




No bringing fire source to the mountains, there will be evergreen forest.星火可以燎原,此处严禁吸烟。

A single spark can start a prairie fire,where smoking is prohibited.入山不带火,在外不吸烟。

Don't take fire source to the mountains, anddon't smoke in the open air.山水美如画,防火责任大。

The scenery is so beautiful, just like a roll of splendid picture, so fireproofing is our responsibility.森林防火千秋业,生态安全万代兴。

It is a long-term project to prevent the woods from destroying by fire, and more generations can be prosperous if the ecology is balance.护林木,不吸烟,文明就在你身边。

Protect the woods, not smoke, civilization will always be with you.疏忽一时,火光四起;警惕一时,绿树常青。

A negligent moment, fire everywhere; a vigilant time, evergreen trees.绿树成荫,景美;好木成灰,心痛。

What a wonderful scenery if green trees shade the earth; what a pity if big trees are burnt into ash.小小烟蒂危害大,树木见了都害怕。




Fire is merciless, fire prevention is the first.2、珍惜生命,远离火患。

Cherish life, keep away from fire.3、居安思危,防患未然。

Danger, prevent trouble before it happens.4、用火不预防,失火就遭殃。

Fire does not prevent fire.5、人人防火,户户平安。

All fire, a safe.6、酒店是我家,防火靠大家。

The hotel is my home, and fire protection depends on everyone.7、珍爱生命,关注消防。

Cherish life, focus on fire.8、关注消防,珍爱生命。

Focus on fire, cherish life.9、学校是我家,防火大家抓。

The school is my home, fire prevention, everybody catch.10、远离火患,幸福一生。

Stay away from fire, and live happily ever after.11、慎放烟花,快乐全家。

Caution fireworks, happy family.12、麻痹大意,防火大忌。

Careless fire taboo.13、关注消防,护我家园。

Attention to fire, protect my home.14、贼偷一半,火烧精光。

Half the thief burnt the fire.15、关注消防,珍爱家园。

Pay attention to fire, cherish your home.16、安全防火,人人有责。

Fire safety responsibility.17、随意扔烟头,安全有隐优。

消防安全常识二十条 (附英文翻译)

消防安全常识二十条 (附英文翻译)

消防安全常识二十条Twenty Fire Safety Tips一、自觉维护公共消防安全,发现火灾迅速拨打119电话报警,消防队救火不收费。

Adhere to public fire safety regulations. Dial 119 immediatelyonce fire incident happens. Fire fighting is free of charge.二、发现火灾隐患和消防安全违法行为可拨打96119电话,向当地公安消防部门举报。

Dial 96119 and report to the local public security and fire agentonce there is fire hazard or illegal fire safety behavior,三、不埋压、圈占、损坏、挪用、遮挡消防设施和器材。

Do not bury, occupy, destroy, divert or cover fire facility andequipment.四、不携带易燃易爆危险品进入公共场所、乘坐公共交通工具。

Do not carry inflammable and explosive dangerous goods intopublic area or public transportation.五、不在严禁烟火的场所和人员密集场所动用明火和吸烟。

Do not use open flames or smoke in No Open Flames area. 六、购买合格的烟花爆竹,燃放时遵守安全燃放规定,注意消防安全。

Do not purchase illegal fireworks or crackers. Abide safetyregulations and alert fire life safety when setting off.七、家庭和单位配备必要的消防器材并掌握正确的使用方法。

【优质文档】消防安全标语 英语-范文word版 (2页)

【优质文档】消防安全标语 英语-范文word版 (2页)

【优质文档】消防安全标语英语-范文word版本文部分内容来自网络整理所得,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即予以删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑修改文字! ==消防安全标语英语消防安全标语英语1. The wooden house, be careful with fire!2. Fire is ruthless, alarm bell rings!3. Watch out for catching fire, cherish life!4. Fire is ruthless, prevent fire in advance!5. All prevent fire, every household are safe!6. Everyone pays attention to fire prevention; disaster will stay away from you and me!7. Everyone participates in fire-fighting, build a safe home jointly!8. Strengthen the construction of fire facilities, build a home security barrier!9. Raise awareness of fire prevention, be concerned about fire safety!10. Do a good job of fire prevention; the whole families are happy and joyful!11. Attention of fire prevention needs to sound the alarm bell; protecting homes should be always sober!。






