托福寄分的基本技巧1.先进入托福的官网H://toefl.etest/cn并登陆2.进入页面之后左面菜单里面的查看已注册信息3. 点开之后可以查看你所有考试的信息,类似于以下状态。
确定自己要寄送的是哪次考试成绩,然后点击成绩单收件人右边的增送4. 之后显示信息如下需要学生填写的机构代码,这个机构代码就是代表你要申请学校的代码,有两种途径可以知道你申请学校的代码是什么,第一种途径,在该页面机构代码对话框下面点击查找学校机构代码,之后会跳转一个页面,里面有所有学校的代码,可以根据国家、州进行查询,第二种途径,直接到想要申请院校的官方网站的ADMISSION页面进行ETS CODE查询。
然后是右边专业的,其实这个是选填的,不是非必须的,都填好了就如下图所示:之后就是点下面的增送就好了5. 之后的页面就是一个确认信息,核实好自己的送分代码是否制定为自己想要的学校,然后再确认好研究生和院系,没有问题就直接点击确认6. 然后就直接跳转页面了,如下图所示这样就代表这所学校的寄送已经完成了。
7. 如果你想确认一下自己都寄出了几所院校,可以再点回首页还是点击左边菜单查看已注册信息跳转到相应的考试信息这次直接点击成绩单收件人右边的查看之后,你就可以看到之前寄出的所有成绩了。
美国综合大学托福/SAT送分代码排名学校名称托福/SAT寄送代码1Princeton University 普林斯顿大学26722Harvard University 哈佛大学34343Yale University 耶鲁大学39873University of Chicago 芝加哥大学21165Columbia University 哥伦比亚大学18325Stanford University 斯坦福大学47047Massachusetts Institute of Technology 麻省理工学院35148Duke University 杜克大学51568University of Pennsylvania 宾夕法尼亚大学292610Johns Hopkins University 约翰霍普金斯大学533211Dartmouth College 达特茅斯学院335112California Institute of Technology 加州理工学院403412Northwestern University 西北大学156514Brown University 布朗大学309415University of Notre Dame 圣母大学184115Cornell University 康奈尔大学209815Vanderbilt University 范德堡大学187115Rice University 莱斯大学660919Washington University in St.Louis 圣路易斯华盛顿大学692920University of CaliforniaBerkley 加州大学伯克利分校483320Emory University 埃默里大学518720Georgetown University 乔治城大学524423University of Southern California 南加州大学485224卡内基梅隆大学Carnegie Mellon University207424加州大学洛杉矶校区University of California–Los Angeles 483724弗吉尼亚大学University of Virginia582027塔夫斯大学Tufts University390127密西根大学安娜堡校区University of Michigan–Ann Arbor 183927维克森林大学Wake Forest University588530北卡大学教堂山校University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill 581631波士顿学院Boston College308332威廉玛丽学院The College of William and Mary511532罗切斯特大学University of Rochester292834布兰迪斯大学Brandeis University309234佐治亚理工学院Georgia Institute of Technology524836纽约大学New York University256237凯斯西储大学Case Western Reserve University110537加州大学圣塔芭芭拉校区University of California–Santa Barbara 483539波士顿大学Boston University308739东北大学Northeastern University366739伦斯勒理工学院Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute275739杜兰大学Tulane University683239加州大学欧文校区University of California–Irvine 485944里海大学Lehigh University236544加州大学戴维斯校区University of California–Davis 483444加州大学圣地亚哥校区University of California–San Diego483644伊利诺伊香槟大学University of Illinois–Urbana-Champaign183644迈阿密大学University of Miam581544威斯康辛麦迪逊大学University of Wisconsin–Madison184650宾州州立大学帕克分校Pennsylvania State University–University Park 266050佩伯代因大学Pepperdine University463050佛罗里达大学University of Florida581250维拉诺瓦大学Villanova University295954俄亥俄州立大学哥伦布校区Ohio State University–Columbus 159254华盛顿大学University of Washington485456乔治华盛顿大学George Washington University524656南卫理公会大学Southern Methodist University666056乔治亚大学University of Georgia581356德州大学奥斯汀分校University of Texas–Austin688260福特汉姆大学Fordham University225960普渡大学西拉法耶校区Purdue University–West Lafayette 163160雪城大学Syracuse University282360康涅狄格大学University of Connecticut391560马里兰大学帕克分校University of Maryland–College Park 581460伍斯特理工Worcester Polytechnic Institute396966克莱姆森大学Clemson University511166叶史瓦大学Yeshiva University299068杨百翰大学普罗沃分校Brigham Young University–Provo401968匹兹堡大学University of Pittsburgh292770罗格斯大学新伯朗克校区Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey–New Brunswick 276571贝勒大学Baylor University603271斯蒂文斯理工学院Stevens Institute of Technology281971明尼苏达大学双城分校University of Minnesota–Twin Cities687474美国大学American University500774克拉克大学Clark University327974德州农工大学Texas A&M University–College Station 600374麻省大学阿姆赫斯特分校University of Massachusetts--Amherst 391774弗吉尼亚理工学院Virginia Tech585979迈阿密大学牛津分校Miami University–Oxford146379加州大学圣克鲁兹分校University of California–Santa Cruz 486079特拉华大学University of Delaware581182科罗拉多矿业大学Colorado School of Mines407382密歇根州立大学Michigan State University146582德克萨斯基督大学Texas Christian University682082爱荷华大学University of Iowa668186纽约州立大学宾汉姆顿大学Binghamton University–SUNY 253586印第安纳大学伯明顿分校Indiana University–Bloomington 132486马凯特大学Marquette University144886丹佛大学University of Denver484286圣地亚哥大学University of San Diego484986塔尔萨大学University of Tulsa688392佛罗里达州立大学Florida State University521992北卡来罗纳州立大学North Carolina State University--Raleigh 549692科罗拉多大学伯德分校University of Colorado–Boulder 484192佛蒙特大学University of Vermont392096德雷赛尔大学Drexel University219496圣路易斯大学St. Louis University662996纽约大学石溪分校Stony Brook University–SUNY 254899奥本大学Auburn University100599芝加哥洛约拉大学Loyola University Chicago141299纽约州立大学环境科学与林业科学学院SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry 