Impact of festival factor on electric quantity multiplication forecast model




常见的英语考纲词汇,按照字母顺序排列:A:abandon, ability, absorb, access, accommodate, accompany, achieve, acknowledge, acquire, adapt, address, adequate, adjust, administer, admire, admit, adopt, advance, adventure, advertise, advice, advocate, affect, afford, agency, agenda, aggregate, agree, aim, album, alert, allocate, allow, ally, alter, alternative, amateur, ambassador, amount, analyze, ancestor, angle, animate, announce, annoy, annual, anticipate, anxious, appear, appreciate, approach, appropriate, approve, approximate, architecture, argue, arise, arrange, arrest, arise, art, articulate, ascend, aspect, aspire, assert, assess, assign, assist, associate, assume, assure, astonish, attach, attain, attempt, attend, attract, attribute, audience, authorize, automate, available, average, avoidB:bachelor, background, backbone, bacteria, balanced, ban, band, bank, bar, bare, bargain, barometer, based, basic, battle, bear, beat, behalf, behavior, belief, belong, benefit, besides, bet, betray, better, bias, beyond, bill, biology, birth, bite, bitter, blade, blame, blend, bless, blind, block, blood, blue, board, boat, body, bold, bond, bonus, book, boom, border, bore, born, boundary, boycott, brain, branch, brave, breach, bread, break, breed, brief, bright, bring, broad, broadcast, brother, brush, budget, build, bulk, bullet, burden, bury, bus, business, busy, but, butter, button, buy, byC:cabinet, cable, calculate, call, calm, camera, campaign, canal, capable, capacity, capture, carbon, card, care, career, careful, carry, case, cash, cast, casual, catch, category, cause, celebrate, cell, censure, center, century, ceremony, certain, chain, chair, challenge, chance, change, channel, chaos, chapter, characteristic, charge, charity, chart, chase, cheap, check, cheese, chemical, chief, child, choir, choose, circle, cite, citizen, city, civil, claim, clarify, clash, class, classify, clean, clear, clerk, client, climate, climb, close, cloth, clout, club, clue, cluster, coach, coal, coast, coat, code, coffee, coin, collaborate, collapse, collar, collect, college, colonel, color, column, combination, combine, come, comfort, command, comment, commercial, commission, commit, committee, common, communicate, community, company, compare, competition, complain, complete, complex, comply, compose, compound, comprehend, compromise, compute, concentrate, concept, concern, concert, conclude, concrete, condition, conduct, cone, conference, confess, confidence, conflict, confront, confuse, congratulate, congress, connect, conquer, conscience, consensus, consent, consequence, consider, consist, consolidate, constant, constitute, construct, consult, consume, contain, contempt, contend, content, contest, context, continue, contract, contradict, contrary, contrast, contribute, control, controversy, convert, convince, cook, cool, cooperate, coordinate, cope, copy, core, corn, correct, correspond, cost, cotton, council, count, counter, country, couple, courage, course, court, cousin, cover, cow, crack, craft, crash, crazy, create, credit, creep, crew, crisis, critical, criticize, crop, cross, crowd, crown, crucial, cruel, cruise, cry, crystal, culture, cup, cure, curry, curve, custom, customer, cutD:damage, danger, data, date, daughter, day, deal, dear, death, debate, decade, decay, decide, declare, decline, decorate, decrease, dedicate, deep, defeat, defend, defer, define, definite, degree, delay, delete, deliberate, deliver, demand, democracy, demonstrate, dense, deny, depend, depict, deploy, deposit, deprive, derive, describe, desert, deserve, design, desire, despair, destroy,detail, detect, detonate, develop, devote, diagnose, diagonal, dictate, die, differ, differentiate, difficult, dig, digest, dignity, dilemma, dimension, diminish, dip, direct, disaster, discipline, disclose, discount, discourage, discover, discredit, discriminate, discuss, disease, disgust, dish, dismiss, disorder, display, dispose, dissolve, distance, distinguish, distribute, district, disturb, dive, divide, divorce, do, doctor, document, dog, dollar, donate, door, double, doubt, down, dozen, draft, drag, drain, drama, draw, dream, dress, drink, drive, drop, drought, drug, drum, dry, due, dull, dumb, dump, during, dust, dutyE:each, eager, ear, early, earn, ease, east, easy, eat, ecology, economic, edge, edit, educate, effect, efficient, effort, egg, either, elaborate, election, electric, elegant, element, elevate, eliminate, elite, else, embarrass, embassy, embryo, emerge, emergency, emit, emotion, emphasize, employ, empower, empty, enable, encounter, encourage, end, endure, enforce, engage, engineer, enhance, enjoy, enlist, enormous, enough, enter, entertain, entire, enthusiasm, entrance, envelope, environment, envy, epidemic, episode, equal, equip, equivalent, era, erode, error, escape, establish, estate, estimate, ethnic, evacuate, evaluate, even, event, eventually, ever, every, evidence, evil, evolution, exact, examine, example, exceed, excellent, exception, excess, exchange, exciting, exclude, excuse, execute, exercise, Exhaust, exhibit, exist, exit, expand, expect, experience, experiment, expert, explicit, explode, explore, export, exposure, express, extend, extensive, external, extract, extreme, eyeF:face, factor, fade, fail, faint, fair, faith, fall, false, fame, familiar, family, famous, fan, fancy, fantastic, far, farm, fashion, fast, fat, fate, father, fault, favor, fear, feature, federal, fee, feed, feel, female, fence, festival, fetch, fever, few, fiber, fiction, field, fifteen, fifth, fifty, fight, figure, file, fill, film, final, finance, find, fine, finger, finish, fire, firm, first, fish, fit, five, fix, flag, flame, flare, flat, flavor, flee, flood, floor, flow, flower, fluctuate, fly, focus, fold, follow, fond, food, foot, for, force, forecast, foreign, forest, forget, forgive, fork, form, formal, former, forth, fortunate, forward, foster, foul, found, four, fox, fraction, fragile, frame, free, freedom, frequent, fresh, friend, frighten, from, front, fruit, frustrate, fuel, full, fun, function, fund, funeral, funny, furnish, further, futureG:gain, galaxy, game, gang, gap, garage, garden, gas, gather, gear, general, generate, generation, generous, genius, gentle, genuine, geography, gesture, get, giant, gift, girl, give, glad, glance, glass, global, glory, glove, go, goal, god, gold, good, goods, govern, government, grace, graduate, grain, grand, grant, grass, grateful, grave, great, greedy, green, greet, grey, grief, grocery, ground, group, grow, growth, guarantee, guard, guess, guest, guide, guiltyH:habit, habitat, hair, half, hall, halt, hammer, hand, handle, hang, happen, harbor, hard, hardware, harm, harvest, hat, hate, have, hazard, he, head, heal, health, hear, heart, heat, heaven, heavy, heel, height, hell, help, hence, her, here, heritage, hero, hesitate, hide, high, highlight, highway, hill, him, himself, hip, hire, his, historical, hit, hold, hole, holiday, holy, home, honest, honor, hope, horizon, horse, hospital, host, hot, hotel, hour, house, how, however, hug, huge, human, humble, humor, hundred, hunger, hunt, hurry, hurt, husband, hybridI:ice, idea, identify, idle, if, ignore, ill, illegal, illuminate, illustrate, imagination, imagine,immediate, immigrant, immune, impact, imperfection, implement, importance, impose, impress, improvement, in, inch, incident, include, income, increase, independent, index, indicate, individual, industry, inevitable, infect, inferior, infest, influence, inform, infra-red, ingredient, inherit, initiate, inject, injure, inner, innocent, innovate, inquiry, insect, inside, insist, inspire, install, instant, instead, insufficient, intend, interaction, interest, interim, internal, international, interrupt, interview, interval, intervene, intimate, introduce, inure, invest, investigate, invite, involve, iron, island, issue, it, itemJ:jacket, jail, jam, jaw, jealous, jeopardy, jerk, jet, jewelry, job, join, joking, journey, joy, judge, jug, juice, jump, jungle, justK:keep, key, kick, kid, kill, kilogram, kilometer, kind, king, kiss, kit, kitchen, kneel, knife, knock, know, knowledgeL:labor, laboratory, lack, lady, lake, lamp, land, language, large, last, late, laugh, launch, law, lay, layer, laziness, lead, leader, leaf, leak, lean, leap, learn, least, leave, lecture, left, legal, legend, lemon, lend, length, less, lesson, let, letter, level, liar, liberal, liberty, library, license, life, lift, light, like, likely, limit, line, link, lion, liquid, list, listen, little, live, lizard, load, loan, local, locate, lock, long, look, loose, lose, loud, love, low, loyal, luck, luggage, lump, lunch, luxuryM:machine, mad, magazine, magic, magnet, mail, main, make, man, manage, mandolin, manipulate, manner, many, map, maple, march, mark, market, marriage, marry, mask, Mass, master, match, material, math, matter, maximum, may, maybe, me, meal, mean, measure, meat, mechanism, media, medical, medication, medicine, meet, melt, member, memo, memory, men, mend, mental, merchant, message, metal, meter, middle, midnight, might, mile, milk, million, mind, mine, mineral, minimum, minister, minor, minute, miracle, mirror, misbehave, miss, mistake, mix, model, moderate, modern, modest, modifies, moment, momentum, money, monkey, month, moon, moral, more, morning, most, mother, motion, mountain, mouth, move, much, mud, multiply, murder, muscle, museum, music, must, mute, mysteryN:nail, name, narrow, nation, native, natural, Navy, near, necessary, neck, needle, negative, negotiate, neighbor, neither, nephew, nerve, nest, net, network, never, new, news, next, nice, night, nine, no, noble, nobody, nod, noise, nominal, non, none, noodle, noon, nor, north, nose, not, note, nothing, notice, notion, now, nowhere, nuclear, null, number, nurse, nutO:oak, object, occupy, occur, ocean, odd, of, off, offer, office, often, oil, OK, old, on, once, one, only, open, operate, opinion, opportunity, oppose, opposite, option, or, orange, orbit, order, ordinary, organize, original, other, oust, out, outlaw, outlet, outline, output, outside, oven, over, overall, overcome, overlook, owe, own, oxygenP:pace, pack, package, page, pain, paint, pair, palace, pale, palm, panel, panic, paper, paradise, pardon, parent, park, part, participate, particular, party, pass, passage, past, pasta, patent, path, patient, pattern, pause, pay, peace, peak, pear, peasant, pedestrian, peel, peer, penalty, people, percent, perfect, perform, perhaps, period, permanent, permit, person, persuade, pet, phase,philosophy, photo, phrase, physical, piano, pick, picture, piece, pig, pile, pill, pilot, pin, pinch, pink, pipe, pitch, place, plain, plan, planet, plant, plastic, plate, play, pleasant, please, pleasure, plenty, plot, plug, plus, pocket, poem, point, poison, pole, police, polish, polite, poll, pollutant, pollution, pool, poor, pop, popular, population, port, pose, position, positive, possess, possible, post, postpone, pot, potato, potential, pour, poverty, powder, power, practical, practice, prairie, praise, pray, preface, prefer, prepare, present, preserve, president, press, pressure, pretend, prevent, previous, price, pride, primary, prime, principal, print, prior, prison, private, probable, problem, procedure, proceed, process, produce, product, profession, profit, program, progress, prohibit, project, promise, promote, prompt, pronounce, proof, proper, property, proposal, propose, protect, protest, Proud, provide, provoke, publish, pull, pulse, pump, punish, pupil, purchase, pure, purpose, pursue, push, putQ:qualify, quality, quantity, quarter, question, quick, quiet, quit, quite, quizR:race, rack, radio, raft, rage, rain, raise, rally, random, range, rank, rap, rapid, rare, rate, rather, reach, react, read, ready, real, reality, realize, reason, rebel, rebuild, recall, receive, recent, reception, recipe, record, recover, recruit, red, reduce, reflect, reform, refuse, regard, region, register, regret, reinforce, reject, relate, release, relevant, reliable, relief, religion, rely, remain, remarkable, remember, remind, remove, rent, repair, repeat, replace, reply, report, represent, reproduce, request, require, rescue, research, resemble, reserve, reside, resign, resist, resolve, resort, respect, respond, responsibility, rest, restore, restrain, restrict, result, retrace, retrieve, return, reveal, revenge, revenue, review, revise, revolution, reward, rhythm, rich, ride, ridicule, right, rigid, ring, riot, rise, risk, river, road, roar, robot, rock, rocket, rod, roll, roof, room, root, rope, rose, rough, round, route, row, royal, rubber, ruin, rule, run, rural, rush, rust, ruthlessS:sack, sacred, sacrifice, sad, safe, sail, salad, sale, salt, same, sample, sanction, sand, satisfy, sauce, save, say, scale, scan, scare, scatter, scene, schedule, scheme, school, science, scope, score, scrap, scratch, screen, script, sculpture, sea, search, season, seat, second, secret, section, secure, see, seek, seem, select, sell, senate, send, senior, sense, sensitive, separate, series, serve, service, session, set, settle, seven, several, severe, sex, shack, shade, shadow, shake, shall, share, sharp, shave, she, sheep, sheet, shelf, shell, shelter, shift, shine, ship, shirt, shoe, shoot, shop, short, should, shout, show, shower, shred, shrink, shrug, shy, sibling, sick, side, siege, sight, sign, signal, significant, silent, silk, silly, silver, similar, simple, since, sing, single, sink, sir, sister, sit, site, situation, six, size, skate, ski, skill, skin, skirt, sky, sleep, slice, slide, slight, slip, slope, slow, small, smart, smash, smell, smile, smoke, smooth, snake, snow, so, soap, social, society, sock, soft, soil, solar, soldier, solid, solution, somber, some, son, song, soon, sort, soul, sound, source, south, space, spare, speak, special, specific, speech, speed, spell, spend, spill, spirit, split, spoil, sponsor, spoon, sport, spot, spray, spread, spring, spy, square, stable, staff, stage, stake, standard, star, start, state, statement, station, statistics, status, stay, steady, steal, steam, steel, steep, steer, step, stick, still, sting, stipulate, stock, stomach, stone, stop, store, storm, story, stout, straight, strange, strategy, street, strength, stress, stretch, strike, string, strip, stroke, strong, struggle, student, study, stuff, stupid, subject, submit, subside, subsequent, substance, subtle, subtract, succeed, success, such, suffer, sugar, suggest, suit, suite, summer, summit, sun, super, supermarket, supervise, supply, support, suppose, supreme, sure, surface, surge, surprise, surrender, surround,survey, suspect, suspend, sustain, swallow, swear, sweat, sweep, sweet, swim, swing, switch, symbol, sympathetic, systemT:table, taboo, tackle, tag, tail, take, talent, talk, tall, tank, tape, target, task, taste, tax, teach, team, tear, technical, technique, technology, tee, teen, telephone, telescope, tell, temperature, temporary, ten, tend, tense, term, terrible, test, text, than, thank, that, the, theater, their, them, theme, themselves, then, theory, there, therefore, these, they, thick, thief, thin, thing, think, third, thirst, this, those, though, thought, thousand, thread, threaten, three, threshold, thrive, through, throw, thus, ticket, tie, tight, tile, time, tin, tip, tire, title, toast, today, toe, together, toilet, tolerance, tomato, tomorrow, tone, tongue, tonight, too, tool, tooth, top, topic, torch, torn, torture, total, touch, tough, tour, tourist, toward, tower, town,。