Fire is merciless, fire prevention is the first.2、珍惜生命,远离火患。

Cherish life, keep away from fire.3、居安思危,防患未然。

Danger, prevent trouble before it happens.4、用火不预防,失火就遭殃。

Fire does not prevent fire.5、人人防火,户户平安。

All fire, a safe.6、酒店是我家,防火靠大家。

The hotel is my home, and fire protection depends on everyone.7、珍爱生命,关注消防。

Cherish life, focus on fire.8、关注消防,珍爱生命。

Focus on fire, cherish life.9、学校是我家,防火大家抓。

The school is my home, fire prevention, everybody catch.10、远离火患,幸福一生。

Stay away from fire, and live happily ever after.11、慎放烟花,快乐全家。

Caution fireworks, happy family.12、麻痹大意,防火大忌。

Careless fire taboo.13、关注消防,护我家园。

Attention to fire, protect my home.14、贼偷一半,火烧精光。

Half the thief burnt the fire.15、关注消防,珍爱家园。

Pay attention to fire, cherish your home.16、安全防火,人人有责。

【参考文档】消防安全标语 英语word版本 (2页)

【参考文档】消防安全标语 英语word版本 (2页)

【参考文档】消防安全标语英语word版本本文部分内容来自网络,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将予以删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可随意编辑修改! ==消防安全标语英语消防安全标语英语1. The wooden house, be careful with fire!2. Fire is ruthless, alarm bell rings!3. Watch out for catching fire, cherish life!4. Fire is ruthless, prevent fire in advance!5. All prevent fire, every household are safe!6. Everyone pays attention to fire prevention; disaster will stay away from you and me!7. Everyone participates in fire-fighting, build a safe home jointly!8. Strengthen the construction of fire facilities, build a home security barrier!9. Raise awareness of fire prevention, be concerned about fire safety!10. Do a good job of fire prevention; the whole families are happy and joyful!11. Attention of fire prevention needs to sound the alarm bell; protecting homes should be always sober!。



消防安全常识二十条Twenty Fire Safety Tips、.二、自觉维护公共消防安全,发现火灾迅速拨打119电话报警,消防队救火不收费。

Adhere to public fire safety regulations. Dial 119 immediately once fire incident happens. Fire fighting is free of charge.发现火灾隐患和消防安全违法行为可拨打96119电话,向当地公安消防部门举报。

Dial 96119 and report to the local public security and fire agent不埋压、圈占、损坏、挪用、遮挡消防设施和器材。

Do not bury, occupy, destroy, divert or cover fire facility and equipment.四、不携带易燃易爆危险品进入公共场所、乘坐公共交通工具。

Do not carry inflammable and explosive dangerous goods into public area or public transportation.五不在严禁烟火的场所和人员密集场所动用明火和吸烟。

Do not use open flames or smoke in No Open Flames area.六、购买合格的烟花爆竹,燃放时遵守安全燃放规定,注意消防安全。

Do not purchase illegal fireworks or crackers. Abide safetyregulations and alert fire life safety when setting off.七、家庭和单位配备必要的消防器材并掌握正确的使用方法。

Family and enterprises must be equipped with adequate fireequipment and operate in right way.八、每个家庭都应制定消防安全计划,绘制逃生疏散路线图,及时检查、消除火灾隐患。