253099纽约州立大学布法罗分校University at Buffalo--SUNY2925美国文理学院托福/SAT送分代码1威廉姆斯学院Williams College39652安默斯特学院Amherst College30033威尔斯利学院Wellesley College28214明德学院Middlebury College39574斯沃斯莫尔学院Swarthmore College 28216鲍登学院Bowdoin College30897卡尔顿学院Carleton College60817波莫纳学院Pomona College46079克莱蒙特麦肯纳学院Claremont McKenna College 40549戴维逊学院Davidson College515011华盛顿与李大学Washington and Lee University 588712科尔比学院Colby College208612科尔盖特大学Colgate University208612汉密尔顿学院Hamilton College228612哈弗福德学院Haverford College228912史密斯学院Smith College376212美国海军学院United States Naval Academy ------12瓦萨学院Vassar College295619格林内尔学院Grinnell College625219美国军事学院The United States Military Academy ------21哈维姆德学院Harvey Mudd College434121卫斯理大学Wesleyan University395923斯克利普斯学院Scripps College469324科罗拉多学院Colorado College407224马卡莱斯特学院Macalester College639024欧柏林学院Oberlin College158727巴纳德学院Barnard College203827贝茨学院Bates College307627凯尼恩学院Kenyon College137027里士满大学University of Richmond 556931布林茅尔学院Bryn Mawr College204932巴克内尔大学Bucknell University205032圣十字学院College of the Holy Cross328232匹兹学院Pitzer College461932美国空军学院United States Air Force Academy ------36拉法叶特学院Lafayette College236136曼荷莲学院Mount Holyoke College 352938斯基德莫尔学院Skidmore College 281538三一学院Trinity College389938联合学院Union College292041迪金森学院Dickinson College 218641创价大学Soka University of America406641惠特曼学院Whitman College495144森特学院Centre College110944西方学院Occidental College458144罗德学院Rhodes College173047富兰克林马歇尔学院Franklin and Marshall College 226147西沃恩南方大学Sewanee–University of the South 184249巴德学院Bard College203750康涅狄格学院Connecticut College328451丹尼森大学Denison University116451盖茨堡学院Gettysburg College227553迪堡大学DePauw University116653傅尔曼大学Furman University522253圣约翰学院St. John's College(MD) 116653圣劳伦斯大学St. Lawrence University280553圣奥拉夫学院St. Olaf College663853托马斯阿奎那斯学院Thomas Aquinas College 482859莎拉劳伦斯学院Sarah Lawrence College 281060伯里亚学院Berea College106060劳伦斯大学Lawrence University139862比洛特学院Beloit College105962伍斯特学院College of Wooster113462惠顿学院马萨诸塞分校Wheaton College (MA)190565霍巴特和威廉姆史密斯学院Hobart and William Smith Colleges 229465默兰伯格学院Muhlenberg College242465瓦巴士学院Wabash College189568厄勒姆学院Earlham College119568卡拉马祖学院Kalamazoo College136570艾格妮丝史考特学院Agnes Scott College500270皮吉声大学University of Puget Sound406772汉德里克斯学院Hendrix College627372伊利诺伊卫斯理大学Illinois Wesleyan University 132072斯贝尔曼学院Spelman College562872维吉尼亚军事学校Virginia Military Institute-----72威拉姆特大学Willamette University495477阿勒格尼学院Allegheny College200677古斯塔夫阿道尔夫学院Gustavus Adolphus College 625377诺克斯学院Knox College137277圣约翰学院St. John's College(MD)662477惠顿学院Wheaton College (IL)190577伍佛德学院Wofford College5912>>>下一页更多精彩2017托福考试流程感谢您的阅读!。
gre托福成绩对照 -回复
1.Williams College (MA) 39652.Amherst College (MA) 30033.Swarthmore College (PA) 28214.Wellesley College (MA) 39525.Carleton College (MN) 60815.Middlebury College (VT) 35267.Pomona College (CA) 46077.Bowdoin College (ME) 30899.Davidson College (NC) 515010.Haverford College (PA) 228911.Claremont McKenna College (CA) 405411.Wesleyan University (CT) 395911.Grinnell College (IA) 625211.Vassar College (NY) 295615.Harvey Mudd College (CA) 434115.Washington and Lee University (VA) 588717.Smith College (MA) 376217.Hamilton College (NY) 228617.Colgate University (NY) 208620.United States Naval Academy (MD) 580920.Oberlin College (OH) 158722.Colby College (ME) 328022.United States Military Academy (NY) 292424.Bates College (ME) 307624.Bryn Mawr College (PA) 204926.Colorado College 407226.Macalester College (MN) 639028.Scripps College (CA) 469328.Mount Holyoke College (MA) 352930.Barnard College (NY) 203830.Bucknell University (PA) 205032.Kenyon College (OH) 137033.College of the Holy Cross (MA) 328234.Trinity College (CT) 3899fayette College (PA) 236136.Occidental College (CA) 458137.Bard College (NY) 203737.Furman University (SC) 522237.Whitman College (WA) 496140.union College (NY) 292040.Franklin and Marshall College (PA) 2261 40.Sewanee—University of the South (TN) 1842 40.University of Richmond (VA) 556944.Connecticut College 328444.Centre College (KY) 110944.Dickinson College (PA) 218647.Skidmore College (NY) 281548.Gettysburg College (PA) 227549.Pitzer College (CA) 461949.DePauw University (IN) 116649.Rhodes College (TN) 173052.Wabash College (IN) 189552.Denison University (OH) 116454.St. Olaf College (MN) 663854.Reed College (OR) 465456.Wheaton College (MA) 3963wrence University (WI) 139858.St. Lawrence University (NY) 280559.Illinois Wesleyan University 132059.Wheaton College (IL) 190559.Wofford College (SC) 591259.Southwestern