2022年北京卷英语应用文写作范文The year 2022 marked a significant milestone for the city of Beijing, as it played host to the highly anticipated Winter Olympic Games. As the world's attention turned to the Chinese capital, the local government seized the opportunity to showcase the city's rich cultural heritage, advanced infrastructure, and commitment to sustainable development. One of the key aspects of this endeavor was the inclusion of an English application writing component in the Beijing Gaokao, the national college entrance examination.The 2022 Beijing Gaokao English application writing section aimed to assess the language proficiency and critical thinking skills of thecity's high school students. The prompt required examinees to draft a persuasive essay addressing a specific issue or problem faced by the local community. This exercise not only tested the students' ability to communicate effectively in English but also challenged them to analyze complex societal challenges and propose viable solutions.One of the most pressing concerns highlighted in the 2022 BeijingGaokao English writing prompt was the issue of air pollution. As a megacity with a rapidly growing population and industrialized economy, Beijing has long struggled with the detrimental effects of poor air quality. The prompt asked students to craft a compelling essay that would raise awareness about this environmental crisis and outline practical strategies for mitigating the problem.In their responses, the students demonstrated a deep understanding of the multifaceted nature of air pollution in Beijing. They acknowledged the various contributing factors, including the city's heavy reliance on fossil fuels, the proliferation of private vehicles, and the influx of manufacturing industries. The essays also highlighted the significant impact of air pollution on public health, with increased rates of respiratory illnesses, cardiovascular diseases, and even cancer among the city's residents.One particularly insightful essay delved into the socioeconomic implications of air pollution, noting that the burden often falls disproportionately on marginalized communities. The student author argued that low-income neighborhoods, which tend to be located in close proximity to industrial zones and major transportation hubs, are the most severely affected by poor air quality. This disparity not only exacerbates existing health disparities but also perpetuates a cycle of environmental injustice.In response to these pressing challenges, the students proposed a multifaceted approach to tackling air pollution in Beijing. Many advocated for stricter regulations on emissions from both industrial and transportation sectors, with a focus on transitioning to renewable energy sources and promoting the use of electric vehicles. Others highlighted the importance of investing in public transportation infrastructure, such as expanding the city's metro system and implementing dedicated bus lanes to reduce reliance on private cars.Interestingly, several essays also emphasized the role of individual behavior and community engagement in addressing the air pollution crisis. The students suggested initiatives to raise public awareness, such as educational campaigns and community-based tree-planting programs. They also called for the government to incentivize sustainable practices, such as providing subsidies for households that adopt energy-efficient technologies or participate in recycling and waste reduction initiatives.One particularly innovative proposal involved the integration of green spaces and urban forests into the city's urban planning. The student author argued that strategically placed parks, gardens, and tree-lined streets could not only improve air quality by absorbing pollutants but also enhance the overall livability and aesthetic appeal of Beijing's urban landscape. This holistic approach to environmentalsustainability resonated with the exam's evaluators, who recognized the importance of incorporating nature-based solutions into the city's development plans.Beyond the environmental aspects, the 2022 Beijing Gaokao English writing prompt also encouraged students to consider the broader societal implications of air pollution. Several essays delved into the economic consequences, highlighting the potential impact on tourism, foreign investment, and the city's overall competitiveness on the global stage. The students recognized that addressing the air pollution crisis was not only a matter of public health and environmental sustainability but also a crucial factor in maintaining Beijing's status as a leading international hub.The responses to the 2022 Beijing Gaokao English writing prompt demonstrated the remarkable critical thinking and communication skills of the city's high school students. The essays not only showcased their mastery of the English language but also their ability to analyze complex issues, synthesize information from multiple sources, and propose innovative solutions. This impressive display of academic prowess underscored the city's commitment to nurturing a new generation of global citizens who are equipped to tackle the pressing challenges of the 21st century.As Beijing continues to evolve and adapt to the changing needs ofits residents and the international community, the lessons learned from the 2022 Gaokao English writing exercise will undoubtedly inform the city's future policies and initiatives. By empowering its young people to engage with pressing societal issues and articulate their ideas through the medium of English, Beijing has taken a significant step towards fostering a more informed, engaged, and globally-minded citizenry. The impact of this initiative will undoubtedly reverberate far beyond the walls of the exam hall, shaping the future of Beijing and its role in the global community.。



严禁电动车入内的英语作文The ongoing debate over the use of electric vehicles (EVs) has become a contentious issue in many communities. While proponents argue that EVs are a more environmentally friendly alternative to traditional gasoline-powered vehicles, there are valid concerns that have led some establishments to implement strict policies prohibiting their entry. This essay will explore the rationale behind such restrictions and the potential implications for both EV owners and the broader community.One of the primary reasons for banning electric vehicles in certain areas is the potential safety hazard they pose. Electric vehicles, particularly those with larger battery packs, can be significantly heavier than their internal combustion engine counterparts. This increased weight can lead to increased stopping distances and potentially greater damage in the event of a collision. In crowded or pedestrian-heavy areas, such as shopping centers or residential neighborhoods, the risk of an accident involving an EV could be heightened, putting the safety of other road users at risk.Additionally, the silent nature of electric motors can be a concern in areas where pedestrians, particularly the elderly or visually impaired, may not be able to easily detect the approach of an EV. This lack of audible cues can lead to increased accidents and near-misses, as pedestrians may be unaware of the presence of a vehicle until it is too late. By prohibiting electric vehicles in these high-traffic areas, establishments aim to mitigate the potential for such incidents and ensure the overall safety of all individuals within their premises.Another factor contributing to the ban on electric vehicles is the potential strain they can place on existing infrastructure. Many EV owners rely on the availability of charging stations to maintain the range and operability of their vehicles. In areas with limited charging capacity or where the electrical grid is already overburdened, the influx of electric vehicles could overload the system, leading to power outages, brownouts, or the need for costly infrastructure upgrades. By restricting EV access, establishments can avoid the potential strain on their local resources and ensure that the overall energy demands of their facilities can be adequately met.Furthermore, the noise and vibrations generated by the charging process can also be a source of concern for some establishments. In residential or commercial areas where tranquility and a peaceful environment are highly valued, the constant hum and occasional buzzing of charging stations can be disruptive and unwelcome. Byprohibiting electric vehicles, these establishments can maintain a quieter and more serene atmosphere, which can be particularly important for businesses that rely on a calm and relaxing ambiance, such as spas, libraries, or meditation centers.It is important to note that the decision to ban electric vehicles is not a universal one, and many establishments have embraced the use of EVs and actively encourage their use. However, in certain contexts, the potential drawbacks and risks associated with electric vehicles have led some organizations to implement these restrictive policies. These decisions are often made after careful consideration of the unique needs and characteristics of the specific location and the potential impact on the overall safety, infrastructure, and environment of the area.While the ban on electric vehicles may be seen as a controversial measure by some, it is essential to recognize that the primary motivation behind such policies is to ensure the well-being and safety of all individuals within the affected areas. By carefully weighing the potential benefits and drawbacks of EV usage, establishments can make informed decisions that balance the needs of EV owners with the broader concerns of the community.As the adoption of electric vehicles continues to grow, it is likely that the debate over their use in various settings will persist. However, itis crucial that all stakeholders, including EV owners, establishment owners, and policymakers, engage in constructive dialogue to find a balanced and equitable solution that addresses the legitimate concerns of all parties involved. Only through such collaborative efforts can we ensure that the transition to a more sustainable transportation system is achieved in a manner that prioritizes the safety, well-being, and overall quality of life for all members of the community.。