锦屏县隆里古城防火安全标语The Slogans of Preventing Fire Safely for the Ancient Castle of Longli, Jinping County杨函祥译Translated by Hanxiang Yang1.木质房屋,小心火灾!The wooden house, be careful with fire!2. 火灾无情,警钟长鸣!Fire is ruthless, alarm bell rings!3. 警惕失火,珍惜生命!Watch out for catching fire, cherish life!4. 火灾无情,防火先行!Fire is ruthless, prevent fire in advance!5. 人人防火,户户安全!All prevent fire, every household are safe!6. 人人重视防火,灾害远离你我!Everyone pays attention to fire prevention; disaster will stay away from you and me!7.人人参与消防,共筑平安家园!Everyone participates in fire-fighting, build a safe home jointly!8. 人人参与消防,家家幸福安康!Everyone participates in fire-fighting, every family are happy and safe! 9.人人安全防火,家家幸福祥和!All prevent fire safely, every family are happy and harmonious!10.人人关注消防,处处清除火患!Everybody pays close attention to the fire-fighting, clear fires everywhere!11.人人把好防火关,有备无患保平安!Everybody guards the pass of fire control, preparation and no hidden danger can ensure safety!12. 人人参与消防,共建和谐家园!Everyone participates in fire-fighting, build a harmonious home together!13.时时消除身边火患,日日保你生命安全!Always eliminate side fire, keep your life safe every day!14.时时注意安全,处处清除火患!Always safety first, clear fires everywhere!15.时刻关注消防安全,长期做好群防群治!Always pay attention to the safety of fire-fighting,do a good long-term job of mass prevention and treatment!16.消除火灾隐患,永保家庭平安!Eliminate fire hazards, keep family safe permanently!17.消防是发展的保障,安全是和谐的基石!Fire-fighting is the guarantee of development; safety is the cornerstone of harmony!18. 消除火灾隐患,构建和谐社会!Eliminate fire hazards, build a harmonious society!19. 消防治理人人参与,百姓安居户户受益!Everyone involves in fire management, the people will live safely and every household will be benefited!20.消防事关你我他,安全系着千万家!Fire is related to you, him and me, security ties ten millions families! 21.消防安全记在心,预防为主常挂心!Keep the fire safety in mind; prevention first should be often hung in the heart!22.火灾不留情,预防要先行!A fire without mercy, prevention should be started off first!23.火灾远离家庭,幸福平安一生!Let fire stay away from the family, happiness and safety will accompany forever!24.齐心协力抓好消防,共同打造平安家园!Pull together to do the work of fire-fighting, create a safe home together!25.齐心筑牢防火墙壁,携手打造平安家园!Unite and build a strong firewall wall, create a safe home hand in hand!26.加强消防设施建设,构筑家园安全屏障!Strengthen the construction of fire facilities, build a home security barrier!27.提高防火意识,关注消防安全!Raise awareness of fire prevention, be concerned about fire safety!28.做好防火工作,全家幸福快乐!Do a good job of fire prevention; the whole families are happy and joyful!29.关注消防须警钟长鸣,保护家园应时刻清醒!Attention of fire prevention needs to sound the alarm bell; protecting homes should be always sober!30.大意一把火,损失无法补!A careless fire, nothing can compensate for loss!31.增强全民消防意识,提高自防自救能力!Strengthen people's awareness of fire; improve their abilities of self-help and self-defense!32.出门无牵挂,先把火源查!Go without care, check the fire first!33.家家户户防火,平平安安生活!Each and every family do well the fire prevention, we can live in peace!34.疏忽消防一瞬,毁掉幸福一生!Negligent fire in a moment, destroy the happiness of a lifetime!35.用火用电不离人,消防安全牢记心!Do not leave when we are using the fire or electric power; keep the fire security in mind firmly!锦屏县消防大队The Fire-Fighting Brigade of Jinping County隆里乡人民政府The People’s Government of Longli Town宣DECLARE !。



消防安全常识二十条Twenty Fire Safety Tips一、自觉维护公共消防安全,发现火灾迅速拨打119电话报警,消防队救火不收费。

Adhere to public fire safety regulations. Dial 119 immediatelyonce fire incident happens. Fire fighting is free of charge.二、发现火灾隐患和消防安全违法行为可拨打96119电话,向当地公安消防部门举报。

Dial 96119 and report to the local public security and fire agentonce there is fire hazard or illegal fire safety behavior,三、不埋压、圈占、损坏、挪用、遮挡消防设施和器材。

Do not bury, occupy, destroy, divert or cover fire facility andequipment.四、不携带易燃易爆危险品进入公共场所、乘坐公共交通工具。

Do not carry inflammable and explosive dangerous goods intopublic area or public transportation.五、不在严禁烟火的场所和人员密集场所动用明火和吸烟。