University (TX) 667463.Agnes Scott College (GA) 500263.Drew University (NJ) 219363.Hobart and William Smith Colleges (NY) 2294 63.Willamette University (OR) 495467.Kalamazoo College (MI) 136567.Beloit College (WI) 105969.Earlham College (IN) 119569.Ursinus College (PA) 293171.Hendrix College (AR) 627371.College of Wooster (OH) 113471.Muhlenberg College (PA) 242471.Virginia Military Institute 585875.Spelman College (GA) 562875.Berea College (KY) 106075.St. John's University (MN) 662475.Austin College (TX) 102875.Birmingham - Southern College (AL) 1046 80.Knox College (IL) 137280.Lewis and Clark College (OR) 438480.University of Puget Sound (WA) 406783.Thomas Aquinas College (CA) 482883.Sweet Briar College (VA) 563485.Principia College (IL) 163085.Allegheny College (PA) 200687.St. Mary's College of Maryland 5601lsaps College (MS) 147187.Transylvania University (KY) 180887.New College of Florida 550391.Hanover College (IN) 129091.Augustana College (IL) 102591.Goucher College (MD) 525791.Randolph College (VA) 556791.St. Mary's College (IN) 170291.Lyon College (AR) 600997.Hope College (MI) 130197.Washington College (MD) 396097.Luther College (IA) 637597.Hillsdale College (MI) 129597.Hollins University (VA) 5294ke Forest College (IL) 139297.Ohio Wesleyan University 159497.Juniata College (PA) 234197.Cornell College (IA) 6119上文便是为大家解读的美国大学托福代码对照表,计划赴美留学的同学不妨来了解一下,希望通过上文的解读,能给大家带来一定的帮助。
4.2 评分等级
Excellent—4 分 Good—3 分 Fair—2 分 Pass—1 分 Fail—0 分
托福强化口语课程教材 4.3 量化标准与评分等级对应关系
总分 25—28 分 20—24 分 14—19 分 5—13 分
口语得分 3.5 分或 4 分
3分 2 分或 2.5 分 1 分或 1.5 分 0 分或 0.5 分
形式三 (5,6 题)
三:Integrated Tasks: Task 5: listen-speak Task 6: listen-speak ____________________话题
题目类型 类型一
(1,2 题)
类型二 (3,5 题)
类型三 (4,6 题)
按照题目话题分类 一:Speaking about familiar topics:
20 minutes/150-225 30 minutes/300
Scaled Section Score
(Total:120) 0-30 0-30
0-30 (0-4 points per question)
0-30 (0-5 points per question)
托福强化口语课程教材 1.4 加试(加试题目数量和类型的可能性)
序号 Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 Task 6
任务类型 自由回答 自由回答
读听说 读听说 先听后说 先听后说
准备时间(秒) 15 15 30 30 20 20
回答时间(秒) 45 45 60 60 60 60
材料性质 独立题目 独立题目(选择) 校园对话 学术演讲 校园对话 学术演讲
六级雅思托福对照表 English Answer:IELTS and TOEFL Equivalency for Band 6。
IELTS Band 6。
Reading: 7.5 8.0。
Listening: 7.5 8.0。
Speaking: 7.0 7.5。
Writing: 7.0 7.5。
TOEFL Score Equivalents.Reading: 28 32。
Listening: 28 32。
Speaking: 25 30。
Writing: 25 30。
Overall/Composite Score Equivalents.IELTS Overall Band: 6.5 7.0。
TOEFL Composite Score: 95 105。
Additional Notes.These equivalency scores are approximate and may vary depending on factors such as the specific test format and the individual's performance.It's important to note that the IELTS and TOEFL are different tests with their own unique formats and scoring systems.Before using these equivalency scores, it isrecommended to consult with the institution or organization accepting the test scores to ensure their specific requirements are met.Chinese Answer:雅思六级和托福对照表。
托福阅读学科分类表托福阅读学科分类表如下:1.艺术类:TPO 03:Architecture(建筑)TPO 11:Ancient Egyptian Sculpture(古埃及雕塑)TPO 12:Transition To Sound In Film(电影中的声音转变)TPO 04:Cave Art in Europe(欧洲的洞穴艺术)2.生物学类:OG:Feeding Habits Of East African Herbvores(东非草食动物的进食习惯)TPO 05:Minerals And Plants(矿物质和植物)TPO 09:The Arrival Of Plant Life In Hawaii(植物在夏威夷的登陆)TPO 11:Orientation And Navigation(定位和导航)3.地质学类:OG:green Icebergs(绿色的冰山)TPO 15:Glacier Formation(冰川的形成)TPO 19:Discovering The Ice Ages(发现冰河时代)OG:Geology and Landscape(地质与地貌)TPO 01:Groundwater(地下水)TPO 02:Desert Formation(沙漠的形成)TPO 03:Depletion of The Ogallala Aquifer(奥加拉拉含水层的消耗)TPO 07:The Geologic History of The Mediterranean (地中海的地质历史)TPO 12:Water in The Desert(沙漠中的水)TPO 20:Fossil Preservation(化石保存)TPO 21:Geothermal Energy(地热能)TPO 24:Lake Water(湖水)TPO 27-2:The Formation of Volcanic Islands(火山岛的形成)。
考生可以通过电话查询自己的分数,具体的相关信息如下:1. 查询时间:6:00-22:00(美国东部时间),即北京时间19:00-11:00(次日)。
2. 此项服务的花费为US$10。
3. 电话:TOEFL:001-609-771-7267(适用于非美加地区),1-888-863-3544(美国本土免费电话)GRE:001-609-771-7290(适用于非美加地区),1-888-473-7267(美国本土免费电话)注意:免费电话是免除电话费,查询成绩仍需交付给ETS服务费US$10。
4. 在拨打电话之前,你需要做如下准备:(1)一部音频按键式电话(2)Admission ticket. (你将会被问及七位的registration number,考试日期,以及出生年月日。
)(3)一张可支付美元的信用卡(VISA / MasterCard /American Express / Discover /JCB). 你将会被问及信用卡号码以及到期时间。
DIY查分步骤:TOEFL1. 打通电话后,先是一个女声说出了一段INTORDUCTION,你如果已清楚,直接进入按1(省时间)。
之后,如果你没有反应,稍后会再重复之前那段introduction 的话。