电子流行的影响英语作文Electronic music has become increasingly popular in recent years, and its influence can be seen in many aspects of modern culture. From fashion to advertising, electronic music has left its mark on the world.One area where electronic music has had a significant impact is in the club scene. With its pulsing beats and infectious rhythms, electronic music has become the soundtrack of choice for many club-goers. DJs and producers have become celebrities in their own right, and electronic dance music festivals have become some of the biggest events in the music calendar.Another area where electronic music has made its markis in fashion. The futuristic, often avant-garde style of electronic music has inspired many designers, and elements of the genre can be seen in everything from streetwear to haute couture. The use of bright colors, metallic fabrics, and bold patterns are all hallmarks of the electronic musicaesthetic.The influence of electronic music can also be seen in advertising. Brands looking to appeal to a younger, more fashion-conscious audience often use electronic music in their commercials. The high-energy beats and catchy hooks of electronic music are perfect for creating a sense of excitement and urgency, making it an ideal choice for marketing campaigns.In addition to its influence on popular culture, electronic music has also had a significant impact on the music industry itself. With the rise of digital music production tools, more and more people are able to create and distribute their own electronic music. This has led to a proliferation of new artists and styles, and has helped to democratize the music industry in many ways.In conclusion, electronic music has become a dominant force in modern culture, influencing everything from fashion to advertising to the music industry itself. Its popularity shows no signs of slowing down, and it will beinteresting to see how its influence continues to evolve in the years to come.。



学术☆学科名称major discipline anthropology linguistics physiology psychology mining physical physicsfine artssciencepoliticsphilosophygeographyphotojournalismhistoryastronomymedialanguageappliedenvironmentchemistrymanagementstatisticsarchaeologicalaccountancybiologycomputerliteraturesociologyengineeringarchitecturebusinesslaweconomicsfinancebanking☆课程orientation welcome package registerenroll curriculum semesterterm assignment sessionvirtualtestcoursestudyintensive practiceemaillecturetutorialseminar assessment attendanceexamfailure markgradescorerecordre-sitnoterategroupofficeparental teachingclassreceptiongoaltapevideopluslevelbeginningbeginnerfundamentalelementaryadvancedmiddiscussionstressunemploymentsurroundingpowerlessnesstoo much workcope with stressdiettake regular exercisemake plansset money asidedo training coursesopen admissioncassetterecordingdeadlinedropoutcrammingfeedbackvideotapehitexaminationdiplomanursing diplomaworkshoppanicteachingpresidentheadmasterdirectorscientistsecretaryadministratorprofessorofficerteachertutorlectureradviserhistoriansupervisorreceptionistchancellorassistantsenior advisor☆论文paper abstract content bibliography project interviewee revisionextensivesubjectsurveysurvey of readingresearchreadingdatadraftambitionwell-organizedsubtopicsquestionnaireinterviewrespondentliteratureconclusionrandomindextopicpresentation background theoretical background exampletraininglaserprinting areachaptercase studyreportreview of literaturemethodtitleapproachtheorywhiteboardaidoverheadobjectivevisualfindingfacultyheadingsubtitleobservationstrategyoutlinescriptsummaryscientificreferencereviewanalysis☆图书馆librarycatalogduerenewaloverdue and pay a fine out on loancategory closed reservecirculationclassificationbibliographyperiodicalreserveinterlibrary serviceopen shelvesclose shelvescheck outdelivery deskinternet systemrecallpinkslipstackcirclecopycard index☆学生种类classmate student local freshman sophomorejuniorseniorboardday pupilcandidaterepresentativebachelorapplicantgraduateoverseasmature☆证书种类degree certificate diploma ☆出版物publication newsletters booklet notebook handbookpassagetextbookjournalintroductionhandoutjournalarticleForbesnewspaperBaked Earth☆普通用词facility laptop microphone spiral narrator education (educational) modern achievement sentence parental monologueunderstandingrecommendationfurtherinformationnoticeboardtechnicaldepartmentsystemmeetingconferencecongressimportantdetailmaterialcleaning equipmentkeywordpublicinfrastructuremusicspecializedplanningOxfordCambridgecheaperfull-timelistteamequipmentculturegeneralqualitycollegepracticalcleartheatre thought service standard schedule support review learning styles choicehigher vocation profession occupation experiment reader suggestion communication international issuepriorityschool distance vocabulary commonjampoint fieldpreparecompleteauditoriumbreakdailyphotoaimadultresourcenursinglabguidancespeechprintedbookthinkingdramastylesourceguideoptiontextpassageholidayinstitutionacademicuniversity facilitiessocial activitiesmediumsignatureprevioussolveapplicationsurvivalaccessmassuniversitymarketingupdateWollongongcenterinvestigatorsimilareditorlaboratoryformulaargumentglobalbooklistlessonencyclopediawideexperthealthcareintelligencevacationtechniquescharthabitdictationTrinityoralspeakingaudiomonopolyenquirydescriptionroyalsubmitheadphonesspecial audio equipmentfinalunionclose-upcompositioncampusintelligenceformabilitysecondaryhumanssocialrule旅游☆花费payablebillfarecostfeerentcostly cover expense deposit shortage charge finance expenditure tuitionfinancialloanscholarshipgrantordercheckcardin advancepricevisaspendingextradiscounton salepursedollarbankdiarysalecreditcurrencyY enAustralian dollarsoptionalmoneycashdebttransferlenderpocketstatementmileageclassinvestmentwealthfortuneconcertrefundallowancesubsidypensionsaving stock prizepensionercapitallow incometax☆旅游tourhikingbag-packerpartyspecial party hats banquetfeasttravellookout points embassycottagechurchlocationbrochurewaterfallviewgardencountryvillagecarvehicleplannermuseumstationparkticketboatsafetyeveningtrainreturnstoreentrancezoorecreationproperty☆人物family parent child kid surnamemotherelderthe oldpersonnelbrotherpassengershoppercommutertravelertouristthief☆交通transport rushtraintraffic congestion wheelferrycoach bicycletaxitrolley steam driverrentalcablewalktractor motorcycle cyclelightbusrailway underground wheelchair cave templetooltowerJapanese Pagodaregulationentertainmentwiseadvisabledangeroushazardousagencyfossilleisureroutereserveballroomsafariflightcastletouringwoodslakeoccasionsitepassportsmokingdatepoor areaplaceweeklyemergencycentraltownwildlifepostcoderegionmountainancientpalacemapparkingsettingpositionbeachcreekmanmade damwretched boatskiingexcursionhikehelmetcoastaltourismQueen’sjunctionexpresslandscapeperpopulationpersonaccidentexhibitionoceansealandmarksailheightaltitudedestinationtracktunnelarm badgetubeartconcert hallgreyhound booklet camp ☆住宿类型high-rise resident suburb outskirts countryside village cottage ruralflatlounge residence housecitygroundaccommodationroommateavailablebedroomapartmenthotelmotelfoyerbathroomstandard suitebuildingwinglandmarkblockaddressalleyavenuestreetroadresidential collegepostcodesharedoccupantgirlfriendlandladynon-drinkerneighbouring☆设施sound speaker radio lamp warm cameratowelvacuumhoovercurtainTVwater heaterphoneliftelevatorincomingphone-infridge☆其他常见家电microwave oven washing machine air-conditioner electric fan radiatortoasterheatingpre-bookinglockshower basement sheetbathblanketsmoke alarmskeyreservationprivateelectricitydoorisolatedspotremarksettlementdisturbanceinsuranceconstructionlettermailwindowsmokecommunitycodealterationdecorationbed sheetgaragetoiletwallpumplarge-scale housing☆家具furniture cream desk chairtablecabinetdrawercotbedsizedoubletwin room饮食场景☆场所dining restaurant cafécafeteriacanteen☆饮料drinking drink milk colarefreshmentdrinks and snackswaterteajuicemineral☆食物dinner food eating cooking burger smelly steak picnic barbecue rice meal kitchenvegetarianfishmeatcheesefruitsugarsaltsaucevinegarflourutensilpizzahot dogproteinspoonvegetabletomatostarterdesertdessertdishsandwichnutsaladcoffeecateringdairybuffetcutlerycuplow nutritionsnack休闲生活☆日常shop item ☆晚会decoration interest festivalballoonguestwaiterwaitress☆服装dress code clothes casual cloth walking swimming dark dressfancywearskirtjeansrainsportswearsweatercomfortabletrousersuniformsuitbootcostumeblousedressingshoesandaljacketspare socks动植物词汇☆动物animal mammal migration bird falcon horse rare mosquito kelphencrocodilesheepshearspiderkangarookoalaeaglecattlepetapespeciesseainsectchickfurmanefeatherhorse hairwasphard-hoofedwhalebreedinglion donkey ☆植物wood wildlife plant treewillowflowercropgrainvegetationlemonplantingweed社会生活☆行业industry company farming agriculture ☆人物employ staff accountant manager engine cleaner customer contact telephone colleague market vacancy organizationfarmfirmnaturalfishingcleanpowerrecruitshiftcooperationforestwetlandproductsalarypaymentwindvelvetindustrialsyndicateactiondirectorregularfactorycommissionbusinessgrowthcounciltriprolecorporationsubcommitteewelfareflexiblepositionextension☆犯罪police cop violent crime医疗场景☆药品medicine antibiotics capsule pill aspirin mixtureeyedropsvitaminointmentsyrupcreampenicillininjectiontabletherbdrugpainkillers☆疾病medical symptoms ☆各种症状sore throat fevercough stomachache headachetoothacheallergicdizzyinsomniastiff neckdrowsinessstuffed nosedisease☆常见疾病fluheart disease pneumonia yellow fever epidemic attackallergyinfectionsleepdrowsinessinjurywoundchestteethsightmalariainsomniadisabled☆医生名称surgeon physician oculist dentistbetpsychiatricnursepatientclinic☆其他必备词汇bandageinjectiontake one’s temperature give a prescription make an appointment X-rayprescribefingerchineyesnose mouthearneckjawillnessvaccinebacteriascarmaleinternaltreatmentstomachchemist’sheartlungrecipetherapyhealthsickrelaxationunhealthybeatshospitalprecautionopticcyclementalphysicalpreventionambulancebloodanklegerm环境主题词汇plastic waste care pollution air rubbish garbage recyclednaturegreenEI Ninoimpactinfluenceatmosphericdrop-offwarmingrecyclingsewagesewerhandlingcontaminanttemperature20 centigradedamagecarbondioxideorganic运动主题词汇hallfitness personal trainer clubcentre (center) sportsactivity muscleyogabowlingskatingbadmintontennisexerciseweightcyclingmartialmembershipconsultantinstructorrefereejudgeumpirerunning facilitieswater-skiinggymsportsman其他重要词汇adopt cleanest artificial footprint advantage kaleidoscope question wordplatethirdlack working reasonskill problem advicetypemillionfilmgoods famous factorworldseat centuryideafemalemalespeedangrycauseclock energy experience government resultoffer quantityfiretoptrouble purposeaimrelation painting hand rangedemonstrationleastconfidencedifferencerequirementglasscontact lenseseffectefficientindividualpersonalvarietychancehintattentiveawarenessluckfortunesolutionvariousmachineconditionunusualappearancenoticeattentionfeatureguydominantmainfocuscareerpart-timesenseregularlyoriginalspecialpersonalitycharactergenderrelatedtotalresponsibilityarmymilitaryarmymilitarysamplepotterycinemaqualificationselectionpromisingmigratoryCDphotographpopularfashionablematchingsupplyoffernoblearistocratBritishcollectionblastmodelforeigndomestictonedocumentheavyattentionfashionsilverstrongstoutslimunitednormaltheatrefibertribeprocessexaggerateoverstatesideseverala couple ofidentificationvolunteertechnologydirectshortclassicalarchitecturestorehouseusefulhelpfuldiscoparticipanttrendmaximumminimumlawyerfamiliarplacementconquestovercomeimpossiblefarmeridentitycultivationfosterbreedlifestylehobbyfraudfakeperformancepictureinspiringexcitingrisingascendingsimpleamountaveragedelegateflybehaviorspareretirementmoviesunspecificexportimportcommercialbenefitweateastformalcocktailcitelandorganizerrapidchallenging controversy percentagerateharmfulsuccessfulsafenervousstrainedconvenientlineairportportislandstoneadequatehatwriterstateplayerwillowreliableweather conversationgapcracktempertouchingspacecharitycharitable organization intactdonationboneskeleton announcementdeclarationdecisionsolartractormobilenightlengthassociationsoilsexdesirediscomfortclientbasicredundantbowlabbreviationflourishyouthpressureblondwaveshelterrefugeplanuselessdialoguededicationattemptnoisyhandymagazineownerprofitfigurekitirregularcarpetdustresistantconservationnapdozehard-workingworkloadisolationpiefrequentloyalsatisfactoryperkdiscountgive sb. a sackkick sb. out of worklawfavorburglarrobberblindthreatgrammarstepawardinternetgestureimagemakingadvertisingpreciousdutyabusedomestic violencedependentrayacidwashingrobotelementscleversmartsouvenirhelplinewidthfavoriteonlineflaginstrumentguitarpianodesignbeatpairtelescopedeliverysharppleasuredelightinstitutevisiblesilencedisputecontroversydebateshuttleratgolfriskadventuresurprisemaidpalactorflowmeasurementstabilityenormousbroadconcessionexistencebaldnessgolddivorcebreath-takingmajorityexchangenetslangswitchoverallwholepatterngroundfairmemorisecorpsekeeperendingtexturesuperrockbranchhigh quality camera domesticreligionemptypackagedistantremotefairstoryevidencepositivenegativeexciting conqueror distribution confirmation virtuallyalmostworthwhilemaingrasscliffphysically irrigationscarceremovallow-riskcannibal herbivorousscentschemeoverhead view visitortilelikelihood possibilitydanger hazardouspurerepeat correspondence letter unanimousdepthapprovalenthusiasmhousekeepingemotionperformermiserablecraftheropoliticsauthorseriousproneessentialfundamentalsteeltraditionalordinaryprepositionwingwatchdogsecond-handcheerfulreformcontractbarreneventinterventionmetalkioskseven-screenhandballindependenceageimmunewarehouseself-defencecarvingprivacyapostrophepollelbowhuntingself-disciplinetunerowsmaintainformerprevioussurroundingtoyexpectancyfabricsectionstarartisticself-fundedself-sufficientadditionsackedpreferenceflashexceptionreinforcedhighly-trainedvarypureharbourportskinheroineexposureinabilitypianisthousingnaughtstaircomplaintnoisepotentialvaluemixtureirritablearrivalsatisfactionstatusstagepermitdiscoveryparcelsufficientsubjectiveobjectivepageusuallatestdevelopmentrehearsalweapontradeinnovationlavatheftknowledgecurlycottonmillmagicsystematicshelluniquepolishknifecriticalconsumptioncrisisbeltsteadydeterioratesurfaceseasonedcupboardinlandfreeresponseanswerjewelryjournalistrepaircagecandlewaxsensibledepressionlayerambiguousexcuselessenlayout 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officecomputer programmertraditionalattitudestrict controlsectordigital systempreservationfanradarstorage spacecalculatingsimulationlitrecollection tankdecadeaccountableprivate propertyphilosophercorruptmoralityethicuncomfortablegeneral electionmanufactureevolutionreproducelayoutdouble-grillheat indicatorburiedpower companybatterytidehearingmoderatecost effectiveshadeclimateflooding。