Do not use open flames or smoke in No Open Flames area. 六、购买合格的烟花爆竹,燃放时遵守安全燃放规定,注意消防安全。

Do not purchase illegal fireworks or crackers.Abide safety regulations and alert fire life safety when settingoff.七、家庭和单位配备必要的消防器材并掌握正确的使用方法。





1. Fire safety:消防安全
2. Fire prevention:消防预防
3. Fire protection:消防保护
4. Fire extinguisher:灭火器
5. Fire hydrant:消防栓
6. Fire alarm:火灾警报器
7. Fire drill:火灾演习
8. Fire escape:紧急逃生通道
9. Smoke detector:烟雾探测器
10. Evacuation plan:疏散计划
11. Fire safety inspection:消防安全检查
12. Fire safety equipment:消防安全设备
13. Fire safety training:消防安全培训
14. Fire safety code:消防安全规范
15. Fire safety hazards:消防安全隐患
16. Fire safety regulations:消防安全法规
17. Fire safety standards:消防安全标准
18. Fire safety awareness:消防安全意识
19. Fire safety management:消防安全管理
20. Fire safety measures:消防安全措施



消防安全知识标语英语Fire Safety Slogans1. "Stop Fire Before It Stops You."2. "Stay Cool, Stay Safe."3. "Don't Play with Fire, Play It Safe."4. "A Spark Today, And You'll Regret It Tomorrow."5. "Don't Be a Fool, Keep Your Fire Safety Rule."6. "Never Leave Fire Unattended, Your Safety Depends on It."7. "Fire Prevention is Everyone's Responsibility."8. "Know Fire Safety, No Fire Tragedy."9. "Fire Safety Starts with You."10. "Fire Safety: Your Life Depends on It, So Act Like It."11. "Educate Yourself, Prevent Fire."12. "In Case of Fire, Stay Low and Go Slow."13. "Practice Fire Safety, Alleviate Fire Sorrow."14. "Fire Safety – The Best Gift You Can Give to Your Loved Ones."15. "Avoid Regret, Prevent Fire."16. "Fire Prevention: Better Safe than Sorry."17. "Smoke Alarms Save Lives."18. "Fire Safety: Hip, Not Hype."19. "Fire Safety: You Can't Afford to Ignore It."20. "Don't Wait for Fire to Hit, Prevent It."21. "Be Prepared, Be Fire Safe."22. "Fire Safety: A Matter of Life and Breath."23. "Fire Safety – Because Every Second Counts."24. "Fire Safety: Always on Duty."25. "Practice Escape Plan, Be Fire Safe."Fire Prevention and Safety Tips1. Install Smoke Alarms: Ensure that smoke alarms are installed on every floor of your home and outside all sleeping areas. Test them regularly and replace batteries as needed.2. Create an Escape Plan: Develop and practice a home fire escape plan with your family. Identify two ways out of every room and establish a designated meeting place outside the home.3. Stay Low in Smoke: If encountering smoke during a fire, stay low to the ground as smoke rises. Crawl to the nearest exit, cover your mouth with a cloth, and breathe through your nose.4. Stop, Drop, and Roll: If clothing catches fire, remember to stop, drop to the ground, and roll to smother the flames.5. Never Leave Flames Unattended: Never leave candles, stoves, fireplaces, or other flames unattended. Always extinguish them before leaving the area or going to bed.6. Practice Kitchen Safety: Never leave cooking unattended, and keep flammable objects away from heat sources. Keep pot handles turned inward to prevent accidental spills.7. Use Heating Equipment Safely: Maintain a three-foot clear space around heating equipment, including furnaces, fireplaces, wood-burning stoves, and space heaters. Keep flammable materials away from heat sources.8. Be Mindful of Electrical Hazards: Avoid overloading electrical outlets and use surge protectors for multiple devices. Replace damaged cords or appliances and never run cords under rugs or furniture.9. Properly Store Flammable Materials: Store flammable liquids, such as gasoline, kerosene, and paint thinners, in approved containers away from sources of heat or flame.10. Teach Children Fire Safety: Educate children about fire safety, including the dangers of playing with matches or lighters. Keep these items out of the reach of young children.11. Promote Smoking Safety: If you smoke, do so outside and use appropriate ashtrays. Douse cigarette butts with water and dispose of them safely.12. Be Aware of Fire Extinguishers: Know the location of fire extinguishers in your home and how to use them. Remember the acronym PASS: Pull the pin, Aim at the base of the fire, Squeeze the handle, and Sweep from side to side.13. Report Fire Hazards: If you notice fire hazards in public places, such as blocked exits, malfunctioning smoke alarms, or improper storage of flammable materials, report them to the appropriate authorities.14. Keep Emergency Numbers Handy: Save emergency numbers, including the local fire department, on your phone and near landline phones for quick access in case of fire.15. Educate Yourself: Stay updated on fire safety guidelines and educate yourself about fire prevention measures. Attend fire safety seminars and workshops to enhance your knowledge.By following these fire prevention and safety tips, you can reduce the risk of fire-related accidents and protect yourself, your loved ones, and your property. Remember, fire safety is everyone's responsibility, and it requires proactive measures and constant vigilance. Stay safe and be fire aware!。