2. 问你查的是笔考还是机考,按1为笔考3. 问你是否要听成绩,按1为听成绩,2为邮寄成绩选项4. 要求输入registration number5. 要求确定考试日期,提示是否查最近一次的TOEFL考试成绩,是按1,查询其他时间的考试成绩按2;6. 输入你的出生月(两位数字),回报(注意是说月份的单词,如January等),如正确按1;7. 输入你的出生日(两位数字), 回报(报出的是两个数字,如12日,回报为one two),如正确按1;8. 选择付款方法,以信用卡付款,按1,其它方式的按2;(以下是信用卡程序)9. 输入信用卡号码,回报,如正确按1,错误按2;10. 输入信用卡到期时间(expiration date),连续输入月份和年份的后两位,例如2008年10月到期则输入1008,电脑回报,正确按1,错误按2;11. 电脑确认,Thank you之后开始报成绩,此时务必注意听写。
托福考试官方指南英文原版The TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) is a standardized test that measures the English language proficiency of non-native English speakers. It is widely accepted by universities and colleges around the world as an admission requirement for international students. The official TOEFL guide provides valuable information and resources to help test takers prepare for the exam. In this article, we will explore the key features of the TOEFL official guide and how it can benefit test takers.The TOEFL official guide is a comprehensive resource that covers all aspects of the exam. It is divided into four sections: Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing. Each section provides detailed explanations, strategies, and practice exercises to help test takers familiarize themselves with the format and content of the test.The Reading section of the TOEFL official guide focuses on developing reading comprehension skills. It includes various types of reading passages, such as academic articles, essays, and excerpts from textbooks. The guide provides tips on how to effectively skim and scan the passages, identify main ideas, and understand the author's tone and purpose. It also offers practice questions with detailed answer explanations to help test takers improve their reading skills.The Listening section of the TOEFL official guide aims to enhance listening comprehension abilities. It includes a variety of audio recordings, such as lectures, conversations, and discussions. The guide provides strategies on how to take effective notes, identify key information, and understand the speakers' attitudes and intentions. It also offers practice questions with audio transcripts and answer explanations to help test takers sharpen their listening skills.The Speaking section of the TOEFL official guide focuses on developing oral communication skills. It provides sample speaking tasks and prompts, along with scoring criteria and sample responses. The guide offers tips on how to organize and deliver coherent and well-developed responses, use appropriate vocabulary and grammar, anddemonstrate effective speaking strategies. It also includes practice questions with recorded sample responses to help test takers improve their speaking abilities.The Writing section of the TOEFL official guide aims to enhance writing skills. It includes sample writing tasks and prompts, along with scoring criteria and sample responses. The guide provides tips on how to effectively plan, organize, and develop written responses, use appropriate language and sentence structures, and demonstrate effective writing strategies. It also offers practice questions with sample responses and answer explanations to help test takers enhance their writing proficiency.In addition to the four main sections, the TOEFL official guide also includes valuable information on test registration, test day procedures, and score reporting. It provides an overview of the test format, scoring system, and test-taking strategies. It also offers additional online resources and practice tests for further preparation.Overall, the TOEFL official guide is an essential tool for test takers preparing for the exam. It provides comprehensive coverage of all sections of the test and offers valuable tips, strategies, and practice exercises. By utilizing the resources and information in the guide, test takers can enhance their English language skills and improve their chances of achieving a high score on the TOEFL exam.。
toeflprimary m 满分
toeflprimary m 满分TOEFL Primary is one of the most widely recognized English language proficiency tests for young learners aged 8 to 11. It evaluates students' reading, listening, speaking, and writing skills in an academic context. In this article, we will discuss the format of the TOEFL Primary test, its scoring system, and some tips for achieving a high score.The TOEFL Primary test consists of three sections: Reading, Listening, and Speaking. The Reading section assesses the students' ability to understand and interpret written English texts. It can include various types of reading materials, such as narratives, informational texts, and dialogues. Students are required to answer multiple-choice questions or complete sentences