电的重要性英语作文简单Electricity: The Cornerstone of Modern LifeElectricity has become an indispensable part of our daily lives, permeating every aspect of our existence. From the moment we wake up until the time we go to sleep, we rely on the power of electricity to fulfill our needs and enhance our quality of life. This ubiquitous force has revolutionized the way we live, work, and interact with the world around us.At its core, electricity is the flow of electric charge, a fundamental phenomenon in nature that has been harnessed and controlled by human ingenuity. The discovery and understanding of electricity have paved the way for countless technological advancements that have transformed our society. From the invention of the light bulb to the development of modern electronics, electricity has been the driving force behind the progress and prosperity of the modern world.One of the most significant impacts of electricity is its role in illuminating our homes and businesses. Prior to the widespread adoption of electric lighting, candles, oil lamps, and gas lights werethe primary sources of illumination, often providing a dim and flickering light. The invention of the incandescent light bulb by Thomas Edison in the late 19th century revolutionized the way we perceive and interact with our surroundings. Suddenly, we had access to a reliable, efficient, and adjustable source of light that could be easily controlled and distributed.The availability of electric lighting has not only enhanced our daily lives but also played a crucial role in shaping the urban landscape. Cities and towns have been transformed, with streets, buildings, and public spaces illuminated with a consistent and reliable glow, allowing for extended working hours, safer nighttime activities, and a more vibrant social and cultural life.Beyond lighting, electricity has become the backbone of modern communication and information technology. The development of electrical devices, such as telephones, radios, and televisions, has revolutionized the way we connect with one another and access information. The advent of the internet and digital technologies has further amplified the power of electricity, enabling instantaneous global communication, the exchange of vast amounts of data, and the creation of a digital ecosystem that permeates every aspect of our lives.In the realm of transportation, electricity has also made significantstrides. The rise of electric vehicles, powered by rechargeable batteries, has presented a more sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional gasoline-powered cars. These advancements not only reduce our carbon footprint but also offer a quieter and more efficient mode of transportation, contributing to the overall quality of life in our communities.The importance of electricity extends beyond the realm of personal and domestic use. In the industrial and commercial sectors, electricity has become the lifeblood of production, powering a wide range of machinery, equipment, and processes that drive economic growth and productivity. From manufacturing plants to data centers, the reliable and efficient supply of electricity is crucial for the functioning of modern businesses and the global economy.In the healthcare industry, electricity plays a vital role in powering life-saving medical equipment, from diagnostic tools to life-support systems. The ability to deliver consistent and uninterrupted electricity has become a matter of life and death, ensuring that healthcare providers can deliver the best possible care to patients in need.The impact of electricity on our daily lives extends even to the realm of entertainment and leisure. From the ubiquitous television sets and gaming consoles to the increasingly popular smart home devices, electricity has become the foundation upon which we build ourpersonal and social experiences. Whether it's watching a movie, playing a video game, or controlling our home environment with the touch of a button, electricity has transformed the way we engage with and enjoy our free time.In the face of growing concerns about environmental sustainability and the need to reduce our carbon footprint, the role of electricity has become even more crucial. The development of renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power, has opened up new avenues for generating electricity in a more sustainable and eco-friendly manner. These advancements not only help mitigate the impact of climate change but also demonstrate the versatility and adaptability of electricity as a power source.As we look to the future, the importance of electricity will only continue to grow. With the rise of emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, robotics, and the Internet of Things, the demand for reliable and efficient electricity will only increase. The ability to harness and manage this vital resource will be a key factor in shaping the technological and societal advancements of the 21st century.In conclusion, electricity has become the cornerstone of modern life, permeating every aspect of our existence. From illuminating our homes and powering our communication devices to drivingindustrial progress and shaping the future of transportation and healthcare, electricity has transformed the way we live, work, and interact with the world around us. As we continue to explore new frontiers and tackle the challenges of the future, the crucial role of electricity will only become more apparent, solidifying its status as an indispensable component of our modern way of life.。