火灾预防英语口号1. "Don't let fire destroy what you've built. Prevent it with care and precaution."2. "Be fire wise, protect your home and family."3. "Don't play with fire, it can cost you everything."4. "Fire safety starts with me, be responsible and aware."5. "Don't be careless, prevent fires."6. "Keep your mind on fire safety, it could save your life."7. "Fire prevention is everyone's responsibility, don't be the one to start it."8. "Plan, prevent, protect – the three keys to fire safety."9. "Fire can be a friend, but also a fierce foe. Be cautious and prevent it from spreading."10. "Stay alert, stay safe. Fire prevention starts with you."11. "Don't let a fire ruin your day, practice fire safety always."12. "A small spark can cause a big fire. Be cautious and prevent it."13. "Don't let fire take control, prevent it before it happens."14. "Fire safety is no joke, take it seriously and stay safe."15. "Be proactive, not reactive. Prevent fires before they start."16. "A fire can happen anytime, anywhere. Be prepared and prevent it."17. "Don't wait for a disaster to strike. Prevent fires before it's too late."18. "Fire safety is a team effort, everyone plays a part."19. "Think fire safety first, it's better to be safe than sorry."20. "Prevent fires, protect lives. It's as simple as that."21. "Fire is unforgiving, be cautious and prevent it at all costs."22. "Fire prevention is smart prevention, be wise and aware."23. "Don't let a fire take away what you love, prevent it with care."24. "Be aware, be prepared. Fire prevention is key."25. "A fire can spread in seconds, be cautious and prevent it."26. "Don't let your guard down, practice fire safety always."27. "Fire safety is not a game, be serious and prevent fires."28. "Stay ahead of the flames, practice fire prevention always."29. "Be vigilant, be aware. Prevent fires and be prepared."30. "Better safe than sorry, practice fire prevention always."31. "Don't let fire catch you off guard, be prepared and prevent it."32. "Fire is a danger, but you can prevent it. Be cautious and aware."33. "Prevent fires, protect lives. It's as simple as that."34. "Fire safety is everyone's responsibility, take it seriously and prevent it."35. "Be fire safe, not sorry. Practice fire prevention always."36. "Don't take chances, prevent fires before they start."37. "Fire safety is no joke, be cautious and aware."38. "Plan, prevent, protect – the three keys to fire safety."39. "Be proactive, not reactive. Prevent fires before it's too late."40. "Stay alert, stay safe. Fire prevention starts with you."41. "Be responsible, be aware. Fire safety is everyone's concern."42. "Don't let a fire ruin your day, practice fire safety always."43. "Be mindful, be prepared. Fire prevention is key."44. "Don't let fire control you, prevent it before it happens."45. "Fire is a danger, but you can prevent it. Be cautious and aware."46. "Practice fire safety always, don't let a fire ruin your day."47. "Don't be careless, prevent fires and stay safe."48. "A small spark can cause a big fire. Be cautious and prevent it."49. "Fire prevention is everyone's responsibility, don't be the one to start it."50. "Stay ahead of the flames, practice fire safety always."。



