb/sth 偶遇某人/物 knock out 摧毁
9. manage financially 7301 manage it = make it 10. Roy, who had always been very close to his father, changed completely, becoming silent and moody. 现在分词做了什么状语? 11. ……he seemed to lose all interest in his work. 在某方面失去兴趣 lose interest in develop/take/have/feel/show (an) interest in place of interest 如何变复数?