The significance of a festival of lights transcends mere illumination it is a celebration of culture,community,and creativity.Such events are not just about the dazzling displays that light up the night sky but also about the stories they tell,the connections they forge,and the emotions they evoke.In many cultures around the world,festivals of lights hold a special place in the hearts of people.They are occasions that bring families and communities together,fostering a sense of unity and shared joy.For instance,the Diwali festival in India is a prime example of how a festival of lights can be a beacon of hope and prosperity.It is a time when people celebrate the victory of light over darkness,symbolizing the triumph of good over evil.The streets are adorned with colorful lanterns,and homes are lit with oil lamps called diyas,creating a warm and inviting atmosphere.The importance of a festival of lights also lies in its ability to showcase the creativity and craftsmanship of the people.The lanterns,decorations,and light installations are often handcrafted,reflecting the artistic talents and cultural heritage of the community.In cities like Lyon,France,the Fête des Lumières is a testament to the ingenuity of local artists and designers.The festival transforms the city into a canvas of light,with installations that range from whimsical to thoughtprovoking,drawing visitors from around the world.Moreover,festivals of lights serve as a platform for social and environmental awareness.They can be used to highlight important issues and inspire positive change.For example,the Earth Hour initiative,whichencourages people to turn off their lights for an hour,has grown into a global movement that raises awareness about climate change and sustainability.Similarly,the Vivid Sydney festival in Australia uses light installations to promote environmental conservation and social justice.The economic impact of a festival of lights should not be underestimated either.These events can boost local economies by attracting tourists, creating jobs,and promoting local businesses.The increase in foot traffic can lead to higher sales for local shops and restaurants,and the publicity generated by the festival can enhance the reputation of the city or region as a tourist destination.Furthermore,festivals of lights can have a profound psychological effect on individuals.The act of lighting a candle or a lamp can be a powerful symbol of hope and renewal.It can provide a moment of reflection and gratitude,encouraging people to appreciate the light in their lives,both literally and metaphorically.This can be particularly significant during times of hardship or uncertainty,offering a sense of comfort and reassurance.In conclusion,the importance of a festival of lights extends far beyond the visual spectacle.It is a celebration of culture,creativity,and community that can inspire,unite,and uplift.It is an opportunity to showcase artistic talent,raise awareness about important issues,and stimulate economic growth.Most importantly,it is a reminder of the power of light to illuminate our lives,both physically and metaphorically.As we gatheraround the glow of a thousand lights,we are reminded of our shared humanity and the potential for brightness in even the darkest of times.。



英语四级节日类作文模板Title: A Template for CET-4 Festival Essay。

Introduction:Festivals are an important part of human culture and have been celebrated for centuries. They are a time for people to come together, celebrate, and create lasting memories. In this essay, we will explore the significance of festivals and their impact on society.Paragraph 1: The Importance of Festivals。

Festivals play a crucial role in bringing people together. They provide an opportunity for individuals to connect with their community, family, and friends. Festivals also serve as a platform for cultural exchange, allowing people to learn about different traditions and customs. Moreover, festivals contribute to the preservation and promotion of cultural heritage, helping to ensure that traditions are passed down from generation to generation.Paragraph 2: The Impact of Festivals on Society。



四级英语关于节日作文模板Title: The Significance of Festivals。

Festivals are an integral part of human culture and tradition. They are celebrated all around the world, and each festival holds its own unique significance. In this essay, we will explore the importance of festivals, their impact on society, and the various ways in which they are celebrated.First and foremost, festivals play a crucial role in preserving and promoting cultural heritage. They provide an opportunity for people to come together and celebrate their shared traditions and values. Through festivals,individuals are able to connect with their roots and gain a deeper understanding of their cultural identity. For example, Chinese New Year is a time when families gather to honor their ancestors and partake in traditional rituals that have been passed down through generations. Similarly, Diwali, the Hindu festival of lights, is a time for peopleto celebrate the victory of light over darkness and to reaffirm their commitment to righteousness.Furthermore, festivals serve as a means of fostering social cohesion and unity. They bring people from diverse backgrounds and communities together, promoting a sense of togetherness and solidarity. During festivals, individuals set aside their differences and come together to celebrate common values and beliefs. This promotes a sense of harmony and understanding among people, fostering a spirit of inclusivity and mutual respect. For instance, the Carnival in Brazil is a time when people from all walks of life come together to revel in the joy of music, dance, and celebration, transcending barriers of class, race, and ethnicity.In addition, festivals provide an economic boost to local communities and businesses. They attract tourists and visitors from far and wide, stimulating economic activity and creating opportunities for local entrepreneurs. Festivals often feature local crafts, traditional cuisine, and cultural performances, providing a platform forartisans and performers to showcase their talents and generate income. This not only contributes to the local economy but also helps in preserving traditional crafts and art forms that are integral to the cultural heritage of a region.Moreover, festivals serve as a means of promoting environmental awareness and sustainability. Many festivals are deeply rooted in nature and are celebrated in harmony with the natural world. For example, the Mid-AutumnFestival in China is a time when people come together to admire the beauty of the full moon and to appreciate the bounty of the harvest season. Similarly, Earth Day is a global festival that aims to raise awareness about environmental issues and promote sustainable living practices. Through festivals, people are reminded of the importance of preserving the environment and living in harmony with nature.Lastly, festivals provide a means of celebrating and passing down religious and spiritual traditions. They serve as a time for people to reflect on their faith, to seekspiritual renewal, and to express gratitude for the blessings in their lives. For example, Christmas is a time when Christians around the world celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and reaffirm their faith in the message of love and compassion. Similarly, Eid al-Fitr is a time when Muslims come together to mark the end of Ramadan, a month of fasting, prayer, and reflection.In conclusion, festivals hold immense significance in human society, serving as a means of preserving cultural heritage, fostering social cohesion, stimulating economic activity, promoting environmental awareness, and celebrating religious and spiritual traditions. They are a testament to the rich diversity of human culture and the universal human need for celebration and connection. As we continue to celebrate festivals, it is important to recognize and appreciate their profound impact on our lives and the world around us.。



烟火对经济的影响英语作文The Impact of Fireworks on the Economy。

Fireworks have been a part of human celebrations for centuries. From ancient China to modern-day America, people have used fireworks to mark special occasions and bring joy to their communities. However, the impact of fireworks extends beyond their ability to entertain and inspire awe.In fact, fireworks have a significant impact on the economy, both locally and globally.One of the most direct economic impacts of fireworks is the revenue generated by their sale. In the United States alone, the fireworks industry is worth billions of dollars. Every year, millions of people purchase fireworks forevents like the Fourth of July, New Year's Eve, and other celebrations. This creates a massive market for fireworks manufacturers and retailers, as well as a source of income for countless individuals and businesses. In addition, the fireworks industry creates jobs for people involved inproduction, distribution, sales, and event management. This means that fireworks not only bring joy to the public, but also contribute to the livelihood of many individuals and families.Moreover, fireworks can also have a positive impact on the tourism industry. Many cities and towns host fireworks displays as part of their holiday celebrations, attracting visitors from near and far. These events can lead to increased tourism revenue for local businesses, such as hotels, restaurants, and shops. In addition, fireworks displays often serve as a focal point for community events, drawing people together and fostering a sense of unity and pride. This sense of community can lead to increased civic engagement and support for local businesses and initiatives.Furthermore, the fireworks industry also has a global impact. Many fireworks are manufactured in countries like China, where they are a significant part of the economy.The production and export of fireworks contribute to the GDP of these countries and provide employment for countless individuals. In addition, the international trade offireworks creates economic opportunities for businesses and workers around the world. This means that the impact of fireworks extends far beyond the borders of any one country, influencing the global economy in a meaningful way.However, it is important to consider the potential negative impacts of fireworks on the economy and the environment. For example, the production and use offireworks can lead to pollution and environmental damage, which may have long-term economic consequences. In addition, the sale and use of fireworks can pose safety risks and impose financial burdens on local governments and emergency services. It is crucial for policymakers and industry leaders to address these challenges and work towards sustainable solutions that balance the economic benefits of fireworks with their potential costs.In conclusion, fireworks have a significant impact onthe economy, both locally and globally. Their production, sale, and use create economic opportunities for individuals and businesses, while also contributing to tourism and community development. However, it is important to considerthe potential negative impacts of fireworks and work towards sustainable solutions that maximize their economic benefits while minimizing their costs. By doing so, we can ensure that fireworks continue to bring joy and prosperity to communities around the world.。



英语四级作文必背模板关于节日Festivals are an important part of every culture and society. They bring people together, create a sense of community, and provide an opportunity to celebrate and honor important events and traditions. In this essay, we will explore the significance of festivals and their impact on individuals and communities.First and foremost, festivals play a crucial role in preserving and promoting cultural heritage. They provide a platform for people to showcase their traditions, customs, and values. For example, Chinese New Year is a time when people come together to celebrate their rich cultural heritage through various activities such as dragon dances, lantern festivals, and traditional food. These celebrations not only help to pass down cultural traditions to future generations but also foster a sense of pride and identity among the community.Furthermore, festivals are a time for people to come together and strengthen social bonds. Whether it's a religious festival, a national holiday, or a community event, festivals provide an opportunity for people to connect with one another, share experiences, and build meaningful relationships. For instance, during the annual Diwali festival in India, families and friends gather to exchange gifts, light fireworks, and share meals, strengthening their social ties and fostering a sense of belonging.In addition, festivals have a significant impact on the economy. They often attract tourists and visitors, which can boost local businesses and stimulate economic growth. For example, the annual Oktoberfest in Germany attracts millions of visitors from around the world, generating substantial revenue for the local economy through the sale of food, drinks, souvenirs, and accommodations. This economic impact not only benefits businesses but also creates job opportunities and supports the overall development of the community.Moreover, festivals provide a much-needed break from the routine of daily life and offer a chance for people to relax, have fun, and enjoy themselves. Whether it's a music festival, a cultural event, or a religious celebration, festivals offer a wide range ofentertainment and activities for people of all ages. For example, the Rio Carnival in Brazil is known for its vibrant parades, samba music, and colorful costumes, providing a lively and joyful atmosphere for both locals and visitors.In conclusion, festivals play a vital role in preserving cultural heritage, strengthening social bonds, boosting the economy, and providing entertainment and enjoyment for people around the world. They are an integral part of our society and contribute to the richness and diversity of our global culture. As we continue to celebrate and honor our traditions and customs, festivals will remain a cherished and essential aspect of our lives.。



电风扇在未来消失的作文英语The Disappearance of Electric Fans in the Future.In a future not too distant, a remarkable shift in technology and environmental consciousness will lead to the gradual disappearance of electric fans, once a ubiquitous household item. This transition, though seemingly minor, is indicative of a larger societal shift towardssustainability and efficiency.The rise of alternative cooling methods is one of the primary reasons for the decline of electric fans. With advancements in building materials and insulation, homes and offices are becoming more energy-efficient, requiring less reliance on external cooling devices. Additionally, the development of smart materials that can regulate temperature based on external conditions is gaining popularity, further reducing the need for traditional fans.The integration of technology and the internet ofthings (IoT) is also playing a crucial role in the demise of electric fans. Smart homes and offices are becoming the norm, with intelligent systems that can learn occupant preferences and automatically adjust temperature and humidity levels. These systems often incorporate sensors and algorithms that can predict and respond to changes in environmental conditions, making fans redundant.Environmental concerns are another significant factor driving the decline of electric fans. With the growing awareness of the impact of climate change, people are becoming more conscious of their energy consumption. Electric fans,。