消防安全常识二十条Twenty Fire Safety Tips一、自觉维护公共消防安全,发现火灾迅速拨打119电话报二、警,消防队救火不收费。

三、Adhere to public fire safety regulations. Dial 119 immediatelyonce fire incident happens. Fire fighting is free of charge.四、发现火灾隐患和消防安全违法行为可拨打96119电话,向当地公安消防部门举报。

五、Dial 96119 and report to the local public security and fire agentonce there is fire hazard or illegal fire safety behavior,六、不埋压、圈占、损坏、挪用、遮挡消防设施和器材。

七、Do not bury, occupy, destroy, divert or cover fire facility andequipment.八、不携带易燃易爆危险品进入公共场所、乘坐公共交通工具。

Do not carry inflammable and explosive dangerous goods intopublic area or public transportation.九、不在严禁烟火的场所和人员密集场所动用明火和吸烟。

十、Do not use open flames or smoke in No Open Flames area.十一、购买合格的烟花爆竹,燃放时遵守安全燃放规定,注意消防安全。

十二、Do not purchase illegal fireworks or crackers. Abide safety regulations and alert fire life safety when setting off.十三、家庭和单位配备必要的消防器材并掌握正确的使用方法。



防火安全标语中英对比防火安全标语中英对比1.木质房屋,小心火灾!The wooden house, be careful with fire!2. 火灾无情,警钟长鸣!Fire is ruthless, alarm bell rings!3. 警惕失火,珍惜生命!Watch out for catching fire, cherish life!4. 火灾无情,防火先行!Fire is ruthless, prevent fire in advance!5. 人人防火,户户安全!All prevent fire, every household are safe!6. 人人重视防火,灾害远离你我!Everyone pays attention to fire prevention; disaster will stay away from you and me!7.人人参与消防,共筑平安家园!Everyone participates in fire-fighting, build a safe home jointly!8. 人人参与消防,家家幸福安康!Everyone participates in fire-fighting, every family are happy and safe!9.人人安全防火,家家幸福祥和!All prevent fire safely, every family are happy and harmonious!10.人人关注消防,处处清除火患!Everybody pays close attention to the fire-fighting, clear fires everywhere!11.人人把好防火关,有备无患保平安!Everybody guards the pass of fire control, preparation andno hidden danger can ensure safety!12. 人人参与消防,共建和谐家园!Everyone participates in fire-fighting, build a harmonious home together!13.时时消除身边火患,日日保你生命安全!Always eliminate side fire, keep your life safe every day!14.时时注意安全,处处清除火患!Always safety first, clear fires everywhere!15.时刻关注消防安全,长期做好群防群治!Always pay attention to the safety of fire-fighting,do a good long-term job of mass prevention and treatment!16.消除火灾隐患,永保家庭平安!Eliminate fire hazards, keep family safe permanently!17.消防是发展的保障,安全是和谐的基石!Fire-fighting is the guarantee of development; safety is the cornerstone of harmony!18. 消除火灾隐患,构建和谐社会!Eliminate fire hazards, build a harmonious society!19. 消防治理人人参与,百姓安居户户受益!Everyone involves in fire management, the people will live safely and every household will be benefited!20.消防事关你我他,安全系着千万家!Fire is related to you, him and me, security ties ten millions families!21.消防安全记在心,预防为主常挂心!Keep the fire safety in mind; prevention first should be often hung in the heart!22.火灾不留情,预防要先行!A fire without mercy, prevention should be started off first!23.火灾远离家庭,幸福平安一生!Let fire stay away from the family, happiness and safety will accompany forever!24.齐心协力抓好消防,共同打造平安家园!Pull together to do the work of fire-fighting, create a safe home together!25.齐心筑牢防火墙壁,携手打造平安家园!Unite and build a strong firewall wall, create a safe home hand in hand!26.加强消防设施建设,构筑家园安全屏障!Strengthen the construction of fire facilities, build a home security barrier!27.提高防火意识,关注消防安全!Raise awareness of fire prevention, be concerned about fire safety!28.做好防火工作,全家幸福快乐!Do a good job of fire prevention; the whole families are happy and joyful!29.关注消防须警钟长鸣,保护家园应时刻清醒!Attention of fire prevention needs to sound the alarm bell; protecting homes should be always sober!30.大意一把火,损失无法补!A careless fire, nothing can compensate for loss!31.增强全民消防意识,提高自防自救能力!Strengthen people's awareness of fire; improve their abilities of self-help and self-defense!32.出门无牵挂,先把火源查!Go without care, check the fire first!33.家家户户防火,平平安安生活!Each and every family do well the fire prevention, we can live in peace!34.疏忽消防一瞬,毁掉幸福一生!Negligent fire in a moment, destroy the happiness of a lifetime!35.用火用电不离人,消防安全牢记心!Do not leave when we are using the fire or electric power; keep the fire security in mind firmly!。