based on the given information.The Listening section measures the students' listening comprehension skills. They have to listen to different audio recordings, including conversations, stories, and academic lectures, and answer related questions. The questions can be in multiple-choice or short-answer format.The Speaking section evaluates the students' ability to express themselves orally in English. They are given prompts related to everyday situations or academic topics and are required to give oral responses. The responses are recorded and evaluated by trained raters.The scoring system for the TOEFL Primary test is divided into four levels: Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, and Level 4. Each levelcorresponds to a different proficiency level. A student's score on each section is determined by the number of correct answers, and the final score is the sum of the scores from all three sections. The maximum score a student can achieve is 100.To achieve a high score on the TOEFL Primary test, there are several tips that students can follow. First, they should practice reading English texts regularly to improve their reading comprehension skills. They can read storybooks, newspapers, or online articles. They should also pay attention to new vocabulary words and try to understand their meanings in context.Second, students should listen to English audio materials as often as possible to enhance their listening skills. They can listen to podcasts, watch movies or TV shows in English, or even have conversations with native English speakers. This exposure to real-life English will help them become more familiar with the language and improve their ability to understand spoken English.Third, students should practice speaking English by engaging in conversations with others. They can join English conversation clubs, participate in language exchange programs, or practice speaking with friends or family members who are fluent in English. Regular speaking practice will help them become more confident and fluent in expressing themselves in English.Lastly, students should focus on grammar and vocabulary. They should study and review grammar rules and practice using them in sentences. They should also build their vocabulary by learning new words and using them in written and spoken English.In conclusion, the TOEFL Primary test is an important assessment tool for young learners to measure their English proficiency. By following these tips and practicing regularly, students can aim for a high score on the TOEFL Primary test and improve their overall English language skills.(Word Count: 514)。
填写TOEFL报名表格时有哪些应该注意事托福、TSE报名表各项内容只能用 2B或HB铅笔填写。
更多关于托福的疑问请百度tpo小站 .2.报考TOEFL必需注意什么托福应考必需知: TOEFL考试的报名一般在考试日期的前两个月开始。
下面是小编整理的美国大学托福代码对照表,希望能为申请美国留学的学生在邮寄成绩时节省一些时间,详情如下:1.Williams College (MA) 39652.Amherst College (MA) 30033.Swarthmore College (PA) 28214.Wellesley College (MA) 39525.Carleton College (MN) 60815.Middlebury College (VT) 35267.Pomona College (CA) 46077.Bowdoin College (ME) 30899.Davidson College (NC) 515010.Haverford College (PA) 2289推荐阅读:2015赴美留学各项标准化考试时间表(SAT雅思托福ACTAPSSAT)托福60-80 | 80-100 | 100+分别都能申请哪些美国大学?11.Claremont McKenna College (CA) 405411.Wesleyan University (CT) 395911.Grinnell College (IA) 625211.Vassar College (NY) 295615.Harvey Mudd College (CA) 434115.Washington and Lee University (VA) 588717.Smith College (MA) 376217.Hamilton College (NY) 228617.Colgate University (NY) 208620.United States Naval Academy (MD) 580920.Oberlin College (OH) 1587推荐阅读:快速抢到2015年托福考位秘笈以及报考流程2015年托福全年考试详细时间表22.Colby College (ME) 328022.United States Military Academy (NY) 292424.Bates College (ME) 307624.Bryn Mawr College (PA) 204926.Colorado College 407226.Macalester College (MN) 639028.Scripps College (CA) 469328.Mount Holyoke College (MA) 352930.Barnard College (NY) 203830.Bucknell University (PA) 2050推荐阅读:出国留学考雅思好还是托福好?盘点2015年美国留学本科TOP50大学最低托福要求32.Kenyon College (OH) 137033.College of the Holy Cross (MA) 328234.Trinity College (CT) 3899fayette College (PA) 236136.Occidental College (CA) 458137.Bard College (NY) 203737.Furman University (SC) 522237.Whitman College (WA) 496140.Union College (NY) 292040.Franklin and Marshall College (PA) 226140.Sewanee—University of the South (TN) 184240.University of Richmond (VA) 5569推荐阅读:留学考托福还是考雅思?