科技对节日影响英语作文The Influence of Technology on Festivals。

With the rapid development of technology, our liveshave been greatly changed and influenced in various aspects. One of the areas that technology has significantly impacted is festivals. In this essay, we will explore the influenceof technology on festivals from different perspectives.First and foremost, technology has revolutionized the way we celebrate festivals. In the past, people used to celebrate festivals in a traditional way, such as gathering with family and friends, cooking traditional dishes, and participating in cultural activities. However, with the advent of technology, the way we celebrate festivals has drastically changed. Nowadays, people can celebratefestivals through virtual means, such as video calls, live streaming, and social media platforms. This has made it possible for people to celebrate festivals with their loved ones who are far away, breaking the barriers of distanceand time.Furthermore, technology has also transformed the way festivals are promoted and organized. In the past,festivals were mainly promoted through word of mouth, posters, and flyers. However, with the rise of social media and digital marketing, festivals can now be promoted to a wider audience through various online platforms. This has not only increased the visibility of festivals but also attracted more participants and tourists. Additionally, technology has made it easier for festival organizers to manage and organize events, with the help of event management software, online ticketing systems, and crowd control technology.Moreover, technology has also had a profound impact on the way we experience festivals. In the past, people used to rely on traditional means of entertainment during festivals, such as live performances, parades, and cultural exhibitions. However, with the advancement of technology, festivals now offer a wide range of interactive and immersive experiences, such as virtual reality (VR)experiences, augmented reality (AR) installations, anddigital art displays. These technological innovations have added a new dimension to the festival experience, making it more engaging and memorable for participants.On the other hand, while technology has brought about many positive changes to festivals, it has also raised some concerns and challenges. One of the main concerns is the potential loss of traditional cultural values and practices. With the increasing reliance on technology, there is a risk that traditional customs and rituals associated withfestivals may be overshadowed or forgotten. Additionally, there is also a concern about the over-commercialization of festivals, as technology has made it easier for brands and businesses to capitalize on the festive season formarketing and sales purposes.In conclusion, it is evident that technology has had a profound influence on festivals in various aspects. Whileit has brought about many positive changes, it has also raised some concerns and challenges. Therefore, it is important for us to strike a balance between embracingtechnological innovations and preserving the traditional values and practices associated with festivals. Only by doing so can we ensure that festivals continue to hold their cultural significance and bring joy and meaning to people's lives.。

The Festivals Role in Excitement

The Festivals Role in Excitement

The Festivals Role in Excitement Festivals play a significant role in generating excitement and fostering a sense of community among people. The anticipation and preparation for festivals can bring about a heightened sense of excitement and joy, as individuals look forward to the festivities, traditions, and celebrations that come with these events. The impact of festivals on excitement can be observed from various perspectives, including cultural, social, and personal. This essay will explore the multifaceted role of festivals in generating excitement, examining the ways in which these events contribute to the collective and individual experiences of joy and anticipation. From a cultural standpoint, festivals serve as a means of preserving and celebrating traditions that are integral to a community's identity. The anticipation leading up to a festival often involves preparations such as traditional food, music, dance, and attire, all of which contribute to a sense of excitement and anticipation. For example, the vibrant colors, rhythmic beats, and savory aromas associated with the Indian festival of Holi create an atmosphere of exuberance and exhilaration. The build-up to the festival, marked by the purchase of colorful powders and water guns, as well as the planning of social gatherings, generates a palpable sense of excitement among participants. The cultural significance of festivals infuses these events with a profound sense of anticipation and exhilaration, as individuals eagerly await the opportunity to partake in age-old traditions and customs. Moreover, festivals also serve as a catalyst for social interaction and community engagement, further heightening the excitement surrounding these events. The communal nature of festivals fosters a sense of unity and togetherness, as people come together to celebrate and partake in shared experiences. Whether it's the jovial atmosphere of a local street fair or the jubilant crowds at a music festival, the collective excitement generated by these gatherings is palpable. The prospect of connecting with others, sharing in joyful experiences, and creating lasting memories contributes to the heightened sense of anticipation and excitement associated with festivals. Furthermore, the sense of belonging and camaraderie that festivals engender can amplify the emotional impact of these events, making the anticipation and participation in festivals a source of great excitement for many individuals. On a personal level,the anticipation of festivals can evoke a range of emotions, from nostalgia to exhilaration, as individuals prepare to partake in cherished traditions and experiences. For many, festivals serve as an opportunity to reconnect withcultural heritage, family, and friends, evoking a sense of nostalgia and sentimentality. The anticipation of reuniting with loved ones, engaging in festive rituals, and creating new memories can be a source of immense excitement and joy. Additionally, the prospect of indulging in special treats, enjoying live performances, and immersing oneself in the celebratory atmosphere can create a sense of eager anticipation and thrill. The personal significance of festivals, whether tied to religious, familial, or individual traditions, contributes to the excitement and emotional resonance of these events, as people eagerly await the opportunity to partake in meaningful experiences. In conclusion, festivals play a pivotal role in generating excitement, drawing from cultural, social, and personal dimensions to create a sense of anticipation and joy. The cultural significance of festivals, marked by traditions, rituals, and customs, infuses these events with a profound sense of excitement and anticipation. Additionally, the communal nature of festivals fosters a sense of unity and togetherness, amplifying the excitement surrounding these gatherings. On a personal level, the anticipation of festivals can evoke a range of emotions, from nostalgia to exhilaration, as individuals prepare to partake in cherished traditions and experiences. Ultimately, festivals serve as a source of collective and individual excitement, enriching the human experience with joy, anticipation, and a sense of belonging.。



As an English teacher,Id like to guide you on how to write an essay about the favorite festival of students.Heres a detailed outline and some tips to help you get started:Title:Students Favorite FestivalIntroduction:Begin with a general statement about the importance of festivals in our lives. Introduce the topic of the essay,which is the favorite festival among students.Body Paragraphs:1.Festivals in General:Discuss the role of festivals in society,such as cultural celebration,family bonding, and historical remembrance.Mention how festivals vary in different cultures and regions.2.Popular Festivals Among Students:List some of the popular festivals celebrated by students,such as Halloween, Christmas,or Easter.Briefly describe each festival and its significance.3.Why Students Like These Festivals:Explain the reasons why these festivals are popular among students.Discuss the aspects of fun,excitement,and social interaction that make these festivals appealing.4.Personal Experiences:Share personal anecdotes or stories from students about their favorite festivals. Include details about how they celebrate,what they enjoy most,and any memorable moments.5.The Impact of Festivals on Students:Discuss the positive and negative impacts of festivals on students.Consider how festivals can affect students social lives,academic schedules,and cultural understanding.Conclusion:Summarize the main points discussed in the essay.Reiterate the importance of festivals in the lives of students and the joy they bring.Tips for Writing:Use descriptive language to make your essay engaging and vivid.Include specific examples to support your points.Be mindful of your audience and adjust the tone and content accordingly. Proofread your essay for grammar,spelling,and punctuation errors.Remember,the key to a successful essay is to stay focused on the topic,provide clear and concise arguments,and engage your reader with interesting details and a strong conclusion.Happy writing!。



节日的影响英语作文Title: The Impact of Festivals。

Festivals hold significant importance in shaping cultural identities and fostering social cohesion. They play a pivotal role in various aspects of society,including social, economic, and cultural domains. In this essay, we will delve into the impact of festivals on individuals and communities.First and foremost, festivals serve as a means of preserving cultural heritage and traditions. They provide a platform for communities to showcase their unique customs, rituals, and folklore, passing them down from one generation to another. For instance, Chinese New Year festivities feature age-old traditions such as dragon dances, fireworks, and family reunions, reinforcing the cultural fabric of Chinese communities worldwide.Moreover, festivals contribute to the promotion ofsocial unity and harmony. These occasions bring people together, irrespective of their differences, fostering a sense of belonging and solidarity within communities. Whether it's the Diwali celebrations in India or the Oktoberfest in Germany, festivals create opportunities for individuals to bond over shared experiences, thereby strengthening social ties and promoting inclusivity.Additionally, festivals have a profound impact on the economy, particularly in tourism-dependent regions.Tourists flock to destinations during festive seasons to partake in the cultural festivities, thereby stimulating local economies through increased spending on accommodation, food, souvenirs, and entertainment. Take, for instance, the Carnival in Rio de Janeiro, which attracts millions of visitors annually, generating substantial revenue for the city's hospitality and tourism sectors.Furthermore, festivals serve as a catalyst for economic development through the promotion of local arts and crafts. Artisans and craftsmen often showcase their handmade products at festival venues, providing them with a platformto market their wares and generate income. This not only preserves traditional craftsmanship but also boosts thelocal economy by creating employment opportunities and promoting entrepreneurship.On a personal level, festivals have a profound impacton individual well-being and happiness. These celebratory occasions offer moments of joy, relaxation, and escape from the monotony of daily life. Whether it's the exhilarating atmosphere of a music festival or the nostalgic charm of a hometown carnival, festivals evoke positive emotions and create lasting memories for attendees.Moreover, festivals play a crucial role in cultural exchange and mutual understanding among diverse communities. In an increasingly interconnected world, festivals serve as bridges that facilitate cross-cultural dialogue and appreciation. Through participation in multicultural festivals, individuals gain insights into different belief systems, traditions, and lifestyles, fostering empathy, tolerance, and respect for diversity.In conclusion, festivals exert a multifaceted influence on individuals and communities, shaping cultural identities, fostering social cohesion, stimulating economic growth, and promoting intercultural understanding. As we continue to celebrate these age-old traditions, let us recognize and cherish the profound impact they have on our lives and societies.。

The Festivals Impact on Local Economies

The Festivals Impact on Local Economies

"The Festivals Impact on LocalEconomies"The impact of festivals on local economies is a topic of great significanceand interest. Festivals have the potential to significantly influence the economic landscape of a community, bringing in revenue, creating job opportunities, and boosting local businesses. However, the impact is not always straightforward and can vary depending on various factors such as the scale of the festival, the type of festival, and the level of community involvement. In this discussion, we will explore the multifaceted impact of festivals on local economies, considering both the positive and negative aspects. One of the most notable ways in whichfestivals impact local economies is through the influx of tourism and spending. Festivals often attract visitors from outside the community, leading to anincrease in tourism-related spending on accommodation, dining, shopping, and other services. This surge in economic activity can provide a significant boost to local businesses, particularly those in the hospitality and retail sectors. Additionally, festivals can create opportunities for local entrepreneurs and artisans to showcase and sell their products, further contributing to the local economy. Moreover, festivals can also have a positive impact on job creation within the community. The planning and execution of a festival require a diverse range ofskills and expertise, leading to the creation of temporary and sometimes permanent employment opportunities. From event management and logistics to security and hospitality, festivals often require a large workforce, providing jobopportunities for local residents. Furthermore, the increased demand for goods and services during festivals can also lead to temporary employment in various sectors, thereby contributing to the overall economic vitality of the community. However,it is important to acknowledge that the impact of festivals on local economies is not always uniformly positive. While large-scale festivals may bring insignificant revenue, they can also place a strain on local infrastructure and resources. The influx of visitors can lead to congestion, increased demand for public services, and potential environmental impact. Additionally, the temporary nature of employment generated by festivals may not always translate tosustainable economic growth for the community. Furthermore, the financial burden of hosting a festival can also be a point of contention. The costs associated with organizing and managing a festival, including security, marketing, and infrastructure, can place a strain on local government budgets. In some cases, the financial investment required to host a festival may outweigh the economic benefits, leading to a net loss for the community. It is essential for local authorities to carefully consider the cost-benefit analysis of hosting a festival and ensure that it aligns with the long-term economic goals of the community. In conclusion, the impact of festivals on local economies is a complex and multifaceted issue. While festivals have the potential to stimulate economic growth, create job opportunities, and showcase local culture and talent, they also present challenges such as resource strain and financial burden. It is crucial for communities to carefully evaluate the potential impact of festivals and implement strategic planning to maximize the economic benefits while mitigating potential drawbacks. Ultimately, a well-executed festival can be a powerful tool for economic development and community enrichment.。