防火标识标语Fire safety is a crucial aspect of any building or workplace. 防火安全是任何建筑物或工作场所的重要方面。

It is important to have clear and visible fire safety signs and slogans in place to help prevent and handle fire emergencies.这是很重要的,应该设置清晰可见的防火安全标识标语来帮助预防和处理火灾紧急情况。

These signs serve as a reminder to individuals about the importance of fire safety and the necessary steps to take in case of a fire.这些标识会提醒个人有关火灾安全的重要性以及在火灾发生时需要采取的必要措施。

They also aid in guiding people towards safe exits and evacuation routes during an emergency.它们还有助于在紧急情况下指导人们朝着安全出口和疏散路线前进。

It is crucial for these signs and slogans to be effective and easily understood by individuals of all ages and backgrounds.这些标识标语对各个年龄和背景的人来说都是至关重要的,它们必须具有有效性并易于理解。

One important aspect of fire safety signs and slogans is their visibility. 防火安全标识标语的一个重要方面是它们的可见性。

These signs should be placed in strategic locations throughout the building, such as near exits, fire extinguishers, and fire alarms.这些标识应该被放置在建筑物的战略位置,比如靠近出口、灭火器和火灾警报器。



消防安全常识二十条Twenty Fire Safety Tips一、自觉维护公共消防安全,发现火灾迅速拨打119电话报警,消防队救火不收费。

Adhere to public fire safety regulations. Dial 119 immediatelyonce fire incident happens. Fire fighting is free of charge.二、发现火灾隐患和消防安全违法行为可拨打96119电话,向当地公安消防部门举报.Dial 96119 and report to the local public security and fire agentonce there is fire hazard or illegal fire safety behavior,三、不埋压、圈占、损坏、挪用、遮挡消防设施和器材。

Do not bury, occupy, destroy,divert or cover fire facility andequipment。


Do not carry inflammable and explosive dangerous goods intopublic area or public transportation.五、不在严禁烟火的场所和人员密集场所动用明火和吸烟。

Do not use open flames or smoke in No Open Flames area。


Do not purchase illegal fireworks or crackers. Abide safetyregulations and alert fire life safety when setting off。




消防安全常识二十条Twenty Fire Safety Tips一、自觉维护公共消防安全,发现火灾迅速拨打119电话报警,消防队救火不收费。

Adhere to public fire safety regulations. Dial 119 immediately once fire incident happens. Fire fighting is free of charge.二、发现火灾隐患和消防安全违法行为可拨打96119电话,向当地公安消防部门举报。

Dial 96119 and report to the local public security and fire agent once there is fire hazard or illegal fire safety behavior,三、不埋压、圈占、损坏、挪用、遮挡消防设施和器材。

Do not bury, occupy, destroy, divert or cover fire facility and equipment. 四、不携带易燃易爆危险品进入公共场所、乘坐公共交通工具。

Do not carryinflammable and explosive dangerous goods into public area or public transportation.五、不在严禁烟火的场所和人员密集场所动用明火和吸烟。

Do not use open flames or smoke in No Open Flames area.六、购买合格的烟花爆竹,燃放时遵守安全燃放规定,注意消防安全。

Do not purchase illegal fireworks or crackers. Abide safety regulations and alert fire life safety when setting off.七、家庭和单位配备必要的消防器材并掌握正确的使用方法。