身处一线的留学专家的几点建议美国Top100名校GPA、TOEFL、GMAT录取要求汇总表44.Connecticut College 328444.Centre College (KY) 110944.Dickinson College (PA) 218647.Skidmore College (NY) 281548.Gettysburg College (PA) 227549.Pitzer College (CA) 461949.DePauw University (IN) 116649.Rhodes College (TN) 173052.Wabash College (IN) 189552.Denison University (OH) 116454.St. Olaf College (MN) 663854.Reed College (OR) 465456.Wheaton College (MA) 3963wrence University (WI) 139858.St. Lawrence University (NY) 280559.Illinois Wesleyan University 132059.Wheaton College (IL) 190559.Wofford College (SC) 591259.Southwestern University (TX) 667463.Agnes Scott College (GA) 500263.Drew University (NJ) 219363.Hobart and William Smith Colleges (NY) 2294 63.Willamette University (OR) 495467.Kalamazoo College (MI) 136567.Beloit College (WI) 105969.Earlham College (IN) 119569.Ursinus College (PA) 293171.Hendrix College (AR) 627371.College of Wooster (OH) 113471.Muhlenberg College (PA) 242471.Virginia Military Institute 585875.Spelman College (GA) 562875.Berea College (KY) 106075.St. John's University (MN) 662475.Austin College (TX) 102875.Birmingham - Southern College (AL) 104680.Knox College (IL) 137280.Lewis and Clark College (OR) 438480.University of Puget Sound (WA) 4067推荐阅读:2014投资回报率最高的美国大学TOP1002014年美国大学TOP100最低托福录取分数83.Thomas Aquinas College (CA) 482883.Sweet Briar College (VA) 563485.Principia College (IL) 163085.Allegheny College (PA) 200687.St. Mary's College of Maryland 5601lsaps College (MS) 147187.Transylvania University (KY) 1808 87.New College of Florida 550391.Hanover College (IN) 129091.Augustana College (IL) 102591.Goucher College (MD) 525791.Randolph College (VA) 556791.St. Mary's College (IN) 170291.Lyon College (AR) 600997.Hope College (MI) 130197.Washington College (MD) 396097.Luther College (IA) 637597.Hillsdale College (MI) 129597.Hollins University (VA) 5294ke Forest College (IL) 1392 97.Ohio Wesleyan University 1594 97.Juniata College (PA) 234197.Cornell College (IA) 6119。
对应的原文部分如下:As the maker of the TOEFL® test, ETS aims to give you the information you need to make the best admissions decisions for your institution. That’s why we’ve conducted research to develop these helpful tools that make it easier for you to compare TOEFL iBT® scores to the IELTS® academic module and the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR).TOEFL iBT® and IELTS® Academic Module ScoresScore Comparison ToolDrag the slider to the TOEFL iBT Total Score (or enter it in the box below) to see the IELTS Overall Band Score.OverviewETS developed the score comparison tool to help score users make educated admissions decisions by allowing them to compare TOEFL iBT scores to IELTS Band Scores. The data is based on the analysis of 1,153 individuals who took both the TOEFL test and the IELTS academic test.Comparison TablesBased on the research reports that link TOEFL iBT scores to IELTS scores, ETS developed these comparison tables to help you make informed admissions decisions.ETS does not endorse using the tables to calculate cut scores. Institutions wishing to set cut scores should study the two tests and work with test results to set cut scores that are appropriate to meet their specific needs.*Indicates score comparison ranges with the highest degree of confidence. The data is based on the analysis of 1,153 individuals who took both the TOEFL test and the IELTS academic module.ResearchLinking TOEFL iBT Scores to IELTS® Scores — A Research Report (PDF)ETS conducted score comparison research between the TOEFL test and an alternative test, IELTS academic. For the research, ETS obtained a sample of 1,153 students who had both IELTS and TOEFL scores. Under this approach, TOEFL iBT score ranges are identified for test takers meeting a particular score level on the equivalent IELTS score band. The score comparison results for each section (Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing) and for the total test showed that most of the students in the sample scored in the middle to mid-high score ranges on both tests.TOEFL iBT Scores and the CEFRIn 2006, as the TOEFL iBT test was being introduced, ETS conducted a standard-setting exercise with educators to map the new scores to the CEFR levels.Since the time of that study, ETS has been closely monitoring the needs of TOEFL iBT score users and how they make use of CEFR levels and TOEFL iBT cut scores to inform their policies and decisions. ETS has also received extensive feedback from universities and teachers of English about the levels of performance in an academic setting represented by different CEFR levels and TOEFL score levels.Based on this feedback from the field, ETS has adjusted the TOEFL scores corresponding to different CEFR levels, so that the scores more closely reflect performance described in the CEFRlevels.ETS adjusted TOEFL iBT scores using the t est’s Standard Error of Measurement (SEM). An SEM is found in every test, and quantifies the reliability of test scores — that is, the extent to which test takers would earn the same test score if they took different versions of the test on different occasions. Using commonly accepted educational measurement practice, ETS adjusted the TOEFL score requirements by two SEMs.Comparison TableBelow are the adjusted TOEFL iBT scores mapped to their corresponding CEFR levels.。