电灯泡的好处英语作文The Benefits of Electric Light Bulbs.The electric light bulb, a seemingly ordinary invention, has revolutionized our lives in numerous ways. Its impacton society is immense, spanning from the domestic sphere to industrial and commercial applications. The advent of the electric light bulb has brought about significant changesin our daily lives, making them safer, more convenient, and more productive.First and foremost, the electric light bulb has enabled us to extend our activities beyond the natural limits of daylight. In the past, people were largely confined to daylight hours for their work and social activities. The coming of the electric light bulb shattered these constraints, allowing us to work and play well into the evening and even deep into the night. This has had profound effects on our work culture, enabling round-the-clock operations in factories, hospitals, and other institutions.It has also led to the development of a vibrant nightlife, with cities coming alive at night with various entertainment and cultural activities.Moreover, the electric light bulb has provided a reliable and efficient source of lighting. Unlike传统的照明方式, such as candles and oil lamps, which were prone to accidents and fluctuations in brightness, electric light bulbs offer a consistent and stable source of light. They are also safer to use, as they eliminate the risk of fire and other hazards associated with traditional lighting methods. This reliability and efficiency have made electric light bulbs an indispensable part of modern life.The widespread use of electric light bulbs has also led to significant improvements in productivity. In the workplace, well-lit environments have been found to enhance concentration and reduce eye strain, thus increasing work efficiency. Similarly, in the home, good lighting has been shown to improve the quality of life by enhancing reading, writing, and other domestic tasks. The electric light bulb has thus become a key factor in enhancing overallproductivity in both the domestic and professional spheres.Moreover, the development of the electric light bulb has been a catalyst for technological advancements in other fields. The research and development efforts that led to the improvement of the light bulb have spurred innovations in materials science, electricity generation and distribution, and other related fields. These advancements have had a ripple effect, leading to further technological breakthroughs that have transformed our lives in numerous ways.In addition, the electric light bulb has also had a profound impact on the environment. By providing a clean and efficient source of lighting, it has helped to reduce the dependence on traditional lighting methods that often relied on fossil fuels. This reduction in fossil fuel usage has had positive effects on reducing air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, thus contributing to the global effort to mitigate climate change.In conclusion, the electric light bulb has broughtabout remarkable changes in our lives,transforming the way we work, play, and interact with our environment. Its benefits are numerous, ranging from the extension of daylight hours to improved productivity and environmental sustainability. As we continue to advance technologically, the electric light bulb remains a fundamental building block of modern society, illuminating our path forward into a brighter and more prosperous future.。