消防安全常识二十条 (附英文翻译)

消防安全常识二十条 (附英文翻译)

消防安全常识二十条Twenty Fire Safety Tips一、自觉维护公共消防安全,发现火灾迅速拨打119电话报警,消防队救火不收费。

Adhere to public fire safety regulations. Dial 119 immediatelyonce fire incident happens. Fire fighting is free of charge.二、发现火灾隐患和消防安全违法行为可拨打96119电话,向当地公安消防部门举报。

Dial 96119 and report to the local public security and fire agentonce there is fire hazard or illegal fire safety behavior,三、不埋压、圈占、损坏、挪用、遮挡消防设施和器材。

Do not bury, occupy, destroy, divert or cover fire facility andequipment.四、不携带易燃易爆危险品进入公共场所、乘坐公共交通工具。

Do not carry inflammable and explosive dangerous goods intopublic area or public transportation.五、不在严禁烟火的场所和人员密集场所动用明火和吸烟。

Do not use open flames or smoke in No Open Flames area. 六、购买合格的烟花爆竹,燃放时遵守安全燃放规定,注意消防安全。

Do not purchase illegal fireworks or crackers. Abide safetyregulations and alert fire life safety when setting off.七、家庭和单位配备必要的消防器材并掌握正确的使用方法。

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The Slogans of Preventing Fire Safely for the Ancient Castle of Longli, Jinping County
Translated by Hanxiang Yang
The wooden house, be careful with fire!
2. 火灾无情,警钟长鸣!
Fire is ruthless, alarm bell rings!
3. 警惕失火,珍惜生命!
Watch out for catching fire, cherish life!
4. 火灾无情,防火先行!
Fire is ruthless, prevent fire in advance!
5. 人人防火,户户安全!
All prevent fire, every household are safe!
6. 人人重视防火,灾害远离你我!
Everyone pays attention to fire prevention; disaster will stay away from you and me!
Everyone participates in fire-fighting, build a safe home jointly!
8. 人人参与消防,家家幸福安康!
Everyone participates in fire-fighting, every family are happy and safe! 9.人人安全防火,家家幸福祥和!
All prevent fire safely, every family are happy and harmonious!
Everybody pays close attention to the fire-fighting, clear fires everywhere!
Everybody guards the pass of fire control, preparation and no hidden danger can ensure safety!
12. 人人参与消防,共建和谐家园!
Everyone participates in fire-fighting, build a harmonious home together!
Always eliminate side fire, keep your life safe every day!
Always safety first, clear fires everywhere!
Always pay attention to the safety of fire-fighting,do a good long-term job of mass prevention and treatment!
Eliminate fire hazards, keep family safe permanently!
Fire-fighting is the guarantee of development; safety is the cornerstone of harmony!
18. 消除火灾隐患,构建和谐社会!
Eliminate fire hazards, build a harmonious society!
19. 消防治理人人参与,百姓安居户户受益!
Everyone involves in fire management, the people will live safely and every household will be benefited!
Fire is related to you, him and me, security ties ten millions families! 21.消防安全记在心,预防为主常挂心!
Keep the fire safety in mind; prevention first should be often hung in the heart!
A fire without mercy, prevention should be started off first!
Let fire stay away from the family, happiness and safety will accompany forever!
Pull together to do the work of fire-fighting, create a safe home together!
Unite and build a strong firewall wall, create a safe home hand in hand!
Strengthen the construction of fire facilities, build a home security barrier!
Raise awareness of fire prevention, be concerned about fire safety!
Do a good job of fire prevention; the whole families are happy and joyful!
Attention of fire prevention needs to sound the alarm bell; protecting homes should be always sober!
A careless fire, nothing can compensate for loss!
Strengthen people's awareness of fire; improve their abilities of self-help and self-defense!
Go without care, check the fire first!
Each and every family do well the fire prevention, we can live in peace!
Negligent fire in a moment, destroy the happiness of a lifetime!
Do not leave when we are using the fire or electric power; keep the fire security in mind firmly!
The Fire-Fighting Brigade of Jinping County
The People’s Government of Longli Town