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How to Register for theTOEFL® iBT OnlineA Step-by-Step TutorialThis guide will help you to navigate the online registration system. You may print this document and use it to assist you in the process.General Website Navigation Tips:– Avoid using your browser’s BACK button– Our site has multiple security measures to ensure the safety of your information, including a time limit. To expedite the registrationprocess, please be prepared to provide:• Up to four recipients you want to receive your scores(institutions, not yourself)• How YOU want to receive your scores (web only or webplus a paper copy sent by mail)• Complete payment information (credit card, vouchernumber)– Do not browse any pages outside of the test registration system – Do not enter characters that contain accent marks (i.e., ă ç ñ ó ü)because these are not supported by the registration system. If thesecharacters appear in your legal ID, however, it will not prevent youfrom being admitted to the testing center– Do not DOUBLE-CLICK any of the buttons, especially when submitting paymentRecommendations:– Register early — 4 months in advance if possible, for the best chance of reserving a seat on the date and location YOU prefer. – Complete your profile before registering for a test.This will allow you to complete your registration more quickly.– Be prepared — Use the following products to help you prepare for test day:• The TOEFL® iBT Sampler (free when you register and pay)• TOEFL® Practice Online http://toeflpractice.ets.or g• The Official Guide to the new TOEFL® iBT More Questions? Please e-mail us at toefl@ ets.or g if you have any questions not answered in this guide.Step 1: LoginNew users click the “Sign Up” link to create your profile . (A new user is anyone who has not created a profile in the TOEFL Internet-based test(iBT) registration system, either online or through a call service representative).Returning users PROCEED TO STEP 3 in this guide.Step 2: Create a profilePart 1 Complete all of the required sections highlighted with an asterisk (*). Theinformation you provide will be kept completely confidential.TO REGISTER FOR THE TOEFL ® iBT Online FOLLOW THESE STEPS TO SAVE TIMENote: Importantregistration announcementscan be viewed here.The spelling of your name must exactly match the name printed on the identification document(s) you will presentat the center.Part 2 Provide identifying information.Step 2: Create a profilePart 3 Create your user name and password by following the rules shown.Part 4 Challenge questions.For security reasons, select three challenge questions that are easy to remember but that others do not know.If you forget your user name or password, you must answer one of these challenge questions to verify your identity.Step 2: Create a profilePart 5 Confirm your profile.A confirmation page will appear displaying all of the information you submitted. Be sure that the spelling of your name exactly matches the name printed on the identification document(s) you will present at the test center.If this information does not match, you will not be permitted to test and your test fee will be forfeited.After you create your profile, you will reach “My Home Page” (see illustration, Step 4).Log in with your user name and password and then click “Go.” If you forget your user name or password, click the assistance buttons to get your information. (You can also access the registration system directly from the TOEFL home page at this link: Log In to Your TOEFL iBT Profile)Step 4: Access your home pageAfter you log in, you will reach “My Home Page” where you can:• view your order to find theaddress and reporting time of the test center where you are registered to test• register for a test• order score report services • view past scores and orders • update the