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Journal of Sou theast U niversity (Eng lish Edition ) V o l .24,Sup ,pp.94-98J une 2008 ISSN 1003—7985Impact of festival factor on electric quantity m ultip licationforecast m odelC he n J ianhua1,2 Sun J ingchun 1 H ou J unhu 2(1School of M anage m ent ,X i πan J iaotong U niversity,X i πan 710049,C hi na )(2H uadian Po w er Int e rnationa l Corpora tion L i m ited,Jinan 250001,Ch i na)A b stract:Th is research ai ms to i mp rove the fo recasting p recision of electric quantity .It is d iscovered that the to tal electricity consump tion considerably increased during the Sp ring Festival by the analysis of theelectric quantity ti m e series from 2002to 2007in Shandong p rovince .The festival factor is ascertained to be one of the i mpo rtant seasonal factors affecting the electric quantity fluctuations,and the mu ltip lication model fo r fo recasting is i mp roved by introducing co rrespond ing variab les and parameters .The comp utational results indicate that the average relative erro r of the new model decreases from 4131%to 1193%and the m ax i mum relative erro r from 14105%to 6152%co mp ared w ith those of the m odel w hen the festival facto r is no t considered.It show s that in troducing the festival factor into the m ulti p lication m odel for electric quantity fo recasting eviden tly i mp roves the p recision .K ey word s:fo recast ;electric p o w er p roduction;tendency;seasonal p eriods ;mu ltip lication model Rece i ved 2008203210.F T F R B f y f S X πU y,N N S F f (N 3)B y (6—),,,,j @Electric p ow er is c ritica l fo r the national w elfa r e and the p eop le πs livelihoo d .E lectricity u se is res trictedp artly in C h ina,esp ecially in pow er u tilization c li m ax [1].Po w er gene r a tion b eco m es one of the i mp o rtan t bo ttle 2n ecks in the developm en t of the C hinese eco nom y [2].E lec tric p ow er consump tion is deter m ined by th e p ow e rg ene r a tion cap ac ity and the pow er u tilization load .Fo recas ts of electric quantity can serve as a r efe r ence not on ly fo r the resou r ce requ ire m ent a rran ge m en t of electric p ow e r sou r ces,such as coal,o il,atom ic fue l e tc .,bu t also fo r d ecis ion 2m akers of electric p ow e r cons tr u ction .So it is sig nifican t to cons tr uc t a fo recasting m odel based on a ti m e se ries for a reasonable arr ange m en t of e lec tric pow er in dustry dev elopm en t .Chen et al .[3]p ointed ou t that the accu racy of the fo recast m ode l is ev iden tly influen ced by th e backg round v alue o f GM (1,1)fro m m ode ling m echan is m and further p oin ted o ut that the backgrou nd va lue fr om linear func 2tion in ter p o lation and the G auss ian for m u la can effec tiv ely i m p r ov e the forecast accu racy .J iang et al .[4]studiedthe fo recas t m odel of electric p ow er p roduction in Ch ina .A cco r d ing to the comp lete ti m e series of electric p ow e r p roduc tion in C h ina,the A R I M A m o del for p ow er generation is estab lished b y com p arative analy sis .A lthough these s tud ies h ave found tha t the p henom ena and regu larity occu r in the p eriod icity of an e lec tric quantity ti m e se 2ries,w hich is influenced b y sp ecial facto rs su ch as the festiv al facto r .N o fu rther exp lana tion has been b rough t o u t .Yan g et al .[5]in tr o duced g r ay syste m theo ry fo r fo recas ting the p ow er g eneration of hyd rau lic p o w er p lan ts in the fu tu r e,based on w h ich the GM (1,1)g r ay fo recas t m od el is es tab lished fo r fo r ecas ting electric p ow e r co n 2sum p tion in the past y ears fo r a d istrict,the resu lts are co nsis tent w ith the p ractice .W an g e t al .[6]analy zed thefea tu r es o f p o w er generation in S han dong p rov ince and b r ou gh t fo r w a r d th e m ulti p lica tion m ode l ,in w h ich slidedm o ving average m eans are decomp osed in to trend ter m an d cy cle ter m.Zh ang et a l .[7]a pp lied second orde r sy m 2m e try s lided m eans to ex trac t the tren d te r m ,and fu rther ap p lied the cong ruence m odel to ex tr act the cycle te r m and r andom ter m.Th e ins tance in p ractice is calcu lated from the ti m e series o f Shanghai .From the abov e re 2search,th e comm on m odels fo r p ow er generation fo recast are GM (1,1)m ode l ,A R I M A m odel and m u lti p lica 2tion m ode l .Th e m os t accu rate m odel fo r fo recas ting e lec tric quan tity h as no t been decided .D iffe r en t sa m p le da ta b rings ab out d ifferen t conc lusions b ecause th e p r om in en t d iffer ence of calcu lation resu lts and fo recas t err o r .It is sh o w n that m u lti p lication m od el is b etter th an A R I MA m odel by the ca lcu la tio n sa mp le in Ref .[6].B u t theoun da t i on i t e m s:he o recasting esearch as e o C hinese Academ o ciences in i an J i aotong n i versit the ati onal at u ral ci ence oundati on o Ch i na o.7077091.i ograp h :C hen J ianhua 190m ale graduate sen i o r engineer hou h hdp i .above r esea r ch neglected the influen ce o f o ther i m p o rtan t facto r s,such as fes tival,w h ich sho uld n o t be om itted d ue to eviden t influence on the fo recast p rec isio n .O n the basis of the electric quan tity ti m e series from 2002to 2007in Shandon g p rovince ,the featu res of concen trated p ow e r consump tion in the Sp ring Fes tiv al is ana lyzed,w h ich influ ences the g r ow th and p eriod icity .In o r de r to increase the fo recas t p r ecis ion,the co rrespo nd ing variab les and para m eters are in trod uced to i mp rove the m u ltip lication m ode l based on the p rom inen t inf luen ce of the Sp ring Fes tival to electric q uan tity g row ing fluc 2tua tion,an d the com p utational resu lts show the va lid ity of the m odel .1 D a ta a nd Fea tu re A na lysisIn this research,the e lectric quan tity fo recast of Sh ando ng p rov ince is used as an exa m p le to exp lain the in 2fluen ce o f the Sp ring Fes tival to m u ltip lication fo recas t m odel .Pow e r generation of S hand ong p rov ince is d evel 2op ed rap id ly bu t m ain ly dep end s on ther m al p ow er generation,w here de m an d exceeds supp ly in som e cases and v ise versa in o ther cases,w h ich is si m ilar to the o ther p r ov inces of Ch ina .T he p ow er generatio n is res tric ted by m any facto rs such as the p r o duction cap ac ity,ind ustrial p roduc tio n cond ition and p eop le πs liv ing co nd itio ns,etc .and the inf luence from these facto rs to p o w er g ene r a tion is ve r y co m p licated .The 64d ata (from January 2002to A p ril 2007)in p o w er generation m on th ly re p o rt are used to bu ild the m u lti p lication fo recas t m o del,w h ich can be u sed to fo recas t the electric quan tity from M ay to D ece m be r 2007.The da ta curves f r om J an uary 2002to A p ril 2007in Shandon g p rov ince are show n in Fig .1and Fig .2,w h ich a r e d ra w n from the p u blished pow er generation m on th ly re p o rt .Th ere ar e t w o m ain featu res in the cu rves .T he first tendency featu re is that along w ith r efo r m of the social eco nom ic s tr u ctu r e and i m p rovem en t of the p eop le πs liv in g leve l ,the w hole trend of electric quan tity is increasing desp ite o f the flu ctuation of electric quan ti 2ty.T he second is that p eriod icity is 12m on th s w hich is inf luen ced by season,co al p rices and other fac to r s.F i g .1 The trend of e lec tric quantit y change in S handong F i g .2 T he pe riodicity of electric quantity2 Fo rec ast M ode l and Pa ram e te rsThe m u ltip lication m od el can be used fo r the changes and trend s of e lec tric quan tity w ith season πs p eriod icity and tr end p atte r n.Y t =G t P t E t(1)w here Y t is the e lectric quan tity ob se r v ation va lue of the t 2th m on th;G t is the trend co m p onen t of e lec tric quantity o bservation value of the t 2th m onth;P t is the p eriodic com pon en t o f electric quantity observation value of the t 2th m o nth;and E t is the ran do m no ise of ze r o m ean,w h ich includes m easure m en t noise or m o del e rro r .T i m e t,y ea r i and m on th j m ee t the rela tional exp r ession as fo llow s:t =(i -1)×12+j (2)w here i =1,2,∗,N ,N is the year of observation da ta ;j =1,2,∗,12.211 Calcu lation s tep oneCa lcu latio n s tep one is tren d te r m ex traction an d p erio d ter m sepa r a tion .L et m on th ly electric quan tity series be Y 1,Y 2,∗,Y t ,an d T is th e leng th of the series w h ich is the p roduct o f yea r s N of ob servation data series and th e m o nthly cycles num be r 12of electric qu an tity tha t is to say T =N T f x πf 59I mpact of f e stival fact or on electric quantity m ulti p licati on f orecast model 12.he slided m ov ing average m eans can be used o r trend term e traction w h ich d oes no t inclu de season sluctua tion .G t+6=124∑11j=0Yt+j+∑11j=0Yt+1+j t =1,2,3,∗,T,∗,12(3)Fr om Eq .(3),w e can see it is equ id istance sh ifting average d ig ital filtering and the p e riod w h ich is 12and the cen ter of w hich is t .A fter filterin g d ig ital G t does no t con ta in pe riod ic comp o nen t .The ti m e series G t ofequ id is tance sh ifting average show s be tter g row th tr end .T he ob served d ata can be m odeled after the trend te r m d ecomp os itio n .Th e p olynom ial trend,the lin ea l trend,and th e expon en tial tren d etc .can be extracted accord ing to the trend te r m an d curve fea ture .A s the data o f the e lectric quan tity has Shandon g p rov ince fea ture,the p oly 2n o m ial regression is app lied .G t =∑ki =0b iti+η(4)w here ηis th e noise,and the structu ral pa r am ete r o r de r of p olynom ial k can ob tain its regress ion p ara m e ter based o n fitting leas t square esti m a te .In o r d er to show the inf luen ce o f p eriod ic co m p onen t to the m odel,E q .(1)can be teased ou t the seasonal p erio d te r m acco m p anied w ith no ise after the trend ter m ex tr action.P t E t =Y t /G t t =1,2,∗,T(5)A cco r d in g to the data an d the cu rve featu re of P t (w h ich is si m ilar to tha t of Y t )the seasonal p erio d ter m can b e exp r essed asP ^t =α0+α1t +β1C 1,t +∗+β11C 11,t +u (6a )w here t =1,2,∗,T ;u is the no ise;α0,α1are the co efficien ts of the m ultinom ia l ;β1,∗,β11are th e influ encefac to r s of every m on th .C 1,t =0 Equals 1in Janua ry,0in othe r months1C 2,t =0 Equals 1in February,0in other m onths 1C 11,t =0 Equals 1in Nove m ber,0in othe r months 1C 12,t is linearly exp ressed b y C 1,t ,C 2,t ∗C 11,t ;C 12,t =1-C 1,t -C 2,t -∗-C 11,t .If the inf luen ce o f the Sp ring Fes tival to m on th ly data is co nsid er ed,the fo recas t equa tion of p eriod icity com pon en t of the m o del can be m o dif ied asP ^t =α0+α1t +β1C 1,t +∗+β11C 11,t +β13C 13,t +u (6b)w here t =1,2,∗,T;u is the no ise ;α0,α1a r e the coeffic ien ts of the m u ltino m ial ;β1∗β11are the influ ence fac 2to rs o f ev er y m on th;β13is the v irtual v ariab le w h ich exp resses the influ ence of the Sp ring Fes tival to e lectric q uan tity .Eq.(6b )add s be low eq uation w h ich is d ifferen t f r om Eq.(6a).C 13,t =0 Equals 1if the Sp ring Fest ival in t 2th month,and 0if no t 1212 Calcu lation s tep 2Ca lcu latio n s tep 2is th e fo recast m ode l es tab lishm en t .21211 D ata p r ep arationThe fo recast m odel is es tab lished based o n the data of 64m on ths (from Januar y 2002to A p ril 2007)in Fig .1and the m odel is used fo r electric quantity forecas t fro m January 2002to A p ril 2007.Then the o bse r ved data are u sed fo r comp arison w ith the fo recas t data b y the m odel b ased on w hich the m odel can be analyzed and evaluated.The lacking 12d ata (1to 6ite m s and 59to 64ite m s)of G t series caused by slided m o vin g average a r e n ee 2d ed befo r e the seasonal p eriod ter m (P t ×E t )accomp anied w ith no ise is o bta ined therefo r e the reg r ession equation o f G t m us t be estab lished first .I n th is p ap er the cub ic p o lynom ia l reg ress ion are p r ov ed to be be tter for fitting a 2m o ng firs t o r de r to seven o r d er po ly no m ial reg r essio n w h ich is used for the reg ress ion m odel es tab lishm ent .G ^=166+163+153+13()S ff y f 2I f G y y f f G f 69Chen Jianhua,Sun J ingchun,and Hou Junhu t 9494918810098281t 00090088t 20000109494t7a uch a reg ress ion m odel can b e used to g et back th e absen t data and e ectivel o recast the trend com p o n en t .t is p ro ved that ti m e series data o t is accu rate b cub ic p o l nom ial reg ression o recast m odel o t romcalcu lation and an alys is and the average err o r is on ly0162175337%.If the influ ence fac tor of the Sp ring Festiva l is cons idered,the fo llow ing trend com p onen t r eg ress ion m odel o f m on th ly data a m endm ent m od el can be ob tained by the abov e m eans.G ^t=94196649188+11060983281t+010********t2+010********t3(7b)212.2 The p erio d icity com p onen t P t d isp osal Fir s t seek P1,P2,∗,P T based o n E q.(6a).L etX=11C1,1C2,1∗C11,112C1,2C2,2∗C11,2……………1T C1,TC2,T∗C11,T(8a)θ=[α,α1,β1,∗,β11]T(9a)If the influ ence factors of the Sp ring Festiva l is co nside r ed the calculation p rocess of p eriodical com p onen t reg ression equation a r e required to be r egu lated.X=11C1,1C2,1∗C11,1C13,112C1,2C2,2∗C11,2C13,2………………1T C1,TC2,T∗C11,TC13,T(8b)θ=[α,α1,β1,∗,β11,β13]T(9b)P=[P1,P2,∗,PT]T(10)μ=[μ1,μ2,∗,μT]T(11)T hen the fo llow ing equatio n can b e ob tain ed based on Eq s.(6a),(6b),(8a),(8b),(9a),(9b)and(10).P=Xθ+μ(12) T he leas t square esti m ate ofθin Eqs.(9a)and(9b)isθ^=(X T X)-1X T P(13) T hat is to say if the influence facto rs o f the Sp ring Fes tival are n ot cons idered: θ^=[11081788328,-010********,-010********,-01211804473,-010********, -010********,-010********,-01110601032,-010********,-010********,-01114327353,-01104339689,-010********]TA nd if the influ ence factors of the Sp ring Festiva l a r e cons ide r ed: θ^=[11081771341,-010********,-010********,-01117430655,-010********, -010*******-010********,-01110599752,-010********,-010********,-0111432606,-01104338535,-010********,-01113245789]T he n oise es ti m ate can b e ob tained co m b ined w ith Eq s.(5),(6a)an d(6b).E^t=(Pt Et)/P^t(14)T he fo r ecast m o del of m on th ly electric quan tity can be ob tained based on Eqs.(1)and(6a).Y^t=(94196649188+11060983281t+010********t2+010********t3)(11081788328-010********t-010********C1,t -01211804473C2,t-010********C3,t-010********C4,t -010********C5,t-01110601032C6,t-010********C7,t-010********C8,t -01114327353C9,t-01104339689C10,t-010********C11,t)(15a)T he fo r ecast m o del of m on th ly electric quan tity can be ob tained based on Eqs.(1)and(6b).Y^t=(94196649188+11060983281t+010********t2+010********t3)(1108177152951353-0100016932649012118t-01042604572380761C1,t-01117430760331583C2,t -01039044186279719C3,t-010942272421840445C4,t-010953947754785387C5,t -01110599819133381C6,t-010262130425929894C7,t-15536,136336,133666,1366665,135563,(5)2,y q(5)(5)79I mpact of f e stival fact or on electric quantity m ulti p licati on f orecast model0018898028191C8t -011421028191C9t-010********C10t-007007821987C11t -011248220178C1t1bt m on th Januar2002is m a rk ed1in E s.1a and1b.89Chen Jianhua,Sun J ingchun,and Hou JunhuThe electric quantity of an y m on th in S han dong p rov ince can be o btained fro m J anua r y2002based o n the fo r ecas t equ ations(15a)and(15b).T he err o r of forecast equation is show n in Tab.1.Ta b.1 Rela tive e rror comparison of co m put a tional resu lts% R el ative error S pri ng Festival i s not incl uded Sp ring Fes tival is incl udedA verage4131511938M ax i m um14105615213 ConclusionFr om the results of f or eca st analysis,high for eca st prec ision of the f orecast model is obta ined de s p ite the sa m2 ple f or f or eca st is compa r a tively less.It is indicated that the average r e lative e rr or of the ne w model decrease s fr om 4131%t o1193%and the maxi m u m rela tive err or fr om14105%to6152%co mpa ring with the mode l of which the influence f actor of the Spring Fe stival is not conside r ed.The p r ecisi on of the f or eca st a lgorithm is comparative high which is not only fit f or electric quantity f oreca st of Shandong pr ovince but als o f or the other pr ovinces.The f orecast a lgorithm has t wo m ain features,one fea tur e is si mp le and the other is ef fective,and the f orecast algorithm is of sig2 nificance in p ractice f or other short ti me series f or ecast which contains trend and pe ri odicity.A cknowledgementsW e are grateful to Guan Kui wei and Hu B aiye at Xiπan Jiaot ong Unive rsity.R eferences[1]A dam s F G,Shach m urove Y.M odeling and forecasting energy consu m ption in C hina:i m p lications for Chinese energy de m andand i mports in2020[J].Ene rgy E cono m ics,2008,30(3):126321278.[2]Y uan J i ahai,Kang J iangang,Z hao Changhong,et al.Ene rgy consu m ption and econo m ic gro w th:evidence fro m China a t bothaggrega t ed and disaggregated leve l s[J].Energy Econo m i 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