information in your profileScore Reports” link.To register, click “TOEFL Test”and then the “Continue” button. If you want to purchase more score reports (those in addition to the four FREE score reports you get when you register for atest), select “TOEFL Services.”Step 8: Select a Test Center LocationEach test location represents a general area, not necessarily a specific city. For example, Berlin can mean Berlin itself, or within approximately a 50-mile radius.When searching for a test center, consider areas beyond your city, state or province. Centers listed under a different area may be closer than you think. For example, if you are searching for a city in the New York City area, search in the Northern New Jersey area as well.Step 9: Select Test Dates View the available test dates/ test centers by selecting a date range (60 days maximum) in the “Start” and “End” date boxes. Then, click the “Search” button.Step 10:Select a preferred test center by clicking on its link.If you are looking for differentcenters, try picking a different date.Step 11: Confirm your registrationA Reservation Summary page appears. If the information is correct, click the “Continue” button. If incorrect, click the “Cancel” button to perform another search.NOTE : Your reservation is not confirmed until you pay for the test.Step 12: Select your score recipientsPart 1You will automatically receive a free score report for your records. Additionally, you may designate up to four institutions to receive your score reports, free of charge. It is best to enter your selection now; you cannot select your score recipients at the test center.Free score recipient selections or changes will be accepted no later than 10 p.m. (local test center time) the day before your test. After that, a charge will be imposed.Note the instructions forsearching score recipients and this example of a search.Select from the list.You will have a maximum of 20 minutes to complete Steps 11 through 17.recipientsPart 2Verify your selected recipient and select, if applicable, a department. Then you can either choose to “add another recipient” or “continue” with the registration process.Step 13: Score Reporting PreferencesChoose how you want to receive your scores and click “Continue.”Step 14: Answer demographic questionsAnswers to these questionsare voluntary and remain anonymous. They are used for research purposes only and the information will help us better serve TOEFL test takers and score users.Review your registration information for accuracy, and click the “Confirm Order” button.To change any information, click the “Modify” link.To cancel your registration, click the “Cancel” button. Step 16: Make your paymentChoose your payment method and click the “Continue” button.After you submit your creditcard information, a screen will appear showing that your orderhas been paid.If you purchased or were provided with a voucher, enter the voucher number.Step 17c: Electronic check paymentEnter the *required information to pay by electronic check.Don’t forget to:• Access the free TOEFL iBT Sampler• Use the practice tests on TOEFL Practice Online• Print your order receipt if you want confirmation of payment.• The registration confirmation contains the time the testwill be given and the exact test center address. Print out your registration confirmation and bring it with you when you test. To e-mail your confirmation, click the“E‑mail” link. A confirmation will NOT be automaticallye-mailed to you.View Your OrderFrom the “Thank You For YourOrder” page (Step 18), clickthe “View Order” link to makesure your recent transaction wascaptured. Your registration isnow complete.CONTACT USFor questions about registration, test centers, score reports or the test itself:E-mail:toefl@ets.or gPhone:1-877-863-3546 — United States, U.S. Territories*, Canada1-609-771-7100 — All other locationsMonday – Friday8 a.m. – 8 p.m. New York time.TEST TAKERS WITH DISABILITIES1-866-387-8602 — United States, U.S. Territorie s*, Canada1-609-771-7780 — all other locationsTeletypewriter (TTY) Number: 1-609-771-7714Monday–Friday8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. New York timePhones are busiest on Monday.*Includes: American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Virgin Islands.Fax:1-610-290-8972Mail:TOEFL ServicesEducational Testing ServiceP.O. Box 6151Princeton, NJ 08541-6151, USACourier or Delivery Service:TOEFL Services (25Q-310)Distribution and Receiving Center225 Phillips Boulevard。